Structural Characterization of The Metam

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E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

Structural characterization of the metamorphic

basement from North Dobrogean Promontory
(Romania) using geophysical well logging
Constantin-Laurian Ciupercă1,*, Bogdan Mihai Niculescu2 , and Bogdan Marian Popina3
WEATHERFORD International
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics, Department of Geophysics,
Bucharest, Romania
OMV PETROM S.A., Bucharest, Romania

Abstract. Metamorphic processes, leading to mineralogical and structural

changes of the rocks in response to physical (pressure, temperature) and
chemical conditions, can be associated with the development of sin-
metamorphic or post-metamorphic fractures. The post-metamorphic ones
are directly related to tectonic stress. In addition, tectonic stress may cause
the reorientation of minerals on a direction perpendicular to the stress
direction, generating foliations (schistosity).
This paper presents a structural analysis of the pre-Alpine metamorphic
basement and its relations with the sedimentary cover by using geophysical
data recorded in an exploration well located in the North Dobrogean
Promontory (Romania). The analysis was based on quad-combo wireline
logs, spectral gamma ray, sonic cross-dipole and borehole electrical imaging
data. The imaging analysis allowed the identification and characterization of
metamorphic foliations, sedimentary bedding, natural fractures and the
determination of tectonic stress orientation. A brittleness index was
computed by means of elastic parameters derived from density and sonic
compressional and shear logs. Also, a fracture intensity characterization by
using fracture area per volume of rock was conducted. The integration of
geophysical well loging with mud logging and drilling data allowed us to
carry out a detailed analysis of the metamorphic basement in the studied

Keywords: fractures, metamorphic basement, North Dobrogean

Promontory, structural characterization, well logging

1 Introduction
Metamorphic rocks, resulted from transformation of pre-existing sedimentary or magmatic
rocks in response to physical (pressure, temperature) and chemical conditions, may represent
reservoirs for hydrocarbons only if they are affected by fracture systems that allow the

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E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

hydrocarbons accumulation and migration. Many systems of natural fractures can coexist in
the metamorphic reservoirs, having various origins and being formed in different stages of
metamorphism or pre-metamorphism. Epimetamorphic rocks may preserve the natural
fracture system of the pre-existing rocks. Other type of natural fractures can occur after a
metamorphic basement exondation, being subject to subsequent alteration and
dissagregation. Generally, the post-metamorphic fractures are directly related to tectonic
stress. In addition, tectonic stress may cause the reorientation of minerals in a direction
perpendicular to the stress direction, generating foliations (schistosity). The erosion of
metamorphic rocks after a basement exondation may lead afterwards to buried relief
structures, the sedimentary cover rocks showing differential compaction processes. These
can be associated with the creation of domes over the crystalline buried relief.
In this study we present a structural analysis of the pre-Alpine metamorphic basement
and its relations with the sedimentary cover, by using geophysical data recorded in an
exploration well located in the North Dobrogean Promontory (Romania). The analysis was
based on quad-combo openhole wireline logs (total gamma ray, electrical resistivity curves
with investigation radii ranging from very shallow to deep, bulk density, thermal neutron
porosity), spectral gamma ray, sonic cross-dipole and borehole electrical imaging data (CMI
– Compact MicroImager). The borehole electrical image analysis allowed the identification
and characterization of metamorphic foliations, sedimentary bedding, natural fractures and
the determination of tectonic stress orientation. A brittleness index, as proposed by Rickman
et al. [1] and Gray et al. [2], was computed by means of elastic parameters (Young's modulus
and Poisson's ratio) derived from density and sonic compressional and shear velocity logs.
Also, a fracture intensity characterization by using the fractures area per unit volume of rock,
as defined by Dershowitz and Herda [3], was conducted. The integration of geophysical well
logging with mud logging and drilling data allowed us to carry out a detailed analysis of the
metamorphic basement in the study area.

