USC Preweek Merc 2018 (Ctto)
USC Preweek Merc 2018 (Ctto)
USC Preweek Merc 2018 (Ctto)
Prepared by: Researchers:
Mercantile Law Warrior Notes Team
Beverly Anne Balagon
Juna Aimee Francisco
Senior Adviser: Andrea Ivy Dy
Atty. Bernardino Amago IV
Atty. Karen Gaviola-Climaco
Christia Sandee Suan
Junior Adviser: Karol Grace G. Oroceo
Atty. Rashid Pandi
Table of Contents
A derivative suit is a remedy designed by equity Spouses Lee were held personally liable in an
for minority shareholders against the abuses of illegal dismissal case filed for the alleged
the majority. When corporate officials refuse to termination of DMI employees on the ground of
sue, or are the ones to be sued, or hold control business closure. It was established during trial
of the corporation, an individual stockholder may that the other incorporators of DMI merely lent
be permitted to institute a derivative suit to their names to comply with the required number
enforce a corporate cause of action on behalf of of incorporators and subsequently assigned and
a corporation in order to protect or vindicate its transferred all their interests in DMI to Spouses
rights. In such actions, the corporation is the Lee. It was also established that no notice of
real party in interest, while the stockholder closure was filed with DOLE.
suing on behalf of the corporation is only a
nominal party. Thus, derivative suits
necessarily touch upon the internal affairs of the Under the circumstances, should the
corporation. corporate veil be pierced to hold spouses
Lee liable?
What are the requisites for a derivative Yes. The veil of corporate fiction may be pierced
suit? so as to attach personal liability against the
responsible person if the corporation’s
A stockholder or member may bring an action in personality is used to (a) defeat public
the name of a corporation provided that: convenience, (b) justify wrong, (c) protect fraud
or defend crime, or is used as a device to (d) of subrogation accrues upon the payment by
defeat the labor laws. insurer of the insurance claim. This holds true
especially when the party liable never
questioned the insurer’s right to subrogation or
Here, the irregularity in the incorporation of DMI
the coverage of the insurance contract or policy.
bolsters that the corporation has no mind of its
own as it is solely controlled by Spouses Lee.
While it is true that one's control does not by itself Nonetheless, the presentation of the insurance
result in the disregard of corporate fiction, there policy is necessary to prove the scope of the
is sufficient basis to hold that such corporation insurer’s liability when the shipment passed
was used to evade its legal duties to its through several stages with different parties
employees, and as such, the piercing of the involved in each stage. In such a case, it is
corporate veil is warranted. difficult to pinpoint in what stage in the handling
process the damage happened.
Jurisprudence also shows that the insurance
policy is also necessary when it is the very issue
II. TRANSPORTATION LAW of the parties.
that may be adopted to avoid the impending Marina Port Services, Inc. v.
danger, is not guilty of negligence, if he fails to American Home Assurance
adopt what subsequently and upon reflection
may appear to have been a better method,
unless the emergency in which he finds himself G.R. NO. 201822, 12 AUGUST 2015
is brought about by his own negligence. The consignee filed a formal claim for loss with
the arrastre operator and sought insurance
indemnity from the insurer for the substantial
Are the driver and owner of the Isuzu shortages in the number of bags of flour
absolved of damages? delivered. The insurer paid for the value of the
No. Isuzu is NOT without fault and should still be the missing bags of flour. Thereafter, the insurer
(as subrogee) filed an action against the arrastre
held liable for damages. The smashed front of
operator. Evidence reveal that the arrastre
the Isuzu shows that the strong impact of the
operator exercised due diligence in handling the
ramming of the Pathfinder was what pinned the
passengers. Despite stepping on the brakes, the shipment.
Isuzu still hit the rear of the Pathfinder and the
right side of the Fuso. This would show that the
What is the rule relative to the liability of
driver was driving at a fast speed and not within
a safe stopping distance. Thus, the emergency the arrastre operator for damaged and/or
rule cannot be applied. The emergency rule missing goods?
can only apply if the party is not guilty of Article 1981 of the Civil Code provides for a
negligence and has acted within the best presumption of fault on the part of the arrastre
means to avoid the impending danger. If the operator. However, no such presumption arises
Isuzu reduced its speed and increased distance when due diligence in handling the shipment
from the Pathfinder, it would probably have not was observed, such as when it is not sufficiently
hit the vehicle or at least prevent an extensive shown that the container vans were re-opened
wreck. or that their locks and seals were broken for the
second time.
