Antibiotics: Relationship Between Virulence and Resistance Among Gram-Negative Bacteria
Antibiotics: Relationship Between Virulence and Resistance Among Gram-Negative Bacteria
Antibiotics: Relationship Between Virulence and Resistance Among Gram-Negative Bacteria
Relationship between Virulence and Resistance
among Gram-Negative Bacteria
Virginio Cepas and Sara M. Soto *
ISGlobal, Hospital Clínic—Universitat de Barcelona, 08036 Barcelona, Spain; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-93-227-5707
Received: 1 October 2020; Accepted: 16 October 2020; Published: 20 October 2020
Abstract: Bacteria present in the human body are innocuous, providing beneficial functions, some of
which are necessary for correct body function. However, other bacteria are able to colonize, invade,
and cause damage to different tissues, and these are categorised as pathogens. These pathogenic
bacteria possess several factors that enable them to be more virulent and cause infection. Bacteria have
a great capacity to adapt to different niches and environmental conditions (presence of antibiotics,
iron depletion, etc.). Antibiotic pressure has favoured the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant
bacteria worldwide. Several studies have reported the presence of a relationship (both positive
and negative, and both direct and indirect) between antimicrobial resistance and virulence among
bacterial pathogens. This review studies the relationship among the most important Gram-negative
bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) taking into account two points of view: (i) the
effect the acquisition of resistance has on virulence, and (ii) co-selection of resistance and virulence.
The relationship between resistance and virulence among bacteria depends on the bacterial species,
the specific mechanisms of resistance and virulence, the ecological niche, and the host.
1. Introduction
Bacteria present in the human body are innocuous, providing beneficial functions, some of which
are necessary for correct body function. However, other bacteria are able to colonise, invade and cause
damage to different tissues and are categorized as pathogens. Pathogenic bacteria possess a variety
of factors that allow them to cause damage to the host, but they are able to modify their virulence to
adapt to the host immune system [1]. However, bacterial pathogenicity is a complex and multifactorial
process, which depends on both human and bacterial factors, such as the host immune status and the
bacterial virulence. The virulence mechanisms used by the bacteria to cause infection include adhesins,
invasins, type three secretion systems, outer membrane proteins, toxins, capsules, iron acquisition
systems, and biofilm formation, among others. Some of these mechanisms are chromosomic located
such as some adhesins, but others are located within mobile genetic elements such as plasmids.
Nowadays, one of the most important health problems is the increasing emergence and spread
of antimicrobial resistance among different microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, virus, and parasites).
Among bacteria, resistance to antibiotics is rising in both community and hospital settings in association
with an increase in mortality and morbidity. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are estimated to cause
33,000 deaths in Europe and 700,000 in the world each year. In the worst-case scenario, by 2050,
10 million people in the world will die every year from bacterial infections, exceeding 1.8 million deaths
from cancer [2]. The emergence of resistance in bacteria is threatening our ability to treat common
infectious diseases, resulting in prolonged illness, disability, and death. Consequently, antimicrobial
resistance increases healthcare costs, with lengthier hospital stays estimated at 2.5 million days of
extra hospitalisation per year throughout the European Union, for a cost of about 900 million euros [3].
This poses serious challenges to the functioning of healthcare systems and represents high economic
costs to society.
The development of new antibiotics with new mechanisms of action slowed in 1968 after the
discovery of cephalosporins [4]. Most of the antibiotics developed thereafter are derivatives of the
existing classes, being considered as “new-generation”. Unfortunately, the development of an antibiotic
has, sooner or later, been followed by the emergence of bacterial strains resistant to these antibiotics [5].
There are three types of antibiotic resistance: (i) innate resistance by genes encoding inherent antibiotic
resistance present in the bacteria, (ii) acquired resistance due to selective antibiotic pressure from the
environment, and (iii) adaptative resistance that is a reflection of the ecological niche of the bacteria
and includes environmentally induced genetic changes [6]. One of the most important mechanisms of
the spread of antimicrobial resistance is through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Thus, most acquired
resistance is propagated by three ways of horizontal transfer between bacteria belonging to the same
or different species or genera: mobile genetic elements (plasmids, transposons, etc.), transfection by
bacteriophages, or by the acquisition of environmental DNA [7].
