Kumara, Richard Devara Candra. (2016). The Use of Anagrams to Improve the
Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategy in XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur
Sedayu. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.
Kumara, Richard Devara Candra. (2016). The Use of Anagrams to Improve the
Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategy in XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur
Sedayu. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.
Kosa kata adalah salah satu dari yang paling penting di dalam elemen
bahasa. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, vocabulary harus dikuasai oleh siswa/siswi yang
belajar Bahasa Inggris agar dapat berkomunikasi dengan lancar. Untuk
mencapainya, siswa/siswi harus memiliki strategi belajar yang tepat.Setelah
melakukan observasi di kelas XI IPA 1, penulis menemukan bahwa siswa/siswi
memiliki kesulitan dalam mempelajari kosa kata, karena siswa/siswi belajar kosa
kata menggunakan teknik drilling.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatasi permasalahan dalam
belajar kosa kataagar siswa menjadi lebih efektif menggunakan anagrams sebagai
media pembelajaran.Untuk mencapai tujuan utama dari penelitian ini, penulis
membuat sebuah rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana penggunaan anagrams
meningkatkan strategi belajar siswa/siswi kelas XI IPA 1, SMA Pangudi Luhur
Untuk mengatasi permasalahan siswa/siswi, penulis membuat sebuah
Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang mengimplementasikan
anagrams.Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini memiliki dua siklus dan di dalam masing-
masing siklus terdapat satu pertemuan.Setiap siklus terdiri dari rencana, tindakan,
observasi, dan refleksi.Penelitian ini menyertakan 25 siswa dari kelas XI IPA 1.
Penulis menggunakan tiga tahap pertama pembelajaran menurut Taksonomi
Bloom yang direvisi (2001): mengingat, memahami, dan menerapkan sebagai
tujuan akhir pembelajaran. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan oleh dua orang
pengamat menggunakan observation checklists. Penulis juga membuat kuesioner
untuk mengidentifikasi pendapat siswa mengenai penerapan anagrams dalam
pembelajaran kosa kata dan harapan mereka untuk pembelajaran kosa kata yang
akan datang.
Berdasarkan observasi pada akhir penelitian, siswa/siswi telah berhasil
mencapai tujuan akhir pembelajaran.Siswa/siswi mampu mengingat kata-kata
baru, memahami arti, ejaan, pelafalan, sinonim, dan kategori masing-masing kata-
kata baru.Siswa/siswi juga dapat mengaplikasikan kata-kata baru yang mereka
dapat secara tertulis.Siswa/siswi juga memberikan reaksi positif terhadap
penerapan anagrams dalam pembelajaran kosa kata.Mereka mengaharapkan guru
Bahasa Inggris agar dapat menggunakan anagrams lagi dalam pembelajaran kosa
kata.Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan anagrams berhasil
meningkatkan strategi belajar kosa kata siswa/siswi menjadi lebih efektif. Penulis
juga membuat beberapa saran untuk guru-guru Bahasa Inggris dan peneliti yang
akan melakukan penelitian dengan topik yang sama.
First, I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ for His love,
spirit, guidance, and bless given to me during the process of completing my thesis.
He makes me become a stronger man everyday even when I felt hopeless with my
Prihatin, M.Ed., Ed.D. for giving me time, suggestion, attention, support, and
S.Pd., FIC, the principal of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu, who has permitted me
to do my research in SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. Then, I also thank the English
teacher of XI IPA 1 class, Agnes Erna S., S.Pd.. She always guided me while I
did my research in SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. My gratitude also goes to the
Candra Widyantara and Dra. Dionysia Sri Kumara Wigati who always give
me their love and support. I also thank my beloved parents who have financed my
Utami, who always accompanied me, gave suggestion, and supported me when I
felt hopeless with my thesis. I also want to thank all of my friends from Bengkel
Febiangga, Anggi Putra Siregar, Wisnu Wardhana, and Kang Mul, who
always made me happy when I felt confused and sad. My gratitude also goes to all
Jonggi, Veryndra, and Albertus Yordhana, who are my close friends in the
college. I also thank all my friends in PBI Class E 2012 for the experience that is
given to me during my study and for people I know whose names could not be
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................vi
ABSTRAK...................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................viii
a. Anagrams ........................................................................ 13
Vocabulary ...................................................................... 14
a. Plan .................................................................................. 46
b. Action .............................................................................. 46
c. Observation ...................................................................... 52
d. Reflection ........................................................................ 59
a. Plan .................................................................................. 60
b. Action .............................................................................. 61
c. Observation ..................................................................... 68
d. Reflection ........................................................................ 72
Anagrams .................................................................................... 74
A. Conclusions ................................................................................. 77
B. Recommendations ....................................................................... 80
REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 82
APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 84
Table Page
4.1. The Problems and Good Things of the Students and the Teacher
4.3. The Result of Observation Checklist From the First Observer .............. 51
4.4. The Result of Observation Checklist From the Second Observer ......... 52
4.6. The Result of Observation Checklist From the Second Observer .......... 68
Figure Page
Questionnaire ................................................................................................ 34
Appendix Page
2. Observation Checklists......................................................................... 85
In this chapter, the researcherdiscusses six major points. They are research
A. Research Background
Foreign Language (EFL) student. In Indonesia, there are a lot of people who want
to be able to master English as their foreign language, but they have problem with
skills, namely listening, writing, reading, and speaking skill. In order to master
those four skills, firstly the students have to understand deeply on grammar,
have to name every single thing we see. Names are very important. Without name,
vocabularies is very difficult although it is the simple one. The result of the
knowledge. It will affect the students’ speaking and writing ability. In writing,
when the students are lack of vocabulary, they will still be able to check or open
the dictionary. In speaking the students will tend to stop speaking, saying “eeeee”,
or even say the word in Bahasa Indonesia, when they are lack of vocabulary.
Lack of vocabulary can be a serious problem when the students speak directly
vocabulary in English as a foreign language class was quite hard for the
formal schools. The researcher found that most problem of mastering vocabulary
is caused by the use of teaching media. The researcher said so because the
researcher was trying to talk with several students. Most of the students said that
to learn vocabulary, the teacher used the drilling technique. They also added that
by using that technique, the students were not interested in learning vocabulary.
class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. It was based on the researcher’s discussion
with the English teacher. In order to find the problems in learning vocabulary, the
the students. During the observation in the class, the researcher found that the
students did not understand the teacher’s explanation in English. So, the teacher
students learned vocabulary through drilling technique, they forget the words that
learning process. The solution that can be applied to solve this problem is
still like to play. Thus, applying games for teaching will be interesting. Harmer
(2002) stated that the games give the learners a feeling of competition to
participate in the process of vocabulary learning and motivate them to learn with
Hadfield (1998), he stated that a game is an activity with rules and elements of
fun. Therefore, students are able to memorize the words effectively. Specifically,
the researcher wants to improve the students’ vocabulary learning strategies. The
researcher also tries to help the students to reach the first three stages from
Therefore, the students are hoped to remember the words, understand the words,
then they can apply the word whether in spoken or written form.
Furthermore, the media which was applied in this research is word games.
The example of word games are puns, riddles, crossword puzzles, anagrams, and
O’Rourke (1971), anagrams are words made by transposing letters of one word to
form another. To make the students face less difficulty when answering the
They summarized that “students are able to enjoy games and exercises when using
puns, riddles, crossword puzzles, anagrams, and palindromes” (Dale & O’Rourke,
1971, p.302). Further, by using anagrams the students are also given a chance to
learn how to spell every word correctly. Dale & O'Rourke (1971) also stated that
anagrams will make the students are able to emphasize on the importance of letter
interest in every word. Therefore, the students are curious to dig more information
thinks that anagrams is one of the media that can be used to teach vocabulary
B. Research Problem
problem by using this research question: how does the use of anagram improve
the students’ vocabulary learning strategy in XI IPA 1class, SMA Pangudi Luhur
C. Problem Limitation
Sedayu. This study also focuses on spelling ability and the ability to recognize the
meaning of every word. Furthermore, the researcher also uses the first three stages
goal. Meanwhile, anagrams is the media which is used to help the students
discover new vocabulary. The researcher uses the instructions which are proposed
This research was conducted in SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu and involved
25 students of XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. The researcher chose
this class because in this class the researcher found the problems of vocabulary
learning through the discussion with the English teacher and the observation
D. Research Objectives
E. Research Benefits
The researcher hopes that this research gives positive contributions to the
to help the students learn vocabulary easily, effectively, and happily using
anagrams. This media is also expected to be more motivating for the students to
learn vocabulary. As the result, the students are able to understand the correct
construct anagrams for vocabulary learning. Using anagrams can be one of the
learning. It is also hoped that the teacher is able to elaborate more the media and
3. Future Researchers
The researcher also hopes that this research can inspire other researchers
who are also interested in this topic. Hopefully, this research can stimulate other
researchers to develop more and conduct further research related to this topic. It is
also hoped that future researchers are able to develop more about the use of
F. Definition of Terms
The researcher provides the definition of terms that related to this study.
They are vocabulary learning, anagrams, and the students of XI IPA 1 SMA
1. Vocabulary Learning
which requires the ability to recognize the words, remember them, and to
pronounce, spell and use them correctly. It means that the main goal of
them, and also pronounce and spell the words correctly. In addition Allen and
Vallete (1972) stated that vocabulary learning can be meaningful if the teacher
teaching. In this study, the vocabulary learning refers to the activity of the
which provides certain steps taken by learners to learn vocabulary. In this study, the
researcher sets 3 steps for the vocabulary learning strategy. The steps are the first three
steps of Revised Bloom Taxonomy. They are remember, understand, and apply. Thus, the
students are expected to remember the new words, understand them, and apply them. The
researcher only takes the first three steps of the Revised Bloom Taxonomy because of the
limited time.
