Equipment Specialist Specialty Course Instructor Outline
Equipment Specialist Specialty Course Instructor Outline
Equipment Specialist Specialty Course Instructor Outline
Specialty Course
Instructor Outline
Equipment Specialist Specialty Course Instructor Outline
Published by
International PADI Inc.
30151 Tomas Street
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-2125 USA
Printed in U.S.A.
Product Number 70220 (Rev. 5/05) Version 1.05
Equipment Specialist
This course is designed to be an introduction to new types of equipment and to
familiarize divers with the operation and maintenance of equipment.
To qualify for the Equipment Specialist course, an individual must:
1. Be certified as a PADI Scuba Diver, Junior Scuba Diver,
Open Water Diver, Junior Open Water Diver or have
qualifying certifications from another training organiza-
Instructor Supervision
Equipment Specialist courses may be conducted by a Teaching status PADI
Assistant Instructor, Underwater Instructor or PADI Instructor with a higher
rating who has been certified as a PADI Equipment Specialist Instructor.
The maximum student diver-to-instructor ratio is limited only by
instructor control.
It is recommended, but not required, that the student divers be given the
opportunity to try out new or unfamiliar equipment items in confined water
during this course.
The certifying instructor obtains an Equipment Specialist certification by submit-
ting a completed, signed PIC to the appropriate PADI Office. The instructor
certifying the student diver must insure that all certification require-
ments have been met.
Prerequisite Certification: PADI (Junior) Scuba Diver, Open Water
Diver, Junior Open Water Diver or
qualifying certification
Minimum Age: 10
Recommended Course Hours: 6
Minimum Open Water Training: None required
Student-to-Instructor Ratio: Not applicable
Minimum Instructor Rating: Equipment Specialist Instructor
Equipment Specialist
Introductory Information
Equipment Specialist Course Instructor Outline
Some of the material outlined in this document is also presented at the PADI
Open Water Diver level. While some students may need a detailed review of
this entry-level information, others may not. Evaluate the needs of the enrolled
students based on how recently they completed their beginning training.
E. Dive data
1. No open water dives are required
Equipment Specialist
III. Student and Instructor Materials/
Equipment Requirements
A. Student materials
1. PADI Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving
B. Instructor materials/equipment
1. Training and demonstration aids:
a. Facilities for proper rinsing, storage and transportation of
personal diving equipment
b. Spare parts and tool kit
c. Sample regulator first and second stage — suitable for
disassembly and reassembly
d. Submersible pressure gauge — suitable for disassembly
and reassembly
e. Scuba cylinder and visual inspection light. It is recom-
mended, but not required that the demonstration cylinder
contain highly visible examples of any of the following:
• Corrosion
• Pitting
• Cracks
• Accumulation of foreign materials
f. Cylinder valve, with burst disk — suitable for disassembly
and reassembly
g. Exposure suit material or old exposure suits (for practicing
gluing and cutting patches)
h. Samples of the following scuba equipment (use the
newest, most modern equipment available):
• Masks, snorkels, fins and related accessories
• Exposure suits — covering the range commonly used
for local diving
• Buoyancy control devices (BCDs)
• Weight belts or weight systems
• Scuba cylinders — different sizes and types
• Cylinder valves — different types (dual tank mani-
folds, Y-valves, J-valve, K-valve, etc.)
• Regulators — different types and models
• Alternate air sources — provide as broad a variety of
samples as possible
• Instrumentation — including devices for monitoring
cylinder pressure, depth, time, direction
• Surface signaling devices
Equipment Specialist
IV. Academic Topics
This an actual presentation outline. Directions to, or comments for, the
instructor are enclosed in [brackets]. Reference may be made to the Equipment
section of the PADI Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving.
A. Introductions, course overview and welcome to the course
1. Staff introductions
a. [Introduce yourself and assistants]
b. [Have students introduce themselves and explain why
they’re interested in learning more about their diving
equipment — break the ice and encourage a relaxed atmo-
2. Course goals
a. The goals of PADI Equipment Specialist training are to:
• Develop your practical knowledge of the theory, prin-
ciples and operation of diving equipment.
