Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
A 5-Day In-house Training Course for
12 - 16 January 2019
Alexandria, Egypt
Presented by: Mr. Sasa Kocic
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Simultaneous Operations
12 - 16 January 2020
Alexandria, Egypt
Table of Contents
Organisational Impact
The organizations are almost daily involved in SIMOPS operations and cannot rely on luck
alone to prevent incidents from happening, individual and separate risk assessments are
not sufficient in the environment where multiple operations are conducted simultaneously.
This course is designed to help organizations adequately train their people to identify the
risk in the simultaneous operations and prepare adequate risk mitigation or risk removal
measures for the complex operations in plant industries.
Personal Impact
The participants will acquire the knowledge needed to conduct risk assessments, prepare
SIMOPS plans and develop SIMOPS matrix.
Daily Agenda
Day One SIMOPS Introduction
• SIMOPS process
• Area classification in refineries
• Oil refinery risks and hazards
• Safety by design
• SIMOPS in refinery operations: Fires and Explosion Protection
• Workshop: Case Studies & Worked Examples
• PTW system
• SIMOPS assessment review
• SIMOPS interface document
• SIMOPS flowchart
• SIMOPS Toolbox Talk
• Workshop: Case Studies & Worked Examples
• Risk Management
• Management of change
• Integrated SIMOPS tool
• Ensuring contractor alignment with safety culture
• Human factor and ergonomics, behavioral based safety
• Workshop: Case Studies & Worked Examples
Instructor Profile
Teaching students in the oil and gas field on the importance of data analysis,
using statistics in oil and gas industry, reservoir modelling, as well as economics
and human behavior.
Also building different models for data analysis in Excel, R, Visual Basic, Python,
SQL, etc.
Prepared models for bond valuation, price forecasting, risk management and
valuation for different companies and institutions using Excel and R.
SIMOPS process
Obviously, on any site there will be many different tasks to be done, often at the same time.
The distinction here relates to major work events, such as having two different well heads
in close proximity. They could be at any stage of production, one might be abandoned, and
one might be being freshly spudded.
To a lesser degree, some might refer to any important events on the same rig as SIMOPS,
even if there is only one well bore. A rig crew needs to focus on each job at hand, be that
deploying the drill string, casing or cement. Any other major task in the background that
might counteract, distract, or impact in any way could be described as a SIMOP situation.
An expert in this area will see the bigger picture, with data points from both operations. From
a higher view point, risk and performance can be properly assessed and contingencies can
be prepared.
A SIMOP describes two or more well bore operations that are close enough to interfere with
each other, and transfer risk or performance implications.
This is a HSE and well integrity concept that’s mostly used in the well completions stage of
the drilling process. Both well bores might be drilled concurrently, but it’s more likely that
one has been in production for a period of time.
• A well is being hydraulically fractured, and the reservoir is shared with other nearby
leases that are being conventionally drilled. (Or vice versa).
• On an offshore rig, a drilling, slickline and coiled tubing unit might be working at the
same time.
• On a multi platform land rig, separate wells will affect the reservoir pressure, and
hydrocarbon flow.
• A crane lift positioned close to another work area.
The considerations for a SIMOPS expert to factor in are numerous, and there will be those
that might not immediately come to mind. For a safe and efficient well operation, there are
many things to consider, when there are simultaneous operations, this number multiplies.
Someone planning or overseeing a SIMOP will consider the more obvious things such as:
Also, there will be extra considerations, that are different to those of individual operations:
It’s important that a SIMOP is identified as early as possible in the planning stage, and then
bought into the well plan. The priority is to avoid accidents, and down time. In some
situations, a potential clash or safety concern might be so serious as to render one or more
operation non-viable. That’s something that you’d want to discover at the very earliest
The SIMOP should be planned as if it were a separate drilling operation. A workshop must
be organized where all of the important data can be examined. The workshop will include
managers, geologists, engineers, safety specialists, construction teams, fluid specialists,
and anyone else who would be involved in a DWOP or similar process. Representatives
from all companies and organizations with vested interests need to be present so that
everyone ends up on the same page.
During the workshop, brainstorming with a list of previous findings and incidents can help
identify potential issues. preemptive risk assessments, and the collective knowledge and
experience of everyone in the room can ensure that every potential hazard is covered. This
process focuses on hazard identification (HAZID) as its main priority. (Another common term
in this area is HIRA which means hazard identification and risk assessment).
The result of the workshop will be a planning blueprint with a full risk assessment and action
points. After the initial plan, ongoing meetings and interaction need to take place for
successful progress monitoring and interaction.
There will be a list of action points including a MOPO (Matrix of Permitted Operations) that
can be done at any time. Risks that can be eliminated or mitigated will be, others will be
The creation of a list of operations that CAN be done simultaneously, and a list that CAN’T.
SIMOPS represent additional risks and challenges, so experienced managers and
consultants need to be deployed. Any drilling operation holds dangers and these must never
be underestimated. Operators and contractors have experiences based on previous SIMOP
issues, and have developed procedures and programs. On an individual level, professional
teams on each operation that will be conducted simultaneously will cognizant of the need
for full respect, communication and disclosure1.
Simultaneous operations (SIMOPs) are situations where two or more operations or activities
occur at the same time and place in a facility.
They may interfere or clash with each other and may involve risks that are not identified
when each activity is considered by itself. Thus, they can increase the risks of the activities
or create new risks. A number of major process industry accidents have involved
simultaneous operations.
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) issued a Safety Alert on
precautions needed during restart of processes that were shut down. The CSB noted that
startup requires a higher level of attention and care than normal processing because
numerous activities occur simultaneously. This is one example of when simultaneous
operations occur. Other examples include construction activities near active equipment and
maintenance activities near process operations.
Usually, the situations involved in simultaneous operations are not considered during
process hazards analysis (PHA) studies which focus attention on individual process
operation. Moreover, PHA teams may not recognize the importance of examining how
simultaneous operations may interfere with each other. Furthermore, it is difficult to do so
within the constraints of a regular PHA study. Consequently, a SIMOP review should be
performed prior to conducting simultaneous operations, for example, before restarting a
process after shutdown.
Simultaneous operations often involve work in the same area by multiple contractors and
subcontractors or multi-disciplinary workers whose work may overlap and/or interact. For
example, construction activities near active equipment such as crane lifts over a storage
tank containing a toxic material may result in a release from dropped objects. Similarly, a
maintenance activity near another process operation such as hot work in the vicinity of a
tank truck unloading a flammable material may result in a fire.
The situations addressed by SIMOP studies usually are not considered during process
hazards analysis (PHA) studies which focus attention on individual process operation.
Furthermore, PHA teams may not recognize the importance of examining how simultaneous
operations may interfere with each other. Moreover, it is difficult to do so within the
constraints of a regular PHA study.
A SIMOP review identifies possible interactions between activities that may adversely
impact people, property, or the environment. SIMOP reviews are an important adjunct to the
performance of PHA studies such as hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies 2.
Refineries and chemical plants are then divided into areas of risk of release of gas, vapor or
dust known as divisions or zones. The process of determining the type and size of these
hazardous areas is called area classification3.
Area classification may be carried out by direct analogy with typical installations described
in established codes, or by more quantitative methods that require a more detailed
knowledge of the plant. The starting point is to identify sources of release of flammable gas
or vapor. These may arise from constant activities; from time to time in normal operation; or
as the result of some unplanned event. In addition, inside process equipment may be a
hazardous area, if both gas/vapor and air are present, though there is no actual release.
Catastrophic failures, such as vessel or line rupture are not considered by an area
classification study. A hazard identification process such as a Preliminary Hazard Analysis
(PHA) or a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) should consider these abnormal events.
The most commonly used standard in the UK for determining area extent and classification
is BS EN 60079 part 10, which has broad applicability. The current version makes clear the
direct link between the amounts of flammable vapor that may be released, the ventilation at
that location, and the zone number. It contains a simplistic calculation relating the size of
zone to a rate of release of gas or vapor, but it is not helpful for liquid releases, where the
rate of vaporization controls the size of the hazardous area.
Other sources of advice, which describe more sophisticated approaches, are the Institute of
Petroleum Model Code of Practice (Area Classification Code for Petroleum Installations,
2002), and the Institution of Gas Engineers Safety Recommendations SR25, (2001). The IP
code is for use by refinery and petrochemical type operations. The IGE code addresses
specifically transmission, distribution and storage facilities for natural gas, rather than gas
utilization plant, but some of the information will be relevant to larger scale users4.
Hazardous areas are defined in DSEAR as "any place in which an explosive atmosphere
may occur in quantities such as to require special precautions to protect the safety of
workers". In this context, 'special precautions' is best taken as relating to the construction,
installation and use of apparatus, as given in BS EN 60079 -101.
