XS Power Batteries S Series Instructions
XS Power Batteries S Series Instructions
XS Power Batteries S Series Instructions
Securely fasten the battery to the vehicle. XS Power 12-volt AGM Performance batteries
are designed to bolt into most automotive, truck and marine applications.
If you are running a dual battery set-up, make sure that the batteries are hooked up in
parallel(positive to positive and negative to negative). Parallel doubles the amperage and
reserve capacities whereas series(positive to negative) would double the voltage output.
When voltage is lower than 12.6V or storage time is longer than 6 months, the battery must
be recharged as described in the Care of XS Power 12-V AGM Battery on the instruction
sheet. (see figure 1.0 reverse)
When voltage is higher than 12.6V, the battery may be installed on the vehicle without any
refresh charge.
Technical Assistance
Our Customer Service Department is eager to help you with any questions or issues you
may have and are available from 8:30AM to 5:30PM, Monday thru Friday at 865-688-5953.
In addition, technical support is available via FAX at 865-281-9844 or by email at tech@x-
Be sure to check out our website for additional technical and product information.
*Some AGM chargers may climb to a maximum voltage of 15.5VDC for a short period of time(usually less than
S375 12.24 5.55 7.87 3.03 5.28 800A 300 17min 6
5min.) but will resume charging at or near 14.4VDC±.3VDC for the duration of the charge cycle. If you are
S545 11.24 5.10 6.97 3.39 5.12 800A 276 22min 6 unsure of your chargers capabilities, contact the manufacturer of the charger
S680 13.69 6.21 7.13 2.99 6.58 1000A 370 28min 6
Exceeding 14.4VDC±.3VDC will cause the battery to “gas” and once the oxygen is released from the
S925 22.26 10.10 6.54 6.89 4.92 2000A 640 48min 8 battery there is no way to restore it. The results will be reduced capacity and battery life and those results
are permanent. This type of damage will cause the battery to show a proper open circuit voltage yet will not
S975 28.50 12.95 7.84 5.29 6.68 2100A 604 50min 11
accept a charge and will become excessively hot during charging. Damage of this nature will void the
S1200 35.30 16.00 7.79 6.54 6.68 2600A 740 80min 13 warranty. Therefore ensure that your battery charger will not exceed 14.4VDC±.3VDC at any time during
S3400 49.97 22.67 10.24 6.89 7.01 3300A 1150 160min 15 the charging cycle. For ease of use, we recommend recharging the battery with an XS Power IntelliCHARG-
ER p/n 1005, as it is a totally automatic 3 stage microprocessor controlled battery charger with float
A3400 49.97 22.67 10.24 6.89 7.01 3300A 1150 160min 15 charging capability. This battery charger prevents overcharging, maintains proper performance and can be
V3400 49.97 22.67 10.24 6.89 7.01 3300A 1150 160min 15 left on the battery indefinitely during non-use periods.
*Excluding Terminals
It is very important to NEVER USE a charger designed for flooded 12V batteries, not even once with a XS
TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Power 12V AGM battery. Furthermore, we recommend that the battery be disconnected from the rest of
Proper Charging is crucial to the life the vehicle’s electrical system during charging.
Nominal Operating Temp. 770F (250C)
of your XS Power battery. It is very
Charge Temp. Range 320F - 1040F (00C - 400C) important that the temperature of the “Off Season” Maintenance
0 0 0 0
battery remains cool with respect to All lead-acid batteries, both flooded and AGM designs are subject to self-discharging and this
Discharge Temp. Range -5 F - 122 F (-15 C - 50 C) the charge voltage. The chart below self-discharge rate is very much affected by ambient temperature in which the batteries are stored. Higher
will help ensure proper charge voltage ambient temperatures will discharge the battery faster. Cool storage for batteries is the best. When voltage
with different ranges of temperature. is lower than 12.6V or storing time is longer than 6 months, the battery must be recharged as described in
CHARGE VOLTAGE REFERENCE CHART the Performance Curve diagram to the left.
320F (0 C) 500F (10 C) 680F (20 C) 770F (25 C) 860F (30 C) 1040F (40 C)
0 0 0 0 0
Performance Curve
Charge Voltage 15.30 15.00 14.80 14.70 14.50 14.30 Voltage
Bulk Charge Stage Absorbtion Charge Stage Float Charge Stage
Float Voltage 14.10 14.20 13.75 13.65 13.50 13.35 (Equation)
(Figure 1.0)
Volts Per Cell