An Exact Analytical Solution of Kepler's Equation
An Exact Analytical Solution of Kepler's Equation
An Exact Analytical Solution of Kepler's Equation
C. E. S I E W E R T
Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C., U.S.A.
E. E. B U R N I S T O N
Dept. of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C., U.S.A.
Abstract. Complex-variable analysis is used to develop an exact solution to Kepler's equation, for
both elliptic and hyperbolic orbits. The method is based on basic properties of canonical solutions to
appropriately posed Riemann problems, and the final results are expressed in terms of elementary
1. Introduction
Kepler's equation is, of course, basic to studies of celestial mechanics and consequently
has been of interest for several centuries. For elliptic orbits, the equation is normally
written as
e sinE = E - M , (1)
e sinh F = F + N . (2)
In Equation (1), we presume that the eccentricity ee(0,1) and the mean anomaly
M e [0,2rc] are given and thus consider the equation transcendental in E, the eccentric
anomaly. In Equation (2), we view e > 1 and the hyperbolic mean anomaly N > 0 as
given and thus seek the hyperbolic eccentric anomaly F.
To solve Equation (1), we first let
with log z denoting the principal branch of the log-function,
is analytic in the plane cut from - 1 to 1 along the real axis. It therefore follows that
any zero zk~r ( - 1, 1) of
k = 0, • 1 , _ 2, ..., (7)
will yield, by way of Equations (3), a solution of Kepler's equation, in the elliptic form.
We note that only the branch corresponding to k = 1 in Equation (5) is such that
sin- 1 ( _ z ) = - sin- 1 z.
In a similar manner, it follows that any zero zk~ of
[ !1]
i (-- l)k log f ( z ) + ,
+ 2, . . . , (8)
can be used with
e 1 N
F =- N + i-, co = - , and ~= i (9)
z e e
to yield a solution to Kepler's equation, in the hyperbolic form. Here we use the
circumflex superscript to denote quantities basic to the solution of Equation (2).
2. Basic Analysis
Our previously reported procedure (Siewert and Burniston, 1972; Burniston and
Siewert, 1972) for solving a class of transcendental equations is based on the fact that
if an appropriate Riemann problem can be formulated, then the solution(s) of the
considered transcendental equation can be expressed in terms of a canonical solution
of that Riemann problem.
From Equation (7), we find the boundary values of Ak(z), as z approaches the
branch cut [ - 1, 1] from above ( + ) and below ( - ) , to be
F 1]
C ( t ) = In f ( t ) + ~ . (12)
We now introduce
a~ (z) = A~ (z) A~ ( - z) (13)
Gk (t) = O; (t) = exp [-2i arg O~- (t)]. (15)
Here we seek a function ~k (Z)which is analytic in the plane cut from 0 to 1 along
the real axis and nonvanishing in the finite plane. Since Gk (t) is continuous (Muskhelish-
vili, 1953) and nonvanishing for re(0,1), the desired canonical solution can be written
as 1
with arg O~-(0)=0. In addition the index Nk is such that 2riNk is the change in the
argument of Gk (t) as t varies from 0 to 1.
We now restrict our efforts to seeking real solutions of Equation (1), for ee(0,1)
and Me[0,2n], and thus in view of Equations (3) can consider in Equation (7) only
those values of k for which the resulting Ak (z) will have real zeros. It is interesting
to observe that the relevant values of k depend on the eccentricity and the mean
anomaly. The argument principle (Ahlfors, 1953) can be used to determine, for a fixed
ee(0,1) and M e [0,2n], the number of zeros of Ok(Z) in the cut plane. In general, this
number can be expressed as 2 (Nk + 1). We find, upon considering all k, that Nk can
be - 1 , 0, 1, or 2. The case Nk = - 1 is not interesting since the corresponding Ok (Z)
does not have any zeros in the cut plane. For Nk =0, we find that Ok (Z) has two real
zeros in the cut plane, and thus we must consider all such possibilities; however, since
we are seeking only the real solutions of Equation (1), we can dismiss all cases for
which Nk = 1. We conclude that we must also include all possibilities for which Nk = 2.
For the allowed ee(0,1) and M e [0,2n], we can summarize our conclusions regarding
the appropriate values of k and Nk in terms of the three open regions
Rl:e< M,
n 3n
R2:e> --M and e> M
2 2'
such that
{e, M}eR1 =~ k = 1 and ~ 1 "- 2 ,
where the bar denotes the complex conjugate, we conclude that fak(Z ) cP[I(--Z) is
also a solution to the Riemann problem defined by Equation (14). It therefore follows
E2k(z) cI'[ ~ (-- z) = cI)k (z) Pk (z), (18)
where Pk (Z) is a polynomial in z. Since ~bk(z) is nonvanishing in the finite plane, we
deduce that
Ilk+ 1
P~(z)= B~ H [zL- zq, (19)
Bk = ~ -- oo~A ( k ) , (20)
and we can therefore write Equation (18) as
Nk+ I
a~ (z) = ~ (z) ~ ( - ~) B~ 1Yl [ z L - z ~ ] . (21)
with arg ~ (0)=0. In regard to Equation (2), we note that only the case k = 1 in
Equation (8) need be considered, since we seek only the real solution of Kepler's
equation; however, we find again that the index N1 depends on the parameters, e and
N. In terms of the open regions defined by
~1: e cosh N > -
we find that
{e, N} e k l =,. N1 = O,
{e, N} eR2 =,. fr = 2.
