Minutes of 412th RC Meeting 0
Minutes of 412th RC Meeting 0
Minutes of 412th RC Meeting 0
The 412thMeeting of Registration Committee (RC) was held under the Chairmanship
of Dr. S. K. Malhotra, Agriculture Commissioner on 18.12.2019 at 10:00 AM in his
Chamber, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Sh. Rajesh Malik, Plant Protection Advisor,
DPPQ&S, Faridabad; Dr. Rajan, Incharge ADG (PP) ICAR, Krishi Bhawan, New
Delhi; Dr. I. S. Hura, (Representative of Drug Controller General of India), New Delhi;
Dr. K. K. Sharma, Project Co-ordinator, IARI, Pusa New Delhi and Dr. J. P. Singh,
Member Secretary, CIB&RC attended the meeting. Following officers from the
Secretariat of CIB&RC also attended the meeting to present their agenda and advises
as and when required/or volunteered to provide the information during the
At the outset, Chairman welcomed the members & experts and asked Secretary, CIB&RC
to take up the agenda for deliberations. The decisions taken by the RC are as under:
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
1. Agenda Item No. 3.3 of 411th RC regarding protocol (Annexure-I) submitted by the
M/s Biostadt India Ltd., for toxicity to earthworm (multi location filed study) for
pesticides Thiophanate has been approved with following amendments :
i. Study should be conducted for complete one year.
ii. It should be conducted only for tomato crop which is approved.
iii. Density should be minimum 100 individuals/m2 .
iv. Area of sampling should be 10m x 10m.
v. Sampling date should be as below :
First sampling : about one month to three months after application
Second sampling: about four months to six months after application.
Third sampling : about twelve months after application.
vi. Reference standard should be incorporated in the study
RC further decided that the applicant should be asked to inform the locations and the
authority who will undertake the field studies.
2. Agenda Item No. 7 (7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.7, 7.10, 7.11, 7.19, 7.20, 7.21) the condition
may be read as “ That the CR will be treated as deemed invalid in case the NMR
report from CIL is found unsatisfactory”.
3. S. No. 36 of Agenda Item No. 9.8 (Annexure 9.8.1) of 411th RC and Agenda Item No.
9.123 of 408th RC should be read as rejected because RC observed that the applicant
applied for 9(4) Endorsement category with the 9(4) FIM certificate which was
already rejected in 374th RC meeting. RC further directed the Secretariat of CIB&RC
to recall the certificates of registration issued u/s 9(4) FIM of the applicant Rejected
in 374th RC meeting.
4. At agenda item no. 9.21 name of supplier of six products may be read as ‘Sumitomo
Chemical Asia Pte. Ltd, 3 Fraser, Street, #07-28, DUO tower, Singapore 189352’
instead of ‘Sumitomo Chemical Singapore Pvt. Ltd, 3 Fraser, Street, #07-28, DUO
tower, Singapore 189352’.
5. Agenda Item No. 9.58, 9.59, 9.60 and 9.92 which is to be read as 9.62 are approved
subject to the fulfillment of requirements as per the new checklist as approved in 409th
RC meeting vide agenda item no. 10.1.
6. In Annexure 10.16.1 at serial no. 46 File No. 11353-END/2019 may be read as File
No. 11354-END/2019 and at serial no. 41 File No. 14439-END/2019 may be read as
File No. 11439-END/2019 in endorsement.
7. Agenda Item No. 10.10 Annexure-10.10.1 and Agenda Item No. 10.11 Annexure
10.11.1 appeared in 411th RC meeting minutes shall be replaced by rectified
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
8. Agenda Item No. 10.5 & 10.14 List of closed file is enclosed as Annexure - III,
2.0 Presentation
3.0 Government Business
3.1 Members may kindly recall that the Registration Committee in its 408th meeting
constituted a sub-committee in view of some miscellaneous issues being faced while
considering various application under different category.
RC deliberated upon the report of sub-committee and decided that the same shall be uploaded
on the website for inviting comments from the stake holders within 30 days from the date of
uploading of the public notice. The comments received from the stake holders will be
presented to the RC for further deliberation and acceptance.
3.2 Follow up action of agenda Item No. 1.5 [Review of pesticides with respect to agenda
Item No. 11.2 and 11.4 of 409th RC meeting (Twenty seven pesticides recommended to
be continued but to be reviewed after completion of the studies recommended by Dr.
Anupam Varma Committee/RC, Neonicotinoids, Glyphosate and Profenofos)] of 410th
RC held on 05.11.2019.
RC deliberated, the analysis and comments pertaining to each listed pesticide (27 + 6 + 2)
which were provided by subcommittee. The recommendations in the form of report will be
submitted to DAC&FW for further necessary action.
4.0 Export Cases
4.1 List under section 9(3) Export applications
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the case as per Annexure 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.3
& 4.1.4. The committee decided that the application of import for export category shall be
subject to the decision taken by the committee in its 356th meeting. It was also directed to
recheck case and should strictly follow Gazette Notification SO 3951 (E) dated 08.08.2018
published on 09.08.2018 of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare while issuing
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
RC deliberated the agenda and decided to ask the applicant to submit sample to ICAR-
NBAIM, Mau Nath Bhanjan, UP for confirmation of microbial culture at molecular level on
the strain for 16s ITS sequencing and the DNA of the strain.
5.3 Consideration of application of M/s Mukul Bio Control Industries, for grant of
registration for indigenous bio-pesticides manufacturing of Trichoderma viride 1.50%
WP under section 9(3b) (Strain : IIHR, TV-5, Accession No. ITCC No. 6889).
RC deliberated the agenda and decided to ask the applicant to submit sample to ICAR-
NBAIM, Mau Nath Bhanjan, UP for confirmation of microbial culture at molecular level on
the strain for 16s ITS sequencing and the DNA of the strain.
5.4 Consideration of application of M/s Addison Biological Pvt. Ltd., for grant of
registration for indigenous bio-pesticides manufacturing of Trichoderma viride 1.50%
WP under section 9(3b) (Strain : IIHR, TV-5, Accession No. ITCC No. 6889).
RC deliberated the agenda and decided to ask the applicant to submit sample to ICAR-
NBAIM, Mau Nath Bhanjan, UP for confirmation of microbial culture at molecular level on
the strain for 16s ITS sequencing and the DNA of the strain.
9(3b) Extension
5.5 Consideration of application of M/s International Panaacea Ltd., for the 2nd extension
of provision registration of Verticillium chlamydosporium 1% WP strain No. IIHR-VC-
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for 2nd extension of Verticillium
chlamydosporium 1% WP w.e.f. 27.05.2019 for one year with commercialization. RC also
decided that a condition may be incorporated on the extension letter that for further extension
if required, the applicant shall submit the proof of progress in data generation from the head
of concerned Institute/University or Director of Research.
5.6 Consideration of application of M/s Harit Bio-Control Lab., for the 3rd extension of
provision registration of Verticillium lecanii 1.15% WP strain No. AAI, Allahabad.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved 3rd Extension from 09.03.2019 for one year
with same label claims. No further extension shall be granted.
5.7 Consideration of application of M/s Growtech Agri Science for the 2nd extension of
provision registration of Verticillium chlamydosporium 1% WP strain No. IIHR-VC-3.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for 2nd extension of Verticillium
chlamydosporium 1% WP w.e.f. 27.01.2020 for one year with commercialization. RC also
decided that a condition may be incorporated on the extension letter that for further extension
if required, the applicant shall submit the proof of progress in data generation from the head
of concerned Institute/University or Director of Research.
6.0 9(3) CASES
9(3) Bio-pesticides
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
7.1 Consideration of application of M/s Gujarat Insecticides Ltd., for grant of registration
for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Tebuconazole Technical 95% w/w min.
under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for grant of registration for Tebuconazole
Technical 95% w/w min.
7.2 Consideration of application of M/s Crystal Crop Protection Pvt. Ltd., for grant of
registration for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Tebuconazole Technical
95% w/w min. under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and asked the applicant to clarify the difference in chemical
composition claimed in Form-I and submitted in CIL with the sample for pre-registration
verification and further decided the re-examine the ATR of CIL.
7.3 Consideration of application of M/s Best Crop Science, for grant of registration for
Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Cartap hydrochloride Technical 98% w/w
min. under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and decided to defer the matter till outcome of the Agenda Item
No. 11.2.
7.4 Consideration of application of M/s NACL Industries Ltd., for grant of registration for
Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Azoxystrobin Technical 95% w/w min.
under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for grant of registration for Azoxystrobin
Technical 95% w/w min.
7.5 Consideration of application of M/s Crimsun Organics Pvt. Ltd., for grant of
registration for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Pretilachlor Technical 96%
w/w min. under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for grant of registration for Pretilachlor
Technical 96% w/w min.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
7.6 Consideration of application of M/s Crystal Crop Protection Ltd., for grant of
registration for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Azoxystrobin Technical
98% w/w min. under section 9(4).
RC observed that the agenda note from bioefficacy, toxicity and packaging and labeling were
submitted for the product Azoxystrobin Technical 96% min. therefore, ask the Secretariat.
of CIB&RC to revisit the Form-I submitted in chemistry. The case was revisited at the Sectt.
level and observed that the applicant submitted revised Form-I claiming the product in 96%
min. The revised chemical composition matched with the earlier registrant claimed by the
applicant for establishment of chemical equivalence. Therefore, RC decided to approve for
grant of registration for Azoxystrobin Technical 98% w/w min. The committee further decided
that a condition to be incorporated on the Certificate of Registration “ That the CR will be
treated as deemed invalid in case the NMR report from CIL is found unsatisfactory”.
7.7 Consideration of application of M/s Ichiban Crop Science Ltd., for grant of registration
for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Pretilachlor Technical 96% w/w min.
under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for grant of registration for Pretilachlor
Technical 96% w/w min.
7.8 Consideration of application of M/s Indogulf CropSceince Ltd., for grant of registration
for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Bispyribac sodium Technical 95% w/w
min. under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and asked the applicant to clarify the difference in chemical
composition claimed in Form-I and submitted in CIL with the sample for pre-registration
7.9 Consideration of application of M/s NACL Industries Ltd., for grant of registration for
Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Bispyribac sodium Technical 95% w/w min.
under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for grant of registration for Bispyribac
sodium Technical 95% w/w min
7.10 Consideration of application of M/s Best Crop Science LLP, for grant of registration for
Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Quizalofop ethyl Technical 98% w/w min.
under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and decided to defer the matter till outcome of the Agenda Item
No. 11.2.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
7.11 Consideration of application of M/s Best Crop Science LLP, for grant of registration for
Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Glufosinate ammonium Technical 50% w/w
min. under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and decided to defer the matter till outcome of the Agenda Item
No. 11.2.
7.12 Consideration of application of M/s Astec Life Science Ltd., for grant of registration for
Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Paclobutrazole Technical 95% w/w min.
under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda in detail and noted that the product could not be compared point
to point in mutagenic studies as it showed cytotoxicity at a lower dose as compared to the
9(3) registrant. Hence the applicant may be asked to clarify that how their product can be
considered equivalent to 9(3) registrant and the clarification regarding the pair of enantiomers
claimed in the chemical composition impurity no. 3.
7.14 Consideration of application of M/s Crimson Organics Pvt. Ltd., for grant of
registration for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Carbendazim Technical
98% w/w min. under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for grant of registration for Carbendazim
Technical 98% w/w min.
7.15 Consideration of application of M/s Bharat Rasayan Ltd., for grant of registration for
Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Thiafluzamide Technical 96% w/w min.
under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for grant of registration for Thiafluzamide
Technical 96% w/w min.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
7.16 Consideration of application of M/s Agro Life Sciences Corporation, for grant of
registration for Technical indigenous manufacture (TIM) of Dichlorvos Technical under
section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and accepted the request of the applicant for closure of file.
1. CRswill not be issued till consent letter on original affidavits (hard copy) are received in
respect of applications where original consent letters from the technical providers are
awaited. If no consent letter on original affidavit (hard copy) is received within 30 days
from the hoisting of the minutes same will be apprised to RC for closure of the case.
2. Similar decision on all the applications as referred vide Agenda Item No. 11.2.
3. RC further decided that only complete cases where the original affidavits (hard copy)
are received conforming veracity of the online copy shall bring to the RC for
deliberation. The applicant directed to submit original affidavit (hard copy) within 30
days of submission of application online. The original affidavit received after 30 days
or above shall not be considered and RC will be apprised to close all such applications.
A public notice will be issued to this effect.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
8.3 Reconsideration of an application of M/s Saraswati Agro Chemical (India) Pvt. Ltd., for
grant of registration of Fenazaquin Technical 97.5% w/w min. for import only under
section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for import with validity 31.12.2021 of
Fenazaquin Technical 97.5% w/w min.subject to submission of original documents such as
registration certificate/ certificate of DNA & consent letter from the source and original
affidavit that the applicant does not possess any certificate of registration for Technical
Indigenous Manufacture (TIM).
8.4 Consideration of an application of M/s Bayer Vapi Pvt. Ltd., for grant of registration of
Fipronil Technical 90.0% w/w min. for import only under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and defer the case till report of this sub-committee constituted in
408th RC meeting vide agenda item no. 11.1 is approved by the RC.
8.5 Consideration of an application of M/s Best Agrochem Pvt. Ltd., for grant of
registration of Emamectin Benzoate Technical 95% w/w min. for import only under
section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and observed that the product is registered as Emamectin Benzoate
Technical 95% w/w min. and the source of consent also confirm to provide the product
Emamectin Benzoate technical 95% w/w min. whereas the confirmation of registration status
of the source in the concerned country when verified from their official website (ICAMA,
China) found that the sources have been registered with Abamectin – amino methyl 83.5%
TC instead of Emamectin Benzoate technical 95% w/w min. Hence, the application does not
qualify for registration under section 9(4) TI category. However, RC further decided that the
registration status of the product may be verified from the DNA/source country.
8.6 Consideration of an application of M/s Godrej Agrovet Ltd., for grant of registration of
Halosulfuron methyl 75.0% WG for formulation import only under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved for formulation import of Halosulfuron
methyl 75.0% WG subject to submission of original documents such as registration
certificate/ certificate of DNA & consent letter from the source and original affidavit that the
applicant does not possess any certificate of registration for Technical Indigenous
Manufacture (TIM).
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
8.8 Reconsideration of application of some small formulators who arranged fake consent
letter (affidavit) for supply of Technical grade material required for manufacturing the
formulations under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and took a serious cognizance of the illegal activities
committed by some of the applicants and decided to call back the registration certificates
issued to applicants as per Annexure – 8.8.1 where the suppliers of technical grade
insecticides, has confirmed that the consent for supplying technical was not issued to the
aforesaid applicants. RC further decided that in the interest of fair play the applicants may be
granted an opportunity to explain/clarify the genuineness of affidavit of consent submitted
by them within 30 days from hoisting the minutes. RC further decided that till then the use of
aforesaid certificates of registration issued to the aforesaid applicants shall be kept in
abeyance forth with.
9.1 M/s ADAMA India Pvt. Ltd., has requested for change of name of source of import of
Fluvalinate Technical 88% min.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the change of name of source of import from
M/s Syngenta Crop Protection AG to M/s Maktehshim Chemicals Works, PO Box 60, Beer
– Sheva, 84100, Israel.
9.2 Endorsement of change of name of the source of import of Captan Technical 90% w/w
min. of M/s Rallis India Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the change of name of source of import from
M/s Makhteshim Agan Beer- Sheva , Israel to M/s ADAMA Makhteshim Ltd., Beer – Sheva,
9.3 Endorsement of change of address of approved supplier of approved source of import
of Thiophenate methyl Technical 94% w/w min. of M/s Biostadt India Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the change of address of approved supplier
from M/s Sumit Agro International Ltd., 1-8-12, Harumi, Chou-Ku, Tokyo, Japan to M/s
Sumit Agro International Ltd., Sumitomo Corporation, Takebashi Building, 9F, 1-2-2,
Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0003, Japan.
9.4 Endorsement of change of address of approved supplier of approved source of import
of Hexythiazox Technical 97% min. of M/s Biostadt India Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the change of address of approved supplier
from M/s Sumit Agro International Ltd., 1-8-12, Harumi, Chou-Ku, Tokyo, Japan to M/s
Sumit Agro International Ltd., Sumitomo Corporation, Takebashi Building, 9F, 1-2-2,
Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0003, Japan.
9.5 Endorsement of inclusion of supplier name of already approved source of import of
Bispyribac sodium 10% SC of M/s PI Industries Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and agreed to close the case on the request of applicant.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
9.8 Consideration of the request of M/s Sumisho Agro India Pvt. Ltd., for transfer of one
Certificates of Registration from M/s Sumitomo Corporation India Pvt. Ltd., to M/s
Sumisho Agro India Pvt. Ltd of product Milbemectin 1% EC [CIR-322/2004 (244)-
Milbemectin (EC) – 01].
