CFM56 5B SB Rev 72-1092 TSN.00 N 20201210
CFM56 5B SB Rev 72-1092 TSN.00 N 20201210
CFM56 5B SB Rev 72-1092 TSN.00 N 20201210
The information contained in this document is CFM proprietary information and is disclosed in confi-
dence. It is the property of CFM and shall not be used, disclosed to others or reproduced without the
express written consent of CFM, including, but without limitation, it is not to be used in the creation,
manufacture, development, or derivation of any repairs, modifications, spare parts, design, or config-
uration changes or to obtain FAA or any other government or regulatory approval to do so. If consent
is given for reproduction in whole or in part, this notice and the notice set forth on each page of this
document shall appear in any such reproduction in whole or in part. The information contained in
this document may also be controlled by U.S. export control laws. Unauthorized export or re-export
is prohibited.
A. Effectivity
CFM56-5B1, -5B1/2P, -5B1/3, -5B1/P, -5B2, -5B2/2P, -5B2/3, -5B2/P, -5B3/2P,
-5B3/2P1, -5B3/3, -5B3/3B1, -5B3/P, -5B3/P1, -5B4, -5B4/2P, -5B4/2P1, -5B4/3
NOTE: The engine serial numbers (ESNs) listed in paragraph 4., APPENDIX -
A are the last known location for a given HPT inner stationary seal. This
information is intended to help determine the current location of the HPT
inner stationary seal.
B. Description
C. Compliance
Category 2
CFM recommends that you do repetitive BSIs according to the regularly scheduled
BSI intervals for the combustion section, but at least every 1,600 cycles, until the
affected HPT inner stationary seal, with a serial number listed in paragraph 4.,
APPENDIX - A, is in compliance with CFM56-5B S/B 72-0952.
Impact B
This Service Bulletin is offered to improve the reliability or performance of your CFM
product, or to help prevent the occurrence of the event or condition described in this
Service Bulletin. If the operator elects not to participate in the bulletin, that decision
will be taken into consideration by CFM in evaluating future product performance
issues that may arise in the operator’s fleet.
D. Concurrent Requirements
E. Reason
(1) Objective:
To do an inspection of the HPT front seal for a condition that could affect
flight safety.
(2) Condition:
The affected HPT inner stationary seal may have a condition, generated
during a field replacement of honeycomb, which could lead to a localized
separation of the replaced honeycomb. Separated honeycomb could affect
the life of the HPT front seal.
(3) Cause:
At the time of the honeycomb replacement, the affected HPT inner stationary
seals may not have received the correct braze heat treat cycle specified in
the repair.
(4) Improvement:
The on-wing inspection can detect damage on the HPT front seal if a
separated honeycomb condition exists on the HPT inner stationary seal.
(5) Substantiation:
F. Approval
The technical content of this Service Bulletin is approved by the FAA and under the
Authority of DOA No. EASA.21J.086.
G. Manpower
After you get access to the HPT front seal, you will need approximately 1 man-hour
to do the inspection portion of this Service Bulletin.
J. Publications Affected
K. Interchangeability
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
A. Material - Price and Availability
(2) Other Spare Parts:
(3) Consumables:
C. Configuration Chart
D. Parts Disposition
A. General
(1) For an engine with a suspect HPT inner stationary seal (Figure 1) that is in
compliance with CFM56-5B S/B 72-0952, no further action is necessary.
(2) For an engine with a suspect HPT inner stationary seal (Figure 1) which is not
in compliance with CFM56-5B S/B 72-0952, do the inspection of the HPT front
seal (Figure 2). Refer to paragraph 3.B., Inspection.
B. Inspection
(1) Do a BSI of the HPT front seal area AA. Refer to Figure 3 of this Service
72-42-00-200-007, and do as follows:
NOTE 1: CFM recommends the use of a 0.24 inch (6 mm) flexible borescope
with forward facing tip.
(d) Continue to introduce the borescope, until it just exits the forward inner
nozzle support inducer hole helixed exit.
(e) Make sure that you can see area AA on the HPT front seal.
(2) Do an inspection of the HPT front seal area AA for cracks or unusual damage.
Refer to Figure 3 and do as follows:
(a) With the view of area AA set, turn the core slowly and examine the
surface for a minimum of a complete rotation (72 HPT front seal inducer
holes equal one complete rotation).
(b) Do step 3.B.(2)(a) again and articulate the borescope tip in order to
get a full inspection of area AA.