3. Anagrams
transposing letters of one word to form another. In addition, Dale & O’Rourke
(1971) stated that anagrams comes from Greek ana (back) + gramma (letter). In
this study, anagrams are the media which are used to help the students of XI IPA
The researcher prepared the anagrams. The wordsin the anagrams are
based on the reading passage which is related to the material. In this research, the
anagrams have a clue and some have two clues to help the students answer the
questions. The clues are in the form of the definition of the words, the synonim, or
the part of speech, for example “Key word: LAME, Clue: Synonim of food,
Answer: MEAL.”
The participants of this study are the students of XI IPA 1. The XI IPA 1 is
one of the classes in SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu in the academic year 2015/2016.
There are twenty five students in this class. They consist of seventeen female
review. It also presents two main parts, theoretical description and theoretical
framework. Theoretical description contains the theories which are related to the
research. The theories in theoretical description are used as the basic to form
teach vocabulary.
A. Theoretical Description
This part presents the appropriate theories which are implemented in this
research. The aim is to give a basic understanding of theories that are used to
conduct this study. The researcher divides this part into three sections. The first
discusses teaching and learning vocabulary. The third section discusses about the
1. Vocabulary Mastery
implement the words in communicating with others. Nunan (2003) states that
students who have vocabulary mastery are the students who know multi word
units, word families, and core meanings. Thus, when English learners know about
multi words, what the meaning is, how to pronounce, and where should be
implemented. They can be considered that they have good vocabulary knowledge
However, knowing and understanding vocabulary are not just the matter of
the most basic level, a student is considered that they are already knowing a word
when he/she knows its form and its meaning.” Furthermore, Schmitt (2000) added
that learning words entails more than knowing its spelling, meaning, and
refers to the students’ understanding of each word and the ability to spell and to
The researcher divides this section into three parts. They are vocabulary
a. Vocabulary Learning
we have to name every single thing we see. Names are very important. Without
(Taylor, 1990, p. 1).” In the quotation above, Taylor (1990) stated that vocabulary
important. Besides, by acquiring more vocabulary, the students can develop their
understand the meaning of the words and the uses of the words in context.
Besides, the students are also expected to be able to spell and pronounce the
recognize the words, remember them, and to pronounce, spell and use them
because there are some aspects that students need to acquire. In addition, Nation
(1990) adds that there are three aspects in knowing word, (1) knowing its form,
(2) knowing its meaning, and (3) knowing its use. Therefore, in learning
vocabulary, the students have to know the spelling of the word, the meaning of the
word, and the function of the word or the use of word. Furthermore, the researcher
also applied the first three stages of learning according to Revised Bloom
Taxonomy as the vocabulary learning goal in this study. Those three stages are
understand them, then apply them whether in spoken or written form of English.
Figure 2.1 The Revised Bloom Taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001)
In order to drive the learning process into the successful one, the teachers
have to be more creative in creating teaching strategies. It means that the teacher
state that vocabulary learning can be meaningful if the teacher can conduct the
constructing vocabulary learning. Generally, the strategies are making the plan
and doing the plan to construct meaningful vocabulary learning. Catalan (2003)
In order to facilitate the students, the teachers have to design good learning
broad areas. The need to present and practice in natural contexts the vocabulary
that is frequent, current, and appropriate to learners’ needs. Then, materials should
techniques and strategies they can use to continue learning outside the classroom.
a. Anagrams
interesting materials that can make the learning process more fun and enjoyable
for students. Dale & O’Rourke (1971) state that an important objective of
Dale & O’Rourke (1971), there are several types of word games, they are puns,
Sometimes, there are two clues. The clues show the meaning or the synonym of
the word. The clues are given to help the students answer the question easier.
their self-confidence. It is because the students feel more confident when they
answer the word correctly. In addition, Harmer (2002) states that the games give
learning and motivate them to learn with enthusiasm. In relation with the use of
angarams, the researcher states that the use of anagramsgives positive effects for
the students. There are two positive effects when the teachers implement
In English, there are some words that are close enough. It means that some
words have the same spelling, same pronunciation, or even same stressed syllable
but they share different meaning. Some English learners are facing the same
difficulty to differ words in the same spelling, the same pronunciation, or the
media to teach vocabulary, the students have the opportunity to understand each
word carefully. The researcher’s statement is in line with the statement of Dale
and O’Rourke (1971). “Word games will require the students to look carefully at
each word. This is an important aspect of vocabulary building (Dale & O'Rourke,
1971, p. 302).” When the students have the opportunity to look carefully on each
word, the students will be able also to see the difference between words with the
same spelling, pronunciation, and stressed syllable. In anagrams, there are clues
provided. Those clues make the students understand the correct word. Although
the jumbled letter can be formed into another word, the clues give the information
about the correct word. It also gives the students the opportunity to understand
that the letters can be manipulated to form new word. This is supported by Dale &
O’Rourke (1971), showing the students how the letters of many words can be
2. The Students Understand Deeply about The Words and Their Meaning
the words. It means that the students are able to classify the words based on the
context and the meaning. In order to be able to understand the words in context,
the students should be able to at least generalize the concepts of words. By using
summarized that word games encourage the students to classify and generalize
B. Theoretical Framework
IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu in learning vocabulary. Thus, in this
research, the researcher used three main theories. They were vocabulary learning,
in this research. The researcher uses the theory developed by Nation (1990) about
three aspects in knowing word, they are (1) knowing its form, (2) knowing its
meaning, and (3) knowing its use. In this study, the researcher particularly focuses
on those three aspects. Knowing the form is to know the spelling of the word.
Knowing the meaning is to know whatthe meanings of the word, because for
some words they have more than one meanings. Knowing the use is to know
when or where the word should be used including its synonim. Besides, the
researcher also sets the first three stages of Revised Bloom Taxonomy as the
vocabulary learning goal. The researcher expected the students to remember new
words, understand them, then apply them by the end of the implementation of
which is developed by the teacher. Allen and Vallete (1972) stated that
vocabulary learning can be meaningful if the teacher can conduct the teaching
to Dale and O’Rourke (1971), anagrams are words made by transposing letters of
one word to form another. The researcher also provided clues to make the
students easier in answering the question in anagrams. The clues were in a form of
short sentences. The researcher constructed anagrams based on the examples and
also constructs the anagrams based on the material that the students learn at the
problem faced by the students of XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu in
learning vocabulary. In this study, the researcher uses the Classroom Action
this model, the Classroom Action Research consists of two cycles.In each cycle,
there are four main activities, they are plan, action, observation, and reflection.
Further, the action and observation are conducted at the same time on each cycle.
This chapter talks about the methodology in this research. Then, the
researcher divides this chapter into six parts of discussion. Those are the research
method, the research setting, the research participants, the research instruments
and data gathering technique, the data analysis, and the research procedure.
A. Research Method
methodology for the research. The aim of this Classroom Action Research was to
help the students of XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu in learning
Research because the researcher found some problems in the vocabulary learning
during the preliminary study. Further, the researcher wanted to solve the problems
this research, the Classroom Action research was conducted to overcome the
function to solve problems which occurs in the classroom during teaching and
learning process.
Research in order to solve the problems which werefound during the preliminary
study. After observing and analyzing the students’ problems, the researcher
planned an action (teaching and learning process) together with the English
teacher of XI IPA 1. Then, the researcher implemented the treatmento solve the
In this research, the researcher used the Classroom Action Research model
which was proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart (1988). There are two cycles to
implement the action. The researcher also implemented two cycles in this
research. The first cycle consisted of plan, action, observation, and reflection.
Further, the second cycle consisted of the improvement of the first cycle.
However, the steps are still the same. There were plan, action, observation, and
reflection, but the plan was revised and improved based on the mistakes that
Classroom Action Research, this research combined the two steps, action and
observation into one stage. It means when the action was implemented in the
teaching and learning process, the researcher also did the observation directly in
the classroom. Further, the researcher used the spiral model proposed by Kemmis
and McTaggart (1988) and the researcher described the description as follows.
Figure 3.1 Classroom Action Research Cycle developed by Kemmis & McTaggart (1988)
1. Preliminary Study
Research, the researcher conducted a preliminary study. Mills (2011) stated that
direct observation during the teaching and learning process in the class on April
18th, 2016. In addition, the researcher used field notes to identify the problems that
2. First Cycle
In the first cycle, the researcher implemented four steps. Those were plan,
a. Plan
In this stage, the researcher discussed the plan with the English teacher of
XI IPA 1. It was for deciding the material and the action to overcome the problems
which discovered during the preliminary study. The researcher designed the
material and the media based on the material in their syllabus. The material was
prepared a lesson plan which was made based on School Based Curriculum. The
researcher applied the lesson planfor one meeting on May 14th, 2016.
