Medical Document Supporting The Use of Cannabis For Medical Purposes Under The Cannabis Regulations
Medical Document Supporting The Use of Cannabis For Medical Purposes Under The Cannabis Regulations
Medical Document Supporting The Use of Cannabis For Medical Purposes Under The Cannabis Regulations
Patient’s Information
Personal Information of Patient
Patient’s Last Name:
Consultation Information
Daily quantity of dried cannabis authorized for the patient: Grams/Day
Authorized period of use: Day(s)
(Note: The period of use cannot exceed one (1) year) Week(s)
Health Care Practitioner’s Licence Number (if more Province or territory authorized to practice in (if more
than one list all that apply): than one list all that apply):
Business Address of Medical Consultation with Patient (if different than above):
By signing this document, the health care practitioner is attesting that they are not restricted, under
the laws of the province or territory in which they practice, from authorizing the use of cannabis,
and that the information contained in this document is correct and complete.
Health Care Practitioner's Signature: Signature Date:
There are two scenarios where a health care practitioner may send a medical document by secure fax and
have it recognized as an original:
• If your patient chooses to access cannabis for medical purposes via a federally-licensed seller, this
medical document can be submitted from your office to the licensed seller by secure fax; or
• If Health Canada contacts your office requesting a medical document as part of an application
received from your patient for the production or possession of cannabis for medical purposes.
If you choose to submit the medical document by secure fax under one of the above scenarios, please
initial the appropriate statement below to acknowledge agreement. If these scenarios do not apply,
please leave this section blank and simply provide the original medical document to your patient.
Please select only one of the following options if sending the medical document by secure fax:
By initialling this box, I, the supporting health care practitioner, have been asked by my patient
to send this medical document directly to a licensed seller. In sending it by fax, I
acknowledge that the faxed medical document shall constitute the original medical document.
By initialling this box, I, the supporting health care practitioner, have been asked by Health
Canada to submit to them directly a new medical document as part of my patient’s application
for the production or possession of cannabis for medical purposes. In sending it by fax, I
acknowledge that the faxed medical document shall constitute the original medical document.