Conservation of Historic Timber Structures: Knut Einar Larsen & Nils Marstein

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The document discusses principles and approaches for conserving historic timber structures in an ecologically sustainable way, emphasizing traditional materials and craftsmanship.

The ICOMOS principles emphasize minimum intervention, maximum retention of original materials, and authenticity. Traditional materials and crafts are discussed as important cultural heritage.

The document notes diversity in wood species, decay agents, structure types, details/joints, and worldwide cultural heritage examples.

Conservation of

Historic Timber Structures

An ecological approach

Knut Einar Larsen & Nils Marstein

Conservation of
Historic Timber Structures
An ecological approach

Knut Einar Larsen

Nils Marstein

This text was originally published in 2000 in Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and
Museology. All illustrations are by the authors if not stated otherwise

Oslo, 2016




1. The sustainability of traditional materials and craftsmanship 1

1.1. The ICOMOS International Wood Committee’s Principles
for the Preservation of Historic Timber Structures 2
1.2. The need for skilled carpenters 3
1.3. Traditional materials and traditional crafts as cultural heritage 5
1.4. Revival of lost craft techniques and training programmes 6
1.5. Techniques of craftsmanship and research into architectural history 7
1.6. Repair and restoration and the quality of wood 8

2. In the full richness of their authenticity 9

2.1. Aspects of ’authenticity’ 9
2.2. The principle of minimum intervention and maximum retention of materials 10
2.3. Authenticity and material fetishism 11
2.4. Firmitas – venustas –voluptas 12
2.5. Authenticity, timber structures and the replacement of members 13

3. There is such great diversity 19

3.1. Diversity of wood species and wood properties 19
3.2. Diversity of decaying agents 20
3.3. Diversity of timber structures 23
3.4. Timber structures and the world cultural heritage 27
3.5. Diversity in wood detailing and woodwork joints 28

4. Desperate remedies: the benefits and drawbacks of modern technology 31

4.1. Dismantling and rebuilding 32
4.2. Replacement and reinforcement using wood 35
4.3. Replacement using epoxies 36
4.4. Steel reinforcement 38
4.5. Preserving and repairing the whole building 41

5. The two sides of the coin: preservation of structures and

preservation of techniques of craftsmanship 43
5.1. Preservation of buildings and preservation of traditional techniques in Japan 44
5.2. Research on technology and history of materials 45
5.3. The revival of traditional carpentry techniques and repair methods 47
6. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow: preservation starts in the forest 55
6.1. Historic Forest Reserves 55
6.2. Sustained yield management and sustainable management of forests 57
6.3. Forests: The 1992 Rio Earth Summit and its aftermath 58
6.4. Forest conservation 59
6.5. The traditional knowledge of tree selection in the forest 59

7. A little neglect may breed mischief: preventive conservation, documentation,

maintenance and fire protection 61
7.1. Inspection and recording 61
7.2. The Venice Charter and the ICOMOS recording principles 61
7.3. Documentation of building history 64
7.4. Physical condition defects survey and analysis 65
7.5. Structural survey and engineering calculations 70
7.6. Structural survey and timber grading 70
7.7. Maintenance 71
7.8. Fire and fire protection 73

8. Like seasoned timber, never gives: the durability of wood as a building material 79
8.1. Heartwood: natural durability and stability 79
8.2. Heartwood formation 80
8.3. Heartwood characteristics 81
8.4. he natural durability of solid wood from the perspective of wood science 82
8.5. Cutting patterns and durability 85
8.6. What happens when wood ages: wood durability 87
8.7. Weathering of wood 88
8.8. The patina of wood 88
8.9. Re-using old wood in repair work 91

9. Something nasty in the woodshed: alternatives to toxic chemicals 93

9.1. Conditions for the growth of fungi and the biology of environmental control 93
9.2. Traditional wood preservation 95
9.3. Industrial wood preservation 96
9.4. The Integrated Pest Management Approach 97
9.5. Biochemical and biological approaches to wood preservation 98
9.6. Protective paints and coatings 98

10. The past has power: sustainable development – learning from

historic timber structures 99
10.1. Learning from the past 99

10.2. Environmental impact in a life-cycle perspective: a case study 102

Principles for the Preservation of Historic Timer Structures 105

References 109

Index 113


Through our work with the ICOMOS International International Courses on Wood Conservation
Wood Committee, we have had the opportunity Technology whom we met between 1984 and 1996
to meet colleagues from all over the world and to when we directed this training programme. They
discuss problems related to the conservation and gave us valuable input in the development of the
repair of historic timber structures, often in situ. We Principles and to our understanding of the global
have come to realise that there is in fact no single problems connected with the preservation of historic
way, but rather several approaches which must be timber structures. In particular, we wish to thank
accepted if we are to take a world-wide view on those of our colleagues from the Wood Committee
the problems of preservation of historic timber and further afield, who have given us examples used
structures. There are no standard technical solutions in this book.
which can be applied universally. Our experience is It is a particular challenge to write a book in a
that repair approaches must be geared towards the language that is not your own. Therefore, we wish
specific cultural, architectural and environmental to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friend and
challenges in the country or region where the colleague Ingrid Greenhow. When she lived in
historic timber structure is located. Norway, she worked with us in the organisation
With this background, one of our most important of the UNESCO International Course on Wood
tasks in the Wood Committee has been the Conservation Technology in 1986 and 1988. Since
development of the Principles for the Preservation returning to England, she has continued to advise
of Historic Timber Structures upon which this book us on the use of language and to proof-read our
is based. We wish to thank our colleagues in the professional papers. She has given us valuable advice
Wood Committee for the inspiring and illuminating and fresh perspectives in the development of the
discussions we have had together over the years manuscript, in addition to helping us with questions
which have led to the development of the Principles. of language.
We would also like to thank our colleagues at The material on Japan in this book is adapted
ICCROM (International Centre for the Study and the from Architectural Preservation in Japan (Larsen
Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) 1994).
and the lecturers and participants in UNESCO’s


This book offers a new and sustainable approach to made, out of respect for their insight, wisdom and
the preservation of historic timber structures. It is knowledge. This means that:
geared towards a world-wide view of preservation
problems relating to timber structures from a 1. when replacement of a member in a timber
cultural perspective. We aim to introduce ideas and structure is necessary, replacement timber of the
solutions that may be universal in their scope, while same species of wood and of a similar quality
respecting cultural diversity. should be used;
This book is not designed as a handbook. In the 2. tools and techniques identical or similar to
view of the authors, specific repair techniques must those used by previous generations of craftsmen
be adapted to the particular conditions and available to convert and dress the timber and to assemble
resources of each country or region. In this way, the the various members should be used.
authors wish to respect the diversity of cultures,
the types of timber structures and the particular The reason for this approach is that it is the insight,
requirements of the various environments where wisdom and knowledge of previous generations as
they are located. The necessity for this approach represented in the structure handed down to us,
is discussed further in chapter 3. Most countries that constitute the authentic historic document. It
have their own handbooks, publications or training is out of respect for the human thinking and work
courses which will introduce typical technical inherent in this authentic document that we try
solutions suitable for their own particular culture honour previous generations by duplicating their
and technical preservation problems relating to choices and endeavours. In this way, the beauty
timber structures. Examples are English Heritage intended by the creator of the original structure can
and the Association for Preservation Technology be retained. Only in cases where the original choices
in the USA and Canada. There is also an extensive have not proved to be durable or sustainable should
amount of literature on this subject, including we opt for modern solutions.
Charles (1984) and Weaver (1993).
What we regard as universal in preservation 2 An ecological approach to
thinking are some basic ideas concerning the values
of cultural properties and how these best can be
maintained through repair work. While particular
It is this approach—which has its roots in respect for
techniques must necessarily be adapted to local
the crafts and craftsmanship—which is the essential
conditions, we wish to introduce globally applicable
aspect of what we call an ecological approach to
ways of thinking. The ideas we present here are
preservation. This is the main theme of the book,
based on ideas developed within the framework of
which is discussed in detail in chapters 1, 2, 5 and
the International Wood Committee of ICOMOS
10. By an ecological approach we mean, moreover,
(International Council on Monuments and Sites).
that historic timber structures must be regarded
as being more than isolated objects where the sole
1 Using the wisdom of previous purpose is to conserve the historic substance or
generations in repair work fabric. We regard historic timber structures as
sources of inspiration and living evidence of ways
Based on the Wood Committee’s Principles for of sustainable building practices and knowledge of
the Preservation of Historic Timber Structures, materials, which could well be adapted to the repair
the main thesis of this book is that when we carry of the same structures, as well as to contemporary
out preservation work or repair timber structures building practice.
from the past, we should duplicate, in as far as this An ecological approach, in our view, also
is possible, the choices that previous generations includes an environmentally-responsible approach



Figure 1 (a) The David B. Gamble house, Pasadena, USA. Architects Charles and Henry Greene. 1908. (b) Gamble house. Detail
of veranda.

to limiting the use of toxic substances to preserve central aspect of the ecological approach is to try to
wood from decay and for repair, such as epoxies, understand the knowledge of previous generations
which we do not recommend. This is discussed in concerning the use of forests and the use of timber
chapters 4 and 9. A main theme is that minimum in structures in order to make them durable. This
intervention in a structure is the best policy, and aspect is discussed throughout the book, but in
that preventive conservation should always have particular in chapters 6 and 8.
first priority. This is the subject of chapter 7. The
3 Timber and forests necessity of an overruling norm for the preservation
of the world’s cultural heritage made of wood. Our
Wood as an organic material may decay and degrade thinking is based on international preservation
rapidly compared to stone, brick or other major doctrine, such as the Venice Charter, the Nara
historic building materials, as a result of moisture, Document on Authenticity, and, in particular, the
fungi, insect attack or fire. Wood is actively affected Principles for the Preservation of Historic Timber
by relative humidity, which causes it to expand and Structures, adopted by the ICOMOS International
contract. Moreover, wood may be deformed by Wood Committee.
warping. Defects in wooden structural members, ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments
whether at the joints or elsewhere, are more critical and Sites) is an international non-governmental
to a structure’s load-bearing capacity than other organisation of professionals, dedicated to the
primary building materials. The big difference conservation of the world's historic monuments and
between stone and wood is the time-dimension in sites. ICOMOS provides a forum for professional
the ageing process. The ugly stage where wood rots dialogue and a vehicle for the collection,
may come a hundred or a thousand times faster evaluation and dissemination of information on
than the rate at which stone is reduced to gravel. conservation principles, techniques and policies.
The ageing and deterioration of wood is more rapid The organisation was founded in 1965, as a result
and is also of another character than that of stone: of the international adoption of the Charter for
in stone, the deterioration moves from the outside the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments
towards the inside; in wood, decay and deterioration and Sites (the Venice Charter) the preceding year.
caused by fungi and insects may start from within ICOMOS is UNESCO's principal advisor in matters
and move outwards. These characteristics necessitate concerning the conservation and protection of
various interventions in historic timber structures monuments and sites. Today the organisation has
in order to preserve them, which are different from national committees in nearly 90 countries. The
those which are used in structures constructed of Wood Committee is one of the sixteen ICOMOS
more permanent materials. The Wood Committee’s international scientific committees of experts from
Principles and this book are a timely response around the world. Through these committees,
to the needs of the international preservationist ICOMOS seeks to establish international standards
community for internationally-applicable guidelines for the preservation, restoration and management of
for the preservation of historic timber structures. the cultural environment.
A main argument of this book is that the Ever since the Wood Committee was established
preservation of historic timber structures starts in 1975, the need for a set of preservation principles
in the forest and thus it establishes a link between has been a continuous theme in the Committee’s
cultural heritage preservation and the conservation deliberations and activities. The current Principles
and sustainable use of forest resources. Public are based on proposals by Sir Bernard Feilden (1984)
interest and concern for the health and well-being and Michael Mennim (1988). The Principles were
of the world’s forests, the natural resource for wood, debated at the meetings and international symposia
have never been greater than today, following the of the Wood Committee in Nepal in 1992, Japan
United Nations Conference on Environment and in 1994, Bulgaria in 1996, England in 1997 and in
Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This book China in 1998. In addition, the Wood Committee
argues for and demonstrates the close relationship has continuously sought the advice of both its
that exists between the preservation of timber members and experts outside the Committee in
structures and the sustainable use of the world’s the development of the Principles. The Committee
forest resources. therefore believes that the current version represents
the predominant view among the world’s experts on
the preservation of historic timber structures.
4 ICOMOS, the International Wood
Based on the ICOMOS Wood Committee’s
Committee and the Wood Principles, the purpose of this book is to introduce
Committee’s Principles basic and universally-applicable principles and
practices for the protection and preservation of
In today’s heritage conservation thinking, increasing historic timber structures with due respect for their
attention has been focused on respect for cultural and cultural significance. Historic timber structures, as
heritage diversity. Too much diversity and tolerance defined in the Wood Committee’s Principles and in
leads to there being little which is a common this book, are all types of buildings or constructions
denominator, and we therefore argue for the wholly or partially in timber which are of cultural
significance or which form constituent parts of an engineers, craftsmen and site managers. It will also
historic area. be of interest to members of the public who wish to
The book addresses students, craftsmen and develop their knowledge of the preservation of the
professionals who are involved or who have an world’s wooden cultural heritage, as well as those
interest in the protection and preservation of who are interested in building practices that may be
historic timber structures: architects, conservators, compatible with sustainable development.

The sustainability of traditional materials and

The world of international preservation thinking Nonetheless, the Nara Document reaffirms the
seemed less complicated in the 1960s when Europe, most basic document in international preservation
and, in particular, European stone and masonry thinking, the ‘Venice Charter’ of 1964. The Venice
building traditions, formed the basis from which Charter was adopted as a resolution by the second
modern preservation theory has evolved. Today, the International Congress of Architects and Technicians
recommendations of the international preservation of Historic Monuments in Venice in 1964 (Larsen
bodies have to take into account the phenomenon 1994: 1). From its conception, the charter has been
of globalisation and the increasing awareness of continuously criticised for being Eurocentric and
the legitimate right of cultures to express their own for not taking into consideration different building
values through the preservation of their cultural materials. Nevertheless, the Venice Charter remains
heritage. Yesterday’s truths are no longer necessarily the only accepted base of thinking for preservation
valid. experts all over the world, and reference is constantly
The Nara Conference on Authenticity, held in made to it. It looks as though the Venice Charter will
Nara, Japan, in 1995, illustrates this new situation retain this pre-eminent status well into the twenty-
very well. The conference was organised jointly by first century. The reason for the acceptance and
UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM and the Japanese widespread use of the Venice Charter is that the text
Agency for Cultural Affairs with the aim of clarifying is open to interpretation, so that widely-differing
the ‘test of authenticity’ in relation to UNESCO’s solutions to preservation problems may be chosen
World Heritage Convention (Larsen 1995). It and yet still claim to be in accordance with the
brought together forty-five of the leading experts Venice Charter.
in the field of preservation of cultural properties. The preservation ideologies upon which
In all they represented international organisations, international recommendations are based are
twenty-six countries from around the world and all derived from buildings made of stone, rather
the major cultural regions and building traditions than wood. For example, the Venice Charter was
of the world. The conference adopted a declaration conceived by experts who drew their experience
entitled the Nara Document on Authenticity. The mainly from work with stone buildings. As a
Nara Document reflects the fact that international consequence, Article 11 of the Charter refers
preservation doctrine has moved from a Eurocentric to issues that are particularly relevant to stone
approach to a post-modern position, characterised buildings, as, for example, ‘the superimposed work
by the recognition of cultural relativism. of different periods’ which should be respected
The Nara Document encourages preservation and ‘the revealing of the underlying state’ which
experts to clarify the use of the concept of can only be justified in exceptional circumstances.
authenticity within their own countries and cultural Accordingly, such terms require interpretation in
spheres. Only then can they engage their colleagues order to be applied to timber buildings. In general
from other parts of the world in an open dialogue in terms, the changes which have taken place in stone-
the understanding that the search for authenticity is or brick-buildings during their history are basically
universal, but recognising that the ways and means characterised by the addition of new parts and new
to preserve the authenticity of cultural heritage are layers, for instance, new layers of plaster. In the
culturally dependent. The basic message of the Nara timber building tradition, changes are characterised
Document is that the world’s immense diversity of by the replacement of members, which may have
cultures and types of heritage should be respected. decayed due to fungi or insect-attack, or been
No one has the right to force a preconceived system destroyed by fire. As long as we speak of the
of values and ideas for cultural heritage preservation preservation of historical strata, the theory can only
on any nation or culture. be relevant for timber buildings if we also include
replaced members in the concept of strata.

As early as the Congress in Venice in 1964, serious country, experts may hold widely differing opinions
objections were raised against the universal on the best way to preserve their national heritage
applicability of the Venice Charter. The United States resources made of wood. Some say that the material
delegation saw the Charter as dealing principally is sacred and every effort must be made to save
with the preservation of stone buildings, common every bit of historic material, even if it is severely
in Europe, but a topic of less interest in the United decayed and can no longer perform any structural
States, where construction is primarily of wood and role. These experts propose reinforcement with
other materials (Stipe 1990: 407). When ICOMOS plastic, steel and even concrete (Salaün 1995). In the
summed up twenty-five years of experience with the view of the authors of this book, experience shows
Venice Charter in 1990, several ICOMOS national that we have to relearn the traditional knowledge of
committees and individual experts shared the US materials and construction techniques in order to
Committee’s concern that the Charter, while being help our monuments to survive.
of a culturally limited scope, is also too general However, we do not reject technological progress.
to be applied to meeting the needs of different The Wood Committee’s Principles, like Article 10 of
architectural, political and economic situations, as the Venice Charter, accept the use of contemporary
well as widely-differing architectural techniques and materials, such as polymeric materials, and
building materials (Stipe 1990: 415 and ICOMOS techniques such as structural steel reinforcement in
1990: 33-36). In particular, historic buildings and preservation or repair work. However, the Principles
monuments built partly or wholly of wood present emphasise that such materials and techniques must
special problems in preservation. This is why the be chosen and used with the greatest caution, and
ICOMOS Wood Committee has developed its only in cases where the durability and structural
Principles. behaviour of the materials and construction
techniques have been satisfactorily proven over
a sufficiently long period of time. This view is, we
1.1 The ICOMOS International believe, shared by most specialists (see for example
Brereton 1995:4).
Wood Committee’s Principles for
the Preservation of Historic Timber
Structures 1.1.1 The Wood Committee’s
The preamble to the Wood Committee’s Principles Principles: the use of traditional
affirms that timber structures from all periods are methods
important as part of the cultural heritage of the
world. The Principles consider the great diversity The main message of the Principles, however,
of historic timber structures and also the various is that traditional methods should, wherever
species and qualities of wood used to build them. One possible, always be followed in repair work. We
of the members of the ICOMOS Wood Committee, should look at the possibility of preserving or
Fred Charles, a leading UK conservation architect repairing a timber structure using techniques and
of timber structures, has proposed that there are construction technology which correspond to those
as many ways of building with timber as there are used originally. This also includes the use of the
species of trees, differences in climate and contrasts traditional dressing tools or machinery. For example,
of terrain (Charles 1984: 10). This may indeed the Principles advise when a part of a member is
represent a tremendous challenge for those who aim replaced, traditional woodwork joints should be
to consider all these differences and the diversity used to splice the new part to the existing part, if
in cultures and then recommend an approach to this is appropriate and compatible with structural
the preservation of timber structures that may be requirements.
applied universally. For example, a total of 30,000 Article 10 of the Venice Charter seems somewhat
angiosperm (hardwood) and 520 gymnosperm inadequate in propagating traditional techniques in
(softwood) tree species are recognised. We can preservation work, although it expresses concern for
safely conclude that natural diversity is immense the structural behaviour and durability of modern
and almost beyond our comprehension. materials:
There are great differences of opinion between
experts on the preservation of timber structures Where traditional techniques prove inadequate, the
in different countries concerning the ‘best’ or most consolidation of a monument can be achieved by
suitable preservation methods. Even within the same the use of any modern technique for conservation
and construction, the efficacy of which has been
shown by scientific data and proved by experience.

Harald Langberg, a Danish architectural historian

and one of the co-signers of the Venice Charter
in 1964, explains the background: it was taken for
granted that the same materials and techniques
which were used during the previous construction
work on the building should also be used in the
preservation work. On the other hand, in cases where
traditional materials and techniques had proved to
be unserviceable, one should not be committed to
repeating the mistakes of the past. This scepticism
towards contemporary materials was based on an
awareness that these might solve a specific technical
problem, but might also have unforeseen side effects
which could cause serious problems in the future
(Langberg 1975: 17).
Traditional methods of repair of timber buildings

1. the availability of timber of the same species,

grading and scantling as the old, decayed timber
which is to be replaced;
2. that forest owners are interested in keeping
forest reserves with old-growth, ‘mature’ trees;
3. the availability of craftsmen, in particular
carpenters who are familiar with the handling Figure 1.1 The Church of Transfiguration on the island of
of traditional tools; and Kizhi, Lake Onega, the Karelian Russian Republic, completed
4. the availability of traditional tools. in 1714. The Kizhi Pogost World Heritage Site includes the
Church of Transfiguration, the Church of the Virgin of the
Intercession (1764), a bell-tower (1861) and the fences which
In addition, conservation architects, and, ideally, were reconstructed in 1959. The log-structure of the Church
carpenters as well, should have a thorough knowledge of Transfiguration shows the Russian architect’s extravagant
of traditional design methods and construction ideas and how a carpenter could push his techniques to their
techniques. It is an accepted fact in today’s industrial furthest limits. Today, the church is in urgent need of repair.
The material and structural decay is so severe that the idea of
societies that it is extremely difficult to fulfil all these dismantling the church completely was put to the ICOMOS
conditions, or even a few of them. Wood Committee in 1988. As yet, no decision has been made
Advocating the use of traditional materials regarding the restoration of this structure which is of supreme
and techniques in repair work is, however, not national and international significance. The Wood Committee
strongly argues the case for minimum intervention and maxi-
particularly radical. Indeed, this approach has been
mum retention of existing materials wherever possible, using
used by Japanese preservation experts for nearly a traditional carpentry techniques in the repair work. (Photo by
century; in the UK, the Society for the Protection Sjur Helseth, Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway.)
of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) and English Heritage
advocate that wherever possible, repairs to structural
timbers should be carried out in timber using methods in carpentry techniques, in the belief that
traditional carpentry methods (Boutwood 1991: the use of modern materials is more ‘scientific’.
5). In Germany, leading experts advocate the use of
traditional techniques in timber-framed buildings 1.2 The need for skilled carpenters
(Gerner 1979: 76). In the Scandinavian countries,
traditional methods are not only preferred but are The need to use modern materials in repair
dominant in the preservation and repair of historic work may also result from the lack of competent
timber structures. In other countries, the situation craftsmen. When the cry for skilled craftsmen is
is quite different. Sometimes we see that a wish to raised in international conferences and meetings,
elevate the repair of timber structures to the realm one almost always thinks of artistically-oriented
of ‘science’ leads to neglect of traditional repair craftsmen, such as stone sculptors and wood carvers.

Figure 1.2 A carpenter’s axe used for “sprett-telgjing”.

The lack of ordinary construction workers is rarely of the technical knowledge and capabilities of
regarded as a problem. This is because construction previous generations as represented, for example,
techniques have been regarded with less interest than by their tools. To do this, we need to work closely
the architectural surfaces. Moreover, construction with carpenters who are the only people with the
work is often seen as low-status work where you necessary competence to analyse the traces of tools
more or less can pick people from the street and put on the original surfaces.
them to work. Construction work is not regarded An example of this is a specific North European
as something for which particular competence is medieval carpentry technique used to finish the
required. surface of exposed timbers in log buildings, known
In Scandinavia the situation is somewhat better, as sprett-telgjing in Norwegian. When Norwegian
with construction workers with an independent carpenters tried to reconstruct the technique in the
attitude, well-trained and relatively well-paid, early 1990s, they used axes or adzes of all shapes and
quick, ambitious and with a willingness to learn. sizes until they discovered that the technique used
As a result, training such carpenters for repair in medieval Norwegian carpentry was still being
work situations can be a rewarding experience for used in Northern Russia. The Norwegians noticed
everyone concerned. In the countries or regions that Russian carpenters used an ordinary axe, which
where traditional repair methods predominate, the was also used for a number of other purposes. They
work of the craftsmen is also respected. This respect then realised that medieval Norwegian carpenters
for the knowledge and experience of carpenters probably did not posses large tool-chests with a lot
and other craftsmen is, in our view, a necessary of specialist tools. The medieval carpenters may
prerequisite for successful preservation work. well have had just a few tools, and an axe or adze,
To understand the craftsmen and their techniques for example, would have been used for a variety
which produced the heritage we now need to of operations or purposes. In other words, the
preserve, we need to see the buildings from the carpenters of the 1990s had to think ‘medieval’ in
perspective of those who built them, and base our order to understand the practice of the technique.
interpretations on the limitations and possibilities
This was accepted as a fact of life. Today, we
still have the same knowledge, but we no longer
accept the realities. Contractors are forced to sign
contracts which guarantee the durability of their
work. Consequently they are sometimes forced to
reinforce traditional materials.
Northern Europe departed from a thousand-
year long building tradition during the 1950s.
This tradition was based on well-proven materials,
techniques and building systems. Since then, we
have had over thirty years of new techniques and
new materials which may last a mere ten years.
In addition, many of these new materials, such
as asbestos and particleboard, have been shown
to cause allergies and increase the risk of cancer
(Hidemark 1994). In 1900, some fifty different
building materials were in use in Norway. Almost
a century later, there are more than 40,000 different
materials. Many of them did not exist ten years ago;
Figure 1.3 (a) Traditional wooden panelling in boathouses, many of them will probably not exist ten years from
Nordmøre, Norway. The boards are nailed towards the upper
edge, just below the joint where they overlap. In dry weather,
the lower board ends bend outwards, allowing dry air into the The strength of the traditional building materials
construction. In wet weather the boards close again. lies in the fact that they are well-tested, often over
(b) Modern wooden panelling, Norway. The boards are nailed centuries. This should be a sufficient guarantee of
at the lower end. This ensures weather-tight panelling in all
their reliability and durability. No two- or ten-year
guarantee is required for these materials. Correctly
produced, processed and finished, and correctly
used in the building or structure, they are indeed
the only materials that an old building or structure
1.3 Traditional materials and needs. A serious comparison of the durability
traditional crafts as cultural criteria of older building technology and present
heritage technology would be fruitful. Modern technology is
based on the assumption that the buildings will be
We would like to argue that traditional materials written off in thirty years time. This is the modern
and traditional crafts must be regarded as a part durability perspective, but is this really what people
of cultural heritage. Furthermore, we believe that want? Our proposal that traditional means of repair
preservation requires traditional materials which can work should be tried first is not about a romantic
function with the building technically, aesthetically relationship with traditional or ancient building
and historically. By ‘traditional building materials’ technology; nor is it an attempt to turn back the
we mean materials that have been used over a clock. It is about a rational evaluation of what was
period of time and which are rooted in past local once considered to be good, reliable technology.
or regional building activity. Most of these materials Perhaps the next generation’s technology will
were extracted directly from nature, such as wood develop through bringing together restoration and
or stone, and often the processing or finishing of contemporary building technology.
the materials was carried out on the building site In older buildings there was an ecology of
by the craftsmen who built the house or structure. materials, a natural dependence between the
The knowledge of the properties of the materials building materials to create a balance of strength,
was based on experience inherited from previous movements due to changes in humidity and
generations. temperature. In many cases, when we add new
Previously, people regarded building materials materials, the balance that once existed between
for what they were. They knew that some materials traditional materials is distorted or destroyed. Many
or some parts of a buildings or structure deteriorated people, including contractors, combine materials
faster than others, and that these materials or parts uncritically. Perhaps the time allocated for project
required more frequent repair work. Seasonal bad preparation and construction is so short today that
weather may have accelerated the deterioration. we are not able to evaluate our proposals properly?
In a wider perspective, this leads to the question is tempting to exchange labour-intensive expensive
of reparability, to the problem of future maintenance. techniques for modern techniques, in order to save
We should plan and build in order to decrease money. Moreover, the supply of most traditional
the maintenance problems for the future. In this materials is limited and the prices may be high.
context, traditional building technology was good. Modern materials and techniques are generally
It was based on centuries of testing, in contrast to cheaper. Therefore, it may be a great challenge to
modern laboratory tests, often carried out by the motivate a building owner to bear the additional
manufacturers themselves. costs of having the repair work done using traditional
Finally, there is the criterion of ageing. Modern materials and techniques.
houses are not built to age graciously. While historic
buildings in traditional materials age with dignity,
modern materials rarely seem to have this ability. 1.4 Revival of lost crafts techniques
Gracious ageing may be considered as the most and training programmes
superior quality of the concept of beauty in relation
to historic timber structures. Whether the traditional knowledge is preserved
An interesting example of the traditional or must be revitalised, comprehensive training
understanding of the logic and nature of wood can programmes on the protection, preservation and
be found in the nineteenth century boathouses in conservation of historic timber structures are a
Nordmøre, Norway. In these buildings, the walls fundamental prerequisite for successful preservation.
are clapped with pine boards, normally of high The Wood Committee’s Principles add to this
quality, though not always heartwood. The boards that regeneration of values related to the cultural
are of similar thickness, and are nailed towards the significance of historic timber structures through
upper edge, just below the point where they overlap. educational programmes, is an essential requisite of
Usually, the boards are put up with the backside a sustainable preservation and development policy.
facing outwards. As a result, the outer edge bends Training programmes should address all relevant
outwards in dry weather and bends inward again professions and trades involved in such work, and,
with increasing humidity. The wall thus provides in particular, architects, conservators, engineers,
a form of natural ventilation, with airing in dry craftsmen and site managers.
weather and tightening in periods of humidity. It is well worth bearing in mind that knowledge
In this way, the boarding is preserved. This is of the traditional techniques of craftsmanship is
a way of understanding materials and building extremely difficult to revive and retrieve once it is
techniques which could be revived in contemporary lost. Continuous practice is the only way to preserve
construction techniques to great benefit. such knowledge. However, we are faced with the
We are convinced that the future of building dilemma that old techniques and working methods
preservation lies in the combined preservation of and processes have been outmoded and no longer
the physical remains of our heritage resources on belong to the practical crafts techniques. Knowledge
the one hand, and, on the other, the preservation of and skills which are no longer in demand cannot
the knowledge of the traditional building materials survive in trade or business. Knowledge based on
and construction techniques that were used to tradition which is no longer put to practice rapidly
produce such resources. There is a future potential falls into oblivion but may be revived through
in revitalising the knowledge of traditional building research and revitalised through training.
materials and techniques which will not only Our fundamental challenge then becomes how
benefit historic buildings but also contemporary to revive these lost techniques. The solution to this
construction work. Previous generations managed may be the establishment of a ‘core project’ such
to build timber structures which have in some cases as the programme carried out by the Norwegian
lasted for more than a thousand years. We have to Directorate for Cultural Heritage between 1991-
conclude that they knew something about wood and 1996, where a large number of craftsmen were
construction techniques in wood which has been trained on the job, while repairing 250 medieval
forgotten today. They knew the qualities of wood far timber buildings (Haslestad 1991, 1993a, 1993b).
better than many modern architects who sometimes Our experience from this programme is one of the
use wood as if it were a dead material, like plastic. reasons which has convinced us that the approach
The processing or production of traditional building to the preservation and repair based on historic
materials, and the execution of many traditional materials and techniques is to be preferred. We
techniques (e.g. jointing) were labour-intensive. have further been convinced by the experience
With today’s wages (in industrialised countries) it of our Swedish colleagues (Holmström 1993 and
Hidemark 1994). At the beginning of the 1990s, the mode of operation of tools, form and aesthetics.
Swedish National Board of Antiquities established We may therefore regard the different working
a project called ‘Wood and wooden architecture: techniques as solutions to time- and site-specific
materials, building technology, crafts techniques building problems. By investigating these aspects we
and restoration’ (Ponnert 1994; Ponnert and Sjömar may obtain information about the society and the
1993, 1994a and 1994b). The focus of this programme era which the building represents.
has been on craft and carpentry techniques and the Wood preserves traces of history. Through our
assumption that techniques of craftsmanship must historic timber buildings we have the opportunity
be considered a part of the cultural heritage. to understand history in a way which can never
Our most important source of inspiration, be told by books or written sources. However, this
however, is Japanese preservation practice, which presupposes that we are able to interpret such traces.
systematically applies traditional materials and Knowledge of crafts and techniques then becomes
techniques in preservation work. We may, in a key to the information carried in the vast files
fact, say that the crux of Japanese preservation is represented by our cultural heritage.
the recognition of the mutual dependence of the The knowledge of earlier crafts and techniques
preservation of buildings and the preservation is carried by tradition. The knowledge and skills are
of crafts. Through preserving historic buildings, connected with the people who practised them and
historic techniques of craftsmanship are preserved, are transmitted from one generation of craftsmen to
and, vice versa, by preserving the historic techniques the next as part of a tradition. When the tradition is
of craftsmanship, it is possible to preserve historic broken, no new experiences are added, but the old
building with compatible materials and in using ones are gradually diminished or reduced. Thus, the
compatible techniques (Larsen 1994). documentation of crafts and techniques is essential.
In order to analyse crafts techniques and to However, the documentation of techniques of
assimilate knowledge of historic techniques, it is craftsmanship has its own methodological problems.
essential that craftsmen and building historians It is about the description and analyses of processes,
work together. Knowledge which has been carried not ‘stationary’ buildings. Important parts of such
by tradition must enter the realm of scientific knowledge lie, for instance, in the hands, in the
knowledge. It is the craftsmen – the carpenters – body’s centre of gravity and in the position of the
who have the ‘key’ to a really deep understanding of feet. The training of craftsmen follows directions
the art of timber construction. An historic building which are not purely academic. Such knowledge
or structure where information about how it was can only partly be verbalised. It is transmitted or
built is lacking, should be regarded as incomplete or transferred through actual work. The teacher or
imperfect heritage. master leads, the student or apprentice follows.
We should consider living traditions of There is a vast resource of knowledge in historic
techniques of craftsmanship and the continuation timber structures which only architects, engineers
of human knowledge as having highly-important and craftsmen working together can manage
cultural values. We should also consider continuous to extract. This knowledge may greatly benefit
traditional maintenance as part of the value of an modern building activity and the preservation and
historic timber structure, an important historical repair of the structures which concern us. Our first
tradition that must not be broken. Repeated requirement is, therefore, to respect the work of
authentic maintenance should be accepted as an carpenters for two main reasons; first, because they
inalienable part of the value of the structure. can repair our historic timber structures and second,
because only with their help will we be able to extract
1.5 Techniques of craftsmanship and all possible information from historic constructions
and surfaces. Moreover, historic construction
research into architectural history practices and building types were generally based
on the sustainable use of natural resources. This is
Our architectural heritage has been built by
also a type of knowledge which is highly necessary
craftsmen. Therefore, the availability of competent
in contemporary construction practice. In short,
craftsmen will have a significant effect on the
historic timber structures are a knowledge base or
approaches to building preservation. Many regard
resource for contemporary activity.
techniques of craftsmanship as purely practical
skills. They are not able to see the ‘theory’ behind
all the steps of the working process in the sense
that these are adapted to such features as material
properties, technical conditions, ergonomics, the

1.6 Repair and restoration and the it may even be necessary to select timber from the
forests, as was done in days gone by.
quality of wood
The second requirement in implementing a strategy
for the repair of timber structures using traditional
methods is therefore to have forest resources which
The same type of wood should be used in can provide timber of a suitable quality. The Wood
restoration and replacement work as in the original Committee’s Principles encourage the establishment
construction. As each species has its own specific and protection of forest or woodland reserves
physical properties, using the same kind means that where appropriate timber can be obtained for the
the replacement parts will behave in the same way as preservation and repair of historic timber structures
the original material. (see Chapter 6).
In historic timber structures we can see that In our view, the preservation and repair of
wood was treated as a material with great individual timber structures using traditional methods will
variations. This is in contrast to contemporary first, preserve the integrity of the historic buildings
handling of the material, where wood is reduced to and second, revive the ecological thinking that
a commercial commodity with uniform properties. characterised the societies which produced them.
The ancient carpenters understood the qualities of To sum up, our aim in architectural preservation
wood and they were also able to recognise these is twofold: first, to preserve and repair historic
qualities in the standing tree. Today, we may be timber structures with compatible materials and
able to provide the timber we need for restoration technologies, and second, to take an environmentally
purposes, but this often forces us to bypass friendly approach to preservation based on
commercial timber traders. This requires knowledge the knowledge and understanding of previous
and resources. In important restoration projects, generations of the wonderful qualities of wood.