RC deliberated the agenda and approved subject to fulfillment of the requirements as per the
new checklist as approved in 409th RC meeting.
9.9 Consideration of the request from M/s. Setu (India) for the endorsement of change of
office and factory address from 83/8, Phase-1, GIDC Estate, Vatwa, Ahmedabad –
382445, Gujarat to Block Np. 195, Godown No. 2, Nr. Umiyaoyra Bus Stop, Bareja to
Baredjadi Road, Village Bidaj, District Kheda - 387120 in the 28 Certificate of
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved subject to submission of balance amount in
Bharat Kosh and production of the receipt in the Secretariat of CIB&RC .
9.10 Consideration of the request from M/s. Cropnosys India Pvt. Ltd., for the endorsement
of change of registered office address from Suite No. 2, Orchid Pride, Santacruze
(West), Mumbai – 400054 to B1-104 C Boomerang, Chandivali Farm Road, Powai,
Andheri – East, Mumbai - 400072 in the 12 Certificate of registrations.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved subject to submission of balance amount in
Bharat Kosh and production of the receipt in the Secretariat of CIB&RC .
9.11 Consideration of the request from M/s. Sikandrabad Chemicals for endorsement of
shifting of factory address from 235, Sobo Centre, gala Gymkhana Road, South Bopal
Ahmedabad – 380058 (Gujarat) to Plot No. 209, Mahagujrat Industrial Estate, Village
– Morriya, B/H Surbhi Hotel, Ta. – Sanad, Distt. Ahmedabad – 382213 (Gujarat) on 07
certificate of registrations.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved subject to submission of balance amount in
Bharat Kosh and production of the receipt in the Secretariat of CIB&RC .
9.12 Consideration of the request from M/s. Rainbow Crop Health Ltd., for change of name
of company from M/s Welcome Crop Health Products to M/s Rainbow Crop Health
Ltd., on 168 certificate of registrations.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved subject to submission of balance amount in
Bharat Kosh and production of the receipt in the Secretariat of CIB&RC .
9.13 Consideration of the request from M/s. Cropnosys India Pvt. Ltd., for the endorsement
of additional factory address situated at L-5308/4, GIDC Estate, Vapi, Dist. Valsad,
Gujarat in the 29 Certificate of registrations.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved subject to submission of balance amount in
Bharat Kosh and production of the receipt in the Secretariat of CIB&RC .
9.14 Consideration of the request from M/s. Rallis India Ltd., for the endorsement of change
of registered office address from 156/157, 15th Floor, Nariman Bhawan, 227, Nariman
Point, Mumbai – 400 021 to 23rd Floor, Lodha Excelus, New Cuffe Parade, Off Eastern
Freeway, Wadala, Mumbai – 400037 in the 86 Certificate of registration.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved subject to submission of balance amount in
Bharat Kosh and production of the receipt in the Secretariat of CIB&RC .
Insecticide Endorsement
9.16 Consideration of applications received for grant of registration for label claim
expansion under section 9(4).
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved as per Annexure –9.16.1
Packaging Endorsement
9.17 Endorsement of new/additional packaging u/s 9(4) which has already been approved by
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved as per Annexure – 9.17.1 (subject to the
condition specificied at the bottom of the Annexure in reference to Agenda Item No. 11.2).
9.18 Application of M/s Godrej Consumer Products Ltd., for endorsement for alternate
packing of single refill (45 ml) in printed carton as secondary packing and 120 units of
secondary pack cartons will be packed in 5 ply corrugated box of specification IS 2771
(Part-I) – 1990 as transport packing for Transfluthrin 1.6% Liquid Vaporiser.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved.
9.19 Application of M/s Nichono India Pvt. Ltd., for endorsement for additional transport
packing of capacity 200 kg in fiber board drum for import for Buprofezin Technical
98% w/w min.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
10.3 The applicant has submitted application for the import of sample quantity of 20 kg of
SL-160 25 WG coded herbicide of M/s ISK Bioscience India Pvt. Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the import of sample quantity of 20 kg of
SL-160 25 % WG coded herbicide of M/s ISK Bioscience India Pvt. Ltd.
10.4 The applicant has submitted application for the import of sample quantity of 21 kg of
SL-950 6OD coded herbicide of M/s ISK Biosceince India Pvt. Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the import of sample quantity of 20 kg of
SL-950 6OD coded herbicide of M/s ISK Biosceince India Pvt. Ltd.
10.5 Applicant Mr. Manoj Lingeri, General Manager – Regulatory Science has applied for
permission to import sample quantity of 30 kg of BCS-AA10147 4.8 WG of M/s Bayer
Crop Sciences Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the import of sample quantity of 30 kg of
BCS-AA10147 4.8 WG of M/s Bayer Crop Sciences Ltd.
10.6 Applicant Mr. Manoj Lingeri, General Manager – Regulatory Science has applied for
permission to import sample quantity of 28 liter of BCS-AA10147 225 g/l SC of M/s
Bayer Crop Sciences Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the import of sample quantity of 28 liter of
BCS-AA10147 225 g/l SC of M/s Bayer Crop Sciences Ltd.
10.7 Applicant Mr. Manoj Lingeri, General Manager – Regulatory Science has applied for
permission to import sample quantity of 34 liter of BCS-AA10147 012 + BYI 02960 075
OD of M/s Bayer Crop Sciences Ltd.
Committee deliberated the agenda and approved the import of sample quantity of 32 liter of
BCS-AA10147 012 + BYI 02960 075 OD of M/s Bayer Crop Sciences Ltd.
10.8 Regarding the use of pesticides for the control of Locust up to 31st December, 2019.
RC deliberated the agenda and approved the use of pesticides to control desert locust in the
affected areas of Rajasthan state till further order.
10.9 Consideration of the application of M/s DuPont India Pvt. Ltd., regarding the surrender
of 12 export registration certificates.
RC deliberated the agenda and approved the surrender of 12 export registration certificate as
per Annexure – 10.9.1.
10.10 The application has applied for grant of free sale certificate.
RC deliberated the agenda and approved as per Annexure-10.10.1.
10.11 Compliance of order dated 02.12.2019 passed by the Hon’ble Appellate Authority in the
appeal filed by M/s Shogun Organics Ltd., vs. CIB&RC.
RC perused the order of the Hon’ble Authority and noted it for compliance in its true earnest.
10.12 Consideration of application for enhancement of shelf life under section 9(4).
RC deliberated the agenda and approved as per Annexure 10.12.1.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
10.13 Consideration of application for import permit for boric acid for non-insecticidal use.
10.14 Consideration of application for import permits for multiuse insecticide (other than
boric acid) for non-insecticidal use.
RC deliberated the agenda and approved as per Annexure 10.14.1.
10.15 Request of M/s Rallis India Ltd., for inclusion of 500 g pack size in HDPE container
which was missing in CR issued for Kresoxim methyl 15% + Chlorothalonil 56% w/w WG
approved in 408th RC meeting.
RC deliberated the agenda and approved 500 g pack size in HDPE container
10.16 Consideration of application of M/s Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd., for grant of
registration for indigenous manufacture ofTransfluthrin 1.6% w/w Liquid vaporizer (LC)
u/s 9(3).
The committee noted that this application was discussed in 407th RC meeting held on
14.08.2019 wherein 30 days time was given for submission of protocol for approval of health
monitoring study. However, the applicant has not submitted the protocol and has submitted
study which is neither as per the approval protocol nor on the same product applied for
registration. Hence, RC decided to call the applicant for explaining the reason before closing
their application.
10.17 Part Agenda prepared for consideration of request by M/s Crystal Crop Protection Pvt.
Ltd., to scrutinize application of Glufosinate Ammonium Technical 95% w/w min. under
section 9(3).
RC deliberated and considered for further scrutiny.
10.18 M/s BASF India Ltd., has applied for the registration for import of Alphacypermethrin
30 g/l + Flufenoxuron 30 g/l SC under section 9(3).
RC noted that some of the data from toxicity has not been submitted by the applicant inspite
of issuing deficiencies for the 4-5 times (01.10.2018, 07.02.2019, 22.02.2019, 14.06.2019 &
06.12.2019). Further the applicant is not willing to use the product through PCOs. Since the
data generation has not been started on some of the parameters by the applicant and they are
repeatedly seeking exemption for the said data, hence, the committee decided to call the
applicant for presentation in the next RC meeting.
10.19 Compliance of order dated 09.12.2019 passed by the Hon’ble Appellate Authority in the
appeal filed by M/s UPL Ltd. vs CIB&RC.
RC perused the order of the Hon’ble Authority and noted it for compliance in its true earnest.
RC further decided that uniform decision will be applicable all such cases where registration
certificate already been issued.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
11.1 Consideration of application for extension of already approved ad-hoc label claim and
some fresh applications for FAW in Maize.
RC deliberated and approved formulations for management of FAW up to June, 2020.
Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + 35 (23.42 + 11.58) Approved.
Lambdacyhalothrin 4.6% ZC g.a.i/ha
2 Cyntraniliprole 19.8% + 2.38 g.a.i/kg seed Approved for
Thiamethoxam 19.8% FS (1.19+1.19) Seed Treatment
Spinetoram 11.7% w/w SC 30 g.a.i/ha Approved.
Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC 40 g.a.i/ha Approved.
5 Emamectin benzoate 5 % SG 200 g a.i./ha Approved.
Emamectin benzoate 5% + 80 g.a.i/ha Subject to MRL
Lufenuron 40% WG fixation on Maize
Thiodicarb 75% WP 750 g.a.i/ha Subject to MRL
fixation on Maize
8 Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin 78.75+13.5 g.a.i/ha Subject to MRL
benzoate 0.9% w/w SC fixation on Maize
11.2 Follow up action of communication received through emails from DAC&FW dated
04.12.2019 and 05.12.2019 w.r.t. complaints against M/s Best Group of Companies for
illegal import of pesticides and other illegal activities.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
RC was apprised about details of the above communications and deliberated the matter in
detail and decided that the following information be sought w.e.f. June, 2016 w.r.t. the CRs
issued to this group of companies:
1. Seek status report from the concerned licensing authority of pesticide (state
agriculture department) on grant of manufacturing licenses to the M/s Best Group of
Companies against the certificate of registration issued.
2. Manufacturing/import and export of pesticide(s) details to be ascertained from the
State Agriculture Licensing Authority as well as directly from the CR holder of above
group of companies.
RC further decided to put on hold issuance of the certificate of registration of all the approved
cases of this group of companies till facts are analyzed by the RC and final decision is taken
in the matter.
11.3 Requirement of submission of original affidavit (hard copy) by the applicants.
RC observed that the applicants are submitting scan copy of the affidavit required as per the
guidelines for various category (wherever required) of registration applications in online
mode. In all the cases where the scan copy of affidavit is submitted online, the applicant
should also submit original affidavit (hard copy) within 30 days from the date of online
submission of application for processing the case. If the original affidavit is not submitted
within the 30 days period the application shall be closed after apprising to the RC.
11.4 Pending decision of 391st and 392nd RC outcome on AMES test and other related issues.
Pending decision of 391st and 392nd RC outcome on AMES test and other related issues may
be brought in next meeting for discussion.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure - I
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Represented by
Biostadt India Limited
Poonam Chambers ‘A’ Wing
6th Floor, Dr. A. B. Road.
Worli, Mumbai – 400 018, India
1.1 Study 3
1.2 Identification……………………………………….................................. 3
1.3 Objective........................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Regulatory References.................................................................................. 4
1.5 Standard Operating Procedures.................................................................... 4
1.6 Safety Precautions........................................................................................ 5
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
2.2 Test 9
2.3 9
2.4 9
Justification for the Selection of the Test System.........................................
2.5 10
Study Design.................................................................................................
2.6 14
Experimental Procedure..............................................................................
2.7 16
Validity Criteria.............................................................................................
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
The purpose of this study is to determine effects of Thiophanate-Methyl 70WP on the abundance(1, 3, 6
months after application) of an earthworm population in the field.
The study will be performed in compliance with the Study Plan No. P/........../........./16 which
incorporates the recommendations made in the guideline listed below:
International Standard ISO 11268-3 Part 3, second edition (2014), Soil quality – Effects of
pollutants on earthworms – Part 3: Guidance on the determination of effects in field situations
Kula et al. (2006) Technical Recommendations for the Update of the ISO Earthworm Field Test
Guideline (ISO 11268-3). J Soils Sediments, 6(3): 182-186.
All the procedures described in this study, will be performed in compliance with the ‘Standard
Operating Procedures’ currently in force at INTOX PVT. LTD.
Gloves and facemask will be used in addition to protective body garments and footwear to ensure
adequate personal health and safety and to avoid inhalation and skin contact with the Testitem. In
case of eye contact, the eye will be washed thoroughly with water. In case of skin contact, it will
be washed with soap and lukewarm water. Medical treatment will be sought (if required).
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
375, Urawade,
Tal. Mulshi,
Dist. Pune - 412 115,
Maharashtra, India
INTOX PVT. LTD. Western in India
375, Urawade,Tal. Mulshi,Dist. Pune – 412 115, Maharashtra, INDIA
Tel. : +91-20-66548700 Fax : +91-20-66548799 Email : [email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Thiophanate-methyl 70 WP
* Test Item Name :
# Common Name :
# * Chemical Name : dimethyl 4,4'-(o-phenylene)bis(3-thioallophanate)
dimethyl [1,2-
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
# Structural Formula. :
: C12H14N4O4S2
# Molecular Formula.
: 342.4 g/mol
# Molecular Weight
: Wettable powder (WP)
* Formulation Type
White Columnar Granules
* Characteristics :
* CAS No. :
* Batch Number :
70% w/w (as per COA)
* Purity (Declared) :
Room Temperature
* Storage Condition :
* Date of Manufacture :
* Date of Expiry :
* Sponsor : TPM TASK FORCE
Represented by
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Source of Information :
Characterisation of test item has been performed by the manufacturer. The manufacturer has
provided an authorized ‘Certificate of Analysis’ identifying the test item with the batch used for
the study, manufacturing date, expiry date and other physico chemical parameters. The ‘Certificate
of Analysis’ will be included in the final report.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Instruments and materials listed below will constitute the test system but not limited to the
Detailed names
Brief characteristics
Note: Details of instruments and materials used will be included in the report.
Numbers of earthworms collected by sampling plots treated with a test substance are compared
with those collected from treated negative control. Sampling is performed as specified in ISO
23611-1. The duration of the study depends on the characteristics of the test substance but is of six
months duration. Sampling dates to be chosen to lie within the periods of activity of the
The test is of a randomized block design with seven replicates per treatment. Statistical analysis of
numbers of each species collected at each sampling occasion will be used to determine the effects
of treatments by comparing abundance between control and treated plots.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
The earthworm field population is chosen as representative for the soil macro-fauna. The selection of the
test is based on the requirement of: (As reference guideline and amended as per Indian requirement).
Council Directive 91/414/EEC of 15 July 1991 concerning the placing of plant protection
products on the market – J. European Communities 34; No, L230 with subsequent
amendment 96/12/EC
The field site chosen for the test will be grassland with an earthworm density of at least 25-50
individuals/m2. If in case populations of earthworms in the test field site are less, some cultured
earthworms would be artificially released. The experimental field site will support a mixed
population which is representative for agricultural areas.
The test site will be of known historical anthropogenic use prior to the start of the study. This shall
Soil profile
Crop and soil management
Use of fertilizers and plant protection products within three years.
The study site will be characterized according to the following parameters with one measurement
prior to the start of the test using standardized methods.
Particle size distribution (measured in the uppermost soil layer, 0-10 cm)
Organic carbon content (measured in the uppermost soil layer, 0-10 cm)
Vegetation (crop)
Soil and air temperature, soil moisture, precipitation, and sunshine duration will be determined in
parallel to the test item application. In addition, air temperature and precipitation recorded at the
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
nearest meteorological station throughout the duration of the study, the same will be summarized
in the report, with details retained in the records.
Prior to application of the test item the field site will be ploughed, plot for the study will be laid
out and green gram seeds known variety will be sown using a standard sowing equipment as per
the regular agronomic practices followed in India.
If in case the number of earthworms in identified test field is not more than 25-50 individual, a
considerable cultured earthworm will be released to the test field. Preliminary culturing of earthworms
(native) and amount of earthworms with organic compost are released and mixed into soil. Finally, total
number of earthworms (cultured and native) is excess to 25/square meters. The cultured earthworms are
Eisenia fetida.
The test item will be used as a water-miscible substance; therefore no pre-treatment (e.g. an auxiliary
substance) will be necessary. The application solutions will be prepared shortly before the application. All
application rates to be tested are based on the analyzed content of the active substance.
The test item will be dissolved in an amount of water sufficient to prepare the different application
solutions. An appropriate amount of the different application solutions will be used for the application of
the test item onto the soil surface using suitable application equipment.
The test item will be applied onto to the crop as foliar application as per regular agronomic practice.
