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(External) Shopee Marketing Solutions - CPAS Training - 1.0

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Facebook Collaborative Ads (CPAS)


This deck covers everything after you receive access to our

catalog segment
Table of Content

1. CPAS General Information

2. 4-Stage to Set Up CPAS

3. Strategy to Maximize CPAS

Table of Content

1. CPAS General Information

2. 4-Stage to Set Up CPAS

3. Strategy to Maximize CPAS

What is Facebook Collaborative Ads (CPAS)?
A new way for Brands and Shopee to partner and drive sales through Facebook Ads

How do Collaborative Ads work

Shopee Brand Consumers

Provide product catalogue segment Advertise on Brand’s Facebook Click to Brand’s product page on
from brand’s shop and shares it to account using collaborative ads and Shopee and make orders.
brand’s Facebook Business Manager. product catalogue segment.

What does CPAS look like?

CPAS on Facebook/Instagram Non-CPAS on Facebook/Instagram

What are the benefits of CPAS?


Conversion Data Shopee does not allow third

Shared via Shopee’s pixel data X party pixel

Products can be personalised

Unable to identify and serve
Dynamic Ads and featured dynamically based X personalised ads to users
on user preference
Without product feed deeplink,
Landing in Product Users land straight to
Page in App Product Page in App
X brands are unable to direct
users to Shopee app directly

Optimisation for Ads can be optimised using Can only use upper funnel
Conversion lower funnel conversion data X click/view data

Can retarget specific audience

Can only rely on broad audience
Audience Retargeting who have interacted with your X targeting
products before

Shopee provides CPAS audience sharing for precise targeting

Shopee’s high-value audience segments throughout the marketing funnel

Target Audience Sharing* Desired Action

Awareness Interest Group Shop Visit / Add to Cart / Buy

Shop Visitor
Consideration Category Buyer
Add to Cart / Buy

Conversion Add to Cart Buy

Loyalty Shop Past Buyer Repurchase

*Exact audience segments and sharing criteria vary market by market

Table of Content

1. CPAS General Information

2. 4-Stage to Set Up CPAS

3. Strategy to Maximize CPAS

How to get onboarded to run CPAS with Shopee?

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Sharing Ad Account Accepting the catalog Assigning Ad Account Sharing Brand’s FB
information to Shopee shared by Shopee permissions to users page to Ad Account

Please prepare these 3 key info: 4 Steps: After accepting the catalog, a To front the ads using Brand’s FB
1. Facebook Business 1. Brand/Agency’s Business prompt will appear suggesting page:
Manager ID Manager Admin will get a you to create new ad account. 1. Go to your Business
notification 1. Click “I’ll do it later” manager
2. Ad Account ID (a new and (DO NOT create a new ad
2. Under “Accounts” tab,
exclusive account for 2. After clicking the account)
Shopee Collaborative Ads) notification, click View choose “Pages”
2. Select “Use an existing ad 3. Select the page you’d like to
3. Screenshot of View Access 3. Select “Choose Ad account” to appoint the Ad share
to Shopee Business Account” Account that you created 4. Click “Assign Partners”
Manager for Shopee Collab Ads
5. Click “Business ID”
4. Assign individuals catalog
For detailed step-by-step guide, permissions by and turning 3. Assign individuals account 6. Toggle “Create Ads” option
please reach out to Shopee MS on “Create Ads” under Set permissions by toggling on and fill in Shopee’s Business
Permissions “Manage ad account” ID and click “Next”
team in each local market
under Add people and set

Once onboarded, go through 4-stage to set up CPAS successfully

01 02 03 04

Creating Product Creating Your Tracking Your Setting Your

Sets Campaign Campaign Brand up for Success

● Filter by product ID ● Conversion objective ● Two available ● Best practices

and relevant fields ● Catalog Sales objective tracking methods ● Shopee Creative and
Branding Guidelines

Once onboarded, go through 4-stage to set up CPAS successfully

01 02 03 04

Creating Product Creating Your Tracking Your Setting Your

Sets Campaign Campaign Brand up for Success

● Filter by product ID ● Conversion objective ● Two available ● Best practices

and relevant fields ● Catalog Sales objective tracking methods ● Shopee Creative and
Branding Guidelines

