How To Live Hundred Years
How To Live Hundred Years
How To Live Hundred Years
Publishers' Note
Introductory Notes
The Rigvedic Prayer for a Long Life
Ise Upanishad on Hundred Years of Life
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Long Life
Surya Stotram for Longevity
Every Morning Dose for Hundred Years' Life
Surya Namaskar for a Hundred Years Life
Rishi Chyavana, Ashwini Kumaras and the
Preparation of Youthhood
A Herbal Preparation for Long Life
Hundred Years as Man's Normal Duration of Life
Why Grow Old'?
A Call to Abundant Energy and Long Life
Yogic Way of Increasing the Span of Life
Vedantic Methods for a Hundred Years Life
Lengthening Life by Brahmacharya
Character-building for Longevity
Spiritual Therapeutics for Longevity
Shadow-gazing for Longevity
Exercises for Arresting Old Age
Yogic Secret of Conquering Death
How to Become a Centenarian?
Some Secrets of Longevity
A Prescription for the Perfection of the Body
Longevity and Transformation of Body in Indian Medicine
Forms of Kalpa Treatment
The Rejuvenation Techniques of Hindu Rishis
Yoga and Rejuvenation Through Kaya-kalpa
Rejuvenation Through Milk Treatment
Neem Treatment for a Hundred Years Life
Butter-milk Treatment for a Hundred Years Life
Brahmi Treatment for Hundred Years' Life
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hundred Years' Life
Naturopathic Secrets of Hundred Years' Living
The Attainment of Longevity
Increase the Duration of Life
Longevity Possible for Blood-pressure Patients
A Sure Remedy for Becoming a Centenarian
A Healthy Life of Hundred Years
Radiant Health through Yoga
Man Can Live Forever
Is There a Long-life Secret
Protection of the Aura and Attaining Long Life
Life of Some of the Centenarians
Longevity in Vedas
To Live
Sri Swami Sivananda
Published by
Distt. Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand, Himalayas, India,
In this remarkable little volume, Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj has, as a
skilful doctor, an expert Yogi, an ace psychologist, and a Perfect Sage, laid
down several medical, Yogic, Vedantic, psychological, scientific, Ayurvedic
and Naturopathic methods for becoming a Centenarian. For all those who are
earnestly seeking for perfect health and a very long life, this work will be highly
inspiring, informative and valuable.
Gerontology is an ancient science! Since time immemorial Man has sought
ways and means to conquer death; because, he is immortal. There is an innate
urge in him to express that immortality, and to experience that-immortality here
and now.
The Isavasya Upanishad enjoins upon man the duty to try to live for a hundred
years, performing right actions.
The Rishis had in their forest-research-laboratories discovered various methods
of prolonging life—Pranayama, Asanas like Sirshasana and Sarvangasana,
prayer, Havan, certain herbs, and Kaya Kalpa. They discovered that those living
beings which breathed slowly, with less number of breaths per minute, lived
longer, and that suspension of breathing led to hibernation and prolongation of
life! They prescribed Pranayama for long life.
But, let us never forget that long life in itself is not an undiluted blessing!
Health, strength and vitality are not unalloyed blessings in themselves. It
depends upon how they are utilised. Life should not mean prolongation of the
miseries of old age, a gradual decay, a living death. Life should be so lived as to
keep you in full vigour till the hundredth birthday. Even this will not do, is not
enough. Till that day, you must lead the divine life, a life of selfless service to
humanity, in such a manner that on your hundredth birthday people will still
pray whole-heartedly to the Lord that you will live for another century.
Spiritual dedication, dedication to a noble humanitarian cause, is one of the
most important factors in the prolongation of life. Other factors are: equal wear-
out of all the vital organs of the body (without one decaying faster), absence of
chronic diseases, warm-hearted love towards fellow-men, especially to the
younger generation, zealous interest in some useful occupation and a will to
live, and live for a mission.
At the same time, there must be a willingness to accept the inevitable changes
that occur as age advances. Dr. Crampton, a noted geriatrician, says: "If a man
has sense enough to realise that in many different ways he is not what he was
ten years ago, and acts accordingly, he is way ahead of the game. Know your
limitations-adapt yourself to them-and enjoy your privileges to the utmost. And,
that is very sound advice.
Be cheerful. Be child-like. Be youthful in your eagerness to know and to do.
Rest in God and know that the soul is birthless, deathless, ageless. Above all,
meditate regularly and know that you are the Immortal Atman. You will be
blessed with health and long life.
May you all become centenarians and benefactors of humanity.
May God bless you all!
How to live 100 years?
"Plain living and high thinking" is the answer.
The question and answer both consist of five words only; but it is very difficult
to practise. Simple and plain things appear so in the beginning are very hard for
practice. The tendency of man is always towards high living and low thinking.
A man be-comes as he thinks. 'A sound mind in a sound body'. If the thinking is
sound, body remains sound. Evil thoughts exert a very bad influence on body of
self and others also. They do harm to the thinker and the thought; so we should
preserve our-selves from evil thoughts and always cherish noble thoughts.
Plain Living: Plain living means natural living i.e., living according to the rules
of nature. Our body consists of five natural elements, the earth, the water, the
sun, the air and the sky. Full use of these elements keeps the body in good
The Earth: We live on this earth. Magnetic currents pass through this earth. So,
as far as possible, we should walk bare-footed, to be in contact with the earth.
The earth has the property of taking away most deadly poisons. The earth has
the property of taking away even the poison of snake-bite. In olden times when
there was no soap, people were using soft earth for cleansing the teeth, the body
and the hair. After bath they were applying Bhasma all over the body and it has
been found that the people of old generation are long-lived and better in health
than the people of the present generation. Also natural living is cheap. We do
not require any money for the earth. Only little exertion is needed.
The Water: The water also plays an important part in keeping the body in good
order. The first thing, as soon as we get up in the morning, is the water which
we require for cleaning our mouth. Secondly we want water for drinking which
cleans our internal organs. The third is that we want water for bath. Cold-water-
bath in the morning is more invigorating and gives us more energy. As far as
practicable we should not take water with meals. Water should be taken one
hour before or two hours after meals. For better health enema of water may be
taken, every week or whenever required. Water can be used as a curative agent,
in the form of hot, cold packs. When the pain is bearable cold wet pack and
when the pain is unbearable hot wet packs should be used.
In rainy season water becomes muddy; so it should be filtered and one whole
lemon should be put in a three-gallons-pot for an hour and then that water
should be used for drinking purposes. If we require water immediately we
should put 2 drops of lemon-juice in 3 gallons-water-pot.
Air: The air is most important of all the elements of which this body is
composed. In the morning air there is one and half times of oxygen than the air
at any other time. So morning walk or running is most essential. A brisk walk is
much better if running is not possible. We must spend most of our time in the
open air, as far as practicable. Those persons who have to work in the open air
are more healthy than the people whose work is inside the rooms. Open air drill
and games are more beneficial than physical exercises taken inside the house.
People of old generations are long-lived because their work was of-ten in the
open air, because there were no factories and mills.
The Sun: Sun-bath in the morning sun for 10 to 20 minutes supplies us with
much energy and purifies the body. Work in the open air outside is good but it
is not possible for all when in this age of machines, most of the work goes on in
mills, factories and offices. In old times there were open air schools. Most
people were living in huts or houses which had roofs of tiles. In the olden times
living was more natural. Now it has become most artificial. Nowadays house-
problem has become very acute and most people have to live in crowded houses
which are neither airy nor sunny. Surya Namaskars done in the open air are very
useful to health.
Exercise: Exercise is a necessary food for long life. Surya Namaskara is the
most useful exercise. It is based on the principle of Asanas and Pranayama.
People of old generation were practising this exercise. It gives physical and
spiritual benefits.
It can be done both by men and women. Out-door games are also good. Indian
games do not require much apparatus, while European games are more costly.
For children and boys running is a good exercise. For old people morning and
evening walk is a good exercise. Any kind of regular exercise is necessary.
Food: Food is of great importance in keeping good health. Best food is roots
and fruits. Rishis who lived long, were living on roots and fruits. Natural sun-
cooked fruits are very good for health and also are Sattvic. Now they are very
costly and are not within the reach of all when even cereals are very dear.
Germinated cereals contain more vitamins than milled cereals. In the absence of
any vegetables, germinated food grains also serve the purpose of vegetables.
Amongst cooked food, food prepared in a cooker contain more vitamin than
those prepared in direct fire. Poor men can take advantage of cheap vegetables
and fruits. Too hot and too cold drinks should be avoided.
Milk and Its Products: Cow's milk is useful from baby to an oldest man. It is a
perfect food. Now it has become very dear and many cannot afford the same. In
the beginning of the 20th century milk was cheap and within the reach of all
people, the poor and the rich alike. Now only the rich can afford milk, curd,
ghee, etc. Ghee has already disappeared from the meals of the poor and middle
class men. Artificial Ghee has taken its place.
Buttermilk is as good as milk. So, middle class men can take advantage of
butter milk. From medical and health point of view, cow's milk is the best.
Fresh milched milk is the best, but this is not possible for all now. So once
boiled milk should be used.
Vegetables and Fruits: They are also most necessary for good health. Our meal
really should contain} 1/4 of cereals and 3/4, of fruits and vegetables. These
also have become dear, so, cheap leafy vegetables may be used. Vegetable
salads are very good. If this is not done vegetable should be boiled in air-tight
vessels or in a cooker.
Amongst vegetables spinach, lettuce, etc. are good. Amongst fruit-vegetables
carrots, radish, tomatoes are within the reach of many people. Among cheap
fruits, bananas, lemons are good.
Amongst dried fruits, dates, raisins, are good and also cheaper. So cheaper fruits
may be used with advantage.