The test item will be applied using an appropriate application device which will be equipped with spray
nozzles as used in agricultural practice. The test item will be applied with a water volume of 750 L/ha. The
spray equipment will be calibrated prior to use. Test item will only be applied while the wind velocity is
less to avoid spray drift.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
To avoid any risk of cross contamination of the control plots due to possible drift the control plots beneath
the treated plots will be protected by a plastic foil during application of the test item.
The test side should be irrigated, if no rainfall occurs up to three days after application of the test items
to ensure exposure of the earthworms.
The test item will be applied once at the beginning of the test. The test item will be tested in three
application rates. The application rates of the test item are specified in agreement with the study sponsor
as follows:
T2 = Thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 500 g a. i./ha (Test item), Lower recommended dose in
T3 = Thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 1000 g a. i./ha (Test item), Upper recommended dose in
Base of the dose level selection: 500 g a.i./ha (the lowest level which is applied to tomato) and 1000 g a.i.
/ha (the highest level which is applied to cucumber and pigeons pea), the both doses are approved by
Indian authorities.
A randomization procedure will be used for the location of the individual plots at the field site.
For each treatment (Control and test item two treatments three plots (= Treatments) will be installed.
Each plot will have a size of at least 60 m2 (10 m × 6 m). The distance between two neighboring plots will
be at least 2 m.
Before (spray) application of test chemical solution onto soil, an amount of the solution in a tank is
measured accurately. After the application, the amount in a tank is also measured. Finally, amount of
application in a unit square in a field is analysed and is considered as an application dose.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
The test plots will be maintained without any further agricultural practices, i.e. no application of plant
protection products or fertilizers, no harvest and no tillage until all the earthworm sampling will be
At each sampling date four samples per plot will be taken and will be spaced 1-2 m from the plot border.
Samples taken on the same date will be at least 2 m apart and clearly marked to assure that sampled areas
will not be used for sampling at subsequent sampling dates.
3rd sampling: about 6 months (180 Days) after application (Only if required)
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
The site will be characterized with regard to soil type, vegetation and earthworm species and
Prior application of the test item the field site will be ploughed and green gram will be sown
(variety and amount site specific).
21 plots (3 plots per treatment), each plot at least (10 m x 6 m) will be identified and the test
treatments (test item and control) will be assigned to the test plots in a randomization procedure.
Approximately 1-4 weeks prior to application of the test item earthworm pre-sampling will be
conducted. The pre-sampling will be performed similarly to the samplings after application.
The application of the test item will be done, the date of application of the test item is strongly
depending on the weather conditions and likely to deviate from the proposed time schedule. The
actual date of application will be decided by the study director and will be reported in the study
Immediately prior to application, application solutions of the test item will be prepared in the
Test item and control treatments will be applied to the respective plots (3 replicate plots per
Immediately after application of the test item soil samples will be taken for chemical analysis of
test item concentration in soil.
If no or little rainfall occurs within 3 days after application, the plots will be irrigated to achieve a
total of approximately 10 mm (rainfall plus irrigation).
Depending on the weather conditions approximately one month after application of the test item
1st earthworm sampling.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Depending on the weather conditions approximately three months after application of the test
item 2nd earthworm sampling.
Depending on the weather conditions approximately six months after application of the test item
3rd earthworm sampling will be done only if required.
Comparison between test item treatments and control will be made using suitable statistical methods. An
ANOVA followed by a t-test (e.g. Williams or Dunnett’s test; p=0.05, 1-side smaller) will be used in case of
normal distributed and homogenous data to determine statistically significant differences compared to
the control. In case of normal distributed but non-homogenous data a t-test for non-homogenous
variances, whereas in case of not normal distributed and non-homogenous data a non-parametric U-test
will be used. Normal distribution will be tested by e.g. Komogorrof- Smirnov-test (a=0.05) and
homogeneity of the variance will be tested by e.g. Bartlett’s test (a=0.05). If possible, the EC50 will be
estimated by applying linear regression models, e.g. Probit analysis or other regression models. The
method chosen will be recorded.
The following criteria shall be satisfied for a test results to be considered valid:
mean earthworm density in the control plots at least at one sampling date: > 25 to 50
Statistically significant effects of at least 50% on overall abundance compared to control at least
at one sampling date.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Copy of final report will be submitted to the Sponsor. The report will include all information
necessary to provide a complete and accurate description of the experimental procedures and
The final report will include, but not limited to the following:
The name and address of the Sponsor, the test facility and the study schedule.
The description of test item, including concentration, purity, composition and other
appropriate characteristics of the test Item as provided by the Sponsor.
The storage location and archiving period of raw data, sample of test item, Study Plan and
Deviations (if any from the Study Plan and their likely impact on the outcome of the study).
The biological part of the final report will include but not be limited to the following:
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Changes to this Study Plan may be made as the study progresses. Study Plan amendments for all
such planned changes will be signed by the Study Director and the copy will be provided to the
Sponsor. If immediate action is necessary verbal agreement with the Sponsor will be confirmed as
soon as possible by Study Plan amendment.
All Study Plan deviations will be noted in the study records and will be presented in final report.
Any study related deviations will be documented in raw data file and acknowledged by Study
Director during conduct of study.
The following material shall be retained in the Archives of Testing Lab/Test Facility, for a period
of one year, starting from the date of submission of final report.
All Raw Data, the Study Plan, the Final Report and samples of Test Item.
At end of above retention period, the necessity of a further period of archiving and its location
shall be discussed with the Sponsor and decided on renewed terms.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
ISO (International Organization for Standardization) (2014): Soil quality – Effects of pollutants on
earthworms – Part 3, Guidance on the determination of effects in field situation. ISO No. 11268-
Kula C., et al. (2006) Technical recommendations for the update of the ISO earthworm field test
guideline (ISO 11268-3), J.Soils Sediments 6(3)182-186.
Peterson, H., and Luxton, M., (1982): A comparative analysis of soil fauna populations and their
role in decomposition processes. Oikos 39: 287-388.
T1 6m T2 6m T3 6m
10 m
10 m
10 m
10 m
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
10 m
10 m
10 m
This Study Plan No. P/PCP0000/.........../16 has been mutually agreed and signed.
.............................................................. Date:………………………………………..
(Study Director)
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Reviewed by:
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure - II
(Revised Annexure 10.10.1)
Applications for import of multi-use insecticides (Other than Boric Acid) 411 RC
Ref. No.: Nil 1.Manufacturer: M/s TaeKwang lndustrial Co. Ltd, 310,
Dongho- Ro, Jung- Gu, Seoul, Korea
Dt. 23.08.2019 Supplier: M/s UNID Global Corporation 16th Flr. Ferrum
Tower, 19 EuljiroJung-Gu, Seoul, Korea.
File No. 11047-END/2019
2.Manufacturgr & Supplier: M/s lmperial Chemical
Corporation H.O No.3 Hsing Kunj Road, Tashe,District
Kaohsiung 811, Hsiang, Taiwan, R.O.C
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
M/s YAMUNA METACHEM Approved of 110 M.T. of Sodium Cyanide for the use in
5. S.NO. 234/1, PLOT NO 4, OPP. manufacturing of Brass Salt, Copper Cyanide, Copper Salt, Zinc
SAHYOG COTTON, N/H 8B, Cyanide and Zinc Salt
DIST.- RAJKOT (GUJARAT) Source of Import:
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Ref. No. Nil 1. M/s Vietnam Phophorus joint Stock Company, tang long Indl.
Zone, Bao thang dist. Vietnam
2. M/s Vietnam Yellow Phosphorus Co., LTD Tang Loong
F. No. 11088-END/2019 Industrial Zone, Bao Thang, Lao cai Vietnam.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
F.No. 11018-END/2019
S. No. 8 kept on hold with reference to the Agenda item No. 11.2
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
(CIR-49, 936/2005-
Carbendazim (TI) (250)-
1032), 2.M/s Crystal Crop
Protection Pvt. Ltd.,
Carbendazim Tech (T)-1
5 M/s DDP ROCIMA Diuron Diuron Technical from RC reiterated
Speciality 363 Technical- 300 1. M/s ADAMA India its decision
Products India MT, Pvt, Ltd. (CIR- taken in 399th
Pvt. Ltd. (File Carbendazim 34,139/2000-Diuron (T)- meeting and
No. 25- Technical- 112.5 102), & Carbendazim noticed that
05/2019-CIR- MT. Technical from 1) M/s the applicant
I) Parijat Industries (I) Pvt has not yet
Ltd. (CIR-49, 936/2005- submitted the
Carbendazim (TI) (250)- mandatory
Hence it was
decided that
the applicant
may apply
afresh along
6 M/s. Srivilas i) Protek Diuron Diuron 98% Technical Approved
Hydrotech Pvt. DC40 ii) Technical- 100 from M/s Bhart Rasayan
Ltd. (File No. Protek DCT MT, Limited,(CIR-
25-44/2018- iii) Protek Carbendazim 64,460/2010-Diuron (T)
CIR-I) DD50 Technical- 50 MT (327)-118) &
to manufacture Carbendazim 97%
800MT of Technical from M/s
Biocide ( i) Parijat Industries (I) Pvt
Protek DC40 - Ltd. (CIR-49, 936/2005-
100MT ii) Protek Carbendazim (TI) (250)-
DCT-500MT iii) 1032)
Protek DD50-
7 M/s. Jubilant Jubithione Zinc Pyrithione M/s. Jubilant Life Approved
Life Sciences ZPB 96% Technical - Sciences Limited,
Limited (F.No: 7.3MT to Bhartiagram, Gajraula
11100- manufacure Dist: Amroha, Uttar
END/2019) 50MT of Pradesh-244223
Jubithione ZPB
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
1 M/s. Troy Troysan Troysan Troysan M/s. Troy Siam Co. Troysan Approved
Chemical 716CR 716CR 716CR Ltd., Thailand. 242 716CR is
(I) Pvt. (formulat 500MT Soi. Chlongkrung registered
Ltd. ed 31, Lad Krabang in
Mumbai, product) Industrial Estete, Lad Thailand.
(File No. 500 MT Krabang, Bangkok
10421- (386RC) 10520, Thailand.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 4.1.1
List of cases of Export of Pesticides Registration
S. Comp File No. Name of Product Validity Source
No uter the firm of of
. Sr. No. chemexcil Technic
certificate al Grade
& source Material
of TC and
1. 127487 10885- Agrow Allied Azoxystrobin 31.03.2021 Imp. for
E/9(3)/2019 Ventures Technical 95% Exp. from
Private w/w Min. ShangyuN
Limited utrichem
Co. Ltd.
2. 127602 10913- Agrow Allied Pyriproxyfen 31.03.2021 Imp. for
E/9(3)/2019 Ventures Technical 97 Exp. from
Private % w/w Min. M/s
Limited Nantong
g Fine
Co., Ltd.
3. 134910 11745- Crop Rise PHENTHOATE 31.03.2024 Sudarsha
E/9(3)/2019 Agrochem 50% EC n
Limited Chemical
s. (Ind.
4. 134920 11752- Ichiban Carfentrazone- 31.03.2021 (Ind.Mfg.)
E/9(3)/2019 Crop ethyl 94.00%
Science w/w Min
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
(95.00 % w/w
41. 135937 11885- Ganesh Malathion 31.03.2024 Rallis
E/9(3)/2019 Chemical 50% EC Industrial
Industries Chemical
s Ltd.(Ind.
42. 135941 11886- Ganesh Ethion 47% 31.03.2024 Hikal
E/9(3)/2019 Chemical w/v EC Limited,
Industries Mumbai.
(Ind. Mfg.)
43. 136146 11887- BHUVANES Tebuconazole 31.03.2023 Ind. Mfg.
E/9(3)/2019 HWARI Technical
44. 136440 11890- HemaniIndu Cypermethrin 31.03.2020 Hemani
E/9(3)/2019 stries Ltd., 200 G/L EC industries
, (Ind.
45. 136461 11891- Willowood Sulfentrazone 31.03.2024 Tagros
E/9(3)/2019 Chemicals 18% + Chemical
Pvt. Ltd. Metribuzin s India
27% DF Limited,
46. 136485 11897- Agro Life Chlorpyrifos 31.03.2024 (
E/9(3)/2019 Science 338 g/l + MsKrishi
Corporation Lambdacyhalo Rasayan
thrin 12 g/l Exports
EC Pvt. Ltd)
(Ind. Mfg.)
47. 136493 11898- Agro Life Chlorpyrifos 31.03.2024 (
E/9(3)/2019 Science 480 g/l + MsKrishi
Corporation Lambdacyhalo Rasayan
thrin 7.5 g/l Exports
EC Pvt. Ltd)
(Ind. Mfg.)
48. 136498 11899- Agro Life Penoxsulam 31.03.2024 (
E/9(3)/2019 Science Technical 98 MsKrishi
Corporation % min. Rasayan
Pvt. Ltd)
(Ind. Mfg.)
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Repeat registration of insecticides which are already registered by the
RC Exclusive For Export
S. Compu File No. Name of Product Validity Source of
No. ter firm of Technica
Sr. No. chemexcil l Grade
certificate Material
& source and
of TC Nature
1. 129770 11145- Agrow Allied Mesotrione 31.03.2021 Imp.for Exp.
E/9(3)/2019 Ventures Technical From M/s
Private 97% Min. Jiangsu
Limited Fengshan
group Co.,
Ltd. China
2. Jiangsu
Huifeng Bio
Co., Ltd.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 4.1.3
List of cases of Export of Pesticides Registration to Star Export
house ((for
Ex-Post Facto Approval)
S. Comp File Name of Product Validity of Source of
No. uter No. firm Chemexcil Technical
Sr. certificate Grade
Nature of
1. 135093 11798- Bharat Profenofos 31.03.2019 (
SE/9(3) Insecticides 50% + KrishiRasay
/2019 Limited Cypermethrin an Pvt. Ltd.,
5% EC Delhi,Ind.Mf
2. 135097 11799- Bharat ClodinafopPro 31.03.2021 (Crystal
SE/9(3) Insecticides pargyl 80 g/l phosphate
/2019 Limited EC Limited,
3. 134464 11837- Insecticides Ammonium 31.03.2024 Insecticides
SE/9(3) India Salt of India ltd.
/2019 Limited Glyphosate (ind. Mfg.)
68% w/w Min.
4. 134468 11838- Insecticides Ammonium 31.03.2024 Ms
SE/9(3) India Salt of Insecticides
/2019 Limited Glyphosate India
68% w/w SG Limited.(Ind.
5. 134444 11839- Insecticides Penoxsulam 31.03.2024 ( Ind. Mfg.)
SE/9(3) India Technical
/2019 Limited 98.00% w/w
6. 135025 11840- Insecticides Tembotrione 31.03.2024 ( Ind. Mfg.)
SE/9(3) India Technical 94
/2019 Limited % w/w Min.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 4.1.4
List of cases of Export of Pesticides Registration in fast Track
Category (for Ex-Post Facto Approval)
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
12. 11651- Parijat Imazamox 2085.00 Kg Annexure -L 31.03.2021 Imp. for Exp.
FTE/9( Industries technical from China
3)/2019 (India) 97% w/w
Pvt. Ltd.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Compu Name of the Technical consent
S. No. File No. Product Remark MRL (original
ter No. firm provider details
Sh. Bhavesh Shah
Azoxystrobin M/s GSP Crop
91319- Orchid Agro 23% SC for Science Pvt. Ltd.,
1 129031 Satisfactory F Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 Systems indigenous bhaveshshah@gspc
manufacture rop.in
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
International Ltd.,
MANCOZEB omandel.murugapp
Ichiban Crop 40 % + a.com
13 129286 Science AZOXYSTR Satisfactory PF Sh .Mohit Kumar Received
Limited ONIN 7 % Goel
W/W OS M/s Crystal Crop
Protection Pvt Ltd.
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
SHREE Bhattacharjee
91931- UMIYA M/s Krishi
14 108732 Cyhalothrin Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CORPORATI Rasayan Exports
2.5% EC
ON krishirasayan
[email protected]
Sh. M.P Gupta Awaited
Metsulfuron M/s Bharat
Methyl 10% Rasayan Ltd.
91942- w/w + suresh@bharatgrou
15 130001 Pesticides Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Chlorimuron p.co.in
Ethyl 10% info@bharatgroup.
WP co.in-BOTH
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
M/s Krishi
Rasayan Exports
Pvt Ltd.
Sh. Sourabh
M/s Indogulf
Pretilachlor Cropsciences Ltd.,
6.0% + rudra@groupindog
AIMCO Pyrazosulfuro ulf.com
22 130170 PESTICIDES n Ethyl 0.15% Satisfactory F Received
F/9(4)/2019 Sh. Utsav Dutta
indigenous M/s Krishi
manufacture Rasayan Exports
Pvt Ltd.,
Dr. A Kuppusamy Awaited
MANCOZEB M/s Coromandel
SYNERGY International Ltd.,
40 % +
23 129939 AZOXYSTR Satisfactory PF kuppusamyA@cor
F/9(4)/2019 S PRIVATE
ONIN 7 % omandel.murugap
W/W OS pa.com
Sh Ghulam Awaited
92415- 2,4-D amine
24 130836 CROP Satisfactory F Laboratories Pvt
F/9(4)/2019 salt 58% S.L.