2 Geological and tectonic background

The study area is located within the North Dobrogean Promontory [4, 5], a unit delimited by
the regional Peceneaga-Camena Fault and the Central Dobrogea unit towards S and SW, and
by the regional Sfântu Gheorghe Fault and the Pre-Dobrogean Depression towards N and NE
(Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The North Dobrogean Promontory represents a prolongation towards NW,
underneath Neogene deposits, of the intracratonic North Dobrogean Orogen - a fold-thrust
zone of highly deformed Proterozoic, Paleozoic and Mesozoic metamorphic, igneous and
sedimentary rocks, which are outcropping E and S of Danube river, in North Dobrogea unit
[5]. The North Dobrogean Orogen is the westernmost part of a Cimmerian folded belt
extending through southern Crimea to the Asian Cimmerides. It is a nappe complex,
consisting of three thrust sheets with northern vergence (Fig. 2): the Niculiţel nappe with
oceanic affinities, and the Măcin and Tulcea nappes with a Late Proterozoic – Cambrian
metamorphic basement [8].
The North Dobrogean Promontory resulted from the sinking of the NW part of North
Dobrogean Orogen starting with the Paleogene and consists of a basement (1: the Orliga,
Megina and Boclugea meso- and epimetamorphic groups [5, 9, 10, 11], comprising
amphibolites, gneisses, micaschists, meta-tuffs, quartzites, phyllites and chlorite-sericite
schists; 2: acidic and basic magmatic rocks such as granites, pyroclastites, basalts and
gabbros; 3: Paleozoic sedimentary formations, with relatively limited development) and a
post-tectonic Neogene sedimentary cover with Badenian (Middle Miocene) – Romanian
(Late Pliocene) and Quaternary deposits.

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

Fig. 1. Simplified tectonic map showing the main units of the South and East Carpathians foreland
(East-European Platform, Scythian Platform and Moesian Platform) and the North Dobrogean Orogen
and Promontory (based on [6]).

Fig. 2. Location of North Dobrogean Promontory and structure of the North Dobrogean Orogen, as
known from outcrops and drill-holes.1 – Babadag late-Cretaceous cover (post-Peceneaga-Camena
fault); 2 – Mǎcin nappe; 3 – Consul and Niculițel nappes; 4 – Tulcea nappe; 5 – Sfântu Gheorghe
fault (modified from [5] and [7]).

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

Regarding the crystalline basement of North Dobrogean Orogen (and North Dobrogean
Promontory), some preferential orientations can be observed. For the Orliga medium-grade
metamorphic group (considered the oldest metamorphic sequence that outcrops in North
Dobrogea area), the identified structures have a E-W orientation, being refolded afterwards
on a NW-SE direction. The Megina and the Boclugea medium-grade and, respectively, low-
grade metamorphic groups, are characterized by structures with predominantly NW-SE
orientations, subsequently refolded by younger deformation phases [5].
In the area of the analyzed exploration well, the Neogene cover of the North Dobrogean
Promontory consists mainly of Pliocene deposits, overlying transgressively in a discordant
manner the predominantly crystalline basement. Due to the irregular topography of the
basement, the overlaying Pliocene formations frequently appear as domes separated by
depressionary areas or by faults. From a lithological standpoint, the Pliocene comprises
alternations of fine-grained unconsolidated sandstones, marly sandstones, marls, sandy marls
and shales, as revealed by the mud logging records and cores taken from exploration wells
drilled in this area.

3 Geophysical Well Logging Data: Sedimentary Cover –

Crystalline Basement Relationship
The composite plot from Fig. 3 shows the conventional openhole logs and the CMI borehole
electrical image - with static normalization of the recorded microconductivity data - for an
exploration well drilled in the study area, along with some significant data processing results
such as the computed brittleness index B resulting from the elastic properties of the rocks [1,
2] and the volumetric fracture intensity P32 [3].
The P32 parameter, with m-1 units, is defined as the total area of fractures per unit volume,

P32 = Af / V (1)
where Af is the total area of the fractures and V is the volume of the region being measured.
P32 is direction- and scale-independent and it can be used to classify a given rock mass, being
the preferred measure of fracture intensity [12].
The brittleness index B, expressed as a percentage, was computed using the expressions

