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2 Aligning Business and Automation Strategy

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Aligning Business

and Automation Strategy

White Paper
Paul J. Galeski, P.E., CAP
MAVERICK Technologies, LLC

Now's the Time for Automation Investment .

to Restore Manufacturing Competitiveness....................................................3

Oil and Gas Boom Can Increase .

the Competitiveness of U.S.-based Manufacturers.........................................4

Automation Investment Is a Cornerstone .

of a World-class Manufacturing Strategy........................................................5

The Right Automation Strategy Metrics...........................................................6

Creating and Executing the Strategic Automation Investment Plan.................7

Choosing the Right Partner.............................................................................8

Automation Challenge..................................................................................10

2 MAVERICK Technologies
If your company is a U.S.-based manufacturer, particularly in the process industries, you’ve .
long known that investment in automation is vital for establishing and maintaining global
competitiveness. But previously, your company may have looked at automation as a series of
stand-alone projects, as opposed to approaching automation from an integrated strategic level
on a plant- and enterprise-wide basis. This approach may have resulted in poor or inconsistent
return on investment (ROI), as certain projects may have been technically successful, while not
fully achieving desired results because they didn’t positively affect the bottom line.

A better approach to automation investment begins with a strategic vision that drives a
methodical approach to business improvement. Manufacturers must look at automation .
from the top down, first identifying the strategic challenges of the business, and then finding
ways automation can be used to meet those challenges and attain business objectives. .
This starts by changing the perception of automation within the organization.

Manufacturers must change their mindset and view automation as a key part of their .
overall business strategy, as opposed to a series of independent projects. Development of .
an automation investment strategy should be approached with the same dedication and focus .
as a sales, marketing or operational strategy — it’s vital to the success of any manufacturer. .
This idea must be solidified in the minds of enlightened leadership, because it alters the lens
through which automation is viewed across the enterprise.

With this new mindset in place, it becomes easier to align business and automation strategy, .
and to see how the two are closely linked. This realization will result in transformational change
as “automation projects” start to become “automation solutions” — and drive results for the
entire business, allowing the attainment of business goals through smart automation
investments, not sub optimization of individual processes or functions.

Smart companies are taking this approach and using automation strategies to implement .
the right technology in the right way and at the right time and place, to get ahead of their
competition. These enlightened companies recognize there has never been a better time .
to make wise investments in automation, as current market conditions have created an .
attractive opportunity.

Now’s the Time for Automation Investment

to Restore Manufacturing Competitiveness
Despite substantial investment in automation and other areas related to manufacturing
processes, the United States is still losing its manufacturing base in many industries. .
Consumer demand and relentless global competition have resulted in shorter product .
lifecycles, a need for reduced turnaround time, and a renewed emphasis on quality and .
cost reduction. To meet these challenges, U.S.-based manufacturers must become more
competitive, and in many cases, the most cost-effective way to attain this goal is through .
prudent investment in automation.

3 MAVERICK Technologies
Table 1

Reasons to Invest Now in Fortunately, this is a particularly good time to invest in your manufacturing operations .
U.S.-based Manufacturing in general — and especially in automation — for a number of reasons as listed in Table 1 .
and detailed below.
1 Global competition is ever
Many U.S.-based manufacturers have excess capital on hand, and deploying this capital in
2 Capital is readily available .
and its cost is low profitable internal investments is often the best way to deliver above average returns to
3 Domestic demand is strong .
stakeholders. For those without available excess cash on hand, borrowing costs are very low,.
and rising as the Federal Reserve is focused on keeping interest rates at historic lows.
4 Exports are rising
5 Required infrastructure is . The U.S. market for manufactured products of all types, from cars to chemicals, remains among
very well developed the world’s largest. Nearby access to such a large and contiguous market fuels demand across
6 Security of investments and the entire manufacturing landscape, starting with those firms directly supplying products to
physical assets is excellent consumers and extending to upstream suppliers.
7 Intellectual property is .
highly protected
Adding to demand is the rise in exports from the United States to the rest of the world. .
8 Oil and gas production . This rise is due to a number of factors including a favorable exchange rate with many trading
is booming
partners, the proliferation of free trade agreements and a more highly developed worldwide
9 Utility costs are relatively low,
particularly for power communication and transportation infrastructure.
10 Highly educated workforce .
is available Compared to the advanced economies of Europe and Asia, the United States has much .
lower costs for land, utilities, telecommunication services and energy. The U.S. business
infrastructure — from roads to airports to ports — is much more developed than those in .
many emerging economies.

