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Memento Mori March/April 2021

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Changes at the FTC
A Transgender Funeral
A Personal Grief Journey
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22 26
No Clergy? No Problem!
‘Kidding’ Around
Consider a Celebrant for Your
Secular Families’ Needs
by Glenda Stansbury
of the Historic
by Susan Cushing

When Transgender People Die
The Struggle to Receive the Honor
It Is Not Length of Life,
They Deserve But Depth of Life
by Marc Markell A Personal Journey of Grief
and the Building of a Legacy
by Nadira Baddeliyanage

Don’t Let the ‘Automated’
SEO Genie Out of the Bottle
The Good, the Bad, and the
Questionable Tactics
in Deathcare
by Welton Hong

Pandemics That
Prose for the Quietus of Life
Changed History Crossing Over
Man’s Nomadic Instinct by Author Unknown
Causes Death and

2 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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ICCFA Officers
WASHINGTON REPORT���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
PRESIDENT Who at the FTC Will Rule on the Funeral Rule?
Jay D. Dodds, CFSP by Poul Lemasters, Esq.
Gary M. Freytag, CCFE THE MAKING OF A PROFESSION������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8
Being of Service: A Commitment to the Profession
VICE PRESIDENT by Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE
Shawna de la Cruz
VICE PRESIDENT CELEBRATING WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH���������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Lee Longino Mount Auburn’s Women Warriors
by Rosemarie Smurzynski
Mitch Rose, CCFE, CCrE AFTER THE FUNERAL �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
TREASURER The Men Who Put America on Wheels
Chris Keller by Alice Adams & Jim Kurtz
DID YOU KNOW? ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
Robbie L. Pape
Celebrities Who Died on St. Patrick’s Day
Nadira Baddeliyanage TRIBUTES & MEMORIALIZATION �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52
An Anatomical Offering: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
by Steve Walker
Poul Lemasters, Esq.
[email protected]
WE, THE STUDENTS OF MIAMI DADE COLLEGE ������������������������������������������������������������������ 54
Celebrating the Next Generation of
Magazine Staff Deathcare Professionals Coping with a Pandemic
Tatia L. Gordon-Troy, Esq.
[email protected] | 571.323.2983, ext. 1222 ANOTHER BLACK DRESS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 56
Think Practical: Get Cooking
by Stephanie Longmuir
Rick Platter
[email protected] | 800.645.7700, ext. 1213
CEMETERY IMPOSSIBLE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 58
COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Cemeteries Embracing `Direct to Consumer’ Cremation Businesses
Katherine Devins by Daniel M. Isard
[email protected] | 800.645.7700, ext. 1218
INDUSTRY UPDATE �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 62
Jason Brown
MEMBER NEWS���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 64
[email protected] | 800.645.7700, ext. 1224
Former Association President Duncan Monro Succumbs to COVID-19
Nadira Baddeliyanage ICCFA NEWS ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80
[email protected] | 800.645.7700, ext. 1225 Behind the Scenes of DEAD Talks 2021, by Anne Marie St. George
DESIGN & PRODUCTION Membership Benefit Spotlight: Johnson Consulting Group’s Performance Tracker
BonoTom Studio, Inc. Welcome New ICCFA Members
[email protected] | bonotom.com | 703-276-0612
Memento Mori (ISSN 1936-2099) is published by
2021 ICCFA CONVENTION & EXPO PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS�������������������������������������������� 84
the International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral
Association®, 107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100, Sterling, AD INDEX ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
VA 20164-4468; 703.391.8400; FAX 703.391.8416; www.
iccfa.com. Published 10 times per year, with combined EVENTS CALENDAR������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100
issues in March-April and August-September. Periodicals
postage paid at Baltimore, MD, and other offices.
Copyright 2021 by the International Cemetery, Cremation
and Funeral Association. Subscription rates: In the United
States, $39.95; in Canada, $45.95; overseas: $75.95. One
subscription is included in annual membership dues.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Memento Mori,
107 Carpenter Drive, Suite 100, Sterling, VA 20164-4468.
I submit to you that if a man
hasn’t discovered something
he will die for, he isn’t fit to
Individual written contributions, commentary and
advertisements appearing in Memento Mori do not necessarily
reflect either the opinion or the endorsement of the live. — Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association.

4 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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Who at the FTC Will

Rule on the Funeral Rule?
Change of Leadership Leads to Quick Changes at FTC
by Poul Lemasters, Esq.

OU HAVE TO LOVE AN ARTICLE that includes, “at the time of writing this The other major change announced Jan-
article.” If you read that at any time, you have to expect some changes. In the last uary 21, 2021, was the naming of Rebecca
issue, those words were in the article that explained why the question, “When Slaughter to serve as acting FTC chair.
will the FTC make a determination on the Funeral Rule?” was really a question of “Who There are many who believe her current
will be at the FTC to make a determination on the Funeral Rule?” We then described the position will become permanent, making
makeup of the FTC; how commissioners could be appointed; and listed the current slate of her the chairperson of the FTC, and also
commissioners because it is the commissioners who will decide the fate of the Funeral Rule. placing a Democratic appointment at the
head of the FTC.
The FTC, as of December, consisted of Another change in the commission was It is worth noting that, like Chopra,
3 Republicans and 2 Democrats. This past the appointment of Rohit Chopra to serve Slaughter also made a written statement
commission was all appointed by President as director of the Consumer Financial Pro- as to her belief of the current state of the
Trump. Under a new White House admin- tection Bureau (CFPB). This is not a com- Funeral Rule. In her statement, she wrote,
istration, under democratic control, what pletely new position for Chopra, as he once “My fervent hope is that the Commission,
changes have already been made? served as assistant director in 2011. You with the help of commenters, will endeavor
Within weeks of taking office, changes to may recall that Chopra wrote a statement to update the Rule so that it continues to
the FTC have been made and are notice- regarding the request for comments on the fulfill its purpose of protecting uniquely
able. In January, Joseph Simons announced Funeral Rule, just prior to comment period. vulnerable consumers in their time of
that he would be resigning from the His comments were very strong and in greatest need. I particularly look forward
commission, effective January 29. Simons, favor of reopening the Funeral Rule and to comments that highlight any gaps in
one of the Republican commissioners, was include his statement in regard to viola- existing protections and how we might best
appointed in 2018, and served as chairman. tors of the Funeral Rule as “The FTC also close them.”
His resignation was among many other res- withholds the names of these lawbreak-
ignations of senior staff at the FTC. (A total ing funeral homes from the public when What’s Next?
of 8 others, mostly individuals appointed announcing the results of funeral home The Biden administration will now replace
by Simons, also announced their departure. inspections, a privilege that no other indus- two commissioners, both of which will
The positions included general counsel of try under FTC jurisdiction enjoys.” Chopra be Democratic (remember the FTC can
FTC as well as many directors. These posi- will most likely continue to serve on the have no more than three of any one party)
tions will be re-appointed under the new FTC until confirmed by the Senate for his switching the majority from a 3–2 Repub-
acting chair.) new role with CFPB. lican commission to a 3–2 Democrat
commission. So, what are the new FTC’s
FTC Commissioners, December 2020
Joseph J. Simons (Chairman) Republican 05/01/2018–09/25/2024 It’s up in the air; however, there are
Christine S. Wilson Republican 09/25/2018–09/25/2025 speculations on topics that may rise to the
Noah Joshua Phillips Republican 05/02/2018–09/25/2023 top. Many are speculating that big tech,
Rebecca Kelly Slaughter Democrat 05/02/2018–09/25/2022
social media, and artificial intelligence used
in consumer data and targeted advertising
Rohit Chopra Democrat 05/02/2018–09/25/2019
are high on the list. The FTC has made no
Changes made under the Biden Administration mistake that it wants to be more vigilant
Rebecca Kelly Slaughter (Acting Chair) Democrat 05/02/2018–09/25/2022 in cases that involve consumer data and
Christine S. Wilson Republican 09/25/2018–09/25/2025 privacy issues.
In fact, during the past year, FTC
Noah Joshua Phillips Republican 05/02/2018–09/25/2023
launched huge antitrust cases against
Joseph J. Simons Republican Stepping Down, Jan 29, 2021 companies like Facebook, and reports were
Rohit Chopra Democrat Proposed to move to CFPB made that the FTC would have to tighten its

6 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

We Provide Exceptional Products and Services
for Exceptional Cemetery Professionals

belt to cut costs due to high litigation costs

in these cases. This also supports stories
Architecture & Design
that the FTC wants to seek monetary
damages for these privacy and data security
• Structures
violations—even for first-time violators. • Burial Gardens
It is also worth noting that President • Master Planning
Joseph Biden has been vocal that he wants
to see the FTC take a stronger push in tack-
ling false “Made in USA” claims.
In regard to the Funeral Rule, what is
next? For the time being, activity will most
likely slow down as the commission will construction
need to fill the two vacant spots (again,
this will not be an option until Senate • Installation
confirmation). • General Contracting
This process will most likely take several
months and then the new FTC will have
• Support
to prioritize its agenda. Until the appoint-
ments are confirmed and the spots are
filled, there is still Republican control. How-
ever, with so many changes in flux, there
likely will be little work or decisions made.
With a push on tech and privacy, as well
PrecAst ProDucts
as Biden’s request to tackle “Made in USA” • Vaults
claims, it is possible the Funeral Rule will
not be high on the list. In that case, we may
• Crypts
have a repeat of previous reviews where it is • Niches
years before any resolution.
If Slaughter is tapped as chair, there is
more likelihood that the Funeral Rule could
see some changes; but at this point, we will
await the changes in D.C. However, we will
not wait for the changes. As always, ICCFA
will stay active and involved, and we invite
you to do the same!
• Sales & Marketing
• Operations
Poul Lemasters, Esq., poul@iccfa.
com, serves as ICCFA general • Administration
counsel and cremation programs

Spark! Spark!
coordinator. He also serves on the
Government and Legal Affairs
Committee. Poul is an attorney
and a funeral director/embalmer Four Generations of Caring for
with degrees from the Cincinnati College of
Mortuary Science and the Northern Kentucky Generations to Come
University Chase College of Law. He is a licensed
funeral director/embalmer in Ohio and West
Virginia and is admitted to practice law in Ohio,
Kentucky, and Virginia. As principal of Lemasters
Consulting, a deathcare consulting company, www.TributeInc.com
Poul Lemasters offers ICCFA members in good 262.367.9991
standing a free one-hour consultation relating to
cremation; in addition, members are entitled to a www.TributeInc.com
free GPL review to check for Funeral Rule
compliance Four Generations of [email protected]
for Generations to Come

ICCFA Ad 2021 BW.indd 1 | APRIL 2021 MEMENTO MORI9:19:507AM

Being of Service:
A Commitment to the Profession
Part three of a five-part series on what makes a funeral professional, professional
by Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE

HE FOLLOWING EVALUATIVE CRITERIA are the micro-categories that make profession), most importantly the presence
up the substance of a profession in addition to the main ingredient: love for the of a philosophy of education that centers its
mission of what you are doing. See if any of the following points resonate with you ethical standard on the ancient idea of “edu-
in your life and career in our beloved profession. Determine how many of these points cation simply for the sake of education.”
apply to you and funeral service. Put a check by the ones that apply to your own experience. Funeral service might not be at an
academic level of requiring a master’s or
a doctorate degree, but the expectation
The time of the member is not his still applicable to this very day, that there of equating exclusive higher-level aca-
or her own. is wisdom in having a veteran in the skill demic degrees as the primary benchmark
How could anyone make a convincing teaching the novice, the intern, the student, in creating a profession possesses serious
argument that the average, normal, typical the funeral apprentice the lessons learned drawbacks.*
funeral professional’s time is his or her from years of actually performing the skill— For example, I was on a seminar pro-
own? It almost borders on the ridiculous to whatever that skill might be. gram with another speaker some years
try! It seems that if just this criterion were Given this approach to establishing back. When I was introduced to “Dr. Smith,”
the sole qualifier of funeral service being the professionalism of our beloved pro- he looked down at me with his reading
a profession, certainly the ancient debate fession, the case can eloquently be made glasses perched on the tip of his nose. He
would be over. that funeral service along with numerous looked around for other people to talk to. In
his speech, he claimed perfection, scolded
the audience, and made a grand pitch for
the sale of his books and tapes. After his
Certainly one doesn’t have to search very far or wide to speech was over, I tried to congratulate
see the consequences that are created by rogue members him on his efforts, just to be cordial. I was
rebuffed, and “Dr. Smith” left the room. His
of our profession who are not professional in the least by business card read: Dr. Joseph Smith, PhD,
their actions in violating this basic set of well-enunciated M.A., M.S., B.A., B.S., CHFU, D.PSYCH.
D.H.L. Impressive, wouldn’t you think?
values; and usually there are consequences.
Members possess skills and
knowledge that are unique and
Members honor the apprentice/ other professions, such as medicine, clergy, special.
mentor learning system. education, pharmacy, law, and even weld- It seems safe to claim that the “average”
If you and I were alive in the Middle Ages ing, have a well-established system of the American or even the “average” world cit-
and our parents were peasants, we would mentor/apprenticeship path to professional izen does not know where the Right Com-
also be peasants, unless some tradesman credibility. mon Carotid is located, let alone be able
such as a blacksmith, cobbler, or miller, to incise and elevate that particular vessel
hired us and taught us the skills neces- There is an identifiable process of
sary to do the job and do it well. Does this education. *A few years ago, DOL decided that funeral
ancient system of learning a profession not This one is easy. The process of education directors can be categorized as “professionals,”
sound familiar to you and me in funeral does not spell out the length of the edu- therefore exempting them from receiving overtime
service? cational procession or identify the precise if the state law where they are practicing requires
The mentor/apprentice system has never academic degrees that must be obtained. four years of post-high school education. This
said anything about classroom learning, This professional criteria only states that can include one or two-years of mortuary science
online learning, or receiving an academic there needs to be an identifiable process of school but must amount to a total of four years
degree. What it does teach is the lesson, education (which is clearly present in our altogether.

8 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

in preparation for arterial embalming. I ordinary chit-chat. Most funeral director nothing is as interesting or binds kindred
believe it is safe territory for us to lay claim conversations with other funeral directors spirits more closely than telling and listen-
that funeral professionals possess skills and are centered around the fascinating world ing to stories. Not divulging confidences,
knowledge that are unique and special. of the case study. but telling stories, funeral stories, and
However, this unique and special knowl- Funeral directors love to tell stories, and sharing case study stories.
edge in funeral services goes much further
than impressive anatomical knowledge
and preservative techniques. The depth of
unique and special knowledge that the typ-
ical funeral professional possesses is almost
limitless in its scope simply because funeral
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death don’t they?” They certainly know a In-Ground Niche In-Ground Niche
tremendous amount of extremely valuable
information; however, in my work with Hos-
pice since 1979, I have never heard once that
they routinely confront grief situations cre-
ated by homicides, auto accidents, suicides,
stillbirths, decomposed decedents, or myriad
modes of death that are expected as part of
the daily work of the funeral professional.
To be sure, the words “unique” and “spe-
cial” apply to many professions, but these
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two adjectives have particular and powerful www.columbariumbydesign.com
relevance in describing the professional
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These special communications are not



I discovered when I was a young identity with other funeral professionals Members possess a life-long
funeral professional that the stories I continues to be enhanced to this day dedication and involvement in a
listened to from veteran funeral pro- by the opportunity to tell and listen to worthy mission.
fessionals were a thousand times more funeral stories with some of the very Funeral professionals are involved in service
instructive than anything I learned in funeral professionals with whom I went to humanity; this is the core foundation of
mortuary college. My sense of mutual to mortuary college. our profession. All service professions have
one supreme and inviolate mission; and that
mission is to help other people. This is the
mission of all professions from the time the
first human being became of service to help
another human being.
Even before there were medical colleges,
or medical licenses, the medical profession’s
mission was summed up in the ancient Hip-
pocratic Oath, which clearly states: “First,
do no harm.”
Funeral service qualifies with high marks
as a profession simply because of our dedi-
cation and devotion to our mission, which
is to help alleviate the misery and suffering
of humanity when death enters life. This
type of service mission is not totally contin-
gent on advanced academic degrees, or in
the approval or disapproval of others—we
can’t be all things to all people.
The proof of a successful service mission
is the simple response of other human
beings to the services being furnished; and
funeral professionals receive high marks
in providing answers to people’s myriad
questions when death enters their lives. The
mission of problem-solving is contingent
on the character of the individual funeral
professional and that person’s interest in
and attention to other human beings; it is as
simple as that.
However, some people in funeral service
just don’t get this vision of mission. They
don’t love funeral service, but they have
the credentials. A lack of love of mission
in funeral service, or medicine, or law, or
pharmacy, or education might well be one
of the cardinal reasons that state boards
were created.
Let us keep in mind that professionals
are attracted to mission-centered work.
Based on this definition, a worker in a
fast-food establishment who has genuine
(267) 535 - 1490 or (267) 348 - 5059 love of fast food and a mission in life to be
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professional as the most brilliant surgeon in
the medical profession.

10 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

There exists a recognizable, well- Certainly one doesn’t have to search very service education across this country.
enunciated set of values by which far or wide to see the consequences that are This is a noble heritage in our profes-
they conduct their relationships created by rogue members of our profes- sion that should never be forgotten. The
with the broader community or sion who are not professional in the least advent or pioneer mortuary educators, and
society; and when these values are by their actions in violating this basic set of mortuary education colleges, propelled our
violated, there are consequences. well-enunciated values; and usually there knowledge base to a level never seen before
One of the hallmarks of the beauty of our are consequences. in history.
profession is the set of values that every Stay tuned for part four of this series.
funeral director holds near and dear. Terms Authority and influence with Todd W. Van Beck, CFuE, is
like “non-sectarian” or “service to all” sig- the membership comes through one of the most sought-after
nify a set of well-enunciated values that our internal discipline. speakers and educators in
profession has for decades held as being an In many states, years before there existed funeral service. He serves as
ethical standard by which all other activities the state medical board, or the state nursing director of continuing
are judged. board, or even the state bar association education for John A. Gupton
Reverence for the Dead, Caretaker of the board, the State Board of Funeral Directors College in Nashville, and as
Dead, Caregiver to the Living—all are living and Embalmers already had been well-es- dean of ICCFA University’s College of Funeral
examples of a set of worthy values that most tablished and was thriving through a system Home Management. In 2014, Todd received the
first-ever Lasting Impact Award from the ICCFA
funeral professionals see as the bedrock phi- of internal discipline.
Educational Foundation. Todd has written
losophy of our beloved profession. Few if any Early on in the rich history of our profes-
numerous books, among them, Exploring the
professions are held to such a high standard, sion, it was quickly recognized that funeral Heart of Funeral Service; Reverence for the Dead:
and few if any professions have maintained service called out for internal discipline, The Unavoidable Link; and The Genius of Frank E.
this high standard with such a consistent and such professional vision gave rise to Campbell, all of which are on Amazon.
excellence in attitude and practice. the advent of mortuary colleges and funeral

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Mount Auburn’s Women Warriors

by Rosemarie Smurzynski

HE ROAD TO WOMAN SUFFRAGE WAS LONG , but as feminist historian To celebrate her life, Harriot commis-
Susan Ware stresses, it was also wide. In education, in marriage, in professional sioned sculptor Edmonia Lewis to create a
life, in politics, and in racial justice, that road encompassed women’s rights beyond life-sized statue in marble of the Goddess
the vote. Some activists expanded their work to include rights of women and men of color. of Health, Hygeia, for her lot at Mount
Many women from Boston who labored for these rights in the 19th and early 20th centuries Auburn. Lewis delivered the statue in 1872;
are buried at Mount Auburn Cemetery. Their monuments dot the landscape, and their Harriot died three years later. On Harriot’s
stories report the struggles, losses, and eventual successes of their activism. monument nearby is written:
Harriot Kezia Hunt daughter of Joab
Two who spent their lives in the over- Harriot Kezia Hunt
and Kezia Hunt Nov, 9, 1805 Jan 2, 1875
lapping struggle for woman’s rights and Harriot Kezia Hunt was born into a nurtur-
Aged 69 years For forty years a Physi-
racial justice were Harriot Kezia Hunt ing and supportive family of modest means
cian in Boston She has done what she
(1805–1875), Lot 2630 Poplar Avenue, and in Boston’s North End. She began practicing
Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin (1842–1924), medicine at an early age, in 1835, making
Lot 4960 Indian Ridge Path. Between them, her a first for women in medicine in Amer- Harriot published her autobiography,
their lives spanned a century of activism, ica. Her approach, according to recent med- Glances and Glimpses, in 1856. More than
each an agitator until the day she died. ical articles, was “exceedingly contempo- a 160 years later, historian Myra C. Glenn
Both were native to New England. Both rary,” stressing good nutrition, exercise, and wrote a much-deserved biography of Har-
were intelligent, inspirational, dynamic hygiene. She listened to women’s stories of riot: Dr. Harriot Kezia Hunt: 19th Century
pioneers in the battle for equality. Both their “heart histories” and then prescribed Physician and Woman’s Rights Advocate.
were chroniclers of the battle, sharing treatment based on that knowledge.
their public roles and private lives in their She twice petitioned to attend lectures at Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin
much-read works. Both were allied with Harvard Medical School and was rejected Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin was born into an
other women who were also engaged because of her sex, but she was rewarded affluent mixed-race family. Her mother was
in the movement, many of whom are with an honorary degree of Doctor of Medi- English and white; her father came from
buried at Mount Auburn, such as Julia cine from the Female Medical College in Martinique, a prosperous clothes dealer and
Ward Howe (1819–1910), Lot 4987 Philadelphia. She was an important figure a founder of a Boston Zion Church.
Spruce Avenue, and Ednah Dow Cheney in Boston on three fronts: as a woman in Josephine knew segregation early: as a
(1814–1904), remembered in a cenotaph medicine; as a powerhouse in the aboli- young child, she was unable to enroll in a
on Lot 953 Fir Avenue. Both were revered tion and suffrage movements; and as an Boston Public School because of her race.
and honored, celebrated in their day and organizer of the first New England Woman’s She married George Lewis Ruffin, also
remembered in ours. Rights Convention in 1850 in Worcester. from an affluent black Boston family. The

Harriot Kezia Hunt Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin Julia Ward Howe Ednah Dow Cheney

12 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

They lived authentically and inspiringly, lifting up a vision that
would make this world a better and fairer place. It is fitting for us to
honor them with our words and to follow with our deeds.

Ruffins were prominent among the ranks of New England Women’s Club, founded Authentic and Inspirational
Boston abolitionists, taking an early role in in 1868 (she joined in 1890). Shortly Mount Auburn Cemetery is “a place of
recruiting for the Massachusetts 54th and thereafter, she started The Woman’s Era, comfort and inspiration for the living and
55th Colored Volunteer Regiments during the first newspaper for African American a natural setting to commemorate the
the Civil War. women to be published by an African dead.” These remarkable women, buried
The road to Black women’s rights and American. Then she founded the Wom- here, transformed the lives of others in the
equality, like the woman suffrage movement an’s Era Club to support Black women in process of transforming their own. They
itself, was long and wide, encompassing society. lived authentically and inspiringly, lifting up
the Black woman’s right to vote and raising With the help of her daughter, Florida a vision that would make this world a better
awareness of her competence. Josephine Ruffin Ridley, the indefatigable Josephine and fairer place. It is fitting for us to honor
Ruffin’s name was widely connected to convened the National Federation of them with our words and to follow with our
19th-century efforts to bring this about. Afro-Am Club Women; and in 1910, she deeds.
She was many times a “first.” She was became a charter member of the Boston Reprinted with permission. Courtesy of Mount
the first Black woman to be invited to the Chapter of the NAACP. Auburn Cemetery.