Orix, the operator on record, contends
that he is no longer the owner and Here, the arrastre operator is not liable for the
operator of the Fuso as it had already loss of the bags of flour because it was able to
sold the vehicle to MMO Trucking owned prove delivery of the shipment to the
consignedd in good and complete condition
by Manuel Ong. Should Orix now be
with locks and seals intact.
absolved of the liability?
No. Under the Registered Owner Rule, it is the
registered owner or the operator on record of a What is the nature of the relationship
vehicle who will be held primarily liable for between an arrastre operator and the
damages or injury it may have caused. The main consignee of the goods?
aim of this rule is to identify the owner so that if
any accident happens, or that any damage or The relationship between an arrastre operator
injury is caused by the vehicle on the public and a consignee is similar to that between a
highways, responsibility therefor can be fixed warehouseman and a depositor, or to that
on a definite individual, the registered owner. between a common carrier and the consignee
and/or the owner of the shipped goods. Thus, an
arrastre operator should adhere to the same
Here, Orix may claim for reimbursement from degree of diligence as that legally expected
Manuel, now the actual owner of the vehicle. of a warehouseman or a common carrier. It
must show that the losses were not due to its
negligence or that of its employees. It must
establish that it observed the required diligence What was the proximate cause of the
in handling the shipment. Otherwise, it shall be loss? Who should be held liable?
presumed that the loss was due to its fault.
PNB’s act of releasing the proceeds of the check
prior to the lapse of the 15-day clearing period
was the proximate cause of the loss. When it
III. NEGOTIABLE released the proceeds without exhausting the
15-day clearing period, PNB contravened with
INSTRUMENTS LAW established banking rules and practice. It has
been held time and time again that it is contrary
PNB v. Spouses Cheah Chee Chong to normal or ordinary banking practice to pay the
and Ofelia Camacho Cheah amounts of checks without previously clearing
G.R. NO. 170865, 25 APRIL 2012 them with the drawee bank especially where
the drawee bank is a foreign bank and especially
Ofelia accommodated a favor asked of her by
Filipina, her friend’s friend. Since Filipina did not where the amounts involved were large. Thus,
the collecting bank assumes the risk that the
have a dollar account, she asked Ofelia if she
could have her check cleared and encashed in check would be cleared and paid out. Banks are
the Ofelia’s joint dollar account with her required a kind of diligence that is more than a
good father of the family as it is imbued with
husband. The check was drawn against Bank of
America with a face amount of $300,000.00, public trust. PNB failed to exercise extraordinary
payable to cash. Ofelia agreed. Both went to diligence and reasonable business prudence. Its
PNB Buendia Branch to deposit the check. They action of disregarding banking policy is
were told that the check will undergo clearing tantamount to gross negligence.
and would normally take about 15 days. Five
days later, the correspondent bank of PNB Though PNB’s action was the proximate cause
informed PNB that the proceeds of the check of the loss, Ofelia’s actions also amount to
had now been temporarily credited to PNB’s contributory negligence and should share the
account. After ten days, PNB informed Ofelia loss with the bank. Considering that the amount
that the subject check has now been cleared. of the foreign check was $300,000 and Ofelia did
The credit amount was withdrawn and Filipina not personally know Filipina, a higher degree of
received all the proceeds. care is expected of her. She failed to exercise
caution and gave her full trust to a complete
Four days after the withdrawal, PNB Buendia stranger which led her and her husband to be
Branch learned that the check had actually swindled.
bounced and received a debit advice. PNB
informed Ofelia, and Ofelia immediately Thus, PNB and Ofelia are equally negligent and
contacted Filipina to get the money back. should therefore equally suffer the loss.
However, Filipina had already disbursed the
money to different beneficiaries.
San Miguel Corporation v. Puzon
PNB sent a demand letter to Ofelia and her G.R. NO. 167567, 22 SEPTEMBER 2016
husband for the return of the amount of the
check, and thereafter froze her peso and dollar P purchased SMC products on credit. As a
deposits. A subsequent complaint was filed business practice and to ensure payment, SMC
against them for the collection of sum of money required P to issue postdated checks equivalent
with the RTC, demanding payment of to the value of the products. The checks shall be
P8,202,220.44 plus interest and attorney’s fees. returned to P when the transactions are settled
in full.