Additionally, when compared to most emerging economies, the United States has .
the lowest overall risk of investment as the security of physical and intellectual assets is .
the best in the world. Unlike many developing nations, there is no threat of asset seizure .
due to changing government regimes, and there is a high degree of protection for all .
types of intellectual property.

Investment and asset risk can also be more pronounced in some highly developed countries .
as many have a more socialistic government structure with a past history of forcibly converting
private companies to government ownership.

Oil and Gas Boom Can Increase

the Competitiveness of U.S.-based Manufacturers
The United States is one of the lowest-cost producers of many of the raw materials used in
various manufacturing processes. In particular, recent advancements and technical developments
are transforming the United States from a net importer to a net exporter of oil and gas. A recent
article in The Economist succinctly states the good news: “The shale gas revolution in America
has been as sudden and startling as a supertanker performing a handbrake turn. A country that
once fretted about its dependence on Middle Eastern fossil fuels is now on the verge of self-
sufficiency in natural gas. And the news keeps getting better. This week the International Energy
Agency predicted that the United States would become the world’s largest oil producer by 2020,
outstripping Saudi Arabia and Russia.” (Reference 1)

4 MAVERICK Technologies
A leading automation industry analyst agrees. “When making investment and sales decisions, .
it is imperative that executives understand the context within which they will be operating,” .
says Frost & Sullivan Industrial Automation and Process Control Global Vice President .
Sath Rao. “Game changing trends exist in many areas — the U.S. shale boom is one example.
Manufacturing competitiveness in the U.S. is likely to improve as a result of the shale gas
revolution. The growth in this industry is expected to place downward pressure on natural gas
prices, which will benefit the manufacturing and process industries even further, and have
repercussions for industries globally.”

This move toward energy independence needs to be considered as a key factor in the strategic
plan of manufacturers, particularly those in the process industries. Rapidly rising oil and gas
production and consequently lower prices, particularly for natural gas, are the spark that is
shifting the competitive landscape quickly in favor of U.S.-based manufacturers.

Lower oil and natural gas prices provide benefits in two ways. First, much of the feedstock for the
process industries is derived from oil and natural gas, so feedstock will be widely available and
reasonable in cost. Second, many power plants are fueled by natural gas, and the price of power
produced by these facilities is dropping.

Another key advantage for U.S. manufacturers is a world-class education system at .

the university level. Each year, U.S. universities graduate many of the world’s best potential
manufacturing employees. These graduates are naturally attracted to the United States, .
as are others from overseas, in large part because the United States has a favorable reputation
for innovation and technology advancement. And, current high unemployment rates mean that
many talented workers are readily available.

Automation Investment Is a Cornerstone

of a World-class Manufacturing Strategy
There are always doubts as to the direction of the economy, which might make your company
reluctant to risk capital on the critical automation projects needed to drive innovation and
improve competitiveness.

In many ways, U.S. companies are technology leaders, but long-term success will require these
companies to also become automation leaders. In order to make this transition, manufacturers
must recognize that technology is a tool used in the production process. They must also
understand that the best ROI comes through the development of automation solutions that
enhance the process used to produce their product, not from faster microprocessors or the latest
revision of software operating systems and applications.

In many cases, this reluctance is well founded, as it’s based on your personal prior experience
with automation investments that simply didn’t produce improved financial performance. Past
experiences may have reduced your confidence in long-term automation investments and left you
looking for a different approach — one that first identifies those automation projects with the
best ROI and highest probability of success.

5 MAVERICK Technologies
This is in fact the best way to invest both in manufacturing technology in general and .
automation in particular; rigorously ranking investments based on realistically achievable .
ROI offers the best chance of success. Once projects are ranked based on ROI, a systematic .
plan must be created for implementation.

