EDAM-9000 Analog & DIO Series: Data Acquisition Modules User's Manual

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.

Analog & DIO series

Data Acquisition Modules

User's Manual

Web site: www.inlog.com.tw

The names used in this manual for identification only maybe registered trademarks of their
respective companies

1 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1 Major Features .................................................................................................................................8
1.1 Ethernet-enabled DA&C I/O Modules 8
1.2 Intelligent I/O Modules 8
1.3 Mixed I/O in One Module to fit all applications 8
1.4 Industrial standard Modbus/TCP protocol supported for open connectivity 8
1.5 Software Support 8
1.6 Common technical specification of EDAM-9000 9
1.7 Dimensions 10
1.8 System Requirements 13
1.9 Wiring and Connections 13
1.10 Power supply wiring 13
1.11 I/O modules wiring 14
Chapter 2 Specification and wiring ...............................................................................................................15
2.1 EDAM-9015 7-channel RTD Input Module 16
2.2 EDAM-9017 8-channel Analog Input with 2/DO Module 18
2.3 EDAM-9019 8-channel T/C Input with 2/DO Module 20
2.4 EDAM-9050 18-channel Digital I/O Module 22
2.5 EDAM-9051 18-channel Digital I/O Module 23
2.6 EDAM-9052 18-channel Digital I/O Module 26
Chapter 3 EDAM-9000 Utility Guide ..............................................................................................................28
3.1 System Requirement 28
3.2 Install Utility Software on Host PC 28
3.3 EDAM Ethernet I/O Utility Overview 29
3.4 Main Menu 30
3.5 Function Menu 30
3.6 Tool Bar 31
3.7 List Sort 31
3.8 Network Setting 32
3.8.1 Module IP 32
3.8.2 TCP/IP port: 33
3.8.3 Stream/Alarm IP 34
3.8.4 Input Settings: 35
3.8.5 Input or Output Settings: 35
3.8.6 Test: 36
3.9 Add Remote Stations 36
3.10 Security Setting 37
3.11 Terminal Emulations 38
3.12 Data /Event Stream 39
3.13 I/O Module Configurations 41
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3.13.1 Digital Input/Output Module 41
3.13.2 Analog Input Module 45
3.14 I/O Module Calibrations 48
3.15 Input Type Settings 49
3.16 Alarm Setting 49
Chapter 4 What is TCPDAQ ActiveX Control? .............................................................................................50
4.1 Installing the TCPDAQ ActiveX Controls 50
4.2 Building TCPDAQ ActiveX Control with Various Tools 51
4.2.1 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Visual Basic 52
4.2.2 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Delphi 55
4.2.3 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Visual C++ 58
4.2.4 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Borland C++ Builder 61
4.3 Properties of TCPDAQ ActiveX Control 63
4.4 Methods of TCPDAQ ActiveX Control 64
4.5 Events of TCPDAQ ActiveX Control 65
4.6 Building TCPDAQ ActiveX Applications with Various Development Tools 65
Chapter 5 TCPDAQ DLL API ..........................................................................................................................66
5.1 Common Functions 66
5.2 Stream/Event Functions 67
5.3 Digital I/O Functions 68
5.4 Analog I/O Functions 69
5.5 MODBUS/TCP Functions 70
5.6 Function Description 71
5.6.1 TCP_Open 72
5.6.2 TCP_Close 72
5.6.3 TCP_Connect 73
5.6.4 TCP_Disconnect 73
5.6.5 TCP_ModuleDisconnect 74
5.6.6 TCP_SendData 74
5.6.7 TCP_RecvData 75
5.6.8 TCP_SendReceiveASCcmd 75
5.6.9 UDP_Connect 76
5.6.10 UDP_Disconnect 76
5.6.11 UDP_ModuleDisconnect 77
5.6.12 UDP_SendData 77
5.6.13 UDP_RecvData 78
5.6.14 UDP_SendReceiveASCcmd 78
5.6.15 TCP_GetModuleIPinfo 79
5.6.16 TCP_GetModuleID 79
5.6.17 TCP_GetIPFromID 80
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5.6.18 TCP_ScanOnLineModules 80
5.6.19 TCP_GetDLLVersion 81
5.6.20 TCP_GetModuleNo 81
5.6.21 TCP_GetLastError 82
5.6.22 TCP_PingIP 82
5.6.23 TCP_StartStream 83
5.6.24 TCP_StopStream 83
5.6.25 TCP_ReadStreamData 84
5.6.26 TCP_StartEvent 84
5.6.27 TCP_StopEvent 85
5.6.28 TCP_ReadEventData 85
5.6.29 TCP_ReadDIOMode 86
5.6.30 TCP_ReadDIO 86
5.6.31 TCP_ReadDISignalWidth 87
5.6.32 TCP_WriteDISignalWidth 87
5.6.33 TCP_ReadDICounter 88
5.6.34 TCP_ClearDICounter 88
5.6.35 TCP_StartDICounter 89
5.6.36 TCP_StopDICounter 89
5.6.37 TCP_ClearDILatch 90
5.6.38 TCP_ReadDILatch 90
5.6.39 TCP_WriteDO 91
5.6.40 TCP_WriteDOPulseCount 91
5.6.41 TCP_WriteDODelayWidth 92
5.6.42 TCP_ReadDODelayWidth 93
5.6.43 TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes 94
5.6.44 TCP_WriteAIAlarmType 95
5.6.45 TCP_ReadAITypes 95
5.6.46 TCP_ReadAIValue 96
5.6.47 TCP_ReadAIMaxVal 96
5.6.48 TCP_ReadAIMinVal 97
5.6.49 TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel 97
5.6.50 TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel 98
5.6.51 TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel 98
5.6.52 TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel 99
5.6.53 TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection 100
5.6.54 TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection 101
5.6.55 TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus 102
5.6.56 TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm 102
5.6.57 TCP_ClearAIMaxVal 103
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5.6.58 TCP_ClearAIMinVal 103
5.6.59 TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus 104
5.6.60 TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit 104
5.6.61 TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit 105
5.6.62 TCP_StartAIAlarm 105
5.6.63 TCP_StopAIAlarm 106
5.6.64 TCP_WriteCJCOffset 106
5.6.65 TCP_ReadCJCOffset 107
5.6.66 TCP_ReadCJCTemperature 107
5.6.67 TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil 108
5.6.68 TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil 109
5.6.69 TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg 110
5.6.70 TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg 111
Chapter 6 ASCII Commands for EDAM-9000 Modules .............................................................................. 112
6.1 About ASCII Commands 112
6.2 Syntax of ASCII 112
6.3 ASCII Command Set 113
6.3.1 Common commands 113
6.3.2 Digital I/O commands 113
6.3.3 Analog commands 114
6.4 ASCII Command Description 115
6.4.1 $aaM Read Module Name 115
6.4.2 $aaF Read Firmware Version 116
6.4.3 ~aaDnnnnn Set timout to search DHCP 116
6.4.4 ~aaD Read timout to search DHCP 117
6.4.5 $aaID Read module ID number 118
6.4.6 #aan Read Analog Input from Channel N 118
6.4.7 #aa Read Analog Input from All Channels 119
6.4.8 $aaAcctt Set analog input type (range) 119
6.4.9 $aaBhh Read analog input type 120
6.4.10 $aa0 Span Calibration 122
6.4.11 $aa1 Zero Calibration 122
6.4.12 $aa6 Read Channel Enable/Disable Status 123
6.4.13 $aa5mm Set Channel Enable/Disable Status 124
6.4.14 #aaMH Read Maximum Value 125
6.4.15 #aaMHn Read Maximum Value from channel N 126
6.4.16 #aaML Read Minimum Value 126
6.4.17 #aaMLn Read Minimum Value from channel N 127
6.4.18 $aaCjAhs Set Alarm Mode 128
6.4.19 $aaCjAh Read Alarm Mode 129
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6.4.20 $aaCjAhEs Enable/Disable Alarm 130
6.4.21 $aaCjCh Clear Latch Alarm 131
6.4.22 $aaCjAhCCn Set Alarm Connection 132
6.4.23 $aaCjRhC Read Alarm Connection 133
6.4.24 $aaCjAhU Set Alarm Limit 134
6.4.25 $aaCjRhU Read Alarm Limit 135
6.4.26 $aaCjS Read Alarm Status 136
6.4.27 $aa3 Read cold junction temperature 137
6.4.28 $aa9hhhhh Set CJ offset 138
6.4.29 $aa9 Read CJ offset 139
6.4.30 $aa6 Read DI /DO Channel Status 140
6.4.31 @aa Read DIO status 141
6.4.32 $aa7 Read DI latch status 142
6.4.33 #aa00dd Write All Digital Output 143
6.4.34 #aa1n0d Set Single Digital Output Channel 144
6.4.35 $aaEcn Start/stop single DI counter 145
6.4.36 $aaCn Clear single DI counter value 146
6.4.37 #aa Read all DI counter value 147
6.4.38 #aan Read single DI counter value 148
6.4.39 #aa2npppppppp Write DO pulse counts 149
6.4.40 $aaCLS Clear DI latch status 150
Chapter 7 MODBUS/TCP Command structure...........................................................................................151
7.1 Command Structure 151
7.2 ModBus Function code introductions 152
7.3 EDAM-9050 12 Digital Input/6 Digital Output Module 153
7.3.1 Holding Register Address (Unit:16bits) 153
7.3.2 Bit Address (Unit:1Bit) 153
7.4 EDAM-9051 12 Digital Input/2 Counter/2 Output Module 155
7.4.1 Register Address (Unit:16bits) 155
7.4.2 bit Address (Unit:1Bit) 155
7.5 EDAM-9052 8 channel digital Input /digital out Module 157
7.5.1 Register Address (Unit: 16bits) 157
7.5.2 Bit Address (Unit: 1Bit) 158
7.6 EDAM-9015 7-Channel RTD Input Module 159
7.6.1 Register Address (unit:16 bits) 159
7.6.2 Bit Address (unit:1 bit) 160
7.7 EDAM-9017 8-Channel Voltage/Current Input Module 161
7.7.1 Register Address (unit:16 bits) 161
7.7.2 Bit Address (unit:1 bit) 162
7.8 EDAM-9019 8-Channel T/C Input Module 163
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7.8.1 Register Address (unit:16 bits) 163
7.8.2 Bit Address (unit:1 bit) 164
Chapter 8 TCPDAQ Data Structure .............................................................................................................166
Chapter 9 EDAM-9000 Web Server..............................................................................................................167
9.1 What is TCPDAQ Web Server? 167
9.2 Home Page 167
9.3 Module monitoring page 168
9.3.1 EDAM-9015 monitoring page 168
9.3.2 EDAM-9017 monitoring page 169
9.3.3 EDAM-9019 monitoring page 170
9.3.4 EDAM-9050 monitoring page 171
9.3.5 EDAM-9051 monitoring page 172
9.3.6 EDAM-9052 monitoring page 173

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

Chapter 1 Major Features

1.1 Ethernet-enabled DA&C I/O Modules
EDAM-9000 is based on the popular Ethernet networking standards used today in most business environments.
Users can easily add EDAM-9000 I/O modules to existing Ethernet networks or use EDAM-9000 modules in new
Ethernet-enabled Manufacturing networks. EDAM-9000 module features a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet chip and supports industrial
popular Modus/TCP protocol over TCP/IP for data connection. EDAM-9000 also supports UDP protocol over Ethernet
networking. With UDP/IP, EDAM-9000 I/O modules can actively send I/O data stream to 8 Ethernet nodes. Through Ethernet
networking HMI/SCADA system and controller can access or gather real-time data from EDAM-9000 Ethernet enabled DA&C
modules. And, these real-time data can be integrated with business system to create valuable, competitive business information

1.2 Intelligent I/O Modules

Enhancing from traditional I/O modules, EDAM-9000 I/O modules have pre-built intelligent mathematic functions to
empower the system capacity. The Digital Input modules provide Counter, Totalizer functions; the Digital Output
modules provide pulse output, delay output functions; the Analog Input modules provide the Max./Min./Average data
calculation; the Analog Output modules provide the PID loop control function.

1.3 Mixed I/O in One Module to fit all applications

EDAM-9000 mixed I/O module design concept provides the most cost-effective I/O usage for application system.
The most common used I/O type for single function unit are collected in ONE module. This design concept not only
save I/O usage and spare modules cost but also speed up I/O relative operations. For small DA&C system or
standalone control unit in a middle or large scale, EDAM-9000 mixed I/O design can easily fit application needs by
one or two modules only. With additional embedded control modules, EDAM-9000 can easily create a localized,
less complex, and more distributed I/O architecture.

1.4 Industrial standard Modbus/TCP protocol supported for open connectivity

EDAM-9000 modules support the popular industrial standard, Modbus/TCP protocol, to connect with Ethernet
Controller or HMI/SCADA software built with Modbus/TCP driver. Inlog also provides OPC server for Modbus/TCP to
integrate EDAM-9000 I/O real-time data value with OPC client enabled software. Users don’t need to take care of special
driver’s development.

1.5 Software Support

Based on the Modbus/TCP standard, the EDAM-9000 firmware is a built-in Modbus/TCP server. Therefore, Inlog
provides the necessary DLL drivers, and Windows Utility for users for client data for the EDAM-9000. Users can
configure this DA&C system via Windows Utility; integrate with HMI software package via Modbus/TCP driver or
Modbus/TCP OPC Server. Even more, you can use the DLL driver and ActiveX to develop your own applications.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
1.6 Common technical specification of EDAM-9000
Ethernet: 10 BASE-T IEEE 802.3 100 BASE-TX IEEE 802.3u
Wiring: UTP, category 5 or greater
Bus Connection: RJ45 modular jack
Comm. Protocol: Modbus/TCP on TCP/IP and UDP
Data Transfer Rate: Up to 100 Mbps
Unregulated 10 to 30VDC
Protection: Over-voltage and power reversal
Ethernet Communication: 1500 V DC
I/O Module: 3000 V DC
Status Indicator: Power, CPU, Communication (Link, Collide, 10/100 Mbps, Tx, Rx)
Case: ABS with captive mounting hardware
Plug-in Screw Terminal Block: Accepts 0.5 mm 2 to 2.5 mm 2 , 1 - #12 or 2 - #14 to #22 AWG
Operating Temperature: - 10 to 70º C (14 to 158º F)
Storage Temperature: - 25 to 85º C (-13 to 185º F)
Humidity: 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Atmosphere: No corrosive gases

NOTE: Equipment will operate below 30% humidity. However, static electricity problems occur much more
frequently at lower humidity levels. Make sure you take adequate precautions when you touch the equipment.
Consider using ground straps, anti-static floor coverings, etc. if you use the equipment in low humidity

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1.7 Dimensions
The following diagrams show the dimensions of the EDAM-9000 l/O module in millimeters.
LED Status of EDAM-9000 I/O Modules
There are two LEDs on the EDAM-9000 I/O Modules front panel. Each LEDs built with two indicators to represent
the EDAM-9000 system status, as explained below
Full: Red indicator. This LED is blanking when EDAM-9000 module is running.
Link: Red indicator. This LED is normal on whenever the EDAM-9000 module’s Ethernet wiring is connected.

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1.8 System Requirements
Host computer
IBM PC compatible computer with 486 CPU (Pentium is recommended)
Microsoft 95/98/2000/NT 4.0 (SP3 or SP4)/XP/7/8/10 or higher versions
At least 32 MB RAM
20 MB of hard disk space available
VGA color monitor
2x or higher speed CD-ROM
Mouse or other pointing devices
10 or 100 Mbps Ethernet Card
10 or 100 Mbps Ethernet Hub (at least 2 ports)
Two Ethernet Cable with RJ-45 connector
Power supply for EDAM-9000 (+10 to +30 V unregulated)

1.9 Wiring and Connections

This section provides basic information on wiring the power supply, I/O units, and network connection.

1.10 Power supply wiring

Although the EDAM-9000/TCP systems are designed for a standard industrial unregulated 24 V DC power supply,
they accept any power unit that supplies within the range of +10 to +30 VDC. The power supply ripple must be
limited to 200 mV peak-to-peak, and the immediate ripple voltage should be maintained between +10 and +30 VDC.
Screw terminals +Vs and GND are for power supply wiring.

Note: The wires used should be sized at least 2 mm.

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1.11 I/O modules wiring
The system uses a plug-in screw terminal block for the interface between I/O modules and field devices. The
following information must be considered when connecting electrical devices to I/O modules.
The terminal block accepts wires from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm.
Always use a continuous length of wire. Do not combine wires to make them longer.
Use the shortest possible wire length.
Use wire trays for routing where possible.
Avoid running wires near high-energy wiring.
Avoid running input wiring in close proximity to output wiring where possible.
Avoid creating sharp bends in the wires.

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Chapter 2 Specification and wiring

Analog input modules use an A/D converter to convert sensor voltage, current, thermocouple or RTD signals into
digital data. The digital data is then translated into engineering units. When prompted by the host computer, the
data is sent through a standard 10/100 based-T Ethernet interface. Users would able to read the current status via
pre-built web page or any HMI software package supported Modbus/TCP protocol. The analog input modules
protect your equipment from ground loops and power surges by providing opto-isolation of the A/D input and
trans-former based isolation up to 3,000 VDC .

15 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

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2.1 EDAM-9015 7-channel RTD Input Module
The EDAM-9015 is a 16-bit, 7-channel RTD input module that provides programmable input ranges on all channels.
It accepts Various RTD inputs (PT100, PT1000, Balco 500 & Ni) and provides data to the host computer in
engineering units (oC). In order to satisfy various temperature requirements in one module, each analog channel is
allowed to configure an individual range for several applications.

