Joad Raymond - Milton's Angels - The Early-Modern Imagination-Oxford University Press, USA (2010)
Joad Raymond - Milton's Angels - The Early-Modern Imagination-Oxford University Press, USA (2010)
Joad Raymond - Milton's Angels - The Early-Modern Imagination-Oxford University Press, USA (2010)
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# Joad Raymond 2010
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For Nicola, Marchamont,
and Elias
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Tell her that sheds
Such treasure in the air,
Recking naught else but that her graces give
Life to the moment,
I would bid them live
As roses might, in magic amber laid,
Red overwrought with orange and all made
One substance and one color
Braving time.
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work with, and Andrew McNeillie the best of editors. I must also
thank an anonymous reader of the manuscript for saving me from
This book has consumed many years with reading, writing, and
unwriting. I dispatch it now with special thanks to those friends who
helped it emerge from darkness into light: Eivind, Simon, David,
Helen, Dean, Sean, Sophia, Kevin, Nicola. It is dedicated to my
three loves.
j. r.
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List of Illustrations xv
List of Abbreviations and Conventions xvi
I. U N D E R S T A N D I N G A N G E L S
2. Angelographia: Writing about Angels 19
3. Angelology: Knowledge of Angels 48
4. A Stronger Existence: Angels, Polemic, and Radical
Speculation, 1640–1660 89
5. Conversations with Angels: The Pordages and their
Angelical World 125
6. The Fleshly Imagination and the Word of God 162
7. Spiritual Gifts: Angels, Inspiration, and
Prophecy 189
II. M I L T O N ’ S A N G E L S
8. Can Angels Feign? 207
9. Look Homeward Angel: Angelic Guardianship
and Nationhood 229
10. Angels in Paradise Lost 256
11. The Natural Philosophy of Angels 277
12. ‘With the Tongues of Angels’: Angelic
Communication 311
xiv contents
Notes 385
Index 457
List of Illustrations
Donne, Major Works John Donne, The Major Works, ed. John Carey
(1990; Oxford, 2000)
Evans, Genesis J. M. Evans, ‘Paradise Lost’ and the Genesis
Tradition Tradition (Oxford, 1968)
Fallon, Philosophers Stephen M. Fallon, Milton among the Philosophers:
Poetry and Materialism in Seventeenth Century
England (Ithaca, NY, 1991)
Heywood, Hierarchie Thomas Heywood, The Hierarchie of the Blessed
Angells (1635)
Keck, Angels David Keck, Angels and Angelology in the Middle
Ages (New York, 1998)
Lawrence, Angells Henry Lawrence, Of our Communion and Warre
with Angels (1646), reissued as An History of
Angells (1649) with same pagination
McKenzie and Bell D. F. McKenzie and Maureen Bell (eds),
A Chronology and Calendar of Documents Relating
to the London Book Trade, 1641–1700, 3 vols
(Oxford, 2005)
Marshall and Walsham Peter Marshall and Alexandra Walsham (eds),
(eds), Angels Angels in the Early Modern World (Cambridge,
Milton, Poems Milton, Complete Shorter Poems, ed. John Carey
(1968; 2nd edn, 1997)
Norton Shakespeare The Norton Shakespeare, ed. Stephen Greenblatt
(New York, 1997)
O&D Lucy Hutchinson, Order and Disorder, ed. David
Norbrook (Oxford, 2001); cited by canto and
ODNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Peter Martyr, Common Pietro Martire Vermigli, The Common Places of
Places the Most Famous and Renowmed Divine Doctor Peter
Martyr, trans. Anthonie Marten ([1583])
PL John Milton, Paradise Lost, ed. Alastair Fowler
(1968; 2nd edn, 1998)
Pordage, Mundorum S[amuel] P[ordage], Mundorum Explicatio (1661)
PR Paradise Regained, in Milton, Poems
Pseudo Dionysius, Pseudo Dionysius, The Complete Works, trans.
Works and ed. Colm Luibheid, Paul Rorem, et al.
(New York, 1987)
xviii list of abbreviations and conventions
The remainder of the story was Ashmole’s. His servant brought him
the books, and he identified them as having belonged to John Dee, the
celebrated magician and astrologer of Elizabethan England and
Europe. They included Dee’s manuscript of his ‘Conference with
Angells’, which took place in 1581–3, together with
These four works of occult philosophy and ritual magic were used in
the summoning of angels. The string of beads and cross were for the
same purpose. Mr Wale, to Ashmole’s glee, agreed to exchange these
books for a book about the Order of the Garter. Ashmole later sent
him an additional gift for his kindness.1
There are two stories in Mrs Wale’s narrative. The first is a literal
minded story of marriage and trade. She and her first husband buy a chest
because they admire the workmanship. They discover the manuscripts
through detective work. The maid economically reuses irreplaceable
manuscripts as pie wrapping (though ‘like uses’ may also suggest the
privy). Mrs Wale rescues the movables from fire. Her husband dies, she
remarries, her goods become her second husband’s. He sees their value
and trades them for a coffee table book. Ashmole puts them in his library.
The second story inhabits the first, and it is a tale of magic and
providence. The newly married couple buy a chest and it sits in the
corner. It makes a mysterious noise when moved. On investigating, they
discover a secret compartment with magical books and objects, but do
not understand them. They are preserved from fire several times: from
the oven, two are resurrected from conflagration after angels demand
their burning, and they survive the Great Fire of London, though there
seems little reason to save them. Then the widow marries a warder in the
Tower of London, educated enough to recognize something in these
introduction 3
concludes with the end of time. It extends from heaven through created
space and the earth to hell and the void beyond. It is the grandest poem
in the Renaissance epic tradition, and puts an end to that tradition. Yet
its focus is domestic, turning on a single human relationship: it tells a
story of love, intimacy, betrayal, heartbreak, and wounded reconcili
ation. Adam and Eve’s actions and feelings seem heroic because they are
situated and given significance within Creation in a way that no other
poem, pagan or Christian, has achieved. Milton accomplished this by
introducing a machinery both expansive and theologically daring. This
machinery is angelic. Angels are fundamental to the execution of
Milton’s design in Paradise Lost. They are necessary because without
them the story does not work. He uses angels to narrate swaths of
history, to interact with, protect, and converse with humans, to fight
with rebel angels. He uses them to make mistakes, to sin, to argue, to
bind together the celestial narratives with the terrestrial. The story of
Paradise Lost is told by and of angels; it relies upon their conflicts,
communications, and miscommunications. They are the creatures of
God but also the creatures of Milton’s narrative. Milton makes the Fall
morally ponderous, tragic, and part of the fabric of the universe by
surrounding it with the actions and interactions of angels. Take away
the angels from Paradise Lost, and you would be left with a linear,
expository narrative. So although its concern is with, and its focus
upon, humankind, angels are central to its design.
This book is not a study of a narrow aspect or theme of Paradise Lost,
and I am not merely contending that angels are important. Rather, I argue
that in terms of its imaginative drive and aesthetic architecture, Paradise
Lost is a poem about angels, and that Milton’s understanding of poetic
representation is inseparable from his understanding of Creation in gen
eral and angels in particular. There is a case to be made here for Milton’s
uniqueness and for his typicality, and in making it I offer a reading of
Paradise Lost. He is typical in that his concerns with angels are common.
Angels were part of his intellectual background, and they were an essential
formal element of any systematic theology (they form a transitional
section between the description of God and of material Creation);
when he wrote De Doctrina Christiana, he incorporated discussions of
them out of necessity, though they are less central to it than to his epic
because it is not a work of narrative and imagination, nor an inspired text.
In the late 1630s, when Milton was planning to write a tragedy, angels
repeatedly figured in his plans. For the following two decades, the
10 introduction
Strange as Angels
I could not breathe, and knew that terror. Later I learned that this was a
statue made by Walker Hancock (1901–98) in 1952 to commemorate
Pennsylvania Railroad workers who laid down their lives in the Sec
ond World War. In retrospect that moment of intimate familiarity may
have prompted more rational interests. This book, however, concerns
early modern angels, and these are, or should be, strange to us. I try to
introduction 15
How many volumnes have been writ about Angels, about immaculate
conception, about originall sin, when that all that is solid reason or
clear Revelation, in all three Articles, may be reasonably enough
comprized in fourty lines!
Jeremy Taylor, Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying (1647)
that was equally solid and fitted in the same room. By objectifying a
belief system we distance it from our own in form as well as content.
For this reason I use ‘belief’ tentatively, and often prefer the defami
liarizing term ‘knowledge’. Beliefs about angels were a form of know
ledge, intersecting with and supporting other forms of knowledge,
including the political and natural philosophical.
Histories of Angels
The visions of Dionysius, who saw heaven and had revealed to him the
celestial hierarchy, had a profound and lasting impact on devotional,
technical, and fictional writings about angels. His writings in Greek only
indirectly influenced Christian scholarship, but the translation of the
Celestial Hierarchy into Latin by John Scotus Eriugena in c.860, and the
production of commentaries in the twelfth century, gave them great
impetus.7 They proceeded to inform the basis of the detailed angelolo
gical dogma of the Catholic Church to the present day. They are,
however, an elaborate fiction. The author presents himself as Dionysius
24 understanding angels
(And she who saw the uncertain thoughts in my mind, said: ‘The first circles
have shown thee Seraphim and Cherubim. They follow their bonds thus swiftly
to gain all they may of likeness to the point, and in this they may in so far as they
26 understanding angels
are exalted in vision. These next loving spirits that circle round them are called
Thrones of the divine aspect, and with them the first triad is completed. And
thou must know that all have delight in the measure of the depth to which their
sight penetrates the truth in which every intellect finds rest; from which it may
be seen that the state of blessedness rests on the act of vision, not on that of love,
which follows after, and the measure of their vision is merit, which grace begets
and right will. Such is the process from step to step. The second triad that
flowers thus in this eternal spring which no nightly Ram despoils sings continual
hosannas, the threefold strain resounding in the three ranks that form the triad.
In this hierarchy are the next divine orders: first Dominions, then Virtues, and
the third are Powers. Then, last but one of the festal throngs, wheel Principal
ities and Archangels, and the last is all of Angels making sport. These orders all
gaze above and so prevail below that all are drawn and all draw to God. And
Dionysius set himself with such zeal to contemplate these orders that he named
and distributed them as I do; but later Gregory differed from him, so that as soon
as he opened his eyes in this heaven he smiled at himself. And if a mortal on
earth set forth truth or secret thou needst no marvel, for he that saw it here
above revealed it to him, with much more of the truth of these circles.’11)
are as influential as his answers (here teased from his not entirely
persuasive ten divisions):
1. For what reason have rational creatures, humans or angels, been
made? (because God is good, and his Creation is good)
2. When were angels made? (at the same time as the created world)
3. Where were angels made? (in heaven or the empyrean)
4. What kinds of angels were made, and were they all equal? (several,
equal in some respects and not others; there are gradations within
the angels’ substance, and their use of it)
5. Were they created good or evil, and was there was any interval between
their creation and fall? (all were created good; they fell immediately)
6. Were they created perfect and blessed, or miserable and flawed?
(the former)
7. Did they fall of their own freewill and how was that possible?
(they did, though those that did not fall were supported by grace)
8. Who were the fallen angels, what was the cause of their fall, and
what are their subsequent actions among humans? (Lucifer and the
other rebels fell from envy; some live in hell and some in the air;
they have limited power to tempt men)
9. Is it possible for good angels to sin, or bad angels to live uprightly?
(no: those who turned to God were supported by fuller wisdom and
grace confirming them in their choice; those who turned away have
no access to grace because of their hatred and envy; hence their
choices are not reversible)
10. How do evil angels know about temporal things? (though
weakened in nature they can still learn through experience)
11. Are all angels corporeal? (no)
12. What are the orders; were they instigated from the first creation of
angels; are angels within orders equal? (there were gradations of
angelic substance before the fall, though the orders, as outlined by
Dionysius, were only subsequently introduced; there are grad
ations within each order)
13. Are all angels sent on missions? (yes)
14. Are Michael, Gabriel, Raphael names of orders or spirits? (they are
28 understanding angels
But since the order of the universe thus is taken away through omnimodal
indistance [omnimodam indistantiam], just as through infinite distance: just as
the order of the universe does not suffer, that an Angel be infinitely distant
from an Angel, nay all are enclosed within the one circumference of the
ultimate Heaven [caeli ultimi]; so it does not suffer, that an Angel be in the same
prime place with an Angel. And from these (considerations) the objections are
Reformed Angels
upon a needles point? . . . they fill not their brains with notions that
signify nothing’.25 He treats it as a commonplace. The motif was then
echoed by Henry More in 1659. More, however, was defending a
discussion of whether the soul has dimensions independent of the
And it is a seasonable contemplation here (where we consider the Soul as
having left this Terrestrial Body) that she hath as ample, if not more ample,
Dimensions of her own, then are visible in the Body she has left. Which
I think worth taking notice of, that it may stop the mouths of them that, not
without reason, laugh at those unconceivable and ridiculous fancies of the
Schools; that first rashly take away all Extension from Spirits, whether Soules or
Angels, and then dispute how many of them booted and spur’d may dance on
a needles point at once. Fooleries much derogatory to the Truth, and that
pinch our perception into such an intolerable streightness and evanidness, that
we cannot imagine any thing of our own Being; and if we doe, are prone to
fall into despair, or contempt of our selves, by fancying our selves such
unconsiderable Motes of the Sun.26
That the Angels, for as much as they are the ministers of God ordeined to
execute his commaundements, are also his creatures, it ought to be certainly
out of all question. To move doubt of the time and order that they were
created in, should it not rather be a busie waiwardnes than diligence? . . . if we
will be rightly wise, we must leave those vanities that idle men have taught
without warrant of the word of God, concerning the nature, degree, and
multitude of Angels.
34 understanding angels
the knowledge by which an angel knows God in another angel, and the
knowledge by which he knows God face to face, are as different as the
knowledge of the sun in a cloud and the knowledge by which it is seen in
its own brightness, since the creature is not pure light but rather full of light
from the light.33
Most writing about angels does not appear in books about angels.
A handful of these appeared in sixteenth and seventeenth century
Britain, notably John Salkeld’s A Treatise of Angels (1613), Henry
Lawrence’s Of our Communion and Warre with Angels (1646, reissued
in 1649 as An History of Angells), and Benjamin Camfield’s A Theological
Discourse of Angels and their Ministries (1678); to these might be added
Heywood’s The Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells (1635), a thorough and
focused engagement with the topic that breaks the conventions of
systematic study and transgressed genres. Angels appeared in a broad
angelographia 39
The Book of Common Prayer was the other rubric for the everyday
experience of angels in worship, and it too was reserved. The West
minster Assembly was formed in 1643 in part to purge the Church of
innovations; when it reported on the Book of Common Prayer, its list
of doubtful matters began with the Prayer Book’s affirmation ‘that
there be Archangels and that Michael is a created Angel’.49 Presbyter
ians in the 1640s had already suggested that the Laudian Church had
edged towards Rome in its angel doctrine. Yet the Feast of St Michael
and All Angels (29 September) had been in the Prayer Book since the
first Edwardian edition of 1549, when the collect began: ‘Everlasting
God which hast ordeyned & constituted, the services of al angels &
men in a wonderfull ordre’.50 The Assembly exaggerated in order
to emphasize its own minimalist position; its own catechism barely
mentioned angels. John Boughton’s 1623 catechism said a little more:
j[acob] . . . tell mee what are Angels?
b[enjamin] They are immortall Spirits, or spirituall substances, free from bodies, or
exceeding power, wisedome, and agilitie, created after the image of God, to minister
to him, and men his children.
j[acob] How many sorts of Angels are there?
b[enjamin] Two. Good and bad.
j[acob] What are the good Angels?
b[enjamin] The good Angels are those Elect spirits in heaven, which by the grace of
God continued in the truth and integritie, in which they were created; and by the
same grace are so confirmed in that estate, as that now they cannot fall from it, but are
for ever blessed.51
The sum of the necessary creed was minimal.
A very different picture emerges from scriptural annotations and
commentary. Detailed statements about angels can be found, some
times scattered through different notes, sometimes synthesized in a
digression, in such works as Gervase Babington’s Certaine Plaine, Briefe,
and Comfortable Notes upon Everie Chapter of Genesis (1592), Andrew
Willet’s Hexapla in Genesin: That is, A Sixfold Commentarie upon Genesis
(1605), John Trapp’s A Commentary or Exposition upon all the Epistles
(1647) and his A Clavis to the Bible (1650), the Westminster Assembly’s
monumental Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament
(1645, 1651) and a series of associated scholarly works from the 1640s
and 1650, including John Richardson’s Choice Observations and Explan
ations upon the Old Testament (1655), and, finally, George Hughes’s An
Analytical Exposition of the Whole First Book of Moses (1672). These
angelographia 41
Concerning the hierarchies of angels, Willet writes that the papists (he
is hostilely characterizing their position, so I will retain this term)
‘boldely affirme’, on the basis of the diverse names given to them in
Scripture, ‘that there are nine orders of Angelles’, while Protestants
accept that there are ‘diverse orders’ but judge that to ‘enquire of them
more subtilly’ is not only ‘foolish curiositie’, but also ‘ungodly and
dangerous rashness’. A second, and consequent, question under this
heading is whether Michael is the prince of angels. The papists say that
Revelation reveals that he is, and the position was formerly held by
Lucifer. The Protestants say that ‘Michael’ in Revelation signifies
Christ. Willet claims (and it is not clear whether he believes himself
to be describing a universal Protestant position or merely forwarding
his own arguments) that there is no reason to believe that there is
necessarily a prince among fallen or unfallen angels. ‘Sathan’ is a name
given to all evil spirits, and they are all princes.2
Most Protestants did believe in a heavenly hierarchy without commit
ting themselves to specific orders: such detail lay beyond human know
ledge. The influential Institutions of Christian Religion, by the French born
Swiss theologian William Bucanus, stated one Protestant position, that
there is order, but the names ascribed to ranks in fact describe offices:
No man that is conversant in the Scriptures can deny, but that there is some
order among the Angels, because order and distinction in all things is an
excellent and divine thing: for some are called Cherubins, others Seraphims;
some Angels, other Archangels. But this order is not from the dignitie and
excellencie of the nature of the Angels, as though some were more excellent
by nature: but rather from their diverse kinds of offices. . . . But that there be
Hierarchies, and degrees of Hierarchies among the Angels, as the Papists
imagine, it cannot be proved by any testimonie of Scripture.3
Similarly, William Perkins wrote in A Golden Chaine, or, The Descrip
tion of Theologie, a lucid and weighty tome published in nine editions
between 1591 and 1621:
50 understanding angels
Figure 1. Thomas Heywood, Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells (1635), title page
That there are degrees of Angels, it is most plaine. . . . But it is not for us to
search, who, or how any been in each order, neither ought we curiously to
enquire howe they are distinguished, whether in essence, or qualities.4
The fact that the Dionysian treatises were not written by a disciple of
Paul’s was widely known and recited in attacks on Scholastic angel
doctrine.5 Many Protestants overlooked this, however, and Catholic
propagandists repudiated or ignored the humanist disproof.6 However,
to reject Dionysius was by no means to reject hierarchies. In a section
entitled ‘The Degrees and Orders of Angels’ in The Great Mysterie of
angelology 51
Duppa nonetheless knows that one day humans will be above the
angels.14 Much Laudian angel doctrine adopts this double movement,
and appears closer to Catholic than Nonconformist doctrine.
Some Protestants, Willet notwithstanding, explicitly accepted
the usefulness of the hierarchies. Heywood uses them to structure
his meditative poem Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells. He associates
rejection of hierarchies with rejection of the spirit world
altogether. His taxonomy merits quoting at length, because it is
compact and reveals a Protestant’s imaginative engagement with
the idea:
In three most blessed Hierarchies th’are guided, Angeli in quot Choros
And each into three Companies divided: dividuntur.
The first is that in which the Seraphims bee, The first Chorus.
Cherubims, Thrones; distinct in their degree.
The Seraphim doth in the word imply, The Seraphim and
A Fervent Love and Zeale to the Most High. his office.
And these are they, incessantly each houre
In contemplation are of Gods great Power.
The Cherubim denotes to us the Fulnesse The Cherubim.
Of absolute Knowledge, free from Humane dulnesse;
Or else Wisedomes infusion. These desire
Nothing, but Gods great Goodnesse to admire.
The name of Thrones, his glorious Seat displaies; The Thrones.
His Equitie and Justice these still praise.
The second Ternion, as the Schoole relates,
Are Dominations, Vertues, Potestates.
Dominions, th’Angels Offices dispose; Dominions.
The Vertues (in the second place) are those Vertues.
That execute his high and holy Will:
The Potestates, they are assistant still, Potestates.
The malice of the Divell to withstand:
For God hath given it to their powerfull hand.
In the third order Principates are plac’t;
Next them, Arch Angels; Angels are the last.
The Principates, of Princes take the charge, Principates.
Their power on earth to curbe, or to enlarge;
And these worke Miracles. Th’Arch Angels are Arch Angels.
Embassadors, great matters to declare.
Th’Angels Commission hath not that extent, Angels.
They only have us Men in government.
‘God’s in the first of these, a Prince of Might:
angelology 53
earthly terms, and presented the divine order as the proper basis for
humane government, though, oddly, he suggested that while the
government of the fallen angels was monarchical, he was not so sure
about the unfallen.20 Even Protestants reluctant to identify the hier
archy in detail were confident that it contained lessons for the proper
order of human society and the conduct of politics.21
The distinction between the Catholic and Protestant positions was
not a simple one, then, and despite claims that titles reflected offices or
angelology 55
duties rather than nature, Protestants did not challenge the assumption
that the various scriptural names for angels reflected an organization
that was hierarchical in nature. Milton’s vision of a meritocratic
Creation brings him close to total rejection. In Reason of Church
Government he writes: ‘Yea, the Angels themselves, in whom no
disorder is fear’d, as the Apostle that saw them in his rapture describes,
are distinguisht and quaterniond into their celestiall Princedomes, and
Satrapies, according as God himselfe hath writ his imperiall decrees
through the great provinces of heav’n.’22 ‘Quaterniond’ implies rejec
tion of the Pseudo Dionysian three ternions, and is not rooted in
conventional exegesis of angelic hierarchy. Instead it suggests the
four angels who govern the four corners of the world, and the four
winds that blow therefrom, which appear in Revelation 7: 1–2. It
anticipates Henry More’s gloss on Daniel 7, where he writes:
ruchot is the very same word that is in Psal. 104. 4. These are the Four Winds of
Heaven, The Quaternio of the Angelical Ministers of Divine Providence.
Something like that Apoc. 7. where there is mention of the Four Angels at
the Four Corners of the Earth, holding the Four Winds of the Earth that they
should not blow on the Earth, nor on the Sea. And that the great things in the
vicissitude of Kingdoms and Empires are done by the Angels, is an Hypothesis
that both Daniel and the Apocalypse plainly supposes, the latter indeed incul
cates to awaken this dull Sadducean Age.23
None of this Milton would have objected to. Milton uses the scriptural
names without hierarchy, and in Paradise Lost ranks conventionally
placed low in the hierarchy demonstrate greater abilities than the
higher ranks. They are names of duties, words used to describe and
praise rather than assert status. It is the fallen angels, and particularly
Satan, who are most concerned with hierarchy:
Thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, powers,
If these magnific titles yet remain
Not merely titular, since by decree
Another now hath to himself engrossed
All power, and us eclipsed under the name
Of king anointed . . . (PL 5. 772 7)
and also to the princes of Greece and Persia, as proof of the existence of
local guardian angels. I discuss some of the extensive Protestant uses of
this doctrine in Chapters 9 and 13.29 Willet’s subordination of the
question of individual guardian angels to the notion of guardians
assigned to a place is odd, as the former was a more controversial and
doctrinally significant issue. Belief in dual guardian angels, one good
and one bad, developed in the early days of the Christian Church
(based on Acts 12: 15). One influential non canonical text, which
reflects this belief, is the second century work The Shepherd by Hermas,
a supposed disciple of Paul’s. John Pringle translated this in 1661,
disseminating apocryphal writings to a wider audience. Hermas relates
how the doctrine is communicated to him by an angel (disguised, as
many later angels, as an old man in a white cloak):
3 Hear now saith he, first of faith, there are two spirits with man, one of
equity, and one of iniquity; And I said to him, how Lord shall I know that there
are two spirits with a man? Hear saith he, and understand; The spirit of
righteousnesse is tender, gentle and bashfull, affable and quiet, when therefore
it shall ascend into thine heart, immediately it speaketh with thee of right
eousnesse, of pardon, of charity, of piety; All these when they shall ascend into
thine heart, know that the spirit of equity is with thee; to this genius
therefore, and to its works give thou credit.
4 Take now also the works of the Spirit of iniquity, first it is bitter,
wrathful, and foolish, and its works are pernitious and overthrow the servants
of God; when therefore these things shall ascend into thine heart, thou shalt
understand from its works this to be the spirit of iniquity.
5 How Lord shall I understand? Hear quoth he, and understand, when
wrath shall happen to thee or bitternesse, understand that to be in thee; After
that the desire of many works, and of the daintiest meats, and of drunken
nesses, and the desirings of many strange things, and pride and much speaking,
and ambition, and whatsoever things are like these; Thou therefore when
thou shalt know its works, depart from them all, & believe it in nothing,
because its works are evil, and do not agree to the servants of God.
6 Thou hast therefore the works of both the Spirits, understand now and
believe the Genius, of Righteousnesse, because its teaching is good . . . 30
The doctrine, which is developed in the Qur’an (the good angel sits on
the right shoulder, the evil on the left), became a commonplace in
medieval theology, a literal belief as well as a means of exploring
human motivation. The doctrine received qualified support from the
earlier reformers, including Luther, Urbanus Rhegius, and Johannes
58 understanding angels
supports guardian angels for the elect, while emphatically denying any
scriptural grounds for individual evil angels.39 Lawrence too makes this
distinction: the reprobate do not have a guardian angel. Thus, the
doctrine has an additional value within Calvinist circles, despite Cal
vin, of being conformable to the doctrine of predestination.40 It was
not a remnant of popery, but had its own life in inter Protestant
conflicts. It was, moreover, useful for poets: the pagan genius had
deep literary roots, invited prosopopoeia, enabled the externalization
and dramatization of hidden impulses, and set human internal conflict
into a heavenly context. In his 1648 poem Prosopopoeia Britannica,
George Wither’s own guardian angel explains to him:
A genius, is an incorporeall creature,
Consisting of an intellectuall nature;
Which at the self same time, a being had,
With that, for whose well being it was made.
And, may be cal’d, that Angell, which designeth,
Adviseth, moveth, draweth, and inclineth
To happinesse; and, naturally restraineth
From harme, that creature, whereto it pertaineth:
And, this am I to you.41
His genius inspires him, and gives him poetry.
Some Protestants reported conversations with or visions of their
guardian angels, sometimes summoned by magic. Guardians were not
the only angels sought by supplication or rituals, but they were
particular targets because of their relationship with the conversant,
and because they were immediately present. The interest in angelic
communication cut against the grain of the Protestant insistence that
the age of miracles and angelic apparitions was over.42 Jean Bodin’s
account of a friend who felt the presence of, and on one occasion saw,
his guardian angel was known in seventeenth century Britain. Bodin
Every morning at three or four o’clock the spirit knocked at his door, and
sometime he rose, opening the door, and saw no one, and every morning the
spirit kept it up and if he did not rise, the spirit knocked again, and went on
waking him until he rose. Then he began to be afraid, thinking, as he said, that
this was some evil spirit. And he therefore went on praying to God, without
missing a single day, asking God to send him his good angel, and he often sang
the Psalms, almost all of which he knew by heart. Well, he has assured me that
the spirit has accompanied him ever since, giving him palpable signs: touching
60 understanding angels
him, for example, on the right ear, if he did something that was not good, and
on the left ear, if he did well.43
angel at the Nativity; prayers were offered to angels; all of which gave rise
to complaints and petitions by the godly in 1641–2.65
Protestants from other theological traditions held that various
addresses to angels were legitimate. Some tried to speak with angels
through ritual magic, though hostile commentators thought that only
fallen angels would participate in these communications.66 Some of these
magicians and enthusiasts are discussed in the following two chapters.
Richard Baxter thought that the case of John Pordage showed the danger
of seeking out angels, but he also thought that the Protestant reaction
against popery meant that people did not thank angels enough, and
showed little sense ‘of the great Benefits that we receive by Angels’.67
Under these three headings, then, Willet in fact describes eight distinct
papist ‘errors’ or ‘heresies’: (i) the existence of a specific hierarchy of
angels; (ii) that Michael is the prince of angels; (iii) the existence of angels
assigned to churches or kingdoms; (iv) that individuals are assigned
guardian angels; (v) that angels carry our prayers to God; (vi) that angels
see into our hidden thoughts and feelings; (vii) that we can worship
angels in a limited fashion; and (viii) that we can pray to angels as
intercessors. He might have added a ninth doctrinal difference: the
continuing appearance of angels to humans, sometimes bringing miracles
or prophecies. Protestants declared that the age of miracles was over.
Miracles and prophecies had ceased with the coming of Christ and the
gospel, when the conviction of the spirit took priority over external
performance and proofs. Though Augustine had declared as much, this
point constituted a distinction from Roman Catholic doctrine, and angels
were intricately associated with both miracles and prophecies. When
miracles ceased, so did angelic apparitions. Angels bring humans proph
ecies or prophetic books, and they prepare humans to receive the spirit of
prophecy (angels are, metaphorically, the spirit of prophecy).68 Many
Protestants did, however, believe that both miracles and prophecies
could still occur in principle, and that under extraordinary circumstances
God would raise them.69 The doctrine divided Catholics and Protestants,
but also formed a frontier of debate within Protestantism.
Angelology: A Catechism
Theology for Angels were written, we should need another Bible: the
creation and government of Angels containing as great variety of matter,
as doth the religion of mankinde’.70 It is necessary here to move away
from drawing distinctions between modes of writing, historical periods,
and inter and intra confessional conflicts, and instead offer a more
synthetic survey of widely held beliefs and knowledge. To avoid biblical
proportions, they are presented here in an undifferentiated manner, over
looking discontinuities, textures of writing, and confessional conflict;
some of the topics are developed more fully later in this book.
of their making, this is certain, they were made before man fell; but on what
day, whether the first day with the highest heaven, (as some conceive . . . )
when the Firmament was made, by which they understand all the three
Heavens, whereof one is the habitation of Angels; or the fourth day, when
some hold, that as the visible heavens were garnished with stars, so the
invisible were furnished with Angels; which might be the more probable,
but that it seems the Angels were made before the stars; for the sons of God, by
which are meant the Angels, are said to shout for joy at the first appearing of
the morning stars, Job 38. 7. In this diversity of opinions for the time of the
creation, we conceive that in the six dayes space, and before the last day, there
is no errour of danger which way soever we take it.
This left the question of why Moses did not mention their creation.
The annotators continued:
If it be asked why their creation was not more punctually expressed, the
answer may be, not as commonly it is, that the Jews were too dull to be
informed of spiritual beings, for the mystery of the Trinity is divers times
insinuated in this Book of Genesis, and Cherubims are mentioned, Chap.
3. 24. and afterwards we read of Angels, Gen. 19.1, 15. & Chap. 28.12. & 32.1.
but because this first History was purposely and principally for information
concerning the visible world, the invisible, whereof we know but in part,
being reserved for the knowledge of a better life, 1 Cor. 13. 9.73
The two most common explanations were that Genesis is exclusively
concerned with material creation; and that Moses was speaking down
to the Jews, and did not mention them lest it tempt the Jews idola
trously to worship angels. A third proposed reason was that the Jews
would simply not understand the nature of angels, and so he omitted
them.74 Willet’s answer merits quotation at length:
For the first: 1. Moses neither passed over the creation of angels in silence, for
feare least the Israelites should have committed idolatrie in worshipping of
them, as Chrisostome, and Theodoret thinke: for the Israelites could not be
ignorant that the angels had diverse times appeared to their fathers the
Patriarkes, and so could not be ignorant of them. 2. Neither are they omitted,
because Moses onely treateth of those things, which had their beginning with
this materiall world, but the angels were created long before the visible world,
as Basil and Damascene thinke, for it shall even now appeare, that this is a false
supposition, that the angels were created so long before. 3. Neither yet is the
creation of the angels comprehended under the making of heaven and the
lights, as Augustine & Beda thinke, for this were to leave the literall sense
which is to be followed in the historie of the creation. 4. But the onely reason
is this, because Moses applieth himself to the simple capacity of the people,
angelology 67
and describeth onely the creation of visible and sensible things, leaving to
speake of the spirituall, which they could not understand: and this seemeth to
be Hieroms opinion, epist. 1 39. Ad Cyprian.
Another explanation was that Jews or Christians might be led to
suspect that such powerful beings had a hand in Creation.75 John
Lightfoot, biblical scholar, Hebraist, and member of the Westminster
Assembly, writes:
For if their day of their Creation (which was in most likelihood the first) had
beene named, wicked men would have bene ready to have taken them for
actors in this worke, which were onely spectators. Therefore as God hides
Moses after his death, so Moses hides the Creation of them, lest they should be
deified, and the honour due to the Creator given to the creature.76
Behind this lay the spectre of the heresy of Simon Magus, according to
whom angels created the world.77 Calvin proposes a fifth alternative:
God spoke on a need to know basis. John White thought so: ‘their
creation be not described, or pointed at in particular, as not so needful
to be known by us, whom it concerns most, to understand the state and
conditions of those visible things, with which we have most to do’.78
emotions, and concludes, ‘they are not unlike to our spirit which
perceiveth by organs’.98
St Jerome equated this Lucifer with Satan, the Hebrew common noun
for ‘adversary’. Once Satan had hypostasized into the embodiment of
evil (the Satan rather than a satan), a story became clear. An angel
rebelled against his maker through pride, and was punished in the pit.
Justin Martyr had already identified this Satan with the serpent who
tempted Adam and Eve. Reading the Bible with these identifications
in place, a story emerged of the fall of the angels, who subsequently
assisted humankind’s fall.110 Other passages in Scripture could be read
in the light of this story. The inferred narrative became the source of
religious truth.
Aquinas argued that angels only sin by pride and envy (he is reject
ing Augustine, who includes carnality in this list). The Devil’s sin was
not submitting to God, and instead desiring to exceed the limits of his
own nature and be like God, thinking he could claim this by justice
and through force. This desire of godlikeness is ambiguously pride
and/or envy.111 In Heywood’s poetic narrative of the war in heaven
pride is Lucifer’s sin, though it accompanies other sins, including envy:
In this puft Insolence and timp’anous Pride,
He many Angels drew unto his side,
(Swell’d with the like thoughts.) Joyntly these prepare
To raise in Heav’n a most seditious Warre.
He will be the Trines Equall, and maintaine,
Over the Hierarchies (at least) to raigne.112
We might hear an echo of this in the beginning of Paradise Lost:
his pride
Had cast him out from heaven, with all his host
Of rebel angels, by whose aid aspiring
To set himself in glory above his peers,
He trusted to have equalled the most high . . . (PL 1. 36 40)
on the sin of the angels, though he states that it must have been
committed with pride.114
Richard Hooker describes the angels’ sin with compelling logic and
prose, independent of these scriptural elaborations: the sinning angels
must have thought of something other than God, and it could not have
been anything below them, which would have been evidently subor
dinate to God.
It seemeth therefore that there was no other way for Angels to sinne, but by
reflex of their understanding upon themselves; when being held with admir
ation of their owne sublimitie and honor, the memorie of their subordination
unto God and their dependencie on him was drowned in this conceipt;
whereupon their adoration, love, and imitation of God, could not choose
but be also interrupted. The fall of Angels therefore was pride.115
William Ames also thought that ‘it is most like’ that their first sin ‘was
pride’ (superbiam); and Willet, that it was ‘pride, in desiring to be like
unto God’.116
In most accounts, the sin of pride is associated with envy of God. In
another exegetical tradition, envy of humankind is the primal angelic sin.
In the fourth century pseudepigraphal text Vita Adae et Evae, Satan himself
speaks and gives his own motivation for his fall. He merits quoting:
The devil replied, ‘Adam, what dost thou tell me? It is for thy sake that I have
been hurled from that place. When thou wast formed[,] I was hurled out of
the presence of God and banished from the company of the angels. When
God blew into thee the breath of life and thy face and likeness was made in the
image of God, Michael also brought thee and made (us) worship thee in the
sight of God; and God the Lord spake: Here is Adam. I have made thee in our
image and likeness.’
And Michael went out and called all the angels saying: ‘Worship the image
of God as the Lord God hath commanded.’ And Michael himself worshipped
first; then he called me and said: ‘Worship the image of God the Lord.’ And
I answered, ‘I have no (need) to worship Adam.’ And since Michael kept
urging me to worship, I said to him, ‘Why dost thou urge me? I will not
worship an inferior and younger being (than I). I am his senior in the Creation,
before he was made was I already made. It is his duty to worship me.’
When the angels, who were under me, heard this, they refused to worship
him. And Michael saith, ‘Worship the image of God, but if thou wilt not worship
him, the Lord God will be wrath with thee.’ And I said, ‘If He be wrath with me,
I will set my seat above the stars of heaven and will be like the Highest.
And God the Lord was wrath with me and banished me and my angels from
our glory; and on thy account were we expelled from our abodes into this
76 understanding angels
world and hurled on the earth. And straightway we were overcome with grief,
since we had been spoiled of so great glory. And we were grieved when we
saw thee in such joy and luxury. And with guile I cheated thy wife and caused
thee to be expelled through her (doing) from thy joy and luxury, as I have
been driven out of my glory.[’]117
This story requires that the angelic fall took place after the creation of
man, on the sixth day or later, but before the human fall. It was not
widely held in seventeenth century Britain, but among those who
espoused it was the notable Hebraist John Lightfoot:
Now fell the Angels: for they seeing the honour and happinesse in which man
was created and set, and the Lord giving the Angels themselves a charge
concerning him to keep him in his wayes, and to be ministring spirits to
him for his good; some of them spited this his honour and happinesse, and
dispised this their charge and ingagement, and so through pride against the
command of God, and for envie at the felicity of man, they fell.118
The story makes Satan a more complex figure. The poet Thomas Peyton
also narrated it this way, telling how Lucifer ‘thought himselfe to equall
God on high, j Envies [humankind’s] fortune’, and seduces them.119
The third main tradition was the story of the watcher angels who
lusted after human women and thereby fell, a story based on Genesis 6:
1–4 and the book of Enoch. This interpretation depends upon the
identification of the ‘sons of God’ (bene ha’elohim) with angels (the
Septuagint translates this as aggeloi):
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and
daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they
took them wives of all which they chose. . . .
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the
sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to
them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
These giants, or nephilim, were the offspring of this illicit union
between angels and women. The story helps explain human evil in
the form of these giants. This text, supported by the epistle of Jude and
2 Peter, was in turn elaborated in the book of Enoch, Jubilees, the
pseudepigraphal Testament of Ruben, and in exegesis, to provide a
full blown account of the fall in which angels are driven by lust for
women. While Enoch was not available in early modern Europe, the
tradition was extant in other texts and was widely known.120
angelology 77
He does not identify the other six. Milton names nine angels in the epic,
and gives special status to the four in rabbinical tradition.161 Pordage’s
angels have no names. The interest in the Angels of the Presence is
orthodox, though associated with rabbinical traditions and the occult.
Angels are God’s messengers and agents in the world. But what do
they actually do? Katherine Austen, who compiled a commonplace
book in 1664 with several pages on angels, identifies three purposes:
they serve and assist man, they bear messages, and they stand in God’s
presence.173 Most descriptions of angels briefly summarize their duties.
angelology 85
Calvin states simply that God uses them to execute his decrees,
proceeding to identify their labours according to their names in Scrip
ture.174 Gervase Babington suggests that angels have a work ethic: ‘hee
would not his Angels to wante what to doe, but made them minister
ing Spirites’.175 According to Joseph Hall, they praise God, order
Creation, especially protect humans, guarding, cheering, and healing
the elect.176 Though their name means ‘messengers’, their most im
portant function, in the history of Christianity, is to contemplate God,
and secondarily to support human prayer and devotion and to convey
illumination to humans. In the medieval period interactions with
humans began to eclipse divine contemplation.177 Later writing about
angels greatly diversifies their agency, assigning numerous activities.
First angels praise God: ‘it is the ministerie, office and work of
Angels’, wrote Urbanus Rhegius, ‘without ceasing, perpetually to
praise the Majestie of god, to preach his worde, and glorifie this our
God therein’.178 This praise is figured as singing, emphasizing its
aesthetic properties, and perhaps suggesting its continuous, ritualized
nature. When angels sing, they are praising God, and this is, like
angelic speech, a model for human praise of God. Their singing is a
model for the liturgy: ‘they begin the Antiphone, and teach us how to
sing’, preached John Wall in a sermon entitled ‘Angelorum Antipho
nia: The Angels Antheme’.179
Secondly, they are messengers and ambassadors. Rhegius writes,
‘They are also the Ambassadors of God in cheefe and most speciall
causes and affayres betweene God and men, to reveale and manifest the
ready good will and clemencie of God towardes men,’ citing the
appearance of Gabriel to Mary.180 The discernible bearing of messages
to humans was understood to be a thing of the past, as the age of
visitation by angels, together with miracles and prophecy, was over.
Nonetheless, angels continued to work, albeit invisibly, among hu
mans. They do not, in Protestant accounts, bear messages back to God.
As Willet writes, ‘the Angels doe report unto God the affaires of the
world, and the acts and gests of men, and so their supplications in
generall: but this they doe as messengers, not as mediators’.181
Thirdly, they are ‘ministering spirits’, working God’s business on
earth. Calvin writes that this is one of the few things known for certain.182
These ministrations comprehend a variety of business, intervening in
human affairs, guiding and protecting humans. Rhegius implies a high
degree of direct intervention and communication among them:
86 understanding angels
they have even amongst us & within us, their ministry and function, with
great faith and diligence doe they guide, direct, governe, and defende us: they
are present with us, helpe us every where, providently take care of us, and doe
obtaine for us, all things tending to the glorie of Christ, and even reconcile
him unto us, doo instill and beate into our minds his holie will, yea, doo call us
away, and plucke us backe from all those sinnes and vices which God hath
forbidden us, and which he abhorreth.183
Despite the caution that Protestants expressed about going beyond the
immediate authority of Scripture, reformed writers wrote extensively
and imaginatively about angels. Modern emphasis on the visual im
agination, where Protestant artists were certainly less creative than
their Catholic counterparts, perhaps occludes this. Protestants ad
dressed many of the issues traditionally examined in writing about
angels, adapting them to their own soteriology and to transformations
in the understanding of natural philosophy. The impact of natural
philosophy on views of angels, and the ways in which angels consti
tuted thought experiments in natural philosophy, are discussed in
Chapter 11. Other topics outlined above are further developed
in other chapters. Some of the radical uses of angels are discussed in
88 understanding angels
Too many in these dayes have been wantonly busie to converse with Angels,
out of pride and curiosity, but the good Angels wil not be spoken with upon
those terms; or if they do speak, to be sure it will be no comfort to those
persons: for the Apostle by laying down a supposition, hath given us a
certainty, that the Angels will speak no other doctrine then he did. Therefore
such spirits as are intruders into things not seen, are vainly puft in their fleshly
mind, Col. 2. 18. how spiritual soever they seem to be.1
Rhetorical Angels
purify the lips of whom he pleases’.9 The eternal spirit, the echo of
Isaiah 6: 1–7 suggests, is God, the true muse and inspirer of Milton’s
poem; the seraphim are figures for divine inspiration, but also inde
pendent beings. Unlike the figure of Phoebus, who touches the
doubting poet’s trembling ears in ‘Lycidas’, their role is consonant
with the theology of angels outlined in De Doctrina Christiana. They are
simultaneously figurative and real.10 Milton’s early writing about
angels concerns representation, iconoclasm, and the restorative
power of true ministry, and he thought of them in both poetic and
political terms, while rejecting their appropriation as a basis of Church
Many others intervened in the debate. John White picked up the
theme in a parliamentary speech on the future of episcopacy, arguing
that ‘Angel is a name common to all Presbyters who are Christs
Messengers and Ambassadors.’11 The same argument was made in
1641 by an anonymous author who cited Joseph Mede’s Clavis Apoc
alyptica (1627) in support his case, and republished John Rainold’s 1588
pamphlet that challenged Richard Bancroft and queried the antiquity
of church government by bishops.12 Hence, the debate over episcop
acy is conferred with an account of the nature of angels, and both are
brought within the context of an apocalyptic reading of Revelation.13
There is only a short step to identifying bishops as associated with the
fallen angels of the popish Antichrist.
The late 1630s and 1640s were rife with apocalyptic sentiment. The
Scottish divine and mathematician John Napier, like Mede, thought
that Revelation described future history: he predicted in 1593 that the
year 1639 would see the Fall of the Roman Antichrist. The conclusion
of the Second Bishops’ War that year appeared to be a victory for
Presbyterianism over the attempted imposition of episcopacy on Scotland.
One 1641 pamphlet described this peace as the angel sheathing his
sword.14 King Charles’s defeat resulted in the calling of a Parliament
that quickly set about eradicating episcopacy root and branch. Earlier
apocalyptic works were republished and translated, and Revelation was
interpreted as a literal prophecy of present and imminent history; both
were read in radical, destabilizing ways.15 Learned apocalyptic exegesis
was disseminated in pamphlets. In February 1642 the House of Com
mons Committee for Printing ordered inspection of a translation of
Mede’s Clavis Apocalyptica, which appeared in 1643.16 In The Apostasy
of the Latter Times (1641) Mede argued that the worship of angels and
radical speculation 93
saints in the popish Church was evidence that Rome was the Whore of
Babylon, and that her idolatry proved that the latter days were immi
nent.17 Johann Heinrich Alsted’s influential millenarian treatise The
Beloved City was translated into English and published in 1643. Thomas
Brightman’s Apocalypsis Apocalypseos (1609) was published in English in
Amsterdam in 1611 and 1615, and then in London in various forms in
1641 and 1644; Brightman identified the Church of England as the
lukewarm Laodicean Church, and the Scottish Kirk and Genevan
Church as the blessed and virtuous angel of the Philadelphians (Rev.
3).18 These works describe the role of angels in human history; they
undermine episcopal authority and encourage readers to see angelic
intervention in events taking place around them.
The events of the late 1630s and early 1640s moved British authors
to reread accounts of the apocalypse, and to reconsider the identifica
tion of the English Church with Laodicea. Hence the appearance of
dialogue pamphlets, including Napier’s Narration, or, An Epitome of his
Book on the Revelation (1641) and a verse pamphlet, Brightmans Predic
tions and Prophesies (1641), which insisted Brightman had prophesied
the events of recent years. Another dialogue pamphlet of 1641
describes a conversation between a London citizen and a Puritan
minister, showing how Brightman’s account of the angels of the
seven churches has been fulfilled by the Thirty Years War.19 The
minister recalls, with sadness, the days when Martin Marprelate ‘dealt
somewhat roundly’ with the Angel of the English Church; the eager
ness of the people for these writings indicates the low esteem in which
the episcopacy are held. Marprelate was the pseudonymous author of a
series of attacks on Elizabethan bishops and Church government
published surreptitiously in 1588–9; his name was a byword for anti
ecclesiastical polemic and popular pamphleteering. The citizen, more
up to date with worldly things, reports that
in London there is much talke of a Woman who cals her selfe by the name of
Margery Mar Prelate, who either makes or prints Bookes, and as you say, hee
dealt roundly with them, so I can assure you doth she, and you would admire
if you knew how greedy men are of those Bookes, and are much bought up in
London, by which it is more then manifest that our Bishops and Prelates are very
much despised . . .
And there was a battell in heaven, Michael and his Angels fought against the
Dragon, &c. Grace & peace be multiplied. This Text dearly beloved brethren,
and most dearly beloved sisters, may not unproperly be applyed to these
present times. . . . By this Michael and his Angels in my Text, is meant one
particular Church, and peculiar Church . . . I say unto you againe brethren,
wicked Angels are the Bishops Deanes, Arch Deacons, Prebends, non resi
dents, which live without the care and charge of soules . . . 30
Some such glory and excellency the Angels in the first sort of Angels, cannot
partake of, as might bee largely made out in the second and third Chapter of
the Revelation, and will in severall particulars shew it forth, in what Christ will
communicate to those angels, as to eat of the tree of life, when angels of the
first sort we minded were at the first, in that perfect glory wherin they abide.33
this spiritual sightednesse will be very usefull to those that have it in the day
and time of the Angells sounding forth of God and Christ [i.e. the last days], to
fulfill his will and worke: usefull in freeing from that darknesse which covers
the wicked, who cannot away with Angell nature nor working, it is so hot and
fiery an approach of God in these Messengers, they will allow of nothing but
what is of God according to the truth in Christ.36
here, and offended greatly: Michaell and his Angells, Belzebus, and his
Angells’.39 The war is a struggle between good and evil. A broadside
reporting a royalist conspiracy, The Malignants Trecherous and Bloody
Plot Against the Parliament and Citty (1643), describes Michael and Satan
struggling for ‘Sions safety’. The angels are invisible, however, and do
not appear in the engravings.40 Other pamphlets remind their oppon
ents that angels witness actions here on earth, and will be present when
sinners are sent to eternal confusion.41
A pro Parliament pamphlet of 1643 contended that the king would
be safer at Whitehall, under ‘Angelicall protection in the way of his
Kingly office and duty’ than in the hands of the ‘Dammees’.42 This
nickname for cavaliers alludes to their blasphemous swearing; its full
force relies on the belief that angels and devils walk among us. Angels
guarantee, figuratively and through their interventions, an orderly
creation. The Necessity of Christian Subjection (1643) used angels to
justify absolute monarchy: because kingship goes back to Adam just
as ‘the angels and those of Heaven, had their beginning from God by
Creation’, and because monarchy alone is ‘an Idea or resemblance of
Gods government in Heaven’.43 A Discovery of the Rebels (1643) argued
that ‘the King is the highest of men, and yet but a humane creature, as it is
in the Greek, not a God, nor a creature Angelicall’, inferior in a linear
hierarchy.44 The author of Peace, Peace, and We Shall Be Quiet (1647)
writes that ‘as the world hath one God, so should a Kingdome be
governed by one King, as Gods Substitute . . . Amongst the Angels
there are distinctions, as Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, and
Michael an Archangel’.45 Edward Symmons laments that ‘Hells own selfe
is broake loose into’ England, and implicitly compares Parliament’s
rebellion with the fall of Lucifer and his angels. Mercurius Pragmaticus in
April 1649 also described the rebels as ‘the Devills Agents on Earth, and
like the Apostate Angells in Heaven, [they] do perswade themselves
(being promoted by a spirit of presumption) that they equalize the
highest’.46 Conversely, Maximes Unfolded (1643) repeatedly uses angels
as analogies to argue that a king’s power must be constitutionally
limited.47 A broadside elegy for John Pym, the parliamentary leader
who died in 1643, claimed that had angels been as good as him they
would not have fallen, and it imagined him ‘translated from the House
of Commons, to the Upper House of Glory, and Parliament of Angels
in Heaven’.48 In 1649 Richard Arnway imagined angels in heaven
celebrating Charles I’s union with the Son.49
radical speculation 99
Exegetical Angels
with the Physicks; because they are also a part of the created World,
and in the scale of creatures next to man; by whose nature, the
nature of Angels is the easier to be explained.’69 Many in the course
of the seventeenth century linked the natural philosophical and
theological properties of angels, but Comenius is unusual in the
clarity with which he indicated their intellectual usefulness. Come
nius’ affirmations are for the most part traditional: he discusses
angelic numbers, senses, assumed bodies, strength, movement, and
knowledge. In two matters he is imaginative: first, the extent to
which he makes explicit his ambitions to unify reason, natural
philosophical knowledge, and scriptural exegesis, in doing which
he discovers that angels are a necessary object of contemplation and
explication. Secondly, and like Milton, he briefly muses on angels’
experience of their senses, as if it has occurred to him to reflect upon
what it might feel like to be an angel.70
by which it is evidently confirmed, that those legions of erring angels that fell
with their great Master, Lucifer, are not all confined to the locall Hell, but live
scattered here and there, dispersed in the empty regions of the ayre as thicke as
motes in the Sunne, and those are those things which our too superstitious
ancestors called Elves and Goblins, Furies, and the like,
such as those that appeared to Macbeth (his source could be Shakespeare
or Holinshed). He reports the repeated sighting of the ‘infernall
Armies’ in the sky, confirmed not only by local dignitaries but by
officers of the king’s army who recognize some figures, ‘distinctly
knowing divers of the apparitions, or incorporeall substances by their
faces, as that of Sir Edmund Varney, and others that were there slaine; of
which upon oath they made testimony to his Majestie’.72 One 1648
pamphlet, Strange Predictions Related at Catericke in the North of England:
By one who saw a vision, and told it himselfe to the company with whom he
was drinking healths; how he was struck, and an Angel appeared with a Sword,
combines news with an admonition delivered to a drunk man by an
angel, after which a neighbour runs around in a devil costume. The
mocking pamphlet warns of the dangers of neutralism.73 In 1652
Joseph Hall scorned a vision of an angel ‘in a visible form, with a
naked sword in his hand’ descending on an altar and prophesying
England’s destruction.74 Hall believed in the reality of the spiritual
world, but imaginary visions were more likely to harm than benefit
true belief. Another wonder pamphlet, about a speaking ‘Man fish’ in
the Thames in 1642, compares the prodigy to ‘an Angel sent to guard
this Kingdome . . . so debonarie and full of curtesie’.75 Angels were
synonymous with providential warnings and protection, though
were often treated sceptically or satirically.
Angels played a part in conversion narratives and visionary experi
ences. Anna Trapnel’s account of her spiritual revelations of 1642
describes a vision of an angel, an outward, sensible vision that speaks
and comforts her inwardly.76 Another prophet, Mary Cary, asserted
that the regicide only took place because of the support of ‘thousands
of Angels’, invisible angels unfortunately for the regicides.77 Elizabeth
Poole, called to prophesy for the army’s Council of Officers in
December 1648, may have seen angels in John Pordage’s house in
the following months.78 Anne Green, wrongly condemned for in
fanticide in Oxford in 1651, had visions of angels foisted upon her.
Several news reports and pamphlets of her story were published after
she providentially survived hanging, one reporting that a physician
106 understanding angels
ushered the women around her away, fearing they might ‘suggest
unto her to relate of strange Visions and apparitions’. Nonetheless,
and perhaps at this hint, one derivative and sensationalized pamphlet
ornamented her story with a vision of paradise and ‘4. little boyes
with wings, being four Angels’.79 Angels—real, immediate angels,
that visit and speak to people and visibly act in the world—are
turned into gossips’ fantasies.
Angels do act in the world, but invisibly. Like providence they need
to be discovered in patterns of events. Looking at the stars’ predictions
for 1644, the astrologer William Lilly wrote, ‘it may be feared that God
hath sent downe into our English Court and Common Wealth, that
destructive and Martiall Angell, which incited the enemies of God to
destroy each other’.80 According to Lilly and others, angels interfere in
human affairs (sometimes fouling the predictions of astrologers).
A belief in angels as beings who directly intervene in contemporary
events using their own power underpins other kinds of texts, which
we might be tempted to read metaphorically or polemically. Arise
Evans’s pamphlet The Voice of Michael the Archangel, To his Highness the
Lord Protector (1654) describes Oliver Cromwell’s riding accident on 29
September 1654, St Michael’s day, as an intervention by the angel.
Michael is the angel the Lord promised to send to deliver the English,
Evans writes, and the accident must be his work (he appeared before
the horses and caused them to panic). Evans exhorts: ‘the angel with
his drawn sword stands in your way, though yet you have taken no
notice of him; but I beseech you again consider seriously what befell
you on Saint Michael the Archangels day last past, and know what an
Angel Michael is said to be in Scripture’. Though the work is suasory, it
is also meant literally; and Abraham Cowley’s mocking A Vision,
Concerning his Late Pretended Highnesse Cromwell, the Wicked; Containing
a discourse in vindication of him by a pretended angel, and the confutation
thereof by the author (1661) is intended as an antidote to this literalism.81
Not all those who saw angels presumed to publish. The intellectual
descendants of John Dee sought to summon and converse with angels
yet were secretive about it. Lilly’s autobiography, written at Elias
Ashmole’s request, suggests a community of astrologers who sum
moned angels as part of their divination, hinting at the extent and
the difficulty of defining its contours. Ashmole was a friend to Lilly and
a patron to Pordage, who sought to summon angels. Lilly had read
Dee’s conversations with angels: he thought genuine spiritual
radical speculation 107
were not given vocally by the Angels, but by Inspection of the Crystal in
Types and Figures, or by Apparition the Circular way, where, at some
Distance, the Angels appear representing by Forms, Shapes, and Creatures,
108 understanding angels
what is demanded: It is very rare, yea, even in our Days, for any Operator or
Master to have the Angels speak articulately; when they do speak, it’s like the
Irish, much in the Throat.89
Forman’s pupil Napier, for whom Lilly felt much admiration, prayed
to angels: ‘he invocated several Angels in his Prayer, Viz. (a) Michael,
Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, &c.’. Ashmole annotated and added a striking
detail: ‘At sometimes, upon great Occasions, he had Conference with
Michael, but very rarely.’90 One of Napier’s manuscripts from 1619
describes consultations with the angel Raphael, who answers Napier’s
questions about alchemy and the health, longevity, and fortunes of
several clients.91 This may explain why Lilly thought Napier outdid
Forman. Aubrey confirms Napier’s godliness, and reports that he
conversed with Raphael, who would give him responses to queries
about patients. It was because of conversations with angels, rather
than his horoscopes, that his predictions were so reliable. Aubrey
thought the same of the skilled Mr Marsh of Dunstable, who
privately confessed that astrology was merely the ‘Countenance’
and that his real business was done ‘by the help of the blessed
Lilly is coy about his own communications with spirits. He admits, ‘I
was once resolved to have continued Trithemius for some succeeding
Years, but Multiplicity of Employment impeded me, the Study
required in that kind of Learning, must be sedentary, of great Reading,
sound Judgment, which no Man can accomplish except he wholly
retire, use Prayer, and accompany himself with Angelic Consorts.’93
Lilly means not merely the holy life necessary as a precursor to spiritual
conversations, but literal angelic consorts. The Steganographia of the
fifteenth century German mystic Johannes Trithemius describes a cab
balistic and hermetic method for acquiring and transmitting knowledge
that uses angelic names to invoke and communicate with and by angels.
Though it influenced John Wilkins’s Mercury, or, The Secret and Swift
Messenger (1641), the first partial English translation of Steganographia
was by Lilly in 1647. Lilly and his contemporaries read it as a magical
resource and a means of summoning and conversing with angels.94
Throughout his almanacs in the 1640s Lilly hints at the role of angels
in human affairs. He repeatedly states that guardian angels protect
countries, and the fortunes of a country depend upon their interven
tion, most strikingly in 1647–8:
110 understanding angels
Live English Parlia[ment]. Fear not the male contented, thy Angel Protector is
very potent, his name is not Michael, yet he is powerfull . . . Welcome sweet
Messenger from Ireland, what newes dost thou bring? Famine, mortality,
& most horrible division is now there, great deserting each other; poor bestiall
Kingdome, thy Angel is a sluggard, but the English Angel is active.95
Angels are God’s messengers, but in this cosmology they bear dele
gated authority and have responsibility for sending messages them
selves. Demonic magic, conventionally understood as magic exercised
through the agency of fallen angels,99 is a practice entirely distinct from
the lawful calling of angels. Lilly describes not only natural or sympa
thetic magic, but actual ‘verball Colloquie’ in which angels disclose the
future, a practice widely sought but accomplished by fewer, though
radical speculation 111
‘many now living’, who keep quiet their conversations with their
‘Genius’ or tutelary ‘good Angel’. Such prudence was necessary,
because these practices were easily identified by hostile observers as a
form of demonic magic, or cacodemology. Lilly describes in his 1648
Ephemeris a vision of angels struggling over the fate of England, and
another vision of an angel waving a sword over London. These can be
seen as metaphors, albeit metaphors that are grounded upon specific
angel doctrines, in part because they conform to literary conventions
of dream visions (‘slumbering I thought a voice delivered articulately
these words’); but they must also be understood literally, as induced
visions of guardian angels dutifully articulating prophetic warnings.100
Anti Merlinus, or, A Confutation of Mr. William Lillies Predictions
(1648) dismisses Lilly’s enquiries into the actions and names of guardian
angels, and accuses him of ‘pretending . . . to ground his predictions
upon Cacodemologie, or conference with Devils, and lapsed
Angels’.101 The author, H. Johnsen, identifies himself as a student of
astrology, and uses the term ‘cacodemology’ in a technical rather than
bombastic manner, accurately identifying this subtext of Lilly’s writ
ings in the 1640s. Perhaps he had heard rumours of Lilly’s angelic
conversations. Lilly says nothing about fallen angels, but Johnsen
transforms them into demons. While conversing with angels is close
to prayer, conjuring fallen angels is witchcraft, and risks execution
under the 1604 Act Against Conjuration and Witchcraft. Persecution
for witchcraft recommenced in England in 1645.102 Dee, Forman,
Napier, Evans, Lilly, and others conversed with angels, but did not
advertise it in print.
The association between astrology and natural magic partly explains
the ferocity of the attacks on astrology in the 1640s. Scriptural anno
tators and theologians conventionally described judicial astrology as
presumptuous though not unlawful, and with some basis in reality.103
Calvin thought astrology a means to divine wisdom, and Wollebius
that angels’ superior knowledge was partly based on their ability to
interpret stars. The inhabitants of Stortford endorsed the influence of
the stars as a fundamental truth.104 The 1640s saw a rise in the number
of astrological publications and a diversification in their forms.105
Predictions and attacks on individual astrologers were politicized.
But there was also a more general attack on the art of astrology itself,
pressed by fear of witchcraft, apocalypticism, and suspicion of mystical
theology. Most of these attacks associated astrology with demons and
112 understanding angels
Not content you are to be heires, but you would be Lords, yea Gods, yea the Judgers of
the heavens: Wherefore do even as you list, but if you forsake the way taught you from
above, behold evil shall enter into your senses, and abomination shal dwel before
your eyes, as a recompence, unto such as you have done wrong unto: And your
wives and children, shall be carried away before your face.115
If any thing relish here of Trithemius or Paracelsus, or any such, well may we
conclude from thence, that the Divel is like himself. This is the truest
inference. It is he that inspired Trithemius and Paracelsus, &c. that speaketh
here; and wonder ye if he speaks like them? . . . Yea, those very Characters
commended unto Dr. Dee by his Spirits for holy and mystical, and the original
Characters (as I take it) of the holy tongue, they are no other, for the most
part but such as were set out and published long agoe by one Theseus
Ambrosius out of Magical books, as himself professeth. . . . So that in all this
radical speculation 115
the Divel is but still constant unto himself, and this constancy stands him in
good stead, to add the more weight and to gain credit to his Impostures.
Not to be wondred therefore if the same things be found elsewhere, where
the D. hath an hand.118
Radical Angels
Roule (1650), written shortly after his stay with Pordage, Coppe uses
Revelation 10, a favourite among enthusiasts, to encourage the godly
(‘Precisians’) to desire their neighbour’s wife. ‘It’s meat and drink to an
Angel [who knows no evill, no sin] to sweare a full mouth’d oath.’
There is an angelological joke in the colloquial ‘it’s meat and drink’:
conventionally angels need neither. Coppe wants his readers to reflect
on traditional exegesis through this playful paradox, but also mounts an
argument in favour of the inner gospel, against the formal and external
moral law. Later he relates:
I have gone along the street impregnant with that child [lust] which a
particular beauty had begot: but coming to the place, where I expected to
have been delivered, I have providentially met there a company of devils in
appearance, though Angels with golden vials, in reality, powring out full vials,
of such odious abominable words, that are not lawfull to be uttered.136
they shine like unto the Sun or a flame of fire; being formed in a Region of a
more higher nature than this; therefore they are of motion as swift as thought,
and of a pure, thin, or bright fiery nature; so that with great ease they pierce
through a narrow passage at the Divine pleasure of the Creator.154
just so on the contrary the womb of the Virgin wife Mary, was honoured with
the Angelical God himself, through which her polluted nature was not onely
cleansed while he was in her womb, but also by the vertue of the Divine
power, she was inhabited to conceive his glorious Majesty of her Seed into a
holy Babe of unspotted flesh, blood and bone.156
J ohn Pordage conversed with angels, and they transformed his life.
His story, and that of his family, and his gathered congregation, is
an important and revealing one in the history of religious radicalism in
the seventeenth century. It tells of a zealous individual whose experi
mental divinity rejected religious orthodoxy and prompted him to
move through an occult visionary period to a revised spiritual outlook
that was finally accommodated in the Restoration to a position com
patible with doctrinal quietism. Beginning in 1649 Pordage saw angels,
and explored the invisible, spiritual worlds they inhabited.1 His spirit
ual insights were informed by reading occult authors, especially Jacob
Boehme, but also Paracelsus and Hendrik Niclaes, yet he saw himself
as a contributor to the central, visionary tradition of the true Protestant
Church. While he was cautious about revealing his theology, his
ejection from his living after a trial in 1654 persuaded him to publish
a description of his spiritual revelations and angelic conversations. He
had numerous followers, and was in later life involved in the founda
tion of the Philadelphian movement. Angels were central to Pordage’s
heterodox and controversial theology, and their testimony was also the
source of his insights and the proof of their verity. John’s son Samuel, a
young witness to his father’s contact with angels, would write an epic
poem that charted the universes his father had discovered, using
narrators that spoke with, and were guided by, angels. The writings
of the Pordages reveal the depth of intellectual turmoil that could
result from beliefs in angels, their imaginative and prophetic force,
and their central role in enthusiastic spirituality.
126 understanding angels
Baxter had read Pordage’s account of his trial and had also conversed
with one of his ‘Family Communion’, who confessed that he did not
know ‘whether it were with the Eye of the Body or of the Mind’ that
he saw the odd sights that he understood to be angels.2 Baxter thought
that Pordage and Boehme were melancholy persons who sought
converse with angels, something that ‘God hath not judged suitable
to our Condition here in the Flesh’.3
The translation of mystical and occult authors, especially Boehme
(from 1644 onwards), impelled radical speculation about angels.
Enthusiasts sought ways of incorporating occult beliefs and folklore
and spiritual experimentalism into conventional Protestant angelol
ogy.4 Pordage was profoundly influenced by Boehme’s writings—his
theology was also Paracelsian and familist—but his writings cannot be
reduced to their Behmenist influence. His communication with the
angelic world also fits into an astrological–magical tradition. A client of
Elias Ashmole, it is likely that Pordage was in William Lilly’s commu
nity of angel conversants, and that his visions were invoked, at least
initially, using astrological–magical means; though this is something he
expressly denied.5 Lilly had learned about angel summoning from his
tutors, the Welsh astrologer John Evans and Alexander Hart; from the
manuscript recording John Dee’s conversations with angels, which
Ashmole also read; and from Simon Forman’s manuscripts. Lilly’s
autobiography, written at Ashmole’s request, reveals a community
conversations with angels 127
that his Chamber ‘hath sometimes been almost filled with spirits’; that
his angel commanded him to cease preaching; that a visitor to his
house in a trance saw ‘two Angels all in white, with Crowns’ floating
over the head of Pordage’s daughter, and other visions.27 Margaret
Pendar, another neighbour, was converted by visions of angels, and
later testified to seeing a vision of a man who promises to heal her: he
produces a book he calls ‘the book of the Lamb . . . a broad book with a
parchment cover, and I saw writing in it’. A dark angel appears and
tempts her to suicide. Later Pordage visits her and prays ‘in a very
strange language, she did not understand well what he said’. She
implies that the book was not the Bible and that incantations and
heresies formed part of Pordage’s prayers.28
Throughout his trial Pordage was cautious about revealing anything
about his visions. When responding to questions concerning angels, he
declines to utter anything that might be taken as self accusation. He
responds thus to the allegation that he had conversed with angels:
As this Article is presented in general terms, without expressing whether the
Communion be visible or invisible, I do not see how it can touch me, though
my enemies were my Judges, because every true Christian hath frequent
communion or converse with Angels, as you may see solidly and clearly
proved from Scripture by the Lord Lawrence, one very learned and pious,
now President of the Lord Protectors Councel, in his Book Entituled, Our
Communion and War with Angels.29
by any other means then by Gods blessing upon our fasting and prayers, I shall
judge myself worthy of punishment; but otherwise it is hard measure to be
prosecuted and prejudiced for the malice of the Devil towards me, inflicting
what I was passive in, and could not help, especially by those who profess the
Christian religion, and know that the God of heaven rules over all, permitting
and disposing of whatever comes to passe.30
Though emphatic that he does not conjure demons, he does not
directly deny conversing with angels. Throughout the trial his
accusers return to this allegation, and of the question of his ‘own
angel’, and Pordage is repeatedly and adroitly non committal. Even
tually he admits in court ‘that I had an Angel of God that stood by me,
assisted me, comforted me, and protected me, when that dreadfull
apparition was before me’, though he signally does not acknowledge
it to be an individual guardian, and his phrasing allows a metaphoric
reading.31 He does not wish to admit his belief in individual guardian
angels (though he might have invoked Lawrence’s support again) while
his enemies pursue it as a Trojan horse for other, more noxious
In a fragment of spiritual autobiography, Vavasor Powell records
that in a period of uncertainty he wished that the Devil would appear
before him in order to terrify him into rectitude. Satan did subse
quently appear, ‘not onely by his secret workings in the conscience,
but by visible representations, and outwardly real apparitions’.32 If
Pordage had simply declared that he had seen evil angels, it would
have been startling, but the real danger lay in the implication that he
had compacted with them. In the seventeenth century bad angels
appear more frequently than good, and though doubtless more terri
fying, they were also more straightforward, less open to hermeneutic
suspicion, because no good angel would disguise itself as a bad. An
apparently good angel, however, might be a bad angel disguised;
hence Pordage’s claim that he could smell the difference (his son
would later write that the difference was always visible, and that ‘starry
Halos’ always distinguished good angels33). Richard Baxter offered a
reason for the frequency that is implicit elsewhere: ‘Corporeal Cras
situde is an abasement, and therefore fittest for the more Ignoble sort
of Spirits: We that dwell here in Bodies, are of a lower Order, than
those of the more high and invisible Regions.’ The ministrations of
good angels are offered invisibly, because to assume corporeal form is
conversations with angels 133
which presented themselves as passing before our eys in state and pomp; all the
mighty ones appearing to be drawn in dark ayery clouds, Chariots with six or
at least four beasts, to every one, besides every figured similitude of a Coach,
was attended with many inferior spirits, as servants to the Princes. But
concerning the shapes and figures of the spirits, you must know, they were
very monstrous, terrible, and affrighting to the outward man. Those that drew
the clowdy Coaches, appearing in the shapes of Lions, Dragons, Elephants,
Tygers, Bears, and such like terrible beasts; besides the Princes and those that
attended them, though all in the shapes of men, yet represented themselves
monstrously mishapen, as with ears like those of Cats, cloven feet, ugly legs
and bodies, eys fiery, sharp and piercing. . . . Now besides these appearances
within, the sperits made some wonderful impressions upon visible bodies
without: as figures of men and beasts upon the glass windows, and the
Cealings of the house, some of which yet remain: But what was most
remarkable, was the whole visible world represented by the spirits, upon the
Bricks of a Chimney, in the form of two half Globes, as in the Maps . . . were
but the eys of men opened to see the kingdom of the Dragon in this world,
with the multitudes of evil Angels which are everywhere tempting and
ensnaring men, they would be amazed, and not dare to be by themselves,
without good Consciences, and a great assurance of the love and favour of
God, in protecting them, by the Ministration of the Holy Angels.39
His family is also tortured by the noxious smells of these angels, by
‘loathsome hellish tasts’, and by physical pains caused by the Devil’s
poisonous darts.40 Though the spirits are seen with the inward eye,
they are also seen, projected onto surfaces, with the outward eye.
Pordage’s parishioners do not differentiate, identifying real sights and
real smells. The visual description of the light world is less elaborate:
There appeared then to our inward sight multitudes almost innumerable,
of pure Angelical spirits, in figurative bodies, which were as clear as the
morning star, and transparent as Christal, these were Mahanaim or the Lords
host, appearing all in manly forms, full of Beauty and Majesty, sparkling like
Diamonds and sending forth a tincture like the swift rays, and hot beams of the
Sun, which we powerfully felt to the refreshing of our souls, and enlivening of
our bodies.
The bodies are figurative but they are nonetheless male and highly
colourful, the first point orthodox, the second unusual, though it has
a scriptural origin. Pordage and his family hear ‘many musical sounds
and voices’; their ‘spiritual joy and delight’ was ‘infused into our
souls, uttered by the tongue’.41 The syntax is ecstatic and therefore
unclear, but the tongues seem to be angels’. The eyewitnesses smell
conversations with angels 135
Samuel Pordage, aged 21, appeared briefly at his father’s trial, with
several other witnesses, to testify on what he had heard his father
preach in 1652 and 1654. His depositions suggest John’s general
interest in Christology, witchcraft, and necromancy, without giving
the prosecutors evidence of heresy. It was, however, after this depos
ition in his pamphlet account of the trial that John inserted testimony
of his insights into the spiritual world.49
conversations with angels 137
Samuel was born in December 1633, and had attended the Merchant
Taylors’ School, but he was in Bradfield often enough to provide
testimony, and his subsequent writings suggest a close relationship
with his father. Though there is no record of Samuel attending
university, his later career reveals him an able neo Latinist and a
learned author, and some of this learning can be attributed to John’s
influence. At least in his early years, Samuel was part of his father’s
extraordinary spiritual community.
The younger Pordage’s Poems upon Several Occasions (1660) offers
formulaic panegyrics, elegies, and love lyrics; his Heroick Stanzas on his
Majesties Coronation (1661) shares its tone with much poetry celebrat
ing the restoration of the king. Stylistically and intellectually these bear
no relation to his most substantial poem, Mundorum Explicatio, or, The
Explanation of an Hieroglyphical Figure: Wherein are couched the mysteries of
the external, internal, and eternal worlds, shewing the true progress of a soul
from the court of Babylon to the city of Jerusalem; from the Adamical fallen
state to the regenerate and angelical. A sacred poem (1661).50 Published
under the initials S.P., the elaborate theology and angelic communi
cations outlined in this epic are based on John Pordage’s visions,
elaborating, and perhaps augmenting, what he had been reticent
about. It contains an impressive engraved ‘Hieroglyphical Figure’
designed by John that outlines the universe of the poem; the poem
is an ‘explanation’, the title states, of this figure. Samuel’s later
writings—including Azaria and Hushai (1682) and The Medal Revers’d
(1682), both responses to Dryden, and the tragedy Herod and Mariamne
(1673)—show none of the religious enthusiasm of his epic. Mundorum
Explicatio has been neglected, perhaps because of its poetical infelici
ties, perhaps because of its spiritual subject matter, but this neglect is
undeserved, because it is risky and ambitious and makes strong claims
for the relationship between spiritual radicalism and poetry in the
seventeenth century.51
Part discursive, part narrative, Mundorum Explicatio (‘Explication
of the Worlds’) describes a soul’s journey through multiple uni
verses. It is self consciously modelled on Dante’s Divine Comedy,
and echoes Homer; at times its allegorical journey to salvation
resembles John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678); while its
claim to visionary poetics, spiritual revelation, prophesy, and a
divinely inspired literal truth anticipate Paradise Lost. The ‘Proae
mium’ begins:
138 understanding angels
His muse is, he announces, Urania, and his theme is heavenly love, the
‘cursed Earth’ and ‘Th’Eternal horrors of the larger Sphear j Where
great Beelzebub and his Princes are’.52 Did Milton hear these lines in
1661, while writing his own poem, and worry that someone had
pre empted his Protestant epic? The rejection of military epic, the
scorn of courtly love, the identity of the Muse are the same. Whereas
Milton began in medias res, however, and told his story with only the
occasional intervention of a narratorial voice, Mundorum Explicatio is
didactic. It begins by demonstrating the existence of a spiritual world,
in the face of the perceived proliferation of Sadducism, and outlining
Pordage’s vision of the four worlds. He dismisses poetic fantasies of
‘brain built worlds’: his worlds are intended literally. The external or
terrestrial world, the light or paradisiacal world, the dark or Tartarean
world, and the eternal world (especially important in John’s later
theology) are rooted in Behmenism (the poem is prefaced by an
encomium to Boehme and his translator, John Sparrow), but they
are also the basis of John’s visions. The poem journeys through them
in an allegorical or accommodated narrative, though the poems also
presumes their real, material existence. Pordage insists, for example, on
the real existence of spirits in the outward world. He describes at
length the corporeality and senses of angels to show that they are
beings who interact in the created world in ways that are capable of
rational explanation.53 They are, then, both spiritual allegories and
unambiguously real.
The three parts of the poem differ in content and form. Part I
describes Creation, especially the nature of spirits and angels, and
offers a Behmenist and Paracelsian account of the double Fall of man.
Adam is made in the likeness of God, with a pure body of the
spiritual materials sulphur, mercury, and salt. Evil is the First Principle
of the universe; good, which will eventually overcome it, is the
Second. Adam is made in this Second Principle, and is left to be
conversations with angels 141
The rest of the arms showed the earth, with Death slaying a lamb, and a
dragon triumphing over a human form. The chivalric characterization
of the Devil may express a Christian disdain for the martial ethos of
Continental epic.57 Pordage identified himself on title pages, both
before and after 1661, as ‘gent’ or ‘esq’; yet on the title page of
Mundorum Explicatio he is, uniquely, ‘S. P. Armig.’. ‘Armiger’ is one
who bears arms, and Pordage’s claim here is puzzling, especially as
there is no other reference to arms in this volume. There is, however,
an extant seventeenth century description of the coat of arms of
‘Dr Pordage of Bradfield’, though few seventeenth century readers
of the poem can have known it:
The Crest A Dragons head spitting fire
The Coate 3 Crosse Crosseletts sables
And a Bend checherd Gules & or
in a field Argent.58
the Devil’s seed, and the shared fiery dragon an acknowledgement that
the light and dark worlds are coextensive within this terrestrial sphere.
Part II shifts focus and describes the journey of a Pilgrim, led by his
guardian angel, to Mundus Luminosus, or paradise. Goaded by the
punishing conscience of his angel, the Pilgrim undergoes adult baptism
with John, is tempted, and is shown, by Alathia, or truth, a map of the
Holy Land—which becomes the basis of a series of inset narratives on
the life of Christ. The poem turns into a hybrid form, combining an
Italianate epic romance with spiritual allegory and didactic passages of
occult philosophy. Alathia denounces predestination, explains that
heaven is not a place but the presence of the Second Principle, and
declares that good humans have both the serpent and the dove in them.
The poem becomes more experimental in these passages, perhaps look
ing back to Sidney’s Arcadia, introducing a series of inset songs in various
metres. No single form—epic, narrative, lyric, didactic verse—can
capture the full range of truths that Pordage feels driven to express.
Pilgrim’s spiritual transcendence is the most intellectually and
imaginatively exciting passage of the poem, and its dramatic turning
point. Apocalypsis, assisted by Sophia, unbinds Pilgrim from the world
and unlocks his senses: he beholds the internal worlds, and sees
‘Myriads of Angels in their proper Sphear’ (p. 192). Angels live here
when not attending upon humans, and here angels are therefore
symbolic of the inner sphere, or the invisible world. Pilgrim’s seeing
and hearing them is proof of revelation and of the existence of this
world. Pilgrim’s five senses are opened to the angelic world. He hears
the songs of seraphim, reproduced within the poem, like the angelic
hymn in Paradise Lost (7. 602–32). He hears the voices ‘Of the Angel
ical core’, smells ‘Paradysaical Odors’, feels the warm touch of Love,
tastes the food of angels (p. 193). Samuel captures in imaginative form
the literal truth of John’s earlier experience, his revelation of the
angelic world.
The exposition veers into allegory, as Pilgrim is tempted by Ima
gination, who offers pictures, turning spiritual objects into worldly,
deceiving the viewer with mere shadows instead of substance. Alle
gorical poetry is dangerous, reflecting on Samuel’s own method.
Pilgrim’s revelation is not to be understood allegorically: these are
real angels, and real sensory stimuli. The passage, powerful and
moving, recalls John Pordage’s testimony in his 1655 pamphlet of
the appearance ‘to our inward sight multitudes almost innumerable,
144 understanding angels
let alone the tongue of an angel: this is not only a modesty topos
but a figure for ideal speech and a metaphor for accommodation.61
As in Paradise Lost, however, angels speak of invisible things on
man’s behalf: the loquacious guardian angel describes the fall of the
angels and Creation. Pilgrim is told of the ‘theamagical twelve fruits’,
the forms of knowledge (visible in the hieroglyph): some are con
ventional (languages, reason, poetry), some eclectic (interpretation
of dreams and of poetry), some specific to Pordage’s interests (the
gift of union and communion with holy spirits, the gift of the five
internal senses, and of divine magic; pp. 267–84). Among other
things, this is a retrospective justification of John Pordage’s interests,
his claim to have communicated with the world of spirits, and his
pursuit of magic. The poem presents true magic and theology as
intertwined: the interpretation of Scripture is a ‘theamagical’ gift,
and, for all of the virtue in Trithemius, Agrippa, and Paracelsus,
divine magic is only truly learned through revelation (pp. 274, 283–
92). Whereas the common rout pursue the philosophers’ stone out
of avarice, the true magician, instructed by purity and regeneration,
commands spirits and tastes fruits beyond expression by ‘all the
Rhetoric an angel has’ (p. 284). Part II ends in an ecstatic, sublime
silence as Pilgrim meets Jesus through the protective veil of his
angel’s wings.
Like John Heydon, the young Rosicrucian author of a series of
occult literary texts published in the early 1660s, Samuel seeks to
incorporate Christian magic into his theological system, and angelic
revelations are integral to these arguments and their exposition.
Heydon’s various writings discuss a vision of aerial men, astrology,
astromancy, magic and theology, the bodies of angels, guardian angels,
the problems of representing the invisible world, the interpretation of
dreams, the Fall of man, and more. He reports that God made the earth
‘out of Chaos, which was the bodies of wicked Angels’, one of the
strangest accounts of Creation.62 The Pordages’ writings are not
Rosicrucian, and are less obscure than Heydon’s, but they share an
unusual set of convergent interests, and they articulate these concerns
through a self consciously literary form, turning sacred truths into
Part III is much briefer and discusses the principles of literary
representation. The vision concluding part II is risky, boldly ignoring
warnings of blasphemous iconography; the third part begins by
146 understanding angels
stating that it is not lawful to utter the wonders of Sion. Pordage may
hint that there are things he will not reveal in poetry (pp. 309–10). He is
not, he says, writing with the imaginative fancifulness of a poet. Pre
empting criticism, he argues that this invisible world is real and
accessible to the eyes of the soul, though he has not himself been
granted this privilege:
But least (because I here so stiffly plead)
You should suppose I have been there indeed;
I will confess (as ’counting it great shame
To be accounted better than I am)
That I not worthy have accounted been;
O no I cleans’d am not am [sic] enough from Sin)
I am a Pilgrim and do thither wen,
Strong is my Faith I shall come there: Amen!
Assur’d I am, although a very few
Attain (whilst here on Earth) this Court unto,
That here on Earth it may attained be,
Though Flesh, and Blood impeed its clarity. (p. 316)
can no more be separated than the fiction and the vision. The inner
worlds are also sensible, outer worlds, and the poetry is prophetic.
Mr. Francis Pordage, the Publisher of this Book will undertake to Gratifie the
World with all the Theological, Theosophical, and Philosophical Works of the said
Illuminated Son of Wisdom, which are come to his Hands; if there shall be
any suitable encouragement given to such a Design.
born from ye spirit of this macrocosm, that are mortal spirits & have no Eternal
souls, & are different from ye apostate angels, & from ye holy angels, & also
differ from ye race of mankind that have immortal souls, & for whom Christ
died, but not for these mortal spirits. Now ye ancient Philosophers according
to their Natural Magick did find out yt of this sort there some Good, loving &
very kind, & some were evil, subtile & hurtfull to mankind, The Good they
called good Genii; The bad & hurtfull they called evil Genii. And Socrates
with many others had good Genii, & many others had bad Genii for their
Guides. But this is not ye proper place to treat of this Thesis of Natural Magick
in relation to this visible creation . . . 73
This doctrine would direct the Philadelphians. These spirits inhabit the
Still Eternity, and are simple, unlike angels, who are mixed spirits
created from Eternal Nature.74 The role of angels in Pordage’s later
theology is also restricted by his emphasis on the seven spirits that stand
before the throne of God, or throne angels, which he modifies from
the orthodox Angels of the Presence, the seven spirits which, in
Revelation 1: 4, witness the face of God. Pordage states that these
seven who wait upon the Trinity inhabit Still Eternity, proceed from
the body of Holy Ghost, and are thus co essential powers with him;
‘they are the high Favourites, Friends and Companions of the supreme
Majesty’.75 Here, and elsewhere in Pordage’s philosophy and that of
the Philadelphians, traditional aspects of angelology are sectioned off
into occult and increasingly elaborate revelations, detached from con
ventional learning and practical worship.