• Enable you to perform routine, recommended care
and maintenance procedures.
• Enable you to store equipment properly.
• Provide you with simple suggestions for comfortable
equipment configurations.
• Introduce you to new equipment.
3. Course overview
a. Classroom presentations [Give the times, dates and loca-
tions.] There will be ______(number) classroom presenta-
tions during the course.
b. You are to listen, take notes and ask questions.
c. You will see the following demonstrations of the basic
steps involved in:
• Proper care and maintenance of diving equipment
• Filling a scuba cylinder
• Conducting a scuba cylinder inspection
• Scuba regulator overhaul
d. Several practical workshops are also conducted during the
• Assembling a personalized spare parts or tool kit
• Minor repairs to exposure suits
• Checking a BCD for leaks
• Packing a dive bag
e. Confined water training. [If confined water training is
planned, give the time, date and location
4. Certification
a. Upon successful completion of the course, the PADI
Equipment Specialist certification card is awarded.
b. Certification means that you will be able to:
• Decide which diving equipment maintenance proce-
dures you can do and which should be left to profes-
• Properly care for and maintenance your diving equip-
• Apply for the rating of Master Scuba Diver if you are a
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or have a quali-
fying certification from another organization) and a
PADI Rescue Diver (or have a qualifying certification
from another organization) with certification in four
other PADI Specialty ratings.
5. Class requirements
a. Cost of course [Be sure to explain all course costs]
b. Equipment needs
c. Materials needed for the course
d. Attendance requirements
6. Administration
a. Complete paperwork Enrollment form, Standard Safe
Diving Practices Statement of Understanding, PADI Medi-
cal Statement, Liability Release and Assumption of Risk.
[The PADI Student Record File contains all of these forms.
Using it makes completing course paperwork easy and
Equipment Specialist
B. The principles of equipment selection and care.
Some of the material outlined here is presented in the PADI Open Water Diver
course. Consequently, cover this material as a quick review, focusing on equip-
ment care, maintenance and storage.
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Make equipment selection based on the three criteria given.
• Prepare new equipment for use.
• Care for and properly store diving equipment.
Some of the material outlined here is presented in the PADI Open Water
Diver course. Consequently, cover this material as a quick review focusing on
equipment selection.
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• State the materials commonly used for modern mask and snorkel
• Identify the new styles of masks.
• Explain how to use defogging solution.
• State the type of construction used to make modern diving fins.
• Choose fins based on fit, type of diving being done and personal pref-
• Assemble a spare parts kit and explain its value.
1. Masks
a. Materials
• Silicone or neoprene rubber
Equipment Specialist
• Silicone costs approximately 40 percent more — but
lasts 300 percent longer.
• Clear silicone allows more light to enter — but may be
a disadvantage when peering into dark holes
b. New styles [Show examples]
c. Defogging solution
• Prevents fogging caused by moisture in breath, perspi-
• More aesthetically pleasing than spitting
• How to use: [Demonstrate] works best when applied
to face plate while it is still dry.
2. Snorkels
a. Materials
• Modern snorkels are made from a combination of sili-
cone and plastic; use of neoprene is now uncommon.
b. New styles [show examples]
3. Fins
a. Materials
• Most modern fins use composite construction — ther-
moplastic blades and neoprene foot pockets.
• Older design fins are usually injection-molded neo-
• Thermoplastic/composite construction benefits
— lighter weight, greater efficiency, greater ease of
• Choice of colors
b. Choosing the right fins
• Divers who own both full-foot and adjustable fins will
be prepared for the widest range of conditions and
• Adjustable fins are preferable when: 1) diving in
strong currents, 2) carrying bulky equipment that
increases drag and 3) having to wear wet suit boots
because of water temperature or the need to walk
across rough surfaces.
• Full-foot fins may be adequate under all other condi-
tions and desirable when: 1) snorkeling, 2) having
to travel with minimal luggage and 3) having to do
extensive surface swimming.
