MINI PROJECT (2) Phone Wireless Charging
MINI PROJECT (2) Phone Wireless Charging
MINI PROJECT (2) Phone Wireless Charging
First of all we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our GOD. Secondly, we would
like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to our advisor Dr. Amruth RT., for his
excellent guidance, caring, patience, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques for
doing this mini project report. He helps us as much as possible when we present with any
question he answered our question politely and without his supervision and constant help this
mini project report would not have been done. Besides our advisor, we would like to thank
our best friends for supporting us to get through the Difficulty problems by solving together
up to the end and for all the emotional support, camaraderie, entertainment, and caring they
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Back ground.................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Problem statement.......................................................................................................................7
1.3 Objective.....................................................................................................................................8
1.3.1 General (main) Objective:.....................................................................................................8
1.3.2 Specific objectives:...............................................................................................................8
1.4 Method........................................................................................................................................9
1.5 Methodology................................................................................................................................9
1.5 Scope and Significance of the of the project..............................................................................12
1.6 PROJECT REPORT ORGANIZATION.......................................................................................12
CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................................13
LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................................13
2.1 Historical development..............................................................................................................14
2.2 2014-current technology [5]....................................................................................................15
3.1 System Block Diagram..............................................................................................................16
3.1.1 For Ac supply.....................................................................................................................16
3.1.2 For Dc supply.........................................................................................................................17
3.2.1 Schematic of 555 timer circuit............................................................................................19
3.2.2 A stable Multi-vibrator mode..............................................................................................20
3.2.4 Amplifier Circuit................................................................................................................22
3.4 Receiver Circuit.........................................................................................................................23
SIMULATION RESULT AND DISCUSSION...................................................................................25
4.1 Simulation.................................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER FIVE.................................................................................................................................32
5.1 CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................32
5.2 RECOMENDATION................................................................................................................32
5.3 FUTURE WORK......................................................................................................................33
WPT Wireless power transfer
AC Alternating current
DC Direct current
RF Radio- frequency
This project is all about wireless phone charging. This is done with charging station sending
energy by inductive coupling to electrical devices called receiver which can then use this
energy to charge batteries or run the device like radio, but it can extend to train motor and
any electrical apparatus. Induction chargers use induction coil to create an alternating
electromagnetic field with a charging base, the secondary coil (portable) then takes power
from electromagnetically induced primary side and convert it back to electric current to
charge the battery. NB the two coils are proximity connected one to another. A suitable
selection of receiving circuit is very crucial since electromagnetic induction need to be more
difficult as the distance or air gap is wider; the challenge is also selection and distance
between the two ends. Wireless inductive phone charging is a technique of transmitting
power through an air gap to an electrical device (phone) for the purpose of energy
replenishment. Recently, the wireless inductive phone charging technology has been
significantly advanced in terms of efficiency and functionality. Wireless phone charging, is
known as wireless power transfer, is the technology that enables a power source to transmit
electromagnetic energy to an electrical load (phone) across an air gap, without
interconnecting cords. Wireless inductive phone charging provides a suitable, safe, reliable
method to charge phones at different locations. Eliminating the use of physical connectors
and cables, wireless inductive phone charging provides a number of efficiency, cost and
safety advantages over the traditional charging cable. This paper presents a detailed view on
wireless inductive phone charging techniques along with its need, invention, advantages,
disadvantages and standards.
1.) It improves user-friendliness (easy to use) as the hassle from connecting cables is
2.) It renders the design and fabrication of much smaller devices without the attachment of
3.) Wireless inductive phone charging reduces higher implementation cost as compared to
wired charging.
4.) wireless inductive phone charging is effective in areas where wire system is un reachable
or impossible.
This credit is for Nikola Tesla experiment around 1891; who is firstly conduct experiment
in wireless power transfer and find wireless electrical energy transmission using radio
frequency transformer that he called Tesla’s coil. Tesla coil produces high voltage, high
frequency alternating current. Since this investigation has evolved in advancement a head.
Phone can be charged using plug in with wire charger what we used for long (traditional
charging), but the day is coming to change it to wireless charging and life become more
easier no need of plug through the socket outlet and connect by short lengthy USB cables.
