GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: Empowerment Technologies
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: Empowerment Technologies
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log: Empowerment Technologies
Friday (No
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of;
1. ICT world as a foundation to improve the student’s skills in various applications.
B. Performance The learners;
Standards 1. Improve their knowledge on how ICT affects the everyday lives
2. Understand the features of Web 2.0
3. Understand the future of the world wide web through web 3.0 and the semantic web
4. Learn the different trends in ICT
C. Learning
The learners demonstrate appropriate skills in using several computer applications and discover opportunities where one
can use these skills in real-world scenarios.
II. CONTENT Information and Web 2.0 Dynamic Web Web 3.0 and Semantic Trends in ICT
Communication Pages and Features of Web
Technologies Web 2.0
A. References Empowerment Empowerment Empowerment Empowerment
Technologies Technologies Technologies Technologies
Innovative Training Innovative Training Innovative Training Works Innovative Training
Works Inc. Works Inc. Inc. Works Inc.
1. Teacher’s Guide
p.5 p.6-8 p.8 p.9-10
2. Learner’s Materials
pages(soft copy only)
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
Resources eb_2.0
A. Reviewing previous Activity No. 1 Activity No. 1 Activity No. 1 Activity No. 1
lesson or presenting Individual Activity Group Activity Group Activity Group Presentation
the new lesson Information and Web 2.0 – Dynamic Web 3.0 and Semantic Trends in ICT
Communication Web Pages and Web
Technologies Features of Web 2.0
B. Establishing a Process the activity Process the activity Group Output Group Output
purpose for the through Q&A: through Q&A: Presentation Presentation
lesson - How do you feel - What do you feel - What is the essence of - How do you come
while performing the about the activity? this activity? up with your
activity? - What is the activity all - What do you expect in answers?
- What do you think is about? this activity? - What have you feel
the importance of while working the
this lesson? activity?
C. Presenting Teacher will ask some Randomly call two or Teacher will ask some Teacher will ask some
examples/instances students to give more three students to share students to cite an students to cite an
of the new lesson examples on the their answers examples of static website examples of trends in
usefulness of ICT and dynamic website ICT
D. Discussing new Discuss the effect and Discuss Web 2.0 – Web 3.0 and Semantic Discuss the Trends in
concepts and importance of ICT in Dynamic Web Pages Web ICT
practicing new the Philippines and Features of Web
skills#1 2.0
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing Teacher will ask Ask students to identify Have students do
mastery(Leads to students for more more the importance of Exercise 1.2 and
Formative importance of ICT web 3.0 and semantic web Discuss the answers
Assessment 3) with the students
G. Finding practical Conduct interview in a Give real-life examples Create a website
applications of small business which based on the
concepts and skills in uses ICT. identified community
daily living problems
H. Making Ask 1 learners to Ask 1 learners to present Ask 2 learners to
generalizations and present generalization generalization of the share their learning
abstractions about of the lesson lesson and the teacher will
the lesson add inputs later on
I. Evaluating learning Essay: What are the Essay: What makes a Short Quiz: Cite an Essay: If you were an
importance of using ICT website static or example of a website IT expert, what would
dynamic? wherein web 3.0 is used? be your proposal
website with regards
to community
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
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