Design and Analysis of Push Rod Rocker Arm Suspension Using Mono Spring
Design and Analysis of Push Rod Rocker Arm Suspension Using Mono Spring
Design and Analysis of Push Rod Rocker Arm Suspension Using Mono Spring
K.Koshore5M.jaswanrh Sai6
The main objective of this paper is to brief about mono spring rocker arm front
suspension which is a semi independent suspension system. The main criterion of
this project is to design a suspension system practically to a student formula hybrid
vehicle. The dynamic loads are to be considered for the design of wheel assembly,
frame, transmission, steering and braking systems, now loads are distributed to
front and rear side. The stiffness of the spring is calculated by considering front
loads. The design of the spring, damper, rocker arms and push rod was done by
SOLID WORKS software. Later on the assembly of all parts and mono spring
rocker arm front suspension system were designed. Analysis was done in LOTUS
SHANK SUSPENSION ANALYSIS SOFTWARE, from the analysis the designs are
said to be suitable for the end application.
1 Introduction
The below Table 1 shows the properties of the material which are
used in designing of the suspension parts.
ω= ½𝜋�
1.55 = ½𝜋�
=) KR = 28.37lb/in
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
3 Design of Assembly
3.1Solid works modelling
Solid works is modelling software which allows 3D- modelling and 2-
D drafting of elements. In order to perform the analysis of spring in
Ansys, it is necessary to model the spring in any of the modelling
software's such as Pro-Engineers, Catia or Solid Works, etc. We have
selected to use Solid works modelling software because of its
3.3Rocker Arm
Fig.3 rocker arm is which transmits motion from the tire to the
spring with the help of push rod .where as using this can maintain
the motion ratio required for the vehicle and also helps to reduce
aerodynamic drag occurred due to the spring in formula cars.
Fig.5Total Deformation
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
Mono shock front suspension system for a formula car is practically
designed and observed how it works. Analysis is done on every part
of the system. It resulted that good handling, good suspension travel
and it also reduces the un-sprung mass. The main disadvantage is as
the spring is mounted between two rocker arms directly while
cornering it is not able to retain the wheels straight as the load is
transferring to one side while cornering.
The future work can be done: Suspension system should be further
modified by adding a buckling rod for the safety of the spring not to
buckle and also have to change the position of the spring for better
performance while cornering.
[1] K. Kishore Kumar, K. Someswara Rao, Simulation and analysis of
suspension system of formula-1 vehicle under dynamic condition by
using CAD Tools, IJST,Vol-9, ISSUE-48, Dec-2016.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue