NCP For Hyperemesis Gravidarum
NCP For Hyperemesis Gravidarum
NCP For Hyperemesis Gravidarum
Subjective Anxiety Minimize the Monitor FHR FHR and Explain to the The patient
Cues: related to anxiety of the and Fetal Fetal patient the bad partially met
ineffective patient in Activity Movement is effects of anxiety the goal of
The patient coping , connection to an indication regarding her minimizing
stated that psychological her condition. that the fetus condition after 15 her anxiety.
“she was changes in is in good mins of
nauseated and pregnancy. Increase the condition. administering IV The patient
vomited knowledge of fluids. was able to
frequently the patient It is fully met the
throughout regarding her Give important for Prepare a 5 list of goal of
the day”. contidition. maximum improving techniques about doing the 5
health. the mental relaxation techniques
The patient Provide a health of the techniques: of
verbalized cool and client. -stretching relaxation.
that her calm/peaceful - concentrate on
nausea and atmosphere. breathing The patient
vomiting is -get plenty of rest fully met the
more frequent Provide Control the To prevent -have a positive goal of
snd severe relaxation environment, and reduce talk with having a
after 2 weeks. techniques limiting of anxiety. spouse/family cool and
and correct visitors and members calm
The patient breathing encourage to -sip on a atmosphere.
verbalized of techniques. multiply rest. peppermint tea
unable to go
to work and Provide or To alleviate (retrieved at
perform daily give a positive the
activities. reinforcement psychological
. effect due to s/mustelamag/the
The patient pregnancy. -8-bestways-to-
verbalized relieve-stress-
about being during-
unable to pregnancy)
tolerate fluids
orally and After 30 minutes
loss of of administering
appetite for IV fluids and
days. explain the
benefits of having
Objective a clean and
Cues: peaceful
The patient
shows signs
of anxiety and
The patient
shows signs
of malaise.
The patient
has a sudden
decrease of
weight (2.7
Subjective Imbalanced The patient Record intake Determining Encourage the The goal was
Cues: nutrition, less will be able to and output of hydration patient to avoid met when the
than body verbalize the the patient. fluids and fatty foods for patient was
The patient requirements benefit of spending 3 days upon able to
stated that related to the taking smaller synthetically administering verbalize the
“she was frequency of meals. by vomiting. IV fluids tp benefit of
nauseated and excessive Encourage alleviate eating smaller
vomited nausea and The patient eating in Enough nausea and meals
frequently vomiting. will be able to small portions intake of vomiting. frequently.
throughout reduce the but frequent. nutrients that (February 26-
the day”. consumption your body 28, 2021) The goal was
of fatty and Instruct and needs. partially met
The patient spicy foods encourage the Prepare food when the
verbalized that may client to avoid To stimulate that consists of patient was
that her trigger nausea fatty and nausea and healthy and at able to avoid
nausea and and vomiting. spicy foods. vomiting. the same time fatty and spicy
vomiting is what the foods for a
more frequent The patient Instruct to eat patient wants day.
snd severe will be nausea snacks such to eat as
after 2 weeks. and vomiting as crackers or advised by the The goal was
free by bread Snacks can OB. partially met
The patient following her reduce or when the
verbalized of food likes and avoid patient
unable to go prescribed by excessive followed a
to work and her excitatory diet prescribed
perform daily OB/Physician nausea and by her OB for
activities. . vomiting. a day.
The patient
about being
unable to
tolerate fluids
orally and
loss of
appetite for
The patient
shows signs
of anxiety and
The patient
shows signs
of malaise.
The patient
has a sudden
decrease of
weight (2.7