A.recent.white.paper.(Reference.2),.In.Today’s Economy, the Best Investment Is in Your Own Back


In summary, your company and other U.S.-based manufacturers must not only invest in
automation to survive in an increasingly competitive global economy, but must also invest wisely,
using a top-down approach to identify and execute those automation projects with the highest
and quickest returns.

Table 2

Automation System The Right Automation Strategy Metrics

Total Cost of Ownership
Components All manufacturers want to identify those automation investments with the best ROI, but the right
Cost way to accomplish this task isn’t always immediately evident. Too many manufacturers focus on
Of the project the wrong areas, taking an approach that isn’t oriented to finding the best overall solutions with
the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO).
For integration with .
other automation and .
information systems
Automation projects in particular can show a huge divergence from expected and actual ROI if
For training personnel . TCO isn’t taken into account. As listed in Table 2, TCO takes into account all the cost and savings
to use new system
factors that result from a project.
Savings from
Reduced maintenance
The first three items in Table 2 are direct and indirect costs of implementing a new automation
Avoided downtime project. The remaining seven items are expected costs savings. A typical mistake is not taking .
Reduced changeover time all expected cost savings and efficiencies into account, leading to understated ROI and
Improved quality
underinvestment in automation. The bottom line is that understated ROI means missed .
business opportunities.
Reduced energy use

Increased throughput Accurately quantifying the cost-saving components of TCO typically requires an unbiased
Better cyber security protection resource because the best way to estimate these savings is to look at real numbers from
comparable projects that are already up and running. The right partner can help provide this
viewpoint, as they will have typically executed similar projects for other manufacturers .
within your industry.

Take great care when selecting a partner. Hardware and software suppliers make their .
money by selling products as opposed to business solutions, and as a result often mistake
technology improvements as successful projects. Product code conversions are not solutions, .
but are instead tools available to achieve desired business outcomes. The right external .
partner will provide a technology-independent point of view, looking at technology as a .
means to a desired end, rather than the solution in and of itself.

6 MAVERICK Technologies
For example, many manufacturers and suppliers mistakenly view software conversion as a
solution instead of a tool. Converting an old program or code base to a new platform or format
might confer a feeling of progress, but it can be like putting ball-bearing wheels on a buggy
pulled by a horse, as opposed to making the smarter investment of purchasing a new vehicle to
replace the horse and buggy.

Picking the right partner — one that understands both your business strategy and automation
landscape — will help ensure that all TCO factors will be identified and accounted for in a proper
manner. This approach will go a long way toward identifying those automation projects with the
best ROI; your next step is to work with your partner to create a strategic plan for implementing
these projects. Further success will be realized if your selected partner company is also capable
of executing the automation program and projects.

Creating and Executing the Strategic

Automation Investment Plan
Your company shouldn’t look at automation investments as a series of unrelated projects. .
This fragmented approach will limit overall positive impacts, sub-optimize your operations .
and won’t sufficiently improve your competitiveness. Automation must instead be part and .
parcel of your firm’s overall business strategy.

Any automation investment has to fit into your organization’s overall strategic plan. .
From there, other important facets such as cultural fit, flexibility and adaptability must .
be considered. Just as a CEO wouldn’t develop a five-year strategic plan by simply looking .
at a financial audit, you shouldn’t make automation investment decisions based strictly .
on isolated financial factors such as the ROI of one-off projects.

Instead of looking at automation investments individually, your organization should first .

develop an automation investment strategy based on a myriad of factors including but not .
limited to customer wants and needs, agility, relationships with key suppliers and existing
employee skill sets — as well as ever-present financial constraints.

From this business strategy and vision, your automation investment plan can be developed — .
one that serves the larger goals of the organization as a whole. Combining your strategic vision
with operational and financial metrics will result in optimal investments both in automation and
other related areas.

A big part of any strategic plan is measuring results versus pro forma projections. .
For manufacturers, this requires connecting automation systems to the overall enterprise .
to deliver real-time performance information to all relevant parties, from maintenance .
and operating personnel to company executives. Most manufacturing companies have .
great people armed with real-time and in-context information running their operations. .
Those world class resources can and will do wonders for the bottom line.