EDAM-9015 Specification
Analog Input:
Effective resolution: 16-bit
Channels: 7
lnput type: PT100, PT1000, Balco 500 & Ni
lnput range:
PT100 -50°C ~ 150°C ,0°C ~ 100°C ,0°C ~ 200°C ,0°C ~ 400°C ,-200°C ~ 200°C ,
PT1000 -40°C ~ 160°C
Balco 500 -30°C ~ 120°C
Ni 604 -80°C ~ 100°C or 0°C ~ 100°C
Ni 1000 -60°C ~ 160°C
Isolation voltage: 2000V
Sampling rate: 12 samples / sec.
Input impedance: 20 MΩ
Accuracy: ±0.05% or better
Zero drift: ±3 µV/° C
Span drift: ±25 ppm/° C
CMR @ 50/60 Hz: 150 dB
NMR @ 50/60 Hz: 100 dB
Built-in Watchdog Timer
Power requirements: Unregulated +10 ~ +30 VDC
Power consumption: 2.2W

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
Application Wiring

Assigning ModBus address

Based on the Modbus/TCP standard, the addresses of the I/O channels in EDAM-9000 modules you place in the
system are defined by a simple rule. Please refer to Chapter 7 to map the I/O address.

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2.2 EDAM-9017 8-channel Analog Input with 2/DO Module
The EDAM-9017 is a 16-bit, 8-channel analog differential input module that provides programmable input ranges
on all channels. It accepts millivoltage inputs (±100mV, ±500mV), voltage inputs (±1V, ±5V and ±10V) and current
input (±20 mA, 4~20 mA) and provides data to the host computer in engineering units (mV, V or mA). In order to
satisfy all plant needs in one module, EDAM-9017 has designed with 8 analog inputs and 2 digital outputs. Each
analog channel is allowed to configure an individual range for variety of applications.
EDAM-9017 Specification
Analog Input:
Effective resolution: 16-bit
Channels: 8 differential
lnput type: mV, V, mA
lnput range: ±150 mV, ±500 mV, 0-5 V, ±10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
Isolation voltage: 2500 Vrms
Fault and overvoltage protection: Withstands overvoltage up to ±35 V
Sampling rate: 10 samples / sec.
Input impedance: 20 MΩ
Bandwidth: 13.1 Hz @ 50 Hz, 15.72 Hz @ 60 Hz
Accuracy: ±0.1% or better
Zero drift: ±6 μV/°C
Span drift: ±25 ppm/°C
CMR @ 50/60 Hz: 92 dB min.
Digital Output:
Channel: 2
Open Collector to 50 V, 500 mA max. load
Optical Isolation: 2500Vrms
Built-in Watchdog Timer
Power requirements: Unregulated +10 ~ +30 VDC
Power consumption: 2.2 W

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Application Wiring
EDAM-9017 has built with a 120 Ω resistor in each channel; users do not have to add any resistors in addition for
current input measurement. Just adjust the jumper setting to choose the specific input type you need. Refer to Fig
2-1, each analog input channel has built-in a jumper on the PCB for users to set as a voltage mode or current

Fig 2-1

Assigning ModBus address

Basing on Modbus/TCP standard, the addresses of the I/O channels in EDAM-9000 modules you place in the
system are defined by a simple rule. Please refer the Chapter 7 to map the I/O address.

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2.3 EDAM-9019 8-channel T/C Input with 2/DO Module
The EDAM-9019 is a 16-bit, 8-channel Thermocouple input module that provides programmable input ranges on all
channels. It accepts Various Thermocouple inputs (Type J, K, T, E, R, S, B) and provides data to the host computer
in engineering units ( o C). In order to satisfy various temperature requirements in one module, each analog
channel is allowed to configure an individual range for several applications.
EDAM-9019 Specification
Analog Input:
Effective resolution: 16-bit
Channels: 8
lnput type: J, K, T, E, R, S, B
lnput range:
J type: 0 ~ 760 o C
K type: 0 ~ 1370 o C
T type: -100 ~ 400 o C
E type: 0 ~ 1000 o C
R type: 500 ~ 1750 o C
S type: 500 ~ 1750 o C
B type: 500 ~ 1800 o C
Output Type: 8 channels, Open Collect to 30Vdc/100mA(max), 400mA(max) for all DO
Isolation voltage: 2000 VDC

Sampling rate: 10 samples / sec.

Input impedance: 20 MΩ

Accuracy: ±0.15% or better

Zero drift: ±6 µV/° C

Span drift: ±25 ppm/° C

CMR @ 50/60 Hz: 92 dB

Built-in Watchdog Timer

Power requirements: Unregulated +10 ~ +30 VDC

Power consumption: 2 W/Typical, 3W/max

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Application Wiring

Assigning ModBus addresses

Based on the Modbus/TCP standard, the addresses of the I/O channels in EDAM-9000 modules you place in the
system are defined by a simple rule. Please refer toChapter 7 to map the I/O address.

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2.4 EDAM-9050 18-channel Digital I/O Module

The EDAM-9050 is a high-density I/O module built-in a 10/100 based-T interface for seamless Ethernet
connectivity. It provides 12 digital input and 6 digital output channels with 5000VRMS Isolating protection. All of the
Digital Input channels support input latch function for important signal handling. Mean while, these DI channels
allow to be used as 1 KHz counter. Opposite to the intelligent DI functions, the Digital Output channels also support
pulse output function.
EDAM-9050 Specification
Digital input:
Channel: 12
Input Type: (Logic level status can be inversed by Utility)
Dry Contact: Logic level 0: Close to GND or Logic level 1: Open
Wet Contact: Logic level 0: 0V~+2V or Logic level 1: +5V~+30V
 Supports 1 kHz counter input (32-bit + 1-bit overflow)
Digital Output:
Channel: 6
Open Collector to 50V/500 mA max. load
Optical Isolation: 2500VRMS
Power Consumption: 2 W (Typical)

Application Wiring

Assigning ModBus address

Basing on Modbus/TCP standard, the addresses of the I/O channels in EDAM-9000 modules you place in the
system are defined by a simple rule. Please refer theChapter 7 . All Digital Input channels in EDAM-9050 are
allowed to use as 32-bit counters (Each counter is consisted of two addresses, Low word and High word).

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2.5 EDAM-9051 18-channel Digital I/O Module
The EDAM-9051 is a high-density I/O module built-in a 10/100 based-T interface for seamless Ethernet
connectivity. It provides 12 digital input, 2 digital output, and 2 counter (4.5 KHz) channels with 5000VRMS Isolating
protection. All of the Digital Input channels support input latch function for important signal handling. Mean while,
these DI channels allow to be used as 1 KHz counter. Opposite to the intelligent DI functions, the Digital Output
channels also support pulse output function.
EDAM-9051 Specification
Digital Input:
 Channel: 16
 Input Type: (jumper select) (Logic level status can be inversed by Utility)
Dry Contact: Logic level 0: Close to GND
Logic level 1: Open
Wet Contact: Logic level 0: 0V~+2Vac
Logic level 1: +5Vac~+30Vac
 Supports 1 kHz counter input (32-bit + 1-bit overflow)
Digital Output:
 Channel: 2
Open Collector to 50V/ 500 mA max. load
 Optical Isolation: 2500VRMS
Channel: 2
Maximum Count: 4,294,967,285(32 bit)
Input frequency: 0.3 ~ 4500 Hz max. (Frequency mode) ,4500 Hz max. (counter mode)
Isolation voltage: 2500VRMS
Mode: Counter, Frequency
Power Consumption: 2 W (Typical)

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Application Wiring
User need to adjust the jumper (JP2) setting to choose the input type as shown bwlows:

Voltage Input(Wet Contact) type:

Switch Input(Dry Contact) type:

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Digital Counter and Output type:

Assigning ModBus address

Basing on Modbus/TCP standard, the addresses of the I/O channels in EDAM-9000 modules you place in the
system are defined by a simple rule. Please refer the Chapter 7 to map the I/O address
All Digital Input channels in EDAM-9051 are allowed to use as 32-bit counters (Each counter is consisted of two
addresses, Low word and High word). Users could configure the specific DI channels to be counters via Windows
Utility. The I/O address will be mapped as Figures

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2.6 EDAM-9052 18-channel Digital I/O Module

The EDAM-9052 is a high-density digital I/O module designed with a 10/100 based-T interface for seamless
Ethernet connectivity. It provides 8 digital input channels, and 8 digital output channels. All of the digital input
channels support the input latch function for important signal handling. The digital output channels support source
type output.
EDAM-9052 Specification
I/O Type: 8 DI/ 8 DO
Digital Input:
Dry Contact :
Logic level 1 : Close to GND
Logic level 0 : Open
Wet Contact :
Logic level 1 : +2 Vac max
Logic level 0 : +5 to 30 Vac max
 Supports 1 kHz counter input (32-bit + 1-bit overflow)
Digital Output:
Source Type : 30Vdc, 3 A
Optical Isolation: 2500 Vrms
Power requirements: Unregulated +10 ~ +30 VDC
Power consumption: 2 W

Application Wiring

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Assigning ModBus addresses

Based on Modbus/TCP, the addresses of the I/O channels in EDAM-9000 modules are defined by a simple rule.
Please refer to Chapter 7 to map the I/O address. All digital input channels in EDAM-9052 are allowed to use
as 32-bit counters (Each counter is consisted of two addresses, Low word and High word). Users could configure
the specific DI channels to be counters via Windows Utility. (Refer to Section 5.3)

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Chapter 3 EDAM-9000 Utility Guide

In order to properly configure EDAM series. You will need following items to complete your system hardware

3.1 System Requirement

Host computer
 IBM PC compatible computer with 486 CPU (Pentium is recommended)
 Microsoft 95/98/2000/NT 4.0 (SP3 or SP4) or higher versions
 At least 32 MB RAM
 20 MB of hard disk space available
 VGA color monitor
 2x or higher speed CD-ROM
 Mouse or other pointing devices
 10 or 100 Mbps Ethernet Card
 10 or 100 Mbps Ethernet Hub (at least 2 ports)
 Two Ethernet Cable with RJ-45 connector
 Power supply for EDAM-9000 (+10 to +30 V unregulated)
 Make sure to prepare all of the items above, then connect the power and network wiring as Figure 3-1 Power

Figure 3-1 Power wiring

3.2 Install Utility Software on Host PC

Inlog provide free download Manual and Utility software for EDAM-9000 modules’ operation and configuration.
Link to the web site: www.inlog.com.tw and click into the “Download Area” to get the latest version EDAM-9000
manual and Ethernet I/O Utility. Once you download and setup the Utility software, there will be a shortcut of the
Utility executive program on Windows’ desktop after completing the installation.

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3.3 EDAM Ethernet I/O Utility Overview
The Utility software offers a graphical interface that helps you configure the EDAM-9000 modules. It is also very
convenient to test and monitor your remote DAQ system. The following guidelines will give you some brief
instructions on how to use this Utility.
 Main Menu
 Network Setting
 Adding Remote Station
 Security setting
 I/O Module Configuration
 Alarm Setting
 I/O Module Calibration
 Security Setting
 Terminal emulation
 Data/Event Stream

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3.4 Main Menu
Double Click the icon of EDAM Ethernet I/O Utility shortcut, the Operation screen will pop up as Figure3-2.

Figure3-2 main window

The top of the operation screen consists of a function menu and a tool bar for user’s commonly operating functions.

3.5 Function Menu

 File contents “Exit” Function, using to exit this Utility program.
 Tool contents functions as below:
Search for Ethernet Device Search all EDAM-9000 units in the specific Ethernet domination. (The same with
host PC’s Ethernet domination)
Add Remote Ethernet Device: Create a new EDAM-9000 module located in other Ethernet domination, both
available to local LAN and Internet application.
Monitor Stream/Event Data: comes from the remote I/O module
Terminal: Call up the operation screen of Terminal emulation to do the request / response command
 Setup: Contents Timeout and Scan Rate setting functions. Please be aware of the time setting for other
Ethernet domination usually longer than local network.
 Help: Contents on-line help function as user’s operation guide; the item About contents information about
software version, released date, and support modules.

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3.6 Tool Bar

There are five push buttons in the tool bar.

 Exit: Exit utility program

 Terminal: Terminal emulation
 Search: Search EDAM module
 Add: Add remote EDAM I/O module
 Monitor: Monitor the Stream/Event Data

3.7 List Sort

The searched units will be listed in the tree-structure display area in order by “Sort” selection

 Moudle IP: Sort by moudle IP

 Module ID: Sort by module ID
 Module No: Sort by module name

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3.8 Network Setting
As the moment you start up this Windows Utility, it will search all EDAM-9000 I/O modules on the host PC’s
domination Ethernet network automatically. Then the tree-structure display area will appeal with the searched units
and the relative IP address.
Since Utility software detects the EDAM-9000 on the network, user can begin to setup each unit.
Choose any one I/O module listed on the tree-structure display area and entry the correct password. The module
basic configuration table is listed as shown in for setting

Figure 3-3

3.8.1 Module IP
MAC Address:
This is also called Ethernet address and needs no further configuration.
IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway: (default, and
The IP address identifies your EDAM-9000 devices on the global network. Each EDAM-9000 has same
default IP address Therefore, please do not initial many EDAM-9000 at the same time to avoid
the Ethernet collision. If you want to configure the EDAM-9000 in the host PC’s dominating network,
only the IP address and Subnet Mask will need to set (The host PC and EDAM Ethernet I/O must
belong to same subnet Mask).
If you want to configure the EDAM-9000 via Internet or other network domination, you have to ask your
network administrator to obtain a specific IP and Gateway addresses, and then configure each
EDAM-9000 with the individual setting.
DHCP: (default Disabled)
Allow you to get IP address from the DHCP servo without setting IP address by manual.

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DHCP timeout: (default 20 sec)
Allow you to set timeout to search for the DHCP servo. If there is no DHCP servo exist, the module will
reboot and use static IP address assigned by E9KUtility.exe
Web Server: (default Enabled)
Allow you monitor and control I/O status on EDAM-9000 modules remotely through web browser.
Module ID: (default 00)
Each module must has a unique ID number to be identified when the DHCP enabled, because you
would not know the module IP address when DHCP enabled, but if with the different ID number. You can
call provided function call(TCP_GetIPFromID) to get correct IP address for each ID number
Password: (default 00000000)
Allow you to change the password of the module

3.8.2 TCP/IP port:

EDAM9000 series use four ports to communication with Host as shown below table
Protocol Port (dec) Description
UDP 1025 ASCII Command
UDP 5168 Event/Stream trigger
TCP 80 HTTPD (web)

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3.8.3 Stream/Alarm IP

Stream/Alarm event Enable Setting: (default all disabled)

Set Stream /Event data Destination IP
Avtive Stream time period: (default 1 sec)
set time interval for sending stream data

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3.8.4 Input Settings:

Configure Input channel type

3.8.5 Input or Output Settings:

Configure output channel type

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3.8.6 Test:

Misc. settings and status (value) display

3.9 Add Remote Stations

To meet the remote monitoring and maintenance requirements, The EDAM-9000 system does not only available to
operate in local LAN, but also allowed to access from Internet or Intranet. Thus users would able to configure an
EDAM-9000 easily no matter how far it is.
Select item Tool\Add Remote Ethernet I/O in function menu or click the button, the adding station screen will pop
up as Figure3-4. Then key-in the specific IP address and click the “Ping” button. If the communication success,
click “Add” to add EDAM Ethernet I/O unit into the tree-structure display area.

Figure3-4 Add remote module

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There is several conditions need to be sure before adding a remote EDAM-9000 system in the windows Utility.
 Be sure the specific IP is existed and available.
 Be sure to complete the network linkage for both sides.
 Be sure to adjust the best timing of timeout setting.
 Even you are not sure whether the communication is workable or not, there is also a “Ping” function for testing
the network connection.

3.10 Security Setting

Though the technology of Ethernet discovered with great benefits in speed and integration, there also exist risk
about network invading form anywhere. For the reason, the security protection design has built-in EDAM-9000 I/O
modules. Once user setting the password into the EDAM-9000 firmware, the important system configurations
(Network, Firmware, Password) are only allowed to be changed by password verification.

The default password of EDAM-9000 is “00000000”. Please make sure to keep the correct password by yourself. If
you lose it, please contact to Inlog’s technical support center for help.

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3.11 Terminal Emulations
You can issue commands and receive response by clicking the Terminal button on the tool bar. There are two
kinds of command format supported by this emulating function. Users can choose ASCII or ModBus Hexadecimal
mode as their communication base. If the ASCII mode has been selected, the Windows Utility will translate the
request and response string in ASCII format.
ASCII Command mode: shown as Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5 ASCII Command Terminal

ModBus Hexadecimal mode: shown as Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6 ModBus Terminal

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3.12 Data /Event Stream
Data Stream Configuration
In addition to TCP/IP communication protocol, EDAM-9000 supports UDP communication protocol to regularly
broadcast data to specific host PCs. Click the tab of Data Stream, then configure the broadcasting interval and the
specific IP addresses which need to receive data from the specific EDAM-9000 I/O module. This UDP Data Stream
function broadcasts up to 8 host PCs simultaneously, and the interval is user-defined from 50ms to 7 Days.
Event Stream Configuration
In addition to TCP/IP communication protocol, EDAM-9000 supports UDP communication protocol to regularly
broadcast data to specific host PCs. Click the tab of Data Stream, then configure the broadcasting interval and the
specific IP addresses which need to receive data from the specific EDAM-9000 I/O module. This UDP Data Stream
function broadcasts up to 8 host PCs simultaneously, and the interval is user-defined from 50ms to 7 Days.
Data Stream Monitoring
After finishing the configuration of Data Stream, you can select the tab “Stream Monitor” in the function bar or click
icon to call up operation display as Figure 3-7 Stream display.
Select the IP address of the EDAM-9000 you want to read data, then click “Start ” button. The Utility software will
begin to receive the stream data on this operation display.

