VPN Serv Prov
VPN Serv Prov
VPN Serv Prov
A company that provides a virtual private network — essentially routing your connection
through a remote server and encrypting the data.
Simultaneous connections
You probably have plenty of devices connected to the internet at any one time,
everything from your smartphone to your laptop to the desktop computer in your home
office. Many VPN providers now offer protection for all your simultaneous internet
connections with one account. This is important: You might think to log into a VPN
before searching the internet on your laptop. But if your smartphone isn’t protected by a
secure VPN, your browsing activity on that device won’t have protection.
VPN connection
A virtual private network connection allows you to access the internet through a remote
server, hiding your actual location and browser history, and encrypting your data.
VPN privacy
This refers to the privacy that using a VPN provides. For instance, a VPN encrypts your
data, disguises your location, and conceals your browsing history and the data you
transmit via the internet.
VPN clients
A VPN client makes it easier for users to connect to a virtual private network. That's
because it is the actual software that is installed on your computer, phone or tablet. The
most common operating systems, such as Android, Windows, and iOS, already come
with VPN client software pre-installed. However, many users choose to work with third-
party VPN clients that offer different features and user interfaces.
VPN protocols
VPN protocols are similar to a set of instructions. VPN providers use these protocols to
make sure that users are able to connect securely to a virtual private network. There are
several VPN protocols available, all with their own strengths and weaknesses.
OpenVPN is one of the more popular protocols. Users like OpenVPN because it is
secure and works with most operating systems. The biggest downside of OpenVPN? It
can offer slower connection speeds than other protocols.
VPN provider
Synonymous with VPN service, this is a service you sign up for that allows you to
connect to a virtual private network by providing a temporary IP address that hides your
actual address.
VPN server
VPN services allow you to connect to the internet through remote servers that they
either own or have access to. This disguises your location.
VPN service
A service you sign up for that allows you to connect to a virtual private network by
providing a temporary IP address that hides your actual address.
VPN tunnel
You might sometimes hear your virtual private network referred to as a VPN tunnel. This
is just another name for the encrypted connection between your device — a laptop,
phone, tablet or desktop computer — and the internet. You can create a VPN tunnel at
home or on public Wi-Fi. Once you are using a VPN tunnel to connect to the internet,
your ISP, private companies, or the government can no longer see the sites you are
browsing or the links you are clicking. A VPN tunnel also hides your IP address. Instead
of showing your real location, the sites you surf will only register the location of the VPN
provider with which you are working.
A wireless network using a radio frequency to connect your computer and other devices
to the internet and each other.
Is a VPN legal?
VPNs are not illegal in the United States. However, not all countries have the same laws
regarding these services. For instance, China, Russia, and North Korea either regulate
or ban VPNs. You should know, too, that if you commit an illegal act online using a a
VPN, that act is still illegal. Customers often use VPNs so that they can stream sporting
events and TV shows that they may be blocked from accessing in their own region.
Using a VPN to pretend that you are logging onto the internet from a different location
might violate the service agreements of streaming services.