Common Electronic Purse Specifications, Functional Requirements - Sept. 1999

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Common Electronic Purse Specifications

Functional Requirements

Version 6.3
September 1999

Copyright CEPSCO 1999

All rights reserved
Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements


1. Overview............................................................................................6
1.1 Objective................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Scope of Document ................................................................................ 6
1.3 Document Structure ............................................................................. 6
1.4 Document References............................................................................ 7

2. Roles and Responsibilities ..............................................................8

2.1 Scheme Provider ................................................................................... 8
2.2 Certification Authority.......................................................................... 8
2.3 Card Issuer............................................................................................ 8
2.4 Funds Issuer ......................................................................................... 9
2.5 Cardholder ............................................................................................ 9
2.6 Load Acquirer........................................................................................ 9
2.7 Merchant............................................................................................... 9
2.8 Merchant Acquirer................................................................................ 9
2.9 Processor ............................................................................................. 10

3. Security Requirements...................................................................11
3.1 Scope ................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Overview ............................................................................................. 11
3.3 Key and Security Mechanisms ........................................................... 11
3.3.1 Authentication Method ............................................................ 11
3.3.2 On-line Authentication ............................................................ 12
3.3.3 Off-line Authentication ............................................................ 12
3.4 Signature and Transaction Security................................................... 12
3.4.1 Load .......................................................................................... 12
3.4.2 Unload ...................................................................................... 15
3.4.3 Currency Exchange.................................................................. 16
3.4.4 Purchase................................................................................... 16
3.4.5 Cancel Last Purchase Transaction .......................................... 17
3.5 Transmission Security ........................................................................ 19
3.5.1 Host to host .............................................................................. 19
3.5.2 On-line Transactions................................................................ 19
3.5.3 Off-line Transactions................................................................ 19

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

4. POS Transaction Requirements ....................................................20

4.1 Scope ................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Entities................................................................................................ 20
4.2.1 POS Device............................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Merchant Acquirer ................................................................... 21
4.2.3 Processors................................................................................. 21
4.2.4 Card Issuer............................................................................... 22
4.3 Overview of POS Processing............................................................... 23
4.3.1 Processing by Responsible Entity ........................................... 23
4.3.2 Possible Processing Flows ....................................................... 24
4.4 Processing Rules ................................................................................. 26
4.5 Processing Flows................................................................................. 26
4.5.1 Purchase Transaction .............................................................. 27
4.5.2 Subsequent Steps of an Incremental Purchase Transaction... 29
4.5.3 Reversal of a Purchase Transaction......................................... 31
4.5.4 Cancel Last Purchase Transaction .......................................... 33
4.5.5 Processing of a Batch of Transactions ..................................... 34
4.6 POS Aggregation................................................................................. 37
4.6.1 Overview ................................................................................. 37
4.6.2 Processing................................................................................. 38
4.7 Exception Processing .......................................................................... 38

5. Load, Unload, and Currency Exchange Requirements................41

5.1 Scope ................................................................................................... 41
5.2 Load Requirements by Entity............................................................. 41
5.2.1 Load Devices............................................................................. 41
5.2.2 Load Acquirer........................................................................... 42
5.2.3 Funds Issuer............................................................................. 43
5.2.4 Card Issuer............................................................................... 43
5.2.5 Network Nodes/Processors....................................................... 44
5.3 Overall Requirements ......................................................................... 44
5.4 Processing Flows................................................................................. 47
5.4.1 Unlinked Load Processing Flow............................................... 47
5.4.2 Linked Load Processing Flow .................................................. 54
5.4.3 Unload Processing Flow ........................................................... 59
5.4.4 Currency Exchange Processing Flow....................................... 63
5.5 On-line Exception Processing ............................................................. 68

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

6. Card Requirements.........................................................................69
6.1 Compatibility....................................................................................... 69
6.2 Multiple Currencies ............................................................................ 69
6.3 Data Integrity ..................................................................................... 69
6.4 Card Security Functions ..................................................................... 70

7. Key Management ............................................................................71

7.1 Certificate Hierarchy .......................................................................... 71
7.1.1 Creating Issuer and Acquirer Certificates............................... 71
7.1.2 Security Maintenance in the PSAM ........................................ 72
7.1.3 Key Lengths ............................................................................. 73
7.2 CEP Application Personalization........................................................ 73
7.3 PSAM Personalization ........................................................................ 74
7.4 Key Management Entities .................................................................. 75
7.4.1 Scheme Provider ...................................................................... 75
7.4.2 Scheme Certification Authority ............................................... 76
7.4.3 Regional Certification Authority (optional) ............................. 76
7.4.4 Card Issuer............................................................................... 76
7.4.5 Merchant .................................................................................. 78
7.4.6 Merchant Acquirer ................................................................... 78

8. Reporting .........................................................................................80
8.1 Types of Reporting .............................................................................. 80
8.2 Minimum Reporting Requirements .................................................... 80

9. Glossary ..........................................................................................82

10. Acronyms ......................................................................................94

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

List of Figures
Figure 1 - Linked load transaction signature flow.................................... 14
Figure 2 - Unlinked load transaction signature flow ................................ 15
Figure 3 - Flow of signatures for a purchase transaction ......................... 17
Figure 4 - Flow of signatures for a cancel last purchase transaction ....... 18
Figure 5 - Possible POS Processing Flow .................................................. 25
Figure 6 - POS Processing Flow 1 - Purchase Transaction....................... 28
Figure 7 - POS Processing Flow 2 - Subsequent Steps of an Incremental
Purchase Transaction.......................................................................... 30
Figure 8 - POS Processing Flow 3 - Reversal of a Purchase Transaction. 32
Figure 9 - POS Processing Flow 4 - Cancel Last Purchase Transaction .. 33
Figure 10 - POS Processing Flow 5 - Processing of a Batch of Transactions
- 1 ......................................................................................................... 35
Figure 11 - POS Processing Flow 5 - Processing of a Batch of Transactions
- 2 ......................................................................................................... 36
Figure 12 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Initiate .............................. 48
Figure 13 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Prepare Messages............. 48
Figure 14 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Obtain Funds.................... 49
Figure 15 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Authenticate Card ............ 49
Figure 16 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Add Value to Card ............ 50
Figure 17 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Complete........................... 50
Figure 18 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Initiate.................................. 54
Figure 19 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Prepare Message .................. 55
Figure 20 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Obtain Funds and
Authenticate Card ............................................................................... 55
Figure 21 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Add Value ............................. 56
Figure 22 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Complete............................... 56
Figure 23 - Unload Processing Flow - Initiate .......................................... 59
Figure 24 - Unload Processing Flow - Validate Card ................................ 60
Figure 25 - Unload Processing Flow - Remove Value ............................... 60
Figure 26 - Unload Processing Flow - Complete ....................................... 61
Figure 27 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Initiate ...................... 63
Figure 28 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Prepare Message ...... 64
Figure 29 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Validate Card............ 64
Figure 30 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Exchange Currencies 65
Figure 31 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Complete................... 65

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

1. Overview
1.1 Objective
The objective of this document is to define the functional requirements for an open
and common interoperable electronic purse environment. This document must
serve as the source for the Common Electronic Purse (CEP) technical
specifications and as a refinement of the CEP business requirements.
Documentation of the technical specifications must follow publication of these
functional requirements and must enable payment systems to develop electronic
purse schemes, and participants of these schemes to develop the products and
systems required for implementation.

1.2 Scope of Document

The document identifies functional requirements that fulfill the requirements for an
overall CEP system:

x Security.
x Card application.
x Terminal application.
x Point-of-sale transactions.
x Load transactions.
x Unload transactions.
x Currency exchange transactions.
x Transaction processing.
x Settlement and reconciliation.
x Clearing and Administration.

1.3 Document Structure

The document is structured to explain the functionality needed for an interoperable
electronic purse product and to define the requirements to offer and operate such a
product throughout the world. Sections include:

x Overview.
x Roles and Responsibilities.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Security Requirements.
x POS Transaction Requirements.
x Load, Unload and Currency Exchange Requirements.
x Card Requirements.
x Key Management
x Reporting.
x Glossary.
x Acronyms.

1.4 Document References

The following documents are referenced in these requirements:
x EMV ’96 Integrated Circuit Card Specification for Payment Systems Version
3.1.1 dated May 31, 1998
x Common Electronic Purse Specifications (CEPS) Business Requirements
Version 6.1 dated September 1998
x ECBS Technical Committee Draft: The Interoperable Financial Sector
Electronic Purse dated November 1998
CEPS is based on the standard created by the European Committee for Banking
Standards (ECBS). This standard is based on prEN 1546, Identification Card
Systems - Inter-sector Electron Purse, 1995-1996.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

2. Roles and Responsibilities

This chapter defines the participants in a CEP transaction. Specific functional
requirements for each of the following participants are detailed in appropriate
sections throughout this document. This does not preclude the participants from
sub-contracting these functions to another entity or entities. All of the participants
defined in this section are required to conform to the CEP specifications.

2.1 Scheme Provider

The scheme provider is the authority responsible for establishing and enforcing the
operating rules and regulations, the acceptance mark, and membership criteria.
The scheme provider is the authority responsible for establishing an infrastructure
for the overall functionality and security of a CEP system, as described in these
The scheme provider must establish fraud detection and risk prevention policies
and procedures for the scheme including information and reporting requirements
sufficient to aid in the detection of counterfeit and other types of fraud, and ensure
that these procedures are followed. If a central data repository exists, data for the
investigation of fraud must be forwarded by the card issuer and merchant acquirer.
The scheme provider must establish policies and procedures to ensure that all
transactions are secured, as defined in these requirements.
To ensure the delivery of all transactions performed under the scheme, the scheme
provider must:
x define default routing parameters and procedures, and
x establish a unique scheme identifier in conjunction with other CEP scheme
for use in routing transactions when the merchant acquirer does not have an
existing relationship with the card issuer.

2.2 Certification Authority

The role of a certification authority is to generate the Certification Authority (CA)
keys, store the private portion of the keys securely and, based upon valid requests,
generate and distribute certificates.

2.3 Card Issuer

The card issuer is the organization responsible for the provision and distribution of
integrated circuit cards containing a CEP application. The card issuer has the
liability for all value loaded onto the CEP card and the management of the funds

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

pool. The card issuer is responsible for making necessary system changes,
developing marketing plans, and managing cardholder relationships. The card
issuer is responsible for authenticating the CEP card for on-line transactions and
authorizing the disbursement of funds to be loaded to a CEP card for a linked load
and the transfer of funds for an unload transaction.
A card issuer may issue CEP cards for more than one common electronic purse

2.4 Funds Issuer

The funds issuer has the responsibility for authorizing the disbursement of funds to
be loaded to a CEP card for an unlinked load.

2.5 Cardholder
The cardholder uses the CEP card for loading value, unloading value, exchanging
currencies, and making purchases. When made available by the card issuer, the
cardholder has the option of locking and/or unlocking the application.

2.6 Load Acquirer

The load acquirer is the entity responsible for establishing a business relationship
with one or more scheme providers to process load and currency exchange
transactions, and settle unlinked load transactions.

2.7 Merchant
The merchant has responsibility for the use of a POS device to accept CEP cards
for payment of goods and services according to the markings displayed on the
acceptance devices. The merchant must also display signage for consumer
awareness, education, and convenience.

2.8 Merchant Acquirer

The merchant acquirer is the entity responsible for establishing a business
relationship with one or more common electronic purse scheme providers to
process POS transactions, and settle POS transactions. The merchant acquirer is
the organization responsible for the provision and distribution of Purchase Secure
Application Modules (PSAMs) that interact with terminals for conducting
transactions at the point of sale.
The merchant acquirer is responsible for making necessary system changes,
developing marketing plans, and managing merchant relationships.
The merchant acquirer is the organization that collects transactions from POS

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

devices for delivery to one or more card issuers. Merchant acquirers are
responsible for paying merchants for electronic purse transaction values and must
be able to effect settlement for POS transactions that have occurred at their
merchant sites.
The merchant acquirer must provide a mechanism for assigning PSAMs to
merchants, which allows for a subsequent reassignment of the PSAM to another

2.9 Processor
Although transactions may flow directly from a merchant acquirer to a card issuer,
some times the transactions must be processed by additional nodes in the network
connecting the merchant acquirer and the card issuer and between the load
acquirer and the card issuer. This node is identified as a processor.
To ensure the integrity of the data content and the financial effects of transactions,
these processing nodes (or processors) must perform the following tasks for POS
x Share one or more MAC keys with connecting processors, create a MAC on
all transactions sent to another processor and verify the MAC on all
transactions received from another processor.
x Send transactions to other processors in the agreed format.
x Participate in a financial transaction with the connecting processors at the time
that the transaction is sent or received. Funds move when the transaction
x Participate in the scheme provider dispute resolution process with connecting
processors to resolve any issues related to invalid transactions. This resolution
process may include a scheme-defined mechanism for repayment of funds
associated with invalid transactions.
To ensure the integrity of the data content and the financial effects of transactions,
these processing* nodes (or processors) must perform the following tasks for load
and currency exchange transactions:

x Share an encryption key with connecting processors. Encrypt the PIN block
on all transactions sent to another processor using this encryption key.
Decrypt and re-encrypt all PIN blocks that should be sent to other entities.
x Send transactions to other processors in the agreed format.

The merchant acquirer, the load acquirer and the card issuer are considered processors as well.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Participate in a financial transaction with the connecting processors at the time

that the transaction is sent or received. Funds move when the transaction

3. Security Requirements
3.1 Scope
This chapter describes the use of cryptography to prevent fraudulent transactions
from occurring. It does not address the following:

x Physical security of card supplies.

x Pre-issuance security.
x Security of systems and data bases.
x Card internal (cross-application) security.
x Measures to prevent card tampering to extract secret information.
x Cryptographic security requirements for script commands.
The use of cards in balance viewers and personalization devices is outside the
scope of these functional requirements. The evaluation and certification
requirements for card and devices is also outside the scope of this document.

3.2 Overview
The CEP security system must satisfy the following requirements:

x The card issuer must be able to verify that genuine cards, produced by or on
behalf of the card issuer, performed all of the transactions received.
x The merchant acquirer must be able to verify that POS devices under control
of the merchant acquirer conducted all POS transactions received.
x The merchant acquirer must be able to ensure that purchase transactions have
not been canceled without the merchant acquirer receiving the cancellation
transaction information.

3.3 Key and Security Mechanisms

3.3.1 Authentication Method
Successful authentication is a prerequisite for the processing of any on-line or off-
line CEPS transaction.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

3.3.2 On-line Authentication

On-line authentication must take place between the card issuer and the CEP card
for load, unload, and currency exchange transactions. The card issuer and the CEP
card share a secret key to generate and verify MACs. Specification of keys and
signatures used for CEPS on-line authentication is left to the issuer, however
MACs passed over shared networks must be no more than 8 bytes long, binary

3.3.3 Off-line Authentication

Off-line authentication must take place between a PSAM in the POS device and
the CEP card for purchase and cancel last purchase transactions. The card and the
PSAM must use a public key algorithm for mutual authentication and session key
exchange, as no permanent shared secret key may exist between the CEP card and
the PSAM. RSA is the public key algorithm chosen for CEPS.

3.4 Signature and Transaction Security

This section describes the application signatures used in each transaction.