We prefer to consider separately those special values of e and N for which
{e, N} e/~s ~ e cosh N = - (25)
298 C . E . SIEWERT A N D E. E. B U R N I S T O N
since here the boundary values ~0~ (t) have zeros on the cut [-1,1l. It follows that,
for {e, N} e/~s, the argument of the coefficient
is discontinuous at
t= to - . (28)
but, of course, we seek a real solution. A canonical solution of equation (27) can be
written as
with arg .O[ (0)=0. It is important to note here, for {e, N}e/~s, that arg .O~-(t) has
a discontinuity of rc at t = to, so that arg ~ - (1) - 0 . Equation (30) can now be used to
factor ~1 (z) in the manner
.01 (Z)= ~I (Z) (~i (-- Z) ~2 [t 2 _ Z2] [Z21 - z2], {e, N } e/~s. (31)
3. Explicit Solutions
Having established the required formalism, we are now able to solve Equation (1)
almost immediately. Since our explicit solution is most concise for {e, M}eR2, we
consider that case first. Noting for this case that k = 0 and No=0, we can solve
Equation (21) to obtain
Zo21 = z 2 + 12o (z) EBb@o (z) ~o ( - z)] - I , {e, M } ~ R 2 , (32)
which can be evaluated at any convenient z to yield __+Zol, respectively the real zeros
of Ao (z) and Ao ( - z). If we now let z = iy, y real, then Equations (7) and (13) can be
used to yield
e2Qk(iY)= ~ + 1 + ~]]2 + y2 [ M -
[ e + ( - - 1 ) k y In IX/y1 rcA (k)-] 2 .
and arg O~ (0)=0. Equation (32) can now be used with Equations (3) to establish the
desired solution of Equation (1)
E = M - e (M - re) [e200 (iy) E~ (iy) - y2 (M - 7r)2] - 1/2 , {e, M } e R 2 .
Different choices of y in Equation (36) can, of course, alter the computational merits
of that result; the choice y = 0 yields
We must now consider the remaining cases {e, M}eR1 or R3. For both of these
cases the appropriate Nk is 2, and thus we choose to evaluate Equation (21) at three
distinct points, say z = iy, y=o~, fl and ),, to obtain
Fk (i~) = [z~1 + ~2] [zkZ2+ ~2] [z23 + ~2], (39a)
e~ (~fl)= [zL +/32] [z~ +/32] [z~ + fl~], (39b)
Fk (i),)= [z~1 + ),2] [Z#z + ),2] [zkZ3 + ),2], (39c)
for k = 1 or 3. Here
e20k (iy) [1 + y212 E~ (iy)
Fk (iy) = [M -- zr,A (k)] 2 " (40)
Equations (39) can be reduced by elimination to yield a cubic equation in z2~. The
300 C . E . SIEWERT A N D E. E. B U R N I S T O N
resulting cubic equation can, naturally, be solved analytically; some care must be
exercised, however, in selecting the correct value of Zk~ to be used with Equations (3)
to yield the real solution of Equation (1). We find that the desired solution of Equation
(1) can be expressed as
E=M+e(2- k) [Slk (~, fl, 7) + S2k (a, fl, 7) --]A2g (~, fl, 7)]-1/2
{e, M} eRk, k = 1 or 3, (41)
Sjk (~, fl, Y) = [Dk (~, fl, Y) -- (-- 1) j [ D2 (~, ]3, Y) + Qk3 (a, fl, 7)]1/2] 1/3
Dk fl, 7) = [Alk fl, 7) A2k fl, 7) -- 3Aok fl, 7)] --
- (43)
Qk (o~,fl, 7)= ~Alk (o~,fl, 7 ) - [-}Azk (~, fi, 7)] z. (44)
In addition,
Aok (a, fl, 7) = a2f1272 + fl272 (f12 _ 72) TFk (ia) +
+ 72a2 (72 _ a2) TF, (ifl) + a2f12 (~2 _ f12) TFk (i7), (45a)
AI, (a, fl, 7) = a2fl 2 + fl272 + 72a2 + (f14 _ 74) TFk (ia) +
+ (74 - a 4) TF, (ifl) + (a 4 - f14) TFk (i7), (45b)
A2k (c~, fl, 7) = a2 + f12 + 72 + (f12 _ 72) TF k (ia) +
+ (72 _ a2) TFk (ifl) + (~2 _ flz) TFk (i7), (45c)
T = [(~2 _ fie) (fiE _ 72)(72 _ a2)]-i, (46)
The choice of c~, fl, and '2 in Equation (41) can, of course, alter the accuracy of a
calculational scheme based on that result; a convenient choice is a = 0 , fl= 1, and
7 = 2, for which Equations (45) reduce to
Sjk = [ D k - (-- 1) j [D 2 + Q311/211/3 (50)
D k = -~ [ A ~ k A z k - 3Aok] -- [89 3, (51)
Qk = -}A lk - [-}3Azk] 2. (52)
To complete the solution given by Equation (49)7 we list the explicit results
Aok = ~313k + 4IlkIak + 215g + J (k) [ M - rcA (k)] -2 , (53a)
Alk = 2I~k + 213k + [-- 2 ( e - 1) 2 Ilk --[-- } ( e - 1)3 [M - rcA (k)] -z
Azk = 2 I l k - (e- 1) 2 [ M - rca (k)] -2 (53c)
J (k)=- 2 ( e - 1) 2 [112 + Iak] + ( e - 1) [211k + ~o] " 36 (54)
and 1
I~k = -if
t ~ arg Q~- (t) dr. 2
. (55)
Equations (36; 37; 38) and (41; 48; 49) are our final solutions of the elliptic form of
Kepler's equation. Although we have restricted our attention to those values of e and
M of physical interest, we wish to emphasize that our method can be used for all
values, real or complex. In the same vein, although we have sought only the real
solutions of Equation (1), the method clearly is not restricted to real solutions; in fact,
even for {e, M } e R 1 or R3 the complex solutions of Equation (1) deriving from the
branches corresponding to k - 1 and k = 3 are immediately available from two of the
complex solutions of Equations (39).
