Modeling Mineral Size Reduction in The Closed-Circuit Ball Mill at The Pine Point Mines Concentrator (1981)
Modeling Mineral Size Reduction in The Closed-Circuit Ball Mill at The Pine Point Mines Concentrator (1981)
Modeling Mineral Size Reduction in The Closed-Circuit Ball Mill at The Pine Point Mines Concentrator (1981)
Finch, J.A. and Ramirez-Castro, J., 1981. Modelling mineral size reduction in the closed-
circuit ball mill at the Pine Point Mines concentrator. Int. J. Miner. Process., 8:
M o d e l l i n g of c l a s s i f i c a t i o n a n d c o m m i n u t i o n u n i t s f o r c i r c u i t e v a l u a t i o n ,
c o n t r o l a n d s c a l e - u p s t u d i e s has s e e n a m a j o r e f f o r t in t h e l a s t t w e n t y years.
U s u a l l y t h e average, o r overall, p e r f o r m a n c e is m o n i t o r e d . F o r h o m o g e n e o u s
feeds (i.e. n o p a r t i c l e t o p a r t i c l e v a r i a t i o n i n p r o p e r t i e s s u c h as d e n s i t y or
h a r d n e s s ) this is a p p r o p r i a t e . H o w e v e r , f o r h e t e r o g e n e o u s feeds, s u c h as
P b / Z n ores, i n d i v i d u a l m i n e r a l b e h a v i o u r is m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e .
M o d e l l i n g i n d i v i d u a l m i n e r a l b e h a v i o u r in c l o s e d g r i n d i n g c i r c u i t s has
b e e n d e s c r i b e d b y C a m e r o n e t al. ( 1 9 7 1 ) , L y n c h ( 1 9 7 7 a ) a n d F i n c h a n d
3.5x4.9 m
Fig. 1. The No. 3 grinding circuit at the Pine Point Mines concentrator. (Three out of
five cyclones were in operation at time of sampling; all streams identified were sampled.)
R ( x , r ) = R ( x , O ) exp ( - K r ) (1)
where R (x, T), R (x,0) is the cumulative percent retained above size x at
time r and 0, respectively, where r is the mean residence time given by:
VBH volumetric ball mill hold-up of slurry
v= - (2)
VFR volumetric feed rate of slurry to ball mill
By analogy with the relationship between the discrete size rate-of-breakage
parameter and particle size, it is assumed that:
K = Cx n (3)
As written, the equations apply to the overall size reduction. The sub-
script m will be used to denote an individual mineral, so equations
analogous to eqs. I and 3 can be written:
Km = Cmxnm (5)
Hence r and the ball mill feed and discharge size distribution must be
measured. Failing a direct measure of r, it can be estimated from VBH (as-
sumed constant) and VFR determined from a mass balance.
Plant tests
A mass balance around the cyclone was conducted which gave a better
than 0.95 correlation coefficient for the circulating load estimate (Finch
and Matwijenko, 1977). The circuit was then balanced and data adjusted
using the scheme described by L y n c h (1977b) extended to adjust mineral as-
says. Two additional constraint equations are required to balance mineral
flows, namely: (1) mass of mineral entering circuit equals that leaving; and
(2) mass of mineral entering ball mill equals that leaving, i.e. Rm(0,T ) must
equal Rm (0,0). The mineral mass flows must be balanced across the ball
mill, for, if R m (0,r) 4= Rm(0,0), the calculated rate-of-breakage parameter,
Kin, becomes distorted especially as x + 0. Table I gives some data on the
balanced circuit.
mtph Fresh feed (%} Ball mill feed (%) Circulating % w/w solids in r s.g. ball
load ratio ball mill feed mill feed
PbS ZnS FeS2 PbS ZnS FeS~ (rain.)
154.2 1.9 8.7 14.1 6.8 12.6 32.9 1.63 70.1 3.11 3.63
190.3 1.8 6.6 6.3 9.3 12.3 27.1 2.00 73.6 2.18 3.50
154.2 34.3 47.5 94.2 39.4 49.9 34.68 36.68 62.90 20.57 37.89
190.3 29.8 39.6 93.9 34.3 40.6 28.77 33.18 52.80 23.39 35.39
The volumetric ball mill hold-up of slurry was calculated from mill ge-
ometry. The mill is 3.5 m by 4.9 m. Assuming ball filling to the lip of the
overflow, bulk ball filling was estimated to be 18.35 m 3 ( - 40% mill
volume). Assuming the balls pack to give 38% voids (Taggart, 1945) and
slurry filling is 120% of void volume, the mill hold-up volume is 8.37 m 3 or
18% of mill volume. From the volumetric flow rate of cyclone underflow
slurry, r can be calculated; r is given in Table I.
cient greater than 0.95 on the circulating load estimate. The size distribu-
tion data was then adjusted (Lynch, 1977b).
A wide range of operating conditions was represented by these data sets.
Table II gives data for the lowest (489 m t ph ) to highest (674 m t p h ) fresh
feed rate. The range in circulating load was 1.75 to 6.45 and in % -28 mesh
in ball mill feed, 68.6 to 78.7. Percent solids of ball mill feed remained ap-
p r o x i m a t e l y co n s t ant at 75% w/w.
Assuming a hold-up volume of 18%, as at Pine Point, the VBH is 14.5 m 3.
The specific gravity of ball mill feed was assumed to be 3 and r was
calculated. The range in r was 0.37 to 1.32 min.
Operating conditions at the low (489 mtph) and high (674 mtph) tonnage Gibraltar data
Laboratory tests
During the sampling at 154.2 m t p h at Pine Point, sufficient ball mill feed
and rod mill discharge was cut (-= 30 kg) for l aborat ory batch grinding tests.