Pordage’s later writings testify to a weakening of commitment to
the immediate, sensible reality of angels. He states that Adam was an
angelical man, ‘a Paradisical Man, in the Figure of an Angel’; this
distinguishes him from his postlapsarian ‘Bestial Form’.76 It also, how
ever, equates angels with the human soul, an increasingly conven
tional position in the later seventeenth century, and by humanizing
them diminishes their status as unique creatures. Pordage espouses the
orthodox position that only Christ, and not angels, can mediate
between humans and God; this does not contradict his earlier position,
but goes against the tendency of his earlier experiences of communi
cating with angels, and, in Mundorum Explicatio, their role as travel
There is nonetheless much that can be learned about Pordage’s
angels. They have senses; they need food; they are, unlike the seven
spirits, corporeal; there is no reason in their world.78 One of his
152 understanding angels
Mary Pordage died in 1668, and, some time after, Pordage was
joined in his ministry by Jane Lead. According to her own testi
mony, Lead, born in Norfolk in 1624, met Pordage in 1663. In 1670
she began to experience visions (involving the Virgin Sophia, a
figure clearly derived from Pordage’s theology) and to record them
in a spiritual diary, later published as A Garden of Fountains. By 1674
she was sharing a house with Pordage.89 Richard Roach wrote that
her ‘Extraordinary Gift of Revelation ye Dr gave great Regard to &
Attendancd upon’.90 Pordage encouraged visionary women. The
Philadelphian Society was inaugurated, with this name and regular
public meetings, in 1696 or 1697, which continued until 1703
(Lead died in 1704); this was a public birth, bringing internal conflict
as well as expansion, of an older Church. Lead was its acknowledged
founder, but the Society pre existed this event, and her doctrine was
deeply rooted in Pordage’s teachings. Roach claimed that the Society
was part of a community that had met and waited on the Spirit for fifty
years; this was Pordage’s spiritual gathering, dating from the mid
154 understanding angels
Lead saw angels in her visions, and they constitute part of her
divinity. In a 1694 vision she describes seeing in the third circle of
heaven, ‘Seraphims and Cherubims, bright Angels, very numerous’.92
In her 1670s visions she describes contemplating and hearing the
angelical world; she writes of the Angels of the Presence and throne
angels.93 In a vision in February 1676 she reports the Lamb of God
appearing to her and describing Creation, the Fall of the Angels and of
Now know, that before this, there was a Creation of Angelical Hosts, as an
immediate produce from the everlasting Being. Who delighted to generate
Thrones, Mights, and Powers, that so God through distinct Existencies of
Celestial Spirits, of that high Angelical Order, might come to manifest his
Attributes, which before lay void and hid in an Eternal Stillness. So as here was
the Angelical World in pre existency before the Paradisical.94
Her visions, and her terminology, are clearly shaped by Pordage, though
it is also likely that his beliefs, and the records of them transmitted among
Philadelphians, were influenced by hers. Lead’s accounts of angels have
little of the immediacy of Pordage’s sensory encounters: they are
circumscribed as visions or prophecies, received in a particular state of
mind, and conveyed within the limits of genre. There are some inter
esting exceptions: she records a conversation she held with John the
Apostle, whom she also describes as ‘the Angel John’ in 1694. Strikingly,
she writes to a friend in 1676: ‘there is a certain Person, well known to
you and men, whose Angel did lately appear in full Day, in an upper
Room, where a few Names were met together, to wait for the Promise
of the Father’.95 The terminology suggests an individual guardian angel,
one visible to a third party. This suggests a more intimate experience
than Lead’s other angelic visions, not least because she seems to be
describing the use of her outward eyes.
Ann Bathurst, a follower and acquaintance of Pordage and Lead,
had extensive visions of individual guardian angels, conversing with
them, and witnessing conversations between them. Her ‘Transporta
tions’ and ‘Visionall Dreams’ are less well known than Lead’s writings,
but her relationships with angels are more developed and intimate.96
Roach records that Bathurst, and her friend Joanna Oxenbridge, had
‘great & Wonderful Experiences & Manifestations from ye Heavenly
World’.97 Two manuscript volumes of Bathurst’s ‘Transportations’
survive, one having belonged to the aforementioned Dr Keith. The
conversations with angels 155
other states that ‘thise visions ware when did live with dc pordich’: in
March 1679, when she received her first vision of an angel, she was
sharing a house with Pordage and Lead. In her first ‘Transportation or
Manifestation’, which took place ‘either in the Body, or out of the
Body . . . I cannot tell’, she undertakes a journey in which she sees
paradise and the Kingdom of Christ, where
I appeared to my self (I mean my Angel appear’d to me, but I understood it
not) at wch being surprized, and the flesh shrinking at the greatness of the
Glory, I perfectly felt a Touch on the top of my head, wch drew my spirit out
of me, as you would draw a knife or sword out of a sheath, & it cut as it was
drawn forth, I felt it cut like a two edged sword.
The journey continues: she sees the Father, the Dragon, the Beast, and
Babylon. She asks to see angels,
and immediately there were several of them compassing part of the Throne:
They were like unto transparent Gold, wth faces like Men, having two large
golden Wings coming forth of each side of their faces, wch was most
The dramatic and literary expression of this initial vision commences
800 manuscript pages of spiritual revelations that took place over
seventeen years, involving many visible and speaking angels,
Pordage inspired diagrams of the universe, and three distinct theories
of the offices and nature of angels.
The angels appeared in bed, and at prayer meetings. She distin
guishes an ‘outward Angel’ (sometimes ‘of this Lower world’) from her
‘supreme Angel’ or ‘Angel in the Unity of Love’. The former is visible
not only to herself, but to her friends, and she can see her friends’
outward angels. One day in 1680, she records in her spiritual diary,
I saw my friends Angel & mine put into scales in sight of the B.B. [Bright
Body, or Jesus] to be weighed in a higher center, & in other cloathing; My
Angel I thought to be wanting in weight . . . 99
A few days later she recorded a systematic angelology:
FMy ffriend & I read a Vision of our Three fold Angel. Our supreme part
being an Angel that allwise abides in the Unity of Love, after we have once
become a little Child of that Center, & [marginal reference: Matt. 18,3,4,10]
wch allwise beholds the face of our Father in heaven: there’s also another
Angel of ours, wch is our Guardian, or souls Angel that goeth up with our
156 understanding angels
requests: I have sometimes seen it goe up like a white Cloud with my prayers,
and my Angel of the Unity of Love come to it to hear its requests, yt she might
pray them over again. So Now as my ffriend read the Vision to me, I saw my
Angel like a white Cloud go to the place of the Unity of Love, and my Angel
of ye U. of Love, wch was in a gold garment & like a Child, run to the white
Cloud (wch was my Angel also) and say, what is your request? I’m come to
hear yt I may offer it up, for being near the Father & Son I know best how to
offer up according to his will, and know best his will and what He requires of
yow. Thus did I see both these Angels, as if one prayed lying on its face, and
the other praying the requests over again & better; and when my spirits Angel
understood what I wanted that I had not asked for, she said to the other (my
souls Angel) yt I must ask for ffaith, yrby declaring what great advantage it was
for the (third Angel or) Angel in the lower world to have great ffaith, what
victory it gave us over our selves, so as nothing could hurt us; that ffaith keeps
everything without us, and nothing without us hurts us; and yt I should
assuredly beleive yt no concerns in ye world should hurt our souls progress,
and if they did, yt we should be helped out of them. This was said as to us
both, my friend & me, :::::::
^and ::::::::::
::::::::: :::::::::::::
I received strength.100
she identifies them, and they offer a more active channel of commu
nication with God than is conventional within Protestantism. They are
also sexed according to their human: hers are feminine, while a male
friend’s angel is masculine.102 In one vision her soul is exalted, and the
process is represented by the gift of an edible book from Christ, an
image rooted in traditional theology, but particularly significant in
occult learning:
He gave my Angel F a Book all of gold, & said, read it; my Law and Love is
written in it; Eat it, and let it be yor food, and yow shall Live for ever, and yow
shall not want my assistance. and she (i.e. my angel) took the Book & eat it,
and her Garment became very rich and beautiful and shining.103
In addition to personal angels there are angels and spirits that are
independent of humans. Angels are varied in their appearance:
sometimes they wear transparent gold garments, ‘Not in the figure
of Cherubims as sometimes I have seen them’. Bathurst can visu
ally distinguish between cherubim and other angels. In 1686 ‘A
Glorious Angel like the Son of God appeared, girt about the paps
wt a Golden Girdle, like an Ephod; his breast full of Milk of Consola
tion . . . his Garment was most glorious.’ Later she sees her soul, ‘like a
Cherubim allwise hovering on the Wing’.104 She has a clear visual
iconography in her mind’s eye, though she does not disclose it at
length. Angels have bright, transparent bodies, and wings, and wear
golden garments.
Bathurst’s visions are frequent, and once she has picked up a theme
for meditation she can rhapsodize on it for pages, over weeks (per
haps it was a theme among her prayer community). Her observation
of her angel’s interaction with other angels seems to have an allegor
ical significance, but at times it turns into pure soap opera. Ann’s
friend A.B.’s angel in the Unity of Love spots Ann’s angel wearing a
warmer garment, and requests one, which she is granted; she then
jealously spots and requests a girdle, shoes, shoelaces. The angels look
on their own and others’ garments with reverence and shame. Ann
concludes with a moral, ‘I take all this Adorning to have great
Signification; for they were not putt on, till They themselves saw
they had need of them,’ but the narrative suggests a good natured
competition among neighbours, each seeking not to be left behind.
Three days later:
158 understanding angels
I saw like a Garland of spring flowers on AB’s head, then on her Angels head
in the U. of Love: and I had one on my head, yt seem’d ready to be left off.
A.B.’s Angel seeing my Garland sitt not like hers, complained to me & said,
hers was so low even over her eyes yt she could not see with it: My Ang. told
hers, it did well so low, to keep her from being hurt by falls: it seem’d too big
for her and so fell a little below her eye briers; but mine was half way on the
back part of my head: I seem’d to be grown too big for it, near to leave it off,
and it went off, and I had a Crown putt on my head. She lookt on my Angel &
saw the Crown, but said nothing: and being content she soon had a Crown
putt on her own head.105
large Masculine Angel’, but these occasions are very few, and angels as
beings are increasingly rare in her visions.110 At one point in 1683 she
refers to angels, and glosses that she means by this ‘the Spirits of Just
Men made perfect’. As the emphasis shifts to Christ as mediator, angels
adopt an allegorical, symbolic, or decorative role.
Were Bathurst’s angels ever real: did she believe she encountered
actual beings through the evidence of her bodily senses? Certainly
the contrast between her visions in 1679 and those in 1681 and later
suggests so: there is an immediacy and a vividness to the former that
is replaced by self conscious divinity in the latter. The frequency
with which angels appear and their familiarity in the earlier visions
suggest not only a shift in conscious doctrine, but a heightened
sensibility, a feverish spiritual intensity not unlike that to which
Pordage testified in 1654. Moreover, in October 1680 she records
the following:
I saw my Angel in the U. of L. with a very rich Neck lace of large pearle, such
as I never saw any near so large in this World; and A.B.’s Ang. was sitting
by me & fixed her Eye on the beauty of the pearle, but said nothing, only
seem’d as if she hoped to have one also . . . This since has been opened to me to
Signifie the Adorning we have when we putt on Christ, wch indeed is our
Rich Ornament.
At first she does not know what the vision means, indicating that she sees
a picture, an object that is in the first place visual rather than semantic.
Only subsequently is the symbolism disclosed, and the image becomes
an interpreted allegory. The activity of mapping the heavens, of repre
senting paradise on a map with the Astrum angels, or drawing the
circumference of Eternal Nature within the Archetypal Globe, is one
that occurs after the journey is over; the narrative describes the process of
seeing and learning, before it is complete enough to be mapped.
Unfortunately Bathurst does not draw figures of angels, but perhaps
sketching was incompatible with the nature of her transportations.
Entertaining Angels
Pordage’s death, under the spiritual leadership of Jane Lead and Francis
Lee, is less vibrant with experimental theology, visionary communica
tion, and the occult. Angels are real, but they are objects of contempla
tion. They remain a dimension of the spiritual, a spiritual world that
coexists with the real, material or lower world. But the theology
becomes a great deal more businesslike than Pordage was in the 1650s.
What began with manuscripts of ritual magic, enthusiasm, anti
nomianism, and space travel made way for Philadelphianism, which
in turn made way for Pietism. These eighteenth century conversations
with angels more closely fitted the expectations of polite society. The
Pietists John Freke and William Law inherited the influence of
Boehme, and sought to reinvest natural philosophy with a spiritual
content. They condemned the secular hubris that thought scientific
experimentation, such as demonstrations of electrical fire, could be a
fit ‘Entertainment for Angels’, and their disciples drew maps of the
universe that showed the Fall and Regeneration of man, with Michael
and Uriel as fiery circles in the heavens. These multi layer, colour
fold outs with moving parts, book technology of extraordinary com
plexity and sophistication, descend from Pordage’s ‘Hieroglyphical
Figure’ and schema.111 The Pietists did not, however, as Pordage
would have done in 1649, turn the tables on the scientists by discussing
this with angels.
The Fleshly Imagination and
the Word of God
What makes people willing to believe things about invisible beings that
they cannot see or speak to and know little about? What makes it
permissible to write an imaginative narrative about the sacred world?
St Paul warned man against ‘intruding into those things which he hath
not seene, vainely puft up by his fleshy mind’ (Col. 2: 18). Speculation
led to false devotion, including the worship of angels. Reformed
theology placed restrictions on the use of the imagination in especially
visual but also verbal representation of the sacred world.
Traditional accounts of the invisible world, by the Church Fathers
and Scholastic theologians, were suspicious of literalism and committed
to fourfold exegesis. Scripture was understood to have four levels of
meaning, originally proposed by Philo: literal (or historical), allegorical,
tropological (or moral), and anagogical. Such exegesis invited inter
pretative elaboration while circumventing the problem of the specific
characteristics of the real heaven and its inhabitants. The fertile angelic
world of Pseudo Dionysius, Augustine, Bonaventura, and Aquinas was
founded on these exegetical practices, in which the literal was a starting
point that enabled complex non literal constructions.1 Protestants
reacted by emphasizing the primacy of the literal meanings of Scripture,
and resisting the turn to imagination and theological speculation.2
This theological shift to exegetical literalism and the authority of
Scripture alone affected the social circumstances of poets and painters,
but also the theories of representation with which they worked.
Biblical drama disappeared from Britain in the later sixteenth century,
the fleshly imagination 163
We are not able to cherish continually in our souls the thought which sums so
worthily the nature of the Cause, that ‘God is not as man’ (Num. 23: 19), and
thus rise superior to all the human conceptions of Him. In us the mortal is the
chief ingredient. We cannot get outside ourselves in forming our ideas; we
cannot escape our inborn infirmities. We creep within our covering of
mortality, like snails into their shells, or like the hedgehog we roll ourselves
into a ball, and we think of the blessed and the immortal in terms of our own
natures. We shun indeed in words the monstrosity of saying that God is of
human form, but in actual fact we accept the impious thought that He is of
human passions. And therefore we invent for Him hands and feet, incomings
166 understanding angels
and outgoings, enmities, aversions, estrangements, anger, in fact such parts and
passions as can never belong to the Cause. And of such is the oath—a mere
crutch for our weakness.12
According to Philo, Moses was responsible for accommodating hard
truths in intelligible form. He does not, however, indicate that there is
a powerful hermeneutic connection between Moses’ ‘surest truth’ and
things said for instruction. Philo both frowns on the impious who offer
‘mythical fictions’ by attributing human passions to God, and admits
that it is a necessary crutch.13
Later debates about anthropomorphism and anthropopathy—
among scholars who rejected or accepted either or both as viable
verbal practices—usually focused on the truth possible in accommo
dated speech. Lactantius in the fourth century discussed human form as
a symbolic embodiment of divine virtues, without any suggestion of
physical similarity, but in his treatise on divine anger he argues that
God does experience real anger and love and other emotions, though
categorically not ‘vicious affections’. If he did not show anger, he
would not be feared, and hence not reverenced. God is angry because
he cares.14 The belief that Scripture says that God is angry because he is
in a real sense angry would become associated with the Audian heresy,
condemned by the Church in 399 ce.15 Hilary of Poitiers (c.300–c.367)
offered a limited justification of anthropomorphism while attacking
the Arian heresy. He writes that there is no real similarity between God
and human attributes, yet ‘the weakness of our understanding forces us
to seek for illustrations from a lower sphere to explain our meaning
about loftier themes’. These analogies, which set the ‘spiritual’ and
‘invisible’ alongside the ‘carnal’ and ‘palpable’, are an imperfect but
‘necessary aid’, necessary because they are edifying: ‘we must employ
ordinary natures and ordinary speech as our means of expressing what
our mind apprehends; a means no doubt unworthy of the majesty of
God, but forced upon us by the feebleness of our intellect, which can
use only our own circumstances and own our words to convey to
others our perceptions and our conclusions’. By such means we
advance towards ‘inward meaning’.16 Anthropomorphism is more
than a necessary evil: it leads us to truth.
These authors stress that compromise or an acceptance of human
limitations is necessary to approach God, and they attribute the agency
for such compromise to humanity, especially Moses but also other
prophets. This is a form of social accommodation.17 With Augustine
the fleshly imagination 167
[I]f Scripture did not use such terms, it would not communicate its meaning so
clearly to all the race of men for whom it has care. If it did not first bend down
and, as it were, descend to the level of the fallen, it would not terrify the
proud, arouse the negligent, exercise the inquirer and nourish the intelligent.18
because in speaking in this way Scripture does not identify one order of things
with another, but merely avails itself of certain analogies in the sensible world
to give us an idea of purely intelligible properties—so it is no slur on the
truthfulness of holy angels that the bodies they assume should seem to be
living men when in fact they are not.23
Doth the Lord eate Buls flesh, or drinke the bloud of Goates? . . . God eates,
and eates with Abraham, and can as easily dispense with the corporall nutri
ment he receives; as with such substance, he now assumes. Their Bodies they
now tooke, were brought to nothing, and so was their Meate. Spirits never
eate of necessitie, sometimes of dispensation. God now eates, not of hunger,
and for his owne refreshment: but of good fellowship, and for the others
satisfaction. . . . oft times will God stoope to the act of our nature; that we
might reach to the works of his Grace.34
Thus God sometimes, in his Word, represents himself, as moved with humane
Affections, Grief, Joy, Wrath, Compassion; with humane expressions in forms
of speech, as Expostulations, Complaints, and Deliberations; with humane
Actions, Coming, Going, Sitting still, Arising, Standing, Sleeping, Forgetting,
Remembering, and the like.
the fleshly imagination 173
Sleep and weariness are attributed to God but, being flatly contradicted
elsewhere, these can be read as figures. Otherwise, it is our interpret
ative duty to accept the anthropopathy and anthropomorphism of
the fleshly imagination 175
Reformed Poetics
Could accommodation influence (or help) poets? On the face of it, this
seems unlikely: while human agency might be involved in the uplift
ing, it is the Holy Spirit that guarantees the process of communication.
Except for those who included within it Moses’ deliberate adjustment
to his audience, accommodation was usually understood as something
performed by God or the Holy Spirit.55 Poetry was fiction, a product
of the fleshly imagination. Pseudo Dionysius wrote that Scripture used
poetic imagery not ‘for the sake of art’; and Peter Martyr describes
fables as ‘a narration of a false thing, devised for commoditie or delite
sake’.56 Art serves the fleshliness of the secular mind; we look upon it
for pleasure, for itself, and if we think we see God in it, this is a form of
idolatry. This view accords with the literary theory of George Putten
ham in the late sixteenth century, who thought that anthropopathia
risked underpraising God, and that the Christian poet should use figures
to praise him superlatively; Dryden espoused comparable principles a
century later.57
As we have seen, however, some found room for human agency in
accommodation, not only as a conscious adaptation but as a hermeneutic
capacity. Moreover, the Puritan emphasis on the spirit increasingly
relocated that spirit as a motion within the human. Just as biblical
commentaries, Scripture paraphrases, and rhetorical textbooks influ
enced the poetics of the early modern religious lyric,58 so early modern
theories of representation were shaped by works of scriptural exegesis.
Poets and critics in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries appropriated
the doctrine of accommodation in their accounts of poetics and literary
creation. This some did because it was a convenient language with which
to explain or justify imaginative representations of the spiritual world;
178 understanding angels
The corporeal provides a vehicle for spiritual expression, and this way
of speaking has an uplifting power:
comparing that revelation God gives of himself and his operations in his Word
with that of the wisest of mankind, who only walked in the dim light of
corrupted nature and defective traditions, could with all their industry trace
out or invent, I found it so transcendently excelling all that was human, so
much above our narrow reason, and yet so agreeable to it being rectified, that
I disdained the wisdom fools so much admire themselves for; and as I found
182 understanding angels
I could know nothing but what God taught me, so I resolved never to search
after any knowledge of him and his productions, but what he himself hath
given forth.71
Hutchinson makes no explicit claim to privileged or prophetic insight,
but she does explore truths that lie in revelation’s penumbra, and can
do so because she relies on the power of Scripture to condescend to her
and lift her. Provided she remains within the inspiring remit of Scrip
ture, even while she reads it figuratively (a practice she reflects upon72),
she does not stray into the ‘impious tales’ or pagan fictions of the
fleshly imagination. And she becomes even more positive: in plain and
elegant poetry, ‘Truth loses not its perfection.’ Accommodation lifts
the writer above her limitations, and prevents her from saying things
that are impious or untrue.
Samuel Pordage’s relationship to accommodation is distinctive, but
revealingly so. As Chapter 5 showed, John travelled through the
invisible universe, and conveyed to his son the prophetic insights
that formed the basis for his epic Mundorum Explicatio. Samuel was
able to claim a more powerful version of accommodation than Hutch
inson, Heywood, or any of the divines discussed above. He insists that
poetry is properly religious, and condemns the vitiating ‘wanton
rithmes’ of secular poetry praising ‘Mistress’ eyes’: ‘The end of Poesy
is the praise of God, j Us’d to that end it is exceeding good.’73 There
are limits to the poet’s vatic power, however. God is beyond man’s
proper knowledge. The hieroglyphic figure (Fig. 5.1) presents God as
eyes, ears, and ciphers in a sun enveloped in cloud, and Pordage warns:
Nor Man, or Angel a commission has
To dive into this abstruce secret Place,
Therefore thine eyes withdraw, and be Content
To know god as He will, nor represent
Thou to thy mind, or in thy fantasie
An Image of the glorious Deity;
For never ought we Heav’n’s high Majesty
To Form or Figure whatsoever tye:
Therefore O Man destroy all Images
Of God, that in thy fantasie shall rise.74
Samuel requires a theory of accommodation, and this account is
embedded in his description of angelic bodies. Both good and bad
angels freely adopt bodies of air, exploiting their thrall over the elements,
the fleshly imagination 183
and can animate dead bodies. They nonetheless have their own incor
poreal bodies, and their adopted virtual bodies reflect these.75
But whensoever Spirits Bodies here
Assume, and to our outer Eye appear,
They put on such as may convenient be,
And with their inner Bodies best agree,
For look what shapes their inner Bodies have,
Such shapes, (if visibly appear) they crave.
Pordage compares this to a wax simulacrum of a man, inside which a
man will fit. Angels are ‘self Taylors’: the invisible body is clothed with
a corresponding visible body, ‘So that the outer forms the’assimulate j
In all things answer their internal state’.76 The ambiguous neologism
(which John Taylor had recently used to signify feigning) suggests that
the angels both simulate their outward appearance and assimilate it.
They are thus able to communicate with humans, who can
Nothing, but what’s compos’d of matter, and
Form, and what is corporal.
However, the simulated body accurately represents a reality that is
beyond the human senses. Pordage also notes that good angels usually
appear in human form, which suggests that angels indeed look like
humans with wings.77 Despite his Behmenist insistence on an inner
world distinct from the corporeal world of ordinary human experi
ence, Pordage suggests that these two correspond so closely that at
times they cannot be distinguished, and sounds and actions in one
penetrate to the other. In his version of accommodation the human
and divine crash into each other.
These passages address the reader’s relationship with the poem, but
they do not invite her to read the poem, or specific passages, meta
phorically or allegorically.78 Allegory posits a gulf between ideal and
the representation, and instructs the reader in how to read that repre
sentation in order to experience a lifting from the real towards the
ideal.79 Accommodation, however, presumes no such divide. There is
a particular affinity between the images of the poem and the reality
they offer to describe; this is not a likeness of signification, but a deeper
similarity where human conception meets transcendent truth without
a self conscious process of interpretation. This happens because of the
power of language, in which Scripture instructs the poet, and because
of inspiration, the guidance of the Spirit. These are premisses of
Milton’s aesthetic.80
Milton also uses and discusses the doctrine of accommodation in the
work now known as De Doctrina Christiana, in a manner different from
but analogous to the musings of Paradise Lost.81 He asserts that no one
can know God through reason alone, and that knowledge of the Word
‘must be understood with reference to the imperfect comprehension
of man’, as God is above man’s comprehension.
Our safest way is to form in our minds such a conception of God, as shall
correspond with his own delineation and representation of himself in the
sacred writings. For granting that both in the literal and figurative descriptions
[vel describi vel adumbrari] of God, he is exhibited not as he really is, but in such a
manner as may be within the scope of our comprehensions, yet we ought to
entertain such a conception of him, as he, in condescending to accommodate
himself to our capacities [qualis ipse se ad captum accommodans nostrum], has
shown that he desires we should conceive. For it is on this very account that
he has lowered himself to our level, lest in our flights above the reach of
human understanding, and beyond the written word of Scripture, we should
be tempted to indulge in vague cogitations and subtleties.82
The Latin expresses the sense of indeterminacy and ambiguity implicit
in such representation, one characteristic of discussions of angelic
bodies. ‘Vel describi vel adumbrari’ offers as alternatives a description
or representation and a semblance, a counterfeit or feigning (not a
‘figurative’) delineation. Representation would be feigning if it was not
accommodated to human capacities.
The movement of Milton’s prose here is significant. He proceeds
to reject anthropopathia, closely following Puttenham, as ‘a figure
invented by the grammarians to excuse the absurdities [nugas] of
186 understanding angels
way of writing about him. God is, as far we can understand, really like
that; ‘it comes in the end to precisely the same’. Raphael’s meditation
on the problems of representing spiritual warfare similarly cancels itself
when he concludes with a question:
what if earth
Be but the shadow of heav’n, and things therein
Each to other like, more then on earth is thought?
(5. 574 6)
The spirit of prophesie, is not like the spirit of the buttery . . . we must not in
raging, or aspiring affection presume to mount above the cloudes in the
highest region of the aire, or to pierce the unknowen deepes of the earthly
Center. It is a scrupulous, and vaine curiositie to busie our selves, or impor
tune other about any such inquiry, as neither is lawfull in practise, or assured in
use, but both impious in the one, and uncertaine in the other.1
Thus cautioned the physician John Harvey, writing in 1588. His voice
was one in a chorus. Early modern Britain saw a surge both of
prophetic activity, and of cautions against the delusions of inspiration.
Calvin warned that true prophecy was rare, and that false prophets
abounded, yet it was intrinsic to the intellectual dynamics of Protest
antism that individual believers claimed special insight beyond priestly
jurisdiction.2 Prophets appeared. Especially at times of political or
social fracture, in the 1580s and the 1640s, men and women pro
claimed themselves prophets. These prophets, however, were not
simply the enemies of orthodox theology. Many worked closely
within the tenets of Protestant belief to legitimize their activity.
Milton saw himself as a prophet. But what did this term mean to
him, and what did it mean in the context of mid seventeenth century
Britain? Milton was a vatic poet, in a tradition of poet–prophets who
opposed courtly political orthodoxies with religious truths.3 Scholars
have accentuated the authorial self fashioning in Milton’s stance. They
have emphasized the poet–prophet role, and the term prophet has been
heavily qualified by the term poet.4 In the Renaissance poet–prophet
190 understanding angels
the term poet, and ask: did Milton believe that he was not only imaginatively
inspired, but also prophetically inspired, speaking a truth about Creation
and the Fall brought to him by God? Is there a sense in which Paradise
Lost is not only an expression of political theology, but also a divine
vision of a hitherto undisclosed reality
Protestant Prophecy
Early modern Protestants agreed that the age of prophecy was over.12
Like miracles, prophecy disappeared with the early Church, redundant in
the age of true faith, when, Augustine wrote, the eyes of the heart had
been opened. Thus, one speaker in James VI’s dialogue Daemonologie says:
All we that are Christians, ought assuredly to know that since the comming of
Christ in the flesh, and the establishing of his Church by the Apostles, all
miracles, visions, prophecies, & appearances of Angels or good spirites are
ceased. . . . the Lawe and Prophets are thought sufficient to serve us, or make
us inexcusable.13
James associated prophecy, miracles, and angelic apparitions. This
connection is a common one, and it is significant. Reginald Scott, a
sceptic with a very different account of spiritual activity, wrote that
miracles and prophecies ceased with the Incarnation:
We maye as well looke to hear prophesies at the tabernacle, in the bush, or the
cherubin, among the clouds, from the angels, within the arke, or out of the
flame, &c. as to expect an oracle of a prophet in these dayes.14
The Cambridge Platonist John Smith charted a more complex history:
the spirit of prophecy died under the Jews, was restored under the new
dispensation of the Messiah, then subsequently faded in the second
century. Miracles ended in the fourth.15
The age of prophecy was over. Protestants qualified this assertion,
however, observing that under extraordinary circumstances God might
raise up new prophets and work miracles.16 Peter Martyr Vermigli wrote
that now that people had emerged from darkness and gross idolatry, and
‘now that all places abound with bookes, and teachers, there is no need of
the helpe of prophets’. But he acknowledged that a small number of
prophets might continue to appear, though they would not be so celebrated
as those of former ages.17 The Elizabethan clergyman William Perkins offered
guidance in distinguishing between true and false prophets, signifying that
192 understanding angels
Prophane men because they thynke religion standeth onely in opinion, to the
ende they woulde beleve nothing fondly or lightly, do covet and require to
have it proved to them by reason, that Moises and the Prophetes spake from
God. But I answere that the testimonie of the holy ghost is better than all
reason. For as onely God is a conveniente witnesse of hymselfe in hys owne
worde, so shal the same worde never finde credit in the hartes of men, until it
be sealed up with the inwarde witnesse of ye holy ghost.19
This purging of ‘mental sight’ also happens to Adam when the angel
Michael prepares him to receive a prophetic vision of future history
(11. 411–22). This idea of visual enlightenment is integral to defin
itions of prophecy. True prophecy illuminates the mind.
John Smith, whose essay on prophecy is above all an attempt to
understand prophecy by exploring rabbinical writings on the subject,
describes a hierarchy of prophecy: from Mosaic through prophetic
dreams and visions to prophecy with no visual content based on hearing
the voice of God. All prophecy mixes reason and imagination, and the
more elevated the mode, the greater the role of reason. Smith focuses
on an issue that recurs throughout discussions of prophecy. With the
exception of Moses and the lowest form of prophecy, all prophetic
visions are mediated by angels: ‘The Hebrew masters here tell us that in
the beginning of Prophetical inspiration the Prophets use to have some
Apparition or Image of a Man or Angel presenting itself to their Imagin
ation.’27 He quotes Moses Maimonides equating angelic conversations
with prophetical visions, and approves Isaac Abarbanel’s suggestion that
the status or degree of the angel sent corresponded to the status of the
receiving prophet.28 Hence, an angel high in the hierarchy, a seraph or
cherub, would bring a more significant message than a mere angel or
archangel. Even those sceptical of contemporary prophecy—such as
Harvey, who refers scornfully to ‘seraphicall illuminations’ and sensa
tionalizing pamphlets—accept that angels are involved in prophecy.29
The numerous prophets who appeared in Lutheran Germany and
Scandinavia were frequently agitated by an encounter with an angel,
sometimes disguised as an old man, usually dressed in white. The angel
encourages the prophet to call his local community to repent.30 Angels
are a means by which inspiration is brought; they instigate visions; they
authenticate the prophet; they also symbolize the moment of transition
from ordinary man to visionary prophet.
How then could one distinguish between a true prophet and a false?
Taylor writes that any sure distinction is impossible. Smith writes the
false can be identified, that melancholy men cannot be prophets, for
example, but he thinks that ultimately it requires inspiration to recognize
inspiration and prophecy 195
the true prophet.31 Others suggest more numerous external signs. For
Vermigli, the only signs of the true prophet are that he does not lead
his people into idolatry, and that his predictions are realized. False
prophets use indecent gestures, and do not understand their own
speech.32 William Perkins asserts that false prophets are personally
insufficient: they maintain heresies, they are rash and inconstant in
judgement, they are inclined to vice, and have a strange complexion
and body temperature. Young people, women, the talkative, and the
unruly were also unlikely to be true. Other warning signs included
ambiguous speeches (true prophecy was plainly spoken), and a ten
dency to provoke disquiet in church and commonwealth, or to touch
upon private interests. Perkins also warned against prophets that
seemed to go against the Word of God, including those who spoke
in particulars about things about which God had chosen to be vague.33
This implies the many predictions that circulated in early modern
Britain under the name of Merlin, Nostradamus, Piers Plowman,
and Mother Shipton, but it also seems to warn against visionary
insights into heaven or the angelic orders.34 Thomas Hobbes, to
whom enthusiasm represented the greatest threat to social stability,
thought a true prophet was simply defined. Visions, voices, and
inspirations could not be persuasively communicated to another. In
stead the true prophet was known by ‘the doing of miracles’ and ‘not
teaching any other Religion than that which is already established’.
And as the age of miracles was over, so was the age of prophets.35
True prophecy is the gift of God. But this does not exclude all
human effort. Maimonides had insisted that, though prophecy was a
natural faculty of humankind, true prophets were prepared by educa
tion and training and prompted by the will of God. Fools and ignor
amuses could no more be prophets than asses or frogs.36 Most
Protestants rejected the role of education, but did insist that prophets
were honest and virtuous.37 Honesty and virtuous conduct could
therefore be a means of self preparation for prophecy. Vermigli
wrote that the gift of prophecy ‘must be given freelie’ and could not
be obtained by industry or purgation; however, fasting and prayers
could help prepare the prophet. Prophecy was not a habit, but ‘a
preparation’ or ‘disposition, being in a kind of qualitie’.38 This does
not imply collaboration with God, but that it is appropriate to cultivate
prophecy by preparing for it. Hence, the spirit of prophecy is not the
spirit of the buttery.
196 understanding angels
sends out his Seraphim with the hallow’d fire of his Altar to touch and
purify the lips of whom he pleases’.48 The angel is a figure for divine
inspiration, purifying sins by touching the prophet’s lips. It derives
from Isaiah, and informs many writings about prophecy.49 Milton’s
angel is a seraph, high in the Pseudo Dionysian hierarchy. As we have
seen, the involvement of angels in the preparation for and experience
of prophecy is central to Protestant theological traditions, and it is
especially appropriate for Milton because of his understanding of the
Holy Spirit. In the same tract, Milton describes the prophetic vocation:
‘when God commands to take the trumpet and blow a dolorous or a
jarring blast, it lies not in mans will what he shall say, or what he
shall conceal’. God writes the message, and man is the messenger.
Nevertheless, it is the duty of the would be prophet and would be
poet to prepare for this command, and to augment his talent by study,
prayer, and careful living.50 The prophet is inspired by God, but
human labour and scholarship are necessary to the vocation. Milton’s
allusions to prophecy in this passage—in contrast to those in the Latin
Defensio51—are not a merely decorative aggrandizing of his poetic
vocation: they engage deliberatively with discussions of what it
means to be a prophet. When referring to his experience of ‘inward
prompting’ he wants his readers to hear the motion of a divine spirit,
not a human impulse.52
In Paradise Lost the narrator describes the impulses of the spirit in
some detail. His muse is Urania, whom Guillaume du Bartas appro
priated from astronomy to appoint as the muse for Christian poetry.53
But Milton’s Urania is a figure for another, truer muse. His Urania, ‘if
rightly thou art called’, descends from heaven:
The meaning, not the name I call: for thou
Nor of the Muses nine, nor on the top
Of old Olympus dwellst, but heav’nly born,
Before the hills appeared, or fountain flowed,
Thou with eternal wisdom didst converse,
Wisdom thy sister, and with her didst play
In presence of the almighty Father, pleased
(7. 5 12)
With thy celestial song.
He tells her ‘thou art heav’nly’ while Orpheus’ muse was ‘an empty
dream’ (7. 39). In writing an epic Milton observes epic conventions,
but assures the reader that his Christian version supersedes and flies
higher than its pagan predecessors. Du Bartas’s Urania displaces the
inspiration and prophecy 199
Notice the ‘or’ that balances a nocturnal against a dawn visit from the
spirit. Book 9’s invocation charts Milton’s decision to choose a divine
theme, more heroic than the chivalric epics he had considered writing
in his youth,
If answerable style I can obtain
Of my celestial patroness, who deigns
Her nightly vision unimplored,
And dictates to me slumbering, or inspires
Easy my unpremeditated verse . . . (9. 20 4)
He is concerned that if not inspired he may not finish his poem, that
the climate or years may
damp my intended wing
Depressed, and much they may, if all be mine,
Not hers who brings it nightly to my ear. (9. 45 7)
The fact that the poem is finished is partial proof that it is inspired, that
it has been brought to his ear and his muse is heavenly, more powerful
than Orpheus’. The casualness of ‘celestial patroness’ almost conceals
the careful repetition of that ‘or’: does the muse dictate when he is
asleep, or inspire the lines after he wakes? Milton presents himself,
twice, as uncertain over when he receives his inspiration. Milton’s ‘ors’
are important.
Perhaps this gives a cue to his early biographers, who either repeat
Milton’s self mythologization or offer independent observations.
Milton’s nephew Edward Phillips writes: ‘And hee waking early (as
is the use of temperate men) had commonly a good Stock of Verses
ready against his Amanuensis came; which if it happend to bee later
than ordinary, hee would complain, Saying hee wanted to bee milkd.’
And Jonathan Richardson writes that Milton ‘frequently Compos’d
202 understanding angels
lying in Bed in a Morning (’twas Winter Sure Then) I have been Well
inform’d, that when he could not Sleep, but lay Awake whole
Nights, he Try’d; not One Verse could he make; at Other times
flow’d Easy his Unpremeditated Verse, with a certain Impetus and Æstro,
as Himself seem’d to Believe’.62 The ‘Æstro’ perhaps echoes the
‘hallow’d fire’ driving the poet in Reason of Church Government.
The poem and the biographers describe a genius who receives his
compositions at the boundary between sleep and waking, who
discovers his words as much as he labours for them. This is a picture
of prophetic inspiration.
Further, consider the line Richardson quotes: the verse is ‘easy’
because he has the assistance of the spirit and makes little effort himself;
it is ‘unpremeditated’ because it is only partly conscious. If it were too
purposefully studied, it would not be inspired. The true prophet’s
labour is to prepare himself, to furnish himself with virtue and learn
ing, not to prepare the verse. Calvin would say that the words were
either God’s or the human’s. The biblical prophets were ‘forbidden to
invent anything of their own’; they were merely the ‘amanuenses’ of
the spirit, writes Calvin.63 The instrument of God cannot also be an
artist. If there is anything human in the prophecy, it cannot be divine.
The voice of God cannot be tampered with. Vermigli writes that
prophets ‘above all things’ must not add to or remove anything from
their inspiration; to do so would be to corrupt it, and to deceive
themselves and others.64 For Perkins a prophecy that was false in the
smallest detail signified a false prophet.
Smith proposes a more complex account of human agency in
prophecy. He did so because of the influence of the Hebraic tradition:
if Milton was unfamiliar with Smith’s work, he certainly shared an
interest in the same traditions, unusual at the time.65 Prophets interpret
their visions in the dialects familiar to them. Both Maimonides and
Abarbanel agree in this, and it is why an element of human learning is
necessary for a prophet. The spirit impressed his truth upon prophets
so clearly that ‘it became their own Sense’; and hence ‘those Words and
Phrases in which they were audibly express’d to the Hearers afterwards
or penned down, should be the Prophets own’.66 Smith allows an
element of human agency not only in the interpretation but in
the actual writing of prophecy. And in an unexpected turn of his
argument, he suggests that if writing is too consistent or rational
inspiration and prophecy 203
Abdiel’s Flight
Abdiel had expected to relate to his fellow angels and to God the news
of Satan’s rebellion. The sight of the army reveals to him that this news
is already public. Milton’s angels are in many ways strikingly human,
and here it appears they are subject to the vicissitudes of light and
optics. Why else would Abdiel not have seen the angelic army earlier?
But there is a more troubling anthropomorphism implicit here, one
which has not been formerly noted.
To see it we must cross the partition between books 5 and 6. The
relevant passages appeared on consecutive openings in the 1667
edition of Paradise Lost (see Fig. 6), and have seldom done so since.
In the 1674 edition an opening was introduced between the passages,
accommodating the prose ‘argument’ to book 6; the effect is to
interrupt the narrative, and it is the narrative continuity that matters
here. Book 5 ends with a magnificent stand off between Satan and
Abdiel in which the zealous angel, surrounded by hostile forces,
presents in his fury a defence against the fallen angel’s seductive
arguments that is both rhetorically accomplished and thoroughly
208 milton’s angels
Satan asserts that the angels were self begot, and that God falsely
claimed the credit for this (a well known Gnostic heresy, and a
particularly resonant one in a poem about Creation).3 In response
Abdiel counterblasts:
I see thy fall
Determined . . . henceforth
No more be troubled how to quit the yoke
Of God’s Messiah; those indulgent laws
Will not now be vouchsafed, other decrees
Against thee are gone forth without recall;
. . .
soon expect to feel
His thunder on thy head, devouring fire. (5. 878 93)
in attributing Satan’s fall to envy over the Son’s promotion; one early
attack on the unorthodox theology of Milton’s epic singled out this
‘Groundless Supposition’, thinking it incompatible with orthodox
Trinitarianism: ‘This Scheme of the Angels revolt cannot Answer
either to the Eternal Generation of the Son, which was before the
Angels had a Being, or to His Temporal Generation of the B. Virgin,
that being long after the Fall of the Angels.’ Charles Leslie was
probably right; Defoe also thought that the promotion of the Son
laid a ground for Arianism, and another reader of a 1669 edition
noted in the margin, ‘this acco<unt> of Xts birth seems . . .
prophan<e> & destroys coæternity’.4 Milton’s account of Satan’s
fall commences with a decree, so in Paradise Lost this word bears
considerable weight. The force of a decree is amplified by Milton’s
God’s intensely communicative nature. In Paradise Lost book 6, God
converses aloud with the Son in heaven. When he pronounces his
decree in book 5, the angels seemingly cannot see him, but they
certainly hear the Word, and the decree is spoken aloud.5 The audi
bility of speech and song in Paradise Lost follows from Milton’s com
mitment to materialism and his sense of community. Throughout De
Doctrina Christiana Milton uses the word ‘decree’ to designate both the
general Decree by which God effects the world and all that will
happen, and those special decrees by which he performs or proposes
particular events; they are audible announcements. Decrees are com
munications, not private resolutions.6
When Abdiel tells Satan that decrees are gone forth, he means that
God has told his court that Satan is to reap the consequences of his
disobedience. Yet after a night’s travelling he finds ‘Already known
what he for news had thought j To have reported’. Why does he not
expect an army already to be mustered? If the decree has already been
made, why does he expect to report news?
