Semiconductors Next Wave
Semiconductors Next Wave
Semiconductors Next Wave
Semiconductors – the Next Wave
Semiconductors are essential technology enablers that power
many of the cutting-edge digital devices we use today. The global
semiconductor industry is set to continue its robust growth
well into the next decade due to emerging technologies such as
autonomous driving, artificial intelligence (AI), 5G and Internet
of Things, coupled with consistent spending on R&D and
competition among key players.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | The ever-evolving semiconductor scene
The ever-evolving
semiconductor scene
Robust growth expected and the inclusion of emerging
In the past few years, growth of the technology such as AI in products
global semiconductor industry has and 5G networks, as well as rapid
been driven largely by demand from growth in automotive and industrial
electronics such as smartphones electronics, will be some of the
and the proliferation of applications market's key driving forces. The
including the Internet of Things bulk of semiconductor revenue will
and cloud computing. The global come from processing electronics
semiconductor sector's total revenue (e.g. storage and cloud computing)
is set to increase from USD481 billion and communication electronics (e.g.
in 2018 to USD515 billion in 2019 wireless).
and continue its robust growth well
into the coming decade. Continued
enhancements of existing products
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | The ever-evolving semiconductor scene
420.39 Communication
Electronics: 30.2%
400 0.15
345.85 Data
300 0.1 34.2%
Consumer Electronics:
200 0.05 9.3%
Automotive Electronics:
100 0 12%
Industrial Electronics:
0 -0.05 Military/Civil Aerospace 13.2%
Electronics: 1.1%
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | The ever-evolving semiconductor scene
Smart Watches:23.9%
Fitness wearables:7.7%
0% 10% 15% 20% Mean:7.2%
Other Audio:6.1%
Chassis: 6.1%
Wired Communication:5.1%
Commercial Amusement:4.3%
Military/Civil Aerospace Electronics:3.0%
Other Video:2.9%
Wireless Communication:2.6%
Digital Set-Top Box:-2.9%
video game consoles/handhelds:-4.0%
Digital Camcorder:-5.5%
Digital Still Camera:-7.1%
(Blue Laser)DVD Player/Recorder:-12.0%
Portable Media Players:-15.9%
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | The ever-evolving semiconductor scene
Consumption of automotive electronic Head mounted displays will be the Communication electronics include
components for safety, infotainment, main driver of semiconductor growth wired and wireless electronics. In
navigation and fuel efficiency will in consumer electronics. In addition, wireless electronics, traditional phone
increase for years to come due to wearables and smart watches will be and cellular modems will experience
ever-more electronic components new point of growth. However, other large declines, while smart phone
being applied in advanced safety consumer electronics markets, such demand will increase only slightly.
features added to vehicles. Among as DVD and portable media players, Revenue growth from the wireless
applications driving semiconductor will see sharp declines. Hence, the market could be quite slow. In wired
growth, advanced driver-assistance overall revenue increase of consumer communication electronics, enterprise
systems (ADAS) will have the largest electronics will be somewhat limited. WANs (wide area networks) deployed
increase. They will drive demand for as appliances should be the fastest-
ICs (Integrated Circuits), MCUs and Data processing electronics include growing segment.
sensors. computing and storage. Storage,
especially SSDs (solid-state drives), APAC appetite remains strong
Industrial electronics encompass will account for the largest increase. The Asia Pacific region will remain
security, automation, solid-state As the price declines seen in 2018 the world's biggest market for
lighting, transportation and continue, the trend towards greater semiconductor consumption. An
energy management. Security SSD adoption and increased average increasing proportion of Chinese
is the most substantial driver of capacity will retain strong momentum; products, which is stimulating the
industrial electronics. New memory particularly in enterprise SSDs as growth of the whole Asia Pacific
technologies enhance the energy data center demand will remain a key market, will be the major contributing
savings, security and functionality of driver. factor. In addition, more M&A will
IoT devices. benefit semiconductor sector growth
going forward.
Figure: Semiconductor sales by region (2018) Figure: Semiconductor sales growth (2018)
10% Americas
Asia Pacific (exclude Japan) 14.50%
Asia Pacific
(exclude Japan) EMEA 13.90%
Japan 9.30%
Source: Gartner
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | The ever-evolving semiconductor scene
In terms of growth, the US had the Figure: Semiconductor sales in East Asia
fastest growth rate in 2018 due to
the rise of DRAM and high demand
for MCUs, especially in the storage
market. The Asia Pacific region
China Mainland Korea Taiwan Japan
has benefited from a boom in the
memory market as the rising price of
Source: Gartner
memory generated great revenue.
The integrated circuit (IC) industry
in Mainland China grew 24.8%,
making a major contribution to China playing catchup of the IT industry. By increasing
Asia-Pacific. Korean semiconductor In East Asia, Japan has held a leading added value, Taiwan should solve the
industry growth depends mainly position in the semiconductor downside in the IC design industry
on IC suppliers, particularly in the R&D and materials industry, with caused by a lack of capital and
memory chip market. On the other semiconductor giants including talent investment. China is taking up
hand, the semiconductor industry Toshiba, Sony and Renesas. South Taiwan's semiconductor market share.
in Taiwan is based on the foundry Korea and Taiwan are strong in Moreover, the expanding Chinese
model. However, price fluctuations memory and foundry, respectively. Mainland market will be a business
have harmed many foundries. This South Korea leads in DRAM and NAND channel for the IC design industry and
has prompted vendors in Taiwan and has many top semiconductor its companies will continue to invest in
to transfer some foundries into companies such as Samsung and SK the semiconductor industry in Taiwan.