Figure 3-7 Stream display

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Data Event Monitoring
After finishing the configuration of Data Event, you can select the tab “Event Monitor” in the function bar or click
icon to call up operation display as Figure 3-8 Event display.
Select the IP address of the EDAM-9000 you want to read data, then click “Start” button. The Utility software will
begin to receive the stream data on this operation display.

Figure 3-8 Event display

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3.13 I/O Module Configurations
3.13.1 Digital Input/Output Module

Selecting EDAM-9000 Digital Modules and select “Test” tab, user can read following information from the Utility.

Figure 3-9 ModBus location and I/O status

Digital I/O Module Configuration
Location: Standard Modbus address. EDAM Ethernet I/O Utility shows the Modbus mapping address of each I/O
channel. (Please refer to E9K_Modbus.pdf file) And the addresses will be the indexes for applying into the
database of HMI or OPC Server.
Channel: Indicate the channel number of digital I/O module
Type: Data Type of the I/O channel. The data type of Digital I/O modules is always “Bit”.
Value: The current status on each channel of I/O Module. The value of digital I/O modules could be “0” (OFF) or “1”
Mode: Describes the I/O types of the specific module. In addition to monitor the current DI/DO status, the Windows
Utility offers a graphical operating interface as Figure3-10. You can read the Digital input status through the change
of the indicator icons. Oppositely, you can write the digital output status through clicking the indicator icons.

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Figure3-10 DI/O status display

The digital input channels support counter and signal latch functions. Click the specific channel, there will be four
working modes for choosing.

Figure 3-11 Direct input mode

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Figure 3-12 Counter setting

Figure 3-13 Input latch setting

1. The new working mode setting will take effective after click the “Update” button.
2. If necessary, users could invert the original single for flexible operation needs.

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The digital output channels support pulse output and delay output functions. Click the specific channel, there will be
four working modes for choosing.

Figure 3-14 riect output setting

Figure 3-15 Pulse output setting

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Figure 3-16 Low to High Delay setting

3.13.2 Analog Input Module

Selecting EDAM-9000 analog input Modules includes EDAM-9017 and select “General Settings” tab, user can read following

information from the Utility.

Figure 3-17 ModBus location and analog value

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Location: Standard Modbus address. (Refer to Assigning address for I/O module in Chapter 4)
Channel: the channel number
Type: Data type of the I/O channel. The data type of analog Input modules is always “word”.
Value: The current status on each channel of I/O modules. Windows Utility provides both decimal and
hexadecimal values used for different applications.
Input Type: Sensor types and measurement range of the specified module.
Before acquiring the current data of an analog input module, you have to select the input range and integration time.
Then the input data will be scaled as the specified range with engineer unit.

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To provide users more valuable information, the EDAM-9000 analog modules have designed with calculation
functions, includes Maximum, Minimum, and Average values of individual channels. Click the Maximum value tab,
you will see the historical maximum values in each channel unless to press the against “Reset” buttons.

Click the Minimum value tab, you will see the historical minimum values in each channel unless to press the
against “Reset” buttons.

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3.14 I/O Module Calibrations
Calibration is to adjust the accuracy of EDAM module. There are several modes for module’s calibration: Zero
calibration, Span calibration, CJC calibration, and Analog Output calibration. Only analog input and output modules
can be calibrated, and the EDAM-9017 is the first released analog module.
Zero Calibration
1. Apply power to the module and let it warm up for 30 minutes.
3. Make sure the module is correctly installed and properly configured for the input range you want to
4. Short channel 0 to GND by wire as short as possible
5. Click the Execute button.

Span Calibration
1. Follow the same procedure of zero calibration
2. Use a precision voltage source to apply a calibration voltage to the V+ and V- terminals of the EDAM-9017
3. Click the Execute button.

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3.15 Input Type Settings
There is serval range of each channel of analog module. You should select properly type(range) before apply to
the your applications

Figure 3-18 Input type setting

The new working mode setting will take effective after click the “Update” button.

3.16 Alarm Setting

Moreover, all of the analog channels are allowed to configure the High/Low limitation for alarm trigger function.
Once the value of the specific channel is over or under the limitation, the alarm status could trigger a digital output
channel in the ADM-9017.

Figure 3-19 Alarm Setting

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Chapter 4 What is TCPDAQ ActiveX Control?
TCPDAQ.OCX is a collection of ActiveX controls for performing I/O operations within any compatible ActiveX
control container, such as Visual Basic, Delphi, etc. You can easily perform the I/O operations through properties,
events and methods. Specific information about the properties, methods, and events of the TCPDAQ ActiveX
controls can be found later in this manual.
With TCPDAQ ActiveX Control, you can perform versatile I/O operations to control your Inlog EDAM-9000 module
The TCPDAQ ActiveX Control setup program installs TCPDAQ.OCX through a process that may take several
minutes. Installing the necessary software to use the TCPDAQ.OCX in your application involves two main steps:
Installing the TCPDAQ ActiveX Control
Use the Inlog EDAM-9000 utility to configure the modules that is attached to your computer.
You can use these ActiveX controls in any development tool that supports them, including Microsoft Visual C++,
Microsoft Visual Basic, Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi

4.1 Installing the TCPDAQ ActiveX Controls

Before using the TCPDAQ ActiveX Control, you must install the TCPDAQ.OCX first
 Insert the TCPDAQ installation CD-ROM disc into your computer.
 The installation program should start automatically. If autorun is not enabled on your computer, use your
Windows Explorer or the Windows Run command to execute Setup.exe on the TCPDAQ installation CD-ROM
disc (assume "d" is the letter of your CD-ROM disc drive):
D: \Setup.exe

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4.2 Building TCPDAQ ActiveX Control with Various Tools
This chapter describes how you can use the TCPDAQ ActiveX Control with the following development tools:
 Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.0 (SP5)
 Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0 (SP5)
 Borland Delphi version 4.0 (with the Delphi 6 Update Pack fixes for ActiveX installed)
 Borland C++ Builder version 5.0

This chapter assumes that you are familiar with the basic concepts of using Visual Basic, Delphi,
Borland C++ Builder, and Visual C++, including selecting the type of application, designing the
form, placing the control on the form, configuring the properties of the control, creating the code
(event handler routines) for this control.
Note: For Borland Delphi 6, the Delphi 6 Update Pack fixes for ActiveX must be installed.

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4.2.1 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Visual Basic
 Start Visual Basic.

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 Select Standard EXE icon and press the Open button. A new project is created. Click on Components... from
the Project menu. The Components dialog box is loaded as shown below:

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 Place a TCPDAQ control from the Toolbox on the form. Use the default name.
 Your form should look similar to the one shown below:

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4.2.2 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Delphi
 Start Delphi, Delphi will launch as shown below:
 Select Import ActiveX Control... from the Component menu. The Import ActiveX dialog box loads:
 Select the TCPDAQ ActiveX Control Module and press the Install... button. A dialog box is displayed as follows:

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 The TCPDAQ control is loaded into the Component Palette. You can check it by clicking on Install Package...
from the Component menu. A dialog box is shown as below.

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 Switch to the form and select the ActiveX tab from the Component Palette.
 Place a TCPDAQ control from the Component Palette on the form. Use the default names TCPDAQ1.
 Your form should look similar to the one shown below:

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4.2.3 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Visual C++
 Start Visual C++ program.
 Select Add to Project... -> Components and Controls from the Project menu, and double-click on
Registered ActiveX Controls. The result should be as below:

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 Scroll down to the TCPDAQ Control and press the Insert button. A Class Confirm dialog box is displayed, Press
OK button.

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 The TCPDAQ control will be showed in Visual C++ Toolbar.
 Place a TCPDAQ control from the Controls Toolbar on the dialog-based form.

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4.2.4 Building TCPDAQ Applications with Borland C++ Builder
 Start Borland C++ Builder (BCB), BCB will launch as shown below:
 Select Import ActiveX Control... from the Component menu. The Import ActiveX dialog box loads:
 Select the TCPDAQ Control and press the Install... button. A dialog box is displayed as follows:

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 Enter "TCPDAQ" into the File name field under the Into new package tab, and press OK button. A Confirm
dialog box is displayed. press Yes button.
 The TCPDAQ control is loaded into the Component Palette. You can check it by clicking on Install Package...
from the Component menu. A dialog box is shown as below.

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4.3 Properties of TCPDAQ ActiveX Control
Name Type Description Avaliable Model(s)
AIChannelIndex short Specifies the analog input channel to perform 9015,9017,9019
other AI properties read/write operation.
AINormalValue double Normal voltage of specifies the analog 9015,9017,9019
AIAveragevalue double Average voltage value of the channels that 9015,9017,9019
are in average
AIMaximumValue double Maximal voltage of specifies the analog 9015,9017,9019
AIMinimumValue double Minimal voltage of specifies the analog 9015,9017,9019
AILowAlarmStatus short Return the low alarm status of specifies the 9015,9017,9019
analog channel (1=Alarm occurred, 0=No
AIHighAlarmStatus short Return the high alarm status of specifies the 9015,9017,9019
analog channel (1=Alarm occurred, 0=No
AIBurnOutStatus short Return the Burnout status of specifies the 9015 and 9019
analog channel (1=open, 0=normal)
AOChannelIndex short Specifies the analog output channel to Reserved for Ver 1.0
perform other properties read/write
AOValue double Set the analog output voltage All models
ASCIICommandReceive string Return the ASCII response message from All models
ASCIICommandSend string Send the ASII command message to module All models
ColdJunctionTemperature double Return the cold junction temperature 9019
DIChannelIndex short Specifies the digital input channel to perform 9050,9051,9052
other DI properties read/write operation.
DIounterValue long Return the counting value for the specified DI 9050,9051,9052
channel which functions in “Count/Frequency
DILatchStatus short Return the latch status for the specified DI 9050,9051,9052
channel which functions in “Lo-Hi/Hi-Lo latch
mode” (1=Latched, 0=No latched)
DIStartCount boolean Start/stop counting for the specified DI 9050,9051,9052
channel which functions in
“Count/Frequency mode” (True=Start,
DIStatus short Return the status for the specified DI channel 9050,9051,9052
which functions in “DI mode” (1=Active,

DOChannelIndex short Specifies the digital output channel to 9017,9019,9050,9051,9052

perform other DO properties read/write

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DOCount long Set the output count value for the specified 9050,9051,9052
DO channel which functions in “Pulse output

DOStatus short Return/set the status for the specified DO 9017,9019,9050,9051,9052

channel which functions in “D/O mode”
(1=Active, 0=Inactive)

EventTriggerEnable boolean Enable/disable event trigger mode All models

(True=Enable, False=Disable)

LastError short Return the Error code of operation All models

MoudleIDNo short Return the module ID number All models

ModuleIP string Set the remote module IP address All models

ModuelName string Return the module name All models

TCPTimeOut long Return/set the TCP/IP Timeout (ms) All models

UpdateTimeInterval long Return/set data update time interval(ms) All models

4.4 Methods of TCPDAQ ActiveX Control

Name Arguments Returned type Description

Open None None Open TCPDAQ.OCX to start operation (Must

be called before accessing properties at run

Close None None Close TCPDAQ.OCX(Must be called before

terminating the APP)

ModBusReadCoil short Startaddress None Read coil data from remote module, and stored
short Counts into coildata[] buffer
short coildata[]

ModBusWriteCoil shot StartAddress Write coil data stored in coildata[] buffer to

short Counts remote module
short coildata[]

ModBusReadReg short Startaddress None Read holding register data from remote
short Counts module, and stored into regdata[] buffer
short regdata[]

ModBusWriteReg shot StartAddress Write register data stored in regdata[] buffer to

short Counts remote module
short regdata[]

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4.5 Events of TCPDAQ ActiveX Control
Name Arguments Returned type Description
OnError short ErrCode(out) None be called when error occurred
string Errmsg(out)
EventDataArrival string Datetime(out) None be called when received an event data
short EventChannel(out) from the remote module (*)
short EventType(out)
short EventStatus(out)
short EventValue(out)
(*): Please see TCPDAQ_Data_Structure.pdf file to understand the means of parameters

4.6 Building TCPDAQ ActiveX Applications with Various Development Tools

The demo programs of TCPDAQ AvtiveX control module are included in the provided DISC. The Installed
folders include the demo programs for various development tools.

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5.1 Common Functions
NO. Function Name Description Sec.
1 TCP_Open To initiate the TCPDAQ.dll to use. 5.6.1
2 TCP_Close To terminates use of the TCPDAQ.dll. 5.6.2
3 TCP_Connect To create a Window TCP socket then establishing a 5.6.3
connection to a specific EDAM-9000
4 TCP_Disconnect Disconnecting the Window TCP socket from all 5.6.4
EDAM-9000 modules
5 TCP_ModuleDisconnect Disconnecting the Window TCP socket from a specific 5.6.5
6 TCP_SendData Send data to a specific EDAM-9000 module 5.6.6
7 TCP_RecvData Receive data to a specific EDAM-9000 module 5.6.7
8 TCP_SendReceiveASCcmd To accept an ASCII format string as a command, and 5.6.8
transform it to meet the Modbus/TCP's specification.
Then sending it to EDAM-9000 and receiving the
response from EDAM-9000
9 UDP_Connect To create a Window UDP socket then establishing a 5.6.9
connection to a specific EDAM-9000
10 UDP_Disconnect Disconnecting the Window UDP socket from all 5.6.10
EDAM-9000 modules
11 UDP_ModuleDisconnect Disconnecting the Window UDP socket from a specific 5.6.11
12 UDP_SendData Send data to a specific EDAM-9000 module 5.6.12
13 UDP_RecvData Receive data to a specific EDAM-9000 module 5.6.13
14 UDP_SendReceiveASCcmd Direct send an ASCII format string as a command, and 5.6.14
receive the response from EDAM-9000
15 TCP_GetModuleIPinfo Return module IP information of a specific module 5.6.15
16 TCP_GetModuleID Return module ID number of a specific module 5.6.16
17 TCP_GetIPFromID Return IP address of a specific module ID number 5.6.17
18 TCP_ScanOnLineModules Scan all on-line EDAM-9000 modules 5.6.18
19 TCP_GetDLLVersion Return the DLL's version, that is the version of 5.6.19
20 TCP_GetModuleNo Return the module name of a specific IP address 5.6.20
21 TCP_GetLastError Return the error code of the latest called function 5.6.21
22 TCP_PingIP Ping to Remote IP address 5.6.22

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5.2 Stream/Event Functions

TCP_StartStream To instruct the PC to start to receive stream data that coming from 5.6.23
TCP_StopStream To instruct the PC to stop receiving stream data from all modules 5.6.24
TCP_ReadStreamData To receive stream data that coming from the specific EDAM-9000 5.6.25
TCP_StartEvent To instruct the PC to start to receive alarm event data that coming 5.6.26
from EDAM-9000
TCP_StopEvent To instruct the PC to stop receiving alarm event data from all 5.6.27
TCP_ReadEventData To receive alarm event data that coming from the specific 5.6.28

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

5.3 Digital I/O Functions

TCP_ReadDIOMode To read the type for every D/I & D/O channels of an EDAM-9000 5.6.29
TCP_ReadDIO To read DI/DO's status for an EDAM-9000 module 5.6.30
TCP_ReadDISignalWidth To read the minimal high/low signal width of each D/I channel for 5.6.31
an EDAM-9000 module
TCP_WriteDISignalWidth To set the minimal high/low signal width of each D/I channel for an 5.6.32
EDAM-9000 module
TCP_ReadDICounter To read the counter value when a D/I channel function in 'Counter' 5.6.33
TCP_ClearDICounter To clear the counter value when a D/I channel function in 'Counter' 5.6.34
TCP_StartDICounter To start the counting when a D/I channel function in 'Counter' mode 5.6.35
TCP_StopDICounter To stop the counting when a D/I channel function in 'Counter' mode 5.6.36
TCP_ClearDILatch To clear the latch when a D/I channel function as 'Lo to Hi Latch' or 5.6.37
'Hi to Lo Latch'
TCP_ReadDILatch To read the counter value when a D/I channel function in 'Counter' 5.6.38
TCP_WriteDO To write some value to D/O channels for an EDAM-9000 module 5.6.39
TCP_WriteDOPulseCount To write the pulse output count for EDAM-9000 DIO modules 5.6.40
during runtime
TCP_WriteDODelayWidth To set the pulse and delay signal widths to the specific EDAM-9000 5.6.40
DIO modules
TCP_ReadDODelayWidth To read the pulse and delay signal width from the specific 5.6.42
EDAM-9000 DIO modules

