Data Structure and Algorithms (CO2003) : Chapter 3 - Recursion

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Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003]

Chapter 3 - Recursion

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD.


Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering

Hochiminh city University of Technology

1. Recursion and the basic components of recursive algorithms

2. Properties of recursion

3. Designing recursive algorithms

4. Recursion and backtracking

5. Recursion implementation in C/C++

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• L.O.8.1 - Describe the basic components of recursive algorithms (functions).

• L.O.8.2 - Draw trees to illustrate callings and the value of parameters passed to them for
recursive algorithms.
• L.O.8.3 - Give examples for recursive functions written in C/C++.
• L.O.8.5 - Develop experiment (program) to compare the recursive and the iterative
• L.O.8.6 - Give examples to relate recursion to backtracking technique.

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Recursion and the basic
components of recursive

Recursion is a repetitive process in which an algorithm calls itself.

• Direct : A → A
• Indirect : A → B → A

Factorial "
1 if n = 0
F actorial(n) =
n × (n − 1) × (n − 2) × ... × 3 × 2 × 1 if n > 0

Using recursion: "

1 if n = 0
F actorial(n) =
n × F actorial(n − 1) if n > 0

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Basic components of recursive algorithms

Two main components of a Recursive Algorithm

1. Base case (i.e. stopping case)
2. General case (i.e. recursive case)

Factorial "
1 if n = 0 base case
F actorial(n) =
n × F actorial(n − 1) if n > 0 general case

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Figure 1: Factorial (3) Recursively (source: Data Structure - A pseudocode Approach with C++)

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Factorial: Iterative Solution

Algorithm iterativeFactorial(n)
Calculates the factorial of a number using a loop.
Pre: n is the number to be raised factorially
Post: n! is returned - result in factoN

factoN = 1
while i <= n do
factoN = factoN * i
return factoN
End iterativeFactorial
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Factorial: Recursive Solution

Algorithm recursiveFactorial(n)
Calculates the factorial of a number using a recursion.
Pre: n is the number to be raised factorially
Post: n! is returned

if n = 0 then
return 1
return n * recursiveFactorial(n-1)
End recursiveFactorial

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Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 8 / 41
Properties of recursion
Properties of all recursive algorithms

• A recursive algorithm solves the large problem by using its solution to a simpler

• Eventually the sub-problem is simple enough that it can be solved without applying the
algorithm to it recursively.
→ This is called the base case.

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Designing recursive algorithms
The Design Methodology

Every recursive call must either solve a part of the problem or reduce the size of the problem.

Rules for designing a recursive algorithm

1. Determine the base case (stopping case).
2. Then determine the general case (recursive case).
3. Combine the base case and the general cases into an algorithm.

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Limitations of Recursion

• A recursive algorithm generally runs more slowly than its nonrecursive implementation.

• BUT, the recursive solution shorter and more understandable.

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Print List in Reverse

93 19 8 26

26 8 19 93

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Print List in Reverse

93 19 8 26

26 8 19 93

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Print List in Reverse

Algorithm printReverse(list)
Prints a linked list in reverse.
Pre: list has been built
Post: list printed in reverse

if list is null then

printReverse (list -> next)
print (list -> data)
End printReverse

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Greatest Common Divisor

" a if b = 0
gcd(a, b) = b if a = 0
gcd(b, a mod b) otherwise
gcd(12, 18) = 6
gcd(5, 20) = 5

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Greatest Common Divisor

Algorithm gcd(a, b)
Calculates greatest common divisor using the Euclidean algorithm.
Pre: a and b are integers
Post: greatest common divisor returned

if b = 0 then
return a
if a = 0 then
return b
return gcd(b, a mod b)
End gcd

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Fibonacci Numbers

" 0 if n = 0
F ibonacci(n) = 1 if n = 1
F ibonacci(n − 1) + F ibonacci(n − 2) otherwise

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Fibonacci Numbers


Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)

Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-3) + Fib(n-4)

Fib(n-3) + Fib(n-4)

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Fibonacci Numbers

Fib(4) 3

Fib(3) 2 + Fib(2) 1

Fib(2) 1 + Fib(1) 1 + Fib(0) 0

Fib(1) 1 + Fib(0) 0

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...
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Fibonacci Numbers

Algorithm fib(n)
Calculates the nth Fibonacci number.
Pre: n is postive integer
Post: the nth Fibonnacci number returned

if n = 0 or n = 1 then
return n
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
End fib

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Fibonacci Numbers

No Calls Time No Calls Time

1 1 < 1 sec. 11 287 < 1 sec.
2 3 < 1 sec. 12 465 < 1 sec.
3 5 < 1 sec. 13 753 < 1 sec.
4 9 < 1 sec. 14 1,219 < 1 sec.
5 15 < 1 sec. 15 1,973 < 1 sec.
6 25 < 1 sec. 20 21,891 < 1 sec.
7 41 < 1 sec. 25 242,785 1 sec.
8 67 < 1 sec. 30 2,692,573 7 sec.
9 109 < 1 sec. 35 29,860,703 1 min.
10 177 < 1 sec. 40 331,160,281 13 min.

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 21 / 41
The Towers of Hanoi

Move disks from Source to Destination using Auxiliary:

1. Only one disk could be moved at a time.

2. A larger disk must never be stacked above a smaller one.
3. Only one auxiliary needle could be used for the intermediate storage of disks.


