Latin Rosary Prayers
Latin Rosary Prayers
Latin Rosary Prayers
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Let us pray
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This prayer was written by Leo XIII and attached to his Encyclical, Quamquam Pluries. It has been
recommended to be included at the end of the Rosary, especially during the month of October.
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Vírginis ad Sánctam
Tértium mystérium est: The third mystery is:
The Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Natívitas Dómini nostri Iésu
Quartum mystérium est: The fourth mystery is:
The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the
Praesentátio Puéri Iésu in Temple and the Purification of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
Templo et Purificátio Beátæ
Maríæ Vírginis
Quintum mystérium est:
The fifth mystery is:
Invéntio Puéri Iésu in Templo The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple
Pray on Monday & Thursday and optional on all Sundays during Advent and the Christmastide.
Pray on Tuesday & Friday, and Ash Wednesday, and optional on Sundays during Lent
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Orátio in horto Dómini nostri
Iésu Christi
Secúndum mystérium est: The second mystery is:
The Scourging of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Flagellátio Dómini nostri Iésu
Tertium mystérium est: The third mystery is:
Coronátio spinis Dómini The Crowning of Our Lord Jesus Christ with
nostri Iésu Christi
Quartum mystérium est:
Resurréctio Dómini nostri Iésu The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ from
the Dead
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Christi a mórtuis
Secúndum mystérium est: The second mystery is:
Ascénsio in cáelis Dómini The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into
nostri Iésu Christi
Tértium mystérium est:
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