Foot Drill Commands
Foot Drill Commands
Foot Drill Commands
Forming a squad:
Squad nombor gangil satu langkah kehadapan, nombor genap satu langkah kebelakang,
depan dan belakang gerak
Right hand marker will stay put
Guides with satu (odd number) will take one step forwards
Guides with dua (even number) will take one step backwards
Squad barisan kehadapan ke kanan pusing, barisan belakang ke kiri pusing, kanan dan
kiri pusing
Right hand marker will stay put
Guides in front row will turn to the right
Guides in the back row will turn to the left
Squad berhenti
Right hand marker will stay put
Guides will stop stamping their feet
Command will be given on left foot, Guides will “check, one, bang”
Dressing commands:
• Squad dari kiri cepat jalan (start marching – count: “left, left, left, right…” take dressing
from the left)
• Squad dari kenan cepat jalan (start marching – count: “left, left, left, right...” take
dressing from the right)
• Squad ke kanan/kekiri belok (entire squad wheels right around a corner smartly while
marching OR entire squad wheels left while marching)
• Squad kebelakang pusing (squad will turn 180° on the spot and continue marching in
opposite direction – timing for turning: “check, T, L, V, bang”)
• Squad berhenti (stop marching – count: “check, one, bang”)
• Hormat kehadapan, Hormat (stop marching – count: “check, one, bang”, salute twice:
check up, check down, check up, check down, turn 180° around and continue marching)
• Hormat kekanan/kekiri Hormat (take one step and salute [marching continues], looking
towards right/left depending on command – count: “check up, 2, 3, 4, 5, down”)
• Pandang kekanan/kekiri pandang (look towards the right/left while marching – count:
check up)
• Pandang kehadapan pandang (look towards the front while marching)
Other commands:
• Squad hentak kaki hentak (march on the spot – count: “left, left, left, right…” )
• Squad lima [no.] langkah ke kanan/kiri/hadepan/belakang [direction] gerak (take the
specified no. of steps in the direction given)
• Squad keluar baris (Dismissal command – turn to the right and take three steps)