How to create product set (1/3)

Step 1:
Select the catalog shared to your


How to create product set (2/3)

Step 2:
Click on “Product Sets” on the left bar

Step 3: 2
Then select “Create Product Set”

How to create product set (3/3)

Step 4:
You can use different filters for different purposes

4 3
● PRODUCT filter: Filters by product name, or product ID
● BRAND filter: Filters by product “brand” field
● CATEGORY filter: eg. only run ads on menswear in
your Menswear catalog

● Facebook recommends keeping a
minimum size of 50 SKUs in your
product sets to help the dynamic ads
gather more user data to optimise.

Once onboarded, go through 4-stage to set up CPAS successfully

01 02 03 04

Creating Product Creating Your Tracking Your Setting Your

Sets Campaign Campaign Brand up for Success

● Filter by product ID ● Conversion objective ● Available tracking ● Best practices

and relevant fields ● Catalog Sales objective methods and ● Shopee Creative and
templates Branding Guidelines
● Importance of UTMs

Identify your campaign objective and delivery optimisation

Campaign Objectives CPAS Objective and Delivery Optimisation

● Objective:
○ Catalog Sales for Dynamic Ads
Drive Store
○ Conversion for Non-dynamic Ads
● Delivery Optimisation: Conversion for View Content events

● Objective:
○ Catalog Sales for Dynamic Ads
○ Conversion for Non-dynamic Ads
● Delivery Optimisation: Conversion for Purchase event

● Objective: Catalog Sales for Dynamic Ads

Customers ● Retargeting past customers via cross-sell/upsell

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (1/11)

Use Catalog Sales Objective for Dynamic Ads (Collection & Carousel)

1. Click on “Create” for a new campaign

2. Choose Catalog Sales objective
3. As best practice, turn on “Campaign Budget Optimisation”
4. Set Campaign Bid Strategy as “Lowest Cost”
5. Select “All Products”
6. Under Ad Set audience level, choose “Find prospective customers” to target new customers or “Use
info from Shopee…” to retarget existing customers
7. Select the recommended placement - “Automatic Placements”
8. Select the “Purchase” as your conversion event for both Prospecting and Retargeting
9. Select Conversion Window as “7 days click + 1 day view”
10. Under ad level, select either Carousel or Collection format.
11. Add UTM parameters to ensure your campaign orders will be tracked
Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (2/11)

1. Create campaign using Quick Creation


1a. Input your campaign name

1. Choose Catalog Sales objective

2a. Select your brand’s CPAS catalogue

1. As best practice, turn on “Campaign Budget 1a

a. Input your campaign budget
b. Save campaign to draft mode

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (3/11)

4. Default bid strategy is Lowest Cost or up to

brands/agency to preference

Adset Level

5. Best practice is to run “All Products” within the 4

brand’s catalogue.

Optional: You may refine the adset further by creating a

new product set under Catalogue Manager

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (4/11)

6. Audience:
6a. Prospecting :
Choose “Find prospective customers…”. You can use
any demographic or geographic targeting.

Note: Best practice is to keep the audiences as broad

as possible.

6b. Retargeting:

Choose “Use info from Shopee…” (Also known as

“Retargeting Audience”)

- Default: “Viewed or Added to Cart but Not

Purchased”, 180 Days
- Other options available: Cross-sell, Upsell 6b

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (5/11)

6. Audience:

6c. Adding custom shop

audiences (optional)

You can also use Shopee’s

custom audience or
brand/agency’s own custom
Otherwise, stick to 6a in
previous slide.