BE = 100 · (E - Emin) / (Emax - Emin) (2)

Bν = 100 · (ν - νmax) / (νmin - νmax) (3)

B = (BE + Bν) / 2 (4)
where E is Young's modulus, ν is Poisson's ratio, BE is the brittleness estimated from Young's
modulus, Bν is the brittleness estimated from Poisson's ratio and the subscript min and max
denote minimum and maximum values [2].
The boundary between the overlying Pliocene sedimentary rocks and the metamorphic
crystalline basement is represented by a nonconformity at approximately 774.6 m depth (Fig.
3 and Fig. 4). This is clearly marked both on the conventional well logs (increased resistivities
and bulk density below the contact, decreased neutron porosity as well as decreased
compressional and shear sonic transit times below the contact, indicating compact rocks) and
on the color-coded borehole electrical image (rapid change from conductive rocks – dark
tones to highly-resistive rocks – light tones). Also, the Pliocene – crystalline basement
nonconformity is evidenced by a sharp increase of the brittleness index B, whose variations
in the basement are generally correlated with the fracture intensity P32. Usually, a

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

nonconformity suggests a depositional hiatus, in which a long period of erosion occurred

prior to deposition of sediments.

Fig. 3. Composite plot showing the basement – sedimentary cover nonconformity. Tracks: 1 –
auxiliary curves; 2 – CMI statically normalized image; 3 – dip / azimuth tadpoles plot; 4 – total
fractures (P32); 5 – resistivity curves; 6 – sonic curves; 7 – nuclear curves; 8 – brittleness index (B).

Fig. 4. Azimuth Walkout Plot showing the basement – sedimentary cover nonconformity.

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

Just above the crystalline basement rocks, a conglomerate layer of about 4 m thickness is
encountered, as revealed by the borehole microresistivity image texture. This ortho-
conglomerate formation can be attributed to the dewatering and alteration of the basement
rocks. The fracture intensity parameter is increased in the conglomerate area and another 10
m above. Fracturing processes in this area could be associated with the creation of domes
over the crystalline buried relief.
The azimuth vector plot ("walkout plot") in Fig. 4 was constructed by cumulatively
stacking unit vectors up through the investigated well. The azimuth of each vector is derived
from the dip data ("tadpoles") resulted from the borehole electrical image analysis. The two
inset plots / stereonets in Fig. 4 illustrate the distribution of dip angles and dip azimuths (using
azimuth frequency plots with 10° bins) of the planar features identified as shale bedding in
the overlying Pliocene deposits and, respectively, interpreted as metamorphic foliations or
schistosity in the crystalline basement. The basement is characterized by high-angle dips
(frequently 60° to 80°), with predominantly E (≈ 90°) dip azimuth trend. This eastward dip
azimuth implies an approximate N-S strike of the foliations / schistosity. The shale bedding
in the sedimentary formations shows very low-angle dips and a general dip azimuth trend
towards S to SSW (with a much larger variability of the azimuth values). On the azimuth
walkout plot, the Pliocene cover – crystalline basement contact / nonconformity is evidenced
by the sudden change in the dip azimuths of the planar features picked on the borehole
electrical image.

Fig. 5. Borehole electrical image of the crystalline basement, with manually picked dips and azimuths
of the various planar features identified on the image. Tracks: 1 – CMI statically normalized image; 2
– dip / azimuth tadpoles plot; 3 – foliation dip; 4 – foliation azimuth; 5 foliation Rose plot.