• Factors to keep in mind when selecting fins include: 1)
wear wet suit boots when trying on adjustable fins, 2)
avoid fins that are too tight or too loose, 3) fin pocket
should come all the way up to the point at which the
ankle joins the foot, 4) you should be able to adjust
D. Exposure suits
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Compare the purpose of body suits, wet suits and dry suits.
• Compare the operational principle of wet suits and dry suits.
• Name the material use to make wet suits.
• Compare chemically blown and nitrogen-blown neoprene.
• Name the four types of material used to make dry suits and explain
the benefits and drawbacks of each.
• Choose a dry suit based on the features listed.
• Explain why it is important to seek specialized dry suit training prior
to using this type of suit for the first time.
• Choose an exposure suit base on local water temperature, underwater
activity level, average depth of dives, average length of exposure and
topside weather.
• List three exposure suit accessories and explain their use.
Equipment Specialist
b. Materials
• Virtually all body suits are made from Lycra®
c. Styles
• Zippered — easy donning
• Criss-cross — snuggest fit
d. Features
• Thumb loops —holds the body-suit sleeve in place
while donning wet suit.
• Stirrups — holds body-suit leg in place while donning
wet suit.
3. Wet suits
a. How wet suits work:
• Insulation — reduce heat loss through radiation and
conduction, low-density neoprene foam is a poor con-
ductor of heat.
• Retarded circulation — water trapped next to skin
absorbs heat only until a state of thermal equilibrium
is attained. So long as this water is not displaced by
colder water from outside the suit, little additional
heat loss will take place.
b. Type of materials
• Wet suits are made from closed-cell neoprene foam.
• Unlike a sponge (which is made from an open-cell
material), neoprene does not absorb water.
c. Construction
• Gas bubbles form in chemically blown neoprene foam
due to a chemical reaction.
• Nitrogen-blown neoprene is infused with gas bubbles
injected under pressure.
• Modern neoprene has chemical softeners added to is
to increase flexibility; this less-dense neoprene tends to
be somewhat more buoyant.
d. Thickness
• Neoprene ranges in thickness from 2.5mm/1/16 in to
7mm/3/8 in.
• 5mm/1/4 in neoprene is generally required in water
below 24°C/70°.
e. Linings
• Reasons for linings
• Types — nylon, plush, Lycra
f. Styles
• Shorty styles
Explain how wrist and ankle zippers are a trade-off between convenience and
increased water circulation, as well as on zipper construction; mention that
the need for such zippers has largely disappeared due to availability of more
flexible neoprene.
Equipment Specialist
• Vulcanized rubber dry suits — extremely durable, no
suit compression and like the coated fabric suits, they
have no built-in insulation of their own and are not
buoyant if flooded. Worn with undergarments.
c. Features
• Fit —dry suits are never as snug-fitting as wet suits.
Nevertheless, it is important to get a dry suit that is
properly matched to body size. Some dry suits have a
modified torso section for better fit.
• Custom fit — a few dry suit models may be custom-
made to accommodate people with unusual dimen-
• Zippers — dry suit zippers are essentially the same as
those used in space suits. These zippers require special
care and maintenance and may be mounted in differ-
ent locations on the suit.
• Seals — may be latex or neoprene. Neoprene seals
may not be as soft, as comfortable or work as well as
latex seals, unless carefully made and used correctly.
Neoprene seals may be repaired; latex seals require
• Boots — may be hard-soled or latex; the latex ones
must be worn inside conventional wet suit boots.
Divers may need to use fins with larger foot pockets
when diving with dry suit boots.
• Hoods — may be attached or not.
• Undergarments — may be made from a variety of
materials. Should draw moisture away from body.
Provide the majority of insulation needed for dry suit
• Inflation and deflation mechanisms — may be BCD-
type or separate inflation and deflation mechanisms.
The inflation device is almost always chest-mounted.
The deflation device may be chest- or arm-mounted
and may contain an overpressure relief device. Con-
trols should be easy to use with gloved hands.
d. The pros and cons of dry suits.
• Being warm and dry generally beats being cold and
• Dry suits are warmer underwater; may be too warm in
some circumstances.
• Out of the water, dry suit divers are: 1) more resistant
to wind chill and 2) more susceptible to overheating.
