Research On Counterattack Trip Rate Based On ATP-EMTP: J. Hao & H.P. Zheng & L.M. Bo & X.J. Hao & X.T. Cheng C. Zhang

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4th International Conference on Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (MMME 2016)

Research on Counterattack Trip Rate Based on ATP-EMTP

J. Hao & H.P. Zheng & L.M. Bo & X.J. Hao & X.T. Cheng
Electric Power Research Institute, State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company, Taiyuan, China
C. Zhang
State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

ABSTRACT: When the lightning trip accident happened on transmission line, the rate of counterattack trip is
quite higher than shielding tripping. In this paper, the regulation method and ATP-EMTP simulation method
are applied to analysis the result of counterattack trip rate in a practical 110kV network model. MATLAB is
used for simulating in order to obtain the influence degree on counterattack tip rate affected by variables. Ac-
cording to the result, it is shown that: the prevention for lightning tripping on transmission line is supposed to
concentrate on lightning counterattack and grounding resistance value of each tower whether meets the stand-
KEYWORD: lightning trip rate; ATP-EMTP; counterattack

1 INTRODUCTION conductor and lightning rod; is geometric cou-

The transmission line tripped by lightning strike usu- pling coefficient between conductor and lightning
ally occurs in the line operation. The line is stroked rod; R is tower grounding resistance, Ω.
by lightning is divided into two ways: strike and The Counter trip rate n can be calculated by the
counterattack. Besides, the probability of tripping is following formula
closely related to lightning withstand level of tower. n = NηgP (2)
The approach to reduce the tripping frequency gener- In the formula, N is the annual number of lightning
ally by lightning rod for decreasing the protection an- in total; η is arc building rate; g is hitting rate, A sin-
gle, while the tower suffered lightning shielding. gle wire in the mountains area is 1/3;P is the proba-
Therefore, only the circumstance of counterattacking bility of occurrence of lightning current that over the
on the wire is considered when tower ground line suf- counter lightning withstand level, lgP -I/88.
fered lightning (GAO Xin-zhi, et al., 2010; HUANG
Wei-chao, et al., 2008; ZHENG Jiang, et al., 2009).
2.2 Calculation of simulation
For simulating line model, in this paper, using ATP-
2 CALCULATED COUNTER RATE OF EMTP electromagnetic transient software to build.
TRANSMISSION LINE According to the actual set of line parameter modified
2.1 Regulated Calculation the lightning current amplitude, the insulator flasho-
ver voltage amplitude is obtained by simulation and
According to DL620-1997, when the overhead line then calculated the tower’s protection level. Next, the
tower or ground line being stuck by lightning, the line’s counter trip rate could be acquired by formula
lightning protection level I is: calculation.
1- k  βR i +  h a / h t - k  βL t / 2.6 +  This paper selects a 110kV line (full length 7.9kM,
I = U50% /   (1) 79 base towers in total) as an example, by collecting
1- h g / h c k 0  h c / 2.6 
and testing parameters of the line, using ATP-EMTP
In the formula, U % is 50% impulse discharge to build the line model, part of the model (5#-10#) di-
voltage of insulator strings, m; is the average agram is shown in Figure 1.
height of the lightning rod in terms of ground, m; The calculation is based on simulation model. The
is average height of conductor, m; β is Shunt coeffi- lightening protection level, line counter-tripping rate,
cient of tower; is coupling coefficient between as well as tower counter-tripping rate are calculated,
shown in table 1.

© 2016. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 717

Fig.1 Part of simulation model

Table.1 Contrast of calculation result

Number of tower 5# 6# 7# 8# 9# 10#

Lightning protection Calculation of regulation 73.37 68.04 68.61 63.48 67.74 80.38
level(kA) Calculation of simulation 70 64 64 59 63 77
Calculation of regulation 0.978 1.258 1.305 1.642 1.301 0.747
Counter trip rate
Calculation of simulation 1.068 1.398 1.472 1.846 1.473 0.816