Induction chargers use induction coil to create an alternating electromagnetic field with a
charging base, the secondary coil (portable) then takes power from electromagnetically
induced primary side and convert it back to electric current to charge the battery. NB the two
coils are proximity connected one to another. A suitable selection of receiving circuit is very
crucial since electromagnetic induction need to be more difficult as the distance or air gap is
of the pad otherwise its performance and efficiency will decrease and you can’t get the
expected result. Wireless charging minimizes wear and tear of the charger we used
conventionally. If we can make it further chargeable phone with proximity sensor no need of
hole of charger plug on our phone this eliminate dust particles entering to the hole, but this
require economic capability and trained personally in suitable phone production.
1.3 Objective
The aim or driving force of this project is to have easy way of charging our mobile phones
and overcome the problem of wire lost specially in our dormitories.
1.4 Method
First; we have reviewed Literatures, documents, internet, videos and magazine.
Collect data from different areas such as internet, by asking form experienced person and
looking videos.
Identify the major components of the project circuit .
Design the overall circuit diagram of our project.
1.5 Methodology
1.5.1 Wireless Charging Techniques
Three major techniques for wireless charging are magnetic inductive coupling, magnetic
resonance coupling, and microwave radiation. The magnetic induction and magnetic
resonance coupling work on near field, where the generated electromagnetic field dominates
the region close to the transmitter or scattering object. The near-field power is attenuated
according to the cube of the reciprocal of the distance. Alternatively, the microwave radiation
works on far field at a greater distance. The far-field power decreases according to the
reciprocal of the distance. Moreover, for the far-field technique, the absorption of radiation
does not affect the transmitter. In contrast, for the near-field techniques, the absorption of
radiation influences the load on the transmitter.
1) Magnetic Inductive Coupling: Magnetic inductive coupling is based on magnetic
field induction that delivers electrical energy between two coils. Magnetic inductive coupling
happens when a primary coil of an energy transmitter generates predominant varying
magnetic field across the secondary coil of the energy receiver within the field. The near-field
power then induces voltage/current across the secondary coil of the energy receiver within
the field. This voltage can be used by a wireless device. The energy efficiency depends on the
tightness of coupling between two coils and their quality factor. The tightness of coupling is
determined by the alignment and distance, the ratio of diameters, and the shape of two coils.
The quality factor mainly depends on the materials, given the shape and size of the coils as
well as the operating frequency. The advantages of magnetic inductive coupling include ease
of implementation, convenient operation, high efficiency in close distance (typically less than
1.) The wireless charging transmitter is powered by an input dc rail of 12 V, typically derived
from a USB port or an AC/DC power adapter.
2.) A switched transistor, timer (to generate pulse), MOSFET, capacitors (to set the
3.) Transmitter transmit the coming signal to receiver which is not connected directly to each
other or without physical contact as a traditional charger.
4.) The transmitter has a coil to transfer power by electromagnetic induction into the wireless
power receiver.
5.) The induced power is coupled to the wireless power receive, which has a similar coil to
collect the incoming power.
6.) The receiver which is the wounded copper wires (number of turns too) is receive the
incoming- signal which is ac signal by Faraday’s principle of electromagnetic induction. The
received signal must be converted to dc signal, since the mobile phones are not charged at
AC so we need to convert it again in DC output.
7.) The receiver rectifies the power by means of diode rectifier. It also filters the power using
output capacitors, and then applies it using arduino controller command to the battery to be
charged in our phone.
8.) The battery inside the portable device receives the power and charges up.
Chapter.3: Covers the system design and detail analysis of the system components.