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The Men Who Put America on Wheels

by Alice Adams & Jim Kurtz

were, in many cases, talented bicycle builders, garage mechanics, and inventors.
Yet, when it came to improving the durability, the range, comfort, and efficiency
of automobiles, a legion of futurists, industrialists, chemists, and engineers—some
Harvard-trained—stepped forward. Their ideas were considered “genius” for their time.
Their inventions laid the foundation for continuing traditions of improvement; and their
philanthropies in their communities, our nation, and in many countries around the world
continue contributing to the health and quality of life enjoyed by millions.

Some of these names have been lost

to the ages, but these men have left their
imprint on the excellence in American
transportation and are, even today, provid-
ing another generation of young engineers
with the basis for innovation and bright

The first tires for carriages were finished on

January 3, 1903. Firestone helped develop
the merger of Hudson and Nash-Kelvinator. new ways to keep rubber tires tight on
AMC introduced the Hornet, Gremlin, rims. Later, the company found ways to
and the Javelin. Chapin also was responsible make synthetic rubber when high costs
for acquiring Jeep in 1970, from industri- and war-related shortages threatened the
alist Henry J. Kaiser, before SUVs became company and the nation.
popular. From its introduction in 1983 until Firestone began investing elsewhere
1987, AMC sold more than 300,000 of the as early as 1919, when a rubber-shipping
sport utility vehicles, with Jeep Cherokee
accounting for 25 percent of the sales.
Chapin retired in 1977 and was on the
AMC board of directors until 1987. Chrys-
ler took over American Motors in 1987.
• Funeral Services: Saturday, August 11, at
ROY D. CHAPIN, JR. St. Paul’s Church in Healdsburg, CA. A
• Born: September 21, 1912, Grosse Pointe memorial service was held later at Christ
Farms, Grosse Pointe, MI Church Grosse Pointe. 
• Died: August 5, 2001, at his summer • Final Disposition: Chapin was cremated
home in Nantucket, MA, from heart and inurned at the Woodlawn Cemetery
failure at 87. family plot in Detroit.
• Best Known As: The son of Roy Dikeman
Chapin, Sr., CEO of the Hudson Motor HARVEY FIRESTONE
Company.  • Born: December 20, 1868, in Columbi-
Entering the automotive industry as ana, OH
an experimental engineer with Hudson in •Died: February 6, 1938, in Miami, FL
1938, Roy Jr., became chairman of the board •Best Known As: Founder of the Firestone
and CEO of the American Motor Corpo- Tire and Rubber Company in 1900.
ration (AMC). A new company, known as Harvey Firestone was one the first global
AMC, was established in 1954, following makers of tires for the large automakers.

14 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

plant was established in Singapore. Later, the route, flags flew at half-staff and
the company had plants, laboratories, townspeople stood to get a glimpse of his
test centers, and rubber plantations in 30 casket. All stores and the schools closed
countries. out of respect, and pictures of Firestone
• Final Disposition: Interment at Columbi- were pasted on every doorway.
ana Cemetery, Akron, OH. Episcopalian • Funeral Service: At Columbiana, “Neigh-
commitment rituals at the gravesite were bor Firestone,” as he was known, was
led by Rev. Walter Tunks. The graves of placed in the farmhouse where he grew
Firestone’s parents were heaped with up before being interred in the cemetery,
flowers. joining past generations of his family. The
• Arrangements: The funeral directors evening of February 12, a memorial ser- LAWRENCE P. FISHER
were W. L. Philbrick Funeral Home vice was broadcast by local radio stations • Born: October 19, 1888, in Norwalk, OH 
in Miami and The Billow Company in from Firestone Park Methodist Church, • Died: September 9, 1961, in Detroit, MI
Akron. Firestone’s remains were taken to with Rev. Russell J. Humbert presiding. • Best Known As: General Manager of
his residence in Akron, where hundreds The service included Firestone’s favorite Cadillac Division of General Motors
of mourners paid their respects. Then, hymns and scriptures. Corporation in Detroit.
accompanied by a procession of automo- • Casket: A Springfield (Ohio) Casket In 1908, Lawrence Fisher and his six
biles with a large motorcycle escort, his Company #100 solid phosphorus bronze brothers founded Fisher Body, an automo-
hearse traveled to Columbiana. Along sarcophagus. bile coachbuilder. The company was sold

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• Funeral Services: A simple trailer manufacturer in the

ceremony was officiated world, commanding a 40
by Rev. Father Raymond J. percent share of the market.
Feuerstein, S.J., from the He became chairman of the
University of Detroit High board, succeeding his father.
School, who conducted Harvey was a founding
the requiem high mass at investor of Burger King and
11 am in Saints Peter and was a life-long director on
Paul’s Jesuit Church. A the board of Georgia Pacific
modest man in life, he— Paper Company.
like all the Fisher broth- • Final Disposition:
ers—shunned the limelight, so Lawrence Interred at Evergreen Cemetery in
Fisher had a modest funeral. The CEOs Detroit; later disinterred and entombed
of all the top automobile manufacturers at Woodlawn Cemetery mausoleum in
served as honorary pallbearers. Detroit.
• Arrangements: Vasu-Lynch Funeral • Arrangements: Chas. Verheyden, Inc. in
Home in Detroit, MI. Detroit.

• Born: December 15, 1893, in Roseville,
to General Motors in 1919. Their slogan, • Died: October 14, 1968, Detroit, MI
“Bodies by Fisher,” was stamped on the • Best Known As: The son of August
rocker panel below the door of each vehicle. Fruehauf, founder of Fruehauf Trailer
• Final Disposition: Entombed at Holy Company.
Sepulchre Cemetery mausoleum in Harvey Fruehauf transformed his
Southfield, MI, in a private family room. father’s blacksmith shop into the largest


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16 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

their company became the major carbure-
CHARLES GEORGE M. tor supplier to Ford, Pierce-Arrow, Winton,
GOODYEAR HOLLEY Oldsmobile, and Buick.
• Born: December 29, • Born: April 11, • Final Disposition: Buried at Wood-
1800, in New Haven, CT 1878, Bradford, lawn Cemetery in Detroit (Next to his
• Died: July 1, 1860, New PA  brother).
York City, NY • Died: June 27, • Arrangements: The Wm. R. Hamilton
• Best Known As: The inventor of the vul- 1963, Wayne Co. in Detroit.
canization process that made rubber the County, MI
practical waterproof material we know • Best Known ERNEST
today.  As: Co-founder of the Holley Motor KANZLER
Charles Goodyear had nothing to do Company with his brother, Earl Holley. • Born: March 29,
with the Goodyear Rubber and Tire Com- George Holley and his brother sold 600 1892, in Detroit, MI
pany, which organized 40 years after his Holley Motorette automobiles between • Died: December
death. He died $200,000 in debt. 1902 and 1906. It was their design of the 10, 1967, Detroit,
• Final Disposition: Interred at Grove Holley carburetor that revolutionized MI
Street Cemetery in New Haven, CT. gasoline engine development. Eventually, • Best Known As:
• Arrangements: Stephen Merritt Burial Production man-
and Cremation Company in New York ager for the Ford
City. Motor Company,
1920–26; later
establishing the first production control
department in the company.
Ernest Kanzler was fired by Henry Ford
when he told Ford the Model -T needed
to be replaced with something more up to
date. He went on to organize the Guardian



Detroit Bank with Edsel Ford in 1928. It

was the nucleus of Guardian Detroit Union
Group, a holding company encompassing
25 Michigan banks. • Best Known As: Businessman and ALFRED P. SLOAN, JR.
• Final Disposition: Buried at Woodlawn founder of the Mack Motor Car Com- • Born: May 23, 1875, in New Haven, CT
Cemetery in Detroit (next to his wife who pany, aka International Motor Company • Died: February 17, 1966, of a heart attack
was found drowned in their Florida home and Mack Trucks, now North America’s at 90, at Memorial Hospital for Cancer &
pool; her death was ruled accidental in largest producer of heavy-duty trucks. Allied Diseases (later renamed Memorial
1954). • Final Disposition: Interred in the Mack Sloan-Kettering) in Manhattan.
• Arrangements: The Wm. R. Hamilton family plot at Fairview Cemetery in • Best Known As: “Mr. General Motors.”
Co. in Detroit. Allentown, PA, during a private family The long-time president, chairman,
service. and CEO of General Motors Corporation,
JOHN M MACK • Funeral Services: Held Monday, March Alfred Sloan grew GM from the 1920s
• Born: October 27, 1863, in Pennsylvania 17, at his home in Allentown. Rev. J.P. through the 1950s. During his lifetime, he
• Died: March 14, 1924, Allentown, PA, Bachman, a long-time friend, officiated was known as the father of the modern cor-
after an auto-Lehigh Valley Transit Com- the service. poration. Well known as a philanthropist,
pany trolley accident; Mack was killed • Arrangements: V.F. Wonderly & Son he established the Alfred P. Sloan Founda-
instantly. Funeral Home, Allentown, PA. tion in 1934 to make grants, primarily in the

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18 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

fields of education and scientific research, that changed spark plug design. By 1914,
including contributions to cancer research. Champion Spark Plug, the company Robert
In 1954, Sloan and an associate at GM, Stranahan started with his brother, was one
Dr. Charles F. Kettering, founded the of the largest auto-parts manufacturers in
Sloan-Kettering Institute, which was, at the world. In due course, they shaped the
the time of Sloan’s death, the largest cancer company into a $100 million automotive
research organization in the world. and parts company.
• Final Resting Place: Interment at Memo- • Final Disposition: Entombed at Wood-
rial Cemetery in Cold Spring Harbor, lawn Cemetery in Toledo, OH, in the
Long Island, NY. family mausoleum.
• Arrangements: The funeral director was • Funeral Service: Held at 2 pm, Monday,
Frank E. Campbell, The Funeral Chapel in February 12, 1962, at the family home.
Manhattan. Services were held, February • Arrangements: A.R. Bennett Co. in
19, 1966, at Christ Methodist Church in Toledo, OH.
Boston. • Casket: A National Cast Bronze Sarcoph-
• Casket: A National Cast Bronze Sarcaph- ROBERT ALLEN “R.A.” agi, Design H.
agi, Design H. STRANAHAN, SR.
• Born: July 7, 1886, in Buffalo, NY 
• Died: February 9, 1962, in Toledo, OH
• Best Known As: Chairman of Toledo’s
Champion Spark Plug Company.
A graduate of Harvard (finishing his
degree in 2½ years), Robert Stranahan
began his career making automotive spark
plugs and giving them to his friends. Later
he invented the copper-asbestos washer



• Born: June 20, 1860, in the United
• Died: June 21, 1932, Cleveland, OH
• Best Known As: One of the most famous
men in the automobile industry and one
of the first automobile manufacturers
who built and sold his first car in 1895.
Beginning as a bicycle, automobile, and
diesel engine designer and inventor, Alexan-
der Winton was an early automobile racer.
He went on to found the Winton Motor
Carriage Company, famous for the large, The Winton Engine Corporation became
white Winton 6. Over his career, he worked a subsidiary of General Motors in 1930. In
to improve the appearance of the so-called his lifetime, Winton registered more than
“gasoline buggies” and he perfected through 100 patents. After a two-week illness, he
his inventions a longer-term storage battery. died in his home in Cleveland. He was sur-
vived by his fourth wife, seven children, and
12 grandchildren. He was 73.
• Final Disposition: Interred at Lake View
Cemetery, Cleveland, OH.

Researched by Alice Adams and Jim Kurtz,

with historic burial information and photos from
the Kurtz Museum of Funeral History in Dallas.
Additional information derived from Wikipedia
and Automostory.com.

20 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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‘Kidding ’
Aro u nd
by Susan Cu

Four-Legged Ecological
Preservation of the Historic
Congressional Cemetery


setting and the final resting place for such notable figures as former
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice
Philip Barbour, and Vice President Elbridge Gerry (co-signer of the Declaration
of Independence). Established before the Civil War and recognized as the only
American “cemetery of national memory,” obviously this Washington, D.C., site is
steeped in history. But while the roots may stretch across centuries, those who are
entrusted with its care are very progressive, modern thinkers.

22 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Before Goats

After Goats

an alternative to the more invasive removal

efforts involving the use of chemicals and And so, they came!
mechanical equipment, which are both A tribe of eager, little
expensive and with possible negative impact
on the nearby Anacostia River as well as billies and nannies
our visitors and employees.” Of course, Paul
added, “we also had to consider protecting
happily chomping down
the integrity of the historic monuments.” everything that was
The solution was nothing short of inspir-
ing and perfectly “green.”
causing problems for the
According to Paul Williams, president of cemetery, including the
the Association for the Preservation of His- For the Love of Poison Ivy
toric Congressional Cemetery (APHCC), “We’d heard of people using goats to notorious Poison Ivy.
the mission is “to preserve, promote, and maintain overgrown landscaping,” says Paul.
protect this National Historic Landmark.” “Once we connected with Mary Bowen,
A significant part of preservation includes owner of Browsing Green Goats, the rest, as woods to seek out and eat that first and
addressing the ever-present issue of invasive they say, is history.” then go after the other encroaching vines
plant removal and weed management. And so, they came! A tribe of eager, climbing the trees. What’s interesting is,
“We have a wooded area just outside little billies and nannies happily chomping their digestive system is such that the seeds
our fence with all sorts of English Ivy, down everything that was causing problems will not germinate once they pass through
Poison Ivy, and other vines that are killing for the cemetery, including the notorious their system.”
the trees and then the trees fall into the Poison Ivy. Paul explains that the weeds are relent-
cemetery,” explains Paul. “We were facing “Actually, goats head for the Poison Ivy less, but the goats keep it all at bay. “For
an ever-growing battle and wanted to find first,” says Paul. “They’ll go all through the instance, if we were to go in and hack it all


professor, who has conducted extensive studies on the

subject, Mary decided to venture into this new enterprise.
“We all want to be responsible for our environment
especially from at-will use of herbicides,” Mary says.
“Rather than use herbicides that inevitably end up
contaminating our water, the goats offer a wonderful
alternative to battling the invasive plants and they have
a great time doing it. Plus, they leave a helpful fertilizer.
As the goats graze, they eat and digest, leaving a natural
down, it would take just one source of nitrogen and enriching the ground.”
“We’re always looking season on the ground and it For Washington, D.C., residents and other visitors to
would all grow right back,” he the historic cemetery, the sight of goats was so sur-
for ways to honor this adds. “[The goats are] certainly prising and unexpected that the response was over-
historic place and keep a benefit. And they are climb- whelming. “There was so much interest and excitement
ers, so they were very thor- around this event,” says Paul, “everyone seemed to love
our coffers full enough ough. Everything from about the idea. Based on this response, we talked to Mary and
to be able to provide the 10 feet down was bare. We her daughter, Jacqueline, about the idea of hosting a
were thrilled with the results.” Goat Yoga event.”
care and maintenance Not only is this option envi- Wouldn’t you know, Goat Yoga turned out to be a
ronmentally friendly, it’s also hit. “I was delighted with the turnout for that!” Paul
it and those laid-to-rest extremely cost-effective for a recalls. “Not only did we bring attention to our beloved
here deserve.” nonprofit organization. grounds but raised a significant amount of money for
“First of all, with goats you the ongoing efforts to maintain and preserve this sacred
—Paul Williams
don’t have any union issues,” place,” he adds. “We’re very proud of our unique events.
Paul jokes. “If you break it Dog-walking was one of the earliest and almost self-cre-
down though, with a herd of 30 goats, it comes out to ated. Today, with roughly 800 dogs and 600 humans
about $1 an hour per goat!” strolling through here annually, it translates into almost
$250,000 for our nonprofit.”
An Amazing Grazing Match With so many popular events, the cemetery contin-
Equally happy is the “goat-whisperer” herself. A pas- ues to draw sizeable crowds. “We’re always looking for
sionate environmentalist, Mary Bowen and her family ways to honor this historic place and keep our coffers
have lived, owned, and nurtured the lush land known as full enough to be able to provide the care and mainte-
Prosperity Acres in Sunderland, MD, for about 30 years. nance it and those laid-to-rest here deserve,” says Paul.
As her interest and concern for protecting the “Our events always draw a crowd, but I’d have to say,
environment grew, in particular, for the waterways that the goats have been the biggest crowd-pleasers.”
surround her area, Mary began to explore advantages to
using her goats. With the help and mentorship of a local Susan Cushing is a freelance writer for Memento Mori.

24 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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No Clergy?
No Problem. by Glenda Stansbury

26 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

These are the questions that are posed every day when a funeral professional offers a Celebrant
to a family. Even though we’ve worked for 20 years to get the word out and have trained 4,200
Celebrants around the world who can carry the message, families are still confused or unsure
when an arranger says, “We have a Celebrant who can conduct that service for you.”

Even during services, we get those questions. After a Getting the Word Out
funeral, someone will ask, “So, where are you a pastor?” “Can I The best way for the public to truly understand the role of the
attend your church?” Funeral Celebrant is through intentional marketing and infor-
It is so hard to shake centuries of tradition in the under- mational pieces. Word of mouth is great, but by the time the
taking profession—deeply embedded beliefs and history of a funeral ends and the buffet line begins, they will have forgot-
funeral only being presided over by a member of the clergy. ten the word “Celebrant.”
When I explain that I am a Funeral Celebrant—a profes- Many funeral arrangers have become quite adept and
sional who is called to work and walk with the family to create skilled at explaining a Celebrant during the conference. One of
a customized and personalized funeral experience—they look my favorite funeral directors in my city tells families:
puzzled. For those who attended the service, they loved what
A minister will provide a religious service and add information
they saw. But they struggle with equating that experience with
about your loved one, hopefully. A Celebrant will tell your
what they believe to be the traditional funeral.
loved one’s story and add religious elements if you want them.
The next question usually is, “Can I have your card? I want
my funeral to look just like this.” They still are not sure what it But the problem is, many families don’t know about this
is, but they know they liked it. option until the need arises; by then, they’ve already made

Consider a
Your Secul
Families’ N r


some sort of arrangements—maybe a churchgoing This is part of our ShareLife philosophy. Our
cousin from Arkansas volunteers to provide the service; ShareLife philosophy is evident in how we interact with
maybe a family friend has offered to handle it; maybe families during the arrangement conference. We seek
the rent-a-pastor seen on the billboard beside the out the tidbits of facts about the deceased so we can
highway gets the call. None of these is going to give the help tell the story. If you have visited any of our locations
families the service they want or need. in The Villages in the past five or six years, I am sure you
Robert Roche, an InSight Institute Certified have noticed our ShareLife wall. This is just a part of our
Celebrant, has created a wonderful platform. He is a ShareLife philosophy and is unique to our company.
funeral director at Hiers-Baxley Funeral Services in The During the arrangement conference, we try to learn
Villages in Florida. This is a popular snowbird area that as much about the loved one as we can. Then we try
also serves as home to many year-round residents, and and prepare the chapel to highlight those unique traits,
it boasts an extremely high cremation rate. likes, hobbies.
Many of these families For those who feel there is more that can be done to tell
are not interested in services the story, we have another tool we can use to tell the story.
Let that little light shine and because family and friends are That is using one of our Certified Funeral Celebrants.
back home. Many have long What is a Certified Funeral Celebrant? A Celebrant
tell everyone that you have ago left the church traditions is someone who gathers pertinent information about
of their younger years. Many the loved one and their family and crafts a service that is
something unique, special, and are tired of going to funeral unique to that individual. The Celebrant will arrange a
meaningful to offer them. after funeral and experiencing meeting with the family and ask questions and seek out
the same service. personal information so they can tell the story. The Cel-
Hiers-Baxley runs a ebrant will intertwine the stories with special songs that
monthly ad and a full-page article in The Villages are the backdrop of the unique life story they are creating.
magazine that goes to all the residents. Robert used that Does a Celebrant Service take the place of a religious
opportunity to explain the Celebrant concept and offer service? A religious service is done to reflect the faith
it as a viable alternative to “just cremate me.” In a lim- of the loved one. While a Celebrant Service reflects the
ited amount of space, he packed in a lot of information. life of the loved one. A Celebrant Service could be used
Below is Robert’s article. at a viewing or memorial gathering while the religious
service might take place at the loved one’s church.
Telling the Story The Celebrant Service usually includes storytelling,
by Robert T. Roche, CFSP secular music, and invites guests to share life stories. In
There are those who feel, if you’ve seen one funeral, today’s society, our neighbors, friends and co-workers
you’ve seen them all. In past generations, the local may not feel comfortable attending a religious service
funeral home had the standard maroon carpeting with that is not of the same faith as they are. If people are
the maroon heavy drapery behind the casket. An organ spiritual, but not religious, that is a perfect case for
or sound system played the old hymns our grandparents using a Certified Celebrant.
would sing at Sunday church services. At least that was If you have Celebrants available on your staff or
what my father and grandfather’s funeral home was like. in your community, do not hide it. Let that little light
There were folding chairs lining the walls to give shine and tell everyone that you have something
ample room for groups of family and friends to con- unique, special, and meaningful to offer them. Don’t let
gregate and converse. There was always a viewing from families be in the dark. It will make such a difference to
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, followed the next morning with your families, your community, and your firm.
a service at church and a trip to the cemetery. Well,
things are different these days. People have strayed Glenda Stansbury has been the marketing and development
director for InSight Books for 24 years and dean and training
from the old standard. It was all cookie-cutter back
coordinator for InSight Institute for 20 years. Along with Doug
then. Cremation was rarely done. Memorial services,
Manning, Glenda has co-trained more than 4,000 Funeral
what are they? Celebrants across North America. She is a certified Funeral
Yes, today things are different. We at Hiers-Baxley Celebrant, a licensed funeral director/embalmer, a certified
Funeral Services have realized this fact and have strived funeral service professional, and a full-time instructor with
over the years to tell the story. We each have a unique the Department of Funeral Service, University of Central
story. Yes, there are similarities, but each person has a Oklahoma. Glenda also serves on the board of directors for
personality unique to themselves. Thanexus. She holds two bachelor’s degrees, one in Special
This is evident in how our facilities have been cre- Education from Central State University and another in Funeral
ated and how our Funeral Directors have been trained Service from the University of Oklahoma, along with a master’s
to seek out and capture each person’s unique story. in Administrative Leadership.

28 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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Page 29
When Transgender
ESLEY DI BONITO (A FICTIONAL CHARACTER) is a new funeral director
at Meyer and Becker Funeral Home. Wesley has completed several funeral
arrangements, but this upcoming arrangement is only the second one he has done
on his own. Today, he is meeting with Kim and Hellen, two sisters whose brother, Max, has
just died. Though Max was only 28 years old, younger than the other people Wesley has done
arrangements for, Wesley anticipates that this will be rather routine.

When Kim and Hellen arrive, Wesley starts with basic “Max is Michelle, or at least he used to be,” says Kim. “He’s
introductions; then he asks, “Can we start by having you tell been transitioning for the last three years. People who loved
me what happened to Max?” him …,” Kim pauses as she looks directly at Hellen, “respected
Kim responds first. “Max fell from a roof. God knows why his decision to be the man he always felt he was.”
he was up there, but he slipped and fell. He was in the hospital Silence fills the air. Finally, Hellen speaks. “I can tell you
for only a few hours before he died. They could do nothing to this much little Miss Kim, we are not burying her looking
help; he was so injured. It was so senseless.” Kim starts to cry. like a man.”
“I’m so sorry; that sounds very difficult,” Wesley responds. Kim ignores Hellen and turns to Wesley. “We will be hav-
“I hate to say this but …,” Hellen pauses and looks at Kim, ing a visitation and burial for Max as Max. Let’s get going on
“Michelle took way too many risks.” what we need to do.”
“His name is Max, Hellen. Why can’t you be more respect- Hellen stands up. “I will not be part of this circus any lon-
ful?!” Kim shouts. ger,” she says as she turns to walk out of the room.
“Kim, Granny doesn’t know that Michelle pretended to be Wesley never thought he’d be involved with an arrange-
a man. She’s going to be very confused if she sees Michelle ment for a person who was transgender. He grapples with his
dressed like a man at the visitation.” lack of experience. What should be his next step? How is he
“Michelle?” Wesley asks. going to help?

