POL102 Mid-Term1

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POL Mid-term 1

1 Why is collective action a problem?

Free-riders need for effective enforcement
Because people who work in groups tend to sacrifice the group interest to serve their individual
Common-goods such as air and the oceans can be abused by pollution and over-fishing

2 The three ideals established by the Declaration of Independence include all of the following
Equal economic outcomes for all citizens
Three ideals: equality, consent of the governed, individual rights

3 Under the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the two components of freedom of
Religion are
The Establishment clause and the free exercise clause

4 What is the difference between civil liberties and civil rights?

Civil Liberties protect citizens from government and Civil Rights are equal protection by the
Civil Liberties are “negative rights”- the things that the government can Not do; while Civil
Rights are the things that the government Must do to provide equal protection for all citizens

5 Where do our rights come from?

God, whatever that means to you; from the fact that you are a human being; a higher authority
than government

51 In Gideon v. Wainwright Clarence Gideon could not afford- and was denied- legal
representation in his case based on the Florida statue that only afforded criminal suspects court
appointed attorneys in capital cases. The SCOTUS ruled that under the 6th Amendment
Gideon’s individual rights are subordinate to the principle of protecting the public for the
greater good and it is therefore justified to violate the individual liberties of citizens under
circumstances where the greater good for society is well served

52 Which of the following is a good definition of conformity costs?

The costs of the citizen to conform to the collective action solutions of society

6 Evidence illegally obtained may not be used to obtain a conviction against the accused. This is
known as the
Exclusionary Rule

7 The full faith and Credit clause and state extradition as outlined in Article IV, Sec.2 of the U.S.
Constitution are examples of
Horizontal federalism
8 According to the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution and the reserved powers
clause, power that are not delegated to the national government, and are not prohibited to the
states are reserved for-and given to-
The states

9 The supreme court ruling in Katz v. US that a warrant is needed wherever a person has an
“expectation of privacy” refers to
The fourth Amendments “right of the people to be secure... against unreasonable search and

10 The first amendment of the United States Constitution states, Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion..., This is referred to us
The establishment clause

11 Powers that are shared by both the national government and the state governments are called
Concurrent powers

12 In Gibbons v. Ogden the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that neither New York State, nor the state
of New Jersey had the enumerated power under the constitution to regulate interstate
commerce under Article 1, Sec 8 This case was an example of
Dual Federalism

13 In the Texas v. Johnson, flag-burning case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
Flag burning is protected as symbolic speech under the 1rst Amendment

14 The U.S. Constitution is the national government and the national government is the U.S.

15 Nonpreferentialists contend that

The state should accommodate religion so long as there is no preference given to any one
religion over another

16 The power of the U.S. Supreme Court to rule a law unconstitutional or constitutional is called
Judicial review

19 Categorical Grants given to the states by the federal government are

Targeted and more specific than block grants
Targeted and more specific than revenue sharing
Used by the federal government to influence state policy
20 Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states that the Constitution is the supreme Law of the land.
It established that the state governments cannot interfere with the federal governments
exercises of its constitutional powers. This clause has been interpreted to mean that federal law
generally, though not always will take precedence over state laws and even state constitutions.
This clause is referred to as the
Supremacy clause
21 The process of the Supreme Court applying the Bill of Rights to the governments of the states
is referred to as
22 Equal voting power of all states refers to
New Jersey plan and the United States Senate
23 “habeas corpus” refers to
The right of an accused person to be brought before a judge and informed of the charges and
evidence against him or her
24 In Roe v. Wade the u.s. supreme court ruled
That the right to privacy extends to an abortion
To legalize abortion with regulations to consider the interest of the mother, the state and the
unborn child
25 Those who interpret the Constitution more literally and see the Reserved Powers Clause as a
brake limit on the power of the national government advocate which theory of federalism?
Dual federalism
26 The New Deal under President Franklin D. Roosevelt greatly expanded the power of the
national government and ushered in an era of
Cooperative Federalism
27 There is a tension between the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First
Amendment’s right to religious liberty.
28 Which of the following was Not a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
The central government was too powerful relative to the states
29 The United States first constitution was what form of government?
30 Article II of the United States Constitution established the
Executive Branch of the national government
31 In Miranda v. Arizona, the SCOTUS ruled that
A criminal suspect must be informed that he/she has the right to remain silent and the right not
incriminate himself/herself
A criminal suspect mus be informed that he/she has the right to an attorney
32 When Frodo took the one ring to Mt.Doom...oh wait... wrong question. I mean...Miranda
Rights are intended to protect the constitutional rights of those accused of a crime.
33 Vertical Federalism refers to the power relationship between
Levels of government such as between the state and national levels of government
34 Why is the Death Penalty Constitutional when, under the 8 th Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution the government inflicting “cruel and unusual punishment” is a violation of your
individual rights?
Under the Due process Clause of the 5th and 14th Amendment, neither the Federal, nor the State
Governments can deprive individual of ‘life, liberty, or property” without Due Process of the Law,
which implies that they can with due process.