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (6/11)

7. Placements: Select ‘Automatic

Placements’ (recommended)

8. Select Conversion Events:


9. Conversion window: 7 days click or 1

day after viewing the ad

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (7/11)

Ad level 10

10. Select your desired ad format

Note: Only Dynamic ads allowed for Catalog

Sales Objective

10a. Carousel Ad: Choose/Upload an

intro card (optional)


Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (8/11)

Ad Level 10c

10a. Carousel Ad:

10b. Insert dynamic product fields

- Headline: “product.name Aa”

- News Feed Link Description:
“product.current_price” 10c

10c. Add a frame over your carousel


10d. Promote shop discounts on your

carousel ad by selecting ”Add Catalog Info”

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (9/11)

Ad Level

10a. Carousel Ad:

10e. Insert your ad caption under ‘Primary text’

10f. Include Shop URL under ‘See more URL’

(recommended to use Universal Link) 10f http://shopee.sg/shop/12345?utm_source=facebook-ca&utm_medium=seller&u
Always UTM
tag your
10g. DO NOT include any link in “Deep Link” as it will URLs
overwrite the deep-link from the product catalog.

10h. Select the default “Open deep link in mobile

app, fallback to web URL” for Deep Link Destination.
10g DO NOT include any link here
10i. Select CTA ‘Shop Now’ (recommended)

You can generate a UTM-tagged link here using Shopee’s UTM 10h
generator. Make a copy of the sheet to use it.
Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (10/11)

Ad Level

10j. Collection Ad:

10k. Click on Choose a Template to

create an Instant Experience. Select 10l
‘Storefront’ template
10l. Include your CTA label (e.g ‘View

10m. DO UTM-tag your Destination

link for the button in canvas page of Destination URL example:
Collection Ads as well as for other ad http://shopee.sg/shop/12345?utm_source
formats mpaign=s12345_SS_SG_FB00_kol-liveshow
You can generate a UTM-tagged link here
using Shopee’s UTM generator. Make a copy
of the sheet to use it.

Catalogue Sales Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (11/11)

11. Mandatory to add UTM_CAMPAIGN parameters to

ensure your campaign visits will be tracked on Shopee’s
Marketing Solutions Portal

11a. Select “Build a URL Parameter”

11b. Pre-fixed when account is created (cannot be


● utm_source = facebook-ca
● utm_medium = seller


Note: UTMs are a set of tracking parameters attached to the end REMEMBER
of your link. TO ADD
● Helps to track the source of your visits + attribute your NAME FIELD
● Does not affect your landing page destination

Conversion Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (1/6)

Use Conversion Objective for Non-dynamic Ads

1. Create campaign using Quick Creation method.

2. Choose Conversion objective and Save to draft
3. Toggle on Collaborative Ads option
4. Go to adset level and select your catalog segment
5. Choose the Conversion location: App or Website
6. Select the corresponding Pixel or SDK depending on the conversion location -- select app store for app
7. Select your conversion event
8. Go to ad level, fill up the Website URL or the Deeplink URL
9. Add UTM parameters to ensure your campaign orders will be tracked
10. Suitable for non-dynamic ads

Conversion Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (2/6)

1. Create campaign using Quick Creation


2. Choose Conversion objective and

Save to draft

Conversion Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (3/6)

3. Toggle on Collaborative Ads option

4. Go to adset level and select your

catalog segment

E.g CPAS - SG - [Brand](Shopee)-Direct

Conversion Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (4/6)

Conversion Location: Web OR Conversion Location: App

You can only select 1

appstore per adset. To
target Android and IOS
users, you must create 1
6 adset per app store



Conversion Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (5/6)

8. Go to ad level, fill up the Website URL or the

Deep-link URL
8a Conversion location is web
8a. Website URL is only available when your
conversion location is web Tip: Use universal tracking link to
redirect users to app

8b. App deep-link destination only available

when the conversion location is app

8b Conversion location is app

You can generate a UTM-tagged link here using Shopee’s
UTM generator. Make a copy of the sheet to use it.