• Dry suits require frequent buoyancy adjustments.
• Dry suits are more expensive.
Dry suit diving requires specialized training beyond the scope of this course.
Before attempting to dive with a dry suit for the first time, seek expert instruc-
Equipment Specialist
• In cold weather, wind chill may make even the warm-
est wet suits feel cold out of the water.
f. Additional factor
• Divers may experience water of the same temperature
differently from one another, based on what they are
already accustomed to.
6. Exposure suit accessories
a. Hoods
• Hoods reduce the tremendous heat loss that can occur
through the head and are important in water below
• Wet suit hoods may be attached to: 1) wide (cold-
water) bibs, 2) sleeveless vests (chicken vests) and 3)
wet suit jackets.
• Some hoods have face seals or other special features.
b. Gloves
• Lightweight gloves — provide abrasion protec-
tion only. Good for water above 21°C/70°F. May be
designed for special purposes like game taking.
• Wet suit gloves have five separate fingers; are gener-
ally made from 3mm/1/8 in neoprene for better flex-
ibility; may have special closures to ease donning or
to ensure a better seal around wrist; and work best in
water above 10°C/50°F.
• Wet suit mitts have only three fingers so that less-used
fingers warm each other; are generally made from
5mm/1/4 in neoprene for better insulation; are not
easy to use; but may be the only effective way of keep-
ing hands warm below 10°C/50°F.
c. Boots
• Virtually all models now have hard wrap-around
soles; may have side-entry zippers.
At this time, consider conducting the following demonstrations and workshop
activities: 1) general care and maintenance of exposure suits; 2) minor expo-
sure suit repairs. These activities are described at the end of the outline.
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Identify the two basic types of BCDs based on bladder construction.
• Identify the four styles of BCDs
• Choose a BCD based on the features given.
• Care for and maintain a BCD using the 10 recommendations given.
Equipment Specialist
• Latest development in BCD design.
• Buoyancy is concentrated along the back and under
the arms where is does the most good.
• Shoulder adjustments ensure snug fit. Quick-release
shoulder fastenings mean quick removal in an emer-
4. BCD features
a. Large-diameter inflation-deflation hose
b. Low-pressure and oral inflation mechanisms
c. Manual deflation valve — optional
d. Auxiliary inflation — optional
e. Overpressure relief valve
f. Integrated backpack and tank band
g. Cummerbund-style waistband — optional
h. Internal baffling
i. Pockets
j. Hose retainers
k. Accessory rings
l. Some have a CO2 cartridge
5. BCD care and maintenance
a. BCDs must be rinsed thoroughly with fresh water follow-
ing every dive.
b. If possible, rinse your BCD with the regulator still
attached to the cylinder and the air on; this will enable
you to reinflate the BCD with air during the rinsing pro-
c. Use a gentle stream of fresh, warm water to rinse the BCD;
a forceful stream can lodge particles in valves and valve
d. Soak the BCD in fresh water overnight before rinsing if it
cannot be rinsed soon after the dive.
e. Rinse the exterior of the BCD first.
f. Turn the BCD upside down and drain any water that
has entered during the dive through the inflation hose or
dump valve.
g. Fill the BCD with a cup or more of fresh water, then rein-
flate so that it is nearly full.
h. Turn the BCD over repeatedly so that the fresh water
rinses all interior surfaces.
i. Drain the fresh water from the BCD.
j. Store the BCD partially inflated.
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• State the purpose of a weight system
• Identify the four basic styles of weight systems.
• Determine how much weight is needed for a particular dive and
equipment setup.
• Set up a weight belt for use on a dive.
Equipment Specialist
• Weights are easy to change.
• Comfortable to wear
4. Weight styles
a. Shape — block, hip (curved) or bullet
b. Threading — conventional (two slots) or bullet-style
(straight through)
c. Coating — protective plastic coating or plain lead
5. Weight belt features
a. Quick-release buckle
• Conventional — most commonly used
• Wire buckle — easy to fasten and release; hard to
adjust and may be snagged by snap hooks and similar
• Special — depth-compensating or unique design
b. Depth compensation
• May be the elastic portion of a strap or built into the
6. Weight belt setup and use
a. How much weight?