Copper Awaited
Oxychloride Sh Tariq Anwar
V.P.LABORA containing M/s Coromandel
92537- PF
25 130999 TORIES copper Satisfactory Agrico Pvt. Ltd.
(INDIA) contents [email protected]
50.00% w/w mandelagrico.com
93142- Quinalphos Mrs. Rita M. Awaited
26 132014 Lotus Biotech Rejected (d) F
F/9(4)/2019 25% EC Abhyankar
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Smt Vandana
M/s Parijat
Pvt Ltd.
Maruti FEN 5% +
93232- t.in
30 132311 Pesticides Pvt. DIAFENTHI Satisfactory PF Awaited
Ltd. URON 25%
Dr. Ram Karan
M/s Meghmani
Organics Ltd.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Ethyl 10%
93982- IXORA Sulphur 40% NR Consent Not Awaited
55 133658 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICALS SC Required
93990- Krushi Bio Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not Awaited
56 133715 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Care WDG Required
94124- Sulphur 85% NR Consent Not
57 131565 FERTILISERS Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 D.P. Required
94125- Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not
58 131563 FERTILISERS Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 W.P Required
94126- Sulphur 40% NR Consent Not
59 131560 FERTILISERS Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 SC Required
94127- Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not
60 131564 FERTILISERS Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 WDG Required
94128- Lime Sulphur Technical onsent
61 131581 FERTILISERS Satisfactory NR
F/9(4)/2019 22% SC Not required
94129- Sulphur NR Consent Not
62 131562 FERTILISERS Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 55.16% SC Required
94131- Paras Crop Sulphur 40% NR Consent Not Awaited
63 133778 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Health SC Required
94132- Paras Crop Sulphur NR Consent Not Awaited
64 133779 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Health 55.16% SC Required
Sh. HPS Bhangu Awaited
M/s Gharda
Chemicals Ltd.,
BETRUST Novaluron Sh. Ajay Kumar
94223- INDUSTRIES 5.25% +
65 134084 Satisfactory F saxena
F/9(4)/2019 PRIVATE Indoxacarb
LIMITED 4.5% w/w SC
&Fertilizers Ltd.,
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Immensity Awaited
94227- Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not
66 132093 Agro Private Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 WDG Required
Sh. Rajat
M/s.Season Emamectin
94242- M/s Willowood
67 134126 Crop-Care Pvt Benzoate Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Chemicals Pvt.
Ltd. 1.9% EC
Sh. Rajat Awaited
M/s.Season M/s Willowood
94243- Imazethapyr
68 134124 Crop-Care Pvt Satisfactory F Chemicals Pvt.
F/9(4)/2019 70% WG
Ltd. Ltd.,
Mr. Rajat Awaited
M/s Willowood
94244- Propineb 70% Chemicals Pvt.
69 134127 Crop-Care Pvt Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 WP Ltd.,
Sh. Rajat
Lambda- Srivastava
94245- cyhalothrin M/s Willowood
70 134123 Crop-Care Pvt Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 4.9% Capsule Chemicals Pvt.
Suspension Ltd.,
Sh Tariq Anwar
Gibberellic M/s Coromandel
94260- Abhinav Agro
71 134161 Acid 0.001% Satisfactory NR Agrico Pvt. Ltd. Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 Industries
L [email protected]
94275- Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not
72 133872 AGRO Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 W.P Required
Sh. Shriram
Dattatrya Received
Paclobutrazol M/s Omega Fine
94323- Omega Fine
73 134409 23% W/W Satisfactory F Chemicals,
F/9(4)/2019 Chemicals
SC omega.fine1@gmai
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
94433- Sulphur 40% NR Consent Not
75 132725 A AGRITEC Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 SC Required
94507- Dev Crop Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not Awaited
76 133571 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Science WDG Required
94509- Dev Crop Sulphur NR Consent Not Awaited
77 133570 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Science 55.16% SC Required
Dr. S.S Awaited
SYNERGY Propiconazole M/s krishi
94515- INSECTISIDE 10.7% + Rasayan Exports
78 134471 Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 S PRIVATE Tricyclazole Pvt. Ltd,
LIMITED 34.2% SE krishirasayan600
Sh S.S Awaited
Tricon Emamectin M/s Krishi
85 134424 BioChem Benzoate 5% Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
Corporation SG krishirasayan
[email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh S.S Awaited
Tricon Emamectin
94640- M/s Krishi
87 134423 BioChem Benzoate Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Rasayan Exports
Corporation 1.9% EC
[email protected]
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop Cartap
94643- M/s United
88 135044 Protection Pvt Hydrochlorid Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Chemical
Ltd e 4% GR
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop Cartap
94644- M/s United
89 135048 Protection Pvt Hydrochlorid Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Chemical
Ltd e 50% SP
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop Cartap
94645- M/s United
90 135047 Protection Pvt Hydrochlorid Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Chemical
Ltd e 75% SG
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop
94647- Ethephon M/s United
91 135036 Protection Pvt Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 39% S.L Chemical
Sh. Manjit Singh
Rich Crop
94648- Carbofuran M/s United
92 135051 Protection Pvt Satisfactory PF Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 3% C.G. Chemical
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop
94650- Carbendazim M/s United
93 135034 Protection Pvt Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 50% WP Chemical
Copper Sh Tariq Anwar Awaited
Rich Crop Oxychloride M/s Coromandel
94651- PF
94 135043 Protection Pvt containing Satisfactory Agrico Pvt. Ltd.
Ltd copper [email protected]
contents mandelagrico.com
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
50.00% w/w
Copper Awaited
Sh. Manjit Singh
Rich Crop formulation
94653- PF M/s United
95 135038 Protection Pvt containing Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Chemical
Ltd 50% w/w
Copper as its
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop
94655- Metalaxyl M/s United
96 135035 Protection Pvt Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 35% W.S. Chemical
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop
94657- Butachlor M/s United
97 135033 Protection Pvt Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 50% EC Chemical
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop
94658- Butachlor M/s United
98 135032 Protection Pvt Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 50% EW Chemical
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop Paraquat
94659- M/s United
99 135037 Protection Pvt Dichloride Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Chemical
Ltd 24% SL
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
Rich Crop
94660- Atrazine 50% M/s United
100 135042 Protection Pvt Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 W.P. Chemical
Sh.HPS Bhangu Awaited
M/s Gharda
94667- HINDUSTAN Chlorpyripho PF
101 135242 Satisfactory Chemicals Limted
F/9(4)/2019 AGRO. s 2% RTU
Sh. Mangesh
Deltamethrin M/s Shogun
94669- HINDUSTAN 0.02% + Organics Ltd.,
102 135243 Satisfactory PF Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 AGRO. Allethrin mvhande@shogun
0.13% w/w organics.com ,
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh.HPS Bhangu
M/s Gharda
Chemicals Limted
Sh.HPS Bhangu
M/s Gharda
94673- HINDUSTAN Deltamethrin
106 135245 Satisfactory PF Chemicals Limted
F/9(4)/2019 AGRO. 1.25 % ULV
Sh S.S
Otica Crop Bhattacharjee
94675- Science M/s Krishi
107 134314 othrin 10% Satisfactory F Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 Private Rasayan Exports
Limited krishirasayan
[email protected]
Dr. Ram Karan
94677- 2,4-D amine M/s Meghmani
108 134950 Agritek Private Satisfactory F Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 salt 58% S.L. Organics Ltd.,
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. Guggilam
Sesha Sai Prasad
M/s Bhagiradha
94689- 23% SC for
115 134703 Lotus Biotech Rejected (d) F Chemicals & Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 indigenous
Industries Ltd.,
[email protected]
Azoxystrobin Sh. Guggilam Awaited
11% + Sesha Sai Prasad
116 134706 Lotus Biotech Tebuconazole Rejected (d) F M/s Bhagiradha
18.3% w/w Chemicals &
SC Industries Ltd.,
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s V Spak
94691- Chlorothaloni M/s Krishi
117 134524 Pesticides Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 l 75% WP Rasayan Exports
India Limited
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s Krishi
94693- Rasayan Exports
118 134525 Pesticides 3.0% + Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 krishirasayan
India Limited THIAMETH
[email protected]
12.0% WG
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s V Spak M/s Krishi
94694- Ethephon
119 134526 Pesticides Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 39% S.L
India Limited krishirasayan
[email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh S.S Awaited
Otica Crop Lambda- Bhattacharjee
94707- Science cyhalothrin M/s Krishi
123 134300 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Private 4.9% Capsule Rasayan Exports
Limited Suspension krishirasayan
[email protected]
Karnataka Awaited
94708- Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not
124 133627 Agro Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 WDG Required
Sh S.S Awaited
Otica Crop Bhattacharjee
94709- Science Lambdacyhal M/s Krishi
125 134297 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Private othrin 5% EC. Rasayan Exports
Limited krishirasayan
[email protected]
Dr. S.S Awaited
Otica Crop M/s krishi
94710- Science Metribuzin Rasayan Exports
126 134331 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Private 70% W.P. Pvt. Ltd,
Limited krishirasayan600
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
BHARAT Awaited
94747- Lime Sulphur Technical onsent
137 129943 KRISHI Satisfactory NR
F/9(4)/2019 22% SC Not required
M/S NEW Awaited
94748- Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not
138 129892 MED Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 WDG Required
M/S NEW Awaited
94749- Lime Sulphur Technical onsent
139 129889 MED Satisfactory NR
F/9(4)/2019 22% SC Not required
Sh S.S Awaited
94751- LIFEAGRO Indoxacarb M/s Krishi
140 134796 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 14.5% SC Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s Krishi
94753- LIFEAGRO 14.5% +
141 134793 Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL Acetamiprid
7.7% w/w SC
[email protected]
Dr. S.S Awaited
M/s krishi Rasayan
94754- LIFEAGRO Pendimethali
142 134788 Satisfactory F Exports Pvt. Ltd,
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL n 38.7% CS
Sh S.S Awaited
94758- LIFEAGRO Atrazine 50% M/s Krishi
143 134831 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL W.P. Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94764- LIFEAGRO F M/s Krishi
144 134808 18.87% W/W Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94768- LIFEAGRO Buprofezin M/s Krishi
145 134797 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 70% DF Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94774- LIFEAGRO M/s Krishi
146 134820 Hydrochlorid Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL Rasayan Exports
e 4% GR
[email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh S.S Awaited
94780- LIFEAGRO Buprofezin M/s Krishi
150 134835 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 25% SC Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
Fipronil 4% + Bhattacharjee
Acetamiprid M/s Krishi
151 134827 4% SC for Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL
indigenous krishirasayan
manufacture [email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94784- LIFEAGRO Imazethapyr M/s Krishi
152 134824 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 70% WG Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
94785- LIFEAGRO Sulphur NR Consent Not Awaited
153 134798 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 55.16% SC Required
Sh S.S Awaited
94787- LIFEAGRO Imazethapyr M/s Krishi
154 134790 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 10 % SL Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Dr. S.S Awaited
94789- LIFEAGRO Propiconazole M/s krishi Rasayan
155 134807 Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 25% E.C Exports Pvt. Ltd,
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh S.S Awaited
Lambda- Bhattacharjee
94794- LIFEAGRO cyhalothrin M/s Krishi
157 134828 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 4.9% Capsule Rasayan Exports
Suspension krishirasayan
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
URON 40.1%
M/s Krishi
94796- LIFEAGRO +
158 134833 Satisfactory PF Rasayan Exports
RID 3.9%
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94797- LIFEAGRO M/s Krishi
159 134822 Hydrochlorid Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL Rasayan Exports
e 75% SG
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94798- LIFEAGRO Fipronil 80% F M/s Krishi
160 134794 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL WG Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh.HPS Bhangu
Fipronil 40% M/s Gharda
94799- LIFEAGRO + Chemicals Limted
161 134778 Satisfactory F Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL Imidacloprid hpbhangu@gharda.
40% WG com
94813- Redox Sulphur 40% NR Consent Not Awaited
162 134611 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Industries Ltd. SC Required
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
94821- Redox Thiamethoxa F Choudhary
163 135155 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Industries Ltd. m 70 % W.S M/s United
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh S.S
94822- Redox Buprofezin M/s Krishi
164 134580 Satisfactory F Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 Industries Ltd. 70% DF Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
IMIDACLOR Bhattacharjee
PID 6% + M/s Krishi
94823- Redox
165 134603 LAMBDA Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 Industries Ltd.
CYHALOTH krishirasayan
RIN 4% SL [email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s Krishi
BUPROFEZI Rasayan Exports
94826- Redox N 22% + krishirasayan
166 134578 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Industries Ltd. FIPRONIL [email protected]
Mr Suresh Awaited
M/s Krishi
94827- Redox Imazethapyr
167 134601 Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 Industries Ltd. 10 % SL
Pvt Ltd.
Sh S.S Awaited
94835- Landwirt Crop Fipronil 5% F M/s Krishi
168 135377 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Science SC Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s Krishi
94836- Landwirt Crop Ethion 50%
169 135386 Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 Science EC
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94837- Landwirt Crop Dimethoate M/s Krishi
170 135392 Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 Science 30% E.C Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
94838- Landwirt Crop Sulphur 80% NR Consent Not Awaited
171 135389 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 Science WDG Required
94840- Landwirt Crop Fipronil 80% Sh S.S Awaited
172 135381 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Science WG Bhattacharjee
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
M/s Krishi
Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
ATHARVA Bhattacharjee
94843- AGRO M/s Krishi
173 135008 othrin 10% Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL Rasayan Exports
PVT.LTD. krishirasayan
[email protected]
Sh. Manjit Singh Awaited
ATHARVA Choudhary
94847- AGRO Thiamethoxa F M/s United
174 135003 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL m 30% FS Chemical
PVT.LTD. utc_chemicals@hot
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s Krishi
94848- AGRO Ethion 50%
175 135009 Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL EC
[email protected]
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
International Ltd.,
8.3% +
M/s Paradeep a.com
94851- Fertichem
178 134138 66.7% WG Rejected (d) PF Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 Industry Pvt Sh S.S
Ltd Bhattacharjee
M/s Krishi
Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Mr Suresh Awaited
M/s Paradeep
M/s Krishi
94855- Fertichem Imidacloprid
182 134139 Rejected (d) F Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 Industry Pvt 0.3% GR
Pvt Ltd.
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s Krishi
Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
M/s Paradeep
Captan 70%+
94856- Fertichem
183 135190 Hexaconazole Rejected (d) F Sh. Harinder
F/9(4)/2019 Industry Pvt
5% WP Kumar
M/s Maheshwari
Biochemical Pvt
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Dr. A
M/s Coromandel
TEBUCONA oromandel.muru
M/s Paradeep gappa.com
ZOLE 6.7% +
94859- Fertichem
186 134134 CAPTAN Rejected (d) PF Awaited
F/9(4)/2019 Industry Pvt
26.9% W/W Dr. S.S
SC Bhattacharjee
M/s krishi
Rasayan Exports
Pvt. Ltd,
Sh S.S Awaited
94862- Landwirt Crop Lambdacyhal M/s Krishi
189 135394 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Science othrin 5% EC. Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
Lambda- Bhattacharjee
94863- Landwirt Crop cyhalothrin M/s Krishi
190 135387 Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Science 4.9% Capsule Rasayan Exports
Suspension krishirasayan
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
94867- Landwirt Crop Indoxacarb
191 135384 Satisfactory F M/s Krishi
F/9(4)/2019 Science 14.5% SC
Rasayan Exports
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
M/s Krishi
94868- Landwirt Crop Fipronil 0.6% F
192 135378 Satisfactory Rasayan Exports
F/9(4)/2019 Science w/w GR
[email protected]
Mr Suresh Awaited
M/s Paradeep M/s Krishi
94874- Fertichem Chlorpyripho PF Rasayan Exports
195 134133 Rejected (d)
F/9(4)/2019 Industry Pvt s 10% GR Pvt Ltd.
Ltd Krishirasayan600
Sh.HPS Bhangu
94875- OJAS AGRO
196 135105 HRIN 2% Satisfactory PF Chemicals Limted
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL
w/w EW hpbhangu@gharda.
