Boat - The Fishing Vessel Propeller

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The Fishing Vessel Propeller

Data Sheet No. 1994/20/FG

Correct propeller design is critical to successful operation of a trawler. The propeller acts to
translate the power produced by the engine into thrust to overcome the resistance of the vessel
and to provide a tow rope pull.

The extremes of propeller performance are to design a propeller that makes the vessel go as fast
as possible; or to design the propeller to give a great amount of pull. Normally a propeller design
strikes a compromise between these two extremes. This compromise will depend on the conditions
existing in the particular fishery that the vessel operates in. Vessels with long steaming times may
require better free running capabilities than those working inshore and requiring larger pulls. The
decision on the propeller design point should be made with thought as to the relative profits of the
fishing profile and operation of the vessel. If two types of fishing are undertaken for different
periods of the year it may be viable to change the propeller to suit each fishery.

Many vessels are fishing with different operating conditions from those for which they were
originally designed and the propellers are no longer optimal for these operating conditions.

Considerable fuel savings, improved towing pulls, or improved steaming speeds can be achieved
by modifying or replacing the existing propeller with a new one to an optimised design for the new
operating conditions.

Physical Characteristics
Propellers are described by several of their physical dimensions and characteristics. The main
ones referred to are the diameter, the pitch and number of blades. Others are the blade area
ratio, the rake, skew and section type.

Propeller Aperture Clearances

Diameter -
This is the diameter of the circle
formed by the propeller tips.
Generally the diameter of the
propeller is as large as is
necessary to allow its blades to
absorb the full power of the
engine and will also be as large
as the aperture permits. If
necessary the aperture and
propeller diameter may be a
Adequate clearance between
the propeller-hull and rudder
must be allowed in order to
prevent serious vibrations that
can cause hull damage.

Pitch - Pitch is the characteristic of the propeller which creates the force to move
the hull. It is the distance advanced by the propeller in one complete
revolution if it was turning like a screw in wood and there was no slip like
there is in water.
Very slight variation in pitch may greatly effect the performance of a

Number of Blades - Three, four and five bladed propellers are used on trawlers with four blades
being the most common.
The number of blades for a propeller is chose in conjunction with the
power, blade area and propeller revolutions.
For vibration considerations the number of blades must not be close to the
product of the number of pistons x the gearbox ratio.

Blade Area - The term describing the size of a propellers blades is called the blade area
ratio and refers to the proportion of the propeller circle taken up by the
The blade area ratio is a carefully calculated value because too much area
may result in overloading the engine whereas too little may result in

Cavitation - Cavitation is caused when the pressure on the back (ship side) of the
propeller blade becomes so low that the sea water boils.
Cavitation damage occurs most frequently at the blade tips.

Choice of Propeller - Propeller Design Point.

A fixed pitch propeller can only be designed to absorb full power at one design point. The decision
on the propeller design point should be made with thought as to the relative profits of the fishing
profile and operation of the vessel.
A propeller designed to give maximum thrust whilst stationary is known as a Bollard Propeller.

• A propeller designed to give maximum thrust whilst towing is known as a towing propeller.

• A propeller designed to give maximum thrust for full speed is known as a free running

• A propeller designed to give maximum thrust at a point between towing and free running
is known as a compromise propeller.

• A propeller not operating at its design point will give a lesser performance than when it

There are some fishing operations which require the propeller to give a pull less than is available
from a propeller designed for maximum free running speed and in this case the free running design
point would be the best choice.

A propeller has the first call on the power available from the engine. When other power demands
are placed on the engine via takeoffs i.e. pumps and generators, then the total power demand on
the engine may be in excess of its rated power and cause overheating if the propeller has been
designed to take maximum power in that area of engine operation. The propeller is only one item
in the propulsion package and due account of the other items must be taken into consideration
when designing a propeller.

This Data Sheet was produced under the MAFF Funded R&D Commission
by Sea Fish Industry Authority, Technology Division,
St Andrews Dock, HULL, HU3 4QE


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