Good Habits: Good habits are also of great use in keeping up health. 'Early to
bed and early to rise' makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise'. For night-duty
people the habit of getting up at 4 a.m. and going to bed at 10 p.m. is not
possible, but those persons who have no night-duty also get up after sunrise and
stay awake till late at night. The habit of morning walk is also necessary for
those who have to remain often in close quarters. Food also should be taken at
regular times as far as possible. It should be well masticated and should not be
gulped hurriedly. Hot drink, such as tea, coffee, cocoa are not necessary for the
climate of our country, except for people who live in hilly countries.
Good Conduct: Good conduct is as necessary as food. We should be kind to
each other and ever ready to help others as we are the sons of the same
Almighty Father God who rules the whole universe. "A man becomes as he
thinks". We should always cherish good thoughts. Evil thoughts, not only do
harm to others, but they harm us, also. So we should never wish ill of others.
We should not hurt feelings of others by harsh talk or unnecessarily criticising
others. "To err is human." Here in this world none is perfect, so we should
forgive any wrong done to us, thinking that the same is due to ignorance on the
part of the other man. We should bring home the wrong to him in loving
manner. If we behave unjustly towards any one, do wrong to others or deprive
one of any of the things or articles, which do not belong to us, our mind
naturally becomes uneasy and this has an evil effect on our health, as our own
conscience pricks us. So we should be more careful about others' things.
The feelings of anger is also very harmful, so we should try to control our mind,
under unfavourable circumstances. In the same way the fear of any untoward
happening is not conducive to health. Anxieties and worries, undermine both
the body and the mind. We should have forethought but as far as possible
should not give place to anxieties in our mind.
Idleness also is bad for health. An empty mind is devil's workshop. So we
should always engage ourselves in some work or other, private or public.
Overwork is also not good. Enough rest is also necessary. Rest means, change
of work. For rest we should have light and interesting work, or some good
hobbies or reading of some good books, from which we can learn something.
Library is the people's university. We can gather much useful knowledge by
reading good books. Gardening, evening walk, or good talk with friends are
entertainments of a better kind, than cinema or cards.
Brahmacharya: Brahmacharya plays a most important role in keeping us
healthy and giving long life. It gives power and strength. Much stress was laid
on Brahmacharya in olden times. Now it is mostly neglected. All great men
practised Brahmacharya; they were pure in thought and deed. For a man who
leads a life of a householder it is necessary that he should practise
Brahmacharya up to 25 years and then he should marry. After marriage also
much self-control is necessary. The cinemas and the cheap third class literature
which is being produced in large quantities is a great hindrance to
Brahmacharya. Old was gold. Now everything is imitation only.
Prayer: Lastly we should pray to God who is protecting us at every moment of
our life. We should pray to God for His Grace at least in the morning as soon as
we get up and at bed-time, if we do not find time during the day owing to heavy
work for earning our livelihood and household and social du-ties. More things
are wrought by prayer than a man dreams of. So, prayer is as essential as food.
We should never forget God under any circumstances, either good or bad.
Unfavourable circumstances are due to our faults, either in this life or in
previous birth. We alone are responsible for them and not God. In short, plain
living and high thinking is the watch-word of Long Life.
The Creator is above, the Creator is below, the Creator is behind, the Creator is
in front. May the Creator give us sound health and comforts. May the Creator
bestow on us a long life!
—Rigveda, X. 36-14.
II महतामत
म जि
प यममांत: II
I always adore Surya, the beautiful lord of the world, the immortal, the
quintessence of Vedanta, the auspicious, the ab-solute knowledge filled with
Brahman, the lord of the gods, ever pure, the one true consciousness of the
world, the lord of Indra, the gods and men, the preceptor of the gods, the crest-
jewel of the three worlds, the very heart of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, the giver
of light.
Take equal parts of fresh lemon juice, fresh ginger juice, and honey. The
quantity of all the three be one ounce. Take this juice every morning on empty
stomach. Apart from yielding a number of most beneficial results, it will
prolong life. It is an essential morning dose for all who desire to live a hundred
This exercise is called Surya Namaskar because it is practised in the early
morning hours facing the Sun. Sun is considered to be the deity for health and
long life. So in ancient days they practised this exercise daily as routine in their
daily spiritual practices. One should practise it at least 12 times by repeating 12
Names of the Lord, Sun. This exercise is a combined process of Yoga Asanas
and breathing. It reduces abdominal fat, brings flexibility to the spine and limbs
and Increases breathing capacity; it is easier to practise Asana after doing Surya
Technique and breathing Position No. 1. Face the sun. Fold the hands. Keep the
legs together and stand erect.
Position No. 2. Inhale and raise the hands. Bend back-wards.
Position No. 3. Exhale and bend forwards till the hands are in level with the
feet. Bring the head down and touch the knee. In the beginning, knees may be
bent slightly to get the head to the knees. After some practice knees should be
straightened up and the head should be brought down to the knees.
Position No. 4. Inhale and take the right leg away from the body. Keep the
hands and left foot firm on the ground raising the head up. Left knee should be
between the hands.
Position No. 5. Inhale and hold the air inside. Take the left leg away from the
body and raise both knees from the ground. Now rest on the hands and keep the
body in a straight line from head to foot.
Position No. 6. Exhale and bring the body down to the floor. In this position the
whole body should not touch the ground. This position is known as Sashtanga
Namaskar or eight curved prostration. Only 8 portions of the body come in
contact with floor; viz., two feet, two knees, two hands, chest and forehead.
Abdominal region is raised and, if possible, the nose also kept away from the
floor, touching with forehead only.
Position No. 7. Inhale and bend backward as much as possible giving the spine
maximum bending.
Position No. 8. Exhale and lift the body. Keep the feet and heels flat on the
Position No. 9. Inhale and bring the right foot along with the level of hands, left
foot and knee should touch the ground. Look up giving a slight bend to the
spine. (Same positon as No. 4)
Position No. 10. Exhale and bring the left leg forward. Keep the knees straight
and bring the head down to the knees as in third position. (Same position as No.
Position No. 11. Inhale and bend backward. Raise the hands along with the head
as in position No. 2.
Position No. 12. Exhale and leave the hands down and re-lax.
The above 12 positions make one full-round of Surya Namaskar. Repeat it 12
times daily
Those devoted to the Science of Ayurveda and followers of this great science
look upon Maharshi Chyavana with great respect and adoration. It was he who
invented the unrivalled, unprecedented tonic Chyavanaprash for the good of
humanity. This tonic is one of the excellent gifts of Rishi Chyavana unto
Once Maharshi Chyavana practised severe unbroken penance for a long time.
At one stage he found that his body was weak due to great penance. His desire
for penance was still fresh in him. So he thought of finding out some method by
which he could improve his health. With this object in view he invoked the
divine Ashwini Kumaras.
Pleased with the invocation of the Rishi the Ashwini Kumaras appeared before
the Rishi and enquired him of the reason for his summoning them. The Rishi
paid homage to the Kumaras and said, "0 Divine healers! I did great penance
and acquired great mental powers but my body is weak. Kindly pre-scribe for
me some such medicine by taking which my body will resume its original
strength and may live long to pursue the purpose of my life."
Hearing this the Ashwinis after deep thought replied, "0 great one of excellent
virtues and unrivalled penance, we shall give you a prescription for a rare tonic.
By this the entire humanity will be benefited. This medicine will acquire world-
fame and will be famous by your name. By taking this medicine your body will
be rejuvenated in thirty days. You will be filled with new vigour and vitality.
You will be free from old age." So saying the Kumaras disappeared.
The time for the preparation of this Rasayana is winter and spring seasons.
During these seasons the medicines will be fresh and highly beneficial in their
effects. Fresh Myrobalan forms the prominent ingredient in Chyavanaprash.
This keeps the three humours in equilibrium. Pure sugar, pure honey, ghee,
Vamasaksheri, Pippali, cardamom, Nagkesar, Darusita, Kishmish, Ashtavarga,
Dashamoola, sandal etc., form the important ingredients in this tonic. This is a
wonderful preventive tonic. It wards off number of diseases. It keeps the person
in good health. It is very useful in Asthma, difficulty in breathing, bronchitis
and consumption. It wards off debility and builds the body wonderfully.
Maharshi Chyavana prepared this tonic as per the instructions of the Ashwinis.
After administering the medicine on him-self the great Rishi regained his health.
He became a youth once again.
Charaka Samhita Says:
“Asya prayogat chyavanah suvriddhobhoot punaryuva." "By the use of this
Rishi Chyavana, though old, once again re-gained his youth."—Charaka
Samhita, 1. 72
By the use of this wonderful drug Chyavana never be-came old. By the
spreading of the knowledge of this wonderful tonic Chyavana did a great
service to humanity. A detailed description of this tonic can be had from
Charaka Samhita.
Publishers' Note 5
Preface 7
Introductory Notes 9
The Rigvedic Prayer for a Long Life 14
Ise Upanishad on Hundred Years of Life 14
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Long Life 15
Surya Stotram for Longevity 16
Every Morning Dose for Hundred Years' Life 16
Surya Namaskar for a Hundred Years Life 16
Rishi Chyavana, Ashwini Kumaras and the 18
Preparation of Youthhood
A Herbal Preparation for Long Life 25
Hundred Years as Man's Normal Duration of Life 26
Why Grow Old'? 27
A Call to Abundant Energy and Long Life 29
Yogic Way of Increasing the Span of Life 31
Vedantic Methods for a Hundred Years Life 32
Lengthening Life by Brahmacharya 33
Character-building for Longevity 34
Spiritual Therapeutics for Longevity 35
Shadow-gazing for Longevity 37
Exercises for Arresting Old Age 36
Yogic Secret of Conquering Death 37
How to Become a Centenarian? 38
Some Secrets of Longevity 38
A Prescription for the Perfection of the Body 39
Longevity and Transformation of Body in Indian Medicine 40
Forms of Kalpa Treatment 41
The Rejuvenation Techniques of Hindu Rishis 42
Yoga and Rejuvenation Through Kaya-kalpa 43
Rejuvenation Through Milk Treatment 44
Neem Treatment for a Hundred Years Life 48
Butter-milk Treatment for a Hundred Years Life 50
Brahmi Treatment for Hundred Years' Life 52
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hundred Years' Life 54
Naturopathic Secrets of Hundred Years' Living 56
The Attainment of Longevity 65
Increase the Duration of Life 66
Longevity Possible for Blood-pressure Patients 67
A Sure Remedy for Becoming a Centenarian 69
A Healthy Life of Hundred Years 70
Radiant Health through Yoga 79
Man Can Live Forever 86
Is There a Long-life Secret 94
Protection of the Aura and Attaining Long Life 97
Life of Some of the Centenarians 99
Longevity in Vedas 104
Chyavanaprash is one of the best rejuvenators among Ayurvedic medicines. It
contains many herbal ingredients and hence is easily assimilable.
