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Questions 1-3 Refer To The Image Below by Casper David Friedrich Entitled A Walk at Dusk, C. 1830-1835

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AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

Questions 1-3 refer to the image below by Casper David Friedrich entitled A Walk at Dusk, c. 1830-

Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open Content Program

1. Which of the following best reflects the artistic trend depicted in the above image?
(A) Free expression based on the emotions of the artist

(B) Representation of aspects of everyday life

(C) Detailed studies of realistic natural settings

(D) Emphasis on a rational and classical viewpoint

2. The artistic movement depicted in the above image led most directly to which of the following in 19 th
century Europe?
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(A) A declining interest in historical epochs

(B) Tempering of rising nationalistic fervor

(C) Acquisition of knowledge through intuition

(D) Resurgence of theories based on rational thought

3. The movement shown in the above image was a reaction to which of the following?

(A) Declining French culture and influence

(B) Urban industrialization and growth

(C) Demands for radical political reforms

(D) Rising influence of feminism

Questions 4-6 refer to the passage below.

“SEASON of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.”
John Keats, first stanza of To Autumn, 1820

4. The style of Keats’ writing, as depicted in the above passage, most closely reflects which of the
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(A) Experience based on reason and critical observation

(B) Experience that is symbolic only

(C) Experience based on impressions or moods

(D) Experience through artistic creations

5. Works by writers such as Keats would often be associated with which of the following?

(A) Expressions of anti-Nationalism

(B) Support for social and cultural hierarchies

(C) Radicalization of political groups

(D) Criticisms centered on social issues

6. The writings of Keats differed from those of 18th century writers by which of the following?

(A) The use of emotion and imagery

(B) His attention to classical form and symmetry

(C) His use of abstract generalizations

(D) His use of rational thought

Questions 7-9 refer to the passage below.

“It was quite dark when Mr. Pickwick roused himself sufficiently to look out of the window. The
straggling cottages by the roadside, the dingy hue of every object visible, the murky atmosphere,
the paths of cinders and brick-dust, the deep-red glow of furnace fires in the distance, the
volumes of dense smoke issuing heavily forth from high toppling chimneys, blackening and
obscuring everything around; the glare of distant lights, the ponderous wagons which toiled along
the road, laden with clashing rods of iron, or piled with heavy goods — all betokened their rapid
approach to the great working town of Birmingham.
As they rattled through the narrow thoroughfares leading to the heart of the turmoil, the sights
and sounds of earnest occupation struck more forcibly on the senses. The streets were thronged
with working people. The hum of labour resounded from every house; lights gleamed from the
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

long casement windows in the attic storeys, and the whirl of wheels and noise of machinery
shook the trembling walls. The fires, whose lurid, sullen light had been visible for miles, blazed
fiercely up, in the great works and factories of the town. The din of hammers, the rushing of
steam, and the heavy clanking of engines was the harsh music which arose from every quarter.”
Dickens, Charles, The Pickwick Papers, 1836-1837

7. The passage above most clearly reflects which of the following 19 th century developments?

(A) Literature centered on optimistic illusions

(B) Trends in art based on depictions of a better world

(C) Artistic themes based on realistic portrayals of life

(D) Artistic skepticism for all things scientific

8. The language used in the passage most directly reflects the declining influence of which of the

(A) Socialism

(B) Romanticism

(C) Liberalism

(D) Nationalism

9. The artistic trend depicted in the passage was most clearly a reaction to which of the following?

(A) Suffering and poverty created by industrialization

(B) Popular uprisings among the working classes

(C) A declining capitalist based economy

(D) Rising prosperity among the middle class

Questions 10-12 refer to the passage below.

“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word,
oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now
hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at
large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
In the earlier epochs of history, we find almost everywhere a complicated arrangement of society into
various orders, a manifold gradation of social rank. In ancient Rome we have patricians, knights,
plebeians, slaves; in the Middle Ages, feudal lords, vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs;
in almost all of these classes, again, subordinate gradations.
The modern bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society has not done away with
class antagonisms. It has but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of
struggle in place of the old ones.
Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinct feature: it has simplified class
antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two
great classes directly facing each other — Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.”
Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto, 1848

10. Based on the above passage, Marx believed class struggle to be most clearly reflected by which of the

(A) Economic systems that deprive workers of the wealth they create

(B) Historical patterns of private ownership of land

(C) Decline of the Old World aristocracy

(D) Movement away from an agrarian base society

11. Marx’s theories state that classes are created most directly by which of the following?

(A) Ideas of social revolution

(B) Religious reform movements

(C) Nationalistic loyalties

(D) Economic material conditions

12. Which of the statements below would a follower of Marx most clearly believe regarding social
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(A) That it must be based on utopian ideals