35 A unitary political system is

a centralized political system in which all authority is held by the national government
36 Regulations from the federal government requiring states to carry out policies without funding
Unfunded mandates
37 The landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision that established judicial review is
Marbury v. Madison(1803)
38 Devolution refers to the
Shifting of political power from the national government to the states
40 James Madison argues in Federalist10, that the negative effects of factions are best managed
A large diverse,pluralistic republic
41 Today the United States House of Representative bases its representation on the Virginia Plan,
which is based on
42 In the trimester framework established by Roe.v. Wade(1973), the first trimester
is where there is the least regulation of abortion
was established to consider a woman’s right to privacy regarding the decision to end her
is the first three months of pregnancy
is thought to be before the viability period
43 “... nor shall any person be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself...” is
taken from the
Fifth Amendment
44 Where is the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition in the U.S.
First Amendment
45 “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and
the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men...”
The Declaration of Independence
46 ”No person shall be... deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law”-5th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution “No state shall...deprive any person of life, liberty, or
property without due process of law”-14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
Both of the above quotes are referred to as the
Due process Clause
47 In Griswold v. Connecticut(1995), the Supreme Court ruled that the 1 st, 3rd, 4th,5th, and 9th
Amendments to the Constitution create a “penumbra” or spirit for-and therefore establish- a
fundamental right. This implied right is the
Right to privacy
48 The phrase” separation of church and state” is found in which document?
The United States Constitution
49 The Legislative Branch of the national government was established in_____ of the
Constitution of the United States.
Article I
50 The difference between the Due process clause of the 5 th Amendment and the 14th
Amendment is that
The 14th Amendment applies the 5th Amendment Due process to the state
53 Horizontal Federalism refers to the power relationship between
Institutions within a level of government such as between the three branches of the
national government at the national-level, and between the state governments at the state-level.
55 Society needs government and governments are instituted for the purpose of solving
Collective action problems
56 When the state of California recognizes the marriage of a couple married in New York
State, this is refers to the
Full Faith and Credit Clause
57 Written defamation of a person’s character is referred to as
58 Congress’s checks on the Executive Branch include all but which of the following
Appoint department heads of federal administrative agencies
59 In the New York Times v. U.S.(1971), Pentagon Papers case, the Supreme Court ruled that
Under certain circumstances prior restraint is constitutional
The New York Times could publish the Pentagon Papers
60 John Lock’s Social Contract Theory refers to the idea that
Individuals give up some rights in exchange for the government’s protection of their
natural rights
61 The Engle v. Vitale(1962) Supreme Court ruling
Made school prayer unconstitutional
62 The theory of federalism that defines the state and national governments as essentially
separate from each other with distinct and separate powers, and carrying out independent
functions is
Dual Federalism
63 Censorship of- or punishment for- the expression of ideas before those ideas are spoken
or printed is referred to as
Prior restraint
64 In Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, the necessary and proper clause
has been used to
Expand the power of the national government

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