Tugas 1 Perancangan Alat Proses

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Tugas 1 Perancangan Alat Proses

Kelas : 01
Anggota : Aldo Hosea Widjaja (1806199266)
Frisca Natalie (
Hanna Herdayunita (1806199764)

1. For each of the following processes, identify at least one control objective in each of
the seven categories introduced in Section 2.2. Describe a feedback approach
appropriate for achieving each objective.
a. Reactor-Separator in Figure 1.8
b. The boiler in Figure 14.17
c. The distillation column in Figure 15.18
d. The fired heater in Figure 17.17
2. The performance function for a distillation tower is given in Figure Q2.8 in terms of
lost profit from the best operation as a function of the bottoms impurity, AB (Stout
and Cline, 1978). Calculate the average performance for the four distributions (A
through D) given in Table Q2.8 along with the average and standard deviation of the
concentratiori. Xs. Discuss the relationship between the distributions and the average
3. Profit contours similar to those in Figure Q2.9 have been reported by Gorzinski (1983)
for a distillation tower separating nonnal butane and isobutane in an alkylation process
for a petroleum refinery. Based on the shape of the profit contours, discuss the
selection of desired values for the distillate and bottoms impurity variables to be used
in an automation strategy. (Recall that some variation about the desired values is
inevitable.) If only one product purity can be controlled tightly to its desired value,
which would be the one you would select to control tightly?
1. The answer will depends on this 7 points:

a. Reactor-Separator in Figure 1.8

Control Objective Process Example Control Design
Safety Vessels at high pressure Add feedback PC to control
are dangerous. valve 8 on top of the vessel
based on the P1 indicator
Environmental Sufficient air to combust Release system to flare in
the hydrocarbons are the overhead vapour line
harmful to the atmosphere
Equipment Running pump should Add feeback LC to control
have flow at all times, to valve 5 based on the L1
prevent cavitation indicator
Smooth Operation Constant flow rate Add a feedback FC to
and Production control valve V6 based on
Rate the F3 indicator
Product Quality Monitor composition of Add feedback AC that
vapour measures composition to the
products streams to adjust
valve 1 on the inlet feed.
Efficiency Least costly heating Add AC to liquid product of
vessel and have it control
valve 7 on the hot oil line
into the heat exchanger
Monitoring and Monitor the heat transfer Calculate and plot key
Diagnosis in the convective heat parameters such as heat
exchangers exchangers

b. The boiler in Figure 14.17

Control Objective Process Example Control Design
Safety Safe combustion, always Measure % oxygen and
sufficient air to combust achieve desired value by
the fuel adjusting air flow in
Environmental Prevent smoke in the flue Measure % oxygen and
gas achieve desired value by
adjusting air flow in
Equipment Prevent over heating the Have emergency control
metal due to lack of water stop fuel in water level is
circulation too low
Smooth Operation Water flow Introduce water in a smooth
and Production manner, rather than on-off
Product Quality The steam temperature Adjust the "spray" water
(super heat) should be that cools the steam.
Efficiency Utilize the lowest amount i. prevent large excess air
of fuel possible by measuring and
controlling 7o oxygen
ii. ensure good mixing by
adjusting the burner and
injecting steam to
improve mixing
Monitoring and Monitor the heat transfer Calculate the heat transfer
Diagnosis in the convective heat coefficient and when too
exchangers low, clean surface
mechanically with steam

iii. The distillation column in Figure 15.18

Control Objective Process Example Control Design
Safety Maintain pressure below Measure pressure and open
upper mechanical limit vent to containment when
pressure too high
Environmental Contain hazardous Ensure large capacity of
material containment
Equipment Prevent large changes in Smooth manipulation of the
vapor flow rate which reboiler flow (duty)
could damage trays
Smooth Operation Relatively constant Level controllers that are
and Production product flow rates to designed to introduce slow
Rate downstream units changes to the flows
Product Quality Off key components in Measure the product
products, eg., heavy key in composition and adjust the
distillate reflux flow
Efficiency Operate with minimum Control the distillation
utility consumption pressure at conditions that
maximize the relative
volatility for the component
Monitoring and Proper operation of Calculate the heat transfer
Diagnosis equipment which could coefficients of reboiler and
change due to fouling condenser

iv. The fired heater in Figure 17.17

Control Objective Process Example Control Design
Safety Fully combust all fuel at Measure % oxygen and
flame control by adjusting the air
Environmental Prevent smoke in flue gas Measure % oxygen and
control by adjusting the air
Equipment Prevent overheating the Emergency controls that
metal stop the fuel flow when the
flow of feed is too low
Smooth Operation Smooth adjustments to the Design temperature
and Production fuel controller to implement
Rate gradual adjustments to the
fuel, when possible
Product Quality Temperature of the Design controls to reduce
process fluid effects of process variation
Efficiency Use minimum fuel Maintain % oxygen at good
monitor the heat transfer in value, 1-2%
the convective heat
Monitoring and Exchangers Calculate the heat transfer
Diagnosis coefficients of reboiler and

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