30 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

r People Die
The Struggle to Receive the
Honor They Deserve
by Marc Markell


Will Kim and Hellen be able to come to an agree- at compromise. Though Hellen is upset, she agrees to
ment about Max’s funeral? Who can he ask for advice? return to the arrangement.
Wesley feels totally unprepared for this situation. “I know you both have very strong feelings,” Wesley
Though Wesley is a fictitious character, what he says. “I also know that what most people want more
experienced is becoming increasingly more common. than anything is to create a ceremony that will honor
Funeral directors are called on to assist families in their loved one. I think both of you want the same for
making arrangements for a loved one who identified as Max. Is that correct?” He looks at Kim and Hellen.
transgender (or trans) in life. Trans or Transgender is Kim and Hellen look at each other. “I did love … Max,
a term used for those whose gender/gender identity is Kim,” Hellen says. “I was just so concerned about him.”
different from the person’s assigned sex at birth. “I’m sorry, Hellen, I know you loved him,” responds
Kim. Kim looks at Wesley. “I think that is what we want.
What We May Encounter What do we need to do?”
Not all funeral arrangements for trans people will have “First, Hellen,” Wesley says, “you expressed concern
as much conflict and disagreement as what Wes- that your Granny didn’t know about Max. There are
ley experienced; sadly, some may have more. Some options for how we can approach your concern that we
arrangements may be made by a loving and supportive can discuss as we plan the arrangements.”
family that affirms the deceased person’s gender iden- Sometimes, a short break to catch one’s breath can
tity with no dispute. help shed additional light and clarity on a difficult situa-
Unfortunately, there are few tion. Helping clients remember the purpose of planning
Helping clients resources available for funeral a ceremony to honor a family member like Max may
remember the purpose directors that could give guid- help them reach a compromise and create a funeral that
ance about these issues. There honors their loved one.
of planning a ceremony are resources, such as the Order
to honor a family of the Good Death, but many Possibility #2. Kim, Hellen, and their
directors don’t think transgen- immediate family know that Max was trans,
member like Max may der identity issues ever will but some of their extended family does
help them reach a come up in arrangements so the not know.
resources go unnoticed. As mentioned above, Granny does not know about
compromise and create As with Kim and Hellen in Max. Let’s imagine that his sisters question whether
our fictitious funeral arrange- they should let relatives know Max’s true gender iden-
a funeral that honors ment, there are some families tity before the ceremony. If a family decides to reveal
their loved one. who are divided as to how they Max’s gender identity to those who are unaware, the
feel about a trans family mem- next question is what is the best way to let them know?
ber. Funeral arrangements for There is no best way to tell family members about
trans people can range from being routine to being very Max’s gender identity because it depends on the
complex and even combative. family dynamics and the predicted reactions from the
Below, we reimagine the situation that Wesley expe- relatives. Since Max did not reveal his gender identity
riences when working with Kim and Hellen. Since many to some relatives while he was alive, Kim and Hellen
funeral directors may not be familiar with transgender may worry that the relatives who did not know may be
issues, these specific situations may stimulate ideas unsupportive.
about how to best serve clients. • Choice 1: Kim and Hellen could find the potential
stress of unsupportive relatives too difficult and decide
Possibility #1. Kim and Hellen disagree (as to make arrangements for two separate services: one for
represented in the opening). Max and one for Michelle. Creating two services would
Where does this leave Wesley? If there is more than one be more difficult and costly. In addition, and more
person who shares the role of next of kin, a disagree- importantly, Kim, Hellen, and the family who know
ment about which of Max’s genders will be acknowl- about Max’s transition would need to pretend not to
edged can be very challenging for anyone. Here’s how know during the service for Michelle.
Wesley could have reacted after a moment of reflection. • Choice 2: If Kim and Hellen decide to have separate
Flashback to opening scene, continued after Hellen visitations, there could then be a private interment.
storms out of the room: • Choice 3: If they choose cremation, Max’s remains
Wesley suggests to Kim that they take a short break. could be placed in an unmarked urn. The urn could be
He leaves the room to try to find Hellen. When he finds at each of the memorial services.
her, Wesley suggests a short break and another attempt Either way, this pretending could be very stressful for

32 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

both family and funeral staff. It is also likely that people
who did not know about Max would find out about the
funeral, and this situation could cause conflict.
Although helpful, rarely will a family have access
to an expert in transgender issues to ask for advice in
making this decision; in reality, the funeral director
must take on this role. They may appreciate having the
director help them consider the pros and cons of having
two services.
It would be helpful for the funeral director to know
how many friends and relatives knew of Max’s transi-
tion, and how many of those who knew were supportive
Terminology You Should Know
of Max. Moreover, consideration should be given to Below is a review of terms that are often used to discuss trans issues.
whether Max would want all his relatives and friends to • Transgender is an appropriate term used for people whose gender/
know about his transition. gender identity is different from what is typically associated with
Wesley could help them consider various options: their sex assigned at birth. Many people now choose to use the term
• Let the relatives know prior to the visitation. If the trans rather than transgender. Other terms you may have heard are
relatives find out about Max’s gender identity at probably antiquated and would be considered slurs.
the visitation, they may not have time to process
this. Giving them more time might cause a more
• Transgender is not a noun; it is correctly used as an adjective.
Saying “transgender people” or “people who are transgender” is
favorable reaction.
appropriate. However, “transgenders” would be considered dis-
• Contacting people by phone allows people to
respectful. Use of the term “transgendered” is also inappropriate
respond to questions and concerns immediately.
because it is not grammatically correct.
Kim and Hellen could write out and read what they
are going to say on the phone if they feel this would • Transgender is not a sexual orientation; it is a gender identity.
reduce some of their stress. Their message could Though transgender is often included as part of the Lesbian, Gay,
include what their preferences are for discussing Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning (LGBTQ) community,
Max’s gender identity (i.e., they may ask people to a person who identifies as transgender can also be gay, lesbian,
hold their questions until after the funeral is over). bisexual, pansexual, or straight, among other possible sexual
• Contacting people by email means that the orientations.
message could be carefully planned ahead of time • A person who identifies as transgender is not mentally ill; trans-
and the message could be sent en masse so that it gender is a gender identity, not a pathology. Adolescents, adults,
is received by everyone at about the same time. elder adults, and children as young as 3 years old have identified
Emails also give recipients time to process their as transgender.
reaction and formulate questions. • Agender refers to a person who does not identify with or experience
When a funeral director indicates that clients any gender.
have the right to set boundaries about how they will
present and discuss information about a loved one
• Bigender is used to identify a person whose gender identity encom-
passes two genders or is moving between being two genders. More
who has died, it can empower the clients to act on
commonly known as genderfluid.
their own wishes and on the wishes of the person who
died. There are additional resources through Parents, • Cisgender or cis refers to a person whose gender identity is his or
Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) at her birth sex.
www.pflag.org on this topic. • Misgender is the act of referring to someone using a word that does
not correctly reflect the person’s gender identity.
Possibility #3. No one in Max’s family was • Deadnaming is the act of referring to a person by the incorrect
supportive of Max’s transition. name. Deadnaming happens when someone, purposely or acciden-
Another possibility is that Max’s family, including Kim tally, refers to a transgender person by the name he or she used
and Hellen, are not supportive of his gender identity before the transition.
and are not even willing to acknowledge Max’s trans-
gender identity after death. If Max had chosen a person
• Pansexual refers to a person who is attracted to another person,
which does not depend on the other person’s gender.
other than his legal next of kin as his designated agent
after death, this agent would be expected to carry out More definitions and additional terms can be found at www.pflag.org/
Max’s wishes of supporting and acknowledging his glossary.
gender identity.


Max could have put his wishes about sharing his “Michelle was always so stubborn,” Kim continues.
gender identity after death in a written document. The “I told her that what she was doing was unnatural, but
best way to ensure that misgendering does not happen she wouldn’t listen to reason. Then she cut her beauti-
after death depends on the state where Max lived. A ful hair!”
good resource to find out more information about this “You can put a wig on her to make her look beautiful
can be found at www.formswift.com. like she used to, can’t you?” Hellen asks.
If there is nothing in writing stating Max’s wishes Wesley listens to Kim and Hellen knowing that he
after death and a designated agent was not selected, needs to do what the next of kin requests; but he is
the next of kin could decide to misgender Max. The feeling very uncomfortable.
funeral director is required to follow the directive of “That must be very difficult for everyone in your
the next of kin. family,” Wesley responds. “I understand that neither of
However, since funeral homes are private businesses, you approved of your sibling’s choice, but after listening
Wesley could decide to tell Kim and Hellen that they to your concerns, I realize that I am not a good fit to
might be better served by another funeral director be your funeral director. I can certainly check with the
because he is not comfortable proceeding with arrange- other funeral directors here at Meyer and Becker, or
ments for “Michelle”. I’m sure you can find a funeral home more comfortable
with your wishes.”
Flashback to opening scene: If Wesley is contacted by any of Max’s friends or
Wesley asks, “Can you tell me about Max?” family who affirmed and supported Max’s gender
Hellen responds, “It’s not Max, her name is Michelle. identity, he could offer to help with a service/party/cele-
Michelle is a woman. We don’t know what got into her bration separate from the “official” funeral or memorial.
thinking she wanted to pretend to be a man, but she is Wesley may offer to hold such a service at Meyer and
not a man.” Becker Funeral Home to be supportive of all survivors.


34 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com
Possibility #4. Kim, Hellen, and their family knew that
Max was trans, and they supported him.
If people attending the funeral are aware of Max’s gender identity
and they were supportive of his transition, the funeral or memorial
arrangements may not need to address his gender/gender identity The UlTimaTe Grass for CemeTeries & fUneral homes
other than perhaps to acknowledge it.
If this is the situation, Wesley could continue with the arrange- • Lush Dark Green Grass
ment and create a funeral that best honors Max’s life as a man.
• Four-foot roots need
In Support of …
Funeral directors who want to be supportive of the rights of
75% less water
transgender people believe that it is important not to misgender
the person who died by misidentifying them during the funeral or
• Mow only once a month
memorial, when making the arrangements, or in informal conversa- rather than weekly
tions with other funeral staff or community members.
If someone misgenders the person who died, it is important to • Needs no chemicals to
correct the error. This shows support, acknowledgment, and under- out-compete weeds and grass
standing. This will also help those transgender people in attendance
to know their autonomy is respected as well. • Stays green year round
Also, a person’s legal gender at the time of death is the gender
that is recorded on the death certificate. Some states may have spe- • Grows in all world climates
cific rules about death certificates. Even if the person’s legal name is

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his or her birth name, the person’s gender identity could be written
in the alias section of the death certificate.

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When a funeral director learns about transgender people and
shows support for trans people, the funeral director can be more
helpful to all clients. Funeral directors can join organizations
like PFLAG or support community events such as Trans Day of There are very few accounts of trans people in American
Remembrance. colonial history, and the few who do exist were female to male
transgender individuals. One specific account was Mary Henly, a
female-assigned individual born in Massachusetts who was charged
Even with more acceptance, many with illegally dressing as a man in 1692 because it was “seeming to
trans people still live in poverty, confound the course of nature.”
Perhaps one of the most well-known transgender people in
do not have legal protection, are not U.S. recent history was former Army Private Christine Jorgensen.
In 1952, she was the first broadly publicized person to undergo
acknowledged by their families, and male to female sex-reassignment surgery in Denmark. When she
face discrimination and harassment. returned to the United States, she became an actress, singer, and
trans advocate.
Today, there are more trans people who openly share their
Trans People Today & Yesterday gender identity: Laverne Cox, Elliot Page, Caitlyn Jenner, Jazz
The Human Rights Campaign estimates that there are more than Jennings, Chelsea Manning, and Chaz Bono. Even with more
two million transgender people in the United States. The trans acceptance, many trans people still live in poverty, do not have
community is very diverse and includes all racial and ethnic legal protection, are not acknowledged by their families, and
groups, as well as people from different communities of faith— face discrimination and harassment.
including atheist and agnostic. For many years, because of
intense discrimination in the United States, trans people have Marc Markell earned his PhD in Educational Psychology from the University
of Minnesota. He is a certified professional development specialist through
lived in the shadows and were careful to keep others from find-
the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. He is a certified
ing out about their true gender identity.
thanatologist through the Association of Death Education and Counseling
There have been communities throughout American history, and certified in death and grief studies from the Colorado State University
such as some Native American Nations, who did not have rigid through the Center for Loss and Life Transition. Marc is a certified crematory
binary gender roles, but believed trans people were both male operator, cremation arranger, and celebrant and has published three books
and female. In these communities, trans people were often highly on grief and numerous book chapters and articles.
respected and valued.


It Is Not Length of Life,
of Life
36 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com
A Personal Journey of Grief and
the Building of a Legacy
by Nadira E. Baddeliyanage

T HE DATE WAS MARCH 12, 2019. The day was a Tuesday. The time was 11:33 pm.
Our lives changed forever.
We received a call to inform us that we had lost our 21-year-old son, Rehan. The events
that followed are a blur—it felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. I have
experienced all the stages of grief; and on some days even now, I experience them all
over again. Each day is different, each moment is different. One must just ride that
wave; for that is grief. Death is very much a part of life and a conversation that needs to
happen for each one of us.
My road to ICCFA was perhaps fate. Bringing me
to this organization almost 25 years ago, knowing that
it was here that I needed to be when I lost my son,
gave me a second family to surround me with love
and support.
The journey of grief is a very personal one. It is
different for everyone dealing with loss and healing.
It is affected by how deeply you loved the person, and
sometimes the circumstances of how you lost that
person. Sudden and tragic circumstances add trauma
to the experience and take the grieving process to
another level.
We long for our loved ones to be remembered and
their lives celebrated. To be forgotten is one of the big-
gest fears we have, especially when the life lost is that of
a child, gone way before his time. 
We talk about them because they are with us. They
live on in our hearts. We want to share their stories,
their dreams, their hopes, and the plans they had for
the future. Sharing is our path toward healing. Some
people don’t always know what to say to those who are
grieving, so they say nothing. Not mentioning their
names or not talking about them hurts beyond what
words can express.
Ask about the table setting and empty chair at the
dinner table for the one who is no longer there. Men-
tion his or her name in conversation; share a memory.
Listen. Be kind to the grieving, especially during the
holidays when the memories are so bittersweet. 


family—and friends who are family—our church com-

munity, and sometimes even a stranger we meet along
the way. I am thankful to each of you. 
Rehan Baddeliyanage, age 21
Unexpectedly left this life
On March 12, 2019
While living it fully,
hiking a rainforest trail in Puerto Rico with friends. 
Pre-COVID, we were able to celebrate Rehan’s life
on his birthday and on the day he left us with a beauti-
ful mass at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church, fol-
lowed by a social gathering with his favorite foods and
conversations. We would share memories and stories
filled with tears and laughter. We hope to continue this
tradition when we can all meet again safely.
March 2021 will mark two years since my son
obtained his angel wings. Rehan lives on through me, his
Dad, his brother, his girlfriend, and many family mem-
bers and friends. Each of us deals with his loss in our
own way and carries his light forward into the world.
Rehan chose a life of service at a very early age and
was able to touch so many lives and changed them
for the better. The stories are countless. He was a
senior at the University of Virginia (UVA), majoring
in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Business
Engineering. Rehan, himself, was a recipient of the
Kris Kishore memorial scholarship, which helped
him so much, and it was his dream to always pay it
forward. He was passionate about, one day, estab-
lishing a scholarship endowment to help a deserving
Rehan Baddeliyanage engineering student at the UVA complete his or her
graduated posthumously I am privileged to work within the deathcare pro- education. What better way to honor Rehan’s memory
from UVA in May 2019.
fession and to be among people who understand and than making his dream a reality! 
Rehan’s brother, Roshan,
proudly accepted Rehan’s “get it.” They are empathetic professionals who help We hope to carry on his work through us and pay his
diploma in his absence. families during the most difficult times. During this kindness and generosity forward through a scholarship
Rehan had completed and
pandemic, these final responders have risked their lives named in his honor, www.rehanlivingthedream.com. It
submitted his thesis prior
to the trip to Puerto Rico. serving their communities and finding ways to make is through the kindness of Rehan’s family, friends, and
the end of life a dignified one. They have my respect classmates that this scholarship will be possible each
and gratitude. year. The scholarship endowment is administered by
There are many aftercare programs and resources the UVA Alumni Association, a (501(c)(3) nonprofit,
to help you on your grief journey. Dr. Alan Wolfelt, one and Rehan’s friends and family serve as the scholarship
of North America’s leading grief educators, has written committee and will help select the recipient each year.
many books about healing in grief. They have helped The committee, co-chaired by my second son,
me on my journey (www.centerforloss.com). Roshan, and the UVA Alumni Association are prepar-
I was introduced to Helping Parents Heal by another ing to award the first scholarship to an engineering stu-
bereaved parent. This nonprofit organization is dedi- dent. The committee’s goal is to raise $250,000, enough
cated to assisting bereaved parents in becoming Shining to award a full scholarship each year indefinitely. UVA
Light Parents by providing support and resources to invests and manages the finances while the committee
aid in the healing process. Through them I have found works on fundraising and awarding the scholarships
peace, comfort, and strength in sharing. Dr. Wolfelt has each year.
been a guest speaker to this group. (www.helpinging- Please consider donating a tax-deductible gift to the
parentsheal.org). scholarship fund at www.rehanlivingthedream.com.
And lastly, but certainly not least, we have an
entire village that walks this journey with us each day: Nadira E. Baddeliyanage is the executive director of ICCFA.

38 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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Page 39
Don’t Let the
SEO Genie Out
of the Bottle
The Good, the Bad,
and the Questionable
Tactics in Deathcare
by Welton Hong

40 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

VER THE PAST FEW YEARS, a trend in search engine optimization
(SEO) has emerged—one that is championed by many of the big names in
online marketing. What is that trend? It’s the use of artificial intelligence (AI)
and data-backed systems to plan, create, and publish content.
Some of the platforms providing these services include SEMrush, MarketMuse, and
Ink SEO; but dig into Google and you’ll find numerous competitors to these tools.

While these companies don’t all provide the same providing tips for making the content “better.” Better is
services, the concept is similar: They use existing data- a subjective term here, as you’ll see in the section on the
bases and insights culled from your deathcare website potential disadvantages of these tools.
and the sites of competitors to provide advice on SEO Other services provided by some of these tools include:
and content marketing. • Analysis of your existing content
Many offer writing and editing tools that score your • Content inventories—such as whether you have
content against SEO factors—the idea is that the higher content already on important topics
you score in these systems, the better your content is • Insight into searcher intent so you can better tailor
likely to perform in the search engines. content
Companies pay a premium for some of these ser- • Content strategy to help you build clusters of con-
vices; so the question for independent deathcare firms tent that keep people on your page and drive them
is whether there’s enough return on investment for toward a conversion
them to bother. • Integration with other tools and options for man-
The answer: Maybe. aging PPC and SEM campaigns
It’s common for people to misunderstand the
“power” behind these tools, thinking they’re some kind Pros of SEO Tools
of magic SEO genie that takes all the work and thought SEO tools can provide easy access to a lot of search
out of the process. data, making it easier to pinpoint keywords, understand
Below, I cover the pros and cons of automated SEO searcher intent, and plan content that is more likely to
tools and address some of the questionable ways these resonate with your audience.
tools are often used (ways deathcare firms should avoid). Funeral homes, cemeteries, and cremation providers
simply do not have the time, resources, or knowledge to
What Services Do SEO AI Tools Offer? gather this kind of data, so this is certainly more benefi-
SEO tools can offer in-depth insights into keywords and cial than any DIY plan. The top tools in this niche offer
topics your content should address. For example, if your data options such as:
keyword or topic is “cost of funeral services,” an SEO • Automated keyword research
tool might provide advice about: • Domain analysis
• How long the content should be • Backlink analysis
• What secondary and semantic keywords should be • Monitoring of performance for keywords over time
included • Site audits to help you identify and fix performance
• Which subheadings you should consider including issues
• Which competitor pages are performing well These tools can provide some guidance for people
• What authoritative links you might consider who know a little about content marketing and SEO but
including aren’t sure what to do beyond shoving keywords onto
• What internal links you might include their pages.
Many of these tools come with online content Many of the top options have some machine learning
editing tools, especially if you pay for higher-level and language AI built-in, which means they can offer
subscriptions. some basic advice about what topics you might want to
The editing tool applies a variety of rules, scoring the consider and even how you could structure them.
content to let you know how well it might perform and Finally, SEO tools are fantastic if you’re just running


low on creative steam—or your marketing team is If you write content in the tool, it may provide
coming up short on ideas—and you need a springboard. further suggestions. Common style suggestions in
With a few clicks, you can typically generate long lists these tools include keeping paragraphs and sentences
of topics and suggested titles to spark more brainstorm- very short, removing passive voice, and reducing use of
ing on your part. complex sentences or words.
The problem with these suggestions is that the per-
Cons of SEO Tools son in charge of marketing often holds true to the letter
The biggest downside of these tools for most funeral of them instead of the spirit of them.
homes is cost. As of this writing, SEMrush’s pricing I’ve seen marketers push content writers to include
structure includes three plans costing $119.95, $229, or all the words, subheadings, and questions as well as
$449.95 per month per user. MarketMuse plans range write to the rigid sentence structure guidelines in these
from $79 for a single user plan that allows 25 queries tools. Often, the result is lackluster content—content
a month to $1,499 (or more) per month for unlimited that sounds like everyone else, doesn’t engage the
users and some extra applications. reader, and doesn’t provide any new information for
For small businesses, such as most independent the audience.
deathcare firms, these prices are a stretch unless the Here’s something worth considering: If many people
firm is receiving excellent return on investment (ROI) are turning to these tools and following the same advice
out of the tool. to optimize their content, how optimized really is your
Some tools do offer free options you can explore. For page going to be?
example, Ink SEO has a limited free tool that provides That’s not to say these SEO tools have no value. Key-
some SEO scoring and content word research with a few clicks is valuable. A machine
[M]any experienced recommendations. However, culling the internet to see what the competition is doing
many experienced content writ- and summarizing it for you—including word counts,
content writers and ers and marketers often find headings, and topics—is valuable.
marketers often find these tools stymying to both But if you don’t know what quality content looks like
creativity and quality writing, for your audience and you rely solely on these tools to
these free tools stymying which brings me to the second tell you, you may backpedal any potential ROI.

to both creativity and big disadvantage of such tools:

They’re extremely limiting and Avoid Misusing These Tools
quality writing, which potentially problematic if you’re Here’s an example:
using them as a crutch. • You already post a decent amount of content and
brings me to the second I’ve talked to a lot of people your own analytics show that anything over 1,000
big disadvantage of such who use these tools in place words sends your audience running. Your best
of understanding how to write conversion rates are with content between 600 and
tools: They’re extremely quality content for SEO and 800 words.
limiting and potentially online marketing. Here’s a • You use an online SEO tool to plan content around
pretty common scenario: new topics, such as cremation or veteran’s burial
problematic if you’re using •
Someone in charge of benefits. The tool suggests writing pages of 1,300
marketing for a deathcare firm words or more.
them as a crutch. invests in one of these SEO Knowing what you know about your audience, you
tools, believing that it will take should probably ignore that particular suggestion.
almost all the work out of the process Instead, take the keywords, topic clusters, and other

They enter a keyword, such as funeral home, or the information and create relevant posts of around 700
URL for their funeral services landing page words to best engage your target audience—because for

The SEO tool spits out a ton of information. It might your business, quality content isn’t 1,300 words.
return something like this: Here’s another example:

You should write around 1,634 words • You previously found a copywriter with a voice and

You should include all the following keywords style that is ideal for your deathcare business. The
(with a list of 50+ phrases, some of which may or writer delivers compassionate, helpful content that
may not make sense with your topic) people actually read, enjoy, and respond to.