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.4 Analog I/O Functions
TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes To set all channel type 5.6.43
TCP_WriteAIAlarmType To set all channel alarm type 5.6.44
TCP_ReadAITypes To read type of all channels of a specific analog module 5.6.45
TCP_ReadAIValue To read normal value of all channel 5.6.46
TCP_ReadAIMaxVal To read maximum value of all channel 5.6.47
TCP_ReadAIMinVal To read minimum value of all channel 5.6.48
TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel To read active status of all channel 5.6.49
TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel To set active status of all channel 5.6.50
TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel To read in average status of all channel 5.6.51
TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel To set/reset channels to be in average 5.6.52
TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection To read alarm DO connection status 5.6.53
TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection To set alarm DO connection 5.6.54
TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus To read alarm status 5.6.55
TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm To clear alarm latch status when a A/I channel function in 5.6.56
'Alarm Latch mode' mode
TCP_ClearAIMaxVal To clear maximum value to zero 5.6.57
TCP_ClearAIMinVal To clear minimum value to zero 5.6.58
TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus To read AI burn out status(EDAM9015/9019 only) 5.6.59
TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit To read channel high/low alarm limit value 5.6.60
TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit To set channel high/low alarm limit value 5.6.61
TCP_StartAIAlarm To set channel alarm type of a specific analog module 5.6.62
TCP_StopAIAlarm To disable channel alarm of a specific analog module 5.6.63
TCP_WriteCJCOffset To set cold junction offset of a specific EDAM9019 module 5.6.64
TCP_ReadCJCOffset To read cold junction offset from a specific EDAM9019 5.6.65
TCP_ReadCJCTemperature To read cold junction temperature from a specific 5.6.66
EDAM9019 module

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

5.5 MODBUS/TCP Functions

TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil To read the coil values at a specific range described in 5.6.67
TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil To write the coil values at a specific range described in 5.6.68
TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg To read the holding register value at a specific range 5.6.69
described in parameters
TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg To write values to the holding registers at a specific range 5.6.70
described in parameters

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6 Function Description
The TCPDAQ.DLL function declarations are all included in following files that are attached with the provided
TCPDAQ.h : Include file for both VC++ and Borland C++ Builder
TCPDAQ.lib : Library file for VC++
TCPDAQ_BC.lib : Library file for Borland C++ Builder
TCPDAQ.bas : Module file for Visual Basic
TCPDAQ.pas : Module file for Delphi
You need to add the above file into your AP project before using TCPDAQ.DLL functions

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.1 TCP_Open
Description: To initiate the TCPDAQ.dll to use.
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Sub TCP_Open Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_Open@0" ()
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_Open();
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
function TCP_Open(); StdCal;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_Open();
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.2 TCP_Close
Description: To terminates use of the TCPDAQ.dll.
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Sub TCP_Close Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_Close@0" ()
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ Close();
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
function TCP_ Close(); StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ Close();
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.3 TCP_Connect
Description: to create a Window TCP socket then establishing a connection to a specific EDAM-9000
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_Connect Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_Connect@20"
( ByVal szIP As String, ByVal port As Integer, ByVal ConnectionTimeout As Long,
ByVal SendTimeout As Long, ByVal ReceiveTimeout As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_Connect(char szIP[],u_short port,int ConnectionTimeout, int SendTimeout,
int ReceiveTimeout);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_Connect (szIP: PChar; port: Integer; ConnectionTimeout: Longint;
SendTimeout: Longint;ReceiveTimeout: Longint): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_Connect(char szIP[],u_short port,int ConnectionTimeout, int SendTimeout,
int ReceiveTimeout);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
port[in]: the TCP/IP port used by Modbus/TCP, it is 502
ConnectionTimeout[in]: Connection timeout value (msec)
SendTimeout[in]: Send timeout value (msec)
ReceiveTimeout[in]: Receive timeout value (msec)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.4 TCP_Disconnect
Description: disconnecting the Window TCP socket from all EDAM-9000 modules
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Sub TCP_Disconnect Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_Disconnect@0" ()
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
void TCP_Disconnect(void);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
procedure TCP_Disconnect ; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
void TCP_Disconnect(void);
Return Code:

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.5 TCP_ModuleDisconnect
Description: disconnecting the Window TCP socket to a specific EDAM-9000
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ModuleDisconnect Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ModuleDisconnect@4"
(ByVal szIP As String) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ModuleDisconnect(char szIP[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ModuleDisconnect (szIP: PChar): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ModuleDisconnect(char szIP[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.6 TCP_SendData
Description: to send data to a specific EDAM-9000 module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_SendData Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_SendData@12"
( ByVal szIP As String, ByRef pData As Byte, ByVal wDataLen As Integer) As
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_SendData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_SendData (szIP: PChar; pData: PByte; wDataLen: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_SendData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
pData[in]: 8 bit data array
wDataLen[in]: length of data be sent
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.7 TCP_RecvData
Description: receive data to a specific EDAM-9000 module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_RecvData Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_RecvData@12"
( ByVal szIP As String, ByRef pData As Byte, ByVal wDataLen As Integer) As
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_RecvData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_RecvData (szIP: PChar; pData: PByte; wDataLen: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_RecvData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
pData[out]: 8 bit data array
wDataLen [in]: length of data array
Return Code:
If return value >=0, it represents the length of received data
If return value<0, it represents Error code.

5.6.8 TCP_SendReceiveASCcmd
Description: to accept an ASCII format string as a command, and transform it to meet the Modbus/TCP's
specification. Then sending it to EDAM-9000 and receiving the response from EDAM-9000
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_SendReceiveASCcmd Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_SendReceiveASCcmd@12" ( ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Sendbuf As
String, ByVal Recvbuf As String) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_SendReceiveASCcmd(Char szIP[], char Sendbuf [], char Recvbuf []);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_SendReceiveasCcmd (szIP: PChar; Sendbuf: PChar; Recvbuf: PChar): Longint;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_SendReceiveASCcmd(Char szIP[], char Sendbuf[], char Recvbuf[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Sendbuf [in]: 8 bit data array to be sent
Recvbuf [out]: 8 bit data array that stored the received data
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

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5.6.9 UDP_Connect
Description: to create a Window UDP socket then establishing a connection to a specific EDAM-9000
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function UDP_Connect Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_UDP_Connect@24"
( ByVal szIP As String, ByVal s_port As Integer, ByVal d_port As Integer, ByVal
ConnectionTimeout As Long, ByVal SendTimeout As Long, ByVal
ReceiveTimeout As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int UDP_Connect(char szIP[],u_short s_port,u_short d_port, int ConnectionTimeout,
int SendTimeout, int ReceiveTimeout);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function UDP_Connect (szIP: PChar; s_port: word; d_port: word; ConnectionTimeout: Longint;
SendTimeout: Longint; ReceiveTimeout: Longint): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int UDP_Connect(char szIP[],u_short s_port,u_short d_port,int ConnectionTimeout,
int SendTimeout,int ReceiveTimeout);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
s_port: source port number
d_port: destination port number
ConnectionTimeout: timeout value for connection (msec)
SendTimeout: timeout value for sending (msec)
ReceiveTimeout: timeout value for receiving (msec)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.10 UDP_Disconnect
Description: disconnecting the Window UDP socket from all EDAM-9000 modules
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Sub UDP_Disconnect Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_UDP_Disconnect@0" ()
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
void UDP_Disconnect(void);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
procedure UDP_Disconnect ; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
void UDP_Disconnect(void);
Return Code:

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.11 UDP_ModuleDisconnect
Description: disconnecting the Window UDP socket from a specific EDAM-9000
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function UDP_ModuleDisconnect Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_UDP_ModuleDisconnect@4"
(ByVal szIP As String) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_ModuleDisconnect(Char szIP[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function UDP_ModuleDisconnect (szIP: PChar): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_ModuleDisconnect(char szIP[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be disconnected
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.12 UDP_SendData
Description: send data to a specific EDAM-9000 module (Datagram)
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function UDP_SendData Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_UDP_SendData@12"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef pData As Byte, ByVal wDataLen As Integer) As
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_SendData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function UDP_SendData (szIP: PChar; pData: PByte; wDataLen: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_SendData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
pData[in]: points to data buffer
wDataLen[in]: length of data be sent
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

77 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.13 UDP_RecvData
Description: receive data to a specific EDAM-9000 module (Datagram)
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function UDP_RecvData Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_UDP_RecvData@12"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef pData As Byte, ByVal wDataLen As Integer) As
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_RecvData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function UDP_RecvData (szIP: PChar; pData: PByte; wDataLen: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_RecvData(char szIP[],char *pData,u_short wDataLen);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
pData[out]: 8 bit array that stored the received data
wDataLen [in]: length of received data
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.14 UDP_SendReceiveASCcmd
Description: send an ASCII format string as a command to EDAM-9000 and receiving the response from
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function UDP_SendReceiveASCcmd Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_UDP_SendReceiveASCcmd@12" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Txdata As _
String, ByVal Rxdata As String) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_SendReceiveASCcmd(char szIP[],char Txdata [],char Rxdata []);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function UDP_SendReceiveAsCcmd (szIP: PChar; Txdata:PChar; Rxdata: PChar): Longint;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int UDP_SendReceiveASCcmd(SOCKET UDPsock,char Txdata [],char Rxdata []);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Txdata [in]: 8 bit array that stored the data to be sent
Rxdata [out]: 8 bit array that stored the received data
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.15 TCP_GetModuleIPinfo
Description: return module IP information of a specific module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_GetModuleIPinfo Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_GetModuleIPinfo@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef ModuleIP As ModuleInfo) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetModuleIPinfo( char szIP[],struct ModuleInfo *ModuleIP);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_GetModuleIPinfo (szIP: PChar; var ModuleIP: TModuleInfo): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetModuleIPinfo( char szIP[],struct ModuleInfo *ModuleIP);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
ModuleIP[out]: a structure array that stroes the module IP information
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.16 TCP_GetModuleID
Description: return ID number of a specific module.
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_GetModuleID Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_GetModuleID@8" (ByVal
szIP As String, ByRef ModuleID As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetModuleID(char szIP[], char * ModuleID);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_GetModuleID(szIP: PChar; ModuleID: PByte): Longint; StdCall;;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetModuleID(char szIP[], char * ModuleID);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
ModuleID [in]: the ID number
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

79 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.17 TCP_GetIPFromID
Description: get IP address for a specific module ID number. This function is helpful when the module is
DHCP enabled
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_GetIPFromID Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_GetIPFromID@8" (ByVal
szID As Byte, ByRef szIP As String) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetIPFromID(u_char szID ,char szIP[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_GetIPFromID(szID: Byte; szIP: PChar): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetIPFromID(u_char szID ,char szIP[]);
szID[in]: module ID number (0~255)
szIP[out]: 8 bit array that stored the IP address string(such as “”)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.18 TCP_ScanOnLineModules
Description: search on-line EDAM900 modules in the same subnet
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ScanOnLineModules Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ScanOnLineModules@8" (ModuleIP As ModuleInfo, ByVal Sortkey As
Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ScanOnLineModules( struct ModuleInfo ModuleIP[], u_char SortKey);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function Scan_OnLineModules (var ModuleIP: TModuleInfo; Sortkey: Byte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ScanOnLineModules( struct ModuleInfo ModuleIP[], u_char SortKey);
ModuleIP[out]: points to ModuleInfo structure array
SortKey[in]: sortkey word (by IP address,by ID number, or by Module no)
=SORT_MODULE_IP ,sort by IP address
=SORT_MODULE_ID ,sort by ID number
=SORT_MODULE_NO ,sort by module number
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

80 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.19 TCP_GetDLLVersion
Description: return the version number of TCPDAQ.dll
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_GetDLLVersion Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_GetDLLVersion@0" () As
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetDLLVersion(void);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_GetDLLVersion: Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetDLLVersion(void);
Return Code:
the version number.

5.6.20 TCP_GetModuleNo
Description: return the module name of a specific IP address
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_GetModuleNo Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_GetModuleNo@8" _
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef Mname As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetModuleNo(char szIP[], char Mname[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_GetModuleNo (szIP: PChar; Mname: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetModuleNo(char szIP[], char Mname[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Mname[out]: 8 bit array that stored the module name string
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.21 TCP_GetLastError
Description: return the error code of the latest called function
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_GetLastError Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_GetLastError@0" () As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetLastError(void);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_GetLastError: Longint ; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_GetLastError(void);
Return Code:
The error status for the last operation that failed.(refer to the Error code)

5.6.22 TCP_PingIP
Description: ping to remote IP address
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_PingIP Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_PingIP@8" (ByVal IPadr As String,
ByVal PingTimes As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_PingIP(char szIP[],int PingTimes);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_PingIP(szIP: PChar;PingTimes: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_PingIP(char szIP[],int PingTimes);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
PingTimes [in]:Timeout value
Return Code:
=-1, no response from remote IP
>0, response time from remote IP

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5.6.23 TCP_StartStream
Description: to instruct the PC to start to receive stream data that coming from EDAM-9000
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StartStream Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StartStream@8" (ByVal IP As
String, ByVal EventFromApp As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StartStream(char szIP[],HANDLE EventFromApp);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StartStream (szIP: PChar; EventFromApp: Longint): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StartStream(char szIP[],HANDLE EventFromApp);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
EventFromApp: event handle (be signaled, when stream data arrived)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.24 TCP_StopStream
Description: to instruct the PC to stop receiving stream data from all modules.
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StopStream Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StopStream@0" () As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StopStream(void);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StopStream: Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StopStream(void);
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

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5.6.25 TCP_ReadStreamData
Description: to read stream data that coming from the specific EDAM-9000
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadStreamData Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadStreamData@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef lpData As StreamData) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadStreamData (char szIP[], struct _StreamData *lpData);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadStreamData (szIP: PChar; Var lpData: TStreamData): integer; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadStreamData (char szIP[], struct _StreamData *lpData);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
lpData[out]: points to stream data structure that stored the stream data
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.26 TCP_StartEvent
Description: to start listening the alarm event trigger
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StartEvent Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StartEvent@8" (ByVal IPadr As
String, ByVal EventFromApp As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StartEvent(char szIP[],HANDLE EventFromApp);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StartEvent(szIP: PChar; EventFromApp: Longint): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StartEvent(char szIP[],HANDLE EventFromApp);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
EventFromApp: event handle (be signaled, when alarm event occured)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

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5.6.27 TCP_StopEvent
Description: to stop listening the alarm event trigger from all module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StopEvent Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StopEvent@0" () As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_StopEvent(void);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StopEvent: Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_StopEvent(void);
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.28 TCP_ReadEventData
Description: to read triggered alarm event message
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadEventData Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadEventData@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef lpData As AlarmData) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadEventData (char szIP[], struct _AlarmInfo *lpData);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadEventData (SzIP: PChar; Var lpData: TEventInfo): integer; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadEventData (char szIP[], struct _AlarmInfo *lpData);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
lpData[out]: points to alarm event data structure that stored event message (ref. to TCPDAQ.H)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

85 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.29 TCP_ReadDIOMode
Description: to read the mode of D/I & D/O channels of an EDAM-9000 module.
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadDIOMode Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadDIOMode@12" _
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef DImode As Byte, ByRef DOmode As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadDIOMode(char szIP[],u_char DImode[],u_char DOmode[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadDIOMode (szIP: PChar; DImode: PByte; DOmode: PByte): Longint;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadDIOMode(char szIP[],u_char DImode[],u_char DOmode[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
DImode[out]: an 8 bit array that stored the DI channel mode
DOmode[out]: an 8 bit array that stored the DO channel mode
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.30 TCP_ReadDIO
Description: to read DI/DO's status for an EDAM-9000 module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadDIO Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadDIO@12" _
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef ByDi As Byte, ByRef ByDo As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadDIO(char szIP[],u_char byDI[],u_char byDO[] );
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadDIO (szIP: PChar; ByDi: PByte; ByDo: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadDIO(char szIP[],u_char u_byDI[],u_char byDO[] );
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
byDI[out]: an 8 bit array that stored the DI channel status
byDO[out]: an 8 bit array that stored the DO channel status
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

86 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.31 TCP_ReadDISignalWidth
Description: to read the minimal high/low signal width of all D/I channels
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadDISignalWidth Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadDISignalWidth@12" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef ulLoWidth As
Long, ByRef ulHiWidth As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadDISignalWidth(char szIP[],u_long ulLoWidth[],u_long ulHiWidth[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadDISignalWidth (szIP: PChar; var ulLoWidth:array of Longword; var
ulHiWidth:array of Longword): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadDISignalWidth(char szIP[],u_long ulLoWidth[],u_long ulHiWidth[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
ulLoWidth[out]: an 32 bit array that stored channel low width value
ulHiWidth[out]: an 32 bit array that stored channel high width value
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.32 TCP_WriteDISignalWidth
Description: to set the minimal high/low signal width of all D/I channels
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteDISignalWidth Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_WriteDISignalWidth@12" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef ulLoWidth As
Long, ByRef ulHiWidth As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteDISignalWidth(char szIP[],u_long ulLoWidth[],u_long ulHiWidth[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteDISignalWidth(szIP: PChar; var ulLoWidth:array of Longword; var
ulHiWidth:array of Longword): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteDISignalWidth(char szIP[],u_long ulLoWidth[],u_long ulHiWidth[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
ulLoWidth[in]: an unsigned 32 bits array that stored the minimal low signal width for
each D/I channel. The unit is 0.5 mSec
ulHiWidth[in]: an unsigned 32 bits array that stored the minimal high signal width for
each D/I channel. The unit is 0.5 mSec
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