The most prominent herb in this preparation is the Indian Gooseberry, Known
as Amla in Hindi. This fruit is very rich in vitamin c. it contains as much
vitamin as is contained in two small oranges. It is very effective in curing many
diseases. The fresh fruit is diuretic, laxative and cooling.
Amla is good for removing indigestion. It removes excessive salivation,
biliousness, constipation, seminal and other weaknesses of men and women. It
gives luster and beauty to the skin.
Some of the other ingredients that are used in preparing this rejuvenator are
Haritha Dhatriphalam (Emblica officinalis), pure ghee, pure honey, sugar,
Vamsa Ksheeree (Banbus Arundinacia), Ashtavarg (Jivak, Rishbak, Meda,
Mahameda, Kakoli, Ksheerakakoli, Riddhi and Briddhi), Dasamoola (Ten
roots), Karkatasanghi (Pitacia Ente Gerima), red Sandalwood powder, Korangi
(Shelser Cardamom), Dharusita (Cinnamon Bark) and Somavali (Coculus
Cordifolius). Sixty other rare herbs found in the Himalayas are used along with
the above.
It is needless here to give the preparation of this wonderful drug, as it contains
many herbs and as the preparation is also cumbersome from the point of view of
the patient who is in urgent need of it. In India it is prepared on a wide scale by
many Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Works and it is convenient to use the ready-
made medicine as it is easily available in all parts of India. Unless one gets
proper practical training in the preparation of these herbal medicines under an
efficient and learned manufacturer, one should not attempt preparing these.
Chyavanaprash cures many diseases of chest and stomach also. It is highly
useful, especially in winter, when there is much tendency to cold, cough,
asthma, weak digestion, etc.
This can be taken in any season as it is rather a herbal tonic than a medicine. It
is one of the best body and brain tonic of Ayurveda.
It can be safely used by children, women and invalids, or old men. It is useful in
the cases of all persons. Its taste is good. Even while you are enjoying a state of
perfect health, you can use it as it is a rejuvenator.
Many use Chyavanaprash in winter, and thus prolong their lives till a
considerable age.
Chyavanaprash is an efficacious tonic for all wasting dis-eases like tuberculosis.
In the first stage of consumption when there is a little weakness this can be used
advantageously. It arrests the growth of the disease and even cures it, if it is in
an elementary stage. It is highly useful in convalescence. It develops the brain-
power and tones up the vocal system. It cures all ailments of the lungs, and the
urinary system.
It can be best taken on an empty stomach in the early morning with a little milk.
For an adult, one teaspoonful is to be taken in the morning followed by quarter
seer of warm fresh milk. When using this medicine take 'Drakshasav', one tea-
spoonful after each meal, if one's condition is too weak.
Poor men who cannot afford to have this may not be dis-heartened. They can
take the juice of fresh Amla daily when they are available and at other times
they can take a teaspoonful of dried Amla powder. It is also equally useful and
efficacious. It can be taken with honey or sugar.
Chyavanaprash is quite sufficient to give health, strength and long life. Among
the various medicines of Ayurvedic, this may be called as an Elixir of Life.
"That one may attain to the age of one hundred years or more, is no visionary
statement. According to psychological and natural laws, the duration of human
life should be at least five times the period necessary to reach full growth. This
is a prevailing law which is exemplified in the brute creation. The horse grows
about four years and lives to about 12 to 14; the camel grows for eight years and
lives to about 40. Man grows for about 20 to 25 years,—if accidents could be
excluded,—his normal duration of life should not be less than one hundred
years," so says Milton Severen of the West.
Just compare this to the period of life declared by the Srutis, Puranas and the
Sastras of the Hindus and the period of Studentship and Brahmacharya is alone
full 25 years. Srutis or sacred texts declare full life or the age of one hundred
years for a man.
This you can attain by establishment of Brahmacharya. And so Patanjali
Maharshi, the author of Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga, says: "Brahmachatya-
Pratishthayam Veerya Labha". It is on the mere attainment or establishment of
Achara that you may be able to attain full age, even if you are devoid of all
other qualities, by the establishment of Achara only. Achara is character-
building. You must have good character. Other-wise you will lose your
Brahmacharya or Veerya—the vital energy— and thereby attain premature
There are instances of men who have attained longevity and intellectual powers
despite their loose immoral ways. Obviously this is due to'their Prarabdha. But
they would have been still more powerful and brilliant had they possessed a
good character and continence as well.
(Scientific Researches for Postponing the Physical Process of Ageing in Man)
Advances in medical knowledge have given new impetus to research aimed at
postponing the physical process of ageing in man. At the several American
Universities, studies are being conducted on how body-cells age, why they fail
to stay active and productive into late years. Dr. Edward L. Bortz, President of
the American Medical Association, believes man's average life span, measured
against that of animals, should be 150 years instead of the present life
expectancy of 68 years.
Researchers want to find out why man is not living up to his expectations. Is it
an accumulation of his experiences, both physical and emotional, that makes his
age? A newly-established Institute of Human Nutrition at Northwestern
University (Evanston, Illinois) is attacking this problem from the diet angle to
see whether what man eats and drinks contributes to ageing.
Metabolic Disorders
The Fels Research Institute for the study of Human Development at Antioch
College (Yellow Springs, Ohio), is studying the effects on the human body of
man's experiences from birth to maturity, Columbia University (New York
City) is concentrating on heredity and environment.
A clue to what ageing might be was noted recently by Dr. Andrew C. Ivy of the
University of Illinois. Degeneration, he thinks, is a group of changes in which
abnormal materials collect in and between the cell-walls of the human body.
They might be due to metabolic disorders of the cells arising from la-tent
weaknesses or external factors, or both.
Effect of Diet
Dr. I.A. Landis of George Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri) is
investigating a calcium-binding protein that appears to control cell-growth and
can become both overactive or underactive. In the cell-ageing process, this
substance be-comes overactive, binding too much calcium.
Dr. C. Ward Crompton of New York City points out that yearly, millions of
people die of chronic diseases, and that preventive medicine must step in. A
sample of what he has in mind are tests at the University of Minnesota. There
500 men be-tween 18 and 54 have volunteered for a ten-years study of factors
which lead to hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. Seven
researchers in physiological hygiene under world famous physiologist Dr. Ancel
Keys hope to find whether physical activity on diet can prevent or delay
degenerative diseases.
Worry and Tension
Special attention also is being focussed on the effects of worry and tensions,
found capable of turning youngsters into criminals. In all instances which Dr.
David Abrahamsen investigated in New York City, he found that the family
backgroung of criminals was tension, hostility, resentment and nagging. These
conditions not only bred criminals, but illness as well—trouble with heart, skin,
respiration or digestion and in turn possible origins of degenerative diseases.
Thirty years from now the number of age-disabled per-sons between 60 and 75
is expected to be double that of today. But through present research in
geriatrics, the study of old age, many of them may be able to contribute to
society more of their useful fund of wisdom and experience.
Health, and not disease, is your natural heritage. You are the children of that
Anaamaya or diseaseless Purusha, the Eternal Brahman or the Absolute. Claim
your birth right now, this very second and become healthy, strong, robust, and
sinewy, with abundant vigour, energy, a high standard of vitality and with an
expectation of a hundred years of life.
Disease and short life is due to ignorance and lack of knowledge of natural
laws. You violate the laws of health through your egoism, passion and self-
assertive nature. You behave like a playful urchin, and yet Mother Nature who
is all merciful and kind, who is ever bountiful, puts up patiently with all your
misbehaviour and wrong-doing and helps you in a variety of ways, bestowing
on you her choicest blessings. Gain a thorough knowledge of the laws of perfect
health, and abide by them; you will live a hundred years.
Science and Prolongation of Life
Many brilliant investigators in the mystery of life and death are still baffled as
to this cause of decline and decay of the body. Life is kept up by the
reproduction of human cells. A cell is a mass of protoplasm containing nucleus.
Man is made up of different groups and species of cells which perform different
mechanism. These cells are constantly broken down and renewed. A time
comes when cells lose their power of reproduction. Now man begins to age. At
one time it was said that every part of the body is wholly renewed every seven
years but now it is said that the period is only about a year and half.
There are various kinds of tissues, viz., muscular tissue, nervous tissue, etc.
There are different kinds of systems, viz., the digestive or alimentary system
which consists of mouth, pharynx, gullet, stomach, small and large intestines;
the circu-latory system which consists of heart, the arteries and veins; the
lymphatic system which consists of lacteals, lymphatis and lymphatic glands;
the muscular system; the integumentary sys-tem which consists of skin or the
epidermis, the cuticle or dermis, the sweat glands secrete sweat and the
sebaceous glands which secrete sebum or fat; the urinar system which consists
of kidneys, the bladder, the urethras; the reproductive system which consists of
reproductive organ in males and the uterus and ovaries in females and the
endocrine system which consists of the thyroid and parathyroid in the neck,
pernials and pituitary glands in the brain and the adrenals. Metabolism is the
sum-total of the anabolic (constructive) and katabolic (destructive) changes that
go on in the tissues of the body.
