MELCs MAPEH 2nd Quarter
MELCs MAPEH 2nd Quarter
MELCs MAPEH 2nd Quarter
Grade Level: 1
Subject: MUSIC
2nd The learner… The learner 1. identifies colors as primary, Week 1/ 2nd A1EL-IIa
demonstrates secondary, and tertiary, both in Q
understanding of creates a harmonious natural and man-made objects,
colors and design of natural and seen in the surrounding
shapes, and the man-made objects to 2. creates a design inspired by Weeks 3 & A1PR-IIg
principles of express ideas using Philippine flowers, jeepneys, 4/ 2nd Q
harmony, rhythm colors and shapes, and Filipino fiesta decors, parol, or
and balance harmony objects and other geometric
through painting shapes found in nature and in
demonstrates school using primary and
understanding of creates a harmonious secondary colors
colors and design of natural and
shapes, and the man-made objects to 3. paints a home/school Weeks 5 & A1PR-Ie-1
principles of express ideas using landscape or design choosing 6/ 2nd Q
harmony, rhythm colors and shapes, and specific colors to create a
and balance harmony certain feeling or mood
through painting 4. talks about the landscape he Weeks 7 &
painted and the landscapes of 8/ 2nd Q
Grade Level: Two (2)
Subject: ARTS
2nd The learner… The learner… 1. describes the lines, shapes, Weeks 1 & 2
colors, textures, and designs / 2nd Q
demonstrates creates a composition or seen in the skin coverings of
understanding of design of a tricycle or different animals and sea
using two or jeepney that shows creatures using visual arts
more kinds of unity and variety of words and actions.
lines, colors and lines, shapes, and colors 2. designs with the use of Weeks 3 & 4
shapes through drawing and painting materials / 2nd Q A2EL-IIb
repetition and the sea or forest animals in
contrast to their habitats showing their
create rhythm unique shapes and features,
variety of colors and textures in
their skin.
3. creates designs by using two Week 5 &
or more kinds of lines, colors, 6 / 2nd Q
and shapes by repeating or A2PL-IIf
contrasting them, to show
4. uses control of the painting Week 7 &
tools and materials to paint the 8 / 2nd Q
different lines, shapes and A2PR-IIg-1
colors in his work or in a group
5. design an outline of a tricycle Week 7 & A2PR-IIg-2
or jeepney on a big paper with 8 / 2nd Q
lines and shapes that show
repetition, contrast and rhythm
Grade Level: Three (3)
Subject: ARTS
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration K-12 CG
Competencies Code
2nd The learner… The learner… 1. analyzes art elements Weeks 1-3/
and principles in the 2nd Q
1. art elements and 1. performs/ participate production of work A9EL-
processes by competently in a following a specific art IIa-2
synthesizing and presentation of a style
applying prior creative impression
knowledge and (verbal/nonverbal) of a 2. identifies distinct
skills particular artistic period characteristics of arts A9EL-
during the Renaissance IIa-3
2. the arts as integral 2. recognizes the and Baroque periods
to the difference and 3. identifies
development of uniqueness of the art representative artists A9PL-
organizations, styles of the different from Renaissance and IIh-1
spiritual belief, periods (techniques, Baroque periods
historical events, process, elements, and 4. reflects on and derive Weeks 4-6 /
scientific principles of art) the mood, idea or 2nd Q A9PL-
discoveries, natural message from selected IIh-2
disasters/ artworks
occurrences, and 5. discusses the use or
other external function of artworks by
phenomena evaluating their A9PL-
utilization and IIh-3
combination of art
elements and principles
6. uses artworks to derive
the traditions/history of IIh-4
an art period
7. compares the
characteristics of IIc-e-1
artworks produced in the
different art periods
8. creates artworks Weeks 7-8/
guided by techniques and 2nd Q IIc-e-2
styles of the Renaissance
and the Baroque periods
9. explains the influence
of iconic artists belonging IIc-e-3
to the Renaissance and
the Baroque periods
10. applies different
media techniques and
processes to
communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories
showing the IIf-4
characteristics of the
Renaissance and the
Baroque periods
(e.g.,Fresco, Sfumato,
11. evaluates works of art
in terms of artistic
concepts and ideas using A9PR-
criteria from the IIf-5
Renaissance and the
Baroque periods
12. shows the influences
of the Renaissance and
Baroque periods on the A9EL-
Philippine art form IIb-1
Grade Level: Ten (10)
Subject: ARTS
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration K-12 CG
Competencies Code
2nd The learner… The learner… 1. identifies art elements
in the technology-based
1. Uses new creates a tech-based production arts Week 1 / 2nd IIb-1
technologies that artwork (video clips and Q
allow new expressions printed media such as 2. identifies distinct
in arts using art posters, menus, brochures characteristics of arts
elements and etc.) relating to a selected during in the 21st century
processes topic from the different in terms of: IIa-2
learning areas using 1.1 production
available technologies, 1.2 functionality
e.g., food and fashion range of audience reach
3. identifies artworks
produced by technology
from other countries and IIa-3
their adaptation by
Philippine artists
4. discusses the concept
that technology is an
effective and vibrant tool
for empowering a person Weeks 2-4/ A10PL-
to express his/her ideas, 2nd Q IIh-1
goals, and advocacies,
which elicits immediate
5. explains the role or
function of artworks by
evaluating their utilization IIh-2
and combination of art
elements and principles
6. uses artworks to derive
the traditions/history of a
community (e.g., A10PL-
landscapes, images of IIh-3
people at work and play,
portrait studies, etc.)