Some of the properties of these t w o materials are given in Table III.
A 16.5 cm × 20.3 cm Abb~ porcelain grinding jar rot at ed at 68% of its
critical speed was used. Grinding conditions were based on a void volume of
12% of mill volume (Le Houillier and Marchand, 1977) and slurry filling of
120% o f void volume (cf.assumption for plant mill). Details are given in
Table IV. The r od mill discharge (RMD) and ball mill feed (CUF) samples
had a specific gravity of 3.08 and 3.53, respectively, giving required sample
masses of 1000 g (RMD) and 1150 g (CUF). These samples were obtained
on a spinning riffler. Grinding times were 1 to 12 rain. with a fresh sample
for each time. The products were w e t / d r y screened from 28 to 400 mesh in
Comparison of ball mill feed (CUF) and rod mill discharge (RMD) samples used in
laboratory tests
% +65 mesh % -200 mesh % PbS % FeS2 % ZnS specific gravity
Size (cm) No. % mill (of total vol.) % mill cm 3 % voids cm 3 % solids
R ( x , t ) = R ( x , O ) e x p [ - b t p] (7)
Plant tests
•S .5 o
mtph "g~rain /
d a154.2 3.11 ~/
/° n=1.043 -+.026
3 /
.02 i I i i
20 50 100 200 500 1000
2 I I t I I I I I [
E 1
cc ~ G i b r a l t a r Data
.~ .2
~ K(x): Cx
C= .00389 -+.00041
.1 n = .747 -+.020
24 •
20 •
16 20 24
Fig. 4. Measured vs simulated % -200 mesh in ball mill discharge for Gibraltar data.
Laboratory data
Figure 7a, b shows the disappearance plots for ball mill feed overall and
galena. Note the deviation from first order at the coarser sizes. E x c e p t for
galena, at sizes less than 65 mesh p was generally in the range 0.9 < p
i I r I /
o /
.S o PbS o //A
o CaI-Dol /
°/ / v
~; --- Overall
o~ .1 I/ v
CC /o / / o ~ ZnS
// ~ FeS 2
r~ Q
.01 I I I
20 50 100 200 500 1000
11] 2 mtph ~ 18
u. " 1C
i 1 i i i i i ~ i 1 i i L ~ i
270/400 150/200 65/100 35/4B 270/400 1501200 551100 35148
Particle Size ,mesh Particle Size, mesh
Fig. 6.a. Simulated (full line) and measured (symbol) mass frequency size distribution of
PbS and FeS 2 in the ball mill discharge at 154.2 mtph fresh feed rate. Assumption is
K m = K. b. As (a) but for 190.3 mtph fresh feed rate case.
100 ~ I I I I I 100 J I I I I I
I ~ ° ~
° ~ °
+200 Mesh
p= 1.03
50 " ~ O ~ o
o ~......~..
b •
b= . 0 7 - +200
+ 6 5 Mesh
\ •
o WRA L L ~:
+65 Mesh
p = 1.09
o,. • b= .27 o,, ~ p= 1 . 2 2
• ~ \
T i m e , t, Min. T i m e , t, Min.
Fig. 7.a. Disappearance plots for +28, +65 and +200 mesh overall using ball mill feed
(CUF) sample, b. Disappearance plot for +28, +65 and +200 mesh galena using ball mill
feed (CUF) sample.
i j i I
E .5 o
-,- o Rod Mill Discharge o
E e
.02 i r ~ i
20 50 100 200 500 1000
Particle S i z e , x, m i c r o n s
1 __
I I l [ l
,/ •
.~ .05 ]"'+ •
0 f •
., o
.02 L t £ I ;
10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Particle S i z e , x, microns
Fig. 9. Mineral cumulative-basis rate-of-breakage parameter, Km, from laboratory tests
on rod mill discharge and ball mill feed samples as a function of particle size, x.
The trends are similar to those observed for the continuous mill, the
mineral rate-of-breakage versus x lying parallel to the overall and pyrite
being the hardest c o m p o n e n t . T he difference between rod mill discharge
and ball mill feed samples appears small. Although galena is difficult to
quantify with a single parameter, comparing the b and p parameters with
the overall (Fig. 7a, b) shows galena is similar to the overall.
From the evidence presented, mineral size reduction through the closed-
circuit ball mill at Pine Point can be a ppr oxi m at ed by a plug flow material
transport model with an overall cumulative rate-of-breakage parameter.
Combining this with the cyclone modelling scheme proposed by L ynch
(1977a) and Finch and Matwijenko (1977) a simulator describing mineral
behaviour can be constructed. The two unit models, derived from data at
the 154.2 m t p h test, are:
Ball Mill:
R m ( X , T ) = R m ( x , 0 ) exp (-0.0009xl'°4T) (10)
Ym = (1 - 0 . 3 1 ) ( 1 - exp [-0.693(~/Rs0m ) ~ " + ] } + 0.31 (11)
.,,o / : / PbS I , v
60 / Measured
FeS2 ,/ o symbols
40 /o -- Ym m o d e l
"~ Cal-
(O Dol o
-- - - Ym measured
0 I I I I I
400 200 100 48 28
Figures 2 and 3 show that the plug flow approximation with cumulative-
basis first-order kinetics leads to a simple closed-circuit ball mill size reduc-
Mineral size r e d u c t i o n
Laboratory-derived kinetics
The authors wish to thank the personnel at the Pine Point Mines con-
centrator for their enthusiastic help in sample gathering and Gibraltar Mines
for making data available. Funding was partly from a Mexican government
grant to Ramirez-Castro, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada, the Quebec Department of Education (FCAC programme)
and Dept. of Supply and Services, Canada.
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