Lss Nt.:ffiffi Fart: (Faper

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Ité¡:¿iir:l*: 3

The world around us

Lss**nt.:ffiffi {Faper 3 Fart 2}

Read the instructions and gapped sentences in Exercise 2b. What

do you think Jay Carter's experience of being in the Amazon
rainforest was like?

2 a Decide what type of word is missing in each gap in Exercise 2b

Question 1: a pluralnoun
b ., .:, ':r Read the strategy and do the task.

You will hear a man called Jay Carter talking about his time in the
Amazon rainforest. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with a
word or short phrase.

Experiences in the rainforest

The purpose of Jay's trp to the Amazon was to write an article about
the (l) which live in the rainforest.

lay was r'lnprepared for the lack of (2) in the rainforest

Jay makes a comparison between the huge no sy insects n the

rainforest and(3) with wings.

.lay uses the word (4) to describe hls leelings,"vhen he first saw
a Jaguar.
" Read the senlerces end clec:rlE Jay says that the average maLe.laguar has a terrltory of (5)
r¡¡hat kinei cl infrrrylation is ln size.
" Li¡ien anC c*rnplete the s*ntences When he met the loca forest people Jay remembers being offered a

lryith a wcr¡-i, n¡"¡mber *r sh*¡'i very large (6) to eat

ph;"ase frcm the reelrding. The
Jay says that the forest people have a feeling of (7) for the
s€ntrnc€s are in the same nrder as
the infcr"matisn on the r'*ccrCing"
. Write n0 m0ra than ihree Jay explaLns that in some areas (8) regard Jaguars as a threat
wordr. Oniy use words frorn the to their property.
' C:l 'r k i,oür ai:s\\'e :-. Curinq tnl Jay has heard that being n contact with anima s such as (9) _ ls

scccnd !iste ning. ürn't leave any ¿ poténti¿ tealrh'i.L .o ¿g-¿ s.


Ch:ck your spclNlng ancl gran-lmar

fhe (10) that Jay ls now rnvolved ln are intended to ralse
awareness of the threats to the survlvaL of jaguars

a{.j Compare and discuss your answers. If they were wrong, what
was the reason?
Module 3
The world around us

Use of English X (paper 1 parr 2)

Lead-sn Do you think the statements are True (T) or Fatse (F)? (your
teacher has the answers.)
I Cats don't see colours as clearly as people do.
2 A dog's sense of smell is much better than a person,s.
3 FlephanLs have .ong nemories
4 Crickets can tell us the temperature.
5 Cows lie down before a storm
*pet: close 2a Read the title of the article in Exercise 2c. What connection do
you think it has with animals?
S?fi^.Xl n*¡{*c l,¡_:
Read the article quickly and answer the questions. Ignore the
gaps at this stage.
I How do some animals change their behaviour before an
earth q u ake?
2 What use have the Chinese made of animals?
3 How can animals' behaviour be explained scientifically?
Read the strategy on page 31 and do the task. Use the Help notes
for support with certain items.

For questions'l-8, read the text below and think of the word which best

HELP fits each gap. use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the
beginning (0).
This question tests verb forms.
What verb form is correct here? P re di cti n g e arth qu ake s
This is another question testing
verb forms. Were the animals lt has long (0) been known that some animals behave differentlv
restless before the reports were before an earthquake. People (1) _ seen fish lump ort of *uiá,
made or at the same time? onto dry land and mice appear dazed before quakes.
ln December 1974, Chinese scientists began (2)_ receive reports
This city has been mentioned
of snakes coming out of hibernation and freezingto death before a
before. Which article is used to
series of minor tremors. The following month, reports were received
show this?
from the crty of Haicheng of cattle and horses which (3) _ become
restless and were much (4) frightened to enter the buildings
which sheltered them at n¡ght. As a result, city leaders evacuated
(5) _ e-rire city. Soon afrer, a maJor earLhqua(e srr-ck and counLless
lives were saved.
(6) then, China has suffered a number of major quakes which
they were not as prepared (7)_ . Nevertheless, the Chinese
have demonstrated that earthquakes do not always strike without
warning. (B)_ is a fact that some animals are very sensitive to
magnetic fields and therefore may be able to detect the seismic
activity which comes before an earthquake.