3.4.1 Load
To load value into a slot of the CEP card securely, the load device establishes a
connection between the issuer and the CEP card. The card should use a unique
diversified secret key, personalized into the card, to generate and authenticate
transaction signatures.
There are two types of load, linked and unlinked, with very different security
requirements. In the case of a linked load, funds are not moved between financial
institutions. The cardholder has an account relationship with the issuer, and funds
are moved from the cardholder account to the funds pool controlled by the issuer.
There is little opportunity for fraud. The security requirements for this type of
transaction are limited to the issuer’s need to authenticate the card and verify the
cardholder, and the card’s need to authenticate that the funds loaded were
approved by the issuer.
In the case of an unlinked load, no presumption may be made as to the business
relationship between the cardholder, the funds issuer, the card issuer, or the load
acquirer. If this is not a cash load, the funds issuer needs to verify that the funds
are requested by the legitimate account owner, which is normally done by the
presentation of an enciphered PIN. The card issuer needs to ensure that the load
acquirer is guaranteeing payment for the electronic value, and that the card is
authentic. The load acquirer needs to ensure that the issuer is the true owner of
the card, and, in the case of an apparent failure of the load, the load acquirer needs

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

the card presented to authenticate the failure. Finally, the load acquirer and issuer
need to ensure that the load cannot be completed by another entity.
Signatures for a linked load transaction are generated and validated in the
following way:

x The card generates S1 using card and load device data, and sends S1 to the load
device to be forwarded to the issuer.
x The load device sends S1 in an authorization request to the issuer. The load
device also provides for verification of the identity of the cardholder (with
either on-line or off-line PIN verification) and forwards verification data in the
authorization request. The issuer validates S1 to authenticate the card and the
data to be used in the transaction.
x The card issuer determines whether to allow the load to complete, and
generates S2, which secures the issuer’s decision and that the issuer received
the same data used by the card. The issuer sends S2 to the load acquirer in the
authorization response message.
x The load acquirer sends S2 to the card to complete the load.
x After validating S2 and completing the transaction, the card creates S3, which is
logged by the load device or the load acquirer. If there is a reversal message,
the S3 must be sent to the card issuer. If there is a settlement message sent to
the card issuer after the S3 is generated, S3 should be included.
Signatures for an unlinked load are generated and validated in the following way:

x The card generates S1 , a random number (RCEP) and a SHA-1 hash (HCEP)
containing RCEP and card and load device data, and sends S1 and HCEP to the
load device. HCEP will provide proof to the LSAM of a valid error from the
CEP card in a subsequent response to a Credit for Load command.
x The LSAM generates a random number (R1) to be used as a session key
between the load acquirer and the card issuer for this transaction.
x The LSAM encrypts R1 under a key that allows secure transport to the card
x The LSAM generates random numbers, RLSAM and R2LSAM. RLSAM proves to
the CEP card that the Credit for Load comes from a valid device. R2LSAM is
used in exception processing to prove the load acquirer no longer owes the
transaction amount to the card issuer.

R1 may be deciphered and re-enciphered by SAMs in intermediate nodes so that it arrives at the issuer in a
key known by the issuer.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x The LSAM generates SHA-1 hash values, HLSAM and H2LSAM, using RLSAM,
R2LSAM and transaction data to be sent to the issuer.
x The LSAM generates MACLSAM to provide protection for the transaction data,
HCEP, HLSAM, H2LSAM and S1. It also provides a guarantee that the load acquirer
owes the transaction amount to the card issuer.
x S1, MACLSAM, HLSAM, H2LSAM and the enciphered R1 are sent to the issuer in an
authentication request message. The issuer validates S1 to authenticate the card
and the data to be used in the transaction.
x The card issuer determines whether to allow the load to complete, and, for
approvals generates a S2 MAC containing HLSAM, which secures the issuer’s
decision and that the issuer received the same data used by the card. The S2
MAC is option for declines. If included on a decline, S2 must not contain

x After receiving a load approval, the load device proceeds as follows:

 The Load Device sends S2 and RLSAM (a component of HLSAM) to the card
to complete the load.
 After validating S2 and completing the transaction, the card creates S3 and
sends S3 to the LSAM. RCEP is sent to the LSAM if there is an error.
 S3 is sent to the card issuer. R2LSAM is sent to the card issuer in case of an
error where S3 is not available. In case of an error, either the S3 or the
R2LSAM negates the guarantee of the HLSAM and the load acquirer no longer
owes the transaction amount to the card issuer.

The data to be protected by the S1, S2, S3 and MACLSAM MACs and the HCEP,
HLSAM and H2LSAM hash values are specified in the CEPS Technical Specifications.

Figure 1 - Linked load transaction signature flow

CEP Load Card
Device Acquirer
Card Issuer




Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

1. Figure 2 - Unlinked load transaction signature flow

CEP Card
Card Issuer

S 1 , e n c (R LSAM ,

S 2, (R L S A M
S 3 , (R

(S3 , R 2

3.4.2 Unload
Unloads are permitted only to an account controlled by the card issuer and are
performed only at a load device under the control of the card issuer. The
cardholder must have an account relationship with the card issuer, and funds
removed from the card are credited to the cardholder account only after the card
issuer authenticates the card. Cardholder verification is not necessary, but may be
Unload transaction security is provided in the same manner as the linked load

x The card generates S1 using card and load device data, and sends S1 to the card
issuer to authenticate the card and the data.
x The card issuer validates S1, and determines whether to allow the unload to
complete. The card issuer generates S2, which secures the card issuer’s
decision and that the card and the card issuer are using the same data for the
x After completing the transaction, the card generates S3, which may be used by
the card issuer to verify transaction completion. Since the load acquirer and

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

the card issuer are the same entity for unload transactions, the validity of S3
can always be verified before funds are moved.
The data to be protected by the S1, S2 and S3 MACs are specified in the CEPS
Technical Specifications.

3.4.3 Currency Exchange

In a currency exchange transaction, funds flow from one slot within the card to
another, and from one funds pool to another, both of which are under the control
of the issuer. The issuer needs only to authenticate the card, and the card needs
only to authenticate the issuer and that the data is the same as used by the issuer.
Signatures for the currency exchange transaction follow the same flow as in the
linked load transaction. The load device establishes a connection between the card
issuer and the CEP card. All security exists between the card issuer and the CEP
The card generates S1, using data from the card and load device, and sends S1 to
the card issuer to authenticate the card and the data that is to be used in the
transaction. The amount to be converted, as well as the amount in the currency it
is converted into, is protected by S2.
The card issuer validates S1, calculates the amount of the transaction into the new
currency, and determines whether to allow the exchange to complete. The card
issuer generates S2, which is sent to the card to allow the card to validate the card
issuer’s authenticity and to ensure that the data used by the card in the transaction
is the same as the card issuer intended.
After completing the transaction, the card creates S3, which is logged by the load
device or the load acquirer or both.
In the case of an unsuccessful completion, exception processing outlined in the
On-line Exception Processing section is performed.
The data to be protected by the S1, S2 and S3 MACs are specified in the CEPS
Technical Specifications.

3.4.4 Purchase
During a purchase transaction, the CEP card must ensure that it is dealing with an
authentic POS device, and it must generate a signature to allow the card issuer to
verify the integrity of the transaction. The POS device must ensure that it is
dealing with an authentic card, and guarantee integrity of transactions and batches
to the merchant acquirer. There is no requirement to validate the cardholder. A

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

PSAM is used in the POS device for cryptographic purposes.

For multiple step transactions, the CEP card can, at the card issuer’s option, re-
authenticate the PSAM at each step (mutual authentication), or it can rely on the
authentication that was performed during the first step (dual authentication). The
PSAM may authenticate the CEP card during each step. In the case of a reversal,
the CEP card must re-authenticate the PSAM.
For incremental purchases in some terminal infrastructures (e.g. payphones where
the PSAM is remote and inaccessible during voice communications), a merchant
acquirer may decide to:
x Have the PSAM validate the card during the first increment.
x Have intermediate validation done by a POS device until all increments
of a purchase transaction are completed.
x Have the validation of the final increment done by the PSAM.
Intermediate card validation by the POS device is optional for both the CEP card
and the PSAM.
The data to be protected by the PS2 signature and the S3, S4, S5 and S6 MACs will
be specified in the CEPS Technical Specifications.

Figure 3 - Flow of signatures for a purchase transaction

PSAM Merchant
Acquirer Card




3.4.5 Cancel Last Purchase Transaction

The Cancel Last Purchase transaction is a very sensitive transaction because, like a
load transaction, it may be used to add value to the electronic purse. Thus, it is an
attractive target for fraud. However, unlike the load, the Cancel Last Purchase is

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

performed off-line without opportunity for the card issuer to authenticate the card
or to approve the transaction. The card must ensure that the transaction is
performed by the same POS device as was used for the purchase being canceled,
and that the amount of the cancellation is the same as the amount of the purchase,
or, in the case of an incremental purchase, the same as the amount of the last step.
During a Cancel Last Purchase transaction, the CEP card is authenticated by the
PSAM in the POS device. The PSAM authenticates that the purchase transaction
being canceled was performed by the PSAM, and that the transaction being
canceled is part of the active batch. The active batch is the batch that the POS
device is currently adding new transactions to. The CEP card authenticates that:

x The PSAM is genuine.

x The PSAM is the same one used for the purchase transaction being canceled.
x The purchase transaction was the last transaction performed by the card.
x The purchase transaction has not previously been canceled.
The card issuer and the merchant acquirer also authenticate the transaction when
they receive it.
The data to be protected by the S1, S2, S4 and S5 MACs are specified in the CEPS
Technical Specifications.

Figure 4 - Flow of signatures for a cancel last purchase transaction

CEP PSAM M erchant

Card Acquirer



Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

3.5 Transmission Security

3.5.1 Host to host
Transmissions between host systems should be protected by MACs based on
unique keys that are shared by the nodes involved.

3.5.2 On-line Transactions

The transaction signatures ensure end to end integrity of transmitted data for load,
unload, and currency exchange transactions.

3.5.3 Off-line Transactions

Every complete POS transaction is given a MAC by the PSAM and kept in the
POS device memory until collected by the merchant acquirer. Each POS
transaction is part of a batch of transactions that must be collected at the same
time. Each batch must contain the total count and amount of the transactions in
the batch. These totals are used by the merchant acquirer to ensure the integrity of
the batch. The count and amount of the transactions in the batch must be
protected by the S4 MAC. This information is not part of the card issuer’s
verification process.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

4. POS Transaction Requirements

4.1 Scope
This section defines the requirements for the Point of Sale or Point of Service
(POS) transactions. The POS transactions addressed in this section are:

x Purchase.
x Incremental Purchase.
x Cancel Last Purchase.
Additionally, a purchase or the last increment of an incremental purchase may be
reversed. This reversal is part of the transaction being reversed and is not a
separate transaction.

4.2 Entities
4.2.1 POS Device
A POS device must contain at a minimum:

x A card acceptance device (CAD).

x Secure hardware for storing and processing data used to authenticate
processing. This secure hardware is called a Purchase Secure Application
Module (PSAM).
The PSAM must be a secure device. Some of the devices that may be used, if the
security requirements are met, are a smart card or a hardware security module.
Scheme providers must assign unique identifying numbers to merchant acquirers
who provide PSAMs. These merchant acquirers must then assign unique
identifiers to PSAMs. As a result, each PSAM must have a unique ID composed
of the scheme identifier, a merchant acquirer identifier, and the PSAM identifier.
Each PSAM must maintain a transaction count. The unique PSAM ID and the
transaction count are used during a conversation with a CEP card. The transaction
count must not be reset during the life of the PSAM.
At a minimum, the PSAM must:

x Contain the CA public RSA key, the PSAM’s private RSA key and optionally
the certificates that the POS device uses to perform mutual authentication with
the CEP card.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Perform the calculation required to generate a signature using the PSAM’s

private RSA key, to allow the CEP card to validate the PSAM.
x Contain one or more MAC keys used by the merchant acquirer to ensure the
integrity of the data received from the POS device.
x Perform the calculation of MACs using the MAC keys in the PSAM.
x Generate random numbers.
x Contain the latest transaction count and amount of batches that have not been
deleted from the POS device by the merchant or merchant acquirer.
x Contain the details of a transaction between the initialize command for that
transaction and the initialize command for the next transaction.
x Be the entity that maintains control over the flow of a transaction, ensuring
that all security is enforced.
x Perform the verification of signatures and certificates during a purchase and
cancel last purchase transaction.

4.2.2 Merchant Acquirer

The merchant acquirer or its processor must:

x Collect and validate all transactions and provide acknowledgments to the POS
device or to the merchant.
x Ensure that each batch of transactions is cleared and settled once and only
x Send transactions to card issuers or their processors in a standard format
defined in agreement with the scheme provider.
x Participate in financial transactions with card issuers and their processors at the
time that the transaction is sent. Funds move when the transaction moves.
x Ensure that CA public keys, aggregation parameters, blocking lists and issuer
certificate revocation lists from the scheme providers are sent to the POS

4.2.3 Processors
Transactions may flow directly from a merchant acquirer to a card issuer, however,
many times the transactions must be processed by additional nodes in the network
connecting the merchant acquirer and the card issuer. To ensure the integrity of

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

the data content and the financial effects of transactions, these processing‡ nodes
(or processors) must perform the following tasks:

x Share one or more MAC keys with connecting processors, create a MAC on
each transmission sent to another processor, and verify the MAC on each
transmission received from another processor.
x Send transactions to other processors in a standard format defined in
agreement with the scheme provider.
x Participate in a financial transaction with the connecting processors at the time
that the transaction is sent or received. Funds move when the transaction
x If a supported scheme provider has a dispute resolution process, participate in
that dispute resolution process with connecting processors to resolve any
issues related to invalid transactions. These resolution processes should
include a mechanism for repayment of funds associated with invalid
Processors must be certified by the scheme provider and must act as an agent for
one or more of the following entities:

x A card issuer.
x A merchant acquirer.
x A scheme provider.

4.2.4 Card Issuer

The card issuer must:

x Receive POS transactions from one or more merchant acquirers.

x Ensure that the POS transactions are successfully received and logged.
x Settle with the sending processor for all transactions received.
x Confirm that all purchase transactions were made by a valid CEP card by
verifying the S6 MAC placed on each transaction by the CEP card using a
derived card MAC key.
x Establish procedures to identify transactions made by counterfeit CEP cards.
x Establish a procedure to identify duplicate or fraudulent transactions.

The merchant acquirer and the card issuer are considered processors, as well.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Arrange for settlement adjustments for duplicate, invalid, or fraudulent

transactions using dispute procedures established by the scheme provider.
x Update its funds pool based on the net value of the POS transactions or advise
its funds pool administrators to do so.
x Reconcile its POS transaction data with its purchase processor and funds pool
administrator on a regular basis.

4.3 Overview of POS Processing

4.3.1 Processing by Responsible Entity
The diagram below provides an overview of POS processing and indicates which
entity is responsible for which processing.