There are three possibilities. The first is that Milton overlooked this
detail, obscured by the book division that separates the passages, and
that it is an authorial inconsistency. If, however, an effective explan
ation can be found, then it should be preferred, not least on the
grounds of charity. The second possibility is that Abdiel is confusingly
referring to an earlier decree known to both himself and Satan. This
could be the decree pronounced by God that elevates the Son to his
right hand as the head of the angels; the angels must bow their knees to
the Son, confess him Lord, and
can angels feign? 211
United as one individual soul
For ever happy. (5. 609 11)
This does not sound much like Abdiel’s ‘devouring fire’. Yet the
omnipotent adds:
Him who disobeys
Me disobeys, breaks union, and that day
Cast out from God and blessed vision, falls
Into utter darkness, deep engulfed, his place
Ordained without redemption, without end. (5. 611 15)
‘fought j The better fight’ and borne ‘Universal reproach’ (6. 29–30, 34)
is complacently forensic. Abdiel has struggled; hence his meriting of
praise; hence the significance ‘of so many myriads fallen, yet one j
Returned not lost’ (6. 24–5). Finally, Abdiel states that ‘other decrees j
Against thee are gone forth’. This firmly distinguishes them from the
‘indulgent laws’ of the anointment.8 Abdiel means that these are decrees
other than the decree anointing the Son heard by all, ‘God’s first and most
excellent special decree’, as it is described in De Doctrina.9 The plural of
‘other decrees’ emphasizes the distinction. These are something new and
different, according to Abdiel; both Abdiel and Satan know what the
earlier decree is, and they are not discussing it here.
This leaves a third, counter intuitive interpretation. It is in accord
with Milton’s theology that Abdiel is surprised at this point, and this is
not an oversight. There is a discrepancy between what Abdiel knows
and what he affirms in the heat of argument. Abdiel, unswerving from
a greater truth, is averring that which is merely speculative. In other
words, while arguing with Satan, he risks telling an untruth.
Unfallen angels should not falsify. The distortion of facts is super
ficially harmless, but in the context of the poem is breathtaking.
Abdiel, and through him Milton, is contending with the father of
lies (John 8: 44). The preceding lines emphasize Satan’s verbal evasion,
his deception, his equivocation.10 Raphael earlier told Adam that Satan
‘with lies j Drew after him the third part of heaven’s host’ (5. 709–10).
Commentators on Scripture commonly asserted that lies were essen
tial to the Fall of humankind, as Satan could only tempt Eve by
lying.11 A fallen angel can lie without complication or compunction,
but surely not an unfallen one? Abdiel is threatened by physical
violence, a danger that echoes through Milton’s imagination; yet
lying is a more fearsome weapon than violence.12 God predicts that
Adam and Eve will not fall ‘By violence, no, for that shall be with
stood, j But by deceit and lies’ (5. 242–3); and so it transpires, when
God reports that man sins ‘believing lies j Against his maker’ (10. 42–
3). Abdiel, moreover, is one who refuses to ‘swerve from truth’, and is
usually held up as an example of virtuous conduct in the epic.13
Received wisdom concerning Milton’s angels tells us that he is un
orthodox on two points: first, the matter of angelic digestion (angels
not only eat real food when it is polite, they digest it); secondly, that
angels embrace and penetrate each other for sexual pleasure.14 Abdiel’s
rhetorical liberty here may be an even greater heterodoxy.
can angels feign? 213
about Eden, heaven, and angels risks. ‘Let’s waive Platonic dreams’,
her narrator enjoins,
Of worlds made in Idea, fitter themes
For poets’ fancies than the reverent view
Of contemplation, fixed on what is true
And only certain, kept upon record
In the Creator’s own revealèd Word,
Which, when it taught us how the world was made,
Wrapped up th’invisible in mystic shade.31
The story of the fall of angels is, according to Hutchinson’s stern
narrator, based on ‘circumstances that we cannot know’, and anything
we invent or guess is probably inspired by reports that the same fallen
angels themselves imparted to men gullible enough to believe ‘their
gross poetic fables’. She exhorts: ‘look no further than the light doth
Hutchinson’s censures suggest a dialogue with Milton’s text.
Whereas the exchange between God and the Son in book 3 of Paradise
Lost represents their physical separateness, and suggests Milton’s anti
trinitarianism, canto 3 of Order and Disorder begins with God’s calling
‘in himself a sacred council’, stressing the triune nature of Hutchin
son’s God. Elsewhere Milton’s Adam speaks with God ‘concerning
solitude and fit society’ (8, argument) and convincingly maintains that
he needs an equal mate, ‘Collateral love, and dearest amity’; in
response to which God admits that in resisting Adam’s arguments he
was only testing the man, and that the creation of Eve was ‘Intended’
all along (8. 426). This daring dramatization adroitly both notes and
resolves the apparent discrepancy between the accounts of Eve’s
creation in Genesis 1 and 2.33 It is hard not to hear Milton’s creation
being chastised in Hutchinson’s single line assertion: ‘Whether he
begged a mate it is not known’ (3. 312; though a similar account of
Eve’s creation could be found in John White’s 1656 Commentary on
Genesis34). These and other passages intimate that Hutchinson had
read Paradise Lost before writing the first five cantos of her epic.
It is possible to overstate the contrast between these authors and
their attitude to elaboration on Scripture. Hutchinson’s claims have
the air of rhetorical ploy or modesty topos. In her brief passage on the
creation and nature of angels, for example, despite her caveat against
prying ‘Too long on things wrapped up in mystery’ (1. 292), she
218 milton’s angels
I should not choose this manner of writing [prose] wherein knowing myself
inferior to myself, led by the genial power of nature to another task, I have the
use, as I may account it, but of my left hand . . . a poet soaring in the high
region of his fancies with his garland and singing robes about him might
without apology speak more of himself than I mean to do . . . sitting here
below in the cool element of prose.38
Humans are thereby able read about and discuss God in intelligible
terms without assuming that God is like us, and so the ‘shadowy
types’ accessible to limited human intelligence correspond to the
‘truths’ that are beyond human consciousness (12. 303). This associ
ation between representation and truth, as I argued in Chapter 6,
underlies Milton’s understanding of his poetry, and it provides a
model both for understanding the relationship between Milton’s literal
narrative and its implicit doctrines, and for how he should be read.
Raphael’s preamble has been used as the basis for historicist readings
that seek an allegory of recent history—of the civil wars, Common
wealth, and Protectorate—in Milton’s epic. In the early eighteenth
century, Francis Atterbury, reading Paradise Lost, commented alongside
the description of Moloch’s portentous frown (2. 106), ‘probably ye
picture of some great man in Milton’s time’.43 This mode of reading
222 milton’s angels
the epic, and particularly the war in heaven, has prevailed. If the
imaginative narrative is understood to comprehend doctrinal truths,
however, through a creative process that resembles accommodation,
then any interpretative process that seeks encoded meanings will
always fall short of grasping either the poetic intentions or the richness
of the poetic outcomes. This is as true of interpretations that identify
historical or political allegories as of those that discover numerological
or alchemical subtexts. This is not to resist attempts to locate political
or historical meanings in literary works, but to insist that our historicist
hermeneutics need a fuller and more coherent account of signification,
one that goes beyond the mainstays of allegory and metaphor.
It is possible to offer a reading of the Abdiel episode that is guided
by just such a search for encoded history and politics, and this reading
illuminates Milton’s casuistry. To show this, I will erect my own
straw man. It is not hard to identify in the heroic Abdiel, who does
not change his mind under threat of violence, some degree of self
representation on Milton’s part. It may be that Milton is using the
occasion of the conflict with Satan to represent a particular biograph
ical incident. Critics have suggested that Milton portrays himself in
Abdiel and Cromwell in Satan; or that Abdiel’s royalist rhetoric
echoes Claudius Salmasius (the pro monarchical polemicist with
whom Milton exchanged tracts in 1649–54), while Milton puts
himself in Satan, the good Puritan opposed to ceremony and pros
tration.44 Neither analogy is persuasive.
There is a stronger case to be made for seeing Milton in Abdiel and
in Satan those enemies of the Good Old Cause with whom Milton
crossed quills. Milton’s opponents laid against him charges of deceit, in
resonant phrases. In the Defensio Regia (1649) Salmasius had suggested
that the regicides were only academically accomplished in ‘the arts of
deceiving, dissembling, falsifying, and lying’, in which arts none could
overcome them.45 Alexander More, attacking Milton in the dedication
to Regii Sanguinis Clamor (1652), declared Charles II (so called) ‘chosen
of God, guarded by angels, acknowledged and hailed king by all men
(I do not name the executioners as exceptions, for they are not men,
but devils)’.46 Perhaps more damagingly for Milton, the anonymous
author of the main text of Clamor, Peter du Moulin, warned of the
dangers of pragmatism, of doing evil—telling lies perhaps—thinking
that good may come out of it, as ‘Satan has proved that there is no
reward more powerful than this fallacy for driving good men to the
can angels feign? 223
In November 1637 John Milton drafted an elegy for his friend and
fellow student Edward King, in which the lyric voice instructs an angel
to ‘look homeward’. The poem, ‘Lycidas’, is a pastoral elegy for an
anonymous drowned shepherd which observes a structure conven
tional to the genre: it is spoken by a nameless shepherd who, following
an invocation, offers a history of their friendship in the pastoral mode,
a series of recriminations, a digression, in which St Peter condemns the
clergy for their failings, a laying on of flowers, and a consolation. It is
towards the end of the poem, in the consolation, that the angel is
invoked. That the shepherd might speak of an angel is understandable,
conventional even, as angels look to human affairs as sympathetic
witnesses. But where is an angel’s home?
These are the lines as they appeared in Milton’s notebook:
:::::: floods and sounding sea
Ay mee whilst thee ^the Shoars
wash farre away, where ere thy bones are hurld
whether beyond the stormie Hebrides
where thou phapps under the humming tide
visit’st the bottome of the monstrous world
or whether thou to our moist vows deni’d
sleep’st by the fable of xCorineus old x
where the great vision of the guarded mount
looks toward Namanco :::: ^s, and Bayona’s field
looke homeward Angel now and melt wth ruth
and O yee Dolphins waft the haplesse youth.1
230 milton’s angels
In the very top heereof within the Fortresse, there was a Chappell consecrated
to S. Michael, the Archangell, where William Earle of Cornwall and Moriton,
who by the bounteous gift of King William the First had great lands, & large
possessions in this tract, built a Cell for one or two monks; who avouched that
S. Michael appeared in that mount: which apparition, or the like, the Italians
challenge to their hill Carganus, and the Frenchmen likewise to their Michaels
mount in Normandie.11
The ‘great vision’, then, was seen by monks, and there was reason for
Protestants to suspect this vision as popish superstition, founded on
spurious theology and a desire to manipulate the credulous. Camden
notes how monks of various nations seem to want to claim Michael as
their own, and implies that the multiplicity of visions suggest that all
232 milton’s angels
are spurious. Why would Milton seem to lay claim to this doubtful
angel, asking it to ‘looke homeward’?
Milton takes up the vision, though under suspicion of being a
monkish fable, because it conforms to his theology and speaks to his
idea of nationhood. The angel is a local guardian angel, assigned to
watch over a particular place. This is the sense in which an angel has a
home beyond or besides heaven. This doctrine appears elsewhere in
Milton’s writing, in De Doctrina Christiana and Paradise Regained, and it
shapes the conclusion of ‘Lycidas’.
the theologians also say that Michael presides over the government of the
Jewish people and that this is in order to make clear that Israel, like the other
nations, was assigned to one of the angels, to recognize through him the one
look homeward angel 233
universal ruling source. For there is only one Providence over all the world, a
supra being transcending all power visible and invisible; and over every nation
there are presiding angels entrusted with the task of raising up toward that
Providence, as their own source, everyone willing to follow, as far as possible.14
These presiders were sometimes specifically designated principalities
or princes. Calvin accepted the doctrine: ‘Surely when Daniel bringeth
in the Angell of the Persians, & the Angell of the Grecians, he sheweth
that he ment, that there are to kingdomes and provinces certaine
Angels appointed as governours.’15 Peter Martyr concurs that angels
‘defend kingdoms and provinces (as it is written in Daniel)’.16 William
Lilly claimed that portents were ‘framed by the Guardian Angels or
Intelligencees of that Kingdom where they appear’.17 Later writers
adduced the accepted notion of a local guardian in support of the
more tendentious doctrine of individual guardians, perhaps following
Origen in doing so. Hence, William Austin writes: ‘Neither is it
strange, that one Angel should seeme sufficient to keepe one Man; since
wee find in Daniel, that one Angel is Set over a Nation. And, it may well
stand for likelihood; when we see daily before our Eies, that God sets one
Man (a Creature, much more feeble) to rule and protect divers Kingdomes.’
And an anonymous pamphleteer in 1702 argued: ‘It seems agreeable to
Reason, that as each particular Kingdom hath it’s Guardian Angel, so
each Province, City, Town, Village, and Particular family should have
theirs likewise; and then it will be easily inferred that every individual
Person, in each Family should have a Genius alloted to him.’18
Other early modern British statements of the doctrine do not
conflate individual and local angels in this way, but explore the
scope of the body or community with which they are affiliated.
These can be ‘Bodies Politick’, or, according to Lilly, kingdoms.19
For the less monarchist Henry Lawrence, angels are assigned not only
to ‘Provinces & Countries’ but also to Churches.20 For Hardick
Warren in 1651, ‘Monarchies, Kingdoms and Cities’ had their ‘presidential
Angel’.21 And for Thomas Tryon in 1689: ‘Communities, Nations and
Countries have also particular Angels assigned to their government, or
super intendency.’22 Robert Dingley expanded the list in 1654, mak
ing a politic nod to the Lord Protector under the new constitution:
‘It is therefore most probable, that Cities, Shires, Provinces, Islands,
Churches and Kingdoms have particular Angels to be presidential over
them, and that each Republick hath an Angel to be its protector.’23
Angels can protect natural bodies (islands, for example, or mounts),
234 milton’s angels
howsoever some places may seem fairly to countenance this in the Scripture,
and make it a probable opinion; that at some particular Seasons at least, there
have been particular Angels deputed to preside over a Countrey or Province;
and so also that they have had the charge of particular Persons; yet the
evidence of it there, is not so cogent, as that it should be put as an Article of
Faith into Summs of Divinity, or that Praters and Offices should be made to
them, and they religiously courted and worshipped under that notion.25
(Each individual has as his lot (believe thus, ye peoples) a winged angel from
the heavenly orders.30)
It was for this reason that competing visions of Michael were observed
in Italy and France, and off the Cornish coast. After the Reformation
these visions had a more specifically denominational appeal in the
opposition between Roman Catholic and reformed Churches. Such
a vision could appear to endorse the Church, but also to assert a right
to be seen as a (though not necessarily the) chosen people.34
To claim Michael as a protecting angel was to draw upon a tradition
that was rich with theological and ideological meanings. It was to
present England or Britain as Israel, and its people as the Jews. In this
account Michael indeed has a home, the place or people to which he is
look homeward angel 237
With these trifling fictions are mingled the most awful and sacred truths, such
as ought never to be polluted with such irreverent combinations. The shep
herd likewise is now feeder of sheep, and afterwards an ecclesiastical pastor, a
superintendent of a Christian flock. Such equivocations are always unskilful;
but here they are indecent, and at least approach to impiety, of which,
however, I believe the writer not to have been conscious.36
Johnson had a different notion of the funeral elegy from Milton, but
repeatedly found Milton’s angels irritating, mainly, I suspect, out of a
lack of sympathy with and understanding of Milton’s theology and
natural philosophy.37 Nonetheless, the unsettling relationship between
the Christian and pagan imagery is intensified once the angel’s role,
and its theological foundations, have been elaborated. It is not, after all,
a genial pagan god, a tree spirit, or an image borrowed from Virgil, but
a precise part of Christian theology.
The nature of the relationship between classical and Christian
ideas—and the opposed readings that it yields, some that see it as
focused on poetic tradition, and others that stress its political
critique38—cannot be lightly resolved. The archangel Michael and
238 milton’s angels
St Peter rub shoulders with old Damoetas and Neptune, and they do so
with scandalous grace. However, we can see how one of the pagan
figures merges into a Christian, as an antetype is revealed as a type
under the Law of the Gospel. Lycidas is, as a final consolation towards
the end of the poem, transformed into ‘the Genius of ye shoare’, or a
genius loci, a classical spirit assigned to a place, much as Sabrina is in
A Maske. In this Lycidas bears an evident semblance to the local
guardian angel. If the syntactical ambiguity surrounding ‘look home
ward angel’ invites a momentary misconception that Lycidas is that
angel, this line returns to that misconception and makes it true: he is a
sort of angel. Precedents for this have been identified in Virgil’s
Eclogue V, where the dead shepherd Daphnis is imagined as a God:
ipsi laetitia voces ad sidera iactant
intonsi montes; ipsae iam carmina rupes,
ipsa sonant arbusta: ‘deus, deus ille, Menalca!’
sis bonus o felixque tuis!
(The very mountains, with woods unshorn, joyously fling their voices star
ward; the very rocks, the very groves ring out the song: ‘A god is he,
Menalcas!’ Be kind and gracious to thine own!39)
It has been claimed that Milton’s ‘genius of the shore’ is ‘more pagan
than Christian’ because of Virgil’s use of the same idea.40 However,
though the landscape celebrates Daphnis’ deification, Virgil’s deity is
not assigned to the landscape. Virgil writes about not a genius loci but a
god, which is not the same thing as a spirit or an angel. A more likely
echo is Jacopo Sannazaro’s first piscatory eclogue (1526), in which a
shepherd named Lycidas laments a drowned shepherdess:
At tu, sive altum felix colis aethera, seu jam
Elysius inter manes coetusque verendos
Lethaeos, sequeris per stagna liquentia pisces,
Seu legis aeternos formoso pollice flores . . .
. . .
Aspice nos, mitisque veni; tu numen aquarum
Semper eris, semper laetum piscantibus omen.
(But you, whether you in felicity dwell in the high Aether, or now among the
Elysian shades and venerable bands of Lethe pursue the fish through the crystal
streams, or whether you pluck unwithering flowers with your lovely hands . . .
look down on us and gently come to us; you shall ever be the godhead of
the waters, ever a happy sign to fishermen.41)
look homeward angel 239
Where does an angel look when it looks home? Where did Milton
think of as home in 1637, and how did he think of it?
Scholarship on the ‘British problem’, and especially on colonialism
and orientalism, has placed Milton in a narrative of incipient nation
alism, and accused ‘Lycidas’ of anti Irish sentiment and an aggressive,
imperialist sense of place.42 Such a reading is typical of recent schol
arship that identifies a strong nationalistic strain in Milton’s writing,
both poetry and prose.43 Milton was concerned with issues of nation
hood, the character of the English people, and especially with civility.
However, to place him in a tradition of blood and soil nationalism is
both to overstate the role of ethnicity in early modern identity
formation, and anachronistically to assume a stable and coherent
notion of the nation state, something that did not develop until
240 milton’s angels
on the steep,
Where your old bards, the famous Druids, lie,
Nor on the shaggy top of Mona high,
Nor yet where Deva spreads her wizard stream . . .
(lines 52 5)
Later the poet–speaker wonders where Lycidas’ bones are, and intro
duces the sequence ‘shores, and sounding seas . . . Hebrides . . .
Bellerus’ (lines 154–60). This emphasis on geography helps explain
the substitution of Bellerus for Corineus: Milton chooses here place
instead of legend. The imaginative landscape stretches from the Heb
rides, Anglesey, the Welsh coastline, the Irish Sea, the Dee, Land’s
End, to St Michael’s Mount. Pseudo Dionysius wrote that local
guardian angels established ‘the boundaries of nations’, and Michael’s
boundaries in ‘Lycidas’ include the shores of Britain, extending into
the Irish Sea.
The status of Ireland, however, is unclear: it is present in the
poem as King’s home and intended destination, but it may be that a
Roman Catholic country simply cannot be included as part of a
chosen nation. In either case, Milton presents no contention for the
inclusion or exclusion of Ireland in or from Michael’s nation, from
which it appears that Ireland is not a focus of his line of argument. It
is easy to extrapolate anti Irish sentiment backwards from his anti
prelatical polemics of 1641–2, his commonplace book notes probably
made at the same time, and his Observations of 1649. Yet the poem
itself does not suggest it. Nor does it seem right to infer that the
look homeward angel 243
Angels are among the secret truths that the poet fears Milton will ruin.
Marvell is drawing on conventional reservations about penetrating the
mysteries of Scripture, reservations articulated in both theology and
poetry, by du Bartas for example, who interjects one of these passages
while narrating precisely the creation of angels.65 Perhaps for this
reason Marvell seldom pries into invisible worlds. The dangers of
presumptuous knowledge appear in the nunnery episode of ‘Upon
Appleton House’. There the subtle nun, seducing the virgin Thwaites
away from her destined public service, flatters her:
in consolation, and the angel is Michael. Marvell’s poem also ends with
an angel, having invoked Michael as an analogue for Cromwell in the
earlier passage praising ‘Angelic Cromwell’. This buried allusion to
‘Lycidas’ shapes the poem; it is different in quality to the echoes of
Dingley and others that establish the linguistic framework within
which Marvell operates.83 Marvell may well have believed in local
guardians (his literary techniques do not permit us to make this kind of
inference), but the purpose of the allusion is to create an additional
layer of meanings that emerges from this double orientation.
First, there is a silent pun here on ‘Protector’. The only reference to
Cromwell’s title is in the ‘Roofs Protecting weight’ (line 98) in the
passage describing the construction of the commonwealth. The title
was a puzzle in several respects. Milton addressed Cromwell in 1654:
‘You suffered and allowed yourself, not indeed to be borne aloft, but
to come down so many degrees from the heights and be forced into a
definite rank, so to speak, for the public good.’84 This acknowledges
the odd political circumstance of late 1653, in which Cromwell’s
authority was unlimited by any constitutional restraints: in accepting
the office of Lord Protector he placed significant boundaries on his
prerogative.85 Like Milton, Marvell praises Cromwell for ‘Yielding to
rule, because it made thee less’ (line 228). Marvell’s reticence about the
title in a poem otherwise specific about the written constitution
suggests his reservations about the effectiveness of the constitutional
limits imposed on Cromwell; certainly the poem permits the reader to
imagine him as an unprecedented kind of ruler, and a man greater than
his position, whose restless and violent personal qualities threaten the
very republic that he serves. There was, moreover, no significant
political precedent for the role of Protector. Marvell’s pun notes just
such a precedent: the role of an angel whose duty it is to preserve the
interests of a community.
It is a silent pun because this is part of the mode of The First
Anniversary. Far from becoming a lesser poet as he entered the public
realm of opinion, persuasion, and politics, Marvell, ever the ventrilo
quist and the intertextual magpie, found ways of articulating a vision of
politics beyond the limits of extant political vocabulary, and he did so
by subsuming this vocabulary within the languages and devices of
poetry. The watery circles at the beginning and end of the poem recall
the drowned and drifting body of Lycidas. In the earlier poem Michael
protects the shores of Britain, and the waters, at first the source of grief,
252 milton’s angels
sense). Towards the end the angel explains that what he has said should
be taken as true because ‘I am that j Which is your genius cal’d.’ He
then explains the doctrine:
A genius, is an incorporeall creature,
Consisting of an intellectuall nature;
Which at the self same time, a being had,
With that, for whose well being it was made.
And, may be cal’d, that Angell, which designeth,
Adviseth, moveth, draweth, and inclineth
To happinesse; and, naturally restraineth
From harme, that creature, whereto it pertaineth:
And, this am I to you.89
It is hard to imagine that any of Wither’s contemporary readers were
likely to believe that the visit represented an actual event, nor that
Wither intended them to. Nonetheless, the voice of the angel marks
understanding of and concern with the fate of the kingdoms, and this is
conveyed through the doctrine of guardianship that author and reader
know and share.
A final example of this vein: Abraham Cowley wrote during the
brief reign of Oliver’s son Richard Cromwell A Vision, Concerning his
Late Pretended Highnesse Cromwell, the Wicked; Containing a Discourse in
Vindication of him by a Pretended Angel, and the Confutation thereof by the
Author, which was published in 1661 after the Restoration. It is a prose
pamphlet that occasionally rhapsodizes into verse. Cowley describes
how in a vision that was no dream he was transported to ‘Mona’
(Anglesey), from which he sees the prospect of three kingdoms, and
there he breaks out into a lament on the chaos into which they have
descended. He is interrupted by a giant figure (his body also emblem
atic), who proclaims: ‘I am called The North west Principality, His
Highnesse, the Protector of the Common wealth of England, Scotland,
and Ireland, and the Dominions belonging thereunto, for I am that
Angel to whom the Almighty has committed the Government of those
three Kingdoms which thou seest from this place.’90 Cowley doubts
that ‘Cromwell amongst all his forein Correspondences had ever held
any with Angels’, but the angel insists that Cromwell was the greatest
Englishman ever, if not the greatest man ever, and that he now counts
himself ‘a naturalized English Angel’. This collapses the careful distinc
tion between the three kingdoms and England drawn earlier, which
distinction is also made in Wither’s poem, but it carefully establishes a
look homeward angel 255
pleasure situate in hill and dale)’ (6. 640–1). Heaven has a crystal wall, or
‘battlements’; at the end of the war it recedes, leaving a verge, over
which the sinning angels throw themselves—their own agency is
important—in terror (1. 742; 6. 860–5). This, like the gems and gold,
suggests that heaven merges a natural landscape with architectural
features. All are manufactured by God, though on earth some are left
by nature and others introduced by man. There is a parallel, perhaps
entirely coincidental, with baroque ceiling paintings of the heavens,
which combine painted architecture, extending the real architecture of
the hall, with a visualization of the empyrean, breaking down the
barrier between reality and illusion, and the human and the divine.
Heaven also has ‘high towers’ and ‘towered structures’, some associated
with Satan’s pride (2. 62; 1. 733; 5. 907). It has a gate which, at Raphael’s
self opened wide
On golden hinges turning, as by work
Divine the sovereign architect had framed. (5. 254 6)
This heavenly unanimity contrasts with the ‘partial’ song that is sung in
hell; though hellish notes are still ‘angelical’ and ravishing, as the devils
generate music to ease their suffering, consoling themselves for loss of
heaven (2. 547–52). The angels commence with harps, a standard
accessory in the visual arts and their instrument of choice in Paradise
Lost, and then sing. The epic narrator then repeats their hymn. Over
the next forty lines or so angelic voices sing words with complex, total
harmony; though the song soon segues into the narrator’s, and it ceases
to be clear who is speaking:
Their singing is ‘as the sound of seas’ (10. 642). In the scornful eyes
of the devils, music characterizes heaven, and it is synonymous with
praise of God. Mammon refers scornfully to heaven’s ‘warbled
hymns’ and ‘Forced alleluias’ (2. 242–3). In contrast, the Son looks
forward to the end of time when God ‘shalt be all in all’ and the
Heaven and its angels are also defined by hierarchy. Milton adopts the
traditional, partly scripturally based nomenclature of the angelic orders,
descending from seraphim, cherubim, and thrones, through dominions,
virtues, and powers to principalities, archangels, and plain angels.7 He
does not apply them as fixed markers of status, however, though differ
entials of status are observed among the angels. Sin, speaking to Satan,
refers to ‘all the seraphim with thee combined’ (2. 750), which seems to
imply that a whole order fell with him; this was one theological tradition.
Raphael, moreover, narrating the war in heaven, repeatedly names the
fallen angels operating the ordnance as seraphim (6. 579, 604). However,
allusions to thrones and powers in hell, and especially to cherubim, and
the angelic hymn referring to ‘The aspiring dominations’ thrown down
by the Son, indicate that Satan did not lead a whole order to fall, nor were
all of his followers from a single order (1. 157, 324, 534; 2. 310; 3. 392).
Satan is repeatedly an archangel, the context implying elevation (1. 593,
600). Satan is ‘the lost archangel’ (1. 243), and Raphael tells Adam that
Satan was ‘of the first, j If not the first archangel, great in power’ (5. 659–
60, 694). Satan is matched against Michael (anticipating the final conflict
described in Revelation), and the narrator refers to Michael as an ‘arch
angelic power’, and later an archangel (11. 126, 238, 884); Raphael calls
him ‘The great archangel’ (6. 257). However, Raphael, the ‘affable
archangel’ (7. 41), is also a seraph and an ‘angelic virtue’ (5. 277, 371)
and Satan scornfully mistitles Gabriel a ‘Proud limitary cherub’, a logical
insult only to a seraph, the sole rank above cherub in the conventional
Pseudo Dionysian ordering (4. 971). The narrator describes Uriel as an
‘archangel’, though Satan addresses him as ‘Brightest seraph’ (ironically,
for Lucifer was among the brightest), and disguises himself as ‘a stripling
cherub’ in order to appear inconspicuous and deferential (3. 648, 667,
636). Either ‘archangel’ signifies an elevated rank, or the narrator uses it
to mean powerful or mighty angel, or, most likely, it means an angel
performing a distinctly important service, just as the word ‘angel’ might
refer to a specific rank or the species more generally.
In the midst of the war, ‘down they fell j By thousands, angel on
archangel rolled’ (6. 594).8 The juxtaposition of angel against archan
gel, which disturbs the iambic rhythm, suggests distinction within
similarity (which ‘cherub on throne’ would not have); it represents
a cyclical inversion of proper hierarchy, without investing in the
specifics of that hierarchy (as ‘dominion on principality’ might). The
line, like all references to the orders of angels, is more committed to
angels in paradise lost 263
As Abdiel reminds Satan, all angels were made by God through the
Son, and the names they were given are the gifts of God, describing
their essences, not honorifics to which they are entitled:
. . . all the spirits of heaven
By him created in their bright degrees,
Crowned them with glory, and to their glory named
Thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, powers
Essential powers, not by [Christ’s] reign obscured,
But more illustrious made . . . (5. 837 42)12
The same argument maintains that hierarchy does not degrade the
lower ranks, but exalts them through association with the superior.
Abdiel does not object to rank but to the appropriation of its terms for
something other than a merited description of a property. The five
names deployed in this debate are significant. Angel and archangel
(literally, ‘chief angel’) describe duties (the bearing of messages); cher
ubim are the worldly angels who guard the gates of Eden (Gen. 3: 24);
seraphim, meaning ‘fiery’, are six winged figures in Isaiah 6.13 The
other five names, those used here, are found in Scripture, and are
expressive of virtues, but are not clearly angels; their appropriation into
clear ranks was the imaginative work of Pseudo Dionysius. Hence
their suitability as ambiguous, contested terms. Adam’s tardy interest in
the angelic ranks follows his fall. He addresses Michael:
Celestial, whether among the thrones, or named
Of them the highest, for such of shape may seem
Prince above princes . . . (11. 296 8)
male (10. 893). The ‘youth’ in the above passage could be a universal
characteristic of angels, but the ‘stripling cherub’ implies an appear
ance junior to Uriel’s. Zephon is ‘Severe in youthful beauty’, in
contrast to Satan, who is scarred (4. 845; 1. 601; 2. 401). This is a
synecdoche, as angels are sempiternal and do not age. Yet the disguise
is real enough, and there are other ways in which angels vary in their
appearance or have distinguishing qualities, such as brightness and
strength (7. 131; 5. 838; 10. 425; 4. 786). When Azazel is described
as a ‘cherub tall’, the qualifier presumably refers to his activeness,
elegance, or boldness rather than his height, but the visual texture of
the poem benefits from this ambiguity (1. 534). While Milton relies
heavily on traditional iconography, these qualifiers individualize the
poem’s angels: Zephon is severely beautiful, Abdiel zealous, Raphael
‘the sociable spirit’, Michael a ‘gentle angel’ yet solemn (5. 221; 11.
234–6, 421).
In addition to making love, Milton’s angels eat. Their digestive
process is significant to the theology and natural philosophy of the
poem. Their food is also described with care:
These are not the nutritional properties of the food; it is in eating and
drinking that immortality and joy are experienced. Hence, eating,
commonly associated with transience and decay, is here associated
with their opposites. Raphael emphasizes that angels have senses and
emotions. In 1667 this last phrase had read ‘with refection sweet j Are
filled’, which suggests a more literal minded understanding of what
goes on at those tables. The emendation further emphasizes the rejec
tion of the metaphysics of the Church sacrament of Communion, by
showing a truer communion which acknowledges the bounty of
communion in everyday eating. Appetite and digestion are more
angelic than submission and symbolic transcendence. While the pas
sage invites a symbolic reading—surely this is spiritual nutrition?—it
firmly declines to pursue that register, instead emphasizing the virtue
270 milton’s angels
Angelic modesty informs Raphael’s tact, and the poem resists the
incantation of angelic names that is common in occult texts and ritual
angels in paradise lost 271
Milton’s angels sing, watch, play games and exercise, eat, sleep, make
love, bear messages, interpret, bear witness, move the universe, and,
above all, talk. They make mistakes: Raphael misunderstands Adam’s
account of his need of Eve; Uriel is deceived by Satan. They are agents
with freewill, responsibility, and leisure time.
The four main activities of angels in Protestant doctrine are to praise
God, bear messages, and act as ministering spirits and as witnesses.
Milton’s angels do these things, but his narrative mode requires that he
asks what do they do the rest of the time, and whether their con
sciousness and freewill require other activities. Aquinas’ angels would
angels in paradise lost 273
contentedly stand in choirs and sing praises, but Milton’s need a more
active, diverse life, expressing their freewill, without which their praise
would be meaningless. The singing of Milton’s angels colours the
universe. It provides a backdrop for Adam and Eve’s life, day and
night.28 When they praise God, they praise with hymns; Raphael
reports one that follows Creation:
Great are thy works, Jehovah, infinite
Thy power; what thought can measure thee or tongue
Relate thee . . . ? (7. 602 4)
Their praise is endless (the fallen angels object to this), full of copia but
always unable to reach the heights to which they must aspire. Milton’s
angels are, unlike any other angels, profoundly articulate beings.
Angels are, as their name indicates, messengers, but messages are, as
any narrative must discover, occasional. Angels who are primarily
messengers must recede into the background when the story is being
developed another way. These angels, however, talk all the time: to
each other, to humans, and when free from other duties they make
music that is verbal as well as tonal and rhythmic.
Milton’s angels watch, and, though they sleep, vigilance is essential
to their duties. This is not only a reflection on the state of war.
Through the night, while others sleep, watches of angels take alternate
duty in singing hymns around God’s throne (5. 656–7), lest heaven fall
silent. Watches protecting the human couple ‘in warlike parade’, led
by Gabriel, change at ‘the accustomed hour’ of night (4. 779–80).
Gabriel also guards the sole gate of Eden, overseeing ‘The unarmed
youth of heaven’ who engage in ‘heroic games’, presumably training
exercises (4. 542–54); this contrasts with the forbidding cherubim, who
will guard the gates from human return. Raphael will later explain that
he did not see Adam’s creation because he was on an ‘excursion toward
the gates of hell’, to ensure that none had escaped (8. 29–34). These are
the actions of an army, but they also suggest the more extended duties
of angels as part of the broader communications network of the uni
verse. As part of these duties, angels not only interact directly with
people, but witness human activity as an audience. This audience gives
human actions meaning in a broader context, one more intelligible and
familiar than the inexpressive and omniscient eyes of God. Adam
inadvertently remarks on this when answering Eve’s question about
why the stars unseen shine at night. He tells her not to think,
274 milton’s angels
Among the works that these creatures behold are Adam and Eve.
Humans provide a kind of theatre for angels. Angels weep tears, and
though the only angelic tears the poem describes are dissembled, the
implication is that angels know pathos as well as joy (1. 620). In all four
outlines for a drama entitled ‘Paradise Lost’ or ‘Adam Unparadiz’d’
drafted around 1640 (after the angels in ‘Lycidas’ and ‘Ad Leonoram’),
Milton included a ‘Chorus of Angels’.29 In the epic, too, they are
spectators at the ‘woody theatre’ of Eden (4. 141), and sometimes
provide a chorus between Eden’s couple and the human reader.
Raphael and Michael act as messengers; though Raphael is also an
‘angel guest’ (9. 1), and is like an ambassador, greeting, dining, and
conversing politely.30 These encounters are more extended than the
portentous scriptural visits of message bearing angels; Milton recon
ceives angelic–human sociability in order to imagine the prelapsarian
state. Raphael is likened to a ‘friend’ to humans (9. 2), suggesting
friendship is not possible between angels and humans, though some
thing like it, perhaps fellowship, is. Adam calls Michael a ‘heavenly
instructor’, providing not a message but a Socratic lesson (11. 871). He
calls Raphael a ‘divine interpreter’, perhaps referring to Raphael’s active
translation of the spiritual world and actions into human terms. This
much is suggested when Raphael qualifies an allusion to Lucifer’s
palace with
so call
That structure in the dialect of men
Speaking is a duty for angels, who must praise God and bear his
messages. Their hymns to the Son in book 3 and to Creation in book
7 are poems of praise, using epideictic rhetoric that is declarative and
oddly passive. In the hymn to the Son their selfhood is erased in
praising, and the syntax focused on the ‘thou’ being praised, so that
the introduction of the first person singular (‘the copious matter of
my song’ (3. 413), also embracing the narrator) is startling, and
emphasizes that these are individuals, as well as voices in a choir.
The hymn to Creation moves from the expulsion of the fallen
angels, through a meditation on how providence brings forth good
from evil, to praise of the world and men; there is no reflection on
the singers’ own place in this universe, and how it has been altered
by this addition. As envy at man’s creation is sometimes cited as
the cause of the angelic fall, Milton expresses their selflessness.
Their selflessness is remote from the rhetoric of rhetoricians, in
profound contrast to the subtle manipulations in the diabolic
synod in book 2. This pattern of selflessness can be contrasted,
however, with the very different rhetoric Raphael uses to describe
freewill and its dangers:
freely we serve,
Because we freely love, as in our will
To love or not; in this we stand or fall:
And some are fallen, to disobedience fallen,
And so from heaven to deepest hell; oh fall
From what high state of bliss into what woe! (5. 538 43)
This passage begins with a seeming paradox, and works its way
through a series of sonorous antitheses (free–serve, stand–fall,
heaven–hell, bliss–woe) and emphatic syncrisis and homoioteleuton.
The structured rhetoric is introduced because Raphael is talking the
ology, and he sounds not unlike God discussing freewill, grace, and
salvation, using the schemes anaphora, anadiplosis, antithesis, and
climax (3. 183–202). Angels are, naturally, rhetorical beings, and
choose their styles, tropes, and figures to suit the occasion. Thus it is
possible for a Miltonic angel—unlike a Thomist angel, who commu
nicates by beams of pure intellectual thought—to flatter and deceive
another through disguise and guileful words.
Angels protect, make love, eat, bring prophecies, blow trumpets;
they also perform unique duties as required. Among these is guarding
276 milton’s angels
The sun is moved to create inhospitable seasons, and the moon and the
five planets are moved from their original, ideal trajectories so that
their convergences produce malignant influences and bad weather: the
earth’s misalignment from the sun’s axle results in discord among
animate things, antipathy, and death.31 Angels were traditionally asso
ciated with the planetary spheres, turning them and generating the
music of the spheres: in this passage Milton extends the astrological
framework, and envisions the destroying angels, the angels of terror,
creating discord within an erstwhile ideal creation. As with the cher
ubim that bar access to Eden brandishing a fierce blazing sword
(12. 633–4), the reader is reminded that angels are terrible and sublime,
as well as protecting and sociable.
The Natural Philosophy
of Angels
agency and salvation extended to the stuff humans were made of.
There was a convergence of questioning, rather than intellectual
alignment. Milton’s position was not a conservative or anti intellectual
one: he was interested in natural philosophy as it assisted him in
forming his narrative, and so offered a means of imagining and
describing theological truths.
Heaven is material and organic, and its physical properties are inter
laced with the mental.17 Milton’s unorthodoxy on the matter of
angelic digestion, often understood to be an exceptionally literal
minded moment, is one aspect of a fuller theological picture of
the creatureliness of angels, the spiritual congruity and legitimate
sociability between humans and angels, and the continuity of matter
across all of Creation.
Milton’s second alleged heterodoxy, on angelic sex, is also more
embedded in tradition than might at first appear. The penetrability of
angels was a commonplace: though they could act with assumed
bodies and upon material objects ‘with external violence’, according
to Jan Amos Comenius, they themselves ‘can be hindred or stayed by
no body’.18 ‘They are creatures, that have not so much of a body as
flesh is, as froth is, as a vapour is, as a sigh is,’ preached Donne, ‘and
yet with a touch they shall moulder a rock into less atoms than the
sand that it stands upon; and a millstone into smaller flour, than it
grinds.’19 The association between power and penetrability is a
paradox. The fact of penetration was commonly iterated in both
theological and natural philosophical writings; it is the reimagining
of this as a sexual and pleasurable act that distinguishes Milton.
Moreover, he develops this by denying fallen angels the pleasure of
sexual intercourse (as Satan laments; 4. 508–11), whereas in demono
logical and witchcraft writings it is the devils who have the active sex
lives.20 Sexual intercourse is intrinsically good. Angels interpenetrate
‘union of pure with pure j Desiring’ (8. 627–8); they feel desire, and
what they desire is union with another pure being. The unstated
antithesis here is the union of the sons of God with the daughters of
men in Genesis 6: 1–4.21 This interpretation is not endorsed in
Paradise Lost, where Milton prefers the dominant alternative explan
ation in which the sons of God are descendants of the line of Seth,
and the daughters of men are the descendants of Cain (11. 573–87,
the natural philosophy of angels 283
Though these are the loci classici for discussions of Milton’s angels, as if
he was only earnest in his representations when being evidently
unorthodox, there are other themes that suggest intense concern
with the creatureliness of angels. One, closely related to sex, is the
bodies and matter of angels. There was in early modern Britain a
spectrum of beliefs about the corporeal and material nature of angels,
and about the relationship between body and matter. As Henry More
wrote in An Explanation of the Grand Mystery of Godliness (1660),
‘Concerning Angels, some affirm them to be Fiery or Aery Bodies;
some pure Spirits; some Spirits in Aery or Fiery Bodies; Others none
of these, but that they are momentaneous Emanations from God; Others
that they are onely Divine Imaginations in men.’29
The Thomist position is that angels are incorporeal and non mater
ial. Angels do not have bodies, though they sometimes adopt bodies of
air to appear before humans. These bodies are not manipulated by
quasi material mechanism but by divine power. Angels are not mater
ial. However, Aquinas’ account of substances means that they are
possessed of an unintelligible, purely intellectual substance: ‘The an
gelic substances, on the other hand, are of a higher order than our
minds; we cannot therefore apprehend them as they are in themselves,
but only according to the way in which we apprehend realities com
posed of form and matter.’30 This is also the understanding of Thomas
Heywood and William Austin, though the latter also sketches another
doctrine, popular in the early seventeenth century, that ‘they have a
most fine thin Substance (like that, which the Philosophers call Æthereum
animæ vehiculum; which joynes it to the Body). And, that they have a
forme above all Creatures: but, what it is; Ignoramus.’31 This fine, aetherial
substance was devised to explain the material agency of spirits in the
world—for those who were disinclined to appeal to the continuous
action of divine power of the special providential intervention of
God—and it received its fullest development in a British context by
the Cambridge Platonists. It is an uneasy form of dualism, one
that rejects a straightforward matter–spirit dichotomy in favour of
a spiritualized form of matter. However, Henry More and Ralph
Cudworth, the two authors who wrote most extensively on the
subject of spirits, were opposed to the mechanism of Thomas Hobbes,
the natural philosophy of angels 285
and shining.’ In their first creation angels were hidden, but in their
second creation they ‘were bodified’.37 Boehme girds his system by
speaking of similitudes and analogies, but his angels are certainly
corporeal and probably substantial; as the writings of his disciple
Pordage show, the cautious use of language conflicts with the material,
sensuous reality of the experiences described.