(B) That it must be an ethical process

(C) That it should be based on science and facts

(D) That it needs a specific plan of social structure

Questions 13-15 refer to the image below by Paul Cezanne, entitled Sous Bois (meaning
“undergrowth”), c. 1894

LACMA - Los Angeles County Museum of Art

13. The above painting depicts which of the following trends in late 19 th century European art?
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(A) Artists’ use of highly abstract, unrecognizable forms

(B) Artists’ employment of traditional painting styles

(C) Artists’ emphasis on light and color

(D) Artists’ use of classical artistic themes

14. The trend depicted in the painting most clearly reflects a shift towards which of the following?

(A) Realistic images of the natural world

(B) Subjective visions based on the artist’s perspective

(C) Influences of science as a basis for observation

(D) Art based on the workings of the subconscious mind

15. Artists of the above style most clearly attempted to reflect which of the following?

(A) Explanations for irrational human behavior

(B) Criticisms of the modern industrial world

(C) The divisions between artists and society

(D) Expressions of the human experience

Questions 16-18 refer to the passage below.

“In 1838 the London Working Men’s Association drafted the ‘People’s Charter’, and its six demands
(manhood suffrage, annual parliaments, the secret ballot, payment of MPs, equal electoral districts and
the abolition of property qualifications for MPs) became the focus of working-class political activity. In
the summer and autumn of 1838 a series of meetings marshalled mass support for the Charter and elected
representatives to a Chartist national convention. A petition bearing 1,280,000 signatures in support of
Chartist demands gained only 46 votes in the House of Commons (to 235 against) in July 1839.”
August, Andrew, The British Working Class 1832-1940, 2014
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

16. Which of the following best reflects the main goal of the Chartists’ demands described in the above

(A) Creation of a socialist state

(B) Armed violence against government institutions

(C) Destruction of the capitalist economic system

(D) Equal government representation for all social classes

17. Prior Parliamentary legislation had dealt with working class demands by which of the following?

(A) Improvement of worker’s conditions within the labor market

(B) Unconditional relief for cyclical unemployment

(C) Protection of the labor market through workhouses

(D) Wage controls to avoid supply and demand fluctuations

18. One direct long-term effect of the People’s Charter was that it

(A) encouraged the formation of labor unions

(B) created open political hostility among workers

(C) added to the distress experienced by industrial workers

(D) created doubts regarding the future of capitalism

Questions 19-21 refer to the Advertisement below for the home phonograph from the Edison-Bell
Consolidated Phonograph Co. Ltd., c. 1900.
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

Ingram Publishing

Advertisement for the home phonograph from the

Edison-Bell Consolidated Phonograph Co. Ltd., c. 1900

19. The image above most clearly reflects which of the following developments?

(A) Economic unification through a global market

(B) Steady growth of economic productivity

(C) Increased consumer access to disposable income

(D) A declining standard of living

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

20. The image most clearly depicts the role of consumer goods as which of the following?

(A) Status symbols

(B) Technological advancements

(C) Luxury items

(D) Basic necessities

21. Improvements in transportation influenced the consumer market by which of the following?

(A) Allowing producers to lower the price of goods

(B) Allowing producers to spread goods geographically

(C) Encouraging capitalist competition among producers

(D) Sparking the development of department store venues

Questions 22-24 refer to the passage below.

“All grandeur, all power, all subordination to authority rests on the executioner: he is the horror and the
bond of human association. Remove this incomprehensible agent from the world and at that very moment
order gives way to chaos, thrones topple and society disappears.”
Joseph de Maistre, lawyer, diplomat, writer, and philosopher, 1821

22. The ideology depicted in the above passage is based on which of the following beliefs?

(A) That people are neither good nor evil

(B) That people are savage by nature

(C) That people are products of their environment

(D) That people are reasonable and capable of decisive action

23. Based on the above passage, which of the following most closely reflects De Maistre’s belief
regarding legitimate authority in politics?

(A) Governments must be answerable to its subjects.

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(B) Governments and religion must be kept separate.

(C) Governments should be based on universal human rights.

(D) Governments are the product of the will of God.

24. Which of the following groups would be most likely to support De Maistre’s views?

(A) Aristocrats

(B) Liberals

(C) Bourgeois

(D) Radical Republicans

Questions 25-27 refer to the passage below.

“Well, society may be in its infancy,” said Egremont, slightly smiling; “but, say what you like, our
Queen reigns over the greatest nation that ever existed.”
“Which nation?” asked the younger stranger, “for she reigns over two.”
The stranger paused; Egremont was silent, but looked inquiringly.
“Yes,” resumed the younger stranger after a moment’s interval. “Two nations; between whom there is no
intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each other’s habits, thoughts, and feeling, as if they
were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets; who are formed by a different
breeding, are fed by a different food, are ordered by different manners, and are not governed by the same
“You speak of―” said Egremont, hesitatingly, “THE RICH AND THE POOR.”

