The Hidden Colony Layanaka: A Caribbean Themed Dungeon For Characters Level 1-4
The Hidden Colony Layanaka: A Caribbean Themed Dungeon For Characters Level 1-4
The Hidden Colony Layanaka: A Caribbean Themed Dungeon For Characters Level 1-4
a Caribbean themed
dungeon for characters level 1-4
There are no relevant landmarks except for the Lonely Shark tavern ran
by Eralda: a dark skinned woman with curly hair that likes to curse.
Players can buy provisions at the West Trading Post and there’s also a
mage named Plin that resides in one of the houses: he’s tasked with
helping the guards to cleanse parts of the jungle for a rapid colonization
but he’ll agree to Identify Magic items for a reasonable price.
Felios, the mayor of the village, will propose any adventuring party that
inquires about the colony to buy a full map of the place for 2000gp. He
lives in a slightly bigger stilt house in the northern part of the village.
He also has some guides that he can spare , they know the location of the
Colony but never ventured inside. Use the standard hireling prices.
The hidden colony was actually the last stand of refugees from the nearby
city prison of St.Barbara. The city was pillaged by pirates to free one of
their leaders and the other prisoners managed to escape via small boats
once the main walls were destroyed. This meant that around 200
prisoners, both men and women found themselves in perilous waters for 2
days before finally reaching the island of Layanaka.
Then tragedy struck: little was known to them is that the plant had small
parasites feasting on its leaves, parasites that got ingested during the
meals and slowly started to grow until, one day, they started leaving the
bodies of its inhabitants, dismembering them from the inside and taking
ownership over the colony.
Reasons For General
Adventuring Description
Treasure: The players have heard legends of The area is vibrant and deadly. Corridors
the lost Colony and of its downfall. The tales hold dead corpses, blue blood and plants.
are murky and it’s not clear what happened The whole colony collapsed when the first
but it’s been probably untouched for decades worms started appearing and the panic took
so all of the treasure is still there! over the corridors. Barricades were erected
to keep out the undead and they can be
Exploration: Felios, a grumpy man and the
found even to this day in some of the
mayor of Agador hired a force of
passages. Even if not specified most of the
mercenaries to go and explore some strange
rooms contain small and colorful plants
ruins that the explorers have found in the
growing from the cracks and blood on the
eastern part of the island. He will pay
floor. The doors are wooden with no
1000gp for a map of the place and an
distinctive features and all of them are
assessment of its conditions.
unlocked. There is no light anywhere, but the
Family Ties: The prisoners had families, and corridors have empty torch holders.
Whenever this result is rolled roll 1d6. might want to try to brew it themselves. If that
happens Phyne flowers are present on the
1 - The character start seeing blue for 1d6
island and inside the dungeon. Drinking the
Tea will make whoever consumes it immune
2 - Everyone sees small maggots crawling to Fear and Paralysis for 1d6 hours. The
upon their skin. It turns out to be an illusion effect can be acquired multiple times and
doesn't have any drawbacks but, once the tea
3 - A vision of a blue throne appears in front of
is drank whoever ingested it becomes
the PCs
infested with Parasites. The infection doesn't
4 - The characters feel like their throat is manifest for 2 weeks. After that the body will
burning and bleeding and will have to scream. start itching and the veins will pulsate during
Check for encounters the day. After 4 more days fever and vomit will
begin and the player will have to be
5 - The illusion of a blue flower manifests in bedridden. 3 weeks after drinking it the PC
front of the players. It will keep getting closer will fall into a coma and the next day 1d4
and closer and disappear after 3 seconds. Phyne Worms will come out of his dead
6 - One random player will feel stronger and
he will automatically hit his next attack
The Morturary
Of The
1 - A big room with old cloaks and jackets
hung on the eastern wall. The walls and the
floor are covered in purple powder.
A. Carrion Crawler
or 1xBite) dwells in the alcoves -
C/D. Empty
The Blue
the middle of the room turned towards the
northern wall.
23 - The door to this room is locked and 27 - This is the hiding place of Rudus, a small
trapped with a swinging ball (2d4 points of human thief that came here to retrieve the
damage). Dexterity check for half. From the amulet in Area 38. He came to the Colony
inside the room looks like an old armory with four days ago and found this secret room that
armor stands and heavily rusted weapons. he now uses to rest. He hasn’t yet found a way
None is salvageable but in one of the cabinets to open the door to Area 37. Being very
is a black key (opens Area 37) opportunistic and vile if he hears the PCs
fighting in Area 26 he’ll come out and
24 - Someone re-purposed this room as a
propose them to form an alliance. He will do
camp. Then, the occupant decided to end his
anything to avoid combat and to convince the
life: in its middle there is a man wearing a
party that, whatever their goal is, the path
leather armor, a sword trough his stomach.
towards it lies trough Area 37. If the PCs
Blue maggots are now crawling under his
successfully recover the Amulet he’ll try to
skin. The body holds nothing of value but if
run away with it as soon as possible.
the PCs spend more than one turn in this
room they’ll start hearing whispers in their 28 - A Talking Statue (AC3/3HD/
heads suggesting them to end their lives. 17THAC0/20’/1xSword 1d6) is in the
northern corner of the room. It will ask
25 - A Screaming Hummingbird (AC9/1HD/
philosophical questions to everyone that
19THAC0/120’/1xBite 1d4) has a nest in this
enters. If the PCs ignore it or don’t answer for
room that is connected to the surface trough
more than 30 seconds while remaining in the
a small shaft. If the characters get too close to
room the statue will magically close
his nest he will first make a small
the door and animate, attacking the
screeching noise (Roll for
PCs while screaming “Why do we fight
random encounters)
for?”, “Our existence is based on
and, if the party
assumptions” and similar phrases.
doesn’t get back,
he’ll unleash a hellish 29 - A giant plant can be found in this room.
scream (Roll for random It’s 10’ tall, with purple and blue leaves. Its
encounters, 3-in-6 roots extend deep into the floor
chances. Everyone and PCs inside the room can hear
hearing the scream will moans and whispers coming from
be deafened for 1d6 hours with a 20% the cracks as if hell itself is
chance of remaining deaf for life). The speaking to them. This room is an
nest contains 246sp, 37gp and a small eternal struggle between hordes of Parasites
hearth shaped bone. (AC9/2HP(1/2HD)/19THAC0/120’/Bite save
vs Poison or become infected after 1d8 hours
unless cured) and the plant. Every turn from
the cracks in the floor rises a cloud of gas that
kills the parasites, but at the same time more
vermin crawl inside trough the walls and the
ceiling. A corpse lies between the worms and
the plant’s roots. It has a Hammer of Energy
Drain and 55pp on him but recovering it
would mean avoiding both the gas (2d8
damage, Save vs Poison halves) and the
The Ways Of
destroyed others still preserved. They’re
protected by a magical field that permeates
The Thorn
as a book with the recipe for making Phyne