PROF. ED. 204 / Technology For Teaching and Learning 1

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204 / Technology for Teaching and Learning 1



Subject/Descriptive Title: _____________________________________

Subject Code: ____________
Name: ________________________________________
Course: _______________________________________

I. Discuss the importance of the following in the teaching-learning process.

1. Flipchart

2. Wall Display

3. Chalkboard

4. Diorama

5. Nature Table
PROF. ED. 204 / Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

II. A. Scan the following QR Codes and provide appropriate responses

in the space provided.






B. Make your own QR Code

Step 1: Be online.
Step 2: Search for a QR Code generator.
Step 3: Encode the text (something you have learned from the lessons) to your
identified online QR Code generator.
Step 4: Run it and download your own QR Code.
Step 5: Copy and print out your own QR Code.
Step 6: Cut it out and attach to the space provided.

PROF. ED. 204 / Technology for Teaching and Learning 1


STEP 1: Choose a lesson based with your specialization. Identify a concept or segment
of the lesson that you can choose a content material. Use the information by creating
and designing an infographic that captures the essential information using the steps
you learned. You may use Canva or any other tools in the web.
STEP 2: Save and print the image of the infographics you have created.
STEP 3: Submit the printed copy of the infographics you have created together with
your outputs.

Use the rubric below as your guide for the said activity.


5 3 1
TOPIC The topic of the The topic of the The topic of the
infographics is infographics may be a infographic is hard
specific in nature and bit too broad to allow to ascertain and
is intended to inform the viewer to needs to be made
or convince the understand the main more specific.
viewer. points.
COLORS The color choices The color choices are The color choices
enhance the visibility fine, but too many for the
of the infographic. colors may have been infographics are
Different saturations used. not visually
of the same color are pleasing and
used wisely. detract from the
LAYOUT The layout of the The layout of the The infographic is
infographic adheres to infographic includes lacking one or two
the inverted pyramid all three components – of the components
style- main point on main point, secondary of good
top, secondary point point, and supporting infographic design
next, and supporting details – but is not – main point,
details at the bottom. organized in the secondary point, or
inverted pyramid supporting details.
INFORMATION The infographics The infographic No information
ORGANIZATION utilizes one of the utilizes some organization choice
LATCH (location, components of the (location,
alphabetical, timeline, LATCH (location, alphabetical,
category, or hierarchy) alphabetical, timeline, timeline, category,
information category, or hierarchy) or hierarchy) is
organization formats information present in the
to allow the viewer to organization formats, infographic.
understand the but the cohesiveness
information in the of the information
infographic. presentation is
PROF. ED. 204 / Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

DATA The data visualization The data visualization Other data

VISUALIZATIONS formats chosen make formats chosen visualization
the data presented showcase the data, but formats should be
easy for the viewer to some way make it chosen to best
understand the difficult for the viewer showcase the data
information. to understand the presentation for the
points. viewer.
FONTS The infographic The Infographic The font(s) used in
includes an includes multiple fonts the infographic
appropriate font to and/or the fonts do not make the almost
both complement the seem related to the unreadable.
content and make the infographics topic.
text readable
CITATIONS Full bibliographic The URL of sources No citations to
citations for all used are included. sources used are
sources used are included.

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