NCM 109 Rle: Absence Seizures, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
NCM 109 Rle: Absence Seizures, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
NCM 109 Rle: Absence Seizures, Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Varicosities _none_ Heartburn/Indigestion _Eats ice cubes almost constantly to Activity and Rest
Nail beds: _not mentioned_ relieve heartburn_ Subjective
Mucous membranes _no data presented_ Mastication/swallowing problems _(-)_ Usual activities/hobbies: _not mentioned_
Others/Comments: _none_ Changes in weight _not mentioned_ Leisure time activities _Enjoys talking to chat room on Web
Diuretic use _not mentioned_ site_
Respiration Limitations imposed by conditions _inability to walk upstairs
Objective Objective without becoming breathless_
Respiratory Rate_22 breaths/minute_ Depth _no data Current weight _180 lbs_ Height_5’4_ Body build _no data Sleep:
presented_ Symmetry _symmetric chest expansion_ presented_ Number of hours _3-4 hours_ Naps _not mentioned_
Use of accessory muscles _(-)_ Nasal flaring _(-)_ Skin turgor _skin mobile, with elasticity and returns to Sleeping Aids _4 pillows_
Abnormal Breath sounds: _Rhonchi heard on lung original shape quickly_ Mucous membranes moist/dry _no Difficulty in sleeping _orthopnea so severe at night she
auscultation_ Cyanosis _(-)_ Clubbing of fingers _(-)_ data presented_ Hernia/masses _(-)_ cannot sleep without four pillows_
Sputum characteristics _no data presented_ Other Comments: _none_ Feeling on awakening _receives only 3 to 4 hours because
Others/Comments: _orthopnea so severe at night she cannot of constant waking with shortness of breath_
sleep without four pillows, persistent cough_ Elimination Others/Comments: _none _
Dyspnea related to _Hypoxemia (low 02 level in the blood)_ Subjective
Cough/sputum _none_ Usual bowel pattern _not mentioned_ Ego Integrity
History of: Last BM: _not mentioned_ Subjective
Bronchitis _none_ Asthma _none_ Tuberculosis _none_ Recent: Character of stool _no data presented_ Report of stress factors _Verbalized “I’ll go crazy without
Emphysema _none_ Recurrent Pneumonia _none_ Amount: _N/A_ Frequency: _N/A_ people to talk to. I’m a people person”_
Smoker _does not smoke_ Pack/day _N/A_ Number of years Color: _N/A_ Odor: _N/A_ Ways of handling stress _continue working because her
_N/A_ History of GI bleeding _(-)_ Hemorrhoids _Two 1-cm husband does not earn enough to pay the mortgage on their
Use of respiratory aids _not mentioned_ Oxygen _none_ hemorrhoids present_ house without her help_
Others/Comments: _none_ Constipation _none_ Laxative use _none_ Financial concerns _Her husband does not earn enough to
Others: _none_ pay the mortgage of their house_
Food/Fluid Intake Relationship status _Married_
Subjective Usual voiding pattern: _no data presented_ Incontinence Lifestyle _not mentioned_
Usual diet (type) _regular diet_ No. of meals daily_3_ _not mentioned_ Recent changes _extremely fatigue_
Last meal intake _no data presented_ Loss of appetite _no Urgency _no data presented_ Retention _no data Feelings of helplessness _not mentioned_ Hopelessness _not
data presented_ presented_ Frequency _N/A_ mentioned_
Nausea/vomiting _(-)_ Dentures _not mentioned_ Pain/Burning/Difficulty in voiding _(-)_ Powerlessness _extremely fatigue_
Allergy/Food Intolerance _not mentioned_ History of kidney/bladder disease _(-)_ Others/Comments _none_
Others/Comments: _none_ Objective
Emotional Status (check those that apply) Teaching/Learning legs extending from feet to mid-calf. Lungs: rhonchi heard on
Calm _____ Anxious ______ Angry _____ Subjective lung auscultation; respiratory rate: 22 breaths/min
Withdrawn ______ Fearful ______ Irritable _____ Dominant language(specify) _English)_
Euphoric ______ Literate _not mentioned_ Educational level _not mentioned_ Laboratory/Diagnostic Results (Include date and interpret in
Health beliefs/practices _not mentioned_ relation to patient’s condition.)
Body Map. (Illustrate in the body map how your patient looks
Safety like e.g. tubes inserted, bruises, surgical incisions, a. CBC
Subjective Physical abnormalities, affected areas. Mark with a small “x” Hemoglobin: 9 gm/dl - low hemoglobin level and has been
Allergies/sensitivity _not mentioned_ where it is located or draw it on the body map and then diagnosed with iron-defficiency anemia.
Reaction _none_ label.)
History of STD(Date/Type) _gonorrhea_ b. U/A
Blood Transfusion/number _not mentioned_ When _N/A_ Negative for protein and glucose - urinalysis of the patient is
History of accidental injuries _none_ CHEST normal, no infection has been detected.
Fractures/dislocations _none_ Prominent grade 2
Arthritis/unstable joints _none_ diastolic murmur c. Fecalysis
Back problems _She developed scoliosis as an early heard at left sternal no data presented
adolescent. She has retainer rods inserted to support her SPINE margin
spine_ Scoliosis d. X-ray/ Sonogram
rhonchi heard on
Changes in moles _none_ Enlarged nodes _none_ Unusual ABDOMEN no data presented
lung auscultation,
bleeding _none_ RECTUM increased Fundal height:28
Prosthesis _none_ hemorrhoids cm linea nigra and
Social Interactions
Edema 2+ on
Marital status _married_ Years in relationship _not
both legs
mentioned_ Living with _husband_
Concerns/stresses _her husband does not earn enough
money_ Extended family _not mentioned_
Describe affected areas:
Other support person _not mentioned_
Chest: cardiac enlargement suggested by percussion. Spine:
Role within family structure _wife_
she has retainer rods inserted to support her spine.
Report of problems related to illness/condition _none_
Abdomen: linea nigra and striae present. Rectum: Two 1-cm
Others/Comments _none_
hemorrhoids present. Extremities: Edema 2+ present on both