Area classification is a method of analysing and classifying the environment where explosive
gas atmospheres may occur. The main purpose is to facilitate the proper selection and
installation of apparatus to be used safely in that environment, taking into account the
properties of the flammable materials that will be present. DSEAR specifically extends the
original scope of this analysis, to take into account non-electrical sources of ignition, and
mobile equipment that creates an ignition risk.
Hazardous areas are classified into zones based on an assessment of the frequency of the
occurrence and duration of an explosive gas atmosphere, as follows:
Various sources have tried to place time limits on to these zones, but none have been
officially adopted. The most common values used are:
Where people wish to quantify the zone definitions, these values are the most appropriate,
but for the majority of situations a purely qualitative approach is adequate.
When the hazardous areas of a plant have been classified, the remainder will be defined as
non-hazardous, sometimes referred to as 'safe areas'.
The zone definitions take no account of the consequences of a release. If this aspect is
important, it may be addressed by upgrading the specification of equipment or controls over
activities allowed within the zone. The alternative of specifying the extent of zones more
conservatively is not generally recommended, as it leads to more difficulties with equipment
selection, and illogicalities in respect of control over health effects from vapors assumed to
be present. Where occupiers choose to define extensive areas as Zone 1, the practical
consequences could usefully be discussed during site inspection5.
A hazardous area extent and classification study involves due consideration and
documentation of the following:
• Flames;
• Direct fired space and process heating;
• Use of cigarettes/matches etc;
• Cutting and welding flames;
• Hot surfaces;
• Heated process vessels such as dryers and furnaces;
• Hot process vessels;
• Space heating equipment;
• Mechanical machinery;
• Electrical equipment and lights
• Spontaneous heating;
• Friction heating or sparks;
• Impact sparks;
• Sparks from electrical equipment;
• Stray currents from electrical equipment
• Electrostatic discharge sparks:
• Lightning strikes.
• Electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths
• Vehicles, unless specially designed or modified are likely to contain a range of
potential ignition sources
• Using electrical equipment and instrumentation classified for the zone in which it is
located. New mechanical equipment will need to be selected in the same way. (See
• Earthing of all plant/ equipment (see Technical Measures Document on Earthing)
• Elimination of surfaces above auto-ignition temperatures of flammable materials
being handled/stored (see above);
• Provision of lightning protection
• Correct selection of vehicles/internal combustion engines that have to work in the
zoned areas (see Technical Measures Document on Permit to Work Systems);
• Correct selection of equipment to avoid high intensity electromagnetic radiation
sources, e.g. limitations on the power input to fibre optic systems, avoidance of high
intensity lasers or sources of infrared radiation
• Prohibition of smoking/use of matches/lighters
• Controls over the use of normal vehicles
• Controls over activities that create intermittent hazardous areas, e.g. tanker
• Control of maintenance activities that may cause sparks/hot surfaces/naked flames
through a Permit to Work System
• Precautions to control the risk from pyrophoric scale, usually associated with
formation of ferrous sulphide inside process equipment.
Area classification methods provide a succinct description of the hazardous material that
may be present, and the probability that it is present, so that the appropriate equipment
may be selected and safe installation practices may be followed. It is intended that each
room, section, or area of a facility shall be considered individually in determining its
classification. Actually determining the classification of a specific location requires a
thorough understanding of the particular site. An exhaustive study of the site must be
undertaken before a decision can be made as to what Class, Zone, and Group is to be
assigned. It is beyond the scope of this paper to engage in a detailed discussion of how a
location is actually classified. The local inspection authority has the responsibility for defining
a Class, Zone, and Group classification for specific areas.
Zone Definitions:
Under the Zone system, equipment is tested and marked in accordance with the type of
protection used by the equipment and not the area in which it can be used, such as the
Class/Division system. It is the responsibility of the user or designer to select and apply the
proper protection for each Zone. However, under the new approach, directive 94/9/EC
requires that additional markings to specify exactly which categories and Zones the product
may be used in.
For all protection methods, the rule applies that parts to which the potentially explosive
atmosphere has unhindered access must not attain unacceptable temperatures. The
temperatures must fall within the temperature class that applies to the particular potentially
explosive atmosphere.
The plant and equipment of refineries are generally modern, and the processes are largely
automatic and totally enclosed. Routine operations of the refining processes generally
present a low risk of exposure when adequate maintenance is carried out and proper
industry standards for design, construction, and operation have been followed. The potential
for hazardous exposures always exists, however. Because of the wide variety of
hydrocarbon hazards and their complexity, it is impossible to identify all of the hazards here
– and impossible for construction crews to know everything they may need for protection
when performing maintenance, repair, or installation work in an oil refinery.
In a refinery, hazardous chemicals can come from many sources and in many forms. In
crude oil, there are not only the components sought for processing, but impurities such as
sulphur, vanadium, and arsenic compounds. The oil is split into many component streams
that are further altered and refined to produce the final product range.
Most, if not all, of these component stream chemicals are inherently hazardous to humans,
as are the other chemicals added during processing.
Refineries process a multitude of products with low flash points. Although systems and
operating practices are designed to prevent such catastrophes, they can occur.
Care should be exercised at all times to avoid inhaling solvent vapors, toxic gases, and other
respiratory contaminants.
Hydrogen sulphide is a potential problem in the transport and storage of crude oil. The
cleaning of storage tanks presents a high hazard potential. Many of the other classic
confined-space entry problems can occur here, including oxygen deficiency resulting from
previous inerting procedures, rusting, and oxidation of organic coatings. Carbon monoxide
can be present in the inerting gas. In addition to H2S, depending on the characteristics of
the product previously stored in the tanks, other chemicals that may be encountered include
metal carbonyls, arsenic, and tetraethyl lead.
The lightest fraction from the crude unit is first processed in the gas plant. Some of the liquid
hydrocarbons from the wet gas are run straight to the gasoline blending plant, but others
go through the alkylation process. These light parts are put together using hydrofluoric acid
or sulphuric acid as catalysts.
The main hazards in this process come from possible exposure to the catalysts, hydrofluoric
acid or sulphuric acid, and their dusts, byproducts, and residues as well as hydrogen
sulphide, carbon monoxide, heat, and noise.
Other processes utilize acid catalysts and caustic “washes.” These can lead to hazardous
situations, especially in shutdowns where a contractor's personnel may be exposed to
residues or other contaminants.
Information is required from refinery personnel and specialized training is required in the
Safety by design
Prevention through design (PtD), also called safety by design usually in Europe, is the
concept of applying methods to minimize occupational hazards early in the design process,
with an emphasis on optimizing employee health and safety throughout the life cycle of
materials and processes.
Prevention through design represents a shift in approach for on-the-job safety. It involves
evaluating potential risks associated with processes, structures, equipment, and tools. It
takes into consideration the construction, maintenance, decommissioning, and disposal or
recycling of waste material.
The idea of redesigning job tasks and work environments has begun to gain momentum in
business and government as a cost-effective means to enhance occupational safety and
health. Many U.S. companies openly support PtD concepts and have developed
management practices to implement them. Other countries are actively promoting PtD
concepts as well. The United Kingdom began requiring construction companies, project
owners, and architects to address safety and health during the design phase of projects in
1994. Australia developed the Australian National OHS Strategy 2002–2012, which set
"eliminating hazards at the design stage" as one of five national priorities. As a result, the
Australian Safety and Compensation Council (ASCC) developed the Safe Design National
Strategy and Action Plans for Australia encompassing a wide range of design areas7.
Design is to:
• Address life-cycle health, safety and environmental risks and environmental aspects
including management of the use of natural resources in development projects.
• Systematically and comprehensively identify and assess hazards and environmental
• challenges, and their associated risk to people, environment, asset and production
loss, and company reputation.
Examine whether actual and potential negative impacts can be entirely avoided, or their
magnitude reduced by design. If this is not possible then appropriate and preferably
engineered controls (ie by isolating people from the hazard by use of enclosures) shall be
put in place to manage the residual risks and environmental impacts.
Goals will help maintain focus throughout the Safety by Design process. Goals should reflect
regulatory requirements, legislation and project-specific tolerability of risk criteria and
sustainability strategies, as well as project-specific safety and environmental goals
If hazards to health and safety or the relevant environmental aspects that require
management are not known, they cannot be controlled. The purpose of this step is to identify
and understand project specific health and safety hazards as well as environmental impacts.
The intent of Inherently Safer Design is to eliminate a hazard or the use of materials or
energy completely or reduce the magnitude of use sufficiently to eliminate the need for
elaborate safety or environmental management systems. This process of elimination or
reduction is accomplished by means that are inherent to the production process and thus
permanent and inseparable from it and therefore highly reliable.
The implementation of Inherently Safer Design is achieved by adopting a strategy based on
the following principles:
Controls or safeguards are generally more effective if they prevent a hazardous event or
unnecessary use of materials or energy from occurring by passive means, rather than
reactive means, ie acting on the consequences of events rather than preventing the events.