A third conceivable position is that angels are corporeal and insub
stantial, though no early modern writer seems to have advocated this,
unless one considers the tenuous corporeality of the Cambridge
Platonists, Woolnor, and Trapp a sufficient approximation. Boehme
gestures in this direction, as does Robert Gell with significant qualifi
cation: he writes that angels ‘hath a subsistence without the grosse
elements’, and that, like man, who consists of three parts (spirit, soul,
and body), angels ‘have something analogical to a body, and that’s
wind . . . Somewhat proportionable to the soul, and that’s fire . . .
Somewhat answerable to the to the spirit, and that’s light’.38 Gell is a
traditionalist dualist metaphorically attributing corporeality as a way
of enhancing the metaphoric range of angels, and because even a
figurative body makes the actions of spirits easier to comprehend.
Finally, there is a strange position that is distinct from the Cambridge
Platonists and Aquinas in its thoroughgoing monism, and distinct from
Hobbes in rejecting any simple notion of corporeality. This is Milton’s
position: angels are substantial and material, but, unlike humans, their
matter is highly spiritual and therefore they are not corporeal. Milton
uses angels to explore the nature of matter. His position can briefly be
summarized as follows. Milton was, like Hobbes, a materialist; in
contrast to Hobbes, he rejected mechanism in favour of the view
that matter is animate and therefore free. Creation was ex deo, and
therefore all matter is in origin good; evil is a perversion of matter, and
is thus a privation of being. Matter and spirit exist on a continuous
scale, from the incorporeal to the merely corporeal. This scale permits
movement, and beings can ascend and descend it through continuing
obedience to God, refining the very corporeality of their being.39 The
most penetrating imagining of this in Paradise Lost is in Raphael’s
explanation to Adam of why angels can eat with men:
The ‘when’ implies limitations: at rest they have a shape, and when
imprisoned by the will of God, as when the fallen angels are turned
into serpents:
supplanted down he fell
A monstrous serpent on his belly prone,
Reluctant, but in vain, a greater power
Now ruled him, punished in the shape he sinned . . .
(10. 513 16)
the natural philosophy of angels 289
And finds himself ‘in his own shape’ (4. 819). The nature of an angel’s
shape is not a question most theologians address. To espouse a dualist
philosophy, and therefore to believe that angels are purely spiritual
290 milton’s angels
corporeality (unlike the fallen angels they feel no pain but only shame).
To have a shape—which pure, intelligential substances do—is to
possess some of the properties associated with having a body. To
have a shape is glorious and divine, yet it is also a potential weakness,
especially when incorporeality begins to decline into corporeality
(downward movement on the sliding scales in Milton’s universe is
always more troubling, more damaging and corrupt, than stasis on a
lower part of the scale). It is an essential part of being a creature, as even
the most spiritual substances are made of prime matter. De Doctrina,
discussing the nature of angelic senses, similarly intimates angelic
shapes: spirit contains inferior substance as the spiritual and rational
faculty contains the corporeal.48 Bodies emanate from spirit, and the
shape that a spiritual being has is not only a manifestation of its identity:
it is the potential it has to turn corporeal. As corporeal beings can be
sublimated into intelligential by a process of digestion, so incorporeal
beings can decline into corporeality through corruption and impair
ment by sin. The body will be implicit in the shape, and suffer a loss of
beauty through the diminution of brightness and loss of lustre, as Satan
unhappily discovers when Ithuriel fails to recognize him even when he
returns to his ‘own likeness’ (4. 836, 850).
When Satan awakes lying prone on the burning lake at the beginning
of book 1, his eyes emit light and feeling perceptible to his companion
Beelzebub, despite the visible darkness: the narrator refers to his ‘eye j
That sparkling blazed’ (1. 193–4). The description is based on an
extromissive theory of vision in which eyes emit rays that are reflected
by objects and return to the eye.49 The dominant alternative model in
the early modern period was intromissive, arguing that the eye saw by
apprehending light that was reflected from objects. In either case light
could be understood as particles or as waves, alternatives advocated by
Pierre Gassendi and Robert Hooke, respectively, in books published in
the 1660s. Questions of optics appear tangentially and repeatedly in
book 1, in which a series of extended similes that play with proportion
and perspectives are attached to the fallen angels. One alludes to
Galileo viewing the moon through a telescope, the only living person,
other than Milton, identified in Paradise Lost (1. 287–91). These figures
292 milton’s angels
of scale and optics warn the reader of the profoundly visual properties
of the epic, the role of perspective, and the dangers involved in
interpreting Satan.
Satan’s very first action in the poem, the first active verb that marks
the transition from the past experience of falling from heaven, and the
passive experience of being tormented by thoughts, is to look around:
round he throws his baleful eyes
That witnessed huge affliction and dismay
Mixed with obdurate pride and steadfast hate:
At once as far as angels’ ken he views
The dismal situation waste and wild . . . 50
(These beings, since they were made glad with God’s face from which nothing
is hid, have never turned their eyes from it, so that their sight is never
intercepted by a new object and they have no need to recall the past by an
abstract concept . . . )
the natural philosophy of angels 293
John Dee’s angels see by similar means.54 God limits angelic eyesight
by concealing the interior life of humans, and certain mysteries of
nature. Joseph Hall described this eloquently:
so perfectly knowing are they, as that the very heathen Philosophers have
styled them by the name of Intelligences, as if their very being were made up of
understanding; Indeed what is there in this whole compass of the large
universe, that is hid from their eyes? Only the closet of mans heart is lockt
up from them, as reserved solely to their maker.
without Organs, yet we must needs hold that they are not unlike to
our spirit which perceiveth by organs.’60 John White, the Dorchester
clergyman, similarly restricts angelic perception and repudiates the
divine lens or mirror theory: he writes that when angels accept an
earthly ministry and leave heaven, it is a form of condescension that
deprives them of ‘the Vision of God’.61 Angelic eyesight is imperfect,
though less imperfect than in Paradise Lost, in which Abdiel cannot see
across heaven. This account of vision supposes that angels’ sight is, like
humans’, finite, but that it does not depend on conventional optics.
Angels can see through objects if not into human thoughts.62 Their
perception depends upon their own faculties, and is immeasurably
more powerful than human sight.
A third account of suprahuman vision suggests that it conforms to
conventional optics, as an enhanced version of human perception.
This is found in the writings of natural philosophers promoting
experimental knowledge. Robert Hooke’s Micrographia (1665) stresses
the limitations of human knowledge based on narrow senses, and it
seeks to establish a more solid knowledge based on observation sup
ported by ‘the adding of artificial Organs to the natural’. Optical lenses,
among those who understood clearly the differences between lenses
and mirrors, are imagined as the means to a new ‘Science of Nature’
grounded on sound observation:
By the means of Telescopes, there is nothing so far distant but may be repre
sented to our view; and by the help of Microscopes, there is nothing so small, as
to escape our inquiry; hence there is a new visible World discovered to the
understanding. By this means the Heavens are open’d, and a vast number of
new Stars, and new Motions, and new productions appear in them, to which
all the antient Astronomers were utterly Strangers.
Hooke also imagines that other devices will improve other senses, but
it is enhanced eyesight that will revolutionize knowledge. Prosthesis
will bring man closer to perfection: ‘And who knows but the Industry
of man, following this method, may find out wayes of improving this
sense to as great a degree of perfection as it is in any Animal, and
perhaps yet higher.’63 The comparison to a sense more powerful than
any animal’s may imply an angel, just as the tongue of angels suggests
ideal speech, and angelic knowledge, superior understanding.64 Sight,
moreover, has a special status among the senses: it is the telescope
that provides the basis for modelling the universe and conceiving of
the natural philosophy of angels 295
space, the place where angels travel and which they shape with their
In Roman Catholic Europe natural philosophers similarly deployed
angels in their writings, initially within explanations of agency and
causation, and later as rhetorical flourish. This demotion can be seen in
the career of Galileo, where it must be understood as belonging to
communicative strategy rather than disenchantment. Athanasius
Kircher writes that ‘A perfect observation, free from all error and
falsehood could only be carried out by an angel,’ which confers
authority on instruments as much as it recognizes human inferiority.
Angels authorized telescopes and certified their capacity for perfection,
and thus their ability to extend the human. In Britain, perhaps because
of suspicion of Jesuit interest in angels, this role was performed by both
angels and Adam.65 Hooke’s acquaintance Joseph Glanvill, another
early member of the Royal Society, uses the power of the telescope
to imagine ideal human senses. In The Vanity of Dogmatizing (1661) he
considers the power of prelapsarian Adam’s eyes, regarding his deduc
tions as a form of experimental knowledge. Adam would have received
‘better information from the most distant objects, than we by the most
helpful Telescopes’. The prosthetic enhancement of the senses provides
the most useful and vivid point of comparison. Because of the natural
sensitivity of his eyes, ‘Adam needed no Spectacles. The acuteness of
his natural Opticks (if conjecture may have credit) shew’d him much
of the Cœlestial magnificence and bravery without a Galilæo’s tube:
And ’tis most probable that his naked eyes could reach as much of the
upper World, as we with all the advantages of art.’66 Glanvill’s account
of the protoplasts aligns him with Hooke on two points: first, that
inferences about the idealized faculties of spirits can be considered as a
form of experimental knowledge (Henry More says this in 1681, and
elsewhere writes of angels’ ‘terrestrial Omnipercipiency’67); secondly,
that ideal senses can be imagined and described most effectively not
through spiritual metaphors but through analogies with instruments.
By implication, even the most powerful senses operate through con
ventional optics. Distance, which does not affect the first two accounts
of angelic perception, is a consideration in this third model.
How far do Milton’s angels see, and by what means? Milton’s angels
have superior eyesight, though it follows some of the same restrictions
of human vision. Waking on the burning lake, Satan sees ‘as far as
angels’ ken’ (1. 59), and travelling through Limbo ‘far distant he
296 milton’s angels
Again the emphasis is on the limits of angelic eyesight, and again the
poet refers to angels’ ken; but Milton carefully imbricates this descrip
tion with an explanation of the movement of light and the making of
shadows. Satan’s ‘visual ray’ also suggests the extromission of rays from
the eye to the perceived object, recalling his ‘sparkling’ eyes in book 1.
Eyesight and optics are not peripheral issues in this passage. The
angel that Satan sees is Uriel, ‘regent of the sun’ (3. 690), one of
the seven angels of God’s presence, the first unfallen angel presented
in the poem, who, because of his association with light, is ‘held j The
sharpest sighted spirit of all in heaven’ (3. 690–1). Satan approaches
him disguised as a cherub, and his deception is
For neither man nor angel can discern
Hypocrisy, the only evil that walks
Invisible, except to God alone . . . (3. 681 4)
with the mechanics of the solar system; 3. 722–33), he sees that he has
been deceived when Satan’s emotions ‘marred his borrowed visage’
(4. 116). Uriel does not penetrate the disguise; the disguise is ruptured,
and Uriel, at an enormous distance, interprets the visual evidence. His
vision is at once powerful and limited, and its failure is central to the
poem’s narrative: it enables Satan’s invasion of Eden, his corrupting of
Eve’s dream, and Gabriel’s interruption of Satan, and it is why Raphael
descends to Eden to warn Adam and Eve, and to describe the war in
Angelic optics are integral to the adumbration of Milton’s plot.
Perhaps as important is the way the emphasis on light and perspectives
shapes the aesthetic architecture of the poem. We follow characters’
movement and points of view, and the effect is cinematographic. The
organization of Milton’s universe is conceptual, symbolic, and hier
archical, but the primary mode in which his narrative is organized is
visual, and this visual dimension is organized along perspectival lines.
Sometimes the narrator draws attention to a perspectival device (‘he
then surveyed’68), but the device permeates the narrative and
imagery of the poem more generally. Angelic sight is, in this account,
a matter of experience. Whereas Aquinas’ angels know purely intui
tively (God creates all knowledge in them), Milton’s have a full range
of senses (senses that are part of their whole being rather than particular
organs). Their knowledge increases through the use of these senses,
and hence is both experimental and finite. In this respect Milton is
aligned with Hooke, Glanvill, and More.
Milton prevaricates between heliocentric and geocentric models of
the universe, models that did not at his time seem straightforwardly
antithetical.69 Evoking the dislocation of the stable and orderly orbit of
the sun at the Fall, a catastrophic vision of the effect of the Fall that
suggests why prelapsarian cosmology cannot be comprehended by
postlapsarian humans, Milton imagines two possible explanations that
preserve the geocentric model while elucidating the seasons and other
imperfections of the postlapsarian universe. One of them involves the
action of angels:
Some say he bid his angels turn askance
The poles of earth twice ten degrees and more
From the sun’s axle; they with labour pushed
Oblique the centric globe: some say the sun
Was bid turn reins from the equinoctial road . . . (10. 668 72)
298 milton’s angels
Raphael sees his destination because there are no obstacles. He sees the
cedars on the hills because he sees by natural means. This is the
combination of enormous distances and minute detail that Hooke
and Glanvill dream of in their account of the enhanced human senses
that will bring sound experimental knowledge. Galileo’s perception of
the moon, and his inferences about its geography, are less reliable,
perhaps because he is human and hence more fallible, perhaps because
his sense is artificially enhanced by prosthesis, perhaps because God is
the better lens maker. The telescope is Milton’s comparison for the
superiority of angelic eyesight, and it follows from the essential simi
larity in mode between angelic and human optics. This way of seeing
accords with Milton’s unusual account of dawn and twilight in heaven
(5. 628, 645–6, 667); and it explains why Abdiel, stranded with his
enemies in the northern parts of heaven, cannot see his friends or God
until he flies through ‘heaven’s wide champaign’ towards them, and
morning brings light to illuminate the unfallen legions.
Angels have other senses, at least according to Milton. Aquinas did not
think so. Whereas humans knew through both the senses and the
intellect, according to Aquinas, angels were wholly intellectual. While
the senses were employed to apprehend only the outward properties of
an object, the intelligence apprehends the essence of the object:
If an angel had to derive his knowledge of material things from these things
themselves, he would have first to render them actually intelligible by a
process of abstraction. But it is not thus that he knows such things; he
knows them by possessing, as part of his nature, intellectual representations
of things—representations actually intelligible from the start; as our mind
knows them by the representations which it renders intelligible by a process
of abstraction.74
300 milton’s angels
There is in Angels a sense of things, as well as in our spirits. (For they see, hear,
touch, &c. though they themselves be invisible, and intangible.[)] Also they
have a sense of pleasure and griefe: for as much as joyes are said to be prepared
for the Angels, and fire for the divells, (into which wicked men are also to be
cast.) Although therefore they perceive without Organs, yet we must needs
hold that they are not unlike to our spirit which perceiveth by organs.78
The coy ‘&c.’ implies without stating both smelling and tasting, which
are more closely linked to particular organs (touch can imply move
ment without specifically indicating the tactility of skin). Comenius
glosses over the complex relations among organs and therefore bodies
and senses, though he acknowledges a connection between organs and
emotions. This association troubled Thomas Heywood, who contends
that if angels have bodies and organs then they must have senses and
therefore passions and thus alteration: this is not possible in a perfect,
immutable being, and therefore angels cannot have any of these.79
Milton attributes organs, senses, and emotions to angels. Satan’s
passions reflect his corrupted state. The unfallen angels feel joy, and
this is another commonplace, deriving from Job 38: 7 (‘When the
morning stars sang together, and all the Sons of God shouted for joy?’).
Some commentators interpret this strongly. Duppa makes an angel’s
capacity for joy depend on its ability to perceive a sinner’s conversion
‘not onely by outward signes, but sometimes by discovery of our hearts
too’. The proof is: ‘There is knowledge, or else there would be no joy
the natural philosophy of angels 301
and the finite speed of movement, arises out of the need to distinguish
between angels and God, who is uniquely infinite. As Richard Sibbes
writes, angels move ‘Suddenly, in an unperceivable time, yet in time
because there is no motion in a moment, no creature moves from place
to place in a moment, God is every where.’91 Jeremy Taylor’s claim that
angels ‘move in an instant’ probably means the same as Sibbes’
or Aquinas’, though the phrase invites a stronger construction.92
Comenius, as interested in the ‘Physicks’ of the question as in the
theology, writes that angels are stronger and more agile than corporeal
creatures, moving, unlike wind or lightning, without resistance, so
‘though an Angell be not in many places at once, (Dan. 10. 13. 20.) yet
they can in a moment passe themselves whither they will’.93 More
enthusiastic authors, including Fludd and John Everard, concur with
these interpretations.94 It is because of their speed that angels figure in
ideal messaging systems, as a point of comparison in John Wilkins’s
Mercury, or, The Secret and Swift Messenger (1641), and as the bearers of
messages in Trithemius’ Steganographia. Heywood notes that it is through
spirits ‘that Magitions have such speedy intelligence (almost in an instant)
of things done in the farthest and remotest places of the world’.95 One
seventeenth century alchemical text claimed that, through natural
magic, ‘all that Spirits can do (except velocity) may be performed’.96
The speed of angels was a theological topic that was associated with
astrological calculations of the size of the universe. Robert Bolton
insisted, in a posthumous work of 1632, that no human knowledge
of ‘Geometry, Arithmetike, Opticks, Hypotheses, Philosophy. &c.’
could ‘illighten us’ about the nature of the third, celestial heaven; he
nonetheless acknowledged ‘the severall computations of Astronomers’
concerning the ‘incredible distance from the earth to the Starry
Firmament’ as praise of Creation.97 Later writers were more inclined
to calculate, though inexactly, the speed of angels. The 1649 com
mentary on Ezekiel by the independent minister William Greenhill
merits quoting at length:
Astronomers observe, that from the center of the earth (which is 3000. to the
surface) up to the Sun is above foure millions of miles[;] to the Firmament,
where the fixed stars are, above fourescore millions of miles, and from thence
to the place of the blessed, where Saints and Angels are, more millions then
from the earth to the Firmament. So that according to their account, it must
be above 160. millions from heaven to earth; and this space the Angel came
flying in a little time: we think a bullet out of a Musket flyes swiftly, and it
304 milton’s angels
doth, for it hits the bird or mark ere the report is heard, and will flye 180. miles
in an houre, according to its motion. The Sunne moves swifter 1160000. miles
in one hour; the fixed stars about the æquinoctiall move 42 millions of miles
each houre; and yet the motion of an Angel is swifter, being a Spirit, and
passing through the air without opposition; no creature in heaven or earth,
moves faster then an Angel.98
Robert Dingley, who accepted Aquinas’ doctrine that angels were not
circumscribed by place, borrowed from this passage in an elaboration
on Luke 23: 43. Christ says that he will see the thief beside him that
same day in heaven, and such swift motion ‘was done by the conduct
and celerity of Angels that conveyed it’. Dingley specifies the speeds of
a bullet and the sun, and concludes that ‘the Seat of Angels and blessed
Souls is at an huge distance from us’.99 Greenhill’s figures suggest that
an angel must take less than three hours forty eight minutes to fly from
heaven to earth; I suspect he intends considerably less, without wishing
to be imprudently specific. Heaven is profoundly distant, however,
and even at their superlative speed, angels can take some time to reach
earth; a consideration that has implications, as the previous chapter
indicates, for the remote stationing of guardian angels. The often
reserved Thomas Heywood, made bold by the Arabic astronomers
Thabit ibn Qurra and al Farghanı, whose calculations (developed in
their commentaries on Ptolemy) he probably read in Roger Bacon’s
Opus Maius (1266) while at university, expands:
At a thousand miles an hour an angel would take six and a half years to
travel the (approximately) 56,979,000 miles from the earth to heaven
(i.e. the fixed stars), beyond which lies the celestial heaven and God’s
the natural philosophy of angels 305
Imagine this is meant literally: Uriel travels at the same speed as the
beam of light on which he surfs. He is in a hurry, and the speed of light
must be at least equal to his own unassisted speed. If the comparison to
a shooting star, an effect of light, is meant literally, then the analogy is
exact. The movement may be mechanically precise too: as Milton
thought light substantial, and its rays physically moved between the
object and the eye, then a spirit equally material might be supported by
it.104 Yet, according to Milton, there are faster things than angels. The
Son refers to Grace as ‘the speediest of [God’s] winged messengers’,
implying that grace is a messenger, like an angel, and that it is faster:
perhaps because it is the gift of God its speed is infinite.105 When the
Son himself descends to Eden to declare God’s judgement to the
transgressing Adam and Eve, he travels in a manner entirely different
from messengers: ‘Down he descended straight; the speed of gods j
Time counts not, though with swiftest minutes winged’ (10. 90–1).
The divine—the speed of Christ, the architecture of the universe—is
uncountable, beyond numbers and reckoning. Angels are creatures
and are therefore subject to numbers. De Doctrina suggests that the
wings of angels indicate their great velocity.106 However, the ‘winged’
minutes are a reminder that wings also represent finite speeds, the
fastest speed a creature can attain to, almost immeasurable.
The concepts of numbers and numberlessness are threaded through
the poem. The distance from heaven to earth is inexpressible in
the natural philosophy of angels 307
These are inclement conditions, but flying involves effort for unfallen
angels. Raphael’s flight to earth, which symbolically and physically
parallels Satan’s, is limited in speed and tasking:
Down thither prone in flight
He speeds, and through the vast ethereal sky
Sails between worlds and worlds, with steady wing
Now on the polar winds, then with quick fan
Winnows the buxom air . . . (5. 266 70)
The ‘steady wing’ suggests both control and sustained exertion. Most
theologians dwell only on the theoretical limitations of angelic speed,
its symbolic properties, its implications for diabolic agency; Milton
lingers on the impeded experience of flight, the implications of limited
speed for the messengers. The near infinite is much more open to
exploration, and more poetically evocative, than the infinite. Milton’s
angels are creatures, and their speed reflects this.
warring spirits, and his preface warns the reader that what she reads may
be neither novelistic realism nor simple allegory.2
But there is another problem here, one that has been overlooked,
perhaps because we too hastily assume that Milton’s angels are like his
humans, in which case the problem disappears. This is the practical
basis of the exchange between angel and human.3 Raphael speaks with
the ‘tongue j Of angels’: how does Adam hear him? Does an angel
make noise? Do angels have tongues? This is a recurrent point of
exegesis in medieval and early modern discussions of angels, and one
that Milton reflects on in Paradise Lost.
For mainstream theology from Pseudo Dionysius through Aquinas to
Calvin, angelic speech is a metaphor. It is used as a ‘human’ or accom
modated figure for the mediation between the hierarchy of God, angels,
and man, and serves a large purpose: in Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae, for
example, conversio (referring to a communication in either direction, but
also a turning to God) explains or describes how the angelic hierarchy, an
intellectual foundation for his entire theology, is bound together with
relationships of subordination and exaltation. For Milton, however,
angelic speech is not a metaphor, or not just a metaphor. First, because
he offers a dramatization, a narrative account of the communications not
just between God and his angels, but between God and man and between
man and angels, among all of Creation, in which it is a literary necessity
that characters speak to each other. Secondly, because his angels are
material beings, with imperfect senses, limited knowledge, subject to
the laws of motion, optics, to freewill. Like humans, they are the
creatures of God. So they speak to man, and to each other, and when
they do, their converse is not simply a turning towards illumination, but
material sociability. Later Raphael will echo himself:
to recount almighty works
What words or tongue of seraph can suffice,
Or heart of man suffice to comprehend? (7. 112 14)
the angels ‘glorify God, and converse with one another, and with the
Saints, without the Noise of Tongues or Sounds of Words’.22
The Westminster Assembly’s Annotations, the distillation of patristic,
Scholastic, and Reformation commentary published in 1645 and 1651
that had a special status as a statement of establishment orthodoxy,
As God gave them bodies for a time, so he gave them the faculties thereof to
walk, to speak, to eat, and drink, and such like; yet what was let into the body
in an extraordinary manner, might afterwards be resolved into ayr; and what
they did might not be so much by any natural faculties of those bodies they
assumed, as by a supernaturall application of those parts they had to what they
did . . . 23
At Numbers 22: 28, however, the Assembly articulates a marginally
different position, glossing the powers of speech of Balaam’s ass: ‘the
Angel of the Lord formed his own words by the mouth of the Ass, as
the Devil did by the mouth of the Serpent, Gen. 3’. This is a distinc
tion Milton would have noticed. Do spirits produce the sounds them
selves while simultaneously moving the body, or do they use material
bodies to generate sounds? The first comment from the Annotations
suggests the former, the second the latter. Committees often fail to
secure perfect coherence in their publications; here it seems they
prevaricate on two sides of a complex but nonetheless relatively
inconsequential question.
Gervase Babington, in his not entirely accurately entitled Certaine
Plaine, Briefe, and Comfortable Notes upon Everie Chapter of Genesis,
presents a simpler, mechanical explanation of the instrumental use of
an assumed body:
But how could the Serpent speake, since this power is not geven to beasts, but
only to man? No question it was not the Serpent by his owne power, but
Satan in and by the Serpent, which is not impossible. . . . When God permit
teth, Satan is able to shrowde himselfe under the creatures, as may best fit his
purpose. Many wicked Southsayers Satan casteth into pangs and fits of furie,
and then speake they by him, or he rather by them what he will.24
Andrew Willet, whose Hexapla in Genesin of 1605 is one of the
weightiest commentaries produced in English, preferred a similar
explanation: ‘the devill used the serpent a subtile beast as his instru
ment, and spake out of him’. Eve was deceived ‘by the craft of the
devill speaking and working by the serpent’.25 This intimates that the
318 milton’s angels
I doubt not, but that God which made al the world of nothing, and which is a
wonderfull workmaister in fashioning his creatures, gave unto them bodies for
a time, wherin they might do that office whiche was committed unto them.
And as they did truely walke, speake, and doe other duties, so I judge that they
did as truely eate.27
Willet on the same chapter surveys the possibility that the angels
adopted counterfeit bodies or real bodies that undertook counterfeit
eating, and resolves: ‘it is the sounder opinion, that these angels, as they
were endued with true bodies for the time, so they did verily eate, as
they did walke and speake and doe other actions of the bodie truly’.28
On the same text the Devon minister George Hughes, in his learned
Analytical Exposition of Genesis (1672), writes that the angels assumed
‘True humane bodies’, as discovered by the fact that they ate and spoke
and so on.29
Finally, for John Gumbleden, the distinction between implicit and
audible could practically and clearly be made. In a sermon on the
apparition of an angel to the soldier Cornelius in Acts 10 (published in
1657 though preached some years earlier), Gumbleden navigates some
of the standard issues of angelology, considering angelic communica
tion at unusual length. He writes: ‘The Angel said unto him; but, can
Angels speak? it seems they can: and that, either unto God; or, unto
themselves; or, unto men’. For the former, he follows Aquinas; for the
speech of angels to men he elaborates:
to men also do Angels speak; and that, either without, or, with assumed Bodies:
when the good Angels (as they are in themselves, Spirits, and without material
Bodies) speak unto the hearts, and soules of faithfull men (as no doubt,
oftentimes they do) then, after a spiritual, and heavenly Manner, without
words, without any vocall noise, or audible speech (but to him only, to
whom they speak, if to him) they secretly instill, insinuate, conveigh, and commu
nicate their meaning to the minds, and understandings of men; in a manner,
the tongues of angels 319
like as they do their own minds, one unto another . . . but, when they appeared
in the forme of men (as in ages past they did,) then they assumed such Bodies as
we ourselves have, with all their integral parts, together with all instruments of
Speech, and therefore Tongues: wherewith, they so appeared, they spake vocally,
and audibly to the eares of men.30
She reveals nothing about the digestive process. She is similarly reti
cent on the matter of angelic conversation. In contrast to Milton’s
prelapsarian man, who speaks with angels as with equals, Hutchinson’s
Adam stands below celestial beings just as he stands above brute
creatures. His nature is not ‘sublime j Enough’ to delight ‘in angelic
No, though man partake intelligence,
Yet that, being joined to an inferior sense,
Dulled by corporeal vapours, cannot be
Refined enough for angels’ company . . . 35
She does not explain how angels convey their messages, or unpick the
other angelological controversies that necessarily underpin any narra
tive of angelic–human relations. She is more concerned with morality
and symbolic meanings, the matter of practical divinity, than in the
abstract, systematic theology of the annotator.
In Hierarchie of the Blessed Angells, Thomas Heywood develops a
discussion of Augustine and Aquinas on angels into an argument that
angels cannot have bodies:
If they have bodies? They must needs be linkt
Of members, as Mans is; Organs distinct,
And like composure; else they must be fram’d
Confus’d, and without those which we have nam’d.36
If angels had bodies, then they must have organs such as tongues; and if
organs then senses, and if senses then passions, then perturbation and
alteration. For Heywood, materiality, senses, passions, and speech are
logically connected, and none are properly attributed to angels. Milton
sees similar connections, and finds them all in angels.
These poets are writing imaginatively, but nonetheless make strenu
ous efforts to conform to their rigorously developed theological pos
ition; all subordinate their poetics to a pre formulated doctrine yet
seek space for the inventive exposition and exploration of that doc
trine. Angelic tongues are a theme in which theology and imaginative
representations necessarily interact.
the tongues of angels 321
Noise in Paradise
All heart they live, all head, all eye, all ear,
All intellect, all sense, and as they please,
They limb themselves, and colour, shape or size
Assume, as like them best, condense or rare. (6. 350 3)
Angels may not have corporeal forms with ears; they are all ear.39 They
have limbs according to their wills, as necessary to fulfil their works of
love or enmity. In this specific sense they do have bodies, spiritual
bodies, that contain all the virtue of corporeal bodies without the
corporeality. This explains, moreover, what Raphael means when he
tells Adam that ‘pure j Intelligential substances’ contain within them
‘every lower faculty j Of sense’; that is, all the human senses are
contained within the angelic senses, a claim that I think we need to
take literally (5. 408–11). Angels can hear and they do have substantial
senses. This is Milton’s God’s assurance of downward software
Angels do, then, have tongues after a fashion. They are all tongue,
which is why their singing is audible from earth. It is not mere allegory
when Milton refers to angelic limbs and organs.40 As his angels are
really vocal and audible, so they have limbs and organs and senses
without mundane corporeality. Hence the many references to the
knees of angels, to the ears of angels, to the tongues of angels; perhaps
even to Satan’s scars; certainly the tears that Satan sheds prior to his first
address to the fallen angels in hell, ‘Tears such as angels weep’, false,
322 milton’s angels
dissembling tears, but they must be real, wet tears otherwise they
would not be persuasive oratory.41 Angel body parts, not only tongues,
are all over Milton’s Creation.
Because his angels are substantial, Milton circumnavigates Scholastic
arguments about angelic noise production. He does not have to debate
assumed bodies, strange acts of ventriloquism, or the impressing of
angelic thought upon the human mind. His angels speak and hear,
participate in the production and reception of sound waves in a world
that seems to be fully audible. When Satan, disguised as a cherub,
approaches Uriel—‘the sharpest sighted spirit of all in Heaven’
(3. 691), who cannot penetrate the disguise—he admonishes him ‘by
his ear’ (3. 647). While Aquinas’ angels are transparent, enabling their
perfect, silent communication, Milton’s are substantial and opaque.42
Milton’s narratives should not be understood to be ‘imaginative’ in any
simple or post Romantic sense; he also believes them to carry the
burden of the truth. Hence, Milton’s account of angelic conversation,
the noise in heaven and the substantiality of angelic tongues, should be
understood as both imaginative narrative and natural philosophy.
There is an impediment to this reading, however, a problem Milton
might have drawn from reading Calvin, Luther, Willet, the Westminster
Annotations, or one of any number of commentaries. He introduces it
in the temptation. The serpent approaches Eve, attracts her eye with a
‘gentle dumb expression’, and,
Of her attention gained, with serpent tongue
Organic, or impulse of vocal air,
His fraudulent temptation thus began. (9. 528 31)
the apocalypse to the end of time, from the marital bower through all
the visible universe and beyond, and takes twelve hours and upwards
to read aloud—be compressed into two and a half hours of traffic for
the commercial stage?1 One of Dryden’s many criticisms of Milton’s
epic was that ‘he runs into a flat of Thought, sometimes for a Hundred
Lines together . . . ’tis when he is got into a Track of Scripture’.2 He
himself intended to be—needed to be—economical.
Yet there are a handful of places where The State of Innocence amplifies
on its original, and they are significant. They indicate Dryden’s creative
and intellectual interests, interests which made him engage sympathet
ically with his source but also carried him away from it. One is Eve’s
dream. In Paradise Lost the dream is inspired in Eve’s imagination when
Satan, ‘Squat like a toad’, whispers in her ear (4. 800). When Eve
awakens, troubled by her dream, she narrates it to Adam, who in
turn explains the physiology of dream work:
know that in the soul
Are many lesser faculties that serve
Reason as chief; among these fancy next
Her office holds; of all external things,
Which the five watchful senses represent,
She forms imaginations, airy shapes,
Which reason joining or disjoining, frames
All what we affirm or what deny, and call
Our knowledge or opinion; then retires
Into her private cell when nature rests.
Oft in her absence mimic fancy wakes
To imitate her; but misjoining shapes,
Wild work produces oft, and most in dreams,
Ill matching words and deeds long past or late.
Some such resemblances methinks I find
Of our last evening’s talk, in this thy dream,
But with addition strange; yet be not sad. (5. 100 16)3
The senses receive data which they then represent to the fancy, fancy
supplies conjectures based on these data, reason affirms or denies these
conjectures, and thus is formed what we think or know. When we
sleep, reason sleeps with us, but fancy (‘mimic’ suggests an attribute of
fancy rather than a substitute for true fancy, though the ambiguity is
there to be dwelt on) can continue to act upon old sense data to
generate the uncensored simulacra of reality that are dreams. The
passage is characteristically Miltonic: it supplies a physical basis for
dryden’s fall 329
you added to the fourth issue of the first edition in 1668 as ‘‘the
troublesome and modern bondage of rhyming’’, and turning it into a
stage play, the form you sneeringly eschewed in Samson Agonistes
(1671), and, what’s worse turning a fair profit out of it while you
have nothing to look forward to but the grave’; and Milton said, ‘Sure
John, go ahead, because, first, you’re going to look stupid, and,
secondly, both of us know that this is the epigone of the English epic
form and your long standing ambitions to write an epic are now dead
and buried, and by the way I heard that when you read my book you
said to the Earl of Dorset, ‘‘this man cuts us all out, and the ancients
too’’.’ This may be reading too much into Aubrey’s story.
Andrew Marvell, who had worked alongside Milton and Dryden for
the Council of State during the late 1650s, added a note of adversarialism
in his commendatory poem to the 1674 edition of Paradise Lost, which
reflects on the difficulty early readers had with Milton’s blank verse:
Well mightst thou scorn thy readers to allure
With tinkling rhyme, of thine own sense secure;
While the town Bayes writes all the while and spells,
And like a pack horse tires without his bells:
Their fancies like our bushy points appear,
The poets tag them, we for fashion wear.6
Marvell’s diction, and swipe at Dryden under the nickname Mr Bayes,
suggests that he knew of the visit that Aubrey relates, and saw the
excellence of Milton’s poem, and he pins its distinction from the
fashionable sphere of Restoration literature on Dryden’s tags, or
rhymes. Marvell suggests a struggle over the politics of form. These
perspectives suggest that it was form that most concerned Dryden: the
epic form and heroic verse.
Milton in his youth had planned a biblical tragedy, sketching outlines
entitled ‘Paradise Lost’ and ‘Adam Unparadized’, which included a
chorus of angels alongside the paradisal couple and the personification
of vices and virtues. In his later years he left these aside in favour of epic.
There is reason to suspect that there was a literary–political dimension to
this decision: Milton chose to abandon the dramatic form because the
public stage was closed during the 1650s, because epic more comfortably
suited his reflective, ambitious design, and because drama was a mode of
representation he no longer felt comfortable with. By the Restoration
Milton was well versed in the world of print, and used it to his own
dryden’s fall 331
Though Dryden was certainly concerned with the form and politics of
Paradise Lost, what he does with angels suggests that he was also
occupied with content: he takes Milton to task over his angelology.
Dryden believed in guardian angels. Milton, too, believed in angels
assigned to a particular place or kingdom, though perhaps more
diffidently. In De Doctrina Christiana, Milton writes, ‘It is probable,
too, that angels are put in charge of nations, kingdoms, and particular
districts.’ St Michael appears in this capacity at the end of ‘Lycidas’, and
Paradise Lost suggests such a connection between Uriel and the sun,
and between Raphael and Michael and earth.26 To Dryden the doc
trine was intellectually and aesthetically significant. In his ‘Discourse
Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire’ (1693) Dryden reflects
at length on the possibility of modern epic. The aspiring author of a
Christian epic, he writes, faced a problem with the machinery, which
is so much less rich than in heathen epic. Moreover, there is another
dilemma in the conflict between omnipotent good and the over
matched forces of the Devil, which is little conducive to dramatic
tension. The solution to these problems lies in the same Christian
doctrine, he writes:
’Tis a Doctrine almost Universally receiv’d by Christians, as well Protestants as
Catholicks, that there are Guardian Angels appointed by God Almighty, as his
Vicegerents, for the Protection and Government of Cities, Provinces, King
doms, and Monarchies; and those as well of Heathens, as of true Believers. All
this is so plainly prov’d from those Texts of Daniel, that it admits of no father
Controversie. . . . St. Michael is mention’d by his Name, as the Patron of the
336 literature and representation
Jews, and is now taken by the Christians, as the Protector General of our
Religion. These Tutelar Genij, who presided over the several People and
Regions committed to their Charge, were watchful over them for good, as far
as their Commissions cou’d possibly extend. The General Purpose, and
Design of all, was certainly the Service of their Great Creatour.
These guardian angels are not in possession of God’s power nor sight of
his whole plan. They are ‘Finite Beings, not admitted into the Secrets
of Government, the last resorts of Providence’.27 This means that they
can oppose each other, and be deceived by the wicked, and this creates
uncertainty and therefore drama. Dryden both believes in the exist
ence of guardian angels, and thinks that they solve the problems of
Christian epic. They may even be its enabling condition. Poets might
have found in the Old Testament ‘the Machines which are proper for
their Work’. Reading Daniel,
and Accommodating what there they find, with the Principles of Platonique
Philosophy, as it is now Christianis’d, wou’d have made the Ministry of
Angels as strong an Engine, for the Working up of Heroique Poetry, in our
Religion, as that of the Ancients had been to raise theirs by all the Fables of
their Gods, which were only receiv’d for Truths by the most ignorant, and
weakest of the People.28
Guardian angels have a symbolic role in the 1677 dedication of The
State of Innocence; there Dryden plays with angels, associating them with
the Roman Catholic baroque in a dedication that is intended to chafe
the sensibilities of many Protestants. The dedicatee was Maria Beatrice
of Modena, who in November 1673 became Duchess of York and
wife to the heir to the throne: Dryden wryly praises the celestial beauty
of this most prominent Catholic in imagery drawn from the opera:
‘your Person is a Paradice, and your Soul a Cherubin within to guard
it’. She has ‘subverted . . . even our Fundamental Laws’ and reigns
‘absolute’ over the English, despite their stubborn assertions of liberty.
Meanwhile, it is the poet’s duty to celebrate such beauty: ‘Beauty is
their Deity to which they Sacrifice, and Greatness is their Guardian
Angel which protects them.’29 The doctrine of guardianship is also
exploited in the dramatic text, where, however, a significant variation
is introduced. Gabriel and Ithuriel refer to themselves as ‘the Guardians
of this new made pair’ (3. 2. 2), suggesting that they are individual
guardian angels rather than guardians of place. In Paradise Lost it is
Gabriel who assigns Ithuriel and Zephon to protect Adam and Eve,
dryden’s fall 337
and the angels assume a collective responsibility for the humans.30 The
distinction may well be intended to pass unnoticed. It is, however,
theologically significant, particularly in the light of Dryden’s stressing,
in the ‘Discourse Concerning Satire’, that both Protestants and Cath
olics adhere to certain beliefs about angels. While the existence of local
guardian angels was relatively uncontroversial, credence in individual
guardian angels was used by some to distinguish Roman Catholic
doctrine from Protestant.31 Dryden’s two phrases about guardian
angels do not indicate that he held such beliefs; he had not yet
converted to Catholicism; and in any case Protestants who rejected
the doctrine of custodian angels after the Fall might hold that angels
were assigned to Adam and Eve in paradise, at least until they were
debarred by the fiery cherubim.32 Dryden’s language nonetheless
articulates a doctrine that marks confessional difference, and we
know from his ‘Discourse’ that it was a confessional difference he
understood in 1693. If he does not believe it, then his choice of
terminology foregrounds the imaginative uses that can be made of
the elaborate dogma of angelologists. Theological arguments about the
nature and status of angels provide an apparatus for the poet, who can
elaborate doctrine through narrative and complex imagery, who can
articulate subtle distinctions or create scandal by the lightest of touches
upon issues that are deeply rooted in doctrinal or confessional differ
ences. It is, in part, the complexity of their theological basis that makes
angels a useful register for the poet.
All Dryden’s angels are male. In ‘The Authors Apology for
Heroique Poetry and Poetique Licence’, which appears as a preface
to the printed State of Innocence, he justifies this decision: ‘how are
Poetical Fictions, how are Hippocentaures and Chymæras, or how are
Angels and immaterial Substances to be Imag’d? . . . For Immaterial
Substances we are authoriz’d by Scripture in their description: and
herein the Text accommodates itself to vulgar apprehension, in giving
Angels the likeness of beautiful young men.’33 What is remarkable
here is not Dryden’s uncharacteristic conformity to erroneous ‘vulgar
apprehension’, but his concern with the nature of matter (the pseudo
paradox of ‘Immaterial Substances’), his association of this with poet
ical creation, and his use of the hard word ‘accommodates’, which is
doing more work than at first appears. We have already seen his
reference to readers ‘accommodating’ their reading of Daniel with
the principles of (Neo ) Platonic philosophy. He invokes the doctrine
338 literature and representation
This I say is foundation enough for Poetry: and I dare farther affirm that the
whole doctrine of separated beings, whether those Spirits are incorporeal
substances, (which Mr. Hobbs, with some reason thinks to imply a contradic
tion,) or that they are a thinner and more Aerial sort of bodies (as some of
the Fathers have conjectur’d) may better be explicated by Poets, than by
Philosophers or Divines.37
‘Spirits’ here slips straight into angels, and the value of angels is that we
cannot know about them; they are machinery for literature; a matter
dryden’s fall 341
In other words: causes may be sufficient but nonetheless not take effect
because the human will, not subject to necessity, denies them. We are
witnessing a confusion about the meaning of sufficiency, and I will
look at these lines more closely below. Adam asks in what sense these
causes are then ‘sufficient’, and Raphael points out that Adam’s
account of causality only works with the benefit of hindsight, from
which perspective anything can be proved necessary.