You should consider including these subheadings • You invest in an SEO tool and ask the writer to start
and asking and answering the following questions using the built-in editor, requiring a certain score
(again, with numerous suggestions, some of which to be achieved before submitting the content. The
may not apply) truth is that achieving a specific score in one of these

You might consider including links to authority built-in editors can remove the writing style that is so
pages, with suggestions valuable for your content.

42 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

First, learn a little about online marketing and why various
tactics are important. Second, learn a lot about your audience
and how best to communicate with people who might be
interested in your services.

Instead, you might give the writer all the SEO data— • Second, learn a lot about your audience and how best
keywords, suggested subheadings, links, questions to to communicate with people who might be interested
ask and answer—and have that person incorporate the in your services.
information into articles using the voice and style that Then you can marry what you know with the infor-
has worked well so far. mation that comes from SEO and marketing tools to
Ultimately, the best way to ensure ROI when using create unique, brand-appropriate content that performs
any online marketing or SEO tool is to avoid relying on well in search, resonates with the deathcare demo-
it as a be-all, end-all. graphic in your area, and drives more engagement and
• First, learn a little about online marketing and why Welton Hong is the founder of Ring Ring Marketing and the
author of Making Your Phone Ring with Internet Marketing for
various tactics are important.
Funeral Homes.

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That Changed
N THE REALM OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, The symptoms included fever, thirst, bloody throat
and tongue, red skin and lesions. The disease, suspected
a pandemic is the worst case scenario. When an to have been typhoid fever, weakened the Athenians
epidemic spreads beyond a country’s borders, that’s significantly and was a major factor in their defeat by
the Spartans.
when the disease officially becomes a pandemic.
Communicable diseases existed during humankind’s Antonine Plague, 165 A.D.
hunter-gatherer days, but the shift to agrarian life 10,000 The Antonine plague was possibly an early appearance
of smallpox that began with the Huns. The Huns then
years ago created communities that made epidemics more
infected the Germans who passed it to the Romans, and
possible. Malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, influenza, smallpox then returning troops spread it throughout the Roman
and others first appeared during this period. empire. Symptoms included fever, sore throat, diarrhea,
and, if the patient lived long enough, pus-filled sores.
See a timeline below of pandemics that, in ravaging
This plague continued until about 180 A.D., claiming
human populations, changed history. Emperor Marcus Aurelius as one of its victims.

Cyprian Plague, 250 A.D.

Athens, 430 B.C. Named after the first known victim, the Christian bishop
As humans became more civilized, pandemics became of Carthage, the Cyprian plague entailed diarrhea, vomit-
more likely. The earliest recorded pandemic happened ing, throat ulcers, fever, and gangrenous hands and feet.
during the Peloponnesian War. After the disease passed City dwellers fled to the country to escape infection
through Libya, Ethiopia, and Egypt, it crossed the but instead spread the disease further. Possibly starting
Athenian walls as the Spartans laid siege. As much as in Ethiopia, it passed through Northern Africa into
two-thirds of the population died. Rome, then onto Egypt and northward.

44 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Man’s Nomadic
Instinct Causes
Death and Despair

There were recurring outbreaks over the next three centuries.
In 444 A.D., it hit Britain and obstructed defense efforts against
the Picts and the Scots, causing the British to seek help from the
A slow-developing bacterial disease that causes sores and
deformities, leprosy was believed to be a punishment from God
that ran in families. This belief led to moral judgments and victims
Saxons, who would soon control the island. being ostracized. Now known as Hansen’s disease, it still afflicts
tens of thousands of people every year and can be fatal if not
Justinian Plague, 541 A.D. treated with antibiotics.
First appearing in Egypt, the Justinian plague spread through
Palestine and the Byzantine Empire, and then throughout the The Black Death, 1350
Mediterranean. Responsible for the death of one-third of the world’s population,
The plague changed the course of the empire, squelching this second large outbreak of the bubonic plague possibly started
Emperor Justinian’s plans to bring the Roman Empire back in Asia and moved west in caravans. Entering through Sicily in
together and causing massive economic struggle. It is also credited 1347 A.D. when plague sufferers arrived in the port of Messina,
with creating an apocalyptic atmosphere that spurred the rapid it spread throughout Europe rapidly. Dead bodies became so
spread of Christianity. prevalent that many remained rotting on the ground and created a
Recurrences over the next two centuries eventually killed about 50 constant stench in cities.
million people, 26 percent of the world’s population. It is believed to be England and France were so incapacitated by the plague that
the first significant appearance of the bubonic plague, which features the countries called a truce to their war. The British feudal system
enlarged lymphatic gland and is carried by rats and spread by fleas. collapsed when the plague changed economic circumstances and
demographics. Ravaging populations in Greenland, Vikings lost the
Leprosy, 11th Century strength to wage battle against native populations, and their explo-
Though it had been around for ages, leprosy grew into a pan- ration of North America halted.
demic in Europe in the Middle Ages, resulting in the building of
numerous leprosy-focused hospitals to accommodate the vast The Columbian Exchange, 1492
number of victims. Following the arrival of the Spanish in the Caribbean, diseases such


as smallpox, measles, and bubonic plague were passed along to the Spanish Flu, 1918
native populations by the Europeans. With no previous exposure, The avian-borne flu that resulted in 50 million deaths worldwide,
these diseases devastated indigenous people, with as many as 90 the 1918 flu was first observed in Europe, the United States, and
percent dying throughout the north and south continents. parts of Asia before swiftly spreading around the world. At the
Upon arrival on the island of Hispaniola, Christopher Colum- time, there were no effective drugs or vaccines to treat this killer
bus encountered the Taino people, population 60,000. By 1548, flu strain. Wire service reports of a flu outbreak in Madrid in the
the population stood at less than 500. This scenario repeated itself spring of 1918 led to the pandemic being called the “Spanish flu.”
throughout the Americas. By October, hundreds of thousands of Americans had died and
body storage scarcity hit crisis level. But the flu threat disappeared
The Great Plague of London, 1665 in the summer of 1919 when most of the infected had either devel-
In another devastating appearance, the bubonic plague led to the oped immunities or died.
deaths of 20 percent of London’s population. As human death tolls
mounted and mass graves appeared, hundreds of thousands of cats Asian Flu, 1957
and dogs were slaughtered as the possible cause, and the disease Starting in Hong Kong and spreading throughout China and
spread through ports along the Thames. The worst of the outbreak then into the United States, the Asian flu became widespread in
tapered off in the fall of 1666, around the same time as another England where, over six months, 14,000 people died. A second
destructive event—the Great Fire of London. wave followed in early 1958, causing an estimated total of about 1.1
million deaths globally, with 116,000 deaths in the United States. A
First Cholera Pandemic, 1817 vaccine was developed, effectively containing the pandemic.
The first of seven cholera pandemics over the next 150 years, this
wave of the small intestine infection originated in Russia, where HIV/AIDS, 1981
one million people died. Spreading through feces-infected water First identified in 1981, AIDS destroys a person’s immune system,
and food, the bacterium was passed along to British soldiers who resulting in eventual death by diseases that the body would usually
brought it to India where millions more died. fight off. Those infected by HIV encounter fever, headache, and
The reach of the British Empire and its navy spread cholera enlarged lymph nodes upon infection. When symptoms subside,
to Spain, Africa, Indonesia, China, Japan, Italy, Germany, and carriers become highly infectious through blood and genital fluid,
America, where it killed 150,000 people. A vaccine was created and the disease destroys t-cells.
in 1885, but pandemics continued. AIDS is believed to have developed from a chimpanzee virus
from West Africa in the 1920s. The disease, which spreads through
The Third Plague Pandemic, 1855 certain body fluids, moved to Haiti in the 1960s, and then New
Starting in China and moving to India and Hong Kong, the bubonic York and San Francisco in the 1970s. About 35 million people
plague claimed 15 million victims. Initially spread by fleas during worldwide have died of AIDS since its discovery, and a cure is yet to
a mining boom in Yunnan, the plague is considered a factor in the be found.
Parthay rebellion and the Taiping rebellion.
India faced the most substantial casualties, and the epidemic SARS, 2003
was used as an excuse for repressive policies that sparked some First identified in 2003 after several months of cases, Severe Acute
revolt against the British. The pandemic was considered active until Respiratory Syndrome is believed to have possibly started with bats,
1960 when cases dropped below a couple hundred. spread to cats and then to humans in China, followed by 26 other
countries, infecting 8,096 people, with 774 deaths.
Fiji Measles Pandemic, 1875 SARS is characterized by respiratory problems, dry cough, fever
After Fiji ceded to the British Empire, a royal party visited Austra- and head and body aches and is spread through respiratory droplets
lia. Arriving during a measles outbreak, the royal party brought the from coughs and sneezes.
disease back to the island, and it was spread further by the tribal
heads and police who met with them upon their return. COVID-19, 2019
Spreading quickly, the island was littered with corpses that On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced
were scavenged by wild animals, and entire villages died and were that COVID-19 was officially a pandemic after barreling through
burned down, sometimes with the sick trapped inside the fires. 114 countries in three months and infecting over 118,000 people.
One-third of Fiji’s population, a total of 40,000, died. The first reported case in China appeared November 17,
2019, in the Hubei Province, but went unrecognized. Eight more
Russian Flu, 1889 cases appeared in December with researchers pointing to an
The first significant flu pandemic started in Siberia and Kazakh- unknown virus.  
stan, traveled to Moscow, and made its way into Finland and then
Poland, where it moved into the rest of Europe. By the following Excerpted from “Pandemics That Changed History,” History.com, www.
year, it had crossed the ocean into North America and Africa. By
the end of 1890, 360,000 had died.

46 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Ad Name
Page 47
Prose for
Quietus Crossing Over

Oh, please don’t feel guilty

of It was just my time to go.

I see you are still feeling sad,
And the tears just seem to flow.
We all come to earth for our lifetime,
And for some, it’s not many years
I don’t want you to keep crying
You are shedding so many tears.
I haven’t really left you
Even though it may seem so.
I have just gone to my heavenly home,
And I’m closer to you than you know.
Just believe that when you say
my name, I’m standing next to you,
I know you long to see me,
But there’s nothing I can do.
But I’ll still send you messages
And hope you understand,
That when your time comes to
cross over,
I’ll be there to take your hand.
— Author Unknown


48 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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Celebrities Who Died on St. Patrick’s Day

1860 1956 1957 1990 1992

Anna Brownell Irene Joliot-Curie Ramon Magsaysay Capucine Grace Stafford Lantz
Jameson French physicist Seventh President of [Germaine Lefebvre], Cartoon voice
Anglo-Irish historian (Nobel laureate, 1935) the Philippines, dies in French actress and (Woody
and writer (Loves of and daughter of Marie a plane crash at 49 fashion model (Pink Woodpecker), dies
the Poets), dies at 65 Curie, dies at 58 Panther, What’s New at 87
Pussycat?), dies by
suicide at 62


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An Anatomical Offering:
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
by Steve Walker

OR CATHOLICS IN UPSTATE NEW YORK , the Albany Diocesan Cemeteries research and educational programs they
Anatomical Gift Memorial Service program provides an opportunity to formally need to conduct.
recognize, thank, and offer prayers for program participants and their families. The Ninety percent of U.S. adults say they
memorial service is annual but was not held in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions. support organ donation while only 60 per-
cent are signed up as donors according to
“Last year was the first year since the subjects for use in educating future doctors, www.organdonor.gov. While many people
program’s inception in 1983 that Albany nurses, and other medical personnel. For know about organ donation, few Americans
Diocesan Cemeteries did not offer a memo- those who choose to donate their bodies to have given thought to whole-body donation
rial service for the anatomical gift pro- science after death, it is often an alternative after death.
gram,” says Jennifer Mele, communications to the traditional funeral and burial.
director for Albany Diocesan Cemeteries in One such school is Albany Medical Col- Religious and Ethical
Menands, NY. lege in New York. By partnering with the Considerations
In order to give some level of closure Albany Diocesan Cemeteries for Catholics, Families can learn about the anatomical
to families, the Albany Medical College in the cemetery provides no-cost services and gift program through relatives who were
New York, which has partnered with the grave space for program participants after donors, or through the hospital when
Albany Diocesan Cemeteries for Catholics all studies are completed. they inquire about donating their body to
who have donated their bodies, created its Colleges and universities do not pay medical science, according to Mele. “We’ve
own private memorial service in 2020. It for bodies, but many will take care of the noticed over the years that there are usually
was not made public due to the pandemic, administrative fees involved, as well as at least one or two medical professionals
but was recorded and copies were given to transportation (within reason) from the who have chosen anatomical gift and are
the next of kin. The video was also posted place of death to the school. Most will cre- being interred in the yearly ceremony.”
on YouTube. mate the final remains at their expense. When considering organ or whole-body
No federal agency tracks whole-body donation, families often wonder about
Local Institutions in Need donations, but researchers estimate about their religion’s stance on donation. Fami-
Most states have at least one medical 18,000 cadavers are donated annually in the lies should reach out to their faith leaders
school with an organ or whole-body donor United States. Educators and researchers for answers, and faith leaders should be
program that allows the institution to have tell us that this is not nearly enough for the encouraged to stay up to date on their
denomination’s positions on this issue.
Most religions have no prohibition against
donation, but positions can and do change,
and a family will appreciate a ready and
clear answer in their time of need.
There are a great many organizations
that will accept whole-body donations.
But some of these are in the “body broker”
business and donors may have no idea that
their bodies could be parted out and sold
for research to as many as six different
educational or research facilities.
Sara Marsden-Ille of U.S. Funerals
Online says, “This shouldn’t be a problem
with colleges and universities that operate
a body bequeathal program to support
their own medical schools.” According to
Michael P. Smith, Director of Anatomical Gift Program for Albany Medical College. Marsden-Ille, these institutions, like Albany

52 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Medical College, will always ensure that “We look forward to when we can gather in society, but that is not the sum total of what
the gift is used in a way that will satisfy the prayer with families and our Albany Medi- they will be remembered for, in your eyes or
donor’s and family’s desires to contribute to cal College friends to pay our respects and God’s eyes. Anatomical gift is just a reflec-
medical science in a positive and dignified honor program participants.” tion of their lifelong sacrifice, their faith,
manner. Lori Biskup, the family service repre- and their love of family and friends.”
sentative for Albany Diocesan Cemeteries,
Steve Walker is a freelance contributor to
Moving Forward summed it up in the 2019 Anatomical Gift
Memento Mori. He is based in Dallas and is
“We’re hoping to conduct a combined Memorial Service’s opening remarks: “Your
a father of two who enjoys writing about
2020–2021 in-person anatomical gift loved one is extraordinary for their selfless-
everything from high-tech to the great outdoors.
memorial service later this year,” says Mele. ness of committing their bodies to benefit



Celebrating the Next Generation of Deathcare

Professionals Coping with a Pandemic
by Tanya Scotece, PhD, LFD, CFSP

S SOMEONE WHO TRANSITIONED from funeral service to academia just a fledgling funeral directors, are eagerly
few years ago, I have discovered that students are incredibly resilient. My students trying to land their first jobs. They are still
have adapted wonderfully to online instruction, and I have found during this very excited about entering the profession
pandemic that their technical skills have improved tremendously in spite of the fact that in spite of the challenges abounding in the
their instructor is technologically challenged! last few months and are enthusiastically
applying for jobs in spite of the obstacles
The pandemic has presented some real profession since the onset of COVID-19. they are encountering.
challenges for funeral homes. More and The pandemic has pushed funeral homes I would like to thank SCI’s national and
more people are succumbing to the horrific to become more innovative in the devel- regional recruiters for participating in our
disease that is COVID-19. We’ve learned opment of their services as well as in the virtual classroom with hiring opportunities
that we must all be resilient; we must number of people allowed during visita- for our students. Breaking into funeral ser-
bounce back, always cognizant of the needs tions. Online funerals have become increas- vice during a pandemic is something never
of grieving families during these trying ingly more popular with the general public mentioned in a textbook. SCI has been a
times. during this pandemic, and this trend may lifesaver in providing resources for our stu-
Creativity, innovation, and technol- continue once the threat has diminished. dents. We—faculty, staff, and students—are
ogy are key forces driving change in the In the midst of all this, my students, all very grateful!

I think more people realize now that A friend’s COVID-19 symptoms were very
cremation as a final disposition progressive over a few short days. He was
buys them the gift of time to gather, in ICU and preparing for a ventilator. A
plan, and prepare; and I don’t see vast array of emotions swept over me; this
cremation numbers doing anything entire experience was extremely scary. My
but going up with this realization friend has made a remarkable recovery.
and with the broader acceptance of Our industry has faced a major chal-
technology as a means of connecting lenge and has adapted remarkably. In
families. the beginning, direct cremation was the
I also think that funeral most recommended disposition. As time
directors would be wise to embrace the role of celebrant progressed, we learned more. Since there was a 10-person restric-
to broaden their offerings. Cross-utilization of the funeral tion in attendance, many people adapted and went with virtual
home for celebration of life/repast events also can generate visitations and funerals. Just as any other service provided, the
income. virtual aspect comes with an added cost. The pandemic has pre-
pared our industry for the future.
Peggy Deyak is scheduled to graduate in spring 2021 with
an associate’s degree in funeral science. Prior to beginning Dustin Ewing is a full-time student while working part-time with
this journey, she enjoyed a career in retail, completing the Fred Hunter’s Funeral Home as a removal/errands technician.
J.C. Penney Executive Training Program in 1985 and after Dustin’s choice to enter funeral services comes from a passion of
retirement, as a medical office manager for a primary care helping and caring for people. This is his second career choice in life
concierge physician. Peggy has four children and lives in Coral after spending an extended period of time in the classroom and in
Springs, FL. back of an ambulance as a paramedic.

54 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

I would have never imagined With a limited number of funeral guests
families being turned away due allowed, we are offering Skyped services.
to an overload of storage. With This gives family and friends a chance
the cases of COVID-19 predicted to say goodbye. I feel Skyped funeral ser-
to pick back up in the South, vices will only grow to be more popular
Florida professionals will now with our digital age.
be better prepared. I’ve observed One of the creative things we’re doing
firsthand how COVID-19 has is using tables in our chapels to limit
overwhelmed funeral profes- seating while still giving the feeling of
sionals who were not equipped. gathering. The chairs are well-spaced at each table and give
There has been a change due to COVID-19 with pro- the families a sense of normalcy.
fessionals working together with other professionals in They say embalming is not just a science, but an art. I
the industry to make their process smoother and less believe funeral directing is an art form as well. Directors have
stressful.  to be creative in order to help families arrange the perfect
services for their loved one—even in the face of a pandemic.
Naomi Lubrin is an accomplished small business owner,
director, speaker, and mentor. She is currently working Carolyn Searls started her mortuary journey about two years
under the Urban League of Broward County to fulfill her ago after completing a degree in art. She has been interested in
vision while a student studying mortuary science. deathcare since she was child and has been working as a funeral
attendant and embalming apprentice. She graduates in spring
I believe this pandemic has
helped us make adjustments
and advances in the way funer- There seems to be a shift in what peo-
als are handled. My employers ple are choosing when it comes to their
started online arrangements, body after they have passed on. More
which is something we did not people are looking to get cremated,
offer prior. When an indi- so I believe in the next coming years,
vidual’s family is from out of there will be a great calling for more
state, it is much easier to use crematory operators.
things like DocuSign to handle I really feel becoming a funeral
the paperwork from a distance. Along with starting director is my purpose. It’s truly
digital arrangements, we began live-streaming the something special about being the
funeral services—something that comes in handy for person who will make sure a family’s loved one is properly
those with family and friends out of town and con- cared for and laid peacefully to rest. I also think about the
necting them in a whole new way. family and how it is important that they have someone they
Being a funeral professional means you are there can trust and help them through one of the most difficult
for people in their time of need. Among the uncertainty times in their life.
caused by COVID-19, I believe it has cemented, in
Jasmine Turner is a former medical assistant pursuing her dream
myself and others, the importance of our industry. As
career of becoming a funeral director. She plans to graduate in
times are changing, so are funerals. It seems as though
spring 2022.
they will be more digitized. That is where the younger
generations come in—to invent the modern-day
funeral. Tanya Scotece, PhD, LFD, CFSP, ­[email protected], is a
professor in the Funeral Service Education program at
Angela Nero is a funeral services student with one semes- Miami Dade College.
ter left before graduation. She found her calling in the
funeral industry when she was 17, and has been working
with Palms West Funeral Home since January 2017.