Benjamin Disraeli, Sybil, 1845--this passage from a novel by a future

prime minister popularized the notion of “two nations” or two classes in
British society.

25. Which of the following led most directly to the social divisions depicted in the above passage?

(A) Export of capital through foreign investments

(B) Industrialization and growth of urban centers

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(C) Creation of corporate business enterprises

(D) Movement away from free trade markets

26. Based on the above excerpt, Disraeli’s views were most clearly influenced by which of the following?

(A) Laissez-faire policies

(B) Public education reforms

(C) The Chartist movement

(D) Liberal labor reform legislation

27. Which of the following best reflects the main goal of Disraeli’s writings as exemplified in the

(A) To sway working class votes for conservative issues

(B) To protect the interests of the landed aristocracy

(C) To defend the materialism of Victorian society

(D) To awaken the reading public to social issues

Questions 28-30 refer to the passage below.

“We who have lived before railways were made belong to another world.... It was only yesterday, but
what a gulf between now and then! Then was the old world. Stage-coaches, more or less swift, riding-
horses, pack-horses, highwaymen, knights in armour, Norman invaders, Roman legions, Druids, Ancient
Britons painted blue, and so forth—all these belong to the old period.... But your railroad starts the new
era, and we of a certain age belong to the new time and the old one.... We who lived before railways, and
survive out of the ancient world, are like Father Noah and his family out of the Ark.”
William Makepeace Thackeray, Roundabout Papers, 1863

28. Which of the following led most directly to the changes depicted in the above passage?

(A) Expansion and growth in the industrial sector

(B) Rising value in exports to non-European countries

(C) Changes in the currency exchange system

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(D) Freedom of movement among workers within the European labor market

29. One significant result of the trend described in the above passage was the

(A) creation of trade markets based on national boundaries

(B) increased cycles of economic depression

(C) economic competition among distant global regions

(D) decreased labor needs within a more mechanized industrial system

30. One direct long-term effect of the trend depicted above was

(A) a decrease in social and economic mobility among the middle class

(B) a declining system of commercial capitalism

(C) failed attempts at global economic unification

(D) the increasing ability to mass produce goods for consumption

Questions 31-33 refer to the passage below.

“Germany is not looking to Prussia's liberalism, but to its power; Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden may
indulge liberalism, and yet no one will assign them Prussia's role; Prussia has to coalesce and concentrate
its power for the opportune moment, which has already been missed several times; Prussia's borders
according to the Vienna Treaties [of 1814-15] are not favorable for a healthy, vital state; it is not by
speeches and majority resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided – that was the big
mistake of 1848 and 1849 – but by iron and blood.”
Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, 1862, from a speech about the
unification of Germany

31. Based on the above passage, Bismarck’s ideology most clearly reflects which of the following?

(A) Alliances grounded in historical traditions

(B) The belief in diplomacy and negotiations

(C) War as a tool for political purposes

(D) Government policies designed to promote regional interests

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

32. Based on the above passage, it can be inferred that Bismarck was most directly influenced by which
of the following movements?

(A) Classical Liberalism

(B) Social Darwinism

(C) Modern Individualism

(D) Identity Nationalism

33. Which of the following led most clearly to the success of Bismarck’s unification policies?

(A) Conflicting overseas interests among European powers

(B) The docile nature of the German population

(C) Strong support from the Prussian Parliament

(D) His social and political connections to the landowner class of Prussia

Questions 34-36 refer to the passage below.

“The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as
we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. Each is the proper
guardian of his own health, whether bodily, or mental and spiritual. Mankind are greater gainers by
suffering each other to live as seems good to themselves, than by compelling each to live as seems good
to the rest.”
John Stuart Mill, from his essay On Liberty, 1859

34. The views expressed in the above passage most closely reflect which of the following?

(A) The rights of the individual

(B) Access to democracy for all people

(C) The right to unlimited accumulation of wealth

(D) The right to impose force on others

35. Based on the evidence in the passage, Mill most likely supported which of the following?

(A) Absolute monarchies

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(B) Socialist societies

(C) Constitutional government

(D) Radical Republicanism

36. Freedom as depicted in the above passage could most likely be obtained by which of the following?

(A) Dependence on collective identities

(B) The use of reason and independent thought

(C) Ideas connected to social or ethnic groups

(D) Inclusion of religion in public affairs

Questions 37-40 refer to the passage below.