Mainland China and re-prioritize to Hynix, mainly thanks to government Firstly, Mainland China can provide
focus on IC design in order to buck support. In terms of NAND, it is market support. The semiconductor
the price decline. As for Japan, as increasingly difficult for new players industry in Taiwan needs to be close
semiconductor companies have split to participate in the competition to the consumer market to support
and reorganized, they have exited due to the required accumulation of product innovation and economic
the DRAM business, which has low the technical know-how. However, of scale. Secondly, talent can be
technical value, and shifted focus South Korea also has challenges. provided to allow Taiwan to focus on
to exploit high value-added system The price of DRAM is falling and higher value-added product R&D.
chips. exports are declining. Hence, South
Korean semiconductor vendors are The Chinese semiconductor industry
devoting themselves to equipment is on an upward trajectory, with
and materials research as they seek to double-digit growth. Even though
expand into other sectors to tilt away the competitiveness of Chinese
from a heavy emphasis on memory. semiconductor vendors has improved
greatly in recent years, the industry
Taiwan has become the world's still relies heavily on key components
leading location for semiconductor from the West, resulting in a self-
foundry manufacturing. Taiwan's sufficiency rate of less than 20%. The
semiconductor foundry industry Chinese government has paid close
is dominated by two contract attention to this issue, promulgating
manufacturers, TSMC and United numerous favorable policies to
Microelectronics Company (UMC). strengthen the semiconductor
Semiconductor foundry is a mainstay industry.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | The ever-evolving semiconductor scene
Broadly speaking, there are four participated in the development of Looming uncertainties from the
categories of players in the Chinese the semiconductor industry in China, Sino-US trade war
semiconductor industry—the including UNISOC and Veri Silicon, 2019 is destined to be a bumpy one
"National Team", "Local Team", PEVC Giga Device and Montage etc. These for the tech sectors of China and
funds and MNCs—each of them enterprises are normally founded the US. Tit-for-tat tariffs will likely
vying to make China a world-leading by returnees, focus on IC design and continue and could even escalate,
semiconductor powerhouse. The in most cases are backed by PEVC. if no agreement from both side
National Team is spearheaded by Among MNCs, Intel, TSMC and many can be reached in areas such as
Large Fund and Tsinghua Unigroup, other foreign-invested companies intellectual property, technology
which have invested hundreds of have been in China for a long time. transfer and cyber-attacks. The
billions of dollars in the value chain. In recent years, a growing amount of hardest hit sector in the trade war
The "Local team", on the other hand, foreign capital has paid attention to will be semiconductors, where the US
acts under the guidance of Large China opportunities. Global Foundries imports USD2.5 billion worth of goods
Fund, with many local governments has a factory in Chengdu. ARM and a year.
having set up investment funds such Qualcomm have established joint
as the Beijing IC Industry Fund and ventures in China. In particular, after
Shanghai SummitView Capital Fund. Taiwan loosened restrictions on
These local semiconductor funds high-tech investment in the mainland,
are estimated to have exceeded TSMC set up factories in Nanjing and
RMB200 billion. In the PEVC system, Unicom entered Fujian via Jinhua.
many overseas returnees have
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | The ever-evolving semiconductor scene
Figure: China imports: IC chips vs Crude Oil Figure: US deficits with China
Furniture $23.4
Fabricated metal $20.3
Leather $19.8
Textiles $11.6
Crude oil imports (billion dollars)
Chip imports (billion dollars) 05 01 00 1502 00
Currently, China imports over USD200 In the grand scheme of things, however,
billion worth of IC chips from the US, far the short-term impact of the Sino-US
exceeding its imports of crude oil. Any trade war on China's high-tech industry
hiccups in the semiconductor value chain may not be as big as it appears, since
will have a severe impact on other parts of the majority of IC chips made in China
the industry. As the trade war continues are absorbed domestically. The back-
to intensify, a handful of domestic and-forth trade war will in some ways
semiconductor giants and MNCs have force Chinese enterprises to innovate
begun to re-evaluate their positions in independently and accelerate the process
the supply chain. Apple, for example, has of domestic substitutions to ease future
long used China as its production base for risks.
everything from its signature iPhones to
iPads accessories. The company's supply
chain now spans hundreds of companies.
However, these suppliers may consider
shift some iPhone production away
from China should tariffs on US imports
continue to rise.
The future of
Surge in automotive electronic regulation and customer demand, the
systems adoption of safety-related electronics
The automotive industry has come a systems has exploded. Most of the
long way in terms of providing factory- automotive innovations taking place
installed electronics meant for safety today arise from electronics rather
and comfort. Back in 2004, only a than mechanics. The cost contribution
quarter of cars had airbags and less of automotive electronics increased
than 50% had factory-installed power from around 20% in 2007 to about
seats. However, due to government 40% in 2017.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Interior Voice/Data
Lightering Communications
Accident Entertainment
Recorder Auto- Active System
Driver Dimming Cabin Noise Cabin DSRC
Alertness Mirror Suppression Environment Management
Monitoring Controls
Instrument Event Repair
Night Cluster Data
Vision Recorder Lane Correction
Display Electronic Toll
ADAS: uses sensors installed on the EV/HEV: hybrid vehicle that combines a Body: represents for vehicle components
vehicle to sense the surrounding conventional internal combustion engine itself, including power door, power
environment at any time of driving (ICE) system with an electric propulsion window, climate control and mirror wiper
process, which can collect data, detect system. control.
and track potential dangers.
