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Classroom Management Plan and Script

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Classroom Environment Beliefs

In order to create a safe, positive learning environment for all students, I have to make

certain that my classroom management plan is effective and consistently followed. Discipline

also has to be consistent and handled promptly. The classroom should be set up in a way that is

inviting and welcoming and reflects the teacher’s philosophy of learning. I believe in teaching

the whole child and promoting individual learning. I also believe in promoting peer group

collaboration because students can bounce ideas off each other and learn from their peers. I also

believe effect classroom environments are inquiry-based and student-centered. I must build and

maintain trusting relationships with my students and include their parents as much as possible.

To have effective classroom management, I must establish from the very first day, my

expectations for student behavior and achievements in learning. I will also need to do my best to

motivate my learners and show them the importance of the work they and others do.

Philosophy Graphic
Support from Theories and Theorists
One of the first theorists that I draw my inspiration from is Abraham Maslow, whose

hierarchy of needs model lays a foundation for student learning. Everyone requires their basic

needs, and when these are not met, students are incapable of truly focusing and learning because

they are focused on the need. For example, if a student is scared for their safety, they are unlikely

to listen to my lesson on frogs. When there is a deficiency in the physiological needs, students

are not motivated. Therefore, the lower level needs should be satisfied before learning can take

place. Another theory that I draw inspiration from is inquiry-based learning. This theory allows

students to ask questions, realize that their voices matter, and realize that their curiosity is

important. From this theory, students are studying things they care and wonder about and are

motivated to learn.
Letter of Introduction to Students

Welcome to

First Grade
Mrs. Munsey’s Classroom 2021-2022
Welcome First Graders! I am so excited for the 2021-2022 school year! I have
so many fun things planned, and I am thrilled you will be in my classroom this
year! The first day of school is August 16th. I look forward to seeing your
smiling face at 7:30am in room 104.

My Contact Information School Supplies

24 count crayons
[email protected]
24 #2 pencils


Plastic 5X8 supply box

About Me 2 large glue sticks

1 pkg. 8 Expo dry erase markers

I graduated from Bluefield State
College with a bachelor’s degree in 1 plain pocket folder
Elementary Education with 1 wide-ruled spiral notebook
specialization in Special Education Gym shoes for PE
and a certificate in Autism. My
husband, RJ, and I have two
children. We love to stay busy on

our farm with our animals. We also
enjoy sports. I coach volleyball at a
local high school. I love chocolate,
teaching, and Dr. Pepper.Letter of Introduction to Parents
August 16, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
My name is Alexis Munsey, and I’m very excited to be your child’s new first grade
teacher. I have a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with an endorsement in Special
Education and a certificate in Autism. My husband, RJ, and I are blessed with two children.
When I am not at school, my family and I love going on adventures and caring for our animals
on our farm. I am very lucky to do a job that I am very passionate about. To be most effective,
I’m writing to ask you to become a partner with me in your child’s education. I will only have
you child for a short time, so I want to make a contribution that will last a lifetime.
Our school day will begin in room 104 at 7:30 am. Our school day is from 7:30am to
2:30pm. If you are dropping off your child, please drop them off at the cafeteria doors. Your
child will also be picked up from here in the afternoon at approximately 2:30pm. Each day your
child will be bringing home a folder that contains their daily behavior report in which I ask that
you sign and return it back to school. I will be using Schoology to send messages and reminders.
PE is every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 am. Please see that your child is dressed for comfort and
safety (running shoes and comfortable clothes).
I know my teaching must begin with making children feel at home in my classroom and
helping all the children come together in a learning community. This community is made up of
unique individuals, each with his or her own learning style, strengths, interests, history, hopes,
and dreams. I also stress the importance of inquiry-based learning because their voices and
curiosity is extremely important. I will be working with your child this year to become fluent
readers, learn how to tell time as well as add and subtract within 20, and identify the characters,
setting, and major events in stories. Your child will learn how to pronounce the first, middle, and
end sounds in a word and how to write simple and compound sentences.
Would you please help me by taking a moment to write about your child: what is your
child like? What are his or her interests? What are things you, as a parent, know that would be
important for me to know? What has his or her school experiences been like so far? How do you
see your child as learner and as a person? What are your main goals for your child this year?
Please use the attached envelope and kindly send in your response by Friday, August 27th.
Please feel free to contact me through Schoology or my email address. Thank you for
your cooperation. I am looking forward to a wonderful partnership in your child’s education.
Mrs. Munsey
First Grade Teacher
[email protected]
Arrival/ Dismissal Procedures