Engineered controls are generally preferred to administrative controls, as these require no,
or less, human intervention to be effective.
The preferred hierarchy of controls is reflected in Safety by Design process, and
subprocesses that address health & safety and environmental protection & sustainability
Various studies can be conducted as part of the residual risk management process, either
in-house or with external support. These studies could include the review of:
Once the Safety by Design process has been completed as intended, and the goals that
were identified at the outset of the project have been met, the process can be closed.
The findings of the Safety by Design process can be consolidated and communicated to
internal and external stakeholders. Depending on legislative and client requirements, a
dedicated compliance report such as a Case for Safety or an Environmental Impact
Statement is produced8.
Safe work permits are valid only for a limited time and must be renewed following expiry or
normally after any one-hour stoppage, after an emergency warning on the site, or for other
safety reasons. After such an event, any required gas testing or other testing must be
repeated to ensure a safe return to the work.
The hazards of the petrochemical industry are closely related to those of oil refining,
particularly in the raw material stages.
As they do in oil refineries, construction crews in petrochemical plants must comply with
regulations as well as in-plant procedures. Cooperation between contractor and client is
essential for safe work, from the bidding stage until the contract is completed.
Throughout the life of any project, and more importantly during times of vessel traffic
(operations, drilling, construction, survey, etc….), a study of the schedule should be made
regularly and at every revision to identify any possible SIMOPS along with dates, types of
vessels, vessel names, vessel duties and vessel durations for all vessels planned to be in
the field and/or work area9.
To understand what a risk assessment is and how it can be conducted, it is important to first
distinguish the terms ‘risk’ and ‘hazard’. Risks and hazards often get confused as the same
thing, however, they are not the same. Risk is the likelihood of harm in defined
circumstances while a hazard is an activity with the potential to cause harm.
Hazardous activities are often part of normal business and therefore organizations are
exposed to certain risks. Activities such as flying planes or producing kerosene are typical
hazards. A hazard by itself is not harmful but if there is a loss of control over the hazard (or
hazardous activity) it can become harmful.
To make sure an organization is in control of their hazardous activities and the damage they
can cause, a risk assessment should be conducted. A risk assessment is a procedure where
different risks are reviewed, qualified and clarified in a way that makes it possible to
determine an adequate action or state to prevent or lower the risk. In turn, this makes it
possible to make educated decisions when it comes to risk and risk management.
When evaluating risk by conducting a risk assessment, all influential factors need to be
considered. By doing so, certain questions need to be asked. Some examples are:
Over time, the need for better visualization of risk scenarios increased. Organizations
wanted more control and oversight which led to the development of the bowtie method as
we know it today. A bowtie often tells the complete story that a more traditional risk register
cannot. In a bowtie diagram all possible scenarios are individually shown, with all relevant
control measures in the right context. This makes it not only possible to intuitively understand
the risks, but also to level with everyone who is reading it, regardless of the reader’s level
of expertise. By nature, the human mind can more easily understand a picture than a
comprehensive spreadsheet10.
A risk matrix is a matrix that is used during risk assessment to define the level of risk by
considering the category of probability or likelihood against the category of consequence
severity. This is a simple mechanism to increase visibility of risks and assist management
decision making.
Risk is the lack of certainty about the outcome of making a particular choice. Statistically,
the level of downside risk can be calculated as the product of the probability that harm occurs
(e.g., that an accident happens) multiplied by the severity of that harm (i.e., the average
amount of harm or more conservatively the maximum credible amount of harm). In practice,
the risk matrix is a useful approach where either the probability or the harm severity cannot
be estimated with accuracy and precision.
Although standard risk matrices exist in certain contexts (e.g. US DoD, NASA, ISO),
individual projects and organizations may need to create their own or tailor an existing risk
matrix. For example, the harm severity can be categorized as:
• 'certain',
• 'likely',
• 'possible',
• 'unlikely' and
• 'rare'.
However it must be considered that very low probabilities may not be very reliable11.
Risk matrices are probably one of the most widespread tools for risk evaluation. They are
mainly used to determine the size of a risk and whether or not the risk is sufficiently
controlled. There is still confusion about how they are supposed to be used. This article will
explain their use in the context of the bowtie diagram.
There are two dimensions to a risk matrix. It looks at how severe and likely an unwanted
event is. These two dimensions create a matrix. The combination of probability and severity
will give any event a place on a risk matrix.
The low probability, low severity area (usually green) that indicates the risk of an event is
not high enough, or that it is sufficiently controlled. No action is usually taken with this. If we
talk about risk matrices in a bowtie however, usually bowties are done for major hazards, so
most events are high risk and don’t fall into this category.
The high probability, high severity (ususally red) which indicates an event needs a lot or
more control measures to bring the probability or severity down. Bowties will have a lot of
events that fall into this category.
The medium category (usually yellow) is in between these two areas. Any event that falls in
this area is usually judged to be an area that needs to be monitored, but is controlled as low
as reasonably practicable (or ALARP, a concept that is beyond the scope of this article, but
you can go here and read about it). Essentially it means if we keep the risk at that level, we
accept it.
It’s important to understand that a risk matrix by itself makes for a poor decision-making tool.
It is best suited for ranking events. There is not enough granularity in a risk matrix to use it
for anything other than saying that some events are really bad, and others are less so.
Decisions need to be based on an underlying analysis (like a bowtie diagram) that will tell
you what will cause the unwanted event and what an organization is already doing to control
it. This information will make an informed decision possible.
Another misconception is that a risk matrix is a quantitative tool. In theory, it can be, but in
practice, it is not. The risk matrix is made up of two ordinal rating scales, with mostly
qualitative descriptions along its axes. This makes it very difficult to assign any real numbers
to a matrix and thus to do calculations with it. It can only give a qualitative score that indicates
in which category an event falls. It won't allow for any sophisticated calculations.
There are different ways of looking at severity. Something can be very severe from the
perspective of human life, or from the perspective of damage to a facility. Usually four
perspectives are used (although more or less is also possible) that form the accronym
PEAR. This stands for People, Environment, Assets and Reputation. Any event can be
judged against these four categories. For instance: a car crash will have an impact on
people, but also on assets. An oil spill might have an impact on the environment and
reputation, and also some asset and people impact.
These different perspectives do make it very difficult to compare two events with each other.
If we have two events, one that scores high on people, and another that scores high on
environment, which one is more severe? This is why aggregating risk matrix scores is
difficult, if not impossible to do. The best way to compare the severity of events is to make
a qualitative judgement.
Up until now, only probability has been discussed. But there are different possibilities. If we
drive to work, and there’s a probability of 0,05 that we’ll crash, we expect for every car that
in 100 workdays, there are 5 crashes. The probability will be the same every time we drive
to work.
Instead of focusing on a single event, we can also say: how often can I drive to work before
I crash? The frequency of a crash will be 1 in 20. This is essentially the same, just written
down differently.
The last category looks at the past and scores higher if the event has occurred more. The
main difference is that probability and frequency tell us something about the future, while
historical scales will only tell us something about the past. If something has not occured yet,
a historical scale will not allow you to make a prediction about how often it might happen in
the future. This is why most risk matrices now use probability or frequency scales.
There is a problem with events that have a very low frequency, but a catastrophic severity.
If the risk matrix categories are not set up correctly, these types of events tend to ‘fall off’
the grid and get less attention than they deserve. This is especially a problem with historical
frequency scales, where an event will get the lowest possible score just because it has never
occurred. A possible solution is to make the worst severity category the highest priority
category, regardless of the probability.
Worst case scenario. This is done by taking the worst that could happen. For instance in the
case of a car crash, there will be multiple fatalities and it might be likely to occur. Essentially
when looking at the worst case scenario, all Barriers are ignored and only the Hazard, Top
event and Consequences are considered. These types of incidents might occur in reality,
but they will most likely be the exception, not the rule.
Current situation. The second strategy tries to evaluate the severity and probability of the
average event. So the average severity for a car crash might be a single fatality, and it’s
unlikely to happen. This strategy takes into account all the barriers that are currently
Future situation. The last strategy tries to make an estimate of how the risk might go down
after improvements to barriers, or implementation of new barriers. It aims to estimate the
future average of incidents.
Even though the risk matrix has a lot of drawbacks, it has endured the criticism and is still
one of the standard tools used in most risk assessments. If the risk matrix is used in the
correct way, it can add some understanding, although probably the greatest challenge today
is for people to understand its limitations12.
A job hazard analysis (JHA), also called a job safety analysis (JSA), is a technique to identify
the dangers of specific tasks in order to reduce the risk of injury to workers.
Once you know what the hazards are, you can reduce or eliminate them before anyone gets
hurt. The JHA can also be used to investigate accidents and to train workers how to do their
jobs safely.