POS 2 3 DB of
Merchant Issuer
PSAM Device Acquirer transaction

1. The POS process begins with an interaction between the CEP card and the
POS device. The CEP card and the PSAM in the POS device perform a
mutual authentication process, using a combination of public key and
symmetric cryptography. The value of the electronic purse in the CEP card is
then adjusted. When the transaction completes, the PSAM computes MACs to
validate the transaction and the batch. Information about the transaction is
placed in a data store in the POS device.
2. Periodically, the transactions in the POS device’s data store are collected by a
Merchant Acquirer.
The Merchant Acquirer performs the following operations:
x Verification of the MACs placed on transactions by the
x Consolidation of transactions from multiple POS devices.
1. The merchant acquirer sends POS transactions to the card issuer. Settlement
takes place. The exact responsibilities for settlement are based on the business
arrangement between the card issuer and the merchant acquirer.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Transaction detail is stored by card issuers to support:

x Settlement reconciliation.
x Liability accounting.
x CEP card history.
x CEP card overspending accounting.
x Fraud analysis.
x Duplicate transaction analysis.
x Load accounting and funds pool administration.

4.3.2 Possible Processing Flows

In some cases, merchant acquirers may have agents or processors performing the
responsibilities described above. Figure 5 shows some of the flexibility that is
possible for POS processing.
Some schemes allow transactions to be stored by an intermediate processing entity
and not routinely sent to the card issuer, This process is called truncation. If the
scheme permits truncation, and the card issuer allows the process, transactions
may be truncated at any processing entity designated as an agent by the card
issuer. The entity truncating the transaction must make the detailed transaction
available to the card issuer upon request.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 5 - Possible POS Processing Flow

DB of Issuer C
detail client)

DB of Issuer B 2 Network 2
transaction (Processor1 Processor Connection Processor
detail client) #1 #2


Issuer D DB of
(Processor 2 transaction
DB of 2 client)
Issuer A 1
transaction (MA1A client) Merchant
detail Acquirer (1A)

Device PSAM Device PSAM

1. Transactions are transmitted from the POS device to the merchant acquirer
processor responsible for collecting POS transactions. In Figure 5 - Possible
POS Processing Flow, POS Device A transmits transaction data to Merchant
Acquirer 1A, which is acting as its own processor. POS Device B transmits
transaction data to Processor #1, in its role of the processor for one or more
merchant acquirers.
2. The merchant acquirer processor sends all transactions to the card issuer or to
a processor accepting POS transactions on behalf of the card issuer. In Figure
5, Merchant Acquirer 1A transmits transactions directly to Issuer A and sends
transactions for Issuer B, Issuer C, and Issuer D to Processor #1. A processor
accepts transactions for its card issuers and transmit all transactions for another
processor to that processor. In Figure 5, Processor #1 sends transactions
directly to Issuer B and Issuer C and sends transactions for Issuer D to
Processor #2.
When an entity in the process sends or receives a transaction, that entity must
take part in the settlement process for the transaction. Settlement processing
must take place with both the sender of the transaction and the recipient of the
transaction. One party to the settlement process must arrange for money to be
paid or collected and the other party must reconcile the settlement amount.
The exact responsibilities for settlement must be based on the business
arrangement between the entities.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

4.4 Processing Rules

POS processing must comply with the following rules:

x The scheme provider must ensure that the entire process between merchants,
merchant acquirers, card issuers, and processors is auditable and reconcilable.
x Transactions must be archived at all processing points after the POS device.
The length of time that the transactions must be archived will vary by type of
processing point.
x The card issuer is responsible for funds pool administration.
x Only transactions that have been validated are to be sent to a card issuer for
payment. Payment is made when the transaction is received. If errors in the
card issuer MAC are discovered by the card issuer during its processing of the
transactions, a dispute mechanism, established by the scheme provider, may be
used to have money refunded. The card issuer is not required to submit all
transactions with MAC errors to the dispute process.
x If a scheme provider establishes a central error repository, all transactions for
the scheme with MAC errors must be sent to that central error repository
whether or not they are submitted to the dispute process.
x Payment for a transaction is only required when a detail transaction is
submitted for payment. A merchant acquirer may choose to pay the merchant
using the batch total. Card issuers in a scheme that allows aggregation may
choose to pay the merchant acquirer using aggregation totals. The functional
requirements for aggregation are described in section 4.6.
x The timing of payment to the merchant must be established between the
merchant and the merchant acquirer.
x If another application on a CEP transfers value from the CEP application, the
transfer must be reported as a purchase transaction.

4.5 Processing Flows

This section provides the processing flows for transactions that take place at a
POS device. All of the flows in this section show processing between the POS
device, the merchant acquirer, and the card issuer. However, in many cases, the
actual flow must involve one or more processors acting as an agent for either the
merchant acquirer or the card issuer. The flows included in this section are:

x Purchase Transaction.
x Subsequent Steps of an Incremental Purchase Transaction.
x Reversal of a Purchase Transaction.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Cancel Last Purchase Transaction.

x Processing of a Batch of Transactions.
The first four flows show the interaction between the CEP card and the POS
device. The final flow shows the processing after a batch is closed and sent to the
merchant acquirer.

4.5.1 Purchase Transaction

The purchase transaction is an off-line transaction initiated at a POS device, which
allows a cardholder to use the electronic value on a CEP card to pay for goods or
Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography are used for these transactions. The CEP
card performs mutual authentication with the POS device using a combination of a
public key algorithm (RSA) and a symmetric algorithm (triple DES), and the CEP
card signs each transaction using a symmetric MAC key. This MAC allows the
card issuer to authenticate the data and CEP card used in the transaction. The
MAC validates all information forwarded to the card issuer that has been seen by
the CEP card.
Some local regulations require that a purchase may be made for up to six months
after a CEP card has expired. To support this requirement, an additional date, an
off-line expiration date, must be on the CEP card. This off-line expiration date
must be in the response from the card instead of the actual expiration date for all
off-line transaction. Issuers who are not required to allow use of CEP cards after
the expiration date must set the off-line expiration date to be equal to the actual
expiration date of the card. A CEP application that has been deactivated must not
be accepted for a purchase transaction.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 6 - POS Processing Flow 1 - Purchase Transaction

CEP Card POS Device

Initiate command
Exchange certificates
Determine amount and
send command to card
4 Validate PSAM and
debit purse

S6 /S 3

Validate CEP card using S 3 6

Compute S4 /S5 signatures & log transaction 7

Figure 6 shows the basic processing flow for a purchase transaction. The steps in
the flow are:

1. The POS device initiates the purchase after the CEP card is inserted in the POS
If the POS device supports multiple applications or multiple transaction types,
an interaction between the terminal and consumer or sales agent determines the
CEP application and the function to be performed (purchase).
The POS device determines the currency to be used prior to the start of the
transaction. This information is passed to the CEP card to allow the CEP card
to select the slot to be used. If there is no slot in the CEP card for the specified
currency, the transaction cannot be made. A POS device normally only
supports one currency and the CEP card must have a slot containing that
currency. If a POS device supports multiple currencies, the cardholder selects
the currency to be used for the transaction. The CEP card must have a slot
containing the currency selected. If the CEP card is locked, the transaction is
2. The POS device and the CEP card exchange certificates to mutually
authenticate the CEP card and the PSAM. In some cases, either the CEP card

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

or the POS device may already have the appropriate public keys in storage.
The exchange may be bypassed if the public keys are in storage.
3. The amount of the purchase is entered into the POS device. The POS device
displays the amount of the transaction to be performed to the cardholder. The
cardholder is required to accept or reject the transaction. The debit command
is sent to the CEP card after the cardholder accepts the purchase amount. The
command sent to the CEP card contains the PS2 signature computed by the
4. The CEP card uses the certificates received and the PS 2 to authenticate the
The CEP card decrements the value of the purchase from the purse, creates the
S3 MAC and the card issuer S6 MAC, and logs the transaction.
5. The CEP card sends a response containing the S3 and S6 to the POS device.
6. Using the public key signature contained in the response, the POS device
validates the CEP card and completes the mutual authentication.
7. If this is not the last step of an incremental purchase, processing continues with
step 7 in section 4.5.2. If the transaction is to be reversed, processing
continues with step 7 in section 4.5.3. Any transaction aggregation processing
if applicable is performed, the amount of a purchase is added to the total
amount for the batch, and the count of transactions in the batch is incremented
by one. The PSAM in the POS device generates a merchant acquirer S5 MAC
to complete the transaction and logs the transaction. The count and amount of
the transactions in the batch must be protected by the S4 MAC. The
transaction and the MACs must be kept in a data store associated with the
POS device until the merchant acquirer collects them.

4.5.2 Subsequent Steps of an Incremental Purchase Transaction

Some POS devices, such as telephones, support incremental purchases. The
transaction is initiated and an initial amount is debited from the CEP card. The
CEP card remains inserted in the POS device and subsequent incremental purchase
transactions are sent to the CEP card based on time increments or another measure
of service received. Cardholder acceptance of the subsequent steps of an
incremental purchase transaction is not required, however, the cardholder must be
provided a mechanism to terminate additional increments.
This flow begins as a normal purchase transaction, as in 4.5.1. However, step 7 of
that flow is replaced by the flow in Figure 7.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 7 - POS Processing Flow 2 - Subsequent Steps of an

Incremental Purchase Transaction

CEP Card POS Device

Determine amount and
send debit command to card
(optional S2 )

8 Optionally validate PSAM using S 2

and debit purse

S6 / S 3

Validate CEP card using S3 10

Compute S4 /S5 signatures & log transaction 11

Figure 7 shows the basic processing flow for subsequent steps of an incremental
purchase transaction. These steps follow step 6 of the purchase transaction
processing flow. The steps in the flow are:
7. The amount of the next incremental purchase is determined. If the CEP card
settings indicate that mutual authentication is to be used for subsequent steps
of an incremental purchase command, the debit command sent to the CEP card
contains the S2 MAC computed by the PSAM.
8. If the S2 has been sent to the CEP card, the CEP card authenticates the
terminal using the previously exchanged session key and the S2.
The CEP card decrements the value of the incremental purchase from the
purse, creates the S3 MAC and the card issuer S6 MAC and updates its internal
log with the transaction.
9. The CEP card sends a response to the POS device with the S3 and S6.
10. The POS device authenticates the CEP card using the S3 MAC contained in the
11. If this is the last increment of a purchase transaction, the amount of a purchase
is added to the total amount for the batch, and the count of transactions in the

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

batch is incremented by one. The PSAM in the POS device generates a

merchant acquirer S5 MAC to complete the transaction and logs the
transaction. The count and amount of the transactions in the batch must be
protected by the S4 MAC. The transaction and the MACs must be kept in a
data store associated with the POS device until the merchant acquirer collects
them. The logged data must include the total amount of the purchase and the
amount of the last increment.
If this is not the last increment of a purchase transaction, processing continues
with step 7 of this flow.

4.5.3 Reversal of a Purchase Transaction

A purchase transaction may be reversed, prior to the removal of the CEP card
from the POS device, by sending a purchase reversal command to the CEP card.
The CEP card must authenticate the PSAM using certificates previously
Only the last increment of an incremental purchase may be reversed. A reversal of
a purchase transaction may only occur if:

x the CEP card has not been removed from the POS device, and
x the S5 for the transaction to be reversed has not been generated by the
This flow begins as a normal purchase transaction, as in 4.5.1. However, step 7 of
that flow is replaced by the flow in Figure 8.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 8 - POS Processing Flow 3 - Reversal of a Purchase Transaction

CEP Card POS Device

Send reversal command to CEP card

Compute S4 /S5 signatures & log transaction 8

9 Validate PSAM using S2

and credit purse


Figure 8 shows the basic processing flow for a reversal. These steps follow step 6
of the purchase transaction processing flow. The steps in the flow are:

7. The amount to be reversed is the amount of the last step of the transaction.
The reversal command sent to the CEP card contains a S2 MAC computed by
the PSAM.
8. The PSAM in the POS device generates a merchant acquirer S5 MAC for the
transaction, computes a new S4 MAC on the updated batch total count and
amount, and logs the transaction. The transaction and MACs are kept in a data
store associated with the POS device until the merchant acquirer collects them.
The logged data must include the total amount of the purchase, the purchase
amount that was reversed, and an indication that the transaction was reversed.
9. The CEP card authenticates the PSAM using the certificates previously
received and the S2.
The CEP card increments the value of the purse and logs the transaction.
10. The CEP card sends a response to the reversal command to the POS device.
The reversal is considered to be successful even in the event of a negative
response or no response from the CEP card.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

4.5.4 Cancel Last Purchase Transaction

POS devices are not required to support the cancel last purchase command. If this
command is supported, the POS device must have security to prevent
unauthorized or fraudulent use of the transaction. This transaction is only valid if
the transaction to be canceled is the last transaction completed by the CEP card.
Additionally, the transaction to be canceled must not have been collected and must
be in an active batch. Only the last step of an incremental purchase may be

Figure 9 - POS Processing Flow 4 - Cancel Last Purchase Transaction

CEP Card POS Device

Initiate command

Response with ID of last transaction and S1


Exchange certificates

Authenticate CEP card using S 1 4

Compute S4 /S5 signatures & log transaction 5

Send credit command to card

7 Authenticate PSAM
and credit purse

Figure 9shows the basic processing flow for a cancel last purchase transaction.
The steps in the flow are:

1. After the CEP card is inserted in the POS device, the POS device initiates the
cancel last purchase transaction.
If the POS device supports multiple applications or multiple transaction types,
an interaction between the terminal and consumer or sales agent determines the
CEP application and the function to be performed (cancel last purchase

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

2. The CEP card verifies that the PSAM is the PSAM used in the original
transaction, computes a S1 MAC using the same DES session key that was
used for the purchase transaction being cancelled, and responds to the POS
device with the S1 and the identification of the last transaction. If the purchase
transaction to be canceled has been canceled or is not part of the active batch,
the command is not allowed.
3. The PSAM either retrieves or re-derives the DES session key used for the
purchase transaction being cancelled. The POS device authenticates the CEP
card using this key and the S1 MAC.
4. The PSAM in the POS device generates a merchant acquirer S5 MAC for the
transaction and a new S4 MAC for the batch total count and amount and logs
the transaction. The amount of the canceled last purchase transaction is
subtracted from the header amount. The transaction is kept in a data store
associated with the POS device until the merchant acquirer collects it.
5. A credit command, which contains the S2 MAC computed by the PSAM using
the session key, is sent to the CEP card.
6. The CEP card authenticates the terminal using the S2 MAC and the session key
from the purchase transaction being cancelled.
The CEP card increments the value of the purse and logs the transaction. The
CEP card verifies that the cancellation amount is equal to the amount of the
last step of the purchase transaction.
7. The CEP card sends a response to the POS device.