1. Greet Mrs. Munsey at the door
2. Unpack and hang backpack and coat
3. Put Take Home folder in box
4. Greet classmates
5. Use restroom
6. Begin bellringer
1. Pack backpack and get Take Home folder and coat
2. Clean our classroom
3. Sit quietly until dismissed

Tardy/ Absence Procedure

1. Put tardy slip in tardy slip box
2. Unpack and hang backpack and coats
3. Put folder in box
4. Check absent folder for missed work (make up missed work during free time
or as homework)
5. Use restroom
6. Join the class
1. Check absent folder on days missed for missed work
2. Complete missed work during free time or as homework
3. Students have three days to complete and turn in all missed work from the
day the student came back to school
Homework Procedure

1. Homework will be given Monday- Thursday

2. Any work not completed in class or missed work due to tardiness or absence
will be homework
3. Homework will be placed in the Take Home folder and will need to be
completed (if necessary) and returned back the following day to the Take
Home folder box
4. Some homework will consist of reading a story, studying math facts,
studying vocabulary words, and studying spelling words. This will not need
to be turned in.
5. In addition to homework, students are encouraged to read 30 minutes each

Procedures for Getting Students’ Attention/ Getting Teacher’s Attention

Getting Students’ Attention

1. Teacher will use an attention grabber (ex. class, class—yes, yes; hocus
pocus—everybody focus) to get the entire classes attention
2. Teacher could also say “Eyes on me” to get students’ attention
3. To get an individual student’s attention, the teacher will say their name.
Getting Teacher’s Attention
1. Students will raise their hand, remain quiet, until the teacher calls on them
2. Students may hold up one finger meaning they need to use the restroom,
hold up two fingers to get a drink of water, hold up three fingers to get a
tissue, hold up four fingers to sharpen their pencil, hold up five fingers for
asking a question, and holding up a fist meaning they have an answer.
Lining Up/ Hallway/ Restroom Procedures

Lining Up
1. Students will line up based on teacher’s directions
2. Eyes are forward
3. Voices are off
4. Hands are to yourself
5. Line is straight
1. Eyes are forward
2. Voice is off
3. Hands to yourself
4. Walking Feet
5. Stay to the right side
6. Follow the person in front of you
1. Use in the morning before class starts
2. Raise hand and hold up one finger to go to the bathroom
3. Use after lunch and during bathroom breaks
4. Use walking feet to get to restroom
5. Voices are off
6. Check to make sure bathroom is clean before using
7. Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds
8. Leave restroom clean
9. Quickly and quietly return to seat and continue working

Bullying Procedures for Student as Victim and as Bystander

1. Report situation to teacher as soon as possible
2. Bystanders should not agree with bully (ex. laughing, ignoring the situation,
gossiping, liking mean social media posts, or spreading rumors)
3. Bystanders should become upstanders and report situation to teacher
Classroom Rules/ Discipline

1. Work as a team
2. Be responsible
3. Listen to others
4. Be respectful to everyone
5. Be kind and helpful
6. Do your best
1. First Offense: Verbal Warning
2. Second Offense: 1 to 5 minutes of recess lost, meeting with teacher
3. Third Offense: 10 minutes of recess lost, meeting with teacher
4. Fourth Offense: Sent to principal, parent call
5. Severe Disruption (ex. fighting, bullying): no warnings, sent to principal
immediately, parent call.
Map of Classroom Set-Up

door SMARTBOARD Bookshelves

Carpet for silent

Carpet for sitting reading/ calm down
and listening time
cubbies for
coats, and
lunch boxes