It will take a little time to do your JHAs, but it's time well spent. Be sure to involve employees
in the process --- they do the work and often know the best ways to work more safely.
Instructions for Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis
• Involve employees
o Discuss what you are going to do and why
o Explain that you are studying the task, not employee performance
o Involve the employees in the entire process
• Review your company's accident/injury/illness/near miss history to determine which
jobs pose the highest risk to employees.
• Identify the OSHA standards that apply to your jobs. Incorporate their requirements
into your JHA.
• Set priorities.
• You may want to give priority to:
o Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates;
o Jobs where there have been "close calls" - where an incident occurred but no
one got hurt;
o Jobs where you have identified violations of OSHA standards;
o Jobs with the potential to cause serious injuries or illness, even if there is no
history of such problems;
o Jobs in which one simple human mistake could lead to severe injury;
o Jobs that are new to your operation of have been changed; and
How to do it?
• Watch the worker do the job and list each step in order
• Begin each step with a verb, for example, "Turn on the saw."
• Do not make it too broad or too detailed
• You may want to photograph or videotape
• Review the steps with the worker and other workers who do the same job to make
sure you have not left anything out.
3. Review the list of hazards with employees who do the job. Discuss what could eliminate
or reduce them.
SIMOPS Checklist
The following aspects should be considered with respect to Permit to Work Systems:
Human factors;
• Management of the work permit systems;
• Poorly skilled work force;
• Unconscious and conscious incompetence;
• Objectives of the work permit system;
• Types of work permits required; and
• Contents of the work permits.
• Whether staff have been sufficiently informed, instructed, trained and supervised to
minimise a potential human failing during operation of the work permit system;
• Whether the work permit system includes sufficient safety information, maintenance
instructions, correct PPE and equipment for use;
• Whether the work permit contains sufficient information about the type of work
required (Equipment removal, excavation, hot/cold work, repairing seals, vessel
entry, waste disposal, isolation);
• Whether there is sufficient provision available to fulfil the requirements of the work
permit system;
• Whether the employees responsible for control of the maintenance work are identified
within the work permit system and that the work is properly authorised by a
responsible person;
• Whether the work permit system is managed, regularly inspected and reviewed;
• Whether all work permits are kept on file;
• Human factors (stress, fatigue, shift work, attitude);
• Whether sufficient precautions are taken prior to initiating a work permit (isolation,
draining, flushing, environmental monitoring, risk assessments, communication, time
allotted for the work);
• Whether staff are aware of the type of environment they are working in during the
operation of a work permit (flammable, corrosive, explosive, zones 0, 1 & 2, electricity
• Whether the person responsible for operating the plant is aware of the type of
maintenance involved and how long it is likely to take; and
• Whether the work permit system involves a formal procedure whereby the maintained
plant or equipment is handed back to operation.
SIMOPS in construction
Piping tie-ins are unavoidable in plants where expansion is a current or future factor. Steam,
condensate, compressed air, dust collection, vacuum and process lines are just a few types
of plant piping likely to be modified by tie-ins to increase capacity. Here are a few ways to
minimize costly disruption of plant operation when tie-ins are inevitable.
Plan and schedule New piping design should include allowances for future expansion. This
can be accommodated without major expense. Consider the following:
• Increase design pipe sizes to the next larger diameter if velocity limits permit.
• Provide caps or blind flanges at the end of a pipe run where a brief tie-in outage can
be tolerated.
• Provide valves with blind flanges when and where a future tie-in outage cannot be
• Provide adequate access and maintenance space for future connecting piping.
Existing piping design may provide limited flexibility for future piping tie-in accommodations.
However, take advantage of future scheduled outages and add piping flanges and valves
where future tie-ins are inevitable. This will enable future construction to proceed without
disrupting plant and process operations15.
The piping and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) is a useful means to define piping tie-ins.
The P&ID does not locate the tie-in physically. However, it defines the functional relationship
of the tie-in within the piping system, which is the initial step in the design process. Establish
a numbering system for tie-ins, i.e., “T-XXX,” which can be used as a reference on design
documents until the project is completed. An indication of “new” and “existing” piping also
provides clarity.
A tie-in list can also be useful for estimating the cost of construction and for scheduling work
well in advance of the actual piping design activity. Often, the list will include details such as
the estimated length, material designation, insulation and coating requirements and
reference drawings. Some level of complexity can be assigned to the length to account for
miscellaneous fittings and related variables in the cost estimate.
Finally, orthographic and isometric piping drawings should indicate the piping, fittings,
valves, material, weld and testing requirements that pertain to the tie-in. Often, the tie-in
references are deleted from the “as-built drawings” at the close-out phase of the project.
The plant and process considerations are usually obvious. Immediate or projected increases
in utility or process flow rates are the most frequently cited reasons for tie-in piping.
Accommodating the need for these increased demands often results in additional capital
After the process requirements are determined and the tie-in piping sized, consider isolation
provisions. It is rarely feasible economically to shut down the plant or process during tie-in
piping installation. Alternately, a short-term, scheduled outage may be sufficient to break the
line and install a tie-in connection. After the connection is in place, the piping can be
fabricated and connected “off-line” conveniently and economically.
During the interim period, a blind flange can be installed and the process resumed. However,
this will require another brief outage to remove the blind flange and connect the tie-in piping.
This can be avoided by installing a shutoff valve upstream of the blind flange to provide safe,
long-term isolation. Subsequently, the blind flange can be removed, the connecting pipe
installed, and the valve opened after the tie-in is completed.
Pay particular attention to installing a shutoff valve that is adequate for temporary “end-of-
line service” by considering these factors:
• Valve seals must withstand full rated pressure on one side while unpressurized on
the other side in the closed position.
• Valves must withstand a pressure and leak test.
• Valves must be bidirectional so they can be installed with either end open to
• Valves must be installed with a lockout device and comply with OSHA Zero Energy
• The pressure drops across a tie-in valve (in the fully opened position) should not be
• Provide a “drainable spool piece” downstream of the shutoff valve.
The purpose of the spool piece is two-fold. First, the drain valve provides a means to check
for leakage of the shutoff valve seals. Second, the drain valve relieves pressure buildup
when the blank is removed in the event the shutoff valve leaks. Provisions can then be made
to deal with the faulty valve. This allows the tie-in piping to be connected safely.
A variety of valves are adaptable to end-of-line shutoff service. These include ball, gate,
butterfly and plug types. Carefully compare the service conditions with the valve
manufacturer’s specifications to determine suitability for both the prolonged shutoff and
open positions.
After determining the tie-in configuration, evaluate the optimum routing of the connecting
piping from a flexibility standpoint. The shortest distance between two points generally
requires the least amount of piping, but this practice may be unwise from a flexibility
standpoint. Added flexibility may be necessary to reduce the pipe loads on sensitive
equipment such as compressors, fans or pumps. A piping jog, loop or flexible connector
may offer a convenient way to reduce stress and deflection at the tie-in point or at the flanges
on installed equipment.
Available software facilitates analysis of piping systems that are subject to pressure,
temperature and dynamic reaction loads such as those caused by pressure relief valves.
Expansion joints, hangers, anchors and guides can also be evaluated to optimize the piping
support system.
For precautionary reasons, issue a line break permit to address specific details of the
procedure prior to construction. The purpose of the permit is to define:
When a tie-in point on a line cannot be isolated or the plant or process cannot be shut down
to accommodate the line break, a procedure known as “hot tapping” is required. This is
frequently used to break lines containing steam, natural gas, water or other utilities, which
must flow uninterrupted on a daily basis. This procedure results in the installation of a
lockable tie-in valve while the line is pressurized.
Some essential equipment for the procedure includes hot tap fitting, full open and lockable
gate valve, hot tap machine (hydraulic or air-driven), cutter and pilot assembly, tapping
machine housing, a power unit (hydraulic or air-driven) and hose. Basic hot tapping steps
Following the hot tapping procedure, installation of connecting piping valves and fittings can
proceed in much the same manner as though existing isolation provisions were already in
the line. Once installation is complete, conduct a pressure and leak test of the newly installed
piping with the tie-in valve remaining in the closed and locked position. With satisfactory
pressure test completion, the new tie-in piping is now ready to be activated by unlocking and
opening the tie-in valve.
SIMOPS in maintenance
Maintenance activities can potentially expose people to all sorts of hazards. There are five
commonly encountered issues that merit particular attention.
• Asbestos
• Falls from height
• Isolation and permits to work
• Falls of heavy items
• Selecting a contractor.
If you aren't sure, you need to watch what happens in practice and speak to the staff
concerned. For basic advice see isolation and permits to work.
• Have all our maintenance staff got their own isolation padlocks and warning
Ask to see the relevant plans, drawings or reports. For a step by step guide to managing
asbestos in buildings see HSE's Managing my asbestos web pages. Section 5 in particular
deals with the inspection of buildings.