Sh.HPS Bhangu
M/s Gharda
94876- OJAS AGRO Deltamethrin
197 135108 Satisfactory PF Chemicals Limted
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 2.5 % FLOW
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
indigenous [email protected]
manufacture om
Sh.HPS Bhangu
M/s Gharda
94878- OJAS AGRO Deltamethrin
199 135106 Satisfactory PF Chemicals Limted
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 2.8% EC
Sh.HPS Bhangu
M/s Gharda
94883- OJAS AGRO Fipronil 0.3% F Chemicals Limted
204 135109 Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL G.R. hpbhangu@gharda.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
M/s Gharda
Chemicals Limted
Sh.HPS Bhangu
M/s Gharda
94888- OJAS AGRO Deltamethrin
209 135101 Satisfactory PF Chemicals Limted
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL 1.25 % ULV
Sh.HPS Bhangu
Deltamethrin M/s Gharda
94892- OJAS AGRO
213 135102 0.5 % w/w Satisfactory PF Chemicals Limted
F/9(4)/2019 CHEMICAL
Chalk hpbhangu@gharda.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh S.S Awaited
Dayal Biotech
94905- Acetamiprid M/s Krishi
225 134844 Private Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 20% SP Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
Dayal Biotech
94907- Indoxacarb M/s Krishi
226 134856 Private Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 15.8% EC Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
Dayal Biotech
94908- Indoxacarb M/s Krishi
227 134858 Private Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 14.5% SC Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Dr. S.S Awaited
Dayal Biotech M/s krishi Rasayan
94909- Metribuzin
228 134832 Private Satisfactory F Exports Pvt. Ltd,
F/9(4)/2019 70% W.P.
Limited krishirasayan600
Sh S.S Awaited
Dayal Biotech Emamectin
94910- M/s Krishi
229 134863 Private Benzoate Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Rasayan Exports
Limited 1.9% EC
[email protected]
Sh S.S
Dayal Biotech Emamectin M/s Krishi
230 134816 Private Benzoate 5% Satisfactory F Rasayan Exports Awaited
Limited SG krishirasayan
[email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh S.S Awaited
Matrix India
94925- Chlorpyripho PF M/s Krishi
240 135483 Crop Care Pvt. Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 s 10% GR Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
Matrix India
94929- Chlorpyripho M/s Krishi
241 135484 Crop Care Pvt. Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 s 1.5% D.P Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
Chlorpyripho Bhattacharjee
Matrix India
94930- s 50% + M/s Krishi
242 135487 Crop Care Pvt. Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 Cypermethrin Rasayan Exports
5% EC krishirasayan
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
Matrix India Emamectin
94931- M/s Krishi
243 135482 Crop Care Pvt. Benzoate Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Rasayan Exports
Ltd. 1.9% EC
[email protected]
Sh. Deepak Kumar Awaited
94945- Imidacloprid M/S Hindustan
244 135568 Agrochemical Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 70% WG Pesticides &
[email protected]
Sh. Deepak Kumar Awaited
94946- Imidacloprid M/S Hindustan
245 135567 Agrochemical Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 30.5% SC Pesticides &
[email protected]
Sh. Deepak Kumar Awaited
94947- M/S Hindustan
246 135566 Agrochemical RID 17.8% Satisfactory F
F/9(4)/2019 Pesticides &
Industries SL
[email protected]
Sh. Deepak Kumar Awaited
94948- Propiconazole
247 135565 Agrochemical Satisfactory PF PEST. &
F/9(4)/2019 25% E.C
Industries CHEMICALS
[email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
95149- Chlorpyripho PF M/s Krishi
266 135898 Agrochemical Satisfactory
F/9(4)/2019 s 20%E.C Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Sh S.S Awaited
95150- Chlorpyrifos M/s Krishi
267 135900 Agrochemical Satisfactory PF
F/9(4)/2019 50% E.C. Rasayan Exports
[email protected]
Satisfactory : 247
Rejected : 20
a. Incomplete submission of required documents i.e. valid manufacturing license ,valid SSI, list of products
manufactured in the last two years. BOD/ Incorporation certificate (in case of Pvt. & Ltd. company).
b. Incomplete submission of online Form-I and hardcopy of Form-I, i.e wrong name of applicant and authorized
person, wrong address of manufacturing site, wrong entry of product in online Form-I and hardcopy,
incorrect/unapproved source of import (in case of FI and TI category. In-situ Production in case of ALP.
As fixed(F): 172
Under Clarification : 0
This is to certify that consent of all the applications submitted by the applicants have been verified from
the concerned issuing authority.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
S. Status
Comput Name of the Technical consent
No. File No. Product Remark MRL (original
er No. firm provider details
Sh. M.P Gupta
86704- M/s Bharat Rasayan
268 Agro Chem Pendimethalin 30 Rejected( Awaited
120754 F/9(4)/20 F Ltd.,
International % EC a)
19 [email protected].
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
92018- Sandhya Organic
275 Chlorpyriphos Satisfacto PF International Ltd.,
130004 F/9(4)/20 Chemicals Pvt. Awaited
1.5% D.P ry kuppusamyA@corom
19 Ltd.
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
92034- Sandhya Organic
276 Mancozeb 75% Satisfacto PF International Ltd., Awaited
130020 F/9(4)/20 Chemicals Pvt.
WG ry kuppusamyA@corom
19 Ltd.
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
92053- International Ltd.,
277 Agronica Bispyribac sodium Satisfactr
130206 F/9(4)/20 F Awaited
Products 10% w/v SC oy kuppusamyA@corom
Dr. A Kuppusamy
92055- Novaluron 10% M/s Coromandel
278 Agronica Satisfacto Awaited
130229 F/9(4)/20 EC for indigenous F International Ltd
Products ry
19 manufacture kuppusamyA@corom
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
International Ltd
NOVALURAN kuppusamyA@corom
92064- 5.25% + andel.murugappa.com
279 Agronica Satisfacto Awaited
130227 F/9(4)/20 EMAMECTIN F
Products ry
19 BENZOATE 0.9% Dr. S.S Bhattacharjee
W/W SC M/s krishi Rasayan
Exports Pvt. Ltd,
Dr. S.S. Bhattacharjee
92068- Cistronics M/s krishi Rasayan
280 Emamectin satisfactor
130268 F/9(4)/20 Technovations F Exports Pvt. Ltd Awaited
Benzoate 1.9% EC y
19 Pvt. Ltd. krishirasayan600@g
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Mrs. Purnima
284 Indoxacarb 15.8% Satisfacto F M/s Atul Ltd., Awaited
129198 F/9(4)/20 Atul Limited
EC ry vaidehi_jhaveri@atul.
Dr. A Kuppusamy
Satisfacto M/s Coromandel
92468- M/S Pioneer
286 Bispyribac sodium ry International Ltd.,
130816 F/9(4)/20 Pesticides Pvt. F Awaited
10% w/v SC kuppusamyA@corom
19 Ltd.
Dr S.S Bhattacharjee
M/s Krishi Rasayan
287 PIONEERAGR Oxyflourfen Satisfacto Exports Awaited
130956 F/9(4)/20 F
O INDUSTRIES 23.5% E.C (w/w) ry krishirasayan600@g
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. C.Kandasamy
M/s Nichino
92582- CROP
289 Sulfosulfuron 75% Satisfacto Chemical India Pvt Awaited
131086 F/9(4)/20 SCIENCE F
WG ry Ltd.,
IFFCO-MC Sh. CV. Kandasamy
92583- CROP M/s Nichino
290 Isoprothiolane 40 Satisfacto F Awaited
131085 F/9(4)/20 SCIENCE Chemicals India Ltd.
% EC ry
19 PRIVATE registrations@nichino
LIMITED .co.in
Dr. S.S. Bhattacharjee
93333- M/s krishi Rasayan
291 PIONEERAGR Imazethapyr 10 % Satisfacto
132520 F/9(4)/20 F Exports Pvt. Ltd Awaited
19 krishirasayan600@g
Sh. Pranab Kandu
M/s Hindustan
Insecticide Ltd.
[email protected]
93334- PERFECT
292 N 11.5% + Satisfacto Sh. Bhavesh Shah
132487 F/9(4)/20 CROPSCIENCE PF Awaited
MANCOZEB 30% ry M/s GSP Crop
19 PVT. LTD.
w/w WP Science Pvt. Ltd
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
93548- International Ltd.,
293 Ichiban Crop Bispyribac sodium Satisfacto
132966 F/9(4)/20 F Awaited
Science Limited 10% w/v SC ry kuppusamyA@corom
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh .Mohit Kumar
94719- M/s Crystal Crop
316 See Ciba Crop Hexythiazox Satisfacto
134933 F/9(4)/20 F Protection Pvt Ltd. Awaited
Sciences 5.45% EC ry
19 [email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. T. Raghunath
94793- M/s Fytocare
322 Cropnosys India Bromodiolone Satisfacto
135368 F/9(4)/20 NR Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Awaited
Pvt. Ltd. 0.25% CB ry
19 fytocarechemicals@g
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
International Ltd.,
CARBENDAZIM kuppusamyA@corom
94824- andel.murugappa.com
323 Redox Industries 25% + Satisfacto
134581 F/9(4)/20 PF Dr. S.S. Bhattacharjee Awaited
Ltd. MANCOZEB 50% ry
19 M/s krishi Rasayan
Exports Pvt. Ltd
94825- Tricyclazole 18%
324 Redox Industries Satisfacto mail.com Awaited
134612 F/9(4)/20 +Mancozeb 62% PF
Ltd. ry
19 WP
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
International Ltd.,
Sh. Rudra Pratap
M/s Indogulf
94926- Matrix India
325 Cypermethrin Satisfacto PF Cropsciences Ltd.,
135486 F/9(4)/20 Crop Care Pvt. Awaited
0.25% DP ry rudra@groupindogulf
19 Ltd.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
IMIDACLORPID hca@insecticidesindi
94955- Triveni
331 6% + LAMBDA Satisfacto F a.com Awaited
135497 F/9(4)/20 Insecticides
CYHALOTHRIN ry Sh. Deepak Kumar
19 Private Limited
4% SL Garg
[email protected]
Sh. HPS Bhangu
RADICAL M/s Gharda
332 CROP Deltamethrin 2.8% Satisfacto Chemicals Ltd.
135129 F/9(4)/20 PF Awaited
SCIENCE PVT EC ry [email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. Saurabh
94998- Rich Crop Profenofos 40% +
349 Satisfacto M/s Indogulf Awaited
135402 F/9(4)/20 Protection Pvt Cypermethrin PF
ry Cropscience Ltd
19 Ltd 4%E.C.
Sh. Saurabh
95001- Rich Crop Satisfacto
350 Profenophos 50% M/s Indogulf Awaited
135399 F/9(4)/20 Protection Pvt ry F
EC Cropscience Ltd
19 Ltd
Sh. Sourabh
95004- Rich Crop M/s Indogulf
351 Cypermethrin 25% Satisfacto PF
135403 F/9(4)/20 Protection Pvt Cropsciences Ltd., Awaited
E.C. ry
19 Ltd rudra@groupindogulf
Sh. Sourabh
95005- Rich Crop M/s Indogulf
352 Cypermethrin 10% Satisfacto PF
135400 F/9(4)/20 Protection Pvt Cropsciences Ltd., Awaited
E.C. ry
19 Ltd rudra@groupindogulf
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
M/s Indogulf
Cropsciences Ltd.,
Sh. Sharad K
Neem extract Singhania
95013- concentrate M/s P.J Margo Pvt.
355 RA Satisfacto NR Awaited
135449 F/9(4)/20 containing Ltd.,
19 Azadirachtin-5% [email protected]
w/w min. m
Neem Based
Granular Sh. Sharad K
Formulation Singhania
95014- Containing M/s P.J Margo Pvt.
356 RA Satisfacto Awaited
134939 F/9(4)/20 Azadirachtin NR Ltd.,
19 0.15% (1500 ppm) [email protected]
w/w min m
Sh. Sharad K.
Neem Seed Kernel
95015- Based EC
357 RA Satisfacto NR M/s P.J. Margo Pvt. Awaited
135444 F/9(4)/20 Containing
19 Azadirachtin- 1%
LTD. [email protected]
(10000 ppm) min.
Sh. Sharad K
Neem Kernel
95016- M/s P.J Margo Pvt.
358 RA Containing Satisfacto NR Awaited
135433 F/9(4)/20 Ltd.,
INSECTICIDES Azadirachtin 0.3% ry
19 [email protected]
LTD. w/w min.(3000
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. Sharad K
Neem Oil Based Singhania
95018- EC containing M/s P.J Margo Pvt.
360 RA Satisfacto NR Awaited
135459 F/9(4)/20 Azadirachtin Ltd.,
19 0.03% ( 300 PPM) [email protected]
Min. m
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Mr Suresh Pitlehra
95071- RINATI CROP M/s Krishi Rasayan
390 Quinalphos 25% Satisfacto Awaited
135693 F/9(4)/20 PROTECTION F Exports Pvt Ltd.
EC ry
19 PVT.LTD. Krishirasayan600@g
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. Suresh Shah
Oxychloride OP
95089- SYNERGY M/s Parikh
398 formulation Satisfacto
135704 F/9(4)/20 INSECTICIDES PF Enterprises Awaited
containing 56% ry
19 PVT. LTD [email protected]
w/w Copper as its
active ingredient.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Dr. A Kuppusamy
M/s Coromandel
International Ltd.,
407 M/s Ganesh Agri Hexythiazox Satisfacto kuppusamyA@corom
135724 F/9(4)/20 F Awaited
Care 5.45% EC ry andel.murugappa.com
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Mr Suresh Pitlehra
95124- UTTAM M/s Krishi Rasayan
425 10.7% + Satisfacto Awaited
135801 F/9(4)/20 PHOSPHATES PF Exports Pvt Ltd.
Tricyclazole ry
19 PVT LTD Krishirasayan600@g
34.2% SE
Sh. Suresh Pitlehra
M/s krishi Rasayan
95125- UTTAM Acetamiprid 0.4%
426 Satisfacto Exports Pvt. Ltd
135815 F/9(4)/20 PHOSPHATES + Chlorpyrifos PF Awaited
ry krishirasayan600@g
19 PVT LTD 20% w/w EC
Sh. Suresh Pitlehra
M/s krishi Rasayan
95126- UTTAM Acephate 50%
427 Satisfacto Exports Pvt. Ltd
135818 F/9(4)/20 PHOSPHATES +Imidacloprid F Awaited
ry krishirasayan600@g
19 PVT LTD 1.8% SP
Sh. Suresh Pitlehra
M/s krishi Rasayan
95127- UTTAM Fipronil 40% +
428 Satisfacto F Exports Pvt. Ltd
135795 F/9(4)/20 PHOSPHATES Imidacloprid 40% Awaited
ry krishirasayan600@g
Sh. Suresh Pitlehra
Fipronil 4% + M/s krishi Rasayan
95128- UTTAM
429 Acetamiprid 4% Satisfacto Exports Pvt. Ltd
135796 F/9(4)/20 PHOSPHATES F Awaited
SC for indigenous ry krishirasayan600@g
manufacture mail.com
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Dr S.S Bhattacharjee
95169- M/s Krishi Rasayan
442 135460 RA Pendimethalin Satisfacto Awaited
F/9(4)/20 F Exports
19 krishirasayan600@g
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Neem Oil based - Sh. Sharad K
EC containing Singhania
95176- Poorva Azadirachtin M/s P.J Margo Pvt.
446 Satisfacto NR Awaited
135916 F/9(4)/20 Chemtech 0.03% (300 PPM) Ltd.,
19 Pvt.Ltd. w/w min. [email protected]
Botanical m
Sh. Sharad K
Neem Kernel
Based EC
95177- Poorva M/s P.J Margo Pvt.
447 Containing Satisfacto NR Awaited
135917 F/9(4)/20 Chemtech Ltd.,
Azadirachtin 0.3% ry
19 Pvt.Ltd. [email protected]
w/w min.(3000
Dr S.S Bhattacharjee
95180- M/s Krishi Rasayan
449 Saral Crop Pendimethalin Satisfacto Awaited
135790 F/9(4)/20 F Exports
Science 38.7% CS ry
19 krishirasayan600@g
Dr. S.S. Bhattacharjee
95181- M/s krishi Rasayan
450 Saral Crop 6% + LAMBDA Satisfacto F Awaited
135793 F/9(4)/20 Exports Pvt. Ltd
19 krishirasayan600@g
4% SL
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. Rajesh
95189- HETBAN
457 Pendimethalin 30 Satisfacto M/s Crop Life Awaited
134716 F/9(4)/20 SPECHEM F
% EC ry Science Ltd.,
95190- Sh. Rajpal Singh
458 Saral Crop Thiamethoxam Satisfacto F Awaited
135869 F/9(4)/20 M/s Samaradhi Crop
Science 30% FS ry
19 Chemicals
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Sh. Rajesh
95199- HETBAN M/s Crop Life
466 Glyphosate 41% Satisfacto
134713 F/9(4)/20 SPECHEM F Science Ltd Awaited
S.L. ry
19 LIMITED rajesh@croplifescien
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Satisfactory :216
Rejected : 3
a. Incomplete submission of required documents i.e. valid manufacturing license ,valid SSI, list of products
manufactured in the last two years. BOD/ Incorporation certificate (in case of Pvt. & Ltd. company).
b. Incomplete submission of online Form-I and hardcopy of Form-I, i.e wrong name of applicant and authorized
person, wrong address of manufacturing site, wrong entry of product in online Form-I and hardcopy,
incorrect/unapproved source of import (in case of FI and TI category. In-situ Production in case of ALP.