In the full richness of their authenticity

The primary aim of preservation, according to the building or site in UNESCO’s World Heritage
Wood Committee’s Principles, is to maintain the List can help us to grasp the significance of the
historical integrity of our cultural heritage. Historic issues or aspects involved in the authenticity or
buildings should be kept as authentic artefacts ‘genuineness’ of an historic building (UNESCO 1972
which directly link the present with the past. This and UNESCO 1988). An historic building which is
universal truth may, however, result in widely proposed for inclusion in the World Heritage List
differing solutions in the form of materials and must meet the
techniques for the maintenance of the values we
attribute to the timber structure in question. Our test of authenticity in design, materials,
beliefs, or values, are a kind of blue-print through workmanship or setting (UNESCO 1988: article
which we filter the world. They affect our decisions 24).
and how we feel about things – they are the building
blocks of our perception. One widely-held belief is An historic building is, according to the Venice
that our historic buildings are ‘documents’ from the Charter, ‘imbued with a message from the past’. This
past which should be kept as unaltered as possible, message, or rather these messages, are past cultural
like all historic documents. and historical values that are carried by the physical
The principal reason today why we consider substance, the form and the environment (or
historic buildings worthy of preservation, is that setting) of the building. In its substance and form are
they are primary sources of our knowledge of the representations of the technological knowledge and
era in which they were built. They are, if we have competence of the past. These historical messages
sufficient insight and knowledge to read them, must be safeguarded as genuine or authentic
documents from which we may gather knowledge historical manifestations.
of many aspects of the culture that produced them. Confusion often arises in the preservation
This notion was put forward by the Austrian art debate because ‘authentic’ does not necessarily
historian Max Dvorak in 1916. Since the majority mean ‘original’. In relation to the World Heritage
of people would consider it a crime to forge historic Convention, it is emphasised that the evaluation of
documents, it should likewise also be out of the authenticity
question, according to Dvorak, to make changes to
historic buildings so that the ‘story’ they transmit does not limit consideration to original form
becomes falsified. and structure but includes all subsequent
modifications and additions over the course of
time, which themselves possess artistic or historic
2.1 Aspects of ‘authenticity’ value (UNESCO 1988: article 24).

The comparison between historic documents and This understanding of the concept of authenticity is
historic buildings with regard to their authenticity in accordance with Article 11 of the Venice Charter
is relevant. In fact, the concept of authenticity was which asserts that
originally used by the Greco-Roman culture as
qualifying the texts emanating from the legal and the valid contributions of all periods to the
religious authorities (Choay 1995). The etymology building of a monument must be respected, since
of authenticity is quite straightforward: the word unity of style is not the aim of restoration.
derives from the Greek term authentikos, which
means ‘genuine’. Therefore, it is not the original formal concept
What is then a ‘genuine’ or ‘authentic’ historic which is regarded as authentic, but the building as it
building? The process of inscribing an historic has been handed down to us through history,
with all its modifications and additions due to The suggestion of the international
repair necessitated by decay of the structure and its recommendations that authentic materials are the
materials, and by modifications for functional or carriers or transmitters of the cultural and historical
aesthetic reasons. values is based on a European understanding of
The ‘test of authenticity’ was adopted by the values. If, for example, we look to Japan, we will find
World Heritage Committee in 1977. Since then, that not only do the historic buildings still exist, but
the Committee and the state parties to the World also the knowledge of how they were constructed.
Heritage Convention have encountered problems The Japanese value both the knowledge of how
in applying the test. This is due, on the one hand, things are done, and the physical substance.
to the relative vagueness of the concepts involved, This is precisely what we have adopted as the
and, on the other, to the different cultural main argument of this book: preservation and
interpretations of the concept of authenticity. In the implementation in preservation work of the
1992, the World Heritage Committee recommended techniques and traditions or processes which were
a critical evaluation of the test. This resulted in two in use when the building or structure was made
conferences being held in 1994 under the auspices of and subsequently maintained through its life, must
UNESCO, ICOMOS and ICCROM. A preparatory be juxtaposed with the preservation of the historic
workshop was held in Norway in February 1994 building itself. This is not to say that we should
(Larsen and Marstein 1994b). In November the disregard the historic material contained in the
same year the Nara Conference on Authenticity structure left to us. However, we do not see any
resulted in the adoption of the Nara Document on contradiction between maintaining the authenticity
Authenticity (Larsen 1995). of an historic building and protecting the integrity
The workshop on authenticity in Bergen, Norway of its fabric and design by using traditional materials
in 1994 proposed reconsidering and extending the and traditional crafts techniques. The ‘authenticity of
definitions of the concepts of the present ‘test of processes’ as a fundamental criterion for evaluating
authenticity’ of the Operational Guidelines of the the genuineness of cultural properties, was proposed
World Heritage Convention. The proposal outlined at the 1994 Bergen meeting on authenticity to replace
five areas in which authenticity may be regarded as the category of ‘workmanship’ in the Operational
essential for the truthfulness of the heritage resource Guidelines of the UNESCO World Heritage
in question (Larsen and Marstein 1994b: 132-133): Convention. We hope this concept will inspire
conservation specialists, including craftsmen, to
1. form or design (form is something that exists, view historic timber structures not as static relics of
design is intended); the past but as a source of inspiration for keeping
2. material or substance; ancient traditions alive.
3. function or use;
4. context or setting, the spirit of place (genius
loci); and
2.2 The principle of minimum
5. techniques, traditions or processes which
include pre-industrial as well as industrial intervention and maximum
techniques and processes. retention of materials
All international preservation recommendations The major object of current preservation theory
are based on the idea that the cultural and historical and practice is to retain as much as possible of the
values of historic buildings are directly linked to existing materials of the historic building, both the
‘authentic material’, the original material substance. original materials and those which have been added
All other values are attached to the material value. throughout history. The historic building should, if
The materials are carriers of the historical message. In structurally and functionally possible, be preserved
these materials lies the evidence of a lost knowledge, as it has been handed down to us through history.
of ideas and ideals. Is, however, the strong focus on The identity and the genuineness or authenticity
the material value of the object (building, building of the building is related to the substance acquired
element, the physical substance) correct, relevant or through its history. This theory was explicitly
the best or only way to regard values? How do we formulated by Alois Riegl in 1903 in his paper Der
evaluate a particular woodwork joint in relation to moderne Denkmalkultus – sein Wesen und seine
the knowledge required to cut this joint? This has to Entstehung (The Modern Cult of Monuments – its
do with our basic philosophy, our beliefs about what Character and its Origin). Riegl’s introduction of
is valuable in life and in our environment. the concept of ‘age value’ (Alterswert) implies that

Figure 2.1 Brookgate Hall, Plealey, is one of the oldest manor houses on the Shropshire border between England and Wales. The
earliest part was built in 1350. In 1500 a wing was added. In 1612, part of the medieval structure was destroyed and a new parlour
built. Photo before the restoration 1987-1990 by the architect and owner, Graham Moss. The house had been empty for several
years, the roofs were leaking and the house was in a bad state of repair. (Photo by Graham Moss).

we have to assume that everything which history to do as little as possible and as unnoticeably as
has changed is irreversible and as such has become possible (Jokilehto 1986: 379). The argument was
part of the historic building (Neuwirth 1987; Petzet developed further by John Ruskin and the British
1995) Society for the Protection of Ancient Monuments
The aesthetic value of the historic building is, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, and also
according to this theory, intimately linked to its emphasised by Max Dvorak in his Katechismus der
value as an historical document. Further, the beauty Denkmalpflege. In fact, the mid-nineteenth century
of the building is not only related to its form but also theorem ‘Do as little as possible and as unnoticeably
to the weather-worn look — the ‘patina’ — of its as possible’ neatly sums up the overruling norm in
materials. Only by retaining its old materials does the preservation philosophy of the late twentieth
the building appeal to us emotionally as an historic century. With this modest approach, the material
building. Both the artistic and historic value of the authenticity of the historic building as it has been
building are related to its authenticity in substance. left to us by history is retained.
This implies that in preservation work, as much of
the old material as is technically feasible must be re-
In fact, this approach to the preservation of 2.3 Authenticity and material
historic buildings goes back to the earliest days of fetishism
modern preservation theory. As early as 1839, A.
N. Didron, the director of the newly established The emphasis in current preservation theory and
French monument service, argued that minimal practice on the conservation of the historic fabric or
intervention is the best. In the Germanic countries, substance may, in some cases, lead to a fetishism of
the same view was held by leading experts in the material that is contrary to the broad main aim and
field. In 1856 August Reichensperger emphasised perspective of preservation as this is outlined in the
that the first and main rule in all restorations is: preamble to the Venice Charter:

Figure 2.2 Brookgate Hall after restoration. Using the principle of minimum intervention, the architect conserved the timber
structure and skilfully rebuilt the house to modern standards while retaining its historic atmosphere.

Imbued with a message from the past, the historic for an historic building, depending on the actual
monuments of generations of people remain to situation. Although he maintains conservation as
the present day as living witnesses of their age- the supreme preservation principle for the future as
old traditions. People are becoming more and well, he asserts that alongside conservation, a whole
more conscious of the unity of human values range of intervention measures, such as restoration
and regard ancient monuments as a common and renovation and even reconstruction, must be
heritage. The common responsibility to safeguard accepted (Petzet 1995: 93).
them for future generations is recognised. It is our Petzet argues for a ‘post-modern’ pluralism where
duty to hand them on in the full richness of their all possibilities must be considered in each different
authenticity. situation in preservation practice. He thinks that
with the tremendously far-reaching preservation
The phrase ‘in the full richness of their authenticity’ tasks on hand at the end of the twentieth century an
implies that several issues are involved when we approach to preservation (‘a monument cult’) that
need to describe exactly what makes an historic is fixated exclusively on ‘historic fabric’ simply no
building ‘genuine’ or ‘authentic’. It is definitely longer suffices (Petzet 1995: 95).
not only substance which is essential. If we
reduce our historic buildings to substance, we
may in fact jeopardise their values. According 2.4 Firmitas - venustas - voluptas
to Michael Petzet, we are not only dealing with
the preservation of ‘authentic documents’ but We agree with Michael Petzet that historic buildings
rather of preserving historic buildings ‘in the full are something more than just ‘historical evidence’,
richness of their authenticity’. He proposes that, although the documentary value should not be
based on the Venice Charter, it is possible to draw neglected. We subscribe to Bernard Feilden’s
up a whole bundle of measures that can be used ideas when he proposes that we should have the
Alfred Wyss, in our picture of how preservation
should be carried out, we have lost the aesthetical
perspective. Some conservators warn of the danger
that the cultural property may end up shining like a
new building after restoration. They fear the perfect,
the unnecessary interventions and the consequent
loss of the opportunity to perceive authentic
values and the possibility of re-restoration. Let us
consider a country church, which has been carefully
restored. Newly restored and painted, the church
shines; it lives; it arouses the emotions. In this
situation it cannot be right to diminish the joy of the
congregation, who see the freshly-renewed surfaces
as an honour to God. This may be regarded as a
living value of the historic building. Does this not to
a large extent express a real continuity of heritage?
Wyss warns us that we must not forget the pleasure of
experiencing cultural properties. The maintenance
of heritage must consider historical and technical
analysis as well as including the aesthetical aspects
of the building (Wyss 1994).
On the other hand, we need to consider
sustainable development, which encourages us
to treat our resources, whether they are natural
resources or other types, such as historic buildings,
in such a way that they may be used by the present
generation without compromising the chances of
Figure 2.3 Brookgate Hall after restoration. Detail of a gable
showing replaced timber in the frame. Brookgate Hall after future generations of enjoying the same experiences
restoration. Detail of a gable showing replaced timber in the as we have. Thus, we wish to conserve as much as
frame. possible of what has been handed down to us, but on
the other hand we also have the liberty to interpret
same requirements for historic buildings as for what we find, and, based on the historical and other
contemporary buildings (Feilden 1984). Thus, knowledge sources available to us, hand down the
historic buildings must be: historic building to future generations in the form
which best satisfies the criteria of firmitas, venustas
1. durable and have the necessary strength and be and voluptas, and consequently displays the historic
able to withstand all types of loading, in short building in the full richness of its authenticity.
the structural integrity must be assured; Preservation may thus be seen as the way to allow
2. convenient to use or functional; the cultural property, through its materials and form,
3. pleasing to the eye or delightful. to speak in its own historical language. This implies
that we are not only saving cultural properties for
This is in fact the classical definition of architecture this generation but also so that the historic building
as proposed by Vitruvius in his treatise on can speak to future generations (Wyss 1994: 126).
architecture, De architectura, from the first century In this perspective, the traditional knowledge of
BC. The corresponding Vitruvian concepts are techniques of craftsmanship becomes an essential
firmitas, venustas and voluptas. We believe that to element of the communication process, both now
take this complete view of historic buildings is in and for the future.
the spirit of the Venice Charter, which advises us to
regard historic buildings ‘in the full richness of their
authenticity’. 2.5 Authenticity, timber structures
To regard historic buildings as pure ‘historical and the replacement of members
evidence’ is not, in our view, to regard them in the
full richness of their authenticity. Such a view limits The problem of replacement in wooden artefacts
the joy that historic buildings may transmit to future and the question of authenticity is age-old. It could
generations. According to the Swiss conservator be said that the discussion was introduced by

Figure 2.4 Brookgate Hall after restoration. Interior of dining room.

Figure 2.5 Well-maintained farm buildings in Val Badia, Italy.

Plutarch (circa 46-120 AD), a Greek biographer not completed. Then, on 26 January 1949 disaster
and author whose works strongly influenced the struck. The part of the Golden Hall which had not
evolution of European literature from the sixteenth been dismantled, including the wall paintings, was
to the nineteenth century. Among his 227 works, the severely damaged by fire. The wooden pillars, lintels
most important are the Bioi paralleloi (Parallel Lives), and other members were charred to a depth of three
in which he recounts the noble deeds and characters centimetres. This meant that the damaged material
of Greek and Roman soldiers, legislators, orators, could not be reused in a building which was still
and statesmen, including the story of Theseus and used for sacred ceremonies.
the Minotaur. After killing the Minotaur, Theseus The members which were destroyed had been
and his men returned to Athens in a wooden carefully measured and investigated before the fire,
ship with thirty oars, which was preserved by the together with the ones which had been dismantled.
Athenians, who took away the old planks as they It was decided that the hall should be reconstructed
decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their in its original form. The architectural concept of
place, inasmuch that this ship became a standard the original style was determined on the basis of
example among the philosophers, regarding the the detailed investigations of the existing members
logical question of objects undergoing change and various historic documents. Accordingly, the
(Lowenthal 1992). Was it still the original ship? If lower part of the hall was constructed using new
not, when did it cease to be — when 50 per cent of timber. The old, existing members, which had been
the original material had been replaced; perhaps 51 removed during the dismantling, were used for the
per cent? upper part. All new members were made of the
In this case, authenticity veers between shape and same species of wood as used originally, Japanese
substance. These are the most obvious manifestations cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa). Furthermore, the
of the object’s historical character. For example, carpenters dressed the new members using many
people may perceive a building as old either because of the ancient tools and techniques which had been
its materials appear old, due to wear and tear and used in the construction work in the seventh century.
to possible deterioration of its original qualities, or Of the upper part of the restored hall standing
because the building may have a form based on a in the Horyu-ji compound today, some members
design which is not connected with contemporary are original, dating from the seventh century, but
aesthetic ideals. Object identity is still debated as a many have also been replaced, as the structure was
philosophical problem and the dilemma of Theseus’ completely dismantled, repaired and reassembled at
ship is analysed in new perspectives (Smart 1972). the beginning of the twelfth century, in 1374 and in
The basic question, however, remains: can identity 1603. Probably no more than fifteen to twenty per
of form triumph over material authenticity? cent of the original materials exist in the present
Two examples from Japan illustrate the challenges Horyu-ji Kondo.
we face in the discussion of the authenticity of timber Before the rebuilding of the present hall could
structures where members have been replaced start, the burnt lower part had to be removed. The
throughout history (Larsen 1994). The one is a charred surface of the members was extremely
Buddhist temple hall originally built in the seventh fragile and was consolidated using a synthetic resin;
century, and the other, a three-storied pagoda built then the structure was carefully dismantled, and
about the same time. These are timber structures finally rebuilt within a fireproof concrete warehouse
more than 1300 years old. Both are included in the on the temple site. No new additions were made; the
World Heritage List in 1993 within the site called building stands inside the warehouse as a fragment,
Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu-ji Area. a ruin. Therefore, the world’s oldest wooden building
The Golden Hall (Kondo) of the Buddhist temple is in reality today two buildings. The burnt one
Horyu-ji in Nara Prefecture, Japan, is considered is continuous in form and substance, although a
to be the world’s oldest wooden structure. The hall fragment; the hall with its contemporary sacred
was erected in the latter part of the seventh century. functions is partially continuous in materials, and
During the Second World War, the roof structure also only partially continuous in design, since it
and upper part of the hall were dismantled for repair. was restored to its original design from the seventh
However, the dismantling was discontinued because century. It must suffice to conclude here that this is a
the removal of the original interior wall paintings rare case, but still it can be regarded as an example of
proved to be extremely difficult. These were mural what may happen to timber structures which burn
paintings on plastered wooden lattice (wattle and readily. A fire may lead either to the complete loss of
daub) in the bays between the pillars. Painters the materials, or they may be so badly damaged that
had started to make a replica but the work was it is not possible to reuse them in reconstruction.

Figure 2.6 The Golden Hall (Kondo) of the Horyu-ji Buddhist temple in Nara, Japan—a World Heritage Site. Built in the late
seventh century, this is the oldest timber structure in the world.

Figure 2.7 The Golden Hall of Horyu-ji. Members from the lower part of the temple hall which were damaged by fire in 1949.
These are conserved and exhibited inside a fire-proof warehouse adjacent to the original site.

Figure 2.8 (a) The three-storied pagoda of the Hokki-ji Buddhist temple in Nara, Japan. This is also a World Heritage Site.
Elevation before restoration in 1972-1975. (b) Elevation after restoration. (Drawings from Kokuho Hokkiji sanju-no-to shuri koji
hokokusho. Nara Prefecture Board of Education. 1975.)

The actual amount of original material, compared Documents confirm that the pagoda has been
to material added through later repair, was repaired seven times, of which three involved
carefully investigated by the outstanding Japanese complete dismantling:
architectural historian Masaru Sekino when the
three-storied pagoda of the Buddhist temple 1. In the early twelfth century, the upper roof
Hokki-ji was repaired during 1972-1975 (Sekino down to the bracket complex of the third story
1978). The pagoda was erected around the same was repaired;
time as the Golden Hall of Horyu-ji, at the end of 2. the whole structure was completely dismantled
the seventh or the beginning of the eighth century. and repaired in the thirteenth century;
Consequently this pagoda is also one of the oldest 3. in the fifteenth century the roofing was repaired;
timber structures in the world. The main reason why 4. in the seventeenth century the second complete
it still exists, and contains a significant proportion of dismantling was carried out. At that time
original members, is that the pagoda was repaired several changes were made to the structure; for
regularly — a process in which decayed members instance, the intercolumnar span of bays of the
were replaced by new ones shaped in fresh timber, third story was increased from two to three;
but the original members were kept if they were 5. towards the end of the eighteenth century there
sound. was minor repair work;
6. major repairs were executed in 1897-1898; nearly half of the original members still exist. Thus,
7. finally, between 1972 and 1975 the structure Sekino’s investigation indicates that, throughout
was completely dismantled for the third time, history, the repair of Buddhist temple buildings in
and during the reassembly the structure was Japan has been executed with respect for the preser-
restored to its presumed original state, in as far vation of existing, and in particular original, mate-
as this could be ascertained. rials in the sense that the carpenters have reused as
much as possible of the old material. The main thing
Sekino established the age of each member related to observe concerning these two timber structures
to its position in the building. Naturally, the largest from Japan is that replacement of members must
proportion of original members was located in the be considered as an integrated part of the history
lower story, and the amount decreased upwards. of timber structures. Continuous replacement is, in
When considering thew historical process of repair fact, the only way to preserve their authenticity as
in this building, it is remarkable that as much as
timber structures.

There is such great diversity

The essential message of the Nara Document on wood species and their varying properties, and the
Authenticity is that the world’s immense diversity of vast array of organisms and other factors that may
cultures and types of heritage should be respected: destroy our heritage of timber structures. As an
approach to preservation, we propose that the use of
The diversity of cultures and heritage in our traditional materials and techniques is an adequate
world is an irreplaceable source of spiritual response to these challenges. In fact, we believe they
and intellectual richness for all humankind. are more appropriate than the high-tech solutions
The protection and enhancement of cultural and modern synthetic materials where long-term
and heritage diversity in our world should be compatibility with ancient timber has not been
actively promoted as an essential aspect of human documented.
development (Article 5).

According to the Nara Document, this implies

respect for other cultures and all aspects of their
belief systems. Is it relevant then, one might wonder, 3.1 Diversity of wood species and
within this extremely wide and tolerant perspective, wood properties
to propose international preservation guidelines,
such as the ICOMOS Wood Committee’s Principles? Trees belong to two groups of seed plants: the
What may be the common global factors in our gymnosperms and the angiosperms (Hoadley
efforts to protect and preserve timber structures 1990). The gymnosperms include all trees that yield
made of wood? the timber known commercially as ‘softwoods’.
We have found a common interest in trying to Softwoods fall within four families of the order
understand and interpret the working methods Coniferales, more commonly known as conifers,
and techniques of those who designed and built because they produce seed cones, pollen cones or
historic buildings and those who have maintained both. They have needle-like (e.g., pine) or scale-like
them throughout history. The problem, however, (e.g., cedar) leaves and are known as evergreens in
is that we cannot fully understand historic timber that they retain their leaves for up to several years.
structures without the help of skilled craftsmen. There are, however, conifers that shed their leaves
If craftsmen are to acquire and maintain relevant after the end of the growing-season, such as larch or
historic knowledge, they need practice in restoring baldcypress.
and repairing actual buildings and structures. The angiosperms are separated into monocots
There is, therefore, a need to break away from the and dicots. Monocots include bamboo and palms.
one-dimensional view of regarding preservation as The dicots include tree-sized plants known
concerning materials alone. commercially as ‘hardwoods’, such as oak or teak.
Although we hold this thinking to be universally Hardwoods have leaves that are generally broad
applicable within the perspective of cultural and or blade-like. Most commercial species in the
heritage diversity, we recognise that it may be a temperate zone are deciduous, that is, they shed
great challenge to implement a strategy of using their leaves during winter dormancy.
traditional materials and techniques in repair work. In total, 30,000 angiosperm tree species are
In many places, the traditional techniques are known. Most of them grow in tropical forests. They
outdated and it would take a lot of effort to revitalise far outnumber the gymnosperms where only 520
them. However, if we really want to understand tree species have been identified. The terms softwood
our historic buildings, we need craftsmen skilled in and hardwood should not to be taken as a measure
ancient and traditional techniques. of hardness, since some hardwoods, such as balsa,
As well as respecting the diversity of cultures are much softer than many softwoods. The names of
and heritage, including building types, the Wood trees may also cause confusion. To give a particular
Committee’s Principles address the diversity of wood its proper name, we should use its scientific
prevailing climatic conditions and the condition
of the soil, and this has been reflected in the types
of structure which have been erected, and in their
durability. The types of timber in any one territorial
zone have also varied greatly during the passage of
time due to climatic changes, and this has led to
successive changes in building forms (Davey 1961:
Architects and engineers responsible for the
preservation of cultural heritage need to acquire a
deep knowledge of the qualities of wood in order
to understand and, when necessary, remedy the
weaknesses of the historic buildings they are to
protect. They must understand the specific qualities
of the timbers used for construction work in their
own countries, concerning aspects such as the macro-
and microstructure of wood, wood anatomy and
the chemical composition of wood. All these issues
are important for the way wood behaves in actual
use and how it may decay. Moreover, the architect
and engineer should understand the physical and
mechanical properties of wood relating to issues
such as hygroscopicity (the relationship between
wood and moisture), wood density and specific
gravity, the thermal and acoustic properties of wood
and the strength of wood, including the reasons
for the directional variation in strength properties.
For example, the extremely high tensile strength of
clear wood, that is, wood without any defects, in the
longitudinal direction, parallel to grain, is due to the
structure of the cellulose molecule, the orientation
of the microfibrils of the wood cell walls and cell
orientation. This series of parallel longitudinal
arrangements from the cellulose molecule to the
longitudinal cells accounts for the high longitudinal
Figure 3.1 Pine tree (Pinus sylvestris) from Sordal, southern
Norway, approximately 600 years old. strength of wood.

3.2 Diversity in decaying agents

(or Latin) name, as the common or trade names will
often lead to confusion. Trade names are the names Wood may decay due to attacks from fungi,
used by the timber industry. These may be different wood-boring animals and bacteria. It may suffer
from the common names, used by most people when damage through mechanical wear or be degraded
identifying trees. For example, in English, Pinus or decomposed by chemicals. ‘Weathering’ leads
sylvestris may be called both ‘European redwood’ to erosion of the wood surface. Finally, wood may
and ‘Scots pine’. The scientific names are the only degrade as a result of high temperatures or may
reliable ones for defining precisely a particular be completely lost as a result of fire. The two main
species. The first part of the scientific name enemies, however, are fungi and wood-boring
indicates the genus (in the example above: Pinus) insects (Kirk and Cowling 1984; Blanchette et al.,
and the second part the species (above: sylvestris). 1990; Weaver 1993: 19-39).
Although not all wood species are suitable for Fungi are classified as plants in some
building purposes, timber is a building material classification systems but differ from all other plants
which is generally available in most inhabited in that they lack chlorophyll and the organised
regions of the world. The type and quality of timber plant structures of stems, roots and leaves. Fungi
available to people has naturally depended on the ‘feed’ more like animals in that they require a ready

Figure 3.2 Oak (Quercus robur) in Spring Coppice, Powys, Wales.

source of nutrients which are broken down by

enzymes produced in the ‘body’ of the fungus. The
enzymes are released into the food source which is
gradually destroyed as the fungus grows within it.
Fifty thousand species of fungi have been described,
but it has been estimated that the total number may
be as high as 100,000-250,000. Fungi are classified
as parasites or saprophytes. Parasites obtain their
food by infecting living organisms; saprophytes only
attack dead organic matter, such as wood.
Animals, such as insects and marine borers, cause
destruction to wood by burrowing into it either at
the immature and adult stages or at the immature
stage alone. In order to digest wood polysaccharides,
insects and marine borers have the ability to reduce
wood to finely-ground digestible particles. Wood-
decomposing insects and marine borers digest
only the cellulose and hemicelluloses, either by
enzymes or, as in the termites, by microbes in their
gut. Certain wood-borings insects do not digest the
structural polymers of wood. For example, in the
lyctus beetle, wood passes through the gut, but only
Figure 3.2 Decayed timber in a nineteenth-century boathou-
the easily digested non-structural materials, such as se from Misvær, northern Norway.
starch in parenchyma cells, are removed.