• Do we use this asbestos information when we plan building maintenance jobs?
For a step by step guide to managing asbestos in buildings see HSE's Managing my
asbestos web pages. Section 6 in particular deals with using the findings to plan
maintenance work.
• Are we thinking about what access equipment is right for the job, or just using
whatever we have to hand?
Use the Step-by-step guide to find the right kind of access equipment for specific
maintenance jobs.
• Are we thinking through proper lifting plans before lifting heavy loads?
• Are any of us competent enough to take charge of non-standard lifting jobs?
• Do we use 'permits to work' properly when we need them?
If you aren't sure, you need to watch what happens in practice and speak to the staff
concerned. For basic advice see isolation and permits to work.
• Do we have any confined spaces?
Do our managers and supervisors stop maintenance work if it isn't being done safely? 16
Oil refineries, oil and gas production installations and chemical processing plants are
characterized by long lengths of continuously welded pipework and pipelines connecting
process vessels, plant and installations. The contents are often hazardous substances,
which may be flammable and/or toxic and are often at high temperatures and/or pressures.
Any intrusive activity could allow the escape of hazardous substances. The implementation
of adequate isolation practices is critical to avoiding loss of containment. You should
minimise isolation requirements, wherever practicable, by planning intrusive maintenance
for shutdown periods. When maintenance work has to be carried out on live plant a high
standard of management will be required.
Release of hazardous substances due to inadequate process isolation may lead to:
Design of new plant should include facilities for positive isolation (including the valved
isolation to install the positive isolation) in the following situations:
• For vessel entry, where a requirement for entry cannot be eliminated by equipment
• For isolation of toxic fluids; or
• To control segregation of parts of the plant which, in alternative operating modes,
might otherwise be exposed to overpressure conditions. This applies where it is not
reasonably practicable for the installed safety systems to protect all foreseeable
operating configurations, for example the separation of a high-pressure plant from its
drainage system.
Pipework layout should minimise trapped inventories and allow easy removal of fluid for
isolation purposes. Ensure that pipework:
Unless risk assessment indicates otherwise, isolation and bleed points should be as close
as possible to the plant item. Concentration of maintenance work in one place aids control
of the isolation arrangements and minimises the inventory of fluid to be
depressurised/drained. Ensure that bleeds are:
• Arranged so that their discharge cannot harm personnel or plant, and toxic or
flammable material can be conveyed to a safe place for disposal; and
• Easily accessible for checking17.
Pressure testing
The level of risk from the failure of pressure systems and equipment depends on a number
of factors including:
Workplace inspections help prevent incidents, injuries and illnesses. Through a critical
examination of the workplace, inspections help to identify and record hazards for corrective
action. Health and safety committees can help plan, conduct, report and monitor
inspections. Regular workplace inspections are an important part of the overall occupational
health and safety program and management system, if present.
Inspections are important as they allow you to:
Every inspection must examine who, what, where, when and how. Pay particular attention
to items that are or are most likely to develop into unsafe or unhealthy conditions because
of stress, wear, impact, vibration, heat, corrosion, chemical reaction or misuse. Include
areas where no work is done regularly, such as parking lots, rest areas, office storage areas
and locker rooms19.
PTW system
A permit-to-work system is a formal written system used to control certain types of work that
are potentially hazardous.
A permit-to-work is a document which specifies the work to be done and the precautions to
be taken. Permits-to-work form an essential part of safe systems of work for many
maintenance activities. They allow work to start only after safe procedures have been
defined and they provide a clear record that all foreseeable hazards have been considered.
A permit is needed when maintenance work can only be carried out if normal safeguards
are dropped or when new hazards are introduced by the work.
• Are those who issue permits sufficiently knowledgeable concerning the hazards and
precautions associated with the plant and proposed work?
• Do they have the imagination and experience to ask enough ‘what if’ questions to
enable them to identify all potential hazards?
• Do staff and contractors fully understand the importance of the permit-to-work system
and are they trained in its use?
• Does the permit clearly identify the work to be done and the associated hazards?
• Can plans and diagrams be used to assist in the description of the work to be done,
its location and limitations?
• Is the plant adequately identified, eg by discrete number or tag to assist issuers and
users in correctly taking out and following permits?
• Does the permit contain clear rules about how the job should be controlled or
abandoned in the case of an emergency?
• Does the permit have a hand-back procedure incorporating statements that the
maintenance work has finished and that the plant has been returned to production
staff in a safe state?
• Are time limitations included and is shift changeover dealt with?
• Are there clear procedures to be followed if work has to be suspended for any
• Is there a system of cross-referencing when two or more jobs subject to permits may
affect each other?
• Is the permit displayed at the job?
• Are jobs checked regularly to make sure that the relevant permit-to-work system is
still relevant and working properly?
The permit-to-work form must help communication between everyone involved. It should be
designed by the company issuing the permit, taking into account individual site conditions
and requirements. Separate permit forms may be required for different tasks, such as hot
work and entry into confined spaces, so that sufficient emphasis can be given to the
particular hazards present and precautions required20.
A meeting of all the parties involved in the SIMOPS should be set up to enable a review to
be undertaken of each party’s work-specific dossier in a systematic manner.
Appropriate tools should be used to clearly identify all the risks in conducting SIMOPS
contained in each party’s dossier and the review meeting should agree the required specific
mitigation measures to be implemented to allow SIMOPS to proceed. Methodology/tools
which can be used to identify the risks are:
Depending on the scope of the SIMOPS activities, this could comprise one document
covering all the work or alternatively could comprise several documents, covering specific,
clearly identified SIMOPS activities. Each interface document should:
• Set out the activities covered by the document and should be applicable to all parties’
operations for the specified activity. A SIMOPS matrix, where appropriate, may be
developed to identify which activities are permissible when conducted simultaneously
• Be developed on a discrete basis for various phases of work within the SIMOPS to
prevent this becoming an unwieldy document
• Contain a validation exercise to be carried out against original SIMOPS assessment
review to ensure that all mitigation and controls are in place
• The SIMOPS interface document should cover the following:
o Purpose and scope
o Glossary of terms
o Roles and responsibilities, including organisation and reporting
o SIMOPS operations – description of scope of work to be covered by the
specific document
o Procedures and controls
o SIMOPS risk and mitigations
o Contingency plans
o Change control – deviation requests
o Establishment of who has primacy (who is in overall charge of
communications, PTW and operations)
SIMOPS flowchart
Once a SIMOPS has been identified, a kick-off meeting should be arranged for all parties to
the SIMOPS and the client so that the scope of work for the operations can be drawn up.
The party in overall charge (for example client, OIM or master of a specific vessel) should
be identified.
The kick-off meeting should identify all the SIMOPS activities to be carried out. A risk
assessment of all the anticipated operations should be undertaken to:
Each party to the SIMOPS activities should draw up a dossier which is intended to provide
a work-specific summary identified by that party for their part in the SIMOPS activities.
In order that each party can draw up their work-specific SIMOPS dossiers, the kick off
meeting should:
• define the responsibilities and nominate the responsible person for each party;
• identify the input required from each party; and
• identify the time frame for each part of the SIMOPS work, including timings of pre-
operations meetings and the actual SIMOPS activities themselves.
Risk Management
In the petroleum refining industry, considerable effort has been made over the past decades
to provide a proactive safety management system, in order to prevent accidents from
happening and/or to mitigate accident escalation. Intermittently, lessons have been learnt
from major accidents in the petroleum refining industry, recommendations have been
provided based on knowledge and lessons learnt from investigation of the past catastrophic
accidents by organizations such as the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
(US CSB), the UK Health and Safety Executive (UK HSE), the U.S Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, EU commission, America Petroleum Institute (API), Centre for
Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and other independent investigation panels that express
more opinion on the need to strengthen risk controls in order to prevent the release of
hazards that can lead to major accidents. However, significant effort has been made by the
aforementioned organizations to develop and publish a comprehensive guidance and
regulations for refiners in the petroleum industry, in order to manage process units risk and
prevent unintentional loss of hazardous materials (OGP, 2011). Various regulations and
guidelines in relation to environmental health and safety, to prevent foreseeable future
accidents in the petroleum refining industry.
Due to the complexity and sizes of most refineries, it is nearly impossible for operators to
eliminate all the risks associated with the operations of such facilities. In such
circumstances, it is obvious that every refinery is required to have a reliable and consistent
risk management process that can be implemented to deal with events and other latent
condition that can create a potential pathway to accidents. Various reports on major
accidents in the petroleum refining industry emphasized the failure in risk management,
leading to systematic causes of accidents. Based on the summary from various cases of
accidents, the following risk management failures are identified:
Management of change
Management of Change (MOC) is a best practice used to ensure that safety, health, and
environmental risks and hazards are properly controlled when an organization makes
changes to their facilities, operations, or personnel. Having a properly implemented MOC
policy in place when implementing changes can help ensure that new hazards aren’t
introduced and the risk levels of existing hazards aren't being increased. Inadequate MOC
on the other hand has the potential to increase risks to the health and safety of employees
and the environment.