4.5.5 Processing of a Batch of Transactions

A transaction collection process must exist. Data being transmitted from the POS
devices must be transmitted in a manner that ensures integrity of the data. The
merchant acquirer must acknowledge the receipt of the batch to either the POS
device or the merchant. The timing of the acknowledgment will vary based on the
collection process. After a batch has been acknowledged by the merchant
acquirer, it may be deleted from the POS device.
The processing of a batch of transactions, after they are collected from the POS
device, is the same for all transaction types.
A single collection process for merchants must be available at a POS device. Data
being transmitted from POS devices must be transmitted in a manner that ensures
integrity of the data.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 10 - POS Processing Flow 5 - Processing of a Batch of Transactions - 1

POS Device Merchant Acquirer

Close batch 1 Send batch


Validate that batch transmitted 3

correctly & log batch

Validate transaction using S5 4

signature and
S4 signature
Arrange for settlement with merchant 5

Divide batch by card issuer 6

and arrange for settlement
with card issuers

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 11 - POS Processing Flow 5 - Processing of a Batch of Transactions - 2

Merchant Acquirer Card Issuer

Send transaction details to Card issuer


Validate that batch transmitted correctly 8

& log batch

Participate in settlement with 9

merchant acquirer

Send Acknowledgement
Archive batch 11
Validate S6 signature & transaction data 12

If errors, send transaction to error

repository, optionally start dispute 13

Figure 10 and Figure 11 show the basic processing flow for processing a batch of
transactions. The steps in the flow are:

1. The POS device closes the batch when the batch is collected. Collection may
be initiated by the POS device, the merchant, or by the merchant acquirer.
2. The batch is sent to the merchant acquirer. Delivery may involve transmission
to multiple intermediate locations or it may be direct to the merchant acquirer.
3. The merchant acquirer validates the batch to ensure that it has been transmitted
correctly and enters it into the log.
4. The merchant acquirer validates the S5 MAC on each transaction and the S4
MAC. This validation is proof that all transactions sent to a card issuer
occurred as a result of a successful conversation between a valid CEP card and
the PSAM in the POS device. The minimum acceptable validation process is
the verification by the merchant acquirer of a MAC, created by a symmetric
key in the PSAM.
5. The merchant acquirer arranges for settlement with the merchant. The
merchant is credited with the value of the batch. The merchant acquirer is
debited for the value of the batch. The value of the batch is calculated as
Amount = Purchases - Cancel Last Purchases

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

6. The merchant acquirer divides the batch by card issuer and arranges for
settlement with each card issuer. Each card issuer is debited for the amount of
all the transactions sent to that card issuer. The merchant acquirer is credited
with the sum of the amounts debited to all card issuers.
7. The merchant acquirer sends the purchase and cancel last purchase transactions
to the card issuer. All transactions should be secured using a MAC generated
by a shared MAC key.
8. The card issuer validates that the transactions were transmitted correctly and
logs the transactions.
9. The card issuer participates in the settlement process with all merchant
acquirers that have sent transactions.
10. The card issuer acknowledges the receipt of the transactions to the merchant
acquirer. The timing of the sending of acknowledgment will vary based on the
connection between the entities involved in the transmission of the
transactions. The acknowledgment may be included in the file transmission
protocol or be part of standard network processing.
11. The merchant acquirer archives the acknowledged transactions.
12. The card issuer validates the S6 and the transaction data for purchase
13. If a bad S6 is identified during the validation process, the card issuer sends that
transaction to the scheme error repository, if a scheme error repository has
been established, and may optionally begin the dispute procedure.

4.6 POS Aggregation

4.6.1 Overview
POS aggregation is a feature that may only be available at the discretion of the
scheme providers and their card issuers and is optionally supported at POS
devices. The use of aggregation increases the card issuer’s risk as not all of the
detail records will be available to the card issuer for risk management. Aggregation
affects the auditability of a CEP system. It demands a high dependency on IC
hardware security.
Only certain POS devices, which have been installed at merchants approved for
aggregation by both the scheme provider and merchant acquirer, must be permitted
to aggregate transactions. Card issuers must determine if their CEP cards must
allow aggregation. POS devices must only aggregate transactions from CEP cards
when the CEP card allows aggregation.
The PSAM must only be permitted to aggregate transactions for a scheme with

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

which the merchant has an aggregation agreement. The AID of the card
application must be used to determine the scheme. For each scheme that allows
this merchant to perform aggregation, the PSAM must have a monetary amount
above which it is not permitted to aggregate.
The decision to aggregate cannot be made until the last increment of a purchase
transaction is complete. Cancel last purchase transactions must not be aggregated.

4.6.2 Processing
If the business rules allow this transaction is to be aggregated, the PSAM must
determine if it has an aggregation record for the card issuer. If the PSAM does not
have an aggregation record for the card issuer, a new aggregation record for the
card issuer must be created. If the PSAM has insufficient space to create a new
aggregation record for the card issuer, the transaction must not be aggregated.
If the transaction is to be aggregated, the amount of the transaction must be added
to the aggregation record for the card issuer. The count of aggregated
transactions in the aggregation record must be increased by 1. The PSAM must
create a MAC on the updated aggregation record. Aggregation records by card
issuer must be stored in the PSAM. They may also be stored in the POS device as
well. The PSAM must increase the total count and amount of the active batch by
the amount of the aggregated transaction.
The aggregated totals by card issuer must be transmitted to the merchant acquirer
at the same time and manner as the non-aggregated detail transactions in the batch.

4.7 Exception Processing

This section describes the required exception processing for the merchant acquirer
and card issuer based on their validation of the POS data.

1. Each POS transaction completed at the POS device is given a S 5 MAC by the
PSAM, which is used by the merchant acquirer to validate that the transactions
were made at a POS device with a valid PSAM. The batch total count and
amount must be protected by the S4 MAC, which must also be validated by the
merchant acquirer.
2. The merchant acquirer validates the PSAM’s MACs prior to accepting the
POS transactions for payment. In addition, selected data elements are
validated to ensure correct processing by the POS device and its PSAM.
3. Each purchase transaction is signed by the CEP card with a S6 MAC, which is
used by the card issuer to validate that the transaction was made with a
legitimate, not counterfeit, CEP card. The card issuer validates the CEP card’s

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

4. Payment decisions are based on signature validations, scheme provider rules,

and merchant and merchant acquirer agreements.
5. Errors may be introduced by a malfunctioning PSAM or POS device software,
by key management problems, or through the transmission process, as well as
through fraudulent activities of another entity. When a batch or POS
transaction fails validation, the merchant acquirer or card issuer must follow
exception procedures that affect payment to the merchants and payment from
the card issuer. The batch must be analyzed to determine clearable transactions
out of a corrupted batch.
6. A transaction that fails a merchant acquirer validation cannot be forwarded for
payment unless resolved.
7. After investigation, if the merchant acquirer decides, based on scheme rules, to
accept the transactions, a method must exist to settle them and forward them
to the card issuer.
8. Procedures for investigation, resubmission, and manual adjustment may be
established between the merchant acquirer and its merchants for batches
containing rejected transactions.
9. A transaction that passes merchant acquirer validations and is forwarded to the
card issuer is paid for by the card issuer. If the transaction does not pass card
issuer validations, the card issuer may follow the scheme provider’s dispute
10. Purchase transactions that have an invalid MAC are forwarded to the scheme
provider for analysis if the scheme provider has established a central error
11. Merchant acquirers may institute pay on header arrangements for providing
payment to their merchants. In this arrangement, the merchant acquirer relies
on the header validation to determine payment to the merchant if transaction
detail is missing due to some problem. The specific rules covering pay on
header arrangements are outside the scope of this document.
12. Pay on detail is the default payment arrangement for merchant acquirers to
provide payment to their merchants. In this arrangement, the merchant
acquirer relies on the POS transaction S 5 MAC to determine acceptance.
Merchants are paid only for valid POS transactions.
13. Valid batch total counts and amounts are required in any payment
arrangement. Batches where the totals have errors that cannot be resolved
through investigation must be rejected.
14. All POS transactions, except for duplicates, are forwarded to the card issuer.
The following transactions are forwarded to the card issuer for payment and
for CEP card history information:

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x POS transactions that were accepted by the merchant acquirer.

x POS transactions that have resolved errors are additionally flagged with an
error code indicating the type of validation failure.
The card issuer pays based on the total amount of transactions forwarded by
the merchant acquirer for payment.
POS transactions that were rejected for payment by the merchant acquirer are
flagged with an error code indicating the type of validation failure and are
forwarded to the card issuer for CEP card history information only.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

5. Load, Unload, and Currency

Exchange Requirements
5.1 Scope
This sections defines the requirements for processing load, unload, and currency
exchange transactions within an electronic purse scheme.
All load transactions are on-line transactions. Authorization of funds for load
transactions must require a form of cardholder verification. The load device must
support on-line encrypted PIN or off-line PIN verification. Off-line PIN
verification must include both encrypted and unencrypted PIN. The card
verification method indicator (CVMI) in the CEP card must specify support of on-
line PIN verification and at least one method of off-line PIN verification (encrypted
or unencrypted). Where it is necessary for a CEPS system component to
distinguish between on-line and off-line cardholder PIN verification, a flag must be
set in the transaction. Since these transactions are on-line to the issuer, the issuer
has the opportunity to lock the card or the application. These transactions are not
available to a card that has already been locked.
The definition of funds account access and the computation and collection of fees
are outside the scope of this effort.

5.2 Load Requirements by Entity

The following entities perform the load, unload and currency exchange functions
for CEPS transactions and are described in more detail below:

x Load device.
x Load acquirer.
x Funds issuer.
x Card issuer.
x Network nodes and processors.

5.2.1 Load Devices

Load devices may be modified ATMs, cash acceptance devices, personal ATMs,
and other devices that support load of value over the public networks such as the
telephone and the Internet.
Load devices that are accessible for use by the general public should support

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

multiple sources of funding for the load transaction, and should support linked and
unlinked load transactions. Load devices provided by financial institutions that
issue CEP cards may also support the unload transaction.
Load devices must be on-line capable devices with a secure PIN pad. Load devices
must provide either a secure on-line method of PIN encryption or both encrypted
and unencrypted off-line PIN verification. Either the load device or the load
acquirer must have an LSAM for cryptographic processing.
Load devices that are not interoperable are outside of the scope of this

5.2.2 Load Acquirer

The load acquirer is responsible for:

x The load host system.

x The load device.
x The LSAM.
x Participating in the settlement process for unlinked loads with the funds issuer
and the card issuer.
x Monitoring and reconciling both completed and uncompleted transactions.
The load acquirer must ensure that mutual authentication is performed between the
load device and the load host system.
The load acquirer’s load host system is comprised of hardware and software that is
required to perform the following:

x Process load requests on-line.

x Communicate with the load device.
x Communicate with a network.
x Initiate a card authentication request to the card issuer.
x Initiate a funds authorization request to the funds issuer for unlinked loads.
x Receive and process approvals and declines from both card issuers and funds
issuers, when applicable.
x Handle exception processing.
x Identify suspect transactions appropriately and initiate notification to the card
x Log all transactions.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Provide reporting to the load acquirer for reconciliation and auditing.

The load acquirer must participate in the following processing required for a load,
unload, or currency exchange transaction:

x The authentication of a CEP card, including handling of responses.

x The authorization of funds, including handling of responses.
x The updating of CEP card value in the currency selected by the cardholder.
x The settlement process with funds issuers and card issuers for unlinked loads.
x Send reversal transactions when required.
Additionally the load acquirer must:

x Keep a log of all load transactions switched through their systems, regardless
of completion status.
x Ensure that their system balances on a regular basis.
x Provide cardholders with the option of a receipt, as appropriate and subject to
local regulations.

5.2.3 Funds Issuer

The funds issuer must:

x Be able to process funds requests for unlinked load transactions as uniquely

identified electronic purse transactions.
x Participate in the settlement process for all load transactions that have been
authorized by their network.
x Ensure that their system balances on a regular basis.
x Authorize or decline all funds requests assigned to them on their funds

5.2.4 Card Issuer

The card issuer must:

x Be able to process funds requests against cardholder accounts for linked load
x Support on-line authentication for linked and unlinked load transactions by
checking the S1 MAC in the request.
x Generate the second S2 MAC and other cryptographic elements.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Returning the S2 MAC and other cryptographic elements to the load acquirer.
x Participate in the settlement process for unlinked load transactions.
x Be able to recognize and track suspect transactions, based on information
received from the load acquirer.
x Update and reconcile all changes to card liability and funds pools as a result of
load, unload, and currency exchange transactions.
x Optionally lock the card or application using either a script command or a
proprietary method.
x Optionally deactivate the application by including a deactivation date in the
authentication response.

5.2.5 Network Nodes/Processors

Transactions may flow directly from a load acquirer to a card issuer and a funds
issuer. However, many times the transactions may be processed by additional
nodes in the network connecting the load acquirer and the issuers. To ensure the
integrity of the data content and the financial effects of transactions, these
processing§ nodes (or processors) must perform the following tasks:

x Share an encryption key with connecting processors. Encrypt the PIN block
on all transactions sent to another processor using this encryption key.
Decrypt and re-encrypt all PIN blocks that should be sent to other entities.
x Send transactions to other processors in the agreed format.
x Participate in a financial transaction with the connecting processors at the time
that the transaction is sent or received. Funds move when the transaction
Additionally, each processing node should generate and send a MAC on each
message flowing between network nodes.

5.3 Overall Requirements

x Currency exchange rates for the currency exchange transaction must be
established by the card issuer.
x Currency exchange rates for unload transactions must be established by the
card issuer when the currency being unloaded and the destination cardholder
account are in different currencies.

The load acquirer, the funds issuer and the card issuer are considered processors as well.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Currency exchange rates for an unlinked load transaction must be established

according the rules of the network or networks processing the transaction.
However, for linked load transactions, the currency exchange rates must be
established by the card issuer.
x The card issuer must manage its currency liabilities.
x Load acquirers, card issuers, and funds issuers must log all transactions.
x Card issuers must inform their cardholders as to which currencies they support
in electronic purses.
x Load acquirers must determine the currencies that they must support for load
x The following business rules must be used for suspect transactions when the
final status of the transaction at the card is not definitively known:
 Load - Assume the transaction completed successfully. Funds are debited
from the cardholder account and credited to the funds pool. The card
issuer liability is increased.
 Unload - Assume the transaction did not complete successfully. Funds are
not withdrawn from the funds pool and liabilities are not altered.
 Currency Exchange - Assume the transaction completed successfully.
The funds pool and liability positions are adjusted to reflect a decrease in
the “from” currency and an increase in the “to” currency.
x The load acquirer must notify the card issuer of all suspect transactions.
x The CEP application must contain data that indicates the presence of a linked
financial institution. If a linked financial institution is established for the CEP
application, then linked loads must be allowed and data in the application must
indicate whether linked loads are supported.
x Flexibility is required to accommodate the variety of environments where
unlinked loads may be implemented. As a result, the design specification must
not preclude dual-leg transactions** from taking place either sequentially or in
parallel. The design of a given implementation will vary depending on the
device, host, and network capabilities.
x Card issuers must support load transactions.
x Unload and currency exchange transactions are optional for CEP card issuers.
The CEP card must indicate whether the card issuer supports these
transactions. However, if a card issuer issues multi-currency capable cards, it
must provide its cardholder with a facility to remove any remaining value. As a

Dual leg transaction are transactions where participation is required by both a funds issuer and card issuer.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

result, if a card issuer supports loading of multiple currencies onto a card, then
it must support the unload or currency exchange transaction or both.
x For unload transactions, the load acquirer and card issuer must be the same
financial institution. Load devices or load acquirers must be able to identify
their own institution’s CEP cards.
x The card issuer must establish its policies for assigning and adjusting slot
maximum balances. These policies may require the card issuer to maintain a
card database.
x Currency exchange rate fluctuations may increase the card issuers liability. The
card issuer must be able to adjust maximum balances to bring them in line with
their policies. The card issuer may update the maximum balances as part of a
load, a partial unload, and a currency exchange transaction. On a currency
exchange transaction, only the “to” currency maximum balance may be
x The maximum balance for a currency must never be less than the existing
balance for that currency plus the amount to be loaded, in case of a load
x A CEP card may contain currencies that the load acquirer does not support. As
a result, load devices must use the alphabetic issuer-supplied currency code
and currency exponent from the CEP slot(s) to display the source amounts for
the currency conversion transaction.
x Card issuers must provide an alphabetic currency code in each message that
establishes a new currency. This alphabetic currency code and the currency
exponent will be used by the load device to display currency balances. This
allows the cardholder to identify the currency being displayed.
x Script messages that conform to EMV specifications†† may be included as part
of load, unload and currency exchange messages from the card issuer to the
CEP card. An update key must be used when card parameters are changed.
Script messages may be sent to the CEP card either before or after the credit
for load, debit of unload and currency exchange commands.
x All on-line messages must have the ability to include card issuer discretionary
data from the CEP card.
x The card issuer must notify the cardholder if the assessment of service fees by
the card issuer during the currency exchange transaction may result in a
balance of zero after the transaction has completed.