• Enough to float at eye level with an empty BCD and a
half-lungful of air; no more, no less
• Changes in exposure suit, salinity or tank configura-
tion may require changes in weight
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Compare the two materials used to manufacture diving cylinders.
• Compare the styles and features of diving cylinders.
• Identify the meaning of all eight possible cylinder markings.
• Explain why an aluminum cylinder should not be heated to “bake on”
a coating.
• Identify the six different types of valves available to recreational
• State three ways to prevent moisture from entering a diving cylinder.
• State the purpose of a burst disk.
• Explain how to handle a scuba cylinder.
• State how often a cylinder must be visually inspected and pressure
(hydrostatically) tested.
• State the four situations in which a cylinder should always be pressure
1. Cylinder materials
a. Steel
• Harder than aluminum; less susceptible to damage
from impact.
• Heavier and more compact than aluminum; divers
using steel cylinders require less weight than divers
using aluminum cylinders of comparable size.
• More susceptible to corrosion damage.
• Less susceptible to galvanic action between cylinder
and valve.
• Must be galvanized for exterior corrosion protection.
b. Aluminum
• Most popular material for construction of cylinders
• Aluminum oxide forms its own protective barrier,
making aluminum cylinders almost impervious to
common scuba cylinder corrosion.
• More susceptible to damage from heat or impact.
• More susceptible to damage from galvanic action
between cylinder and valve.
• Larger and more buoyant than comparable steel cylin-
c. Cylinder markings
• Government approval
• Metal type
Equipment Specialist
• Working pressure
• Serial number
• Manufacturer identification
• Hydrostatic test date (month/year)
• Hydrostatic tester’s mark
• “+ ” symbol (steel)
2. Cylinder styles and sizes
3. Cylinder Features
a. Coatings
• Galvanized coating required on steel cylinders
• No cylinder should be coated internally
• Aluminum cylinders generally coated with epoxy
although no coating is really required to prevent cor-
• Heating a painted aluminum cylinder to bake on a coat-
ing is hazardous; it reduces cylinder strength and may
lead to explosions. Care should always be taken not to
expose aluminum cylinders to elevated temperatures.
• Mesh coverings are available to protect cylinder finish
b. Valve types. [Use a valve that can be disassembled for
demonstrations purposes — this will help the students
understand this discussion.]
• Single vs. twin-cylinder manifolds and valves
• Dual vs. single-orifice valves
• Reserve and nonreserve valves
c. Burst disks
• Prevents over-filling or rupture due to excessive inter-
nal pressure.
• Activated by pressure, not heat
d. O-rings
• All cylinders have two: one in the cylinder neck and
one in the valve orifice.
4. Scuba cylinder care and maintenance
a. Proper handling
• Valves are easily damaged; avoid anything that may
cause impact.
The following information covers the US only; change as needed for other
Review the list of situations indicating a need for immediate pressure testing
of a cylinder. (See PADI Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving.)
Equipment Specialist
• Water pressure inside the cylinder is then increased to
five thirds of its maximum working pressure.
• This causes the cylinder to expand slightly.
• Cylinder expansion causes the water outside the cylin-
der to be displaced.
• The displaced water is measured in collecting tubes.
• If the cylinder’s expansion is within acceptable limits,
it passes the test. If it fails, it may not be refilled.
H. Regulators
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• State the purpose of a regulator.
• Identify five common materials used in constructing regulators.
• Identify the only “style” of regulator used by today’s divers.
• State the purpose of both the first and second stages of a regulator.
• Describe how the first and second stage of a regulator functions.
• Explain the difference between a balanced and unbalanced regulator.
• Choose a regulator based on the stated features., availability of con-
venient service, personal test and performance test data.
• Perform regulator care and maintenance by following the seven rec-
ommendations listed.
• State the five situations in which a regulator should always be profes-
sionally serviced.
At this point, review and discuss how regulator first stages function. Disas-
sembled or cutaway regulator first stages can be used to further clarify first-
stage function.