Figure 12 (a) Salone dei Cinquecento in the medieval Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy. The Salone was rebuilt by Giorgio
Vasari in the sixteenth century. (b) Detail of Vasari’s elegant timber roof structure. All beams are planed. The iron reinforcement
is part of the original structure.
The animals which cause the most destruction engineering. Of course the decorated timbered
to wood belong to the Insecta class, which is ceiling could not exist without the superstructure
divided into 29 orders, of which five have members which carries this extremely heavy load. The roof
known to bore into wood. Some insects attack only timber structure ought to attract an interest which
hardwoods, some only softwoods, and some species parallels the interest in the hall itself. Only by
attack both. Wood-destroying insects may be found studying the elegant timber roof structure can we
in standing trees, in newly felled timber and in dried perceive the real value of Vasari’s contribution, and
wood. During its life cycle, an insect undergoes a this then changes our perception of the hall itself.
complete metamorphosis, changing from egg to Through its use in joinery, wood also plays a
larva to pupa and finally to adult. central architectural role in countries or regions
World-wide, there are about 2000 species of where the main structural material is stone or
termites (Isoptera). Termites fall into six families, masonry, as for example in Nepalese historic
of which the two important wood-destroying are buildings. External joinery includes architectural
the Rhinotermitidae (‘subterranean’ termites) and elements such as the balustrades of roof platforms
the Kalotermitidae (‘dry-wood’ termites). These and balconies, ornamental bargeboards, eaves,
termites extensively digest the polysaccharides cornices, windows and window surrounds,
in wood, while the lignin may be slightly altered doors and porches. Internal joinery includes wall
(subterranean termites) or partly decomposed (dry- panelling, shutters, skirting and doors together
wood termites). As a result, termites destroy the with architraves, panelled ceilings, floor-boards,
structure of wood completely. Most termites live in staircases and stair balustrades. From this it follows
the tropical and subtropical zones. However, their that there is hardly any conservation project where
distribution also extends far into the temperate zone, the repair, conservation or restoration of wood is
both in the northern and southern hemispheres. not involved.
In ancient times, the type of timber buildings
was largely dependent on the available forest
3.3 Diversity of timber structures resources and the climatic and cultural conditions
where they were built. In his study of European
Wood, as one of the primary building materials, wood building traditions, the German architectural
has been widely used in buildings all over the historian Hermann Phleps published an intriguing
world as a structural, protective and decorative map of how the tradition found various expressions
material (Mainstone 1975; Chilton 1995). In some all over the continent (Phleps 1942). Three types of
regions, historic buildings are built completely of timber structures are discernible: the log-structure,
wood so that wood constitutes the structure as well the post and beam structure and the timber-frame
as the architectural form. Timber structures also structure. It is remarkable to see from this map
contribute significantly to the beauty and interest how the geographical distribution of the techniques
of stone and masonry architecture, such as the is related to the available forest resources and
thirteenth century timber domes of St. Mark in the climatic conditions of the various regions.
Venice and the many magnificent open timber roofs The timber-frame tradition dominates the central
of English medieval architecture. However, since part of the European continent and England, and is
timbered roof structures often are hidden from view related to the rich oak forests and a relatively mild
and are usually considered to belong more to the climate. It extended northwards to the southern part
realm of engineering than to architecture, they have of Sweden. Encircling the timber-framed buildings
attracted less interest. like a belt, we find the log-building tradition.
A particularly good example of this problem However, there are many regional and local
is the magnificent hall, known as the Salone dei variations within the main categories. This is one of
Cinquecento, in the medieval Palazzo Vecchio in the reasons why timber architecture is so fascinating.
Florence. The Salone was rebuilt by Giorgio Vasari For example, within the log-building tradition, the
in the sixteenth century. Vasari raised the height of shape of the logs varies, the techniques used to notch
the room, remodelled it and decorated the room the intersecting logs in the corners may be more or
with wall paintings and a beautifully painted ceiling, less elaborate and the techniques used to adjust the
some seventy years after the architect Simone Del logs to each other also show considerable variation.
Pollaiolo (il Cronaca) had built the room. Vasari’s In fact, the log-building may be a good starting
contribution as an architect and artist in this work point to look at how ancient master builders in
has been acclaimed, but the timber roof, also various parts of the world used and benefited from
designed by Vasari, is an excellent example of timber the properties of wood in different ways. The log-

Figure 3.5 The Royal Palace in Patan, Nepal – a World Heritage site.

building consists of compact wooden walls with churches and mansions in the Nordic countries and
logs laid horizontally one upon another. Structural in Russia, Poland, Romania and elsewhere. With
stability is provided by notching the logs at the corner the development of mechanised sawing techniques
intersections so that the wall planes interlock. The in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, town
log-buildings in the European region make use of houses, mansions and churches, built using the log-
one of wood’s characteristic properties: its low heat construction technique, were clapped with external
conductivity, or, in other words, its high insulating boarding for protective as well as decorative reasons.
value. Therefore, log-buildings can be found in European immigrants brought the log-building
regions with relatively cold winters. In the same technique to North America in the eighteenth and
regions, there was also an abundance of straight- nineteenth centuries.
growing conifers. The log-building construction technique
This structural technique was used in the central is relatively rare when looked at from a global
European Alpine region, and extends eastwards perspective. In addition to the areas of Europe
encompassing several East European countries, mentioned above and in North America, log-
such as Romania. It was widely used in Russia buildings are also found in some Asian countries,
and dominant in Finland, Sweden and Norway for example in Cambodia, the Yunnan province
for all types of buildings in the towns as well as in of China and in Japan. In these Asian countries,
the countryside. The technique was used to build characterised by hot and humid climates, the use of

Figure 3.6 Map showing the distribution of the various types of timber structures in Europe. (Drawing from Phleps 1942: 5.)

the log-building technique was related to another of temple building, the sutra repository, but also used
wood’s favourable properties: its ability to exude or for storehouses for valuable and fragile items. To
absorb moisture from the surrounding atmosphere preserve the sutra scrolls and other valuable items of
until the moisture in the wood equals that in the textile, wood and paper, a stable internal climate in
atmosphere. In Japan, the log-building technique was terms of relative humidity was important.
used in the eighth and ninth centuries in particular,
mainly for the construction of a particular type of

Figure3.7 (a) Log construction, (b) Typical corner notch, (c) Conversion technique ensuring tight fit between the logs.

Figure 3.8 A log-structure from the Todai-ji Buddhist temple in Nara, Japan (Todai-ji Hokkedo Kyoko) This is the sutra reposi-
tory, a storehouse for keeping the sacred books of Buddhism, built in the eighth century

3.4 Timber structures and the world In Scandinavia, and particularly in Norway, wood
remained the most important building material
cultural heritage until the beginning of the twentieth century. Thus
the situation was the opposite: from the Middle Ages
In studies of world architecture, timber structures onwards, architectural forms in wood were often
and wood as a building material have largely been translations of European continental prototypes in
ignored. There has been a widespread notion that stone or brick.
timber structures belong to the vernacular tradition, The most notable example of a country or
and are therefore of lesser interest, while significant region where timber structures have flourished as
architectural monuments have been built in stone the ideal throughout history is Japan. Here, timber
or brick. This notion is only partly true, as in many structures completely dominated the building of all
countries, like Japan and Norway, architectural types of structures: castles, temples and domestic
monuments are made entirely of wood. residences. As a result, Japan today has the world’s
In this context, it is of interest to remember richest heritage of timber structures, including the
that even those architectural monuments made of oldest and the largest historic timber structures
stone were often modelled from wooden structures. in the world. In other Asian countries, such as
Although disputed by some researchers, it is still Thailand, timber structures are important as
widely held that the Greek Doric and Ionic orders part of the country’s cultural heritage, but are not
have timber prototypes: timber forms were imitated regarded with the same national or international
in stone with remarkable exactness. We can observe interest as Thailand’s magnificent monuments and
a similar development of translation into stone of archaeological sites composed of brick.
carpentry techniques in Indian architecture and In spite of the importance of wood in history,
in other parts of the Asian continent: Burmese and the fact that timber structures are important as
monasteries were derived from timber prototypes cultural property all over the world, it is remarkable
and, in Cambodia, wooden buildings gave way to that so few timber structures have been recognised as
brick and stone imitations of timber prototypes. World Heritage. Only very few of the countries which

Figure 3.9 The hall of the Wat Phan Tao Buddhist temple in Chang Mai, Thailand.

have cultural heritage sites inscribed on UNESCO’s 3.5 Diversity in wood detailing and
World Heritage List, have sites made exclusively of woodwork joints
wood. These include sites such as Lunenburg old
town in Canada, the Imperial Palace in Beijing in Throughout history, wooden buildings have been
China, Petäjävesi old church in Finland, Buddhist constructed in such a way that they did not carry
monuments in the Horyu-ji area in Nara in Japan, the seeds of their own decline. If the carpenters of
the Ch’angdokkung palace complex in the Republic old had not been such excellent designers with a
of Korea, the town of Luang Prabang in Laos, Urnes deep understanding of the uses and limitations of
stave church in Norway, the old church complex of wood, there would not be anything left today which
Kizhi Pogost in the Russian Federation, the church we could call an historic wooden house or timber
village of Gammelstad in Luleå in Sweden and the structure. The most important consideration was to
complex of Hué monuments in Vietnam. These keep water away from the walls by using projecting
sites with wooden buildings represent only a small eaves and by detailing all elements so that water
fraction of the 418 cultural sites that were inscribed could not accumulate.
on the World Heritage List as of December 1997. We can see an extremely inventive approach in the
sill beams of the medieval Norwegian stave churches
which reflects the builders’ deep understanding of
what is required to make a timber building last.
craftsmanship. If we take a global look at woodwork
joints, we will again observe universal elements but
perhaps to a larger extent, diversity in solutions.
Some relatively complex lengthening joints that
seem to be universal are, for example, the edge-
halved scarf with square vertical bridled undercut
and tabled abutments and folding wedges, and the
stop-played scarf with vertical bridled undercut and
tabled abutments and with folding wedges.
Many cultures exemplify the great diversity
and elegance in architectural woodwork joints,
for example, English medieval carpentry (Hewett
1969). However, we have chosen to take a closer look
at the magnificent details of Japanese carpentry. A
traditional Japanese wooden building resembles a
construction kit. All members could be prefabricated
and afterwards assembled during the erection of the
building. In a large building the number of members
can reach 10,000. Metal fasteners, such as nails or
cramps, are only used to a limited extent to tie
members together. One of the key characteristics
of Japanese architecture is that members are shaped
to fit one another using woodwork joints (Larsen
Although woodwork joints are prominent in
Japanese architecture, carpenters took great pride
in making the joints invisible. Close inspection of
buildings is necessary to discover joints, which are
in many cases due to later repairs. One of the most
frequently-used repair methods is the replacement
Figure 3.10 Lower section of outer wall, Kaupanger stave of the decayed lower part of pillars. From a structural
church, Sognefjord, Norway. The mortise in the bottom sill is
made deeper to allow for possible water seepage. The water point of view it is dangerous to splice a vertical
drains through angled holes in the sill. member in a building. Structural engineers usually
strongly advise against this, because a splicing joint
in a vertical member cannot transmit stress evenly
We believe the medieval Norwegian master and may snap under even a small lateral force.
builders’ solution in this case may illustrate Numerous repairs of pillars by underpinning in
an approach to the construction of timber Japanese historic buildings, some made centuries
structures which is universal in the sense that ago, reveal the skill of Japanese carpenters in
all master builders knew that wood must be woodwork jointing. They have devised several types
kept dry if it were to last. So here it is perhaps of joints for this purpose, quite different and often
more a question of universality than diversity. simpler in design to the scissor scarf joint used to
Another aspect of wood detailing is the splice members in compression in English carpentry.
woodwork joint, which is the junction of two or What characterises the scissor scarf joint for use on
more members. Structurally, the greatest drawback fully load-bearing members, are the many planes of
of timber is the difficulty of making joints capable the joint providing greater resistance to movement
of transmitting and developing the tensile strength in all directions than that provided by the simpler
of the fibres; the transmission of compression is joint (Boutwood 1991: 10).
much easier. Considerable ingenuity has been Joints in Japanese woodworking are classified in
devoted in the past to devising intricate ways of two categories: lengthening joints and angle joints.
fitting members together to resist pulling apart Japanese experts have classified approximately
from almost any direction. Perhaps woodwork fifty main types of lengthening joints and eighty
joints show how carpenters could best demonstrate main types of angle joints. However, within these
their understanding of structural requirements as main types several subtle and intricate variations
well as their most elevated, delicate techniques of are found. Over the centuries the actual number of

Figure 3.11 (a) Complex lengthening joint. (b) Scissor scarf joint for use on load-bearing members.

Figure 3.12 Joints used in the Nyoirindo hall of the Daigo-ji Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. The hall was built in 1606.
(Drawing from Juyo bunkazai Daigoji nyoirindo shuri koji hokokusho. Kyoto Prefecture Board of Education. 1964.)

joints used by carpenters may be far in excess one hand, jointing techniques are indispensable
of one thousand. The traditional techniques as a traditional preservation method, and on the
related to woodwork joints are today mainly other, the traditional techniques of woodwork
used in preservation work when decayed parts joints are preserved through such work. These
of timbers are replaced by new, well-seasoned Japanese practices could well be emulated by others.
wood. This is an important issue of the central
idea in Japanese architectural preservation: on the

Desperate remedies:
the benefits and drawbacks of modern
When interventions to conserve an historic timber twentieth century has seen a huge development in
structure become necessary due to decay and the production of synthetic materials. We do not yet
deterioration, the use of traditional materials and know their durability. If we insist that materials used
techniques should always be considered as the first in preservation work should be well tested, we will
option in the repair work. However, according to eventually have to turn to historical technology, and
the Wood Committee’s Principles, each intervention not rely on current technologies.
should be based on proper studies and assessments. In Denmark, the civil engineering office of
Problems should be solved according to relevant Eduard Troelsgård has introduced an approach
conditions and needs with due respect for aesthetic to the repair of timber structures, where decayed
and historical values and the physical integrity of wood is replaced by splicing in new, seasoned wood
the historic structure or site. Therefore, solutions and craftsmen work with contemporary tools and
other than those made in wood or other traditional techniques. The company works very closely with
materials and techniques may sometimes be more carpenters from ordinary contractors, who are not
appropriate. specialists in conservation work. At the repair site,
In particular, we may be tempted to consider solutions are suggested to the carpenters while
the introduction of materials which differ from encouraging them to suggest alternatives. A typical
the original when we feel that the existing fabric repair joint in this case is a scarf joint reinforced
has failed because of inherent defects in design or with bolts and a toothed-plate connector. The aim
incorrect specification of materials, rather than of Troelsgård’s company is to use solutions that are
from lack of maintenance (Brereton 1995:2). feasible within the framework of knowledge and
However, before such changes are made, we should experience of today’s carpenters. They base their
consider if, in fact, the building part may have repairs on solutions that resemble old methods;
completed its expected life. If we accept that we have decayed parts are replaced in a way familiar to
to live with inadequate historic designs, this also today’s carpenters while still rooted in tradition.
entails accepting that problematic areas must be A second approach is to introduce new elements
monitored more frequently, and that more frequent for the reinforcement of the old structure. In
maintenance will be necessary. freely-supported structures, like roofs, various
As ideals, Article 5 of the Wood Committee’s reinforcement techniques using supports and
Principles advises that any proposed intervention additional elements have been widely used. In the
should for preference: case of open structures, like roof trusses, or framed
structures, the criteria of Article 5 of the Wood
a) follow traditional means; Committee’s Principles may, in many cases, best
b) be reversible, if technically possible; or be fulfilled by reinforcing the weakened structural
c) at least not prejudice or impede future element using an additional structure, for example
preservation work whenever this may become made of wood or steel. Replacement, on the other
necessary; and hand, whereby decayed wood is removed, is by
d) not hinder the possibility of later access to nature a non-reversible intervention. However,
evidence incorporated in the structure replacement may satisfy the criteria (b), (c) and (d).
Replacement of ceiling joists is particularly difficult
In principle, the repair of timber structures may be and expensive because of the risk of damage to
approached in three ways. The first approach is to floorboards above and the ceiling below. Repair
repair using available techniques and materials; for should, where possible, leave the ceiling joists in
example as in the repair of a medieval roof during the place, while reinforcing them with timber or steel.
latter part of the nineteenth century when craftsmen Another option is to insert a new ceiling joist
used the techniques and materials of the time. The between the damaged ones (Gerner 1994: 15-16).

Figure 4.1 Hørsholm church outside Copenhagen, Denmark. Repair of rafters 1997. New and old timber is jointed and the joint
reinforced with steel bolts and toothed-plate connectors.

The third approach is to re-build the structure mastered this do we have a real choice in choosing
replacing damaged parts with new, identical parts the right repair or restoration principle (Ponnert
– that is, by copying. The result will depend on and Sjömar 1993: 30).
how well the carpenter can master the old tools
and working methods or processes. In Archangel,
Russia, the architect and carpenter Alexander 4.1 Dismantling and rebuilding
Popov repairs historic timber structures in a very
logical way: if a beam or log from the eighteenth Article 6 of the Wood Committee’s Principles
century has to be replaced, he and his colleagues use advocates minimum intervention in the fabric of
the tools and techniques from that time; the same an historic timber structure as an ideal. In certain
when a nineteenth century beam or log has to be circumstances, however, the Principles allow that
replaced. The carpenters have become extremely minimum intervention can mean that preservation
skilful in copying the craftsmanship techniques of and conservation may require the complete or
ancient times by using the same methods and the partial dismantling and subsequent reassembly in
same techniques. However, in both Russia and order to allow for the repair of timber structures.
Scandinavia, particular carpentry techniques of the The aim should be, wherever possible, to stabilise
seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries the structure and replace or strengthen decayed
may no longer be so well-known. Therefore, Popov members in situ. However, partial or complete
and his carpenters have painstakingly studied old dismantling and subsequent re-assembly or
tools and the traces of tools in old buildings in order rebuilding may be allowed due to the character and
to understand the techniques and work processes particular requirements of timber structures, as well
(Ponnert and Sjömar 1993: 35). as relevant traditions. The question of repair through
In the future we will need all three approaches dismantling is quite controversial. In England, some
or principles mentioned above. However, all experts call dismantling a crime or abuse of historic
preservation projects must be based on a deep timber framed buildings (Boutwood 1992). Others
understanding of historical structural techniques, allow partial dismantling and rebuilding if distortion
and the knowledge of materials and old techniques of the timber frame or weakening of the structure is
of craftsmanship. Only when we have adequately particularly far-advanced (Brereton 1995: 13-14).
Figure 4.2 Grumbach cast-
le, Rimpar, near Würzburg,
Bavaria. The castle’s medieval
south wing was rebuilt in the
early seventeenth century.
During the rebuilding, the
late Gothic and original roof
trusses were kept largely intact,
although today some parts
are missing. The seventeenth
century rebuilding included
strengthening the roof with an
additional timber structure.
At the beginning of the 1980s
it had become necessary to
strengthen the roof structure
once again.

The situation was both unique

and interesting: a preserved
original roof structure, and an
additional supporting structure
that clearly demonstrated both
the original building and the
significant later rebuilding.
After a careful survey and
calculation of the existing
structure, the Bavarian State
Conservation Office decided
that adding five identical wood
and steel suspension structures
in the length of the building
would be sufficient to preserve
the existing structure, as well as
adding the necessary strength.
(Drawing from Mader 1989:
A = original sixteenth century
B = seventeenth century
addition to the original roof
C = reinforcing structure from
the 1980s
1, 2 and 3 = members from the
original roof
4 = original wall paintings
5 = columns inserted during
building phase B
6 and 7 = framed wall with
braces built during phase B
8 = door inserted between
building phases B and C
9 = longitudinal beams from
building phase B.

When repair through dismantling of timber-framed and the upper log, the walls of medieval log buildings
buildings has been done by acknowledged English have generally not been repaired since they were
experts, like Fred Charles, it has been as a last resort built. Dismantling has no tradition as part of the
to prevent the complete destruction of an historic repair process here. When the sill beam needed to
building (Charles 1984 and 1992). be replaced, the carpenters jacked up the building.
In Norway, the Directorate for Cultural Heritage Today, when it is necessary to repair a log in the
has found that, with the exception of the sill beam middle of the wall, small hydraulic jacks

Figure 4.3 Repair in timber by copying old members. Tokke, Norway.

are used to force two logs apart in order to give of periodical intervention in traditional timber
the carpenter access to repair the decayed part, or structures, of which the two that are called ‘major
to replace the log. This method works due to the repairs’ include complete or partial dismantling.
flexibility of the structure and the nature of the Every 300 to 400 years it is necessary to dismantle
corner joints which give a log building its rigidity. timber structures completely, member by member,
However, the dismantling of log buildings is well- down to the foundation stones in order to repair
known in Norway throughout history, because lower part of pillars, walls, etc. Furthermore, because
farm buildings were often moved from one site to the members are interlocked, it is impossible to
another; in such cases dismantling was a convenient remove them from the structure for repair unless
method. Farmers’ daughters were often given one or the structure is dismantled. For instance, a bracket
more of the farm buildings as a dowry, in order to arm cannot be repaired before the bearing blocks
enable them to set up their own farms. The buildings above it are removed; because the bearing blocks
would be dismantled and re-erected on a new site. are carrying the roof, the roof must be dismantled
Japanese building traditions represent a special first. Moreover, complete dismantling is necessary at
case in relation to dismantling and rebuilding as regular intervals because the timber structure itself
part of architectural preservation (Larsen 1994: fails due to loosening of the joints, or when partial
68-81). Documentary evidence shows that since sinking of pillar stones and decay and warping of
the ninth century the repair of timber structures members occur. These defects cause the structure to
has included dismantling and rebuilding at regular incline. If the incline reaches three degrees, complete
intervals. Based on experience, the preservation dismantling is of the utmost urgency.
experts in Japan know with reasonable accuracy the ‘Half-dismantling’ is carried out every 150 to
durability of wood in the different parts of an historic 200 years. The major structural framework below
timber structure, the durability of roofing, and of the roof structure is kept intact. Other parts, such
other materials – and consequently when repair as roofing, roof structure, eaves bracketing and
is necessary. This knowledge is based on Japan’s part of the walls are dismantled. Deteriorated parts
immensely rich collection of extant historic records. are repaired and the building is then reassembled.
The Japanese distinguish between five categories If required, the structural framework is lifted and
painted and re-coated with urushi lacquer at regular
intervals. Roofing has a relatively short life span in
Japan, for example cypress bark shingles last forty
to fifty years and cedar shingles twenty to thirty
years. In general, it is necessary to renew the roofing
completely. Again, this is always carried out using
traditional techniques.

4. 2 Replacement and reinforcement

using wood
Article 9 of the Wood Committee’s Principles
recommends as the first option, the use of timber
and traditional carpentry techniques in repair
work wherever possible. The Wood Committee’s
recommendation that repairs should be made
using carpentry methods is a widely-held view. For
example, Christopher Brereton, in his handbook
published by English Heritage, recommends that
repairs to structural timbers should be carried out
in timber using traditional carpentry methods,
retaining all sound existing material, and replacing
only what is necessary in order to restore structural
integrity. Badly decayed or seriously split members
or parts of members should be carefully cut away
and new sections spliced in, using timber of the same
species and scantling as the original (Brereton 1995:
27). The use of repair joints puts heavy demands
on the skills of the carpenters, as mentioned in the
preceding chapter.
It is very important for the success of the repair
work that architects, engineers and carpenters work
together right from the start of the project, during
the inspection, to determine what should be done
to the building or structure. Thus, it is possible
to save time since the carpenter may be able to
Figure 4.4 The three-storied pagoda of the Oyama-dera dismiss repair proposals which are not practicable.
Buddhist temple in Ibaraki, Japan. The pagoda was completed Japanese conservation architects, together with the
in 1465. Cross section. (Drawing from Juyo bunkazai Oymade-
ra sanju-no-to hozon shuri koji hokokusho. Japanese Associati- carpenters, sketch out on paper and also on the
on for Conservation of Architectural Monuments. 1991.) timbers in situ, the repair joints which should be
used in various cases throughout the repair project.
foundation stones are adjusted. Sinking of the long Finally, concerning replacement timbers, the
projecting eaves and decay of members in the upper Wood Committee’s Principles recommend that
part of the structure make dismantling of the roof new members or parts of members should have
necessary. the date of the repair discreetly carved, or burnt
In addition, partial repair must be carried out into the wood or be dated by other methods, so
in the intervals between the two major repairs that they can be identified later. Such information
(complete and half-dismantling). Some of the most can be invaluable both to historians and to those
deteriorated parts of the structure, for instance the working on the repair of the building in the future
eaves, clay walls, floor joists or verandas, are partially (Boutwood 1991: 12).
dismantled and members are repaired. Partial During repair work, it may be necessary to
repair often also includes essential repair following remove timbers from the building or structure
typhoons and other disasters. Furthermore, between which are significant for the understanding of its
the major repairs, historic timber structures are re- history. In such cases the Wood Committee’s

Figure 4.5 The central pillar of the three-storied Oyama-dera pagoda during preservation work in 1989. All members of the
pagoda have been dismantled except the central pillar which is suspended from the scaffolding.

Principles recommend that removed members have now been used for nearly forty years. The
and other components of the historic structure question is, is this a sufficient length of time? The
should be catalogued, and characteristic samples kept answer probably depends upon the perspective you
in permanent storage as part of the documentation. take. When dealing with cultural properties which
are 100 years old, forty years may certainly seem like
a sufficient period. When the cultural properties are
4.3 Replacement using epoxies closer to 1000 years old or more, forty years may
seem insignificant. We like to think that when we
Epoxies or epoxy resins belong to a group of are dealing with cultural properties that may have
synthetic chemicals called polyethers. Epoxy resins existed for centuries, our interventions should also
were commercially introduced in 1946 under the have a durability perspective of a similar span.
trademark Araldite by a Swiss chemical company. The use of resins in timber repair should be
Since the 1960s, epoxies have been used extensively in considered with great care and normally only where
Europe, North America and Japan to repair decayed carpentry methods are impracticable. The major
timber in historic buildings. According to Article 10 structural use of the epoxy resins are in the in situ
of the Venice Charter, new methods and techniques repair of timber beam ends, the grouting and filling
should have been proved by experience before being of timber sections excavated by fungal and insect
used to repair cultural properties. Epoxy mortars attack and the in situ strengthening of floor-beams.


Figure 4.6 (a) Oyama-dera three-storied pagoda. New

bracket arms were inserted during the repair in 1989. (b)
Oyama-dera three-storied pagoda. Repair of the lower part of
one of the four main pillars by splicing in new timber.

Epoxies are also used as adhesives in structural and
other repairs in timber structures. Epoxy mortars (b)
have largely been used to repair timber beam ends.
Combined with the use of stainless steel or polyester experts have learnt that rarely it pays to break away
rods, the epoxy mortars have sufficient strength from the original techniques and materials without
to perform the same role as the original timber. there being serious consequences in the form of
Repairs can be carried out without disturbing other accelerated deterioration (Holmström 1993: 12-13).
parts of the building (Ashurst and Ashurst 1988: 19). Moreover, the repair and consolidation of decayed
However, epoxies should not be used in connection wood with epoxy resins are definitively irreversible.
with joints as this will prevent the structure from When the original materials have been converted
adjusting itself through the free movement of the to plastic, are they still ‘the original materials’? To
joints in response to stresses (Brereton 1995: 31 and reinforce a beam, the plastic part must be anchored
Boutwood 1991:5). to the fresh wood by reinforcing fibreglass rods or
Apart from the companies who make their living steel plates. In other words, holes must be drilled or
by carrying out epoxy repairs, most experts now a groove cut in the fresh timber to accommodate the
agree that epoxies should not be used for external reinforcement, thus destroying original material.
repairs. The reason is that we have no control over Would it not be better to splice in new wood, as this
what may happen in the interface between the old, would leave the original material untouched? In
sound wood and the plastic material. First, it is quite fact, this may allow even more original material to
likely that water may penetrate behind the resin, be preserved, as then we may avoid drilling holes or
followed by an accelerated rate of decay. Second, in cutting grooves for the reinforcing elements.
cases where resins seal the wood externally, natural The real problem here is the decay of beam
vapour pressure in the wall shifts the damp to the ends at the point where they rest in brick or stone
internal surfaces of the resin reinforcements, leading walls. Builders have probably always been aware of
to condensation and possible decay. In addition, this and opted for solutions to avoid the problem.
one should also consider the general problem that An interesting discovery was made in connection
because of differences in their ways of action, new with the reconstruction of St. Catherine’s church
stronger structures cause damage to the weaker in Stockholm, Sweden, after a fire in 1990. The
original (e.g. reinforced concrete cast together with restoration architect, Professor Ove Hidemark,
historic masonry; wood built in with plastic, etc.) discovered that during the eighteenth century,
Damage always occurs at the interface between
various materials and it is the weaker part that will be
damaged first. In Scandinavian preservation work,
when St. Catherine’s church was built, carpenters
used to wrap the beam ends that were inserted
into brickwork with birch bark (Berggren 1994;
Hidemark 1996). This natural material is excellent
in its capacity to keep water away from timber, and
may thus prolong the life of wood inserted into
brickwork by centuries. It would be interesting to
know whether similar approaches have been tried in
other countries. Traditional protective methods such
as the use of birch bark on beam ends embedded in
masonry do not solve the problem of decayed beam
ends but they certainly help us to prolong the life of
the new wood used to replace the decayed part.

4.4 Steel reinforcement

Reinforcement of timber structures using iron
members goes back at least as far as the Renaissance
in Europe, although forged nails were used to
connect lighter members as early as the Middle Ages.
For instance, iron straps were used in bridge designs,
like those of Palladio of 1570 (Mainstone 1975: 154).
When engineered timber designs developed during
the second half of the eighteenth century onwards,
the use of timber structures reinforced with iron
became more common and sophisticated. Today,
(a) there is a wide variety of steel and stainless steel
mechanical fasteners and connectors, like nails,
staples, screws, bolts, nail-plates, beam and joist
hangers and timber connectors of various designs,
as well as custom-made welded assemblies for
joining members.
The use of steel in the repair and reinforcement
of historic timber structures also has a long history,
dating back to the nineteenth century. Thus, technical
solutions from that time and which have, according
to Article 10 of the Venice Charter, been proved
by experience, may also be used today without
problems. However, not all technical solutions
involving steel have proven themselves sufficiently,
and great care should also be taken when using steel
repairs and reinforcements. As a general principle,
(b) it is always better to use new timber rather than
steel when repairing timber structures (Boutwood
Figure 4.7 (a) Oyama-dera three-storied pagoda (top part 1991:6). Under certain climatic conditions there
of the pagoda). Repair by jointing new, well-seasoned timber may be problems in using steel in direct contact with
to the existing member. (b) The members before re-assembly. wood because condensation on steel plates leads to
The joint used in this case is an edge-halved scarf, with butts
accumulation of humidity which causes wood to
lipped and bridled.
decay. Moreover, corroded steel causes discoloration
of the wood. We are therefore somewhat suspicious
of the idea that steel reinforcements should be
concealed when used in connection with exposed
timbers (Ashurst and Ashurst 1988: 17). Because of
the danger of condensation on steel, most experts

Figure 4.9 Old windows stored at the Workshop of the

Bavarian State Conservation Office at Thierhaupten., Bavaria,

4.4.1 Case study: steel reinforcement

in Japan
The Japanese have a long and relatively successful
history of the use of iron or steel reinforcement of
timber structure dating back to the latter half of the
Figure 4.8 New members or parts of members should have eighteenth century. In particular, the Great Buddha
the date of the repair inscribed on them so that they can be Hall (Daibutsuden) of the Buddhist temple Todai-
identified later. Here is an example from Japan where the date ji, the world’s largest historic timber structure, was
of the repair is burnt into the wood. The characters mean Hei-
sei gannen go hoshu, that is: this piece of timber was put into
given an overall steel reinforcement during repairs
the structure in 1989, the first year of the Heisei era. in 1903-13. A double steel roof-truss was inserted
to support the frame of the large roof, all bracket
agree that steel reinforcements should always be complexes were reinforced with flat steel bars,
visible and open to inspection (Charles 1992). rafters and extended beams were reinforced with
Steel has frequently been used in the repair of thick steel plates, and the central part of pillars was
beams which may have decayed due to rot or insect reinforced with steel channels. The reinforcement
infestation or fractured because of over-loading. has functioned remarkably well, and no deformation
Timber beams always fracture first on the under-side of the main structure can be observed today,
because it is the tensile portion of the beam which after nearly one hundred years (Kaneta 1978: 96-
is weakest. A number of technical solutions may 97). Japanese experts are, however, fully aware of
be used to repair timber beams which are decayed, the problems connected with the use of steel in
have fractured or need strengthening for other combination with wood and aim to find structural
reasons, and where floorboards or ceilings beneath solutions which avoid them (Kaneta 1978: 124).
may be particularly valuable and replacement or Since the 1980s, structural reinforcement of roofs
repair would disrupt the construction (Macgregor with turnbuckles has been used to great advantage
1991). However, strengthening beams or joists with (Larsen 1994: 96-99). A traditional Japanese timber
steel is an intervention that also has drawbacks. structure with deep overhanging eaves carries the
While it will take several hours before a timber seed of its own destruction, because the eaves tend to
beam is charred and completely destroyed by fire, sink. The degree and speed of sinking is dependent
floors which have been strengthened by the use of on the size of the building, but even comparatively
steel elements will be more vulnerable to failure. small roofs, as in pagodas, tend to sink. If the sinking
Therefore, if floors have been strengthened by steel, is uneven, the eaves line becomes wavy and the
additional fire protection of the building or structure building becomes unsightly. As the gently curved
may be required. eaves line is such a prominent feature

Figure 4.10 (a) The Great Buddha Hall (Daibutsuden) of the Todai-ji temple, Nara, Japan. Section after the restoration of 1903-
1913 when steel girders were added to reinforce the structure. (b) Steel reinforcement of the timber frame and reinforcement
of a bracket complex with flat steel bars done during the restoration of the hall 1903-1913. (Drawing from Kokuho Todaiji kondo
(Daibutsuden) shuri koji hokokusho. Nara Prefecture Board of Education. 1980.)