As fixed(F): 148
Under Clarification : 0
This is to certify that consent of all the applications submitted by the applicants have been verified from
the concerned issuing authority.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
The List of the Application whose Technical Suppliers has not been responded
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
[email protected]
17. 128987 91316-F/9(4)/2019 After Reminder Sh. Rajesh Mathew
PYRIPROXYFEN 5% + Consent Not Received M/s Tagros Chemical India Pvt. Ltd.,
DIAFENTHIURON 25% SE Email: - [email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
[email protected]
31. 129913 91879-F/9(4)/2019 After Reminder Dr. A Kuppusamy
NOVALURAN 5.25% + EMAMECTIN Consent Not Received M/s Coromandel International Ltd.,
[email protected]
Dr. Ram Karan Singh
M/s Meghmani Organics Ltd.,
Email: - [email protected]
32. 129867 91883-F/9(4)/2019 After Reminder Dr. Ram Karan Singh
Cypermethrin 0.25% DP Consent Not Received M/s Meghmani Organics Ltd.,
Email: - [email protected]
33. 129868 91885-F/9(4)/2019 After Reminder Dr. Ram Karan Singh
Cypermethrin 3% Smoke Generator Consent Not Received M/s Meghmani Organics Ltd.,
Email: - [email protected]
34. 129865 91886-F/9(4)/2019 After Reminder Dr. Ram Karan Singh
Cypermethrin 0.1% aqueous Consent Not Received M/s Meghmani Organics Ltd.,
Email: - [email protected]
35. 130081 91943-F/9(4)/2019 After Reminder Dr. A Kuppusamy
MANCOZEB 40 % + AZOXYSTRONIN 7 Consent Not Received M/s Coromandel International Ltd.,
% W/W OS
[email protected]
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 8.8.1
List of fake consent provider name
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
9. Flonicamid 50.0% M/s Agroking M/s UPL Ltd Dr. Anand Jha Do
WG pesticdes General
10. Imidacloprid 6.0%+ M/s Swastik M/s Willowood Mr. Rajat Do
Lambdacyhalothrin pesticides Ltd. Chemical Pvt. Srivastava
4.0% SL Ltd. Deputy General
11. Emamectin Benzoate M/s M.D. M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Do
5.0% SG Biocoals Pvt. Care Ltd. Vice President –
Ltd. Registration &
12. Emamectin Benzoate M/s M.D. M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Do
1.9% EC Biocoals Pvt. Care Ltd. Vice President –
Ltd. Registration &
13. Azoxystrobin M/s Shree M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
16.7%+Tricyclazole Kishan Agro Care Ltd. Vice President – not
33.3% SC Chemicals Registration & provided
Corporation Business by M/s
India Development Excel
M/s Nichino Mr.Venkatsai Crop Care
Chemical India General Ltd
Pvt.Ltd Manager
14. Azoxystrobin M/s Taxon M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
11.5%+Mancozeb Seeds and Care Ltd. Vice President – not
30.0% w/w WP Agro Registration & provided
Chemicals Business by M/s
Pvt. Ltd. Development Excel
Crop Care
M/s Dr. A. Ltd
Coromandel Kuppusamy
15. Azoxystrobin 23.0% M/s Southern M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Do
SC for indigenous Pest Control Care Ltd. Vice President –
manufacture Registration &
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
16. Azoxystrobin M/s Southern M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
7.1%+Propiconazole Pest Control Care Ltd. not
11.9% w/w SE provided
Mr.Venkatsai by M/s
M/s Nichino General Excel
Chemical India Manager Crop Care
Pvt.Ltd (Marketing) Ltd
17. Azoxystrobin M/s Southern M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
16.7%+Tricyclazole Pest Control Care Ltd. not
33.3% SC provided
Mr.Venkatsai by M/s
M/s Nichino General Excel
Chemical India Manager Crop Care
Pvt.Ltd (Marketing) Ltd
18. Azoxystrobin M/s Skyn M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
8.3%+Mancozeb Crop Care Care Ltd not
66.7% WG for ind. Pvt. Ltd. provided
Manuf. Dr. S.S by M/s
M/s Krishi Bhasttacharjee Excel
Rasayan Sr. G.M. Crop Care
Exports Ltd
19. Azoxystrobin M/s Skyn M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
11.5%+Mancozeb Crop Care Care Ltd not
30.0% w/w WP Pvt. Ltd. provided
Dr. S.S by M/s
M/s Krishi Bhasttacharjee Excel
Rasayan Sr. G.M. Crop Care
Exports Ltd
20. Azoxystrobin M/s Taxon M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
7.1%+Propiconazole Seeds and Care Ltd not
11.9% w/w SE Agro provided
Chemicals Dr. S.S by M/s
Pvt. Ltd. M/s Krishi Bhasttacharjee Excel
Rasayan Sr. G.M. Crop Care
Exports Ltd
21. Azoxystrobin M/s Future M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
12.5%+Tebuconazole Crop Science Care Ltd not
12.5% SC for ind. provided
Manuf. Sh. Rudra by M/s
M/s Indogulf Pratap Singh Excel
Crop Sciences Crop Care
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
22. Azoxystrobin M/s Future M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
11.0%+Tebuconazole Crop Science Care Ltd not
18.3% SC provided
by M/s
Crop Care
23. Azoxystrobin 4.8% M/s Sulfag M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
w/w+ Chlorothalonil Products Ltd. Care Ltd Mr. Rajat not
40.0% w/w Sc Srivastava provided
M/s Willowood by M/s
Chemical Pvt. Excel
Ltd. Crop Care
24. Azoxystrobin M/s Sulfag M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
16.7%+Tricyclazole Products Ltd. Care Ltd. not
33.3% SC provided
Mr.Venkatsai by M/s
M/s Nichino General Excel
Chemical India Manager Crop Care
Pvt.Ltd (Marketing) Ltd
25. Azoxystrobin M/s Sulfag M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
11.5%+Mancozeb Products Ltd. Care Ltd not
30.0% w/w WP provided
Sh. Rudra by M/s
M/s Indogulf Pratap Singh Excel
Crop Sciences Crop Care
26. Azoxystrobin M/s Sulfag M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
7.1%+Propiconazole Products Ltd Care Ltd. not
11.9% w/w SE provided
Mr.Venkatsai by M/s
M/s Nichino General Excel
Chemical India Manager Crop Care
Pvt.Ltd (Marketing) Ltd
27. Azoxystrobin 18.2% M/s Sulfag M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. DhuriConsent
w/w + Products Ltd. Care Ltd not
Difenoconazole Mr. Rajat provided
11.4% w/w Sc for M/s Willowood Srivastava by M/s
Ind. Manu. Chemical Pvt. Excel
Ltd. Crop Care
28. Azoxystrobin M/s Sulfag M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
8.3%+Mancozeb Products Ltd. Care Ltd not
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Crop Care
35. Azoxystrobin 18.2% M/s Shree M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
w/w + Kishan Agro Care Ltd not
Difenoconazole Chemicals Mr. Bhavesh provided
11.4% w/w Sc for Corporation M/s GSP Crop Shah by M/s
Ind. Manu India Science Pvt. Director Excel
Ltd. Crop Care
36. Azoxystrobin M/s Pioneer M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
12.5%+Tebuconazole Pesticides Pvt Care Ltd not
12.5% SC for ind. Ltd. Sh. Arijit provided
Manuf. M/s Astec Life Mukherjee by M/s
Sciences Ltd Excel
Crop Care
37. Azoxystrobin M/s Pioneer M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
11.0%+Tebuconazole Pesticides Pvt Care Ltd not
18.3% SC Ltd. Sh. Arijit provided
M/s Astec Life Mukherjee by M/s
Sciences Ltd Excel
Crop Care
38. Azoxystrobin 18.2% M/s Pioneer M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
w/w + Pesticides Pvt Care Ltd not
Difenoconazole Ltd. Sh. Arijit provided
11.4% w/w Sc for M/s Astec Life Mukherjee by M/s
Ind. Manuf. Sciences Ltd Excel
Crop Care
39. Azoxystrobin 23.0% M/s Skyn M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
SC Crop Care Care Ltd not
Pvt. Ltd. provided
40. Azoxystrobin M/s Crop M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
11.0%+Tebuconazole Chemicals Care Ltd not
18.3% SC Sh Subhash provided
M/s Excel Crop Kumar Basu by M/s
Care Ltd Excel
Crop Care
41. Azoxystrobin M/s Crop M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
12.5%+Tebuconazole Chemicals Care Ltd not
12.5% SC for ind. Sh Subhash provided
Manuf. M/s Excel Crop Kumar Basu by M/s
Care Ltd Excel
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Crop Care
42. Bispyribac sodium M/s Vontell M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
10.0% w/v SC Chemphos Pvt Care Ltd not
Ltd provided
by M/s
Crop Care
43. Azoxystrobin 23.0% M/s Sirot M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
SC Seeds and Care Ltd not
For Ind. Manuf. Chemicals provided
Pvt. Ltd by M/s
Crop Care
Azoxystrobin M/s Corum M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
44. 12.5%+Tebuconazole Crop Sciences Care Ltd not
12.5% SC for ind. provided
Manuf. Sh. Rudra by M/s
M/s Indogulf Pratap Singh Excel
Crop Sciences Crop Care
45. Azoxystrobin M/s Corum M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
11.0%+Tebuconazole Crop Sciences Care Ltd not
18.3% SC provided
Sh. Rudra by M/s
M/s Indogulf Pratap Singh Excel
Crop Sciences Crop Care
46. Azoxystrobin 23.0% M/s Crop M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
SC Chemicals Care Ltd not
For Ind. Manuf. India Ltd. provided
by M/s
Crop Care
47. Azoxystrobin 18.2% M/s Crop M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
w/w + Chemicals Care Ltd not
Difenoconazole India Ltd. Sh. Arijit provided
11.4% w/w Sc for M/s Astec Life Mukherjee by M/s
Ind. Manu. Sciences Ltd Excel
Crop Care
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
48. Azoxystrobin M/s Future M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
7.1%+Propiconazole Crop Science Care Ltd. not
11.9% w/w SE provided
Mr.Venkatsai by M/s
M/s Nichino General Excel
Chemical India Manager Crop Care
Pvt.Ltd (Marketing) Ltd
49. Azoxystrobin M/s Future M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
16.7%+Tricyclazole Crop Science Care Ltd. not
33.3% SC provided
Mr.Venkatsai by M/s
M/s Nichino General Excel
Chemical India Manager Crop Care
Pvt.Ltd (Marketing) Ltd
50. Emamectin Benzoate M/s Universal M/s Excel Crop Dr. A.V. Dhuri Consent
5.0% SG CropScience Care Ltd not
by M/s
Crop Care
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 9.15.1
List of Online endorsement (Agenda) files for approval dated 10/12/2019
Sr. File No. Applicant Product Old Crops Crop to RC MRL status Remarks
name name be added
No. referenc
1. 10837- M/s Dhanuka Imidacloprid Cotton, Cucumber, Tomato for 388 Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Agritech 70% (WG) Rice and okra control of held on Okra (2.0), Rice (0.05), complete from
Limited Thrips and 27.04.18 Tomato (1.0), Cucumber Bio-efficacy
White Fly vide (0.2) angle.
item no
2. 10773- M/s Insecticides Thiamethoxa Cotton Maize, 362 and MRL on Thiamethoxam The case is
END/2019 India Limited m 12.6% + Groundnut, 366 Cotton Seed Oil (0.01), complete from
Lambda- Soyabean, Maize (0.05), Bio-efficacy
Cyhalothrin Chilli, Tea & angle.
Groundnut (0.05),
9.5%(ZC) Tomato
Soybean (0.05), Tomato
(0.01), Green chilli (0.5)
Dried chilli(5.0) , Tea
MRL on Lambda
Cyhalothrin is fixed
on Cotton Seed Oil
(0.05), Soybean (0.001),
Maize (0.01), Ground
Nut Seed (0.01), Chilli
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
3. 10864- M/s Bharat Buprofezin Okra cotton 385 Rice (0.05), Cotton Seed The case is
END/2019 Insecticides 70%(DF) Oil (0.01), Chilli (0.01), complete from
Limited Mango (0.01), Grapes Bio-efficacy
(0.01) angle.
4. 10862- M/s Indogulf Fenpyroxima Tea & Coconut Cotton (Jassids 393 Chilli (1.0), Green Tea The case is
END/2019 Cropsciences te 5% (EC) and Mites) (6.0), Black Tea (6.0), complete from
Limited Cotton Seed (0.05), Bio-efficacy
Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), angle.
Coconut Water (0.02)
5. 10861- M/s Indogulf Ethion 40%+ Cotton Chilli (Mites, 394 vide MRL of Ethion has MRL
END/2019 Cropsciences Cypermethri Thrips and agenda been fixed on Other of Cypermeth
Limited n 5%(EC) Fruit Borer) item no Vegetable (1.0), Cotton rin has not
8.16 Seed (0.5) been fixed on
MRL chilli
of Cypermethrin has Subject to
been fixed on Cotton fixation of
Seed (0.01) MRL in
6. 10859- M/s Indogulf Acephate Paddy Cotton for 394 Safflower Seed(2.0), The case is
END/2019 Cropsciences 95% (SG) control of Cotton Seed (2.0), complete from
Limited jassids and Safflower (0.1), Chilli Bio-efficacy
Chilli for (0.01), Dried Chilli angle.
control of (0.1), Cotton Seed (0.1),
Thrips, Aphids Rice (0.01), Meat &
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
7. 10898- M/s Bharat Fenpyroxima Tea and Chilli Cotton 393 Cotton Seed (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Insecticides te 5%(EC) dated Cotton Seed Oil complete from
Limited 24.9.18 (0.05), Chilli (1.0), Tea Bio-efficacy
Green (0.02), Tea Black angle.
8. 11287- M/s Best Crop Buprofezin Paddy Cotton (Thrips, 400 MRL of Buprofezin is The case is
END/2019 Science Limited 20% + Jassids and fixed on Rice (0.05), complete from
Acephate Mealy bug ) Cotton Seed Oil (0.01), Bio-efficacy
50% (WP) Okra (0.01) angle.
MRL for Acephate is
fixed on Cotton Seed
(2.0), Cotton Seed
(0.1), Rice (0.01)
9. 8937- M/s Indogulf Fenpropathri Cotton Rice 318. Cotton Seed Oil (0.05) The case is
END/2018 Cropsciences n 30%(EC) & Rice(0.03) complete from
Limited Bio-efficacy
10. 11290- M/s Best Crop Fenpyroxima Tea, Coconut & Cotton (Jassids 393 Cotton Seed (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Science Limited te 5%(EC) Chilli and Mites) dated Cotton Seed Oil complete from
24.9.18 (0.05), Chilli (1.0), Tea Bio-efficacy
Green (0.02), Tea Black angle.
(0.2), Coconut
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
11. 11446- M/s Tropical Buprofezin Paddy (Stem Borer, Cotton 408 MRL for Acephate is The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems 20% + Leaf folder and Brown (Aphids, fixed on Cotton Seed complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. Acephate Plant Hopper) Jassids and (2.0), Rice (0.07) and Bio-efficacy
50% Whitefly)and Okra (0.01) angle.
Okra (Jassids
and Whitefly)
MRL of Buprofezin is
fixed on Rice (0.05),
Cotton Seed Oil (0.01),
Okra (0.01)
12. 11475- M/s Monsoon Pyriproxyfen Cotton (Jassids), Chilli Brinjal and 389 vide Cotton Seed Oil (0.02), The case is
END/2019 Agro Chemicals 10% (EC) (White fly & Jassids) Okra (White agenda Cotton Seed Oil (0.03), complete from
Pvt Ltd fly and Jassids) item no Cotton Seed (0.03), Bio-efficacy
8.12 Brinjal (0.02), Okra angle.
(0.03), Chilli (0.01),
Green Chilli (0.02), Red
Chilli (0.02)
13. 11447- M/s Tropical Fipronil Rice (Stem Borer, Cotton 408 Rice(0.01),Chilli The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems 5%(SC) Brown Plant Hopper, (Aphids, (0.001), complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. Green Leaf Hopper, Jassids, White Sugarcane(0.01), Bio-efficacy
Gall Midge, WBPH, Fly and Cabbage (0.001),Cotton angle.
Whorl Maggot), Bollworm) Seed Oil (0.005
Cabbage (Diamond
Black Moth), Chilli
(Thrips, Aphids & Fruit
borer), Sugarcane
(Early shoot borer and
root borer)
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
14. 11438- M/s Tropical Imidacloprid Cotton (Aphids, Thrips, Mango for 408 Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems 17.8% (SL) White Fly & Jassids), control of Rice (0.05), Groundnut complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. Paddy (Brown Plant (Hopper) for Seed (0.05), Bio-efficacy
Hopper & White Citrus for Mango(0.05), Sugarcane angle.