Instrument Cluster: a control panel Chassis : the framework of an artificial
Powertrain: refers to series of parts and usually located directly ahead of a object, which supports the object in its
components that generate power on the vehicle's driver, displaying instrumentation construction and use.
vehicle and transmit it to the road surface. and controls for the vehicle's operation.
Infotainment: provides a combination of
Safety: includes active and passive safety Aftermarket: concerned with the information and entertainment based on
systems that reduce the risk of accidents, manufacturing, remanufacturing, vehicle integrated information processing
as well as their consequences. distribution, retailing, and installation system.
of all vehicle parts after the sale of the
automobile by the original equipment
manufacturer (OEM) to the consumer.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
The automotive industry has come a long way in terms of providing factory-installed electronics meant for
safety and comforts.
2030F 50%
1990 15%
1970 5%
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
200 15%
150 10%
0 0%
2000 2010 2020 2030
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Semiconductor role
Tier 2 Tier 1
EDA Semiconductor Electronic OEM
Vendors Systems
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
do r
en Au
o rV to
u ct Au t
o ak
ic D r i v no m er
nd l e c t r le s ing o
E c hic ( A us
t io
ic a
I n te
Elec anced
ic s
io Ar tif ence
t ro n
i c ia l
Ad v
or s
Di e c t i
ce y
gi t v i
Pl a
va r i t
In f t fo
al t y
da t y
Ad e cu
ot r m
an r i
St ecu
s e
L ig h t w e ig h t
Technolog y
L ig h t y
weight Technolog
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
1. Automation Safety is a key selling point for will play a critical role in the shift to
Widely considered as the ultimate autonomous vehicles. However, autonomous driving. More sensors
goal for the future of mobility. getting to full autonomy (Level are required to enable autonomous
Automakers and Tier-1 suppliers, as 5), requires advancements in capabilities. The number of sensors
well as technology providers (e.g. technologies such as ADAS safety used in vehicles will increase as
semiconductor vendors) and smart systems that can reduce the number autonomy levels rise. At Level 4, the
mobility companies (e.g. ride-sharing of traffic accidents, including number of sensors could reach 29.
companies) not traditionally involved electronic stability control, lane These features will not be limited to
in the automotive industry, are all departure warning, anti-lock brakes, high-end cars, but will move into mid-
racing to develop and invest in related adaptive cruise control and traction range and economy models where
technologies. Semiconductor vendors control. All of these require complex volume movement is going to be
in particular are actively developing electronic components that include much higher in the next few years.
a wide-range of microchips, fusion high-speed processors, memory,
and system-on-a-chip devices controllers, sensors and data links
incorporating AI and machine learning to ensure the reliability and safety
technologies. of a vehicle. For example, sensors
Ultrasonic 10
Radar LRR 2
Level 3 (2022)
~29 Radar SRR 6
AEB DM Camera for surround 5
Ultrasonic 10 Long distance cam 4
TJA Radar LRR 2 Stereo camera 2
Level 2 (2015) Radar SRR 6 Ubolo 1
Level 1 (<2012)
PA LKA ~13 Camera for surround 5 LIDAR 1
Long distance cam 2 Dead reckoning 1
Ultrasonic 4 Stereo camera 1
~6 Radar LRR 1 Ubolo 1
Ultrasonic 4 Radar SRR 4 LIDAR 1
Radar LRR 1 Camera for surround 4 Dead reckoning 1
Camera for surround 1
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
4. Security vendors today are more focused than secured with no introduced back
As vehicles become more connected, ever on the safety and reliability of doors or Trojans, assess vulnerabilities
hardware and software platforms vehicles. in software and firmware, provide
will be increasingly exposed to over-the-air (OTA) updates and have
hacking risks. A failure in one vehicle Two levels of protection are being communications links.
component could have an avalanche considered to deter any potential
effect. For example, if vehicle threats. The first is developing policy Future states of mobility will
communications were attacked and establishing cybersecurity coexist
maliciously, advanced vehicle systems standards, so that manufacturers We envision that these
would not be able to receive vital can follow a rigorous process for transformations will create four
situational awareness information and establishing the safety of connected co-existing states in future mobility,
integrated vehicle security systems vehicles. Standards alone may not be where vehicle ownership diverges
(control braking, acceleration and sufficient, however, as automakers between the shared and the personal,
crash avoidance, etc.) would fail to and technology players will need to while vehicle control continuously
react. Thus, automotive electronics build components that are highly moves towards complete automation.
Technology Landscape
Level 3 & Level 4 of Tech players and startups play
1 autonomy. Advanced a critical role with automakers.
Private Shared
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
In Private-Autonomous (state 1), automakers, technology players, fleet vehicles, such as ADAS and in-
vehicle ownership remains private, owners and regulatory bodies to vehicle infotainment (IVI), becoming
but the automation level has achieved create a complex urban ecosystem. an important growth market for
an all-time high due to decreases semiconductor players.
in the cost of technology, thereby In Shared-Automation (state 4),
boosting the number of autonomous where vehicle ownership is shared, a Asia Pacific the most attractive
vehicles. Collaboration between OEMs rapid increase in adoption of shared region
and technology players is the norm in mobility will emerge. Point-to-point Overall automotive semiconductor
this state. transportation will be created via revenue is projected to reach USD40
ride sharing and cost per-mile will billion (an all-time-high) in 2018,
In Private-Automation (state 2), where decrease. The landscape in this state before hitting USD60 billion in 2022.