Effective MOC involves review of all significant changes to ensure that an acceptable level
of safety will be maintained after the change has been implemented. From this evaluation,
the proposed change can either be set for implementation, amended to make it more safe,
or rejected entirely. Should the change be implemented, personnel should be informed
about the change and how to maintain a safe workspace in this new environment.
Under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA's) Process Safety
Management (PSM) standard, performing MOC is required when making changes that could
affect the safety of a facility. This can include changes in process chemicals, technology,
equipment, procedures, and the number of employees involved in a process.
While MOC is generally used to examine the effects of a proposed permanent change to a
facility, temporary changes should not be overlooked. A number of catastrophic events have
occurred over the years due to temporary changes in operating conditions, staffing, etc. For
this reason, an effective MOC program should address all changes that could affect the
safety of a facility or personnel, regardless of whether or not it is permanent22.
Long-term structural transformation has four characteristics: scale (the change affects all or
most of the organization), magnitude (it involves significant alterations of the status quo),
duration (it lasts for months, if not years), and strategic importance. Yet companies will reap
the rewards only when change occurs at the level of the individual employee.
Many senior executives know this and worry about it. When asked what keeps them up at
night, CEOs involved in transformation often say they are concerned about how the work
force will react, how they can get their team to work together, and how they will be able to
lead their people. They also worry about retaining their company’s unique values and sense
of identity and about creating a culture of commitment and performance. Leadership teams
that fail to plan for the human side of change often find themselves wondering why their
best-laid plans have gone awry.
1. Address the “human side” systematically. Any significant transformation creates “people
issues.” New leaders will be asked to step up, jobs will be changed, new skills and
capabilities must be developed, and employees will be uncertain and resistant. Dealing with
these issues on a reactive, case-by-case basis puts speed, morale, and results at risk. A
formal approach for managing change — beginning with the leadership team and then
engaging key stakeholders and leaders — should be developed early, and adapted often as
change moves through the organization. This demands as much data collection and
analysis, planning, and implementation discipline as does a redesign of strategy, systems,
or processes. The change-management approach should be fully integrated into program
design and decision making, both informing and enabling strategic direction. It should be
based on a realistic assessment of the organization’s history, readiness, and capacity to
2. Start at the top. Because change is inherently unsettling for people at all levels of an
organization, when it is on the horizon, all eyes will turn to the CEO and the leadership team
for strength, support, and direction. The leaders themselves must embrace the new
approaches first, both to challenge and to motivate the rest of the institution. They must
speak with one voice and model the desired behaviors. The executive team also needs to
understand that, although its public face may be one of unity, it, too, is composed of
individuals who are going through stressful times and need to be supported.
Executive teams that work well together are best positioned for success. They are aligned
and committed to the direction of change, understand the culture and behaviors the changes
intend to introduce, and can model those changes themselves. At one large transportation
company, the senior team rolled out an initiative to improve the efficiency and performance
of its corporate and field staff before addressing change issues at the officer level. The
initiative realized initial cost savings but stalled as employees began to question the
leadership team’s vision and commitment. Only after the leadership team went through the
process of aligning and committing to the change initiative was the work force able to deliver
downstream results.
3. Involve every layer. As transformation programs progress from defining strategy and
setting targets to design and implementation, they affect different levels of the organization.
Change efforts must include plans for identifying leaders throughout the company and
pushing responsibility for design and implementation down, so that change “cascades”
through the organization. At each layer of the organization, the leaders who are identified
and trained must be aligned to the company’s vision, equipped to execute their specific
mission, and motivated to make change happen.
A major multiline insurer with consistently flat earnings decided to change performance and
behavior in preparation for going public. The company followed this “cascading leadership”
methodology, training and supporting teams at each stage. First, 10 officers set the strategy,
vision, and targets. Next, more than 60 senior executives and managers designed the core
of the change initiative. Then 500 leaders from the field drove implementation. The structure
remained in place throughout the change program, which doubled the company’s earnings
far ahead of schedule. This approach is also a superb way for a company to identify its next
generation of leadership.
4. Make the formal case. Individuals are inherently rational and will question to what extent
change is needed, whether the company is headed in the right direction, and whether they
want to commit personally to making change happen. They will look to the leadership for
answers. The articulation of a formal case for change and the creation of a written vision
statement are invaluable opportunities to create or compel leadership-team alignment.
Three steps should be followed in developing the case: First, confront reality and articulate
a convincing need for change. Second, demonstrate faith that the company has a viable
future and the leadership to get there. Finally, provide a road map to guide behavior and
decision making. Leaders must then customize this message for various internal audiences,
describing the pending change in terms that matter to the individuals.
5. Create ownership. Leaders of large change programs must overperform during the
transformation and be the zealots who create a critical mass among the work force in favor
of change. This requires more than mere buy-in or passive agreement that the direction of
change is acceptable. It demands ownership by leaders willing to accept responsibility for
making change happen in all of the areas they influence or control. Ownership is often best
created by involving people in identifying problems and crafting solutions. It is reinforced by
incentives and rewards. These can be tangible (for example, financial compensation) or
psychological (for example, camaraderie and a sense of shared destiny).
6. Communicate the message. Too often, change leaders make the mistake of believing
that others understand the issues, feel the need to change, and see the new direction as
clearly as they do. The best change programs reinforce core messages through regular,
timely advice that is both inspirational and practicable. Communications flow in from the
bottom and out from the top, and are targeted to provide employees the right information at
the right time and to solicit their input and feedback. Often this will require
overcommunication through multiple, redundant channels.
In the late 1990s, the commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Charles O. Rossotti,
had a vision: The IRS could treat taxpayers as customers and turn a feared bureaucracy
into a world-class service organization. Getting more than 100,000 employees to think and
act differently required more than just systems redesign and process change. IRS leadership
designed and executed an ambitious communications program including daily voice mails
from the commissioner and his top staff, training sessions, videotapes, newsletters, and
town hall meetings that continued through the transformation. Timely, constant, practical
communication was at the heart of the program, which brought the IRS’s customer ratings
from the lowest in various surveys to its current ranking above the likes of McDonald’s and
most airlines.
7. Assess the cultural landscape. Successful change programs pick up speed and intensity
as they cascade down, making it critically important that leaders understand and account
for culture and behaviors at each level of the organization. Companies often make the
mistake of assessing culture either too late or not at all. Thorough cultural diagnostics can
assess organizational readiness to change, bring major problems to the surface, identify
conflicts, and define factors that can recognize and influence sources of leadership and
resistance. These diagnostics identify the core values, beliefs, behaviors, and perceptions
that must be taken into account for successful change to occur. They serve as the common
baseline for designing essential change elements, such as the new corporate vision, and
building the infrastructure and programs needed to drive change.
Company culture is an amalgam of shared history, explicit values and beliefs, and common
attitudes and behaviors. Change programs can involve creating a culture (in new companies
or those built through multiple acquisitions), combining cultures (in mergers or acquisitions
of large companies), or reinforcing cultures (in, say, long-established consumer goods or
manufacturing companies). Understanding that all companies have a cultural center — the
locus of thought, activity, influence, or personal identification — is often an effective way to
jump-start culture change.
A consumer goods company with a suite of premium brands determined that business
realities demanded a greater focus on profitability and bottom-line accountability. In addition
to redesigning metrics and incentives, it developed a plan to systematically change the
company’s culture, beginning with marketing, the company’s historical center. It brought the
marketing staff into the process early to create enthusiasts for the new philosophy who
adapted marketing campaigns, spending plans, and incentive programs to be more
accountable. Seeing these culture leaders grab onto the new program, the rest of the
company quickly fell in line.
9. Prepare for the unexpected. No change program goes completely according to plan.
People react in unexpected ways; areas of anticipated resistance fall away; and the external
environment shifts. Effectively managing change requires continual reassessment of its
impact and the organization’s willingness and ability to adopt the next wave of
transformation. Fed by real data from the field and supported by information and solid
decision-making processes, change leaders can then make the adjustments necessary to
maintain momentum and drive results.
A leading U.S. health-care company was facing competitive and financial pressures from its
inability to react to changes in the marketplace. A diagnosis revealed shortcomings in its
organizational structure and governance, and the company decided to implement a new
operating model. In the midst of detailed design, a new CEO and leadership team took over.
The new team was initially skeptical, but was ultimately convinced that a solid case for
change, grounded in facts and supported by the organization at large, existed. Some
adjustments were made to the speed and sequence of implementation, but the
fundamentals of the new operating model remained unchanged.