“Often I have heard the taunt that suffragists are women who have failed to find any normal outlet for
their emotions, and are therefore soured and disappointed beings. This is probably not true of any
suffragist, and it is most certainly not true of me… …for some years I was rather deeply immersed in my
domestic affairs.
I was never so absorbed with home and children, however, that I lost interest in community affairs. Dr.
Pankhurst did not desire that I should turn myself into a household machine. It was his firm belief that
society as well as the family stands in need of women’s services. So while my children were still in their
cradles I was serving on the executive committee of the Women’s Suffrage Society, and also on the
executive board of the committee which was working to secure the Marriage Women’s Property Act.”
Emmeline Pankhurst, British political activist, from her autobiography My Own Story,

37. The passage above is most clearly an example of which of the following developments in 19 th century

(A) The increasingly restrictive nature surrounding the responsibilities of motherhood

(B) The concept of separate public and private spheres for men and women

(C) Expanding use of moral arguments against the feminist movement

(D) Marriages based on purely economic considerations

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

38. Based on the passage above, Emmeline Pankhurst’ views most clearly reflect influence from which of
the following?

(A) Socialism

(B) Anarchism

(C) Nationalism

(D) Egalitarianism

39. Which of the following was the most direct effect of the trend described in the above passage?

(A) Increased militancy among women suffragettes

(B) Declining support for feminists by the Liberal Party

(C) Emerging competition among numerous suffragist groups

(D) Rising numbers of women running for public office

40. The movement depicted in the above passage also led most directly to which of the following long
term developments?

(A) The formation of labor unions

(B) Political revolutions based on worker’s rights

(C) International reform movements for women’s equality

(D) Conservative backlash and the continued subjugation of women

Questions 41-44 refer to the 1914 map of Africa below.

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

Africa, 1914

41. The division of Africa into the various European possessions represented in the above map was most
directly a result of

(A) a European desire to spread Christian values

(B) unemployment and overcrowding in European urban centers

(C) economic rivalries among European industrialized nations

(D) attempts to maintain the balance of power among European states

42. Which of the following best reflects the main goal of the division of Africa into the various European
possessions represented in the above map?
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(A) Access to raw materials and labor

(B) Opening of new trade markets for European imports

(C) Exportation of European culture and values

(D) Creation of new areas for exploration and scientific discovery

43. Europeans justified the partitioning of Africa seen in the map above by which of the following?

(A) The belief that African nations were backward and in need of protection

(B) The belief in the need to spread ideals of the Enlightenment movement

(C) The belief in the expansion of European Industrialization

(D) The belief in the cultural superiority of the white race

44. One direct long-term effect of the Partition of Africa as depicted in the map above was

(A) increased cooperation and economic harmony among European powers

(B) assimilation of most Africans into European culture

(C) escalating conflicts and rivalries among competing European nations

(D) the resurgence of slavery within the African continent

Questions 45-47 refer to the map below, The Creation of Modern Greece, 1832-1913.
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

The Creation of Modern Greece, 1832-1913

45. Which of the following most directly led to the developments depicted in the above map?

(A) A series of revolts and revolutions in western Europe

(B) The growing instability and decline of the Ottoman Empire

(C) European struggles to control rebellious colonial empires in the Americas

(D) Political and diplomatic tensions between rising European powers

46. The creation of the Kingdom of Greece best reflected which of the following concerns among
European nations?
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

(A) The resurgence of radical republicanism

(B) The influence of Enlightenment ideals

(C) The rise of revolutionary nationalism

(D) The decline of classical liberalism

47. Based on the above map, warfare in the early 19 th century led most directly to

(A) rising conflicts between Europe and the Middle East

(B) European hostility towards intervening in foreign conflicts

(C) a resurgence of religious fervor as a basis for conflict

(D) struggles between European nations to maintain the balance of power

Questions 48-50 refer to the map below, entitled Baron Haussmann’s Rebuilding of Paris, 1853-
AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

Baron Haussmann’s Rebuilding of Paris, 1853-1869

48. Baron Haussmann’s plans for rebuilding Paris, as depicted in the map above, most clearly reflect
which main governmental goal?

(A) To improve the lives of ordinary people

(B) To preserve the city’s medieval character while modernizing

(C) To annex Paris suburbs within city limits

(D) To improve city defenses against foreign invasion

AP European History Multiple Choice Questions Period 3

49. Reforms such as Haussmann’s building programs in the map above led most directly to which of the

(A) Massive displacement of people living in middle class areas

(B) Epidemics and disease spread among the lower classes

(C) Economic stimulation through businesses and jobs

(D) Creation of socially stratified neighborhoods based on wealth

50. One direct long-term effect of reforms such as Haussmann’s building program was

(A) increased traffic issues due to lack of public transportation

(B) renovations to the city infrastructure creating a system of sewers

(C) population declines due to lack of affordable housing

(D) ongoing water supply issues due to population growth

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