Lesson Plan: Week 1 First Semester, First Grading Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research Prepared By: Miss Ron Mariah Kristafer J. Manlapig, LPT

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Basic Education Department- Senior High School

PAASCU Accredited - Level II
210 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines
Tel. No.: (02) 525-9416 to 21

LESSON PLAN: Week 1 First Semester, First Grading

Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research Prepared by: Miss Ron Mariah Kristafer J. Manlapig, LPT

(Graduate Attributes) RESOURCES
Week 1:
Day 1 NATURE OF INQUIRY The learner After this lesson, the TITLE: I. Motivation/ Introduction A. Answer these questions
demonstrates learner should be able to: Practical Individual Work (Concept Map) about Inquiry Based Learning.
 Meaning of Inquiry understanding of: Research 1
 Governing Principles &  explain understanding First Edition 1. Describe your
Foundations of Inquiry  the importance of of the term “inquiry”; understanding of Inquiry
 Benefits of an Inquiry research in daily life AUTHOR: Based Learning.
Based Learning  outline all ideas related Esther L. INQUIRY 2. How do you learn
 the characteristics, and have learned about Baraceros something through inquiry?
processes, and ethics the nature of inquiry 3. What kind of thinking is
of research PUBLISHING involved in this method?
 enumerate the benefits YEAR: 4. Why inquiry is a
 quantitative and of inquiry-base learning 2016 scientific way of thinking?
Guide Sentence: 5. In your opinion, is this
qualitative research
The detectives need more
 infer about social issues PUBLISHING an effective learning
time to inquire about the
 the kinds of research through speculative HOUSE: method? Why or why not?
across fields thinking Rex Book
Store, Inc., B. List down 5 inquiry question
II. Class Proper/ Discussion about each given topic:
The learner is able to:  identify a question as 856 Nicanor
The teacher will discuss the
simple, complex based Reyes Sr. St.,
following topics to the class. 1.Extra Judicial Killings
 use appropriate kinds on the kind of thinking it Sampaloc,
of research in making elicit from the learner Manila 2.Anti-Discrimination Bill
 Meaning of Inquiry 3.Food and Water Security
ISBN:  Governing Principles & 4.Free Access to Education
978-971-23- Foundations of Inquiry 5.Human Capital Flight
 Benefits of an Inquiry Based
7844-7 Learning

III. Open Class Discussion

The students will answer the
following questions verbally.
 Was there an instance in
your life when you did a
sort of an inquiry? Describe
your experience.

 How your knowledge in

Inquiry Based Learning can
be beneficial in various
fields of knowledge?

 Does Inquiry Based

Learning play a crucial part
in the success of anyone in
the 21st Century?

Week 1:
Day 2 NATURE OF RESEARCH After this lesson, the I. Motivation/ Introduction A. Raising Top-Level Questions
learner should be able to: #TravelGoals The teacher will and Researching for Answers
 Meaning of Research ask the class to list down 3 of
 Characteristics of  shares experiences and the scenic places they want to List down 3-5 inquiry questions
Research knowledge related with visit/ put in the travel on each sector about the recent
 Purposes of Research research itinerary someday. Follow up 2018 State of the Nation
 Types of Research questions are: What part of Address of President Duterte.
 Approaches to  explains the importance those places interest you the Write it down on a clean sheet
Research of research in daily life most? Why? Would you like of paper.
 Research across Fields to know more about them?
 describes How do you think will you be  Environmental Concerns
characteristics, more knowledgeable about  TRAIN Law and Businesses
processes, and ethics of your favorite or most loved  International Relations
research places? This is an introduction  Constitutional Reform
to the nature & concept of  Jobs & Employment Sector
 differentiates research.
quantitative from Once you have list down your
qualitative research II. Class Proper/ Discussion questions, research for the
The teacher will discuss the facts, answers at home and be
following topics to the class. ready to present it on the next
 provide examples of meeting.
research in areas of  Meaning of Research
interest (liberal arts,  Characteristics of Research
humanities, sports,  Purposes of Research
science, business,  Types of Research
agriculture & fisheries,  Approaches to Research
ICT, and social inquiry)  Research across Fields

III. Open Class Discussion

The students will answer the
following questions verbally.
 Describe your own
understanding of Research.

 Was there an instance in

your life when you did a
research study? Describe
your experience.

 How research can be

beneficial in various fields
of knowledge? On ABM?
LESSON PLAN: Practical Research 1: Qualitative Research DATE SUBMITTED: July 31, 2018 SUBMITTED TO: Miss Michelle Angela C. Isip

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