In one instance, P visited SMC and requested to Aban filed a claim for the insurance proceeds on
see the postdated checks. Upon receipt of the 9 July 1996. Manila Bankers denied the claim for
checks, P immediately left bringing the checks the following reasons: (1) Sotero was illiterate,
with him. Thus, SMC filed a case of theft against and could not have personally applied for
P. insurance coverage; (2) She was sickly since
1990; (3) She did not have the financial
capability to pay the premium; (4) She did not
P argues that the element of theft that the sign the application for insurance; and (5) it was
thing taken belongs to another is actually Aban who filed the insurance application
wanting. Is P correct? and designated herself as beneficiary.
Yes. Since the check was not given as payment,
the ownership of the check was not transferred Manila Bankers filed a civil case for recission
to SMC and remained with P. and/or annulment of the policy, alleging that the
policy was obtained by fraud, concealment
and/or misrepresentation under the Insurance
Section 12 of NIL provides: “xxx The person to Code, thus voidable. Aban argues that Manila
whom an instrument so dated is delivered Bankers is barred by prescription pursuant to
acquires the title thereto as of the date of Section 48 of the Insurance Code. Manila
delivery.” Once there is delivery, the person to Bankers’ investigator testified in court, stating
whom the instrument is delivered gets the title to that the insurance underwriter who solicited the
the instrument completely and irrevocably. insurance is the cousin of Aban and it was Aban
Delivery, however, should be for the purpose of who paid the annual premiums of the policy.
giving effect thereto.
Here, SMC requires checks to “cover” the May Manila Bankers rescind and/or annul
receivables which shall be returned to P upon the insurance policy on the ground of
paying for the transaction by some other means fraud?
other than the check. As it is clear that both NO. Sotero’s policy in favor of Abad is
parties did not intend for the check to pay for the protected by the incontestability clause
products, the title to the check did not transfer to
under Section 48 of the Insurance Code.
SMC; it remained with P.
What is the ultimate aim of the The Insular Life Assurance Company
incontestability clause? Ltd. v. Khu et. Al.
The ultimate aim of the incontestability clause is G.R. NO. 195176, 18 APRIL 2016
“to compel insurers to solicit business from or K applied for the reinstatement of his life
provide insurance coverage only to legitimate insurance policy with Insular Life. Insular Life
and bona fide clients, by requiring them to advised K that his application may only be
thoroughly investigate those they insure within considered if he agreed to additional premium
two years from effectivity of the policy and while and conditions. On 27 December 1999, K agreed
the insured is still alive. If they do not, they will and paid the additional premium. A Letter of
be obligated to honor claims on the policies they Acceptance and Endorsement was then
issue, regardless of fraud, concealment or executed between Insular Life and K, which
misrepresentation.” Further, it is intended “to contains the following stipulation: “the following
restrict the insurer to a definite time within which changes are made on the policy effective 22
to discover any fraud or misrepresentation made June 1999”.
by the insured in the application for insurance
and to take appropriate action to cancel the
policy.” K died on 22 September 2001. Insular Life
denied the claim of the beneficiaries on the
grounds of fraud. The beneficiaries argue that
In this case, the Court upheld the trial court’s the incontestability clause already applies, as
findings that it was Sotero herself who obtained two years have already lapsed from the date of
the insurance and not an impostor. More effectivity provided in the Letter of Acceptance,
importantly, invoking the incontestability which is 22 June 1999.
clause, the Court ruled that the insurer is barred
from proving that the policy is void ab initio by
reason of the insured’s fraudulent concealment, Insular Life argues that the 2-year period for the
or misrepresentation or want of insurable interest incontestability clause has not yet lapsed, as it
on the part of the beneficiary. should be reckoned from 27 December 1999—
when the additional premium was paid as the
reinstated policy had only become effective by
Manulife Philippines, Inc. v.
Hermenegilda Ybanez
G.R. NO. 204736, 28 NOVEMBER 2016 Has K’s reinstated life insurance policy
become incontestable at the time of his
How may an insurer rescind a life death?
insurance contract based on
misrepresentation or concealment Yes, as the 2-year period to contest is reckoned
imputed against the insured? from 22 June 1999. As a general rule, the
reinstatement of a policy is to be reckoned from
the date the application was approved by the
Misrepresentation as a defense of the insurer to insurer. Nonetheless, when there is an ambiguity
avoid liability is an affirmative defense and the with regard to the date of effectivity, the
duty to establish such defense by satisfactory construction favorable to the insured shall be
and convincing evidence rests upon the insurer. adopted. This must be so because contracts of
Thus, the fraudulent intent on the part of the insurance are contracts of adhesion.
insured must be established to entitle the insurer
to rescind the contract. Here, there exists an ambiguity in the Letter of
Acceptance as to whether the date 22 June 1999
refers to the effectivity of the policy or the
changes to the policy.