The exchange approaches its climax as Adam changes direction and
asks the central question about the origins of evil: why does not God
prevent man from sinning, because by not preventing ill he seems to
will it? Gabriel’s Miltonic response is that such intervention would
take away freewill. And Adam answers, of course, wouldn’t that be
better for man than to be allowed freely to sin? What then would
be the point of reward and punishment? responds Raphael. We have
returned to the starting point: how can rote praise be meaningful?
Crimes are necessary to allow just punishment and reward. Then, with
a dramatic panache only angels could get away with, Gabriel and
Raphael announce that they have completed their task and leave.
They have not: Adam is left to reflect on how hard his condition is,
wishing that he were ‘ty’d up from doing ill’ (4. 1. 114), just as Milton’s
Adam would do after the Fall. The angels have failed to explain the
problem of freewill to Adam, and he is left helpless on stage, a character
in a drama, faced with choices, riven with doubts, and waiting for the
next scene. Enter Eve, wanting to spend some time on her own.
344 literature and representation
For the most part the roman text repeats Bramhall’s words, the italic
type Hobbes’s voice; he begins with A Defence, works backwards to ‘A
Discourse’, then justifies his former response in Of Libertie. It is a
cumbersome procedure, though it is marked by professional honesty:
a reader sympathetic to Bramhall could find his argument at length here,
and in his own words, albeit fragmented by Hobbes’s contradictions.
This paragraph, despite its oblique formulation, reveals both how
Hobbes’s arguments could inform Dryden’s reading and rewriting
of Paradise Lost, and the proximity between Hobbes’s words and
Dryden’s angels’ position on necessary causes and the human will.
Hobbes is a compatibilist: he contends that freewill exists, and that
there is no conflict between this and God’s prescience. Liberty consists
in the absence of external impediments, so that one can do as one wills,
and divine prescience is not an impediment to this. It is compulsion
that obstructs liberty, and not necessity, which is the realm in which
God’s foreknowledge and first causes operate. Hobbes’s conception of
what it meant to possess freewill was more restricted than that assumed
by many contemporaries. Man is free because he experiences himself as
free (Dryden’s Gabriel points out that man is the best judge of whether
or not he is free), because he deliberates upon an action and then wills
it.41 Man’s will is nonetheless subject to causes. This is most clearly
stated in a passage of Leviathan which uses the same chain metaphor
against which Dryden’s Adam remonstrates. Hobbes writes:
because every act of mans will, and every desire, and inclination, proceedeth
from some cause, and that from another cause, in a continual chaine, (whose
first link is in the hand of God the first of all causes,) they proceed from
necessity. So that to him that could see the connexion of those causes, the
necessity of all mens voluntary actions, would appeare manifest.42
Hobbes’s position looks like Raphael’s, not like Adam’s position, and
Adam inverts Hobbes’s argument about the chain. For Hobbes, the
chain does not preclude liberty; for Adam it does.
346 literature and representation
the readiest way to reconcile contingence and liberty with the decrees and
prescience of God, and most remote from the altercations of these times, is to
subject future contingents to the aspect of God, according to that presentiality
which they have in eternity. Not that things future, which are not yet existent,
are co existent with God; but because the infinite knowledge of God, incir
cling all times in the point of eternity, does attain to their future being, from
whence proceeds their objective and intelligible being.45
The associations are striking and revealing. Dryden later noted that
‘Thoughts, according to Mr. Hobbs, have always some Connexion,’
and the thematic connection here, between angels and freewill, appe
tite and necessity, seems to be via Milton, whose angels eat with real
appetite and discuss freewill.53 Milton places angelic meals at the centre
of a heroic poem, and Dryden alludes to these topics, seemingly
without other motivation or association, in a play that explores heroic
form, a recurring preoccupation of his criticism. In invoking these
themes, Dryden is pursuing an analysis of heroic drama and poetry.
The essay ‘Of Heroique Playes’ prefaced to The Conquest of Granada,
with its reflections on the representation of ‘visionary objects’ and
‘incorporeal substances’, is also, in part, a response to Paradise Lost. In
his dedication of the same play to the Duke of York (in which he
raptures that ‘the Guardian Angel of our Nation’ takes a particular
interest in the duke), Dryden suggests that Almanzor is himself an
experimental character of ‘excentrique vertue’, whose ‘excessive and
overboyling courage’ and transgressions and imperfections cause him
to shine more brightly in an epic context.54 Almanzor is governed only
dryden’s fall 351
Wherefore, if we will be rightly wise, we must leave those vanities that idle men
have taught without warrant of the word of God, concerning the nature,
degree, and multitude of Angels. I know that such matters as this, are by
many more greedily taken hold of, & are more pleasant unto them than such
things as lie in their daily use. But if it greeve us not to be the schollers of Christ,
let it not greeve us to follow that order of learning that he hath appointed. So
shall it so come to passe, that being contended with his schooling, we shall not
onely forbeare, but also abhorre superfluous speculations, from which he calleth
us away. No man can deny, that the same Denyse, whatsoever man he was, hath
disputed many things both subtlely and wittilie in his Hierarchie of Heaven: but
if a man examine it more neerely, he shall finde that for the most part it is but
meere babling. But the dutifull purpose of a Divine is, not to delite eares with
prating, but to stablish consciences with teaching things true, certaine, and
profitable. If one should read that booke, he would thinke that the man were
slipped downe from heaven, and did tell of things not that he had learned by
hearesay, but that he had seene with his eyes. But Paul which was ravished
above the third heaven, hath uttered no such thing, but also protesteth, that it is
not lawfull for man to speake the secrets that he had seene. Therefore bidding
farewell to that trifling wisedome, let us consider by the simple doctrine of the
Scripture, what the Lord would have us know concerning his Angels.1
Calvin’s words were echoed and reiterated more than they were
heeded. In this book I have shown that Protestants did not shy away
from writing or thinking about angels out of embarrassment, but
that they rather used them imaginatively, often drawing upon pre
Reformation traditions but also exploiting them in innovative ways,
grounded less in anti popish reaction than in the recognition of new
356 literature and representation
rise above a mere ‘lie’ that points to the truth, and instead to present the
truth as directly as possible.21 This possibility is guaranteed by prophetic
inspiration and by the spirit that facilitates accommodation.
Paradise Lost is nonetheless a fiction. It is a fiction in the sense that it
uses a non literal narrative to explore a truth that is in some way close but
not identical to the narrative. But the way in which it is close is not the
way of allegory, which foregrounds its alterity and posits a real, onto
logical separation; it is rather the way of accommodation, which posits as
close a proximity as possible within the limits of human language and
comprehension, and one that even pushes beyond these limits.22 Literal
and figurative collapse together. Paradise Lost is not a fiction in the sense
that it is made up and untrue. It is a fiction in the sense that Milton uses
literary modes and structures in his representation. The underlying
critical anxiety about the relationship between literature and theology
obscures the sense in which this is a natural and inevitable association.
Tony Nuttall, considering the risks that Milton took in representing
God, concludes that Milton avoided the risk of being accused of
presumption by being literary. Milton’s poem is an epic, and could
not be mistaken for anything other than fiction. Milton did not think he
was inspired.23 Angels were only ‘somewhat as he described them’, and
Raphael has to offer defensive preliminaries to Adam (7. 115–20), which
would be unnecessary if Milton were truly inspired. Nuttall adds that
accommodation is performed by God and not man, and that Milton uses
extra scriptural language. Accommodation could not occur to a mind
living entirely within the accommodated world.24 We have seen that
stronger versions of accommodation were available to Milton and were
implied by him in his representations of inspiration in the poem; they
were sufficiently strong to make his description more than ‘somewhat’
like real angels. But Nuttall’s subtext is that the truth has to sound like
truth, and that literary manoeuvres indicate a commitment to worldli
ness, to literary value, that is at odds with or divorced from commit
ments to justifying God. We find the same in frequently iterated and
generally unexceptionable statements that ‘The ultimate goal’ of Paradise
Lost was to create a ‘national or Christian heroic’ work to rival the
classics in its power and universality, despite the explicit statement of the
invocation to book 1.25
For Milton, however, any poetic superiority he achieved would
have afforded the appearance of truth to the truths he believed to be
conveying (and might also have proved that his was the one true God,
conclusion 361
and that he was truly inspired). Narrative is one means to poetry, but
also a means to truth, not, as Blackmore would have it, mere wild
stories. To Milton narrative offered explanatory structures. It can be
used to expound doctrine, and links in the chain of narrative used to
infer doctrine. Sometimes narratives collapse or implode, and this can
present problems for those seeking doctrinal consistency, as well as
those seeking to read doctrinal consistency into a narrative.26 This is
particularly evident in a text as consequential and closely scrutinized as
Genesis, a text which, moreover, generally prompted strongly literalist
interpretation (in contrast to Revelation, which was always read as a
mixture of literal and allegorical modes).27 These exegetical practices
recognize that even sacred texts are literary. Exegesis is a literary
procedure, and represents the roots of the tradition that lies behind
the critical appreciation of literature.28 Andrew Willet, whose inter
ventions on angels have been discussed earlier in this book, offers the
following intervention on the story of the planting of vines and the
invention of wine in Genesis 9: 20:
And mention is made rather of Noahs planting of vines, then sowing of corne,
wherein he no doubt was occupied also: not because the invention of things
necessarie he would leave unto God, and of things for pleasure unto man, as
Ambrose supposeth (for there is no doubt, but that wheat was in use before the
flood) but for that it ministreth occasion to the storie following.29
dramatic effects with ruptured planes and frames: the bottom ledge, and
with it Adam’s right hand, breaks out of the picture; a choir of angels form
a canopy sheltering the scene of sin from God and Eve, who occupy the
centre of the image, though one of them appears to be watching the sin;
and an angel bursts through the door through which the humans are
expelled, pushing them towards the viewer and away from the paradisal
scenes to the left. In this panel several images form a narrative, and they are
visually linked by angels. Angels witness Adam’s creation, and separate that
scene from the centre of the picture; they appear to be having a conver
sation except for one that peers behind the others at the temptation,
creating a temporal paradox. Angels clutch the newly created Eve as she
emerges from Adam’s side; another choir forms a canopy over this second
conclusion 363
creative act. The angle of these figures directs the eye to the left, where sin
takes place furtively in the background. In creating a canopy that separates
this scene, Ghiberti isolates sin from Creation, indicating the purity of the
unfallen couple (they were not made flawed and thus susceptible to sin).
The trees guide the eyes upward, to a swirl of angels around God, rippling
across the less dense top third of the picture. Their movement points
downwards and to the right, where it converges in the angel that breaks
through the plane of the picture in expelling Adam and Eve, only here
with their nakedness covered. Angels are witnesses and God’s assistants, but
also narrative devices: as in Paradise Lost, a narrative structured around
angels tells the story of the Fall. Time and space are imperfectly distin
guished, as successive images are interspersed within the same frame, much
as in the complex time scheme of Paradise Lost and other Renaissance
narratives that imperfectly distinguish, or make interdependent, space and
time.30 It is a virtuoso creation that shows how the imagination explicates
doctrine through narrative. Milton’s poetry works like this, but it also
discovers doctrine in the necessary logic of storytelling. As the argument
to book 1 informs its reader: ‘hell, described here, not in the centre (for
heaven and earth may be supposed as yet not made, certainly not yet
accursed) but in a place of utter darkness, fitliest called chaos’.
Milton came from a culture that viewed with suspicion the repre
sentation of the sacred, on the basis of the commandment against
making graven images or likenesses of anything in heaven, earth, or
the waters. However, distinctions were drawn, implicitly and expli
citly, between different kinds of representation. The visualization of
the sacred was the focus of the strongest objections. Words were
different, and Protestants turned to words for imagining angels.
Raphael warns Adam about the difficulties of representing spirits to
human senses, and promises that he will when necessary compare
‘spiritual to corporal forms j As may express them best’; Michael
Murrin argues that consequently the reader can never know when
she is being presented a simile and when a literal description, ‘so that
we cannot distinguish tenor and vehicle in the narrative’.31 Such an
interpretation suggests a sequential deployment of metaphor. If the
likening is understood to describe the process of accommodation,
however, Raphael’s metaphors and literalisms may be concurrent. He
does not switch between a non literal mode and a literal mode, leaving
the reader confused as to when this happens. His words are simultan
eously literal and non literal. A similar possibility is suggested in
364 literature and representation
A Dissociation of Sensibilities?
The nostalgic tone underscores the parallel with the Fall. Donne lived
in a prelapsarian age of passionate and rational apprehension; Milton,
in an intellectual age when these unities were broken. Eliot’s essay on
Marvell indicates one culprit: the civil war.40 Unity was broken when
Parliament (read innovation and enthusiasm) and king (tradition,
hierarchy, and spiritual unity) fell out in 1642. Though it is hard to
find external support for the thesis—justified as it is only through
gestures: to an Elizabethan world view, to the rise of Puritanism, to
an allegorical civil war—it found many supporters.41 Frank Kermode
described its tenaciousness, though being untenable as a way of
describing the seventeenth century, as early as 1957.42
Gordon Teskey, a more sympathetic and gifted reader of Milton
than Eliot, has recently offered a more persuasive, yet similarly shaped
narrative, a transition from a theological world to a humanist world in
which Milton straddles the boundary. ‘Milton is the last major poet in
the European literary tradition for whom the act of creation is centered
in God and the first in whom the act of creation begins to find its
center in the human.’ Teskey inverts some of Eliot’s categories. In the
condition of modernity, the artist does not represent understood things
about the world using technical expertise so much as communicate
lived experiences, mediating them to us with a shamanistic power.43
Milton is not a divinely inspired poet, but one who exploits the
modern condition of delirium, a mode of poetic inspiration that
oscillates between heavenly flight and rational composition.44 This
‘delirium’ looks very much like a translation into literary poetics of
the theology of prophetic inspiration, and Teskey denudes Milton’s
poetics (if not his poetry) of its religion.45 What makes Milton unique
in the story Teskey tells is that he embodies the paradox in the shift: in
order to praise his Creator, he must assume his power; in becoming the
apotheosis of a tradition he looks to the future. For Teskey, the true
subject of Paradise Lost is making, and the epic is haunted by a self
consciousness about art that enriches the dialogues it has beyond its
moment, and makes it reach beyond history, religion, and metaphysics
to the power of imaginative structures despite the author’s metaphys
ical and theological commitments.46
Two other narratives inhabit this glorification of the poet as maker,
this ‘immense cultural change’. The first is secularization, cast as the
disappearance of God, the decay of the coherent system of Christian
ity, the ascent of poets as creators with a power not only equivalent to
368 literature and representation
but also distinct from God’s. It is ‘the change from the imaginary
perception that we live in a world created by God to the equally
imaginary perception that we live in a world, an environment, created
by Man’. The syncrisis emphasized with the repetition of ‘imaginary’
conceals the disappearance of a foundation of absolute truth in this
movement. In Teskey’s account, making the knowledge of the world
appears equivalent to making the world itself (which is to take the side
of modernity). Embedded in this modernization thesis is a second
narrative, that of the scientific revolution. ‘Cosmic disarray’ is brought
on by ‘the new science’, which complements terrifying change with
the promise of a ‘new world’, a ‘technological and scientific civiliza
tion’, for which Bacon’s Novum Organum is the ‘prophetic text’.47
Teskey’s account of Milton as a poet of modernity, even a poet of
the future, presupposes a narrative of transition that resembles Eliot’s
on several points: a decay of traditional hierarchies and loss of a
coherent universe, the rise of science, secularization, the poet as
creator of his own authority; where they differ most significantly is
in their accounts of the poet’s relationship with language. Teskey also
rejects the idea that modernity disenchanted the world, but he does so
by claiming that it is the poet, the poet’s mind and her creativity, that is
the place of modern enchantment, not the land, rivers, or sky.48 Like
Eliot he suggests that philosophy and theology enter into conflict with
art during the seventeenth century, though it is Milton’s ability to
inhabit both sides of this conflict that for Teskey makes him great.
Tillyard and Teskey exemplify how a story of literary transform
ation—whether disenchantment and dissociation or the shamanization
of the poet—can dovetail with a traditional view of the scientific
revolution, in which experimentalism shattered a coherent world
picture that had survived for centuries through ‘saving knowledge’.49
Instead of adapting an existing paradigm to accommodate new obser
vation, the new science of the later seventeenth century razed the
ground of knowledge and built it anew on Baconian principles. Such
an account of later seventeenth century natural philosophy, and the
empirical principles of the scientific revolution, has been extensively
and intensively challenged in recent decades. Without rehearsing those
well established arguments here, this book has already shown that
angels were not killed off by natural philosophers. Natural philosophers
complemented experimental knowledge with other forms of knowledge:
they conducted thought experiments, they devised pneumatologies,
conclusion 369
with and between trade companies, carpenters, actors, and the writers
(probably usually clergymen); hence, the instruction they gave could be
playful and complicated.53 Yet they were representing sacred truths, and
the souls of humans and the good of the Church were at stake. Angels on
the medieval stage embody coherent thought about doctrine: about
music, with which they are closely associated, and the heavens, for
example.54 They represent the nine Pseudo Dionysian hierarchies, either
through references in the spoken word, as characters (each order played
by a single actor), or through stage machinery: the records of the Mercers’
Company equipment include nine figures of angels that moved by
mechanical operation.55
The main purpose of angels in the cycle plays is to represent the
greatness of God; they do, however, go beyond mere iteration of
recognized doctrine. In the Towneley Creation play Lucifer declares,
‘I am so seemly, blode and bone’ (line 102). He has not yet seduced
any fellow angels (though they are, presumably to clarify the script,
designated as ‘Angelus Malus’ and ‘Angelus Bonus’), nor fled heaven,
though he is expressing his envy of the Son and planning his rebellion.
He is an angel in mid fall if not already fallen, and his bodily meta
phors are thus less incongruous than they would be in the mouth of a
good angel. He is still in heaven, however, and this sense of the
material embodiment of blood and bone are located in the spiritual
world. After their Fall the materiality associated with corrupted spirits
is further developed, as their degradation is described in physical
terms: ‘Now ar we waxen blak as any coyll j And ugly, tatyrd as a
foyll’ (lines 136–7). In the Chester Tanners’ play at precisely the same
moment—as Lucifer offers to sit in God’s throne and exalt himself in
pride—he imagines himself in bodily terms: ‘Behoulde my bodye,
handes and head— j the mighte of God is marked in mee’ (lines 188–
9). Lucifer’s words parody the Mass, and his recognition of body parts
corresponds to his shifting status. Once fallen, demons are the subject
of material, scatological humour, as in the N Town play, where,
as soon as he falls, Lucifer exclaims: ‘For fere of fyre a fart I crake!’
(line 81). By associating not only physical torment but embodiment
with spiritual corruption, the plays define angels as incorporeal,
spiritual beings.
Some cycle plays, then, are inventive and exploratory, and their
storytelling pushes beyond doctrinal explication. The Chester Tan
ners’ play devises a partner to Lucifer, an angel named Lightborne,
conclusion 371
who encourages Lucifer in his attempt on God’s throne and praises the
brightness of his body. He plays a role similar to Beelzebub in Paradise
Lost, a second in command who supports Lucifer’s arguments against
the orders of unfallen angels, and falls with him. Lightborne becomes
‘secundus demon’ on his fall, and he and the newly named ‘primus
demon’ engage in mutual recrimination. Though the good angels
speak as distinct orders, and though they sound human in their sensible
advice, they are not personalized to the extent that this testy exchange
between the two demons enables. A similar imaginative effect is
achieved in primus demon’s final, self pitying exclamation:
Out, alas! For woo and wickednesse
I ame so fast bounde in this cheare
and never awaye hense shall passe,
but lye in hell allwaye heare. (lines 270 3)
The dramatic effect is not the corporeal binding of the demon in a chair
that parodies the throne to which he aspired so much as realization of
the mental chains that fix his spirit to hell. This notion can be found in
Aquinas (‘the devils, while abroad in this dark atmosphere, are not
actually imprisoned in the fire of hell, yet their punishment is not the
less for that, since they know that the imprisonment awaits them’); in
Christopher Marlowe’s Faustus, where Mephistopheles explains,
Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed,
In one self place. But where we are is hell,
And where hell is there must we ever be;
The doubt is expressed whether humans in heaven (he knows that his
father is there) see like angels. If they do, then his father will be able to
see directly into Donne the speaker of the poem’s soul, and see that
he is indeed in a state of grace. If they do not, then his father will have
to judge him by the external evidence of his behaviour. The speaker
knows that humans are transparent to angels’ eyes (a view more closely
associated with Catholic than Protestant theology). The sonnet turns
to consider the disparity between outward conduct and inner
existence, especially ‘Dissemblers [who] feign devotion’, before
Then turn
O pensive soul, to God, for he know best
Thy true grief, for he put it in my breast.
The grief could be Donne the speaker’s father’s grief at his son’s
apparently perilous condition, in which case the soul is the father’s
in heaven, and the son instructs the father to ask God for enlighten
ment concerning his son’s spiritual condition; though it is possible that
God also gave the father’s grief (spiritual doubt?) to the son. Alterna
tively, the soul could be the speaker’s and the dichotomy between
‘thy . . . grief’ and ‘my breast’ indicates that human souls are not even
transparent to themselves. We cannot know, and so the irresolvable
ambiguity reminds the reader that we are bound by our senses, and
cannot know another’s state of grace, in contrast to angels. However,
in an Easter sermon of 1622 he quotes Luke 20: 36 (‘There we shall be
as the angels’), and infers, ‘our curiosity shall have this noble satisfac
tion, we shall know how the angels know by knowing as they
know’.66 This runs against the doubt of the sonnet. The difference
may be explained by genre, as the certainty of the prose sermon
contrasts with the ambiguity of the sonnet. However, a later sermon
cautions that ‘even in heaven our faculties shall be finite’.67 The
sermon carefully distinguishes angelic knowledge from human, iden
tifying in Thomist terms their three kinds of knowledge (through
nature, confirmation in grace, and revelation); whereas the earlier
sermon insists that humans know God better than angels, for he has
revealed himself to us in his actions more than angels have.68 For
Donne, angels are above all a means of gauging and understanding
human knowledge. What he actually believes—or knows—about
them is limited.
conclusion 375
Evil angels inspire fear; good angels give men an erection. Instruc
tions on how to distinguish good and bad angels identify haloes or
beards, or insist that humans are unable reliably to make such
distinctions. Donne’s criterion is unusual (Tony Kushner echoes it
in Angels in America, in which the arrival of an angel is presaged by
involuntary sexual arousal71). Again the outcome is sexual consum
mation. ‘Air and Angels’ has a related imaginative premiss: the
common doctrine that angels adopt bodies of air in order to appear
to humans. The poem’s speaker begins by noting that angels appear
as voices or ‘a shapeless flame’ (and are ‘worshipped’: a distinctively
Roman Catholic word choice), then argues that the speaker’s love
must adopt a body (‘else could nothing do’, a pun on sexual activity),
just as his own soul does, and that body must not be ‘More subtle’
than its parent, which is to say the speaker. In the second stanza the
speaker realizes that he has loaded his love with too much body, that
his love is overwhelmed with matter:
For, nor in nothing, nor in things
Extreme, and scatt’ring bright, can love inhere;
Then as an angel, face and wings
Of air, not pure as it, yet pure doth wear,
So thy love may be my love’s sphere;
Just such disparity
As is ’twixt air and angels’ purity,
’Twixt women’s love, and men’s will ever be.72
His love will wear her love (rather than her body) as a body in order to
live in this world, just as an angel adopts a body of less pure air in order
to communicate with a lesser being. The sweetness of tone disguises
the disparagement. Here the speaker is the angel, the love object the
less pure air, and here the speaker implicitly posits the possibility that
angels experience themselves as sexual beings.
conclusion 377
Two lovers are also angels in ‘The Ecstasy’, in which ‘we are j The
intelligences, they [our bodies] the sphere’.73 And in ‘The Relic’ the
speaker imagines himself and his lover as both angels: ‘Difference of
sex no more we knew, j Than our guardian angels do’ (using Matt. 22:
30, on which he would later preach a sermon).74 The theological
context of this poem is playfully peculiar. The poem imagines itself
to be a ‘paper’ left in a tomb accompanying a ‘bracelet of bright hair
about the bone’. The speaker speculates that the tomb may be broken
in an age and place ‘Where mis devotion doth command’, which is to
say under Roman Catholicism, in which case it might be treated as a
holy relic; and the poem concludes with the miracles wrought by the
lovers. These play with some familiar Renaissance paradoxes: the two
lovers are one, they love something unknowable, and they find unity
without touching. The resolution, the miracle that is the loved object,
the speaker implies, is inexpressible. It is these paradoxes that make
their love more perfect, and their angelic lack of sexual difference is
listed among them. The comparison is paradoxical because angels are
not sexual beings; but there is a sense in which their gender sameness
makes them more perfectly sexual, because they love as equals. Milton
pushed this a stage further with his angelic sexual intercourse, yet is
anticipated by Donne’s imagining of angels as beings who might
experience intercourse, or whose experience might serve as a model
for human intercourse.
These are not fleeting references but ideas that occasion imaginative
exploration and play. They do not directly reveal what Donne bel
ieves. In a 1627 marriage sermon he does outline legitimate know
ledge of angels, and he emphasizes its limits: ‘Onely the Angels
themselves know one another.’ They are spirits, but we do not
know what spirits are. They have offices, but we do not know how
they perform them. We know they are creatures, but do not know
when they were created, whether before or with the world. There
may be one angel for every man, but we do not know it. They know
and see, but we do not know how. They exist in distinct orders, but
the details are not revealed. More affirmatively: they do not have
bodies, but have great physical power; they were formed in time, but
do not age; they are God’s eldest sons; ‘they hang between the nature
of God, and the nature of man, and are of middle Condition’. They
are divine enigmas, and the rest is speculation. This is prose: there is
no angelic sex here. Despite this negative approach, Donne does
378 literature and representation
Donne’s delivery might have clarified whether that last question was
spoken by the worm or the preacher, but probably not. Within a few
lines of his sober angelology the preacher is engaged in an imaginary
conversation with a worm, the worm destined to feed upon his corpse,
about human immortality. Sermons occupy different social spaces
from poems, and observe distinct generic conventions, but they are,
of course, literary performances, and imaginatively speculate in order
to express ideas. Donne’s sermons only imperfectly offer a doctrinal
key with which to interpret poems, and if we do not find angelic sex in
his preaching then that may have been a matter of social propriety
more than literary decorum. Theology mattered to Donne, and angels
constituted a narrow and necessary area of that theology. But his
religion did not tell him what to say, and what he thought about
angels was less important to his writing than how he used them to
think. Angels furnished him with a voice, a set of concepts, and a
language that was both affirmative and imaginative.
Many other writers during this century of alleged transformation
used angels as literary devices, underpinned by doctrine in a minimal
way, but appearing only to support an argument or story without
much interest in the nature of angels, the problems of doctrine, or
even of the imagination. Perhaps the most interesting dramatic de
ployment of angels, alongside Marlowe’s Faustus, is in William Percy’s
Mahomet in his Heaven, written in 1601 probably for private performance.
conclusion 379
Taking its cue from a story in the Qur’an, and risking the representa
tion of Muhammad on stage, the play is partly set in heaven, where
angels dance and sing and observe the hierarchies, as in medieval cycle
plays. Two hapless angels descending to earth are caught in sexual
intrigue, and are tricked by humans. The play takes place in a Muslim
cosmos—Mahomet is in heaven—and its fictional world is in a sense
inverted and demonized. Within the context of the play the Muslim
heaven is none the less real: it is not satirizing a Muslim concept of
heaven but using this concept as a setting for comedy. Moreover, this
Muslim universe is partly fused with the Christian: Islam is both the
inversion of Christianity, and also partly identified with Protestant
values and beliefs. When a human succeeds in transporting herself to
heaven through trickery, Mahomet (who later falls in love with her)
(1634), a poem that takes off from the angels’ hymn on the Incarnation,
professes itself uninspired and makes no claims to accommodation
(‘Sing we high myst’ries in an humble straine, j And lofty matters in
a lowly vaine’). It comments didactically on the properties of angels,
but the tone never rises above scholarly distance:
separate fiction and truth, and to keep the imagination free from
inspiration, one paradigm did not displace another. The fortunes of
angels show no dissociation or profound rupture.
Last Things
In this book I have sketched the landscape of angel learning and angel
writing in early modern Britain. Paradise Lost has been at the centre of
this map, because of its intrinsic interest as the greatest poem of the
period, and one that relies on angels for its aesthetics and theology, and
because it provides a persuasive point of entry to the vast body of
writing that concerns or touches upon angels. I have presented a
reading of the poem and its representational modes, and suggested
some of the implications of this reading of Milton and his solid angels
for our understanding of the way poetry intervenes in political and
intellectual culture.
Over the past two decades the range of interpretative devices for
reading poems politically and historically has been extended and
enriched. The best historicist interpretations do not make poetry
seem any less guileful; indeed, more precise local contextualization
has disclosed the ingenuity of poetic performances. But the tenor of
such interpretations is to emphasize allegorical encodings, political
allusions, and verbal echoes. In this interpretative decoding, the role
of imaginative discourse in political language—both in poetry and in
prose exposition and argument—has been underexplored. The literary
elements of political discourse, its fictional devices, tropes, eloquence,
performances, persuasive fictions, were not mere dressing for argu
ment, but integral to it. Poetry shared its imaginative devices with
other kinds of writing, and the exchange between modes was multi
lateral and mutual. When a scriptural commentary employs an
extended metaphor, it can be to avoid an uneasy point through
studious ambiguity, sustained with rhetorical conviction. Drama, dia
logue, a scene in hell, could be useful to sophisticated and sober
political debate. Scriptural commentary could be exploratory as well
as analytic. Even at its most imaginative and indirect—a war in heaven,
with armour and uprooted mountains—poetry can be engaging with
the force of argument. Poetry was not ‘safe’ because it was disengaged
from knowledge and truth.
384 literature and representation
1. BL, Sloane MS 3188, 1–3 (note by Ashmole); the other books are bound
in Sloane MS 3191.
2. Pp. 112–15 below.
3. For Shippen, see BL, 719.m.12. Also pp. 112–15, 306–8, below; Michael
Hunter, ‘Alchemy, Magic and Moralism in the Thought of Robert
Boyle’, British Journal for the History of Science, 23 (1990), 387–410: 409.
4. Margaret Aston, England’s Iconoclasts, i: Laws Against Images (Oxford,
1988); Julie Spraggon, Puritan Iconoclasm during the English Civil War
(Woodbridge, 2003).
5. Trevor Cooper (ed.), The Journal of William Dowsing: Iconoclasm in East
Anglia during the English Civil War (Woodbridge, 2001), 155–6; see also
John Morrill, ‘William Dowsing and the Administration of Iconoclasm
in the Puritan Revolution’, ibid.
6. Eamon Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England,
c.1400–c.1580 (New Haven, 1992), 269–71; Richard Marks, Image and
Devotion in Late Medieval England (Thrupp, 2004), 65; Peter Burton
and Harland Walshaw (eds), The English Angel (Moreton in the Marsh,
7. But see esp. Keck, Angels; West, Angels; Marshall and Walsham (eds),
Angels; Raymond (ed.), Conversations.
8. PL 1, argument.
9. Philosophical Transactions, 3/38 (1668), 742; pp. 292–3 below.
10. Margaret Cavendish, Political Writings, ed. Susan James (Cambridge,
2003), 51, 96, 97.
11. John Locke, An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding (1690), 97;
see also pp. 141, 185, 209, 279, 351.
12. Athenian Mercury, 10/3 (1691), 30; Athenian Oracle, 4 vols (1728), i. 4–5.
13. Once to a Roman Catholic priest. During this conversation he said to
me: ‘the problem with Protestants is that they cannot say where their
church was before the Reformation’, an objection that most ten year
olds could have responded to in 17th century Britain.
14. Rilke, Ahead of All Parting: The Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria
Rilke, ed. and trans. Stephen Mitchell (New York, 1995), 331.
386 notes to chapter 2: angelographia
1. John Prideaux, ‘The Patronage of Angels’, 16, in Certaine Sermons (1637);
Antoine Le Grand, An Entire Body of Philosophy, trans. Richard Blome
(1694), 18; also John Scott, The Christian Life (1687), 317; Heywood,
Hierarchie, 341; and works mentioned in text.
2. Gideon Harvey, Archelogia Philosophica Nova (1663), first part, fourth
book, p. 1. OED first use is 1753.
3. S. G. F. Brandon, ‘Angels: The History of an Idea’, History Today, 13
(Oct. 1963), 655–65; Allison Coudert, ‘Angels’, in Mircea Eliade (ed.),
The Encyclopedia of Religion, i (New York, 1987), 282–6; Peter R. Carrell,
Jesus and the Angels: Angelology and the Christology of the Apocalypse of John
(Cambridge, 1997); Charles A. Gieschen, Angelomorphic Christology:
Antecedents and Early Evidence (Leiden, 1998); and works in next note.
4. Edward Leigh, Annotations upon all the New Testament (1650), 243; Williams,
Ideas of the Fall, 20–8; John Skinner, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on
Genesis, 2nd edn (1930; Edinburgh, 1994), 139–47; Williams, Expositor,
151–3; Neil Forsyth, The Satanic Epic (Princeton, 2003) and The Old Enemy:
Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton, 1987); Michael E. Stone, A History of
the Literature of Adam and Eve (Atlanta, Ga., 1992); Elaine Pagels, The Origin
of Satan (New York, 1995), ch. 2; West, Angels, 129–30; Kathryn Powell
and Donald Scragg (eds), Apocryphal Texts and Traditions in Anglo Saxon
England (Cambridge, 2003); Ariel Hessayon, ‘Gold Tried in the Fire’: The
Prophet Theauraujohn Tany and the English Revolution (Aldershot, 2007), 244–
59; Philo Judaeus (or Philo of Alexandria), Philo, trans. F. H. Coulson and
G. H. Whitaker, Loeb Classical Library, 10 vols (1929–62), ii. 449–75, esp.
453–5; John Leonard, Naming in Paradise: Milton and the Language of Adam
and Eve (Oxford, 1990), 52; Mindele Treip, Allegorical Poetics and the Epic:
The Renaissance Tradition to ‘Paradise Lost’ (Lexington, Ky., 1994), 211;
Fowler’s notes to PL 11. 621–2, 642; 3. 463–5; R. H. Charles, The
Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament (Oxford, 1913); and
James H. Charlesworth (ed.), The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, 2 vols
(Garden City, NY, 1983–5).
5. Henry Ansgar Kelly, Satan: A Biography (Cambridge, 2006), 36–41, 175–82.
6. Ibid. 182–3, 191–9.
notes to chapter 2: angelographia 387
43. Kate Harvey, ‘The Role of Angels in English Protestant Thought 1580 to
1660’, Ph.D. thesis (Cambridge University, 2005).
44. Alexandra Walsham, ‘Angels and Idols in England’s Long Reformation’,
in Marshall and Walsham (eds), Angels; also Raymond Gillespie, ‘Im
agining Angels in Early Modern Ireland’, ibid. 24–5.
45. Elizabeth Reis, ‘Otherworldly Visions: Angels, Devils and Gender in
Puritan New England’, and Owen Davies, ‘Angels in Elite and Popular
Magic, 1650–1790’, both in Marshall and Walsham (eds), Angels.
46. Good Angel of Stamford (1659); BL, Add. MS 43410, fos 144v–146v.
47. Certaine Sermons Appoynted by the Quenes Maiesty (1563), sig. Riiiir; An
Homelie against Disobedience and Wylfull Rebellion (1570), sig. Air–v.
48. E text available at <>, accessed
Oct. 2007; see also Kelly, Satan, 316.
49. [Westminster Assembly], The Protestation of the Two and Twenty Divines
(1643), sig. A2v.
50. The Booke of the Common Praier (1549), sig. Nivv. Also the editions in
London (1586), Edinburgh (1637), Cambridge (1638), London (1639,
51. John Boughton, God and Man, or, A Treatise Catechetical (1623), 35.
52. On scriptural literalism, see Peter Harrison, The Bible, Protestantism, and
the Rise of Natural Science (Cambridge, 1998), 107–14, and Ch. 6 below.
53. Gervase Babington, Certaine Plaine, Briefe, and Comfortable Notes (1592),
fo. 65v.
54. Andrew Willet, Hexapla in Genesin (Cambridge, 1605), 203.
55. George Hughes, Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New
Testament (1651), at Gen. 18: 8; George Hughes, An Analytical Exposition
of the Whole First Book of Moses (1672), 217.
56. Babington, Certaine Plaine, Briefe, and Comfortable Notes, fo. 7v. Francis
cus Junius was a 16th century Huguenot theologian, and editor, with
Emmanuel Tremellius, of a Latin Bible that Milton used.
57. Willet, Hexapla, 17; Williams, Expositor, 61; cf. Columbia, xv. 30–1.
58. Annotations upon all the Books of the Old and New Testament, following
Gen. 1: 31; also Alexander Ross, An Exposition on . . . Genesis (1626),
59. Columbia, xv. 32–5; p. 11 above.
60. Williams, Ideas of the Fall; James Grantham Turner, One Flesh: Paradisal
Marriage and Sexual Relation in the Age of Milton (Oxford, 1987); William
Poole, Milton and the Idea of the Fall (Cambridge, 2005).
61. Gordon Campbell, Thomas N. Corns, John K. Hale, and Fiona
J. Tweedie, Milton and the Manuscript of ‘De Doctrina Christiana’ (Oxford,
2007), 92–8.
62. Samuel Rutherford, Lex, Rex (1644), 372, 419, and The Due Right of
Presbyteries (1644), 3, 4, and passim; Richard Baxter, Christian Directory
(1673), 927; Richard Montagu, Appello Caesarem (1625), 11–12.
390 notes to chapter 2: angelographia
1. Edward Leigh, A Treatise of Divinity (1646), 40.
2. Andrew Willet, Synopsis Papismi, That is, A Generall Viewe of Papisty
(1592), 291–3.
3. William Bucanus, Institutions of Christian Religion, trans. Robert Hill (1606),
4. William Perkins, A Golden Chaine (Cambridge, 1600), 12.
5. Kate Harvey, ‘The Role of Angels in English Protestant Thought 1580 to
1660’, Ph.D. thesis (Cambridge University, 2005), 92–6; Henry Hibbert,
Syntagma Theologicum (1662), 33; Myles Davies, Athenae Britannicae, 3
vols (1715–16), iii. 7; John Bayly, Two Sermons: The Angel Guardian
(1630), 4.
6. C. A. Patrides, ‘Renaissance Thought on the Celestial Hierarchy: The
Decline of a Tradition’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 20 (1959), 155–66,
and ‘Renaissance Views on the ‘‘Unconfused Orders Angellick’’ ’, Journal
of the History of Ideas, 23 (1962), 265–7.
7. Joseph Hall, The Great Mysterie of Godliness . . . Also, The Invisible World
(1652), 144–5; referring to 2 Cor. 12: 2 and Col. 1: 16.
8. Hall, Great Mysterie, 146–53.
9. John Blenkow, Michaels Combat with the Devil (1640), 7.
10. Richard Sibbes, Light from Heaven (1638), 206; William Jenkyn, An
Exposition of the Epistle of Jude (1652), pt 1, p. 465, pt 2, pp. 47–8.
11. John Salkeld, Treatise of Angels (1613), 125–6, 291–322.
12. [Joseph Glanvill], A Blow at Modern Sadducism (1668), 52.
13. This is the tenor of Jenkyn, Exposition of Jude, pt 1, p. 465; Cornelius
Burgess, ‘The Grounds of Divinity’ (begun 1619), CUL, Add. MS 6164,
p. 54; Isaac Ambrose, ‘War with Devils’, in The Compleat Works (1682),
14. Brian Duppa, Angels Rejoicing for Sinners Repenting (1648), 8–9.
15. Heywood, Hierarchie, 194–5; for Sadducism, see pp. 194–6; cf. Dante,
pp. 24–6 above.
16. See also John Heydon, who explicitly supported the nine orders and
individual guardian angels: Harmony of the World (1662), 2, 92; Theoma
gia, or, The Temple of Wisdome (1663–4), vol. iii, sig. Aaa2r, pp. 126, 148–9.
See also Robert Boyle, Some Motives and Incentives to the Love of God
(1663 edn), 9.
17. See pp. 90–2 below.
18. E.g. Nathanael Hardy, The Hierarchy Exalted (1661), 22.
19. John Taylor, Peace, Peace, and We Shall Be Quiet (1647), 8–9.
20. George Lawson, Theo Politica (1659), 49–51.
21. John Swan, Redde Debitum (1640), 16–17; Heywood, Hierarchie, 282–3.
22. CPW i. 752–3.
23. Henry More, A Plain and Continued Exposition of . . . Daniel (1681), 25–6.
392 notes to chapter 3: angelology
Notes, 7v; Henry Ainsworth, Annotations upon the Five Bookes of Moses
(1627), 8; Wollebius, Abridgment, 40; Alexander Ross, An Exposition on
the Fourteene First Chapters of Genesis (1626), 31–2; William Ames, The
Marrow of Sacred Divinity (1642), 53; John Richardson, Choice Observations
and Explanations upon the Old Testament (1655), at Gen. 1: 8; Love,
Dejected Soules Cure, 21, 31–2; Lawrence, Angells, 7; among those who
suggest the fourth day are Willet, Hexapla, 17, and John Lightfoot, The
Harmony, Chronicle and Order, of the Old Testament (1647), 2. The pseud
epigraphal book of Jubilees states that angels were the fourth of seven
creations on the first day; Henry Ansgar Kelly, Satan: A Biography
(Cambridge, 2006), 35–6.
72. Salkeld, Treatise, 8–21; Columbia, xv. 32–5.
73. Westminster, Annotations, at the various places indicated in the text. See
also Love, Dejected Soules Cure, 31; Ross, Exposition, 32.
74. Williams, Expositor, 61–2.
75. Christopher Love, Treatise of Angels, 31–3, in The Dejected Soules Cure
76. John Lightfoot, Erubhin, or, Miscellanies (1629), 150–1.
77. R.B., A Muster Roll of the Evill Angels (1655), 3, 12; Samuel Clarke,
A Mirrour or Looking Glasse, 2nd edn (1654), 216; White, Commentary,
ii. 104; Wollebius, Abridgment, 39.