Equipment Specialist
• Environmental sealing — keeps contaminated or cold
water from entering internal compartments of the first
stage; helps prevent sediment buildup and cold-water
• Large-capacity hoses — increase reservoir of air avail-
able to the second stage
b. Second stage options
• Style — may be conventional or side-exhaust; side-
exhaust second stages work either-side-up, which is
why some divers prefer them as alternate-air-source
second stages; some second stages have their purge
button behind instead of in front.
• Type — conventional downstream and pilot valve
At this point, review and discuss how regulator second stages function. Disas-
sembled or cutaway regulator second stages can be used to further clarify
second-stage functions.
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• State the purpose of an alternate air source.
• Identify the six styles of alternate air sources and compare the pros
and cons of each — alternate-air-source second stages, alternate-air-
source inflators, pony bottles, dual-regulator valves, self-contained
ascent bottles and buoyancy devices with air bottles.
Equipment Specialist
1. The purpose of alternate air sources
a. Alternate air sources are designed to fulfill one or both of
the following functions:
• To enable one diver to share air with another, without
both divers having to pass a single second stage back
and forth.
• To enable an out-of-air diver to make an independent,
breathing ascent regardless of whether or not there is
another diver in the vicinity who can assist.
2. Alternate-air-source styles. [Allow students to handle and try
as many different styles of alternate air sources as possible.]
a. Alternate-air-source second stages (octopuses).
• Is the most commonly used system.
• Easily understood by other divers.
• May be set up and used in a variety of ways (donor
may give either primary or secondary second stage to
out-of-air diver).
• Good only for sharing air with other divers; is of no
value if the donor is the one who is out of air.
• Such a system may not perform adequately if the
donor is also low on air or if the regulator first stage
lacks adequate capacity.
At this point, review and discuss the current recommendations for the con-
figuration and use of alternate-air-source second stage systems.
b. Alternate-air-source inflators
• Combine the extra second stage and low-pressure
inflator; they simplify the regulator system by reduc-
ing the total number of hoses by one.
• The donor is generally limited to only being able to
give his primary first stage to an out-of-air diver;
alternate-air-source inflators can usually only be used
by the person wearing them.
• In all other respects, these units are subject to the same
advantages and disadvantages of conventional alter-
nate-air-source second stages.
c. Pony bottles
• Small, auxiliary cylinders mounted alongside the
diver’s main cylinder(s).
• Have their own separate regulators.
• Increased weight, complexity, bulk and expense com-
pared to conventional octopus system.
Equipment Specialist
J. Instrumentation
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Outline nine pieces of information that may be helpful to have during
a dive.
• Compare pressure-sensing devices — bourdon tube, spiral tube and
electrical transducer.
• Compare digital and analog instruments.
• Compare wrist- and console-mounted instruments.
• Compare integrated and separate instruments.
• State the six types of instrumentation available to divers.
• Compare capillary, open bourdon-tube, oil-filled, diaphragm and
digital depth gauges.
• Compare the two types of underwater timers — watches and auto-
matic timers.
• State the purpose of diving computers.
Equipment Specialist
• Oil-filled are most common mechanical gauges;
flexible case forces internal oil inside bourdon-tube
• Diaphragm gauges: diaphragm activates series of gear,
springs and levers; considered very accurate.
• Digital gauges are usually integrated with other
instruments; extremely accurate in most cases.
• Most newer gauges are equipped with maximum-
depth indicators.
• Some gauges are adjustable for higher altitudes.
• Few gauges are 100 percent accurate; however, manu-
facturers have published tolerances that their gauges
must remain within.
c. Timers
• Underwater watches come in a variety of styles and
have many different features; may be used for nondiv-
ing purposes as well.
• Automatic timers eliminate the need to remember
to set timer at the beginning and end of dives and
surface intervals; original mechanical timers logged
bottom time only; newer electronic models monitor
bottom time, surface interval and dive number.
Elaborate at this point on the features of the available watch and timer samples.
d. Compasses
• All underwater compasses are mechanical at this time.
• Compasses will have either a rotating bezel or index
• Many compasses can be read from the top or side.