Backed Plant Hopper, control of (0.1), Okra (2.0),
GLH), Chilli (Aphids, (Leaf Minor Chilli (0.01),
Thrips & Jassids), and Psylla),
Sugarcane (Termite) & Groundnut for
Mango (Hopper) control of
(Aphids and
Tomato for
control of
(White fly),
Grapes for
control of (Flea
15. 11427- M/s Tropical Buprofezin Paddy (BPH, GLH, Cotton (mealy 408 Rice (0.05), Cotton Seed The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems 25%(SC) White backed Plant bug) Oil (0.01) complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. Hopper) Bio-efficacy
16. 11435- M/s Tropical Profenophos Cotton( Americal Soybean (Semi 408 Cotton Oil Seed (0.05) The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems 50%(EC) bollworm, Heliothis, looper and and Soybean(0.01) complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. Jassida, Aphids, Thrips Girdle beetle) Bio-efficacy
& Whitefly) angle.
17. 11426- M/s Tropical Lambda- Cotton (Bollworm), Pomegranate 408 Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems cyhalothrin Paddy (Stem Borer & (Thrips & Fruit Brinjal (0.2), Tomato complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. 4.9% (CS) Leaf Folder), Brinjal Borer) (0.1), Rice (0.1), Okra Bio-efficacy
(2.0), Green Chilli angle.
(Shoot & Fruit Borer),
(0.05), Dried Chilli
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
18. 11416- M/s Tropical Emamectin Cotton (Bollworm), Cabbage 408 Cotton Seed (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems Benzoate Okra (Fruit and Shoot (Diamond Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. 5%(SG) Borer) Black moth), Okra (0.05), Cabbage Bio-efficacy
Chilli (Fruit (0.05), Chilli (0.02), angle.
Borer, Thrips Chickpea (0.02), Grapes
and Mites), (0.07), Green Tea
Chick pea (Pod (0.06), Black Tea (0.06),
Borer), Grapes Tea (0.02),
(Thrips) and
Tea (Tea
19. 11413- M/s Tropical Ethion 40% Cotton (American Chilli (Mites, 408 MRL of Ethion has MRL of
END/2019 Agrosystems + Bollworm) Thrips and been fixed on Other Cypermethrin
(India) Pvt. Ltd. Cypermethri Fruit Borer) Vegetable (1.0), Cotton has not been
n 5% (EC) Seed (0.5), fixed on Chilli
MRL of Cypermethrin Subject to
has been fixed on MRL fixation
Cotton Seed (0.01), of
on Chilli.
20. 11414- M/s Tropical Emamectin Cotton (Bollworm) Paddy( Leaf 408 Cotton Seed (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems Benzoate Folder and Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. 1.9%(EC) Hispa) and Soybean (0.01), Chilli Bio-efficacy
Soyabean (0.02), Chickpea (0.02), angle.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
21. 11412- M/s Tropical Imidacloprid Cotton (Jassids, Aphids Tomato 408 Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Agrosystems 70%(WG) and Thrips), Paddy (Whitefly) Rice (0.05), Tomato complete from
(India) Pvt. Ltd. (Brown plant hopper (1.0), Bio-efficacy
and white backed Plant angle.
22. 11411- M/s Ju Agri Emamectin Cotton (Bollworm), Cabbage 408 Cotton Seed (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Sciences Private Benzoate Okra (Fruit and Shoot (Diamond Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), complete from
Limited 5%(SG) Borer) Black moth), Okra (0.05), Cabbage Bio-efficacy
Chilli(Fruit (0.05), Chilli (0.02), angle.
Borer, Thrips Chickpea (0.02), Grapes
and Mites), (0.07), Green Tea
Chick pea (Pod (0.06), Black Tea (0.06),
Borer), Grapes Tea (0.02),
(Thrips), Tea
(Tea looper)
23. 11394- M/s Ju Agri Emamectin Cotton (Bollworm) Paddy (Leaf 408 Cotton Seed (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Sciences Private Benzoate hopper and Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), complete from
Limited 1.9%(EC) Hispa), Soybean (0.01), Chilli Bio-efficacy
Soybean (0.02), Chickpea (0.02), angle.
(Green semi
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
24. 11388- M/s Ju Agri Ethion 40% Cotton (American Chilli (Mites, 408 MRL of Ethion has MRL of
END/2019 Sciences Private + Bollworm) Thrips and been fixed on Other Cypermethrin
Limited Cypermethri Fruit Borer) Vegetable (1.0), Cotton has not been
Seed (0.5) fixed on chilli
n 5% (EC)
MRL of Cypermethrin subject to
has been fixed on MRL fixation
Cotton Seed (0.01) of
in Chilli.
25. 11387- M/s Ju Agri Lambda- Cotton (Bollworm), Pomegranate 408 Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Sciences Private cyhalothrin Paddy(Stem Borer & Leaf (Thrips and Fruit Soybean (0.001), complete from
4.9%(CS) Folder), Brinjal (Shoot & Borer) Brinjal (0.2), Tomato Bio-efficacy
Fruit Borer), Okra (Fruit (0.1), Rice (0.1), Okra angle.
Borer), Tomato (Fruit (2.0), Green Chilli
Borer), Grapes (Thrips (0.05), Dried Chilli
and Flea Beetle), Chili (0.5), Red Chilli (0.01),
(Thrips and Pod Borer), Grapes (0.05),
Soyabean (Shoot fly and Cardamom (2.0),
semi looper) Pomegranate (0.01).
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
26. 11385- M/s Ju Agri Fipronil Rice (Stem Borer, Brown Cotton (Aphids, 408 Rice(0.01),Chilli (0.001), The case is
END/2019 Sciences Private 5%(SC) Plant Hopper Gall Leaf Jassids, White Cabbage (0.001),Cotton complete from
hopper, Gall Midge, Fly and Seed Oil (0.005 Bio-efficacy
WBPH, Whorl maggot), Bollworm) angle.
Cabbage (Diamond Black
Moth), Chilli (Thrips,
Aphids and White fly),
Sugarcane (Early shoot
borer and root borer)
27. 11376- M/s Ju Agri Buprofezin Paddy (Stem borer, Cotton 408 MRL for Acephate is The case is
END/2019 Sciences Private 20% + Leaf hopper and Brown (Aphids, fixed on Okra complete from
Limited Acephate plant Hopper) Jassids and (0.01),Cotton Seed Bio-efficacy
50%(WP) White Fly), (2.0), Cotton Seed angle.
Okra (Jassids (0.1), Rice (0.01)
and White Fly)
MRL of Buprofezin is
fixed on Rice (0.05),
Cotton Seed Oil (0.01),
Okra (0.01).
28. 11368- M/s Ju Agri Imidacloprid Cotton, Paddy, Chilli, Mango for 404 Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Sciences Private 48%(FS) Sunflower, Sugarcane control of Rice (0.05), Groundnut complete from
Limited & Okra (Leaf Minor Seed (0.05), Mango Bio-efficacy
and Psylla), (0.05), Sugarcane (0.1), angle.
Groundnut for Okra (2.0), Sunflower
control of Seed (0.5), Grapes
(Aphids and (0.05), Tomato (1.0),
o for control of
(White fly),
Grapes for
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
control of (Flea
29. 11371- M/s Ju Agri Imidacloprid Cotton (Aphids, Mango for 404 Cotton Seed Oil (0.05), The case is
END/2019 Sciences Private 17.38(SL) Thrips, White fly and control of Rice (0.05), Groundnut complete from
Limited Jassids), Paddy (Brown (Leaf Minor Seed (0.05), Bio-efficacy
plant hopper and white and Mango (0.05), angle.
backed Plant Hopper, Psylla),Ground Sugarcane (0.1), Okra
GLH) , Chilli (Aphids, nut for control (2.0), Sunflower Seed
Thrips and Jassids), of (Aphids and (0.5), Grapes (0.05),
Sunflower (Aphids Jassids), Tomato (1.0),
White fly and Jassids), Tomato for
Sugarcane (Termite) control of
and Okra (Aphids, (White fly),
Thrips and Jassids) Grapes for
control of (Flea
30. 11296- M/s Best Crop Ethion 40% Cotton Chilli (Mites, 394 vide MRL of Ethion has MRL of
END/2019 Science Limited + Thrips and agenda been fixed on Other Cypermethrin
Cypermethri Fruit Borer) item no Vegetable (1.0), Cotton has not been
n 5% (EC) 8.16 Seed (0.5),
fixed on chilli
Subject to
MRL of Cypermethrin MRL fixation
has been fixed on of
Cotton Seed (0.01) Cypermethrin
in Chilli.
31. 11149- M/s Best Crop Acephate Cotton Rice 387 MRL for Acephate is The case is
END/2019 Science Limited 50% fixed on Cotton Seed complete from
+Imidaclopri (2.0), Cotton Seed Bio-efficacy
d 1.8%(SP) (0.1), Rice (0.01)
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
MRL of Imidacloprid is
fixed on Cotton Seed
Oil (0.05), Rice (0.05),
32. 11150- M/s Best Crop Buprofezin Okra Rice 387 Rice (0.05), Cotton Seed
END/2019 Science Limited 70% (DF) Oil (0.01), Okra (0.01).
33. 8413- GSP Crop Lambdacyhal Grape, Cotton, Tomato, Soybean 329, 356 Soybean (0.01), Chilli The case is
END/2017 Science Ltd., othrin 4.9% Paddy, Brinjal, Okra, (Steam fly & (0.05), Pomegranate complete from
CS Chilli Semilooper), (0.01) Bio-efficacy
Chilli ((Thrips
and fruit
(Thrips and
fruit borer)
S. No. 3, 5, 6 & 7 kept on hold with reference to the Agenda item No. 11.2.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure – 9.16.1
S.No F.No. Company Name Product Name Already Approved Claim for MRL status Remarks
Crops Endorsement
1 10049- UPL Limited Imazethapyr Soybean and Use of Soybean (0.01), Case is
END/2019 10% SL Groundnut crop Surfactant Soybean Oil (0.1), complete
Red Gram (0.01), from Bio-
Cluster Bean (0.01), efficacy
Groundnut (0.1) and angle
Groundnut Oil (0.1).
2 9809- Adama India Pvt Ltd. Pendimethalin Wheat, Rice Pigeon Pea Wheat (0.05), Rice Case is
END/2018 30% EC (Transplanted and (0.05), Soybean complete
Direct Seeded), (0.01), Cotton seed from Bio-
Cotton, Soybean and oil (0.05), Chilli efficacy
Pigeon pea crop. (0.01), Onion (0.01) angle
and Pigeon pea/Red
gram (0.05)
3 9653- M/S.Agro Life Science Ethephon 39% Mango, Pineapple, Pomegranate Pineapple (2.0), Case is
END/2018 Corporation SL Coffee, Tomato, Coffee (0.1), Tomato complete
Rubber and (2.0), Mango (2.0) from Bio-
Pomegranate. and Pomegranate efficacy
(5.0). angle
4 9754- M/S.Indogulf Crop Glyphosate Tea and Non-crop Non-crop Tea crop (0.01), and Case is
END/2018 Sciences Ltd. 41%. area area Meat and Meat complete
products (0.05). from Bio-
5 10301- Sulphur Mills Limited Pendimethalin Wheat, Rice Pigeon pea Wheat (0.05), Rice Case is
END/2019 30% EC (Transplanted and (0.05), Soyabean complete
Direct Seeded), (0.01), Cotton seed from Bio-
Cotton, Soybean and oil (0.05), Chilli efficacy
Pigeon pea crop (0.01), Onion (0.01) angle
and Pigeon pea/Red
gram (0.05)
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
6 10304- M/S Sunil Chemicals Pendimethalin Wheat, Rice Pigeon pea Wheat (0.05), Rice Case is
END/2018 Industres Pvt. Ltd. 30% EC (Transplanted and (0.05), Soyabean complete
Direct Seeded), (0.01), Cotton seed from Bio-
Cotton, Soybean and oil (0.05), Chilli efficacy
Pigeon pea crop (0.01), Onion (0.01) angle
and Pigeon pea/Red
gram (0.05)
7 10223- FIL Industries Limited Metsulfuron Wheat, Rice and Sugarcane Wheat (0.01), Rice Case is
END/2019 Methyl 20% Sugarcane crop (0.01) and complete
W.P. Sugarcane (0.02) from Bio-
8 8938- M/S.Indogulf Crop Fenoxaprop-P- Soybean, Rice Onion and Wheat (0.01), Rice Case is
END/2018 Sciences Ltd. ethyl 9.3% EC (Transplanted), Black Groundnut (0.01), Soybean complete
gram, Cotton, Onion (0.01), Blackgram from Bio-
and Groundnut. (0.01), Cotton seed efficacy
(0.02), Onion (0.05) angle
and Groundnut
9 8884- M/S.IndogulfCropsciences Pendimethalin Soybean, Cotton, Onion Wheat (0.05), Rice Case is
END/2018 Ltd 38.7% CS Chilli and Onio (0.05), Soyabean complete
(0.01), Cotton seed from Bio-
oil (0.05), Chilli efficacy
(0.01), Onion (0.01) angle
and Pigeon pea/Red
gram (0.05).
10 8936- M/S.IndogulfCropsciences Glufosinate Tea and Cotton Cotton Tea is 0.01 and on Case is
END/2018 Ltd Ammonium 13.5 Cotton 0.05. complete
% w/w SL from Bio-
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 9.17.1
Endorsement of New/additional Packaging u/s 9(4) which has already been approved by RC
1. 11154- FIL Cartap CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 INDUSTRIES Hydrochloride 29,769/98/Carta packing in 1 Kg capacity in LDPE already been approved by
LIMITED 4% GR p Hydrochloride liner having thickness 0.062 mm RC in its 392th meeting in
(GR)-111 inserted in HDPE woven sacks favour of M/s Arysta Life
conforming to IS 8069: 1988 for Science and hence
Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR approved
2. 11153- FIL Sulphur 80% CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 INDUSTRIES WDG 54,823/2006- packaging of Tri-laminated already been approved by
LIMITED Sulphur pouches (TLP) of (polyester RC in its 374th meeting in
(WDG)(267)- 12u/aluminium 9u/LDPE 100u) of
favour of M/s Rallis India
1569 capacity 500gm for Sulphur 80%
WDG Ltd., hence approved.
3. 11128- M/s Ravi Crop Fipronil 40% + CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Science Imidacloprid 135475/2016- packaging in 6gm trilaminated already been approved by
40% WG Fipronil + (100u-LDPE/9u aluminum foil/12u RC in its 400th meeting
Imidacloprid Agenda item No.8.69 in
PET) pouch as primary pack . 50
(WG) (369)-846 favour of M/s Excel Crop
pouches are packed in inner Care Ltd. and hence
duplex carton weighing up to 300g approved.
as secondary packing such 12
inner cartons are further packed in
CFB boxes of 5 ply as a transport
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
4. 11099- KRISHI Fenobucarb CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 RASAYAN (BPMC) 20% + 145495/2018- packing of Fenobucarb (BPMC) already been approved by
EXPORTS Buprofezin 5% Fenobucarb 20%+ Buprofezin 5% SE in 2 liter RC in its 385th meeting in
PVT. LTD. SE (BPMC) + and 5 Liter in HDPE Bottle for favour of M/s Crystal Crop
Buprofezin (SE) Fenobucarb (BPMC) 20% + Protection Pvt. Ltd., hence
(380)-27 Buprofezin 5% SE approved.
5. 11086- M/s Ravi Crop Azoxystrobin CIR- Endorsement of additional The above packing has
END/2019 Science 16.7% 158376/2019- packaging in capacity 100 ml and already been approved by
+Tricyclazole AZOXYSTROBI 200 ml HDPE bottle as primary RC in its
33.3% SC N+ packing and 5 ply CFB box as 402nd meeting Agenda item
TRICYCLAZOL transport packing No. 8.5 in favour of M/s
E (SC) (394)- Crystal Crop Protection Ltd.,
207 and hence approved.
6. 11087- M/s Ravi Crop Carbendazim CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Science 12% + 161745/2019- packaging in 25g, 250g, 500g and already been approved by
Mancozeb CARBENDAZI 1 kg capacity in Trilaminated pouch RC in its 400th agenda item
63% WS M+ (PET 12u/MET PET 12u/LDPE
No.8.66 meeting in favour of
MANCOZEB 100u) which shall be packed in
(WS) (399)- CFB boxes of capacity 10kg M/s UPL ltd., and hence
1449 conforming to IS 2771 (Part-1)- approved.
7. 11096- M/s Ravi Crop Diflubenzuron CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Science 2% Granules 155322/2018- packaging for LDPE liner of already been approved by
Diflubenzuron capacity 100 g, 250g and 500 g as RC in its
(Granules) 400th meeting Agenda
primary which shall be further
(391)-30 item No. 8.60 in favour of
packed in HDPE container of same M/s Arysta Life Science
capacity as secondary packing. India Ltd. Ltd and hence
Secondary packing shall be further approved.
packed in 5 ply CFB boxes as per
IS 2771 (pt-1) 1989 as transport
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
8. 11075- BR Agrotech ltd Bifenthrin 2.5% CIR- Endorsement of additional packing The above packing has
END/2019 EC 56,927/2007- of M.S. Drum of capacity 20 lt., 50 already been approved by
Bifenthrin lt., 100 lt. and 200 lt. for Bifenthrin RC in its 271st meeting in
(EC)(275)-41 2.5% EC favour of M/s F.M.C. India
Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore. and
hence approved.
