A Deep Learning Approach For Face Detection and Lo

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A Deep Learning Approach for Face Detection and Location on Highway

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AIAAT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 435 (2018) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/435/1/012004

A Deep Learning Approach for Face Detection and

Location on Highway

Yang Zhang 1,2, Peihua Lv1,2and Xiaobo Lu1,2,*

School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control of Complex Systems of Engineering,
Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing210096, China
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Face detection and location technique is a hot research direction during recent years.
Especially, driver face detection on highway is still a challenging problem in social safty
deserving research. This paper proposes a novel algorithm based on the improved Multi-task
Cascaded Convolutional Networks (MTCNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) to realize
accurate face region detection and feature location of driver's face on highway, predicting face
and feature location via a coarse-to-fine pattern. The proposed algorithm is verified under
various complex highway conditions. Experimental results show that the proposed model
shows satisfied performance compared to other state-of-the-art techniques used in driver face
detection and alignment, keeping robust to the occlusions, varying pose and extreme
illumination on highway.
Keywords. Driver face detection; Face alignment; Convolutional Networks; Support Vector

1. Introduction
Face detection and alignment technology has been widely used in various practical fields, especially in
driver face detection and alignment area, which involves public security and traffic order. With the
fast development of digital image processing technology, various detection and alignment techniques
have been proposed [1]. However, in real applications, there exit varying illumination, occasion as
well pose affect the detection and alignment performance.
Face detection is a hot research direction in these years. In 2004, Viola [2] put forward cascade
detection method based on AdaBoost with Haar-Like features to perform cascaded classifiers.
Unfortuntely, some later researches [3, 4] indicate that it cannot keep continued competitiveness in
real applications which affect the visual consistency of faces. Afterwards, deep CNNs are utilized in
face detection. Yang et al. [5] proposed the deep neural networks for facial feature recognition.
However, this algorithm is time consumely in real condition. Later, Kaipeng Zhang designed the
MTCNN [6] model, which is consisted of three layers of precise deep convolutional networks.
Nevertheless, due to its fixed training samples and limited network structure, when it comes to real
condition, such as driver face detection, it show unsatisfied performance.
At the same time, face alignment also attracts wide study interests. The research fruits in this area
can be approximately divided into two parts[7-12], regression-based techniques and template fitting
methods. Nevertheless, previous methods about face detection and alignment methods overlooked the
inherent relationship among these two issues.

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AIAAT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 435 (2018) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/435/1/012004

In this paper, we propose a driver face detection and alignment model based on improved MTCNN
and SVM[13], called IMT-SVM, forming adaptive detection and alignment model. We train this
model on our own traffic driver face database, which is constructed by Public Security Department of
Jiangsu Province, verifying the performance on the testing dataset. According to the experimental
result, the IMT-SVM model shows high detection rate as well as low error detection rate compared to
other state-of-the-art method.

2. Basic Theory
In this paper, we do research on the structural improvement of MTCNN and realize the fusion of SVM,
improving the performance of the original algorithm. In this section, the basic theory about face
detection and alignment which are utilized in our model are introduced.

2.1. MTCNN
The main purpose of MTCNN is to construct the image pyramid of the corresponding face image. The
overall stages of MTCNN which is constituted of three convolutional networks are illustrated below.

2.1.1. Proposal Network (P-Net). The fully convolutional network is utilized to get the rough facial
windows as well the corresponding vectors contain bounding box regression information. This can be
concluded as a two-class classification issue which can be solved by the cross-entropy loss.
i    
  y det log pi   1  yidet 1  log pi  (1)

yidet  0,1 (2)

In Eq(1), xi is the input image, pi is the probability represents xi being the face. Eq(2) indicates
thelabel of ground-truth.

2.1.2. Refine Network (R-Net). This layer of network play the role of calibration based on bounding
box regression and NMS, aiming at rejects major false rough facial windows. This objective can be
summed as a regression problem, as well overcomed by Euclidean loss.
i  yˆ ibox  yibox (3)

In Eq(3), ŷibox and yibox represent the regression target calculated by the network and the
corresponding real coordinate, respectively.

2.1.3.Output Network (O-Net). This stage proposes more supervisions to mark face region. Most
important of all, this stage marks out five facial features’ coordinates. Facial features detection belongs
to the regression issue through minimizing the defined Euclidean loss:

i  yˆ ilandmark  yilandmark (4)
landmark landmark
In Eq(4), ŷi and yi are the coordinates of facial features correspond to trained network
and real condition for the i-th input image, respectively. The facial features are consisted of five
feature points, including left eye, right eye, nose, left mouth as well as right mouth.

2.2. SVM
SVM is a classical classification method applied in pattern recognition field. SVM maps the pixels'
data into the space consisted of higher dimensional which is contribute to constructing the optimal
separating hyperplane, aiming at solving the quadratic programming and local minima issue. In our
model, we propose SVM for classification issues of two classes, whether it is face region or not,

AIAAT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 435 (2018) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/435/1/012004

realizing multiple classification judgment. The combination of SVM and MTCNN can be utilized in
complex conditions.