Script messaging is described in EMV ’96 Integrated Circuit Card Application Specifications for Payment
Systems, section 7.10.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x The card issuer must have the ability to deactivate a CEP application in the
response to a load or currency exchange transaction.

5.4 Processing Flows

This section describes the transaction flows that take place at a load device. All of
the flows in this section show processing between the load device, the load
acquirer, the funds issuer, and the card issuer. However, in many cases, the actual
flow will involve one or more networks acting as an agent for the load acquirer,
the funds issuer, or the card issuer. Placement of functions and process flow for
load acquiring will vary depending on the device, host, and network capabilities.
The acquiring function includes the load device and the load host system. Steps for
these two entities are grouped together in these flows.
The flows included in this section are:

x Unlinked Load Processing Flow.

x Linked Load Processing Flow.

x Unload Processing Flow.

x Currency Exchange Processing Flow.

5.4.1 Unlinked Load Processing Flow

Two types of load processing may be supported by CEP cards. Some card issuers
will support linked loads, some will allow loading from other sources of funds. If
the load is to be performed from another source of funds, the cardholder will have
to indicate the source of those funds to the load device during the load process.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 12 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Initiate

C a rd L o a d D e v i c e /L o a d A c q u i r e r

1 C a r d h o ld e r in it ia te s
L o a d d e v ic e r e q u e s ts c a r d d a ta tra n sa c tio n

C a r d r e s p o n d s w ith
re q u e ste d d a ta

4 L o a d d e v ic e c o lle c ts
In itia liz e fo r lo a d c o m m a n d a d d itio n a l in f o r m a t io n
C a r d r e s p o n d s w ith S 1, H CEP

Figure 13 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Prepare Messages

Card Load D evice/Load Acquirer

7 LSAM generates and encrypts R 1 and

generates M A C LSAM , H LSAM , H 2 LSAM ,
8 Load device form ats a m essage with S 1 , the
encrypted R 1 , M A C LSAM , H LSAM , H 2 LSAM
and funds account inform ation and sends it
to the load acquirer
9 Load acquirer logs request and determ ines
routing for funds authorization and card
authentication m essages

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 14 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Obtain Funds

Load Device/Load Acquirer Funds Issuer

Request funds authorization

11 Log funds authorization
Authorize funds request
13 Log completed funds

Figure 15 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Authenticate Card

L o a d D e v ic e /L o a d A c q u ire r C a rd Is s u e r
R e q u e s t C E P lo a d
a u th e n tic a tio n
16 L o g lo a d a u th e n tic a tio n re q u e st

17 V a lid a te ca rd ,
p e rfo rm ca lc u la tio n s
18 P r o c e ss S 1 , R 1 , a n d
M A C L S A M , g e n e ra te S 2

R e tu r n S 2 19 L o g co m p le te d C E P lo a d
w ith a p p ro v a l re sp o n s e a u th e n tic a tio n re q u e st

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 16 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Add Value to Card

C ard L o a d D e v ic e /L o a d A c q u ir e r

L o a d d e v ice se n d s T h e lo a d a c q u ir e r f o r w a r d s
c r e d it c o m m a n d to 23
lo a d a n d fu n d s r e s p o n s e s
c a r d w ith S 2 a n d R L S A M to th e lo a d d e v ic e

25 C a r d v a lid a te s S 2, a n d
g e n e r a te s S 3
C a r d s e n d s S 3 a n d , if
a p p lic a b le , R C E P w ith
c o m p le tio n in fo r m a tio n
26 27 T h e lo a d d e v ic e c o n fir m s lo a d
s ta tu s to c a rd h o ld e r

Figure 17 - Unlinked Load Processing Flow - Complete

Load D evice/Load Acquirer Funds Issuer

Participate in
settlem ent
28 Load device sends S 3 w ith
com pletion inform ation to
Card Issuer
load acquirer
21 Participate in
29 Load acquirer logs transaction data
and sends S 3 to the issuer settlem ent
22 U pdate funds pool
30 Participate in settlem ent

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 12, Figure 13, Figure 14, Figure 15, Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the
basic processing flow for an unlinked load transaction. The steps in the flow are:
1. The cardholder initiates a load transaction. The cardholder interface will vary
depending on the device, card, and scheme being used and is outside of the
scope of this document.
2. The load device requests information from the CEP card.
3. The CEP card responds with slot information, whether there is a linked
financial institution, and with card data that includes the expiration date. If the
card has expired, the transaction is terminated. If the CEP card is locked, the
transaction is terminated.
4. If there is no linked financial institution, the load device collects funding
information and cardholder verification data (for example, PIN). Any funding
information edits are carried out. The load device may optionally alert the
cardholder when the CEP card is nearing its expiration date.
The load device displays the currencies available to the cardholder for load
and, if it is available, the maximum balance that may be loaded. An issuer-
supplied maximum balance will be available for display if the currency already
exists on the CEP card. If the currency does not already exist on the CEP
card, the load acquirer may optionally access data on the CEP card which
provides an approximate balance limit in a reference currency. The load
acquirer may then convert the amount in the reference currency to local
currency and display the converted amount as the maximum balance. The load
device then prompts the cardholder for the amount to be loaded. The
cardholder selects the currency, if appropriate, and enters the load amount.
This data is sent to the load device.
The load device performs validations. For currencies that have an existing
balance, the amount is verified against the currency maximum balance.
Maximum balances do not exist prior to a currency assignment to a given slot.
5. The initialize for load command is sent to the CEP card.
6. The CEP card generates S1, a random number, RCEP, and a SHA-1 hash value,
HCEP, which contains RCEP. The card includes S1 and HCEP in its response to the
load device.
7. If the LSAM is located at the load device, the LSAM generates a random
number, R1,and encrypts that random number under a secret key known by the
next processing node. The LSAM then creates MAC LSAM using R1 as the
encipherment key. The LSAM also creates two random numbers, RLSAM and
R2LSAM, and two SHA-2 hash values, HLSAM and H2LSAM, containing RLSAM and
R2LSAM respectively.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

8. The load request message to the load acquirer is then formatted to include the
S1, the data elements required to verify S1, the funds account information, the
enciphered R1 , MACLSAM, HLSAM and H2LSAM. If appropriate, the transaction is
logged. The load request is sent to the load acquirer. If the LSAM is at the
load acquirer, the enciphered R1 and the other cryptograms do not yet exist.
9. The load acquirer receives and logs the request from the load device,
designates a unique identifier for this CEP load transaction, and determines the
routing for the funds issuer and the card issuer. The load acquirer formats two
messages: one to the funds issuer for authorization and one to the card issuer
for authentication This processing may be done either sequentially or in
parallel. If the LSAM is located at the load acquirer, the processing described
in step 7 above is also accomplished. The unique transaction identifier is used
by the load acquirer to manage the process for the duration of the transaction.
The load acquirer must keep records, by CEP card number, of all loads that
take place at its load devices.
10. The load acquirer sends a message to the funds issuer to secure funds and
validate the cardholder.
11. The funds issuer logs the funds authorization request.
12. The funds issuer authorizes the funds request and returns the funds
authorization to the load acquirer.
13. The funds issuer logs the completed funds authorization.
14. The funds issuer participates in the settlement process.
15. The load acquirer sends a message to the card issuer to authenticate the CEP
card and authorize the loading of value onto the CEP card.
16. The card issuer logs the card authentication request.
17. The card issuer validates the CEP card, checks for expiration, checks it against
a revocation list, and validates that the card issuer supports the currency
requested. The card issuer determines if there is a need to calculate the
maximum slot balance. The maximum balance is included in the message from
the load acquirer. A maximum balance of zero indicates that the currency does
not exist on the CEP card. For a new currency, a maximum balance must be
If the requested amount exceeds a maximum balance the card issuer will
support, the card issuer declines the transaction, and sends the supported
maximum balance field in the decline.
1. The card issuer validates the S1, recovers the encrypted random number R1,
and validates the MACLSAM. If either the S1 or the MACLSAM does not pass the
validation, the transaction is declined. If both the S1 and the MACLSAM are
valid, the card issuer generates an S2, containing HLSAM. If the card issuer

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

declines the transaction, an S2 is optional, but if generated must not contain

HLSAM. The resulting cryptogram is placed in the message to be sent to the load
acquirer in an authentication response message.
2. The card issuer logs the completed card authentication request.
3. The card issuer sends a response to the load acquirer. Any script messages to
be sent to the CEP card are included with this response.
4. The card issuer participates in the settlement process.
5. For successful transactions, the card issuer updates its funds pool and card
database and adjusts liability accordingly.
6. The load acquirer receives the funds authorization response and the card
authentication response. If these are both approved, the load acquirer
forwards the approval response to the load device. Any script messages from
the card issuer are included in the message to the load device.
7. If the message from the load acquirer contains a script message that is to be
sent to the card before the credit command, the load device sends the script
message to the CEP card.
If the message from the load acquirer contains a script message that is to be
sent to the card after the credit command, the load device sends the script
message to the CEP card.
The load device sends a credit command with the S2 to the CEP card. RLSAM is
released by the LSAM and sent with the S2 for an approved load.
8. The CEP card validates the S2 and generates an S3. The CEP card updates the
slot with the load amount and updates the maximum balance, as appropriate,
along with creating a record in its internal transaction log.
9. The card sends the S3 to the load device along with the completion
information. If the CEP card rejects the credit command, it must also send RCEP
in the response message.
10. Based on the response received, the load device confirms the CEP card status
to the cardholder. If possible, the load device provides a receipt.
11. The load device sends the transaction completion message details along with S3
to the load acquirer. For successful transactions, the timing of this completion
message is at the discretion of the load acquirer. For unsuccessful
transactions, the completion message, with its error notification, must be sent
immediately to the load acquirer who notifies the card issuer.
12. The load acquirer logs S3, which is saved for the period of time required by the
scheme provider’s operating regulations.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

13. The load acquirer participates in the settlement process. The load acquirer is
due money from the funds issuer and owes money to the card issuer.

5.4.2 Linked Load Processing Flow

Two types of load processing may be supported by CEP cards. Some card issuers
may require a linked financial institution, others may allow loading from other
sources of funds. If a linked load is to be performed, the presence of the linked
financial institution is indicated by data in the CEP card. In a linked load, the
funding source may be any account that the cardholder maintains at the financial
institution that issued the CEP card. Some load acquirers may allow the
cardholder to select which account is to be used as the funding source. The final
selection of the funding account may be performed by the issuer.

Figure 18 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Initiate

Card Load Device/Load Acquirer

1 Cardholder initiates transaction

Load device requests card data

Card responds with

requested data

4 Load device collects additional

Initialize for load command information
Card responds with S1

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 19 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Prepare Message

Card Load Device/Load Acquirer

7 Load device formats a message with S1, and

cardholder identification and sends it to the load

8 Load acquirer logs request and determines

routing for the message

Figure 20 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Obtain Funds and Authenticate Card

Load Device/Load Acquirer Card Issuer

Request CEP load
10 Log load request

11 Validate funds and card,

perform calculations
12 Process S1, generate S2

13 Log completed load request

Return S2 with
approval response

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 21 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Add Value

Card Load Device/Load Acquirer

17 Load response forwarded

Load device sends credit
to load device by the load
command to card with S2

19 Card validates S2, and

generates S3

Card sends S3 with

completion information
20 Confirm load status to

Figure 22 - Linked Load Processing Flow - Complete

Load Device/Load Acquirer Card Issuer

15 Transfer funds
from linked

22 16 Update funds pool

Load device sends S3 with
completion information to
load acquirer

23 Load acquirer logs transaction data

and S3

Figure 18, Figure 19, Figure 20, Figure 21 and Figure 22 show the basic flow for a

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

linked load transaction. The steps in the flow are:

1. The cardholder initiates the load transaction. The cardholder interface will
vary depending on the device, card, and scheme being used and is outside of
the scope of this document.
2. The load device requests information from the CEP card.
3. The CEP card responds with slot information, a field indicating whether there
is a linked financial institution, and with card data that includes the expiration
date. If the CEP card has expired, the transaction is terminated. If the CEP
card is locked, the transaction is terminated.
4. The load device collects cardholder verification data. The CVMI of the CEP
card will specify the methods of verification and their priority of use. The CEP
card must indicate support for on-line PIN processing and at least one method
of off-line PIN verification (encrypted or unencrypted). The method used will
be determined by the load device and the CVMI of the CEP card. The load
device may alert the cardholder when the CEP card is nearing its expiration
date. The load device displays the currencies available to the cardholder for
load and if it is available, the maximum balance that may be loaded. An issuer-
supplied maximum balance will be available for display if the currency already
exists on the CEP card. If the currency does not already exist on the CEP
card, the load acquirer may optionally access data on the CEP card, which
provides a maximum balance in a reference currency. The load acquirer may
then convert the amount in the reference currency to local currency and display
the converted amount as the maximum balance. The load device prompts the
cardholder for the amount to be loaded.
The cardholder selects the currency, if appropriate, and enters the load amount.
This data is sent to the load device. If the load device supports account
selection, the cardholder may select the account to be used for the load.
The load device performs validations. For currencies that have an existing
balance, the amount is verified against the currency maximum balance.
Maximum balances do not exist prior to a currency assignment to a given slot.
5. The initialize for load command is sent to the CEP card.
6. The CEP card generates an S1 MAC, which it includes in its response to the
load device.
7. If appropriate, the load device logs the transaction. The load device sends the
load request to the load acquirer.
8. The load acquirer receives and logs the request from the load device,
designates a unique identifier to identify the CEP load transaction, and
determines the routing for the card issuer. The load acquirer formats an
authentication message to the card issuer. The load acquirer uses the unique

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

transaction identifier to manage the processing for the duration of the

transaction. The load acquirer must keep records, by CEP card number, of all
loads that take place at its load devices.
9. The load acquirer sends the message to the card issuer to authenticate the CEP
card and authorize the loading of value onto the CEP card.
10. The card issuer logs the load request.
11. The card issuer accesses the funding account and validates that funds are
available to perform the load. The card issuer also validates the CEP card,
checks for expiration, checks it against a revocation list and validates that the
card issuer supports the currency requested. The card issuer determines if
there is a need to calculate the maximum slot balance. The maximum balance
is included in the message from the load acquirer. A maximum balance of zero
indicates that the currency does not exist on the CEP card. For a new currency,
a maximum balance must be calculated.
If the requested amount exceeds a maximum balance the card issuer will
support, the card issuer declines the transaction, and sends the supported
maximum balance field in the decline.
1. The card issuer validates the S1. If the S1 is valid, the card issuer generates an
S2 MAC. If S1 is not valid, the transaction is declined.
2. The card issuer logs the completed load request.
3. The card issuer sends a response to the load acquirer. If the load is approved,
the response must include the S2 and, optionally, the new maximum balance.
Any script messages to be sent to the CEP card are included with this
4. The card issuer transfers funds from the cardholder account to the appropriate
funds pool.
5. The card issuer updates the card database and adjusts its liability accordingly.
6. The load acquirer receives the response. If this is an approval, the approval
response is forwarded to the load device. Any script messages from the card
issuer are included with this response.
7. If the message from the load acquirer contains a script message that is to be
sent to the card before the credit command, the load device sends the script
message to the CEP card.
The load device sends a credit command to the CEP card.
If the message from the load acquirer contains a script message that is to be
sent to the card after the credit command, the load device sends the script
message to the CEP card.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

8. The CEP card validates the S2 and then generates an S3 MAC. The CEP card
updates the slot with the load amount and updates the maximum balance, as
appropriate, along with creating a record in its internal transaction log.
9. The CEP card sends the S3 to the load device along with the completion
10. Based on the response received, the load device confirms the CEP card status
back to the cardholder. If possible, the load device provides a receipt.
11. The load device sends the transaction completion message details along with S3
to the load acquirer. For successful transactions, the timing of this completion
message is at the discretion of the load acquirer. For unsuccessful transaction,
the completion message, with its error notification, must be sent immediately
to the load acquirer for notification to the card issuer.
12. The load acquirer logs S3, which is saved for the period of time defined in the
scheme provider’s operating regulations.