One scientist believes that the secret of death is the blood system. He treats the
blood with a chemical preparation. An-other scientist believes that the seat of
life is the thyroid gland. He therefore replaces a worn-out thyroid gland with a
new young virile gland from a chimpanzee. Another scientist holds that the
senility is due to dissipation affecting some major glands of the human body.
Many weak, prematurely decrepit people are transformed into healthy men and
women by the ad-ministration of extracts of these glands by injection or by
mouth. These modern miracles happen every day. But they only restore
diseased people to health; they don't prolong life beyond the normal span or
solve the riddle of eternal youth. They will not even enable a healthy man of
eighty to reach the age of hundred. That man will still die from the mysterious
pro-cess of degeneration of cells which is called "old age".
Rejuvenation when the patient is elderly and the human machine, the most
magical of all machines, is wearing out, has only a temporary effect, as a bottle
of whisky that stimulates a tired man. Relapse quickly follows. The eyes, bright
for a short time become dull once more. The brain works vigorously for a brief
period only. Afterwards weakness reasserts itself. The whole organism relapses
into a state of greater decrepitude than before; it has been called on to work
beyond its strength and capacity by the forced stimulation of the artificially
treated glands. If scientists could discover the secret of persuading the cells
which compose the human body to renew themselves even in old age as they do
in youth there would be no practical limits of human life.
Beauty, gracefulness, strength and adamantine hardness indicate that you are in
possession of a perfect body. As food is only a mass of energy, the body can be
kept from any other source, such as Sun, Cosmic Prana, Will, etc. Hatha Yogic
Kriyas and meditation entirely renovate the system and give new strength,
vigour, and vitality to the cells. Yogis know how to absorb the energy and
utilise it for the economic aid to nature in the preservation of the body. They
possess the power to bear extreme cold and heat, the power to live without food
and drink (drawing the energy from their pure, strong and irresistible will).
Vayubhakshanam is another way of maintaining the body by swallowing or
taking in the air. The body becomes indestructible. Nothing can injure it. There
is no more disease, death or pain for that Yogi.
According to Yoga, man's life is constituted of so many breaths. The number of
respiration per minute is fifteen. If you can reduce the number of breaths by the
practice of Kumbhaka or retention of breath, or stop the breath through
Khechari Mudra you can increase your span of life.
Yogi Chang Dev who came on the back of a tiger to see Jnana Dev, the Yogi of
Alandi, in Maharashtra, lived for hundreds of years. Whenever Lord Yama, the
God of death, appeared before him, he took his Prana into the Sushumna and
entered into Samadhi. He thus defied the god of death. Yogis attain the Siddhi
to die at their own will (Iccha Mrityu).
Thou art divine. Live up to it. Feel and realise thy Divine Nature. Thou art the
master of destiny. Do not be discouraged when sorrows, diseases, difficulties
and tribulations manifest in the daily battle of life.
Draw up courage and spiritual strength from within. There is a vast
inexhaustible magazine of power and knowledge within. Learn the ways to tap
the source. Dive deep within. Sit down. Plunge in the sacred waters of
immortality, the Holy Triveni within. You will be quite refreshed, renovated
and vivified when you go to the Divine Source and realise: "I am the Immortal
Do not murmur. Do not grumble when troubles and sorrows descend upon you.
Every difficulty is an opportunity for you to develop your will and to grow
strong. Welcome it. Difficulties strengthen your will, augment your power of
endurance and turn your mind towards God. Face them with a smile. In your
weakness lies your real strength. Thou art invincible. Nothing can harm you.
Conquer the difficulties one by one. Build up positive virtuous qualities. Tread
the spiritual path and realise: "I am the Immortal Self."
Face everything with a smiling, cheerful countenance. Understand His
mysterious ways. He is thy Immortal Friend. Re-peat the following formulae
mentally several times daily. Meditate on the meaning. Chronic incurable
diseases that are declared hopeless by a board of eminent doctors can be cured
by this method. This is an unfailing, infallible divine remedy. Sometimes you
will have to wait patiently for results. Auto-suggestion is only an off-shoot of
Vedanta. The formula of this school, viz., "Through the Grace of God, I am
becoming better and better day by day, in every way" is only a Vedantic
assertion and affirmation.
Sing now, feel and assert:
Ananda Svarupoham
I am an embodiment of happiness
I am Bliss in Essence
Anamayoham, I am diseaseless Atman
I am all-health
I am neither body nor mind
I am the embodiment of Arogyam
No disease can enter my body
My will is pure and irresistible
I am deathless and immortal
People say: "One apple a day keeps the doctor away." This is costly. This is
doubtful. I say: "Live in the spirit of the above formulae. This alone can keep
the doctors away.
This is dead cheap. This is a sure sovereign specific and a sheet-anchor and a
cure-all. Doctor's bills and worry can be saved. This will give you Self-
realisation as well. Believe me. Give up doubting. I assure you. Thou art not this
perishable body. Rejoice in Sat-Chit-Ananda and free yourself from dis-ease
and death!
Preservation of the creative energy of man leads to perfection of the body,
rejuvenation and longevity. If the spermatic secretion in man is continuous, it
must either be expelled or re-absorbed. As a result of the most patient and
ceaseless scientific investigations, whenever the seminal secretions are
conserved and thereby reabsorbed into the system, it goes to-wards enriching
the blood and strengthening the brain. "The conservation of this element is
essential to strengthen the body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect,"
teaches Dr. Dio Lewis.
"All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct
waste of life-force. It is almost universally conceded that the choicest elements
of the blood enter into the composition of the spermatic secretions. If these
conclusions are correct, then it follows that a chaste life is essential to man's
well-being." This has been written by Dr. E.P. Miller.
Brahmacharya is the basis for the attainment of Kaya Siddhi. Complete celibacy
must be observed. This is of para-mount importance. By the practice of Yoga
the semen be-comes transmuted into Ojas-Sakti. All the cells are vivified or
galvanised by the power of Ojas.
The Practice of Brahmacharya, Pranayama, Sirshasana and other Hatha Yogic
Kriyas and meditation, entirely renovates the system and gives new strength,
vigour and vitality to the cells. The Yogi will have a perfect body. There will be
charm and grace in his movements. He can live as long as he likes (Iccha
Mrityu). That is the reason why Lord Krishna says to Arjuna. "Tasmat Yogee
Bhava-Arjuna"—therefore become a Yogi.
If a Yogi acquires Kaya-Siddhi or perfection of his body, all diseases and
tendencies to disease will vanish. He will not be affected by the pairs of
opposites like heat and cold. There will be diminution or disappearance of
excretions. The craving of hunger and thirst vanishes. He may take very little
food or completely abandon food. Pain of any sort disappears. He may
experience some pleasant feelings in place of heat, cold and pain. The Siddhis—
Anima, Mahima, Laghima come under Kaya-Siddhi.
It is on the mere attainment or establishment of Achara that you may be able to
attain full age and eternal happiness. You can attain full age even if you are
devoid of all other qualities, by the establishment of Achara only. Achara is
character-building. You must have good character, otherwise you will lose your
Brahmacharya or Veerya—the vital energy—and thereby attain premature
death. Srutis declare full life or age of one hundred years for a man. This you
can attain only by the establishment of Brahmacharya.
You have to remember one thing more. The secret of longevity may be based
chiefly upon discretion in the choice of food and drink, temperance, sobriety,
chastity and a hopeful optimistic outlook on life and so, gluttons, drunkards, the
idle, the dissipated or the lazy cannot reasonably hope to attain full age.
Anger generates poison in the blood and heat in the blood, brain, liver and the
whole body; it produces fever, depression, etc.
Hatred causes nervous weakness, uneasiness, restless-ness, cough, fever, loss of
blood, indigestion, etc.
Fear causes low blood-pressure and weakness, destroys red blood-cells, makes
the face pale, affects the heart, liver and stomach and produces indigestion,
diarrhoea or constipation and impotency.
Renunciation removes a host of ailments, such as dyspepsia, rheumatism,
diabetes, diseases of the liver and intestines and blood-pressure, strengthens the
heart, brain and nerves.
Pure love produces joy, peace of mind, harmonious functioning of the bodily
organs, increases the blood qualitatively and quantitatively, and turns the mind
towards God.
Truth strengthens the heart and mind, brings peace of mind, happiness, inner
calmness and spiritual strength. It creates fearlessness.
Meditation is a wonderful tonic which tones all systems and organs, renovates
the cells, removes diseases, checks the development of diseases and prolongs
life beyond expectation.
Elimination of anger, hatred and fear constitute the psychological technique for
the prolonging of life, for keeping death at a distance. The cultivation of
renunciation, the development of love, abiding by truth and practice of
meditation constitute the spiritual therapeutics for a hundred years life.
The invocation of shadow gives the objects seen as well as unseen.
Undoubtedly a man becomes pure by its very sight. The shadow can also
answer any question you may desire to ask. The Yogic practitioner who is able
to know whether his undertakings will be crowned with success or not. Those
Yogis who have realised the benefits of concentration fully have declared: "In a
clear sun-lit sky behold with a steady gaze your own reflection; whenever this is
seen for a single second in the sky, you behold God at once in the sky." He who
daily sees his shadow in the sky will acquire longevity. He will never meet with
accidental death. When the shadow is seen fully reflected, when the Yogic
practitioner gets victory and success, he conquers Prana and goes everywhere.
The practice is simple enough. One realises the fruits in a short time. Some have
realised the fruits in one or two weeks. When the sun rises, stand in such a way
that your body casts a shadow upon the ground and you are able to see it
without difficulty. Then steadily fix your gaze on the neck of the shadow for
some time and then look up into the sky, it is very auspicious. The shadow will
answer any question for you. If you do not get the shadow continue the practice
till you get it. You can practise this in the moonlight also.
With advancing age toxicity is inevitable. If that is arrested, humanly speaking,
illness due to advancing age can be arrested.
Toxicity due to advancing age can be arrested by combining the following
Vipareeta Karani, not less than one hour both morning and evening.