3. The proposed method

3.1. The Whole Procedure of IMT-SVM

Fig.1 performs the procedure chart of the IMT-SVM algorithm. Firstly, the P-Net can get the rough
facial windows in the input driver face image. Secondly, the accurate face region is labeled through R-
Net. Thirdly, SVM model is utilized to judge whether it is driver face region. If not, the false sample
will be deleted. Finally, the five facial features’ coordinates are labeled through O-Net.

Proposal Refine
Network Network
(P-Net) (R-Net)

Manual hard



Figure 1.The Procedure of IMT-SVM algorithm

3.2. Architecture of Proposed Convolutional network

In IMT-SVM model, we make improvement on the architectures of P-Net, R-Net as well O-Net,
which share similar architecture (Fig.2). The size of input image is 28*28 . C1 and C2 are the first and
second convolutional layer, respectively, which consist of six feature maps. They share the same
convolutional kernel of 5*5.

Figure 2. The Architecture of Proposed Convolutional network

3.3. Manual Hard Sample Mining

We use the training set of our own traffic driver face database to train this model. The testing set is
utilized to verify the performance. What should be noticed is that, even though the online hard sample

AIAAT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 435 (2018) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/435/1/012004

mining is conducted in MTCNN. However, in real application, especially in highway condition, as the
result of complex environment, it is necessary to manual generate representative negative sample,
strengthening the detector in training procedure. Experimental results indicate that this strategy
performs better performance with adding manual hard sample, showing in Section IV.

4. Experimental Results
In this section, We use our own traffic driver face database, which is constructed by Public Security
Department of Jiangsu Province, as dataset, containing approximately 1500 driver face images in
different traffic conditions. We randomly choose 1000 images for training IMT-SVM model,
remaining 500 images for verifying the model's performance. Double kernel CPU are used to train the
networks. The performances of our method on face detection and alignment are shown below.

4.1. The Performances of Face Detection

Fig.3 and Fig.4 show the testing sample of IMT-SVM model under different environment. The
detection and alignment results of IMT-SVM model in the dark environment and day time are
performed. We can get the conclusion that the proposed model in this paper can realize good
performance in complex environment on highway . Table 1 is the comparing table, indicating the
detecting performances of IMT-SVM technique with MTCNN as well as Cascade CNN [14]. From the
experimental result, the proposed technique in this paper shows high detection rate as well as low error
detection rate compared to other state-of-the-art method [15]. This fully proves the IMT-SVM
algorithm own excellent performance on improving the accuracy of driver face detection.

(a) Original image (b) Result picture (c) Magnified labelled face
Figure 3. The detection and alignment result of IMT-SVM model under the dark environment

(a) Original image (b) Result picture (c) Magnified labelled face
Figure 4.The detection and alignment result of IMT-SVM model during the day time

AIAAT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 435 (2018) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/435/1/012004

Table 1.Detecting Performances Between our Method and Other comparision Techniques

Detection IMT-SVM MTCNN [6] Cascade CNN [19]

Method (OUR)
Detection 83% 75.6% 68.9%
Detection 1.35% 11.28% 18.7%

4.2. The Performances of Face Alignment

Then, we compare the alignment performances of our method with MTCNN as well as Cascade CNN.
Average alignment errors on left eye(LE), right eye(RE), nose(N), left mouth(LM) as well as right
mouth(RM) of the above methods are shown in Fig.5. For nose tip, which is the most difficult in
detection, the average error of IMT-SVM method is approximately 2.3% lower than MTCNN and
about 4.2% lower than Cascde CNN. When it comes to other face features, including LE, RE, LM and
RM, IMT-SVM algorithm’ error rates still rank the lowest in the contrast methods. According to the
result, we can prove that the IMT-SVM model shows outstanding performance on improving the
precision of driver face alignment.

Figure 5. The alignment results of our model and other comparison techniques

5. Conclusions
This paper proposes a driver face detection and alignment model based on improved MTCNN and
SVM. As face detection through convolutional network in MTCNN show unsatisfied error detection
rate, it is desirable to use SVM for multiple classification judgment. In addition, improved MTCNN is
proposed to realize precise facial point detection under complex highway environment. Experimental
results show that the IMT-SVM model in this paper is effective, keeping robust to the occlusions,
varying pose and extreme illumination on highway.
However, our work has some limitations under complex illumination environment and shadowed
face images. Thus, in future work, denoising method [16][17] is a direction worth studying and
making improvements[18][19].

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.61871123), Key
Research and Development Program in Jiangsu Province (No.BE2016739) and a Project Funded by
the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions.

AIAAT 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 435 (2018) 012004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/435/1/012004

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