Figure 4.11 The three-storied pagoda of the Kiyomizu-dera Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan, built in the early seventeenth
century. Cross-section of the upper roof. During the repair completed in 1986, turnbuckles were introduced to reinforce the roof
structures carrying the load of the projecting eaves. (Drawing from Juyo bunkazai Kiyomizudera sanju-no-to shuri koji hokokusho.
Kyoto Prefecture Board of Education. 1986.)

in Japanese traditional architecture, such sinking

must be termed destructive. To remedy this defect,
the roof construction must be dismantled and
reassembled in order to readjust the eaves line to its
original position. When this is done, turnbuckles
and other steel reinforcement are introduced to
prolong the period where the roof line is kept in the
original position.

4.5 Preserving and repairing the

whole building
Article 7 of the Wood Committee’s Principles
recommends where intervention is necessary, the
historic structure should be considered as a whole.
All material, including structural members, in-fill
panels, weather-boarding, roofs, floors and joinery
should be given equal attention. In principle, as
much as possible of the existing material should
be retained. The preservation should also include
surface finishes such as plaster, paint, coating,
Figure 4.12 Pieced-in repair of a door. Mosjøen, Norway.
wallpaper, etc. If it is necessary to renew or replace
surface finishes, the original materials, techniques decay here as well (Brereton 1995: 54). Again, only
and textures should be duplicated as far as possible. what is strictly necessary should be replaced. The
It is recognised that the wall cladding, infill, etc. carpenter should use timber of matching species
are of historical and aesthetic value, and they may and type of grain, and the wood must be well
also be important as structural elements (Boutwood seasoned. Conservative pieced-in repair should be
1991:5). used to replace decayed parts with the aim to keep
Several of the principles used in repairing as much as possible of original material (Brereton
structural timbers also apply to the repair of joinery. 1995: 54-56).
Attacks by fungi and insects are the main agents of

The two sides of the coin:
preservation of structures and
preservation of techniques of

The repeated replacement of destroyed or decayed

parts and repair by craftsmen is a part of the
traditional maintenance of an historic timber
structure and must be accepted as a valid aspect of
the cultural and historical value of the structure.
From this we may draw the conclusion that
knowledge of the intangible traditional techniques
of craftsmanship is worthy of preservation, together
with the preservation of the material or tangible
Although this way of thinking is shared by many
timber structure preservation specialists all over
the world, it is also controversial in the sense that
some may see it as a violation of the principle that
regards the conservation of substance or historic
material as the sole essential aspect of preservation.
Some outstanding experts warn against what they
regard as an increasingly widespread ideology, such
as in the Wood Committee’s Principles, where crafts
techniques are proposed as the preferred approach to
repair. It is not the task of the preservationist, in the
opinion of these experts, to pay homage to techniques
of craftsmanship, but to preserve the historical
findings with the most appropriate technological
means (Mader 1991: 68). It may well be that high-
tech modern solutions may be appropriate in many
cases where buildings or structures made from other
materials are concerned. However, the situation
Figure 5.1 Tools used by carpenters in the repair of the
is different for timber structures, due to wood’s three-storied Oyama-dera pagoda, Japan in 1989: adze and
propensity to decay when compared with stone or axe; two kinds of chisels - used by pushing (left), or by striking
brick, and the necessity of replacing members at (tool box in centre); planes - left, a common plane; centre, rebate
intervals. The recommendation of Article 5 of the planes: right, molding planes.
Wood Committee’s Principles of using traditional
crafts techniques for preference, is based on the
experiences of countries with long traditions of people and institutions who can transmit the
building in wood, such as England, Finland, Japan knowledge of these techniques to future generations.
and Norway. In fact, Japanese practices in this field The Japanese have come to recognise a mutually-
could with benefit be emulated by other nations. dependent relationship between the preservation of
The Japanese systematically promote the use historic buildings and the preservation of historic
of historic materials, techniques of craftsmanship techniques. As a consequence, the Japanese have
and construction techniques in preservation work. taken a leading position in the world concerning
Moreover, Japanese heritage legislation provides for systematic studies and the use of historic materials
the protection of historic techniques and recognises and techniques in preservation work (Larsen 1994).

Figure 5.2 Axes used by Norwegian carpenters in the repair programme for medieval timber structures 1991-1996.

5.1 Preservation of buildings and A new approach to the use of traditional but
outdated tools and techniques in repair work
preservation of traditional techniques was initiated during the repair of the buildings of
in Japan the temple of Horyu-ji between 1935 and 1955,
includ¬ing the reinstatement of the Main Hall after
The techniques used in erecting sophisticated the fire in 1949 (Larsen 1994: 82-86). The architect in
Japanese historic buildings are today outdated, but are charge of the project was the eminent architectural
nevertheless used in architectural preservation work. historian Kiyoshi Asano, and the master carpenter
The Japanese recognise that traditional techniques was Tsunekazu Nishioka. The Japanese Agency for
are necessary in order to preserve the historic Cultural Affairs has recognised Tsunekazu Nishioka
structures, and conversely, traditional techniques as a ‘Holder of Traditional Conservation Techniques’
are being preserved through actual preservation for his competence in traditional carpentry.
work. The mutually-dependent relationship between Asano and Nishioka carefully studied both the
the preservation of buildings and the preservation surface of the timbers, and old documents, to decide
of traditional techniques is the central tenet of what kinds of tools the carpenters had used in the
contemporary architectural preservation philosophy seventh and eighth centuries, and which postures
in Japan. Japanese architects and carpenters engaged the carpenters assumed when handling the tools
in architectural preservation base their work upon while dressing the timber. Their studies prompted a
a thorough knowledge of traditional materials, revival of historic tools which were no longer in use,
building technology and design specifications. particularly the spear-shaped plane (yari-ganna).
Architectural historians play an important part in Their investigations showed that in the case of
architectural preservation, to a larger extent than in pillars, the timber had first been hewn with an adze,
other countries. Japanese experts have realised the and then the surface had been finished with the
importance of architectural preservation work and spear-shaped plane. The yari-ganna leaves a quite
have used it as a primary source of obtaining new distinct surface pattern, resembling a bamboo leaf.
information about architectural development in According to Nishioka, a wooden surface finished
their country. with a yari-ganna stays smoother for a longer period
a timber structure has to be replaced, they try to
obtain the same species with the same grading
and the same natural characteristics as was used
originally. Further, the new member will be dressed
with similar tools to those used by the original
carpenters, and, where possible, the carpenters
assume the same work postures when handling the
tools in order to obtain a surface texture identical to
the original. Japanese conservation architects claim
that if this approach is used, the new member will
fit better into the original structure, both technically
and aesthetically. New timber which is used in repair
work is always well-seasoned.
Japan has long been unique in this extremely
conscientious approach to preservation of timber
structures, which emphasises the mutually-
dependent relationship between the preservation
of buildings and the preservation of traditional
techniques. It is also unique in that traditional
knowledge is protected through provisions in
the preservation legislation. Nowhere has the
importance of traditional materials and techniques
in preservation work been recognised to the same
extent as in Japan.
Figure 5.3 Tsunekazu Nishioka planing with the spear-shaped
plane (yari-ganna). The Yakushi-ji Buddhist temple in Nara,
Japan, 1987. 5.2 Research on technology and
history of materials
than surfaces finished with ordinary planes. The cut
is so clean along the cell walls of the wood that it In order to understand the builders and carpenters of
prevents penetration of water and makes the wood former times, to obtain knowledge about their tools,
more resistant to attack by fungi (Brown 1989: 76). to identify regional and local schools, to discover,
Thus, the seventh-century Japanese carpenters’ skill amongst other things, how innovations in building
with the yari-ganna when working with top quality technology spread, we must be able to interpret the
Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) goes a traces left by the tools of the ancient builders on
long way towards explaining why a large percentage the timbers of existing buildings. Investigation of
of original timbers can still be found in preserved building techniques and construction technology,
buildings from the seventh and eighth centuries. crafts techniques and the use of materials should,
Interestingly, a similar discovery was made in therefore, be an integrated part of architectural
Norway in the 1990s, when carpenters started to preservation work when dealing with historic
study the surface of medieval timber structures in timber structures. In order to analyse historic
order to understand what kind of tools the medieval craft techniques and building technology it is a
carpenters had used. They found traces of tools prerequisite that craftsmen and building historians
which they were certain must have been caused by work together. Thus, the knowledge which has been
the use of a spokeshave. The mark left by the medieval carried by tradition will enter the realm of scientific
Norwegian spokeshave was quite similar to that left knowledge, which is necessary if the traditions are
by the Japanese yari-ganna, and the surface of the to survive. It is the carpenters who have the key
timber where the cut had been made also felt quite to a really deep understanding of the art of timber
similar, being very soft to the touch. We suggest that construction.
the spokeshave also cut the wood fibres very gently, An example of this is the North European
thus contributing to the preservation of the timber. medieval carpentry technique, known as sprett-
Returning to Japan, the method which Asano telgjing in Norwegian, which was used to finish the
and Nishioka introduced through their work at surface of exposed timbers in log buildings (Ponnert
Horyu-ji has since been faithfully adopted by and Sjömar 1993: 27). In Scandinavia, until the mid-
Japanese conservation architects. If a member in nineteenth century, the axe and the adze were the

Figure 5.4 Surface of a beam of Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) prepared using the yari-ganna.

Figure 5.5 Spokeshave used in Norwegian carpentry since medieval times. (Drawing from Berg 1989: 23.)

tools normally used to produce beams and technique are evident from its name. The verb sprette
boards. The term adze in Scandinavian carpentry means to bounce: to strike a surface and spring
denotes a broad-bladed axe, not - as in English back or rebound. The verb telgje means to whittle
- a tool with a thin arched blade at right angles to (by adze). The adze rebounds after first having
the shaft. However, the function is the same: a tool cut into the wood. Instead of making a cut where
used for squaring logs, levelling horizontal surfaces, small chips stand out from the wood, like the cut
etc. The methods for using the adze and axe varied which is the result of later techniques, the surface
depending on date and location. became extremely smooth and shell-like through
Sprett-telgjing is an extraordinary method used sprett-telgjing. As with the Japanese spear-shaped
in Northern Europe, including Norway, Sweden plane, the yari-ganna, and the Norwegian medieval
and Northern Russia, to level timber surfaces. No spokeshave, mentioned above, the wood fibres
examples of the sprett-telgjing technique later than were cut very delicately using the sprett-telgjing
the mid-fourteenth century have been found in technique. This may well have contributed to the
either Sweden or Norway. In other words, the Black long life of the timber in Scandinavian medieval
Death represented a turning point in the use of the buildings.
technique; the last examples are from the period The use of the sprett-telgjing technique in Nordic
1350-1370. The characteristics of the sprett-telgjing medieval carpentry has been observed in different
apprentice who had not managed to prepare a beam
adequately with sprett-telgjing, take off his trousers
and use his bare backside to test the surface of
the log. In this way they learned how the surface
prepared by sprett-telgjing ought to feel. Whether
the story is true or not, it serves to illustrate one of
the purposes of the technique: an absolutely smooth
surface where no chips stand out. Sprett-telgjing
was a way to obtain a surface similar to, or perhaps
even smoother than, a planed surface (Ponnert and
Sjömar 1993: 28).

5.3 The revival of traditional

carpentry techniques and repair
When the traditions of carpentry techniques have
been broken, how may we revive them if we think
that the ideal in architectural preservation is to use
such techniques in repair work? The solution is, as
mentioned above, what happened in Japan when the
temple of Horyu-ji was restored from 1935 onwards:
to launch a project where architectural historians
Figure 5.6 Carpenter planing a log with a spokeshave.
and carpenters work together in order to analyse
and try to understand the traces of tools they find on
the old timbers of historic buildings. In Scandinavia,
building types and used for various elements: in the the heritage preservation authorities made a similar
roof structure of early medieval churches, such as realisation at the beginning of the 1990s. The Swedish
in the rafters and beams and in roof-boards, and National Board of Antiquities established a project
in early medieval farm-buildings in parts such to study the traditional uses of wood in construction
as the underside of floorboards, or in sill-beams. (Ponnert and Sjömar 1993: 34-35). In Norway the
Members of pine, spruce and oak have been treated Directorate for Cultural Heritage established a
using sprett-telgjing. No marked differences have programme to repair medieval timber structures
been observed in the use of the technique over time in private ownership, which became known as the
and no marked local differences exist. ‘Medieval Programme’ (Haslestad 1991, 1993a and
When carpenters in Norway and Sweden tried to 1993b).
revive the technique at the beginning of the 1990s, In 1990 the Directorate for Cultural Heritage in
they were not able to reconstruct the old surfaces Norway had listed about 250 timber structures from
perfectly. They asked themselves if the medieval the Middle Ages. Of these, there were the twenty-
carpenters had used a differently-shaped axe- eight stave churches and the rest were mostly
blade, whether the handle could have been longer vernacular buildings belonging to private farms,
or shorter, etc. Suddenly the period of Russian and a few to local, regional and national museums.
glasnost opened up the way for co-operation with These were mostly log-buildings representing
Russian architectural conservators and craftsmen. various categories of farm buildings, such as houses,
Then Norwegian and Swedish carpenters discovered store-houses, barns, etc. In 1990, the Directorate
that the sprett-telgjing technique had been regularly for Cultural Heritage proposed that the Ministry of
used in Northern Russia right up until the end of Environment should make a five-year contribution
the eighteenth century, and was still known by some to the preservation of the vernacular medieval
carpenters. Scandinavian carpenters were therefore timber structures with the intention of developing
able to learn and revive this medieval carpentry this programme into a model project for the repair
technique. and restoration of timber structures in general.
According to oral tradition from Archangel, According to Norwegian heritage legislation, all
Russia, the master carpenter would make an buildings from the Middle Ages are automatically

Figure 5.6 Boards inserted into the gallery wall of a Norwegian medieval timber structure during repair work. The boards have
been planed using a spokeshave.

Figure 5.7 Carpenter at the repair site of the three-storied pagoda of Oyama-dera, Ibaraki, Japan in 1989. planing. The long,
perfect shaving is a trademark of the excellence of Japanese carpentry work. The carpenter is pulling the plane.

Figure 5.8 A sill beam prepared using sprett-telgjing.

listed. As automatic listing places a heavy burden on particularly for buildings which were no longer used
the owners, the Ministry felt it had a duty to relieve by the farmers. The main purpose of the programme
them of some of this burden through a contribution was to leave each building in a good state of repair,
towards the cost of the repair of the medieval timber so that future maintenance could be dealt with by the
buildings in their custody. owner without excessive costs. It was the aim of the
In 1989, the first volume of a series of books programme that the buildings should be repaired so
on the preserved vernacular medieval buildings that they could act as examples for local preservation
in Norway was published. The series is written work. Therefore, the Directorate for Cultural
by and based on the research of the architect and Heritage decided to accept only traditional materials
grand old man of Norwegian architectural history, of the highest quality and to make no compromises
Arne Berg. In 1989 only about 200 buildings were concerning techniques.
known. In 1991 the number of vernacular medieval An important part of the programme was to locate
timber structures had increased to 225, and in 1996, and activate those bearers of tradition who could
when the ‘Medieval Programme’ was completed, contribute to the revitalisation of old, traditional
the number had increased to 250. The buildings crafts and techniques. Thus, through the project
discovered during the programme period can programme, experienced carpenters and other
mainly be attributed to carpenters who had taken craftsmen acted as instructors both in theoretical
part in the programme in their own districts. As the and practical teaching programmes. However, the
carpenters became familiar with the various building Directorate for Cultural Heritage also took into
and wood carving techniques from the Middle Ages, account the importance of local knowledge, so that a
they were able to recognise such buildings in their craftsman who represented a specific local tradition
home villages which had previously been unknown did not teach for extended periods of time in another
to researchers. region, in order to prevent locally-based building
At the start of the programme, some of the traditions being exported to other regions. The
medieval buildings were in a good state of repair, programme aimed to keep the traditional diversity
while others were close to collapse and were in of locally or regionally based technical solutions and
danger of being lost forever. The rate of deterioration carpentry techniques.
had accelerated during the past thirty to forty years,

Figure 5.9 A repaired medieval timber building in Tokke, Norway. Only minor repairs have been made to the log-structure. The
roof boarding has been completely renewed.

Craftsmen who took part in the programme were Programme’ is completed, the infrastructure can
required to participate in a training course organised survive in other types of conservation work.
by the Directorate for Cultural Heritage. A building Through articles and announcements in the
later in date than the actual medieval repair project, local press and in local agricultural association
and often near to the medieval timber structure, was newsletters, the Directorate for Cultural Heritage
chosen as the training area or object. The carpenters came into contact with forest owners and others
were compensated from the programme budget for who could supply materials. The programme was
the loss of income for the duration of the courses. The based on close co-operation with national and
training courses for the carpenters lasted from two local forest authorities and owners for the delivery
to six weeks. Some of the first carpenters who took of timber of a suitable quality for the programme.
part in the programme were gradually promoted to This work will probably have a significant impact
instructors. During the programme more than sixty on future preservation work on timber structures
carpenters were trained. in the various regions of the country. The medieval
The result of this training is that the participants buildings were built from large pines with only the
reached a level of competence which is in high heartwood being used. Timber of similar quality
demand in the local districts, from museums, local for repair work was bought by the Directorate in
and regional conservation officers and the Directorate quantities which were larger than were needed for
for Cultural Heritage. Many of the carpenters who the actual project. As a result, the Directorate was
took part in the programme are farmers as well as able to establish stores of building materials for
craftsmen. This double income is often necessary in repair work in six regions in southern Norway. These
Norway in order to enable people to make a living stores, or ‘material banks’ as they are called, contain
in rural areas. Thus, the competence these people materials such as pine (round and sawn), various
acquired through the ‘Medieval Programme’ made forms of shingles (cleaved, planed and sawed), roof-
them more sought-after as carpenters, and, as a tiles and birch bark for roofing. The stores also carry
result, the programme contributed to the survival tools which are too expensive for local carpenters
of local communities. All the carpenters who have to invest in, like hydraulic jacks which are used to
been involved in the programme are either self- lift the heavy weights of complete buildings, or to
employed or employed by a local contractor. The lift part of log walls in order to insert repair pieces
purpose has been to build up an infrastructure of or whole new logs. Some of the carpenters who have
craftsmen instead of a permanent organisation, been involved in the programme are responsible
such as a permanent workshop. When the ‘Medieval for the maintenance of the six regional stores. The

Figure 5.10 Repairing a medieval storehouse in Tokke, Nor- Figure 5.11 Cleaved shingles in one of the 'material banks'
way. The structure is repaired in situ without dismantling. New, established as part of the programme to repair medieval timber
well-seasoned wood is jointed in. structures in Norway 1991-1996.

idea of maintaining reserves of appropriate quality the market, other people would use them to repair
materials for preservation work is recommended in their houses, and these materials also could be used
Article 12 of the Wood Committee’s Principles: in contemporary construction of small houses.
Thus, it was hoped that a small, permanent market
Institutions responsible for the preservation could be created for these special products, thereby
and conservation of historic structures and sites helping to preserve the traditional crafts on which
should establish or encourage the establishment of they were based for the future.
stores of timber appropriate for such work. The programme contributed significantly
to perfecting the abilities of the carpenters and
to meet the demands of the Norwegian ‘Medieval craftsmen who were involved to work with historic
Programme’, subsidiary suppliers of special materials buildings of high value. It was intended that the
and special tools were also employed, in addition techniques and approaches to repair learnt by
to carpenters and other professional craftsmen. the craftsmen involved in this programme, could
In many cases these have been local farmers, who be applied to other types of historic buildings.
thus acquired an extra income. Products include The project therefore contributed to this through
traditionally-distilled pine tar, birch bark for roofing, training carpenters and other craftsmen, who may
special types of wood products, hand-made nails and be asked to join particularly demanding projects in
various types of shingles. Local blacksmiths were the regions where they live. Until the completion of
hired to produce various tools, such as plane blades. the ‘Medieval Programme’, this had been a major
Small local water-powered frame saws and water- problem all over Norway.
driven shingle-planes were repaired and restored, A co-ordinated effort such as the Norwegian
together with the waterways and dams that provide ‘Medieval Programme’ has obvious advantages. It is
hydropower. It was hoped that when it became possible for a country to build up an infrastructure
known locally that such products were available on that will also benefit conservation work in general,

Figure 5.12 St. Nicolas Chapel, Kenozero National Park, Archangel, Russia, was restored in 1995-96 by Russian and Norwegian
carpenters. The repair of the chapel is one of several joint Russian-Norwegian projects aimed at preservation of historic timber
buildings through the revival of traditional techniques of craftsmanship. Hydraulic jacks and steel posts made it possible to renew
rotten horizontal logs, while at the same time avoiding dismantling the chapel. (Photo by Anders Haslestad, Directorate for Cultu-
ral Heritage, Norway.)

Figure 5.13 A Norwegian blacksmith making traditional carpentry tools.

in local districts or regions. The success of the
Norwegian ‘Medieval Programme’ also depended
on a relatively generous contribution from the
Ministry of the Environment for the preservation
of those timber structures which were automatically
listed under the Cultural Heritage Act.
The ‘Medieval Programme’ is an example of how
the government policy for regional development may
be put into practice. Many of the carpenters involved
in the programme have acquired an increased work-
load after participating in the programme of repair
work of historic buildings. At the same time they are
also active in erecting new timber structures in their
own district, thus bringing their knowledge of sound
crafts techniques into contemporary construction
work. Their contact with restoration and repair work
has given them new opportunities and a deeper
understanding of buildings that are ecologically
sound and also adapted to the local climatic and
physical conditions. As craftsmen they can offer
a high-quality alternative to the standardised
approach of the contemporary building industry
based on pre-fabricated elements.

Figure 5.14 A frame saw in Rauland, Norway, which was

restored together with the associated water-ways and dams as
part of the Medieval Programme in Norway 1991-1996.

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow:
Preservation starts in the forest

There will inevitably come a time when the organised an international symposium in Nepal to
replacement of members will become necessary in discuss the preservation of timber structures and
an historic timber structure. These members may wood used in buildings in connection with the
have decayed or become degraded due to fungi or Kathmandu Valley World Heritage site (Larsen and
insect attacks, or they may have deteriorated or been Marstein 1994a). The symposium greatly helped the
destroyed by physical causes, such as fire. To preserve Committee to see the need for forest resources which
existing timber structures, or to reconstruct timber can supply timber for the repair and restoration
structures after a fire, new timber of an appropriate of historic structures: the native hardwood – sal
quality will be needed to replace deteriorated or (Shorea robusta) – used in the original construction
destroyed parts. The first requirement of new timber work was scarce, and the softwoods used instead
is that it should be of the same species and have were of extremely poor quality.
material properties and dimensions compatible As a result, the Wood Committee proposes in
with the original material. Article 12 of the Principles the establishment and
Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult and protection of forest or woodland reserves – ‘Historic
even impossible in many countries to find timber Forest Reserves’ – from which appropriate timber
of a quality that matches the historic material. can be obtained for the preservation and repair
The reasons for this may be that the proper forest of cultural heritage made of wood. The Wood
resources have not yet been identified, or timber Committee has proposed that projects implemented
of appropriate quality is not available at all because under the banner of Historic Forest Reserves should
the forest resources have been depleted, or the include first, finding and protecting existing natural
appropriate quality timber may not be obtainable forests that contain historic species of the maturity
on the market. If we lack suitable timber we also traditionally required for construction work, and,
lack the chance to preserve the authenticity of our second, enrichment planting to restore species that
wooden cultural heritage. may have been depleted by over-utilisation.
The lack of timber of adequate dimensions is However, it is not only developing countries, like
not, however, a new phenomenon. In fact, lack of Nepal, which suffer from a lack of forest resources
sufficiently large or long timbers has been a driving where suitable timber may be found. For example,
force throughout history in the development of experts in the UK have recognised that the forest
timber engineering. By the end of the Roman resources which yielded large oak timbers used in
Empire, the spanning limitations of readily-available days gone by for roof trusses, for example, have now
timber led to the development of the simple truss for virtually disappeared. Thus, old, large structural
roofing purposes. During the Middle Ages, lack of members cannot usually be replaced. During the
large-dimension timber for joists led to ingenious restoration of the York Minster tower in 1970, the
solutions for floor constructions. During the original, decayed members were so large that the
Renaissance, arches were constructed from shorter conservation architect, despite approaching every
and slender members, such as planks, and this was timber merchant in the UK, could find only one
also applied to beam construction (Mainstone 1975: tree that was big enough to provide replacement
138-140). members of a similar size. The architect was,
reluctantly, forced to replace the original timber
structure with steel lattice beams (Charles 1984: 47).
6.1 Historic Forest Reserves In Norway, the implications of the concept of
Historic Forest Reserves became evident in the
How is timber of the right quality to be found both ‘Medieval Programme’ managed by the Directorate
today and in the future for preservation work? In for Cultural Heritage. One of the key issues in the
1992, the ICOMOS International Wood Committee programme became the establishment of stores,

Figure 6.1 Large dimension timber from a late sixteenth Figure 6.2 Softwood used in Nepalese preservation work. The
century log-structure in Setesdal, Norway. width of the annual rings is approximately one centimetre. The
amount of heartwood was almost negligible.

called ‘material banks’, for traditional building Republic actually started in the forests. The laws
materials in various regions throughout the country. and regulations drawn up to defend and develop
A major asset in the banks is old-growth pine (Pinus the forests were aimed at, in modern terms, the
sylvestris), carefully selected in co-operation with preservation of the ecological equilibrium of the
local forest owners, and matching the quality of forests (Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali
the timber used in the original construction work. 1987 and Susmel 1994).
There is a growing interest among forest owners to The Wood Committee’s proposal for the
keep similar reserves in the future. establishment of Historic Forest Reserves links
The idea of establishing forest reserves for cultural heritage preservation with nature
construction purposes is, not, however, a novel conservation. The Wood Committee would like to tie
idea. A spectacular example of an old system is cultural heritage preservation to broader ecological
forest management in the Venetian Republic – la concerns under the aegis of the World Heritage
Serenissima. An important motive in the Republic’s concept. By regarding heritage as both cultural and
westward expansion in the fourteenth and fifteenth natural, the World Heritage Convention reminds
centuries was the need to secure a steady supply of the international community of the interaction
oak timber for the Venetian shipbuilding industry, between people and nature and of the fundamental
and also timber for construction work. Timber was need to preserve the balance between people and
needed for the piled foundations under buildings, the environment. Our responsibility as conservators
floor and roof structures in private and public of cultural heritage made of wood is, therefore, not
buildings, and to prevent erosion of the Venetian only limited to timber structures but also extends
lagoon. As early as the fifteenth century, the to the conservation and sustainable use of forest
Republic had developed an advanced forestry policy resources. Since current forestry policies and
based on the understanding that the wealth of the management techniques create the fundamental

Figure 6.3 Pine with large section of heartwood in one of the Norwegian “material banks” set up during the Medieval Program-
me in Norway 1991-1996.

conditions for the preservation of timber structures rate as new wood was formed by growth processes.
using authentic materials, both now and for the It was assumed that this state could be maintained
future, we must understand the nature of these indefinitely through forest management without
policies and silvicultural techniques exactly, and, if negative effects.
necessary, strive to change them if they are contrary In the sustained yield forestry management
to the needs of cultural heritage preservation. system, clear-felling was followed by artificial
reforestation with tree species of economic
importance. In the course of time, however, soil
scientists and ecologists have found that clear-
6.2 Sustained yield management and felling had considerable drawbacks. Although clear-
sustainable management of forests felling obviously has economic and management
advantages, it is also burdened with ecological
and biological risks. The on-going evolution from
Forests form an integral part of life on earth, sustained-yield management of a relatively small
providing a range of benefits at local, national number of commercial tree species to the protection
and regional levels, covering approximately forty and sustainable management of forest ecosystems
per cent of the world’s total land mass, according is changing some of the fundamental premises of
to a 1995 survey of the United Nations Food and forest management.
Agriculture Organisation (FAO). During the last two Today, it is recognised that forests are complex
centuries, the exploitation of these rich resources ecosystems capable of providing a wide range of
has been dominated by the idea of sustainable yield economical, social and environmental benefits.
management. This idea was based on harvesting Ecosystems are communities of organisms working
old-growth forests through clear-felling at the same together with their environments as integrated
rotation in even-aged systems are current topics in
the forestry debate. Selection felling is regarded as
the logical low-impact alternative to clear-felling but
is not necessarily a solution in all cases. Selection
felling involves the removal of single or small groups
of trees within a stand. Selection felling, applied
uniformly to the landscape, may have not desirable
ecological consequences or may be inappropriate
under certain site conditions, such as unstable
soils and steep topography, because of the need for
extensive roads and frequent felling.

6.3 Forests, the 1992 Rio Earth

Summit and its aftermath

Public interest and concern for the health and well-

being of the world’s forests have never been greater.
For this reason, concern about forestry’s evolving
roles became the subject of intense debate at the
United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development in 1992 (the Rio Earth Summit). The
conference highlighted forestry development and
environmental issues by developing a set of ‘Forest
Principles’ and devoting a chapter of its programme
of action, ‘Agenda 21’, to combating deforestation.
The Forest Principles affirm that it is essential for
Figure 6.4 Detail of logs in a Norwegian log-structure from both the environmental and economic well-being
the late eighteenth century. Note the extremely narrow width
of the annual rings that the growing and felling of trees leave soils,
water and ecosystems in diverse and productive
One initiative following the Rio Earth
Summit, has been the process of developing and
units. They are places where all plants, animals, implementing criteria and indicators for sustainable
soils, waters, climate, people and processes of life forest management. More than 100 countries in six
interact as a whole. continents, accounting for most of the world’s forests
A school of European forestry has long advocated as well as international trade in forest products, are
silvicultural systems based on natural woodland. involved in the debate. Globally there are currently
There is a developing body of opinion that in the seven initiatives, known as ‘processes’, which aim
long-term we will best protect the productive to develop criteria and indicators for sustainable
potential of forests for timber if we stay as close as forest management within specific regions. Within
possible to a natural system of management. Site the ‘Helsinki Process’, covering Europe, sustainable
nutrient status, freedom from disease, even the forest management is defined as the stewardship
growth form of individual trees may be better in and use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a
mixed forests with a full, natural rotation of age- rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity,
classes. Natural regeneration may be a cheaper regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential
and more practicable method of restocking after to fulfil, now and in the future, relevant ecological,
felling (Peterken 1996). In forestry today, a major economic and social functions, at local, national
challenge is to develop more creative silvicultural and global levels, without causing damage to other
techniques which provide for long-term commodity ecosystems. The preservation of historic timber
production and the maintenance of biodiversity. structures will certainly benefit from this policy
Increasing uneven-aged management of many to promote sustainable forestry practices, if not
forest types and implementing longer periods of immediately then in the long term.