10. Speak to the individual. Change is both an institutional journey and a very personal one.
People spend many hours each week at work; many think of their colleagues as a second
family. Individuals (or teams of individuals) need to know how their work will change, what
is expected of them during and after the change program, how they will be measured, and
what success or failure will mean for them and those around them. Team leaders should be
as honest and explicit as possible. People will react to what they see and hear around them,
and need to be involved in the change process. Highly visible rewards, such as promotion,
recognition, and bonuses, should be provided as dramatic reinforcement for embracing
change. Sanction or removal of people standing in the way of change will reinforce the
institution’s commitment.
Most leaders contemplating change know that people matter. It is all too tempting, however,
to dwell on the plans and processes, which don’t talk back and don’t respond emotionally,
rather than face up to the more difficult and more critical human issues. But mastering the
“soft” side of change management needn’t be a mystery23.
The use of a visual reference for each activity taking place improved the team’s
understanding of potential risks and hazards. It also provided a clear identification of the
limits of each work scope within the work area, as well as detailed information by clicking on
the activity (colour coded by function).
BP and partners are currently investing at significant levels in the ETAP life extension project
(ELXP) to secure the future of the field until 2030 and beyond. The safe and effective
management of simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) between the ELXP project and the
ETAP asset was a critical part of project delivery. To assist with this, the team introduced a
new software system called ‘Blue-Beam™’ which allowed the project to introduce multi-layer
PDFs showing work activities by function. They also utilised ‘Return to Scene’ (R2S)
technology – a virtual ‘Google-style street view’ survey of the plant – which allowed functions
to survey and tag sections of the asset that were planned to be addressed during the
intervention, whilst also enabling participants at SIMOPS sessions to visualise the worksite
in 3D24.
The condition where appropriate project participants are working within acceptable
tolerances to develop and meet a uniformly defined and understood set of project objectives.
Conducive cultures can be the most effective tool in achieving safety results. High-
performance organizations realize alignment of safety cultures is becoming the core
responsibility of not just the contractor, but those engaging them as well.
In this time of strategic outsourcing, many companies utilize contractors to support various
business operations. Whether short- or long-term, in several companies these contractors
are a business necessity. As these organizations bring groups together representing
different cultures around safety, new risks emerge. How well the cultural risks are identified
and mitigated, and desired beliefs and behaviors improved, will be the new competitive
advantage in safety performance.
Various approaches have had reasonable success in reducing unsafe behaviours in the
Some involve penalties; others involve surveillance; others involve guidance, codes and
procedures to follow; others still are supportive and training-oriented.
Some initiatives come from the employer, from the social partner organisations, from state
regulatory bodies, and some worthwhile initiatives come from individual employees’ own
insights, ideas, training and development activities around health and safety.
Most employers and employees in the area of safety will agree that the ultimate aim of a
safety initiative is a “total safety culture”; however, this concept is rarely defined. A total
safety culture is a culture in which:
• Aims to understand causes of incidents and near misses and correct them through
the behaviour of relevant people. For example, reducing hazards often requires
behavior change of managers and frontline workers, and equipment redesign
involves behavior change of engineers26.
Simultaneous Operations
12 - 16 January 2020
Alexandria, Egypt
Middle East Oil Refinery (Midor)
Presented by:
Sasa Kocic MSc.
Senior Consultant
Administrative Points
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Course Outline
Day One Day Two
SIMOPS Introduction SIMOPS Risk Management
• SIMOPS process • Risk Management methodologies
• Area classification in refineries • Risk Matrix and the construction
• Oil refinery risks and hazards of risk matrix
• Safety by design • Job Hazard Analysis
• SIMOPS in refinery operations: • SIMOPS Checklist
Fires and Explosion Protection • Permit to Work (PTW) system
• Workshop: Case Studies & and issuing process
Worked Examples • Workshop: Case Studies &
Worked Examples
Simultaneous Operations
Course Outline
Day Three Day Four
SIMOPS in Specific Cases
PTW Procedure and SIMOPS
• Common Process Hazards
• PTW system
• SIMOPS in construction
• SIMOPS assessment review
– Tie-in
– Additional equipment installation • SIMOPS interface document
• SIMOPS in maintenance • SIMOPS flowchart
– Shutdown and isolation • SIMOPS Toolbox Talk
– Pressure testing • Workshop: Case Studies & Worked
– Inspection Examples
• Workshop: Case Studies & Worked
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Course Outline
Day One
Refinery Specific Risks and SIMOPS
• Risk Management
• Management of change
• Integrated SIMOPS tool
• Ensuring contractor alignment with
safety culture
• Human factor and ergonomics,
behavioral based safety
• Workshop: Case Studies & Worked
Simultaneous Operations
Section One
SIMOPS Introduction
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
SIMOPS process
Simultaneous Operations
SIMOPS is an
abbreviation of
‘simultaneous operations’
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Can Execute
Identify Operations
SIMOPS operations
to be executed as be separately at
SIMOPS avoided? different times
Simultaneous Operations
Both jobs may be done safely, but without coordination, one act could
have a dangerous consequence to other.
• Commissioning work in Construction areas
• Production activities in Commissioning areas
• Construction work in drilling areas
• Hot work going on during break of containment in process area.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
To avoid
incident • Adequate
SIMOPS • Strict safety
procedures and
you supervision
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
SIMOPS requirements:
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
An industrial area is
considered a hazardous area
Hazardous Area Classification
when it contains three
fundamental components:
A flammable substance
(which can be a gas, liquid,
or solid),
an oxidizer, and
a source of ignition.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Safety by design
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Safety and health needs are addressed in the design and redesign processes.
Hazards are identified and analyzed, and risks are assessed and prioritized.
Simultaneous Operations
The design
stage offers the
Control greatest Analyze
hazards opportunity and
most cost-
effective time to
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Design Diagram
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Design Diagram
Simultaneous Operations
Significant reductions in injuries and illnesses, damage to the environment and costs
Productivity increase
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Section Two
SIMOPS Risk Management
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Risk Analysis
• Source Identification
• Risk Estimation
Risk Treatment
• Avoidance
• Optimization
• Transfer
• Retention
Risk Acceptance
Risk Communication
Simultaneous Operations
• the property of a substance or situation with the
potential for creating damage
• the likelihood of a specific effect within a specified
• complex function of probability, consequences and
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Identify Risks
Identify Risk
Evaluate Risks reduction Measures
Step 3
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Risk Assessment
Simultaneous Operations
Risk Assessment
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Risk management
Investment Waste
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Risk acceptance
• Risk aversion
• “Cost/benefit” and ALARA principle
• The source of the risk: fatality risk in apartments is a factor 150 less
acceptable than in traffic (Swedish study)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Risk matrix
Consequences Code
Minor Severe
OK = acceptable risk
? x
? = doubtful
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Level 1 : first
aid treatment
Level 2:
treatment by (Moderate)
a doctor
Level 3:
or death
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Risk matrix
Consequences Code
Minor Moderate Severe
OK = acceptable risk
Likely (low risk)
OK x x ? = doubtful
Unlikely OK ? x ?? = very doubtful
Either DON’T DO IT or
unlikely OK OK ?? x = unacceptable risk
Simultaneous Operations
Risk matrix
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
The term often used to describe the full process is risk assessment:
• Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification).
• Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation).
• Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be
eliminated (risk control).
Overall, the goal of hazard identification is to find and record possible hazards that
may be present in your workplace. It may help to work as a team and include both
people familiar with the work area, as well as people who are not – this way you
have both the experienced and fresh eye to conduct the inspection.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
After incidents
• Near misses or minor events
• Injuries
Simultaneous Operations
It is a method for
systematically identifying
and evaluating hazards
associated with a particular
job or task.
It is also called “job safety
analysis (JSA)”.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Hazard Awareness
Accepting a risk or hazard is not the
same as eliminating or controlling it.
When conducting a job hazard analysis, you may need to take a fresh
look at the way things are done at your workplace.
Even though you may hear “we’ve been doing it that way for 20 years
and nothing happened”, it doesn’t mean a hazard doesn’t exist.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Keep a record of the hazards identified and steps taken to eliminate or control them.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Walk-around Observations
Watch workers doing their jobs to identify potential hazards that may lead
to an injury, paying attention to the amount of time the worker is exposed
to the hazard.
Talk with workers to find out what they think is the most hazardous part of
their job.
Simultaneous Operations
Once you
have • Involving employees and/or foreman
identified or supervisors in the JHA process
allows them to bring their insights
jobs needing about the jobs to the process.
a JHA, then • They can help identify hazards and
they will have ownership of the JHA
it is time to and will often more readily accept
start the findings and the hazard controls
conducting selected.
the JHA
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Once a job is identified, you will need to break it into key components or
sub-tasks and list all the hazards associated with each sub-task.
