20 Start-Ups in India: Challenges and Government Support

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4030, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24
Volume 2; Issue 4; July 2017; Page No. 20-23

Start-ups in India: Challenges and government support

Barkha Jamwal, 2 Umesh
Assistant Professor College of Vocational Studies University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Administrative Officer United India Insurance Company Ltd., Delhi, India

In our growing economy, the seeds of tomorrow’s trees are being sown by young hands of the country. The generation is more
attracted towards creation of jobs than in getting a job. Today many of the young hearts have a dream of starting their own
business; in short they want to hire and not to be hired. Indian Economy is one of the most preferred destinations for foreign
investors and has always been considered as the pool of opportunities. Government is also in many ways helping the newly born
enterprises in surviving and to convert them into profitable ones. It has been witnessed that most of the start-ups fail in acquiring
a status of well-established business due to lack of funding, competition from experienced players which makes the environment
unsuitable for the growth of such ventures. This paper talks about the challenges and opportunities of starting a startup in India
and what the government is doing in this regard. Various government initiatives like Make in India scheme, Startup India, standup
India, MUDRA scheme, changes in Budget 2017 that raises the exemption period of income tax from 3 out of 5 years to 3 out of
7 years etc. are the proof that government is serious about the growth of this sector and is doing all it can to make it a success.

Keywords: MUDRA, Make in India, Startup India Stand up India, Income Tax, Start up

Introduction Startup can be categorized into two main ways on the basis of
From the days of stones to the world of highly advanced origin of Idea: One is Invention based and other is Innovation
touch screens, the new ideas always attracted the minds. based.
From the discovery of Wheel to the Invention of LED, the Invention is when you come up with the very original idea of
upgradation is the need of the hour of this business era. If you which no one has thought. For example, Washing Machines,
do not follow the dynamics of environment, you will be soon Televisions etc. are the inventions. But Innovation is just an
on your knees. The new and young minds are coming up with upgraded version of already existing idea or technology. Like
the innovative ideas in the business, which are known as Led tubes and bulb, LCD Screen Televisions are Innovation.
startup if converted into a feasible business project.
Challenges Faced By Startups
What Is A Startup? In the very competitive environment, The Indian startups
The American Heritage Dictionary suggests it is “a business faces many difficulties in the form of their competition with
or undertaking that has recently begun its operation. But does large corporations, imitation and copying of their original
it mean that 3 years old company is classified as Startup or 5 ideas, registration delays and the of course the financing the
years old? Or what if I say, even a 10 years old company is a business idea.
startup yet. In actual, the age of a company does not define its
startup-hood. So in simple words a firm which becomes Culture: It is indeed clear that the number of startup failing
profitable and the founders of the company have grown is much more than the number of startup succeeding in their
enough in the market that they are in a position to acquire the plans. Among a lots of new tries one ball hits the wicket, the
market of others; it is likely to be moving away from the age same way among the numberless endeavors very few comes
of its startup-hood. (forbes.com) up with a growing market capitalization. An infant
entrepreneur should always be prepared for the failures and
Startup in Legal Terms hardships in the dynamic business environment. But our
Although in many countries, startups are not defined, but as culture doesn’t teach us how to face a failure and rise again.
the Government of India initiated StartUp India StandUp Many of the startups fail because of hesitation in a second
India Scheme, thus it provided a clear definition of startup in try.
the proposed notification.“A startup is an incorporated legal
Entity of not more than 7 years, which uniquely uses Mentoring: Lack of proper mentorship and guidance is
technology to deliver products, services or solution across another reason of failure of startups. Most often people have
India, and in any Financial Year it has, an annual profit of a brilliant idea but fail to convert it into a successful business.
less than Rs. 5 crore with Annual Revenues of less than Rs. However the government of India has initiated the concept of
100 crore having Less than 100 employees on its roll and a incubators under Startup India Scheme, which is helpful to
Market Capitalization of less than 100 Cr.” (livelaw.in, 2016) many infant babies of industry.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