The researcher also designed two instruments to collect the data during the
learning process. They were observation checklist and field notes. Those two
instruments were used to check and identify the students reaction or behavior
towards the learning process. In addition, the main focus of this stage was to
b. Action
2016. The researcher implemented the materials and media which were prepared
in the previous stage. The main focus of this stage was to implement anagrams for
vocabulary learning. Besides, the researcher also conducted some activities related
to the material which was discussed in the learning process. It was also used to
trigger the imagination and also motivation of the students to play anagrams. The
c. Observation
teacher to help the researcher to observe the learning process. Besides, the
researcher also asked one of the researcher’s friends to observe the learning
process. Further, the researcher also recorded the learning process to help the
researcher analyze the implementation deeper. The observers used two kinds of
to the activities of the teachers and the students during the learning process. Then,
the field notes were in the form of blank notes. However, the researcher designed
the field notes to be filled every 10 minutes. Therefore, the observers had to fill
the field notes every 10 minutes with significant activities related to the learning
process. Further, the researcher used those two instruments to make a reflection
d. Reflection
In this stage, the researcher reflected the implementation of the first cycle.
The purpose was to identify what worked well and what needed some
improvements. Furthermore, the researcher also wanted to find out whether or not
the first action was successful. The researcher used the result of the reflection to
prepare the second cycle. The researcher constructed the reflection of the first
cyclebased on the data from the observation checklists, field notes, and also the
the researcher tried to follow the instructions which developed by Dale and
O'Rourke(1971). Therefore, the researcher focused on what had been good from
the anagrams and what needed to be improved. Besides, the researcher also
purpose was to see whether the students enjoy playing anagrams or not. Besides,
the purpose was also to see the participation of each student during the game.
3. Second Cycle
The researcher used the same steps with the first cycle. The researcher
conducted the second cycle as the improvement of the first cycle based on the
reflection of the first cycle. The steps were the same with the first cycle. They
a. Plan
The researcher revised the plan which was considered unsuccessful in the
first cycle. The learning material was still the same, which was Hortatory
Exposition. The researcher just continued the material which was discussed in the
previous cycle. However, the researcher still had to revised some learning material
which was thought to be unsuccessful. In the second cycle, the researcher revised
the rule of the games and raised the difficulty level of the anagrams. In addition,
the researcher also made new lesson plan for one meeting in the second cycle and
b. Action
In this stage, the researcher implemented the revised plan which was
developed based on the reflection of the first cycle. The researcher implemented
the plan on May 21st, 2016. The purpose of implementing the revised plan was to
improve the learning actvity which was not working well in the first cycle. In the
second cycle, the researcher was still a teacher and the English teacher helped the
researcher to observe the learning activity. Besides, the researcher also asked one
of the researcher’s friends to help the researcher to observe the learning activity.
The researcher still implemented the same media which was implemented
in the first cycle to teach vocabulary. However, the researcher revised some rules
Furthermore, the researcher also added some activities beside the game to make
c. Observation
During the implementation of the revised plan in the second cycle, the
researcher also observed whether the plan worked well or not. The observation
was done by two observers, the English teacher of XI IPA 1 and one of the
researcher’s friends. The instruments which were used in the second cycle were
the same as the first cycle. They are observation checklists and field notes.
Further, the researcher added one instrument to collect the data from the
students.It was close ended questionnaire. The researcher used the questionnaire
to gain the information about what the students experienced, what the students felt
towards the implementation, and what the students expected for future learning.
d. Reflection
As the researcher did in the cycle one, the researcher also reflected the
reflection based on the data which was collected in the second cycle. The
researcher also reflected what worked well, what needed to be improved, and
whatthe improvementmade by the students was. As the results, the students were
more active during the learning activity and the students found the more effective
B. Research Setting
The research took place in SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu which is located at
Jl. Wates Km.12 Argosari, Sedayu, Bantul. This school established in early 1968
with the name SPG (Sekolah Pendidikan Guru) Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. Then, this
school oficially changed from SPG (Sekolah Pendidikan Guru) into SMA (Sekolah
Menengah Atas) in 1989. This school has approximately 350 students and the
There were twelve classes in SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. There were
four classes in the tenth grade (XA, XB, XC, and XD), four classes in the eleventh
grade (XI IPS 1, XI IPS 2, XI IPA 1, and XI IPA 2), and four classes in the twelfth
grade (XII IPS 1, XII IPS 2, XII IPA 1, and XII IPA 2). In every class, there were
C. Research Participants
Pangudi Luhur Sedayu in the academic year 2015/2016. There were four classes
for the eleventh grades in the school. There were two classes in social department,
XI IPS 1 and XI IPS 2. Then, there were two classes in science department, XI IPA
1 and XI IPA 2. The researcher chose the students of XI IPA 1as the research
participants because based on the discussion between the researcher and the
There were twenty five students in this classroom which consisted of eight male
This section described the research instruments and the data gathering
techniqueused in this research. Then, the researcher divided this section into three
parts. The first part described the research instruments and the data gathering
technique in the preliminary study. The second part described the research
Action Research. The last part consisted of the instrument that used after the
conducted a preliminary study. In the preliminary study, the researcher only used
one research instrument to gather the data. That was field notes. The researcher
used the field notes during the observation of the students in the classroom. The
note focused on the educational setting. According to Ary et al. (2010, p.431),
“field note is the most common instrument which is used to record the data during
the observation.” The researcher choice to use field notes also supported by Best
& Kahn (2006). They summarized that “Observation often called fieldwork,
because it takes place in the field. The researcher must take field notes.” (Best &
Kahn, 2006, p.265). The use of field note in this research was to help the
activities, the learning process, the teaching technique, and the learning strategies
in the classroom. Specifically, the researcher also focused on how the teacher
developed an activity for vocabulary learning. This instrument was used by the
researcher to identify the problems which occured in XI IPA 1 on April 18th, 2016.
also used one research instrument. That was observation checklists. The
researcher used the observation checklist to gather the data during the
addition, Burns (2010, p.62) added that “the observation checklist is usually
observation checklist to check whether the aspects that have to be fulfilled during
the implementation were fulfilled or not. Therefore, the researcher used the data
from the first observation checklist to improve the plan in the second cycle. Then,
the researcher used the data from the second observation checklist to identify if
there was any improvement in the second cycle. Further, the researcher also used
both observation checkliststo make the reflection about the overall activity.
The observation checklist in the first and second cycle were different. It
was because in the second cycle, there were some objects of observation added to
improve the analysis of the second cycle. There were 14 objects of observation in
the first cycle’s observation checklists and 18 objects of observation in the second
cycle’s observation checklists. In addition, the researcher also used field notes.
The researcher used field notes to take notes of the important things during the
implementation. Furthermore, the researcher used the notes for the discussion
with the observers after the implementation. Besides, the notes also helped the
researcher did not miss the important activities during the implementation of
wanted to know deeper about the students’ experience, opinion, feeling towards
also wanted to know what they actually expect for future vocabulary learning. In
order to gather the data, the researcher used close-ended questionnaire. The
instrument. Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010, p.392) summarized that “The
they also added that a closed format also ensures that all subjects have the same
frame of reference in responding and may also make it easier for subjects to
Likert Scale type. Likert(1932) as cited in Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1990,
p.234) stated that the Likert Scale has been one of the most widely and
(1990) also explained that a Likert scale assesses attitudes toward a topic by
disagree, or strongly disagree with each of a series of statements about the topic.
(U), Agree (A), Strongly Agree (SA). In addition, the researcher distributed the
days after the implementation of the second cycle. The name of the students were
not required when filling the questionnaire. Diem(2002, p.3) summarized that
“When names are not required in questionnaire, the researcher is able to collect
Students’ The students’ score April 28th, 2016 - -
Vocabulary Tests on the test.
Observation The students’ and - May14th, May 21st,
Checklists the teacher’s 2016 2016
activities during the
implementaation of
Close-Ended The experience, - - May 26th,
Questionnaire opinion, and feeling 2016
of the students
towards the
implementation of
anagrams. The
expectation of future
The observation checklists were used in order to gather the qualitative data
analyzed the observation checklistsin order to check what aspects went well and
what aspects went wrong. Thus, the researcher analyzed the students’ and the
observation checklists.
from the students of XI IPA 1. The researcher expected the data of the point of
view of the students towards the implementation of anagrams, the experience that
they got during the implementation of anagrams, their opinions towards the use of
anagrams for learning vocabulary, and the expectation for future vocabulary
questionnaire by using Scoring Likert Scale method as cited in Ary, Jacobs, and
Sorensen(2010, p.210-211).
the close-ended questionnaire into 4 sections to gather the data. The first section
was statement 1-5 to gather the general point of view of the students towards
English lesson. The second section was statement 6-10 to gather the experience of
third section was statement 11-17 to gather the experience of the students during
the implementation of anagrams. Besides, the third section was also used by the
anagrams. Lastly, the fourth section was statement 18-20 to gather the expectation
determine the attitude or behavior of the students. According to Ary, Jacobs, and
Sorensen(2010, p.211), “If the mean score is less than 3.0, it means the individual
shows negative attitude or behaviour and if the mean score is 3.0 and above, it
6-10 SA = 5/1
A = 4/2
U = 3/3 ∑ Items Score
D = 2/4 5
SD = 1/5
11-17 SA = 5/1
A = 4/2
U = 3/3 ∑ Items Score
D = 2/4 7
SD = 1/5
18-20 SA = 5/1
A = 4/2
U = 3/3 ∑ Items Score
D = 2/4 3
SD = 1/5
X = mean scores
N = number of items/statements
∑ Items Score = sum of the items/statements score
researcher also counted the mean scores of overall statements in the close-ended
questionnaire. It was used in order to determine whether the students had positive
statement of Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen(2010, p.211). They stated that “If the
mean score is less than 3.0, it means the individual shows negative attitude or
behavior and if the mean score is 3.0 and above, it means the individual shows
positive attitude or behavior.” The formula of calculating the overall mean score
X = ∑ X 1,2,3,4
X = mean scores
∑ X 1,2,3,4 = sum of the every sections’ mean scores
Figure 3.2 The Formula for Calculating Mean Scores of the Close-Ended Questionnaire
Furthermore, the researcher also provided the result of the analysis of the
which had been achieved by the students of XI IPA 1 after the implementation of
F. Research Procedure
the Classroom Action Research. First, the researcher discussed the plan of the
research with the English teacher when the researcher still constructed the
research proposal. Then, the researcher asked the permission to the principal of
2016. There were six main points of the observation. They were: (1) how the
teacher delivered the material, (2) what media is used for teaching, (3) how the
students participated during the lesson, (4) how the teacher developed an activity
for vocabulary learning, (5) what problems the students faced during English
Research (CAR) modelby Kemmis & McTaggart (1988). There were two cycles
of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In the first activity, planning, the
researcher planned and prepared all the materials, media, and instruments which
were used in the action. The second activity was acting. In this ativity, the
and McTaggart (1988), observing was conducted in the same time with acting.
researcher asked the English teacher and one of the researcher’s friends to observe
the learning process. The last activity was reflecting. In this activity, the
researcher reflected on what worked well and what needed to be improved in the
next cycle.