Sarasvati Chalana, not less than 45 minutes, both morning and evening.
Sarasvati Chalana is to be immediately followed by Bhastrika.
And Bandhatraya in the following order: first, Sarasvati Chalana, second
Jalandhara Bandha, third, Uddiyana Bandha and fourth Mulabandha.
If the above be combined with Kevala Kumbhaka, old age onset can be arrested.
The person who is an adept in controlling the function of the three Nadis, Ida,
Pingala and Sushumna, and who can still the Prana in Sushumna, cleanses the
mind, and he alone can cheat or transcend time, Kaala or death.
The person who has thus stilled the Prana in Sushumna should attempt to lead it
towards Brahmarandhra and then he will experience Samadhi or the super
conscious State. The Yogi knows the time of his death. He takes his Prana to
Sushumna, leads it to Brahmarandhra and defies time or death.
Time or Death is called Kaala. Too many events are linked by time; hence, He
is called so--Kalayati iti Kaalah. Birth and death are within time. To go beyond
time is to go beyond birth and death, to attain Immortality.
The two Nadis, the Sun or Pingala and the Moon or Ida, determine the day and
night for all beings. When they are functioning, day and night are passing one
after another, life gets exhausted thereby. Every time you exhale, you lose four
angulas (inches) of breath; you inhale eight angulas whereas you exhale twelve
angulas. In mortals, mainly the Chandra Nadi functions. By checking the flow
through Chandra Nadi one can live longer. By controlling the flow through both
the Nadis, Ida and Pingala, one lives for a very long time.
Sushumna is the eater of time. This is the greatest Yogic secret. By confining
the breath to Sushumna, one enjoys sound health and infinitely prolongs life. By
leading the breath along the Sushumna to the crown of the head, one attains
Immortality, drinks Amrita, Nectar.
When you detect Death, restrain your breath in Sushumna, Death will run away
from you. That is how you should get over death and enjoy good health and
prolong life indefinitely.
Do not worry. Never be in a hurry. Do not eat what you call quick lunches.
Take nutritious food. Sleep seven hours a day. Never fool with doctors and do
not go into a drug-store except to get a stamp or to consult the directory. When
you reach the age of ninety years, you may do as you please.
Wear loose collars, because tight collars present obstacles to the free circulation
of the blood through the thyroid gland. Take large quantities of milk, this being
the extract of various glands. Remain as much as possible in the open air and
especially in the sunshine, and take plenty of exercise, taking care to breathe
deeply and regularly. Take a bath daily and in addition once a week or every
two weeks take a Turkish or vapour bath. Wear porous clothing, light head-
dress and low shoes. Go early to bed and rise early. "Early to bed and early to
rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." Sleep in a very dark, very quiet
room and with a window open, and do not sleep less than six or more than
seven and a half hours. Give up alcohol. Be temperate in the use of tea or
coffee. Avoid places that are overheated, especially by stress, and badly
Thus on the 30th day you will take 7 seers 13 Chhataks of milk and 2 seers and
9 Chhataks of juice of gourd. If you add Triphala powder the quantity on the
30th day would be 2 tolas and 3 Mashas; and if it is Trikatu powder the quantity
on the 30th day would be 3 tolas and 2 Mashas.
Sugar-candy powder can be added to suit your taste. The quantity of milk
reduced after heating on the 30th day should be 14 Chhataks less, that is, in
every 9 Chhataks you should reduce by heating the quantity of one Chhatak.
During the treatment you should observe celibacy. You should avoid physical or
mental exertion. You should not keep long vigils at night. You should speak
less. In the intervals you should take only juice of orange or Mosumbi. Buffalo's
milk should not be used in this Kalpa.
This can cure chronic diseases. This is good in cases of tuberculosis, piles,
impurity in blood, etc. Have faith and carry out the instructions faithfully if you
want to have permanent cure. This is a wonderful cure—Kaya Kalpa. Have faith
and do it yourself. After all, the treatment is not very difficult; neither the
quantity of milk is too little in the beginning or too much in the end. Have
perfect faith.
Repeat the Names of the Lord incessantly. This is the first and foremost
remedy. Have faith in His Names. You will be cured of all diseases.
May you all attain good health, long life, peace, plenty and prosperity!
It is an admitted fact that herbs possess curative effect to a very high degree.
The benefits of Indian herbs are known throughout the world. Herbal treatment
is unparalleled in effect. Among herbs Neem occupies a very distinctive
It is beyond the power of words to describe the curative effect of this wonderful
tree. Every part of this tree is useful. From very ancient times we have heard the
glory of this tree. It is capable of destroying to the root many incurable diseases.
Leaves, flowers and bark of this tree are highly useful. These act unfailingly in
giving the maximum benefit to the patient and make the treatment successful.
People of good health derive the maximum benefit of this treatment as a
recuperative tonic. The rules enjoined in the observance of this Kalpa have to be
strictly adhered to ensure the maximum result. Care should be taken to see that
nothing is done by the patient which will go against his interests, i.e., he should
be careful in following the rules relating to the treatment. March, April, October
and November are the months highly beneficial in undertaking this Kalpa. Both
men and women can derive the maximum benefit by undertaking the Neem
treat-ment. Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are favourable in commencing the
treatment for men. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are days suitable
for women.
Before commencement of the treatment bowels should be cleared by a
purgative. The observance of the following rules will be highly useful.
Live in seclusion. Speak slowly, moderately. Maintain celibacy. Remain in
well-ventilated rooms. Rise up from bed early morning. General rules of. Health
and hygiene should be adhered to.
Neem Kalpa can be successfully carried out within 31 days. Take one Masha of
combined Trivarga (leaves, flowers and bark of neem). Mix them all. Paste it
well with water. Make pills. The pills are to be taken with fresh water drawn
from well or river. Similarly in the evening prepare pills of weight one Masha
and take them with fresh water. Three hours later take pure cow's milk half a
seer. Take milk at least 3 times daily. In this Kaya Kalpa food of all descriptions
should be given up. Mix a small quantity of Trikatu powder (Soont, Kali Mirch,
Pippal) with milk before taking. This helps digestion and increases strength.
On the second day add 4 rattis of leaves, flowers and bark of neem. Thus the
quantity has to be increased 4 rattis daily. The following table will give you an
idea of the quantity of medicine to be taken.
1st day Morning and evening 1 Masha
2nd day Morning and evening 1 ½ Mashas
7th. day Morning and evening 4 Mashas
15th day Morning and evening 8 Mashas
20th day Morning and evening 10 ½ Mashas
31st day Morning and evening 16 Mashas
On the 32nd day the quantity of the pill should be reduced by one Masha and
thus every day one Masha is to be reduced. On the 45th day the size of the pill
comes to one Masha. Thus the course of treatment comes to an end and the
patient feels great strength, vigour and vitality.
The patient will do well to keep some green leaves of neem under the pillow.
This removes the heat in the system. This rejuvenates the entire nervous system.
Put 15 leaves of neem in one glass of water and keep it covered near your bed at
bed-time. On waking from bed at 5 a.m. filter it and drink the water. This is
known as Ushapana also. This cleanses the bowels and bladder. It removes the
defects of phlegm and bile. After Ushapana one should go for stroll in the early
morning. The lungs are cleared. The heat in the system is reduced. On return
from walk take rest for half an hour and practise mild Pranayama or deep
breathing exercises.
During the course of treatment on account of little heat in the system you may
feel weak, you may suffer from a little sleeplessness, a little whirling of the
head, etc. But these will not last long and they will pass away. Be not moved by
such experiences. You should maintain mental equilibrium and not al-low
yourself to be led away by emotions.
The effect of neem is cooling, and lightness of body. It is highly effective in
curing skin-diseases. It removes phlegm, wind and bile.
It is helpful in cough, all fevers, loss of appetite, thirst, diabetes, leprosy, etc.
The oil of neem is very useful in all skin dis-eases, worms in teeth, infectious
Even the Western scientists have accepted the fact that of all medicines which
help to cleanse the system neem finds the first place.
Soon after the treatment the patient should take care to see that he takes no such
thing which gives rise to the disease once again. This is very, very important.
Once the Kalpa is successfully undertaken the patient gets immunity from the
dis-ease for pretty long time.
(Takra Kalpa)
Takra Kalpa treatment is not merely a cure for diseases. It also bestows long life
on the individual. Butter-milk contains in itself all the strength-giving elements
which could otherwise be had only from a number of other edible articles of
daily life. It gives more strength and energy than ordinary articles of diet. It
contains very important vitamins useful for the building up of body cells.
In the chapter on dietetics in Ayurveda we find a full description of butter-milk
as an important part of our food.
The person who takes butter-milk never falls sick. It destroys all kinds of
diseases. It does not allow diseases to enter the system. Just as nectar is
prescribed for Gods in heaven even so here in this world butter-milk is
prescribed for men as a means for maintaining healthy life. He is ever happy.
In Kalpa Kosha we find a beautiful description of Takra Kalpa for a happy and
diseaseless life.
This Kalpa is useful in dreadful diseases contacted by heredity. In short it is
useful in all diseases. It should be administered with a thorough knowledge of
the Pathyas (do's) and Apathyas (don'ts).
We find Chandrasamputi, Amritakaran and many other varieties of Butter-milk
treatment. But the following method is very useful. It is easy to practise and is
highly fruitful.
This Kalpa is undertaken for 40 days. There are various methods of preparing
curd and butter-milk. The most easy and useful method is described here.
For the purpose of making curd, cow's milk is the best.
Cow's milk is itself a Rasayana (tonic). Prepare curd out of pure cow's milk.
Add one part of water in 3 parts of curd. Take butter from one half of curd. Add
the other half and make the butter-milk. Prepare curd in the early morning and
keep it for one full day. On the second day the curd is fit for use. Do not use old
curd. The curd that is kept unused for 48 hours be-comes unfit for use in Kalpa.
It is even harmful. Do not preserve curd or butter-milk in brass or copper
vessels. It is highly injurious to health.
