Lesson Plan: Week 1 First Semester, First Grading Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research Prepared By: Miss Ron Mariah Kristafer J. Manlapig, LPT
Lesson Plan: Week 1 First Semester, First Grading Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research Prepared By: Miss Ron Mariah Kristafer J. Manlapig, LPT
Lesson Plan: Week 1 First Semester, First Grading Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research Prepared By: Miss Ron Mariah Kristafer J. Manlapig, LPT
(Graduate Attributes) RESOURCES
Week 1:
Day 1 NATURE OF INQUIRY The learner After this lesson, the TITLE: I. Motivation/ Introduction A. Answer these questions
demonstrates learner should be able to: Practical Individual Work (Concept Map) about Inquiry Based Learning.
Meaning of Inquiry understanding of: Research 1
Governing Principles & explain understanding First Edition 1. Describe your
Foundations of Inquiry the importance of of the term “inquiry”; understanding of Inquiry
Benefits of an Inquiry research in daily life AUTHOR: Based Learning.
Based Learning outline all ideas related Esther L. INQUIRY 2. How do you learn
the characteristics, and have learned about Baraceros something through inquiry?
processes, and ethics the nature of inquiry 3. What kind of thinking is
of research PUBLISHING involved in this method?
enumerate the benefits YEAR: 4. Why inquiry is a
quantitative and of inquiry-base learning 2016 scientific way of thinking?
Guide Sentence: 5. In your opinion, is this
qualitative research
The detectives need more
infer about social issues PUBLISHING an effective learning
time to inquire about the
the kinds of research through speculative HOUSE: method? Why or why not?
across fields thinking Rex Book
Store, Inc., B. List down 5 inquiry question
II. Class Proper/ Discussion about each given topic:
The learner is able to: identify a question as 856 Nicanor
The teacher will discuss the
simple, complex based Reyes Sr. St.,
following topics to the class. 1.Extra Judicial Killings
use appropriate kinds on the kind of thinking it Sampaloc,
of research in making elicit from the learner Manila 2.Anti-Discrimination Bill
Meaning of Inquiry 3.Food and Water Security
ISBN: Governing Principles & 4.Free Access to Education
978-971-23- Foundations of Inquiry 5.Human Capital Flight
Benefits of an Inquiry Based
7844-7 Learning
Week 1:
Day 2 NATURE OF RESEARCH After this lesson, the I. Motivation/ Introduction A. Raising Top-Level Questions
learner should be able to: #TravelGoals The teacher will and Researching for Answers
Meaning of Research ask the class to list down 3 of
Characteristics of shares experiences and the scenic places they want to List down 3-5 inquiry questions
Research knowledge related with visit/ put in the travel on each sector about the recent
Purposes of Research research itinerary someday. Follow up 2018 State of the Nation
Types of Research questions are: What part of Address of President Duterte.
Approaches to explains the importance those places interest you the Write it down on a clean sheet
Research of research in daily life most? Why? Would you like of paper.
Research across Fields to know more about them?
describes How do you think will you be Environmental Concerns
characteristics, more knowledgeable about TRAIN Law and Businesses
processes, and ethics of your favorite or most loved International Relations
research places? This is an introduction Constitutional Reform
to the nature & concept of Jobs & Employment Sector
differentiates research.
quantitative from Once you have list down your
qualitative research II. Class Proper/ Discussion questions, research for the
The teacher will discuss the facts, answers at home and be
following topics to the class. ready to present it on the next
provide examples of meeting.
research in areas of Meaning of Research
interest (liberal arts, Characteristics of Research
humanities, sports, Purposes of Research
science, business, Types of Research
agriculture & fisheries, Approaches to Research
ICT, and social inquiry) Research across Fields