6.4 Forest conservation is the Protected Areas Category System of IUCN,

The World Conservation Union. IUCN classifies
The issue of forest conservation creates strong protection in six categories, and Category 6 is of
controversies and arouses strong feelings. particular relevance for Historic Forest Reserves.
Conservationists appear to be at odds with forest This category is called ‘Managed Resource Protected
owners, foresters and the public, who see the need Area: protected area managed mainly for the
for a steady flow of appropriate forest resources, sustainable use of natural ecosystems’. This is defined
including timber, to the market. The central topic in as an area containing predominantly unmodified
question is the conservation of biological diversity natural systems, managed to ensure long term
– biodiversity. Biodiversity is defined simply as protection and maintenance of biological diversity,
the level of variety and variation in the ecosystem, while providing at the same time a sustainable flow
species and genetic levels. of natural products and services to meet community
However, biological diversity is but one of needs. The objectives are four-fold:
several parameters by which a natural resource can
be described. Other parameters include structure 1. to protect and maintain the biological diversity
or biological productivity, for example. The 1992 and other natural values of the area in the long
Rio Summit and its aftermath have generated such term;
awareness of the term biodiversity that it seems to 2. to promote sound management practices for
overshadow other related problems. The perceived sustainable production purposes;
values of inherent biodiversity attributes versus 3. to protect the natural resource base from being
the direct values of the resources themselves fuel alienated for other land-use purposes that would
international and national debates. To what extent be detrimental to the area’s biological diversity;
should forests be maintained for production or and
protection values? Can a forest be managed for both 4. to contribute to regional and national develop-
purposes? Biodiversity literature stresses the level ment.
of our ignorance as to the extent of community,
species and genetic diversity: at the component level The use of this category in nature conservation policy
(how many species are there, and where?) and at may serve to eliminate many of the controversies
the structural and functional levels (how does this we see today, and at the same time maintain each
assembly of species function in terms of carbon country’s obligations to international conventions,
storage, etc.?) A fundamental question which may such the convention on biodiversity, while at
critically be added to this is how much biodiversity the same time securing timber for architectural
do we need – because we cannot have everything preservation as well as other worthy purposes.
(Rodgers 1997). In the future, when the concept of ecosystem
We would agree with the views of George forestry management has matured and eventually
F. Peterken (1996), that modern wilderness been implemented, there should be a steady and
preservation is based on the separation of people secure supply of timber of adequate quality for
and nature –conceptually and physically. Nature is architectural preservation work. Until then, the
only visited, not experienced in everyday life. This concept of Historic Forest Reserves may help to
approach contains the seeds of its own downfall, for remind forest owners and managers to keep parts
the motive force is the feeling of alienation of urban of the remaining old-growth forests for the sake of
society from nature and the urge to re-establish preserving the authenticity of the world’s historic
contact, but against a background belief that people timber structures.
are a disrupting force outside nature. Foresters,
according to Peterken, have tended to regard natural
or unmanaged woodland as a wasted resource;
nature conservationists have generally seen it as an 6.5 The traditional knowledge of tree
ideal. Foresters have been trained to grow trees and selection in the forest
to manage woodland actively. Conservationists exist
to promote, among other things, natural features When carpenters in the northern European
and processes, so they have tended to interfere as coniferous area were to build timber structures,
little as possible. such as churches, they went out into the forest and
However, there is a greater register of protection selected the individual trees needed for this purpose.
and nature conservation aims, although this is The individual forester or carpenter had, through his
not as yet fully acknowledged world-wide. This own experience, established a knowledge of timber
were needed. This seems to have been a universal
approach to the selection of trees for structural
purposes. Fred Charles observes the same approach
to tree felling from the English oak forests. For
reasons of economy, the carpenter selected the
smallest tree that would yield the required cross-
section of the structural member (Charles 1984: 47).
In Scandinavia, trees were traditionally felled
during autumn and winter. It was easier to haul the
logs out of the forest at this time of year, because the
ground was frozen and snow-covered. Moreover,
the life-processes of the trees were halted, and the
danger of fungal decay in the newly-felled trees
was eliminated. Ancient Chinese carpenters also
knew that wood felled in winter was comparatively
dry and strong and did not rot easily (Zhong and
Chen 1986: 303). In Oppdal, a Norwegian mountain
village, building timber was felled during September
until the late 1930s. In the spring it was hewn on
two sides and left to dry during summer, stacked so
that it was exposed to the air on all sides. During
the autumn, the log-house was erected and roofed,
and then left over the winter. Weighed down by the
snow, the log wall became very tight. The windows
and doors were put in during the summer, and the
inhabitants could move in. In this way they made
a house which could last for centuries and which
would be weather-tight and provide a comfortable
interior climate during the very cold winters (Vreim
1948: 33).
The traditional knowledge of tree selection
for construction work is gradually being lost. We
Figure 6.5 A straight-grown pine to be felled by the carpenter, might ask how useful this knowledge is today, since
selected on the basis of its bark and straight growth, making it the forest resources upon which such traditional
suitable for cleaving.
knowledge was based are, in many places, depleted.
Seen in the broader perspective of evolving ideas in
quality that far surpassed the expert systems being international forestry, there are, however, promising
developed in today’s forestry to predict wood quality. signs of a growing interest in preserving and even
Traditional knowledge indicated special stands that re-establishing the patterns of the world’s old-
people knew would provide excellent materials for growth forests from which our ancestors developed
construction purposes. Most attractive, in their eyes, their knowledge and where they could select the
were the ‘mature’ pines because of their high content best trees for building purposes. It should therefore
of heartwood which made the timbers stable in use be a fundamental duty for those who are concerned
and highly resistant to decay. A mature tree could be with the preservation of the authenticity of the
distinguished according to several criteria, such as world’s historic timber structures to make clear
the shape and size of the trunk, height and diameter society’s need for high-quality old-growth timber
increase and the appearance of the bark and knots. for preservation work, and to study the methods
To choose the right size of tree, the forester or and techniques which were traditionally used to
carpenter started out with the dimensions of the select timber for building purposes. This implies
element for which the tree was needed: the size that architectural conservators must be thoroughly
of beams or posts, or the logs for a log-wall. The schooled in the traditional as well as in the current
guiding principle was to fell trees no bigger than principles of forestry practice.

A little neglect may breed mischief:
preventive conservation, documentation,
maintenance and fire protection
Since the 1980s, preventive conservation has or not it is necessary to take action or if the structure
become a major tool in museum conservation, may be left as it is for the present. If possible, the
with the realisation that the daily routine work monitoring should be in excess of one year in order
of maintaining museum environments, and, in to take account of ordinary seasonal variations in,
particular, a stable climate, actually prevents decay for instance, movements in the structure (Brereton
and deterioration of museum artefacts. Although 1995: 13). Before any intervention is made, the
the term preventive conservation has only rarely structure should be inspected, recorded and
been applied to architectural conservation, it is monitored, and the structure’s history studied. In this
obvious that maintenance of buildings is a form way, the conservator will have a solid platform from
of preventive conservation. Fire protection of which to make decisions about what intervention
buildings also falls into the category of preventive measures are necessary.
conservation. We would like to suggest that the Inspection, recording and documentation are
inspection and recording of buildings are also parts covered by articles 1 and 2 of the Wood Committee’s
of a preventive conservation strategy. First, it is of Principles. Moreover, the Principles refer to, and
vital importance to document a timber structure in are based on, Article 16 of the Venice Charter
case of damage, for instance, caused by fire. Second, and a separate ICOMOS document dealing with
careful inspection may reduce interventions the recording of historic buildings. The Wood
when repair seems inevitable. Third, inspection of Committee’s Principles recommend the secure
buildings at regular intervals is a fundamental part storage of all documentation material, and include
of a maintenance programme. in this redundant materials and members removed
from the structure during repair work. Such
members should be kept as valuable historic records
7.1 Inspection and recording for future research. Further, the Wood Committee
emphasises that it is essential to record information
Historic timber structures will inevitably show about relevant traditional skills and technologies.
evidence of decline. In addition to natural causes,
buildings may have suffered the effects of fire, war
damage, earlier unsuccessful intervention measures 7.2 The Venice Charter and the
or may have been put to inappropriate use. In ICOMOS recording principles
order to make a proper appraisal of the current
state of an historic timber structure, an inspection Recording is an essential part of the conservation
of the structure alone will not suffice. A more process. According to the Principles for the
comprehensive record, including a whole range of Recording of Monuments, Groups of Buildings and
issues concerning the past and the present conditions Sites, adopted by the ICOMOS General Assembly
of the structure and its environment needs to be in 1996, recording can be defined as the capture
made. For example, when treating a decayed timber of information which describes the physical
member, we need to understand the reasons which configuration, condition and use of the monuments,
caused it to decay, and these decay-causing factors groups of buildings and sites, at different points in
need to be removed, or treated, before we treat the time.
actual member. Recording is essential, inter alia, to ensure the
In practical terms this implies that before any informed management and control of construction
action is taken, it is necessary to have a thorough works and of all changes to cultural heritage, and to
understanding of the structure and its history. This provide information which can be used to identify
also implies that the situation should be monitored appropriate and sustainable use. Recording should
over a period of time in order to determine whether be undertaken before, during and after repairs,


Figure 7.1 (a) A warehouse at Kjerringøy, Norway from the

early nineteenth century. Salt fish had been stored here for
years. This led to salt erosion of the timber in the foundations.
(b) Detail of salt-eroded timber.


alterations or other interventions, and when The ICOMOS recording principles are based
evidence of a building’s history is revealed during on the recommendation of Article 16 in the Venice
such works. The ICOMOS recording principles Charter which clearly states that recording is an
emphasise that the recording and interpretation ongoing process during actual repair work:
processes are complex and may require several
professional groups to work together, such as In all works of preservation, restoration, or
architects, conservators, engineers, surveyors, excavation, there should always be precise
architectural historians, archaeologists above and documentation in the form of analytical and
below ground, and other specialist advisors. critical reports, illustrated with drawings and
A complete record of an historic structure photographs.
as a basis for conservation work comprises a
comprehensive set of information pertaining to the Every stage of the work of clearing, consolidation,
building’s history and its present state. It should rearrangement, and integration, as well as technical
include: and formal features identified during the course of
the work, should be included. This record should
1. measured drawings; be placed in the archives of a public institution
2. photographs; and made available to research workers. It is
3. building history including repair history; and recommended that the report should be published.
4. documentation of the present physical condition The Japanese have developed an extremely
of the building or structure in question. conscientious approach to the recording of historic
buildings before, during and after repair work,
Evidence which may explain the construction completely in accordance with Article 16 of the
history, and, in particular the previous use of crafts Venice Charter. Moreover, the Japanese always
techniques and tools should be particularly noted. publish a report of the records upon completion of a
Access to all the information about a cultural major repair project of a listed building. The reports
resource is a key to its protection and presentation. are distributed to conservation architects, the main
libraries all over Japan and internationally. Expenses 2. the building and its history, based on the evidence
for publication of the report are included in the total found prior to and during the work; and
budget for the repair project (Larsen 1994: 138-143). 3. the repair process, including the method for
The reports convey a detailed account of the various repair of individual members.
aspects of the project, such as:
All items are described through text, diagrams,
1. the work schedule, budget and all extra work on drawings and photographs.
site, including construction of the site office and The Japanese reports on repair work address two
scaffolding; major issues. First, the reports remain primary

Figure 7.2 This drawing shows a plan of the rafters seen from below in the Jôgyôdô hall of the Enryaku-ji Buddhist temple in
Shiga, Japan. The hall was built in 1595. The drawing shows the original members, and members added during repairs in the late
seventeenth and late nineteenth century. (Drawing from Juyo bunkazai Enryakuji jogyodo oyobi hokkedo shuri koji hokokusho.
Shiga Prefecture Board of education. 1968.)

Figure 7.3 Drawing from the report of repair work at the Main Gate of the Toshogu shrine in Nikko, Japan. (Drawing from
Kokuho Toshogu yomeimon shuri koji hokokusho. The Foundation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage in the Shrines and
Temples of Nikko.1974.)

sources of architectural history. Second, the reports condition for the elaboration of a proper concept
account for every aspect of the repair project, from of the conservation, and in particular when
construction of scaffolding to woodwork joints used interventions in the building or structure are deemed
in the repair work, which benefits future planning. inevitable. Only through archival research and an
Based on the information contained in the reports, actual examination of the structure is it possible to
it is possible to estimate the costs and the working recognise and analyse the historical resources which
hours which are necessary for the various operations are represented in it. Such research and analysis
in future projects. These reports are of great interest, should precede any intervention. Since much of the
not only from a Japanese perspective, as they could significance of the building or structure is attached
also serve as a prototype for preservation experts to its material substance, and since we wish to retain
everywhere who are intent on meeting their as much of this documentary evidence as possible,
obligations to the Venice Charter. we must understand its significance.

Moreover, through the research and analysis

of building and structural history, we will be able
7.3 Documentation of building to determine previous repairs and to understand
history the effects, structural or otherwise, of earlier
interventions. Experience proves that there is
The documentation and analysis of building history always a close connection between the historical
are essential parts of the conservation process. The development of a building or structure and the
clarification of the building history is a necessary development of damage, decay or deterioration.

Figure 7.4 The pilgrimage church of Wies near Steingaden, Bavaria is a World Heritage site. It was built between 1745 and 1754.
The church, situated in an alpine valley, is a masterpiece of rococo art and architecture. The masonry church walls and eight paired
pillars carry a timbered roof structure and a wooden vault over the central area (the nave). The vault consists of ribs suspended in
the roof structure, a construction typical of baroque churches. Laths are nailed to the ribs. The vault soffit is plastered and painted
with beautiful frescoes. As the vault is linked to the roof structure, all forces affecting the roof, such as wind, consequently affect
the vault and its stucco decorations.
Damages linked to frequent flights of military aircraft over the church in 1984 led to the church being closed out of concern
for the safety of visitors. However, due to extensive inspection and comprehensive analysis of the structure and its history, the
Bavarian State Conservation Office realised that it was not necessary to intervene in the delicate roof structure. Instead a system of
monitoring was established. The structure could be conserved as it was, on the condition that a plan for future regular inspections
was implemented.

Frequently, if the judgement of damage or taking into account the diversity of forms of timber
deterioration is limited to current observations but structures, wood species, climatic and geographical
does not take into account the historical development conditions. Survey checklists must be adapted
of the structure, it is likely that the evaluation of the to the types of structures in question, the local
problem and the proposed remedies will not be and regional climatic and other environmental
relevant or appropriate. Of course, if the decay is conditions. Therefore, only local conservators will
limited to penetration of water at a specific point, have sufficiently good knowledge and insight into
historical analysis is necessarily not required, but where and how to find the trouble-spots in historic
if the problem is more comprehensive, for example timber structures and consequently how to compile
related to structural damage, historical research and a relevant defects survey checklist. Weaver (1993:
analysis are certainly prerequisites for finding the 36-39) has suggested an extensive check-list which
appropriate measures to cope with the problem. may be an excellent starting-point for developing
local or site-specific lists.
Exact measured drawings are the most helpful
tools in conservation work in general, and
7.4 Survey and analysis of physical specifically in the defects survey. Exact drawings
condition defects may show deformations and possible structural
problems. Moreover, the architectural conservator
We are unlikely to find a globally-applicable survey can directly plot damaged or decayed areas onto the
checklist for tracing defects and damage in historic drawing. This will give an immediate impression of
timber structures, because the issue is so complex, the extent of the damage and whether there are areas

Figure 7.5 Wies church in Bavaria. Section of the roof. (Drawing from Die Wies. Geschichte und Restaurierung. Bayerisches Lan-
desamt für Denkmalpflege, Arbeitsheft 55. München, 1992; p. 135.)

of the building or structure which should be given sophisticated computer systems, it is necessary to
special attention. use all the senses when examining or inspecting
Measuring and recording historic buildings a timber structure for damage and decay: sight,
is, however, a time-consuming process. A 3D hearing, smell and touch, and, in some cases, even
database may greatly simplify the documentation taste. Sometimes conservators may be able to see
and recording process. Today laser scanners and the fruiting bodies or the mycelium of fungi on the
computer programmes which allow the construction surface of timbers, or bore holes or bore dust from
of 3D models in real time while working in the field, insects. By knocking on wood it is possible to judge
are available. All the other necessary information, from the sound whether the timber is sound or not.
such as building history and the physical condition, The mouldy smell of an ongoing fungal attack is
can be added to the model. However, it is beyond usually easily perceived. Conservators should feel
the scope of this book to deal with the vast range the wood to check if the surface feels damp. When
of new technology for effective recording and the purpose is to determine structural as well as
information retrieval. The proceedings of the material damage, deterioration or decay, the quality
symposia of the ICOMOS International Committee of the end result depends on the conservator’s ability
for Architectural Photogrammetry offer valuable to work as systematically as possible.
and updated information in this field. In any timber structure, there will be obvious
In any case, whether the architectural conservator trouble-spots where water, the main enemy of wood,
is working with traditional recording tools or with may penetrate surfaces or accumulate on horizontal

Figure 7.6 A measured drawing with decay and damage indicated.


Figure 7.7 (a) The “Wooden Pagoda” of Fogong Temple in

Yin county, Shanxi, China, built in 1056. The height of the
pagoda is sixty-six metres, including the ten-metre high iron
spire. (b) Wooden members which have been crushed due to
the heavy weight of the pagoda.


Figure 7.8 Lichen growing on the surface of timber exposed to the weather. This is not necessarily dangerous in itself, but large
amounts of lichen may accumulate humidity and create conditions for fungal decay.

surfaces and in timber embedded in masonry, a structural engineer or a mycologist, should

and thus lead to fungal decay. Water stains are the survey the structure together. This offers an
first indication that something is wrong. Obvious excellent opportunity for them not only to learn
places for close inspection are timbers in contact how to understand the structure itself, but also to
with or near the ground, such as sill-beams or understand each other’s work. This may greatly
posts. Unventilated spaces beneath wooden floors at simplify future collaboration during repair work.
ground level should be given special attention.
Unfortunately, leaks in the roofs of buildings
happen frequently. If not arrested, they may lead to
decay in the roof timbers. Particularly problematic is 7.4.1 Simple inspection tools
timber under valleys in roofs. The junction between
rafters and beams at the eaves, where the walls meet Probing wood with a penknife or a similar tool,
the roof, is a notorious trouble-spot because damage such as an awl, will normally indicate whether the
in this area may be caused by humidity, as well as by damage by infestation or fungal attack is significant
loading and often the rafters, as well as the beams, or not. If the knife-blade or awl disappears easily
may be decayed or damaged. into the wood, it is obviously not sound. However,
Crevices, cracks or openings in joints are one should not always rely on the probing method,
favourite entry spots for insects and should be because just inside the sound wood, the central part
carefully observed. Exit holes of insects in timbers may be decayed, as is sometimes the case for timber
and bore-dust on the floor are obvious signs of an embedded in masonry.
insect attack. However, until further observation Sounding on wood with a hammer or mallet is
has been carried out, it will not be possible to an efficient way to find out whether wood is sound
ascertain whether the attack is current or not. When or not. If there is a dead sound, the wood is decayed
inspecting for possible insect attacks, it is extremely or has been attacked by insects. Moreover, beetle
important to be systematic and observant, and to holes may appear, and fresh bore dust or frass may
plot all relevant information onto the measured come out of the holes due to the vibration when the
drawings. wood is tapped.
Whenever possible, the conservation architect, An extremely useful and simple tool to use in
the carpenter and other professionals such as diagnosing fungal decay is the moisture meter.

Figure 7.9 A moisture meter.

Fungal decay will occur if the moisture content 7.4.2 Instruments and tools for
of the wood is at or above fibre saturation point,
non-destructive testing of wood in
which, depending on the species of wood, is around
25-30%. Typically, insect attacks also occur at high structures
moisture levels, but there is not necessarily a strict
correlation. A moisture meter is a small electrical There are also several mechanical instruments on
instrument which operates on the principle that wet the market which are highly useful when surveying
wood is an excellent conductor of electricity while building timbers. Generally, these instruments have
dry wood is a very good insulator. It is normally been developed for use in forestry operations, but
based on the direct electrical resistance of the wood. their application to historic buildings surveys is
By driving pin-type electrodes into the wood, the obvious.
resistance is measured and converted into moisture An excellent tool is the decay-detecting drill
content values by the instrument. To obtain proper which allows accurate assessment of the structural
readings from a moisture meter, it is essential that integrity of timbers. The principle of operation of
the pins are driven into the wood in their full depth. one such drill is that at constant drilling pressure,
Driving the pins in at sufficient depth is not always a long, narrow, flexible, telescopically-supported
easy with the denser woods. drill bit, rotated at high speed, rapidly penetrates
Moisture meters are calibrated by the the wood. This simultaneously produces a graphic
manufacturer for a given species of a given thickness record of the rate of penetration. Decay or insect
at a given temperature. When measuring moisture attack is detected by a sudden change in bandwidth
content in a sample, it is therefore important to refer between the lines on the trace record. The marked
to the manufacturer’s recommended conversion reduction in density and the nature of the spacing
table regarding correction factors for various species. will show whether the damage is caused by decay
However, more sophisticated moisture meters have or by insect attack. The small diameter drill leaves
small plug-in program keys which automatically set a virtually undetectable test hole, resulting in no
the calibration required for different species. structural damage to the timber.
Another tool used in forestry practice that may
be used by building conservators is the electronic
hammer. This is an instrument which measures
the time it takes for a sound wave to pass through a
tree. Each species of wood has its own characteristic
sound velocity. Deviations from this indicate
cavities or decay in the wood. The sound velocity
measured is either shown on a hand-held display
connected to the hammer, or it may be equipped
with a printer. Moreover, the electronic hammer
allows the modulus of elasticity of logs, as well as
building timber, to be assessed.
Non-destructive testing can also be done
with the help of infrared light, ultrasound and
endoscopy. Ultrasonic inspection methods, using a
pulse velocity measuring device, developed initially
for testing concrete, have shown promising results
in detecting decay in building timbers (Lee 1970;
Baldassino et al., 1996). Structural endoscopy allows
visual inspection of places which are not accessible,
such as the inside of walls, floors and ceilings.
Apart from visual inspection, specimens from non-
accessible areas can be collected using special tools.
Infrared spectrometry has been successfully used
to investigate timber-framed structures which have
been plastered, thus establishing a survey of the
condition of the actual timber frame without the need
to destroy layers of plaster. Infrared thermography is
a convenient technique for producing heat images
from the invisible radiant energy emitted from an
object at any distance, without surface contact and
without in any way influencing the actual surface
temperature of the objects viewed. For this work, Figure 7.10 From a sawmill in Sakurai city, Nara, Japan. This
a scanning camera is used. This method gives sawmill specializes in Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtu-
sa). The ends of each log are waxed to stabilize the humidity
a measure of material damage and permits the inside the wood. Cramps are inserted into the ends to avoid
evaluation of the progressive damaging processes cracking.
under load. However, the use of this method
presupposes a temperature gradient between the
The answers to these questions present a complete
outside and the inside of the building (Luong 1996).
picture of the structural mechanics. For a
particular roof structure, several different models
of its structural mechanics may be set up. The
consequences of the distribution of loads and forces
7.5 Structural survey and engineering internally in the structure and on the environment
calculations may differ from model to model. One would usually
opt for the model that respects the existing structure
Engineering calculations can be invaluable in to the largest extent and which minimises the need
evaluating the strength of structures and of eroded for interventions and utilises the present structural
timbers in difficult cases. However, prior to any possibilities as far as possible (Troelsgård 1995).
repair of timbered roof structures, the following
facts concerning the development of the structural
framework should be considered:
7.6 Structural survey and timber
1. h ow the structure tolerates the loads imposed on grading
2. what kinds of loads (tension, compression, A simple way of assessing structural timber quality is
bending or combinations of these) the individual to use present-day grading rules for determining the
members are subjected to; load-bearing capacity of each individual member
3. how the joints are affected by the loads; and in a structure. This is not to say that structural
4. what loads the roof structure transfers to its timbers in an historic structure must comply with
environment (walls, tier of joists, etc.) and where present-day grading rules, and particularly not if the
the loads are transferred. member is functioning properly. However, grading

Figure 7.11 The Mountain Resort, Chengde, China, a World Heritage site. Small trees are growing on the roof of the building
in the background. It is a part of the site management plan to remove growth from the roofs every three years. The removal is
necessary for the long-term protection of the roof timber structure and tile roofing. The roof in this picture had been cleaned one
year previously.

using present-day rules and included as a part of reduce the strength of wood, defects in wood may
the structural survey, gives an indication of the also occur as a result of poor seasoning: timber may
structural reliability of the timbers. warp or checks and splits may develop. To prevent
Grading is the process of classifying timber splitting from occurring during air drying, the
according to quality for a particular use. Grading end grains of individual boards or timbers can be
of some sort has always been a necessary part protected either by cleats, preferably of metal, fixed
of carpentry. Carpenters knew well the effect of to their ends, or, more commonly, by the application
certain growth characteristics or defects in timber of a waterproof seal. The function of an end seal
and good craftsmen selected their timber carefully is to maintain a higher moisture content under the
to obtain the required quality. When sawmills were seal than compared to unsealed end grains. Waxes
manually operated, the workers were highly skilled of various kinds have often proved to be beneficial.
in evaluating the quality of the material and could
sort timbers, boards and planks for specific use
during the conversion process.
Visual grading is the successor to the sorting done 7.7 Maintenance
by the workers at a traditional small sawmill. The
grader examines each piece to determine the type, The best way of ensuring the continued preservation
location and size of various growth characteristics of a building is to carry out regular maintenance.
that may affect its structural strength, and considers Monitoring and maintenance are covered by Article
wood density and the ratio of heartwood to sapwood. 3 of the Wood Committee’s Principles which
Then, using rules that quantify the effect of each recommends that a coherent strategy of regular
characteristic, the grader assigns the piece a ‘grade’ monitoring and maintenance should be established
by stamping it with a grade stamp. Strength-reducing because this is crucial for the protection of historic
characteristics, or defects in timber, are related to timber structures and their cultural significance. By
grain direction, reaction wood, knots, longitudinal maintenance we mean taking actions to keep the
separations (such as shakes) and pitch pockets. In timber structure operational or to sustain it in its
addition to these growth characteristics, which may existing state. The object of a maintenance policy

Figure 7.12 Himeji castle, Japan, a World Heritage site, built in the early seventeenth century. Section. This is a timber structure
with external plastering. (Drawing from Kokuho Himeji-jo hozon shuri koji hokokusho. Vol 6: Tenshu. Agency for Cultural Affairs,
Japan. 1965.)
thirty years, and reinforced or repaired the buildings
as required, by adding braces and supports, and
replacing roof-tiles. This was regarded as regular
maintenance (Larsen 1994: 5).
Regular inspections are a vital part of the
procedure for building maintenance and for the
monitoring of the development of a structure. A
systematic approach using a manual for guidance
will help in planning the time scale and scope of
inspections. The interval between inspections may
be governed by local needs and uses of the building
and the environmental conditions. Records of all
inspections should be kept. The inspection should be
carried out by a professional, such as an architectural
conservator or a master builder who is able to draw
up a report containing recommendations.
Maintenance work can be divided into two main
categories: routine or day-to-day maintenance
and periodic maintenance (Mills 1994). The first
depends on the constant vigilance of the building
owner. It includes actions that can usually be dealt
with without the need to employ outside labour. On
the other hand, periodic maintenance is more in the
nature of minor repairs and therefore requires the
assistance of a professional craftsman, preferably
with a knowledge of historic timber structures.
Day-to-day maintenance includes actions such as
Figure 7.13 Grass growing along wooden walls accumulates
moisture and leads to decay. clearing leaves and accumulated silt from gutters,
controlling plant growth, checking faults in rainwater
receptacles, removing bird droppings and checking
should be to retain the structure in an optimum ventilation. Minor repairs and maintenance involving
state at as a low cost as is feasible. Unfortunately, professional assistance includes maintenance
many owners of historic buildings take a negative of eaves gutters and downpipes, repair to metal
approach to the principle of regular maintenance coverings, adjustment of roof-covering such as slates
and problems are dealt with only as they occur. and roof tiles and repainting. In both categories the
However, prevention is better than cure, and it is main issue to remember is that prevention is best
also less expensive. For instance, an outbreak of achieved by ensuring that the timber is kept dry and
dry rot may be caused by a single leaking gutter or well ventilated (Brereton 1995: 7).
downpipe over a long period of time. A problem like
this can be remedied at a small fraction of the cost
necessary to deal with dry rot. Therefore, neglect 7.8 Fire and fire protection
of such routine small repairs inevitably leads to
greater efforts and expense and ultimately to major Timber structures are particularly vulnerable
repairs, which might have been avoided or at least to fire. Therefore, fire protection is essential in a
postponed. comprehensive preventive conservation strategy for
Maintenance of buildings is generally regarded timber structures. Under the influence of sufficiently
as a continuous process to prevent the decay of the strong heat sources, wood decomposes to a mixture
materials and the deterioration of the structure, such of volatile substances, tars and highly reactive
as regular repainting and removal of leaves from carbonaceous char. Gas-phase oxidation of the
gutters. When buildings are regularly maintained, combustible volatile substances and tarry products
the period between more drastic interventions produces flaming combustion. The vapours and
can be greatly prolonged. For instance in Japan, gases burn when mixed with the oxygen in the air
at Himeji Castle, built at the beginning of the and the reaction becomes exothermic: the heat
seventeenth century, the castle lords checked that is released promotes continued combustion or
vertical and horizontal distortions every twenty to pyrolysis. The most commonly-quoted ignition
Fire precaution legislation as applied to all existing
buildings is concerned with human fire safety. The
preservation of the fabric of a building, prevention
of damage to its aesthetic features and protection of
its contents from loss by fire are areas which are not
covered by legislation. Moreover, the fire protection
of historic buildings and sites is more complex than
the protection of ordinary contemporary buildings
because of technical problems, alarm problems,
problems related to secondary damage, aesthetic
problems, economic problems, and the like. Historic
buildings also pose a particular risk in relation to
fires due to their building materials, construction
techniques, their use and, often, the sites where they
are located (Larsen and Marstein 1992).
The first step in a fire protection programme
should be an assessment of the fire risks in order
to obtain the most appropriate fire protection at
the lowest cost. The fire protection programme will
inevitably be restricted by such factors as economic
and technological constraints. However, this is not
to say that low-tech solutions, based on simple fire-
fighting devices such as fire hoses and hand-held
fire extinguishers, must necessarily be inferior to
a fire protection strategy based on sophisticated
automatic alarm systems with a direct alarm link to
the fire-brigade and expensive and comprehensive
Figure 7.14 Fire protection equipment at a automatic fire extinguishing systems such as
Norwegian farm where there are a number of listed sprinklers. Concerning the latter, we must also take
buildings. The owner has created a small pond to into consideration the fact that, in addition to the
provide water for the fire fighting equipment. expense of installing such systems, they are also
costly and often complex to maintain. Sprinklers,
moreover, may cause much damage if they should
be activated during false alarms. An additional
temperature for wood is 250 degrees centigrade
problem with electronic alarm and sprinkler
when volatilisation of cell wall polymers occurs.
systems is that the alarms and sprinkler heads and
In general, low density species ignite at lower
the necessary electrical cables and water pipes often
temperatures than those of high density. As a
may be difficult to adapt to the sensitive interior of
consequence, decayed wood with a lower density
historic buildings (Marstein 1992). Article 13 of the
than normal ignites at a lower temperature.
Wood Committee’s Principles recommends that
The size of timber is of great importance in
fire detection and prevention systems should be
relation to combustion. Heat must be transferred
installed with due recognition of the historic and
from the surface to the inner portion of a piece if
aesthetic significance of the structure or site.
wood is to burn. As wood is a good heat insulating
Fire extinguishing systems are almost entirely
material, conduction of heat through the material is
dependent on water and their installation involves
poor or slow. The layer of charcoal formed during
great expense. When cultural properties are located
combustion also helps to protect the unburned wood
in remote areas where it is impossible to use the
below it, and the penetration of the member by fire
public water supply, huge water tanks have to be
is retarded. It takes about five to six hours before
constructed. The network of pipes from the water
timber of pine (Pinus sylvestris) with a thickness
tanks, or for that matter from the public supply,
of sixteen to eighteen centimetres is completely
necessitates careful planning in order to avoid
charred. Fire-retardant paints have no tradition in
disturbance of archaeological material in the ground.
historic timber structures and should, if possible, be

Figure 7.15 Demonstrating the use of a water gun in Tsumago town, Nagano, Japan.
Tsumago is an historic post-town designated as a preservation district.

