10 Ways To Trading Sucess
10 Ways To Trading Sucess
10 Ways To Trading Sucess
10 ways to measure
trading success
t some point in nearly every- would agree that ultimate trading suc-
one's trading timeline, they cess is defined as being profitable, Beginning traders should not exjwct to
wonder how their trading suc- making more money than you lose. have immediate and ultimate success
cesses (or failures) compare There are other secondary factors that trading futures, SUKICS or forex markets.
with those of other traders. Wondering also define success in trading, such as What they can expect in the early going
just how well you stack up to others in finding a balance between trading and i.s to make steady progress through gain-
the industry is a natural curiasity and a other life activities. But it's being ing knowledge and experience. Even
human psychological tendency. profitable at trading that is the hench- veteran successful traders continue to
However, actually knowing rhe winning mark of defining success. make trading progress. Achieving and
and losing tendencies of others doesn't
do a lot to move you further down the
road to where you want to he regarding
trading success. Most traders also won-
10 hard questions to ask when evaluating your trading.
der about the success rates of the "pro-
fessional" traders, the ones who make 1. What is trading success?
their living solely hy the profits they
generate from trading. 1 will provide you 2. What is trading progress?
with an answer to this question at the 3. At what point should I expect to make money?
end of this feature. 4. How long will it take to go from neophyte to guru?
There are 10 questions all traders musr 5. When (if at all) should i throw in the towel?
ask themselves, the answers t>f which can 6. Am I still hungry for trading knowledge?
help measure trading progress and success
7. How many losing trades should 1 absorh before I change my
(see "Measuring success," right).
These questions should help you deter- plan of action?
mine where you stand in this challenging 8. How can I keep myself motivated?
field, st> lets take them one at a time. 9. How much should i listen to other traders?
10. What is the average success rate of the professional trader?
• What is trading success? This is a
hasic, hut difficult, question. Most
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