Wireless charging technology enables wireless power transfer from a power source such as
charger to a load and mobile device conveniently across an air gap by eliminating the bunch
of wire. Wireless power transmission involves the exchange of power without the need for
physical connections [6]. The development of this technology started in the late 19th and
early 20th centuries, when a number of important innovations in electromagnetic research
were made. These advancements established the basic principles that served as the foundation
for modern electrical power transport. During the past 20 years, improvements in wireless
technologies have led to a revival of related research. Public interest in wireless power has
also increased with the application of Nikola Tesla ideas and inventions [1]. As a result of
this, the feasibility of technological implementation merits examination. Different scientists
and inventors contributed to the development of wireless power. Examining their
backgrounds reveals the sources of their motivation and the methods by which they
conducted research. The inventions developed during this time were more advanced than
anything that had been seen before, solving challenging problems and developing the basic
theories that yielded modern technology. These inventors’ patents, papers, and experiments
effectively describe the practicality and utility of wireless power propagation. Three
prominent forms of power transmission are conduction, induction, and radiation. There are
various formulas that explain how electrical power can be transmitted without the use of a
physical conductor. Each mode of power transport has theories that govern how the
electromagnetic waves carry power from a transmitter to a receiver This credit is for Nikola
Tesla experiment around 1891[1]; who is firstly conduct experiment in wireless power
transfer and find wireless electrical energy transmission using radio frequency transformer
that he called Tesla’s coil. Tesla coil produces high voltage, high frequency alternating
current. Since this investigation has evolved in advancement a head. Phone can be charged
using plug in with wire charger what we used for long (traditional charging),but the day is
coming to change it to wireless charging and life become more easier no need of plug through
the socket outlet and connect by short lengthy USB cables. Induction chargers use induction
coil to create an alternating electromagnetic field with a charging base, the secondary coil
(portable) then takes power from electromagnetically induced primary side and convert it
back to electric current to charge the battery. NB the two coils are proximity connected one to
another. A suitable selection of receiving circuit is very crucial since electromagnetic
induction need to be more difficult as the distance or air gap is wider.
WiTricity research from MIT wirelessly powered 60 watts bulb using magnetic resonance
with 40% power efficiency at a distance of 200cm. Sony demonstrated powering wirelessly
sixty volts to an electro-dynamic-induction TV set, over a distance of half a meter[5].
wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or not possible. For instance, appliances used in wet
environments like, electric toothbrushes and electric razors to reduce the hazard of electric
shock. In other fields like medical implants wireless power is functional a good example is
cochlear ear implant device. Which stimulate auditory nerves to aid people with hearing
The block diagram of wireless charger consists of Ac power supplier, rectifier, LC oscillator
circuit, transmitter coil, receiver coil and AC to DC converter, which is shown in fig. 3.1. In
the first step AC supply of 220V is given to the circuit, then transformer is connected which
convert this 220V to 12V supply. This converted 12V is of AC nature and for further process
this supply needs to convert into DC supply. For conversion, bridge rectifier is used. The
conversion process of AC to DC gives ripples in output. For removing ripples a filter circuit
is needed which consist of capacitor and resistor. After this smooth DC is obtained which is
supplied to oscillator circuit consists of inductor and capacitor. Oscillators convert a DC input
(the supply voltage) into an AC output (the waveform), which can have a wide range of
different wave shapes and frequencies that can be either complicated in nature or simple sine
waves depending upon the application. Then this signal is given to transmitter which
transmits the signal. Then it is received by receiver. The mobile phones are not charged at AC
so we need to convert it again in DC output. Which is of low value therefore a current
amplifier is needed for the circuit. Electric power is distributed as alternating current because
AC voltage may be increased or decreased with a transformer. This allows the power to be
transmitted through power lines efficiently at high voltage, which reduces the power loss as
heat due to resistance of the wire, and transformed to a lower, safer, voltage for use.
The direct current (DC) is supplied from a power source is converted into higher frequency
alternating current (AC) by specially designed electronic device built in the transmitter. The
alternating current energizes the copper wire coil in the transmitter which generates magnetic
field once a second the receiver coil is place a closed proximity of the magnetic field. then the
field induces alternating current in to the receiver coil. The alternating current in the
receiving coil converted into direct current(dc) by rectifier circuit then supply this dc current
to phone easily. The distance at which the energy or power can be transfer increased when
the transmitter and receiver must be resonating at the same frequency. This resonant
frequency refers to the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates or rings. Maximum
energy is achieved when the resonant frequency become high. The amount of frequency
generated at transmitter coil is depends on the value of inductor and capacitors.
The LC oscillator circuit is NE555 timer circuit which is arranged in multi vibrator mode.
The circuit is designed to produce a higher frequency of around 1MHz.the output of NE555
timer which is taken by pin three (3) is connected to the base of the three general purpose
transistor Q1, Q2 and Q3 which are used as amplifier circuit and to drive the MOSFET
Q3.the MOSFET Q3 is used to switch the LC oscillator circuit which farther transmit
oscillating magnetic field. the frequency generated by NE555 timer circuit is given by-;
The output is high when Q in the internal S-R flip-flop is high. The flip-flop set via
comparator C1 when triggering input goes below Vcc/3. Similarly, the flip-flop can be set
low by C2 when the threshold input goes above 2Vcc/3.when the output is low, the
discharged pin is pulled low by internal transistor Q1.