78. White, Commentary, i. 5.
79. Salkeld, Treatise, 116–42; Aquinas, Summa, ix. 33, 73–165; Kelly, Satan,
80. John Colet, Two Treatises on the Hierarchies of Dionysius, ed. and trans.
J. H. Lupton (1869), 21.
81. Lawrence, Angells, 28–32.
82. Wollebius, Abridgment, 53.
83. Richard Hooker, Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie Eight Bookes (1611),
12; Jenkyn, Exposition of Jude, pt 1, p. 455; Richard Bovet, Pandaemonium,
or, The Devil’s Cloister (1684), 22; Hall, Great Mysterie, 126.
84. J. A. Comenius, Naturall Philosophie Reformed by Divine Light (1651), 237,
238; John Everard, Some Gospel Truths Opened (1653), 381; Austen’s
notebook, BL, Add. MS 4454, fo. 8.
85. Sibbes, Light from Heaven, 95; Gumbleden, Christ Tempted, 23.
86. Gumbleden, Christ Tempted, 9; Richard Sibbes, A Glance of Heaven
(1638), 139–40; Matthew Poole, Blasphemoktonia: The Blasphemer Slaine,
2nd edn (1654), 25–6.
87. Columbia, xv. 106–7.
88. Dingley, Deputation, 118, 123.
89. CUL, Add. MS 6164, p. 55.
90. Aquinas, Summa, ix. 37, 13; Thomas Aquinas, Treatise on Separate Sub
stances, trans. Revd Francis J. Lescoe (West Hartford, Conn., 1963), 146–7.
91. Calvin, Commentarie, 381; Peter Martyr, Common Places, 341.
396 notes to chapter 3: angelology
191. See p. 243 below; Marshall and Walsham (eds), Angels, p. 33 and chs 12,
13; Robert Fludd, Doctor Fludds Answer unto M. Foster (1631), 64 and
passim; William Foster, Hoplocrisma Spongus (1631), 4 and passim; Ains
worth, Communion of Saints, 198.
192. John Patrick, Reflexions upon the Devotions of the Roman Church (1674),
405–7; Eamon Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in
England c.1400–c.1500 (New Haven, 1992), 73, 269–71; Keith Thomas,
Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Century England (1971).
193. Hall, Great Mysterie, 174 (paraphrasing an unidentified author).
194. Ainsworth, Communion of Saints, 196.
195. For this language of fellowship, see John Gaule, Practique Theories, or,
Votive Speculations (1630), 31; Harvey, ‘Role of Angels’, 159, 301.
196. CUL, Add. MS 6164, p. 58.
197. Pace West, Angels, ch. 2.
1. Christopher Love, The Dejected Soules Cure (1657), sigs A4v–Br.
2. [William Spenser?], ‘The Apocalypse Revelation of St John’, CUL, MS
Dd. 1. 24.
3. By ‘radical’ I mean imagining the transformation of the present by
pursuing an idea to its roots, a usage this chapter justifies. See Conal
Condren, The Language of Politics in Seventeenth Century England (Basing
stoke, 1994), 140–68; ‘Rethinking the English Revolution’, History
Workshop Journal, 61 (2006), 153–204; Glenn Burgess and Matthew
Festenstein (eds), English Radicalism 1550–1850 (Cambridge, 2007).
4. [Joseph Hall], Humble Remonstrance (1640 [1641]), 23–4; Peloni Almoni,
A Compendious Discourse (1641), sig. A4v.
5. Smectymnuus, An Answer to a Booke Entituled, An Humble Remonstrance
(1641), 53.
6. Ibid. 56–8.
7. CPW i. 711–14; quotation at p. 721.
8. Ibid. 850. Cf. Constantine Jessop, The Angel of the Church of Ephesus
(1644), 3.
9. CPW i. 820–1; also Ch. 7 below.
10. CPW vi. 310–15, 343–50; Maurice Kelley, This Great Argument: A Study
of Milton’s ‘De Doctrina Christiana’ as a Gloss upon ‘Paradise Lost’ (Prince
ton, 1941), 110–18.
11. John White, Speeches and Passages (1641), 421.
12. Dr. Reignolds His Letter to that Worthy Councellor . . . As Also a Question
Resolved (1641), also published as The Judgement of Doctor Reignolds (1641);
first pub. posthumously in Informations, or, A Protestation (1608).
notes to chapter 4: radical speculation 401
13. Also William Prynne, The Antipathie of the English Lordly Prelacie (1641);
Henry Ainsworth, Counterpoyson Considerations (1641); Paul Baynes, The
Dioceans Tryall (1641); Robert Greville, Baron Brooke, A Discourse
Opening the Nature of that Episcopacie (1641).
14. Peace Againe in Sion, or, Heaven Appeased (1641).
15. Kevin Sharpe, ‘Reading Revelations: Prophecy, Hermeneutics and Pol
itics in Early Modern Britain’, in Kevin Sharpe and Steven N. Zwicker
(eds), Reading, Society and Politics in Early Modern England (Cambridge,
16. See Joseph Mede, The Key of the Revelation, trans. Richard More (1643).
17. Joseph Mede, The Apostasy of the Latter Times (1641), 9, 24, 43, 66. See
also John Archer, The Personal Reign of Christ upon Earth (1642).
18. Thomas Brightman, A Revelation of the Apocalyps (1611) and A Revelation
of the Revelation (Amsterdam, 1615), 109, 124–5.
19. A Revelation of Mr. Brightmans Revelation (1641), 27–8.
20. Ibid. 34–5; Raymond, Pamphleteering, 27–52, 179–81, 204–5, 229–33,
and sources cited there; David Como, ‘Secret Printing, the Crisis of
1640, and the Origins of Civil War Radicalism’, Past and Present, 196
(2007), 37–82.
21. On 1640s millenarianism, see Christopher Hill, Antichrist in Seventeenth
Century England (1971), 78–115, and The English Bible and the Seventeenth
Century Revolution (1993), 196–250, 314–23; William M. Lamont, Godly
Rule: Politics and Religion, 1603–1660 (1969); H. R. Trevor Roper, ‘The
Fast Sermons of the Long Parliament’, in Religion, the Reformation and
Social Change and Other Essays (1967); Paul Christianson, ‘From Expect
ation to Militance: Reformers and Babylon in the First Two Years of the
Long Parliament’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 24 (1973), 225–44;
Katharine R. Firth, The Apocalyptic Tradition in Reformation Britain 1530–
1645 (Oxford, 1979), 204–41; Norman T. Burns, Christian Mortalism from
Tyndale to Milton (Cambridge, Mass., 1972); Bernard Capp, ‘The Polit
ical Dimension of Apocalyptic Thought’, in C. A. Patrides and Joseph
Wittreich (eds), The Apocalypse in English Renaissance Thought and Litera
ture: Patterns, Antecedents and Repercussion (Ithaca, NY, 1984); Sharpe,
‘Reading Revelations’, 138–43.
22. R[obert] B[aillie] K., A Parallel or Brief Comparison (1641), 15–16.
23. The Protestation of the Two and Twenty Divines (1643), sig. A2v.
24. The Petition and Articles Exhibited in Parliament Against Doctor Heywood
(1641), 4; the work was François de Sales, An Introduction to a Devoute
Life, probably the 1637 edition, though I have not located Heywood’s
licence. For the offending passage, see Introduction, trans. John Yakesley
(Paris, 1637), 667 [691].
25. A New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny (1641), 1.
26. Seven Arguments Plainly Proving that Papists Are Trayterous Subjects to all
True Christian Princes (1641), 13.
402 notes to chapter 4: radical speculation
may been acquaintances; The Life of John Milton, 7 vols (1859–94), vii.
67. Pordage, Innocencie Appearing, 25; Christopher Fowler, Daemonium Mer
idianum: Satan at Noon (1655), 80, 84; Pordage, Mundorum, 50. See also
Richard Baxter, The Certainty of the Worlds of Spirits (1691), 159, and The
Saints Everlasting Rest (1650), 242; West, Angels, 23; Robert Dingley, The
Deputation of Angels (1654), 159–65.
68. Ann Blair, ‘Mosaic Physics and the Search for a Pious Natural Philoso
phy in the Late Renaissance’, Isis, 91 (2000), 32–58; Brian Harrison, The
Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science (Cambridge, 1998),
104–5; Charles Webster, The Great Instauration: Science, Medicine and
Reform 1626–1660 (1975), 113–14 and passim; Howard Hotson, Johann
Heinrich Alsted 1588–1638: Between Renaissance, Reformation, and Universal
Reform (Oxford, 2000), 56, 138–9, 158, 182–201.
69. J. A. Comenius, Naturall Philosophie Reformed by Divine Light (1651), 228.
70. Ibid. 232.
71. Lawrence, Angells, 16–17; pp. 94–5 above and 189–93 below.
72. A Great Wonder in Heaven (1642 [1643]), 3, 4, 7. Cf. B. G., The Relation of
a Strange Apparition in the Air (1654); William Radmore, Wonderful News,
from the North (1651).
73. L. P. and P. M., Strange Predictions Related at Catericke (1648), 2–5. Cf.
Most Fearefull and Strange Newes from the Bishoppricke of Durham (1641).
74. Joseph Hall, The Great Mysterie of Godliness (1652), 159; Alexandra
Walsham, Providence in Early Modern England (Oxford, 1999), 182.
75. The Marine Mercury (1642), A3r.
76. Anna Trapnel, A Legacy for Saints (1654), 14.
77. Mary Cary, The Little Horns Doom (1651), 32; also Walsham, Providence,
78. Fowler, Daemonium Meridianum, 61.
79. Mercurius Politicus, 32 (9–16 Jan. 1651); Joad Raymond (ed.), Making the
News: An Anthology of the Newsbooks of Revolutionary England, 1641–1660
(Moreton in the Marsh, 1993), 182–4; A Declaration at Oxford (1651), 4;
Raymond, Pamphleteering, 113–15.
80. William Lilly, Merlinus Anglicus Junior: The English Merlin Revived
(1644), 6.
81. Arise Evans, The Voice of Michael the Archangel (1654), 16; also pp. 252–3
82. Mr. W. Lilly’s History of his Life and Times (1715), 101; C. H. Josten (ed.),
Elias Ashmole (1617–1692), 5 vols (Oxford, 1966), v. 542; Ch. 5 below.
83. Lilly, History, 14. On Forman’s astrology, see Lauren Kassell, Medicine
and Magic in Elizabethan London: Simon Forman, Astrologer, Alchemist, and
Physician (Oxford, 2005).
84. Ars Notoria: The Notory Art of Solomon, trans. Robert Turner (1657) (for
voices, see e.g. p. 35); BL, MS Sloane 1712; Peter Forshaw, ‘ ‘‘Behold, the
notes to chapter 4: radical speculation 405
Mystery of the Person of Christ (1679), in The Works of John Owen, D.D.,
ed. William H. Goold, 16 vols (New York, 1851–3), i; John Brayne, The
Divinity of the Trinity Cleared (1654); Nicholas Estwick, Mr Bidle’s Con
fession of Faith (1656).
134. Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, trans. J. F. (1651); Jacob Boehme,
The Tree of Christian Faith (1644), The Way to Christ Discovered (1647), XL.
Questions Concerning the Soule (1647), The Second Booke. Concerning the Three
Principles (1648), The Third Booke of the Authour, Being the High and Deepe
(1650), Of Christs Testaments (1652), Mysterium Magnum, or, An Exposition of
the First Book of Moses (1654), all trans. John Sparrow.
135. Abiezer Coppe, A Fiery Flying Roll (1649), 8–9.
136. Abiezer Coppe, A Second Fiery Flying Roule (1649 [1650]), 11–12, 13.
137. Richard Coppin, Michael Opposing the Dragon ([1659]), 39; Coppe, Second
Fiery Flying Roule, 3.
138. Richard Coppin, The Exaltation of All Things in Christ, pt 3 of Divine
Teachings (1649), 42; though Satan exercises Coppin’s imagination as if
an independent being.
139. Gerrard Winstanley, William Everard, et al., The True Levellers Standard
Advanced (1649), 6. On antinomianism and perfectionism, see esp. Nigel
Smith, Perfection Proclaimed: Language and English Radical Religion 1640–
1660 (Oxford, 1989), and David Como, Blown by the Spirit: Puritanism and
the Emergence of an Antinomian Underground in Pre Civil War England
(Stanford, Calif., 2004).
140. Hessayon, Gold Tried, 197–8.
141. Jacob Bauthumley, The Light and Dark Sides of God (1650), 27, 28.
142. Ibid. 25, 24, 27.
143. Thomas Tany, Theauraujohn His Theou Ori Apokolipikal (1651), 32, 22,
25; Theauraujohn Tany His Second Part (1653), ‘To the Reader’, 75; see
Hessayon, ‘Gold Tried’, 332–3, 353–6.
144. Paracelsus, Selected Writings, ed. Jolande Jacobi, trans. Norbert Guterman
(Princeton, 1979), 164.
145. Casaubon, True and Faithful Relation, 237, 394; Pordage, Innocencie
Appearing, 14, and below pp. 129, 132; Bodl., MS Rawlinson D. 864,
fo. 233v; Hessayon, ‘Gold Tried’, 330–1.
146. Robert Norwood, The Form of an Excommunication (1651), 26.
147. Laurence Claxton [Clarkson], The Lost Sheep Found (1660), 32, also 24–
5; Journal of the House of Commons, vi. 474–5 (the report of the Commit
tee for Suppressing Licentious and Impious Practices; the committee was
ordered to investigate Coppe on the same day); on Pordage and Everard,
see pp. 129, 130, 133 below.
148. Laurence Claxton [Clarkson], A Paradisal Dialogue betwixt Faith and
Reason (1660), 13, 26–9, 23, 30, and Lost Sheep Found, 55.
149. Claxton, Paradisal Dialogue, 29, 26–7; John Reeve and Lodowick Mug
gleton, Joyful News from Heaven (1658), 21.
notes to chapter 5: conversations 409
1. Manfred Brod, ‘A Radical Network in the English Revolution: John
Pordage and his Circle, 1646–54’, English Historical Review, 119 (2004),
1230–53, 1238–9 on date.
2. Richard Baxter, Reliquiae Baxterianae (1696), 74, 77, 78; on the Pordages,
see also Ariel Hessayon on John and Nigel Smith on Samuel, in ODNB.
3. Richard Baxter, The Certainty of the Worlds of Spirits (1691), 176–7.
4. Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, trans. J. F. (1651); Jacob
Boehme, The Tree of Christian Faith (1644), The Way to Christ Discovered
(1647), XL. Questions Concerning the Soule (1647), The Second Booke.
Concerning the Three Principles of the Divine Essence (1648), The Third
Booke . . . the Threefold Life of Man (1650), Of Christs Testaments (1652),
Mysterium Magnum, or, An Exposition of . . . Genesis (1654), Aurora (1656),
all trans. John Sparrow; Hendrik Niclaes, An Introduction to the Holy
Understanding (1649), Revelatio Dei (1649), A Figure of the True and
Spiritual Tabernacle (1655), An Apology for the Service of Love (1656).
Agrippa, Paracelsus, Pictorius, and the Ars Notoria were all translated
by Robert Turner in the 1650s.
5. John Pordage, Innocencie Appearing through the Dark Mists of Pretended
Guilt (1655), 70, 91. Margaret Lewis Bailey, Milton and Jakob Boehme:
410 notes to chapter 5: conversations
and fig. 24.8. The figures appear in The Works of Jacob Behmen, the
Teutonic Philosopher; the figures were ‘left’ by William Law, but were
drawn by his disciples from Andreas Freher’s designs.
1. Aquinas, Summa, i. 15–17; Keck, Angels, 47–52.
2. Peter Harrison, The Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science
(Cambridge, 1998), 107–14; David Lawton, Faith, Text and History: The
Bible in English (Charlottesville, Va., 1990), 16–47; Debora Kuller Shu
ger, The Renaissance Bible: Scholarship, Sacrifice, and Subjectivity (Berkeley,
1998), 11–53; William A. Dyrness, Reformed Theology and Visual Culture:
The Protestant Imagination from Calvin to Edwards (Cambridge, 2004).
3. Quoted in Tessa Watt, Cheap Print and Popular Piety, 1550–1640 (Cam
bridge, 1991), 136.
4. O&D 4. 43–9, pp. 57–60; on Lucy’s prying, cf. the theological contexts
outlined in C. A. Patrides, Milton and the Christian Tradition (Oxford,
1966), 7–14.
5. Joseph Leo Koerner, The Reformation of the Image (2003), 157–61 and passim.
6. On narrative and interpretation, see pp. 73–4 above, Chs 8 and 14
below; A. D. Nuttall, Overheard by God: Fiction and Prayer in Herbert,
Milton, Dante and St John (1980), 101–8, and The Alternative Trinity:
Gnostic Heresy in Marlowe, Milton, and Blake (Oxford, 1998), 115.
7. Shuger, Renaissance Bible, 18–19; Lawton, Faith, Text and History, 38–9.
8. Nuttall, Alternative Trinity, 10; C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image: An
Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature (Cambridge, 1964), 14–
15; G. E. R. Lloyd, ‘Saving the Appearances’, Classical Quarterly, 28
(1978), 202–22; pp. 277, 296 below.
9. The key passages include Exod. 31: 17; 1 Cor. 2: 4; 2 Cor. 3: 4–6; and
Heb. 9: 23–4.
10. Alexander Ross, An Exposition on the Fourteene First Chapters of Genesis
(1626), 32.
11. Philo, trans. F. H. Coulson and G. H. Whitaker, 10 vols (1929– ), i. 125.
12. Ibid. ii. 166–7.
13. Ibid. iii. 39, 41.
14. The Works of Lactantius, ii, trans. William Fletcher, Ante Nicene Chris
tian Library, xx (Edinburgh, 1871), 1, 12, 32. See also Kathleen Ellen
Hartwell, Lactantius and Milton (Cambridge, Mass., 1929).
15. In Theophilus of Alexandria’s annual paschal epistle, which Milton knew
from Theodoret’s Church history: CPW vi. 136–7 n. 16; i. 377, 498.
16. A Select Library of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,
2nd ser., 9: St. Hilary of Poitiers: John of Damascus, ed. W. Sanday, trans.
E. W. Watson and L. Pullan (Oxford, 1899), 45, 71.
notes to chapter 6: fleshly imagination 417
32. Terms from Harrison, Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science,
33. Thomas Wilson, Theologicall Rules (1615), 22–3, citing St Hilary.
34. John Gaule, Practique Theories, or, Votive Speculations (1630), 30–1.
35. John White, A Commentary upon . . . Genesis (1656), i. 98–9. White died
in 1648, and this was posthumously published under the supervision of
his eponymous son, with Stephen Marshall and Thomas Manton.
36. William Riley Parker, Milton: A Biography, 2 vols, vol. ii rev. Gordon
Campbell (1968; Oxford, 1996), i. 395, ii. 994 n. 153; David Norbrook,
‘Lucy Hutchinson’, in ODNB.
37. John Biddle, A Two Fold Catechism (1654), a2r–v.
38. John Biddle, Twelve Arguments Drawn out of Scripture (1647), 4. John
Owen attributed his heresies to ‘brainsick men’; Vindiciae Evangelicae
(Oxford, 1655), 71.
39. Owen, Vindiciae Evangelicae; John Brayne, The Divinity of the Trinity
Cleared (1654); Nicholas Estwick, Mr Bidle’s Confession of Faith (1656);
Biddle, A Two Fold Catechism, sig. a1r–v (naming Henry More’s Con
jectura Caballistica, 1653).
40. Harrison, Bible, Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science, 108–14.
41. Biddle, Two Fold Catechism, sig. A5v.
42. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, ed. Richard Tuck (Cambridge, 1991), 24–31.
43. Biddle, Two Fold Catechism, sigs A7r–A8r.
44. Owen, Vindiciae Evangelicae, 14.
45. Ibid. 13.
46. John Owen, A Brief Declaration and Vindication (1669), sigs A6v–A7r.
47. John Owen, Of the Divine Originall (1658), 22.
48. He does not mean the use of the language of Scripture in such a way as to
preserve some of its special qualities (a common position, shared by
Milton); Owen, Brief Declaration, 30, 31.
49. Francis Bampfield, All in One: All Useful Sciences and Profitable Arts
(1677), 50.
50. Wilson, Theologicall Rules, 28; cf. White, Commentary, i. 5.
51. Aquinas, Summa, ix. 41.
52. Peter Le Loier, A Treatise of Specters or Straunge Sights (1605), fo. 45v.
53. Lawrence, Angells, 15–16.
54. John Gumbleden, Christ Tempted: The Devil Conquered (1657), 13.
55. Nuttall, Alternative Trinity, 149.
56. Peter Martyr, Common Places, 550; Pseudo Dionysius, Works, 148, 152, 153.
57. George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie (1589), 22–3; Dryden,
‘Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire’ (1693), in
The Works of John Dryden, iv, ed. A. B. Chambers and William Frost
(Berkeley, 1974), 18; Pt III below.
58. Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth Century
Religious Lyric (Princeton, 1979).
notes to chapter 6: fleshly imagination 419
1. John Harvey, A Discoursive Problem Concerning Prophesies (1588), 38–9.
2. William Kerrigan, The Prophetic Milton (Charlottesville, Va., 1974), 83–124.
3. David Norbrook, Poetry and Politics in the English Renaissance (1984;
Oxford, 2002); also Michelle O’Callaghan, The Shepherd’s Nation: Jaco
bean Spenserians and Early Stuart Political Culture 1612–1625 (Oxford,
4. This is not to deny the valuable insights of these works: see Joseph
Anthony Wittreich, ‘ ‘‘A Poet amongst Poets’’: Milton and the Tradition
of Prophecy’, in Wittreich (ed.), Milton and the Line of Vision (Madison,
1975); Kerrigan, Prophetic Milton, 159, 168–9 (though he is ambivalent on
the point); A. D. Nuttall, Overheard by God: Fiction and Prayer in Herbert,
Milton, Dante and St John (1980), 93, 97.
5. Norbrook, Poetry and Politics, 12–13, 14 (quotation), 28–52, 224–69.
6. Phillip Sidney, An Apologie for Poetrie (1595), sig. B4r.
7. Ibid., sig. Hr.
8. Norbrook, Poetry and Politics, 93; Debora Shuger, Censorship and Cultural
Sensibility: The Regulation of Language in Tudor–Stuart England (Phila
delphia, 2006), 191.
9. The Critical Works of John Dennis, i: 1692–1711, ed. Edward Niles Hooker
(Baltimore, 1939), 370.
10. Barbara Kiefer Lewalski, Protestant Poetics and the Seventeenth Century
Religious Lyric (Princeton, 1979).
11. The claim appears in the headnote to ‘Lycidas’ in Milton, Poems (1645),
but not in Iusta Eduardo King (1638). Norbrook, Poetry and Politics, 252–
69; pp. 227, 235 below.
12. Alexandra Walsham, ‘Miracles in Post Reformation England’, in Kate
Cooper and Jeremy Gregory (eds), Signs, Wonders, Miracles: Represen
tations of Divine Power in the Life of the Church, Studies in Church
History, 41 (Woodbridge, 2005); D. P. Walker, ‘The Cessation of
Miracles’, in Ingrid Merkel and Allen G. Debus (eds), Hermeticism and
the Renaissance: Intellectual History and the Occult in Early Modern Europe
(Washington, DC, 1988).
13. King James I (sic), Daemonologie (1597), ed. G. B. Harrison (1922; Edin
burgh, 1966), 65–6; William Bucanus, Institutions of Christian Religion,
trans. Robert Hill (1606), 76; cf. BL, Sloane MS 1233, fo. 80r.
14. Reginald Scott, The Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584), 156, 158–9; quotation
at p. 160.
15. John Smith, Select Discourses (1660), 270–2.
notes to chapter 7: inspiration & prophecy 421
63. Kerrigan, Prophetic Milton, 95; also pp. 137–8, where the stimulating
discussion of agency follows Calvin.
64. Peter Martyr, Common Places, 20.
65. Jason P. Rosenblatt, Torah and Law in ‘Paradise Lost’ (Princeton, 1994)
and Renaissance England’s Chief Rabbi: John Selden (Oxford, 2006).
66. Smith, Discourses, 272–4; my emphasis.
67. Ibid. 277.
68. Darbishire (ed.), Early Lives, 291.
1. Emotions resound through Milton’s heaven; it is an important and
difficult theme in scriptural exegesis as it risks anthropopathy. On heav
enly anger and laughter, see John N. King, Milton and Religious Contro
versy: Satire and Polemic in ‘Paradise Lost’ (Cambridge, 2000), 109–32;
Catherine Bates, ‘No Sin but Irony: Kierkegaard and Milton’s Satan’,
Literature and Theology, 11 (1997), 1–26; Paul Rovang, ‘Milton’s War in
Heaven as Apocalyptic Drama: ‘‘Thy Foes Justly Hast in Derision’’ ’,
Milton Quarterly, 28 (1994), 28–35; John Kerrigan, Revenge Tragedy:
Aeschylus to Armageddon (Oxford, 1996), 121–31; Golda Werman, Milton
and Midrash (Washington, DC, 1995), 50.
2. Pp. 67–9 above. Feisal G. Mohamed’s discussion of this passage is flawed
by the assumption, contrary to contemporary writing about angels, that
this reflects Abdiel’s inferior rank; ‘Paradise Lost and the Inversion of
Catholic Angelology’, Milton Quarterly, 36 (2002), 240–52: 242.
3. William Empson found support for Satan’s confusion on this point;
Milton’s God (1961; Cambridge, 1981), 59–62. Regina Schwartz, Remem
bering and Repeating: Biblical Creation in ‘Paradise Lost’ (1988; Cambridge,
1993), 21–2, argues that the epic is a repudiation of this claim of self
creation. See also Neil Forsyth, The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat
Myth (Princeton, 1987); Evans, Genesis Tradition, 113. Philip Pullman’s
His Dark Materials trilogy develops this heresy.
4. [Charles Leslie], The History of Sin and Heresie (1698), sig. A2v. Cf.
Zanchius in Williams, Expositor, 118; Defoe in Henry Ansgar Kelly,
Satan: A Biography (Cambridge, 2006), 276; CUL, SSS.32.40, sig. S.
The ownership inscription is ‘Chas: Blount’, perhaps the author of A
Just Vindication of Learning (1679), derivative of Areopagitica.
5. According to De Doctrina Christiana, the Word is audible, while God is
not; CPW vi. 239. Milton’s theologically peculiar stance on the Word
merits further study. Pseudo Dionysius’ extended discussion of the
Word is nowhere concerned with audibility; Works, 58–67. St Augustine
424 notes to chapter 8: can angels feign?
states that while God’s speech is explained to us in our fashion, ‘it has no
audible and transient sound’; City, 705. Also pp. 309–11 below.
6. Here (and elsewhere) Milton agrees with J. A. Comenius, who writes
that angels ‘know not the decrees of God, before they be revealed’;
Naturall Philosophie Reformed (1651), 238. Leslie, History of Sin and Heresie,
A2v–A3r, objected to the angel’s ignorance of this point in Milton’s
poem. Cf. also Aquinas, Summa, ix. 143.
7. Thanks to John Leonard, Barbara Lewalski, and Tom Luxon for disput
ing this with me.
8. De Doctrina Christiana affirms this indulgence; CPW vi. 163.
9. CPW vi. 166. De Doctrina Christiana does not mention a special degree
concerning the angels; CPW vi. 167.
10. David Loewenstein, Representing Revolution in Milton and his Contempor
aries: Religion, Politics, and Polemics in Radical Puritanism (Cambridge,
2001), 202–41; though note pp. 178–9, 183, where Loewenstein dis
agrees with my argument here.
11. A detailed account of Satan’s deceptive strategies is offered by John
White, A Commentary upon . . . Genesis (1656), iii. 45, 160; other com
mentators include Urbanus Rhegius, An Homely or Sermon of Good and
Evill Angels, trans. Richard Robinson (1583; 3rd edn, 1593), fos 9r–v, 10r;
Gervase Babington, Certaine Plaine, Briefe, and Comfortable Notes (1592),
fo. 15r. Satan’s invention of deception interested occult writers: John
Heydon, Theomagia, or, The Temple of Wisdome, 3 vols (1664), ii. 212;
Jacob Boehme, Mysterium Magnum, or, An Exposition of . . . Genesis, trans.
J. Ellistone and J. Sparrow (1654), 34. See also Evans, Genesis Tradition,
91; Philip C. Almond, Adam and Eve in Seventeenth Century Thought
(Cambridge, 1999); Arnold, Expositor, 112–38.
12. Michael Lieb, Milton and the Culture of Violence (Ithaca, NY, 1994);
Rachel Falconer, Orpheus Dis(re)membered: Milton and the Myth of the
Poet–Hero (Sheffield, 1996).
13. Loewenstein, Representing Revolution, 226–31; Thomas N. Corns, Regain
ing Paradise Lost (1994), 48–50.
14. Pp. 309–11, 319–22 below.
15. Patrick Hume, Annotations on Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ (1695), 199. Cf.
Voltaire’s comments in John T. Shawcross (ed.), John Milton: The Critical
Heritage, 2 vols (1970–2; 1995), i. 255–6. For Voltaire this was symp
tomatic of the problems of imaginative literature.
16. Leslie, History of Sin and Heresie, sig. A2r.
17. See OED. Cf. Lawrence, Angells, 122 ff.; and William Gurnall, The
Christian in Compleat Armour (1655), 245; also pp. 288–9 below.
18. Shawcross (ed.), Milton, ii. 305. On the substantiality of Milton’s angels,
see Fallon, Philosophers; John Rogers, The Matter of Revolution: Science,
Poetry and Politics in the Age of Milton (Ithaca, NY, 1996); William
Kolbrener, Milton’s Warring Angels: A Study of Critical Engagements
notes to chapter 8: can angels feign? 425
Writing the English Republic: Poetry, Rhetoric, and Politics, 1627–1660 (Cam
bridge, 1999), 395–6, 453–4; Joad Raymond, ‘Framing Liberty: Marvell’s
First Anniversary and the Instrument of Government’, Huntington Library
Quarterly, 62 (2001), 313–50. For counter arguments, see Robert T. Fallon,
Milton in Government (University Park, Pa., 1993), and ‘A Second Defence:
Milton’s Critique of Cromwell?’, Milton Studies, 39 (2000), 167–83; and
Paul Stevens, ‘Milton’s ‘‘Renunciation’’ of Cromwell: The Problem of
Raleigh’s Cabinet Council’, Modern Philology, 98 (2001), 363–92. On the
extent of Milton’s literary labours for the government, see Leo Miller, John
Milton’s Writings in the Anglo Dutch Negotiations, 1651–1654 (Pittsburgh,
1992) and John Milton and the Oldenburg Safeguard (New York, 1985).
38. CPW i. 808.
39. Raymond, Pamphleteering; Sharon Achinstein, Milton and the Revolution
ary Reader (Princeton, 1994); Jason Peacey, Politicians and Pamphleteers:
Propaganda during the English Civil Wars and Interregnum (Aldershot, 2004).
40. CPW iv. 1087.
41. Paradise Lost has been illuminated through comparison with particular
pamphlets and pamphlet genres: Norbrook, Writing the English Republic;
Achinstein, Milton and the Revolutionary Reader; Loewenstein, Represent
ing Revolution; Smith, Literature and Revolution; King, Milton and Religious
42. PL 5. 563–76; cf. pp. 181–6 above. Perhaps the oddest aspect of this
passage is that it imitates Virgil (himself echoing Homer): ‘Infandum,
regina, iubes renovare dolorem . . . ’ (Aeneid 2. 3). While in Paradise Lost
the echoes of du Bartas come from the mouth of Raphael, in Order and
Disorder it is the narrator who echoes the Devine Weekes. See also George
Coffin Taylor, Milton’s Use of du Bartas (Cambridge, Mass., 1934).
43. Quoted in Steven N. Zwicker, Lines of Authority: Politics and Literary
Culture, 1649–1689 (Ithaca, NY, 1993), 5.
44. Lucy Newlyn, ‘Paradise Lost’ and the Romantic Reader (Oxford, 1993), 35–6.
Roger Lejosne, ‘Milton, Satan, Salmasius and Abdiel’, in Armitage et al.
(eds), Milton and Republicanism, 107–9. Lieb finds a refraction of Milton’s
debates with Salmasius and Morus in the exchange between Samson and
Harapha in Samson; Michael Lieb, Milton and the Culture of Violence (Ithaca,
NY, 1994), 237–44. Hill suggests a similarity between Abdiel and Milton
pondering whether to publish The Readie and Easie Way in 1660; Milton
and the English Revolution, 370–1.
45. CPW iv. 1034.
46. Ibid. 1044.
47. Ibid. 1054.
48. Ibid. 1093; Paul R. Sellin, ‘Alexander Morus before the Hof van Hol
land: Some Insight into Seventeenth Century Polemics with John Mil
ton’, in Martinus A. Bakker and Beverly H. Morrison (eds), Studies in
Netherlandic Culture and Literature (Lanham, Md., 1994), ‘Alexander
428 notes to chapter 9: look homeward
Morus and John Milton (II): Milton, Morus, and Infanticide’, in William
Z. Shetter and Inge Van der Cruysse (eds), Contemporary Explorations in
the Culture of the Low Countries (Lanham, Md., 1996), and ‘Alexander
Morus before the Synod of Utrecht’, Huntington Library Quarterly, 58
(1996), 239–48. See also Gordon Campbell, A Milton Chronology
(Basingstoke, 1997), 142–58.
49. Loewenstein, Representing Revolution, 226–31.
50. Hill, Milton and the English Revolution, 371, a book both partial and
inspiring. Satan also raises his standard in the northern borders of heaven
in the Anglo Saxon Genesis poem; see Bodl., Codex Junius 11, liber 1,
lines 28–46. The source of the notion is probably Isa. 14: 12–14. See also
Loewenstein, Representing Revolution, 224. On Milton’s anxieties, see
Tom Paulin, Crusoe’s Secret: The Aesthetics of Dissent (2005), 22–40.
This tendency affects even Neil Forsyth’s The Satanic Epic (Princeton,
2003), 42–3, 169, 344, a book focused on ancient religion.
51. Paulin, Crusoe’s Secret, 23.
52. On the nature of literature, creativity, and interpretation, I have found
instructive Derek Attridge, The Singularity of Literature (2004); Peter
de Bolla, Art Matters (Cambridge, Mass., 2001); and Edward W. Said,
Humanism and Democratic Criticism (Basingstoke, 2004).
53. On the natural philosophy of angels, see Ch. 11.
54. CPW vi. 759, 760.
55. Ibid. 640.
56. That the same standards apply to angels and men is suggested by the
chapter on oath taking, where Milton claims that it is not a sin to defraud
a fraudulent man by an oath, and that both angels and men take oaths;
CPW vi. 684–6.
57. CPW vii. 274, 85–7.; Neighbourliness was the relationship that Vlacq
claimed Milton had violated; see above, p. 221. Paul Phelps Morand, The
Effects of his Political Life upon John Milton (Paris, 1939), 69, wondered
whether Milton’s defence of lying was in part a piece of ‘self justifica
tion’ following his period of public office; though it is equally likely that
these beliefs preceded the actions they might justify; cf. CPW vi. 674 n.
19. Similarly, Milton the moneylender defended usury in his systematic
theology, in contrast to most contemporary authors; CPW vi. 775–8.
58. CPW vi. 761. They nonetheless come under the same heading.
59. Aquinas, Summa, ix. 41; Peter Le Loier, A Treatise of Specters or Straunge
Sights (1605), fo. 45v; pp. 174–5 above.
1. ‘Lycidas’, quoted from Facsimile of the Manuscript of Milton’s Minor Poems,
ed. William Aldis Wright (Cambridge, 1899), pl. 31.
notes to chapter 9: look homeward 429
34. Christopher Hill, The English Bible and the Seventeenth Century Revolution
(1993), 264–70; John K. Hale, ‘England as Israel in Milton’s Writings’,
Early Modern Literary Studies, 2/2 (1996), 3.1–54, <
uk/emls/02 2/halemil2.html>, accessed 23 Feb. 1997; Colin Kidd, Brit
ish Identities before Nationalism: Ethnicity and Nationhood in the Atlantic
World, 1600–1800 (Cambridge, 1999), 211–14. See Clay Hunt, ‘Lycidas’
and the Italian Critics (New Haven, 1979), 141–4, which manages by
sleight of hand to link Michael to Arthur and thence to ‘the manifest
destiny of the English nation’.
35. See n. 7 above.
36. John T. Shawcross (ed.), John Milton: The Critical Heritage, 2 vols (1970–
2; 1995), ii. 293–4.
37. Ibid. 305.
38. The former camp is a catholic one. See e.g. Hunt, ‘Lycidas’ and the Italian
Critics; J. M. Evans, The Road from Horton: Looking Backward in ‘Lycidas’
(Victoria, BC, 1983); Christopher Kendrick, ‘Anachronism in ‘‘Lyci
das’’ ’, ELH, 64 (1997), 1–40; Lloyd Edward Kermode, ‘To the Shores of
Life: Textual Recovery in Lycidas’, Milton Quarterly, 31 (1997), 11–25; for
the latter approach, see n. 7 above.
39. Eclogue V, lines 62–5; Virgil, Eclogues, Georgics, Aeneid I–VI, trans.
H. Rushton Fairclough, Loeb edn (1916; Cambridge, Mass., 1998),
38–9; Milton, Poems, 256 n.
40. James H. Hanford, ‘The Pastoral Elegy and Milton’s Lycidas’, in C. A.
Patrides (ed.), Milton’s ‘Lycidas’: The Tradition and the Poem (New York,
1961), 39–40.
41. Jacopo Sannazaro, Arcadia and Piscatorial Eclogues, trans. Ralph Nash
(Detroit, 1966), 162–3, lines 91–8; Hanford, ‘Pastoral Elegy’, 46–7.
The passage itself echoes Virgil’s fifth eclogue; see William
J. Kennedy, Jacopo Sannazaro and the Uses of Pastoral (Hanover, Nebr.,
1983), 160–1.
42. Lawrence Lipking, ‘The Genius of the Shore: ‘‘Lycidas’’, Adamastor,
and the Poetics of Nationalism’, PMLA, 111 (1996), 205–21: 207–8;
quotation at p. 210.
43. For a fuller treatment of these matters, see my ‘Look Homeward Angel:
Guardian Angels and Nationhood in Seventeenth Century Britain’, in
David Loewenstein and Paul Stevens (eds), Early Modern Nationalism and
Milton’s England (Toronto, 2008). I have benefited from dialogue with
and writings by Paul Stevens; see e.g. ‘Milton’s Nationalism and the
Rights of Memory’, in Elizabeth Jane Bellamy, Patrick Cheney, and
Michael Schoenfeldt (eds), Imagining Death in Spenser and Milton (Basing
stoke, 2003); ‘Spenser and Milton on Ireland: Civility, Exclusion,
and the Politics of Wisdom’, Ariel, 26 (1995), 151–67; ‘Milton’s Janus
Faced Nationalism: Soliloquy, Subject, and the Modern Nation State’,
Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 100 (2001), 247–68; ‘ ‘‘Leviticus
432 notes to chapter 9: look homeward
65. Bartas: His Devine Weekes and Workes, trans. Joshua Sylvester (1605), 6,
21, 292. Du Bartas was highly influential on Marvell, and the extent of
his influence and the number of allusions have yet to be traced. Marvell’s
poem can be seen to steer the interpretation of Milton’s epic towards
classical precedents, a literary move that disarms theological objections.
See also Philip Hardie, ‘The Presence of Lucretius in Paradise Lost’,
Milton Quarterly, 29 (1995), 13–24; Andrew Shifflett, Stoicism, Politics,
and Literature in the Age of Milton: War and Peace Reconciled (Cambridge,
1998), 110–18; see also Stephen M. Fallon, ‘Intention and its Limits in
Paradise Lost: The Case of Bellerophon’, in Diana Treviño Benet and
Michael Lieb (eds), Literary Milton: Text, Pretext, Context (Duquesne,
Pa., 1994), 177–9; Diana Treviño Benet, ‘The Genius of the Wood and
the Prelate of the Grove: Milton and Marvell’, in Margo Swiss and
David A. Kent (eds), Heirs of Fame: Milton and Writers of the English
Renaissance (1995), 230–46.
66. John Klause, The Unfortunate Fall: The Moral Imagination of Andrew
Marvell (Hamden, Conn., 1983), 66–7; Margarita Stocker, Apocalyptic
Marvell: The Second Coming in Seventeenth Century Poetry (Brighton,
1986), 13, 20.
67. See Edward Leigh, Annotations upon all the New Testament (1650), 597;
Arthur Dent, Ruine of Rome (1603), 158, 270; James Durham, A Com
mentary upon the Book of Revelation (Edinburgh, 1680), 345–6, 470; Joseph
Mede, The Key of the Revelation, trans. Richard More (1643), pt 2, p. 32.
David Pareus, A Commentary upon the Divine Revelation, trans. Elias
Arnold (Amsterdam, 1644), 265–6.
68. Willet, Synopsis Papismi, 291–3.
69. Richard Bernard, Key of Knowledge (1617), 213; Patrick Forbes, An
Exquisite Commentarie on the Revelation of Saint John (1613), 105–6, 221;
Henry More, Apocalypsis Apocalypseos (1680), 117, 205.
70. Thomas Brightman, A Revelation of the Revelation (Amsterdam, 1615),
409: ‘Constantine therefore that faithfull Souldier of Christ, who was
right nowe called the man childe of manly Sonne, is here called Mi
chael, by a name that is communicable from God to the Creature.’
Brightman also thought the angel at Rev. 20: 1 was Constantine; p. 839.
71. John Napier, A Plaine Discovery of the Whole Revelation of Saint John
(1593), 159, 163–4; John Downame et al., Annotations upon all the
Books of the Old and New Testament (1645), ad locos. One ground for
resistance to the Michael as Christ reading was repeated warnings
against the worship of angels in Revelation (19: 10; 22: 9), important
for the distinctive Protestant case against angel worship: if the angel was
Christ, why would he reject the offer of worship on the grounds of being
a ‘fellow servant’?
72. John Mayer, A Commentarie upon the New Testament, iii (1631), 394.
Mayer did think that the angel at Rev. 20: 1 represented Constantine,
notes to chapter 9: look homeward 435
however: ‘whom God did singularly use in this service of binding Satan’;
p. 502.
73. Andrew Marvell, The Rehearsal Transpros’d, ed. D. I. B. Smith (Oxford,
1971), 89. On 17th century interpretation of Revelation, see Kevin
Sharpe, ‘Reading Revelations: Prophecy, Hermeneutics and Politics in
Early Modern Britain’, in Sharpe and Steven N. Zwicker, Reading,
Society and Politics in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2003); Christo
pher Hill, Antichrist in Seventeenth Century England (1971); Anthony
Milton, ‘The Church of England, Rome, and the True Church: The
Demise of a Jacobean Consensus’, in Kenneth Fincham (ed.), The Early
Stuart Church, 1603–1642 (Basingstoke, 1999); C. A. Patrides and Joseph
Wittreich (eds), The Apocalypse in English Renaissance Thought and Litera
ture (Manchester, 1984).