Think Practical: Get Cooking

by Stephanie Longmuir

hen someone dies, I know what to say … after all, it is my job. However, this is 350°F for 10–15 minutes or until dry to the
not the case for most; and when the words don’t come easily, my advice is to touch and hardened but not too browned.
get practical and get cooking. Once cool, keep in an airtight container.
These go very well with coffee or dessert
While recipes and rituals are different, sheet with non-stick baking paper. On a wine. (Recipe from Food 52)
food plays an important part in the way we floured surface, gently roll out the dough
all grieve. Food is comforting, nurturing, until it is 1cm thick. Cut out 6cm rounds Colonial American
and provides routine in endless days of with a pre-floured cutter and space them Funeral Cookies
grieving. Dropping off a favourite meal says apart on the baking sheet. Impress a cross According to Jacqueline
“I’m thinking of you, I care.” shape into the top of each cookie. Bake S. Thursby in Funeral
Regardless of religion or culture, sharing for 20 minutes or until the cookies have Festivals in America,
something sweet is not just rich in sym- just begun to turn golden. Allow to cool “The molasses cookies
bolism but also delicious. Here are some completely. Once cold, wrap each cookie passed out to people attending funerals in
interesting recipes for funeral cookies that individually in paper. (Recipe and research parts of early America were so common
may just provide that perfect offering when content by Susan Bee–Sydney Living as to nearly have been lost to history.” This
there are no right words. Museums) recipe was adapted from 356 Cakes and
Cookies: A Cake or Cookie for Every Day of
Vaucluse House Fave Dei Morti the Year, 1904.
Funeral Cookies Fave dei morti,
Nineteenth-century “beans of the dead,” Ingredients
funeral cookies were are traditional • 1 cup butter
offered to mourners during visitations and Italian cookies that • ¾ cup sugar
to those who attended burial services. They are not reserved • ½ cup molasses
were sweet and spiced and were often made for funerals but are • 1 egg
by a specialist cookie supplier rather than baked for All Saints Day Ognissanti, and All • 2 ½ cups flour
baked at home. The Victorians typically Souls Day Tutti Morti. They are prepared to • 2 teaspoon ginger
wrapped each cookie individually in a death provide transport for the souls of the dead • 1 tbsp caraway seeds (optional)
notice, a poem, or a Bible verse. on these days when relatives and ancestors
are honoured. Originally made with broad Method
Ingredients beans, the main ingredient was changed Cream together butter and sugar; add
• 9 ounces butter (at room temp) many years ago to almonds. molasses and egg. In a separate bowl, stir
• 1 cup caster sugar together the dry ingredients, then mix the
• 4 teaspoons caraway seeds Ingredients dry and wet ingredients. Roll out dough
• 3 teaspoons ground cardamon • 7 ounces (200 grams) almond meal and cut into circles. Cook in a 350° oven for
• 10 ounces flour • ¾ cup (100 grams) flour 10–12 minutes.
• 3 ounces rice flour • ½ cup (100 grams) sugar
• Pinch salt • 1 medium-large egg Stephanie Longmuir is an

• 2 tablespoons (30 grams) butter end-of-life celebrant, podcaster,

Method • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon and consultant. She has been

serving the families of Melbourne
Cream the butter and sugar until pale and • 1 shot rum and Sydney, Australia, since 2009,
fluffy. Add the cardamon and caraway creating unique and meaningful
seeds. Method services. Determined to better
In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, Combine all the ingredients together until prepare and inform families, in 2015, Stephanie
rice flour, and salt. Mix the dry ingredients you have a smooth, compact dough. If it is founded www.myendnotes.com, Australia’s first
into the creamed butter and sugar until the too crumbly, add some warm water, a very digital funeral planning service; in 2017, she
dough forms into a ball. If it does not bind, little bit at a time until the dough comes launched a podcast series, “Dying to Tell.”
add a little iced water. Cover the dough in together. Roll walnut-sized pieces of dough Stephanie is a skilled writer and speaker and has
plastic wrap and refrigerate for 20 minutes. into balls and place on a lined baking tray. been invited by ICCFA, NFDA, and AFDA to
present at their annual conferences.
Preheat the oven to 300°F. Line a baking Flatten each ball into a disc and bake at

56 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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Cemeteries Embracing ‘Direct to Consumer’

Cremation Businesses
by Daniel M. Isard

N MANY STATES , you have combination funeral/cemetery businesses; but in some When we add the phrase “and Crematory”
states, you do not. Many cemeteries have tried to stay in their lanes offering only to a cemetery it expands the cemetery’s
interment options. Most funeral homes have stayed in their lanes, only dealing with the offerings. Assuming it is legal for a cem-
funeral and care of the body, without any interment options. As fewer bodies are interred etery to offer cremation services in your
and only a fraction of cremated remains are permanently inurned in a cemetery, this means state, you will open a wider market as a
cemeteries must take a different path to maintain their relevancy and their cash flow. When service provider.
allowed by law, the solution could be establishing a funeral service business that focuses on I have railed against the phrase “Tra-
direct cremation services. ditional Funeral” or “Traditional Funeral
Home.” The very word “traditional” means
Semantics Is More than Just Words Service” gives the impression that a service conforming to a consistent practice. Yet
Semantics, from the ancient Greek, is the is limited only to a funeral. Is a cremation when we wrongly use this phrase today, it
study of words and their meanings. Often, a funeral? Is an interment a funeral? Does implies a casketed body at a funeral with a
the words in our business and life provide a Jones Funeral Services provide cremations? burial. Once cremation became the major-
limited image of what we are trying to com- A cemetery has no such confusion. ity choice, that term has lost its meaning
municate. For example, the phrase “Funeral People know what a cemetery is and does. except in a poetic or romantic reference to
the past.
When cremation is part of more than
half of all funerals, cremation becomes the
new version of a Traditional Funeral. The
sooner we purge our paradigm, the better
we can be focused on giving families what
they want and need today.
Therefore, assuming it is legal for a cem-
etery to provide funeral options that include
a cremation, then the sky is the limit. You
get to decide whether to be a value pro-
Do you need to get more out vider or an experience provider. The value
provider offers cremation funerals on a
of your Perpetual Care Trust? marginal price scale. The experienced pro-
vider offers cremation funerals with more
options for ritual.

Scan to Learn More! The Rise in Low-Cost Funeral

In my 40 years in funeral service, I have
seen a rise in the quantity and legitimacy
of low-cost funeral providers. In the 1980s,
if someone wished to be cremated, it was
seen as radical. People who chose to use the
services of local, regional, or national com-
Jim Breaux (504) 291-8840 | ArgentTrust.com panies offering cremation exclusively were
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, scoffed at by their friends. Family fights
NATIONAL SALES EXECUTIVE TRUSTS & INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT would often break out when the kids found
PRENEED - PERPETUAL CARE - MERCHANDISE out the parents wanted to be cremated.
In the consumer studies performed in

58 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

the early 1990s, known as The Wirthlin 4. Peer pressure has made the value funeral consumers were about 5 percent,
Report, consumers chose a funeral home choice more common. resulting in about 90,000 price-focused con-
based on price less than 5 percent of the In 1980, our population was 226 million and sumers. In 2019, our population was about
time. Since then, price-driven consumers our mortality rate was about 8.0 deaths per 330 million and our mortality rate increased
have become mainstream. In recent surveys thousand. That resulted in about 1.8 million to about 8.6 deaths per thousand. This
by my company and national surveys, price deaths. We know that our value-focused accounted for about 2.8 million deaths.
is now the basis for about 15 percent to 20
percent of all consumer choices.
Those seeking cremation are not Cooperative Funeral Fund Inc.
radicals. Why? There are maybe five good has enhanced its service
reasons for this push. offerings to help you manage
the changing business
1. People think a cremation service is all environment
the same.
If cremation is the choice of more than
50 percent of all consumers today, how Collect Preneed
do you differentiate between cremation Payments via ACH:
services? We do not stress the difference CFF now offers the ability for your
between whether we own or use a third- clients to authorize one time or
party crematory. Many funeral homes do recurring payments via ACH, so you
not have cremation in their name or logo, can close a contract and collect
so consumers may not think you provide payment remotely at no cost.
anything other than a “funeral,” which
in their mind includes a casket and an
Sign Preneed Agreements
embalmed body. Simply Using DocuSign:
CFF now offers DocuSign service so
2. If competing providers are the same, you can obtain purchaser signatures
then price drives consumer decisions. remotely at no cost.
People think funeral homes are all the same.
More than a decade ago, Glenn Gould of Virtual Arrangement Training:
MKJ Marketing stated at a conference, CFF has partnered with
“65% of all consumers think that all funeral MKJ Marketing who offers an
homes are the same.” If they are all the online training for conducting the
same, then there is no reason to spend
best virtual meetings.
more. If brick and mortar funeral homes
are not going to demonstrate how they are
different, then all are on equal footing.
Interested in hearing
more about CFF?
3. We do not market funeral homes in We would be happy to come by
much the same way. to meet you, but if you prefer, we
In the 1980s, whether you were in a small will also set up a virtual meeting
town or a large town and served nearby to introduce you to your regional
neighborhoods, you knew many of the manager and the CFF program.
families personally. You knew them from
church or civic groups. Presently, Rotary CFF cares about your safety and concerns as well as your clients’.
We have catered our services to helping you continue your
or other civic groups have very little business by offering solutions that help your client feel safe and
appeal. Churches have less of a role in our secure, continuing the peace of mind you have always offered
society, according to the Pew Foundation your client families.
surveys. So, we choose a funeral home CFFInc.com 800-336-1102
differently than we did just two genera- Information contained herein should not be treated as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any security. This advertisement does not offer or promise to offer tax
advice, and as such investors should be advised to consult their own tax advisers regarding the tax consequences of their investment activities. Investment return and principal
will fluctuate, so that a client’s initial investment may increase or decrease. Any investment is speculative and involves a high degree of risk, including the risk of principal loss.
tions ago.

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1/28/21 3:47 59

If our value-focused consumers are now up Just as the problem funeral homes are What if the law does not allow, as it does
to about 20 percent, that accounts for about facing, cemeteries have a large, fixed cost not in some states? I recommend that you
560,000 calls. of operations. If your revenue is being consider finding how your association can
impaired, and costs of operation are fixed, help change the law. Laws are created by the
5. The internet is a villain. then profit is the only thing that can change. people and they are changed by the people.
We shop for cars, homes, and appliances Therefore, you need to find other sources of Many laws governing funerals are based
with the help of the internet. We shop for revenue. This solution of having a direct- on biological protections, but some are
funeral homes the same way. In a recent to-consumer cremation business can help driven by business points. We have gone
survey of one internet provider, almost 70 you recapture lost revenue and not tax your from not having OSHA-established prep
percent of all at-need consumers, who did fixed cost of operations. rooms to having OSHA-governed prep
not know what funeral home to choose, rooms. We will be embracing the future
chose a funeral home to call from their So, What Is the Answer? when we start making cremation more
hand-held smart phones. Yet, most funeral Cremation is the answer to the problem available.
home websites are terrible for attracting with cremation! You can market virtually.
consumers and do little to differentiate You have a name that is well-known in the Dan Isard, MSFS, is president of
The Foresight Companies LLC, a
themselves from others. Therefore, price is community for decades or longer. This is an
Phoenix-based business and
the differentiator. advantage. You can market on equal foot-
management consulting firm
Cemeteries have lost interment opportu- ing. You can also ask families the questions specializing in mergers and
nities as bodies are cremated and not bur- about inurnment options that the other acquisitions, valuations,
ied. The entire aligned profession has lost alternative providers are not concerned accounting, financing HR services
casket sales, vault/grave liner sales, marker with. and family surveys. He is the author of several
sales, and more, each time a person that With this in mind, should a cemetery books and hundreds of published articles in
heretofore would have been buried chooses find a way to add a retort and market cre- industry magazines, including “The Director’s
cremation. Only about 10 percent to 20 per- mation-focused funerals direct to consum- Finance 101” column. He can be reached at
cent of all cremated bodies are permanently ers? Yes, if the law allows. It may be a way 800.426.0165 or danisard@
inurned at a cemetery. Cremation is costing to add revenue and profit to your ceme- theforesightcompanies.com.
the cemeterian just as much revenue as the tery, through the very route that has been
funeral home. impairing your revenue.

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How Going Digital Helped Transform a

Centuries-Old Community Cemetery
DEATH IS INEVITABLE , and so is change.
With our feet firmly planted in the digital era,
it is necessary for cemetery management to
keep up and adapt to the changing needs and
capabilities of the time. The cemetery man-
agement industry has been doing just that;
but how does a cemetery take on the task of
digitising its records and mapping after using
“traditional” methods of recordkeeping and
mapping for more than a hundred years?
Maple Hill Cemetery is a stellar example of
a cemetery that has recognised the need for
digital transformation in terms of its adminis-
tration and mapping processes. This cemetery
has become something of an institution in the 20th century, approximately five miles The Familiar Woes
Minnesota over the last century, as it has from the Canadian border. Since the earliest interment here is dated
preserved the unique history and legacy of its It seems fitting, then, that the locality drew December 1898, it’s only logical that paper
region in various ways. The decision to digitise a significant number of Scandinavian immi- ledgers and records had been the order of the
the way it is managed was not only seen as a grants—contributing to the country and to the day for decades. Today, these ageing records
way to make administration for the cemetery overall feel of the cemetery and its church. need to be handled with care, making quick,
easier, but also as a responsibility to the area This Scandinavian heritage is visible from the efficient recordkeeping and editing a timely
and its history. headstones that dot the grounds, with names process. Additionally, cemetery management
like Berglund, Ericsson, Bjornlund, Hedlund, has been neglected from time to time in the
A Scandinavian Haven Haglund, and Ellquist among those who rest 120 years that Maple Hill has been functioning.
As cemeteries go, Maple Hill fits quite neatly there, framed by seasonal pinks and violets With insufficient funding, upkeep proved
into the “small” category and its former from the phlox petals that bloom in the spring. to be difficult over the years and the need
Lutheran Church adds a picturesque, spiritual The cemetery also pays homage to the origi- for volunteers added to the problems that
charm to the land. The beauty of this ceme- nal inhabitants of the land, helping to preserve plagued Maple Hill Cemetery’s recordkeeping.
tery cannot be understated. It’s worth noting the region’s Native American legacy. A digital solution needed to solve the problem
that it overlooks a gleaming lake for a further Importantly, the land is historically tied of inaccurate data affordably.
ethereal quality. Both the cemetery and its to the family of the current chairman of the It just so happens that those who vol-
church were established around the turn of cemetery, Howard. unteer to help Maple Hill Cemetery, both in
recordkeeping and mapping, are an ageing
demographic. With the modern world as it
is today, it’s becoming increasingly difficult
to find volunteers with time on their hands
to help with maintaining records, to lay out
graves and markers, and to contribute to the
cemetery’s general upkeep.
Quick turnover in volunteers creates fur-
ther issues regarding record accuracy; it takes
time to train new volunteers and familiarise
them with the layout of burial plots and meth-
ods of keeping the books.
Efficiently digitising records and the on-
going methods to maintain them can alleviate
the problems faced by cemeteries like Maple
Hill. It was imperative that the cemetery’s

62 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

paper records and Excel spreadsheets be with a beautiful map of the cemetery with acquisition is the largest in Thacker’s history
transferred to a user-friendly, efficient digital colour-coded markers to instantly identify the and was made official on January 18, 2021.
platform in a bid to increase accuracy and availability status of every burial plot. With QPP was founded in 2007 by Ron Cook to
save the cemetery from the passing of time. just a click, both visitors and cemetery ad- help funeral homes improve their gross profits
ministrators also benefit from knowing more by providing them with superior casket values
Correcting Inaccuracies about an individual buried in these plots. and service.
Chronicle was faced with a complex challenge. These problems are not unique to this scenic
Along with gaps in their records, Maple Hill cemetery. Change is inevitable, but it can be un-
Cemetery’s Excel spreadsheets and paper dertaken smoothly with a willingness to accept
records were misaligned with the scanned that simpler solutions for traditional processes
map plans. The team at Chronicle had to are available, and made all the more easy with a
separate plot IDs from the personal details of digital cemetery management platform. 
the interred individual for the team to work Grace Holdings, LLC, the newest entry into
on correcting the mismatch between the MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS the funeral home, cremation, and cemetery
plot map and their corresponding records. It acquisition space, has acquired Boone Funeral
took more than a month and a half to bring Home and Crematory, in Bossier City, LA.
together data that was spread across various Established in 1972 by Charles and Margaret
mediums—ledgers, old paper documents, and Boone, the funeral home has been caring for
clumsy Excel spreadsheets. Thacker Caskets has acquired Quality Pro- families and celebrating the lives of loved ones
These records had to correspond with the fessional Products, also known as QPP. The in greater Shreveport for almost 50 years.
existing cemetery maps, too. Unfortunately,
these maps were off-scale when they were
initially drawn, so the Chronicle team strived the ultim ate in

to make the necessary adjustments, along
with improving scaling after a physical survey

of the cemetery’s grounds. The new maps,
too, were digitised and linked to the records

relevant to their corresponding plots.

Going Digital: A Necessity

The inaccuracy between a cemetery’s maps

and records is not a novel problem for
cemeteries the world over. The nature of the
cemetery management industry is that it has A state-of-the-art casket
been relying on the goodwill of volunteers in enclosure for your
virtually every country, and their selflessness mausoleum
does not go unappreciated. However, it’s true
that volunteer turnover results in disjointed,
non-uniform record keeping which tends to
suffer exponentially with time.
PATENT 6,253,503
Maple Hill Cemetery’s records were sorted
and cleaned up with the help of the Chronicle

team, and ported to the software’s cloud, TM
where they’re accessible 24/7 from any
device. Now volunteers have a user interface
that’s easy to understand and keeps records in
A low-cost “insurance”
a uniform, consistent manner. Every addition
for your mausoleum
or edit to the records is now tracked.
These records are automatically aligned VKM International Inc.
with a stunning visual map of the cemetery – CALL: 800.886.2417 • FAX: 352-861-2473
only fitting for a cemetery like this one. Both www.vkminternational.com
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Former Association President

Succumbs to COVID-19
WE ARE SADDENED to announce the 1989, but I have pleasant memories of him.
death of 1977 American Cemetery Association One year, we found ourselves sitting in the
(now ICCFA) President Duncan W. Munro, 94, same aisle on the plane from Washington to
of Worcester, formerly of Northborough, MA. Nashville (I think) for the annual convention/
Duncan passed away December 26, 2020, trade show. Between us was a lady who, like
at UMass Medical Center, after a valiant fight Duncan, transferred from a Boston flight to
against COVID-19. this one.
Duncan worked as the superintendent of I struck up a conversation with the lady
the Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge and she asked me where I was headed. I told
from 1966 until 1989. He made many im- her about the ACA convention and she began
provements to the cemetery, including one of enthusiastically telling me about a beautiful
the first above-ground garden crypts in the cemetery near her in Massachusetts. I asked
Boston area. Previously, he worked for Bayler her the name of it and she said Mount Auburn.
& Mingolla Construction Company in the 1950s I told her that the man sitting on the other
and early 1960s, building portions of Route 2, side of her was the manager of Mount Auburn.
Interstate 93, and Interstate 91. Duncan was She reacted as if I have just told her she was
a member of the Ashburnham Volunteer Fire sitting next to some movie star. I got Duncan’s
Department from the early 1940s until the attention and said, “I think you have a fan of
1960s. ACA. I believed he served on the Board and Mount Auburn here.”
ICCFA former general counsel Robert Fells was well liked, the type of person that can be He confirmed that he was indeed the
remembers him fondly: simply described as a gentleman. He man- manager and she poured out her heartfelt
I just received the notice of passing and aged Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, appreciation at how beautiful the cemetery
I suspect that very few members these days MA, which is known as one of the most beau- always looked. Later, as Duncan and I walked
ever heard of him. I got to know Duncan tiful cemeteries in the northeast. together through the airport, I said to him,
Munro during my early years at what was then I haven’t seen him since he retired in “How did it feel to be treated like a rock star?”
He smiled and said that it made his day.
A simple little story, but a precious

Jack E. Frost, 89, owner and
operator of Memorial Park
Funeral Homes and
Cemeteries passed away on
January 20, 2021, at
Northeast Georgia Medical
Center Braselton Campus.
Jack owned and operated cemeteries for over
50 years from Billings, MT, to Charleston, SC.
He was past president of the Southern
Cemetery Association, vice-president of the
CORONET!! American Cemetery Association, and
Fits the standard
president of the Georgia Cemetery Associa-
cremation container.
6400lbs of top load pressure tion. He also served on the community board
at Peach State Bank in Gainesville, GA, the
board of The History Center, and the board of
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64 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com


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Funeral Directors Life has continued evolution including acquisitions,

ON THE MOVE promoted Jeffery “Stewy” Insurance, HR, IT Security, and many corporate
Stewart from director of compliance issues that result from being part
sales development to of a publicly traded company. Lisa holds a B.A.
regional sales vice president from The American University and a J.D. from
for the Atlantic Region. The University of Kansas School of Law. She is
Security National Life has “Stewy has served our a licensed attorney in Kansas and Missouri.
hired Leonardo Lopez-Mu- company well for many years as a director of
noz as the market sales sales development, supporting our sales team
manager for Southern in Wisconsin and Illinois as they focused on
California. Thomas Nicklas selling pre-need funeral plans and helping
has been hired as the market funeral homes improve their market share,”
sales manager for Pennsyl- said Kris Seale, president & CEO. “In this new
vania. Javier Valenzuela has been hired as the role, I am looking forward to seeing Stewy
team sales leader for El Paso. continue his outstanding work and help us
grow for years to come.” Stewart has
accumulated over 20 years of experience in The Tribute Companies and Tribute Precast
sales and marketing. He spent a majority of Systems in Freeport, IL, have announced
that time serving in the funeral industry as a promotions. Josh Schemel has accepted the
top-producing pre-need sales professional position of plant manager. Josh joined Tribute
and regional sales manager. on March 2, 2015, as the quality control man-
ager earning NPCA Production and Quality
Ryan M. Walsman of Greensburg, IN, has been School and American Concrete Institute
named vice president of marketing for Unity Certifications. Keith Huenefeld has accepted
Financial Life Insurance Company, Cincinnati. the position of quality control manager. Keith
Ryan has had a successful background in pre- started with Tribute on December 1, 2015. As
need sales, business development, and sales Wilbert Funeral Services, acting foreman, Keith’s current role has been
management in the funeral and cemetery Inc., (WFSI) has announced expanded to include quality control manager
profession. He recently served as the sales the addition of Lisa Epps as duties. Dean Wardlow will be stepping back
and marketing manager for Gate of Heaven senior vice president and from his position of plant manager as of De-
Catholic Cemetery for the last three years, and general counsel. Lisa is a cember 31, 2020. After 25 years of service, we
prior as a market sales manager for Secu- former partner at Spencer are very happy that he will continue to work
rity National Life, and a Pre-need Account Fane, WFSI’s long-term at Tribute Precast in the role of plant laborer.
Executive. outside law firm. Lisa will be involved with
many aspects of Wilbert’s growth and

66 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

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tions Group. Prior to joining Homesteaders

Solutions Group, Michelle spent 29 years with
National Guardian Life Insurance Company
(NGL) in various functional and leadership
roles including marketing, partner support,
customer service, and distribution solutions.

Funeral Directors Life has

Jill Muenich, president of the Homestead- announced the addition of
ers Solutions Group, has announced that Mark Weaver as the market The International Memorialization Supply As-
Michelle Hartley will join the organization center manager for Illinois. sociation (IMSA) has announced its Board of
as senior business development manager. “I “We’re excited that Mark is Trustees for 2021: Ronen Rybowski, president
feel so fortunate to have attracted top talent joining the Funeral Directors of Behar Mapping and current president of
like Michelle to the Homesteaders Solutions Life sales team,” said Kris IMSA will provide leadership and uphold the
Group,” says Jill. “We worked closely together Seale, president and CEO of Funeral Directors association’s standards and missions; Jordan
for many years in my prior life, and she brings Life. “His passion for business development Yearsley, president of Ensure-A-Seal and the
nearly three decades of experience in pre- and his background in pre-need funeral immediate past-president of IMSA will act
need, insurance, client services and marketing service and leadership will be assets to his as secretary treasurer to ensure the associ-
to our organization. There is no doubt in my team, his new role, and the funeral homes he ation’s financial obligations are met; Katie
mind she will be a game-changer for Home- will serve in Illinois.” Mark has previously Hill, president of Mortuary Lift will act on the
steaders Solutions from day one.” Hartley will served as an account manager and regional benefits committee alongside board member
be focused on development and expansion sales manager in Illinois and as a director of Jeff Tulman, president of Pairpoint Glass
of best-in-class resources provided to funeral sales in Washington. He received a degree in Company to develop exclusive membership
home customers, agents, and marketing orga- Business Economics, and he is currently benefits for current and future IMSA mem-
nizations through the Homesteaders Solu- working on his MBA. bers; Deanna Wilkinson, director of sales and
marketing with Express Funeral Funding will

EXCLUSIVE FROM BOGATI execute marketing and brand strategies while

coordinating with state and national associa-
tions to further IMSA’s network of suppliers;
Mandy Benoualid, president of Keeper and RJ
DeWilde, vice president of sales and market-
ing of Holland Supply Inc., will serve on the
ethics committee to establish and maintain
an order of precedence for current and future
IMSA members.


Legacy.com, Inc. has announced a major

expansion of the company’s relationship with
Lee Enterprises, a leading provider of local
news, information, and advertising. Now, Leg-
acy.com’s new and improved obituary plat-
Powdercoated form powers notice publishing, condolence
moderation, and sympathy commerce for all
Adult Alloy Urns 77 of Lee’s markets and communities. These
Smaller Sizes Available
include the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch, the Wisconsin State Jour-
nal, the Press of Atlantic City, and the Buffalo
(941) 751-3382 News, among many others.