Before commencing Takra Kalpa clear your bowels with Pancha Karma
(Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Niruham and Anuvasan). By this not only the
bowels but even the senses are purified.
Keep up the vow of Brahmacharya. Continue the Kalpa for 40 days. Take bath
in the early morning. At sunrise take 10 Chhataks (50 tolas) of butter-milk.
Take an equal quantity at sunset also. The next day increase it by 2 Chhataks i.e.
11 Chhataks at sunrise and 11 Chhataks at sunset. Thus increase 2 Chhataks
If you find it difficult to take simple butter-milk as it is, you can add a small
quantity of fried Jira, asafoetida mixed with a little Saindhva Namak, well
On 41st day onward reduce 4 Chhataks every day until you come again to 1 seer
and 4 Chhataks.
On the completion of Kalpa you should not commence your usual diet at once.
Do not take salt and chillies for some days. In the beginning take only fruit-
juice, Palak, Louki, Parval and green vegetables. Then take milk and then
gradually the usual diet. This Kalpa is not advisalbe in Varsha and Sarad Ritus
(Rain and winter).
If the butter-milk is light it is useful in stopping motions. If it is sour in taste, it
does not increase bile. It helps digestion. It improves digestion, strength, and
removes the evil effects of Vaata, Pitta, Kapha, etc.
In cold season it improves digestion and removes bad taste. It improves the
movement of Nadis and makes it normal.
Brahmi is one of the beautiful creeper herbs found in the Himalayan regions.
This is available in plenty in winter.
During Vasanta-Greeshma Ritus (February to April) it flowers. In rainy season
it is almost extinct. In the dictionary of herbs, Brahmi is known as Somavati or
Sarasvati. This is found in places which are moist, on the wet sandy mountain
This should be collected in Sisira Ritu and Vasanta Ritu (seasons) when it is full
with beneficial juice. The leaves should be collected from clean places in fresh
airy regions. Impure and unholy places should be avoided in collecting Brahmi
Wonderful are the characteristic qualities of Brahmi. It develops bodily as well
as mental faculties. It increases life and checks degeneration.
It develops intelligence and improves memory. It is effective in leprosy,
leucoderma. It is very cooling in effect. It is good in cleansing the bowels. Its
taste is bitter. It improves intellecual faculties. It increases life.
It makes the voice fine. It purifies urine. It is useful in blood impurities.
Apasmar (Mirigi), loss of memory, in wet dreams, menstrual disorders, nervous
debility, children's diseases, pneumonia, etc. In children's diseases— pneumonia
and cough—it should be pasted and applied to the neck.
Even the Westerners have done great researches over Brahmi. It is known there
as Gratiola Monniera Hydrocotyle Asiatica. They are of the opinion that this
should not be dried in the sun. If it is dried in the sun it loses some of its vital
In Brahmi Kalpa fresh Brahmi is to be used. Fresh Brahmi abounds in
wonderful life-giving strength and various beneficial qualities. It transforms a
man immediately. Brahmi Kalpa is undertaken for 31 days. The person
undergoing the Kalpa should first of all clear his bowels. The next day after
bath and other cleansings he should take 6 Mashas (y2 tole of Brahmi leaves,
roots, branches) and grind it very nicely. This is very effective. The paste should
be as fine as possible.
Take half at sunrise. The remaining half (3 Mashas) should be taken at sunset.
Three hours later you should take cow's milk half a seer or as much as you can
digest. You can in-crease the quantity according to your capacity. While heating
the milk put 6 Mashas of fresh Brahmi leaves and boil it well. Cool it and take
it. In case pure cow's milk is not available, goat's milk can be taken. After 3 or 4
days if there is difficulty in digesting the milk you can add a small quantity of
dried ginger and pippal (both powdered well).
During the Kalpa period take nothing prepared out of grains. Nothing other than
milk should be taken. Have the senses under perfect control. Devote more time
to prayer and meditation. If you want to take rest lie on your left side. The rule
Care should be taken to see that the milk is freshly drawn every morning. The
quantity of Brahmi should be increased in the following order, the entire course
of treatment is for 45 days.
1st day 3 Mashas both morning and evening.
2nd day M mashas both morning and evening.
3rd day 5 Mashas both morning and evening.
7th day 9 Mashas both morning and evening.
15th day 17 Mashas both morning and evening.
21st day 23 Mashas both morning and evening.
31st day 33 Mashas both morning and evening.
From the 32nd day onward reduce 2 Mashas each time and on the 45th day the
quantity of Brahmi leaves taken will be 3 Mashas morning and evening as on
the first day of the Kalpa.
On the completion of Kalpa, food should be gradually in-creased. First fruit-
juice should be taken. Then green gram and then old rice and easily digestible
article of diet should be taken before taking to the full normal diet. During the
period following the treatment you should avoid onion, oils, chillies, tamarind
(sour articles), etc.
In the Ayurvedic system Rasayana treatment is pre-scribed for keeping death at
a distance and attaining longevity. This system has become a neglected science
at the present moment. According to this treatment, old age is a disease. This
needs to be treated. Accidental deaths can be avoided.
Life can be continued indefinitely through Rasayana treat-ment. Rasayana is the
science of removing old age and dis-eases which do not yield to ordinary
treatment, prolonging life and rejuvenating it.
Whatever promotes longevity, retentive memory, health, vitality, is called
Rasayana. called Rasayana because it has a beneficial effect on the "Rasas"
and other elements of the body. It strengthens the metabolic system, improves
the blood and consequently the whole body.
Mandavya Muni who resided in Vindhya Mountains attained long life and
Siddhis by herbs. So did Chyavana Rishi through the reputed Chyavanaprash.
Those which help people to attain longevity are called Rasayanas.
Rasayana treatment is done through sulphur, mercury, Nux Vomica seeds,
Neem, Hareetaki and Amlaka.
The Rasayanas can immortalise the physical body. The Rasayanas keep the
physical body healthy and strong for a long time in order to achieve the goal or
Self-realisation in this very life. If the body is kept healthy and strong for a long
time, the Yogic students have much time to attain the goal. Much time will not
be lost in dying and being born again. This is the theory of Rasayanas.
Three distinct processes are described in Ayurveda to attain longevity and
rejuvenation. They are 'Rasaraj Rasayana' termed Mercury which has first and
foremost place among the ancient therapeutics. 'Rasayana' herbs and 'Achar
Ekosau rasarajah sariram-ajaram amaram kurute': The only thing that can make
the body ever young and immortal is the blessed Rasaraj.
Longevity is also attained through 'Rasayana' herbs such as Soma, Nila, Nari,
Padma, Hareetaki and Amla. Amla and Hareetaki tone the body, give immense
strength and virility and make it immune from many diseases. The patient is
kept indoor (Kuti-preveshika) or outdoor (Vata-atapita).
'Achar Rasayana' or rejuvenation and longevity through the practice of Yama,
Niyama or right conduct (Ahimsa, Satyam, Brahmacharya, etc.,) is another kind
of treatment by the Yogins and Sages.
According to Sushruta the Rasayana treatment should be performed on the
subject either in youth or in the middle age. It will not bestow the desired
results, if it is performed when old age or decrepitude has already set in.
This voice of the Veda echoes the man's aspiration of living a hundred years for
experiencing the fullest development of his senses and organs of action, and
leading an ideal life of radiant health, spiritual aspiration and exalted state of
conscious-ness. This Vedic Hymn is in the form of prayer giving expression to
the inmost desire of man.
Even in this Iron Age there are several great souls, who are in search of eternal
life in spirit, and who have attained hundred years as enjoined by the Vedas
through the observance of great vows such as Non-violence, Truth, and
Brahmacharya. They are also engaged in the service of humanity. There are
great souls perfected in the practice of Yama and Niyama, whose age is difficult
to ascertain.
In this present age those who are entangled in the worldly life, their average
maximum age is 65 years only. The reason is that India is a hot country and at
the same time it lacks in nutritional food. It is rarely that one can find a man of
hundred years of age in the householder's life. Even such a man is found to be
debilitated in body and mind. The main reason is this that they have not
observed the laws of Samyama and Niyama (abstinence and observance) as
enjoined in the scriptures.
Those wise souls who conduct themselves according to the laws of Ayurveda
Scripture of Lord Dhanvantari, who keep themselves healthy through the
practice of Yama and Niyama and who have concentrated their intellectual and
mental energy through sublime thinking, they, the ideal among men, enjoy a
healthy Vedic life of hundred years. The Ayurveda of Bhagavan Dhanvantari
inspires man to attain a glorious healthy life of hundred years:
"A wise man should always take care of his health for the sustenance of Dharma
(merit), Artha (wealth), Kama (enjoy-ment) and Moksha (liberation) because
the diseases rob what is best in life by destroying the body." (Charaka Sutra 16).
A Daily Routine for Long Life
For healthy body and long life every person should get up at four o'clock in the
morning and practise prayer and meditation . . . this develops mental and
spiritual purity and the senses too become free from diseases through Sattva.
One should get up at 4 a.m. daily in Brahmamuhurta, then practise meditation
for an hour, keeping the mind free from all worries, and then he should start
other obligatory actions for purifying his body.
Usha Pan (Drinking water in the morning)
After meditation drink pure water as described below. Keep half a seer of pure
water in a copper vessel or any polished vessel well covered, near your bed at
night. Drink that water early in the morning after your meditation. This removes
constipation and several other diseases; this also increases eye-sight and
Walking in Pure Air
After Usha Pan, go for a walk in the cool fragrant air of the morning for one or
two miles on a path that goes through green, luxuriant trees. Repairing to a good
spot you should sit in Padmasana (lotus pose) and practise Pranayama for 15
minutes. Breathing exercises in pure air fill the lungs with cool fresh air which
purifies blood and strengthens the heart. Coming back from walk answer the
call of nature and take rest for twenty minutes, during this time you can clean
your teeth by sticks of Neem or Babul tree, or use a good tooth-powder.