The next step was analyzing the data and reporting the result of the
Classroom Action Research. The researcher also made a conclusion related to the
Sedayu. The researcher also gave some recommendations for English teachers and
of the Classroom Action Research in XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.
Specifically, this chapter discussed two major parts. Those were the
media for learning vocabulary in XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu.
Furthermore, the researcher divided this part into three parts. Those were
preliminary study, the implementation of the first cycle, and the implementation
of the second cycle. The preliminary study was conducted on April 18th, 2016.
Then, the first cycle was conducted on May 14th, 2016 and the second cycle was
conducted on May 21st, 2016. The researcher took three meetings to finish
gathering the data. Those three meetings consisted of one meeting for preliminary
study, one meeting for the implementation in the first cycle, and one meeting for
the implementation in the second cycle. Each meeting was 90 minutes. The
researcher taught for two meetings in order to discover the improvements of the
know how the teacher developed an activity for learning vocabulary and how the
students study English vocabulary. The researcher did the preliminary study on
April 18th, 2016 in the XI IPA 1 class, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. Actually,
there were twenty six (26) participants of this classroom observation. The
participants consisted of one English teacher and twenty five (25) students. Then,
the students consisted of eight (8) male students and seventeen (17) female
gather the data to design the plan for the first and second cycle. The instrument
was field notes. The researcher used this instrument to identify the general
problems during the English learning process. Besides, the researcher also used
The researcher took note on the problems which occured during the
English learning process. Besides, the researcher also took some good activities
during the learning process. Based on the field note, the researcher found some
problems that faced by the students and the teacher especially in vocabulary
solved and good things which had to be developed more in Table 4.1 (see
Table 4.1. The Problems and Good Things of the Students and the Teacher during the
Learning Process
there are three aspects in knowing word, (1) knowing its form, (2) knowing its
meaning, and (3) knowing its use. Therefore, in this research, the researcher
vocabulary by focusing more on the spelling, meaning, and the use of each word.
After identifying the problems, the researcher discussed about the action to
is one of many types of word games. The researcher’s choice to use games as a
stated that the games give the learners a feeling of competition to participate in the
The researcher conducted the first cycle on May 14th, 2016. The
partcipants were all the students of XI IPA 1. The researcher asked the English
teacher to be the observer. Furthermore, the researcher also recruited one of the
(1988). Based on Kemmis & McTaggart (1988), each cycle of Classroom Action
a. Plan
The researcher did this step after identifying and analyzing the problems
of the students in learning vocabulary. The researcher started to design the plan to
help the students of XI IPA 1 in learning vocabulary using anagrams. The main
focus of this stage was preparing a good media and material as the tool to teach
vocabulary. In order to design a good plan, the researcher designed the plan based
on the problems identified in the preliminary study. It was in line with Kemmis
and McTaggart (1988), they stated that the action was planned based on the
researcher discussed the teaching media and material with the English teacher.
The material was Hortatory Exposition text (see appendix B for the learning
material). Furthermore, in the first cycle, the researcher focused on the definition,
purpose, generic structure, and the example of Hortatory Exposition text. Then,
the researcher made a lesson plan only for one meeting. The researcher made the
lesson plan based on the School Based Curriculum (see appendix B for the lesson
The researcher designed one set of anagrams for the first cycle. One set of
anagrams consisted of 10 jumbled letters and one up to two clues to make the
students easier in guessing the words. The anagrams was in a form of Power Point
Presentation. Further, the researcher made the anagrams using Microsoft Power
and the English teacher of XI IPA 1 developed the rules of the games. The
students decide their own score. The name of the score was bet. Then, the bet had
to be 10 until 100. Before answering, the spokeperson of the group had to say
their bet first. If their answer was correct, they got plus (+) score based on their
bet. In the other hand, if their answer was correct, they got minus (-) score based
on their bet. The researcher and the English teacher also developed two extra rules
for the games. First, if the students did not speak English during the games, the
group’s score would be minus (-) 5. Second, if the teacher could not hear the
voice of the students when answering the questions and the teacher said “pardon”
until three times, the group’s score would be minus (-) 10. The rules of the game
1. Each group should compete with the other groups in answering the
question by raising your hand.
2. Each group should say the bet before answering the questions. The
bet should bebetween 10-100. Then, the bet will be considered as
your score.
3. Every correct answer will get + score based on the bet and every
wrong answer will get – score based on the bet.
a. No English : Score -5
In order to make the students help each other during the learning process,
the researcher divided the students into groups. There were five (5) groups in the
classroom. Each group consisted of five (5) students. The researcher divided the
groups using a vocabulary test. Furthermore, the researcher divided the groups
based on the score of the vocabulary test (see appendix for the test score).
Therefore, each group consisted of at least one student who got 70 and above in
the vocabulary tests. The members of the group displayed in Table 4.3.
1 11, 1, 12, 24, 10
2 17, 4, 19, 21, 22
3 23, 5, 7, 20, 15
4 25, 8, 18, 13, 16
5 3, 9, 14, 2, 6
*Members of the group based on the student number
In this stage, the researcher also prepared the instrument which was used
to gather the data during the implementation of anagrams. The instrument was
observation. Then, during the observation, the observers had to check whether the
14 objects of observation were fulfilled or not. The observers were the English
also used blank notes for taking notes of some important moments during the
implementation. The researcher did not employ any analyzing strategy for the
notes, because the researcher did not expect any specific data from the notes.
b. Action
In this stage, the researcher implemented the plan which had been
designed in the previous stage (plan). The researcher conducted the action of the
first cycle on May 14th , 2016. The lesson took place at the Multimedia Room of
SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. The reason why the researcher used Multimedia
Room was to avoid the noise from the students when playing games. The noise
could disturb the learning process in other classes. The researcher had a role as the
teacher during the implementation. Furthermore, the researcher asked the English
The researcher implemented the treatment from 11.00 until 12.30. There
were twenty three (23) students who were present during the lesson. Furthermore,
two (2) students were absent because they were joining a competition outside the
school. The topic discussed in the first cycle and second cycle was Hortatory
Exposition text. Furthermore, in the first cycle, the researcher focused on the
(see appendix for the material of the first cycle). Then, the researcher also gave a
all of the media, class setting, and set where the observers should seat. The
researcher had come at 9.30. It meant that the researcher came one hour and a half
earlier before the class started. The first thing that the researcher did was
preparing the media for the implementation. The media were laptop, LCD viewer,
speakers, and a pointer. First, the researcher looked for the key of Multimedia
Room and LCD viewer remote in the administration office. Then, the researcher
went to the Multimedia Room and start preparing for the implementation. The
researcher started with preparing the laptop, LCD viewer, and the speakers. After
all the electronic media had been ready, the researcher started set the chairs and
tables. The researcher set the chairs and tables to make the students sit with their
groups. Thus, there was one table in the middle and there were five chairs around
the table to make the students could sit facing each other. Besides, the researcher
also set two chairs and two tables at the back as the place for the observers. The
researcher also prepared a handycam and a tripot as a media to record the learning
The class was started at 11.00 and ended at 12.30. Since it was
approaching the time of going home, most of the students had lost their
concentration. After entering the class, the students started to talk with the others
and making noise. The researcher did not start the lesson before the students in the
class were complete. After the students were complete, the researcher started the
lesson. First, the researcher called their name one by one based on the attendance
list in order to check their presence. The class were quite noisy when the
Therefore, the researcher started to divide the students into groups first.
The researcher divided the groups based on the students’ score on the previous
vocabulary test (see appendix D for the score of the test). Then, the researcher
displayed the groups and the members of each group in the LCD viewer. The
researcher also mentioned the students’ number in order to make them easier in
finding their groups. The researcher divided the learning process into three steps
about the material which would be discussed during the lesson. The stimulus was
Hortatory Exposition. The title of the text was “Where Should be After High
School?” The researcher went to every group in order to distribute the reading
passage and gave five (5) papers for each group. Thus, every student got one
reading passage.