Although virulence and resistance are developed at different times (virulence from the beginning
of host colonisation and resistance from the appearance of antibiotics), they are not independent
characteristics but rather there is a relationship between them that depends on the bacterial species,
the specific mechanisms of resistance and virulence, the ecological niche and environmental conditions,
and the immune system of the host. In addition to the immune status, diet, age, and stress determine
the host susceptibility to infection. Thus, opportunistic pathogens are able to cause infection in
immunocompromised patients but not in healthy individuals [1].
Three scenarios have been reported: (i) an increase of resistance accompanied by an increase of
virulence; (ii) an increase of resistance accompanied by a decrease of virulence; and (iii) an increase of
resistance that does not cause effects on virulence.
In this work, this relationship among the most important Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) is revised taking into account two points of view: (i) the effect the
acquisition of resistance has on virulence and (ii) the co-selection of resistance and virulence.
quinolones presented a decrease in the expression of type 1 fimbriae in comparison with susceptible
strains (p = 0.019). In addition, a higher percentage of hemolysin-producing strains was found in
strains susceptible to quinolones, and the presence of the cnf1 and sat genes (encoding the cytotoxic
necrotizing factor and toxin autotransporter, respectively) in these strains, both of which are involved
in virulence, was also more frequent [20]. This study showed that quinolone resistant UPEC have fewer
virulence factors, and they also show a decrease in the expression of type 1 fimbriae. Virulence factors
located in the chromosome, such as aerobactin and P-fimbriae, were often absent in quinolone-resistant
E. coli isolates [21–23].
A possible explanation for these results could be: when the strain is resistant to quinolones
by a mutation in codon 83 of the DNA-gyrase, this mutation produces a reduction of the degree
of supercoiling of the catalyzed DNA by this enzyme [19]. The expression of some genes has been
linked to a negative supercoil, as is the case with fimA, which encodes type 1 fimbriae. To support
this hypothesis, the role of the acquisition of a mutation in the gyrA gene in the virulence and protein
expression of UPEC was studied. The HC14366M strain carrying a mutation in the gyrA gene (S83L)
was found to lose the capacity to cause CT and PNP mainly due to a decrease in the expression of the
fimA, papA, papB, and ompA genes. The levels of expression of the fimA, papB, and ompA genes were
recovered on complementing the strain with a plasmid containing the gyrA wild-type gene. However,
only a slight recovery was observed in the colonisation of the bladder in the GyrA complement strain
compared to the mutant strain in a murine model of ascending UTI. Therefore, a mutation in the
gyrA gene of UPEC reduced the virulence of the bacteria, likely in association with the effect of DNA
supercoiling on the expression of several virulence factors and proteins, thereby decreasing their
capacity to cause CT and PNP [24].
The second hypothesis is that, during the development of quinolone resistance, probably facilitated
by exposure to these antimicrobials, these agents can act by enhancing the increase of the deletion and
transposition of DNA regions (such as PAIs). These PAIs share some characteristics of bacteriophages,
and it has been shown that prophages inserted into the chromosome are split by SOS system activity
(see Section 5).
Nonetheless, one hypothesis does not preclude the other, and both mechanisms can be
observed concomitantly.
Resistance to ciprofloxacin due to mutations in the parC and gyrA genes showed no reduction
in in vitro growth rates. The biological cost of quinolone resistance differs among bacterial species
and depends on the level of resistance and the number of resistance mutations, and highly resistant
mutants with multiple mutations show significantly lower fitness than wild-type strains [25].
Several studies have determined that hemolysin-producing E. coli isolates were less resistant to
tetracycline, nalidixic acid, cefotaxime and cotrimoxazol than non-hemolytic isolates [26,27]. In addition,
there is a significant correlation between resistance to ceftazidime and cefotaxime with the presence
of fyuA and iutA iron genes in UPEC isolates, while isolates harbouring the chuA genes were more
susceptible to sulfamethoxazole [27].
