Annex C Excerpts From The Rules For Materials: I - Part 3 GL 2003 Page C-1

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I - Part 3 Annex C B Excerpts from the Rules for Materials Chapter 3

GL 2003 Page C–1

Annex C

Excerpts from the Rules for Materials

A. General 7. Materials or components shall be so labelled

that the surveyor can check their compliance with the
1. Materials for the structural and equipment material schedule.
components dealt with in these Rules for Classifica-
tion and Construction, I – Ship Technology, Part 3 –
Special Craft, Chapter 3 – Yachts and Boats up to
24 m, shall comply with the latest version of the Rules B. Steels and Non-Ferrous Metals
for Classification and Construction, II – Materials and
Welding, Part 1 and 2). Excerpts are given here.
1. Selection of material
The materials must satisfy the requirements which
follow, and be tested in accordance with D. and ap- 1.1 Steel and non-ferrous metals recommended
proved. Materials whose properties differ from those for use are those suitable for sea water without special
in these rules may only be used with special permis- corrosion protection. This includes stainless steels
sion. with a pitting resistance equivalent (W) exceeding 25
(W = % Cr + 3,3 % Mo) and some non-ferrous, cop-
2. Materials complying with national or interna- per and nickel based metals. These materials are sensi-
tional standards and manufacturers' requirements may tive to crevice corrosion and pitting and must not be
be used if their properties are equivalent to those in coated without cathodic protection.
these rules and GL approves their use.
Ship steels, general purpose structural steel, alumin-
ium alloys and most copper and nickel alloys must be
3. GL reserve the right to extend the scope of provided with suitable corrosion protection. Mainte-
testing, and to subject to it even materials or compo- nance of this protection is in the responsibility of the
nents for which testing is not specifically required in owner of the craft.
these rules.
1.2 The materials used for welded structures shall
4. By carrying out tests, GL does not provide be suitable for welding, and the welding fillers must
any guarantee that a consignment which has only been match the base material in accordance with the manu-
checked by random sampling or workpieces tested in a facturer's instructions. In scantling determination,
prescribed place will comply in all parts with the GL account shall be taken of the possibility that the me-
rules and guidelines, or the delivery conditions. chanical properties of some materials are impaired by
Materials or components which during the subsequent
processing turn out to be defective may be rejected
1.3 Combination of materials shall be chosen to
even if they have passed an earlier test satisfactorily.
minimise the potential difference, so that contact cor-
rosion is avoided. The stated potential values are only
5. The maintenance of the dimensions, qualita- for reference, as changes in environmental conditions,
tive and other requirements of these Rules is the re- heat treatment, welding and deformation can change
sponsibility of the manufacturer. This applies even if them. The rate of corrosion amongst other things de-
GL carries out tests. pends on the surface conditions and the possible for-
mation of a protective layer. Contact corrosion can be
6. Each product shall be provided with a mate- prevented by cathodic protection.
rial schedule from which all data needed for identifi-
cation of the material may be obtained, such as type of 1.4 In the case of metallic structural components
material, method of manufacture and maker's number, and equipment items, such as shaft brackets, rudder
number, delivery form, dimensions, etc., and in which stocks of FRP hulls and wood in FRP craft crevice
the manufacturer and/or supplier confirms that the corrosion in particular must be prevented, i.e. the
material has as far as necessary been produced in penetration of moisture into the gap between metal
accordance with an approved procedure and complies and FRP is to be prevented. The parts are to be assem-
with the GL Rules. bled using permanently elastic sealant.
Chapter 3 Annex C B Excerpts from the Rules for Materials I - Part 3
Page C–2 GL 2003

Table C.1: Ship steel and comparable structural steel (specification excerpts) 1

Comparable structural steel to EN 10025

Ship steel 1 or Steel-Iron Material leaflet 089-70

Yield strength ReH Tensile

Minimum Tensile [N/mm2] strength
Quality yield strength strength Steel type Rm
[N/mm2] [N/mm2]
t ≤ 16 mm 16 < t ≤ 40 mm [N/mm2]

GL–A Fe 430 B
GL–B Fe 360 B 275 265 410 – 540
Fe 430 C 235 225 340 – 470
GL–D 235 400 – 490
Fe 360 C

(TT) StE 285 285 2 390 – 510

(TT) StE 255 255 2 360 – 480

1 The various quality grades of ship steel within a strength group differ mainly by their specified toughness, see also GL
Materials Rules. In general, 'A' quality steels are used for building yachts.
For welded components more than 30 mm thick subject to increased stress at low operating temperatures, tougher 'B',
'D' and 'E' quality steels are to be used as a safeguard against brittle fracture.
2 Product thickness t ≤ 35 mm

Table C.2: Mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steels (specification excerpts)