Then, the researcher asked the students to discuss about the text. The
students had to discuss in their group about the purpose of the text, the generic
structure of the text, and the main idea of the text. The researcher gave 10 minutes
to the students in order to finish the discussion. During the discussion, the
students were very active in the group. They discussed about the topic with their
friends in the group. Even, one student from group four (4) was arguing about the
main idea of the text with his friend in the group. After ten (10) minutes, the
students had not finished the discussion yet. Therefore, the researcher gave extra
After finishing the discussion, the researcher asked the students to discuss
the result of their discussion together. When the researcher asked about the
purpose of Hortatory Exposition text, none of the students were raising their
hands. The students still felt shy or awkward because they were facing different
teacher. However, the researcher encouraged the students to try to answer the
questions. Finally, the researcher chose group number one (1) to answer the
question about the purpose of Hortatory Exposition text. The researcher asked one
of the members of the group to become the spokeperson of the group. Then, the
students started to become more active in the discussion. In the second question
about the generic structure of Hortatory Exposition text, there were three group’s
spokepersons raising their hands to answer the question. After discussing the
general idea of Hortatory Exposition text, the researcher continued to the next
The following activity was included in the second step according to the
curriculum, Elaboration. The purpose of this step was to elaborate more the
knowledge that had acquired by the students before. The activity was analyzing
the text which had given before. The researcher gave ten (10) minutes for the
students to determine the purpose of the text and the generic structure of the text.
In this activity, the researcher also gave time for the students to find the difficult
words or vocabulary in the text. After ten (10) minutes, the students asked the
researcher for two (2) minutes extra time. Then, after the discussion finished, the
researcher gave the opportunity for the students to answer the question again. In
this activity, the researcher still faced difficulty to raise the students’ participation
in the classroom. The researcher used the same way with the previous activity.
The researcher chose group four to explain about the purpose of the text “Where
Should be After High School?” After group four explained the result of their
discussion, the researcher gave the opportunity for the other groups if they had
different opinion. There was no other group which had different opinion with
group four.
Next, the researcher gave the opportunity for the students to answer the
question about the generic structure of the text. This time, all of the groups’
spokepersons raised their hands to answer the question. Group five was answering
the generic structure of the text. After the discussion about the purpose and the
generic structure of the text, the researcher gave the students some questions
activity, the researcher asked the students to find difficult words from the text
individually. Then, the students discussed the words that they found in the groups.
The students asked the other friends for the meaning of the words they found.
After five (5) minutes of discussion, the researcher told the students that
the researcher would give them a game named anagrams. Then, the researcher
explained to the students about what is anagrams, how to use it, and what is the
purpose of playing anagrams. The researcher used the LCD viewer to display the
PowerPoint presentation. The anagrams was made based on the words which
appear in the text “Where Should be After High School?” and also the text
“Corruption” which appear in the vocabulary test previously. First, the researcher
displayed the rules of the game. The researcher also explained the rules one by
one. Then, the researcher also told the students that the group with the highest
score would get some presents from the researcher. It was used to raise the sense
Each jumbled letters was given one up to two clues. The clue was the word’s
the jumbled letters first. Then, it was followed by the clue. After the clue
displayed, the researcher gave the students ten (10) seconds to discuss the correct
word in the group. When the time was up, the students started to compete by
raising their hands. During the games, it was little bit chaos because almost all of
the students were raising their hands. Therefore, the researcher faced difficulty to
choose the group who would answer the question. During the game, the students
were very active in competing to get the highest score. The jumbled letters were
also easy for them to guess the correct word. Almost all of the students guess the
word correctly. When they answered correctly, they shouted happily. Sometimes
they laughed when they made a mistake in guessing the correct word.
After finishing the game, the researcher asked each of the students to write
down new words or vocabulary that they had got. Since the time was almost over,
the researcher did the last step based on the curriculum, Confirmation. In this step,
the researcher helped the students to conclude about what they have learned
during the lesson. Besides, the researcher also gave feedback and asked the
students about their learning experience during the lesson.The researcher also
asked the students whether they were happy or not learning new vocabulary by
using anagrams. Fortunately, the students said that they were very happy learning
researcher asked to all of the students about what they had learned during the
lesson. The researcher did not make a limitation when they shared about what
they had learned. The students were allowed to share about the knowledge, the
moral value, or the new learning experience that they got during the lesson. After
the sharing time was over, the researcher gave the students a little preview about
c. Observation
Besides, the researcher also discussed the improvement of the students in learning
The discussion was based on the observation which was done by the researcher
1. Observation Checklists
first cycle. It was on May 14th, 2016. In this cycle, the observation was conducted
by two observers. They were the English teacher of XI IPA 1 and one of the
researcher’s friends. Furthermore, both of the observers took the same instruments
for the observation. The aim of the observation was to observe both the teacher’s
the results of the observation checklists consisted of the indicators that had to be
checklists displayed on the Table 4.4 and 4.5 (see appendix E for the original copy
of the result).
14. Students raise their hand when the teacher asks them √
to answer the questions during the games.
14. Students raise their hand when the teacher asks them √
to answer the questions during the games.
number one (1) up to seven (7) showed the activity that the teacher should do
during the implementation. Then, the statement number eight (8) up to fourteen
(14) showed the activity of the students during the implementation of anagrams.
Those statements become the indicators that had to be achieved during the
implementation of anagrams in the first cycle. The aim of the first statement was
to see whether the teacher opened the lesson with greetings or not. The fact from
the observation checklists showed that the teacher opened the lessons with
greetings. Both observers had the same opinion towards the first statement.
Furthermore, as an opening activity, the teacher also checked the students whether
they had been ready to study or not. It could be seen from the second statement in
the observation checklist. The first and second observer also had the same opinion
In the third statement, the aim was to see if the teacher gave clear
explanation about the rules of the game. The teacher needed to explain the rules of
the game clearly. Thus, the students did not get confuse when playing the game.
The result of the both observation checklists from both observers showed that the
teacher had given clear explanation about the rules of the game. The third and the
fourth statements represented the activity of the teacher when waiting for the
students finished the task. Based on the observation of both observers, the teacher
just stood in front of the class while waiting for the students finished the task.
Therefore, the teacher did not walk around to check the students’ task.
Furthermore, the seventh statement was the last statement which represented the
activity of the teacher during the implementation of anagrams. The statement was
about whether the teacher used media for teaching or not. The result of the
observation checklists showed that the teacher had used media for teaching
Beside the teacher’s activity, the observation checklist was also made in
activity. The eighth statement required the observers to observe whether the
students paid attention to the teacher or not. The result showed that the students
paid attention to the teacher when the teacher explained about the material or the
eleven represented the students’ activity that affected the class condition. Here,
the class condition meant that during the implementation of anagrams should be
quiet. However, on some times the class condition could be noisy because of the
discussion or the competition for the games. The result of the observation
checklists showed that some students still made some noisy during the lesson.
However, not all of the students were making noise. From the discussion between
the researcher and the both observers after the implementation, the conclusion of
the class condition was some students still made noise but some of them did not.
checklists statement number twelve and thirteen. The result of the observation
checklists showed that the students sat on their own seat and did not walk around
the class to disturb their friends during the lesson. The result of the statement
number fourteen showed that the students participated actively during the lesson,
particularly the game. However, based on the discussion of the researcher and
both observers, during the games all of the students raised their hands up. It made
the teacher confused when choosing which group would answer the question. In
First Cycle
According to Nation (1990), there are three aspects in knowing word, (1) knowing
its form, (2) knowing its meaning, and (3) knowing its use. Furthermore, in this
study, the researcher applied the first three stages of learning according to Revised
Bloom Taxonomy as the vocabulary learning goal. Those three stages were
remember, understand, and apply. Therefore, by the end of the study, the students
were hoped to be able to remember the words, understand them, then apply them
conducted a discussion with the English teacher and the researcher’s friend who
became the observer. In the discussion, the researcher also discussed what
learning stage that the students had achieved. Based on the discussion, the
students were able to remember the new words which appeared in the anagrams.
The English teacher stated that the students also tried to recall the new words in
group. After the class was over, the researcher also tried to check whether the
students still memorized the new words or not. The result was quite satisfying, the
students were able to remember the new words which appeared in the anagrams.
Furthermore, the students were also able to understand the meaning of the words,
the synonyms, the part of speech of the words, and also the use of the words. It
was because the researcher also tried to provide the meaning, the synonym, the
part of speech, and the function of each word during the implementation of
students had achieved the first two stages of learning according to Revised Bloom
Taxonomy. Those were remember and understand. In the other hand, the students
still could not achieve the third stage, apply. According to the English teacher, the
researcher did not facilitate the students in order to achieved the third stage. The
Exposition text. Thus, the students still could not apply the new words that they
got previously.
d. Reflection
XI IPA 1 successfully based on the lesson plan. However, there were several
implementation, the students were very happy and participate actively in the
lesson and the games. The students always tried to guess the correct word during
the games. They could share their opinion and knowledge to their friends in the
group. They also helped each other in answering the questions. In addition, during
the lesson, the students were also very active when the teacher gave them
Based on the observation, the researcher discovered that the students were
too noisy during the game. Furthermore, the noise was caused by the students who
wanted to answer the question from the game. They shouted and raised their
hands together. Therefore, the teacher felt confuse to choose the group which had
to answer the question. In the other hand, the students also succeeded in
dictionary, and practicing the correct spelling and pronunciation of the words.