Hiring: It is very obvious that it is very tough job for a Marketing Research: The startups generally start with a
startup to attract talented and skilled labour. Most of the small amount of capital and most of them are not aware of
times they end up outsourcing the job to the contractors the Marketing Research Methodologies. They are not in a
which costs them s lot more. Also, the startups cannot match position to conduct market research/survey fully on their own
the salary offered by the large well established organizations as they lack funds to conduct research or to outsource it to
and hence it’s a tough task to attract well qualified and skilled outsiders.
persons in start-ups
Competition with the highly sophisticated technology
The Govt. Policies and regulating laws: The lengthy based corporate giants: The Company which starts with a
registration process, changing govt. policies demotivate the new concept with a small scale of capital but with a profitable
young entrepreneurs. The ideas are not able to take the shape idea, have to face the large corporates that imitate their way
of business because of bureaucracy and lengthy registration of doing business and come up with the better version of the
process that is required to be followed to start a business. same products with the help of their technological
Also India ranks 130 out of 190 as per World Bank report of advancement.
ease of doing business in India in 2017, which shows that it
takes a lot of time and effort to start a business in India. Lack of proper Managerial Guidance: Because of the lack
Moreover they have to comply with many laws: such as of funds the promoters of the startup organizations cannot
Environment Protection Laws, Finance Laws, Employment hire the professionals for the management of the business.
and Labour Laws, Intellectual Property laws, Privacy laws, And this becomes one of the core reasons why startup ends
Online Business Laws, Sebi laws if the company wants to get up closing their operations in this competitive business
listed, Information Technology laws, Contract laws. etc. environment. (economictimes.indiatimes.com, 2014) [1]
20 Big Startup Failures in India During 2016
Raising Finance: This is one of the most common problems Out of the lakhs of startup ideas that comes up for the
that every small business entrepreneur faces. Raising registration, very few find a space in the market. More than
adequate amount of finance for a startup is the biggest 1000 startups failed during the year 2016 alone. Few of them
challenge. In India, we lack angel investors, and the ones who namely are:
are available, are generally conservative. A loan from the
bank is the solution that is left, but this involves lots of
documentary work.

Table 1
S.N. Name of the Startup Business Segment Reasons for failure
Cash burn, Low Cash Inflow, also failed to understand the customer
1 PepperTap, Gurgaon Grocery Delivery Startup
GrocShop, IIT Bombay
2 Grocery Delivery Startup Competitive Environment
The business model didn’t work out because of free education material
3 Edtech Education
available on internet
Failed to form a successful business model where people prefer discount
4 Zoomo, Bangalore Used Car Sales
over quality.
5 iProf, Delhi Education Competitiveness
Doormint, Mumbai Cost of processing the clothes, delivery and pick up were more than the
6 Laundry
Price Model.
7 Tiny Owl, Mumbai Food Delivery High cost of logistics and oversaturated market
8 ZuperMeal Food Industry Competitiveness even after good amount of seed funding.
9 Fashionara, Banglore Online Shopping Portal Unable to raise funds and make customers.
10 Ask Me Bazar. com Consumer Internet Search Cash Crunch
11 Lady Blush, Gurgaon E- Commerce Clothing Portal Fierce Competition and lack of consumer loyalty
Fashion Portal, Apparel
12 Klozee, Bengaluru Slow demand
13 Auto N Cab Transportation Mobile App High Competition due to large rivals.
14 Frankly Me Information Technology App Fierce Competition due to heavily funded rivals.
15 Zeppery, Delhi Food Delivery Too Early to enter into the Indian Market.
16 Tiffin Meal Delivery Poor Business Model
17 Local Baniya Grocery Delivery Paucity of funds.
18 Parcelled.in Online Courier Booking Poor Profit Margin and Cash Burn.
The Business Model couldn’t work out to keep balance between the
19 TruckMandi Truck Booking
interest of fleet owners and shippers.
E – Commerce for Jewellery
20 Jewelskart Fund Raising and less cash inflows.
and Watches
(mydigitalstartup.net) (techinasia.com)