7. compares the
characteristics of artworks IIh-4
in the21st century
8. creates artworks that
can be locally assembled
with local materials, IIc-e-1
guided by 21st-
centurytechniques Weeks 5-8 /
9. explains the influence 2nd Q
of technology in the 21st IIc-e-2
century on the evolution
of various forms of art
10. applies different
media techniques and
processes to
communicate ideas,
experiences, and stories A10PR-
showing the IIb-e-3
characteristics of 21st-
centuryart (e.g., the use of
graphic software like
Photoshop, InDesign, etc.)
11. evaluates works of art
in terms of artistic
concepts and ideas using IIf-4
criteria appropriate for
the style or form
Grade Level: 1
Subject: Physical Education
2. Observes safety This PE5GS-
precautions competency is IIb-h-3
embedded in
other LCs.
3. Executes the Weeks 1 to 8 PE5GS-
different skills IIc-h-4
involved in the
4. Displays joy of This PE5PF-
effort, respect for competency is IIb-h-
others and fair 20
play during embedded in
participation in
other LCs.
physical activities
Grade Level: 6
Subject: Physical Education
2 already
embedded in
other LCs.
3. Executes the Weeks 1 to 8 PE6GS-
different skills IIc-h-4
involved in the
4. Displays joy of This PE6PF-
effort, respect for competency is IIb-h-
others and fair 20
play during embedded in
participation in
other LCs.
physical activities
Grade Level: 7
Subject: Physical Education
Reviews goals based PE7PF-
on assessment results IIa-24
2 practices healthy
eating habits that
support an active
2. Engages in Weeks 1 to 8
moderate to
vigorous physical PE10PF-
activities for at IIc-h-
least 60 minutes 45
a day in and out
of school
Grade Level: 1
Subject: Health
Most Essential
Content Performance K to 12 CG
Quarter Learning Duration
Standards Standards Code
2nd demonstrates practices good identifies proper
Week 1 to H1PH-
Quarter understanding health habits and behavior during IIa-b-1
Week 2
of the proper hygiene daily mealtime
ways of taking demonstrates proper Week 3 to H1PH-
care of one’s hand washing Week 4 IIc-d-2
health realizes the
importance of Week 5 IIe-3
washing hands
practices habits of
Week 6 to H1PH-
keeping the body IIf-i-4
Week 7
clean & healthy
realizes the
importance of H1PH-
Week 8 IIj-5
practicing good
health habits
Grade Level: 2
Subject: Health
Grade Level: 4
Subject: Health
Grade Level: 7
Subject: Health
discusses the
importance of H8FH-IIe-f-
newborn screening, 32
and the APGAR scoring
system for newborns
explains the
importance of prenatal H8FH-IIe-f-
Week 5 to 33
care and post-natal
Week 6
*discusses the
essential newborn H8FH-IIe-f-
protocol (Unang
Yakap) and advantages H8FH-IIe-f-
of breastfeeding for 35
both mother and child
recognizes the
importance of
immunization in 36
protecting children’s
analyzes the
importance of H8FH-IIg-
responsible h-37
*explains the effects of H8FH-IIg-
rapid population
growth and family size H8FH-IIg-
on health of the nation h-40
Week 7 to
examines the
Week 8
important roles and
responsibilities of h-39
parents in child rearing
and care
enumerates modern
family planning H8FH-Iig-
methods (natural and h-41
Grade Level: 9
Subject: Health