After the implementation of anagrams in the first cycle, the researcher also
reflected the overall activity in a discussion with the English teacher and the
researcher’s friend who became the observer. Based on the discussion, the
in playing anagrams. In the other hand, the students also did not cooperate well
with their friends in group. They did not share and discussed about their opinion
in group when they wanted to answer the question. Then, the students still made
too much noise during the game. During the games, some students lost their
concentration and start to talk with his/her friends. The English teacher also added
that the level of difficulty of the anagrams was too easy. Thus, the English teacher
English teacher also suggested the researcher to develop an activity which could
make the students apply the new words. The activity became the stimulus to help
the students reach the third stage of learning according to Revised Bloom
Taxonomy, apply.
all activities during the implementation. The researcher had to reflect on what
went well and what still needed to be improved. In this research, the researcher
tried to revise some rules for the game in the following cycle. Furthermore, the
researcher also wanted to reduce the students’ noise during the game. Therefore,
the researcher thought that the implementation of anagrams in the first cycle still
improvement of the first cycle. The researcher also continued this research to the
second cycle was conducted on May 21st, 2016. The participants of the research
were still the same with the previous cycle. The research participants were all the
students of XI IPA 1, SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. In this cycle, the researcher
still elaborated the description of the findings into four stages. Those were plan,
a. Plan
what went well and what needed to improve in the first cycle. As in the first cycle,
the researcher designed a lesson plan, some materials, and media for teaching. The
researcher still made the lesson plan based on School Based Curriculum (see
appendix B for the lesson plan). The material in the second cycle was still the
same with the material in the first cycle. The material was Hortatory Exposition
text (see appendix B for the learning material). The English teacher suggested the
researcher to develop an activity which could make the students apply the new
words. The material for the second cycle focused more on the ability of the
In developing the plan, the researcher also discussed with the English
teacher. The main idea of the improvements in the second cycle was improving
anagrams with at least one clue on each anagrams. Furthermore, the clues were in
a form of the words meaning or the words synonym. The researcher also increased
the level of difficulty of the anagrams in this cycle. The words for the anagrams
were taken from the reading passage which used in the meeting of the second
cycle. Besides, the researcher also took some words from the previous reading
passage. Furthermore, the researcher also prepared five colored flags. The flags
would be use as a group symbol. The spoke person of each group should raise the
flag when they want to answer the question. The color of the flags were red, blue,
green, yellow, and white. The researcher made the flags in order to avoid all of the
students raising their hands when they want to answer the question. Furthermore,
the researcher also planned an activity which could make the students focused
during the lesson. The researcher prepared an ice breaking in the middle of the
allows students to be more engaged and interested to the topic. The ice breaking
The researcher also prepared the instruments which were used to gather
the data in the second cycle. In this cycle, the researcher prepared two
researcher used the observation checklists in order to check whether the points or
aspects were fulfilled or not during the implementation of anagrams in the second
cycle. As in the previous cycle, the observers also used blank notes to take notes
discover the expectation of the students for future vocabulary learning. In order to
b. Action
In this stage, the researcher implemented the revised plan which was
developed in the previous stage. The implementation of the second cycle took
place in the Multimedia Room of SMA Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. The reason of
choosing Multimedia Room was still the same with the previous cycle. The
researcher avoided the noise from the students, because the noise could disturb the
May 21st, 2016. The researcher also took place as the teacher in the second cycle.
During the implementation, the researcher still asked the English teacher and one
In the second cycle, the researcher implemented the plan from 11.00 until
12.35. There were twenty five (25) students who were in the class during the
lesson. All of the students came to the class in the second cycle. The topic in the
second cycle was still Hortatory Exposition text. In the previous cycle, the
researcher focused on the receptive knowledge. It meant that on the previous cycle
the researcher developed the students’ knowledge on the definition, the purpose,
and the generic structure of Hortatory Exposition text. Furthermore, in the second
cycle, the researcher focused more on the productive knowledge. Therefore, the
Before starting the implementation, the researcher prepared all the utilities
which were needed for the implementation. The researcher also came at 10
o’clock, one hour earlier before the class started. First, the researcher prepared all
the media which used during the implementation, such as laptop, speaker, LCD
viewer, and a pointer. The researcher also went to the administration office to get
the key of the Multimedia Room and the remote of the LCD viewer. As soon as
the researcher got the key of the Multimedia Room, the researcher started to check
and prepare all the electronic media which used during the implementation. The
researcher faced a problem when preparing the electronic media. The LCD viewer
did not work properly. Then, the researcher tried to find out the problems of the
LCD viewer. Finally, the researcher found that the problem of the LCD viewer
caused by the cable. Fortunately, the researcher had prepared a spare cable. After
the researcher replaced the cable, the LCD viewer could work properly.
Then, the researcher set the chairs and tables. The researcher set the chairs
and tables in order to make the students sit in their groups. There was one table
and five chairs around the table for each group. It made the students sit facing
each other. Furthermore, the researcher also set two tables and two chairs at the
back of the class for the observers. As in the previous cycle, the researcher also
prepared a camera and a tripod as a media to record the learning process at the
back. Since the time was still 10.45, the researcher waited until the students come
to the class.
The students started to enter the Multimedia Room at 11.05. Then, the
students were all complete in the class at 11.15. As soon as the students were
complete, the researcher opened the lesson. Then, the researcher opened the
lesson with greetings. After the researcher opened the lesson, the researcher asked
the students to sit together with the previous group. Furthermore, the researcher
also displayed the group members of each group at the LCD viewer. It was
because two of the students were absent in the previous meeting. Thus, they had
not known which group they belong to. In the second cycle, the researcher still
used three steps of learning based on the School Based Curriculum. Those steps
were Exploration, Elaboration, and Confirmation. The first step was Exploration.
In this step, the researcher tried to explore about what the students had known and
what the students had not known related to Hortatory Exposition. The researcher
also reminded the students about the material which discussed in the previous
meeting. As the first activity, the researcher asked the students about the
definition, the purpose, and the generic structure of Hortatory Exposition text. The
reading passage for the students. The title of the text was “Why Students Should
randomly to read the reading passage loudly. Each student read one paragraph.
Then, the researcher asked the students to read the reading passage by themselves
for a while. After they finished reading, the researcher asked each group to
identify the main idea of each paragraph in the reading passage. After focusing
with some words in the reading passage, the researcher conducted an ice breaking
for the students. The ice breaking was Gummy Bear Dance. The researcher
showed the video of the dance with the LCD viewer. Then, the researcher asked
all the students to stand up and imitate the dance. The researcher repeated the
dance once. After the dance was over, the researcher told all the students to sit
In the previous cycle, the researcher placed the anagrams as the last
activity. Then, in the second cycle, the researcher used anagrams as the activity
text. The researcher told the students that they would play the same game with the
previous cycle. In the other hand, the researcher had increased the difficulty level
of the game. Besides, the researcher also prepared five flags with different colors.
The flags were used in order to make the researcher chose which group would
answer the question easily. Then, the researcher also explained to the students that
the general rules of the game were still the same with the previous one. In this
cycle, the researcher still prepared 10 jumbled words and the clues on each
jumbled word. The clues were in the form of the words’ meaning and synonym.
The researcher collected the words from several reading passages which also had
been given to the students. Furthermore, the researcher still made the anagrams
First, the researcher distributed the colored flags to each group. Group one
received the green flag, group two received the yellow flag, group three received
the red flag, group four received the blue flag, and group five received the white
flag. The spoke person of each group had to raise the flag up when they wanted to
answer the question. The researcher displayed the jumbled letter first. Then, it
followed by the clues. After the clues displayed, the researcher gave ten (10)
seconds for the students to discuss the correct word. However, the researcher gave
extra ten (10) seconds more if the students still could not find the correct word.
When the ten (10) seconds was over, the researcher started to ask the spoke
person of each group to raise their flags up. The flags had successfully helped the
researcher to choose which group would answer the question easily. It was
because only one student in the group who raised his/her hand.
The students were very happy during the game. They shouted happily
when they guess the word correctly. Sometimes, they also laughed together when
their friends made a mistake in guessing the correct word. In this cycle, the
students often made mistakes in guessing the correct words. It was because the
researcher had increased the difficulty level of the game. Therefore, the
atmosphere of the class were funnier compared with the previous cycle. The result
of the ice breaking was successful. During the games, the students focused to the
games and they could cooperate well with the other member of the groups in
After the game, the researcher distributed worksheets for the students. In
the worksheet, the students had to construct a Hortatory Exposition text in group.
The researcher developed this activity in order to make the students apply the new
words. The researcher also prepared five different topics to make the students
construct the text easily. The researcher gave 20 minutes for the students to
Since the time was almost over, the researcher did the last step of learning,
Confirmation. In this step, the researcher made a sharing time. The researcher
asked some students to share about what they had learned during the lesson. The
students might share about the new knowledge they got about Hortatory
value that they got through the lesson. Besides, the researcher also helped the
c. Observation
the second cycle. As in the previous cycle, the observation instruments were
observation checklists and field notes. Furthermore, the researcher also discussed
Bloom Taxonomy. The discussion was elaborated based on the observation which
1. Observation Checklists
as the data gathering instruments. Furthermore, the researcher added some points
cycle. It was made based on the reflection of the previous cycle. The researcher
wanted to get more detailed data related to the class condition. The observation
checklists were still done by the two observers. Then, the result of the observation
checklists is displayed on Table 4.6 and Table 4.7 (see appendix E for the original
As the result, in the second cycle, both observers got the same observation
aspects in the second cycle. In this cycle, the researcher was able to apply
anagrams for teaching vocabulary more effectively than in the previous cycle. In
the previous cycle, the anagrams was too easy for the students. Thus, almost all of
the students could guess the word correctly. In the second cycle, the researcher
increased the level of difficulty of the anagrams. Therefore, the students still
thought and discussed with their groups before guessing the words. Furthermore,
the class condition was also not too noisy during the games. It was because the
researcher used the five colored flags to avoid all the students raising their hands.