87 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.33 TCP_ReadDICounter
Description: to read the counter value of all D/I channels (the counter value is available only for channel
that functions in 'Counter' mode
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadDICounter Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadDICounter@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef ulCounterValue As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadDICounter(Char szIP[],u_long ulCounterValue[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadDICounter (szIP: PChar; var ulCounterValue:array of Longword): Longint;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadDICounter(Char szIP[],u_long ulCounterValue[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
ulCounterValue[out]:an unsigned 32 bits array that stored the counter value for
each D/I channel
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.34 TCP_ClearDICounter
Description: to clear the counter value when a D/I channel function in 'Counter' mode
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ClearDICounter Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ClearDICounter@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wChno As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ClearDICounter(char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ClearDICounter (szIP: PChar; wChno: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ClearDICounter(char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wChNo[in]: the D/I channel to be cleared.
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

88 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.35 TCP_StartDICounter
Description: to start the counting when a D/I channel function as 'Counter' mode
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StartDICounter Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StartDICounter@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wChno As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StartDICounter(Char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StartDICounter (szIP: PChar; wChno: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StartDICounter(Char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wChNo[in]: the channel number that is enabled to count
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.36 TCP_StopDICounter
Description: to stop the counting when a D/I channel function as 'Counter' mode
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StopDICounter Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StopDICounter@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wChno As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StopDICounter(char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StopDICounter (szIP: PChar; wChno: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StopDICounter(char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wChNo[in]: the channel number that is disabled to count
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

89 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.37 TCP_ClearDILatch
Description: to clear the latch when a D/I channel function as 'Lo to Hi Latch' or 'Hi to Lo Latch’
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ClearDILatch Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ClearDILatch@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wChno As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ClearDILatch(char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ClearDILatch(szIP: PChar; wChno: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ClearDILatch(char szIP[],u_short wChNo);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wChNo[in]: the channel number that latch status is cleared
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.38 TCP_ReadDILatch
Description: to read the DI latch status when a D/I channel function in 'Lo to Hi Latch' or 'Hi to Lo Latch’
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadDILatch Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadDILatch@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef wLatch As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadDILatch(char szIP[],u_char wLatch[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadDILatch (szIP: PChar; wLatch: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadDILatch(char szIP[],u_char wLatch[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wLatch[out]: an unsigned 8 bits array that stored the latch stsatus for each D/I channel
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

90 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.39 TCP_WriteDO
Description: to write some value to D/O channels for an EDAM-6000 module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteDO Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_WriteDO@16" _
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wStartDO As Integer, ByVal wCount As Integer,
ByRef ByDo As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteDO(Char szIP[], u_short wStartDO, u_short wCount,u_char byDO[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteDO(szIP: PChar; wStartDO: Integer; wCount: Integer;ByDo: PByte):
Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteDO(Char szIP[], u_short wStartDO, u_short wCount,u_char byDO[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wStartDO[in]: the starting channel that to be written.
wCount[in]: how many channels to be written.
byDO[in]: an 8 bit array that stored the values that written to the connected EDAM-9000
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.40 TCP_WriteDOPulseCount
Description: to write the pulse output count for EDAM-9000 DIO modules during runtime
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteDOPulseCount Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias _
"_TCP_WriteDOPulseCount@12" (ByVal szIP As String, _
ByVal wDoChannel As Integer, ByVal ulPulseCount As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteDOPulseCount(char szIP[],u_short wDoChannel,u_long ulPulseCount);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteDOPulseCount(szIP: PChar; wDoChannel: Integer; ulPulseCount:
Longint): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteDOPulseCount(char szIP[],u_short wDoChannel,u_long ulPulseCount);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wDoChannel[in]: the channel index for writing
ulPulseCount[in]: the pulse output count.
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

91 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.41 TCP_WriteDODelayWidth
Description: to set the pulse and delay signal widths to specific EDAM-9000 DIO modules
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteDODelayWidth Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_WriteDODelayWidth@24" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wChno As
Integer, ByVal ulLoPulseWidth As Long, ByVal ulHiPulseWidth As Long, _
ByVal ulLoDelayWidth As Long, ByVal ulHiDelayWidth As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteDODelayWidth(Char szIP[], u_short wChno,
u_long ulLoPulseWidth,u_long ulHiPulseWidth,
u_long ulLoDelayWidth,u_long ulHiDelayWidth);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteDODelayWidth (szIP: PChar; wChno: Integer; ulLoPulseWidth: Longint;
ulHiPulseWidth: Longint;ulLoDelayWidth: Longint; ulHiDelayWidth: Longint):
Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteDODelayWidth(char szIP[], u_short wChno,
u_long ulLoPulseWidth, u_long ulHiPulseWidth,
u_long ulLoDelayWidth, u_long ulHiDelayWidth);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wChno[in]: the channel index for writing
ulLoPulseWidth[in]: the output pulse signal width at low level.
ulHiPulseWidth[in]: the output pulse signal width at high level.
ulLoDelayWidth[in]: the output signal delay width when set DO from high to low level.
ulHiDelayWidth[in]: the output signal delay width when set DO from low to high level.
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

92 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.42 TCP_ReadDODelayWidth
Description: to read the pulse and delay signal widths from specific EDAM-6000 DIO modules
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadDODelayWidth Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadDODelayWidth@24" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wChno As
Integer, ByRef ulLoPulseWidth As Long, ByRef ulHiPulseWidth As Long,
ByRef ulLoDelayWidth As Long, ByRef ulHiDelayWidth As Long) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadDODelayWidth(char szIP[],u_short wChno,
u_long *ulLoPulseWidth,u_long *ulHiPulseWidth,
u_long *ulLoDelayWidth,u_long *ulHiDelayWidth);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadDODelayWidth (szIP: PChar; wChno: Integer; ulLoPulseWidth: Longint;
ulHiPulseWidth: Longint;ulLoDelayWidth: Longint; ulHiDelayWidth: Longint):
Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadDODelayWidth(char szIP[],u_short wChno,
u_long *ulLoPulseWidth,lu_long *ulHiPulseWidth,
u_long *ulLoDelayWidth,u_long *ulHiDelayWidth);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wChno[in]: the channel index for reading
ulLoPulseWidth[out]: the pulse output signal width at low level
ulHiPulseWidth[out]: the pulse output signal width at high level
ulLoDelayWidth[out]: the delay output signal width at low level
ulHiDelayWidth) [out]: the delay output signal width at high level
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

93 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.43 TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes
Description: to read channel alarm type of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal AIchno As Integer,
ByRef HiAlarmType As Byte, ByRef LoAlarmType As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes(char szIP[],u_short AIchno,u_char *AIHialarmtype,
u_char *AILoalarmtype);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes(szIP: PChar; AIchno: Integer; HiAlarmType: PByte;
LoAlarmType: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadAIAlarmTypes(char szIP[],u_short AIchno, u_char *AIHialarmtype,
u_char *AILoalarmtype);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
AIchno[in]: the channel index for reading
AIHialarmtype[in]: high alarm type(=0 momemtary_alarm,=1 latch_alarm,=2 disable_alarm)
AILoalarmtype[in]: low alarm type(=0 momemtary_alarm,=1 latch_alarm,=2 disable_alarm)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

94 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.44 TCP_WriteAIAlarmType
Description: to set channel alarm type of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteAIAlarmType Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_WriteAIAlarmType@16"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer, ByVal HiLoAlarm As Byte, ByVal
AlarmType As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteAIAlarmType(char szIP[],u_short AIchno,u_char HiorLow,u_char Alarmtype);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteAIAlarmType (szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer; HiLoAlarm: Byte; AlarmType:
Byte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteAIAlarmType(char szIP[],u_short AIchno, u_char HiorLow,u_char Alarmtype);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
AIchno[in]: the channel index for reading
HiorLow[in]: set high or low alarm(=0 low alarm, =1 high alarm)
Alarmtype[in]: alarm type (0=momemtary_alarm, 1=latch_alarm)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.45 TCP_ReadAITypes
Description: to read all channel type of a specific ananlog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Fu5.6.46nction TCP_ReadAITypes Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadAITypes@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef szRange As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAITypes(char szIP[],u_char szTypes[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAITypes (szIP: PChar; szRange: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAITypes(char szIP[],u_char szTypes[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
szTypes[out]: an array that stored the types of all A/I channels
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

95 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.46 TCP_ReadAIValue
Description: to read all channel input value of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIValue Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadAIValue@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef dlValue As Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIValue(char szIP[],double dlValue[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIValue (szIP: PChar; dlValue: PDouble): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIValue(char szIP[],double dlValue[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
dlValue[out]: an array that stored the analog values that reading from A/I channels.
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.47 TCP_ReadAIMaxVal
Description: to read all channel maxmal value of a specific ananlog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIMaxVal Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadAIMaxVal@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef dMaxValue As Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIMaxVal(char szIP[],double dMaxValue[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIMaxVal (szIP: PChar; dMaxValue: PDouble): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIMaxVal(char szIP[],double dMaxValue[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
dMaxValue[out]: an array that stored the maximal analog values of all A/I channels
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

96 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.48 TCP_ReadAIMinVal
Description: to read all channel minimal value of a specific ananlog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIMinVal Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadAIMinVal@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef dMinValue As Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIMinVal(char szIP[],double dMinValue[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIMinVal (szIP: PChar; dMinValue: PDouble): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIMinVal(char szIP[],double dMinValue[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
dMinValue[out]: an array that stored the minimal analog values of all A/I channels
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.49 TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel
Description: to read all channel activation status of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel@8" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef szchno As
Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel(char szIP[],u_char szChno[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel(szIP: PChar; szchstatus: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIMultiplexChannel(char szIP[],u_char szChno[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
szChno[in]: an 8 bit array that stored the AI channel which represent in numeric.
The meanning for a value in an entity as follow:
szChno[n]:0 disable channel #n for multiplexing
szChno[n]:1 Enable channel #n for multiplexing
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

97 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.50 TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel
Description: to enable/disable channel activation of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel@8" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef szchno As
Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel(char szIP[],u_char szChno[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel(szIP: PChar; szchstatus: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteAIMultiplexChannel(char szIP[],u_char szChno[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
szChno[in]: an 8 bit array that stored the AI channel which represent in numeric.
The meanning for a value in an entity as follow:
szChno[n]:0 disable channel #n for multiplexing
szChno[n]:1 Enable channel #n for multiplexing
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.51 TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel
Description: to read all channels in-average status of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel@8" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef avgch As
Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel(char szIP[],u_char avgch[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel(szIP: PChar; avgch: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAverageChannel(char szIP[],u_char avgch[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
avgch[in]: an 8 bit array that stored the AI channel which represent in numeric.
The meanning for a value in an entity as follow:
avgch [n]:0 the channel #n is in average
avgch [n]:1 the channel #n is not in average
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

98 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.52 TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel
Description: to set all channels to be in-average or not of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel@8" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef avgch As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel(char szIP[],u_char avgch[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel(szIP: PChar; avgch: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteAIAverageChannel(cChar szIP[],u_char avgch[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
avgch[in]: an 8 bit array that stored the AI channel which represent in numeric.
The meanning for a value in an entity as follow:
avgch [n]:0 disable channel #n to be in average
avgch [n]:1 enable channel #n to be in average
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

99 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.53 TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection
Description: to read alarm channel DO connection of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal AIchno
As Integer, ByRef AIHiAlarmDOchn As Integer, ByRef AILoAlarmDOchn As
Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection(char szIP[],u_short AIchno, u_short *AIHiAlarmDOchn,
u_short *AILoAlarmDOchn);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection(szIP: PChar; AIchno: Integer; AIHiAlarmDOchn:
PWORD; AILoAlarmDOchn: PWORD): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAlarmDOConnection(char szIP[],u_short AIchno,u_short *AIHiAlarmDOchn,
u_short *AILoAlarmDOchn);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
AIchno[in]: the channel index for reading
AIHiAlarmDOchn[out]: D/O channel number be connected to high alarm
AILoAlarmDOchn[out]: D/O channel number be connected to low alarm
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

100 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.54 TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection
Description: to set alarm channel DO connection of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal AIchno
As Integer, ByVal HiAlarmDOchn As Integer, ByVal LoAlarmDOchn As Integer)
As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection(char szIP[],u_short AIchno,u_short HiAlarmDOchn,
u_short LoAlarmDOchn);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection (szIP: PChar; AIchno: Integer; HiAlarmDOchn:
PWORD; LoAlarmDOchn: PWORD): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_WriteAIAlarmDOConnection(char szIP[],u_short AIchno, u_short HiAlarmDOchn,
u_short LoAlarmDOchn);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
AIchno[in]: the channel index for reading
AIHiAlarmDOchn[in] D/O channel number be connected to high alarm
AILoAlarmDOchn[in]: D/O channel number be connected to low alarm
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

101 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.55 TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus
Description: to read a channel alarm status of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer,
ByRef szHighAlarm As Byte, ByRef szLowAlarm As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char *szHighAlarm,
u_char *szLowAlarm);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus (szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer; szHighAlarm: PByte;
szLowAlarm: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAlarmStatus(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char *szHighAlarm,
u_char *szLowAlarm);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for reading
szHighAlarm: high alarm status (1=alarm occurred, 0=no alarm)
szLowAlarm: low alarm status (1=alarm occurred, 0=no alarm)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.56 TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm
Description: to clear channel latch status when A/I channel function in “Latch alarm” mode
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm@12" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer,
ByVal alarmlevel As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char Alarmlevel);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm(szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer; alarmlevel: Byte): Longint;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ClearAILatchAlarm(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char Alarmlevel);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for writing
Alarmlevel[in]: alarm latch be cleared (0=low alarm latch , 1=high lalarm latch)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.
102 Printed Date: 3 October 2017
EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.57 TCP_ClearAIMaxVal
Description: to clear channel maxmal value of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ClearAIMaxVal Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ClearAIMaxVal@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ClearAIMaxVal(char szIP[],u_short Chno);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ClearAIMaxVal (szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ClearAIMaxVal(char szIP[],u_short Chno);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for clearing
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.58 TCP_ClearAIMinVal
Description: to clear channel minimal value of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ClearAIMinVal Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ClearAIMinVal@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ClearAIMinVal(char szIP[],u_short Chno);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ClearAIMinVal (szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ClearAIMinVal(char szIP[],u_short Chno);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for clearing
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

103 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.59 TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus
Description: to read all channel burn-out status of a specific analog module (EDAM-9015, 9019 only)
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus@8" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef dlBurnout As
Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus(char szIP[],u_char dlBurnout[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus (szIP: PChar; dlBurnout: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIBurnOutStatus(char szIP[],u_char dlBurnout[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
dlBurnout[out]: an 8 bit array that stored the burn-out status of EDAM-9019,9015 module
(=0 normal, =1 burn-out)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.60 TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit
Description: to read all channel high/low alarm limit value
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit@16"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer, ByRef dHighLimit As Double,
ByRef dLowLimit As Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit(char szIP[],u_short Chno, double dHighLimit[],
double dLowLimit[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit(szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer; dHighLimit: PDouble; dLowLimit:
PDouble): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_ReadAIAlarmLimit(char szIP[],u_short Chno, double dHighLimit[],
double dLowLimit[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for reading
dHighLimit[out]: 32 bit array that stored the high larm limit value
dLowLimit[out]: 32 bit array that stored the low larm limit value
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

104 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.61 TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit
Description: to set every channel high/low alarm limit value
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit@24"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer, ByVal dHighLimit As Double,
ByVal dLowLimit As Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit(char szIP[],u_short Chno, double dHighLimit,
double dLowLimit);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit (szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer; dHighLimit: Double;
dLowLimit: Double): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteAIAlarmLimit(char szIP[],u_short Chno, double dHighLimit, double dLowLimit);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for writing
dHighLimit[in]: high larm limit value (such as 2.321 or -2.321)
dLowLimit[in]: high larm limit value
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.62 TCP_StartAIAlarm
Description: to start channel alarm of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StartAIAlarm Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StartAIAlarm@12"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer, ByVal alarmlevel As Byte) As
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_StartAIAlarm(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char alarmLevel);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StartAIAlarm (szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer; alarmlevel: Byte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_StartAIAlarm(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char alarmLevel);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for starting alarm
alarmLevel[in]: =0 start low alarm, =1 start high larm
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

105 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.63 TCP_StopAIAlarm
Description: to disable channel alarm of a specific analog module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_StopAIAlarm Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_StopAIAlarm@12"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal Chno As Integer, ByVal alarmlevel As Byte) As
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_StopAIAlarm(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char alarmlevel);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_StopAIAlarm (szIP: PChar; Chno: Integer; alarmlevel: Byte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_StopAIAlarm(char szIP[],u_short Chno,u_char alarmlevel);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
Chno[in]: the channel index for writing
alarmlevel[in]: 0= disable low alarm , 1=disable high larm
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.
Notice: call this function will disable channel alarm forever.You should call TCP_WriteAIAlarmType to set
alarm type and then call TCP_StartAlarm functions to re-start alarm

5.6.64 TCP_WriteCJCOffset
Description: to set cold junction offset of a specific EDAM9019 module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_WriteCJCOffset Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_WriteCJCOffset@12"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByVal CJoffset As Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteCJCOffset(char szIP[],double CJoffset);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_WriteCJCOffset (szIP: PChar; CJoffset: Double): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_WriteCJCOffset(char szIP[],double CJoffset);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
CJoffset[in]: cold junction temperature offset
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

106 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.65 TCP_ReadCJCOffset
Description: to read cold junction offset from a specific EDAM9019 module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadCJCOffset Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias "_TCP_ReadCJCOffset@8"
(ByVal szIP As String, ByRef CJoffset As Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadCJCOffset(char szIP[],double *CJoffset);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadCJCOffset (szIP: PChar; CJoffset: Double): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadCJCOffset(char szIP[],double *CJoffset);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
CJoffset[out]: cold junction offset
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