5.4.3 Unload Processing Flow

The unload transaction may only be performed when the load acquirer and the card
issuer are the same financial institution. Additionally, the unload must be to an
account within that same financial institution.

Figure 23 - Unload Processing Flow - Initiate

Card Load Device

1 Cardholder initiates transaction

Load device requests card data

Card responds with

requested data

4 Load device collects additional

Initialize for unload command information
Card responds with S1

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 24 - Unload Processing Flow - Validate Card

Load Device Card Issuer

Send unload message
with S1 to card issuer
8 Log unload request

9 Validate funds and card,

perform calculations
10 Process S1, generate S2

11 Log completed unload request

Return S2 to load
device with
approval response

Figure 25 - Unload Processing Flow - Remove Value

Card Load Device

Load device sends debit

command to card with S2

14 Card validates S2, and

generates S3

Card sends S3 with

completion information
15 Confirm load status to

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 26 - Unload Processing Flow - Complete

Load Device Card Issuer

Load device sends S3 with
completion information
18 Log transaction
data and S3

19 Update funds pool

20 Transfer funds
to specified

Figure 23, Figure 24, Figure 25, and Figure 26 show the basic processing flow for
an unload transaction. The steps in the flow are:
1. Figure 24Figure 26The cardholder initiates the unload transaction.
2. The load device requests information from the CEP card.
3. The CEP card responds with the expiration date, whether the unload
transaction is supported, the issuer of the CEP card, and the currency and
current balance of all slots with a balance.
4. If the card issuer is not the same financial institution as the load acquirer, or if
the CEP card does not support the unload transaction, the transaction is
terminated. The load device determines the currencies on the CEP card that
may be unloaded. The currencies and the related balances that may be
unloaded are displayed to the cardholder. The cardholder enters the currency
and amount to be unloaded. The unload account must be an account at the
same financial institution as the load acquirer.
The load device performs validations and verifies the amount against the
balance provided by the CEP card.
5. The load device then sends the initialize for unload command to the CEP card.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

6. The CEP card responds to the initialize for unload command from the load
device by generating an S1 MAC. The CEP card then sends the S1 to the load
7. If appropriate, the load device logs the transaction. The load device sends the
S1, the data elements required to resolve the S1 and the unload account
information to the card issuer.
8. The card issuer logs the unload transaction.
9. The card issuer validates the CEP card and the unload account.
10. The card issuer processes the S1. If the S1 is valid, the card issuer generates an
S2 MAC. If a partial unload is requested, the card issuer determines if a change
to the maximum balance for the currency being unloaded is required. If a
maximum balance change is needed, the card issuer calculates the new
currency maximum balance. If the S1 is not valid, the transaction is declined.
11. The card issuer logs the completed unload request
12. The card issuer sends a response to the load device which includes the S2 and
any script messages to be sent to the CEP card.
13. If the message from the card issuer contains a script message that is to be sent
to the card before the debit command, the load device sends the script message
to the CEP card.
The load device sends a debit command with the S2 to the CEP card.
If the message from the card issuer contains a script message that is to be sent
to the card after the debit command, the load device sends the script message
to the CEP card.
14. The CEP card validates the S2 and generates an S3 MAC. The CEP card logs
the unload transaction in its internal transaction log.
15. The CEP card sends the S3 to the load device along with the completion
16. The load device confirms the CEP card status back to the cardholder. If the
load device is equipped with a printer, it provides a printed receipt.
17. The load device sends the transaction completion message details along with S3
to the card issuer.
18. The card issuer validates and logs the S3 MAC, which is saved for the period of
time defined in the scheme provider’s operating regulations.
19. The card issuer updates its funds pool, if S3 is successfully validated.
20. The unloaded funds are credited to the specified account.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

5.4.4 Currency Exchange Processing Flow

The currency exchange transaction only involves the card, the acquiring function
and the card issuer.

Figure 27 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Initiate

Card Load Device/Load Acquirer

1 Cardholder initiates transaction

Load device requests card data

Card responds with

requested data

Initialize for currency 4 Load device collects additional

exchange command information
Card responds with S1

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 28 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Prepare Message

Card Load Device/Load Acquirer

7 Load device formats a CE message with S1 and

sends it to the load acquirer

8 Load acquirer logs request and determines

routing for the message

Figure 29 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Validate Card

Load Device/Load Acquirer Card Issuer

Send CE request
to card issuer
10 Log CE request

11 Validate card, perform

12 Process S1, generate S2

13 Log completed CE request

Return S2 with
approval response

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Figure 30 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Exchange Currencies

Card Load Device/Load Acquirer

Load device sends 16 CE response forwarded

exchange command to to load device by the load
card with S2 acquirer

18 Card validates S2, and

generates S3

Card sends S3 with

completion information
19 Confirm CE status to

Figure 31 - Currency Exchange Processing Flow - Complete

Load Device/Load Acquirer Card Issuer

21 15 Update funds pool

Load device sends S3 with
completion information to
load acquirer

22 Load acquirer logs transaction data

and S3

Figure 27, Figure 28, Figure 29, Figure 30, and Figure 31 show the basic

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

processing flow for a currency exchange transaction. The steps in the flow are:

1. The cardholder initiates the currency exchange transaction. The cardholder

interface will vary depending on the device, card, and scheme being used and is
outside of the scope of this document. Cardholder verification is not required
for a currency exchange transaction.
2. The load device requests card data (the balance of each slot containing
currency, current balance, maximum balance, currency code, currency
exponent, and the alpha currency code). The assumption is that the
cardholder does not know the currencies and balances loaded on the CEP card.
3. The CEP card responds with the data requested and whether it supports the
currency exchange transaction, the CEP card expiration date, and the number
of available slots.
4. If the CEP card has expired, the transaction is terminated. If a CEP card is
locked, the transaction is terminated.
The load device displays to the cardholder the currency, current balance, and
maximum balance for each slot on the CEP card. The load device may
optionally provide a warning to the cardholder if the expiration date is
The cardholder selects the currency to convert from, the “from” currency,
enters the amount to convert, and designates the currency to convert to, the
“to” currency.
The load device determines if the “to” currency is already present or if there is
an unused slot. If a partial currency conversion is to be performed, either the
“to” currency must be present, or there must be an unused slot. If neither of
these conditions exist, the transaction is declined.
5. The load device sends an initialize for exchange command to the CEP card.
6. The CEP card generates the S1 MAC and sends it in a response to the load
device. If appropriate, the load device logs the transaction information.
7. The load device sends CEP card information to the load acquirer. Included in
the information is the S1 and the data elements required to verify the S1.
8. The load acquirer receives and logs the request from the load device.
The load acquirer designates a unique identifier for the currency exchange
transaction and determines the routing for the card issuer. The load acquirer
formats a message to the card issuer for authentication, using the unique
transaction identifier to manage the load processing for the duration of the
transaction. The load acquirer must keep records, by CEP card number, of all
currency exchanges that take place at its load devices.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

9. The load acquirer sends a message to the card issuer for authentication and
authorization to perform a currency exchange transaction.
10. The card issuer logs the request from the load acquirer.
11. The card issuer validates the CEP card as being issued by the card issuer and if
the “to” currency is supported. It then obtains the exchange rate for the
from/to currencies and calculates the amount in the “to” currency. The card
issuer determines if the “to” currency amount plus the current “to” currency
slot balance is greater than the “to” currency slot maximum balance.
If the slot balance is greater than the “to” currency maximum balance, the card
issuer must determine the action based on its risk and liability policy for slot
balances. These policies are at the discretion of the card issuer, subject to any
maximums that are established by the scheme provider or for legal or
regulatory reasons. Options include decline the transaction, adjust the
maximum slot balance, or offer cardholder a partial currency exchange.
12. The card issuer validates the S1. If the S1 is valid, the card issuer generates the
S2 MAC. If the S1 is not valid, the transaction is declined.
13. The card issuer logs the CEP currency exchange request.
14. The card issuer sends the S2 in the response to the load acquirer and the new
maximum slot balance, if appropriate. Any script messages to be sent to the
CEP card are included in this response.
15. The card issuer updates its funds pool. The card issuer decrements the “from”
currency funds pool and increments the “to” currency funds pool. It updates
the card database with transaction detail and adjusts liabilities as appropriate.
16. The load acquirer sends the response to the load device. Any script messages
from the card issuer are included in the message to the load device.
17. If the message from the load acquirer contains a script message that is to be
sent to the card before the currency exchange command, the load device sends
the script message to the CEP card.
The load device sends the currency exchange command to the CEP card.
If the message from the load acquirer contains a script message that is to be
sent to the card after the currency exchange command, the load device sends
the script message to the CEP card.
18. The CEP card validates the S2, decrements the “from” value, increments the
“to” value, adjusts the maximum balance, as appropriate, and generates an S3
MAC. It then creates a record in its internal transaction log.
19. The CEP card sends a confirmation status to the load device.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

20. The load device displays a message to the cardholder advising of the new
balances in the “from” and “to” slots. If possible, it issues a receipt. The load
device logs the transaction, if applicable.
21. The load device sends a transaction completion message with the S3 to the
load acquirer. For successful transactions, the timing of the completion
message is at the discretion of the load acquirer. For unsuccessful transaction,
the completion message, with its error notification, must be sent immediately
to the load acquirer who notifies the card issuer.
22. The load acquirer receives and logs the S3 which is retained for the period of
time defined in the scheme provider’s operating regulations.

5.5 On-line Exception Processing

The load acquirer’s load host or load device or both may experience exception
processing conditions when processing a load, unload, or currency exchange
transaction. This section describes the actions that the load acquirer must take for
specific exception conditions, some of which require reversing transactions.
Receipt of a positive completion response with an S3 MAC from the CEP card is
proof to the load acquirer that the transaction completed. To guard against fraud
in an unlinked load transaction, the load acquirer must test receipt of a negative
completion message from the CEP card by comparing the S3’ returned from the
card with the S3’ received from the card issuer.
When a completion response to a load, unload, or currency exchange transaction is
not received by the load acquirer, the load acquirer must log the transaction as a
suspect transaction. A suspect transaction is one whose completion status is
unknown. The load acquirer must advise the card issuer of all suspect
transactions. In addition, there must be a procedure to notify the card issuer if the
status of a suspect transaction is changed to positive or negative completion.
In linked loads, unlinked loads from cash and currency exchange transactions, the
load acquirer and the card issuer are the only two entities involved. After the card
issuer has sent the approval response with S2, the card issuer moves funds on the
presumption that the transaction concluded successfully unless a reversal
transaction is received from the load acquirer.
Unload transactions are always on-us where the load acquirer, card issuer and
funds issuer are always the same financial institution. In an unload transaction,
funds move only on receipt of a positive completion message with a valid S3.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

6. Card Requirements
6.1 Compatibility
The CEP application must be implemented only in cards that comply with EMV
version 3.1.1 Part I and Application Selection as specified in EMV Part III. Refer
to the Document References section.
The card must support either T=0 or T=1 as described in EMV. Other
applications may be on the card.

6.2 Multiple Currencies

The CEP card may support multiple currencies. Each currency occupies a “slot”
within the CEP. The slots are defined by the currency supported. The currency
for an individual slot is determined during load or currency exchange. Currency
exchange could apply to a single slot, and then only for the total balance.
It is a card issuer’s decision to determine the currencies that are allowed to occupy
slots in the CEP card. This decision is made by the card issuer during the load or
currency exchange transaction, by approving or rejecting the request to authorize
the transaction.
A single currency cannot occupy more than one slot. The CEP card must not
permit a slot to be assigned a currency if another slot in the CEP card has already
been assigned to that currency.
The CEP card limits each slot to a maximum balance. The maximum balance for a
slot is established when a currency is assigned to the slot, and is determined
externally by the card issuer or by CEP card data which indicates a maximum
balance in a reference currency. There is no requirement that all slot maximums
have the same relative value, and there is no requirement for the card to maintain a
maximum total value.
The card must not allow a slot to exceed the maximum balance, and must reject
any command that would raise the current balance above the maximum.

6.3 Data Integrity

The card must provide integrity of data for purchase, load, unload, currency
exchange and purchase cancellation transactions. For example, a cardholder might
remove the card from the interface device during processing of the transaction. A
hardware malfunction may cause the same effect. Regardless of the point of
processing within the card that such an interruption occurs, integrity of the card
data must be maintained, using internal checksums.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

6.4 Card Security Functions

The card must securely maintain the keys and certificates identified in the security
section of this document, including:
x The symmetric load key.
x The RSA key used for authenticating the card to the PSAM (CSK).
x The regional(optional), issuer and card certificates (RCERT(optional), ICERT
and CCERT) used to support the cryptogram generated by CSK.
x The CA public key (modulus and exponent) used to authenticate the acquirer
certificate from the PSAM.
Only one version of the CA public key is required in the card. This requires that
the PSAMs with which the CEP card exchanges cryptograms must be capable of
generating and validating cryptograms using the relevant keys from all current
The number and management of symmetric keys in the card beyond the mandatory
requirements is at the discretion of the card issuer.
The above keys and certificates must not be able to be altered or revealed
externally by any command or process that is not described in this document or the
personalization document to be written by the issuing payment scheme. The card
must be capable of supporting RSA cryptographic algorithms and DES with a 16
byte key (triple DES). Any alternative symmetric methods used for the issuer
MACs (such as the S6 MAC for purchases) must provide at least equivalent
strength to triple DES.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

7. Key Management
Private and public keys are required in both the CEP card and the PSAM during
transaction processing at a POS device. During personalization the data elements
containing card/PSAM private keys and CA public keys are created and stored in
the nonvolatile memory of the ICC.
These keys in the CEP card may be accessed or updated later by the electronic
purse card issuer while connected on-line to the card, when the load acquirer and
card issuer are the same institution. Keys in the PSAM may be updated during
collection processing. During these update processes, the confidentiality of the
keys must be protected by encipherment.