Conversion Objective - step-by-step campaign creation guide (6/6)

9. Mandatory to add UTM_CAMPAIGN parameters to ensure your 9a

campaign visits will be tracked on Shopee’s Marketing Solutions

9a. Select “Build a URL Parameter”

9b. Pre-fixed when account is created (cannot be changed)

● utm_source = facebook-ca
● utm_medium = seller
9c. DO insert campaign name field
(optional: campaign content field)

Note: UTMs are a set of tracking parameters attached to the end of your link 9c
● Helps to track the source of your visits + attribute your purchases
● Does not affect your destination

Once onboarded, go through 4-stage to set up CPAS successfully

01 02 03 04

Creating Product Creating Your Tracking Your Setting Your

Sets Campaign Campaign Brand up for Success

● Filter by product ID ● Conversion objective ● Two available ● Best practices

and relevant fields ● Catalog Sales objective tracking methods ● Shopee Creative and
Branding Guidelines

There are 2 methods to create your campaign’s tracking links

Method 1 Method 2
Via Shopee’s Naming Generator Template Via Shopee’s Marketing Solutions Portal

Benefits Benefits
● Bulk creation of tracking links via Google ● User-friendly method to create tracking
Sheet template provide links

● Able to save historical tracking links ● Able to save historical tracking links
created created

Limitations Limitations
● Requires user to ensure fields filled are ● It only allows to create one tracking code at
accurate when generating the links a time

Method 1: Generate tracking link via Shopee’s Naming Generator
Template for Facebook

1. Make a copy of the template here and fill up your campaign details from Column B to G
2. Input the seller’s destination URL in Column H (Default: Seller’s shop page on Shopee)

3. Scroll to the right of the sheet to Column M - P

4. Tracking links are automatically generated based which you can directly copy and paste to your ad

Method 1: Generate tracking link via Shopee’s Naming Generator
Template for Facebook

CPAS Campaign Naming Convention Example

● s[Shopid]_SS_[Market]_[Channel Code]_cpas-[Campaign Description]

○ E.g s58196006_SS_SG_FBC1_cpas-mar20-mensale-lenovo

Shop ID Channel Code CPAS Campaign

depending on distinguisher Primary
ad format Details

Method 2: Generate tracking link via Shopee Marketing Solutions Portal

Please follow the same steps covered in the earlier session for Shopee Marketing Solutions Portal


Important fields to include Tracking Links & UTM parameters in your
CPAS campaigns
a) DON’T put anything in the “Deep link to website” field
b) DO fill up the UTM parameters after clicking on “Build a URL parameter”
○ utm_source: facebook-ca
○ utm_medium: seller
○ utm_campaign: MUST ADD & follow given Shopee’s campaign naming convention

c) DO UTM-tag your Destination link for the button in canvas page of Collection Ads
as well as for other ad formats

Common mistakes of UTM tagging in CPAS campaigns

Adding UTMs will allow you to track your campaign visits on Shopee’s Marketing Solutions Portal.
If no or wrong UTMs were used, Shopee will not be able to track and provide accurate data for brands’ campaign visits.

Bad Examples to Avoid

DO input in
Campaign Name field

DO NOT input in
Custom Parameters field

In this example, UTM Campaign In this example, wrong UTM_Campaign In this example, campaign name
is totally missing naming convention is used is placed in incorrect field
Once onboarded, go through 4-stage to set up CPAS successfully

01 02 03 04

Creating Product Creating Your Tracking Your Setting Your

Sets Campaign Campaign Brand up for Success

● Filter by product ID ● Conversion objective ● Two available ● Best practices

and relevant fields ● Catalog Sales objective tracking methods ● Shopee Creative and
Branding Guidelines

CPAS Campaign Optimisation Checklist

Use Facebook Broad Audience for

1 6 Bid using Auto-Bid (Lowest cost bidding strategy)
Prospecting Campaigns

Optimize of lower funnel events:

Recommended campaign duration is 3-4 weeks
2 View Content, ATC, Purchase. 7
with recommended Budget set at ~US$40/day
DO NOT USE Link Clicks

Set Conversion Window: Start running campaigns at least 2 weeks

3 8
7 day click or 1 day viewing after the ad before Mega Sale

Optimize Mega Sale Campaigns on View

Opt for Automatic Placements for media
4 9 Content (Prospecting) and Purchase

Try to avoid micro-segmenting product Split adsets by objective: Prospecting &

5 10
catalog below 50 skus Retargeting. Apply CBO for campaigns

CPAS Creative Design Best Practice #1:
Adhere to Facebook’s 20% image text rule to maximise reach
Ensure that text proportion does not exceed 20% of the visual. Image Text Check here.