Asanas and Exercises
Among various Asanas Paschimottanasana, Halasana, Sirshasana,
Sarvangasana, Mayurasana, etc. are very effective for miraculous increase of
vitality and health.
Even most chronic diseases, declared hopeless by the doctors have been cured
successfully. There is no doubt that Asana and Pranayama are valuable
contributions to long life and health.
By the practice of exercise old age is warded off, there is increase in
intelligence, longevity, power and lustre. The dis-eases do not assail the
practitioner all on a sudden. One should practise physical exercises with a cool
and composed mind, and should stop his practice when the body starts
perspiring. After exercise give some rest to the body and then massage the body
with oil. It is healthy. This can be done in all seasons with great benefit, except
in summer. Then take bath with pure water, better in cool and fresh water of
running streams or rivers for such bath promotes health and destroys skin-dis-
eases. Baths in the holy rivers enjoined by the scriptures are conducive to
mental and spiritual strength also. In case when the body is ill, in a general
morbid condition of health, one can take bath with warm water. Never pour hot
water on your head. This weakens the nerves of the head, with the result one
suffers from impertinent cold and cough, and also the hair on the head turns
grey. While taking bath the body should be rubbed well. When the pores of the
body are thus cleansed of dirt, one enjoys radiant health.
After bath one should engage himself in prayers, chanting of the Stotras, study
of scriptures and other religious practices at least for twenty minutes daily. This
conduces to inner mental purity while bath gives physical purity. The practice
of purity within and without, is highly beneficial for health and ideal life. After
morning meditation one should take light diet e.g., milk, fruits, dry fruits,
butter-milk, etc. He can take tonics like Chyavanaprash, Amritprash,
Badampak, Muslipak, etc., pre-pared in accordance with Ayurvedic methods.
These should be taken with milk or honey. These Ayurvedic tonics can bestow a
hundred years of healthy life. Tradition goes that Maharshi Chyavana regained
his youth by the use of Chyavanaprash, his old age gave way to radiant youth.
The efficacy of this miraculous tonic was introduced to Chyavana Rishi by the
honoured physicians of gods, Ashwini Kumaras. Such tonics are highly
beneficial for attaining long life.
Daily Duty: According to the means of livelihood one should daily engage
himself in some work that is within his mental and physical capacity. It is by
exertion only that this body and all the senses connected with it are
strengthened, blood circulation is enhanced. One gets increased appetite and
power of assimilation. The body remains free from diseases. It is essential that
one should exert daily for maintaining health of the body and mind. Without
exertion the body soon decays through diseases.
Food: Every living being has to eat for maintaining life. Good food only
sustains life in this body. The consciousness in the individual owes its
manifestation to the power of the food only. Even through mind intellect and
reason it is the subtle force of food that functions. Men desirous of living
hundred years of life, must necessarily plan out his food. Maharshi Charaka
It is healthy to take only those articles of food that do not affect health, do not
produce diseases, and are ever helpful for radiant health.
The Gita also declares: The foods which increase life, purity, strength, health,
joy and cheerfulness (good appetite), which are savoury and oleaginous,
substantial and agreeable are dear to the Sattvic. (Gita XVII-8).
All have agreed to the importance of balanced diet for maintaining good health.
Overeating and impure food have been considered very injurious to health by
Maharshi Charaka. Many get various diseases due to their ignorance of laws
relating to food or violation of those laws. Health is intimately related to food.
Overeating or much eating does not add to one's strength rather reduces it.
Overeating weakens appetite and power of assimilation due to which man
suffers from chronic diseases. Overeating is known as unbalanced eating which
causes several diseases; stomach ache, constipation, loss of appetite, liver
troubles, appendicitis, urinary troubles, heart troubles, etc. Those objects that
increase much fat in the body should be used less. With the increase of fat one
suffers from obesity, while walking one has irregular breathing, he gets more
heart palpitation, and frequent urination. Therefore, one should be abstemious in
these: cashew-nuts, almonds, walnuts, curd, cheese, butter, potato, urad, rice,
oil, dalda, ghee and its preparations. It is seen among the youth of today that
inspite of their rich diet, their health goes on deteriorating. The main cause is
that they waste much of their seminal energy through lack of self-control,
uncontrolled senses, their licentious nature, their indulgence to vulgar cinemas
and theatres, addiction to tobacco, beedi, cigarette, tea, meat-eating, opium,
Ganja, Bhang and other intoxicants and also company of licentious ladies. It is
important that the senses must be well protected from all such evils and one
should be devoted to the vow of truth, non-violence and purity. It is by the
observance of these three great vows alone that man can attain a healthy long
life of hundred years.
Method of Eating: Take food always in seclusion, keeping silent throughout,
with a mind well composed. To start with remember God and offer 5 spoons of
food in fire; again if you have any guest offer him food nicely and then take
your own. The food should be kept in a pure vessel. Masticate properly
whatever you eat. First take sweet things, then saline or saltish . . . Water can be
taken in the middle or at the end of the food. Water should not be taken
frequently, this produces indigestion and wind. Warm water with food is
beneficial. This removes wind. After food clean your mouth and also wash your
teeth well. Do not allow any particle of food sticking in between the teeth. That
becomes the abode of bacteria and produces tooth-ache or other tooth-diseases.
After cleaning the mouth well you should take four pieces of ginger with salt,
this digests the food quickly. Chewing betel leaf, well prepared with lime, etc.,
is also very good. After food one should lie down in bed on one's left side or he
should walk a hundred steps; this strengthens gastric fire. Keep one day fast in
every fifteen days; you can fast on Ekadasi, Amavasya and Purnima. This is
beneficial from the religious point of view also. Those who have to do more of
mental work should take nutritious food such as wheat, milk, butter, honey,
almond, cashew-nuts, tomato-juice, apple, grape, pomegranate, orange, spinach,
gourd, bitter gourd (karela), parwal, etc. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be
used abundantly. Goat's milk is very conducive to health. For men of manual
labour wheat, gram, rice, arhar, mung, urad, ghee, curd, potato, cabbage,
ground-nut (mungfali), linseed oil (Til oil) etc. are good body-builders.
Vegetarians have more power and mental development than the non-
vegetarians. Non-vegetarians suffer from various diseases such as heart-trouble,
mental diseases, blood-pressure, heart-palpitation, asthma, etc. By vegetarian
diet one remains healthy always and cultivate Sattva or purity (some people are
of this opinion).
Food According to Season
Food for Summer Season: For physical health and mental strength, one should
take food earlier in the morning as well as in the evening. In this season one
does not feel much appetite. The body is restless due to heat. Therefore one
should take light, easily digestible food according to one's digestive strength.
Such food as rice, Mung, Masur, Arhar, butter-milk, milk, lassi, honey, lemon,
tomato, fruits, green vegetables, sugarcane-juice, cucumber (kakari),
mosambee, pomegranate, Santra or orange, mint, green Dhania, Karela, Parwal,
gourd or louki, are very beneficial.
In summer season, duration of day is longest; sleeping in the day is also
beneficial for health.
Avoid in the Summer Season: Too much salt, sour or hot food, stale food,
exercise, walking in the night, meat and liquor, and sex-indulgence.
Brahmi Rasayana is healthy tonic for the season. Take one tola of it twice
morning and evening followed by one pao of milk (1/4 seer). During the day
you can take Brahmi Sherbet. This keeps the body cool and removes thirst.
Food for the Rainy season: Due to cloudy weather, gastric fire in the body is
weak. Wind being strong in the body de-sire for food is less. Therefore, one
should take light, easily assimilable diet, such as wheat, Dalia, thin wheat-bread,
Mung kichari, ghee, honey, acidic food, ginger, onion, green chillies, asafoetida,
cloves, karela, parval, ladies' finger, lemon (kagji nimbu), mango, apple, grape,
Avoid in the Rainy Season: Curd, stale food or food kept overnight, food that
causes wind, river-water, walking in the sun or in the day, sex-indulgence,
keeping awake in the night—these are specially harmful.
Tonic for the Rainy Season: Angurasava should be taken two teaspoonfuls
after food. It removes many diseases and nourishes the body. Milk should be
taken morning and evening mixed with a teaspoonful of Trikata Churna. This
removes foul wind and increases gastric fire.
Food in Winter Season: The food should be specially nutritious and healthy
because gastric fire is very strong in this season. Foods such as rice, wheat,
Arhar, Urad, barley, papad, cabbage, Gourd (lauki), Karela, tomato, fruit-juice,
coconut, apple, pear, milk preparations etc., are specially healthy.
Rubbing the body with Til oil and taking bath with warm water is specially
beneficial in winter season.
Avoid in the Winter Season: Stale curd, brinjal, wind-producing vegetables—
these are harmful to health.
Tonic in Winter Season: Chyavanaprash combined with Ashta Varga should
be taken one tola each time morning and evening followed by one pao (y4 seer)
of milk continuously for forty days. This is conducive to mental strength and
Food for Night: Night-food should be light, easily assimilable more liquid in
nature. After food, drink a little milk. This di-gests the food quickly. Taking
milk after the night-meal removes constipation. One should take food two or
three hours before going to bed. Sleeping just after food mostly causes wet
dreams and also troubled sleep. One should a sleep after praying to the Lord or
remembering Him.
Kalpa for Longevity: The method of Kalpa is well-known from ancient times
for its efficacy in removing all diseases and bestowing long life and radiant
health. These are a few important Kalpas: Milk Kalpa, Takra Kalpa (butter-
milk), Neem Kalpa, Honey Kalpa, Mango Kalpa, Triphala Kalpa, etc. These can
be practised for long life. In Summer Season one can take to Takra Kalpa or
Neem Kalpa, in Rainy Season Triphala Kalpa or Mango Kalpa, in Winter
Season Milk Kalpa or Honey Kalpa. This planning is highly beneficial for
health. Some of the Kalpas have already been described previously. (For further
details see my book "Practice of Ayurveda".)