Source Auxiliary Destination

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 22 / 41
The Towers of Hanoi

3 1

Source Auxiliary Destination

Moved disc from pole 1 to pole 3.

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The Towers of Hanoi

3 2 1

Source Auxiliary Destination

Moved disc from pole 1 to pole 2.

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The Towers of Hanoi

3 2

Source Auxiliary Destination

Moved disc from pole 3 to pole 2.

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The Towers of Hanoi

2 3

Source Auxiliary Destination

Moved disc from pole 1 to pole 3.

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The Towers of Hanoi

1 2 3

Source Auxiliary Destination

Moved disc from pole 2 to pole 1.

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The Towers of Hanoi

1 3

Source Auxiliary Destination

Moved disc from pole 2 to pole 3.

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The Towers of Hanoi


Source Auxiliary Destination

Moved disc from pole 1 to pole 3.

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The Towers of Hanoi

A, C, B)

move(2, move(1, move(2,

A, B, C) A, C, B) B, C, A)

A -> C

move(1, move(1, move(1, move(1, move(1, move(1,

A, C, B) A, B, C) C, B, A) B, A, C) B, C, A) A, C, B)
Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 30 / 41
The Towers of Hanoi : General

move(n, A, C, B)

move(n-1, A, B, C) move(1, A, C, B) move(n-1, B, C, A)


T (n) = 1 + 2T (n − 1)

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 31 / 41
The Towers of Hanoi

T (n) = 1 + 2T (n − 1)
=> T (n) = 1 + 2 + 22 + ... + 2n−1
=> T (n) = 2n − 1
=> T (n) = O(2n )

• With 64 disks, total number of moves:

264 − 1 ≈ 24 × 260 ≈ 24 × 1018 = 1.6 × 1019
• If one move takes 1s, 264 moves take about 5 × 1011 years (500 billions years).

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 32 / 41
The Towers of Hanoi

Algorithm move(val disks <integer>, val source <character>, val destination

<character>, val auxiliary <character>)
Move disks from source to destination.
Pre: disks is the number of disks to be moved
Post: steps for moves printed
print("Towers: ", disks, source, destination, auxiliary)
if disks = 1 then
print ("Move from", source, "to", destination)
move(disks - 1, source, auxiliary, destination)
move(1, source, destination, auxiliary)
move(disks - 1, auxiliary, destination, source)
Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 33 / 41
Recursion and backtracking

A process to go back to previous steps to try unexplored alternatives.

Figure 3: Goal seeking

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Eight Queens Problem

Place eight queens on the chess board in such a way that no queen can capture another.

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 35 / 41
Eight Queens Problem

Algorithm putQueen(ref board <array>, val r <integer>)

Place remaining queens safely from a row of a chess board.

Pre: board is nxn array representing a chess board

r is the row to place queens onwards

Post: all the remaining queens are safely placed on the board; or backtracking to the
previous rows is required

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 36 / 41
Eight Queens Problem

for every column c on the same row r do

if cell r,c is safe then
place the next queen in cell r,c
if r < n-1 then
putQueen (board, r + 1)
output successful placement
remove the queen from cell r,c
End putQueen
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Eight Queens Problem

Lecturer: Duc Dung Nguyen, PhD. Contact: Data Structure and Algorithms [CO2003] 38 / 41
Recursion implementation in
Fibonacci Numbers

#i n c l u d e <i o s t r e a m >
u s i n g namespace s t d ;

long f i b ( l o n g num ) ;

i n t main ( ) {
i n t num ;
c o u t << "What␣ F i b o n a c c i ␣ number ␣ do ␣ you ␣ want ␣ t o ␣ c a l c u l a t e ? ␣ " ;
c i n >> num ;
c o u t << "The␣ " << num << " t h ␣ F i b o n a c c i ␣ number ␣ i s : ␣ " << f i b ( num ) << e n d l ;
return 0;

l o n g f i b ( l o n g num ) {
i f ( num == 0 | | num == 1 )
r e t u r n num ;
r e t u r n f i b ( num−1) + f i b ( num−2);

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The Towers of Hanoi

#i n c l u d e <i o s t r e a m >
u s i n g namespace s t d ;

v o i d move ( i n t n , c h a r s o u r c e ,
char d e s t i n a t i o n , char auxiliary );

i n t main ( ) {
i n t numDisks ;
c o u t << " P l e a s e ␣ e n t e r ␣ number ␣ o f ␣ d i s k s : ␣ " ;
c i n >> numDisks ;
c o u t << " S t a r t ␣ Towers ␣ o f ␣ H a n o i " << e n d l ;
move ( numDisks , ’A ’ , ’C ’ , ’B ’ ) ;
return 0;

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The Towers of Hanoi

v o i d move ( i n t n , c h a r s o u r c e ,
char d e s t i n a t i o n , char a u x i l i a r y ){
s t a t i c int step = 0;

if ( n == 1 )
c o u t << " S t e p ␣ " << ++s t e p << " : ␣Move␣ f r o m ␣ "
<< s o u r c e << " ␣ t o ␣ " << d e s t i n a t i o n << e n d l ;
else {
move ( n −1, s o u r c e , a u x i l i a r y , d e s t i n a t i o n ) ;
move ( 1 , s o u r c e , d e s t i n a t i o n , a u x i l i a r y ) ;
move ( n − 1 , a u x i l i a r y , d e s t i n a t i o n , s o u r c e ) ;
return ;

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