68 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

share. Founded in 2000, BerylMartin is an art, for a small estate,” said Corinne Lavictiore,
design, and digital print studio committed to founder and CEO of INEX. “Our products help
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most stunning tributes and keepsake products close an estate while generating goodwill
available. They offer a wide variety of beauti- and revenue for funeral homes.” The Medi Air
ful, personalized funeral memorial tributes and Purifier from Living Well Products utilizes ad-
keepsakes, including brochures, programs, vanced technology to clean your funeral home
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tate to be settled and it is a difficult task even

The Order of the Golden Rule (OGR) has

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try leaders. Final Security’s digital estate
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Our family serving yours for over 30 years.
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ACQUISITIONS companies. “We are very excited to work with the same service with continued respect and
Ellery and the team at Aftercare,” Curtis said. professionalism. Jefferson Memorial, founded
“We have a very similar vision of creating in 1949, and Currie-Jefferson, founded in 1959,
software that does the work for the funeral have long provided state-of-the-art accom-
director and we are looking forward to making modations to the greater Birmingham area.
the lives of our clients easier in more ways.” Spacious, full-service funeral homes were
Tukios has over 5,000 funeral homes using its added to the well-maintained perpetual care
simple video creation software. gardens in the 1980s and 1990s.

Aftercare.com has joined the team at Tukios,

the leading provider of tribute video soft-
ware. Both companies have a very simple
value proposition for funeral homes and will
continue to lead in their respective categories.
Aftercare offers a simple follow-up program Legacy Funeral Group has announced the ac- Wilbert Funeral Services, Inc. (WFSI) is
where the family receives a series of greeting quisition of Jefferson Memorial Funeral Home pleased to announce the acquisition of
cards and a survey to keep the funeral home and Gardens of Trussville, AL, and Currie-Jef- Hoffman Burial Supplies, Inc. (HBS). Based in
top-of-mind. They also have an automated ferson Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens Peoria, IL, HBS is a leading distributor of steel
texting solution that does the follow-up for of Hoover, AL. Located in the greater Birming- and wood caskets as well as urns and funeral
the funeral director, creating engaging conver- ham market, these combination funeral homes related printed materials with six warehouses
sations and driving customer reviews. Curtis and cemeteries have delivered trusted service serving funeral professionals in Illinois, Indiana,
Funk, the founder and CEO of Tukios, believes to their communities for many decades. Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Missouri, and
that this is an excellent step forward for both Legacy Funeral Group will continue to provide Wisconsin. “This transaction supports WFSI’s
continued growth strategy and ongoing invest-
ment in complementary products and services
benefiting funeral professionals and the fami-
lies they serve,” stated Mark Bates, president &
CEO of WFSI. “Hoffman joins Astral Industries

Cremation Scheduling, Simplified. and Signet Supply, which together represent

WFSI’s Casket Division, with further expansion
expected in 2021.” Founded in 1952, Hoffman
Spend less time scheduling services and devote is an iconic brand in the mid-west with a rich
more time to giving your communities the support history of top quality caskets, unsurpassed
customer service, and great value.
and comfort they require in their time of need.
With byondcloud, you get an intuitive tool to help
you simplify scheduling, manage your calendar,
and let approved funeral directors book services
anytime online.
KMI Columbaria has been purchased by
Honor Life, a granite memorial and construc-
Learn how. tion company located in California. For many
years, Honor Life has been doing the manu-
Visit opusxenta.com/cremation-bookings facturing and installations in the USA for KMI
Columbaria, as well as its own niche projects
for over 30 years. With the talent and resourc-
es that Honor Life brings, it will expand the
capabilities and service that KMI will provide
clients including design/build services. The
corporate offices have moved to the United
States but KMI will still do business in Canada.
Mark Heddy will head up the sales and service
in the United State and Mike Smurthwaite will
be the sales representative in Canada.

70 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com


Foundation agents and employers. Everplans’ founders

Partners Group has are the authors of the recently released book,
announced the In Case You Get Hit by a Bus—How to Organize
acquisition of Your Life Now for When You’re Not Around
Riverside Funeral Later (Workman Publishing).
Home with three
locations in Foundation Partners
Albuquerque, Los Group has announced
Lunas, and Santa Fe, NM. The acquisition National Guardian Life Insurance Company the acquisition of
represents Foundation Partners Group’s first (NGL) has announced the acquisition of Ever- Cascade Funeral
entry into the New Mexico market. In 2004, plans, a New York City-based digital life-plan- Directors Inc., an
Charlie Finegan, Riverside Funeral Home’s ning and organization company. Everplans Oregon-based
founder, saw an opportunity to expand his will remain a separate entity and operate as deathcare business
mortuary trade business and began offering a wholly owned subsidiary of NGL. Togeth- with eight locations throughout the Portland
cremation services directly to the public. From er, these companies will be able to pro- and Salem metropolitan areas. The acquisi-
the beginning, Riverside’s mission was to vide families across the country with easy, tion, which includes all six Crown Memorial
provide dignified and affordable service to affordable and accessible ways to prepare Centers, Canby & Molalla Funeral Chapels,
every family they served. After a period of for the unexpected, and be able to securely Autumn Funerals Cremation & Burial,
rapid growth in Albuquerque, Finegan track and manage vital information through- Dignified Pet Services and other related
expanded to serve Los Lunas in 2012 and out their lives, and during challenging times. businesses, increases the Foundation Partners
Santa Fe in 2017. When asked why he selected “Everplans’ advancements in the digital space Network to a total of 25 locations in the
Foundation Partners Group, Finegan said, “I will play an important role in accelerating our state. Cascade Funeral Directors owner Randy
chose Foundation Partners because they transformation into a digital leader within the Tjaden bought his first funeral home in 1985,
understood the value of what my employees insurance and financial products landscape,” and over the next 35 years, grew the business
and I have built and are committed to growing said Knut Olson, NGL president and CEO. to become the largest provider of deathcare
the business.” Everplans helps people manage, organize, services in Oregon. “Trends were changing,
securely store and share critical information and the industry hadn’t changed to keep up,”
with those in their lives who may need it he said. “We designed Crown Memorial
during an emergency, or in the event of death. Centers to be fully independent with all
The company currently maintains a consumer infrastructure built and controlled in-house.”
subscription service, which is also offered by
financial professionals, attorneys, insurance NEW PROJECTS
Funeral Services, Inc.
(FSI) has announced
WARD sweeping enhance-

ments to PRISM, the
company’s online
trust recordkeeping and administration
services platform. The new features will
ensure deathcare firms are equipped 24/7
with the tools, resources and real-time
information they need to serve consumers in
an increasingly digital environment. The new,
robust enhancements include: Mobile-friendly
design and enhanced dashboard that can be
used for all smartphones and tablets (an
estimated 1 billion devices) and the majority of
browsers; clients can now set-up and process
one-time and recurring consumer credit card
payments online; and a live chat feature so
clients can speak directly with an FSI team
member online during business hours.

72 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Do More. BETTER.
More Connections.
GET STARTED AT More Opportunities.
More than Just Preneed.

this integration a reality. With this integration, History. This exhibition will focus on the late
Passare users can now quickly and easily sub- 1800s through today, in New Orleans, Loui-
mit death certification information with a few siana, on how a common way to bid farewell
clicks. “We are thrilled to offer our Pennsylva- to a loved one originated with a jazz funeral
nia clients this groundbreaking integration,” or a funeral with music that is now a tradition
said Josh McQueen, vice president of product unique to the city of New Orleans, especially
Travel Plan by Inman has changed the way it at Passare. “No other administration system among the African American community.
does business. To better serve Travel Plan par- has ever attempted to integrate with a state’s “New Orleans has a rich and fascinating
ticipants, it is implementing a change to sales EDRS system, making this the first integration history,” stated Bob. “The convergence of the
starting in 2021. This change will offer greater of its kind. And Pennsylvania is the first state French, Spanish, and British who colonized the
benefit to the families served. Any Travel to offer an API that makes this integration area paired with the West African tribes from
Plans sold in 2021 will return a participant to possible.” the domestic slave trade in the early 1900s,
the local funeral home rather than the airport significantly attributed to this colorful culture.”
closest to the legal residence. The hope is that Bob added, “Today’s jazz funerals adhere to
this new option will allow more people to have a strictly defined parade structure. Once the
the peace of mind protection that the Travel funeral wake ends, the band accompanies
Plan by Inman offers. the family from the funeral home or church.
It leads its way to the cemetery, sometimes
using a horse-drawn hearse. The group, also
known as ‘the first line,’ plays somber funeral
dirges and traditional spiritual hymns.”

The National Museum of Funeral History has

announced the opening of its 16th permanent
Passare, Inc. has announced the release of the exhibit, Jazz Funerals of New Orleans. “We WilbertEDU™, the online CEU program of-
first-ever integration with a state’s electronic are very excited to be able to present this fered to funeral professionals by The Wilbert
death registration (EDRS) system in Pennsyl- exhibit that highlights the history and culture Group, has new sessions available now for
vania. Passare collaborated with the Pennsyl- of jazz funerals unique to New Orleans to the registration. Funeral professionals can see the
vania Funeral Directors Association and the American people,” stated Bob Boetticher, Sr., continuing lineup of upcoming topics and reg-
Pennsylvania Department of Health to make chairman of the National Museum of Funeral ister for individual sessions on www.wilbert.
com/wilbertedu. Leading off on January 21
is a presentation by John McQueen entitled
“Survival Skills During and Post-Pandemic,”
a timely topic that teaches participants the
necessary principles of customer service
when unable to interact personally with client
families. On February 4, David Hicks of Pierce
Chemical will present “Embalming Using the
Restricted Cervical Injection Method” using
real case examples to demonstrate the useful
RCI technique and which types of cases are
recommended to utilize it. On February 18,
Pam Kleese of Homesteaders will present
groundbreaking research on consumer be-
havior and attitudes toward cremation, plus
outline strategies that meet the needs of cre-
mation families. To date, over 2,000 attendees
have taken advantage of the breadth of topics
offered in the WilbertEDU program since its
launch in November 2020.

74 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com


NEW PRODUCTS bracelet. With the same engraving space as 1-877-995-8767 or visit the website at www.
the pendant style, these bracelets can be NewMemorialsDirect.com.
customized with actual fingerprint, handprint,
footprint, handwriting, or standard text Passages Interna-
engraving. The chambered style allows for tional, Inc. has
personalization on all four sides, while the flat, released its new
non-ash holding style can be engraved on 2021 product
front and back. It can be ordered in your catalog. The catalog
customer’s choice of the following metals: was created as a tool
sterling silver, solid 14K gold (yellow, white, or for funeral homes to
After the rose), or platinum. As always, New Memorials present eco-friendly
popularity of its Direct does not sell to the general public and urns and caskets to
bar pendants, a wholesale account is required to place their non-traditional
New Memorials orders. To inquire about this new bracelet or families, and it features several new urns and
Direct has to obtain a wholesale account, please contact caskets. The new digital “flip” format can be
announced a personalized horizontal bar New Memorials Direct via telephone at shared with families for them to review in the
comfort of their homes or on their own
devices. Printed copies are discouraged, but
available upon request. The organization of
the catalog follows the product decision-mak-
ing process that a family would go through
R E L A M PI N G when arranging a funeral. Beginning, for
example, with the selection of a casket or
shroud for cremation or natural burial,
LED light bulbs followed by a presentation of urns organized
fo r C r y p t s & N i ch e s
by usage, and then to memorial pieces and
D O I T YO U R S E L F jewelry. The catalog does not include pricing
or funeral industry jargon.
s e p te ch n o l o g i e s .co m
1 8 7 7 5 1 5 - 4 67 2 CHARITABLE DONATIONS

National Guardian Life Insurance Company

(NGL) has announced that its corporate gift
to United Way of Dane County in 2020, com-
bined with employees’ personal pledges and
donations, totaled $140,000. “United Way
of Dane County is an integral member of our
community and an organization NGL is proud
to support. Through its strategic partnerships
and collaborative efforts, United Way is con-
necting people to valuable resources, which
strengthens our community and leads to bet-
ter outcomes for everyone,” said Knut Olson,
NGL president & CEO. For more than 70 years,
NGL has proudly partnered with and support-
ed United Way of Dane County. Funding to
United Way of Dane County is focused on the
areas of education, income and health with
the goals to help build a community where
everyone can succeed in school, work and life. 

76 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com


Today, it is more important than ever to offer contact-free options for families
exploring end-of-life planning. Our eContract solution is a secure, efficient and
accurate way to sell and manage preneed contracts digitally – one that has helped
firms better serve their communities for 15 years.
Learn more about eContract at FSITrust.com.


Unity Financial Life Insurance Company’s program called “Blue Jean

Charity” was able to donate to a needy family in Indiana this holiday
season. Since the company-sponsored program’s inception in 2006,
employees have helped over 22 families. This year’s recipients were a
family that experienced a tragic house fire that destroyed the entire
dwelling. The funds, $2,000, helped purchase everyday essentials for
the family such as food, clothing, and shelter. “We started the Blue
Jean Charity as a fun way for home office employees to be able to
wear blue jeans to work every Friday, and the last working day of each
month,” said Jay Hardy, president and CEO, Unity Financial Life. Em- Flanner Buchanan, along with Legacy Cremation &
ployees can wear jeans only if they donate a dollar into the Christmas Funeral Services, headquartered in Indianapolis,
holiday fund. At the end of the year, the collected funds are used to honored 2020 Caregivers of the Month and Volunteers
help needy families. of the Month at the eighth annual Hospice Banquet,
held virtually this year on January 22. Heartland Hos-
pice volunteer Mike Judge was selected as the
“Volunteer of the Year” and Hospice Nurse Robin
Martens (second from left) was selected as the “Caregiver of the Year.”
Mike has been a volunteer with Indianapolis-based Heartland Hospice
for four years. He began as part of their Vigil Program and then
became involved in the “We Honor Veterans” program. He also has
provided veteran-centered education to the Heartland Hospice staff
and helped them grow their “We Honor Veterans” program. Robin, who
works at Community Home Health & Hospice, located in Fishers, IN, is a
registered nurse and a certified hospice and palliative care nurse.

here for you to the end

Providing you with the support and guidance as a
trusted advisor — through audited financial statements,
trust fund compliance audits, multi-state taxation and Legacy Funeral Group is excited to congratulate Emken Linton of
much more. Emken-Linton Funeral Home in Texas City, TX, for being awarded
the Texas Funeral Directors Association’s 2020 Southeast Funeral
Visit withum.com/death-care to learn more about Director of the Year. Emken-Linton Funeral Home was established in
our Death Care Services. 1911 by H.B. Emken and gained its namesake from the two families who
established its strong foundation. This year will mark the 110th year
in service to the families and Emken Linton’s 50th year carrying on
his family’s legacy in the funeral industry. He earned this prestigious
award by his compassion, care, and dedication to go above and beyond
each family’s expectations. By merit of earning the Southwest Funeral
Director of the Year award, Emken is in the selection pool for the Texas
Funeral Director of the Year.

scan me


78 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com


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Share your story at Batesville.com/WMM

©2021 Batesville Services, Inc.

Behind the Scenes of DEAD Talks 2021

by Ann Marie St. George, CPC


piling up outside my front window, I feel the
chill in the air we call winter. Our main office
in Connecticut has closed in preparation for
a Nor’easter gusting its way up the coast,
dumping plenty of snow in its path. Having
grown up in Buffalo, NY, I just grin at the there of which we like to traverse the outside what? That is exactly what our entire industry
thought of a snowstorm, for we do not mea- edges. of professionals were in the midst of doing—
sure in inches but in feet. For most of us West- The day the annual DEAD Talks conference muddling through trying to figure out how to
ern New Yorkers, this Nor’easter sounds like ends, the next one is being imagined—no virtually do a job that always has required an
a light dusting. Instead of worrying about the doubt sooner. As with every successful Super- in-person connection.
storm, I find myself startled by the thought bowl team, we were led by a brilliant coach, As a committee, we continued to meet vir-
that “DEAD Talks 2021” has already come to BBQ Master John Bolton, and our exceptional tually—the committee’s desire to help our pro-
an end and it is time to put into motion the support coaches and managers aka “the fession grow and adapt became our mission:
groundwork for 2022. Rockstar ICCFA staff” namely Jaclyn, Jason, To find the right people to speak to this need
As part of the ICCFA Sales and Marketing KD, Kirsten, Kelly, Nadira, Natalie, and Tim. to work and sell virtually. The fundamentals
Committee, our focus was to put together a Without them, we would not have made it to of selling are at their core the same no matter
successful annual sales conference for 2021— the DEAD Talks playoffs. Yes, I love football as what you are selling; and, often, it is intriguing
an international event that brings together did my mom, who went into labor with me at to find a different perspective.
every imaginable professional that sells a a Buffalo Bill’s game. It was so long ago that Once we found our keynote speakers, we
product or service in the ever-changing world the stadium was called the “Old Rock Pile.” chose our three “DEAD Talkers.” These were
of deathcare. So how does a committee of like-minded presenters who would complement the topic
Originally, this event was affectionately professionals deliver a remarkable event and of our keynote speaker and in “TED Talks”
known as the Wide World of Sales Conference add curiosity to collaboration and commit- fashion—20 minutes. We selected three
(WWS). My first WWS was so awe-inspiring ment, then bake it with some comedic timing “DEAD Talkers” per keynote, which was a
that I sought out a seat on the Sales and Mar- and finish it with a sprinkle of luck? Using great formula to solidify the message for that
keting Committee. This committee is known time, effort, and a little elbow grease sounded day while holding everyone’s attention.
for its energetic, fun-loving, and generous atti- too boring and cliché for our resourceful And we cannot forget finding the quint-
tude toward creating a sales conference like group. We were tired of hearing, “We can’t essential perfect host of the show; luckily, a
no other. It was this mindset that led to the wait until things are back to normal.” We no brainer. Yup, the “BBQ Master” who has
rebranding of WWS to DEAD Talks. understood the importance of a new thought his own YouTube channel. After finding all the
This year, I was lucky enough to be one paradigm. From that mindset, the slogan presenters we knew were “dead-on” (sorry I
of the co-chairs for DEAD Talks, aptly named “Back to Better” was conceived. couldn’t resist), we plugged everyone into our
“Back to Better.” My partner in innovation, Another key to a DEAD Talk’s success was “DEAD Talks” conference formula for success.
Dyanne Miller, works in Cemetery Sales while in finding presenters that we were confident We decided that the best virtual platform
I work in Funeral Sales (pre-need). Together, would deliver our core message to our fellow for our virtual conference purposes was Big
we crafted the name “Dyannie” to show the colleagues while providing valuable take- Marker (www.bigmarker.com).
dynamics of collaboration in our profession. aways. This part of the process often presents Being totally virtual, we had to get the
I have a whole new appreciation for what it certain challenges—like, has anyone ever conference up on its feet several months in
takes to not only put a large event together heard this person speak? Are they a good advance. This called for many hours of com-
but to make it successful. fit? Are they dynamic enough to hold the mitment from a select group of people who
It is the commitment each committee audience? worked behind the scenes to make us all look
member makes to meet several times a year It was pre-COVID when we started our good, Thank you, Rockstars!
to brainstorm, network, and collaborate in speaker selection process. Later, during Our pre-game consisted of practicing on
order to create something new and different. COVID, we were faced with the additional our virtual platform to get comfortable, fix any
The ICCFA Sales and Marketing Committee challenge of delivering our presenters and kinks, and hopefully prevent any embarrassing
is innovative. We have and will use any tool conference “virtually.” Whoa, what? How are moments. Presentations were recorded and
you can imagine to keep it interesting for we going to accomplish all that we planned outlines of information that needed to be
you. There is a “great big box” of tools out without people being face to face? Well, guess covered were put together. We designed the

80 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Thank you to our 2021

Assurant Solutions Homesteaders Life Company
The Bancorp Inglewood Park Cemetery
Biondan North America, Inc. Johnson Consulting Group
Blackstone Cemetery Matthews Memorialization
Merendino Cemetery Care
Cave Hill Cemetery
National Guardian Life
Coldspring Insurance Co.
Cooperative Funeral Fund, Inc. NOMIS Publications
Cypress Lawn Park Lawn Corp.
Davey Tree PlotBox
Forest Lawn Memorial- Ring Ring Marketing
Parks & Mortuaries
Security National Life
Foundation Partners
Service Corporation
Funeral Directors Life International
Global Atlantic Financial webCemeteries.com
Hillside Memorial Park & Winning By Design
Mortuary The Woodlawn Cemetery

perfect platform to acknowledge and thank rocking success! Yes, there were a few glitch- Ann Marie St. George, CPC, AnnMarie.
our sponsors for their generous contributions. es, a few giggles, and a few odd gestures. [email protected], a first-generation funeral
Each of the sponsors was given the ability It was a huge endeavor. But because it was director, has worked for the past 20 years as a
to personalize a message, and those mes- approached in a collaborative way, by a team regional manager for Cooperative Funeral Fund,
sages were as unique as the companies that of fun-loving and open-minded deathcare a pre-need and cemetery care fund management
presented them. Thank you, sponsors. Game professionals, everything worked out. I am company. Thriving in the industry for over 35
day arrived; and after putting on our uniforms honored to be part of this group and I look years as a funeral director/embalmer, she serves
and helmets, we were ready for the big day. forward to future successful “DEAD Talks” as Mortuary Officer for both DMORT Region II
The event was attended by just shy of starting with next year at the Bally’s in Las and Kenyon International Emergency Services.
300 deathcare sales professionals and was a Vegas, January 12–14, 2022.


Discount on Performance Tracker™

Track your business and its success with John- There is no contract to sign and
son Consulting Group’s Performance Tracker. ICCFA members receive a 10%
The JCG Performance Tracker provides funeral discount. To learn more about
homes and cemeteries timely and accurate other ICCFA membership benefits
measurements of customer service and sale and services, visit www.iccfa.com/
performance. This program helps you tune benefits. To access membership
in to your customers with improved surveys, benefits and services, visit http://
analytics, custom dashboards, SMS, and in-app users.iccfa.com, log in with your
capabilities that will keep you aware, engaged, username and password, and click on
and motivated to deliver the best brand expe- Member Discount Programs.
rience possible. That’s good for your custom-
ers, your legacy, and your bottom line.

Welcome New ICCFA Members!

• Salt Spring Island Natural Cemetery • Chandler Funeral Home & Cremation
LTD Service
Salt Spring Island, BC, Canada Caldwell, OH
• San Gabriel Cemetery • Latitude 24 Project Specialists
San Gabriel, CA Corona, CA
• Prairie Cremation Services • Flora Funeral Service Inc. For more information about ICCFA
and membership, visit www.iccfa.com/
Grangeville, ID Rocky Mount, VA
membership and download an application
• MacLean Funeral Home Swan • Murphy-Parks Funeral Service form. Or call 1.800.645.7700 to speak to a
Chapel Whispering Hope Memorial Gardens membership associate.
Charlottetown, PE, Canada & Crematory
Shelbyville, IN

82 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Live Streaming 2.0
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See you at ICCFA in Las Vegas!