The 555 timer is a popular and easy to use for general purpose timing applications from 10 µs
to hours or from mHz to MHz frequency. In the time-delay or mono-stable mode of
operation, the timed interval is controlled by a single external resistor and capacitor network.
In the a-stable mode of operation, the frequency and duty cycle can be controlled
independently with two external resistors and a single external capacitor. Maximum output
sink and discharge sink current is greater for higher VCC and less for lower VCC. If we
assume the voltage across C is zero, the input is low, and output is high. Then the internal
discharge transistor is off and C charges up. The output goes low when capacitor reaches
2Vcc/3 and discharge transistor turns on. Through R2 the capacitor discharges and when the
capacitor voltages reaches Vcc/3, the output goes high. The capacitor voltage cycles between
Vcc/3 and 2Vcc/3.
3.2.3 Oscillator Circuit
The main aim of the oscillator circuit is to generate a square wave having a very high
oscillating current. This is necessary in order to come up with a strong magnetic field.
Therefore, a sinusoidal oscillator is required having a regenerative (positive) feedback the
other major requirements are LC NE555 IC work to selectively choose our working
frequency and a higher amplification value to drive the transmitter coil and create a strong
magnetic field. The oscillator circuit is shown fig. 3.6 above. The frequency of the generated
signal depends on the circuit contract this circuit we use NE555 timer IC i.e.
NE555 timer devices use resistor and capacitor charging delay to provide operating
Amplifier circuit is constructed from three NPN BC547 transistor. we used two resistors as a
current limiter74LS04 inverter IC and R=10. IRF620 transistor are N-Channel enhancement
mode silicon gate power field effect transistors. They are advanced power MOSFETs
designed, tested, and guaranteed to withstand a specified level of energy in the breakdown
avalanche mode of operation. All these power MOSFETs are designed for applications such
as switching regulators, switching converters, motor drivers, relay drivers, and drivers for
high power bipolar switching transistors requiring high speed and low gate drive power.
These types can be operated directly from integrated circuits. Amplifier circuit is needed to
amplify a signal which is coming from the output of NE555 timer IC.
3.2.5 Transmitter Coil
High frequency AC Power supply is given to the transmitter by oscillator circuit which is
around 17 volt of 1MHz frequency. Transmitter is made up of Copper coil which are wound
into number of turns as per the requirement we will use 30 number turns a diameter of
8cm.When the power is supplied to transmitter the coil energizes and results in the magnetic
coupling. Whenever, current flows through the primary transmitter coil it will induce voltage
across the air gap. This induced voltage will drive a current across the secondary (the receiver
coil) according to faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. This e.m.f causes a current to
flow if the conductor circuit is closed Hence two basic essential part of an induction are i) A
magnetic field. ii) A coil Hence the power is transferred to the receiver coil.
This section is designed to have a tuned receiver coil, rectifier and a fixed voltage regulator.
Expected output voltage is 5V dc with a current rating of 0.5-1 ampere. Figure 3.7 below
illustrates a stabilized receiver circuit. Receiver coil is similar in design to that of transmitter
coil. Running the secondary at the same resonant frequency as that of primary ensures that
the secondary has low impedance at the transmitter's frequency and that the energy is
optimally absorbed. To take energy from the receiver coil, different methods can be used, in
our case we convert directly AC source into DC source by using rectifier circuit which is full
wave diode rectifier. The receiver coil is of same diameter as transmitter coil but the no. of
turns is 40 turns. A full wave bridge rectifier is used to rectify the high frequency voltage into
a pulsating dc signal. The electrolytic capacitor C5 is used as a filter to smooth out the ripple
dc voltage from the output of the bridge rectifier. This capacitor will reduce the ripple based
on the discharge time constant of its capacitance. Voltage regulator 7805 is used to keep
voltage at a stable level so that circuits can supply a constant charging voltage and current to
the low power device. then by using 7805/5volt voltage regulator we supply constant 5volt to
our phone by connecting to USB female connector. In our simulation instead of the phone we
us 5v DC motor because we cannot get the phone in proteus 8.6 software library. Coil
Design referring to equation for minimum losses, coil design is very important therefore
proper coil design will directly enhance efficiency. The overall coil performance depends on
the following geometrical characteristics:
4. Coil diameter
The ‘555 timer IC’ which is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a verity of timer, pulse
generation, and oscillatory applications. The 55 can be used to provide time delays, as an
oscillator, and as a flip-flop element. “555 is called so because of its internal circuit. There
are ‘three’ 5k ohm resistors used in the IC and hence the name ‘555’. The resistors are
connected in series and are used as voltage dividers.