However, a positive relationship has been found between the acquisition of resistance and
virulence in the case of other antimicrobial agents. UPEC strains carrying the blaCTX-M15 presented
more colV, colE2-E9, colIa-Ib, hlyA, and csgA genes. On the other hand, some UPEC strains present
blaOXA-2 beta lactamase together with presence of colM, colB, colE, and crl genes [28]. It has been
reported that tetA and tetB positive E. coli strains more often carry the virulence factors for P- fimbriae
and aerobactin than susceptible strains [29].
Another mechanism that is involved in the dissemination of virulence and resistance is the
presence of prophages. Thus, the Shiga toxin of E. coli is a virulence factor carried by prophages.
These prophages can spread this toxin to other species that possess resistance mechanisms favouring
the persistence or dissemination of both virulence and resistance in the environment [1].
Porins are barrel membranes that cross cell membranes and act as a pore through which molecules
such as nutrients, toxins and antibiotics can diffuse. They play an important role in virulence and
Antibiotics 2020, 9, 719 4 of 11
resistance, controlling not only the entry of antibiotics into the bacteria, but also the virulence factors [1].
In E. coli, OmpC is related to both characteristics. It has been observed that a deletion of this porin
causes antibiotic resistance and a reduction of antibody-dependent bactericidal activity [30]. This porin
has also been related to adhesion, cell invasion, and intestinal colonisation in patients with Crohn’s
disease [31] (Table 1).
Therefore, positive and negative relationships between antibiotic resistance and virulence exist,
depending on the antibiotic studied, the mechanism of resistance and the type of E. coli.
a mouse infection model, as well as an increase in colonisation and systemic dissemination, and an
increase in killing by human serum and low pH [36,37] (Table 2).
Mutations in the gyrA and parC genes conferring quinolone resistance in P. aeruginosa have been
associated with a higher expression of the TTSS genes including the exoS, exoT, exoU and exoY genes
involved in virulence. ExoS is a major cytotoxin involved in colonisation, invasion and dissemination
of bacteria during infection [38]. ExoU has been related to diverse infections and to the severity of
the infection [38]. Thus, exoS+/exoU+ P. aeruginosa strains have increased cytotoxicity and quinolone
resistance [39].
Among P. aeruginosa, both positive and negative relationships between virulence and resistance
can be found, playing an important role the levels of efflux pumps expression on the presence of
secreted virulence factors.
In many cases, biofilms worsen the course of infection since they increase antimicrobial treatment
tolerance and trigger treatment failure (J William Costerton et al. 1995; Stewart 2015). Indeed, biofilms
increase treatment resistance by up to 100–1000-fold compared to their planktonic counterparts [57].
Moreover, biofilms avoid innate and adaptive immune defences [58]. The biofilm architecture confers
protection from external aggressions (i.e., pH and temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, dryness,
oxidation, metal ions or biocides), providing an ideal environment for their establishment [59–62].
This biofilm lifestyle provides a highly versatile structure which, unfortunately, makes treatment
and eradication difficult. There is, therefore, an urgent need to increase our current knowledge about
the genetics and physiological mechanisms of biofilms.
The mechanisms involved in biofilm antimicrobial tolerance can be classified into two groups
(Table 4):
- Innate mechanisms, as a result of biofilm growth, such as extracellular matrix (ECM), metabolism
heterogeneity and persister cells. Escape from the immune system can indirectly be included
in this group, since the ECM provides cellular protection and allows persister cells to remain
undetected by the host immune system.
- Induced or acquired resistance, derived from response to antimicrobial treatment (efflux pumps)
or HGT, respectively.