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Thank you
to deathcare professionals everywhere.
Photo by Branimir Balogović for Unsplash

March 11 • National Funeral Director and Mortician Recognition Day

ICCFA_AppreciationAd.indd 1 2/23/21 3:30 PM

SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Virtual Program Highlights

in finance, sales, transactions, and operational management with
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT both public and private companies and their board of directors.
Adapting Your Business Model as a Result of a Doug Gober has contributed his lifetime to helping
funeral and cemetery owners and managers
Pandemic: A Reimagined Funeral and Cemetery
maximize their business results. He has been a
Profession casket salesman, marketing director, deathcare
Chris Cruger and Doug Gober, The Foresight Companies building designer, and industry liaison to the largest
In what is undoubtedly the most transformative time in genera- lender in the cemetery and funeral business. In the
tions, The Foresight Companies conducted a study of consumers last decade, Doug arranged for more than $400 million of financing
to put empirical data behind the speculative trends about how to facilitate purchases in the United States.
COVID-19 has impacted the funeral and cemetery industry, both
in the short– and the long-term. The initial study was conducted Advancing Your Mission: Going from Strategic
during May 2020 with a follow-up study conducted during the Planning to Doing
fourth quarter of 2020. This presentation will highlight the findings Dione DeMitro, Dione DeMitro Facilitation and Consulting
of the initial study and highlight the emerging trends directly from Services
the feedback of the consumer. An industry that has been slow to
Many organizations take the time to develop a strategic plan but
embrace technology and innovation was thrust into an entirely new
struggle to move from planning to doing. Join Dione DeMitro in
way of interacting with consumers. In a time of uncertainty, con-
this highly interactive session that gives participants the framework
fusion, and dramatic change, Chris Cruger and Doug Gober will
for creating a strategic plan for their organizations that can be easily
provide insights for the industry on how the business model must
converted into action steps with measures for success and a dash-
evolve and adapt to the “new norm.”
board their entire team can use.
The three most profound findings are around technology, physi-
cal attendance, and price transparency. Takeaways
These three areas of our industry have undergone a radical shift At the end of this session, participants will be able to return to work
and consumers are telling us that they do not and will not accept and begin a transformative strategic-planning process for their own
them going back to the way they used to be. organization at home because they will be able to:
• identify the key components of a mission statement

• The data in no way suggests the death of the funeral and ceme- • develop a vision for their organization
tery industry – it is quite to the contrary.
• utilize a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats) analysis to identify strategic priorities
• Change does not mean the end; it simply means it’s time to • model how to use a vision and SWOT analysis to develop
adjust. We are going to present you with actual data from a
goals, strategies, and objectives
statistically accurate sampling of the U.S. population.
• The Foresight Companies 2020 U.S. Consumer Behavior Study
• translate a strategic plan into an implementation plans with
measures and a dashboard, and
concluded that the pandemic has fundamentally altered how
the funeral industry will need to operate in the future if it
• explore why they say “culture eats strategy for lunch” and
explain the connection between organization values to organi-
hopes to succeed in the post-pandemic world.
zational behaviors.
Chris Cruger is a Partner and Chief Operating
Dione DeMitro has facilitated strategic plans for
Officer of the Foresight Companies. In this role,
businesses, school districts, nonprofit organizations,
Chris provides leadership, management, and vision
and municipalities for over 15 years. She served as
for The Foresight Companies in order to ensure that
the Director of the Nonprofit and Public Service
the proper resources, people, and controls are in
Center at Lakeland Community College before
place to serve our clients. As one of the foremost
joining DeJohn Funeral Homes and Cremation
authorities in the cemetery and funeral service industry, Chris has
Services. The model she developed is designed to collect and
the knowledge to provide efficient solutions to businesses of all
synthesize large amounts of information quickly. Dione is a highly
sizes in our profession. His experience in the funeral industry spans
skilled facilitator and is called upon to help organizations with
throughout North America, five continents, and 25 countries. Over
change management, shifting culture, and project planning. Dione is
the past 20 years, Chris has analyzed several thousand funeral
a community volunteer and is a current or past board member for a
homes and cemeteries and has a unique depth of perspective in this
number of nonprofit organizations in her community.
industry. Chris has a demonstrated cross-dimensional experience

84 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021

Why Your Exit Plan Needs a Post–COVID-19 • understanding of various strategies to help them stay on track
Tune-Up to meet their business and personal financial goals.
Tim Hermann, Roosevelt Investment
• identify some of the most common pitfalls that could derail
their exit plan and what steps they can take to account for
It may be years before we fully understand COVID-19’s economic them.
and public health impact but we are already seeing a change in
perceptions and expectations from consumers regarding the future Tim Hermann is the Vice President and Senior
of funeral service. For many funeral service professionals, this may Investment Counselor of the Private Client Group
mean taking a look at your business, its value, and your personal at Roosevelt Investments and is a Certified Exit
financial goals to help ensure your exit plan is still relevant and Planner™ and Certified Financial Planner®. He has
effective after everything that has happened over the last year. Has over 18 years of experience in financial services and
your situation changed? Is your timeline different? Do you want has spent the last 10 years working with funeral
to alter your plan for your successor? Has your attitude towards homes, cemeteries, and their owners and operators. Prior to joining
investing and risk changed? For others, it may mean taking a close Roosevelt Investments, Tim was a Senior Relationship Manager at
look at your role in the business and developing an exit plan for Fisher Investments and was also formerly an Associate and
the first time. Join Tim Hermann as he takes you through some of Investment Banking Analyst at JPMorgan Chase & Co. Tim earned
the longer-term implications for your exit plan due to COVID-19 a bachelor’s degree in applied economics and management from
and changing consumer trends. Learn about various strategies to Cornell University.
help you stay on track to meet your business and personal financial
• longer-term implications for their exit plans due to COVID-19
and changing consumer trends.

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SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Disruption—Our Business Was Dying (Even Before questions in a strategic way, despite what our short-term met-
COVID-19) and Yours Was, Too! rics might suggest. Adapt or die.
Chris Keller, Sunset Memorial Park
• We must face the reality that there will be no “back-to-normal”
state of being after COVID-19 is past—the world has perma-
All businesses are dying, they just might be at different stages of nently shifted on its axis, so deal with it.
their life cycle. Is this life cycle a linear progression that can’t be
reversed or can a business “disrupt” or “re-invent” itself in such
• Let go of what you hold dear and provide what the future cus-
tomer will hold dear. We need to stop trying to convince that
a way that it leaps backward to a healthier stage? This affects all future customer that they need to value what we value.
businesses, and, in some cases, those businesses that think they are
the strongest are the most vulnerable and blind to the threat. On
• 2020 was a dumpster fire all the way around but embedded in
that are huge opportunities to redesign and reset your business
top of that, COVID-19 took over the world and forcibly rearranged for the future.
operations and expectations in a rapid and brutal way. The firm
that Chris Keller helps lead is digging deeper beyond the surface Chris Keller is responsible for new development at
metrics and is beginning to see the need to completely disrupt their French Funerals-Cremations/Sunset Memorial
business, both organically and by leveraging the changes already Park. Over the past 13 years he has led the funeral,
brought about by COVID-19. The reality of this is terrifying but the pet cremation, cemetery, and advanced planning
opportunities are tremendous. Are we truly comfortable with the insurance divisions of the company as well as their
concept of bulldozing something we hold so dear and rebuilding it monument company. He is beginning the develop-
in a completely different way to serve the customer of the future? If ment of a new “micro-cemetery” in a nearby community while
we’re not willing to consider doing that, then we’re in big trouble. continuing to maximize and extend Sunset’s revenue potential.
The customer of the future does not want what we delivered to the Sunset Memorial Park is widely known for creative and thoughtful
customer of the past! design implementation and changing the way cemeteries have
always done it. Chris looks at the cemetery and funeral world
Takeaways through a different lens. He is helping his company develop an
• There is an absolute necessity to start addressing these entirely new customer base by advertising and marketing in a


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86 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021

completely different manner and creating new ways for families to frequent speaker on these topics. He is also a published author on
permanently memorialize loved ones. Chris frequently speaks on marketing, communications, and media relations. Joe has a
various industry topics both nationally and internationally. He bachelor’s degree in journalism from Ball State University and an
serves on multiple industry and nonprofit boards and is currently MBA in Marketing from Xavier University. He also served as an
an Officer of the ICCFA Board of Directors. advertising professor at the University of Cincinnati.

Reputation Management in Today’s Online World

Joe Weigel, Weigel Strategic Marketing CEMETERY OPERATIONS
In today’s world, it’s not just TV news, newspapers articles, and
word of mouth that can ruin a reputation; we now have to contend In Plain Sight
with online reviews. Your online reputation determines how others Christopher Cooke, Evansville City Cemeteries
perceive your funeral home or cemetery when they search for it Christopher Cooke will show ways in which anyone can take
online. In this interactive session, Joe Weigel discusses how funeral existing features from their cemetery and maximize the returns
homes and cemeteries can take steps to ensure they stay abreast of on them without much of a budget to work with. Leaning heavily
all online conversations and how to respond to negative “news” and upon his experience as an award-winning municipal cemeterian,
reviews as well as how your online reputation has been impacted by Christopher will walk you through the process from a simple vision
COVID-19.  to a finished award-winning project. In this session, he will cover
Joe Weigel is Principal and Owner of Weigel current technologies available, solar farms, historical features,
Strategic Marketing. Before starting his marketing arboretums, and pollinator gardens so that each potential attendee’s
firm, Joe held senior marketing and communica- unique property can maximize their own returns. You will come
tions positions at Batesville Casket, Wilbert Funeral away with the ability to think outside the box with your own unique
Service, and Genesis Casket. Joe possesses a deep story and come away with solid ways to maximize foot traffic within
passion for funeral service and has a comprehensive your current cemetery footprint.
background in all areas of marketing and communications and is a

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SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Takeaways Re-Imagining the Cemetery for More Relevance

• The uses of current technologies to Your Community
• Solar farms and use of solar in cemetery development Mitch Rose, The Woodlawn Cemetery & Conservancy
• Arboretums and accreditation processes Frank Sanchis, World Monuments Fund
• Pollinator gardens from start to finish, and
• History as a way to reach out to untouched members of the Woodlawn has been an active cemetery since 1863. In 1999, they
community leading to potential revenue growth. formed their 501c(3) conservancy with the purpose of enhancing
Woodlawn as a natural, educational, and cultural landmark for all
Christopher Cooke is a graduate of Wabash College
of their community and preserving Woodlawn for the enjoyment
and is the current Superintendent of City Cemeter-
of present and future generations. A significant step towards this
ies for the City of Evansville, IN. He was the
initiative was realized in 2015 with the creation of the Bridge to
Valedictorian of the 2013 ICCFAU and completed
Crafts Careers program (B2CC) in partnership with the World
the ICCFA University Master’s program in 2014. In
Monuments Fund and the International Masonry Institute. B2CC
2017, Christopher was honored by being granted
provides training in Masonry Preservation and job placement in
Certified Cemetery Executive status by ICCFA. He is a Certified
the masonry trades to local underserved youth ages 18–24. Hear
Celebrant, current member and past Chairman of the Indiana State
from Mitch Rose, Woodlawn’s President of the cemetery, and Frank
Board of Cemetery and Funeral Service, and President of the
Sanchis, Program Director at the World Monuments Fund, who
Indiana Cemetery Association. He has been featured in countless
together created this unique framework, and re-imagine the role
industry and national publications relating to the deathcare
your cemetery can have within your community.
industry today.
• This session will describe how a cemetery can address its own
maintenance operations in an innovative manner by serving
as a training ground for the trades like masonry, construction,
and landscaping.

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88 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021
One of the most
• Learn how Woodlawn organized local unions, social service quoted
agencies, private foundations, and corporate support to create
a workforce training program at the cemetery resulting in job guys in
placement, positive local press, and an entirely new re-imag-
ined relevance to the community. the biz.
Mitch Rose, CCFE, CCrE is the President, CEO,
and Trustee of The Woodlawn Cemetery &
Conservancy in Bronx, New York. Mitch has That’s
worked in the deathcare industry continuously for
over 30 years. He is Past President of the Cremation
Association of North America. He serves as Vice
Dan Isard
President of Education on the Board of Directors for ICCFA. He
also serves as secretary for the New York State Association of something. Founder
Frank Sanchis joined World Monuments Fund
(WMF) as Program Director in 2010. He has
extensive experience in architecture, preservation, Talk to Dan about buying or selling your business.
and planning and holds a B.A. in architecture from
Pratt Institute and an M.S. in historic preservation
from Columbia University. Before joining WMF, he
served as Executive Director of the Municipal Art Society. Earlier in
his career, he served as Vice President for Stewardship of Historic
Sites for the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Executive
Director of the New York City Landmarks Preservation commis-
sion. He is the author of American Architecture: Westchester theForesightCompanies.com
County, New York, illustrated largely with his own photographs.
Frank currently serves on the boards of the Catskill Center for
Conservation and Development and The City Club of New York
• Attendees will be taken through colleague case studies on the
decision-making process.
City and is Chair of the Preservation League of New York State.
• Attendees will walk away with a greater understanding of the
benefits of outsourcing labor along with a cost-benefit anal-
Strategic Outsourcing: Is It Right for Your
ysis worksheet to better assist them in the decision-making
Organization? process.
Don Winsett and Ed Gallagher, The Davey Tree Expert
Don Winsett is the Vice President of National
Business Development at Davey Tree. Don is a 30+
If you could save money on operations, improve curb appeal, and year veteran of the green industry and a pacesetting
enhance the quality of service you’re receiving at your cemetery, thought leader. He’s an oft-quoted industry expert
would you be interested? Landscape maintenance is often one of and a frequent speaker on tree maintenance, storm
the last services to outsource. These services are typically kept readiness, irrigation management, and landscape
in-house due to concerns with achieving the preferred aesthet- industry success. For the past several years, Don has led Davey’s
ics, unfamiliarity with the process of selecting a contractor, or an business development team through a visionary growth plan,
uncertainty with the cost of outsourcing this work. If you’re one connecting the company’s research-based best practices with
of the 50% of grounds or operations managers who still self-per- customer experience innovation, exponentially expanding Davey’s
form landscape maintenance, then outsourcing is an option that already-impressive client portfolio. In addition to being a serial
deserves consideration. From hospitals to universities, municipali- entrepreneur who founded, led, and sold several successful
ties to cemeteries, each industry realizes the need to keep the focus businesses, including a $20 million grounds maintenance company,
entirely on the business at hand. The outsourcing service model is Don honed his operational, leadership, and sales skills at Valley-
an excellent option that provides both an experienced landscape Crest and Brickman (now BrightView).
service provider as well as peace of mind for managers, allowing
them to focus on their core business.
• Attendees will discover the pros and cons of outsourcing vs
self-performing labor.


SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Ed Gallagher is the Operations Manager of Back to Basics: Cemetery Trust Primer

National Business Development at Davey Tree. Ed Beth Kmiec, ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust
has served in many different capacities over the past
Whether you are new to cemetery management or just need a
30 years with various companies in our industry,
refresher, cemetery trusts, both pre-need and perpetual/endow-
including ten years with the Davey Company from
ment care, have unique and varied rules that can be complicated
1996 to 2006. During that time, Ed served as the
even for the most senior members of your staff. This session
project lead on the Red Roof Inn renovation project, National
will review various aspects of cemetery trusting including trust
Project Developer, and Midwest Operations Manager for the
investing, total return or otherwise, appropriate funding, following
Commercial Grounds Management division. Ed was Manager of
state guidelines, and what to do when there aren’t guidelines. Join
the year in 2001 for CLS and a member of the Presidents Council
ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust for a primer on cemetery trusts
from 2001–04. He was instrumental in the development of Davey
that will provide you with working solutions for your cemetery
Golf and the Davey Institute of Grounds Management.
trust questions.
• The session will have two primary sections based on the two
types of cemetery trusts:
• Perpetual/Endowment Care: Focus on understanding state
laws around these types of trusts – What are the key laws to
focus on? What types of experts exist to help in this under-
standing (trustee, investment advisor, financial, etc)? Under-
stand which states have enacted total return legislation and
what that means in today’s economy. Learn what to do if your
total return unitrust amount has failed one of the tests due to a
downturn in the market.


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90 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021

On all
• Pre-need Cemetery Trust: Focus on what is allowed in differ-
ent states in terms of retainage. Understand how you might matters
set your retainage amount (when the law is either silent or you
want to set aside more). Review rules you may want to think
about and implement related to a preneed cemetery sales pro-
gram and what impact they could have to your bottom line.
Beth Kmiec joined ClearPoint Federal Bank & Trust
in 2013, coming from personal trust at JPMorgan in
Chicago, IL. Beth is an accomplished business and got the
legal professional. She has a bachelor’s degree in
political science and psychology from the Univer-
sity of Notre Dame and a JD from Loyola University
insight. Doug Gober
Chicago School of Law. Beth is currently the Executive Vice Partner
President, Trust Administration for ClearPoint. She is responsible
for trust administration and client relations as well as certain
aspects of trust and legal compliance.
Talk to Doug about your financing needs today.


Tissue Donation: What Takes So Long & Why It
Jonathan Boyd, America Association of Tissue Banks
This presentation will outline the fundamentals of tissue donation
and detail the differences and similarities between various types theForesightCompanies.com
of donations. We will review donation eligibility, transplant safety
criteria, and the lengthy processes for assessing whether or not Well…to Tell You the Truth
a decedent is suitable to be a donor. Finally, we will review the
Dale Clock, Clock Funeral Home
logistics, timeline, and key areas of communication that takes place
between death, donation, and the final arrangements. Dale Clock will share stories from 35 years of being a funeral
service early adopter: A few successes, a lot of failures, and the
Takeaways reality that things don’t always work like you hoped … and that’s
• Participants should have a more complete understanding of OK. Look at any line up of seminars and presentations for any
the process of evaluating potential donors. funeral organization’s annual meeting. It’s filled with catchy titles
• Participants should have a more complete understanding of and best practices all presented by industry pundits and funeral
the logistics of tissue recovery. folks who think they have figured out the secret sauce or the “easy
• Participants should have a more complete understanding of button” to make your business financially thrive, to improve your
the surgical uses of donated tissues. mental well-being, or to get customers to line up at your door.
Jonathan Boyd has worked in multiple roles within Read the funeral trade magazines that have articles about the latest
the tissue banking and transplant industry includ- new trend that’s sweeping the country or the product that’s sure
ing surgical tissue recovery, in leadership roles, and to create an amazing customer experience or a training program
eligibility evaluation at Carolina Donor Services. sure to make your staff come together and operate like a well-oiled
Jonathan is now the Director of Certification & machine at every touch point. Yet there never seems to be any fol-
Online Learning at the American Association of low up on how those “things” are working five years down the road.
Tissue Banks where he oversees the development of online Did they really work? Did the products really sell? Did the advertis-
education and the certification program. Jonathan earned his ing program increase your call volume? Did your days in accounts
undergraduate degree in business communications, is a Certified receivable go down to single digits? I’m here to tell you the truth
Tissue Bank Specialist, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree about some things that we tried, some absolutely great ideas that I
in management. truly believed in and how they really turned out, and to tell you that
it’s OK when things don’t work out.


SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Dale Clock is a fourth-generation Funeral Director. Takeaways

He attended Northwestern University on a Navy • The community wants to plan. Finding a non-threatening
Scholarship, received an engineering degree, and way to encourage discussion is key. The Begin with the End in
then served five years as an officer before returning Mind series is offered on a university campus but can also be
to the family business in Michigan. For the next 35 offered in other places in the community including your own
years he operated the business, always ready to try facility. The key is to give people information they can take
the next new technology or service offering. As a member of with them as they make plans for the future.
multiple funeral organizations and study groups, his articles can be Dr. Julie Masters is a leader in the academic arena
seen regularly in trade publications. having served as a multi-campus department chair,
professor, faculty member, researcher, and service
Begin with the End in Mind role-model. She has been teaching courses on death
Julie Masters, PhD, University of Nebraska Omaha and dying since 1995. As professor of gerontology
Planning for the end is uncomfortable to many. Research indicates at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Dr. Masters
that about one-third of U.S. citizens have completed advance care possesses an extensive portfolio of published work and years of
planning. As people age, this percentage increases but there is still experience speaking to diverse audiences. She has advanced skills in
a need for people to consider what they would like their life, death, strategic planning, leading initiatives, and developing community
and final disposition to be like. This session highlights Begin with relations. As a mentor and academic leader, Dr. Masters strives to
the End in Mind, an innovative program that can be adapted by harness individuals’ unique strengths to achieve meaningful
those in the deathcare industry to use in their own communities as change, and above all, seeks to understand.
a way to meet the needs of current and future consumers.

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92 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021
Your exit
Eco-Thanatology in the Funeral Home
Samuel C. Perry, Green Burial Council
Sam Perry uses “eco-thanatology” to describe the study of funeral
is only as
services that are both environmentally sensitive and inclusive.
Deriving from “ecology” and “thanatology,” this field of study can
good as
generally speak to how we relate to each other and our environment
through death and dying. In this session, he will explain environ- your exit
mentally conscious funeral services and suggest ways to implement
them in your funeral home in order to serve a broader base of
eco-friendly families. This program is based on a pilot program that

Learn from
Sam teaches designed by Lee Webster of the Green Burial Council
and hosted by Mid-America College of Funeral Service. Chris Cruger
• After this session, attendees will: the best.
• Understand a base knowledge of green funeral services
• Understand the green burial council’s standards Call Chris about your Succession Planning today.
• Recognize potential business incentives for offering environ-
mentally sensitive and inclusive services (e.g., bringing new cli-
entele, converting cremation families, and establishing rapport
in your community), and
• Recognize ecological and socio-economic benefits through
offering these services
Samuel “Sam” Cline Perry is a licensed mortician
in Indiana and Illinois. He has a bachelor’s degree in
mortuary science and funeral service and is
completing his master’s degree in education. He has
worked in the deathcare industry and volunteered • Confidently include family and health care workers in initial
with the Green Burial Council (GBC) for over 10 transfers,
years. He develops and teaches GBC310- Changing Landscapes in • Use inclusive and inviting language at initial transfers, and
Green Funeral Service through a partnership with Mid-America • Create non-denominational mini-ceremonies for use during
College of Funeral Service and the GBC. In his spare time, he is a initial transfers.
gardener and farmer finding inspiration from the land. Angela Woosley, M.A. is the founder of Inspired
Journeys LLC, the Midwest’s first woman-owned
Creating Meaning with Small Moments of and family-centered natural deathcare provider. She
Ceremony at Initial Transfers has been a MN-licensed mortician for over 15 years
Angela Woosley, Inspired Journeys, LLC and taught in the program of mortuary science at
Marc Markell, PhD, Worsham College of Mortuary Science the University of Minnesota for 10 years.
Funeral directors understand the value of funerals and ceremony to Marc Markell earned his PhD in Educational
the grieving process but the COVID-19 pandemic has made funer- Psychology from University of Minnesota. He is a
als increasingly difficult to host. In this session, Marc Markell and certified Professional Development Specialist
Angela Woosley share techniques and ideas to bring the ceremony through the University of Kansas Center for
to the bedside by including family and staff in the initial transfer. research on learning. He is a certified Thanatologist
Providing these small moments of ceremony helps families create through the Association of Death Education and
healing memories, honors the care that health care workers pro- Counseling and certified in death and grief studies from Colorado
vide, and can help tide families over when funerals are difficult to State University through the Center for Loss and Life Transition.
host. These small moments of ceremony are valuable and empow- Marc has earned the following certifications from national funeral
ering, with or without a subsequent funeral, and create a signature service professional organizations: Crematory Operator, Cremation
first impression your families will remember for years to come. Arranger, and Celebrant. Marc has published three books on grief,
book chapters, and numerous articles.
• Recognize the need for moments of ceremony in light of the
COVID-19 pandemic,


SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Sherokee Ilse is a bereaved parent and international

GRIEF pioneer in the field of baby loss work. She has
written/co-written 18 books and booklets for
Planning a Precious Goodbye - After Miscarriage, families who have had a baby die and the profes-
Stillbirth and Early Neonatal Death sionals who serve them. As an international
Sherokee Ilse, Babies Remembered/Wintergreen Press speaker, she has spoken at thousands of trainings,
This practical session shares the needs and wishes of families at the conferences, classes, support groups, and more. The co-founder of
time of their loss and over time as it relates to making memories and Loss Doulas International, founder of Baby Loss Family Advisors,
cherishing rituals. In this presentation, Sherokee Ilse will talk about and Embrace Circle, Sherokee trains and certifies Loss Doulas and
how to plan special goodbyes, creative options, cremation/burial Loss Advisors to give one-on-one care to newly bereaved families.
of the baby including miscarried baby remains, and more. Healthy Her three+ decade mission and life’s work as a paradigm shifter in
grieving and rebuilding of hope after baby loss depends upon this field has helped her to touch and enhance the lives of thou-
positive interactions and intentional decision-making at the time of sands and thousands of family members and professionals.
loss and in the days that follow. Why and how to make the goodbye Sherokee is a motivational, encouraging, and inspirational speaker.
respectful and personal is a goal all baby loss families deserve.
What About the Kids?
Takeaways Vicki Jay and Megan Lopez, National Alliance for Grieving
• The five Principles of Perinatal Loss Family-Centered Care - Children
S.A.F.E.R. and, based upon these principles, how to support
families at the time of their loss in saying goodbye Grief is a natural part of life but can present the most unnatural
• Ways that Baby Loss Family Advisors/Loss Doulas can assist conversations. How can something so universal be so difficult? We
truly want to be supportive but often back away feeling awkward
and be a key part of the “healthy farewell” team, and
• To explore ways that funeral directors, cemeteries, cremato- and ill equipped. As adults, we especially struggle to have conver-
sations and be present with children who have experienced a death.
rium staff, and other farewell professionals can work well with
baby loss families. Funerals and surrounding events provide many opportunities to
impact a child’s grief experience. Join Vicki Jay and Megan Lopez
in their mission of ensuring that “no child has to grieve alone” as
they help you build the skills to walk alongside a child or teen that
is grieving.
• Identify components of supportive conversations with
bereaved individuals including a grieving child or teen.
• Identify ways to build opportunities to include the grieving
child or teen in the aftermath of a death of someone close.
• Increase their understanding of what constitutes a safe and
inviting environment to support grieving children and teens.
• Describe funeral/memorialization ideas that are unique to
children and teens.
• Identify strategies to promote community relationships that
enhance the bereavement services offered to children, teens,
and their families.
Vicki Jay serves as CEO for the National Alliance
for Grieving Children. Her 19-year hospice career
included Executive Director, End-of-Life Commu-
nity Education Director for Hospice of Midland,
and 10 years as Founder and Executive Director of
Rays of Hope Children’s Grief Center. She is
recognized for her role in children’s advocacy and for her strengths
in public speaking and community education. Jay has received
many awards and recognitions for her work with non-profits and in
the field of bereavement including the National Jefferson Award for
Community Service, a prestigious national recognition honoring
community and public voluntarism in America.