5.6.66 TCP_ReadCJCTemperature
Description: to read cold junction temperature from a specific EDAM9019 module
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_ReadCJCTemperature Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_ReadCJCTemperature@8" (ByVal szIP As String, ByRef CJTemp As
Double) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadCJCTemperature(char szIP[],double *CJTemp);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_ReadCJCTemperature (szIP: PChar; CJTemp: PDouble): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_ReadCJCTemperature(char szIP[],double *CJTemp);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
CJTemp[out]: cold junction temperature
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

107 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.67 TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil
Description: to read the coil values at a specific range described in parameters
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wStartAddress
As Integer, ByVal wCount As Integer, ByRef DATA As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil(char szIP[],u_short wStartaddress,u_short wCount,
u_char byData[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil (szIP: PChar; wStartAddress: Integer; wCount: Integer;
Data: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_MODBUS_ReadCoil(char szIP[],u_short wStartAddress,u_short wCount,
u_char byData[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wStartAddress[in]: start address of coil registers (1 ~ 255)
wCount[in]: the count that coil data be read
byData[in]: the 8 bit array that stored the coil data (0=set, 1=reset)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

108 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.68 TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil
Description: to write the coil values at a specific range described in parameters.
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wStartAddress
As Integer, ByVal wCount As Integer, ByRef DATA As Byte) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil(char szIP[],u_short wStartAddress,u_short wCount,
u_char byData[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil(szIP: PChar; wStartAddress: Integer; wCount: Integer;
Data: PByte): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
int TCP_MODBUS_WriteCoil(char szIP[],u_short wStartAddress,u_short wCount,
u_char byData[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wStartAddress[in]: start address of coil registers (1 ~ 255)
wCount[in]: the count that coil data be written
byData[in]: the 8 bit array that stored the coil data (0=set, 1=reset)
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

109 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.69 TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg
Description: to read the holding register value at a specific range described in parameters
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wStartAddress
As Integer, ByVal wCount As Integer, ByRef DATA As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg(char szIP[],u_short wStartAddress,u_short wCount,
u_short wData[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg (szIP: PChar; wStartAddress: Integer; wCount: Integer;
Data: PWord): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_MODBUS_ReadReg(char szIP[],u_short wStartAddress,u_short wCount,
u_short wData[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wStartAddress[in]: start address of holding registers (1 ~ 255)
wCount[in]: the count that holding data be read
byData[in]: the 16 bit array that stored the holding data
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

110 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
5.6.70 TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg
Description: to write values to the holding registers at a specific range described in parameters
Visual Basic: (see TCPDAQ.bas)
Declare Function TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg Lib "TCPDAQ.dll" Alias
"_TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg@16" (ByVal szIP As String, ByVal wStartAddress
As Integer, ByVal wCount As Integer, ByRef DATA As Integer) As Long
Borland C++ Builder: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg(char szIP[],u_short wStartAddress,u_short wCount,
u_short wData[]);
Delphi: (see TCPDAQ.pas)
Function TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg(szIP: PChar; wStartAddress: Integer; wCount: Integer;
Data: PWord): Longint; StdCall;
VC++: (see TCPDAQ.h)
Int TCP_MODBUS_WriteReg(char szIP[],u_short wStartAddress,u_short wCount,
u_short wData[]);
szIP[in]: the IP address for an EDAM-9000 that to be connected
wStartAddress[in]: start address of holding registers (1 ~ 255)
wCount[in]: the count that holding data be read
byData[in]: the 16 bit array that stored the holding data
Return Code:
refer to the Error code.

111 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

Chapter 6 ASCII Commands for EDAM-9000 Modules

6.1 About ASCII Commands
For users do not familiar to Modbus protocol, Inlog offers a function library as a protocol translator, integrating
ASCII command into Modbus/TCP structure. Therefore, users familiar to ASCII command can access EDAM-9000
easily. Before explaining the structure of ASCII command packed with Modbus/TCP format. Let’s see how to use
an ASCII command and how many are available for your program.
EDAM9000 series also integrate ASCII command into UDP protocol with port 1025. User can simply send the
Command of ASCII format through UDP protocol (such as UPD_send (Dest_IP, “$01M”) )

6.2 Syntax of ASCII

Command Syntax: [delimiter character][address][channel][command][ data][checksum][carriage return] Every
command begins with a delimiter character.
There are two valid characters: $ and # .The delimiter character is followed by a two-character address
(hex-decimal) that specifies the target system. The two characters following the address specified the module and
Depending on the command, an optional data segment may follow the command string. An optional two-character
checksum may also be appended to the command string. Every command is terminated with a carriage return (cr).
The command set is divided into the following five categories:
 System Command Set
 Analog Input Command Set
 Analog Input Alarm Command Set
 Universal I/O Command Set
 Digital I/O Command Set
Every command set category starts with a command summary of the particular type of module, followed by
datasheets that give detailed information about individual commands. Although commands in different subsections
sometime share the same format, the effect they have on a certain module can be completely different than that of
another. Therefore, the full command sets for each type of modules are listed along with a description of the effect
the command has on the given module.
Note: All commands should be issued in UPPERCASE characters only!

112 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.3 ASCII Command Set
6.3.1 Common commands
Command Command Name Description modules Sec.
$aaM Read Module Name Return the module name All modules 6.4.1
$aaF Read Firmware Version Return the firmware version All modules 6.4.2
$aaID Read ID number Return the ID number All modules 6.4.5
~aaDnnnn Set DHCP timeout value Set timeout value to search DHCP servo All modules 6.4.3
~aaD read DHCP timeout value read timeout value to search DHCP servo All modules 6.4.4

6.3.2 Digital I/O commands

Commands Command name Descritpion Modules Sec.
$aa6 Read DI/O Channel read the status of all DI and DO channels 9050/9051/9052 6.4.30
@aa Read DI/O Status read the status of all DI and DO channels 9050/9051/9052 6.4.31
#aa7 Read DI Iatch status Read DI latch status 9050/9051/9052 6.4.32
#aa00dd Write All DO Write a value to all digital output channels 9050/9051/9052 6.4.33
#aa1n0d Set single DO Set the single digital output channel 9050/9051/9052 6.4.34
$aaEcn Enable/disable DI Start/stop counter of the specified DI channel 9050/9051/9052 6.4.35
$aaCn Clear DI counter Clear DI counter of the specified DI channel 9050/9051/9052 6.4.36
#aa Read DI counter Read all DI counter values 9050/9051/9052 6.4.37
#aan Read DI counter Read DI counter value of the specified DI channel 9050/9051/9052 6.4.38
#aa2npppppppp Write DO pulse Write DO pulse counts to the specified DO channel 9050/9051/9052 6.4.39
$aaCLS Clear all latch Clear latch status of all DI channels 9050/9051/9052 6.4.40

113 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.3.3 Analog commands
Command Command name Description modules Sec.
#aan Read single analog Read the input value from the specified analog input 9015/9017/9019 6.4.6
Input channel
#aa Read all analog Input Read the input values from all analog input channels 9015/9017/9019 6.4.7
#aaAcctt Set analog input type Set type of the specified analog input channel 9015/9017/9019 6.4.8
$aaBhh Read input type read input type of the specified analog channel 9015/9017/9019 6.4.9
$aa0 Span Calibration Calibrate the analog input module to correct the gain 9015/9017/9019 6.4.10
$aa1 Offset Calibration Calibrate the analog input module to correct the offset 9015/9017/9019 6.4.11
$aa6 Read Channel Read the Enable/Disable status of all analog input 9015/9017/9019 6.4.12
Enable/Disable Status channels
$aa5mm Enable/disable ananlog Enable/disable analog input channels 9015/9017/9019 6.4.13
#aaMH Read all Max. Data Read the maximum data from all analog input 9015/9017/9019 6.4.14
#aaMHn Read single Max. Data Read the maximum date from a specified analog input 9015/9017/9019 6.4.15
#aaML Read all Min. Data Read the minimum data from all analog input channels 9015/9017/9019 6.4.16
#aaMLn Read single Min. Data Read the minimum data from a specified analog input 9015/9017/9019 6.4.17
$aaCjAhs Set Alarm Mode Set the High/Low alarm in either Momentary or 9015/9017/9019 5.6.16
Latching mode
$aaCjAh Read Alarm Mode Returns the alarm mode for the specified channels 9015/9017/9019 6.4.19
$aaCjAhEs Enable/Disable Alarm Enables/Disables the high/low alarm of the specified 9015/9017/9019 6.4.20
$aaCjCh Clear Latch Alarm Resets a latched alarm 9015/9017/9019 6.4.21
$aaCjAhC Set Alarm Connection Connects the High/Low alarm of a specified input 9017/9019 6.4.22
Cn channel to interlock with a specified output channel
$aaCjRhC Read Alarm Connection Returns the alarm configuration of a specified input 9017/9019 6.4.23
$aaCjAhU Set Alarm Limit Sets the High/Low alarm limit value to a specified 9015/9017/9019 6.4.24
$aaCjRhU Read Alarm Limit Returns the High/Low alarm limit value of the specified 9015/9017/9019 6.4.25
$aaCjS Read Alarm Status Reads whether an alarm occurred in the specified 9015/9017/9019 6.4.26
$aa3 Read cold junction Return the Cold Junction temperature 9019 6.4.27
$aa9hhhhh Set CJ offset Set Cold Junction temperature offset 9019 6.4.28
$aa9 Read CJ offset Return Cold Junction temperature offset 9019 6.4.29

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6.4 ASCII Command Description

6.4.1 $aaM Read Module Name
Description: Returns the module name from a specified module.
Syntax: $aaM(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
M is the Module Name command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response: !aa90bb(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error, communication error or if the address does not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was in-valid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of an EDAM-9000 module.
bb (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character model numberof an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Example: command: $01M(cr)
response: !019050(cr)
The command requests the system at address 01h to send its module name. The system at address 01h responds
with module name 9050 indicating that there is an EDAM-9050 at address 01h.

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6.4.2 $aaF Read Firmware Version
Description: Returns the firmware version from a specified module.
Syntax: $aaF(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
F is the Firmware Version command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response: !aa(version)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error, communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(version) represents the firmware version of the module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Example: command: $01F(cr)
response: !01M1.01(cr)
The command requests the system at address 01h to send its firmware version. The system responds with
firmware version M1.01.

6.4.3 ~aaDnnnnn Set timout to search DHCP

Syntax: ~aaDnnnnn(cr) ) (available for firmware V5.26 or later only)
~ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
D is set DHCP search timeout command.
Nnnnn is DHCP timeout value (10~1800 sec) (dec)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response: !aa(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error, communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Example: command: ~01D01200(cr)
response: !01(cr)
The command set timeout value to search DHCP servo. If there is no DHCP exist and timeout reached,
the module will reboot and use static (Fixed) IP assigned by E9KUtiliy.exe
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6.4.4 ~aaD Read timout to search DHCP
Syntax: ~aaD (cr) (available for firmware V5.26 or later only)
~ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
D is read DHCP search timeout command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response: !aannnnn(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error, communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of an EDAM-9000 module.
nnnnn Timeout value to search DHCP servo
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Example: command: ~01D (cr)
response: !0101200 (cr)
The command read timeout is 1200 seconds

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6.4.5 $aaID Read module ID number
Description: Returns the ID number from a specified module.
Syntax: $aaID(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
ID is the ID command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response: !aann(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error, communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of an EDAM-9000 module.(always 01)
nn represents the ID number of the module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Example: command: $01ID(cr)
response: !010A(cr)
The command requests the system at address 01h to send its ID number. The system responds with ID number

6.4.6 #aan Read Analog Input from Channel N

Description: Returns the input data from a specified analog input channel in a specified module.
Syntax: #aan(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
n (range 0-8) represents the specific channel you want to read the input data.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response: >(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Example: command: #012(cr)
response: >+01.000(cr)
Channel 2 of the EDAM-6000 analog module at address 01h responds with an input value +01.000.

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6.4.7 #aa Read Analog Input from All Channels
Description: Returns the input data from all analog input channels in a specified module.
Syntax: #aa(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response: >(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
Data represents analog data
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Note: The latest data returned is the average value of the preset channels in this module.
Example: command: #01(cr)
response: >+00.000+01.000+02.000+03.800+04.000+05.000+06.000+07.000+04.320(cr)
where channel #0 data is +00.000, channel #1 data is +01.000, channel #2 data is +04.320,,,, and average data is

6.4.8 $aaAcctt Set analog input type (range)

Description: Set the analog input type (range) in EDAM-9000 analog input module.
Syntax: $aaAnntt(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
A represents the analog input setting command.
cc represents the specific channel you want to set the input type.
tt (range 00-FF) represents the type you want to set to the specific channel(see 6.4.9)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !01(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! Delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? Delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module. (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01A030D(cr)
response: !01(cr)
The command set analog input channel 3 to type 0D (0~20mA) for the specific analog input module
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6.4.9 $aaBhh Read analog input type
Description: Return the input type of the specified analog channel
Syntax: $aaBhh(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address (Always 01)
B represents read the analog input type command.
hh is the analog input channel number represents the 2-character in hexadecimal format.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aann(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of module(always 01).
nn a 2-character hexadecimal value representing the type of the analog input channel.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01B01(cr)
response: !0108(cr)
The first 2-character portion of the response (exclude the "!" character) indicates the address of the EDAM-9000
module. The second 2-character portion of the response is the type of channel (For each analog module, the type
number is different, ref to Figure 6-1 Analog input types)

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Code(Hex) Type
0x07 4-20mA
0x08 +/-10V
0x09 +/-5V
0x0a +/-1V
0x0b +/-500mV
0x0c +/-150mV
0x0d 0-20mA
0x0e J type -8824 uV ~ 69536 uV,
0x0f K type -5891 uV ~ 54807 uV
0x10 T type -5603 uV ~ 20869 uV
0x11 E type -9835 uV ~ 76373 uV
0x12 R type -0000 uV ~ 21101 uV
0x13 S type -0000 uV ~ 18693 uV
0x14 B type -0000 uV ~ 13820 uV
0x20 IEC Pt100 -50C ~ 150C
0x21 IEC Pt100 0C ~ 100C
0x22 IEC Pt100 0C ~ 200C
0x23 IEC Pt100 0C ~ 400C
0x24 IEC Pt100 -200C ~ 200C
0x25 JIS Pt100 -50C ~ 150C
0x26 JIS Pt100 0C ~ 100C
0x27 JIS Pt100 0C ~ 200C
0x28 JIS Pt100 0C ~ 400C
0x29 JIS Pt100 -200C ~ 200C
0x2A Pt1000 -40C ~ 160C
0x2B BALCO500 -30C ~ 120C
0x2C Ni -80C ~ 100C
0x2D Ni 0C ~ 100C
Figure 6-1 Analog input types

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6.4.10 $aa0 Span Calibration
Description: Calibrates a specified module to correct for gain errors
Syntax: $aa0(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
0 represents the span calibration command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Note: In order to successfully calibrate an analog input module’s input range, a proper calibration input signal
should be connected to the analog input module before and during the calibration process.

6.4.11 $aa1 Zero Calibration

Description: Calibrates a specified module to correct for offset errors
Syntax: $aa1(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
1 represents the zero calibration command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Note: In order to successfully calibrate an analog input module’s input range, a proper calibration input signal
should be connected to the analog input module before and during the calibration process.

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6.4.12 $aa6 Read Channel Enable/Disable Status
Description: Asks a specified module to return the Enable/Disable status of all analog input channels
Syntax: $aa6(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
6 is the read channels status command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aamm(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
mm are two hexadecimal values. Each value is interpreted as 4 bits. The first 4-bit value represents the
status of channels 7-4, the second 4 bits represents the status of channels 3-0. A value of 0 means the
channel is disabled, while a value of 1 means the channel is enabled.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $016(cr)
response: !01FF(cr)
The command asks the specific module at address 01h to send Enable/Disable status of all analog input channels.
The analog input module responds that all its channels are enabled (FF equals 1111 and 1111).

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6.4.13 $aa5mm Set Channel Enable/Disable Status
Description: Set Enable/Disable status for all analog input channels
Syntax: $aa5mm(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
5 identifies the enable/disable channels command.
mm (range 00-FF) are two hexadecimal characters. Each character is interpreted as 4 bits. The first 4-bit
value represents the status of channels 7-4; the second 4-bit value represents the status of channels
3-0. A value of 0 means the channel is disabled, while a value of 1 means the channel is enabled.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-6000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01581(cr)
response: !01(cr)
The command enables/disables channels of the analog input module at address 01h. Hexadecimal 8 equals binary
1000, which enables channel 7 and disables channels 4, 5 and 6. Hexadecimal 1 equals binary 0001, which
enables channel 0 and disables channels 1, 2 and 3.

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6.4.14 #aaMH Read Maximum Value
Description: Read the maximum values from all analog input channels in a specified analog module
Syntax: #aaMH(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
MH represents the read maximum value command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: >(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #01MH(cr)
response:>+01.000+02.000+00.000+06.000+10.000+09.000 +05.400+05.000
The command asks the specific module at address 01h to send historic maximum value from all analog input

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6.4.15 #aaMHn Read Maximum Value from channel N
Description: Read the maximum value from a specific channel in a specified module
Syntax: #aaMHn(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
MH represents the read maximum value command.
n (range 0-8) represents the specific channel you want to read the input data.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: >(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #01MH2(cr)
response: >+10.000(cr)
The command asks the specific module at address 01h to send historic maximum value from analog input channel

6.4.16 #aaML Read Minimum Value

Description: Read the minimum values from all analog input channels in a specified module
Syntax: #aaML(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
ML represents the read minimum value command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: >(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #01ML(cr)
The command asks the specific module at address 01h to send historic minimum value from all AI channels.