‘IRF620’ power MOSFET : This N-Channel enhancement mode silicon gate power field
effect transistor is an advanced power MOSFET designed, tested, and guaranteed to
withstand a specified level of energy in the breakdown avalanche mode of operation. We
used these power MOSFET to switch regulate and switching convertors. These types can be
operated directly from integrated circuits
TWO BC547 transistor: the application of those transistors is to control over voltage and
under voltage cut-off circuit, that means we have used to monitor bad voltage conditions and
switch a relay for cutting of the power.
R1 ,R2, R3, and R4 resistors: we are used those resistances to limit the overall flowing
current in the circuit.
L2 inductor which is the transmitter coil we used in this wireless power transmitter section,
in our project we used L2 to convert the DC power from an oscillator to a high frequency
AC power signal.
C2 and C3 capacitors: in our project the capacitors are used to blocks the flow of DC and
permits the flow of AC.
In the receiver circuit, we have used limited number of electronics equipment because as you
have seen in the circuit which is very simple circuit, so no need of using much number of
electronics equipment. The equipment’s we used in the receiver side are
Four IN5400 diode
One L1 inductor
One capacitor
The 1N5400 diode we used in the receiving circuit is used to convert alternating current
(ac)to direct current(dc).
The inductor (L1): we have used in the circuit is just a coil of wire, which is a passive two-
terminal electrical component. When we give the required dc (12v) signal to the transmitter
circuit which is converted in to a high frequency ac power and supplied to the transmitting
coil (transmitter inductor) at the load of transmitter side. So, at the receiver side the inductor
store energy in a magnetic field when this alternating current flow through it.
In the field of electronics, a voltage divider is a basic circuit, used to generate a part of its
input voltage like an output. This circuit can be designed with two resistors otherwise any
passive components along with a voltage source. The resistors in the circuit can be connected
in series whereas a voltage source is connected across these resistors.
The voltage divider rule equation accepts when you know the three values in the above
circuit they are the input voltage and the two resistor values. By using the following equation,
we can find the output voltage.
Vout=Vin. R2/R1+R2
Wireless charging can be as efficient as a wired charging. Based on the reviewed literature
and collected data, suggests that wireless power transmission could be feasible. Modern
science has now made it possible to use electricity without having to plug in any wires for
charging. Wireless power transfer by inductive coupling is described in this semester project,
we have observed small power transfer across air gap by using electromagnetic induction
when the transmitter and receiver gap is very small.
This project intended for design of wireless mobile battery charger by using the resonance
inductive coupling. Since the core objective of this project is to transfer the power wirelessly
from transmitter to the mobile phone battery charger the main design calculation needed for
the system is articulated and the circuit for the project is designed. The system bases on
coupling magnetic field, then designed and constructed as two parts. There are transmitter
part and receiver part. The transmitter feed from input source produce high frequency ac
source at the set resonance frequency. Alternative current with high frequency produced at
transmitter flow through transmitter coil. By electromagnetic induction the voltage at the
transmitter coil induce the voltage at receiver coil. The receiver coil accepts the output of the
transmitter after that it pass the power for mobile battery charger. The output of the mobile is
held at constant desired value by help of voltage regulator. The system is safe for users and
neighboring electronic devices. The design of this project can also applicable for other low
power devices by keeping the voltage at desired voltage needed for them.
The paper has provided comprehensive report on design of wireless mobile battery charger
circuit. Certainly there is a need for further study and improvement. This project cannot end
here. It can proceed forward in better way in the future. For anyone who is interested to
modify this project, it is recommended to modify with high power vacuum tube transistor
amplifier with high current that make the system more efficient, to design the maximum
distance at which more efficient power transfer for the system can be obtained and can add
another further design to improve the performance of the system.
[2]. International Journal of Electronics Electrical and Computational System; IJEECSISSN