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Taxonomy: the science of classification

Why do we classify organisms?

1.  To study the diversity of life
2.  To group organisms according to shared lines of
evolutionary descent

Why are organisms given scientific names?

1.  Common names are misleading

jellyfish silverfish star fish

None of these animals are fish!

Why Scientists Assign Scientific Names
to Organisms?
Some organisms have several common names
This cat is commonly
known as:
• Florida panther
• Mountain lion
• Puma
Scientific name: Felis concolor
• Cougar
Scientific name means “coat of one color”
There’s one thing we
don’t classify the same
way as organisms…
}  Why?
◦  Because they aren’t
Viruses Characteristics
Cell Type None (not a cell)
Cell Wall None (not a cell –
has a protein coat)
Body Type Non-cellular
Nutrition No way to produce
energy for itself
Reproduction Replication requires
a host cell
Examples Flu, HIV, Ebola, and
chicken pox
1. Lytic
2. Lysogenic

1. Lytic Infection – virus enters a cell,

makes copies of itself, and causes the
cell to burst.
– Host cell is lysed and destroyed
1. Virus attaches 2. Virus injects genetic
information into host

3. New viral proteins and

genetic material are made 4. Viral parts are

5. New viruses are released as host

cell lyses (bursts) and is destroyed.
2.  Lysogenic Infections –
◦  virus integrates its DNA into the DNA of
the host cell
◦  viral genetic information replicates along
with the host cell’s DNA
Lytic and Lysogenic Cycles of Reproduction
Linnaeus developed the system, called Binomial
Nomenclature, allowing scientists to give each
organisms a universally accepted two-part
1.  The first part of the name is the Genus. The
second part of the name is the Species.
2.  EX – “Homo sapiens” thinking man/ wise
“Homo” is the Genus, “sapiens” is the species.
ber- sc
reduce ie
confus ntific names a
organis ion and re given
ms* to help
classify to
1.  The Genus is a noun and is capitalized
2.  The species is an adjective and is lowercase
3.  If writing by hand underline each word
–  Ex: Homo sapiens
4.  If typing the name italicize it
–  Ex: Homo sapiens
5.  If used repeatedly first write it fully out, then
you can abbreviate the Genus
–  Ex. H. sapiens
Domain Linnaeus’s System is
Most Kingdom 1.  Which of the following contains all of the
General others?
Phylum a.  Family c. Class
b.  Species d. Order
Class 2.  Based on their names, you know that
the baboons Papio annubis and Papio
cynocephalus do not belong to the
Order same:
a.  Family c. Order
b.  Genus d. Species

Genus ver
m e o
P h ilip ca !
specific King ood sweets
Species for g
Hierarchical Ordering of Classification
Grizzly bear Black bear Giant Red fox Abert Coral Sea star
panda squirrel snake

KINGDOM Animalia

As we move from the PHYLUM Chordata

kingdom level to the

CLASS Mammalia
species level, more and
more members are
ORDER Carnivora
excluded – species is
least inclusive!
FAMILY Ursidae


SPECIES Ursus arctos

}  The root of the tree represents the ancestral lineage, and the tips
of the branches represent the descendants of that ancestor. As
you move from the root to the tips, you are moving forward in

}  When a lineage splits (speciation), it is represented as branching

on a phylogeny. When a speciation event occurs, a single
ancestral lineage gives rise to two or more daughter lineages.
}  Diagram
used to show the evolutionary
relationships among groups of organisms.
Derived Characteristics - A recognizable feature of an
•  Can be used to group organisms
What are some
derived characteristics
shown on this
Jaws, Lungs,
Feathers, etc.
}  Pacific yew
produces cancer
treating drug
}  Difficult &
expensive to
acquire enough of
the drug from yew Pacific yew European yew

*Based on the evolutionary relationships among yew

species, biologists expected that close relatives of the
Pacific Yew might produce similarly effective compounds
They were right! The cancer treating
drug is now widely available!
}  A tool for identifying Steps:
1.  Always begin at the
unknown organisms top
using a key 2.  Answer the paired
consisting of paired questions with yes or
questions based on no
3.  Based on your answer
observable follow the directions
characteristics. given by the key
}  This is a dichotomous key using the following:
pine tree, tin can, Paramecium, bicycle and a
Here's an example in written form using these items:
}  1. a. Organism is living........................................................go to 4.
}  1. b. Organism is nonliving..................................................go to 2.

}  2. a. Object is metallic........................................................go to 3.

}  2. b. Object is nonmetallic..................................................ROCK.

}  3. a. Object has wheels......................................................BICYCLE.

}  3. b. Object does not have wheels......................................TIN CAN.

}  4. a. Organism is microscopic...................................PARAMECIUM.

}  4. b. Organism is macroscopic.......................................PINE TREE.
Domain Archaea Bacteria Eukarya

Cell Type


Number of




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