lines are located in a mountainous area, the replace-

2.3 Error Analysis ment of the tower or rebuild line to reduce the strike
counter trip rate is obviously unreasonable. So only
Based on analysis of Table 1, it can be concluded that four factors can be considered, such as 50% main im-
obtained counter-tripping rate have some errors be- pulse discharge voltage U % , line tower grounding
tween the simulation and regulation calculation. The resistance R , shunt coefficient β and coupling coef-
specific reason is lumped inductance model of tower
ficient of insulator . The main factor on the 50%
structures instead of considering the cross arm, when
applied simulation analysis. However, the inductance impulse flashover voltage of the insulator string is
is not considered during the regulation calculation. type and the number of the insulator string; the line
Besides, the regulation method is using a simple way tower grounding resistance value is mainly affected
to calculate the arc rate and stroke rate, which will by the grounding area, materials, size and other fac-
have certain errors compared with actual situation. In tors; the tower’s shunt coefficient is mainly decided
addition, the simulation calculation is used without by the of surge arrester and lightning line installation;
considering the corona effect between the wire and and setting up the coupling ground wire can increase
lightning conductor. Therefore, the entire calculation the coupling coefficient of the tower. Based on the
process is lack of insulator string voltage amplitude, analysis of above variables, it can be seen that the im-
when lightning strikes tower. Meanwhile, the light- pact of various factors on the counter trip rate of trans-
ning protection level of tower will increase. Such con- mission line is affected by various factors, from
ditions will cause errors in the two calculation results. MATLAB simulation, diagrams of variables which
have influence on the transmission line counter trip
rate can be obtained.
3 THE INFLUENCE OF COUNTER TRIP RATE Selecting the 110JJ1 triangle angle iron of the
BY SUBJECT VARIABLE line’s parameters as the parameters during simulation,
From the formula (1), (2), there are many factors are the height of the cross arm relative to the ground
affecting tower‘s counterattack trip rate, one of im- =21m, the height of tower =27.5m, the unit of
portant reasons is protection level of tower. However, inductance value set for simulation tower is 0.5 H/m,
the protection level is also affected by many factors, so L =27.5×0.5=13.75μH, the conductor sag is 1.2m,
for example: insulator string 50% discharge voltage, the lightning conductor sag is 0.9m, so the average
line tower grounding resistance, shunt coefficient and height of the transmission line =20.3m, the aver-
coupling coefficient, etc. So analysis of the variables age height of the lightning rod is =27.2m.
on the impact of the degree could select the most ef-
fective measures to reduce line counter trip rate. But

3.1 The degree of transmission line’s counter addition, by the measure of setting up more arresters
tripping rate affected by tower grounding resistance could reduce tower shunt coefficient.
and 50% impulse flashover voltage of insulator Figure 3 also shows that the impulse grounding re-
string sistance less than 30Ω have a decisive role for coun-
The 110kV transmission line has a single lightning terattack trip rate. But more than 30Ω, impacts will
line, that is, the tower’s shunt coefficient β is setting gradually reduce, at this time, the influence of the
0.9. While, the line has not yet been coupled with the shunt coefficient on the counter trip rate being gradu-
ground wire, so the coupling coefficient k=0.267, the ally increased. So the DL620-1997 rules that 110kV
geometric coupling coefficient =0.214, substitut- and above lines in mountain area, has to set up double
ing values into the formula (1), (2): lightning rod. For the line has high counter-tripping
rate, it is supposed to be installed lightning arrester.
n = 8.64 10-U50% /88(0.65R i +7.93) (3)
Comparing with 9 pieces and 8 pieces FC-
100P/146 insulator, FXBW (N) -110/100 composite
insulator’s 50% flashover voltage U % =832362V,
754544V, 550000V. The simulation results are
shown in the figure 2.
From results, it can be seen that the tower ground-
ing resistance has more influences on line counter trip
rate’s than 50% impulse flashover voltage of insulator
string. The effect tends to be gentle when the ground-
ing resistance is greater than 30Ω and flexible when
resistance is less than 30Ω. However, in terms of 50%
flashover voltage of insulator string, the voltage am-
plitude is higher, the line counter-tripping rate is
smaller. As the result, the line ‘s grounding resistance Fig.3 Contrast of the impact of impulse grounding resistance and
is required to be less than 30Ω, the tower in the areas shunting coefficient on counterattack trip rate
of high soil resistivity need to increase the number of
insulators. In addition, based on the figure 4, the influence on
counter-tripping rate caused by ground resistance R
and coupling coefficient k, it is basically the same as
above. Thus, building coupling ground wire could
larger coupling coefficient between the wire and the
lightning conductor so that decrease the counter-trip-
ping rate.

Fig.2 Contrast of the impact of impulse grounding resistance and

50% flashover voltage on trip rate of Counterattack

3.2 The degree of transmission line’s counter trip

rate affected by the tower grounding resistance and
shunt coefficient
Fig.4 Impact on counter-tripping rate caused by impulse ground-
Fixed tower number of insulators, selecting 8 pieces ing resistance and coupling coefficient
of FC-100P/146 insulator, U % =754544V, other From the above results, lightning protection on
factors is unchanged, substituting such factors into line requires the grounding resistance value lower
the formula (1), (2). than 30Ω. For the tower with high counterattack trip
n  8.64 10550000/88(0.73βR i  2.62β 5.57) (4) rate, improving lightening protection level by adding
The simulation results are shown in the figure 4, insulators, setting lightning arrester or coupling
110kV single lightening line and double lightening ground wire etc.
tower have different shunt coefficient: β=0.9, 0.86. In

According to the comparison of regulation calcula-
tion and ATP-EMTP calculation for the simulation of
transmission line trip rate, it is shown that using the
electromagnetic transient software ATP-EMTP to
achieve the simulation will acquire high accuracy on
counter-tripping rate under the condition of choosing
reasonable model and parameter. Finally, using
MATLAB to simulate impact degree on counter-trip-
ping rate by four variables: tower impulse grounding
resistance, insulator on 50% impulse flashover volt-
age, lightning distribution coefficient of the tower as
well as coupling coefficients. Consequently, deter-
mining the correct calculation results, which could be
applied to the improvement concentrated on quantita-
tive analysis of tower and line.

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