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6.4.17 #aaMLn Read Minimum Value from channel N
Description: Read the minimum value from a specific analog input channel in a specified module
Syntax: #aaMLn(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
ML represents the read minimum value command.
n (range 0-8) represents the specific channel you want to read the input data.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: >(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #01ML3(cr)
response: >-07.000(cr)
The command asks the specific module at address 01h to send historic minimum value from analog input channel

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6.4.18 $aaCjAhs Set Alarm Mode
Description: Sets the High/Low alarm of the specified input channel in the addressed EDAM-9000 module to
either Latching or Momentary mode.
Syntax: $aaCjAhs(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired channel j (j : 0 to 7).
Ah is the Set Alarm Mode command. h indicates alarm types (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm)
s indicates alarm modes (M = Momentary mode,L = Latching mode)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1AHL(cr)
response: !01(cr)
Channel 1 of the EDAM-9000 module at address 01h is instructed to set its High alarm in latching mode. The
module confirms that the command has been received.

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6.4.19 $aaCjAh Read Alarm Mode
Description: Returns the alarm mode for the specified channel in the specified EDAM-9000 module.
Syntax: $aaCjAh(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired channel j (j : 0 to 7).
Ah is the Read Alarm Mode command.h indicates the alarm types (H = High alarm,L = Low alarm)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aas(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module.
s indicates alarm modes (M = Momentary mode, L = Latching mode)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1AL(cr)
response: !01M(cr)
Channel 1 of the EDAM-9000 module at address 01h is instructed to return its Low alarm mode. The system
responds that it is in Momentary mode.

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6.4.20 $aaCjAhEs Enable/Disable Alarm
Description: Enables/Disables the High/Low alarm of the specified input channel in the addressed EDAM-9000
Syntax: $aaCjAhEs(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired channel j (j : 0 to 7).
AhEs is the Set Alarm Mode command. h indicates alarm type (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm), and s
indicates alarm enable/disable (E = Enable, D = Disable)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1ALEE(cr)
response: !01(cr)
Channel 1 of the EDAM-9000 module at address 01h is instructed to enable its Low alarm function. The module
confirms that its Low alarm function has been enabled.
Note: An analog input module requires a maximum of 2 seconds after it receives an Enable/Disable Alarm
command to let the setting take effect. During this interval, the module can not be addressed to perform any
other actions.

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6.4.21 $aaCjCh Clear Latch Alarm
Description: Sets the High/Low alarm to OFF (no alarm) for the specified input channel in the addressed
EDAM-9000 module
Syntax: $aaCjCh(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired channel j (j : 0 to 7).
Ch is the Clear Latch Alarm command. h indicates alarm type (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of the corresponding EDAM-9000
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1CL(cr)
response: !01(cr)
Channel 1 of the EDAM-9000 module at address 01h is instructed to set its Low alarm state to OFF. The system
confirms it has done so accordingly.

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6.4.22 $aaCjAhCCn Set Alarm Connection
Description: Connects the High/Low alarm of the specified input channel to interlock the specified digital output in
the addressed EDAM-9000 module
Syntax: $aaCjAhCCn(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired analog input channel j (j : 0 to 7).
AhC is the Set Alarm Connection command.h indicates alarm type (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm)
Cn identifies the desired digital output channel n (n : 0 to 1). To disconnect the digital output, n should be
set as ˜*
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of the corresponding EDAM-9000
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1ALCC0(cr)
response: !01(cr)
Channel 1 of the EDAM9000 module at address 01h is instructed to connect its Low alarm to the digital output of
channel 0 in the specific module. The system confirms it has done so accordingly.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.4.23 $aaCjRhC Read Alarm Connection
Description: Returns the High/Low alarm limit output connection of a specified input channel in the addressed
Syntax: $aaCjRhC(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired analog input channel j (j : 0 to 7).
RhC is the Read Alarm Connection command.h indicates alarm type (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aaCn(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does not
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of the corresponding EDAM-9000
Cn identifies the desired digital output channel n (n : 0 to 1) whether interlock with the alarm of the specific
analog input channel. If the values of n are “*”, the analog input has no connection with a digital output
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1RLC(cr)
response: !01C0(cr)
Channel 1 of the EDAM-9000 module at address 01h is instructed to read its Low alarm output connection. The
system responds that the Low alarm output connects to the digital output at channel 0 in the specific module.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.4.24 $aaCjAhU Set Alarm Limit
Description: Sets the High/Low alarm limit value for the specified input
channel of a specified EDAM-9000 module.
Syntax: $aaCjAhU(data)(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired analog input channel j (j : 0 to 7).
AhU is the Set Alarm Limit command.h indicates alarm type (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm)
(data) represents the desired alarm limit setting. The format is always in engineering units.
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does not
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of the corresponding EDAM-9000
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1AHU+080.00(cr)
response: !01(cr)
The high alarm limit of the channel 1 in the specific module at address 01h is been set +80. The system confirms
the command has been received.
Note: An analog input module requires a maximum of 2 seconds after it receives a Set Alarm Limit command to let
the settings take effect. During this interval, the module cannot be addressed to perform any other actions.

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6.4.25 $aaCjRhU Read Alarm Limit
Description: Returns the High/Low alarm limit value for the specified input channel in the addressed EDAM-9000
Syntax: $aaCjRhU(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired analog input channel j (j : 0 to 7).
RhU is the Read Alarm Limit command. h indicates alarm type (H = High alarm, L = Low alarm)
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(data)(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does not
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of the corresponding EDAM-9000
(data) represents the desired alarm limit setting. The format is always in engineering units.
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1RHU(cr)
response: !01+2.0500(cr)
Channel 1 of the EDAM-9000 module at address 01h is configured to accept 5V input. The command instructs the
system to return the High alarm limit value for that channel. The system responds that the High alarm limit value in
the desired channel is 2.0500 V.

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6.4.26 $aaCjS Read Alarm Status
Description: Reads whether an alarm occurred to the specified input channel in the specified EDAM-9000
Syntax: $aaCjS(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
module(Always 01)
Cj identifies the desired analog input channel j (j : 0 to 7).
S is the Read Alarm Status command.
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aahl(cr) if the command was valid
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the system detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal address Modbus of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module.
h represents the status of High alarm. “1” means the High alarm occurred, ‘0” means it did not occur. l
represents the status of Low alarm. ˜1” means the Low alarm occurred, ˜0” means it did not occur.
(cr) represents terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C1S(cr)
response: !0101(cr)
The command asks the module at address 01h to return its alarm status for channel 1. The system responds that a
High alarm has not occurred, but the Low alarm has occurred.

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6.4.27 $aa3 Read cold junction temperature
Description: Return the Cold Junction temperature of EDAM-9019
Syntax: $aa3(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address (Always 01)
3 is the command to read cold junction temperature.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: >(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
(data) a 8-character hexadecimal value representing the cold junction temperature.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $013(cr)
response: >+00017.5(cr)
The command asks the specific module at address 01h to return the cold junction temperature of specified module.
The response is +17.5C

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6.4.28 $aa9hhhhh Set CJ offset

Description: Set Cold Junction temperature offset of EDAM-9019
Syntax: $aa19hhhhh(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address (Always 01)
9 is the command to set cold junction temperature offset.
hhhhh is the offset value times by 80 (5-character hexadecimal format)
(cr) terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal address Modbus of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $019000A0(cr)
response: !01(cr)
This example need to set cold junction offset to 2C , then the actual ASCII value should be 2 *80=160 (hex=000A0).
Hence the complete ASCII command string is $019000A0(cr)

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6.4.29 $aa9 Read CJ offset

Description: Return Cold Junction temperature offset of EDAM-9019
Syntax: $aa9(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address (Always 01)
9 is the command to read cold junction temperature offset.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: >(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
(data) a 8-character hexadecimal value representing the cold junction temperature offset.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $019(cr)
response: >+00005.5(cr)
The command asks the specific module at address 01h to return the cold junction temperature offset of specified
module. The response is +5.5C

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.4.30 $aa6 Read DI /DO Channel Status
Description: This command requests that the specified EDAM-9000 module return the status of its digital input
and digital output channels
Syntax: $aa6(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address (Always 01)
6 is the Digital Data In command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa0(Do data)(Di data)(Di data)(Di data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of an EDAM-9000
(Do data) 2-character hexadecimal value representing the values of the digital output module.
(Di data) 3-character hexadecimal value representing the values of the digital input module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $016(cr)
response: !0100A35D(cr)
0A: the status of digital output channels.
0A=(00001010) DO channels 1/3 =ON, DO Channel 0/2/4/5/6/7=OFF
35D: the status of digital input channels.
35D=(001101011101) DI channels 0/2/3/4/6/8/9 =Active state, DI Channel 1/5/7=Inactive

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.4.31 @aa Read DIO status
Description: Read digital input and output status.
Syntax: @aa(cr)
@ is a delimiter character.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: >(data1)(data2)(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
> delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
data1 represents the 2-character hexadecimal DO status (00~FF)
data2 represents the 3-character hexadecimal DI status (000~FFF)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: @01(cr)
response: >03004(cr)
03 represents DO0, DO1 are ON and DO2~DO7 are OFF
004 represents DI 2 is ON and DI 0, DI 1, and DI 3~DI 11 are OFF
Note: data2 is always 000 for EDAM9015

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6.4.32 $aa7 Read DI latch status
Description: Read DI latch status.
Syntax: $aa7(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-2D) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
7 represents read DI latch status command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
data represent DI latch status
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $017(cr)
response: !010003(cr)
The command read DI latch status= 0003, DI #0 latched, DI #1 latched, and DI #2 ~ DI #15 no latched

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6.4.33 #aa00dd Write All Digital Output

Description: This command sets all digital output channels to the specific EDAM-9000 module.
Syntax: #aa00nn(data)(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address (Always 01)
00 represents Writing to all channels (write a byte) command
dd represents the data be written to digital output
Response: !01(cr) if the command was valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid command has been issued.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus network address of a module that is
responding. (always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #010033(cr)
response: !01(cr)
An output byte with value 33h (00110011) is sent to the digital output module at address 01h.
The Output channel 0/1/4/5 = ON, Output channel 2/3/6/7 = OFF

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6.4.34 #aa1n0d Set Single Digital Output Channel
Description: Set the digital output status of EDAM-9000 digital output module.
Syntax: #aa1n0d(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
n (range 0-F) represents the specific channel you want to set the output status.
d (range 0-1) represents the status you want to set to the specific channel
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !aa(cr) if the command is valid.
?aa(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! Delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? Delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
aa (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address of an EDAM-9000 module.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #011201(cr)
response: !01
The command set digital channel 2 "ON” status for the specific module at address 01h.
Example: command: #011200(cr)
response: !01
The command set digital channel 2 "OFF” status for the specific module at address 01h.

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.4.35 $aaEcn Start/stop single DI counter
Description: start/stop single digital input counter
Syntax: $aaEcn(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
E represents enable/disable DI counter command
c represents DI counter channel number
n represents enable/disable option (n=0 disable / n=1 enable)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !01(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module. (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01E21(cr)
response: !01(cr)
1 represents enable DI counter channel 2
Example: command: $01E20(cr)
response: !01(cr)
0 represents disable DI counter channel 2

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6.4.36 $aaCn Clear single DI counter value

Description: clear single digital input counter value
Syntax: $aaCn(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
C represents clear DI counter command
n represents DI channel number (0~F)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !01(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module. (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01C2(cr)
response: !01(cr)
2 represents DI counter channel 2

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EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
6.4.37 #aa Read all DI counter value
Description: read all digital input counter value
Syntax: #aa(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !01(data)(data)(data)….(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module. (Always 01)
(data).. 10-characters(decimal) represents counter values
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #01(cr)
response: !010000000123023000000100000000523000000500110100000432…… (cr)
0000000123 represents channel #0 counter value is 123
0230000001 represents channel #1 counter value is 230000001
0000000523 represents channel #2 counter value is 523
0000005001 represents channel #3 counter value is 5001
… so on
 This command is valid for EDAM9050/9051/9052 digital I/O modules only
 This command is supported for EDAM9050/9051/9052 with firmware V2.21 or later

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6.4.38 #aan Read single DI counter value
Description: read single digital input counter value
Syntax: #aan(cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
n represents DI channel number (0~F)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !01(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module. (Always 01)
(data) 10-characters(decimal) represents counter value
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #012(cr)
response: !010000000123(cr)
2 represents DI counter channel 2
0000000123 represents counter value is 123

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6.4.39 #aa2npppppppp Write DO pulse counts

Description: Generates pulse output of the specified DO channel.
Syntax: #aa2npppppppp (cr)
# is a delimiter character.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
2 represent generates DO pulse output command.
n represents DO channel n
pppppppp represents pulse counts (8 digits) (0000~FFFFFFFF)
if pppppppp=00000000, continue DO pulse
if pppppppp=00000001, stop DO pulse
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !01(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module. (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: #0123001F(cr)
response: !01(cr)
The command force the DO channel #3 to output 31(1FH) pulses

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6.4.40 $aaCLS Clear DI latch status
Description: Clear DI latch status.
Syntax: $aaCLS(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
aa represents the 2-character hexadecimal Modbus address (Always 01)
CLS represents clear DI latch status command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Response: !01(cr) if the command is valid.
?01(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax error or communication error or if the address does
not exist.
! delimiter indicating a valid command was received.
? delimiter indicating the command was invalid.
01 represents the 2-character hexadecimal address of the corresponding EDAM-9000 module. (Always 01)
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh)
Example: command: $01CLS(cr)
response: !01(cr)
The command clears all DI latch status

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Chapter 7 MODBUS/TCP Command structure

EDAM-9000 system accepts a command/response form with the host computer. When systems are not
MODBUS/TCP Command structure
EDAM-9000 system accepts a command/response form with the host computer. When systems are not
transmitting they are in listen mode. The host issues a command to a system with a specified address and waits a
certain amount of time for the system to respond. If no response arrives, a time-out aborts the sequence and
returns control to the host. This chapter explains the structure of the commands with Modbus/TCP protocol, and
guides to use these command sets to implement user’s programs.

7.1 Command Structure

It is important to understand the encapsulation of a Modbus request or response carried on the Modbus/TCP
network. A complete command is consisted of command head and command body. The command head is prefixed
by six bytes and responded to pack Modbus format; the command body defines target device and requested action.
Following example will help you to realize this structure quickly.

If you want to read the first two values of EADM-9017 (address: 40001~40002), the request command should be:

Byte 0: Transaction indentifier-0

Byte 1: Transaction indentifier-0
Byte 2: Protocol indentifier-0
Byte 3: Protocol indentifier-0
Byte 4: Length field
Byte 5: Length field-number of bytes following
Byte 6: Unit indentifier-1 (always 1)
Byte 7: ModBus function code
Byte 8: High byte of start address
Byte 9: Low byte of start address
Byte 10: Requested number of reading register (high byte)
Byte 11: Requested number of reading register (low byte)
00 00 00 00 00 06 01 04 00 01 00 02

Command Head Command Body

And the response should be:

Byte 0: Transaction indentifier-0

Byte 1: Transaction indentifier-0
Byte 2: Protocol indentifier-0
Byte 3: Protocol indentifier-0
Byte 4: Length field
Byte 5: Length field-number of bytes following
Byte 6: Unit indentifier-1 (always 1)
Byte 7: ModBus function code
Byte 8: Byte count (each register need two byte)
Byte 9: High bye of first address
Byte 10: Low byte of first address
Byte 11: High byte of second address
Byte 12: Low byte of second address
00 00 00 00 00 06 01 04 04 7F FF 7F FF

Command Head Command Body

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7.2 ModBus Function code introductions
Code (Hex) Name Usage
01 Read Coil Status Read Discrete Output Bit
02 Read Input Status Read Discrete Input Bit
03 Read Holding Registers Read 16-bit register. Used to read integer or floating point process
04 Read Input Registers data.
05 Force Single Coil Write data to force coil ON/OFF
06 Preset Single Register Write data in 16-bit integer format
0F Force Multiple Coils Write multiple data to force coil ON/OFF
10 Preset Multiple Registers Write multiple data in 16-bit integer format

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7.3 EDAM-9050 12 Digital Input/6 Digital Output Module

7.3.1 Holding Register Address (Unit:16bits)
Where X=40000 for function 03, function 06, function 16
X=30000 for function 04
Address Channel Item
X+0001~X+0024 For Counter 12 Channels, 32 Bits
X+0025~X+0036 For Pulse Output L level, time Unit:0.1ms 6 Channels, 32 Bits
X+0037~X+0048 For Pulse Output H level, time Unit:0.1ms 6 Channels, 32 Bits
X+0049~X+0060 Set DO pulse count value 6 Channels, 32 Bits
(Set to 0=Continue mode & 1= stop)

7.3.2 Bit Address (Unit:1Bit)

Where X=00000 for function 01, function 05
X=10000 for function 02
Address Channel Item
X+0001~X+0012 For DI 12 Channels, 1 Bit
X+0017~X+0022 For DO 6 Channels, 1 Bit
X+0033 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0034 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0035 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0036 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0037 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0038 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0040 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0041 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0042 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0043 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0044 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0045 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0046 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0047 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0048 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0049 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0050 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0051 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0052 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0053 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0054 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0055 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0056 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0057 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0058 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0059 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0060 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0061 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)

