POL102 Mid-Term1
POL102 Mid-Term1
POL102 Mid-Term1
2 The three ideals established by the Declaration of Independence include all of the following
Equal economic outcomes for all citizens
Three ideals: equality, consent of the governed, individual rights
3 Under the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, the two components of freedom of
Religion are
The Establishment clause and the free exercise clause
51 In Gideon v. Wainwright Clarence Gideon could not afford- and was denied- legal
representation in his case based on the Florida statue that only afforded criminal suspects court
appointed attorneys in capital cases. The SCOTUS ruled that under the 6th Amendment
Gideon’s individual rights are subordinate to the principle of protecting the public for the
greater good and it is therefore justified to violate the individual liberties of citizens under
circumstances where the greater good for society is well served
6 Evidence illegally obtained may not be used to obtain a conviction against the accused. This is
known as the
Exclusionary Rule
7 The full faith and Credit clause and state extradition as outlined in Article IV, Sec.2 of the U.S.
Constitution are examples of
Horizontal federalism
8 According to the 10th Amendment to the United States Constitution and the reserved powers
clause, power that are not delegated to the national government, and are not prohibited to the
states are reserved for-and given to-
The states
9 The supreme court ruling in Katz v. US that a warrant is needed wherever a person has an
“expectation of privacy” refers to
The fourth Amendments “right of the people to be secure... against unreasonable search and
10 The first amendment of the United States Constitution states, Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion..., This is referred to us
The establishment clause
11 Powers that are shared by both the national government and the state governments are called
Concurrent powers
12 In Gibbons v. Ogden the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that neither New York State, nor the state
of New Jersey had the enumerated power under the constitution to regulate interstate
commerce under Article 1, Sec 8 This case was an example of
Dual Federalism
13 In the Texas v. Johnson, flag-burning case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
Flag burning is protected as symbolic speech under the 1rst Amendment
14 The U.S. Constitution is the national government and the national government is the U.S.
16 The power of the U.S. Supreme Court to rule a law unconstitutional or constitutional is called
Judicial review