CPAS Creative Design Best Practice #2:
Make promotion and discount eye-catching
Utilise dynamic catalogue information (e.g strikethrough price / percentage off) when running dynamic carousel only if the seller
products have attractive discounts on their shop product listings

● Highlight Flash Sale ● Percentage Off ● Percentage Off ● Percentage Off

● Highlight time sensitivity ● Strikethrough price ● Strikethrough price ● Co-branding with Shopee
● Claimable voucher ● Claimable voucher label ● Free gift label sticker

CPAS Creative Design Best Practice #3:
Adopt co-branding with CPAS creative guideline and assets from Shopee
Shopee’s creative guidelines apply when running ads with Shopee’s accounts/product catalog.
Brands might be requested to adapt their creative designs to meet Shopee’s CPAS design guidelines if there is major misalignment

Example of Shopee’s CPAS design guideline

Co-branded Logo Layout: Image Text Overlay:

Always include the full COLOUR version of Ensure that text proportion does not exceed 20%
Shopee logo and observe co-branded logo of the visual.
layout. Shopee Mall logo can be used Image Text Check here.
Key Promo Message:
Include campaign’s promo message to make the deal
more attractive.

Recommended to add in promo validity period.

Promo blurb:
Recommended to include a blurb to shout about discount,
Recommended Content Ratio: voucher or special promo price to make the deal more
70% Brand SKUs/Campaign elements attractive.
20% Promo Message
10% Co-branded logos
SKUs Display:
Brand Colour Ratio: SKUs to be displayed clearly, preferably on a white or
70% Partner’s Brand colours clean background. SKUs with complicated background
30% Shopee Brand Colours can should span fully across the frame.
Table of Content

1. CPAS General Information

2. 4-Stage to Set Up CPAS

3. Strategy to Maximize CPAS

Strategy to Maximize Facebook Collaborative Ads
1. Overall campaign tips & tricks


• In general, • The best performing • The broader your • Campaigns on

dynamic ads dynamic campaigns targeting, the more Facebook require min
perform at its peak are always-on. flexibility you are of 50 conversions/
with more • At minimum, giving the Facebook week to fully optimize.
products in the dynamic ads auction to find your Please ensure that
catalog segment. campaigns should most likely buyers. your budget allows for
• Please refrain from run for 1 month AND • Apart from specific at least 50 conversion
micro-segmenting have 50 business reasons, per week.
your catalog conversions/ week use only broad age • Recommend
segments. before it can fully and gender targeting USD10K/quarter to
optimize. for maximum start, and brands to
flexibility. adjust accordingly for
future campaigns. 47
Strategy to Maximize Facebook Collaborative Ads
2. Catalog segment tips & tricks


• In general, • Catalog is being • Information on product • Ensure that your
dynamic ads refreshed once per day. title and description are products follow the
perform at its peak • Please refrain from taken into account by advertising guidelines
with more running campaigns Facebook for review. of Facebook.
products in the with information • It is advisable NOT to • Refrain from listing
catalog segment. changes within hours use all capitalized title products belonging to
• Please refrain from (i.e. Flash Sale). or description. blacklisted categories
micro-segmenting Facebook might (tobacco, drug-related,
your catalog disapprove the unsafe supplements,
segments. products based on weapons, adult
excessive capitalization. products, surveillance
equipment, etc).
Strategy to Maximize Facebook Collaborative Ads
3. Dynamics ads for prospecting tips & tricks

Prospecting helps bring Avoid using extra filters Do not exclude past
more highly qualified such as city, interest, purchasers as it may
people to your shop. This category targeting or eliminate the potential of
helps grow your lookalike audiences. repeat purchases.
retargeting audience.
Prospecting already targets Do not exclude shop visitors.
a narrow range of people
who are more likely to be
interested in your products.

Strategy to Maximize Facebook Collaborative Ads
4. Dynamics ads for retargeting tips & tricks

Avoid narrowing down the Avoid using extra filters Try longer retargeting
retargeting time frame as such as city, interest, windows depending on product
this will decrease audience category targeting or category.
size significantly, which lookalike audiences.
impacts performance and e.g. consumer electronics
delivery. category will require longer
conversion windows.