7.1 Certificate Hierarchy

The hierarchy of public keys used to authenticate a CEP card in a POS transaction
must consist of a minimum of three levels. A three-level hierarchy is comprised of
a CA public key (contained within the PSAM), an issuer public key (contained
within an issuer certificate in the CEP card), and a card public key (contained
within a card certificate in the CEP card). The CA private key is used to create the
issuer certificate, and the issuer private key is used to create the card certificate.
With a four-level hierarchy, a regional public key is inserted between the CA public
key and the issuer public key, and resides within a regional certificate in the CEP
card. In this case, the CA private key is used to create the regional certificate, the
regional private key is used to create the issuer certificate, and (as in three-level)
the issuer private key is used to create the card certificate.
The hierarchy of public keys used to authenticate the PSAM in a POS transaction
uses a similar structure. It, too, may be of either three or four levels, with a CA
public key, a regional public key (optional), an acquirer public key, and a PSAM
public key. Only the highest level, the CA public key, resides in the CEP card.
Both the CEP card and PSAM must be capable of recovering the appropriate keys
and certificates from either a three-level or four-level hierarchy.

7.1.1 Creating Issuer and Acquirer Certificates

Certification authority providers must be able to generate public and private key
pairs, receive regional or issuers’ and merchant acquirers’ public key data through
the scheme provider for certification, and deliver the certificates to regions, issuers
and merchant acquirers.
During implementation, identification of certification authorities must be
determined. However, the PSAM must be able to contain multiple CA public keys,
regional certificates (when they are used), and acquirer certificates for each active

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

CA public key. The number to be stored must be decided by the scheme provider
during implementation.
Certification authorities must certify the regional or issuer and acquirer public
keys. Where regional authorities exist, they must certify the card issuer and
merchant acquirer public keys within their regions. Card issuers must certify card
public keys, and merchant acquirers must certify PSAM public keys.
The public key data of the region must be signed by the regional private key when
conveyed to the CA. After receiving the region’s input file from the scheme
provider, the CA uses the regional public key to verify the signature and generate
the regional certificate.
The public key data of the issuer must be signed by the issuer’s private key when
conveyed to the CA or the region. After receiving the issuer’s input file from the
scheme provider, the CA or region uses the issuer’s public key to verify the
signature and generate the issuer’s certificate.
The acquirer public key data must be signed by the acquirer’s private key when
conveyed to the CA or region. The CA or region provider, after receiving the
merchant acquirer’s input file from the scheme provider, uses the acquirer’s public
key to verify the signature and generate the acquirer’s certificate.
If a region is used, the scheme provider must securely send the regional certificates
to the region. The region or scheme provider must securely send the issuer’s and
acquirer’s certificates to the issuer and merchant acquirer. Details of secure
distribution of these certificates are outside the scope of this document and will be
determined during implementation. During personalization, the region and
acquirer certificate is loaded into the PSAM and the region and issuer certificate is
loaded into the CEP card. The appropriate CA public keys are also downloaded
during personalization.
The format of issuer and card certificates must comply with EMV’96 - refer to the
Document References section. According to EMV’96, public key exponents used
for all public keys must be 2, 3, or 216+1.
To distribute certificates, scheme providers are responsible for the interface
between the CA, region (if applicable), issuers and merchant acquirers. Scheme
providers must also manage the issuer certificate revocation lists and issuer’s and
acquirer’s certificates.

7.1.2 Security Maintenance in the PSAM

New CA public keys may be distributed (on-line or off-line) to active PSAMs, or
are loaded into the PSAM during personalization.
New acquirer certificates may be distributed (on-line or off-line) to active
PSAM’s, or are loaded into the PSAM during personalization.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Issuer certificate revocation lists are distributed to active PSAMs.

All updates to security mechanisms in the PSAM, whether performed on-line or
during personalization, must be secured cryptographically to allow the PSAM to
validate that the updates originated from the merchant acquirer

7.1.3 Key Lengths

The public key minimum lengths are:

x 1024 bits for the scheme provider.

x 1024 bits for the regional authority.
x 896 bits for the card issuers and merchant acquirers.
x 768 bits for the CEP card.
x 736 bits for the PSAM keys.
Longer keys may be mandated by individual schemes for all except the PSAM
keys, but must follow EMV policies.

7.2 CEP Application Personalization

This section provides the key management requirements for CEP application
personalization. The processing details of CEP application personalization vary by
scheme provider.
The following cryptographic elements must be placed onto a CEP card during the
personalization process:

x A diversified CEP card load key that controls security for load and, optionally,
unload transactions.
x A diversified CEP card currency exchange key that controls security for
currency exchange transactions.
x A diversified CEP card purchase key that controls security for purchase
x An optional diversified CEP card update key that controls security for the
update process.
x An optional diversified CEP card unload key that controls security for the
unload process.
x A CEP card RSA key pair.
The private key portion must be stored in a secure location in the CEP card.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

This data must only be accessible by the CEP card for its own processing.
There must be no mechanism to retrieve the CEP card private key from the
CEP card. The public key modulus is stored in a CEP card certificate which is
signed by an issuer private key. Other card public key information (version,
algorithm code, exponent and possibly a key remainder) must also be stored.

x An issuer certificate.
An issuer certificate contains the RSA key modulus of the key used to create
the CEP card certificate. Other card public key information (version, algorithm
code) must also be stored.

x An RSA certification authority public key that is used to authenticate a PSAM.

Additional cryptographic elements may be placed onto a CEP card to support
the personalization process.

7.3 PSAM Personalization

This section provides the key management requirements for PSAM
personalization. The processing details of PSAM personalization vary by scheme
When a PSAM is personalized, it must be assigned a unique identification number.
This number may be extended with a scheme provider identifier and a merchant
acquirer or system operator identifier to ensure that the PSAM identifier is unique
across schemes.
The following cryptographic elements must be placed onto a PSAM during the
personalization process:

x An update key that allowing for secure updates during the life of the PSAM.
This update capability is optional if there exists a mechanism to replace the
PSAMs when updates are required.

x A merchant acquirer key for creating MACs on transactions and batch headers
during the POS transaction process.
x An optional merchant acquirer key to ensure that acknowledgments to delete a
transmitted batch are valid. This may be the same key as used for creating
x A PSAM RSA key pair.
The private key portion must be stored in a secure location in the PSAM. This
data must only be accessible by the PSAM for its own processing. There must
be no mechanism to retrieve the PSAM private key from the PSAM. The
public key portion is stored in a PSAM certificate which is signed by a
merchant acquirer private key.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Merchant acquirer certificates.

An acquirer certificate contains the public key portion of the same RSA key
pair as the private key used to create the PSAM certificate.
If a scheme has multiple public keys that allow CEP cards to validate PSAMs,
the PSAM must have an acquirer certificate created by the private portion of
each of those keys.

x A scheme RSA public key that is used to authenticate the CEP card.
x There may be multiple scheme RSA public keys and certificates in the PSAM.
While all of this data must be placed onto the PSAM prior to its use, not all of
the information must be placed onto the PSAM in a single process. Whether a
single process is used or multiple processes are used, the method of placing
data onto the PSAM must ensure the confidentiality of the secret data and the
integrity of all other data.

7.4 Key Management Entities

The key management process involves the following entities:

x The scheme provider.

x The scheme certification authority.
x The regional certification authority (optional).
x The card issuer.
x The merchant.
x The merchant acquirer.
Each of these entities is described below.

7.4.1 Scheme Provider

The scheme provider is responsible for:

x Providing a scheme certification authority.

x Arranging to have one or more scheme RSA key pairs for CEP card
verification generated and assigned version numbers.
x Arranging to have one or more scheme RSA keys pairs for PSAM verification
generated and assigned version numbers.
x Distributing the public key portions of the scheme RSA key pairs for CEP card
verification, along with their version numbers, to all PSAM personalizers.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Distributing the public key portions of the RSA key pairs for PSAM
verification, along with their version numbers, to all card issuers.
x Establishing a process that allows the card issuers, merchant acquirers and
regions to obtain certificates. This may include establishing or certifying
regional certification authorities.
x Receiving and forwarding the requests for generating regional or issuer and
acquirer certificates to the CA provider.
x Distributing CA public keys to regions, or to card issuers and merchant
x Distributing aggregation parameters to merchant acquirers.
x Distributing blocking lists to merchant acquirers.
x Distributing issuer certificate revocation lists to merchant acquirers.

7.4.2 Scheme Certification Authority

The scheme certification authority is responsible for:

x Generating, labeling, and storing the scheme RSA key pairs, as requested by
the scheme provider.
x Providing the scheme RSA public keys to the scheme provider for distribution.
x Where regional certification authorities exist, scheme certification authorities
must sign regional public keys to create regional certificates.
x Where regional certification authorities do not exist, signing issuer and acquirer
public keys with the active scheme private key to create certificates.

7.4.3 Regional Certification Authority (optional)

The regional certification authority is responsible for:

x Generating, labeling, and storing the region RSA key pairs, as requested by the
scheme provider.
x Providing the region RSA public keys to the scheme provider for certifying.
x Signing issuer and acquirer public keys with the active regional private key to
create certificates.

7.4.4 Card Issuer

The card issuer is responsible for generating the following keys:

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Card issuer RSA key pairs.

x Card RSA key pairs.
x Card RSA key certificates and associated data.
x Card load key.
x Card currency exchange key (optional).
x Card diversified key (for generating S6).
The card issuer is also responsible for ensuring that the cards are personalized with
the following keys and certificates:

x Regional certificates (where they exist).

x Issuer certificate.
x Card certificate.
x Card private key.
x Card load key.
x Card diversified key.
x Certification authority public key.
Additionally, the card issuer is responsible for:

x Establishing key life cycles consistent with card issuer risk management
x Submitting the card issuer public key for certification to the scheme provider
or regional authority.
x Maintaining a list of issuer certificates and associated certificate identifiers.
x Notifying the scheme provider when issuer public keys have been compromised
and identifying the key.
x Generating, using, and storing all keys using appropriate security practices.
x Authenticating and authorizing load, unload, and currency exchange
x Validating purchase and purchase cancellation transactions.
x Generating the symmetric master keys that are used to diversify the CEP card
symmetric keys.
x Generating one or more issuer RSA key pairs.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Interfacing with the scheme or regional certification authority to obtain an

issuer certificate for each RSA key pair generated.
x Obtaining the RSA public key for PSAM verification from the scheme provider
or regional authority.
x Generating an RSA key pair for each CEP card.
x Generating a certificate for each CEP card.
x Generating diversified symmetric keys for each CEP card.
x Ensuring that all CEP card keys are placed onto the CEP card in a secure
x Generating keys to be provided to card suppliers and card personalizers to
ensure the security of unpersonalized CEP cards and CEP card secret data
during transport.
x Maintaining a cross-reference between the number of each CEP card
personalized and the number of the card issuer certificate on the CEP card.
x Maintaining a cross-reference of all of the identification numbers of all of the
applications personalized on an CEP card.

7.4.5 Merchant
The merchant is responsible for:

x Receiving, maintaining, and securing PSAMs.

x Maintaining, in the terminal, the current date, time and static data required for
transaction processing.
x Receiving and passing to the PSAM updates to:
 Certification authority public keys.
 Issuer certificate revocation list.
 Aggregation parameters.
 Blocking lists.

7.4.6 Merchant Acquirer

The merchant acquirer is responsible for:

x Generating acquirer RSA key pairs.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Submitting acquirer public keys for certification to the scheme provider or

regional authority.
x Creating PSAM RSA key pairs and certificates.
x Personalizing and installing PSAMs.
x Distributing CA public keys to all PSAMs through personalization or updating
active PSAMs.
x Generating, using, and storing keys using appropriate security practices.
x Distributing issuer certificate revocation lists, blocking lists and aggregation
parameters to all merchants with active PSAMs.
x Generating the symmetric master keys that are used to diversify the PSAM
symmetric keys.
x Generating diversified symmetric keys for each PSAM.
x Ensuring that all PSAM keys are placed onto the PSAM in a secure manner.
x Generating keys to be provided to PSAM suppliers and PSAM personalizers to
ensure the security of un-personalized PSAMs and PSAM secret data during

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

8. Reporting
8.1 Types of Reporting
Reporting should be regarded as sensitive information. All applicable data
protection laws must be followed. Required reporting categories are:

x Reconciliation/Accounting
This is a process that ensures that data residing on more than one database is in
balance. Reconciliation reports or extracts of data are required to ensure
system integrity. Accounting reports for each participant provide the
bookkeeping to track CEP card activity for the functions performed by the
x Audit Reporting
This consists of reports and data to ensure each component of the system is
operating properly. An audit trail must be traceable to identify the source
transactions used when providing summarized data in reports.
x Risk Management
This provides the participant with data to identify fraud or system-related
financial risk; for example, cards or transactions not generated by the system or
processed multiple times. Each participant is required to proactively identify
suspicious activity or fraud for its environment and to notify the appropriate
risk group if suspicious activity exists. The risk groups require access to
system data for risk analysis.

8.2 Minimum Reporting Requirements

This section describes the minimum reporting requirements to support an
interoperable CEP system. These are:

x Settlement reporting must come from the entity creating the settlement
transaction and validating the transactions.
x A processor must provide detailed reconciliation reporting for participants.
x Exception reporting must be supported and robust enough to ensure
transaction integrity.
x Purchase transactions that have MACs must be stored with their MACs and
must be made available to the card issuer according to currency.
x Load data must be available to the card issuer’s system that maintains the card
issuer liability.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

x Card issuers and merchant acquirers must send suspicious transactions to a

scheme provider central data repository for additional analysis if the scheme
has a central repository.
x It must be possible to determine the source and detail of all transactions
included in consolidated and summarized data.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

9. Glossary


The total amount, consisting of the sum of all transactions in a given batch, is
provided to the issuer. Details of the individual transactions that make up the total
are not provided, or recoverable.

A computer program and associated data that resides on an integrated circuit chip
and satisfies a business function. Examples of applications include: spreadsheets,
word processing, databases, electronic purse, loyalty, etc.

Asymmetric Key Cryptography

See Public Key Cryptography and Encryption.

The ability to quantify an issuer’s outstanding value to its initialized value.

A cryptographic process used to validate a user, card, terminal or message
contents in which one entity proves its identity and the integrity of the data it may
send to another entity. Also known as a handshake, the authentication uses unique
data to create a code that can be verified in real time or batch mode. An umbrella
term for several risk management processes that may be performed during chip
card transactions.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements


The remaining value in an electronic purse (in a specific currency). It is increased
by load transactions and cancel last purchase transactions, and decreased by
purchase and unload transactions.

