Transverse Lie : Predisposing Factors, Maternal and Perinatal Outcome
Transverse Lie : Predisposing Factors, Maternal and Perinatal Outcome
Transverse Lie : Predisposing Factors, Maternal and Perinatal Outcome
Associate Professor Gynae & Obst. Senior Registrar
Punjab Medical College, Punjab Medical College,
Faisalabad. Faisalabad.
ABSTRACT… Transverse lie is dangerous not only to fetus but may endanger the life of mother if timely intervention is not done. Good
antenatal care is of tremendous importance for proper management of transverse lie. Objectives: 1). To determine the predisposing factors to
transverse lie. 2). To find out maternal and perinatal outcome in transverse lie. Facts were analyzed to find out the avoidable factors which make
the maternal and perinatal outcome worse. Setting: Gynae and obstetric unit-II DHQ Hospital Faisalabad. Study Design: It was a descriptive
study. Duration: Six months from 15th September, 2006 to 15th March, 2007. Materials and methods: Sixty cases of transverse lie were
included in this study. These sixty patients were analyzed in great details, regarding predisposing factors, clinical features, intrapartum and
postpartum management including the maternal and perinatal outcome. Results: Predisposing factors were found in 42% of the primpara but in
only 34% of the multipara. The mode of delivery was surgical and lower segment caesarean section was undertaken in 80% of cases. Maternal
outcome in order of frequency were difficult surgery in 23.3%, obstructed Labour in 15%, delayed recovery from anaesthesia in 3.3% and
uterine rupture in 1.6%. Fetal outcome in order of frequency were intrauterine death in 18.3%, hand prolapse in 20% and cord prolapse in 8.9%.
Conclusions: Known predisposing factors to transverse lie withstand a closer and more accurate assessment of their incidence. The maternal
and perinatal outcome can be improved by early diagnosis during antenatal care and hospital delivery, without any delay.
study, multiparity was a predisposing factor in 80% of one case of rupture uterus for which emergency
cases, and in fact a high incidence of transverse lie in a hysterectomy was performed. Thus transverse lie if not
given population may reflect a tendency to multiparty. diagnosed and managed properly can lead to uterine
rupture with life threatening maternal and fetal
Laxity of the abdominal wall with poor myometerial tone compromise .
may be the possible explanation .
Regarding perinatal outcome, perinatal mortality was
The incidence of placenta previa in our series was 13.3% found to be 26% in our study. 18 were still birth and five
comparable to that in other series 16% in 2001 in babies expired after CS during their stay in hospital.
Faisalabad8. Placenta Previa discourage engagement of
a fetal pole so predispose to transverse lie. However only three perinatal deaths were recorded
which occurred during the period of hospital stay of
In our studies, there were 13.3% cases of contracted patients. This may underestimate the true perinatal
pelvis, which was higher to that reported by Gemmer9. mortality. In neglected transverse lie, prolapse of an arm
Perhaps the higher incidence in our studies was due to or umblical cord is likely to occur with resultant fetal
environmental factors which caused pelvic anomalies in hypoxia and death .
our population. The dignosis to delivery interval is an important
determinant of perinatal outcome in cord prolapse17.
Although External Cephalic Version (ECV) reduces the
rate of caesarean section for transverse lie to 50%, in our CONCLUSIONS
studies, none of the patient underwent ECV due to late The main corner stone of proper management of
presentation. transverse lie lie in provision of good antenatal care. The
maternal and fetal outcome can be improved by early
In our studies, majority of the patients were not under diagnosis during the antenatal period when associated
medical supervision and no ultrasound was carried out risk factors such as placenta previa could be diagnosed.
during the third trimester. So only 8.3% patients had Delivery should be carried out without delay in a hospital
elective caesarean section and 90.6% had emergency well equipped for caesarean section, because once it
caesarean section. Khattak also reported that 66.7% of becomes neglected transverse lie, than the picture for
cases of transverse lie had emergency caesarian maternal and fetal outcome is poor.
section . Copyright© 20 May, 2011.
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Article received on: 06/05/2011 Accepted for Publication: 15/05/2011 Received after proof reading: 16/05/2011