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X+0062 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0063 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0064 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0065 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0066 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0067 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0068 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0069 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0070 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0071 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0072 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0073 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0074 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0075 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0076 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0077 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0078 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0079 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0080 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0081 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)

154 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.4 EDAM-9051 12 Digital Input/2 Counter/2 Output Module
7.4.1 Register Address (Unit:16bits)
Where X=40000 for function 03, function 06, function 16
X=30000 for function 04
Address Channel Item
X+0001~X+0028 Read DI Counter Count value 14 Channels, 32 Bits
X+0029~X+0032 For Pulse Output L level, time Unit:0.1ms 2 Channels, 32 Bits
X+0033~X+0036 For Pulse Output H level, time Unit:0.1ms 2 Channels, 32 Bits
X+0037~X+0040 2 Channels, 32 Bits
Set DO pulse count value.
(Set to 0= Continue mode & 1= stop)

7.4.2 bit Address (Unit:1Bit)

Where X=00000 for function 01, function 05
X=10000 for function 02
Address Channel Item
X+0001~X+0012 For DI 12 Channels, 1 Bit
X+0017~X+0018 For DO 2 Channels, 1 Bit
X+0033 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0034 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0035 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0036 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0037 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0038 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0039 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0040 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0041 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0042 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0043 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0044 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0045 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0046 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0047 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0048 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0049 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0050 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0051 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0052 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0053 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0054 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0055 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0056 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0057 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0058 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0059 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0060 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
155 Printed Date: 3 October 2017
EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
X+0061 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0062 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0063 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0064 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0065 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0066 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0067 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0068 Ch8 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0069 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0070 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0071 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0072 Ch9 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0073 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0074 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0075 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0076 Ch10 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)
X+0077 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0)
X+0078 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1)
X+0079 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow
X+0080 Ch11 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write)

156 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

7.5 EDAM-9052 8 channel digital Input /digital out Module

7.5.1 Register Address (Unit: 16bits)
Where X=40000 for function 03, function 06, function 16
X=30000 for function 04
Address Channel Item Type
X+0001~X+0016 For DI Counter (32 bits/channel) 8 Channels, 32 Bits R
X+0017~X+0032 For Pulse Output L level, time Unit:0.1ms 8 Channels, 32 Bits R/W
X+0033~X+0048 For Pulse Output H level, time Unit:0.1ms 8 Channels, 32 Bits R/W
X+0049~X+0064 Set DO pulse value, 8 Channels, 32 Bits R/W
(Set to 0=Continue mode and 1= stop)
X+0065 Digital input status 8 channel,16 Bits R
X+0066 Digital output status 8 channel,16 Bits R/W

157 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.5.2 Bit Address (Unit: 1Bit)
Where X=00000 for function 01, function 05
X=10000 for function 02
Address Channel Item Type
X+0001~X+0008 For DI 8 Channels, 1 Bit/channel R
X+0017~X+0024 For DO 8 Channels, 1 Bit/channel R/W
X+0033 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0034 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0035 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0036 Ch0 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W
X+0037 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0038 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0039 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0040 Ch1 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W
X+0041 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0042 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0043 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0044 Ch2 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W
X+0045 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0046 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0047 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0048 Ch3 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W
X+0049 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0050 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0051 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0052 Ch4 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W
X+0053 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0054 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0055 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0056 Ch5 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W
X+0057 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0058 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0059 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0060 Ch6 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W
X+0061 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Start(1)/Stop(0) R/W
X+0062 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Clear Counter(1) R/W
X+0063 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Clear Overflow R/W
X+0064 Ch7 (For Counter Mode) Latch Status(read)/Clear Status(Write) R/W

158 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.6 EDAM-9015 7-Channel RTD Input Module
7.6.1 Register Address (unit:16 bits)
Where X=40000 for function 03, function 06, function 16
X=30000 for function 04
Address Channel Item Attribute
X+0001 0 Current value R
X+0002 1 Current value R
X+0003 2 Current value R
X+0004 3 Current value R
X+0005 4 Current value R
X+0006 5 Current value R
X+0007 6 Current value R
X+0008 Reserved R
X+0009 8 Average ch0~ch6 R
X+0010 - Reserved R
X+0011 0 Max value R
X+0012 1 Max value R
X+0013 2 Max value R
X+0014 3 Max value R
X+0015 4 Max value R
X+0016 5 Max value R
X+0017 6 Max value R
X+0018 Reserved
X+0019~X+0020 Reserved
X+0021 0 Min value R
X+0022 1 Min value R
X+0023 2 Min value R
X+0024 3 Min value R
X+0025 4 Min value R
X+0026 5 Min value R
X+0027 6 Min value R
X+0028~X+0030 Reserved

159 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.6.2 Bit Address (unit:1 bit)
Where X=00000 for function 01, function 05
X=10000 for function 02
Address Channel Item Attribute
X+0101 0 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0102 1 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0103 2 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0104 3 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0105 4 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0106 5 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0107 6 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0108~X+0110 Reserved
X+0111 0 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0112 1 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0113 2 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0114 3 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0115 4 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0116 5 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0117 6 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0118~X+0120 -- Reserved
X+0121 0 Burnout flag R
X+0122 1 Burnout flag R
X+0123 2 Burnout flag R
X+0124 3 Burnout flag R
X+0125 4 Burnout flag R
X+0126 5 Burnout flag R
X+0127 6 Burnout flag R
X+0128~X+0130 -- Reserved
X+0131 0 High alarm flag R
X+0132 1 High alarm flag R
X+0133 2 High alarm flag R
X+0134 3 High alarm flag R
X+0135 4 High alarm flag R
X+0136 5 High alarm flag R
X+0137 6 High alarm flag R
X+0138~X+0140 -- Reserved
X+0141 0 Low alarm flag R
X+0142 1 Low alarm flag R
X+0143 2 Low alarm flag R
X+0144 3 Low alarm flag R
X+0145 4 Low alarm flag R
X+0146 5 Low alarm flag R
X+0147 6 Low alarm flag R

160 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.7 EDAM-9017 8-Channel Voltage/Current Input Module
7.7.1 Register Address (unit:16 bits)
Where X=40000 for function 03, function 06, function 16
X=30000 for function 04
Address Channel Item Attribute
X+0001 0 Current value R
X+0002 1 Current value R
X+0003 2 Current value R
X+0004 3 Current value R
X+0005 4 Current value R
X+0006 5 Current value R
X+0007 6 Current value R
X+0008 7 Current Value R
X+0009 8 Average ch0~ch7 R
X+0010 - Reserved R
X+0011 0 Max value R
X+0012 1 Max value R
X+0013 2 Max value R
X+0014 3 Max value R
X+0015 4 Max value R
X+0016 5 Max value R
X+0017 6 Max value R
X+0018 7 Max value R
X+0019~X+0020 Reserved
X+0021 0 Min value R
X+0022 1 Min value R
X+0023 2 Min value R
X+0024 3 Min value R
X+0025 4 Min value R
X+0026 5 Min value R
X+0027 6 Min value R
X+0028 7 Min value R
X+0029 Reserved

161 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.7.2 Bit Address (unit:1 bit)
Where X=00000 for function 01, function 05
X=10000 for function 02
Address Channel Item Attribute
X+0017 0 DO value R/W
X+0018 1 DO value R/W
X+0101 0 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0102 1 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0103 2 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0104 3 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0105 4 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0106 5 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0107 6 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0108 7 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0109~X+0110 8 Reserved
X+0111 0 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0112 1 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0113 2 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0114 3 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0115 4 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0116 5 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0117 6 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0118 7 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0119~X+0130 -- Reserved
X+0131 0 High alarm flag R
X+0132 1 High alarm flag R
X+0133 2 High alarm flag R
X+0134 3 High alarm flag R
X+0135 4 High alarm flag R
X+0136 5 High alarm flag R
X+0137 6 High alarm flag R
X+0138 7 High alarm flag R
X+0139~X+0140 -- Reserved
X+0141 0 Low alarm flag R
X+0142 1 Low alarm flag R
X+0143 2 Low alarm flag R
X+0144 3 Low alarm flag R
X+0145 4 Low alarm flag R
X+0146 5 Low alarm flag R
X+0147 6 Low alarm flag R
X+0148 7 Low alarm flag R

162 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.8 EDAM-9019 8-Channel T/C Input Module
7.8.1 Register Address (unit:16 bits)
Where X=40000 for function 03, function 06, function 16
X=30000 for function 04
Address Channel Item Attribute
X+0001 0 Current value R
X+0002 1 Current value R
X+0003 2 Current value R
X+0004 3 Current value R
X+0005 4 Current value R
X+0006 5 Current value R
X+0007 6 Current value R
X+0008 Current value R
X+0009 8 Average ch0~ch7 R
X+0010 - Reserved R
X+0011 0 Max value R
X+0012 1 Max value R
X+0013 2 Max value R
X+0014 3 Max value R
X+0015 4 Max value R
X+0016 5 Max value R
X+0017 6 Max value R
X+0018 7 Max value
X+0019~X+0020 Reserved
X+0021 0 Min value R
X+0022 1 Min value R
X+0023 2 Min value R
X+0024 3 Min value R
X+0025 4 Min value R
X+0026 5 Min value R
X+0027 6 Min value R
X+0028~X+0030 Reserved

163 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
7.8.2 Bit Address (unit:1 bit)
Where X=00000 for function 01, function 05
X=10000 for function 02
Address Channel Item Attribute
X+0017 0 DO value R/W
X+0018 1 DO value R/W
X+0101 0 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0102 1 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0103 2 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0104 3 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0105 4 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0106 5 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0107 6 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0108 7 Reset Max. value R/W
X+0109~X+0110 Reserved
X+0111 0 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0112 1 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0113 2 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0114 3 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0115 4 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0116 5 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0117 6 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0118 7 Reset Min. value R/W
X+0119~X+0120 -- Reserved
X+0121 0 Burnout flag R
X+0122 1 Burnout flag R
X+0123 2 Burnout flag R
X+0124 3 Burnout flag R
X+0125 4 Burnout flag R
X+0126 5 Burnout flag R
X+0127 6 Burnout flag R
X+0128 7 Burnout flag R
X+0129~X+0130 -- Reserved
X+0131 0 High alarm flag R
X+0132 1 High alarm flag R
X+0133 2 High alarm flag R
X+0134 3 High alarm flag R
X+0135 4 High alarm flag R
X+0136 5 High alarm flag R
X+0137 6 High alarm flag R
X+0138 7 High alarm flag R
X+0139~X+0140 -- Reserved
X+0141 0 Low alarm flag R
X+0142 1 Low alarm flag R
X+0143 2 Low alarm flag R
X+0144 3 Low alarm flag R
X+0145 4 Low alarm flag R
X+0146 5 Low alarm flag R
164 Printed Date: 3 October 2017
EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
X+0147 6 Low alarm flag R
X+0148 7 Low alarm flag R

165 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

Chapter 8 TCPDAQ Data Structure

typedef struct _AlarmInfo //Alarm Event data structure
u_cha szIP[4]; //The IP address which cause the alarm change
u_short szDateTime[6]; //E.x 2001/09/23 10:12:34:567 (Year/Month/Day Hour:Minute:Second:mSecond)
u_short byChannel; //The Channel of which cause the alarm change
u_short byAlarmType; //0x00:AIO Low Alarm
//0x01:AIO High Alarm
//0x20:DIO Alarm
//0xF0:Connection Alarm
u_short byAlarmStatus; //0:Alarm ON to OFF, 1:Alarm OFF to ON
u_short wValue; //Alarm value.For DIO, this value could be "0" or "1" means that "ON" or "OFF"
// For high or low alarm, this is the AIO value.
// For connection lost, this value is ‘0’.
} _AlarmInfo;

typedef struct _StreamData //Stream Event data structure

u_char szIP[4]; //The IP address which send the stream datae
u_short szDateTime[6]; //E.x [2001]/[09]/[23] [10]:[12]:[34] (Year/Month/Day Hour:Minute:Second)
u_short DIN; //Digital input data (DI#0~DI#15)
u_short DOUT; //Digital output data (DO#0~DO#15)
u_short wData[32]; //Digital input Counter (Each channel occupies 4 Byte)
} _StreamData;

typedef struct ModuleInfo // Used For Scan_Online_Modules(..)

u_char szIP[4]; //IP address
u_char szGate[4]; //Gateway
u_char szMask[4]; //Submask
u_char szDHCP; //DHCP status 01=enable, 00=disable
u_char szID; //Module ID number
u_char szMacAddr[6]; //MAC address of module
u_short szModuleNo; //Module name
u_char szBuffer[12]; //Buffer reserved for TCPDAQ.DLL
} ModuleInfo;

typedef struct ModuleData //Used for function TCP_ReadAllDataFromModule (..)

u_char Din[16]; //Digital input data (DI#0~DI#15),avaliable for EDAM9050/51/52
u_char Dout[16]; //Digital output data (DO#0~DO#15),avaliable for EDAM9050/51/52/17/19
u_char DiLatch[16]; //Digital input latch status (DI#0~DI#15),avaliable for EDAM9050/51/52
long DiCounter[16]; //Digital input counter value (DI#0~DI#15),avaliable for EDAM9050/51/52
double AiNormalValue[16]; //Analog Input value(AI#0~AI#15),avaliable for EDAM9015/17/19
double AiMaxValue[16]; //Analog maximum value(AI#0~AI#15),avaliable for EDAM9015/17/19
double AiMinValue[16]; //Analog minimum value(AI#0~AI#15),avaliable for EDAM9015/17/19
u_char AiHighAlarm[16]; //Analog high alarm status(AI#0~AI#15),avaliable for EDAM9015/17/19
u_char AiLowAlarm[16]; //Analog low alarm status(AI#0~AI#15),avaliable for EDAM9015/17/19
u_char AiChannelType[16]; //Analog channel Type, avaliable for EDAM9015/17/19
u_char AiBurnOut[16] ; //Analog channel burn out status,avaliable for EDAM9019/15 only
double CJCTemperature ; //Cold junction temperature,avaliable for EDAM9019 only
} ModuleData;

166 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

Chapter 9 EDAM-9000 Web Server

9.1 What is TCPDAQ Web Server?
EDAM-9000 I/O modules all features built-in web server. Remote computer or devices can monitor and control
I/O status on EDAM-9000 modules remotely through web browser. There is default built-in web page on
EDAM-9000 modules.
To use your computer to browse the web page on EDAM-9000 module, you can simply type the IP address to
connect to your EDAM-9000 module in web browser. There will be one dialog window asking you to enter the
password. After you have typed the correct password, you can start to monitor or control I/O on EDAM-9000
Notice: Please use Windows Internet Explorer 5.5 (IE 5.5 or later version)

9.2 Home Page

 Type the IP address in the web browser (example: http:\\
 The home page will pop-up in the browser window to ask you to enter the password

 Enter the correct password and click send button to verify the password. If the password is not correct, a
warming message box will show up to remain you to reenter the password

 If the password is correct, the module monitoring page will pop up in the web browser.

167 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
9.3 Module monitoring page
9.3.1 EDAM-9015 monitoring page

Channel : Channel number of RTD input

Hi-Alarm : Analog channel High alarm status
Lo-Alarm : Analog channel low alarm status
Temperature: Temperature value of RTD input channel
RTD type : RTD type of input channel
Average : Average value of channels which functions in average
Time interval: I/O status update time interval

168 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
9.3.2 EDAM-9017 monitoring page

Channel : Channel number of analog input or digital output

Hi-Alarm : Analog channel High alarm status
Lo-Alarm : Analog channel low alarm status
Voltage : Voltage value of analog input channel
Input Range: Range of analog input channel
Status : Digital output status
DO Setting: Set digital output on or off
Time interval: I/O status update time interval

169 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
9.3.3 EDAM-9019 monitoring page

Channel : Channel number of analog input or digital output

Hi-Alarm : Analog channel High alarm status
Lo-Alarm : Analog channel low alarm status
Temperature : Temperature value of T/C input channel
T/C type : Thermal Couple type of input channel
Cold junction : Temperature of T/C cold junction
Average : Average value of channels which functions in average
Status : Digital output status
DO Setting : Set digital output on or off
Time interval : I/O status update time interval

170 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
9.3.4 EDAM-9050 monitoring page

Channel : Channel number of digital input or output

Status : Current input or output status
Count/Latch : Counter value or latch status of digital input which functions at “Counter” mode or “Latch”
Mode : Channel operating mode
DO Setting : Set digital output on or off
Time interval : I/O status update time interval

171 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
9.3.5 EDAM-9051 monitoring page

Channel : Channel number of digital input or output

Status : Current input or output status
Count/Latch : Counter value or latch status of digital input which functions at “Counter” mode or “Latch”
Mode : Channel operating mode
DO Setting : Set digital output on or off
Time interval : I/O status update time interval

172 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6
9.3.6 EDAM-9052 monitoring page

Channel : Channel number of digital input or output

Status : Current input or output status
Count/Latch : Counter value or latch status of digital input which functions at “Counter” mode or “Latch”
Mode : Channel operating mode
DO Setting : Set digital output on or off
Time interval : I/O status update time interval

173 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

EDAM-9000 User’s manual Version 4.6

174 Printed Date: 3 October 2017

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