vehicles are personally owned with will allow technology players to offer The Asia Pacific region is expected
limited ADAS. Auto OEMs will continue more enhanced and personalized to lead the world with 41% growth,
to focus on unit sales and bring in services. driven by supportive government
incremental technological advances. policy and consumer demand for
There will be little change in the Opportunities in automotive safety, particularly in China. China
ecosystem. semiconductors are emerging is now the largest market for the
Although mobile is, and will remain, automotive industry, with almost 29
In Shared-Autonomous (state 3), the largest market for semiconductor million cars sold in 2017. China is also
the majority of cars are shared with companies, overall growth has becoming a major auto-manufacturing
autonomous capabilities. In this been saturated for many years. The center, attracting global automakers,
landscape, there will be a rise in only exception is the automotive accounting for close to 29% of
on-demand mobility services such semiconductor segment, where worldwide light vehicle production. All
as entertainment, and we will see demand is strong as more electronic this makes the region highly attractive
deepened collaboration between components are being added to to semiconductor vendors.
Automotive semiconductor revenue(billion of US$)
Powertrain Infotainment Body EV/HEV Chassis Safety Aftermarket ADAS Instrument Cluster
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Source: Infineon
From a device perspective, different will generate large demand for example, when vehicles reach Level
types of components will be sensors and microcontrollers as 4 or 5, systems need to be able to
required for increasingly complex well as processing for each of these process all sensor data to create a
functionality sets. Some segments sensors. The industry is also in the holistic view that allows the car to
will grow faster than others do. process of developing more powerful make the right judgement.
For example, autonomous driving MCUs/MPUs to handle the data. For
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Seizing the opportunities these opportunities, leaders in the failure rate might be acceptable in
The automotive segment is not really semiconductor industry should the mobile space for suppliers, but
a new market for semiconductor consider the following actions and automakers will want less than one
vendors. In fact, many of them have approaches to the market: defective part per billion (DPPB) for 15
been participating in this market for to 20 years.
several years. However, it was not 1. Understanding the automotive
considered a big revenue source since sector's unique hurdles Furthermore, in the mobile world,
there were not enough customers, When it comes to requirements, the designs regularly reach 3GHZ,
it took a very long time to qualify automotive electronics market is where frequency and speed are
a process and volume was low vastly different from the consumer top priorities. On the other hand,
compared to consumer electronics. electronics market. For example, automotive frequencies and speeds
However, sentiment has changed consumers seek the latest, leading vary. But, as 5G-connected cars
due to rising demand for automotive edge technologies in cellphones. soon become a reality, the two
electronics such as ADAS, AI, However, in automotive, some domains might eventually merge, with
connectivity and sensors. To seize sensors are still being manufactured connected cars in a way become cell
at 150nm. This is because automotive phone-like. Automotive chips also
design requires substantial need to operate at a wider range of
redundancy and size is less of a temperatures: -40°to 155°centigrade
concern, so there is little incentive versus 0°to 40°centigrade for a
to move to 7nm sensors like those in mobile device. Voltages also vary
cellphones. In addition, the failure rate greatly between automotive and
requirement is much more stringent mobile. In mobile applications,
in the automotive space, because voltages are kept low to conserve
when a cellphone goes down a simple battery life. However, there are
reset can fix the issue, which is not high voltages in cars and many
possible for a car on the road. A 10% semiconductors are still analog, which
requires devices to operate correctly
in a wider range.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Thus, M&A should be considered an the best chance of producing high is also seen by Samsung as a new
integral part of an overall strategy quality components. M&A allows and profitable revenue stream.
to maintain competitive edge. The quicker access to this expertise to Samsung will expand its reach across
potential benefits M&A brings include strengthen competitiveness and the connected car market, ADAS,
filling gaps in product line, accessing increase market share. cybersecurity and over the air (OTA).
state-of-the-art technology and The acquisition also aligns with
gaining access to a wider customer Oversaturation of the smartphone Samsung's IoT universe strategy to
base. These are especially important market has pushed many big achieve volume.
in the automotive semiconductor semiconductor players to explore
industry, because it takes great effort possibilities in the automotive Meanwhile, Panasonic is refocusing
to secure long-term partnership semiconductor market to broaden its work from home electronics to
agreements with automotive their portfolios and diversify revenue high-tech auto parts, leveraging
companies. Added to this is the fact streams. The connected car provides its expertise in electronics to
that most automotive semiconductor an entry point for the expanded role build advanced capabilities in the
projects are lengthy, often taking semiconductor vendors can play. automotive electronics market.
years from concept initiation, product Panasonic has made several
development and qualification For example, Samsung acquired acquisitions in the last few years,
process all the way to production. Harman to build its infotainment coupling these with building
In addition, customers are seeking capability in connected cars. The autonomous driving capability
integrated, comprehensive solutions move allowed Samsung to gain a in-house. Panasonic has begun
from one company instead of many. foothold in the automotive market, testing autonomous cars, teamed
as Harman is a global leader in up with Google and Qualcomm on
From a technology perspective, connected autonomous vehicles. infotainment, and formed a joint
automotive semiconductor The acquisition not only allowed venture ( JV) in China to provide key EV
components have to adhere to Samsung to position itself as a key components.