Too much detail makes the JHA cumbersome, but too little detail may
omit hazards.
The correct amount of detail breaks the job into components that make
sense in terms of the overall job.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
How people get hurt What causes them to What safe practices or
get hurt? PPE are needed?
Simultaneous Operations
How people get hurt What causes them to get hurt? What safe practices or PPE are
Ladders tipping over ▪ Ladder was not on a level ▪ Set ladder feet on solid level
surface surfaces.
▪ Ladder was on soft ground and ▪ When reaching out, keep belt
the leg sunk in buckle between the side rails of
▪ The person reached out too far the ladder.
▪ The ladder wasn’t high enough ▪ Do not stand on the top of a
to reach up safely – the person stepladder or on the first step
stood up near the top of it down from the top.
▪ Ladder broken or damaged ▪ Replace or repair ladder
Lifting heavy objects ▪ Trying to lift too heavy objects ▪ Use proper lifting practices
▪ Bending over at the waist when (bend knees, don’t twist)
lifting ▪ For very heavy objects, use
▪ Turning (twisting) back while mechanical devices or get
lifting another person to help.
Slipping on the floor ▪ Spilled liquids not cleaned up ▪ Wipe up all spills, and pick up
▪ Small objects are dropped on dropped items, immediately.
the floor and left there ▪ Wear sturdy shoes with slip-
▪ People wear the wrong type of resistant soles;
shoes for conditions
Using the bench grinder ▪ Flying particles get in eyes ▪ Wear safety glasses and
▪ If grinder wheel breaks, large earplugs when using grinder.
chunks fly off at high speed ▪ Keep tongue guards adjusted
▪ High noise level can injure properly (see sticker on grinder
hearing for spacing).
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Next, think about how often the 3 Critical May cause severe injury or illness
worker is exposed to the hazard
in the probability table. 2 Marginal May cause minor injury or illness
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
It is especially important to review your job hazard analysis if an illness or injury occurs on
a specific job. Based on the circumstances, you may determine that you need to change
the job procedures or provide additional controls to prevent similar incidents in the future.
This is also true in a close call, or near miss situation where an injury was barely avoided.
Any time you revise a job hazard analysis, it is important to train all employees affected by
the changes in the job methods, procedures, or protective measures adopted.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
SIMOPS Checklist
Simultaneous Operations
SIMOPS Checklist
It is to be completed by
the SimOps Controller
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
The Objective of the Permit To Work (PTW) system is “To provide a system which ensures
that work activities can be carried out in a safe manner”.
The PTW System Corporate Custodian is the Production Function Permit to Work System
Manager who is responsible for providing steering / direction to ensure that the PTW System
meets the needs of the company.
The PTW Training Custodian is employee who is responsible for the content and suitability of
PTW training.
Asset Directors are responsible for the implementation of the PTW System, and for
appointing Focal Points for the PTW System in each Area.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
A Permit is required
For any work carried out
• Inside a process or hydrocarbon area
• On an electrical installation
• When entering a Confined Space
• When other Supplementary Certificates are required to carry out the work i.e.
Isolation (Mech. or Elect.) and Gas Testing
• Work within emergency planning zone of a critical sour area
Simultaneous Operations
• Red Edged Permits - Class A Permits are required for high risk work. This is
work that could lead to major consequences such as fire, explosion, or loss of
Class A life.
Example: Hot work in a Process Area
Class B • Blue Edged Permits - Class B Permits are required for medium risk work.
Example: Hot Work in a Hydrocarbon area
No Permit • Jobs that have been determined as no Permit Jobs need to be discussed,
agreed and authorised as such. These still need to be risk assessed
Example: Entry into Well Cellars or Cosasco pits by Area Authority to carry
Job out Operational Tasks to an approved procedure
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
All work undertaken using the PTW system requires to be Hazard Assessed and controls put
in place to enable the work to be done safely.
In addition to the Job HSE Plan, the PTW Holder shall conduct a TRIC The TRIC is not a
repeat of the Job HSE Plan but a location specific Risk Assessment, which will focus on the
hazards at the worksite at the time the work is to be carried out.
The TRIC shall be carried out at the Worksite immediately prior to the activity start.
Simultaneous Operations
Summarize what you have heard before moving to the next Question
Find and use real examples of incidents related to this rule from your site
Link the discussion to real work on site involving the people in the tool box talk
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Section Three
SIMOPS in Specific Cases
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
3-D representation of the impact of a carbon monoxide release in a refinery (image courtesy
of Gexcon AS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
SIMOPS in construction
o Tie-in
o Additional equipment installation
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Installing new
equipment, whether in a
brand-new production
line or an existing line,
can be challenging.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
SIMOPS in maintenance
o Shutdown and isolation
o Pressure testing
o Inspection
Simultaneous Operations
• isolate all forms of potentially hazardous energy to ensure that an accidental release
of hazardous energy does not occur
• control all other hazards to those doing the work
• ensure that entry to a restricted area is tightly controlled.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Pressure tests are performed to ensure the safety, reliability, and leak
tightness of pressure systems.
• hydrostatic and
• pneumatic.
A hydrostatic test is performed by using water as the test medium,
whereas a pneumatic test uses air, nitrogen, or any non-flammable
and nontoxic gas
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
The steps below are typical procedures while other may have added
Simultaneous Operations
The steps below are typical procedures while other may have added
• 7 Open the shut off valve and operate the test pump until water
overflows from the pressure gauge connection (BLEEDING
• 8 Fit the pressure gauge.
• 9 Operate the test pump until the pressure gauge indicates the
specified test pressure.
• 10 Inspect for leaks in the pipeline at the flange joint, as well as the
pipe system in general.
• 11 Release the pressure from the pipeline through the test pump
discharge valve.
• 12 Disconnect the test pump and drain the pipeline through the
shut off valve.
• 13 Remove the blank flanges and dismantle the pipe joints.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
The pipeline safety regulations require that the operator shall insure
that a pipeline is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working
order and in good repair.
The pipeline inspection includes external inspection and internal
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Section Four
PTW Procedure and SIMOPS
PTW system
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
It is an essential part of a system which determines how that job can be carried
out safely, and helps communicate this to those doing the job.
The issue of a permit does not, by itself, make a job safe - that can only be
achieved by those preparing for the work, those supervising the work and
those carrying it out.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
The roles and responsibilities for all parties and individuals who have authority within
the SIMOPS should be established.
This should cover reporting lines in normal and emergency modes and hierarchy of
controls for the different phases of operations.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
SIMOPS flowchart
Simultaneous Operations
Is there a need
Carry out Preparation
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Identified SIMOPS
Review risks-identify
specific mitigation Procedures and controls
Risk and mitigation
Reporting lines
Contingency plans
Management of change
Develop hierarchy of
Communications plan
Simultaneous Operations
Is there a
need for Carry out Preparation
Lessons learned
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Section Four
Refinery Specific Risks and SIMOPS
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Risk Management
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
-Communication and
consultation aims to identify
who should be involved in
assessment of risk (including
identification, analysis and
evaluation) and it should
engage those who will be
involved in the treatment,
monitoring and review of risk.
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Management of change
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Management of change
• During normal operations hazards are
contained and the operation is usually within
the safe margin
Changes Either:
• Shift the bounds of “Normal Operation” or
• Put the facility into an “Abnormal Situation”
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
To manage change
successfully and safely, you
must have:
• A robust management-of-change
program in place
• Clear ownership of the program and
its constituent parts
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
• A change that is implemented for a short,
Temporary predetermined, finite period
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
For BBS to work, all levels of the company must work together
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Principles of BBS
Simultaneous Operations
Behaviour VS Attitude
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
ABC Model
One way to look at how changing your behavior can improve
safety is the ABC Model:
B = Behavior: what we do
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Observation Process
• Observe the job to make sure you understand what the worker is doing
and provide necessary feedback
• Communicate effectively; make sure the workers understand why their
behavior is unsafe
Identify alternate behavior
• Coach the worker in the correct, safe behavior and allow change for
safer way of getting the job done
Simultaneous Operations
Observation Process
Clarify commitment
• Make it clear that workers are committed to doing the job safely
through feedback and positive intervention
Obtain agreement
• Workers must agree to change unsafe behavior to an alternate safe
Observe to follow-up
• Observe workers at a later date to make sure they are using the
safe behavior; reinforce the safe behavior with positive feedback
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Feedback Process
Deliver feedback immediately following an
• Safe behavior observed
• Feedback should acknowledge and reinforce it
• Unsafe behavior observed
• Identify cause of unsafe behavior
• Explain why the behavior was unsafe
• Offer an alternative safe behaviour
Simultaneous Operations
Measurement Tool
BBS must be an ongoing process
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Positive Reinforcement
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
Simultaneous Operations
Simultaneous Operations
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