74. Quoted in Marvell, Poems, ed. Smith, 298; see also Edmund Waller,
Panegyrick (1655).
75. Jacob Boehme, Mysterium Magnum, or, An Exposition of . . . Genesis, trans.
J. Ellistone and J. Sparrow (1654), 27.
76. For precedents, see Willet, Hexapla, 338, though Willet did not believe
in guardian angels and is describing an action; Downame et al., Annota
tions, ad locum Gen. 32, though these Annotations also use other verbs,
including ‘guard’.
77. William Gurnall, The Christian in Compleat Armour (1655), 104 ff.;
Stereoma: The Establishment (1654 [George Thomason dated it Nov.
1653]), av.
78. Dingley, Deputation of Angels, 159–60.
79. Arise Evans, The Voice of Michael the Archangel (1654), 16, 17, 18, 19. Cf.
Lilly on guardian angels and parahelii, p. 110 and n. 98, above.
80. See H. C. Beeching, in the National Review in 1901, in Elizabeth Story
Donno (ed.), Andrew Marvell: The Critical Heritage (1978), 289–90; edi
torial annotations in Poems and Letters of Andrew Marvell, ed. H. M.
Margoliouth, rev. Pierre Legouis and E. E. Duncan Jones, 2 vols (Ox
ford, 1971), i. 319–28; and Marvell, Poems, 281–98.
81. Marvell, Poems, passim; Patterson, Marvell, 46.
82. Columbia, viii. 226–7; CPW iv. 673; Marvell, Poems and Letters, ii. 306.
83. See Thomas M. Greene’s distinction between allusion and repetition in
The Light in Troy: Imitation and Discovery in Renaissance Poetry (New
Haven, 1982), 49. I would argue, however, that there is more to the
echoes of non literary sources in First Anniversary than mere repetition:
they establish the meaning and context of Marvell’s language, and so are
integral to the argument of the poem, whereas the imitatio—not uncom
monly—seems justified without reference to argument.
84. CPW iv. 672; Columbia, viii. 224–5.
85. Raymond, ‘Framing Liberty’, 340.
86. Heywood, Hierarchie, 212.
436 notes to chapter 10: paradise lost
87. Ann Blair, ‘Mosaic Physics and the Search for a Pious Natural Philosophy
in the Late Renaissance’, Isis, 91 (2000), 32–58; Brian Harrison, The Bible,
Protestantism, and the Rise of Natural Science (Cambridge, 1998); pp. 299–306
88. Lilly, Astrologicall Prediction, 6, and Merlini Anglici Ephemeris 1648 (1648),
sigs A3v, Cr, C3v.
89. Wither, Prosopopoeia Britannica, 2, 105.
90. Abraham Cowley, A Vision (1661), 3, 4, 9.
91. Ibid. 11, 14, 26 ff., 80, 81; good and evil angels also witness the battle of
Edgehill in Cowley’s A Poem on the Late Civil War (1679), 11, 13.
92. George Wither, Vaticinium Casuale (1655); Joad Raymond, ‘The Daily
Muse; or, Seventeenth Century Poets Read the News’, Seventeenth
Century, 11 (1995), 198–203, and ‘Framing Liberty’, 342.
93. Cowley, Vision, sig. A2r.
1. John Calvin, A Commentary on Genesis, ed. and trans. John N. King, 2
vols (1847; 1965), i. 182–3; John N. King, Milton and Religious Contro
versy: Satire and Polemic in ‘Paradise Lost’ (Cambridge, 2000), 109–32; Paul
Rovang, ‘Milton’s War in Heaven as Apocalyptic Drama: ‘‘Thy Foes
Justly Hast in Derision’’ ’, Milton Quarterly, 28 (1994), 28–35.
2. P. 71 above; Marcia L. Colish, Peter Lombard, 2 vols (Leiden, 1994), i.
343–6, 348–9.
3. Jason P. Rosenblatt, Torah and Law in ‘Paradise Lost’ (Princeton, 1994), 156–63.
4. Colleen McDannell and Bernhard Lang, Heaven: A History (1988; New
Haven, 2001), 84–5.
5. Edgar Hill Duncan, ‘The Natural History of Metals and Minerals in the
Universe of Milton’s Paradise Lost’, Osiris, 11 (1954), 386–421.
6. McDannell and Lang, Heaven, 152–3.
7. Pp. 49–56 above.
8. West, Angels, 133–4, interprets this to indicate the Pseudo Dionysian
order of archangels.
9. See pp. 23–6, above; Aquinas, Summa, ix. 227–31, 245; xiv. 89–105, 121–57.
10. 5. 289–90; p. 192 above.
11. CPW vi. 315; John Leonard, Naming in Paradise: Milton and the Language
of Adam and Eve (Oxford, 1990), 61.
12. See also Leonard, Naming in Paradise, 57–68.
13. CPW i. 808, 820–1; pp. 91–2 above.
14. Amy Boesky, ‘Milton’s Heaven and the Model of the English Utopia’,
Studies in English Literature, 36 (1996), 91–110; Ian Gentles, The New
Model Army in England, Ireland and Scotland, 1645–1653 (Oxford, 1992),
ch. 4.
notes to chapter 11: natural philosophy 437
15. Rosenblatt, Torah and Law, 43, 1–70, and passim; but cf. Jeffrey S.
Shoulson, Milton and the Rabbis: Hebraism, Hellenism, and Christianity
(New York, 2001), 228.
16. Dance is another pattern of heavenly organization, precedented in
Renaissance art; Françoise Carter, John Milton and the Image of Dance,
Renaissance Monographs, 22 (Tokyo, 1996).
17. Roland Mushat Frye, Milton’s Imagery and the Visual Arts: Iconographic
Tradition in the Epic Poems (Princeton, 1978), 169–88.
18. Pp. 299–306 below.
19. Leonard, Naming in Paradise, 86–146.
20. In Trithemius’ Steganographia, however, it is Michael who is angel of the
sun; Raphael is the angel of Mercury; and Gabriel the angel of the moon;
Usiel (Uzziel?) also appears there, but without significance for Milton.
Milton seems not to have used Trithemius for names. Lilly, The Worlds
Catastrophe (1647), 42–56.
21. On Raziel, see Sophie Page, ‘Speaking with Spirits in Medieval Magic
Texts’, and Walter Stephens, ‘Strategies of Interspecies Communication,
1100–2000’, in Raymond (ed.), Conversations; West, Angels, 154–5; Rob
ert H. West, ‘The Names of Milton’s Angels’, Studies in Philology, 47
(1950), 211–23: 219; Steve Savedow (ed.), Sepher Reziel Hemelach: The
Book of the Angel Raziel (San Francisco, 2000), 207.
22. Leonard, Naming in Paradise, 125–32.
23. West, ‘Names of Milton’s Angels’, 213 n. 6, 219 n. 22, and Angels, 155.
24. West, ‘Names of Milton’s Angels’, 221; Jason P. Rosenblatt, Renaissance
England’s Chief Rabbi: John Selden (Oxford, 2006), 76–81.
25. Harris Francis Fletcher, Milton’s Rabbinical Readings (Urbana, Ill., 1930),
252–4; pp. 82–3 above.
26. West, ‘Names of Milton’s Angels’, 222.
27. On sources for the names more generally, see Fletcher, Milton’s Rabbin
ical Readings, chs 6– 7; West, ‘Names of Milton’s Angels’ and Angels,
28. PL 4. 681; see pp. 310–11 below.
29. Facsimile of the Manuscript of Milton’s Minor Poems (Cambridge, 1899), 3, 38.
30. J. Martin Evans, Milton’s Imperial Epic: ‘Paradise Lost’ and the Discourses of
Colonialism (Ithaca, NY, 1996), explores the narrative in terms of em
31. PL 10. 668–72, 707–9; pp. 295–6 below.
1. Columbia, xiii. 481–5; H. W. Dickenson, Sir Samuel Morland: Diplomat
and Inventor, 1625–1695 (Cambridge, 1970), 6–13; Robert Thomas Fallon,
Milton in Government (University Park, Pa., 1993), 143–51.
438 notes to chapter 11: natural philosophy
2. Samuel Morland, The Urim of Conscience (1695), 13–14 (‘to play with the
3. Cf. Richard Blackmore on Spenser and Ariosto, in Theresa M. Kelley,
Reinventing Allegory (Cambridge, 1997), 1 and passim; pp. 356–7 below.
4. Morland, Urim of Conscience, 15.
5. Pp. 211–12 above; Patrick Hume, Annotations on Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’
(1695), 192–210; [Charles Leslie], The History of Sin and Heresie (1698),
sig. A2r; John T. Shawcross (ed.), John Milton: The Critical Heritage, 2
vols (1970–2; 1995), i. 306.
6. Kester Svensden, Milton and Science (Cambridge, Mass., 1956), passim, 77–8,
241; Catherine Gimelli Martin, ‘ ‘‘Boundless the Deep’’: Milton, Pascal,
and the Theology of Relative Space’, ELH, 63 (1996), 45–78; William
Kolbrener, ‘ ‘‘In a Narrow and to Him a Dark Chamber’’: Milton Un
abridged’, Common Knowledge, 4 (1995), 72–96, and Milton’s Warring An
gels: A Study of Critical Engagements (Cambridge, 1997), 102–32; William
Poole, ‘Milton and Science: A Caveat’, Milton Quarterly, 38 (2004), 18–34.
7. Svensden, Milton and Science, 47–8; Grant McColley, ‘Milton’s Dialogue
on Astronomy’, PMLA, 52 (1937), 728–62, and ‘The Astronomy of
Paradise Lost’, Studies in Philology, 34 (1937), 209–47.
8. Harinder S. Marjara, Contemplation of Created Things: Science in ‘Paradise
Lost’ (Toronto, 1992).
9. Karen Edwards, Milton and the Natural World: Science and Poetry in
‘Paradise Lost’ (Cambridge, 1999).
10. John Rogers, The Matter of Revolution: Science, Poetry, and Politics in the
Age of Milton (Ithaca, NY, 1996), 1–38, 103–43; Fallon, Philosophers, 98–
107, 116–17, 137–8. Fallon states that Milton believes in an Aristotelian
version of hylomorphism, in which an object is defined by form and
matter: spirit is a form of matter that is inseparable from it (though
Milton, like Aristotle, alternates between this and the view that spiritual
matter is tenuously corporeal). Hylomorphism does not appear in the
index, however; hylozoism does, but Fallon associates it exclusively with
Gassendi. Hylozoism is perhaps closer to the view that Fallon (brilliantly)
describes in ch. 5, which is about angels. The view that matter is free is
associated with hylozoism, and this is the belief assigned to Milton in the
central thesis of the book.
11. Nicholas Jardine, The Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler’s ‘A
Defence of Tycho against Ursus’ with Essays on its Provenance and Significance
(Cambridge, 1984); Eileen Reeves, Painting the Heavens: Art and Science in
the Age of Galileo (Princeton, 1999); Albert van Helden, Measuring the
Universe: Cosmic Dimensions from Aristarchus to Halley (Chicago, 1985).
12. Augustine, City, 321, 569.
13. Aquinas, Summa, ix. 43; cf. Augustine, City, 321, 569.
14. Robert Dingley, The Deputation of Angels (1654), 210; Robert Bolton,
Mr. Boltons Last and Learned Worke of the Foure Last Things, 4th edn
notes to chapter 11: natural philosophy 439
37. Jacob Boehme, The Second Booke: Concerning the Three Principles, trans.
J.S. (1648), 69–70, 39 (square brackets original).
38. Robert Gell, Aggelokratia Theon (1650), 13, 14.
39. See Fallon, Philosophers; John P. Rumrich, Milton Unbound: Controversy
and Reinterpretation (Cambridge, 1996), 94–116; Rogers, Matter of Revo
lution, passim; Joad Raymond, ‘Milton’, in Andrew Pyle (ed.), Dictionary
of Seventeenth Century British Philosophers (Bristol, 2000).
40. Fallon, Philosophers, 103–6, 143–4; Michael C. Schoenfeldt, Bodies and
Selves in Early Modern England: Physiology and Inwardness in Spenser,
Shakespeare, Herbert and Milton (Cambridge, 1999), ch. 5.
41. Christopher Hill, The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas during the
English Revolution (1972; Harmondsworth, 1975), 151–83, 306–23, and
Milton and the English Revolution (1977), 341–53; William Poole, Milton and
the Idea of the Fall (Cambridge, 2005); James Grantham Turner, One Flesh:
Paradisal Marriage and Sexual Relations in the Age of Milton (Oxford, 1987).
42. CPW vi. 307–10; PL 5. 407–13.
43. Fallon, Philosophers, 66; More, Explanation, 34.
44. Donne, Major Works, 384; Woolnor, True Originall, 91; Heywood
develops this nicely in Hierarchie, 211. See also John of Damascus in
A Select Library of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,
2nd ser., 9: St. Hilary of Poitiers: John of Damascus, ed. W. Sanday, trans.
E. W. Watson and L. Pullan (Oxford, 1899), 19.
45. Fallon, Philosophers, 142.
46. More, Explanation, 35–6.
47. Thus, Tryon argues that angels never appear as women (contrast Casau
bon, True and Faithful Relation, 10–11), and that, the beard being
a symbol of lechery, good angels can never appear bearded; Tryon,
Pythagoras His Mystick Philosophy, 123–4; Harkness, John Dee’s Conversa
tions, 46. This contrasts with an older iconographic tradition. See
also John Guillory, Poetic Authority: Spenser, Milton, and Literary History
(New York, 1983), 146–51.
48. ‘Spiritus enim, ut substantia excellentior, substantiam utique inferiorem
virtualiter, quod aiunt, et eminenter in se continet; ut facultas facultatem
spiritualis, et rationalis corpoream, sentientem nempe et vegetativam’;
Columbia, xv. 24; CPW vi. 309.
49. A. D. C. Simpson, ‘Robert Hooke and Practical Optics: Technical
Support at a Scientific Frontier’, in Michael Hunter and Simon Schaffer
(eds), Robert Hooke: New Studies (Woodbridge, 1989); Adrian Johns, ‘The
Physiology of Reading in Restoration England’, in James Raven, Helen
Small, and Naomi Tadmor (eds), The Practice and Representation of Reading
in England (Cambridge, 1996).
50. PL 1. 56–60; the manuscript of book 1 and early editions read ‘angels
ken’; Fowler revises this to ‘angels’ ken’, converting ken from verb to
notes to chapter 11: natural philosophy 441
72. Alastair Fowler, Time’s Purpled Masquers (1996); Reeves, Painting the
Heavens; van Helden, Measuring the Universe, ch. 7.
73. During the temptation Eve deceives herself that heaven is too far for
earth to be distinctly seen from there, even by God; PL 9. 811–13.
74. Aquinas, Summa, ix. 125.
75. Ibid. 81, 129; also pp. 67–9 above.
76. William Bucanus, Institutions of Christian Religion, trans. Robert Hill
(1606), 70.
77. Stuart Clark, Thinking with Demons: The Idea of Witchcraft in Early Modern
Europe (Oxford, 1997), 161–2, quoting R[ichard] G[ilpin], Daemonologia
Sacra, or, A Treatise (1677); Brian Duppa, Angels Rejoicing for Sinners
Repenting (1648), 10–11.
78. Comenius, Naturall Philosophie Reformed, 232.
79. Also pp. 313–18 below.
80. Duppa, Angels Rejoicing, 11.
81. CPW vi. 309. Cf . Robert Fludd: ‘Dæmones ex subtilissimorum cœli
spiritualis elementorum materia componi . . . quorum compositio, si
cum creaturis cœlorum inferiorum comparetur incorporea dicitur, sed
respectu simplicitatis substantiæ lucidæ cœli Empyrei in quo, um quo et
ex cujus elementis primo die creati sunt, non aliter equam plantæ, herbæ,
carumque semina die tertio cum terra facta fuerunt’; Denis Saurat,
Milton: Man and Thinker ([c.1924]), 308.
82. Fallon, Philosophers, 137–67; Rosenblatt, Renaissance England’s Chief
Rabbi, 98–9; John Rogers, ‘The Secret of Samson Agonistes’, Milton
Studies, 33 (1996), 111–32: 118, 120.
83. Hughes, Analytical Exposition of Genesis, 228.
84. Aquinas, Summa, ix. 69.
85. Ibid. 71.
86. Cf. John of Damascus, Select Library of Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 19.
87. John Salkeld, A Treatise of Angels (1613), 60, 66–9.
88. Bucanus, Institutions, 68–9.
89. Johannes Wollebius, The Abridgement of Christian Divinity, trans. Alex
ander Ross (1650), 42.
90. PL 5. 824–5. And perhaps the doctrine also underpins the words of
Marlowe’s Faust: ‘Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed, j In one self
place. But where we are is hell, j And where hell is there must we ever be’;
Faustus, 1. 5. 124–6, Christopher Marlowe: The Complete Plays, ed. J. B.
Stearne (1969).
91. Richard Sibbes, Light from Heaven (1638), second treatise, p. 209.
92. Jeremy Taylor, ‘Episcopacy Asserted’, in Treatises (1648), 173.
93. Comenius, Naturall Philosophie Reformed, 237.
94. Fludd, Doctor Fludds Answer, 38; John Everard, Some Gospel Truths
Opened (1653), 414.
notes to chapter 11: natural philosophy 443
95. John Wilkins, Mercury, or, The Secret and Swift Messenger (1641), 2;
Johannes Trithemius, Steganographia ([c.1500]; Frankfurt, 1606); Hey
wood, Hierarchie, 261; see also William Lilly, The World’s Catastrophe
(1647); and p. 109 above.
96. John Frederick Houpreght, Aurifontina Chymica (1680), 115.
97. Bolton, Mr. Boltons Last and Learned Worke, 119, 121.
98. William Greenhill, An Exposition of the First Five Chapters of the Prophet
Ezekiel (1649), 104. Greenhill uses a pattern of doubling, calculating that
from the earth to the fixed stars is c.80 million miles. Ptolemy calculated
this figure as 50 million miles; al Farghānı̄ and Roger Bacon as over 65
million miles; (approximately 26,666 earth radii); Kepler’s universe was
much larger; van Helden, Measuring the Universe, 24, 35, 88.
99. Dingley, Deputation, 142–3. He offers a marginal note to Greenhill in the
preceding paragraph, but does not indicate where he quotes verbatim; it
is a scholarly act of plagiarism.
100. Heywood, Hierarchie, 212; see also pp. 252–3, 261. See van Helden,
Measuring the Universe, 29–37. Bacon, however, gives the distance to the
fixed stars as 65,357,500 miles; quoted ibid. 35.
101. Heywood, Hierarchie, 438–9.
102. Cf. also Bartas: His Devine Weekes and Workes, trans. Joshua Sylvester
(1605), 24: ‘much more these Spirits can j Worke strange effects,
exceeding sense of Man? . . . j And free from bodies clogge, with lighter
speed j And with less let, they doo what they decreed.’
103. PL 2. 915–16; 7. 225–7.
104. Cf. Corns, Regaining Paradise Lost, 32–3.
105. PL 3. 229; cf. 7. 572–3.
106. ‘sunt velocitate summa quasi alis induti’; Columbia, xv. 34–5; CPW vi.
315. The proof text is Ezek. 1: 6.
107. ‘sunt numero pene innumerabili’; Columbia, xv. 34–5; CPW vi. 315.
108. Pace West, Angels, 15–16.
109. P. 12 above; Bodl., MS Locke f.3, entry dated 20 Jan. 1678; I am
indebted to Olivia Smith for this reference.
110. Boyle writes repeatedly about angels in Excellency of Theology (1674), e.g.
pp. 15–18, where he states that reason cannot prove their existence; and
in Some Motives and Incentives to the Love of God (1660). He avoids them in
his other writings; though see Lawrence M. Principe, The Aspiring
Adept: Robert Boyle and his Alchemical Quest (Princeton, 1998), 190–201
and passim; Michael Hunter, ‘Alchemy, Magic and Moralism in the
Thought of Robert Boyle’, British Journal for the History of Science, 23
(1990), 387–410; More, Antidote against Idolatry, 91–4.
111. Clark, Thinking with Demons, 294–310; Simon Schaffer, ‘Making Cer
tain’, Social Studies of Science, 14 (1984), 137–52: 147–8, ‘Occultism and
Reason in the Seventeenth Century’, in A. J. Holland (ed.), Philosophy:
Its History and Historiography (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985), and ‘Godly Men
444 notes to chapter 12: tongues of angels
1. PL 6. 297–301. Milton echoes 1 Cor. 13: 1: ‘Though I speake with the
tongues of men and of Angels, and have not charitie, I am become as
sounding brasse or a tinkling cymbal.’ Paul refers to the power of angelic
speech, not to its mechanics. The passage is frequently cited in early modern
discussions not only of angelic speech but also of ideal human speech.
2. Fowler suggests that we have a choice between allegory and novelistic
realism: PL, p. 171. Mindele Treip suggests that Milton moved between
allegory and realism in his accommodated poetics; Allegorical Poetics and
the Epic: The Renaissance Tradition to ‘Paradise Lost’ (Lexington, Mass.,
1994), chs 15–16.
3. Tongue also means ‘language’, i.e. the perfect prelapsarian Hebrew (cf.
Meric Casaubon on the imperfect Latin of Dee’s angels, in A True and
Faithful Relation, 1659, sig. E3v) in which the angels communicate to
Adam and Eve. Ideas are not impressed onto the minds of the humans;
they are actually speaking in a language. Interpretations of this text from
1 Corinthians which imply that angels spoke Hebrew include: John
White, A Commentary upon . . . Genesis (1656), i. 32; John Lightfoot,
Erubhin, or, Miscellanies (1629), 103; Henry Cornelius Agrippa, Three
Books of Occult Philosophy, trans. J. F. (1651), 412.
4. The Tempest, 3. 2. 130–2, Norton Shakespeare, 3087.
5. PL 7. 558–64, 598–9; see also 7. 633, 3. 371.
6. Alexander Ross, An Exposition on the Fourteene First Chapters of Genesis
(1626), 109; Richard Sibbes, Light from Heaven (1638), second treatise;
Joad Raymond, ‘Perfect Speech: The Public Sphere and Communica
tion in Seventeenth Century England’, in Willy Maley and Alex Bench
imol (eds), Spheres of Influence: Intellectual and Cultural Publics from
Shakespeare to Habermas (Frankfurt, 2006), 43–69.
7. See Jessie Ann Owens, ‘ ‘‘And the angel said . . . ’’: Conversations
with Angels in Early Modern Music’, and Walter Stephens, ‘Strategies of
Interspecies Communication, 1100–2000’, in Raymond (ed.), Conversa
tions; Henry Mayr Harting, Perceptions of Angels in History (Oxford, 1998),
notes to chapter 12: tongues of angels 445
1. Duration in An Essay of Dramatic Poesie (1668), in The Works of John Dryden,
20 vols, gen. ed. Edward Niles Hooker et al. (Berkeley and Los Angeles,
1956–2000), xvii. 35, 36. Cf. Benjamin Stillingfleet’s compression for an
oratorio libretto: Kay Gilliland Stevenson and Margaret Seares, ‘Paradise
Lost’ in Short: Smith, Stillingfleet, and the Transformation of Epic (Madison,
Wis., 1998).
2. Dryden, ‘Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire’
(1693), in Dryden, Works, iv. 15.
3. Paul Stevens argues that in this passage Milton remembers Puck’s mis
joining of an ass head to Bottom’s body, and that Milton is at his most
Shakespearean when he describes fancy because he associates it with
Shakespeare; Imagination and the Presence of Shakespeare in ‘Paradise Lost’
(Madison, Wis., 1985), 15, 94–6.
4. This is also Margaret Cavendish’s device in The Blazing World (1667).
When the Empress and the Duchess play at imagining a world, they
448 notes to chapter 13: dryden’s fall
but they speak of things, as the things themselves really are, Is not the
lord Christ Truth it self?’; All in One (1677), 50.
34. Pp. 76–7 above.
35. Dryden, Works, xii. 92, 95.
36. Dryden returns to this throughout his criticism: see also Essay of Dramatic
Poesy (1668), the ‘Discourse Concerning . . . Satire’ (1693) and the Dedi
cation of the Aeneis (1697).
37. Dryden, Works, xi. 12.
38. John Dowell, Clergies Honour (1681), sigs A2v–A4r.
39. Louis I. Bredvold, The Intellectual Milieu of John Dryden: Studies in Some
Aspects of Seventeenth Century Thought (Ann Arbor, 1934), ch. 3, errone
ously presents it as a debate between materialist determinism and Angli
can (and Royal Society) libertarianism; see also King, ‘Significance of
Dryden’s State of Innocence’, 381–8. Von Maltzahn, ‘Dryden’s Milton’,
48, argues that Adam adopts a Hobbesian position, and the angels
represent Bramhall’s, though he complicates this: ‘The difficulty is that
Dryden’s sympathies are sufficiently Hobbesian that these angels propose
not Bramhall’s defence of human freedom but a more dubious compa
tibilism.’ He implies that Dryden sides with the angels.
40. Thomas Hobbes, The Questions Concerning Liberty, Necessity, and Chance
(1656), 85–6.
41. Thomas Hobbes, Of Libertie and Necessitie (1654), 67–72; Vere Chappell
(ed.), Hobbes and Bramhall on Liberty and Necessity (Cambridge, 1999), 37–
8; Tom Sorrell, Hobbes (1986), 92–5; Quentin Skinner, Hobbes and
Republican Liberty (Cambridge, 2008), 129–31, 157–8, 170–3.
42. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, ed. Richard Tuck (Cambridge, 1991), 146–
7, 34. To be free is to be free from opposition, not free from causes.
43. Hobbes, Of Libertie and Necessitie, 15–16; Chappell (ed.), Hobbes and
Bramhall, 20.
44. Chappell (ed.), Hobbes and Bramhall, 8; Chappell’s text of the ‘Discourse’
is extracted from subsequent publications.
45. Chappell (ed.), Hobbes and Bramhall, 13.
46. Ibid. 8–9, 30–1; Hobbes, Of Libertie and Necessitie, 47–9. Hobbes added
that church doctrine did not set down the sense in which angels were
free, or how necessity governed them.
47. Hobbes, Of Libertie and Necessitie, 72, 73; Chappell (ed.), Hobbes and
Bramhall, 38–9.
48. Bramhall, quoted in Hobbes, Questions Concerning Liberty, Necessity, 295;
Bramhall, Castigations of Mr. Hobbes (1657), 365–6.
49. On animadversion, see Raymond, Pamphleteering, 210–14, 376–8; Dry
den used animadversion in His Majesties Declaration Defended (1681).
50. Dryden, Works, viii. 97.
51. Pp. 333–4 above.
52. Dryden, Works, xvii. 47.
452 notes to chapter 14: conclusion
1. Calvin, Institution, 65.
2. Tessa Watt, Cheap Print and Popular Piety, 1550–1640 (Cambridge, 1991),
3. Bodo Brinkmann (ed.), Cranach (2008), and accompanying exhibition at
the Royal Academy of Arts, London; Joseph Koerner, The Reformation of
the Image (2004).
4. W. B. Hunter, C. A. Patrides, and J. H. Adamson, Bright Essence: Studies
in Milton’s Theology (Salt Lake City, Ut., 1971), 165–78 and passim; for an
implicit corrective, see Brian Cummings, The Literary Culture of the
Reformation: Grammar and Grace (Oxford, 2002).
5. Dryden, ‘Discourse Concerning the Original and Progress of Satire’
(1693), in The Works of John Dryden, iv, ed. A. B. Chambers and William
Frost (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1974), 15; see p. 326 above.
6. Pp. 338, 351–2 above.
7. Dennis, The Grounds of Criticism in Poetry (1704), in The Critical Works of
John Dennis, ed. Edward Niles Hooker, 2 vols (Baltimore, 1939–43), i. 325.
8. Nicholas von Maltzahn, ‘The Whig Milton, 1667–1700’, in David
Armitage, Armand Himy, and Quentin Skinner (eds), Milton and
notes to chapter 14: conclusion 453
30. Alastair Fowler, Renaissance Realism: Narrative Images in Literature and Art
(Oxford, 2003), 5–8 and passim.
31. Michael Murrin, The Allegorical Epic: Essays in its Rise and Decline (Chi
cago, 1980), 161.
32. Ibid. 158–9, 164–6, 167.
33. Ibid. 251 n. 26; Michael Murrin, The Veil of Allegory: Some Notes Towards
a Theory of Allegorical Rhetoric in the English Renaissance (Chicago, 1969),
176 and passim.
34. Catherine Gimelli Martin, The Ruins of Allegory: ‘Paradise Lost’ and the
Metamorphosis of Epic Convention (Durham, NC, 1998).
35. See Roland Mushat Frye, Milton’s Imagery and the Visual Arts: Iconographic
Tradition in the Epic Poems (Princeton, 1978), pt 3.
36. Kelley, Reinventing Allegory.
37. Poppleton, ‘Truth Cannot Be an Enemy’.
38. E. M. W. Tillyard, ‘Theology and Emotion in Milton’s Poetry’, in
Studies in Milton (New York, 1951), 141.
39. T. S. Eliot, Selected Essays, 1917–1932 (1932), 273–4.
40. Ibid. 280.
41. Not least because the rise of Puritanism would become tied to the rise of
the novel; Ian Watt, The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and
Fielding (1957). For analyses of Eliot’s thesis and its impact, see Evans,
Genesis Tradition, 1–4 and passim; William Kolbrener, Milton’s Warring
Angels: A Study of Critical Engagements (Cambridge, 1997), 59–61; Kester
Svensden suggests that Milton would have seemed ‘old fashioned’ to
scientifically knowledgeable contemporaries, and distinguishes between
Milton’s knowledge as a poet and his knowledge as a man; Milton and
Science, 4, 43.
42. Frank Kermode, ‘Dissociation of Sensibility’, in John R. Roberts (ed.),
Essential Articles for the Study of John Donne’s Poetry (Hamden, Conn.,
43. Gordon Teskey, Delirious Milton: The Fate of the Poet in Modernity (Cam
bridge Mass., 2006), 1–9; quotation at pp. 5–6 (and 29).
44. Ibid. 24, 40–4.
45. Ibid. 45–64, esp. 49, 61. Knowingly so: on p. 172 he writes, ‘I think
Miltonists evince far too much faith in theological concepts and theo
logical language.’ I have no faith in them, but I believe that Milton did.
Teskey complains that Miltonists think that ‘theology may be used to
grasp what is more subtle, mobile, and living: poetry’. The problem here
is surely Teskey’s assumption that 17th century theology was obvious,
rigid, and deceased.
46. Ibid. 29, 143, 48, 75, and passim.
47. Ibid. 24–9, quotations at pp. 29, 25.
48. Ibid. 21–4.
49. Pp. 162, 295–6 above.
notes to chapter 14: conclusion 455
Abarbanel, Isaac 194, 202 fall of 71, 73–7, 120, 122, 149,
Abdiel 207–28 passim, 264–5, 271, 154, 163, 209–10, 256–9, 283
294, 299 food of 69, 118, 130, 143, 150,
accommodation 7, 81, 114, 119, 269–70, 280–2, 286–7, 350
122, 139, 145, 162–88, 218, freewill 71–3, 257–8, 341–51
221–2, 311–14, 360, 364 guardians of place 111, 141, 230,
adiaphora 4, 36, 65, 163 232–9, 242–4, 249–51, 252–5,
Agrippa 78, 80, 114, 117, 136, 145, 271 335–7
Ainsworth, Henry 86, 87, 101 guardianship 45, 56–61, 63, 101,
Albigenses 283 120, 129, 132, 143–4, 145,
alchemy 130, 135, 303 154, 155–6, 336–7, 372,
al Farghānı̄ 304, 443 n. 98 430 n. 30
allegory 7, 99, 120, 136–44 passim, hierarchies 22–6, 34, 49–56, 60,
153, 157–60 passim, 162, 165, 64, 67, 71, 101, 135, 136,
169, 173–4, 175, 185, 213–16 179–80, 198, 262–5, 315, 370
passim, 220–5, 277, 312, knowledge 30, 67–9, 374
358–65, 433 n. 58 matter 32–3
almanacs 109–10 military nature 79, 263, 265–7
Alsted, Johann Heinrich 93, 103 names 78–83, 270–2
Ambrose, Isaac 46 offices 84–7
Ambrose, Saint 65, 361 physical appearance 57, 134, 155,
Ames, William 42, 43, 44, 75, 100 157–8, 159, 160, 168, 183, 194,
angels 268–9, 290, 440 n. 47
Angels of the Presence 22, 62, 79, prayers to and invocation of 62–4
82–3, 154 pre Christian 20, 79–80
of Bethesda 86, 245, 248, 250 providential apparitions 105–6,
bodies 69, 118, 122, 139, 150, 110, 132, 194
168, 169–87 passim, 228, senses 68, 70–1, 140, 143, 150–1,
284–90, 321–2 269, 299–301
communication or conversation of the Seven Asian churches 53, 91
with 104–15, 125–61, 311–24 sex, gender and reproduction 78,
creation of 42, 65–7 152, 269, 282–3, 337, 338–9,
deception by 176, 212, 221–8, 375–6
247, 323, 424 n. 11 sight and optics 66, 68, 226, 291–9
eating 41, 69, 172, 176, 280, 318, singing and music 85, 134, 141,
323 260–1, 265, 313–15, 370
458 index
Lightfoot, John 67, 76, 100 Michael 5, 27, 35, 40, 45, 49, 51,
Lilly, William 60, 106–11, 112, 56–7, 64, 75, 79–82, 94–5, 98,
126–7, 233, 239, 253 100, 106, 107, 109, 110, 112,
Llwyd, Morgan 122, 316–17 114, 118, 141, 161, 179, 231–9,
Locke, John 12, 308 243, 247–8, 335–6
Loier, Pierre Le 60, 176 in Paradise Lost 184, 194, 203,
Lombard, Peter 26–9, 65, 71, 258 262, 268–71 passim, 274, 301,
Love, Christopher 45, 58, 86, 101, 335
234 millenarianism 31, 90, 92
Lucan, Marcus Anneus 230 Milton, John 8–10, 15, 42, 44, 47,
Lucifer 27, 49, 73–7, 79, 98, 105, 56, 65, 68, 73, 79, 102, 104, 116,
141–4, 150, 179, 216, 262, 266, 121–2, 126, 140, 167, 173,
271, 327, 329, 334, 338–9, 190–1, 197–204, 207–384
353–4, 370–1 passim
Lucretius 200, 216 Nativity Ode 250
Luther, Martin 35–6, 45, 57, 63, A Masque 238, 433 n. 58
259, 316, 373 ‘Lycidas’ 92, 190, 229–55
‘Ad Mansus’ 240
Madimi 113–14 ‘Ad Leonoram’ 235
magic 2–3, 107–9, 121, 126, 130, Animadversions 91
131–2, 142, 145, 151, 270–1, Reason of Church Government 55,
357 91–2, 197–8, 202, 219
Maimonides, Moses 193, 195, 202 Doctrine and Discipline of
Malignants Trecherous and Bloody Plot Divorce 234
(1643) 98 Areopagitica 240–1, 250
Maltzahn, Nicholas von 451 n. 39 Tenure of Kings and Magistrates 240
manuscripts, magical 2, 60, 107, 109, History of Britain 216, 230–1, 240
112–13, 121, 272, 308 Observations 242
Maria Beatrice of Modena 336 Defensio 198
Marine Mercury (1642) 105 Defensio Secunda 223, 250,
Marlowe, Christopher 371, 372, 432 n. 49
442 n. 90 Paradise Lost 6, 8–9, 11, 13, 46, 55,
Marprelate 93 74, 77, 78, 79, 82, 86, 102, 121,
Marsh, Mr., of Dunstable 109 137, 138–40, 141, 144, 146, 164,
Martin, Catherine Gimelli 364 183–5, 190–1, 193–4, 207–384
Martyr, Peter, Vermigli 42, 56, 69, passim; arguments 11, 179, 207,
170–1, 190, 193, 195, 202, 233 235
Marvell, Andrew 188, 244–52, 255, Samson Agonistes 330, 331
330, 352, 434 n. 65 Paradise Regained 77, 232, 234, 283
Mather, Cotton 46 De Doctrina 9, 11, 43, 44, 82, 92,
Mather, Increase 19, 46 100, 185–7, 199, 204, 210, 212,
Maximes Unfolded (1643) 98 215, 218, 226–8, 232, 234–5,
Mayer, John 248 291, 301, 306, 307, 335
Mede, Joseph 56, 92–3 Letter to Heimbach 102, 241
Mercerus, Johannes 316 miracles 52–3, 59, 64, 90, 191, 195
Mercurius Politicus 223 Modest Enquiry . . . Guardian Angel
Mercurius Pragmaticus 98 (1702) 45, 233
index 463
prophecy 7, 64, 90, 107–8, 122, Sadducism 46, 55, 89, 113, 115,
145–6, 178–9, 189–204 passim, 128–9, 140, 171, 309
218 Salkeld, John 38, 46, 51, 58, 67, 72,
Protestantism 4–6, 11–14, 32–8, 74, 136, 302, 316
48–64, 87–8, 162–4, 169–83, Salmasius, Claudius 222, 223, 224
189–203 passim, 232, 236, 239, Sannazaro, Jacopo 238–9
244, 247–8, 337, 355–7 Satan, history of 22–3, 49, 73–7,
Prynne, William 43, 94 118, 132
Psellus, Michael 77, 78, 152 Saunders, Richard 19
pseudepigrapha 22–4, 73, 75, 76, 80, Scotland 242, 243, 254
82, 271, 352 Scott, John 19–20
Pseudo Dionysius, see Dionysius Scott, Reginald 60, 191
Pullman, Philip 14, 423 n. 3 Scott, Sir Walter 333
Puttenham, George 177, 178, 179, 185 scripture 21–3, 33, 41–7 passim, 57,
Pythagoras 58 73–4, 78, 81, 87, 100, 103, 131,
see also Tryon, Thomas 136, 162–88 passim, 190,
214–15, 217, 271, 356, 361
Qu’rān 57, 378 see also pseudepigrapha
Quakers 37, 116, 117, 122, 126, 141 scriptural annotations 40–2, 99–100
see also Westminster Assembly—
rabbinical scholarship 23, 67, 78, 82, Annotations
194, 202, 213–15, 271–2 Selden, John 271
Racovian catechism 116, 173 sermons 44–5, 374, 377–8
Rainold, John 92 Seven Arguments Plainly Proving
Ranters 120, 123, 126, 129, 141 (1641) 94
Raphael 27, 79–82, 87, 107, 109 Shakespeare, William 105, 314, 369,
in Paradise Lost 121, 144, 187, 203, 372–3
212, 213, 218, 228, 256, 259–75 Shippen, William 3, 115
passim, 278–9, 281, 286–7, 290, Sibbes, Richard 51, 83, 303
298–9, 301, 307–8, 311–13, Sidney, Sir Philip 141, 190
321, 324, 335, 338, 353, 360–3 Simmons, Matthew 102
in State of Innocence 341–47 Simmons, Samuel 11
Raziel, Book of the Angel 80, 82, 271, Simon Magus 67
272 Simon, Richard 163
Reeve, John 121, 122, 197, 200 Sions Charity (1641) 94
Rhegius, Urbanus 45, 57, 85–6 Skelhorn, Sarah 107
Richardson, John 40, 100 Smectymnuus 89, 91
Richardson, Jonathan 201–2, 203 Smith, John 189, 194–5, 196,
Rilke, Rainer Maria 14 202–3
Rivetus, Andreas 316 Socinianism 116–17, 128–9, 173–5
Rivius, Johannes 57–8 Socrates 60
Roach, Richard 128, 150, 153 Solomon, Key of Solomon 107, 271–2
Ross, Alexander 43–4, 78, 83, 100, Son 154, 155–6, 209–11
165 see also Christ
Royal Society 3, 278–9, 295, 308–9 Sparrow, John 140
Rutherford, Samuel 43 Spenser, Edmund 46, 144, 352, 379
index 465
spheres 32, 68, 80, 267, 276, 279, in Paradise Lost 82, 262, 268–72
287, 298, 306, 314–15, 372 passim, 296–7, 306, 322, 335
Spirit 116–17, 151, 164, 167, 173, Ussher, William 3, 112
177, 199, 238 Uzziel 272
Stationers’ Register 95, 115, 331,
332 Valla, Lorenzo 24, 163
Stockwel, Richard 129 Vane, Sir Henry 126, 293
Stortford, Herts. 44, 100–1, 111 Vere, Mary, Lady 127
Strange Predictions Related at Catericke Vermigli, see Martyr, Peter
(1648) 105 Verney, Sir Edmund 105
Suddaine Answer to a Suddain Vicars, John 112
Moderatour (1642[3]) 97–8 Virgil 220, 230, 237, 238, 427 n. 42
Sydenham, William 249 Vitae Adae et Evae 23, 75–6, 77
Sylvester, Joshua 144, 216, 319 Vlacq, Adrian 223
systematic theology 42–4, 100
Wale, Thomas and mistress 1–2
Tany, Thomas 120, 123, 127, 129 Wales 240, 242, 243, 254
Taylor, Jeremy 19, 192, 194, 303 Wall, John 85, 314
Taylor, John 53, 95 Ward, Samuel 35
Tertullian 22, 302 Weber, Max 369
Teskey, Gordon 367–8, 381, Wenders, Wim 14
454 n. 45 West, Robert 214, 358, 392 n. 24
Thābit ibn Qurra 304 Westminster Assembly 40, 94, 99
Theocritus 230 Annotations 40, 41, 42, 56, 58,
Thomason, George 102 65–6, 80–1, 99, 102, 233, 248,
Three Propositions of the Angels of Light 317
(1642) 95–7 White, John, divine 67, 78, 100,
Tillyard, E. M. W. 365–6, 364 141, 172–3, 217, 294, 426 n. 34
Tobit 22, 79, 82 White, John, MP 92
Tomkinson, Dudley (pseud.) 332–3, Wilkins, John 109, 303
334, 342 Willet, Andrew 40, 41, 42, 43,
Trapnel, Anna 105, 196 48–64, 66–7, 72, 75, 85, 232,
Trapp, John 40, 64–5, 83–4, 100, 247–8, 317–18, 361, 394 n. 55
101, 285 Wilson, Thomas 172, 176
Trinity 29, 43, 66, 117, 151, 156, Winstanley, Gerard 118, 129
159, 173, 175, 217, 218, 257 witchcraft 20, 78, 111, 112, 131, 133,
see also antitrinitarianism 352
Trithemius, Johannes 109, 114, 117, Wither, George 59, 253–4
145, 271, 303, 437 n. 20 Wollebius, Johannes 42, 43, 56, 62,
Tryon, Thomas 233 68, 72–3, 74–5, 100, 111, 234,
Turner, Robert 117 302
tutelary angels, see angels, guardianship Woolnor, Henry 116, 285, 288
Wright, Joseph 37
universe, see cosmology
Urania 140, 198–9, 200 Zanchius, Jerome 77
Uriel 79–82, 107, 109, 112, 161 Zephon 269–72 passim, 336