stringent quality standards, and supplier of infotainment systems
semiconductor vendors with cutting- using an established brand name,
edge manufacturing capabilities have but the autonomous vehicle market
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
4. Rethink collaboration models Players' roles are shifting and new or JVs, the roles in the supply chain
and roles players are rising. Customers are are blurring. As vehicles become more
The ecosystem and collaboration becoming partners or competitors autonomous, systems within them are
models of the traditional automotive and vice versa. From acting as a ever more connected and cannot run
semiconductor are no longer static supplier and forming strategic in isolation.
but more intertwined than ever. partnerships to entering M&A deals
Classic automotive semiconductor supply chain New automotive semiconductor supply chain
Tier 1
Tier 2 Tier 1
Semiconductor Electronic OEM
Vendors Systems
Tier 2
Tech & Digital
Semiconductor OEM
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Future of automotive semiconductors
5. Keep an eye on start-ups and vibration and shock, wear and tear,
their disruptions and cleaning that is normal to the
Start-ups are a hotbed of activity harsh conditions of driving. Finally,
in connected cars, VRV/V2X there are still edge cases to be
communication, mobility services, resolved, such as bright sun against
cybersecurity and the AI/machine a white background, blizzards that
learning space. Investments in causes whiteout conditions and early
these auto tech companies have morning fog.
also seen huge increases in recent
years. There is a wide variety of There are several reasons why
startups in the industry to address semiconductor vendors should
different pain points. For example, pay attention to startups. First, the
new hardware startups are looking emergence of these startups in the
at ways to address the pain points connected vehicle space affords
associated with light detection and the opportunity to cooperate
ranging (LiDAR), which is integral to with them. Second, gaining access
the safety of autonomous vehicle. to technologies such as digital
First, LiDAR is still quite expensive and connectivity and AI will be increasingly
many big automakers do not use it; important for semiconductor vendors
second, (dynamic) range is a big issue and OEMs, as R&D cost and risk are
with the technology, i.e. how near, high. Third, these startups could
far and widely can LiDAR accurately be potential acquisition targets for
build a 3D picture from millions of semiconductor vendors to acquire
pixels. Robustness is another issue, innovative technologies or enter niche
with LiDAR having to withstand the markets.
Connected Car V2V/V2I/ V2X assistance/ Fleet Telematics
Machine Computer
learning/ AI/ Vision/ UX/ Design
Deep learning/ Detection
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Race is on for AI chips
• Robotics
• Autonomous Driving CPU
• Business Intelligence (Intel)
• Smart Factory
Application • Personal Assistance
• Customer Service
• Machine Learning (NVIDA,AMD)
• Deep learning
Technology • AI Platform
• Speech Recognition
• Image Recognition FPGA
• Biometric (Xilinx, Altera,
…… Microsoft…)
• AI chips
• Sensors
Infrastructure • Computing ASICs
• Data (Google, Horizon
…… Robotics, Bitmain,
Source: Microsoft, Deloitte analysis
There are two major ways to address GPUs used to process graphic and flexibility, especially when an
the parallelism issue. One is to add intensive tasks such as games are AI algorithm has not been finalized.
a dedicated accelerator based on built with parallelism in mind. GPUs This allows vendors to optimize
existing computational architecture. have very high performance suitable custom chips for their applications
The other is to re-develop completely for deep learning AI algorithms that while avoiding the cost and potential
to create a new architecture that require a lot of parallelism. This new technology obsolescence of the ASIC
simulates the neural networks of role makes GPUs a great choice for approach.
human brains. The latter approach is AI hardware. GPUs are now widely
still in the early phase of development used in cloud and data centers for ASIC AI chips, on the other hand,
and unsuitable for commercial rollout. AI training. They are also used in the have dedicated architecture for AI
The addition of AI accelerators will automotive and security sectors. The applications. ASIC-based AI chips have
therefore be the primary method. GPU is currently the most widely used, many variations, including TPU, NPU,
Numerous types of AI chips are most flexible AI chip available. VPU and BPU, etc. These are all aimed
available for acceleration: mainstream at diverse, computer-intensive, rules-
ones including GPUs, field- FPGAs, meanwhile, are programmable based workloads with high efficiency
programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and arrays suitable for clients that and performance and the flexibility
application specific integrated circuits want to reprogram based on their of a CPU. Typically, ASIC AI chips have
(ASIC), with variations including TPU, own requirements. FPGAs are higher efficiency, a smaller die size, as
NPU, VPU and BPU, etc. Each has its characterized by a faster development well as lower power consumption than
own strengths and weakness. cycle (versus ASIC) and low power GPUs and FPGAs. But, ASIC chips'
requirements (compared to GPUs). development cycle is longer and less
But, their flexibility makes their cost flexible, which has contributed to its
relatively high. FPGAs can be seen as a slow commercial adoption.
good compromise between efficiency
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Race is on for AI chips
There are two distinct AI deployments The training phase requires a phase is typically done via hardware
in deep learning: training and tremendous amount of computational in the cloud. The inference phase, on
inference. AI utilizes big data as a power because it requires the the other hand, can be handled either
foundation to "train" neural network application of a huge data set to a in the cloud or on devices (products)
models, using training datasets to neural network model. This requires at the edge. Compared to training
obtain these newly trained models. high-end servers that have advanced chips, inference chips require more
A newly trained model is then armed paralleled performance to be able thoughtful consideration of power
with new capability to "infer" from new to process large, diverse and highly usage, latency and cost.