Second Cycle
As in the first cycle, the researcher also set the vocabulary learning goal
based on the first three stages of learning according to Revised Bloom Taxonomy.
Those stages were remember, understand, and apply. Thus, by the end of the
study, the students were not only expected to memorize the words. Besides, the
researcher also expected the students to understand the words deeper, then they
could apply the words whether in spoken or written form. It was in line with the
statement of Nation (1990), there are three aspects in knowing word, (1) knowing
its form, (2) knowing its meaning, and (3) knowing its use.
conducted a discussion with the observers. As the English teacher suggested in the
previous cycle, the researcher added an activity which facilitated the students to
apply the new words. In the discussion, the English teacher suggested the
researcher take a look at the students’ work. It was used in order to see whether
the students had successfully applied the words or not. Furthermore, the
researcher and the observers reviewed the Hortatory Exposition texts which had
been constructed by the students before. The researcher focused on the generic
structure of the text and especially the word choice of the students. As the result,
the students were able to use the new words that they knew from the anagrams.
Therefore, the students had successfully achieved the third stage of learning
In the previous cycle, the students only reached the second stage of the
learning stage according to Revised Bloom Taxonomy. Those were remember and
understand. Therefore, in the first cycle, the students were only able to remember
and understand the new words. The students could not apply the words in context.
Furtermore, in the second cycle, the researcher had successfully improved the
learning stage of the students. The students could apply the new words in
constructing the Hortatory Exposition text. Besides, the students also had
d. Reflection
on the lesson plan in the second cycle. During the implementation of anagrams,
the students seemed very enthusiastically. They shouted happily when they
guessed the word correctly. The students sometimes also laughed together when
their friends made mistakes when guessing the word. In addition, the students
were also able to share their knowledge of vocabulary to the others. The students
also answered the question which was given by the teacher enthusiastically. Thus,
Based on the observation, the researcher had successfully fixed the class
condition which was quite noisy in the previous cycle. In the previous cycle, the
class was quite noisy when the students wanted to answer the question by raising
their hands. Almost all of the students raised their hands. Thus, the researcher also
confused when choosing who would answer the question. In this cycle, the
researcher provided five colored flags for each group. The colored flags really
helped the researcher in choosing which group would answer the question.
Besides, it also reduced the noise from the students because only one person of
each group who raised their hands. Furthermore, the researcher also succeeded in
making the students more focused to the lesson by using the ice breaking in the
In the second cycle, the researcher had also developed an activity which
facilitated the students to apply the new words. It was based on the suggestion of
the English teacher in the previous cycle. Therefore, in the second cycle, the
researcher had successfully facilitated the students to reach the third stage of
students were only able to memorize or remember and understand deeper about
the new words. Furthermore, in this cycle, the students could apply the new words
The students were very happy learning vocabulary using anagrams as the
media. The students could feel the sense of competition when playing anagrams.
Besides, the students were also able to memorize the words in the anagrams more
learning media to learn vocabulary, the students were also able to reach the three
understand, and apply. Therefore, after learning vocabulary using anagrams, the
students were able to remember, understand deeper, and apply the new words. In
short, the researcher had successfully improved the students’ vocabulary learning
the attitudes of the students toward the implementation of anagrams for learning
Likert Scale type. Likert(1932) as cited in Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1990,
p.234) stated that the Likert Scale has been one of the most widely and
(1990) also explained that a Likert scale assesses attitudes toward a topic by
disagree, or strongly disagree with each of a series of statements about the topic.
statements. Then, each statement were also provided with five (5) choices of
Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D), Undecided (U), Agree (A), and Strongly
Agree (SA). According to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010, p.210), “Every
researcher had divided the close-ended questionnaire into 4 sections to gather the
data. First section was statement 1-5 to gather the general point of view of the
students towards English lesson. Second section was statement 6-10 to gather the
anagrams. Next, the third section was statement 11-17 to gather the experience of
the students during the implementation of anagrams. Besides, the third section
was also used by the researcher to gather the opinion of the students towards the
gather the expectation of the students for future vocabulary learning. The
Based on the result of the questionnaire analysis, the average score of the
statement 11-17 was 4.2 (see the table of the data analysis in appendix F).
According to Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen(2010, p.211), “If the mean score is less
than 3.0, it means the individual shows negative attitude or behaviour and if the
mean score is 3.0 and above, it means the individual shows positive attitude or
vocabulary learning. The average score of the statement number 18-20 was 4.5. It
could be considered that the students expected anagrams or the other games as a
this study. Furthermore, the researcher divided this chapter into two parts of
discussion. The first part consisted of the conclusion of this research. The
Pangudi Luhur Sedayu. Then, the second part, the researcher provided some
anagrams for teaching vocabulary in High School. Besides, the researcher also
provided some suggestions for the other researchers who want to develop research
A. Conclusions
overcome the problems which appeared in the English learning and teaching
process of XI IPA 1. In specific, the purpose of this study was to improve the
In this study, the researcher used several research instruments. Those were
questionnaire. The research instruments were used in order to collect the data
during the research. Then, the data was used to determine whether the
The researcher used the students’ vocabulary tests in order to see how the
vocabulary mastery of the students so far. Furthermore, the researcher also used
the data from the students’ vocabulary tests in order to determine the level of
study. It was conducted in order to discover the problems which appeared during
the English learning and teaching process. The result of the preliminary study was
Based on the problems which were found during the preliminary study, the
game. Furthermore, the researcher developed some rules for the game in order to
In this Classroom Action Research, there were two cycles. Each cycle
consisted of one meeting. The researcher also developed a lesson plan for each
took place as the teacher. The lesson plan in the first cycle was developed based
on the problems and the needs of the students which identified during the
preliminary study. Then, the researcher developed the lesson plan in the second
cycle on the reflection of the first cycle on what went well and what needed to be
improved. Furthermore, the researcher also set the vocabulary learning goal in this
study. The researcher referred to the first three stages of Revised Bloom
Taxonomy. Those were remember, understand, and apply. Therefore, by the end
of this study, the researcher expected the students to be able to remember new
words, understand them, then they can apply the words whether in written or
spoken form.
of anagrams, the students were only able to remember or memorize the new words
that they got during the lesson. They even still faced difficulties to memorize the
words in long term. In the first cycle, the students were able to improve to next
stage of learning, understand. The students were able to understand the meaning,
the synonym, the part of speech, the use or function, and the correct pronunciation
of each word. Then, in the second cycle, the students were able to reach the next
stage, apply. Thus, in the second cycle, the students were able to apply the new
words they got during the anagrams game. It could be concluded that the students
vocabulary. In order to discover the attitudes of the students, the researcher used
ended questionnaire analysis, the students showed positive attitudes toward the
students liked the use of anagrams for vocabulary learning. Besides, the
vocabulary learning. The researcher still used the same instrument to gather the
data. Based on the result, the students expected that the English teacher used
anagrams for future vocabulary learning. It could be concluded that the students
learning really helped the students to master new words. The students could
remember or memorize the new words. Then, the students also could understand
the spelling, meaning, pronunciation, part of speech, synonym, and the use of the
new words. Finally, they could also apply the new words whether in spoken or
written form. Therefore, the researcher concluded that the use of anagrams could
B. Recommendations
provided the suggestions to English teacher and future researchers who want to
conduct a research in the same topic. The suggestions were presented as follows.
English teacher may develop anagrams into a game. Anagrams can be used as the
using anagrams, the English teacher may develop fun learning for the students.
Besides, anagrams also gives benefits related to the vocabulary building for the
students. Thus, the English teacher can use anagrams in order to develop an
The future researchers who want to conduct a research with similar topic
may use the data from this research. The result in this research can be improved in
the future. The future researchers also may develop anagrams into more
interesting activity for vocabulary learning. Besides, the future researchers can
also develop the anagrams with the different type. Therefore, the students will not
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Research Instruments
Field Notes
Write about what is happening during the teaching and learning process.
2. Observation Checklist
Instrument -1
Observation Checklist
14. Students raise their hand when the teacher asks them to
answer the questions during the games.
Instrument -1
Observation Checklist
16. Students raise their hand when the teacher asks them to
answer the questions during the games.
18. Students use the media for games given by the teacher.
3. Close-Ended Questionnaire
Selamat pagi teman-teman!
Petunjuk pengisian:
(N), Setuju (S), Sangat Setuju (SS). Terima Kasih dan Selamat Mengisi
A. Standar Kompetensi
8. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog
berbentuk hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei
berbentuk hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari .
B. Kompetensi Dasar
8.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: hortatory exposition.
10.2 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam esei dengan mengguna-kan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: hortatory exposition.
C. Indikator
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
8.2. a. Merespon wacana monolog: narrative
10.2. a. Melakukan monolog berbentuk : narrative
Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerjakeras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingintahu,
semangatkebangsaan, cintatanah air, menghargaiprestasi, bersahabat, cintadamai,
gemarmembaca, pedulilingkungan, pedulisosial, tanggungjawab, mandiri
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :
a. Merespon wacana monolog: hortatory exposition
b. Melakukan melakukan monolog berbentuk : hortatory exposition
E. Materi Pokok
Wacana monolog berbentuk: hortatory expositioncontohnya:
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between
money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world,
even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite
shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in
Argument 1:
The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the
capital. As most people know, TanjungPriok port smuggling is not a new thing at
all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a
thing more often. They even bribe the officials.