9. 11314- Bharat Metsulfuron CIR- Endorsement for Additional The above packing has
END/2019 Insecticides methyl 10% + 130956/2015- transport packing of capacity 1.2 already been approved by
Limited Chlorimuron Metsulfuron Kg containing 150 trilaminated RC in its 378th meetings
Ethyl 10% WP Methyl + pouches of 8 gm for Metsulfuron agenda item No.8.13 in
Chlorimuron methyl 10% + Chlorimuron Ethyl favour of M/s E.I. DuPont
Ethyl (WP) 10% WP India Pvt. Ltd., and hence
(354)-227 approved.
10 11332- Bharat Fenobucarb CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Insecticides 20% + 154211/2018- packing in HDPE Bottles of already been approved by
Limited Buprofezin 5% Fenobucarb capacity 2 liters and 5 liters for RC in its 385th meeting
SE (BPMC) + Fenobucarb 20% + Buprofezin 5% Agenda item No.8.19 in
Buprofezin (SE) SE favour of M/s Crystal Crop
(390)-83 Protection Pvt. Ltd., and
hence approved.
11. 11333- Saraswati Agro Pendimethlin CIR- Endorsement of additional Pack The above packing has
END/2019 Chemicals 30% EC 59,265/2008- Size of 2000 ml in Co-Extruded already been approved by
(India) Private PENDIMETHAL Plastic containers(HDPE) which RC in its 390th meeting
Limited IN (EC) (286)- shall be further packed in 5-ply Agenda item No. 8.7 in
252 CFB boxes of capacity 10 kg as favour of M/s BASF India
transport packing for Pendimethlin Ltd., and hence approved.
30% EC
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
12 11171- 2,4-D Amine CIR-5698/87/2, Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Dhanuka Salt 58% SL 4-D Amine Salt/ packaging of 2,4-D Amine Salt already been approved by
Agritech Limited (SL)-46 58% SL in PET bottle of capacity RC in its 405th meeting
400 ml conforming to IS Agenda item No.9.20 in
13123:2000 which shall be further favour of M/s Parijat
packed in 5 ply CFB boxes of Industries (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
capacity 8 litres conforming to IS and hence approved.
2771 (Pt-1)-1990
13 11375- FIL Thifluzamid CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing
END/2019 INDUSTRIES 24% SC 161314/2019- packing in HDPE container has been approved by RC
LIMITED Thifluzamide of capacity of 75ml as per IS 9754- in its 353th meeting Agenda
(SC) (399)-19 1981 which shall be further item No.8.6 in favour of M/s
packed in 5-ply CFB boxes of Insecticides India Ltd., New
capacity 10 Kgs as per IS 2771(pt- Delhi and hence approved.
1) 1992
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
17 11392- M/s Dharmaj Profenofos CIR- Endorsement for alternate packing The above packing has
END/2019 Crop Guard 40% + 130372/2015- of PET bottles in 100 ml, 250 ml, already been approved by
Limited Cypermethrin Profenofos + 500 ml, 1 Litre and 5 Litre capacity RC in its 264h meeting in
4% EC Cypermethrin as per IS 13123:2000 . favour of M/s Nagarjuna
(EC) (356)-403 Agrichem and hence
Manner of Packing : approved..
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
18 10716- GARGI Propiconazole CIR- Endorsement for new alternate The above packing has
END/2019 PACKING 25% EC 155746/2018- packing in PET Container of already been approved by
INDUSTRIES Propiconazole capacity 100 ml, 250, 500ml, 1 liter RC in its 314th meeting in
(EC) (392)-593 and 5 liter as per IS 13123:2000 . favour of M/s Syngenta India
Primary packing shall be further Ltd and hence approved.
packed in 5-ply CFB Boxes of
capacity 10 L as per IS 2771(pt-
1)1990 as transport packing .
19 10719- GARGI Profenophos CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 PACKING 50% EC 155745/2018- packing of HDPE bottle of capacity already been approved by
INDUSTRIES Profenophos 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 lit, RC in its 320th meeting in
(EC) (392)-856 2 lit and 5 litre capacity conforming favour of M/s Syngenta India
to IS 9754-1981 & IS 12512-1989. Ltd., New delhi and hence
20 CROP LIFE Cartap CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
10727- SCIENCE LTD. Hydrochloride 57,033/2007- transport packaging of capacity already been approved by
END/2019 4% GR Cartap 25kg in HDPE drum for cartap RC in its 378th meeting in
hydrochloride(G hydrochloride 4% GR favour of M/s Nagarjuna
R)(275)-834 Agrichem ltd. and hence
21 10752- CROP LIFE Myclobutanil CIR- Endorsement for endorsement for The above packing has
END/2019 SCIENCE LTD. 10% 126707/2015- additional transport packing in been approved by RC in
WP Myclobutanil HDPE container of capacity 5 kg 374 RC meeting in favour of
(WP) (353)-52 for Myclobutanil 10% M/s Nagarjuna Agrichem Ltd
WP. . Hence approved .
22 11399- Monsoon Agro Sulfosulfuron CIR- Endorsement of additional The above packing
END/2019 Chemicals Pvt 75% WG . 48,436/2004- packaging in 6.75 gms capacity has been approved by RC
Ltd Sulfosulfuron multi-layer non gusseted in its 350th meeting Agenda
(WG)(242)-101 aluminium laminated pouch for item No.8.7 in favour of
Sulfosulfuron 75% WG . M/s Hindustan Pulverising
Mills Delhi.,and hence
23 9762- Gujarat Acephate 75% 31443/99/Acep Endorsement for additional primary The above packing has
END/2018 Insecticides Ltd. SP hate(SP)-652 packing for 100 gm, 250 gm & 500 already been approved by
gm capacity packing in RC in its 303/304th meeting
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
25 11425- Amber Crop Metsulfuron CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Science Pvt. Methyl 20% 57875/2007- packing of Metalized tri-laminated already been approved by
Ltd. WP Metsulfuron polyster poly pouches(polyester 12 RC in its
Methyl (WP) micron/Met polyester 12 299th meeting Agenda item
(279)-163CIR- micron/LDPE 80 micron) of 8gms, No 8.3 in favour of M/s Atul
57875/2007- 10gms, 20gms, 50gms and Limited, Gujarat and hence
Metsulfuron 100gms capacity which shall be approved.
Methyl (WP) further packed in CFB boxes of
(279)-163 capacity 2.5 kg as transport
packing as per IS 2771(pt-1)1990
for Metsulfuron Methyl 20% WP.
26 11419- Amber Crop Tricyclazole CIR- Endorsement of additional packing The above packing has
END/2019 Science Pvt. 75% WP 57874/2007- of Tri-laminated pouches(75 already been approved by
Ltd. Tricylazole micron LDPE/12 micron MET- RC in its 307th meeting
(WP)(279)-219 PET/12 micron PET ) of 120 gm Agenda item No.8.1.6 in
capacity in lieu of 100 g pack size favour of M/s United
for Tricyclazole 75 % WP. Phosphorus Ltd., Mumbai
and hence approved.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
27 11420- Amber Crop Propiconazole CIR- Endorsement for new alternate The above packing has
END/2019 Science Pvt. 25% EC 101556/2012- packing in PET Container of already been approved by
Ltd. Propiconazole capacity 100 ml, 250, 500ml, 1 liter RC in its 314th meeting in
(EC) (325)-1 and 5 liter as per IS 13123:2000 . favour of M/s Syngenta India
Primary packing shall be further Ltd and hence approved.
packed in 5-ply CFB Boxes of
capacity 10 L as per IS 2771(pt-
1)1990 as transport packing .
28 11421- Amber Crop Thiamethoxam CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Science Pvt. 30% FS 106446/2013- packing of capacity 1 liter and 5 already been approved by
Ltd. Thiamethoxam liter with same packaging material RC in its 266th meeting in
(FS) (338)-1
Aluminum,HDPE/PET containers favour of M/s Syngenta
which shall be further packed in India Ltd. and hence
CFB Boxes of capacity 10 Litres approved.
for Thiamethoxam 30% FS .
29 11422- Amber Crop Chlorpyriphos CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 Science Pvt. 50% EC 106439/2013- packing in PET bottles in 5 Litre already been approved by
Ltd. Chlorpyriphos capacity as per IS 13123:2000 RC in its 252th meeting in
(EC) (338)-1 which shall be further packed in 7- favour of M/s. Cheminova
ply CFB Boxes of capacity 20 kg India Ltd and hence
for the product Chlorpyriphos 50% approved.
30 11423- Amber Crop Emamectin CIR- Endorsement of additional packing The above packing has
END/2019 Science Pvt. Benzoate 5% 65,395/2011- of 10g, 50g, 100g, 250 g & 500 g in already been approved by
Ltd. SG Emamectin HDPE containers conforming to IS RC in its 277th meeting in
Benzoate (SG) 9754:1981 which shall be further favour of M/s
(312)-89 packed in 5-ply CFB Boxes as per Syngenta India
IS 2771(pt-1)1990 as transport Ltd under formulation
packing for Emamectin Benzoate Import 9(3)(FI)
5% SG Category and hence
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
31 11460- FIL Tebuconazole CIR- Endorsement for additional The above packing has
END/2019 INDUSTRIES 10%+ Sulphur 154860/2018- packaging of Tebuconazole 10%+ already been approved by
LIMITED 65% WG Tebuconazole + Sulphur 65% WG in HDPE bottle of RC in its
Sulphur (WG) 100 gm capacity as per IS 9754- 405th meeting Agenda item
(391)-790 1981 which shall be further packed No. 9.27 in favour of M/s
in 5-ply CFB boxes of capacity 5 kg Sumitomo India Chemical
as per IS 2771 (Pt-1) as transport. Ltd., and hence approved
32 11472- Saraswati Agro Emamectin CIR- Endorsement of additional packing The above packing has
END/2019 Chemicals Benzoate 5% 132701/2016- in HDPE container conforming to already been approved by
(India) Private SG Emamectin IS 9754:1981 alternatively water RC in its 277th meeting in
Limited Benzoate (SG) soluble pouch further packed in favour of M/s
(363)-247 trilaminated pouch Syngenta India
(PET/Poly/BOPP/Poly) of capacity Ltd under formulation
10g, 50g, 100g, 250 g , 500 g 1 Kg Import 9(3)(FI)
and 5 Kg which shall be further Category and hence
packed in 5-ply CFB Boxes as per approved.
IS 2771(pt-1)1990 as transport
packing for Emamectin Benzoate
5% SG.
33 11459- FIL Thiamethoxa CIR- Endorsement of additional packing The above packing has
END/2019 INDUSTRIES m 12.6% + 160738/2019- in PET container of capacity 10 ml, already been approved by
LIMITED Lambda- Thiamethoxam 40 ml, 80 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 RC in its 409th meeting
Cyhalothrin + Lambda- ml and 1000 ml as per IS Agenda item No. 9.8 in
9.5% ZC Cyhalothrin 13123:2000 which shall be further favour of M/s Syngenta India
(ZC) (377)-1835 packed in CFB box as transport Ltd., and approved.
Manner of Packing
Primary Pack: The product shall be
packed in PET container of
capacity 10ml, 40ml, 80ml, 100ml,
200ml, 500ml, and 1000ml as per
IS 13123:2000.
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 10.1.1
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 10.9.1
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 10.10.1
Annexure – 10.12.1
Status of Application for Enhancement of Shelf-Life Under Section 9(4) Of The Insecticides Act, 1968
3. 11174- Sanvardhini Agro CIR-124833/2015-Neem Seed Neem Seed Kernel One year to
END/2019 Pvt. Ltd Kernel Based EC (Containing Based EC Two years
Azadirachtin) (353) – 225 Containing
Azadirachtin- 1%
(10000 ppm) min.
4. 10090- Sulphur Mills CIR-1568/ 83/ MANCOZEB Mancozeb 75% One year to
END/2019 Limited (WDP) – 12 WDP Two years
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure 10.13.1
Ref No. DMCC/CIB/ZB/2019 1. Rio Tinto Minerals Asia PTE Ltd, 12, Marina Bouledvard, #
20-01, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower-3, Singapore –
Dt. 06.09.2019 018982
Dt. 06.09.2019
F. No. 11108-END/2019
M/s Grauer & weil (India) Ltd. Approved of 100.– M.T. of Boric Acid for the manufacture of
3. Akurli Road, Kandivali (East), Mumbai- Metal Finishing Chemicals and Electroplating Chemicals
400101. India
Unit: M/s Grauer & weil (India) Ltd. Source of Import:
Survey no. 215/1, plot no. 10 village
Dadra, UT of D. N.H. 396193, India 1.Exporter & Manufacturer: M/s Borax Europe Ltd. 1A,
Guildford Business Park, Guildford GU28XG, U.K
Lr.no. nil
2.Exporter: M/s Borochemie International pte Ltd., 77, High
Dated 29.08.2019 street, # 09-09 High Street Plaza, Singapore-179433
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
3.Exporter: M/s Trigon Gulf Fzco. P.O. Box 61468, Jebel Ali,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Annexure – 10.14.1
Applications for import of multi-use insecticides (Other than Boric Acid) 412 RC
Dt. 28.05.2019 1.Manufacturer: M/s Nippon Soda Co. Ltd. Shin- Ohtemachi
Blg.,2-1 2- Chome Ohtemachi ChiyodaKu, Tokyo 1008165, Japan
F.no. 10638-END/2019 Supplier:
M/s Sojitz Corporation 1-1,Uchisaiwaicho 2- Chome Chiyoda- Ku,
Tokyo 100-8691 Japan
M/s K. A. Malle Pharmaceuticals Ltd Approved of 200 M.T. of Thiourea for the use in manufacturing of
Mebendazole and Albendazole
Plot No. 6005, GIDC, Ankleshwar-
393002, District Bharuch, Gujarat, Source of Import:
1. Beijing Saintsun Pharma Co. Ltd.,
Refr.no. Nil Room 202, Floor 2, Building 7 Yard 18 Jingxing Street, Industrial
Base, East Area Science & Technology Park, Changping District,
Dt. 20.09.2019 Beijing, China
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
F.no. 11161-END/2019
M/s Speciality Organics Pvt. Ltd. Approved of 200 M.T. of 3-Iodo -2- Propynylbutylcarbamate (
4. 49-B, Sector-B Industrial area IPBC) for manufacturing of Metazolone
Mandideep, dist.- Raisen, Madhya
Pradesh, Pin 462046 Source of Import:
M/s Sarthi Chem Private Limited Approved of 2.0 M.T. of Chloropicrin Technical 99.5% Min. for
5. the use in manufacturing of Methyl Bromide Technical
Plot No. – 254, H – Road, GIDC
Kuvadava, Rajkot – 360023, Gujarat, Source of Import:
1. Mebrom Technology NV, Belgium, 45 Antwerpsestraat, 2830
Ref. No. Nil Willebrock
Dt. 27.09.2019
F.no. 11228-END/2019
M/s UPL Ltd Approved of 200 M.T. of Sodium Cyanide for the Trading
6. Uniphos House, Madhu Park, 11th Purpose
Road, Khar (West), Mumbai –
400052 Source of Import:
Ref. No. Nil 1. Hebei Chengxin Co. Ltd.,
South of Yuanzhao Road, Yuanshi County, Shijiazhuang City,
Dt. 09.10.2019 Hebei Province, 051130, China
F.no. 11268-END/2019 2. M/s Sojitz Corporation
1-1,Uchisaiwaicho 2- Chome Chiyoda- Ku, Tokyo 100-8691 Japan
3. Cyanco International
LLC 2245 Texas Drive, Suite 500 Sugar Land, Tx 77479, USA
Minutes of 412th RC meeting held on 18.12.2019
Dt. 30.06.2019
F.No. 11203-END/2019
M/s B Pankaj Kumar and Co. RC noted that the applicant, M/s B Pankaj Kumar and Co., has not
8. 108 E Square, Subhash Road, near submitted the mandatory documents. The applicant is required to
Mahilla Sangh School, Ville Parle apply with all the mandatory documents.
(East), Mumbai- 400057
Dt. 20.06.2019
F.No. 10873-END/2019
1. M/s Speciality Organics Pvt Ltd, RC deliberated the Agenda and noted that the Import Permit
49-B, Sector-B Industrial area Mandideep, issued to the applicant was valid up to 09/10/2019. The
dist.- Raisen, Madhya Pradesh, Pin 462046 applicant may apply afresh.
Lr. nil
Dt. 12.06.2019