data sets to reach a conclusion. parallel datasets. Therefore, this
Learning a new capability from existing data Applying this capability to new data
Trained Model
Optimized for
“dog” “Cat”
Source: nVidia
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Race is on for AI chips
120 100% 16 120%
97.1 14
100 100%
12 10.998
80 74.5 80%
60% 10
60 51.9 8 60%
40% 6
40 4.798 40%
20% 2.388
20 20%
0 0% 0 0%
2016 2017 2018 2019E2 2020E 2016 2017 2018 2019E2 2020E
Global AI market size (billion dollars) YOY Global AI chip market size (billion dollars) YOY
Source: CDIC
Foundry 1
Training ~17billion ~55%
Infer ~7 billion ~85%
AI Chip
2 Security ~2 billion ~40%
edge Automotive ~5 billion ~43%
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Race is on for AI chips
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Race is on for AI chips
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Race is on for AI chips
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Muted tone for M&A
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Muted tone for M&A
140 500
60 200
0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
2018.03.01 Technology US US 9.836 Expand industry supply chain
Renesas Integrated Search for cutting-edge
2018.09.11 Japan US 7.004
Electronic Device Technology application
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Muted tone for M&A
In East Asia (China, Japan, South Korea expansion, the pace stalled somewhat
and Taiwan), M&A volume showed in 2017 and 2018. In 2017, the volume
rapid growth between 2014 and 2015, of semiconductor M&A in East Asia
amounting to over USD22 billion. declined 1%, while value grew a
However, after several years of rapid modest of 2%.
Figure: East Asia (China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan) M&A transactions (2014-2018)
Expansion Phase Plateau Phase
30 140
25 120
5 20
0 0
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Figure: M&A transaction value - China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (2014-2018)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Muted tone for M&A
Figure:Top 10 M&A deals in China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (2018)
Districted District of Value
Date Bidder Target Motivations
bidder target ($B)
Strengthen market
United Mie Fujitsu
2018.06.29 Taiwan Japan 0.519 position and expand
Microelectronics Semiconductor
market share
Strengthen market
Hoejin Mainland
2018.07.10 SK Hynix System South Korea 0.075 position and expand
Semiconductor China
market share
Strengthen market
2018.06.26 Taiwan ON Semiconductor US 0.006 position and expand
market share
Strengthen market
2018.02.09 NEC Corporation Japan XON Holding South Africa 0.023 position and expand
market share
Strengthen market
Shanghai Fortune
2018.01.11 Mainland China Upstar Technology Hong Kong 0.022 position and expand
market share
Strengthen market
2018.05.09 TDK Japan Faraday Semi US N/A position and expand
market share
Acquire advanced
2018.02.28 TDK Japan Chirp Microsystems US N/A
China leading the way in domestic for semiconductor M&A. From 2014
M&A to 2018, the volume of M&A in China's
Regardless of the volume or value semiconductor industry ballooned
of transactions, Mainland China is from 48% to 72% in 2018 at a
undoubtedly the most active region compound annual growth rate of 18%.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Muted tone for M&A
11 2017 2016
10 11
2015 2014
12 15
10 10 11
89 2 73 51 6 36 8 6 30 11 6
Government policy has been the Outbound M&A mixed Figure: Motivations for M&A in the
largest contributor to the rapid Overall, volumes of cross border M&A semiconductor industry
development in China over the from East Asia declined after 2016,
past five years. China today is the particularly as the US strengthened its
largest importer of semiconductor investigations of Chinese companies Acquire Strengthen
advanced market
chips globally and the government's seeking leading-edge technologies. technology position and
overall strategy is to reduce reliance In 2017, the White House published expand
on foreign imports and build up the report, Ensuring Long-Term US market share
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Muted tone for M&A
Acquiring advanced technology: Strengthening market position: Accessing emerging sectors: The
The semiconductor industry in By acquiring competitors, enterprises rapid development of emerging
China relies heavily on imports. In play a synergistic role to increase technologies such as artificial
2018, there have been some urgent market share and enhance intelligence and autonomous driving
moves from Chinese tech players. profitability. In 2018, Shanghai Will has greatly stimulated demand
For instance, Chinese semiconductor Semiconductor acquired a 85% stake for semiconductor chips. Chip
cleaning equipment company NAURA in Beijing SuperPix Micro Technology companies are now expanding
acquired Akrion, a semiconductor and a 96% stake in Beijing OmniVision their business areas to emerging
wafer cleaning equipment company in Technologies for USD2.18bn to sectors through M&A. For instance,
Pennsylvania, to expand its business take advantage of the high-end Samsung Electronics has acquired
into silicon wafer fabrication, MEMS technics of OmniVision and cost Haman, one of the largest suppliers
and packaging, becoming the first control capabilities of SuperPix. M&A of connected, intelligent automotive
case approved by the Committee also paves a path to quick market component globally. In 2018, Japan-
on Foreign Investment in the United entry, particularly overseas. South based developer and manufacturer of
States (CFIUS) since the Trump Korean foundry SK Hynix acquired semiconductors Renesasa Electronics
administration took office. a 50% stake in Chinese foundry acquired US-based company
company Haejin Semiconductor Integrated Device Technology (IDT) to
Despite possessing more advanced (Wuxi) by investing USD75m as enhance its competence in self-driving
semiconductor technology, Japan, a strategy to expand its foundry car technology.