A batch is a group of transactions recognized by the POS device as a logical entity
and transmitted at single time for further processing. A total transaction count and
net transaction amount for a batch reflect the count and value of the transactions
grouped by the POS device into that batch. Transactions in a batch must have
consecutive numbers assigned by the PSAM. Each batch must have an identifying
number for tracking purposes. An active batch is one into which the POS device is
currently placing new transactions. When a batch is closed, that is, it is no longer
the active batch, the batch number is incremented by one to create the new batch
number, and the total transaction count and amount are reset to zero for the new


Cancel Last Purchase Transaction

The action that increments the balance on an electronic purse card. It is used to
correct an amount that was keyed incorrectly at the time of purchase, or to
reimburse a customer for the amount of a purchased item that the customer
subsequently returned.

Card Acceptance Device (CAD)

The mechanism, a key component of integrated circuit card reader/writers, into
which an integrated circuit card is inserted.

Card Authentication Method (CAM)

A cryptographic means of validating a card's legitimacy.

Card Issuer
Also known as the Electronic Purse Card Issuer, it is the organization responsible
for the provision and distribution of integrated circuit cards. It also authenticates

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

load requests and transaction records, and provides cardholder customer service.

Card to Card Transaction

Transferring value from one electronic purse card to another electronic purse card.

Cardholder Verification Controls

Cardholder verification confirms the identity of the person using the card as the
rightful cardholder and signifies cardholder acceptance of the transaction. Chip
technology improves cardholder verification in two important ways. First, the chip
makes it possible to check PINs off-line. Second, chips can store and process
issuer instructions that specify which cardholder verification controls are to be
used in different situations at the point of transaction, which further enhances
transaction security and improves issuer control. Cardholder verification controls
enable issuers to:

x Specify whether on-line or off-line PINs are required for a given chip card
application and if off-line PINs are required, whether they are encrypted or not.
x Specify different cardholder verification control policies and hierarchies for
different types of transaction, terminal types, merchant categories, and
transaction amounts.
x Set a maximum allowable number of PIN tries.

A public key and related data signed by a higher level private key.

Certificate Revocation List

A list that identifies issuer public key certificates that are no longer valid. This
allows an issuer to block certain cards, where the issuer private key has been
compromised, for use at purchase terminals.

Certification Authority
An entity entrusted by one or more entities to create and assign public key

Chip Card
A financial or other (for example, identification) card that is embedded with an
integrated circuit.

Chip-Reading Device/Terminal
A POS device, ATM, or other device capable of processing chip card-initiated

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

The process of transferring transaction data from a POS device to the merchant

Completion Code
A part of the response to any component on a given command. It indicates
whether the command was successfully performed or not; in the latter case the
completion code indicates the reason why it was not successful.


Data Encryption Standard (DES)

The National Institute for Standards and Technology's Data Encryption Standard
is the most widely accepted public domain symmetric key cryptography algorithm.

Digital Signature
This prevents denial of a transaction or message by the sender. The technique is
being used for electronic mail, financial transactions and in sensitive data system
applications. The digital signature is generated using a public key cryptographic
algorithm and information that identifies the user, including a cryptographic key. In
the public key version, the user signs the message using a private key stored in a
smart card or terminal hardware or software. The receiver employs the public key
of the sender to authenticate their identity.

Disposable Card
An electronic purse card that is personalized with a monetary value at the time of
manufacture, lacks the ability to add funds to it, and cannot be used once the funds
are depleted.


EMV Specifications
Technical specifications for credit/debit applications developed cooperatively by
Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) to create standards and ensure global
interoperability for the use of chip technology in the payments industry.

Error Recovery
A group of transactions used for correcting certain errors observed during
processing of normal transactions.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Electronic Purse
An electronic purse uses an integrated circuit for the storage and processing of
monetary value that is used for purchase of goods or services. It is generally
positioned to displace small value coins and cash purchase amounts. The card may
be disposable or reloadable.

Electronic Value
The value stored and exchanged in an electronic purse card system. The electronic
value is offset by hard currency in the specified currency.

The transformation of data into a form unreadable by anyone without a secret
decryption key.


Funds Card
The traditional bank card used to purchase a disposable card or load value to a
reloadable card. The card issued to a cardholder by the funding bank.

Funds Issuer
The financial institution that domiciles the accounts used to load value to a
reloadable electronic purse card.


The process, executed by card supplier that sets data fields on the card.

Integrated Circuit Card (ICC)

See Smart Card.

Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems, and

Integrated Circuit Card Terminal Specifications for Payment Systems
Technical specifications developed jointly by Europay, MasterCard and Visa
(EMV) to create standards for the use of chip technology in the payments industry.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The major international standards setting organization.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Interoperable Electronic Purse Applications

Electronic purse applications that utilize technology-independent, end-to-end
transaction processing coupled with devices that allow electronic purse
cardholders, merchants, and financial institutions, regardless of the underlying
technology, to perform electronic purse transactions. The applications must be
supported by systems that clear and settle transactions performed by cardholders
and merchants, regardless of the card issuer, acquirer and/or system operator.


Key Management
A technique for securely distributing cryptographic keys to parties involved in a
secure transaction. The primary standard for key management is known as ANSI
X9.7. Other techniques, including proprietary methods, are used for government
classified information systems. Key management generally requires a special
computer dedicated to distribute keys securely, however, public key cryptography
also may be used to establish session keys between two parties without the need
for a third party server. It provides for both manual and automated techniques to
securely exchange keys and keying material between the various system
components, either directly or indirectly using common key management centers to
whom responsibility has been delegated by the system operator(s).


Linked Load
A load transaction where the funds issuer and the card issuer are the same financial
institution and chooses to process the load as a single transaction.

Load Acquirer
An organization through which a load transaction is initiated.

Load Device
A physical device (e.g., ATM) operated by a load acquirer and used by an
electronic purse card cardholder to transfer value from the cardholders funds
account to the electronic purse card. The device must be capable of
communicating with the reloadable card and of communicating on-line with the
funds issuer and the electronic purse card issuer.

Load Transaction
An on-line, PIN-based transaction performed using a load device, such as an

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

ATM, telephone, etc., whereby value from the cardholder’s source of funds (e.g.,
funding account) is transferred to an electronic purse card. In return, the electronic
purse card issuer receives payment from the cardholder’s funding source.

Load Value Transaction

Consumer initiated transaction that adds value to electronic purse cards at load


A SAM installed at the load device or load host providing the necessary security
for the communication between the load acquirer and the card issuer.


Magnetic Stripe Card

A card that contains a magnetic stripe material technology that can store
approximately 130 characters or numbers, which provides information about the
account and the cardholder.

The organization delivering goods and/or services to the cardholder.

Merchant Acquirer
An organization that collects and possibly aggregates transactions from several
purchase devices for delivery to one or more system operators.

Message Authentication Code (MAC)

A digital code generated using a cryptographic algorithm, which establishes that
the contents of a message have not been changed. Taking all or part of a message,
such as the amount and account number, and processing it through the algorithm,
usually DES, generates a MAC. The resulting code is appended to the message.
The receiver, using the same algorithm and secret key processes the message to
see if the same MAC results. If not, there has been an error in the transmission or
data has been purposely changed. Messages with MACs do not necessarily need to
be scrambled, as data integrity, not data secrecy, is the primary objective.

The brain of the smart card, which functions as the central processing unit and
executes application and security functions. A true smart card contains a
microcomputer that includes EEPROM, a microprocessor CPU, ROM (which
stores operating, security and application programs) and RAM (which provides

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

temporary registers for interim processing steps).

Multi-Application Card
A smart card that supports more than one application (e.g., electronic purse, debit,
credit, loyalty, etc.).

Multi-Currency Support
Capability to handle more than one currency and provide foreign currency
exchange functions.

Mutual Authentication
The process of authentication where the cardholder’s card validates the terminal
and the terminal, in turn, validates the card. See also Two-way Authentication.


Providing cryptographic proof that neither the originator nor the receiver can
repudiate having sent/received a given message with its original contents.


Off-line Transaction
A transaction that does not require real-time connection to a card issuer.

On-line Authorization
The process whereby the funds for a load transaction for a specified amount is
approved or declined on-line by the funds issuer or the funds issuer’s designated

On-line Transaction
A transaction that requires s real-time connection to a card issuer.

One-way Authentication
The authentication process wherein either the cardholder’s card determines that the
terminal is valid, or the terminal determines that the cardholder’s card is valid, but
not both. One-way authentication always refers to card authentication.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements


Personal ATM
An easy to use, handheld appliance that can connect to a communications line for
use as a load device when the card issuer is also the load acquirer.

Personal Identification Number (PIN)

A code used by a cardholder for identification and subsequent access to financial
or non-financial data.

The process of initializing a card with data that makes it unique from all other
cards. This includes account data and cardholder information in the case of credit
or debit accounts.

Point of Sale
The environment in which a consumer purchases goods or services. Also referred
to as point of transaction (POT), point of use (POU), and point of service (POS).

Private Key
That key of an entity’s asymmetric key pair that should only be used by that entity.
In the case of a digital signature scheme, the private key defines the signature

Public Key
That key of an entity’s asymmetric key pair that may be made public. In the case of
a digital signature scheme, the public key defines that verification function.

Public Key Cryptography and Encryption (PKE)

An asymmetric cryptographic method using two different mathematically related
keys for encryption and decryption. One key remains private and is maintained by
the user in a terminal or smart card. The other key since it cannot be used to derive
the private key is made public. When encrypting data, the sender looks up the
public key of the receiver and uses it to encrypt the message. Only the user
possessing the associated private key can decrypt the message. As the
sophisticated and extensive mathematics that allows this cipher system to work,
public key cryptography is generally not used for encryption of large amounts of
data. Instead, it has found the most favor as a way of generating a digital signature,
which is attached to a message or transaction to confirm the identity of the sender.
In this process, the user employs their own private key on part of the message,
including identification information. Anyone receiving the message may
authenticate the sender’s identity by decrypting the digital signature using the

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

sender’s public key. The message also may be scrambled to ensure the secrecy of
the message contents. PKE techniques are also popular to establish session keys
for symmetric key encryption of data between two parties, without the need for a
central key distribution facility.

Purchase Log
A file in a electronic purse card non-volatile memory used to record information on
at least the latest purchase transaction.

Purchase Secure Application Module (PSAM)

A PSAM is a secure device, typically, a chip that is embedded typically on a card
that resides in a card acceptance device (CAD) or a hardware security module
(HSM). The PSAM contains security keys and performs the functions of
authenticating an electronic purse card during a purchase transaction and securing
the payment and collection totals.

Purse to Purse Transactions

Transferring value from one electronic purse to another electronic purse.


A public key cryptography algorithm developed by mathematicians Rivest, Shamir
and Adleman of MIT. See Public Key Cryptography and Encryption.

The process of validating that appropriate credits and debits are processed for load
and unload transactions. An audit process that ensures that data residing on more
than one database is in balance.

The return of goods by a consumer in exchange for the return of money
(electronically or otherwise) paid for the goods.

Reloadable Card
An electronic purse card that has the capability for a consumer to add value or
unload value from the card.

The act of rejecting, renouncing or disclaiming a transaction that was previously

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements


An electronic purse card system including the card and terminal application, central
system, and security.

Scheme Provider
The electronic purse card authority that defines the program operating rules and
conditions. The organization is responsible for the overall functionality and
security of an electronic purse card system.

Secret Key
A key used with symmetric cryptographic techniques and usable only by a set of
specified entities. The key is kept secret at both the originator and the recipient

Secure Application Module (SAM)

A logical device used to provide security for insecure environments. It is protected
against tampering, and stores secret and/or critical information.

Security Architecture
The utilization of detailed security mechanisms, including cryptographic algorithms
and the key management necessary to implement security requirements.

A process performed by the system operator. Based on data from purchase and
load transactions, payment is effected from the system operator to the acquirers
and in some cases from the load acquirers to the system operator.

A cryptographic algorithm used in security protocols to authenticate both devices
and the integrity of data.

A set of data elements associated with a specific currency.

Smart Card
A card that contains an integrated circuit for data storage and processing. A typical
smart card chip includes a microprocessor or CPU, ROM (for storing operating
instructions), RAM (for storing data during processing) and EPROM or EEPROM
memory for non-volatile storage of information.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Symmetric Key Cryptography

Cryptographic processes in which encryption and decryption rely on the same
secret key. An example is the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA); however, a host
of other proprietary algorithms are also available. The strengths of the approach
are its security and speed, especially when implemented in hardware. The major
disadvantage is the complex key management procedures required to securely
distribute keys. Symmetric key cryptography may also be used to protect the
integrity of data by generating message authentication codes (MAC) and to sign
messages with digital signatures. The latter process, however, requires special
procedures to guarantee protection of keys. See DES.


Transactions are stopped at some point in the process and not passed to the issuer
or its agent. If necessary, the issuer could retrieve the transaction.

Two-way Authentication
The process of authentication where the cardholder’s card validates the terminal
and the terminal, in turn, validates the card. See also Mutual Authentication.


Unlinked Load
A load transaction with two separate transactions, one to the card issuer to
authenticate the card, and the second to secure funding for the load. The source of
funds may be cash or it may be a cardholder account.

Unload Transaction
The on-line process of unloading value from a electronic purse card to an account.

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

10. Acronyms

Acronym or Description
ACERT Acquirer Public Key Certificate
ALGCCEP Conversion algorithm identifier
ALGL Load Algorithm Identifier
ALGPA Purchase Key Algorithm Used by the CA to Produce the
Acquirer’s Certificate Contained in the PSAM
ALGPDA Cryptographic Algorithm to Use in Purchase
ALGPI Purchase Key Algorithm Used by the CA to Produce the
Issuer’s Certificate Contained in the Card
ALGPS Symmetric Cryptographic Algorithm Used to Create the S3
Signature (MAC) on a Purchase Transaction
AMPDA Authentication Method Used in Purchase
ATM Automatic Teller Machine (Unit)
ATR Answer-to-Reset
BIN Bank Identification Number
CA Certification Authority
CAD Card Acceptance Device
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CCERT Card Public Key Certificate
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CEP Common Electronic Purse
CEPS Common Electronic Purse Specifications (or System)
CERTIDACEP Identifier of the Acquirer’s Certificate Contained in the Card
CSKCEP Card Private Key (RSA)
CURR Currency
DB Database
DDA Dynamic Data Authentication
DDEA Deactivation Date
DDF Directory Definition File
DEA Data Encryption Algorithm
DES Data Encryption Standard
DEXP Expiration Date
DF Dedicated File
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EF Elementary File
EMV Europay, MasterCard and Visa

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements

Acronym or Description
FCI File Control Information
FI File Identifier
GSM Global System Mobile
IC Integrated Circuit
ICC Integrated Circuit Card
IFD Interface Device
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Iss Issuer
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LDA Load Device Application
LRC Longitudinal Redundancy Check
MAC Message Authentication Codes
MF Master File
PAN Application Primary Account Number
PDA Purchase Device Application (Purchase Device)
PIN Personal Identification Number
PK Public Key
POS Point of Service
PSAM Purchase Secure Application Module
RAM Random Access Memory
RFU Reserved for Future Use
ROM Read Only Memory
RSA Rivest, Sharmir and Adlemen (Cryptographic Algorithm)
SAM Secure Application Module
SFI Short File Identifier
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
TLV Tag, Length, Value
Var Variable

Common Electronic Purse Specifications - Functional Requirements


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