7 MAVERICK Technologies
Choosing the Right Partner
The effective execution of your automation strategy requires the right partner to help guide .
and drive the process. The new breed of automation solutions provider (ASP) is a true partner,
helping you and your company identify, develop and then implement the most beneficial
automation investments — those that will exhibit a high and timely ROI, and will further your
company’s overall business objectives.

When choosing a partner, make sure that the selected ASP offers the required scope of services,
the necessary domain expertise and the needed scale and size. Avoid those prospective partners
that view automation as simply an investment for the sake of improved technology.

Your automation investment should begin with the end goal in mind. The right partner will be
able to assist in formulating this vision, and will be able to implement your strategy by executing
each of your automation projects in a systematic, well-choreographed and consistent manner.

A key attribute for your selected partner is prior experience in program management, project
execution and standards development. It is critical that you find a partner that is “proven in use”
for your particular industrial processes and projects.

After each project is installed and running, your partner firm should be able to work .
with you to ensure that each automation and information system continues to perform as
designed so that expected ROI is attained over the long term. It must be understood that .
ROI isn’t sealed in on the day of startup. Rather, the gains that you have achieved must be .
locked in, with further improvements made over time, through the implementation of a long-term
sustaining services program.

The selected ASP must have the size and scale required to work with your company at both the
plant level and across your entire enterprise. They also need to have the ability to provide the
local support that you need through nationwide coverage and remote management capabilities,
both on a 24/7/365 basis.


In fact, the end product of an independent ASP will be whatever happens to be the best solution
to your particular issues. And these issues will have been identified up front by your company
and the ASP as you worked together to develop a top-down automation investment plan.

Of course, even the best investments will fall short of projected ROI without proper execution;
this is an area where your partner must have the required skills and expertise. Look for a diverse
partner that can bring fresh ideas to your industry and company. This prior experience is
invaluable and should be a key differentiator when you’re evaluating candidates.

8 MAVERICK Technologies
Finally, your partner must have the depth of resources, long-term staying power and the
commitment to make sure that each of your automation investments performs as desired .
over the entire lifecycle of the asset. This requires a holistic combination of people, .
processes and technology expertise — and also a close match with your company’s culture.

Table 3 provides information for comparing different types of potential partners based on the
factors detailed above. This table can be used a guide for picking the right partner to execute
Table 3
your company’s automation investment strategy.
Picking the Right Partner

Business Automation
Partner Type Industry Automation Strategy Program Execution Size Platform Long-term Ongoing Support
Domain Expertise Expertise Expertise Capability & Scale Independence Flexibility and Service

Solutions High High High High Medium High High High

Low to medium,
Engineering High Medium Medium High High Low Low
varies widely

Big 4 or
Low Low High Low High High Medium Low

System Medium, limited

Medium High Low Medium Low High High
Integrator geographically

Major High, but . Medium, but

Automation Medium limited to . often lead with Medium High Low Low High, .
Vendor their products products but costly

1. Process industry domain expertise varies widely among partner types rated as High.
2. Project execution capability is based on ability and willingness to execute automation projects on a fixed price, as opposed to a time and material basis..
3. Size and scale and long-term staying power vary widely from one ASP to another.
1. "America’s Oil Bonanza". The Economist (Nov. 2012). Retrieved from .
2. Galeski, Paul J., MAVERICK Technologies LLC. In Today’s Economy, the Best Investment Is in Your Own Back Yard. (2009). Retrieved from .

9 MAVERICK Technologies
I challenge each and every manufacturing leader to make automation a fundamental part .
of their overall business strategy. Once a strategy is formed with automation in mind, .
drive that vision throughout the entire organization, choose the right partner and get moving!

I feel strongly that this approach will help improve competitive advantage, which in turn .
will create new jobs and protect existing ones, while delivering stellar financial results for
company stakeholders. Let’s all pull together and make the U.S. manufacturing renaissance .
a reality. We owe it to ourselves, to our country and to future generations of Americans to
take action now.

MAVERICK Technologies, LLC

265 Admiral Trost Drive | P.O. Box 470 | Columbia, IL 62236 USA.
+1.618.281.9100 | Fax +1.618.281.9191.

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