Part I. Multiple Choice: "Zero Is Always Better Than Cheaten One Hundred"
Part I. Multiple Choice: "Zero Is Always Better Than Cheaten One Hundred"
Part I. Multiple Choice: "Zero Is Always Better Than Cheaten One Hundred"
4th Grading Examination
2. Jane excels in almost all of her subjects because she feels being supported by her
classmates and friends.
a. Group Belongingness b. Values and Beliefs c. Sexual Relationship d.
Career Choice
3. Shane doesn’t want to go to school because she is bullied in school. She tends to
isolate herself from others.
a. Academic concern b. Depression c. Values and management d. Time
4. Kerk was forced by his friends to try smoking. Despite his parents’ reminder not to
engage in vices such as smoking and drinking alcohol, Kerk gave in his friends’
invitation to feed in his curiosity as well.
a. Group Belongingness b. Career Choice c. Depression d. Values
and Beliefs
5. Simeon, a Grade 9 student was confused as to what major in TLE to take as he still
doesn’t have a clear direction on what to pursue after his Grade 7 and 8 TLE
exploratory phase.
a. Group Belongingness b. Material Poverty c. Career Choice d. Time
8. Which among the choices DOES NOT tell where actual self comes from?
a. Parent’s Advice b. Model Person c. Our best interest d. Deviant
10. Which refers to the body , thought, feeling or emotions and sensation that constitute
the individual and identity of a person?
a. Personality b. Identity c. Self d. Self –
11. With which is “Bad behavior is punished, good behavior is rewarded,” closely
I. Kohlberg’s pre-moral stage at the pre-convential level.
II. Kohlberg’s conventional level
III. Kohlberg’s post conventional level
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I,II,III
12. A preschool child’s notion of causality is said to be animistic. This means that the
child gives human characteristics to non-living objects. Thus, the child may imagine that
a doll or a stone is talking to him/her. This concept is best related to ________.
A. Piaget’ sensorimotor stage, birth to 2 years.
B. Piaget's preoperational period, age 2 to 7 years.
C. Piaget’s concrete operational period, age 7 to 11 years.
D. Piaget’s formal operational period age 11 and above.
13. In which developmental stage is sharing one’s life with another person emphasized?
a. Ego Integrity vs. Despair b. Generativity vs. Stagnation
c. Identity vs. Role Confusion d. Intimacy vs. Isolation
14. Ann has become more independent in terms of decision-making. She loves to
spend more of her time with her friends than with her parents. With which
developmental stage is the behavior of Ann closely related?
a. Middle Childhood 6-12 years b. adolescence
c. early adulthood 18-35 years d. Middle Age 36 -60 years
15. In which stage of cognitive development does the child master the concept of
a. Formal operation 12 years older b. Concrete operations ages 7 to 11
c. pre-operations ages 2 to 7 d. sensori-motor
1. Karen as eldest sibling tends to copy her parents behavior towards her sibling.
2. Celine grew up in her Nanny’s care. When her single mother returned from Kuwait
after 8 years, Celine loathed her mother for not being around when she needed her.
3. Irah’s parents were proud to say that Irah is becoming independent in doing her
household chores.
4. Rowena is being described by her friends as “a put together person” for being ahead
of her time and is nearly organized.
5. Individuals in this stage tend to be confused on the different roles in the society.
Establishing the sense of self is most likely to be the focus of attention.
8. He stated that a child who has not mastered the concept of conservation would insist
that 20-peso coins are greater in amount than that of twenty-peso bill.
9. It is in this stage when an individual loves to retell his/her stories in the past and loves
to share his/her contributions to the family and t6o his/her profession.
10. Andy always ends up frustrated whenever he cannot get the perfect score or get the
highest score in the class.
11. It is a complex process that involves one or more area of aspects that expendably
affect a person.
14. It is an aspect of development that refers to standing firm by moral values, social
ethics, and professional code of conducts.
17. It is an evidence of development that builds and maintains friendship with love, care
and empathy to peers.
19. It is used to help students realize their vision through detailed steps describing how
objectives are met.
20. It refers to the group of people we make an effort to involve with to beware of our
personal life.
1. Kohlberg’s pre-conventional level states that the individual’s moral behavior is guided
by anticipated consequences.
3. Congruent self provides an equal view of both self-image and Ideal self.
9. The term identify crisis which occurs during childhood comes from work of Erik
10. School-aged children in the Eriksonian stage of industry vs. inferioritiy focus heavily
on their performance in school. They value more their teachers and classmates
feedback than those of their parents.
12. Children can play symbolically during pre-operational stage of Piaget’s cognitive
14. self identity refers to the act of gaining control and not being critical to others.
16. Nature vs Nurture is one of the debates on human growth and development.
18. A value will develop into a belief when the person’s commitment to it grows and the
person sees it as being important.
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