7.8.1 Cultural heritage – a real • p hysical destruction. e.g. drilling holes

• long term physical damage due to poor solutions
challenge for fire protection which result in condensation, water ingress etc.
• physical wear and tear through operation and
Fire protection of historic buildings differs from maintenance, repair etc.
other forms of fire protection in one significant • water damage resulting from accidental
aspect. The principal concern is the safeguarding activation of extinguishing equipment
of the building, not people. However, these two • water damage resulting from extinguishing a fire
different starting points do not produce significantly • actions which have a negative effect on the whole
different results. In most cases, good fire protection aesthetic experience
of a building will also protect people. The major • destruction of possible archaeological remains,
difference lies in the emphasis on escape routes. e.g. through the installation of a water supply.
Fire protection of protected buildings requires
a strengthening of the requirements which are In a normal building, most of this would not apply,
laid down for other forms of fire protection. A but if a building is to be maintained in an ‘eternity
best possible cost/usage effect is always desirable. perspective’, then it is quite different. The lifetime for
Within the field of listed buildings, this is electronic equipment in exposed environments is
particularly important. Clearly, costs and resources between 5- 10 years, which means that the incursions
are inter-connected, but in this instance, a greater resulting from installation and maintenance will
understanding and greater emphasis on costs are be very large after only a few decades. In order
required. Costs in this connection are more to to experience the atmosphere in an 800 year old
do with incursions than money. We understand stave church, for example, all the fire protection
incursions as: equipment should be hidden from view. Accidental
activation of a water-based extinguishing system

Figure 7.16 Borgund stave church, Sogn, Norway, during a sprinkler fire extinguishing
system test in 1982. All the 28 medieval stave churches have fire detection and fire extinguishing
systems. Traditional sprinkler systems and advanced mist systems are used.

can wash away decorative paintings which may be possible causes of fire with what is technically
of significant value in a global context. Thus the and practically feasible, within financial and
challenges raised by such incursions are formidable. historic frameworks.
Nonetheless, the safety requirement is huge, because 3. Residual risk: This deals with failure of fire-
this material cultural inheritance represents non- prevention measures and fires which result from
renewable assets. A building which is gone is lost causes which are not covered by such measures.
forever, no matter how many good copies may be This residual risk is usually greater than is
made. Optimal safety and minimal incursions are acceptable.
therefore important and meaningful goals. 4. Fire limitation measures: These measures are
directed at reducing the damage following a
fire or the extent of a fire. The residual risk is
weighed up against the possible course of the fire
7.8.2 Safety strategies and what is practically and technically possible
within financial and historic frameworks.
It is important that everything which is carried out 5. Accepted residual risk: Within the residual risk,
is thought through first. We therefore need a safety which we have to accept, lies failure of fire
strategy. prevention measures or fires which result from
causes which are not covered by such measures,
1. C auses of fire: After going through possible while simultaneously there is a failure in or
causes of fire, the most obvious causes must under-dimensioning of fire limitation measures.
be selected and weighed up against what is The accepted residual risk should be inversely
feasible historically, practically, technically and proportional to the historic value.
financially, and the limitations in these areas.
2. Fire prevention measures: These are measures This strategy clearly distinguishes between fire
which are directed at probable causes of fire in prevention measures and fire limitation measures.
order to prevent fire from breaking out. These Fire prevention measures are measures which are
measures are implemented by comparing directed at the cause of a fire. Examples are:
• lightning protection equipment to prevent fire operated extinguishing system. Autonomous
after being hit by lightning extinguishers, that is, smaller units which can be put
• cleaning, locking burglar alarms, and, in extreme into buildings and operated independently of the
cases, video surveillance to prevent arson electricity supply, water or other external support,
• working conditions which everyone who works are being developed. Examples of such extinguishers
on a building must sign to prevent fire resulting are inert aerosols, sprinklers or water mist. Water
from the work they are carrying out mist extinguishers, where the extinguishing agent
• critical appraisal and upgrading of electrical is used in such small quantities that it does not
equipment to prevent fire resulting from failure damage the building or the interior, are now coming
in the electrical system onto the market.
• evaluating the need for installations and usage It is important that operation and maintenance
patterns to exclude as many causes of fire as routines are developed for safety equipment. These
possible etc. should be based on local routine inspections and
systematic external inspections of the whole safety
Fire limitation measures include automatic installation. That is to say, there should be one
extinguishing equipment and in some cases single address for responsibility for safety, not the
dividing up the building to prevent the spread individual elements or technical installations. This
of fire (compartmentalisation). Alarm systems is because it is not the individual installation which
have no value in themselves for building safety, matters but safety in itself. An alarm system has no
but must be taken into account when considering value if the alarm does not provoke a reaction.
installations. Such installations may include Electronics are sensitive and often develop
accessible extinguishing equipment, ideally fire faults. However, within the field of smoke detection,
hoses combined with adjacent equipment. In ideal aspiration detection can be used in hostile
situations, the fire service will be based near enough environments. A warning system can be constructed
for this to be significant in evaluating building safety. with three elements: the detector unit, central unit
The division between fire prevention measures and telephone connection to the fire service. Each
and fire limitation measures reflects an acceptance of these elements is itself very complicated. It is
that it is far better to avoid a fire than to put one therefore important to choose solutions which are as
out, however quickly this is done. For protected simple and robust as possible. Simple alarm systems
buildings which cannot be replaced, avoiding are preferable to complicated ones, since an alarm
fires altogether is of the utmost priority. Such an signal is essentially as simple as on or off, smoke or
attitude does not necessarily imply mistrust of no smoke.
automatic extinguishers or of the fire brigade, but Logical simplicity also includes the right level of
a clear understanding of the scope of the damage safety or the right degree of safety. A building can
following a fire, not least due to damage caused in never be 100% secure, to the extent that the residual
extinguishing the fire. risk is 0%. The residual risk will always be there,
and the closer one gets to 100% safety, the more
expensive each improvement will be. The big leap
from no safety to good levels of safety lies in cheap
7.8.3 Simple logic and logical and simple measures. In a building with limited
simplicity use it is both cheaper and more effective to install
circuit breakers than to install an alarm system.
Safety strategies should involve simple logic. Working instructions for workmen re-roofing a
However, it is not always easy to find solutions which building can reduce the risk significantly more than
involve logical simplicity. It is important to avoid round the clock surveillance. A critical evaluation
connecting different elements which have differing of use and storage on a farm, for example, leading
functions. Extinguishers which are activated upon to the installation of a simple alarm system and two
smoke detection are still designed. If the detection powerful fire hoses in the farmyard, will mean that
system detects smoke, the extinguishing system will 60-70% of the achievable level of safety has already
put out the fire. However, failure in one system will been achieved. To reach a higher level of safety,
have a domino effect and there is also the risk that costly measures such as sprinkler systems may be
the extinguishers will not be activated in the event required.
of fire as a result of lightning. In every situation We feel that the most important element in
where lightning is a possible cause of fire, it is totally the fire protection strategy is making the public –
inappropriate to have an electronically or electrically including the custodians of cultural properties
– aware that fire is always an imminent threat to the fire occurred, as the ‘Cultural Properties Fire
cultural properties made of wood. The experience Prevention Day’. On this day each year fire-fighting
of the Japanese following a fire in the world’s oldest drills and other related activities are organised
timber structure, the Golden Hall of the Horyu-ji with the co-operation of the Fire Defence Agency
temple in 1949 is particularly useful as an example and the local fire brigades on the sites of cultural
of how a catastrophe may be turned into something properties. Reports of these activities are widely
positive for the future (Larsen 1994: 58-61). The publicised, and the public at large becomes aware of
fire had a tremendous impact, not only on the the necessity of fire protection of historic buildings.
question of fire protection of historic buildings in Measures such as the Japanese ‘Cultural Properties
Japan, but also on protection of cultural properties Fire Prevention Day’, which raise the awareness of
in general. In 1955, the year after the rebuilding of the public, are probably the most important steps in
the hall had been completed, the Japanese Agency a comprehensive fire protection strategy.
for Cultural Affairs declared 26 January, the day

Like seasoned timber, never gives:
the durability of wood as a building material

All properties of timber as an elegant and versatile purposes, and which parts of the tree they should
structural material originate in the chemical, cell use.
wall and cellular structures of wood. However, the Of particular interest for us today is the
main disadvantage of wood — its susceptibility to widespread use of heartwood for construction
decay — is also a feature of that same composition purposes in external building elements in historic
and structure. The main factors and agencies, some timber structures. In Norway, the survival of almost
of them inter-dependent, causing deterioration 300 medieval timber buildings is attributed to the
or destruction of wood, are attacks by wood- use of pine heartwood (Pinus sylvestris) in the
rotting fungi, wood-boring animals and bacteria, original construction work. In well-built houses,
mechanical wear, chemicals, weathering, heat and pine heartwood was used almost exclusively for all
fire. external building elements.
No timber is immune to deterioration if exposed However, exploitation of the natural durability
to the natural environment for a sufficiently long of wood is universal. In the tenth century BC, the
period. However, the service life of individual pieces export of cedar wood from Lebanon (Cedrus libani)
varies considerably and may well be more than a to Jerusalem for building the temple of Solomon
thousand years. This depends on factors such as the was doubtless due not only to the size and medium
species of wood concerned, the amount of sapwood density of the cedar logs, but also to their durability.
present in the actual piece, the use to which the Teak (Tectona grandis) was exported some 4000
timber is put and the situations and environmental years BC, from India to Babylon and Yemen where,
conditions to which it is exposed. Under certain it would seem, its durability was recognised. The
conditions, wood will outlast almost any other Romans removed the non-durable sapwood from
conventional structural material (Borgin 1971). oak (Quercus robur), pine and cypress when those
woods were used for buildings (Hillis 1987: 1-2;
58-59). In China, it was obviously well known that
8.1 Heartwood: natural durability and certain species had properties that made them more
stability suitable for use in different parts of the structures.
Careful selection of different kinds of timber for
Knowledge of the natural durability of wood was different uses can be seen in the Imperial Palace in
central to traditional understanding of the quality Beijing. The Chinese of Guangdong and Yunnan
of building materials. The use of naturally durable provinces used only heartwood in their buildings
wood, together with adequate and proper detailing, (Zhong and Chen 1986: 303-304). Teak has long been
resulted in buildings that have lasted for centuries. valued for its very high resistance to fungal decay
Natural durability of wood is the inherent and insect and borer attacks and for its dimensional
resistance of wood to decay by wood destroying stability after drying. It was widely used for house
organisms. In practice, it is the heartwood that building in Southeast Asia and Malaysia.
contains the chemicals (extractives) which have We have come to see the use of naturally durable
a toxic effect on wood-destroying organisms. wood in traditional building techniques as a
The properties resulting from the presence of sustainable method that we could well study, revive
extractives in wood have been recognised for a long and adopt, wherever possible, in current construction
time. With the development of cutting tools, logs work. This kind of knowledge seems almost to have
could be cut for construction and other purposes, been forgotten today by modern wood scientists
and knowledge of the advantages of heartwood when they evaluate the natural durability of wood
accumulated, particularly with regard to appearance species. In a world of diminishing resources, there
and durability. The old master-builders knew which is a growing need for the development of renewable
species of wood were suitable for different building resources, such as heartwood from durable species
Figure 8.1 Section of a tree: A, cambium;
B, inner bark (phloem); C, outer bark; D,
sapwood; E, heartwood; F, pith; G, rays

of wood. The provision and use of renewable Wood scientists recognised the role of wood
resources such as this can be increased by research extractives in decay resistance as early as 1924
and understanding. (Weiss and Gale 1983). Research has shown that
the amount of extractives is genetically dependent
to a certain extent. Consequently, it should be
8.2 Heartwood formation possible to improve the natural decay resistance
of trees through plant breeding. It is assumed that
Wood tissue is made up of four major chemical the relative contents of heartwood decreases with
constituents: cellulose (45-50%), hemicelluloses increasing growth speed. Because the extractives are
(20-25%), lignin (20-30%) and extractives (0- associated with the heartwood, the amount can also
10%). The numbers in parenthesis broadly be influenced through forest management.
indicate the average contents of the dry weight of In saplings (very young trees), the entire wood
the constituents of normal wood tissue. The term portion of the trunk is involved in the upward
extractive includes a wide range of chemical types conduction of sap, that is, water and nutrients
and a very large number of individual compounds absorbed by the roots from the soil. This wood is
which can be extracted from wood or bark with called sapwood. The new wood cells formed in the
polar or nonpolar solvents. Usually, extractives are cambium function initially as sapwood. The main
considered to be those compounds that are soluble in role of the sapwood, the most recently formed wood,
organic solvents. Extractives include such chemical is that of conduction.
substances as terpenoids, fatty acids and phenolic As the tree matures and the trunk increases in
compounds, The composition of the extractives girth, it no longer needs the entire cross-section
in the different zones of the same tree may differ, for the conduction of sap. In the central area, the
and even the extractives in different tissues in those cells cease to function in their conductive role
zones may differ (Hillis 1987: 96). Studies have also and serve mainly in the mechanical support of
shown an increase in extractives content from the the tree. Moreover, the food-storing cells die. The
pith to the periphery of the heartwood and from the secretion of extractives accompanies the death of
top to the butt log. these cells. This part of the wood (xylem) is termed
These organic crystals, or extractives, have toxic heartwood. Thus, heartwood is defined as the inner
or repellent effects on organisms that attack wood. layers of the wood in the growing tree which have
Therefore, although the extractives constitute a ceased to contain living cells, and in which the
relatively minor part of the mass of dry wood, they reserve material (e.g. starch) has been removed or
may have a significant effect on the use of the wood converted into heartwood substance (Hillis 1987:
for structural or other purposes. 21). The heartwood portion enlarges with time.
As new wood, which is sapwood, is formed in the
cambium, additional interior sapwood adjacent
to the heartwood zone is converted to heartwood.
Some species are composed entirely of heartwood
with only a narrow band of sapwood (e.g. larch),
whereas others possess only a small amount of
However, heartwood formation is complex
and there is no single satisfactory explanation. An
interdisciplinary approach in this field is necessary
since chemical studies alone will not provide the
answer to heartwood formation and neither will
anatomical, cytological or other studies (Hillis 1987:
Wound wood forms in response to mechanical
or microbiological damage. The formation of wound
wood is related to a dynamic mechanism in the
host to minimise further damage. In mechanically-
wounded wood, researchers have observed the same
types of chemical compounds as in heartwood. They
have used various terms to describe this process,
such as ‘pathological heartwood’ and ‘discoloured Figure 8.2 The end section of a larch log (Larix decidua). The
wood’ (Hillis 1987: 157). heartwood covers almost the whole cross-section; there is only
In Scandinavia, from the Middle Ages until the a narrow outer ring of sapwood.
first half of the twentieth century, two techniques
were used to increase the section of heartwood
in standing pines by wounding the tree before
felling. One method was to cut off strips of bark, well as in the choice of the most suitable silvicultural
thus destroying the inner bark, which gradually practices (Hillis 1987: 69). Various attempts have
reduced the tree’s ability to transport nutrients been made to relate growth rate to the proportion
downwards. The growth process was halted and the of heartwood or sapwood in a tree by means of the
need to transport water and nutrients (sap) upwards size of the crown. However, no exact correlation
through the stem was reduced, and a larger section has been established. There are also contradictory
of the sapwood converted to heartwood. By strip- conclusions on the influence of the environment,
barking over a period of two to three years, most for example concerning the level of humidity and
of the cross-section of the tree was converted to availability of water (Hillis 1987: 69-71).
heartwood. Another method was to halt the growth
of the tree by cutting off the top, leaving only a few
branches. This reduced the need for transport of 8.3 Heartwood characteristics
sap, and the greater part of the sapwood was thus
converted to heartwood. After four to six years, Heartwood has a number of characteristics that
the heartwood covered almost the complete cross- distinguish it from sapwood (Parham and Gray
section of the trunk. 1984: 42-45):
Traditional practices, such as the ‘artificial’
formation of heartwood by wounding the tree, are 1. The entire region is normally infiltrated and
only rarely verified by scientific evidence. However, encrusted with organic extractives derived
research is currently being carried out in Norway, from the parenchyma (food-storing) cells. The
Sweden and Finland into the formation and extractives in many species have toxic effects
properties of pathological heartwood. In addition, on fungi, insects and marine borers and thus
research is also going on concerning the influence function as natural preservatives when wood is
of forestry aspects and practices on the formation of used for structural purposes.
heartwood. If the controlling factors for heartwood 2. The moisture content of heartwood is reduced
formation can be predicted and a relationship to a level much lower than that of sapwood. This
found, then this would help in selecting the most is caused by pit aspiration in softwoods and the
suitable group of trees for a particular purpose, as formation of tyloses in hardwoods.
1. Heartwood may take on a distinct colour and outgrowths of parenchyma cell walls are termed
may be darker than the sapwood (for example, tyloses. When a considerable amount of tyloses
in pines, larches and oaks). In other species have been formed, the permeability of the wood is
(for example, spruce and aspen) there is no reduced as the vessel lumens become completely
noticeable change in colour, but the heartwood blocked.
still has a high extractives content as well as
exhibiting the physical alterations described
above .
8.4 The natural durability of solid
Because of the favourable properties of heartwood, wood from the perspective of wood
sapwood was normally cut off before timber was science
used for structural purposes. This goes a long way
towards explaining the long durability of many Natural decay resistance or naturally durable wood
historic structures all over the world. However, as is a concept with varying meaning. In the ‘scientific’
far as mechanical properties are concerned, there is sense, this is expressed in standards such as the
no difference between sapwood and heartwood. European EN350-2, where the durability of the
In the terms of wood science, natural durability wood against fungal decay is calculated on the basis
is defined as the inherent resistance of wood to of an experiment that is of little relevance to the use
attack by wood destroying organisms. The term of wood in timber structures. In this experiment,
treatability refers to the ease with which wood can be heartwood stakes are half-buried out of doors in soil
penetrated by a liquid, such as a wood preservative and the time it takes before the stake rots is noted.
(European Standard EN 350-2). The ability of wood This resembles the way in which the medieval
to absorb moisture has an important effect upon its Norwegian stave churches were built in the eleventh
service life in buildings. The service life of wood in century, with posts set in holes in the soil, a building
buildings, provided the wood is not in contact with technique which was universal in ancient times.
the ground, depends on both its durability and its The builders dug a hole in the ground, inserted a
treatability. A wood of a given durability which has post and filled in around the post with pebbles and
low moisture-absorbing characteristics will, due to stones in order to keep the post erect. Research has
its reduced water uptake, generally last markedly suggested that the stave churches with posts in holes
longer than a wood of the same durability rating, but in the ground probably stood for 100 to 150 years
which is more absorbent. before the wood in contact with the ground rotted,
Softwoods consist primarily of longitudinal and the structure became unstable or collapsed. The
tracheids, vertically oriented along the trunk axis. posts were probably made of pine (Pinus sylvestris).
The longitudinal tracheids have closed ends, but a During the twelfth century a fundamental
special cell wall feature – a small opening or recess innovation took place in stave church construction
known as a pit – allows movement of the tree’s sap technology. The structure was literally lifted out of
stream from one tracheid to another. A pit in one cell the ground and placed on raft and sill beams upon
occurs opposite a pit in an adjacent cell, forming a a stone foundation. The construction material was
pit pair. When wood dries, substantial capillary and still pine wood, ideally heartwood. We can conclude
surface tension forces develop as water retreats from that this innovation extended the life of such timber
the cell lumen through the pits. When this happens, structures by 700 to 800 years, judging from the
the pit membranes move to one side and effectively existing stave churches. In addition, more than 250
seal one of the apertures. This condition, known log-buildings from the Middle Ages are still to be
as pit aspiration, greatly impedes the subsequent found in Norway today. These timber structures are
movement of fluids or gases through the wood between 400 and 700 years old and they are all built
tissue. Pit aspiration occurs naturally in softwoods of pine, mostly heartwood.
upon conversion of sapwood to heartwood. The European standard EN 350-2 concerning
In hardwoods, the vertical transport of sap is the natural durability of wood classifies the natural
performed by vessel elements. A vessel consists of durability to wood-destroying fungi according to
individual vessel elements stacked one on top of the a five-class system from ‘very durable’ (class 1) to
other in the longitudinal direction of the stem. In ‘not durable’ (class 5). For example, larch (Larix
many species, when the lumens of vessels become decidua) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) have
filled with air as sapwood is converted to heartwood, similar characteristics: the natural durability against
living parenchyma cells form outgrowths through wood-destroying fungi is classified as moderate to
the pit cavities into the lumens of vessels. These slight (classes 3-4). Both species are susceptible to

Figure 8.3 Shakespeare’s Globe, London (1997). Oak heartwood (Quercus robur) was used in all external (exposed) members,
although the architect and builder Peter McCurdy reckoned that the original structure probably contained timber with a high
proportion of sapwood.

insect decay. Larch is classified as extremely difficult aspen were superior due to the wood’s resistance to
to treat, while pine is difficult to extremely difficult. certain marine borers. Yet this is a wood evaluated
Both species have narrow sap-width. European oak by modern wood science as being poor in durability.
(Quercus robur) shares many characteristics with We may conclude that old wooden buildings
these two softwoods. It is, however, more resistant form part of a huge knowledge bank for the
to fungal decay (and therefore classified as durable) understanding of wood properties. We would like
and also to insect decay. to believe the situation is similar in most countries
When we think of the large number of timber – the reason why old timber structures exist is
structures made of pine (Pinus sylvestris), dating that previous generations of master carpenters
back several hundred years, still standing in understood the properties of wood and how to
Scandinavia, it hardly seems relevant to characterise use wood correctly. The assets in these ‘knowledge
this species as being moderately to slightly durable banks’ are so huge that they contradict many of the
in relation to fungal decay. This classification is, of theories of modern wood science. What is the point
course, correct if we sink the wood down into the of putting a stake into the earth to see how fast it
soil. If pine heartwood is used sensibly, however, rots? In the old days, no-one in Norway would have
like the old master-builders did, the durability will considered using pine, or the heartwood of pine for
improve greatly. Another example from Norway that matter, for fence poles, for instance. There were
which is contrary to the wood scientist’s definition other, better-suited wood species such as juniper
of durability is aspen (Populus tremula). The (Juniperus communis) or oak (Quercus robur) which
natural durability of aspen is characterised as poor. could be used for such purposes.
Nonetheless, aspen wood was extensively used In the first century BC, Virtuvius proposed in
in Norwegian timber structures in olden times, his treatise De architectura that architecture was
particularly for weather-boarding on barns. People characterised by the fulfilling of three criteria, those
knew that it was not necessary to treat aspen boards of firmitas (durability), utilitas (convenience) and
that were used as weather-boarding and yet they still venustas (beauty). The classical ideals of architecture
lasted for at least 100 years. Along the Norwegian have, from time to time, been revived in periods of
coast, people knew that quay pillars made from neo-classicism in European architectural

Figure 8.4 Norwegian medieval stave church construction.


Figure 8.5 External boarding of aspen (Populus tremula), about 80 years old. This external boarding has never been treated with
paint or coating. It is still in excellent condition, despite being on an exposed site.

history, thus reminding people of the existence of contemporary architects so that they see the benefits
universal architectural values. However, the theory of the tradition-based knowledge of wood.
of functionalism in the late 1920s and early 1930s At the same time, we must also acknowledge
represented a fundamental break with the classical that in traditional building technology it was the
theory by claiming that architecture consisted in the interaction of several factors that resulted in durable
balancing of form, function and technology. Thus, by buildings. One example of this was the use of durable
making form the first and pre-eminent criterion, the wood in exposed building elements. However, this is
relationship between the characterising concepts of not in itself sufficient to make a building or building
architecture was turned upside down. According to part durable. In Norway, for example, the master-
the classical ideals of architecture, technology was builders also required timber to be sawn in special
the most important issue. Only by building durably ways in order to increase durability. In historic
by using the right material in the right place was the timber structures in Norway, we have observed that
builder able to build houses which were beautiful radially- sawn wood was used for structural timbers
as well. By focusing on form as the most important which were exposed to the elements.
factor, we have come to forget this universal truth.
If we look at our historic buildings, we will see
buildings that retain their technical soundness, have 8.5 Cutting patterns and durability
aged with dignity, and still appeal to us aesthetically
centuries after they were built. The most straightforward method of conversion
However, to make tradition-based knowledge by sawing is the ‘through and through’ method,
work, research is required in order to verify where the log is sawn using a succession of cuts.
traditional practices within a scientific context. It Boards from the central part are radially sawn,
is also necessary to demonstrate through examples the remainder tangentially. For timber from the
how the various traditional technologies and use of temperate zone with prominent annual rings, the
wood can be applied within a modern architectural way of sawing is extremely important, the crucial
context. It is important to have examples in order part being the position of the annual rings relative
to broaden the interest and understanding among to the wide face of the piece in question. Shrinkage,
warping, abrasion resistance, ease of painting and
appearance are all properties that differ according to
the position of the annual rings on the cross section.
The sawing of a log so that the wide face of
a board is almost parallel to the annual rings
(tangential sawing) is known as slash cutting for
softwoods (also known as flat grain) and plain sawn
for hardwoods. Sawing so that the annual rings are
almost perpendicular to the wide face of the board
(radial sawing) is known as rift cut for softwoods
(also known as vertical or edge grain) and quarter
sawn for hardwoods. Between these two extremes
there are many intermediate pieces. Pieces where the
annual rings cross at about 45 degrees are known as
bastard cut.
As the wood dries, it shrinks. Shrinkage in the
tangential direction is greater than in any other
direction. Consequently, in a slash cut (plain-sawn)
piece of timber with its broad face nearly parallel
to the annual rings, the length along the trace
of an annual ring shortens, and the piece warps
appreciably with its convex side against the center of
the log. The rift-cut (or quarter-sawn) piece shows
such distortion only on its narrow edges. Although
its dimension is slightly reduced due to radial
shrinkage, the piece remains flat over its wider
dimension. The bastard-cut piece, if it has been
square in cross-section when sawn, deforms during
drying to become diamond-shaped.
Figure 8.6 Radial (upper) and tangential sawing.
Rift-cut (quarter-sawn) timber is obviously
superior to slash-cut (plain-sawn). Technically, it
is possible to convert a log so as to produce true
radially- sawn boards only. However, sawing to
produce a higher percentage of such pieces would
require turning the log more frequently. It is,
therefore, not feasible in commercially- operated
sawmills. Rift-cutting or quarter-sawing dates back
to a period when labour was relatively cheap. It is
therefore unlikely that the architectural conservator
or craftsman will find radially sawn timber of
the required dimensions and quantities in the
As radially sawn timber expands and contracts
less than timber sawn tangentially during variations
in humidity, it will be less likely to crack. This
minimises the possibility of attack by fungi and
insects which tend to enter wood through cracks.
Thus, proper cutting patterns help to prolong the
life of the timber. Furthermore, the building parts in
wood should be assembled and detailed in a way that
promotes long life. The interplay between the right
material treated in the right way and used correctly,
resulted in durable buildings. This is the lesson we
Figure 8.7 Two different sawing patterns: rift-cut (right) and need to relearn and re-introduce into contemporary
slash-cut (left).

8.6 What happens when wood ages:

wood durability

Alterations to the composition of the wood begin

shortly after a tree has been felled. Chemical and
structural variations in wood are caused by several
factors. These include reduction in the water
content, the access of oxygen, the residual activity
of the enzymes present in wood and the settlement
of micro-organisms. Moreover, in this process we
must also consider the influence of a number of
environmental factors such as visible and ultraviolet
light, heat and frost, ozone and atmospheric oxygen,
and the erosive effects of wind, rain, snow, hail and
other airborne particles, damp and fluctuations in
humidity, loads and variations in loads. However,
seen over time, these variations are actually very
Studies of spruce-wood and pine-wood from
timber samples respectively 290 and 365 years old
showed no variations in the micro-structure of the
cell walls which can be attributed to ageing. An
insignificant reduction of two to three per cent in
the cellulose and lignin contents was found in a
study of teak wood from a 1,800 year old Buddhist Figure 8.8 Detail of the sill-beam in a Norwegian log-stru-
temple in India (Fengel 1991: 156). In the late 1960s, cture from late eighteenth century. Note the extremely narrow
relatively well-preserved wood samples between width of the annual rings, and that the sapwood content is
insignificant. It is very well preserved, despite exposure to the
500 and 2000 years old were found in India, and
elements over two centuries.
woodcarvings from Maya temples were found in
the termite-ridden jungles of Central America at the
same time. Tests with termites and fungi using these This conclusion contradicts observations made
ancient samples and their isolated extractives proved by Professor Jiro Kohara in Japan over fifty years ago
that the compounds had retained their effectiveness and published in the early 1950s as a series of articles
(Fengel 1991: 165). on the permanence of wood. One of the studies was
However, although people have used wood for on the change of the mechanical properties of old
many thousands of years, there is still a great deal timber (Kohara 1954). Professor Kohara studied
that wood researchers do not understand about the the durability of specimens of Japanese cypress
properties of the material. For example, it is uncertain (Chamaecyparis obtusa). The nine specimens he
if and how the structure of wood and the behaviour studied were between 359 and 1300 years old. He
of wood under loads change with ageing. The results compared these old pieces with pieces of new
of the few studies that have been made on small, wood and found that the compression strength
so-called ‘clear specimens’ (specimens with straight increased remarkably between zero and 300 years
grain and without defects) have not produced any and remained fairly constant after that, for as long as
definitive conclusions (Sandin 1996: 55). A recent 1300 years. Shear strength remained nearly constant
European study concluded that in the absence of for 900 years but decreased slightly after that. While
decay, it is impossible to determine an ‘age effect’ static bending increased somewhat between zero and
on wood from test data. The test data were obtained 300 years and remained fairly constant thereafter,
from small clear wood specimens extracted from impact bending decreased until the wood was about
old sound timber members and tested to failure 600 years old and then remained constant. Due to
point (bending, compression, impact, etc.). The the lack of studies of wood as old as the Japanese
tests showed no significant differences in strength specimens, we must conclude for the time being that
and stiffness values compared with new material that there are no general rules on how the properties
(Bonamini 1995: D3/3). of wood change with ageing.