Those desirous of a life of hundred years must practise the above-mentioned
Kalpa Sadhana. For the effective practice of Kalpa Sadhana one should select a
beautiful spot in healthy climatic condition. Those who have practised Kalpa
with maximum observance of Yama and Niyama have regained not only radiant
health but strength, virility and fresh youth also.
The Permanent Effect of Kalpa Siddhi: Kalpa Sadhana produces everlasting
effect on the body. The subtle energy of the materials used in this Sadhana such
as pure Cow's Milk, honey, butter-milk, etc., enters into the seven Dhatus such
as blood, flesh, etc., of the practitioner and produces miraculous effect which
lasts for several years. It is due to this energy that even terrible diseases like
phthisis or T.B., Leprosy, Asthma, Cancer, Paralysis, etc., are destroyed from
the very root. In ancient times Rishis and celestial beings prolonged their lives
up to thousands of years through these Kalpas, and engaged themselves in
Tapascharya and spiritual Sadhanas. They even attained immortality. Even
today the glory of Kalpas is not hid-den from view. What is needed is our
resolute practice of Kalpa attended with Yama and Niyama.
Introduction: From time immemorial the men with the philosophical bent of
mind were after finding an answer to two fundamental questions of life and
existence, namely—what is the ultimate truth of this magnificent yet baffling
creation and how to keep oneself fit bodily and mentally so as to carry out this
arduous quest after the ultimate truth.
The latter quest gave birth to many sciences, one of such outcomes being the
Science of 'Breath'. The life processes in the body are kept up through subtle
Pranas or vital forces. Different vital forces have different functions to do in the
body. For maintaining good body and mind these various forces must be kept
working harmoniously in co-operation with each other. That means, if an
individual intends living a good and long life, he should learn to control these
Pranas and keep them working harmoniously with each other.
Of all the various Pranas that are functioning in the body, only two Pranas are
capable of being controlled very easily. These are Prana, the vital force that
maintains inhalation and Apana, the one that keeps up exhalation. Controlling
and harmonising these two Pranas automatically bestow on the individual the
ability to control and harmonise other Pranas also.
In the following Mantras the need for practising the Asuneethi or the Science of
Breath is explained.
This Mantra is a prayer to Asuneeti, the Law of life-sustenance, for the up-keep
of vision, life and bodily enjoyments. From this prayer it is obvious that the
following things are possible:
1. Vision can be regained when it has become weak or spoiled.
2. Life which is weakening or dwindling, can be improved and prolonged.
3. The waning energy of the body can again be rejuvenated.
Now Asuneeti means life-sustaining principles which are to be practised if one
wants to rejuvenate himself and prolong his life. This science clearly explains
the methodical control of inhalation and exhalation which are the vital Asu or
Pranas in the bodies of all beings.
This Mantra hints also at the need to adjust our mode of living with the Sun for
the sake of seeing many more sunrises as he is the governor and conductor of
the Asu or Prana of all beings.
Life-sustenance in all beings is through two processes. One is inhaling, the other
is exhaling; of these two Vayus the Prana Vayu provides strength and energy
and the Apana Vayu throws out the impurities from the bodies of all beings.
Because these two processes remove Doshas or impurities and give the
individual strength and energy, the individual lives.
Actually pure air or Vayu is the panacea for all beings of the universe. It gives
peace, enlightens the heart giving Bliss and making one diseaseless.
As pure Vayu rejuvenates and helps healing of the ailments of our body, it is the
essence of all medicaments. Inhaling this pure Vayu will make the impurities of
our body get out in the form of contaminated air. So pure Vayu verily is the
representative of the gods. Therefore, one should always inhale this pure Vayu
which is the Life juice of every individual and maintain fine health keeping out
all diseases.
The individual mind is to be again and again impressed with the great need of
maintaining one's body properly so as to perform the duties of and enjoy life
In this Mantra the individual fervently prays for the proper functioning of the
various parts of the body.
He should have a powerful speech in order to express himself correctly to others
and to command others when there is a need for the same.
Good vision is essential in order to understand and enjoy the world in which he
is living.
Without proper flow of the Pranas through the nose the body can never be
maintained healthy.
Without good undecaying set of teeth neither the food can be enjoyed properly
nor proper health is maintained.
Black hair is the sign of vitality. Grey hair reduces the grace of the body.
Without grace in the body, without vitality in it what duty can be performed,
what life can be enjoyed?
Similarly only when there is plenty of strength and energy in one's hands, legs
and thighs, and when one's feet are firm and steady, then only one can enjoy as
well as perform the required duties of life.
Therefore, the individual prays through these Mantras for a firm steady heart,
good sight, hearing capacity, teeth, etc. and for strength and energy in his limbs.
He prays for full vitality in his body.
Thereby he wants to enjoy life to its full in an abode of great bliss tolerating
even the deadliest of his enemies.
Even after praying and getting a good graceful and healthy body which is full of
vitality the individual finds this alone is not sufficient to enjoy life to the fullest.
He finds some-thing, some link missing between himself and the enjoyments of
And that he finds out to be the mutual amicability between himself and the
surroundings. That is the amicability between the world within and the world
without himself.
Therefore, he again prays for this unique unifying factor to prevail amongst all
and in himself so that there is harmony. There is amicableness between himself
and the creatures around him.
But even now the individual finds that the enjoyments of life are far away from
him. This time the missing link in the gar-land of happiness is in the
performances of duty not only by himself but by one and all around him.
So, he stands up to perform the duties that are expected of himself and through
suitable good acts that are beneficial to all, stirs up all learned men to perform
duties required of them.
Thereby longevity of life, fame, and joy of all mankind, and its leaders is
increased. Peace and joyous living among men and creatures are established.
Now the individual is satisfied. This joy knows no bounds. Now he enjoys life
with perfect bliss.
This day we have conquered; today we are very rich in all kinds of material
possessions; today let us be free from all our sins, which mar our eternal
This Mantra expresses the fruits of one's struggles and quests after the truth of
his own existence and that of the creation. The individual starts searching for
the fundamental principles that are governing his evolution understands them
and asserts that for real success in life one should maintain one's various
faculties pure, powerful, penetrating and guide them with positive aspirations of
Then he harnesses these ideas with great faith and diligence. The fruit of all
these struggles is perfect mastery over the mind and the various senses of
actions, perception and knowledge, a perfect mastery over the elements of
nature too.
Now he is beyond all fetters of mundane life and existence. His joy knows no
bounds. There is no measure for his richness. Beyond all sins he is. Thus he
achieves the pinnacle of one's own glory.
In this ecstatic state the individual expresses his feelings through above Mantra.
When questioned regarding the successes by some sincere devotees he explains
about his findings and the method of practice he followed to the end which
enabled him to realise the truth and fruits came to him one by one of their own
accord and brought him to the present position.
All his bodily ailments release his body from their vile clutches and made free
of all sorts of suffering and allowed his mind to gain the mostly needed tranquil.
He expresses with pleasure and thanks his mind which helped him in every
respect and state and made him under-stand the secrets of the path which should
be followed slowly and sincerely and they know the fruits thereof:
Life processes of all Beings are being carried out by two forces. One builds the
organism and maintains it. The other dis-integrates and dissolves the organism.
Thus life is maintained through these two forces or Pranas. The first one is
termed Prana. The latter is called Apana.
As long as Prana predominates life exists. When Apana takes hold of the body,
it disintegrates and ceases.
But for the maintenance of the body both must exist in harmony with each other
doing their respective functions.
Hence through this Mantra, the individual prays to both these vital forces in the
body Prana and Apana to live and work in harmony in his body thus enabling
him to carry on the different functions or activities of life most beneficially. He
further explains:
The individual perceives and performs all actions through the five senses, that
is, (a) seeing, (b) hearing, (c) speaking, (d) smelling and (e) feeling and the sixth
that is the mind.
The individual self-expresses itself directly through these six senses. The seat of
the combination of these six senses is the heart.
Unless these senses are perfected, purified and sharpened through proper
knowledge and refined feelings these may lead the individual astray and his
activities in unwanted consequences. He says, we should try to maintain all our
senses and the mind pure, powerful and guide them by proper knowledge and
refined feelings, so that there is peace and individual as well as collective
progress, among all. He explains about the mind:
In this Mantra the power of purified mind is explained. The individual does all
his actions through mind only and expresses himself directly through the mind.
This mind, when guided by proper intellect becomes very powerful and capable.
Unless the mind is clear and untainted with base thoughts it will lead the
individual astray ending in unwanted consequences.
It is through mind alone all achievements both of this world and the world
hereafter are achieved. Mind alone is the cause for bringing people together or
rupturing the friendship in them.
Hence we should try to maintain in us, a pure, powerful mind guided by proper
intellect, so that there is peace and individual as well as collective progress
among men.
Further he tells them to note:
In this Mantra the power of purified speech is explained. The speech is a direct
expression of the Self. This speech, when guided by proper knowledge becomes
very powerful and penetrating.
Unless the expression is clear and unmingled with malice it will lead to
altercations ending with unwanted consequences.
It is through speech alone friendship and enmity are brought forth between
Hence we should try to maintain in us a powerful, sweet kind clear speech.
Now he explains the other important things which should be used and followed
very carefully and sincerely.
In this Mantra the individual extolls the greatness and utility of the Intellect.
Though the mind is doing all actions through the respective senses of action,
perception and knowledge, it cannot function properly without the guidance of
Intellect or Buddhi.
The intellect is the rudder which steers the ship of mind to its proper
destination. It is through this, the mind grows pure and rich in knowledge.
The eminent sages knowing well the value of this Intellect pray and serve i.e.,
devote themselves to acquire Intellect.
Even those men who have taken the vow of strict celibacy drink as it were
To such an Intellect which is even the cause of protection for the Devas, and
which is fit to be prayed, worshipped and acquired by all, I pray to live in and
guide my mind at all times.
Thank You