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

The above table reflects only one sample of whole 2. Establishment of Incubators: Under the Atal Innovation
population. Most of the startups in above table are the ones Mission there are several incubation centers will be
who were big enough to operate and even then they had to be established. The concept of incubator is very helpful for
wound up. We can imagine with this table that the difficulties the infant startups. The incubators will be the large
and challenges faced by small and medium level startups, are corporates who will be providing assistance and help to
many fold as compare to the above 20 companies. From the the startups in their early age of growth.
above table it can be said that the most common reason why 3. Establishment of Research Parks, with the objective to
startups fail are: motivate the innovation through incubation and joint
1. Cash Burn and going out of cash in near future. Research and Development efforts of various industry
2. Lack of proper Cash Flow Management. giants.
3. Poor or inadequate Market Analysis. 4. Establishment of NIDHI (National Initiative for
4. Unable to raise the Enough Funds. Development and Harnessing Innovations) which will
5. Fierce Competition Level. provide funding support to the startups from the idea to
6. Poor Pricing Model. the market. There will be an ignition grant cum award
To overcome the above said challenges and reasons of provided at the time of starting the startup of Rs. 10
failure, the Government of India is working on many such Lakhs.
campaigns and schemes that are focused on hustle free and 5. Faster Exit from the startup: It is well said that entering
easy operation of startups in the competitive environment. into a new business is easy but at the same time winding
the same up is difficult. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy
Government Initiatives to Enhance the Current Scenario Board of India has been constituted which provides a fast
The Government has set up various targets under many track process for an easy exit. Startups, other than the
schemes such as Startup India Standup India, Mudra Yojna- partnership firms now will be able to wind up their
to finance the small entrepreneurs, Free from Tax burdens. business operations within 90 days. (startupindia.gov.in)
The Following are the steps taken by the Govt. to provide an 6. The Benefits under the Union budget 2017: The Hon’ble
easy procedure for the newly born ventures. Finance Minister declared many updates in the Union
1. The Startup India Standup India Scheme: The Hon’ble budget 2017 which raised the hopes for the young
Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi, launched startups few of them are:
the startup India campaign on 16th January 2016, with the a. The exemption period for income tax on profit earned by
objective to build strong eco-system nurturing a startup have been increased form 3 out of 5 years to 3
innovations and inventions in the form of startups in the out of 7 years.
country. Until now 1333 start application have been b. The Finance Minister Arun Jaitely announced to carry
recognized by DIPP as per the “Startup India Status forward Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) to 15 years
Report”. The scheme provides many benefits to the from the present period of 5 years.
startup organization in the country. c. The Govt. have allowed the carry forward of the losses
a. The tax benefit: Every startup is eligible for the incurred by the startup businesses.
exemption from the tax burden for the period of 3 year (economictimes.indiatimes.com, 2017) [3]
from the block of 5 years as per the scheme. This block 7. The time taking incorporation process which was 15-30
has been increased by the GOI to 7 years in the Union days earlier for any business has been drastically reduced
Budget 2017-18. To avail this benefit the startup must to 1 Day by using an application in the Mobile phones.
get a Certificate of Eligibility from the DIPP. 8. The Skilling India Mission under Kaushal Vikas Yojana
b. The Tax benefit on Capital Gain: The Section 54EE of set the target to skill 1 Crore youth by the next three
Finance Act have been introduced according to which years. The Finance Minister declared that it will provide
organisations are provided with a tax exemption on the entrepreneurship education and training in 2200
Capital Gain arising out of the Transfer or sale of long Colleges, 300 Schools and 50 vocational institutes
term asset upto Rs. 50 lakhs. The Section 54 GB of through online courses.
income tax have been amended to provide a tax 9. Ucchatar Aavishkar Yojna (UAY): UAY was initiated
exemption on Capital Gain Arising out of the sale of with the objective to promote industry and to appreciate
residential house or plot of land if the amount of net the research projects by the students. For the time period
consideration is invested in equity shares of the of 2016-18, Rs. 475 Cr have been earmarked under UAY
concerned startup. and 92 research proposal by IITs have been approved.
c. Removal of Angel Tax: The tax on investments above Status report.
Fair Market Value is exempted to promote the seed 10. Million Minds Augmented National Aspiration and
funding for the startups. Knowledge (MANAK) Scheme: Under this scheme 10
d. A Fund of Fund by the government is established by the lakh ideas are to be targeted from 5 lakhs schools across
govt to support innovative startups. The quantum of the the country in a financial year.
fund is Rs. 10000 Cr. And 65 startups have already been 11. Benefits under Mudra Scheme: The scheme to some
funded under the scheme. extent solved the problem of financing a startup/small
e. The scheme also initiated an online learning and scale business. The scheme provides loans to the startup
development program to educate the startups and business as per their requirement of business ranging
potential entrepreneurs. from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1,000,000 at the reasonable rate
of interest. However, no fixed rate of interest is declared