8.7 Weathering of wood latewood. Reported erosion rates varies between

1 mm/century to 13 mm/century. In Japan it is
estimated that the surfaces of exposed softwoods
In outdoor environments, wooden surfaces undergo erode by 3 mm/century on average (Larsen 1994:
a series of changes caused mainly by a combination 56).
of solar radiation and moisture. These changes are Frequent exposure of the wood surface to rapid
covered by the term ‘weathering’. As a result of changes in moisture, that is, repeated wetting and
weathering, wood loses its surface coherence as the drying, is one of the principal causes of weathering.
strength of cell wall bonds is lost near the surface. Dew, rain or snow falling upon unprotected wood is
Surfaces become rough as the grain raises, the wood quickly absorbed by capillary action on the surface
checks and the checks may develop into cracks. layer of wood, followed by adsorption within
Furthermore, the grain may loosen and boards may wood cell walls. Water vapour is taken up directly
warp and twist and pull away from fasteners. The by adsorption under increased relative humidity.
roughened surface changes colour and gathers dirt. The consequence of wetting is that wood near the
Weathering is not the same as decay, but the defects surface swells. However, the interior part of the piece
caused by weathering may provide conditions responds slowly, if at all, to the moisture changes.
conducive to decay as the checks and raised grain As the surface swells and shrinks, stresses are set up
facilitate the entrance into the wood of fungal spores in the wood due to moisture gradients between the
and insects (Feist and Hon 1984; Kaila 1987a). surface and the interior. The alternating tensile and
As weathering continues, rainwater washes out compressive stresses may cause checks and splits
degraded portions and further erosion takes place. parallel to the grain.
The rate of erosion depends on a number of factors. The photochemical degradation of wood due to
In general, the denser the wood, the less erosion sunlight occurs fairly rapidly on the exposed wood
there is. Thus, earlywood erodes more quickly than surface and wood undergoes initial colour changes:
a yellowing or browning that may proceed to
eventual greying in climates with little precipitation.
The changes affect only those parts of the wood
close to the exposed surface and occur to a depth of
0.05 - 2.5 mm. These colour changes are the result
of sunlight, particularly UV light, which initiates
photo-degradation. Photo-degradation by UV
light induces changes in the chemical composition
of wood, leading principally to the degradation of
lignin.. Most of the dissolved lignin degradation
products are washed out by rain, allowing light
to penetrate deeper into the piece. Fibres high in
cellulose content and whitish to grey in colour
remain on the wood surface and are resistant to UV

8.8 The patina of wood

Ideally, replacement timber should, over time,
become harmonious in colour, tone, texture, form
and scale with its surroundings (Feilden 1982: 6). It
can be difficult to achieve this when the patina of
the existing timber is due to the effect of weathering.
According to Article 12 of the Venice Charter,
replacement or missing parts should integrate
harmoniously with the whole, but at the same time
Figure 8.9 Detail from a log-structure from the Todai-ji be distinguishable. The Wood Committee has found
temple in Nara, Japan, built in the eighth century (see Figure
3.8). The cross-section of the original eighth century logs has that, because of the characteristics of wood and its
been greatly reduced due to weathering. The new log, clearly ageing process, we must take a different view when
distinguishable, was added during repair completed in 1964. it comes to the preservation of timber structures.

Figure 8.10 A medieval timber structure in Telemark, Norway. The medieval logs which have not been exposed to the weather
are grey in colour and look like new timber. The external boarding which is secondary, is dark brown in colour and has eroded
due to weathering.

According to Article 10 of the Wood Committee’s attempts at disguise or artificial ageing, but, on the
Principles: other hand, repairs should not be unnecessarily
obtrusive or unsympathetic in appearance (Brereton
It should be accepted that new members or 1995: 5). According to the experience of Japanese
parts of members will be distinguishable from preservation specialists, if the new members are left
the existing ones. To copy the natural decay or untreated, the adjustment of old and new members
deformation of the replaced members or parts is will take place naturally over a period of twenty to
not desirable. Appropriate traditional or well- thirty years (Larsen 1994: 56). Nevertheless, the
tested modern methods may be used to match the replacement of a large number of visible members
colouring of the old and the new with due regard during repair would leave the building with an
that this will not harm or degrade the surface of unsightly appearance for a long period. Japanese
the wooden member. preservation experts have observed that the problem
of matching the aesthetic appearance of new
‘Artificial patina’ is in reality a concept without members to old ones is reduced if new members
meaning for wood preservation. It is usually possible are made of similar species of wood as the existing
to match the colouring; to copy the natural decay members, and, further, if they are dressed with the
and deformation of the timber is neither desirable same tools as were used originally.
nor attainable. However, colouring of unadorned In Japan, architects and carpenters also resort
wood using chemical or physical processes has to different techniques to colour new members.
been widely used all over the world (Kaila 1987b: There is a long tradition of this even in new timber
33). Here one must consider local traditions. In structures; as early as the seventeenth century,
England, for instance, it is advocated that repairs interior members of tea-rooms were treated in order
should be executed honestly, usually without any to give them an old, rustic appearance. In Japanese
Figure 8.11 Detail of the Shakadô hall in the Kiyomizu-dera
Buddhist temple, Kyoto, Japan, built in the eighteenth century.
During the dismantling-repair process completed in 1975 the
lower part of this corner pillar was repaired by jointing in new,
well-seasoned timber. The new timber contrasts dramatically
with the original timber, whose appearance is due to decay,
insect attack and the effects of weathering.

preservation work today, two principle methods are

used for colouring of new members of unadorned
wood: 1) by applying a particular coating to the
surface of the member; or 2) by burning the surface
of the new member with a torch followed by
brushing with a steel brush.
Burning and brushing normally give good
results. However, some architects are reluctant to
use this method, as they believe that it shortens the
durability of wood by as much as fifty years. Most
architects and craftsmen in Japan favour old recipes
that generally include Indian ink mixed with clay
or sand, and sometimes a mineral pigment such
as umber is also included. Some architects dissolve
all the ingredients in animal glue or persimmon
juice before applying it to the wood. The general
idea is that the colouring should be relatively weak
and disappear in ten to fifteen years time, gradually
allowing the new member to age naturally; that is, to
acquire the desired patina.

Figure 8.12 The Mayflower Barn, Jordans, Buckinghamshire. Tradition has it that this was constructed using old timbers from
the Mayflower.

8.9 Re-using old wood in repair work other buildings may already be distorted, and such
distortions can never be compatible in a different
frame. According to Charles, since every structural
The use of old timber from other timber structures member has individual characteristics, the chances
in repair work was quite common in days gone of finding an old matching piece are slim.
by. In repair work, however, the situation is We subscribe to the general scepticism towards
different due to uncertainty about the physical and the reuse of second-hand timber in repair work
mechanical behaviour of old timbers. Most experts of timber frames. On the other hand, we also
warn against using timber from another structure acknowledge that the situation may be different for
in the repair of timber-framed buildings (Charles other types of structures, such as log-buildings, and
1984: 58; Boutwood 1991: 5; Brereton 1995: 27). in cultures where the reuse of old timber in repair
This is not because of any possible reduction of the work has a long tradition. We also see the value of the
strength of the timber, but due to the moral and recycling of old timber carried out by professional
practical difficulties in re-using old timbers from companies although this can have both positive and
other structures in repair or replacement work. negative aspects. It is negative if an old structure is
The use of second-hand timber cannibalised from destroyed in order to obtain high-quality second-
old structures should be avoided because it will hand timber for the market for commercial reasons,
be archaeologically misleading. From a practical because such timber may attract high prices. It is
perspective, old oak is rock-hard and may well positive if companies can rescue good wood from
destroy tools. Furthermore, finding an exact structures which would have been destroyed anyway,
matching piece to fit into a timber frame is a problem and then put this timber on the market. However, in
in repair work. Second-hand timber brought in from general, it should not be used for repair purposes.

Something nasty in the woodshed:
alternatives to toxic chemicals

The use of chemical preservatives — fungicides and

insecticides — in the preservation of historic timber
structures should be kept to a minimum. According
to Article 14 of the Wood Committee’s Principles:

The use of chemical preservatives should be

carefully controlled and monitored, and should
be used only where there is an assured benefit,
where public and environmental safety will not be
affected and where the likelihood of success over
the long term is significant.

In other words, an approach that represents

minimum intervention is always preferable. This is
a way to integrate architectural preservation theory
and the use of pesticides in the preservation of timber
structures. We feel there are well-justified reasons
to be sceptical about modern chemicals. Almost
without exception, fungicides and insecticides have
undesirable side effects. A prime example of this is
We suggest that, whenever possible, we should
aim for an approach to pest management that
includes the environment, so that there always will
be conditions which are hostile for the survival of
wood-decaying organisms. Below are some of the
considerations appropriate for the control of fungi.

9.1 Conditions for the growth of fungi

and the biology of environmental
control Figure 9.1 Brown rot showing typical cubical deterioration of

Germination of the millions of fungal spores in

the air both inside and outside buildings requires started, the fungi can continue to grow at humidity
specific environmental conditions: the presence of levels lower than the fibre saturation point, probably
moisture, suitable temperatures, light and air. The down to about twenty per cent of dry weight. If wood
cardinal rule for the proper use of wood is: keep has dried out after a fungal attack, the hyphae can
wood dry! If no water is present in the wood cell lie dormant for several years and start to grow again
lumens of sapwood in the timber, there will be no when suitable environmental conditions return.
medium for diffusion of the wood-decomposing There are, however, exceptions to the rule that
enzymes of fungi. Thus, as long as wood is kept wood kept below fibre saturation point is safe
below its fibre saturation point, it will not decay due from fungal attack. Some fungi, such as Serpula
to fungal attack. However, if an attack already has lacrymans, have the unusual ability to conduct water

(a) (b)
Figure 9.2 (a) Urnes stave church, Sognefjord, Norway, built 1150. The northern wall with carved elements from an earlier chur-
ch on the same site. One of the reasons why the wall and these ancient carvings are so well preserved is that the wall has continuo-
usly been protected using traditionally-distilled pine tar. (b) Urnes stave church. Detail of an eleventh century carving.

from moist soil or other sources of moisture into dry unique biological systems for adapting to the built
wood. These are, consequently, called ‘dry rot fungi’ environment. Consequently, the primary control
to distinguish them from all the other wood-rotting measure in dealing with a fungal outbreak must
fungi — ‘the wet rot fungi’. be the restoration of dry or drying conditions.
However, the role of moisture in controlling Although this may seem quite straightforward, it
all fungal attack of wood is complicated because is more common to see people react in panic to a
different stages of fungal development have different fungal outbreak, and in particular one of dry rot. On
minimum requirements for moisture. Generally, the advice of professional pest control companies,
more moisture is required for germination of spores toxic chemicals are liberally sprayed all over the
than to sustain the growth of hyphae in wood, and affected building, and all affected woodwork may be
hyphae already established in the wood can survive removed, and often woodwork which has not been
at moisture contents even lower than those required affected. The real problem, however, is to locate
for actual growth. Spore germination needs free and rectify all sources of damp and then promote
water in the wood cell lumens. Even though the the drying of the structure. The two main elements
wood is kept below the fibre saturation point, of the primary control measures are therefore: 1) to
localised free water can occur, for example as a result locate and eliminate all sources of moisture, and 2)
of condensation which may allow fungal infection to promote rapid drying (Bravery 1991: 122-123).
(Bravery 1991: 119-120). Secondary control measures after a dry rot attack
Although temperature, air and light are also should include 1) determining the full extent of
necessary for the survival and growth of fungi, the outbreak and the removal of rotten wood, and
the two crucial factors in sustaining outbreaks 2) removing all wood showing obvious evidence of
of fungal attacks are water and a source of food, fungal mycelium or softening. To avoid inclusion
which is wood. Without these, even dry rot (Serpula of active but invisible fungus in retained timbers, a
lacrymans) will be severely disabled, despite its safety margin can be provided by cutting back 300-
450 mm into sound wood beyond the last obvious and brackets were usually covered with inorganic
signs of attack. There is no standard specification pigments such as burnt ochre, mineral yellow, white
for a mandatory cut-off depth for infected timbers. chalk and red ochre, and, in some cases, cinnabar,
Decisions should reflect the needs in each particular red lead, azurite or malachite were mixed with
case (Bravery 1991: 124; George 1992: 58). In glue or gum. In medical books written before the
addition, new timber must be treated, if it contains seventh century, these pigments were all marked as
sapwood, or naturally durable timber may be poisonous and hence insect-repelling (Zhong and
selected instead. Treatment of retained timbers is Chen 1986: 304).
not an absolute requirement, even after a dry rot Of special interest is the widespread use of tung
attack (Bravery 1991: 128). oil in China. The oil is extracted from the kernels
of the tung tree (Aleurites fordii), a small tree native
to China but cultivated in other countries with
9.2 Traditional wood preservation subtropical climates. The kernels yield a valuable
drying oil, mainly used in paint and varnish. A
The Greeks and Romans used oil, tars and resins, record from the third century AD describes a
extracted from resistant timbers, to preserve method for the impregnation of pine by using tung
structures, such as bridges. The Greeks and Romans oil: after felling, a large hole was made at the bottom
also used to protect wood which would come into end of the trunk and raw tung oil was poured in.
contact with the ground by gently burning it in order The oil permeated the wood and made it strong and
to obtain a charred layer which provided excellent resistant to attack from borers. The efficacy of the
protection for the wood. For wood preservation method has since been proved by modern science
purposes they used various animal, vegetable and (Zhong and Chen 1986: 304).
mineral oils. For example, Roman statues were Two thousand years ago, the Chinese also
treated with olive and cedar-oil. Such oils are also immersed their wood in seawater or in salt-water
documented as having been used by early Egyptian, lakes prior to using it as a building material.
Chinese and Burmese civilisations. Noah was During the repair work at the Hanseatic Wharf
instructed by God (Genesis 6:14) to build the Ark of in Bergen, Norway – a World Heritage Site – the
gopher wood and ‘pitch it within and without with wood conservation specialist involved in the
pitch’. project carried out experiments by sinking new
In Norway, the use of traditionally-distilled pine replacement timber twenty metres deep in the sea
tar goes back to the Viking period (ninth to tenth to subject it to a pressure-impregnation process
centuries) when the Vikings used it to protect their using sea water. This is to imitate the original timber
ships. Pine tar was, and still is, made by burning which has been well-preserved over centuries, a
pine stumps and root stocks and extracting the fact that is partially explained by the quality of the
distillation product. From the Middle Ages up until wood and also because the original construction
the beginning of the twentieth century the use of timber was floated by sea from where it was felled
pine tar was restricted to the protection of churches, to Bergen. Furthermore, in Norway, ship masts were
since it was both time-consuming and expensive to immersed in peat bogs before they were erected.
produce. This goes a long way towards explaining This is extremely interesting as a possible method of
why outdoor woodwork on the stave churches from preservation, as peat bogs are known for preserving
the twelfth century which has been protected with organic material, including wood and human
pine tar is preserved in an excellent condition. remains, for thousands of years.
Norwegian church accounts reveal that the local Interesting alternatives to the highly toxic
farmers and villagers were obliged to apply fresh industrial chemical wood preservatives may be
tar to the external walls of the stave churches at ten- found in traditional remedies, some of which are
yearly intervals. mentioned above. Another example can be found
The documented use of oil paints with pigments in Kudus, a city located in central Java, Indonesia,
in China goes back to 1600 BC. In Chinese literary where preserved timber structures with remarkable
records from the ninth to the third centuries BC, carved decorations are to be found. The houses
there are numerous references to the use of paint are well-preserved as the result of a religious ritual
containing natural minerals, such as vermilion, performed once a year, at the end of Ramadan.
cinnabar and mercury sulphate, all of which are At this time, the local population believes that
excellent pesticides. A survey of extant Chinese everything must be cleansed, including the exterior
timber structures from the seventh to the thirteenth of the houses. The houses are built of teak (Tectona
century AD showed that timber columns, beams grandis), a timber of excellent natural durability.
The climate, however, is hot and humid, and the essential in the repair of historic buildings to use
wood would eventually decay as a result of fungal heartwood, in order to avoid using sapwood which
attack or deteriorate due to termite attack if it were must be impregnated with CCA or other dangerous
not for the annual cleansing ritual. In reality, this substances.
is a wood preservation rite. The local people use Neither oil-based nor water-based industrial
either a solution of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) or wood preservatives can yet replace the CCA method,
cloves (Eugenia aromatica) in water. The solution although a number of chemicals have been tried.
is applied to the whole of the house exterior with Attempts to replace the arsenic compounds in CCA-
a brush made from black sugar palm fibre, and the solutions with fluorides, borates or fluoroborates
brushing continues for some time. The result is that have only been partially effective. The boron
the colour of the teak timbers changes from greyish compounds and the fluorides remain water-soluble
to brown, similar to the original colour. The other throughout their service lives and are therefore
effect, confirmed by laboratory tests, is that the prone to leaching if placed in environments where
treatment is both fungicidal and insecticidal, as it water can permeate the wood. Increasingly, the use
prevents termite attacks. However, it has been noted of chromium is also coming under scrutiny. It seems
that the tradition may disappear as the professionals that only copper is likely to remain as the principal
who were involved in this practice are getting older fungicidal component in most future industrial
and the younger generation is reluctant to do this water-based preservation systems (Connell 1991:
kind of hard work (Samidi et al., 1993). 28-30).
Boron constitutes about 0.001 per cent of the
weight of the Earth’s crust. In the form of boric acids
9.3 Industrial wood preservation (H3BO3) or borates, traces of boron are necessary for
growth of land plants. Borates have a wide spectrum
The Industrial Revolution in England saw the of fungicidal and insecticidal efficacy, coupled with
‘final solution’ of the wood preservation problem. relatively low mammalian toxicity. Borate-treated
The development of the steam engine provided wood is unchanged in colour, non-corrosive to
engineers with the technology to build tanks which fasteners, has increased fire resistance and can be
could withstand high pressure. At the same time easily glued and finished. However, borates have one
the coal industry was under development and major disadvantage in that they do not chemically
factories made a number of products from coal, adhere to the wood structure and so are prone to
such as creosote. The year 1838 marks the start of leaching under exposed conditions. As soon as
industrial wood preservation, when John Bethell borate-treated wood comes into contact with water,
invented and patented a process of impregnating the borates are dissolved, and they no longer have
wood with protective fluids under high pressure. a toxic effect on fungi and insects. When borates
He used creosote as a pesticide. Creosote is, are dissolved there are further problems with their
therefore, the oldest industrial preservative still in efflorescent salts which have been shown to be
use for impregnation of, for example, utility poles. capable of destroying adjacent masonry materials
At the beginning of the twentieth century, (Weaver 1993: 55).
research began on wood preservatives based on Borates act as a slow-acting poison to insects
water-soluble salts. The problem with using water- and a contact poison which causes fungi to decay.
soluble salts is that the salts eventually dissolve Borates can be used to treat new wood, and also
and are washed out of the wood during use. The existing timber in structures. Pesticides containing
problem was solved by Indian chemists in the 1930s borates may be applied as sprays or by pressure
who developed a salt impregnation method based injecting solutions or foams. A convenient method
on copper, chromium and arsenic salts (CCA) in both new and old timber is the use of borate
which were dissolved in water and forced into the impel rods. Holes are drilled in the wood and the
wood under high pressure (Connell 1991: 19). The rods are inserted according to the manufacturer’s
three salts are introduced into the wood as a water- calculations, taking into account the size of the
soluble mixture which then reacts in such a way as wood and the amount of boric acid needed to
to render them water-insoluble. This enables the protect the wood. The rods contain boric acid which
treated timber to be used in damp or wet conditions is absorbed by the wood when the moisture content
without subsequent loss of protection by leaching. of the wood exceeds 25 per cent. When wood is dry
However, it is in fact sapwood which is impregnated the boric acid is inactive.
through the CCA pressure impregnation method.
Heartwood cannot be impregnated. Therefore it is

9.4 The Integrated Pest Management be removed. To prevent attacks from dry-wood
termites, cracks should be sealed, although this
Approach may be impractical in historic structures where old
timber normally has cracks. We cannot recommend
Through the 1980s and 1990s, there has been a any types of synthetic resins for filling cracks. If the
marked move away from the practice of pouring cracks are filled, the wood will still continue to swell
chemicals into trouble spots in the belief that this and shrink, and the non-flexible epoxies will not
would solve the problem, as in the treatment of follow these movements, which may lead to further
dry rot (Serpula lacrymans) mentioned above. cracking elsewhere in the timber. Moreover, we have
Today, the perspective has changed. Attacks by dry no control over what may happen in the interface
rot, considered by many as the most dangerous between the resin and the wood; for instance, water
and destructive of the wood-decaying fungi, and may accumulate. If the historic timber originally
termites, likewise considered by many to be the had some surface treatment or coating, such as paint
gravest insect-threat to historic buildings globally, or varnish, this practice should be continued.
may today dealt with by a comprehensive strategy of To prevent attack from subterranean termites,
Integrated Pest Management (IPM). the strategy of physical control is basically to
The history of dry rot is in itself revealing for the separate the termites from their source of food.
necessity to see life processes in a global perspective. Several physical ground barriers are marketed.
In the wild, Serpula lacrymans grows on tree stumps Termites may also be controlled by taking their
between 3000 and 5000 m up in the Himalayan environment beyond the limits their body can
forests. In Europe and North America the fungus is withstand. Sustained heat — more than forty-five
purely domestic, thriving on damp conditions inside degrees centigrade for more than an hour — and
houses. The fungus reached the UK during the sustained cold have both been used. A ‘gun’ which
second half of the eighteenth century, probably on delivers high-voltages (90,000 volts) and low current
batches of softwoods imported to supplement native has successfully been developed by a US company
hardwoods in order to meet the increasing demand for the eradication of dry-wood termites. Using
for new housing and ships. Contemporary writers timber which is naturally durable and resistant to
were baffled by this new form of rot which seemed fungal decay and insect attacks appears to be an age-
to attack from the inside out and left wood dry and old tradition all over the world. Unfortunately, we
brittle. It was soon christened ’dry rot’ (George 1992: may not always be able to continue these practices,
49; Carlstrand 1998). as the forest resources that provided these timbers
IPM may be defined as a sustainable approach to may have been depleted. As mentioned previously,
pest management by combining biological, cultural, this is the major reason why the Wood Committee
physical and chemical tools in a way that minimises has proposed the establishment of Historic Forest
economic, health and environmental risks. The Reserves.
concept has been developed within agricultural pest In the field of biological control a great deal
control. From the first philosophical description of interesting research is going on, although as
of integrated control in the late 1950s, IPM has yet without substantial practical success. In some
expanded, particularly in the USA, to encompass traditional societies, people have used birds and
major efforts in research and implementation. ants, natural enemies of the termites, to keep them
Gradually, in the USA as well as elsewhere, the in check. The wood preservation industry is now
idea of IPM has also spread to the preservation of testing the efficacy for wood preservation of biocides
historic buildings. As an example of the application developed in other sectors such as in agriculture.
of IPM, let us see how the strategy may be applied However, these new, presumably environmentally-
to termite control in the four forms of cultural, friendly agrochemicals tend to be organism- specific
physical, biological and chemical control. and are designed to biodeteriorate rapidly in ground
All types of termites need moisture. contact. These properties are not necessarily
Consequently, the major element in cultural control compatible with efficient wood preservation.
is to keep structures dry and ventilated. To prevent Until recently, chemical control was the only
attack from subterranean termites, sub-floor areas solution offered by pest controllers to the termite
should be ventilated. Paving around the structure problem. However, during the last few years several
should be angled to drain surface water away from of the chemicals used have been banned in most
the structure. Structural wood should be kept from countries. New chemicals that have been introduced
contact with the ground. Any timber or cellulose are also coming under increasing scrutiny. Chemical
material stored beneath a suspended floor should control for subterranean termites has included soil
treatment to provide a chemical barrier of toxic active substance that is poisonous to many other
residues. For dry-wood termites the use of tenting fungi species, including Serpula lacrymans. The
and flooding the structure with a toxic fumigant, biologists concluded that the effect of Trichoderma
some of which may be damaging to the ozone layer, viride together with good ventilation, has promoted
are methods which have been tried. Another way to the natural conservation of the monument. The
use chemicals is to apply them directly to the termites, biologists tried to prevent a proposal to treat the
such as in the ‘bait box technique’. Bait boxes can church and bell-tower with chemical preservatives
be used inside, under or around buildings. Termite which would have destroyed this delicate biological
baiting should only be used as part of an Integrated balance, but unfortunately they did not succeed
Pest Management strategy, where destruction of the (Kudrjavtseva et al., 1995).
termite colony will be followed by hazard reduction
and regular inspection.
9.6 Protective paints and coatings
It is also worth considering the various paint systems
9.5 Biochemical and biological which were designed to protect wood. A traditional
approaches to wood preservation paint based on, for example linseed oil, saturates
the outer layer of wood cells so that water cannot
Using biochemical and biological means to control penetrate easily into the wood, but allows water
pests in timber structures is a recent development, but which has accumulated inside to evaporate. Article
one which clearly offers the most environmentally- 7 of the Wood Committee’s Principles recommends
friendly approach to wood preservation. However, that when renewing surface finishes such as paints,
knowledge and experience of these methods is, the original materials, techniques and textures
at present, limited. The biochemical approach to should be duplicated as far as possible.
protection against fungal attacks operates on the Modern paint systems may have a detrimental
principle of making wood indigestible to the fungi effect on wood. In the 1980s a century-old log-
instead of poisoning the wood. This approach starts building of a well-known hotel in Norway was
with the study of the metabolism of the fungi and undergoing repair and restoration. The logs were
research is being done into fungi’s use of enzymes in good condition before the work started. The
and other types of catalysts to break down the wood owner was advised to paint the exposed timber
polymers (Kersten et al., 1995; Whittaker et al., walls with an acrylic paint. The paint manufacturer
1996). even advised using an extra thick layer to ensure
An example of a biological approach to wood maximum protection. The protection from external
preservation is a study made at St. Nicholas church penetration of water may have been excellent, but
and bell-tower in the Kovda village in Murmansk in water can also come from the inside, which was what
northern Russia. The church and the bell-tower are happened in this case. Because of the impenetrable
log-structures; the church was probably built in the plastic paint layer, the humidity could not escape
latter half of the seventeenth century. Three species and was trapped inside the logs. The result was
of wood-destroying fungi, including the dry-rot that, within a year, the damage due to decay was
fungi (Serpula lacrymans), were found to be active so severe that a major restoration project had to
during an inspection by two biologists during 1991- be implemented, wherein the damaged logs were
1992. The biologists also found that a fourth fungi, replaced with new timber by an expert restoration
Trichoderma viride, had infected the logs of the two carpenter. If the owner had followed the advice
buildings. However, this fungi only causes surface of the Wood Committee’s Principles concerning
damage to wood and has a remarkable additional surface treatments, large amounts of the original
characteristic: it can stop the growth of dangerous material and a large amount of money would have
wood-decaying fungi. It excretes a biologically- been saved.

The past has power: sustainable
development – learning from historic
timber structures
A living society is in continuous change. It is
important for the quality of life that this change
process is controlled and that existing values are
brought to the fore. If people are going to make
the important choices necessary for a sustainable
development, they have to see themselves as part of
a continuum with obligations for future generations.
Our cultural heritage is an important element in the
creation of this understanding. Cultural heritage
can be regarded as materialised knowledge about
sustainable production and consumption, and
this knowledge forms an important basis for the
development of society and a presupposition for an
accountable resource management.
The World Commission on Environment and
Development (WCED)’s report (1987) defines
sustainable development as ‘development which
meets the needs of the present without compromising Figure 10.1 Sustaining desired ecosystem conditions requires
the ability of future generations to meet their own that management goals and actions fall within the intersection
needs’. of three spheres: that they be simultaneously ecologically viable
The first article in WCED’s proposed Legal (environmentally sound), economically feasible (affordable)
and socially desirable (politically acceptable). After Salwasser
Principles for Environmental Protection and
Sustainable Development states that ‘All human et al., 1990.
beings have the fundamental right to an environment
adequate for their health and well-being’. Although the balance among these criteria is not reasonable,
this shows that the WCED report focuses on quality it is likely that the desired outcome will not be
issues as well as natural environment issues, the sustainable because of failure in one or more of the
definition of sustainable development is today three areas.
almost solely used in a natural environment context.
The UK’s Environment White Paper (1990)
amplifies the WCED definition: 10.1 Learning from the past
‘Sustainable development means living on If our intention is to create a sustainable society, we
the Earth’s income rather than eroding its can learn three things from old timber structures
capital. It means keeping the consumption of that can be applied with benefit to contemporary
renewable natural resources within the limits construction work. Firstly, the traditional
of their replenishment. It means handing down knowledge and selection of materials were based
to successive generations not only man-made on a deep understanding of nature and of the uses
wealth, but also natural wealth, such as clean and limitations of natural materials, such as wood.
and adequate water supplies, good arable land, a Previous generations did not have access to the
wealth of wildlife, and ample forests’. chemical wood preservatives of today, but relied
on the natural durability of wood, that is, they
Sustainability can only be obtained if the solutions used the heartwood of durable species. Acquiring
chosen are simultaneously ecologically viable, this knowledge and understanding of wood would
economically feasible, and socially desirable. If benefit both the present generation and our
successors in our aim to create long-lasting timber be expected to last for 500 years. A steel structure
structures. was considered, but was ruled out for practical and
Market forces and public opinion contribute to financial reasons.
sustainable development. Naturally-durable wood One of Sweden’s larger contractors, with only
may be compared to organically-produced food, limited experience in working with historic buildings
which is becoming increasingly widespread and and historical technology, was hired for the project.
popular. An increasing number of people are willing An expert on traditional carpentry showed the
to pay more for high-quality products. The same contractor’s carpenters how to make the roof trusses
may also apply to traditional building materials in the traditional way and how to cut joints using
that are selected and used in order to reduce an axe. However, some compromises to modern
the use of toxic chemicals. Traditional materials technology had to be made, as the carpenters
need not necessarily be more expensive. Smaller lacked the necessary experience to handle the axes
suppliers with low-scale investments may exploit effectively. Thus, in order to achieve the aim of the
the emerging interest in traditional materials to find project – which was to employ traditional materials
a market niche not covered by the larger suppliers and traditional structural techniques for the sake of
which depend on large quantities to maintain a the long-term preservation of the building – at an
good business turnover. acceptable cost, some modern construction tools
Secondly, we believe that the use of the old and equipment had to be employed. In the main,
techniques of craftsmanship based on manual however, this project became a testing ground for
labour may be attractive in niche markets where the technology of the seventeenth and eighteenth
people want high-quality products. In fact, only centuries. The project proved that this technology
by increasing the number of craftsmen able to was not only exciting and inspiring, but also
produce traditional timber structures at relatively economically speaking, a competitor or rival to the
competitive prices will we have craftsmen who can so-called better solutions of contemporary building
repair historic timber structures. In Japan, there is a technology (Hidemark 1996).
market for new buildings in old styles, and there is Thirdly, from the perspective of sustainable
even a special architectural journal for this purpose development, it is interesting to observe that old
called ‘Residential Architecture’ (Jutaku kenchiku). buildings may be more environmentally friendly
In Norway, an increasing number of specialised than modern ones. Faced with growing pollution
building firms are trying to meet a similar growing and global environmental problems, the Norwegian
demand for traditionally-built houses. building industry aims to create sustainable solutions
An interesting example of the competitiveness for the future. In this respect, a great deal of attention
of traditional timber structures is the rebuilding of has so far been focused on energy saving. However,
the wooden cupola and roofs over St. Catherine’s this in itself is not sufficient, and a comprehensive
church in Stockholm after a fire in 1990. The church life-cycle analysis will give a better understanding of
had been built in 1723. The architect, Professor Ove the total environmental consequences of a building
Hidemark, and the civil engineer Krister Berggren project. Life-cycle analysis quantifies energy and
were responsible for the design for the rebuilding material usage, and air and liquid emissions as
of the church. Berggren considered the question well as the solid waste generated at each stage of a
of durability before suggesting methods for the product’s life cycle. These stages include:
reconstruction of the church (Berggren 1994). He
said that St. Catherine’s church had existed for 300
1. resource extraction;
years; other Swedish churches were 900 years old.
2. manufacture;
How long should a church be expected to last –
3. construction;
perhaps 500 years? In contemporary buildings, the
4. service; and
average life-time expectancy of structures and parts
5. post-use disposal.
is estimated at thirty to fifty years.
The building committee agreed that they should
put a 500-year perspective on the rebuilding. Thus, life-cycle analysis provides an analysis
Thus, they ruled out concrete which, in certain and assessment of the environmental effects of a
environments, may deteriorate completely within building’s materials, components and assemblies
twenty years. No glues in use today have existed for throughout the entire life of the building. Life-cycle
more than fifty years. Today’s gluelam structures analysis examines the full range of impacts over all
may have sufficient durability for buildings with the phases of a product’s life, instead of focusing on
a ‘normal’ life-time expectancy, but could hardly any specific stage (Canadian Wood Council 1997).

Figure 10.2 St. Catherine’s Church, Stockholm. Section. (Drawing from Ove Hidemark Arkitektkontor AB.)