South Korea and Taiwan are still business. China-based company
seeking semiconductor-related Huada Semiconductor has acquired Expanding industry supply chain:
technologies through M&A. Canadian Solantro Semiconductor, The semiconductor industry chain
Taiwan-based company United which designs integrated circuits, to includes design, manufacturing,
Microelectronics acquired a 84% establish and grow its presence in packaging and testing from upstream
stake in Japan-based wafer foundry Ottawa. to downstream. By entering other
company Mie Fujitsu Semiconductor parts of the value chain, incumbents
for USD519m in June 2018 to enable not only create new revenue streams,
UMC to leverage its IC production but also create synergies. In 2018,
experience. Meanwhile Taiwan Ingenic Semiconductor, the leading
Semiconductor Manufacturing embedded CPU chip and solutions
Company acquired US-based ON provider in China, acquired a stake in
Semiconductor for USD6M to expand Beijing Xicheng Semiconductor, which
its semiconductor application will enable Ingenic to expand into the
portfolio and strengthen its core high-end memory chip business.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Muted tone for M&A
Look out for M&A risks Risks Related to Financial Risks Related to Overseas M&A
Despite the many benefits of M&A, Information and Due Diligence and Integration
a host of issues can arise pre and Compared with domestic M&A There are many challenges for cross-
post- merger, including mistakes in projects, overseas M&A projects border mergers and acquisitions
judging the target, failure to conduct have a different quality of financial in the process of transaction and
detailed due diligence and poor information, interpretation, supply integration, including the complexity
implementation. method and verification. Accordingly, of restructuring, lack of local
due diligence procedures should be integration resources and teams,
Risks Related to M&A Target reasonably arranged to deal with management of external stakeholders
Screening and Valuation these differences. and loss of talent, differences in
The Chinese technology industry management information systems,
faces various political and legal risks M&A involving foreign semiconductor and differences in culture, salary and
in overseas M&A. Governments in companies needs to focus on the risks welfare systems. Specifically, these
the US and Europe have very tight in shareholders' backgrounds: include:
restrictions on foreign acquisitions
or investments, especially in 1) Small and medium-sized Differences in culture and subsidy
semiconductors as a high-tech enterprises managed by founders: benefits systems: Different
industry. It will be difficult for Chinese these companies often do not pay performance appraisal systems
companies to acquire high-tech enough attention to daily accounting, will have an impact on employee
companies with the advantage of have relatively confused financial performance. Generally, the higher
high technology and high commercial data, and do not employ well-known the degree of company localization,
value, which can increase the difficulty accounting firms to audit their the lower the basic wage and
of selecting M&A targets. In addition, financials. It is difficult to obtain the higher the sales commission;
although Chinese enterprises can financial data to conduct business whereas the basic wages of foreign
obtain intangible assets (such as analysis through written materials. enterprises are generally higher and
technology and brand) and advance sales commission relatively low; these
their industry level by acquiring 2) Private-equity fund management differences may cause inequalities in
foreign enterprises, the premium enterprises: Private-equity funds wages and subsidies in the integration
paid is generally high, which brings tend to plan business expansion in of two enterprises, affecting the
substantial operational and financial the early stage, and sell at better enthusiasm of employees.
risks to Chinese enterprises. High performance points. Therefore,
financial leverage is the most financial data is detailed and
significant characteristic of overseas comprehensive, corresponding
M&A for Chinese enterprises. And written materials are available and
high leverage inevitably brings high financial data is highly authentic.
risks. If M&A fails or companies fail However, good historical financial
to integrate, leading to losses, M&A performance can often be caused
companies will face great financial by short-term incentives. Although
risks. current profits are high, the
development prospects may be
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Accessing the Chinese market
Accessing the
Chinese market
Semiconductor cash cow for MNCs It is no surprise then that China is a
China is expected to maintain its source of income for many of the top
position as the world's largest global semiconductor companies,
semiconductor consumption market. several of which generate over half
In 2018, China's semiconductor their revenue from China. Qualcomm,
consumption accounted for 41% of for example, gets 65% of its revenue
the global total. Commercialization from China.
of artificial intelligence, adoption
of the Internet of Things and 5G
will further drive growth. By 2024,
China will account for 57% of global
semiconductor consumption.
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Accessing the Chinese market
No one-size-fits-all solution for single correct method, but in general, weak in the high-end design of
market entry MNC's technology status as well as semiconductors and manufacturing,
Multinationals trying to access the China's domestic technology status and competition is not high, so MNCs
Chinese market should consider a play a crucial role. When an MNC typically set up regional offices or
multitude of factors such as policies, has the upper hand in technology, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise
technologies, marketing, logistics and it has higher bargaining power and (WFOE) to access the market. In areas
global strategies. It is also important will have less incentive to share where China is relatively strong such
for multinationals to realize the intellectual property. However, MNCs as packaging, testing and low-end
position they are in before entering might altogether avoid cases where design, MNCs may opt to setup a JV or
China to come up with the best entry domestic players are already strong. avoid the market altogether.
strategy. Obviously, there is no one For instance, China is relatively
70% 65%
Skyworks Qualcomm Qorvo Broadcom Acacia Intel Nvidle
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Accessing the Chinese market
Low competition Moderate competition High competition
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Accessing the Chinese market
Joint ventures: China, Taiwan and Figure: Top 10 packaging and testing companies worldwide (2017)
the United States hold the leading
positions worldwide in semiconductor 12.00%
packaging and testing. From 2010
to 2016, the output value of China's 10.00%
local packaging and testing industry
increased from RMB62.9 billion to 8.00%
RMB156.4 billion at a compound 6.20%
annual growth rate of 20%, higher 6.00%
than the global average. As of 2017,
there are three domestic companies 4.00%
in the top 10 globally, namely CJCET,
2.00% 1.80%
Huatian and Tongfu. 2.00% 1.30% 1.30% 1.20%
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Accessing the Chinese market
Aggressive Localization
seeking localization
opportunities to
maximize value
Low Strategic Value Of China market High
Protectionist trend
Low Controllability High
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Accessing the Chinese market
Digitalization is key
to competitiveness
Semiconductor companies tody Digital transformation has become the
must be more rapid and agile main strategy for many enterprises
than ever to remain competitive. to meet the challenges they face. For
The commercialization of new example, the digital transformation
technologies such as AI and big data is of the retail industry has penetrated
promoting the digital transformation all areas of the value chainInvolving
of enterprises and the realization consumer-oriented demand
of intelligent production, intelligent forecasting, personalized marketing,
management and intelligent sales. purchasing experience and intelligent
By investing in digital infrastructure customer service. The main aim is to
to increase productivity and develop continuously improve efficiency and
new business channels, companies effectively attract consumers.