We now wish to solve Equation (2), the form of Kepler's equation appropriate to
hyperbolic orbits. Except for those special values of e and N for which {e, N}e/~s,
the solutions required here follow almost immediately from the previous consider-
ations. First of all, for {e, N} e/~1, Equation (23) for z = iy, y real, yields
F = - N + e N [e2~1 (iy) E f (iy) + N2y2] - 1/2 {e, N} e/~l, (56)
after Equations (9) are invoked. Here
with arg ~0~ (0) =0. We can now set y = 0 , or let y tend to infinity, in Equation (56) to
obtain two equivalent solutions of Equation (2):
b~(~, fl, r) ~[dll (a, fl, ]/)d21 (a, fl, ]/)- 3dol (a, fl, V)] -
- [3~&, (~, fl, r)]~ (64)
Q1 (0~, fl, ]/)--- ~ d l l (0~, fl, ] / ) - []d21 (0~, fl, ]/)]2. (65)
In addition,
d01 (0~, fl, ]/) - - - - ~2fl2]/2 __ fl2]/2 (f12 __ ]/2) T p I (ioc) - -
- ~,~ (,~ - ~,~) vf, (~fl) - =~fl~ (o, ~ - fl:) r& (g~,) (66a)
fl** (~,, fl, v) = ~,~fl: + fl:v~ + ~,:~,: + (f14 _ r TPl (i~) +
+ (]/4 _ e4) TF1 (ifl) + (a4 _ f14) T/~I (i7), (66b)
d21 (0~, fl, ]/) -- -- (X2 -- f12 __ ]/})2 __ (f12 __ ]/2) T/~I (i~) --
_ (]/2 _ a2) TF1 (ifl) - (a2 _ f12) T/~I (i]/), (66c)
F1 (iy)=- N2 ~21(iy) [1 + y212 ~12 (iy). (67)
A2, (0, 1, 2) = - 5 + -}Fi (0) - } f l (i) + 1-~-f~ (2i). (69c)
If we now let c~, fl, and ? tend to infinity, as previously, in Equation (62), we find
Li - 1 t" arg ~ l (t) dt - (76)
7~ a+l
Finally we need consider the special case {e, N}eRs. If we solve Equation (31), with
z - i y , for zl 1 and use that result with Equations (9), we find
F = - N + eN[e2Di (iy) EZl(iy ) + N2y2] -1/2 , {e, N}e[~s. (77)
We can now set y = 0 , or let y tend to infinity in Equation (77) to obtain
Though Equations (77), (78), and (79) are the same as those derived for {e, N}e/~l,
we wish to reiterate that for {e, N } e R s the resulting arg D~-(t) has a discontinuity
of ~ at t=to, so that arg D~- (1)=0, {e, N}e/?l or Rs. Equations (56; 60; 61), (62;
68; 70), and (77; 78; 79) are our final solutions of the hyperbolic form of Kepler's
equation. Although we have restricted our attention to those values of e and N of
physical interest and have sought only real solutions of Equation (2), the method is
not limited to either real parameters or real solutions.
A Gaussian quadrature integration procedure has been used to evaluate numerically
all of our explicit solutions, for numerous cases, and accuracy to within ten significant
figures was achieved, quite straightforwardly.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to Y. Ishiguro and J. T. Kriese for numer-
ically evaluating our solutions to obtain known results, and to J. M. A. Danby,
T. W. Mullikin and H. Pollard for the interest shown in this work.
Ahlfors, L. V.: 1953, Complex Analysis, McGraw Hill, New York.
Burniston, E. E. and Siewert, C. E.: 1972, Proe. Camb. Phil. Soc. (in press).
Muskhelishvili, N. I.: 1953, Singular Integral Equations, Noordhoff, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Siewert, C. E. and Burniston, E. E.: 1972, Astrophys. Y. 173, 405.