Prospecting and Dynamic Ads for Prospecting
Retargeting drive
Dynamic Ads for Prospecting drives orders from
orders together across the Facebook universe by recommending
products that people are most likely to purchase from
your catalog segment.

This campaign aims to drive orders from new

customers or lapsed online shop visitors.

Marketing Dynamic Ads for Retargeting,
Funnel Upselling & Cross-selling
Use Dynamic Ads for Retargeting to showcase
products each user has seen or added to cart, but did
not purchase.

This campaign aims to reduce leakage and drive

orders from people who have already shown intent on
your online shop.

You can also upsell and cross-sell to past buyers.

Build a sustainable online business with a long term plan

Retargeting, Upselling & Cross-selling

Prospecting Always-On

Retargeting, Upselling & Cross-selling

● Build always on campaigns to drive sales constantly.
● Prospecting campaigns should remain always on with broad targeting to ensure steady stream of traffic on your shop.
● As traffic build up on your shop, delivery of Retargeting campaigns will ramp up as audience size increases.
Always-On campaigns as baseline
● Create new sales campaigns using sales
● Optimize for upper funnel events if
delivery is under-pacing.
● Bid higher than always on campaigns or
use “Lowest Cost” bidding to ensure ads
remain competitive.
7-14 days Burst campaigns for sales 52
Always-On: Win new buyers through Collaborative Ads
Tips to set up the always on campaign to win new buyers for your shop

1. Excluding those who have purchased in the past.

2. Only split up audience and targeting if you have different messages and dedicated creatives for each audience and targeting.
3. Use CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) feature to improve delivery and performance.
4. Use Creative Tools to highlight important selling points (price, discount, free shipping) or attractive banner frames for added interests on the offerings - for
new buyers the selling points may be different from existing buyers.
5. More details and bidding strategy as below:
Audience Placements Optimization & Delivery Budget
Campaigns Optimization
Custom Optimization for Suggested Budget
Event Targeting Age and Gender Placements Conversion Event Type Bid Strategy
Audience Delivery Contribution

Only use when having

different messages
Dynamic Ads for Lowest Cost
Broad Audience 18+ and dedicated Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click Purchase 70%
Prospecting with Bid Cap
creatives for different

Viewed products or
Dynamic Ads for added to cart in the Lowest Cost
18+ nil Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click Purchase 30%
Retargeting last 180 days but not with Bid Cap

Always-On: Drive sales through Collaborative Ads
Tips to set up the always on campaign to drive sales

1. Only split up audience and targeting if you have different messages and dedicated creatives for each audience and targeting.
2. Avoid segmenting the campaign into too narrowed product sets and ad sets.
3. Use CBO (Campaign Budget Optimization) feature to improve delivery and performance.
4. Use Creative Tools to highlight important selling points (price, discount, free shipping) or attractive banner frames for added interests on the offerings.
5. More details and bidding strategy as below:
Audience Placements Optimization & Delivery Budget
Campaigns Age and Exclusion Custom Optimization for Suggested Budget
Event Targeting Placements Conversion Event Type Bid Strategy
Gender Targeting Audience Delivery Contribution
Only use when
having different
Dynamic Ads for messages and Lowest Cost
Broad Audience 18+ nil Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click Purchase
Prospecting dedicated creatives with Bid Cap
for different
Campaign Budget
Viewed products or
Dynamic Ads for added to cart in the Lowest Cost
18+ nil nil Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click Purchase
Retargeting last 180 days but not with Bid Cap

Dynamic Ads for

Purchased products in Lowest Cost
Upselling & 18+ nil nil Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click Purchase
the last 180 days with Bid Cap