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

4 Geophysical Well Logging Data: Crystalline Basement Analysis

Figure 5 presents the crystalline basement interval investigated using borehole electrical
imaging (statically normalized image in track 1; lighter tones – low conductivity / high
resistivity, darker tones – high conductivity / low resistivity), with the planar features picked
from the image (the tadpoles in track 2). These features correspond to metamorphic foliation
/ schistosity; other picked features correspond to natural or induced fractures within the
basement. Tracks 3 and 4 in Fig. 5 show the dips and dip azimuths of the features classified
as foliations / schistosity.
A sudden change in azimuth is observed in zone C (795 to 799 m depth interval), from
90° (E) to 45° (NE), with respect to adjacent zones. Possible explanations for such an event
may include the occurrence of a local metamorphic differentiation or the presence of another
protolith. In Fig. 3, this zone corresponds to the depth interval with the highest values of the
fracture intensity P32 (track 4) and of the brittleness index B (track 8).
Azimuth vector plots such as the one in Fig. 6 are useful in identifying even subtler
azimuth changes throughout the crystalline basement interval, as the one at 785.5 m depth,
used to delineate the upper boundary of zone B / lower boundary of zone A from Fig. 5. Such
zonations can be carried out based on the dip, azimuth, fracture intensity and fracture type

Fig. 6. Azimuth Walkout plot corresponding to the metamorphic foliation or schistosity within the
crystalline basement. The marked depths correspond to the boundaries of zones B and C from Fig. 5.

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

5 Geophysical Well Logging Data: Tectonic Stress Analysis

Borehole breakouts and drilling-induced fractures are important indicators of horizontal
stress orientation. The breakouts are stress-induced enlargements of the wellbore cross-
section and occur when the stresses around the borehole exceed those required to cause
compressive failure of the borehole wall [13]. The enlargement of the wellbore is caused by
the development of shear fractures sub-parallel to the borehole wall, causing pieces of the
wall to spall off and creating an ovalized borehole. The long axes of borehole breakouts are
oriented approximately perpendicular to the maximum horizontal compressive stress (SH)
orientation, i.e. in the minimum horizontal stress (Sh) direction [14]. Drilling-induced
fractures are created when the stresses concentrated around a borehole exceed those required
to cause tensile failure of the wellbore wall [15]. They usually appear as narrow sharply
defined features that are sub-parallel or slightly inclined to the borehole axis in the vertical
wells and are not associated with significant borehole enlargement in the fractures direction.
Such fractures develop approximately parallel to the SH orientation [16].
Figure 7 shows the elements which allow the identification of the present-day tectonic
stress direction. The oriented 8-arm caliper data of the CMI tool were used to locate borehole
ovalizations corresponding to the breakouts orientation Sh (track 6 – "Potato Plot"
representation). The long axes of the ovalizations are oriented N-S to NNE-SSW, suggesting
an approximately E-W or WNW-ESE direction of SH. The drilling-induced fractures and the
tensile zones were identified too on the electrical image (Fig. 8 – tracks 2, 3, 4) and indicate
an approximate WNW-ESE direction of SH, confirming the stress direction obtained from
borehole breakouts.

Fig. 7. Present-day in situ stress direction estimated from borehole breakouts identified on 8-arm
caliper data recorded by the CMI tool, together with the electrical microconductivity data. Tracks: 1 –
auxiliary curves; 2 – CMI statically normalized image; 3 – dip / azimuth tadpoles plot; 4 – CMI
dynamically normalized image; 5 – borehole wireframe model; 6 – "Potato Plot".

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

Fig. 8. Present-day in situ stress direction estimated from drilling-induced fractures and tensile zones.
Tracks: 1 – auxiliary curves; 2 – CMI statically normalized image; 3 – dip / azimuth tadpoles plot; 4
and 5 – CMI dynamically normalized image. The azimuth frequency plot (Rose diagram) shows the
predominant orientation of fractures.

6 Conclusions
Geophysical well logging investigation methods provide relevant and meaningful insights
into the structure of the crystalline basement and its relationships with the sedimentary cover.
We have analyzed and interpreted conventional and high-resolution (borehole electrical
imaging) wireline logging data recorded in an exploration well drilled in North Dobrogean
Promontory (Romania). This study demonstrates the applicability and the potential of these
methods in order to identify and characterize the metamorphic foliations/schistosity and,
possibly, metamorphic differentiations or mineralogical changes within the basement.
Volumetric fracture intensity and formation brittleness characterization, as well as the
identification of tectonic stress orientation via breakouts or drilling-induced fractures, are
also illustrated in this research.

E3S Web of Conferences 66, 01005 (2018)
AG 2018 – 4th International Conference on Applied Geophysics

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