will have the opportunity to The foundations of digitalization are
overcome development barriers and sound, as chip processing capacity,
digitalization will provide new impetus cloud service popularization, sensor
for their development. and other hardware prices have
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Digitalization is key to competitiveness
Design • Companies have to correct errors in physical • Correct design errors using virtual tools
designs (R&D) • Obtain data from device and tool to find out the
• Hard to find errors based on past factor creating mistakes and instruct next design
experience (Upgrade)
Manufacturing • Data generated from each devices cannot be • Connect data from all equipment and create data
connected set
• Manual maintenance are required and • Analyzing data set to predict the equipment failure
cannot predict the machine failure in advance
Packaging and • Consume a lot of time during testing • Build plat platform for data sharing between testing
testing companies and component suppliers
• Reduce the time required to achieve acceptable
shipping quality
management • Pricing based on subjective opinions • Data-based analysis could provide more accurate
• Difficult to obtain data from other players information for pricing
along the supply chain • Create system to track all information related with
• Hard to spot potential customer and provide chip and make it easier to find mistake
service for them • Spot potential customers that could contribute
more on revenue
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Digitalization is key to competitiveness
Artificial intelligence paves way Some leading Japanese semiconductor firms have
for efficiency
AI technology will play an already used AI extensively in the manufacturing
indispensable role in all aspects process. For example, in the manufacturing and
of semiconductor production and transportation process, a large amount of images and
company operations. Massive
amount of data is generated in vibration data are collected and analyzed, and the effect
the semiconductor manufacturing of improving productivity and yield is already shown. The
process and traditional data analysis
adoption for AI at the moment is mostly concentrated in
methods can only utilize parts
of the structured data for post- manufacturing, but it will be relevant in various fields in
mortem analysis. But intelligent the future such as quality control and demand forecast.
analytics based on AI can perform
comprehensive real-time analysis of
data sets to improve production and
management efficiency.
Design: Artificial intelligence can alter Figure: The benefits AI brings to semiconductor manufacturing
the process of design. Each step in
the semiconductor design produces
a large number of parameters. Unlike
Huge amount of Real-time
traditional analysis tools, new analysis data including analyze
technology can help semiconductor unstructured
designers comprehensively analyze data
all the data they obtain, and learn
from experience, as well as analyze
past data and extract relationships
from the data and results. Whether it Increase efficiency
is high frequency or low- to medium-
frequency data, data combination
can be used to spot potential errors
Make Precise
and increase yield, providing insights prediction control
into newly generated data to make
decisions or correct errors by simply
changing a certain parameter. In
addition, using data as a basis
for decision-making can avoid Source: Deloitte analysis
communication barriers between
design teams and process teams. .
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Digitalization is key to competitiveness
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Digitalization is key to competitiveness
Advanced Master Data Management:
Integrate various systems and maintain the
Video Sensors consistency and visibility of Master Data across
the organization
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Contacts
William Chou Leo Chen
Deloitte China Technology, Media Deloitte China Semiconductor
and Telecommunications Industry Sector Leader
Leader Tel: +86 21 61411911
Technology Sector Leader Email: [email protected]
Tel: +86 10 8520 7102
Email: [email protected] Andrew Chen
Deloitte China Technology Sector
Jennifer Shao Consulting Leader
Deloitte China Semiconductor Tel: + 852 22387678
Sector Partner Email: [email protected]
Tel: + 86 21 23166586
Email: [email protected] Lisa Zhou
Deloitte China Technology, Media
Roger Chung and Telecommunications Industry
Deloitte China Technology, Media Manager
and Telecommunications Industry Tel: + 86 10 8512 5909
Research Senior Manager Email: [email protected]
Tel: + 86 21 23166657
Email: [email protected]
The authors would like to thank Deloitte Taiwan TMT Industry Leader Gordon
Chen, TMT Industry Manager Betty Fang, Deloitte Korea Technology Sector
Leader In Kyoo Baek, Financial Services Industry Leader Hyung In Lee, and
Deloitte Japan Technology Sector Leader Yuki Shuto for their contributions to
this report.
Office locations
Beijing Harbin Shenyang
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Beijing 100026, PRC Harbin 150090, PRC Shenyang 110063, PRC
Tel: +86 10 8520 7788 Tel: +86 451 8586 0060 Tel: +86 24 6785 4068
Fax: +86 10 6508 8781 Fax: +86 451 8586 0056 Fax: +86 24 6785 4067
30/F Bund Center
222 Yan An Road East
Shanghai 200002, PRC
Tel: +86 21 6141 8888
Fax: +86 21 6335 0003
Semiconductors – the Next Wave | Digitalization is key to competitiveness
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