QL Design 111 24C Spec Sheet 1980
QL Design 111 24C Spec Sheet 1980
QL Design 111 24C Spec Sheet 1980
F- ^ ---l
t l--^-----+l
a 27%'
B 18',
c 5r,'
D 2.375 O.D. 6', TNSERT
] 15 LBS
Primarv Ba lasl Voltaqe 12O.2o4,24O,277.444
Housing: Design 111 luminaire shall energizing and de-energ izin g, but will halide, and high pressure sodium
be constructed oi heavy guage exclude all dirt, insects and moisture. ballasts incorpo rate CWA (constant
aluminum interlocked at corners and wattage auto transjormer) circuitry
retained with re inforced corner Optical System: Reflector 24C is made providing 10-100/o voltage-to wattage
braces p rovid ing exception al of one piece hydro-formed specular regulation. A 100/o input voltage
strength and rigidity. fhrs ingenious aluminum producing a one way highly variation results in a 100/o lamp
construction is achieved with no controlled rectangular lighting pattern. wattage variation. All ballasts provide
visib le fasteners. Ref lector with lamp Lamp supporl: Socket and mounting reliable lamp starting to-20 degrees
socket assembly is h inged to prov ide bracket assembly is mounted on an Fah ren heit. All ballast components,
access to ballast and fitter adjustable bracket which allows lamp core and coil, capacitors, and starter
com partment. Exterio r fin ish is vinyl- to be adjusted for peak candlepower are mounted to main support brace
clad on alum inum with clear sealer angles and cut-off control. Socket with keyhole type mounting slots to
coat to p revent deg radation. assembly is a locking type protecting facilitate f ield replacement of ballast.
Standard color Bronze 313. lnternal the arc tube from vibration.
main support system is fastened to Mounting System: Post top yoke {itter
Lens: Optically clear tempered g lass assem b ly fab ricated Irom sq uare
two side panels.
is heat and impact resistant. Flal or steel tu bin g with welded mitered
Lalches: Aircraft type q uarter tu rn d ropped convex styles are available corners and ground smooth. Yoke
latches with leat sprin g retainers. depend in g on photometric shall be welded to s lip fitter for
These latches com bine the requirements. Lens doors are formed mounting to pole tenon. Yoke is
advantages oJ ease of operation along alu m inum sheeting and v inyl f in ished painted powder coated polyu rethane
with maximum resistance to latigue same as fixtu re ho usin q. A piano type standard color Bronze 313. Fixture
and vibration. h inge m ade oI stain less steel runs the pre-wired at the jactory to electrical
ent ire len qth of the door and is terminal block mounted in fitter.
Gaskeling: The entire lens assembly
mounted to main housing. Removable cover on litter allows easy
sha ll be gasketed using srlico ne-
Ballast Type: All ballasts Ju rn ished access to term inal block.
im preqnated Dacron gasketing. Th is
materialwill permit the lu m inaire are hiqh power factor (900/0 Labels: All luminaire U. L. approved
inlerior to "breathe" d u ring periods o1 minimum). lvlercu ry vapor, metal and IBEW labels.