• Compasses should be marked in degrees as well as
cardinal points, be easy to read and not be prone to
needle trapping.
e. Thermometers
• These optional instruments provide nice-to-know
• May be mechanical or electronic.
f. Computers
• These electronic instruments automatically track
depth, bottom time and surface interval and compare
this information with either a nitrogen-absorption
algorithm or a standardized table (like the U.S. Navy
K. Diving accessories
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Identify the need for, and use of, the various accessory diving equip-
ment items listed.
Equipment Specialist
c. Provide required proof-of-experience for leadership-level
training and participation on certain dives (especially at
d. The log should record a minimum of date, location, depth,
time and buddy/divemaster/instructor signature.
e. PADI Deluxe Logs meet all these criteria.
4. Slates
a. Enable divers to communicate easily underwater.
b. Enable divers to carry dive plan and contingency informa-
tion with them underwater.
c. May allow recording of dive data for later transfer to log
d. For recording navigational information and drawing maps.
e. Cleaning and use of underwater pencils.
5. Equipment bags and carrying systems
a. Allow organized transportation of many loose, separate
equipment items.
b. Helps protect against damage, loss.
c. May be suitable for long-term storage of some equipment
d. A wide variety of models, styles and sizes are available.
6. Dive flag and float
a. Warns boaters and others that divers are underwater.
b. A float provides additional surface support and storage
for game and similar items that divers don’t wish to carry
with them underwater.
c. Enables divers to establish an ascent and descent line for
deeper dives.
d. Required by law in many areas. [Record local laws here:]
e. A wide variety of models, styles and sizes are available.
Learning Objectives.
By the end of this session, you will be able to:
• Identify the need for, and use of, the various specialty diving equipment
items listed.
1. Underwater lights
a. Types
• Primary — a diver’s main light for night, wreck or
cavern diving.
• Backup — in case the primary light fails; a diver
switches to this light and ascends (a must for all night
and wreck divers).
• Chemical — in the event of catastrophic light failure,
these provide sufficient light to read instruments, see
ascending bubbles and to be seen by other divers.
2. Battery types
a. Rechargeable batteries are good for primary lights that
receive frequent use; they burn intensely for 1-2 hours
before losing their charge and may be less expensive than
constantly purchasing new batteries.
b. Nonrechargeables are good for backup lights or casual pri-
mary light use; they stand more abuse and burn for up to
10 hours or more (getting gradually dimmer as they burn).
3. Primary lights
a. Usually powered by the equivalent of several D cells
b. Have a larger lens
c. Come in variety of models, styles and features
d. Wide angle of coverage with little or no “hot spot” in the
center is generally preferred by most divers.
4. Backup lights
a. Typically powered by the equivalent of two-five C-cells
b. Small lens
c. Usually have narrow beam
d. Compact size makes them good for looking into holes on
daylight dives.
Equipment Specialist
5. Underwater imaging systems
a. Photo systems
• Available in 110mm, 35mm and disk formats
• May be housed or self-contained
• Underwater strobes provide necessary artificial light.
b. Movie and video systems
• Movie housings available for 8mm, 16mm and 35mm
• Video housings available for most compact cam-cord-
• High-intensity lights bring back natural colors.
6. Hunting and collecting equipment
a. Spears
• Pole spears; simple, easy to use
• Band guns; powerful, easier to aim
• Pneumatic guns; complex but compact
b. Abalone irons
• May include a gauge for measuring abalones
c. Game-holding devices
• Fish stringers are used to carry speared fish.
• Mesh bags can fulfill several functions.
• Special lobster bags are less likely to get tangled on the
lobster’s spines; may have a one-way opening.
d. Slurp guns and nets
• Used for collecting live fish
7. Search and recovery tools
a. Marker buoys help pinpoint location of lost objects or
mark search area.
b. Metal detectors can help find objects buried under sand
and sediment.
c. Lift bags are used to raise objects of 7 kilograms/15
pounds or more safely to the surface.