Argument 2:
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the
corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations
from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone
should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any
F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
Three Phase Technique
KegiatanInti (70’)
Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi guru:
a. Memberikan stimulus kepada siswa berupa contoh teks hortatory
exposition yang berjudul “Where Should be After High School?”
b. Meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan teks dalam kelompok
mengenai purpose of the text, generic structure of the text, dan main idea
of the text.
c. Meminta siswa untuk mengungkapkan hasil diskusi kepada siswa
yang lain.
Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:
a. Membiasakan siswa mengenali teks monolog berbentuk: hortatory
b. Mengajak siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kata-kata baru yang belum
dimengerti dalam teks.
c. Mengajak siswa untuk bermain games: anagrams sebagai sarana
dalam aktivitas vocabulary building.
d. Meminta siswa untuk menulis kata-kata baru yang mereka peroleh
dari teks dan permainan anagrams.
Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi guru:
a. Membantu siswa untuk menyimpulkan mengenai apa yang telah
b. Menanyakan siswa mengenai pendapat, pengalaman, dan perasaan
yang diperoleh siswa selama pelajaran.
c. Meminta siswa untuk membagikan apa yang telah mereka pelajari
kepada siswa yang lain.
KegiatanAkhir (10’)
a. Menyampaikan kepada siswa mengenai rencana pada pertemuan
b. Mengajak siswa untuk berdoa bersama sebagai penutup proses
c. Mengucapkan salam kepada siswa sebelum meninggalkan ruangan
H. Sumber/Bahan/Alat
1. Buku Look Ahead 2.
2. Laptop.
3. LCD viewer.
The National examination result will be publicly enounced in next short time.
Euphoria will flood for those who get success. In the other hand, It will be sorry to
hear that there are some of them do not succeed in their national final
examination. For those who succeed soon will think to decide; where will they be
after graduating high school? Actually it will be easy to decide for those has been
arranged and thought earlier but for those have not planed yet, it will be quite
Continuing study or looking for work is the primary choice among them. When
they think about continuing study, they will think hard about the time and cost.
How long the higher study will last? And how high is about the cost. In the same
way, when they think about straightly seeking job, what skill and competence they
have got is a big matter of questioning. So, doing both choices in the same time is
an alternative.
Continuing study as well as seeking job is possibly done but it will be hard for
them. Conventionally studying in the university needs much time to spend
especially in the first year. It is true because they have to do and adapt a lot of
things in their new higher school. it will be very hard to looking for job. Therefore
it should come to their mind of continuing studying at higher school from their
own home. As result, the available time will be more flexible for them. Then it
will be very possible to seek job and get the appropriate one. This type of studying
is publicly known as distance learning.
2. Why do some students feel confuse after the announcment of the national
examination result?
3. Based on the text, what does the writer recommend the students when they
confuse to choose between continuing study or seeking job?
4. Why is it hard for students when they study in the university for the first
A. Standar Kompetensi
8. Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog
berbentuk hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei
berbentuk hortatory exposition dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari .
B. Kompetensi Dasar
8.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog yang menggunakan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: hortatory exposition.
10.2 Mengungkap-kan makna dalam esei dengan mengguna-kan ragam
bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: hortatory exposition.
C. Indikator
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi
8.3. a. Merespon wacana monolog: narrative
10.3. a. Melakukan monolog berbentuk : narrative
Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerjakeras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa ingintahu,
semangatkebangsaan, cintatanah air, menghargaiprestasi, bersahabat, cintadamai,
gemarmembaca, pedulilingkungan, pedulisosial, tanggungjawab, mandiri
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat :
c. Merespon wacana monolog: hortatory exposition
d. Melakukan melakukan monolog berbentuk : hortatory exposition
E. Materi Pokok
Wacana monolog berbentuk: hortatory expositioncontohnya:
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between
money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world,
even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite
shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in
Argument 1:
The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the
capital. As most people know, TanjungPriok port smuggling is not a new thing at
all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a
thing more often. They even bribe the officials.
Argument 2:
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the
corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations
from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone
should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any
F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik:
Three Phase Technique
KegiatanInti (70’)
Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi guru:
d. Membantu siswa untuk mengingat-ingat apa yang telah dipelajari
pada pertemuan sebelumnya.
e. Memberi kesempatan kepada siswa untuk membagikan apa yang
telah mereka dapatkan pada pertemuan sebelumnya mengenai hortatory
Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:
e. Memberikan siswa materi bacaan hortatory exposition yang berjudul
“Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Everyday.”
f. Meminta siswa secara acak untuk membacakan bacaan yang telah
diberikan sebelumnya.
g. Meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan main idea of the text di dalam
h. Memberikan ice-breaking untuk siswa berupa tarian (Gummy Bear
i. Mengajak siswa untuk mengidentifikasi kata-kata baru yang belum
dimengerti dalam teks.
j. Mengajak siswa untuk bermain games: anagrams sebagai sarana
dalam aktivitas vocabulary building.
k. Meminta siswa untuk menulis kata-kata baru yang mereka peroleh
dari teks dan permainan anagrams.
l. Memandu siswa untuk menyusun sebuah teks hortatory exposition.
Dalam kegiatan konfirmasi guru:
d. Membantu siswa untuk menyimpulkan mengenai apa yang telah
e. Menanyakan siswa mengenai pendapat, pengalaman, dan perasaan
yang diperoleh siswa selama pelajaran.
f. Meminta siswa untuk membagikan apa yang telah mereka pelajari
kepada siswa yang lain.
KegiatanAkhir (10’)
A. Reading Passage
The first reason why you should eat breakfast before going to school is for
your health. When you skip breakfast and go to school, you are looking for
a disease because it’s not healthy to have an empty stomach all day long.
It’s very important to have a meal and not let your stomach work empty.
All you are going to get is gastritis and a lot of problems with your health
if you don’t eat breakfast.
Another reason for eating breakfast is because you need food for to do
well in your classes. You body and your brain are not going to function as
good as they could because you have no energy and no strength. When
you try to learn something and have nothing in your stomach, you are
going to have a lot of trouble succeeding. A lot of people think that
they should not eat because they are going to feel tired, but that’s not true.
Breakfast is not a very big meal, and on the contrary, you’re going to feel
tired if you don’t have breakfast because you have spent the entire
previous night without food.
The last reason to have breakfast every day is because you can avoid
diseases if you eat some breakfast in the morning. If you don’t eat, you are
going to get sick, and these diseases will have a stronger effect on you
because you’re going to get sick easier than people who have breakfast
every day.
You have to realize that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,
and you cannot skip it without consequences for your health, your
school and your defense mechanism. It is better to wake up earlier and
have a good breakfast that run to school without eating anything. It is time
for you to do something for your health, and eating breakfast is the better
way to start your day.
B. Worksheet
Instruction: Make a Hortatory Exposition text based on the topic that you
Argument 1
Argument 2
Students’ Vocabulary Tests Result and Group Members Distribution
1. Vocabulary Test
2. Vocabulary Test Result
3. Distribution of Group Members
1. Vocabulary Test
Name :
Class :
Student Number :
Do you know what the meaning of corruption is? What is the relation between
money and corruption? Well, corruption is common everywhere in the world,
even in the United States. It’s just a matter of intensity. However, it is quite
shocking when one reliable survey claims Jakarta as the most corrupt place in
The survey has made me sad, actually, because I stay and earn a living here in the
capital. As most people know, Tanjung Priok port smuggling is not a new thing at
all. Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments tend to do such a
thing more often. They even bribe the officials.
Well, I think the measures taken so far to overcome the problem by punishing the
corruptors is still not far enough. We have to prevent the younger generations
from getting a bad mentality caused by corruption.
I believe we should start at the earliest stages in school and I think everyone
should be involved in the effort to eradicate corruption. We must not make any
a. Similar.
b. Honest.
c. Crime.
d. Usual.
e. Dishonest.
3. “It’s just a matterof intensity.” (paragraph 1).
What is the meaning of matter in Bahasa Indonesia?
a. Masalah/persoalan.
b. Kasus.
c. Perbedaan.
d. Kesalahan.
e. Ketelitian.
4. “...I stay and earn a living here in the capital.” (paragraph 2).
The meaning of the word earn can be defined as...
a. Get a comfort.
b. Make a good effort.
c. Receive money.
d. Spend money.
e. Struggling for life.
5. “Entrepreneurs who want to minimize their tax payments....” (paragraph
The word minimize can be replaced with...
a. Increase.
b. Grow.
c. Cut.
d. Fold.
e. Decrease.
1. Student 1 5 50 Failed
2. Student 2 3 30 Failed
3. Student 3 7 70 Failed
4. Student 4 6 60 Failed
5. Student 5 5 50 Failed
6. Student 6 7 70 Failed
7. Student 7 4 40 Failed
8. Student 8 5 50 Failed
9. Student 9 6 60 Failed
Average 45,6
3 23, 5, 7, 20, 15
5 3, 9, 14, 2, 6
Statements 1
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Statements 3
Statements 4
Statements 5
Statements 6
Statements 7
Statements 8
Statements 9
Statements 10
Statements 11
Statements 12
Statements 13
Statements 14
Statements 15
Statements 16
Statements 17
1. Raw Data of Close-Ended Questionnaire (Diagram)
Statements 18
Statements 19
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Statements 20