94 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021
We’ve got the
Megan Lopez joined National Alliance for Grieving
sharpest minds in
Children in 2013 and serves as National Program
Director. Megan has served as a Social Worker and the business. And
Program Leader throughout her nonprofit career
and has provided support to children, teenagers,
and families in a variety of settings. Megan is an
they’re all yours.
experienced presenter and trainer using an interactive style of Most funeral home operators and cemeterians
teaching on multiple topics related to program management,
understand how to work IN the business. But the
childhood bereavement support, grief in the school setting, and
group facilitation. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in social work from job of working ON the business, that’s different.
Texas Tech University and Master of Science in social work from That takes specialized expertise, deep experience,
The University of Texas at Arlington. uncanny wisdom and above all else, insight! Find
How to Talk to Families Who’ve Suffered a Loss by out now how our team of nationally-respected,
Suicide A-list gurus can give your firm the unfair advan-
Anne Moss Rogers, Emotionally Naked, LLC tage it needs to thrive. You don’t need consulting.
A loss by suicide is like no other and the grief can be especially You need consulting with insight. That’s Foresight!
traumatic. Given that many of these families feel intense shame and
might even be unwilling to confide it was a suicide, directors are
often unsure of the right thing to do or say. This workshop offers
guidance on working with families who have suffered a loss by sui-
cide and includes downloads and handouts for families.
Anne Moss Rogers is the 2019 YWCA Pat Asch
Fellow for social justice, an author, digital marketing
expert, an Emotionally Naked® motivational, and theForesightCompanies.com
TEDx speaker. Her son Charles, 20, died by suicide
June 5, 2015, after struggling with depression and
addiction. She started a blog, EmotionallyNaked.
• Recruiting and hiring for a new mode of operation and
com, and chronicled her family’s tragedy in a newspaper story that
went viral. She wrote Diary of a Broken Mind and was the first
• Retention of valued team members who may need to re-learn
processes that have served well in the past but aren’t as effec-
suicide loss survivor ever invited to speak at NIMH. Originally from
tive today.
NC, she went to UNC, raised two sons, and lives in Richmond,
Virginia, with her husband. Mark Jorgensen is President and Owner of Global
Recruiters of Cincinnati, a management search and
recruiting firm serving cemetery, cremation, and
HUMAN RESOURCES funeral professionals nationwide. His company is a
supplier member of ICCFA. Unique in the recruit-
2020 Changed the “World of Work” Forever. ing profession because of this targeted approach,
Mark’s familiarity with the profession comes from 12 years owning
Where Do We Go from Here? and operating Global Recruiters and 13 years at Forethought
Mark Jorgensen, Global Recruiters of Cincinnati Financial Services/Hillenbrand Industries where he served in a
When we celebrated New Year’s Day 2020, who among us could succession of sales and marketing leadership roles including Vice
have imagined the transformation of our businesses during and President and General Manager. He holds bachelor’s and master’s
after the shutdown? By August, the Wall Street Journal reported degrees from the University of Cincinnati, has completed executive
that 35% of U.S. workers said they switched from commuting to education in leadership at the University of Virginia’s Darden
remote work between early March and May. Many may never Graduate School of Business, and has done additional study at the
return to that physical workplace. In fact, 82% of business lead- Indiana University Center on Philanthropy.
ers surveyed in a Gartner Poll on June 5, stated they anticipated
employees would work from home at least some of the time. In
cemetery, cremation, and funeral professions where our caregivers
serve families face-to-face, how must we adapt our hiring, training,
and workplace practices?


SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

Smart leaders and marketers know who to turn to
for the ideas and insights they need to grow their
organizations and their careers: Larry Mersereau,
The 27 Challenges Managers Face: Step-By- CTC. Niched as a differentiation specialist, he is the
Step Solutions to (Nearly) All Your Management author of four books on the topic and a professional
Problems speaker who addresses dozens of audiences in a
Bruce Tulgan, Rainmaker Thinking, Inc. broad range of industries every year. He’s the only speaker who
In hundreds of advanced management seminars, Bruce Tulgan has shares the simple, doable, effective growth strategies and tactics
taken experienced leaders through one problem-solving session that made his books so popular and have helped so many compa-
after another, focusing on one real life case study after another: nies and individuals succeed.
“Who are the employees you are really struggling with? What


are the really tough cases?” Like clockwork, the same basic cases
come up over and over again—the same 27. Maybe it’s the super-
star employee that the manager is afraid of losing, the slacker
the manager cannot figure out how to motivate, the one with an Digital Trends and The Future of Funerals
attitude problem, or the two who cannot get along. In this program, Zach Garbow, Funeral Innovations
Bruce draws on decades of research, sharing true stories from real Would you like to be able to see into the future? Would you like to
managers, blending humor, insight, and concrete best-practices to avoid what seems like a constant game of catch up with your mar-
show participants how to apply the management fundamentals to keting, your ability to compete, and your business growth? Would
the challenges managers most often face. you like to be prepared to pivot easily when external events like
Bruce Tulgan is an adviser to business leaders all pandemics, outside competition, changes in consumer behavior,
over the world and a sought-after keynote speaker and more, impact your firm? Recognizing trends and staying on
and seminar leader. He is the founder and CEO of top of technology allows you to better respond to quickly address
RainmakerThinking, Inc., a management research the inevitable changes coming to the industry, no matter what their
and training firm, as well as RainmakerThinking cause. This fast-paced and interactive session will take lessons from
Training, an online training company. Since 1995, the past year and combine them with the latest trends in technology
Bruce has worked with tens of thousands of leaders and managers to predict what will affect the funeral industry in the short and long
in hundreds of organizations. In recent years, Bruce was named by term. You’ll learn what an always-online consumer expects from a
Management Today as one of the few contemporary figures to modern funeral home. You’ll discover how artificial intelligence and
stand out as a “management guru” and he was named to the 2009 machine learning can improve your business results by identifying
Thinkers 50 rising star list. He is also the best-selling author of hot leads and driving automated messages. You’ll discover what
numerous books including Not Everyone Gets a Trophy, It’s Okay customers now expect in a pandemic and post-pandemic world.
to be the Boss, and The 27 Challenges Managers Face. Best of all, you’ll receive tips and advice on how you can prepare
your funeral home for the future. You won’t want to miss this ses-
Stand Out from the Crowd Leadership Building; sion that will leave everyone buzzing!
Motivating a Winning Team Takeaways
Larry Mersereau, CTC, PromoPower, LLC • Learn how to navigate differences between online and face-to-
Are the most successful leaders always the best-educated and most face relationships
qualified or are they just in the right place at the right time, all • Get the hottest tips for building trust with an online
the time? Is it just by luck that their organizations have the most consumers
positive and productive employees and the most satisfied custom- • Learn the importance of lifetime marketing and how to reach
ers or do they know something others don’t? Whether you want to people at different places on life’s journey
establish yourself as a leader at work, in your community, or here • Discover what are the most effective digital channels today and
at ICCFA, you have to methodically develop your leadership skills, how that is likely to evolve in the future
presence, and credibility. Designed specifically for leaders and • Learn what kind of content people want in a public space (like
emerging leaders in smaller organizations, this session gives you a facebook post) and when to take the conversation to a private
the five traits of an effective leader with skills and tips to go with space (like a text message)
each one. Plus, you’ll get What People Want: the guide to motivat- • See what digital tools you need to best serve people online or
ing people at every level. You’ll take home ideas and insights you in person, and
can put to work first thing Monday morning to become a stronger • Better understand the best way to keep on top of what’s next so
leader and a more effective motivator. you don’t fall behind the technology and the competition.

96 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021

Zack Garbow is co-founder of Funeral Innovations,

a technology firm specializing in digital marketing TECHNOLOGY
solutions for the funeral service industry. He
previously was a software engineer within IBM Digital Identity Theft—Tales from the Crypt
Research, where he gained more than 100 patents Eric Jackson, Withum
pending and earned the title of Master Inventor, Why are digital security issues important to crematoriums and
becoming the youngest Master Inventor in the history of the their clients? The new threat landscape includes crematoriums,
company. He was accepted into the prestigious Y Combinator cemeteries, and funeral homes, which have become a lucrative
startup program where he developed social media products in target for hackers to pilfer for valuable data and attempt identity
Silicon Valley while networking with the giants of the startup world, theft of the deceased. Access to the deceased’s assets is vulnerable
including the founders of Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. without the proper protection, which can lead to issues for families
and exposure of confidential information. This leaves businesses
How to Be Part of Online Death Discussions vulnerable to compliance violations and legal sanctions. Withum’s
Gail Rubin, CT, A Good Goodbye cyber and information security team helps clients combat threats
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, in-person death discussion of cyber breaches and data theft that can negatively impact their
movements and festivals were sprouting up across the globe. Social businesses and their personal lives. With in-depth insights from
distancing forced these events, like so many others, to go online. subject matter experts pertaining to realistic threats targeting
Festivals such as Reimagine: Life, Loss & Love and Before I Die New deathcare businesses, backed by unbiased results and findings, this
Mexico pivoted to virtual engagements. Funeral homes and ceme- session will help provide the tools you need to keep your business
teries continued to connect with the general public in upbeat online and clients safe.
formats. Using live Zoom sessions and pre-recorded YouTube Takeaways
videos, visitors can take behind-the-scenes tours and get questions • Attendees will walk away with an understanding of modern
answered. Event registrations can generate warm leads, create com- cyber threats.
munity connections, and foster end-of-life planning conversations • We will provide real-world case studies, examples, and
leading to pre-need sales.
• Discover new COVID-19 acceptable community outreach
• Learn how to engage the public with virtual behind-the-scenes
education and Q&A opportunities, and
• Learn how online videos can provide continued outreach
beyond festival parameters.
Gail Rubin, Certified Thanatologist and The
Doyenne of Death®, is a pioneering death educator
who connects organizations with baby boomers
concerned about end-of-life issues. An author and
award-winning speaker, Gail brought Death Cafes
and Before I Die Festivals to the United States. She
is renowned for her use of humor, funny film clips, and outside-the-
box activities to start conversations, teach about end-of-life issues,
and plan ahead for our inevitable mortality.


SHARING LEGACIES 2021 ICCFA Annual Convention & Exposition

information that will help attendees learn why cybersecu- of the board of the Wilton, Connecticut Board of Education.
rity matters to businesses and individuals in the death care
industry. Tips for a Successful Cemetery Management
Eric Jackson is the Virtual Chief Information Software Implementation
Security Officer of Withum Cyber with 16+ years of Jacqueline M. Tiso, JMT Consulting
cyber security experience. He has a diverse So, you’ve made the decision to modernize your cemetery through
background in cyber security, leading tactical and the implementation of new technology. Now comes the hard part.
strategic elements and specializing in incident How do you ensure your investment is maximized? How do you
response, security operations centers, architecture, help employees adopt new systems and processes? How do you lay
and security engineering. A product of Department of Defense, Eric a solid foundation and make sure your new technology enables you
has provided cyber security services for USSTRATCOM, NSA, to make data-driven strategic decisions? In this session, Jacqueline
USAF and USCYBERCOM before moving into civilian financial M. Tiso, CEO of Axiom Cemetery Management Solutions, will
systems and life and safety services, securing large-scale credit card answer these questions and more as she walks you through steps
processing systems and 911 infrastructure security. you can take to ensure a successful cemetery management software
implementation for your cemetery.
Live Streaming 2.0: Building Your Virtual Brand
Bruce Likly, TribuCast
• The main point of the presentation is to cover the best prac-
As a result of the pandemic, funeral homes had to quickly pivot to tices when planning, selecting, and implementing a cemetery
live streaming services. This often meant that there were far more management system.
remote attendees than in-person attendees at funerals. This session
Jacqueline M. Tiso founded Axiom parent com-
will explore the ways in which funeral directors can build their
pany, JMT Consulting, in 1991 with the goal of
virtual brand by adopting best practices to create an online envi-
helping nonprofit organizations achieve their
ronment that closely matches the in-person experience enabling
missions through the effective use of technology. In
all loved ones to grieve effectively regardless of their location or
2020, JMT Consulting acquired Axiom Cemetery
Management Solutions. Jacqueline has received
Takeaways national recognition with the Technology Pacesetter award in
• Why the remote attendee experience is important and the Accounting Today, a Var 100 member, and has been featured on the
implications that experience can have on a funeral home’s cover of Accounting Technology. Jacqueline is a frequent speaker
brand image on financial management and cloud (SaaS) technology and is
• Live streaming 2.0. What are live streaming best practices and regularly called upon for her expertise by the media and as a
how can a funeral director adopt these going forward? (sup- conference speaker.
ported with actual examples), and
• What the pros and cons are of different live streaming plat-
• tips for getting started or “upping your game.”
Bruce Likly is President and co-founder of Tribu- Women in Leadership: Compassion Fatigue—
Cast™, a patent-pending remote funeral attendance Self-Care
system with clients established across the US and MODERATOR: Jennifer Olvera, CCE, Green Hills Memorial
overseas. Bruce’s experience includes developing Park
and implementing technology and communications
solutions that help businesses build a competitive
PANELISTS: Delana Pratt, Cairn Partners and Yvonne
edge and address changing market conditions. His experience spans
Slonaker, The Tribute Companies
a wide range of industries including funeral services, healthcare, Dealing with others’ grief is unavoidable in our industry and we
manufacturing, professional services, and distribution. Prior to don’t always know how to let go, which then leads to compassion
TribuCast, Bruce was co-principal of Kovak-Likly Communica- fatigue. Self-care is an activity and an attitude which contributes to
tions, a leading independent healthcare communications company. the maintenance of well-being and personal health. Through the
He also held various positions at IBM and Sun Microsystems, Women in Leadership session, we will hear stories of compassion
including responsibility for the Department of Defense and large fatigue and offer coping mechanisms that will help reduce the
civilian contractors. In these capacities, Bruce managed teams as negative effects of stress so that you can continue to function at full
large as 100 employees and was responsible for sales, marketing, capacity.
process improvement and change management. Bruce is a
multi-engine instrument-rated pilot, Chairman of the board of
directors of the Mutual Security Credit Union and is past Chairman

98 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

May 17–21, 2021

Jennifer Olvera, CCE, is the Director of commu-

nity events, customer service manager, public PLPA
relations, and claims administrator at Green Hills
Memorial Park in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. The Future of Pet Loss
She graduated from Chapman University with a PLPA Panel
Bachelor of Arts degree in 1998. In 2004 she In the past 10 years, pet cremation has become a dominant force
graduated from Leadership Torrance, a program that develops in the deathcare profession. In today’s pet deathcare environment,
leaders for the community and for business where she is also on the there are businesses that solely focus on pets, where other human
board of directors since 2018. Jennifer is the founder and co-chair deathcare businesses have added pet loss to their value proposition.
of the ICCFA Women in Leadership Committee and a member of Regardless of which type of entity you are, as a business owner, you
both the Membership and Veterans Committees within ICCFA. are left with the question at the end of the day: what does the future
She is currently serving her 3rd term on ICCFA’s Board of Direc- of pet loss look like?
tors. In addition to her duties at work, Jennifer represents her
company in the surrounding communities.
• What the pet loss industry will look like for the future (trends,
After 14 years working in public relations, Delana services needed, etc.)
Pratt started her death care career in 2010 as an • What elements are needed in order to stay competitive in the
Account Executive with Forethought Financial marketplace, and
Services. Assurant Solutions hired her in 2015 for • How to put a succession plan in place, either to sell to family/
the role of Regional Sales director on the arrange- friends/employees or a consolidator, by learning what to be
ment continuation visit (ACV) team. Delana looking at now for the valuation of their business and an equi-
trained funeral homeowners, managers, and at-need and pre-need table transition.
staff in implantation and execution of the ACV program. In 2017,
she entered the tech side of deathcare while employed with Funeral
Decisions, working with the customer relationship management ICCFA MEETINGS
tool. She joined Cairn Partners in April of 2018, taking on the new
role of Director of Outreach and Development. In this role, Delana Board of Directors*
mentors planners to help them achieve an optimum level of ICCFA’s Board of Directors Meeting will be held where association
performance. She is a certified preplanning consultant as well as a members will conduct business as may properly before the Board.
certified celebrant. (Date and time is subject to be announced.)
Yvonne Slonaker has served her community with
funeral and cremation services for over 24 years as Annual Meeting of Members*
a licensed funeral director and in March of 2020, On Monday, May 17, 8:00 am–10 am, ICCFA’s Annual Meeting of
joined The Tribute Companies team as the Director Members will be taking place to transact all business as properly
of Business Development. In her position, Yvonne comes before the membership, including the election of directors
develops additional markets for the Tribute for the year. ICCFA members are encouraged to attend and fully
Companies precast and design divisions, serving the eastern and engage in the running of the association.
southern regions of the United States as well as expanding to other
international markets. Yvonne is a certified celebrant, certified Quarter– and Half-Century Club
crematory operator and arranger, and presents to local organiza- Those members who have become eligible for membership in the
tions within her community and regionally to educate them about ICCFA Quarter-Century Club or Half-Century Club will receive
the death care profession. She has served on ICCFA Sales and their certificates during the 2021 Annual Convention. They will be
Marketing Committee and held the role of Co-chair for the Dead recognized during the virtual portion of our event. To be eligible, a
Talks Conference in January 2020. She is on the Women in member must have been employed by an ICCFA member orga-
Leadership Committee and is a mentor to individuals in the death nization(s) for at least 25 (Quarter-Century) or 50 (Half-Century)
care profession. years (and the organization has maintained its membership status
throughout the 25 or 50 years). Those who consider themselves
eligible should promptly notify ICCFA to be assured recognition.



May 17–21, 2021 October 17–19, 2021

ICCFA Annual Convention & Expo (Virtual) Texas Cemeteries and Crematories Association
Visit www.iccfaconvention.com. Annual Convention
The Worthington Renaissance Hotel, Fort Worth, TX
Please note the date change. Visit www.txca.us for more

AFTR���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Johnson Consulting�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65
American Cemetery/Mortuary Consultants Inc. (ACMC)������������ 62 Journey to Serve�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51
American Funeral & Cemetery Trust Services (AFCTS)���������������� 66 Keeper������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 87
Answering Service for Directors (ASD) �������������������������������������������� 90 KMI Columbaria������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 67
Aquamation ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 100 Kryprotek ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 43
Argent Trust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Kyber�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69
Axiom Business Systems ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Matthews Cemetery Products�������������������������������������������������������������� 61
Batesville�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79 Merendino Cemetery Care ����������������������������������������������������������������� C2
Biondan North America Inc.������������������������������������������������������������������ 3 National Guardian Life Insurance Company (NGL). . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Bogati Urn Company ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 68 National Mortuary Shipping (NMS) �������������������������������������������������� 94
C&J Financial, LLC�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 National Museum of Funeral History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Carrier Mausoleum�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 Nomis Publications�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91
Coldspring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Northeast Mausoleum�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
Columbarium by Design, LLC �������������������������������������������������������������� 9 OpusXenta ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 70
Continental Computer Corp. �������������������������������������������������������������� 75 Pearl’s Premium Ultra Low-Maintenance Lawn Seed �������������������� 35
Cooperative Funeral Fund Inc. (CFF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 PlotBox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Crowne Vault������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 64 Premier Columbaria���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 100
Custom Air Trays. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 RKS Lanka������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 74
Ensure-A-Seal������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 Security National Life Insurance Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Flowers for Cemeteries�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 92 SEP TECHNOLOGIES INC���������������������������������������������������������������� 76
The Foresight Companies, LLC.��������������������������������������� 89, 91, 93, 95 Shanghai YuanMei Stone Co., Ltd.������������������������������������������������������ 53
Foundation Partners Group������������������������������������������������������������������ 18 SRS Computing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
Funeral Call Answering Service ���������������������������������������������������������� 69 Strassacker Bronze America, LLC������������������������������������������������������ 90
funeralOne��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� C4 Supply Link—Multiview������������������������������������������������������������������������ 76
Funeral Services, Inc. (FSI) ������������������������������������������������������������������ 77 THE SYSTEM ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46
Global Bronze������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 71 TribuCast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Grever & Ward Inc.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71 The Tribute Companies�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Heritage Flower Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Trigard������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19
Holland Supply Inc.�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 34 U.S. Metalcraft���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 97
Homesteaders Life Company �������������������������������������������������������������� 73 Vantage Products Corp.������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17
ICCFA Educational Foundation������������������������������������������������������������ 5 VKM International�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63
IncredibleBank���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85 webCemeteries���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Inman Shipping Worldwide������������������������������������������������������������������ 94 The Wilbert Group �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21
International Memorialization Supplier Association (IMSA)������� C3 Withum, Smith & Brown, PC�������������������������������������������������������������� 78

100 MEMENTO MORI MARCH | APRIL 2021 www.iccfa.com

Who Supplies
the Suppliers?
For funeral and cemetery suppliers, business
has never been more isolating. Often ideas
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webinars, meaningful industry resources and
networking with other IMSA members. All this
for just $175 a year. We’re the only association
serving all funeral and cemetery suppliers.
Because what’s good for the suppliers is
good for the providers and that’s good for the
families. IMSA. Supplying opportunity.


IMSA members now get free consultation with Dan Katz & Rolf Gutknecht of LA ads, Jake Johnson
of Johnson Consulting, Ryan Thogmartin of Disrupt Media and Poul Lemasters of Lemasters Consulting.

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