8. Other specialty diving equipment
a. The Scuba Sextant helps divers record multileg compass
courses; invaluable for mapmaking and search and recov-
b. Reels allow cavern and wreck divers to navigate safely
back to their exit point; can be used for a number of other
activities as well.
c. Diver propulsion vehicles enable divers to easily cover
long distances.
Equipment Specialist
2. Care and maintenance of exposure suits
a. Demonstrate how to properly rinse an exposure suit.
b. Demonstrate how to lubricate dry suit or wet suit zippers.
c. Demonstrate how to properly hang an exposure suit for
drying and for storage.
d. Show students commonly used wet suit hangers and con-
ditioners and shampoos. Explain that suits should not be
placed in dryers.
e. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations.
3. Demonstrate how to perform minor exposure suit repair
a. Demonstrate how to repair a tear or rip in neoprene. Pay
particular attention to proper gluing methods.
b. Demonstrate how to find a leak in a dry suit (if dry suits
are used locally).
c. Demonstrate how to patch a leak in a dry suit (if dry suits
are used locally).
d. Follow manufacturer’s recommendations.
D. Checking a BCD for leaks
1. Describe need
a. To make sure the BCD is capable of holding air
2. Demonstration procedure
a. Attach the BCD to the proper low-pressure hose on the
regulator. Hook the regulator to a cylinder and turn on the
b. Fully inflate the BCD and immerse it in a large tub of
c. Inspect the following area for signs of escaping air bub-
• Bag assembly (show double and single bag construc-
• Accessories. Pockets, rings — anything attached to the
• Oral inflator inlet area
• Low-pressure inflator. Check at point where hose from
cylinder connects to inflator. Listen to inflator — is
bag automatically inflating without the button being
d. Add air with low-pressure inflator. Do parts work
e. Overpressure relief valves. Squeeze BCD for proper func-
Equipment Specialist
d. Even when damage cannot be corrected, inspections allow
dangerous cylinders to be taken out of service before they
harm anyone.
2. Demonstration procedures
a. The technician asks the cylinder owner if there have been
any signs suggesting corrosion or other damage (review
these signs with students).
b. The technician inspects cylinder markings to make certain
the cylinder is still within hydro.
c. The old inspection sticker is removed.
d. The cylinder boot (if there is one) is removed and exter-
nal inspection is conducted to look for signs of corrosion,
cracking or other damage (note special concerns regarding
coated steel cylinders).
e. The cylinder emptied of air, slowly, and then placed in
a special vice and the valve is removed in a manner that
minimizes the possibility of damage.
f. The cylinder neck and threads are inspected for signs of
cracking or galvanic action.
g. An inspection light is lowered into the cylinder to look for
signs of corrosion, contamination or other damage.
• Explain to students that a light coating of rust in steel
cylinders may be left alone, as tumbling or sandblast-
ing to remove this coating may actually remove more
metal than the corrosion has.
• If pits are present, demonstrate how to measure depth
to ensure that they do not exceed an acceptable depth.
h. A dental mirror is used to inspect the inside of the neck for
corrosion, cracks or pitting.
i. If salt or other deposits are present inside the cylinder,
explain or demonstrate how they are removed.
j. Explain when and how cylinder valve is serviced.
k. Lubricate cylinder-neck O-ring and replace valve.
l. Replace the valve.
m. Apply new inspection decal if cylinder passed.
n. Refill the cylinder.
H. Regulator demonstrations
1. Care and maintenance
a. Demonstrate how to properly rinse and store a regulator.
2. Describe the need for a regulator overhaul.
a. Salt, sediment and corrosion may accumulate in any regu-
lator through normal use, despite the best of care.
Equipment Specialist
e. Do not load weight belt in bag.
f. Follow manufacturer’s directions regarding altitude travel
with diving instruments (they may need to be protected in
a pressurized container).
J. Rigging a diving float and dive flag
1. Describe need
a. Warning to boaters
b. Drift diving
c. Provides a reference line for descents and ascents with the
option of attaching a spare air cylinder at 5 metre/15 feet
for a safety stop.
d. May hold accessory equipment dive lights, camera equip-
ment, etc.
2. Demonstrate how to set up a diving float and dive flag for
local environment.