Thus, innate mechanisms have been identified as factors that lead to biofilm antimicrobial
tolerance, while induced and acquired resistance may contribute to biofilm antimicrobial tolerance
but are not the main factors of biofilm recalcitrance [57,63]. Cell density and intercellular proximity
inside biofilm promotes HGT through conjugation, transduction, and transformation, promoting
both biofilm formation and gene transfer between biofilm forming species [54]. In this horizontal
transmission, microorganisms harbouring plasmids containing antimicrobial resistance or virulence
genes can contact other non-resistant cells, being able to transfer these plasmids and leading to new
resistant or virulent cells [6].
Biofilms also play an important role in virulence, favouring the persistence and chronicity of
infection as well as acting as a source of bacterial dissemination. Therefore, biofilm development
is an essential part of bacterial pathogenicity, and it presents complex transcriptional regulation [6].
Within the biofilm, virulence genes can be activated through different mechanisms such as quorum
sensing or two-component systems.
Apart that biofilm confer to the bacteria protection against the antibiotics and the immune system
as well as virulence characteristics, a relationship between resistance and virulence exists within the
formation of a biofilm structure. Thus, this structure facilitates the transference and the spread of
antibiotic resistance and virulence genes among the cells forming the biofilm through HGT, among
other mechanisms.
Several studies have demonstrated a relationship between biofilm formation and quinolone
resistance in E. coli. Thus, among UPEC isolates, strains forming biofilm were significantly less resistant
to nalidixic acid than those negative for biofilm formation (19% vs. 38%, p = 0.01) [64]. Salicylate induces
a number of morphological and physiological alterations in bacteria including the activation of the
transcriptional regulator MarA, which is also involved in quinolone resistance. An inverse relationship
was observed between in vitro biofilm formation and the salicylate concentration added to the culture
Antibiotics 2020, 9, 719 7 of 11
medium. Thus, the presence of salicylate increases the expression of marA and decreases the expression
of the fimA and fimB genes in the wild-type strain. Therefore, the expression of type 1 fimbriae in the
presence of salicylate may be regulated by the level of marA expression through a fimB regulator, albeit
through neither the ompX nor the tolC genes [65].
On the other hand, a positive relationship has been found between P. aeruginosa resistant strains
and biofilm formation, with resistant strains presenting higher biofilm production than susceptible
strains [66].
Table 5. Relationships among resistance and virulence through mobile genetic elements.
6. Conclusions
Antimicrobial resistance and virulence are not two independent characteristics but rather a
negative or positive relationship can be found between them. This relationship offers advantages
to the microorganisms, conferring characteristics that allow them to survive in different niches with
different selective pressures (presence of antibiotics, etc.). Thus, the acquisition of antibiotic resistance
can induce the loss of virulence factors and biofilm formation among UPEC strains but, in other
cases, an increase in antibiotic resistance enhances virulence capacity. In some cases, this relationship
is very direct. When the virulent pathogen is present in the host causing infection, antimicrobial
treatment is given, that could be associated to an increase of bacterial resistance. In addition, mobile
genetic elements are an important route of dissemination of both virulence and resistance and could be
an important health problem due to the acquisition of these mobile genetic elements carrying both
virulence and resistance genes, could become susceptible strains to more pathogenic and resistant
bacteria. Therefore, not only are new antibiotics needed, but anti-virulence molecules may also be
useful in the fight against the emergence and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant strains.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.M.S.; writing—original draft preparation, V.C., and S.M.S.;
writing—review and editing, S.M.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work was funded by the European Commission under the H2020 program, NoMorFilm Project
(Grant Agreement 634588). ISGlobal is a CERCA center from the Generalitat of Catalunya and a Severo Ochoa
Center (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovations, and Universities) supported by Planes Nacionales de I+D+i
2008–2011/2013–2016 and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19/00478), Subdirección General de Redes y Centros de
Investigación Cooperativa, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spanish Network for Research in Infectious
Diseases (REIPI RD12/0015/0013 and REIPI RD16/0016/0010) co-financed by European Development Regional
Fund “A way to achieve Europe” and operative program Intelligent Growth 2014–2020.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank to the University of Barcelona for VC support.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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