Burst: Maximize sales days through Collaborative Ads
Tips to set up the sale focused campaign to boost exposure and orders during sales period
1. Bid higher than always on campaigns.
2. Start 1-2 weeks before the big sales day, pacing up 20%-50% daily for steady growth.
3. For super urgent and short term sales, use content view optimization when needed, for faster scaling up.
4. Use CBO on different adsets.
5. Use Creative Tools to highlight important selling points (price, discount, free shipping) or attractive banner frames for added interests on the offerings.
6. Avoid segmenting into too detailed product sets and adsets.
7. More details and bidding strategy as below:
Audience Placements Optimization & Delivery
Campaigns Exclusion Custom Optimization for
Event Targeting Age and Gender Placements Conversion Event Type Bid Strategy
Targeting Audience Delivery
Only use when
having different
Dynamic Ads for messages and Purchase/ Lowest Cost with
Broad Audience 18+ nil Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click
Prospecting dedicated creatives Add To Cart Bid Cap
for different

Viewed products or
Dynamic Ads for added to cart in the Purchase/ Lowest Cost with
18+ nil nil Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click
Retargeting last 180 days but Add To Cart Bid Cap
not purchased

Dynamic Ads for Purchased

Lowest Cost with
Upselling & products in the last 18+ nil nil Automatic Conversion Event 7 days click Purchase
Bid Cap
Cross-selling 180 days 55

Facebook’s Collaborative Ads (CPAS) at a glance
Questions Explanation

1. Collaborative Performance Advertising Solution from Facebook

What is it?
→ Rebranded to Collaborative Ads in Mar 2019

1. Creates a ‘tunnel’ between Shopee and brands’ Facebook, where ads lead buyers directly to brands’ shops on Shopee
What is it for? 2. Allows Shopee to share a catalogue segment (i.e. sync with SKUs in Shopee store) for brands to run Dynamic
Product Ads (DPA)

1. Create a new ad account in FB Business Manager

2. Brands to grant Shopee’s Business Manager ID (1472239313020616) view access to the ad account
3. Provide screenshot as proof of view access given
4. Shopee username(s) or Shop ID(s)
5. Brand or agency’s Business Manager ID
What does it require? 6. Brand or agency’s Collaborative Ad Account ID
7. Confirmation that ad account is new and has not been used
8. Name of media agency which will be running the ads
9. Fill in the gform provided by Shopee team
Regular submission : here
For attendees of Facebook webinar : here

1. Brand creates new ad account on Facebook

2. Shopee creates catalogue segment to share with this Collaborative Ad Account ID (i.e. brands will be able to select
How does it work? SKUs from their entire store)
3. Brands run DPA campaign themselves (e.g. carousel or collection ad)
4. Brands can view FB Ad Manager and access FB reporting dashboard on product level
Requirements (1/7)

Create a new ad account in FB Business Manager

Step 1: Go to ‘Business Settings’ Step 3: Select ‘Add’

Step 2: Select ‘Ad accounts’ Step 4: Select ‘Create a new ad account’

Requirements (2/7)
Sharing view access to Shopee’s Business Manager ID (1472239313020616)

Step 1: Select ‘Assign Partners’ Step 3: Input Shopee’s Business Manager ID

Step 2: Select ‘Business ID’ Step 4: Select ‘View performance’
Step 5: Select ‘Next’ to give access

Requirements (3/7)

Prove view access is given to Shopee’s Business Manager ID (1472239313020616)

Capture screenshot of the View access settings

The screenshot should contain 4 key elements:

1. Brand’s ad account ID
2. Confirmation that this is a setting under ‘Partners’
3. Confirmation that ‘Shopee Business Account’ has
been given Partner access
4. Confirmation that ‘View performance’ has been turned
on for Shopee Business Account

Requirements (4/7)

Find your Shopee username

Requirements (5/7)
Find your Facebook Business Manager ID

Step 1: Go to Facebook Business Manager Homepage

Step 2: Click “Business Settings” button
Step 3: Under “Business info” tab, Business Manager ID will be listed

Requirements (6/7)
Find your Facebook Collab Ad Account ID

Step 1: Go to Facebook Business Manager Homepage

Step 2: Click “Business Settings” button
Step 3: Under “Ad Accounts”, click on the Collaborative Ad Account (used for Shopee)

Requirements (7/7)
Find your Facebook Collab Ad Account ID

Regular submission : here

Facebook webinar attendees : here


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