Healers or Quacks
Healers or Quacks
Healers or Quacks
n um e r Reports
n t f rom
co s
A r e p r i
Copyright 1975 by Consumers Union of United States, Inc., Mount Vernon, NY 10550. Reprinted
by permission from CONSUMER REPORTS, September/October 1975.
Chiropractic, which literally means been a common practice, in fact, to apply chanical disturbances of the nervous sys-
"done by hand," originates from the theo- leeches, irritants, or even hot irons to tem are what impair the body's defenses.
ries of Daniel David Palmer, a tradesman tender sites along the spine as a treatment According to this theory, minor "off-cen-
who operated a "magnetic healing" studio for various disorders. terings" of the vertebrae or pelvis might
in Davenport, Iowa, late in the 19th By the end of the 19th century, how- disturb nerve function and lower the
century. According to Palmer's writings, ever, such practices had waned. The sci- body's resistance to germs. Structural mis-
one of the passions of his life had been to entific revolution that would shatter the alignments, say chiropractors, may also
discover the ultimate cause of disease boundaries of medicine in the 20th cen- disturb nerve impulses to the visceral
-why one person should be ill while tury had already begun. organs, allegedly causing or aggravating
another, "eating at the same table, work- Osteopathy, which emerged a few years such illnesses as heart disease, stomach
ing in the same shop," was spared. "This before chiropractic, adapted to the change. ulcers, and diabetes.
question," said Palmer, "had worried While retaining a separate identity-partly "While many factors impair man's
thousands for centuries and was answered because of its use of manipulative therapy health, disturbances of the nervous system
in September 1895." and its emphasis on the muscles and skel- are among the most important," asserts
etal system--0steopathy gradually adop- the American Chiropractic Association.
The answer occurred to him, wrote
ted the concepts and practices of orthodox According to the association, almost any-
Palmer, after treating a janitor he claimed
medical science as well. Osteopathic stu- thing can cause a mechanical subluxation
was deaf. Palmer alleged that he restored
dents now receive training similar to that that might trigger nerve disturbances:
the man's hearing by adjusting one of his
of medical students and earn a Doctor of gravitational strains, asymmetrical activi-
vertebrae, the bony segments of the spine.
Osteopathy (D.O.) degree. In contrast, ties and efforts, developmental defects, or
Apparently unaware that the nerves of chiropractic maintained its allegiance to other mechanical, chemical, or psychic
hearing are entirely in the skull, Palmer the 19th-century focus on the spine. irritations. "Once produced," claims the
theorized that he had relieved pressure association, "the lesion becomes a focus
on a spinal nerve that affected hearing. CHIROPRACTIC
THEORYNOW of sustained pathological irritation."
Adjusting the vertebrae, he decided, had Some chiropractors still cling strictly to
removed interference with the nerve sup- Palmer's theory that misalignments of THECHIROPRACTIC
ply and thereby allowed the body's "In- the vertebrae--0r "subluxations"-are the While Palmer's theory of disease has
nate Intelligence" to effect a cure. Innate principal cause of disease. Such practition- been modified, the primary chiropractic
Intelligence, according to Palmer, was the ers tend to advertise that chiropractic is treatment for all human illness remains
"Soul, Spirit or Spark of Life," which he crucial to good health. One recent ad, for the same as in 1895: spinal adjustment.
believed expressed itself through the instance, called vertebral subluxation "a Chiropractic adjustment is a specific
nervous system to control the healing killer of millions of people yearly." form of spinal manipulation. The tech-
process. By supposedly impeding that ex- In the main, however, chiropractic now nique, which is also used occasionally by
pression, misaligned vertebrae were judged recognizes other factors in illness. It osteopaths, physical therapists, and some
by Palmer as the cause of most disease. tends to assign bacteria and viruses a back medical doctors, is distinguished by the
In 1895, Palmer's emphasis on the seat, but it no longer ignores their exis- suddenness or speed of the maneuver,
spine raised fewer eyebrows among med- tence. Essentially, it has modified Palm- which prevents any control by the patient.
ical practitioners than it does today. Louis er's theories to accommodate some basic By comparison, a patient can voluntarily
Pasteur had only recently demonstrated scientific realities. resist-and therefore control-a manipu-
the plausibility of the germ theory of For example, modern chiropractic lation when the therapist does it slowly or
disease. And little more than a generation agrees with medicine that germs are fac- rhythmically. If there is pain, for example,
separated Palmer from many eminent tors in disease and that the body has in- the patient can physically prevent further
physicians who had viewed the spine as herent defense mechanisms against them. movement or advise the therapist accord-
the seat of iMumerable human ills. It had However, chiropractic stresses that me- ingly. The latter technique, which is gen-
Years ago some surgeons thought they had developed a promising cure
for angina, the chest pains associated with coronary heart disease. Tying
off an artery in the chest appeared to offer relief. The cure was short-lived,
however. Subsequent research showed that a sham operation, consisting
of just a superficial incision on the chest wall, was equally successful.
That experiment, like countless others, demonstrated the broad in-
fluence of the "placebo effect," a psychological reaction to a medication
or procedure that results in improvement or cure of symptoms. Because
of it, a sham operation may ease anginal pain _ora dummy pill relieve
the nausea of pregnancy.
It matters little whether the treatment is surgery, drugs, manipulation,
or incantations. The key factors in the placebo effect are the patient's
confidence in the healer and the healer's faith in the therapy-especially
when that faith is communicated to the patient.
Throughout much of medical history, the placebo effect was frequently
all any healer could offer. Indeed, a patient was often fortunate if the
actual treatment was of psychological value, or even merely worthless,
rather than harmful or fatal. Today, despite all the acumen and para-
phernalia of modern medicine, such psychological effects are still an im-
portant factor in therapy. And they frequently account for some of the
benefits obtained from the most skilled of physicians. They also explain,
in part, why chiropractors can sometimes help people.
cannot be shielded from the primary X-ray safety demands a searching review and chiropractors have a flat office fee and
beam). And chiropractic X-rays were thorough reform of chiropractic practices don't offer "discounts" for prepayment.
judged second only to medical and dental by appropriate state and Federal agendes. Nor is it accepted practice to charge extra
X-rays as the leading sources of man-made for "units of treatment," such as manipu-
radiation exposure in North America to- RECOMMENDATIONS lation, heat therapy, and the like. That
day. In CU's view, that is an extremely Overall, CU believes that chiropractic should be included in the office fee.
high risk to take for placebo medicine. is a significant hazard to many patients. ■ Don't be pressured by scare tactics,
Current licensing laws, in our opinion, such as threats of "irreversible damage" if
THE ROLE OF POLITICS lend an aura of legitimacy to unscientific treatment isn't begun promptly. And
Despite the dangers of unscientific treat- practices and serve to protect the chiro- watch out for talk about a "patch-up job"
ment, chiropractors today enjoy wider lee- practor rather than the public. In effect, as opposed to "intensive ·treatment." The
way in their scope of practice than any those laws allow persons with limited intensive treatment may apply to your
other health practitioner except the physi- qualifications to practice medicine under bank account.
cian. By comparison, other independent another name. CU would add one more precaution:
health-care providers must practice within We believe the public health would be. See a physician as well and find out what
far stricter limits. A dentist doesn't treat better served if state and Federal govern- he or she· has to say about the problem.