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

under the scheme but it is ensured that it will be a 3. economictimes.indiatimes.com. (2017, February).
concessional rate. The loan taken should be repaid in a Retrieved from
period of 5 to 7 years. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-
Table 2 msmes/articleshow/56912552.cms
4. doingbusiness.org. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Max. Loan
S.N. Stage Description. http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/in
It is provided at the initial stage of dia
Upto Rs. 5. forbes.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from
1. Shishu the business set up to start their
50,000. https://www.forbes.com/sites/natalierobehmed/2013/12/1
This is for those entrepreneurs who 6/what-is-a-startup/
have either started their business 6. mydigitalstartup.net. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Upto Rs. and now need more funds to grow http://www.mydigitalstartup.net/indian-startups-that-
2. Kishor
5, 00,000. further or to those who need higher failed-in-2016/
amount of funds to start their 7. pmjandhanyojana.co.in. (n.d.). Retrieved from
This is the highest amount that can
Upto Rs. yojana-bank/
3. Tarun one avail with the fulfillment of
10, 00,000. 8. startupindia.gov.in. (n.d.). Retrieved from
conditions under the policy.
(pmjandhanyojana.co.in) http://startupindia.gov.in/index.php
9. techinasia.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Conclusion https://www.techinasia.com/insights-from-25-failed-
Gone are the days when getting a job used to satisfy the startups-in-india-2016
youth, because now the young generation is more interested
in creation of jobs. This statement itself explains how
important it is to have a healthy business operating
environment in an economy. More number of businesses will
create more numbers of jobs in the economy. And in India
where unemployment is one of the core economic problems,
it is also advisable to the government to take care of these
small babies/infants of the industry so that they can create
wealth in the near future for the economy.
From the above analysis, it is clear that the present
Government is serious for the growth of startups, small and
medium enterprises as it can be seen from various national
and state level initiatives and steps taken by the center and
state, which focus directly on the growth of these new
entities. The Government is taking care of every stage
involved for a startup business, from the setting up of the
operations to the winding up of the whole business. From
financing through MUDRA scheme to the seed funding and
incubators it is because of the government efforts such as
startup India stand up India, Make in India, MANAK
initiative, schemes to promote MSMEs and many more that
India now ranks 130 in the index of Ease of Doing Business
published by the World Bank, which promotes the foreign
investors to invest in Indian startups in the form of Seed
Funding, Venture Capital and other ways. The startup
industry of our country is growing at a slow pace but it is
continuously growing, which will be a backbone of our future
economy in both commerce and e-commerce, technical and
non-technical industries.

1. economictimes.indiatimes.com. (2014, November 25).
Retrieved from
2. livelaw.in. (2016, January 23). Retrieved from


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