Table 3
Table 1

Table 2
Take Home Folders
and Absent Folder

Small group

Teacher’s Table 4
desk and
Rationale for Classroom Set-Up
In my classroom, I want students to be seated in a circle pattern to encourage peer

collaboration. I have a carpet in front of the Smartboard for morning meetings, whole group

discussions, read alouds, and more. I have the cubbies for students next to the door so students

aren’t walking across the room if they are tardy or have to leave early. I placed the take home

and absent folders box near the cubbies and teacher area to make it easier for the teacher to put

things in the folders and easy for students to drop off and pick up each day. I placed the supply

area near the desks, so there is little disruption when getting supplies. I also put the small group

table near the teacher area, so students aren’t being disrupted by students in other areas. I placed

the calm down corner and library area in the same corner because it’s a spot away from the tables

and students can get the break they need to calm down or the silence they need to read.

How the Teacher will Greet Students on First Day

The teacher will stand at the door to the classroom and say to each student, “Good
morning and welcome to first grade! Please find you seat and sit patiently until all
of our new friends have arrived.”
Once all students are seated at their table, the teacher will say “Welcome to first
grade! I’m your teacher Mrs. Munsey. I’m so excited to see all of your faces this

Sample Day 1 Bellwork

After all students have arrived, the teacher will give each student a piece of paper
and have them write and/or draw things about themselves. For example, a student
could write his name on the paper and draw his family and pets. After all students
have completed, the teacher will ask for students to share their papers with their
Detailed List of Specific Items to be Accomplished Before First Day of School

1. Arrange materials and classroom as described in classroom set-up

2. Create bulletin boards for the classroom (one for what will be taught and one
to welcome all students to first grade)
3. Place name cards at each student’s seat (seating arrangement)
4. Decorate classroom
5. Organize classroom library
6. Write and post rules chart, consequence chart, arrival instructions in the
7. Write Bellringer on smartboard
8. Set-up a turn-in basket, a Take Home folder box, and an absent folder
9. Hang a bathroom, line up, and hallway procedure chart in the classroom
10.Make a poster with the daily schedule to hang in the classroom
Description of How Procedures will be Selected and Taught to Students

Classroom procedures will be taught in the order in which they are to be

used. First, arrival procedure will be explained and the purpose will be given,
rehearsed, and then reinforced at the end of the day. Next, the tardy and absence
procedure will be explained, rehearsed, and then reinforced at the end of the day.
Then, lining up, hallway, restroom, bullying, homework, and dismissal procedures
will be explained, rehearsed, and then reinforced. I will reinforce procedures by
asking students questions about each procedure (Ex. How are we excused? Where
do we find our missed work from being absent? How do we line-up?).
Agenda of Events for the First Day
Arrive at classroom, get 7:15am-7:35am
prepared for the day, eat
breakfast, start bellringer
Morning Meeting 7:35am- 9:00am
(Procedure discussion/
practice, classroom rule and
consequences discussion,
expectation discussion)
Reading 9:00am-9:55 am
Math 9:55am-10:50am
Lunch 10:50am-11:20am
Bathroom Break 11:20am-11:25am
Resource 11:25am-12:25pm
Bathroom Break 12:25pm-12:30pm
Recess 12:30pm-1:00pm
Review and practice 1:00pm-1:30pm
Classroom Procedures
Pack-up for the day, give out 1:30pm-2:00pm
all papers to be signed and
returned, Discuss Dismissal
procedure, Identify parent
pick-ups and bus riders
Dismissal/Bus Duty 2:00pm
Classroom Management - Creating a Learning Environment, Setting Expectations, Motivational
Climate, Maintaining a Learning Environment, When Problems Occur. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 12, 2020, from https://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1834/Classroom-
Ernst, D., Hodge, A., & Yoshinobu, S. (2017). What Is Inquiry-Based Learning?
DOCEAMUS, 64(6). doi:https://www.ams.org/journals/notices/201706/rnoti-p570.pdf
Mcleod, S. (2020, March 20). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from

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