10.2 Environmental impact in a towns as well as in the countryside. As a result, most

of Norway’s historic buildings are log buildings.
life-cycle perspective: a case study Of the two houses compared in the Norwegian
study, the timber-frame house had walls with 150
In a recent study by the Norwegian Building Research mm of mineral wool insulation, an external wind
Institute, in co-operation with the Norwegian barrier of 12 mm bitumen-impregnated porous
Directorate for Cultural Heritage, a traditional fibreboard and a vapour barrier on the inside of 0.15
log-building was compared with a modern, fully- mm polythene film. The internal lining was 13 mm
insulated timber-frame building of the same size plasterboard. The floors and roof were insulated
(Fossdal and Edvardsen 1995). Today, ninety-eight with 200 mm mineral wool. The external walls of
per cent of Norwegian low-rise housing is of timber- the log-house were a traditional log-construction
frame construction. Log-houses, on the other hand, using logs about 16 cm diameter at their thickest.
dominated Norwegian building traditions from the No external or internal insulation, boarding or
Viking period and well into the twentieth century, in film were added. What advantages did the one

Figure 10.3 Contemporary Norwegian timber frame house (upper) and log house (After Fossdal and Edvardsen 1995).

Figure 10.4 Normalised consumption and emissions for the timber frame and the log house. (After Fossdal and Edvardsen

have over the other, both buildings being of the Good or sustainable administration of the
same size? It was assumed that both houses would current building stock is of decisive significance
be heated using electricity. The calculations were for the use of resources and the reduction of waste
carried out based on the climatic conditions in Oslo, and discharge. Administration of the building
which has relatively cold winters. The study found stock requires knowledge which in some cases has
that the traditional log-house had far less impact been lost. A number of environmentally-friendly
on the environment in almost every aspect than materials which were used in days gone by are no
the modern, fully-insulated timber-frame house. longer manufactured. Professional interest within
For example, the global warming potential of the the building sector has concentrated on new
timber-frame house, expressed in CO2 equivalents, construction for many years. Faith in new materials
was more than double that of the log-house. The has been strong and the need to learn from previous
building materials used in the log-house are mainly experience has been small. One indicator of this is
naturally sustainable materials and are to a certain that in Norway in around 1900 there were less than
extent used in their natural form and therefore 50 different materials in use in the construction
create a minimum of waste. The negative side of the industry, all tried and tested with proven strengths
log-house was that the total energy consumption and weaknesses. A hundred years later, there are at
was twenty per cent higher compared to the fully least 40,000 materials on the market. For the vast
insulated modern house. majority, no information is available about their
This study showed that preserving existing characteristics or long-term functionality.
log-buildings and building new houses using this In the future, new requirements will be laid
traditional technique could contribute towards a down regarding buildings and building materials.
sustainable future. Indeed, many people both in Currently, such requirements are largely concerned
the countryside and in the suburbs of the towns with their qualities in use, while in the future
are building traditional log-houses. The carpentry requirements will be laid down regarding qualities in
techniques which are necessary to build log- a life cycle perspective. This means that a building’s
buildings are today practised by carpenters all energy consumption will no longer be calculated
over Norway. Moreover, the sustainable knowledge for the period that the building is actually in use,
embedded in the historic timber structures could be but will be calculated for the whole life cycle of the
used in the development of contemporary building building, that is to say, from the time the building is
techniques. designed until it is torn down. This means that the


Figure 10.5 (a) River and Rowing Museum, Henley, Eng-

land. Architect David Chipperfield (1996). The green-oak
cladding was carefully selected for economy and durability.
(b) Detail.


energy costs involved in the production and structures are often simple and easy to repair, and
destruction of the materials will have to be allow easy replacement of any damaged or worn-
included in the energy calculations. For example out materials. It is also easy to separate the building
the manufacture of cement and mineral wool materials during demolition of traditional structures,
requires a great deal of energy, and therefore the which increases the potential to recycle the material.
energy consumption in the production phase must Finally, most traditional building materials can be
be weighed up against the energy gain obtained by produced locally, reducing transportation costs,
insulating using mineral wool. and thereby also reducing the total impact on the
The costs involved in destruction will also be environment (Myhre 1996).
taken into account. Constructions which can easily We are now at a time in history when historic
be dismantled will be preferable to complicated timber structures have become important not
constructions with a lot of waste products. only for their own sake but also as patterns for
Traditional building technology comprises for the contemporary construction. At the end of the
most part simple constructions, using few materials, twentieth century the movement towards ‘alternative
which in turn increases the opportunities for re-use buildings’ or ‘green buildings’ is gaining momentum.
and reduces the amount of waste products. There is an increasing demand for traditional,
Furthermore, when the focus shifts from quick natural, sustainable building products and services.
profits to the long-term durability of buildings The ideal is to live in harmony, instead of in conflict
and houses, traditional knowledge may also offer with nature. There is an increasing interest in
viable alternatives. Our built heritage shows that cultures attuned to their natural surroundings
by using traditional construction techniques and and in environmentally-responsible design and
well-known materials, it is possible to construct and construction. These are precisely the fields where
maintain buildings in a way that will make them our heritage of historic timber structures can act as
last for hundreds of years. Traditional materials and a phenomenal reservoir of knowledge if only we can
construction techniques have more advantages in learn to interpret its message correctly.
the context of sustainable development. Traditional


Principles for the Preservation of

Historic Timber Structures
Adopted by ICOMOS International Wood Committee in Datong, China, June 1998
Accepted by ICOMOS General Assembly in Guadalajara, Mexico, October 1999

The aim of this document is to define basic and Inspection, recording and
universally applicable principles and practices
for the protection and preservation of historic
timber structures with due respect to their cultural
significance. Historic timber structures refer here 1. The condition of the structure and its
to all types of buildings or constructions wholly or components should be carefully recorded
partially in timber that have cultural significance or before any intervention, as well as all materials
that are parts of an historic area. used in treatments, in accordance with Article
For the purpose of the preservation of such 16 of the Venice Charter and the ICOMOS
structures, the Principles: Principles for the Recording of Monuments,
Groups of Buildings and Sites. All pertinent
• recognise the importance of timber structures documentation, including characteristic
from all periods as part of the cultural heritage samples of redundant materials or members
of the world; removed from the structure, and information
• take into account the great diversity of historic about relevant traditional skills and
timber structures; technologies, should be collected, catalogued,
• take into account the various species and securely stored and made accessible as
qualities of wood used to build them; appropriate. The documentation should also
• recognise the vulnerability of structures wholly include the specific reasons given for choice
or partially in timber due to material decay of materials and methods in the preservation
and degradation in varying environmental work.
and climatic conditions, caused by humidity 2. A thorough and accurate diagnosis of the
fluctuations, light, fungal and insect attacks, condition and the causes of decay and structural
wear and tear, fire and other disasters; failure of the timber structure should precede
• recognise the increasing scarcity of historic any intervention. The diagnosis should be
timber structures due to vulnerability, based on documentary evidence, physical
misuse and the loss of skills and knowledge inspection and analysis, and, if necessary,
of traditional design and construction measurements of physical conditions and
technology; non-destructive testing methods. This should
• take into account the great variety of actions not prevent necessary minor interventions
and treatments required for the preservation and emergency measures.
and conservation of these heritage resources; Monitoring and maintenance
• note the Venice Charter, the Burra Charter
and related UNESCO and ICOMOS doctrine, 3. A coherent strategy of regular monitoring and
and seek to apply these general principles to maintenance is crucial for the protection of
the protection and preservation of historic historic timber structures and their cultural
timber structures; and significance.
• make the following recommendations:

Intervention Repair and replacement

4. The primary aim of preservation and 9. In the repair of an historic structure,
conservation is to maintain the historical replacement timber can be used with due
authenticity and integrity of the cultural respect to relevant historical and aesthetical
heritage. Each intervention should therefore values, and where it is an appropriate response
be based on proper studies and assessments. to the need to replace decayed or damaged
Problems should be solved according to members or their parts, or to the requirements
relevant conditions and needs with due respect of restoration.
for the aesthetic and historical values, and the New members or parts of members should
physical integrity of the historic structure or be made of the same species of wood with the
site. same, or, if appropriate, with better, grading
5. Any proposed intervention should for as in the members being replaced. Where
preference: possible, this should also include similar
a) follow traditional means; natural characteristics. The moisture content
b) be reversible, if technically possible; or and other physical characteristics of the
c) at least not prejudice or impede future replacement timber should be compatible with
preservation work whenever this may the existing structure
become necessary; and Craftsmanship and construction
d) not hinder the possibility of later access to technology, including the use of dressing
evidence incorporated in the tools or machinery, should, where possible,
structure correspond with those used originally. Nails
6. The minimum intervention in the fabric of an and other secondary materials should, where
historic timber structure is an ideal. In certain appropriate, duplicate the originals.
circumstances, minimum intervention can If a part of a member is replaced, traditional
mean that their preservation and conservation woodwork joints should, if appropriate and
may require the complete or partial dismantling compatible with structural requirements, be
and subsequent reassembly in order to allow used to splice the new and the existing part.
for the repair of timber structures. 10. It should be accepted that new members or
7. In the case of interventions, the historic parts of members will be distinguishable from
structure should be considered as a whole; all the existing ones. To copy the natural decay
material, including structural members, in-fill or deformation of the replaced members or
panels, weather-boarding, roofs, floors, doors parts is not desirable. Appropriate traditional
and windows, etc., should be given equal or well-tested modern methods may be used
attention. In principle, as much as possible of to match the colouring of the old and the new
the existing material should be retained. The with due regard that this will not harm or
protection should also include surface finishes degrade the surface of the wooden member.
such as plaster, paint, coating, wall-paper, etc. 11. New members or parts of members should be
If it is necessary to renew or replace surface discretely marked, by carving, by marks burnt
finishes, the original materials, techniques and into the wood or by other methods, so that
textures should be duplicated as far as possible. they can be identified later.
8. The aim of restoration is to conserve the
historic structure and its loadbearing function
and to reveal its cultural values by improving
the legibility of its historical integrity, its earlier
state and design within the limits of existing ’Historic Forest Reserves’
historic material evidence, as indicated in
articles 9 - 13 of the Venice Charter. Removed 12. The establishment and protection of forest or
members and other components of the woodland reserves where appropriate timber
historic structure should be catalogued, and can be obtained for the preservation and
characteristic samples kept in permanent repair of historic timber structures should be
storage as part of the documentation. encouraged.
Institutions responsible for the preservation
and conservation of historic structures
and sites should establish or encourage the
establishment of stores of timber appropriate
for such work.

Contemporary materials and

13. Contemporary materials, such as epoxy
resins, and techniques, such as structural steel
reinforcement, should be chosen and used with
the greatest caution, and only in cases where
the durability and structural behaviour of the
materials and construction techniques have
been satisfactorily proven over a sufficiently
long period of time. Utilities, such as heating,
and fire detection and prevention systems,
should be installed with due recognition of
the historic and aesthetic significance of the
structure or site.
14. The use of chemical preservatives should
be carefully controlled and monitored, and
should be used only where there is an assured
benefit, where public and environmental safety
will not be affected and where the likelihood
of success over the long term is significant.

Education and training

15. Regeneration of values related to the cultural
significance of historic timber structures
through educational programmes is an
essential requisite of a sustainable preservation
and development policy. The establishment
and further development of training
programmes on the protection, preservation
and conservation of historic timber structures
are encouraged. Such training should be
based on a comprehensive strategy integrated
within the needs of sustainable production
and consumption, and include programmes at
the local, national, regional and international
levels. The programmes should address all
relevant professions and trades involved in
such work, and, in particular, architects,
conservators, engineers, craftsmen and site


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Acids, 80, 96 Bitumen, 102 Ch'angdokkung palace, 28

Acrylic paint, 98 Black Death, 46 Charles, F. W. B., iii, 2, 33, 39,
Adze, 4, 43, 44, 46 Black sugar palm, 96 55, 60, 91
Agenda 21, 58 Blanchette, R. A., 20 Checks, 87, 107, 108 71, 88
Alarm system, 74, 77 Bonamini, G., 87 Chemical preservatives, 93,
Aleurites fordii, 95 Borate, 97 97, 99
Alpine, 24, 65 Bore dust, 66, 68 Chen, Y., 60, 79, 95
Alterswert, 10 Bore hole, 66 Chengde, 71
Angiosperm, 2, 19 Borgin, K., 79 Chilton, J, E., 23
Archangel, 32, 47, 52 Borgund stave church, 76 China, iii, 24, 28, 67, 71, 79, 95
Ark, 95 Boric acid, 1 97 Chinese, 60, 79, 95
Arsenic salts, 96 Boron, 97 Chipperfield, David, 104
Asano, K., 44, 45 Boutwood, J., 3, 29, 32, 35, 37, Chlorophyll, 20
Ashurst, J. and Ashurst, N., 37, 38, 42, 91 Choay, F., 9
38 Bravery, A. F., 94, 95 Chromium, 96
Asia, 79 Brereton, C., 31, 32, 35, 37, 42, Church of the Transfiguration,
Asian, 24, 27 61, 73, 89, 91 3
Aspen, 82, 83, Brookgate Hall, 11-14 Cloves, 96
Association for Preservation Brown, S. A., 45 Compression strength, 87
Technology, iii Buckinghamshire, 90 Condensation, 37, 38, 75, 94
Authentic, iii, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, Buddhist, 15-17, 27, 28, 30, 35, Connell, M., 96
57 39, 41, 45, 63, 87, 90 Consumption, 99, 103, 107
Authenticity, 9, 10, 11, 12-15, Bulgaria, v Copenhagen, 32
18, 19, 55, 59, 60, 106 Burmese, 27, 95 Copper, 96
Authentikos, 9 Burra Charter, 105 Cowling, E. B., 20
Axe, 4, 43, 44, 46, 47, 100 Cambium, 80, 81 Craftsman, craftsmen, iii, vi, 3,
Babylon, 79 Cambodia, 24, 27 4, 6, 7, 10, 19, 31, 49, 50, 100,
Baldassino, N., 70 Canada, iii, 28 107
Bamboo, 19, 44 Canadian Wood Council, 100 Craftsmanship, iii, 1, 6, 7, 13,
Bavaria, 33, 39, 65, 66 Carlstrand, V., 97 29, 32, 43,52, 100, 106
Bavarian State Conservation Carpenter, carpenters, 3, 4, 7, Creosote, 96
Office, 33, 39, 65 15, 18, 28, 29, 31-33, 35, 38, Cultural Properties Fire Pre-
Beetle, 21, 68 42, 43-45, 47-53, 59, 60, 68, 71, vention Day, 78
Beijing, 28, 79 83, 89, 98, 100, 103 Cutting, 37, 79, 81, 85, 86, 95
Bending, 70, 87 CCA, 96 Cypress, 15, 19, 35, 46, 70, 79,
Berg, A., 46, 49 Cedar, 19, 35, 79, 95 87
Bergen, 10, 95 Cedrus libani, 79 Daibutsuden, 39, 40
Berggren, K., 38, 100 Cellulose, 20, 21, 80, 87, 88 Daigo-ji temple, 30
Bethell, J., 96 Cement, 104 Datong, 105
Biodiversity, 58-59 Central America, 87 Davey, N., 20
Biological approach to wood Chamaecyparis obtusa, 15, 45, David B. Gamble House, iv
preservation, 98 70, 87 DDT, 93
Birch bark, 38, 50 Chang Mai, 28 De architectura, 17, 104 13, 83

Decay, iv, v, 3, 10, 15, 17, 20, Fire, v, 1, 15, 16, 20, 37, 44, 55, Henley, 104
29, 30, 31, 32, 34-37, 42, 43, 61, 73-78 Hewett, C. A., 29
55, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, Fire extinguishing, 74, 75, 77 Hidemark, O., 5, 7, 37, 38, 100,
73, 74, 79, 82, 83, 87, 88-90, Fire limitation, 76 101
93, 96-98, 105, 106 Fire prevention, 76-78 Hillis, W. E., 80, 81
Degradation, 88, 105 Fire protection, 39, 61, 73-75, Himalaya, 97
Del Pollaiolo, S., 23 77, 78 Himeji Castle, 72, 73
Denmark, 31, 32 Firmitas, 13, 83 Historic Forest Reserves, 55,
Dicot, 19 Florence, 22, 23 56, 59, 97, 106
Didron, A. N., 11 Fluoride, 96 Hoadley, R. B., 19
Diversity, iii, v, 1, 2, 19, 20, 23, Fluoroborate, 96 Hokki-ji, 17
28, 29, 49, 59, 65, 105 Fogong Temple, 67 Holder of Traditional Conser-
Documentation, 7, 36, 61, 62, Forest Principles, 58 vation Techniques, 44
64, 66, 105, 106 Fossdal, S., 102, 103 Holmström, I., 6, 37
Downpipe, 73 Fruiting body, 66 Hon, D. N-S., 88
Dry rot, 73, 94, 95, 97 Fungal attack, 36, 66, 68, 93, Horyu-ji, 15-17, 28, 44, 45, 47,
Dry-wood termites, 23, 97 94, 96-98 77
Durability, 2, 5, 20, 31, 34, 36, Fungi, fungus, v, 1, 20, 21, 42, Hué, 28
79, 82, 83, 85, 87, 90, 96, 99, 45, 55, 66, 79, 81, 82, 86, 93, Humidity, v, 5, 25, 38, 68, 70,
100, 104 94, 97, 98 81, 86, 88, 93, 98, 105
Dvorak, M., 9, 11 Gale, F. R., 80 Hydraulic jacks, 33, 50, 52
Ecosystem, 57, 58, 59 Gamble, D. B., iv Hyphae, 93, 94
Edvardsen, K. I., 102, 103 Gammelstad, 28 Hørsholm church, 32
Egyptian, 95 George, C. J. D., 95, 97 lbraki, 35, 48
Emission, 100, 103 German, 23 ICCROM, i, 1, 10
Endoscopy, 70 Germany, 3, 33, 39, 65, 66 ICOMOS, i, iii, v, 1, 2, 3, 10,
England, i, v, 11, 23, 32, 43, 89, Gerner, M., 3, 31 61, 62, 66, 105
96, 104 Globe Theatre, 83 ICOMOS International
English, 20, 23, 29, 33, 46, 60 Golden Hall, 15-17 Committee for Architectural
English Heritage, iii, 3, 35 Gothic, 33 Photogrammetry, 66
Enryaku-ji, 63 Grading, 4, 3, 45, 70, 71, 106 ICOMOS lnternational Wood
Environment White Paper, 99 Gray, R. L., 81 Committee, i, iii, v 2, 19, 43,
Environmental impact, 102 Great Buddha Hall, 39, 40 51, 55
Enzymes, 21, 87, 93, 98 Greek, 9, 15, 27, 95 il Cronaca, 23
Epoxy, 36, 37, 97, 107 Greene, C. and H., iv Imperial Palace, 28, 79
Erosion, 20, 56, 62, 88 Greenhow, I, i India, 28, 79, 87, 96
Eugenia aromatica, 96 Grumbach castle, 33 Indonesia, 95
Europe, 1, 2, 5, 24, 25, 36, 38, Guangdong, 79 Industrial Revolution, 96
46, 58, 97 Gutter, 73 Infestation, 39, 68
European, 1, 4, 10, 15, 20, 23, Gymnosperm, 2, 19 Infrared, 70
24, 27, 45, 58, 59, 82, 83, 87 Half-dismantling, 34 Insects, v, 1, 20, 36, 39, 42, 55,
European Redwood, 20 Hanseatic Wharf, 95 66, 68, 69, 79, 81, 83, 86, 88,
Extractives, 79-82, 87 Hardwood, 2, 19, 23, 55, 81, 90, 96, 97, 105
FAO, 57 86, 97 Inspection, 29, 35, 39, 61, 65,
Feilden, B. M., v, 12, 88 Haslestad, A., 6, 47, 52 68, 70, 73, 77, 98, 105
Feist, W. C., 88 Heartwood, 6, 50, 56, 57, 60, Integrated Pest Management,
Fengel, D., 87 71, 79-83, 96, 99 see IPM
Fibreboard, 102 Heisei era, 39 International Centre for the
Fibreglass, 37 Helsinki Process, 58 Study and the Preservation
Finland, 24, 28, 43, 81 Hemicellulose, 21, 80 and Restoration of Cultural

Property, see ICCROM Larix decidua, 81, 82 Moss, G., 11

International Council on Larsen, K. E., i, 1, 7, 10, 15, 29, Mountain resort, Chengde, 71
Monuments and Sites, see 34, 39, 43, 44, 55, 63, 73, 74, Mycelium, 66, 94
ICOMOS 77, 88, 89 Nagano, 75
IPM, 97 Leave, 19, 20, 44, 73 Nara, 1, 10, 17, 19, 27, 28, 40,
Isoptera, 23 Lebanon, 79 45, 70, 88
Italy, 14, 22 Lee, I. D. G., 70 Nara Conference on Authen-
IUCN, 59 Legal Principles for Environ- ticity, 1
Japan, i, v, 1, 10, 15, 16, 17, 24, mental Protection and Sustai- Nara Document on Authenti-
27, 30, 34-36, 39-41, 44, 45, nable Development, 99 city, v, 1, 10, 19
47, 48, 63, 63, 64, 70, 72, 73, Lichen, 68 Needle, 19
75, 78-90, 100 Life cycle, 23, 102, 103 Nepal, v, 24, 55
Japanese, 1, 3, 7, 10, 15, 17, 29, Lignin, 23, 80, 87, 88 Nepalese, 23, 56
30, 34, 35, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, Log construction, log structu- Neuwirth, F., 11
46, 48, 62, 63, 70, 78, 87, 89 re, 3, 26, 24, 50, 56, 87, 88, 98, Nicotiana tabacum, 96
Japanese Agency for Cultural 102, 103 Nikko, 64
Affairs, 1, 44, 72, 78 London, 83 Nishioka, T., 44, 45
Java, 95 Lowenthal, D., 15 Noah, 95
Jerusalem, 79 Luang Prabang, 28 Nordic, 24, 46
Jôgyõdõ hall, 63 Luleå, 28 North America, 24, 97
Joints, v, 2, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, Lunenburg, 28 Norway, i, 5, 6, 10, 20, 21, 24,
35, 37, 38, 51, 52, 64, 68, 70, Luong, M. P., 70 27, 29, 33, 34, 41, 43, 45-47,
100 Lyctus, 21 49-51, 53, 56, 57, 62, 76, 79,
Jokilehto, J., 11 Macgregor, J. E. M., 39 81-83, 85, 89, 94, 95, 98, 100,
Jordans, 90 Mader, G. T., 33, 43 102, 103
Juniper, 83 Mainstone, R., 23, 39, 55 Norwegian, 44-48, 51-53, 57,
Juniperus communis, 83 Maintenance, 6, 7, 9, 13, 43, 58, 60, 74, 82, 83, 84, 87, 95,
Jutaku kenchiku, 100 49, 58, 59, 61, 71, 73, 75, 105 102
Kaila, P., 88, 89 Major repair, 18, 34, 35, 62, 73 Norwegian Building Research
Kalotermitidae, 23 Malaysia, 79 Institute, 102
Kaneta, K., 39 Managed Resource Protected Norwegian Cultural Heritage
Karelian Russian Republic, 3 Area, 59 Act, 53
Kathmandu, 55 Marine borers, 21, 81, 83 Norwegian Directorate for
Kaupanger stave church, 29 Marstein, N., 10, 55, 74, Cultural Heritage, 3, 6, 33, 47,
Kenozero National Park, 52 Material banks, 50, 57 49, 50, 52, 102
Kersten, P. J., 98 Maya, 87 Norwegian Ministry of the
Kirk, T. K., 20 Mayflower barn, 90 Environment, 47, 53
Kiyomizu-dera, 41, 90 McCurdy, P., 83 Nyoirindo, 30
Kizhi Pogost, 3, 28 Medieval Programme, 47, 49- Oak, 19, 21, 23, 47, 55, 56, 60,
Kjerringøy, 62 51, 53, 57 79, 82, 83, 91, 104
Kohara, J., 87 Mennim, A. M., v Oil paint, 95
Kondo, 15, 16 Microbes, 21 Oppdal, 60
Korea, Republic of, 28 Middle Ages, 27, 38, 47, 49, Oyama-dera, 35, 36, 37, 43, 48
Kovda, 98 55, 81, 82, 95 Palazzo Vecchio, 22, 23
Kudrjavtseva, E., 98 Mills, E. D., 73 Palladio, 38
Kudus, 95 Mineral wool, 102, 104 Palm, 19, 96
Kyoto, 30, 41, 90 Moisture meter, 68, 69 Panelling, 5, 23
la Serenissima, 56 Monocot, 19 Parasites, 21
Langberg, H., 3 Monument cult, 12 Parenchyma, 21, 81, 82
Larch, 19, 81, 82 Mosjøen, 41 Parham, R. A., 81

Pasadena, iv 63, 64, 68, 70, 73, 75, 88-90, Skills, 6, 7, 35, 61, 105
Patan, 24 91, 95, 96, 104, 100, 128, 106 Slash cut, 86
Pesticides, 93, 95, 96 Replacement, iii, 1, 8, 13, 15, Smart, B., 15
Peterken, G. F., 58, 59 17, 29, 31, 35, 36, 39, 43, 55, Society for the Protection of
Petzet, M., 11, 12 88, 89, 91, 95, 104, 106 Ancient Buildings, see SPAB
Petäjävesi, 28 Resin, 15, 36, 37, 95, 97, 107 Softwood, 2, 19, 23, 55, 56, 82,
Phenolic compounds, 80 Rhinotermitidae, 23 83, 86, 88, 97
Phleps, H., 23, 25 Riegl, A., 10 Solomon, 79
Phloem, 80 Rift cut, 87 South East Asia, 79
Photochemical degradation, Rimpar, 33 SPAB, 3, 11
88 Rio Earth Summit, v, 58 Species, iii, 2, 3, 8, 15, 19-21,
Pine, 6, 19, 20, 47, 50, 56, 57, Risk, 5, 31, 57, 75, 76, 77, 97 23, 35, 42, 45, 55, 57, 59, 65,
60, 74, 79, 81, 82, 83, 87, 94, 95 River and Rowing Museum, 69, 73, 79, 81-83, 89, 98, 99,
Pine tar, 50, 94, 95 104 105, 106
Pinus Sylvestris, 19, 56, 74, 79 Rodgers, W. A., 59 Spectrometry, 70
Pit, 82 Roman, 12, 15, 95 Splits, 71, 88
Pitch, 71, 95 Roman Empire, 55 Sprette, 46
Pith, 80 Romania, 24 Sprett-telgjing, 4, 45-47
Plain sawn, 86 Romans, 79, 95 St. Catherine's church, 100,
Plasterboard, 102 Royal Palace, 24 101
Plastic paint, 98 Ruskin, J., 11 St. Mark's, 23
Plealey, 11 Russia, Russian Federation, 3, St. Nicolas Chapel, 52
Plutarch, 15 4, 24, 28, 32, 46, 47, 52, 98 Steel, 2, 31, 33, 38-41
Poland, 24 Sakurai, 70 Steingaden, 65
Polymers, 2, 21, 73, 100 Sal, 55 Stipe, R. E., 2
Polysaccharides, 21, 23 Salaün, C., 2 Stockholm, 37, 100, 101
Polythene, 102 Salt erosion, 62 Strip-barking, 81
Ponnert, H., 7, 32, 45, 47 Salwasser, H., 99 Subterranean termites, 23, 97
Popov, A., 32 Samidi, 96 Susmel, L., 56
Populus tremula, 85 Sandin, Y., 87 Sustainable development, vi,
Powys, 21 Saplings, 80 13, 99, 100, 104
Principles for the Preservation Saprophytes, 21 Sutra repository, 25, 27
of Historic Timber Structures, Sapwood, 71, 79-83, 87, 93, 95, Sweden, 23, 24, 28, 37, 46, 47,
iii, v, 19, 55, 61, 71, 75, 89, 93, 96 81, 100, 101
98, 105 Scandinavia, 3, 4, 27, 32, 37, Swedish, 7
Protected Areas Category 46, 47, 81, 83 Swedish National Board of
System, 59 Scots pine, 20, 82 Antiquities, 7
Quarter sawn, 86 Sekino, M., 17 Swiss, 13, 36
Quercus robur, 21, 83, Serpula lacrymans, 93, 94, 97, Tangential sawing, 85, 86
Radial sawing, 86 98 Teak, 19, 79, 87, 95
Ramadan, 95 Shakadô, 90 Tectona grandis, 79, 95
Rays, 80 Shakes, 71 Telemark, 89
Recording, 61, 62, 66, 105 Shakespeare, 83 Telgje, 46
Reichensperger, A., 11 Shanxi, 67 Termites, 21, 23, 87, 97, 98
Reinforce, reinforcement, 2, 5, Shear strength, 87 Terpenoids, 80
22, 32, 35, 37-41, 73 Shiga, 63 Thailand, 27, 28
Renaissance, 49, 66 38, 55 Ship masts, 95 Thermography, 70
Repair, i, iii, iv 2-6, 8, 10, 11, Shorea robusta, 55 Theseus, 15
15, 17-19, 23,29, 31-39, 41-45, Shropshire, 11 Thierhaupten, 39
47, 48, 49, 50-53, 55, 61, 62, Sjömar, P., 7, 32, 45, 47 Timber-frame, 3, 23, 32, 33,

70, 91, 102, 103 79, 88-90,

Tobacco, 96 Weaver, M., iii, 27, 80, 118 20,
Todai-ji, 27, 39, 40, 88 65, 96
Tokke, 34, 50, 51 Weiss, N. R., 97 80
Toshogu, 64 Whittaker, M. M., 120 98
Toxic, 79-81, 93-96, 98 Wies, 79, 80 65, 66
Tracheids, 82 Wood Committee's Principles,
Treatability, 82 v, 2, 8, 9, 19, 31, 32, 35, 41, 43,
Trichoderma viride, 98 51, 55, 61, 71, 74, 89, 93, 98
Troelsgård, E., 31, 70 Wood preservation, 109, 115-
Tropical forests, 19 17, 119, 120 89, 95-98
Tsumago, 75 Wood preservative, 100, 116,
Tung oil, 95 117, 122 82, 95, 96, 99
Tung tree, 95 World Commission on En-
Tyloses, 82 vironment and Development,
UK - United Kingdom, 2, 3, see WCED
55, 83, 90, 97, 99 World Conservation Union,
Ultrasonic inspection, 70 see IUCN
UNESCO, i, v, 1, 9, 10, 28, 105 World Heritage Committee,
United Nations Conference 13 10
on Environment and Develop- World Heritage Convention, 1,
ment, v, 58 13, 14, 69 1, 10, 56
United Nations Food and World Heritage List/Site, 4, 12,
Agriculture Organisation, see 20, 34, 66, 79, 87, 88, 116 3, 9,
FAO 15, 16, 28, 55, 65, 71, 72, 95
United States, 2 Würzburg, 41 33
Urnes stave church, 28, 94 Wyss, A., 19 13
Urushi, 35 Xylem, 98 80
USA, iii, 118 97 Yakushi-ji, 55, 76 45
Utilitas, 104 83 Yari-ganna, 55, 56, 59 44-46
Vapour barrier, 125 102 Yemen, 97 79
Vasari, G., 28, 29 22, 23 Yin, 82 67
Venetian Republic, 68 56 York Minster, 67 55
Venice, 1, 2, 29, 129 1, 2, 23, Yunnan, 33, 97 24
105 Zhong, Y., 73, 97, 116 60, 79,
Venice Charter, v , 1, 2, 3, 95
13, 16, 17, 48, 49, 75, 77, 108,
129 1, 2, 9, 11, 12, 36, 38, 61,
62, 64, 88, 105
Venustas, 17, 19, 104 13, 83
Viking, 116 95
Vitruvius, 17, 104 13, 83
Voluptas, 17, 19 13
Vreim, H., 73 60
Wales, 15, 26 11, 21
Warping, v, 45, 87, 105 35, 71,
Wat Phan Tao, 35 28
WCED, 121 99
Weathering, 27, 96, 107-10 21,

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