Task a*alysis Which questions in the task test:

1 articles?
2 auxiliaryverbs?
3 'verb + verb' patterns?

tu{*dr;3e 3
The world around us

K*mmgaaage dev*3*paxeexefr ffi

:cg ir:;:':.:*s a=* i:rft*!riv*.'; Choose the correct answers.

1 He stopped at the shop lo buy / buytng a ptnt
of milk.
1a Read the information. Then find examples of
2 tred ta get / getttng eggs but they drdn't have any.
some of the structures in the article on page 45.
3 Lucy stopped to dnnk / dnnktng coffee ages ago.
4 Please remember to past / postrng the letter

Art;;;ñ"'b we can use: 5 I remember ta call / callrng Mike yesterday.

[Á . an -tng form. / like walking. I heard a man shouting 6 Try to add / addtng some saLt. lt might taste better.
1 . a to infinltrve I wanted to see her.
] 3a Look at the photo in Exercise 3b. Have you heard
L . ¿n inli^irive 1w Lho-t to\' Let me help! of this natural phenomenon?
' Thot makes me feel better.
Read about a couple's trip to see the Northern
Dtd anyone see John leave?
Lights. Then complete the blog entry with ¿o,
B The -ing form is used after prepositions.
on,from,for, of or in and the correct form of the
l'm thrnktng of getting a new 1ob
verbs in brackets.
Nadta ts keen on learning new thtngs.
C The -ing form can also be used in some fixed
The famtly spent a lot of time arguing.
It's always worth asking for a drscount.
D The infinitive can be used after:
' soTne ad jectives: She's eager to learn.
. sor¡e nouns. lt was my decision to leave.

Discuss the questions.

1 What caLrses a solar ecLipse?
2 Have you ever seen a solar ecl pse?
Complete the notes about a solar eclipse. Use the
correct form of the verbs in brackets. Northern Lights in the skies above Scotland
The possibiiity {1} (see) the Northern Lights was
I'lany crealures want'eá (1) (se*le áown) Laura's main reason for visitinE the Shetland lslands.
lo eleep. - She had been looking forward t21 _ (go) there for

OLher animals,like owls,had problems {2) ages, lwas more interested {3i _ (get}some rest
and fresh air,
(eleeV) aná woke up.
\ saw abaL suádenly (3) (fly) oul of alree. When we arri'¡ed, Laura had a headache, so I insisted
{4} (put up) the tent myself, She apologised
I cculdn'thep $) _(nolice) a ccldbreeze.
gctentisl,s were tnleresf ed in {5} (eolve) Lhe {5}__ (not help) and decided {6}_ (go) for a

mysleriee oflhe eun.

walk. i didn't object {7}_ (her/go) a.s l'm not very

SpecLaLora Eaw the sky 7rad,ually (6) (.So)

keen {E} __ (walk) and I thought it might help her
headache. .A.nd anyway, I can rarely prevent
dark. l regretLed {7) (not record) lr.
{9)__ (herido)what she wanis to do!
The exeerience wa; awesorYte * iL rnade us all (8)
i Soon, it got very dark. i decided to look for Laura.
(teel') very smalll - lwas afrard (10)_ (gei) lost but I needn't have
I found iLhará (g) _ S.all) tor a few minuf'es, worried * suddenly, there were curtains of red,
Alcl of people made Lhe decieion i1 O) (no r green and white light everywhere. lt was the
drlv e) durin 4 Lh e ecliV s e. - Northern Lights!

2a The verbs stop, try, remember can be followed

by an -ing form or a ¡o-infinitive. Look at the 4a Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
sentence pairs below. What is the difference in I When l'm on holiday I enjoy..
meaning? 2 My greatest ambition n llfe is ..
I a He remembered to wear protectlve glasses. 3 The country L'd most like to vlstt..
b te remembered wearing protective glasses. Compare and discuss your answers.
2 a She tried uslng a camcorder to record the event.
b She tried to use a camcorder to record the
3a He stopped to look at the bright lrghts.
46 b lle stopped looking at the brLght lights.

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