Tensile strength Yield strength

Material No. Designation according to DIN 17440 Rm Rp0,2
[N/mm2] [N/mm2]
1.4306 X2CrNi1911 450 – 700 215
1.4404 X2CrNiMo17132 450 – 700 235
1.4435 X2CrNiMo18143 450 – 700 235
1.4438 X2CrNiMo18164 500 – 700 235
1.4439 X3CrNiMoN17135 600 – 800 315
1.4541 X6CrNiTi1810 500 – 750 245
1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22 680 – 880 480
1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17122 520 – 670 220
The materials listed are suitable for service under the influence of sea water or marine atmosphere
I - Part 3 Annex C B Excerpts from the Rules for Materials Chapter 3
GL 2003 Page C–3

Table C.3:

Sweden USA
Material No. Designation according to DIN 17440
1.4306 X2CrNi1911 2333 340 L
1.4404 X2CrNiMo17132 2348 316 L
1.4435 X2CrNiMo18143 2353 316 L
1.4438 X2CrNiMo18164 2367 317 L
1.4439 X3CrNiMoN17135
1.4541 X6CrNiTi1810 2337 321
1.4462 X2CrNiMoN225 2324 329
1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17122 2350 316 Ti

Table C.4: Material condition and mechanical properties of sheet aluminium

Thickness Tensile Yield Elongation

Material designation range strength point at
according to Condition [mm] Rm Rp0,2 fracture Hardness
min. min. min. HB 2,5/62,5
DIN 1725
Part 1 ISO R 209 over up to [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [%]
cold rolled (¼ hard) 6,0 220 165 9 65
Al Mg 3 AlMg3 hot rolled 1 6,0 10,0 210 140 12 60
hot rolled 1 25,0 50,0 190 80 12 50
soft –– 50,0 270 125 17 70
AlMg4,5Mn AlMg4, 5Mn hot rolled 1 2,0 30,0 275 125 12 70
heat treated (¼ hard) 2,0 40,0 310 205 10 85
cold age hardened 3,0 20,0 205 110 14 65
AlMgSi1 AlSi1MgMn heat treated 3,0 20,0 275 200 12 85
heat treated 10,0 20,0 295 245 9 95
1 Hot rolled may contain a lower cold working proportion
Chapter 3 Annex C B Excerpts from the Rules for Materials I - Part 3
Page C–4 GL 2003

Table C.5: Mechanical properties of extruded aluminium sections suitable for sea water

Wall Tensile Yield Elongation

thickness strength strength at break
Material Rm Rp0,2 min.
Symbol 1 Material number 1
min. min.
[mm] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [%]

3.3535.08 AlMg3F18 extruded any 180 80 14

3.3547.08 AlMg4,5MnF27 extruded any 270 140 12
3.3206.71 AlMgSi0,5F22 heat treated any 215 160 12
3.2315.81 AlMgSi1,F28 heat treated up to 10 275 200 12
3.2315.72 AlMgSi1,F31 heat treated up to 20 310 260 8
1 In accordance with DIN 1748, Part 1 or DIN 1746, Part 1.

Table C.6: Material designation

Ing. Leg. D E F GB I S. SIS-

AlMgSi0,5 6060 AlMgSi AlMgSi0,5 L–3442 6060 –– 9006/1 144103
AlSi1MgMn 6082 AlSi1MgMn AlMgSi1 L–3453 6082 6082 9006/4 144212
AlMg3 5754 AlMg3 AlMg3 L–3390 5754 –– –– ––
AlMg4,5Mn 5083 AlMg4,5Mn0,7 AlMg4,5Mn L–3321 5083 5083 9005/5 144140
I - Part 3 Annex C B Excerpts from the Rules for Materials Chapter 3
GL 2003 Page C–5

Table C.7: Timber durability groups and characteristic values in accordance with DIN 68364

Shear Trans-
Mean breaking strengths 3 Young's modulus modulus verse
Durability density 2 Com- EL ET contrac-
Wood type Tension Bending GLT 3 tion
Group 1 pression long. rad.
[g/cm3] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2]


European spruce 4 0,47 80 40 68 10000 800 600 0,33

Fir 4 0,47 80 40 68 10000
Pine 3–4 0,52 100 45 80 11000 1000 0,30
Oregon pine 3 0,54 100 50 80 12000 900 800 0,46
Larch 3 0,59 105 48 93 12000
Spruce 4 0,47 85 35 65 9500 870 680 0,34


Khaya-Mahogany 3 0,50 75 43 75 9500 1040 830 0,59

True-Mahogany 2 0,54 100 45 80 9500 990 770 0,44
Sapele-Mahogany 3 0,64 85 57 69 9800
(Utile) 2 0,59 100 58 100 11000 1300 1140 0,53

Meranti, red 3 0,59 129 53 105 13000 1250

Iroko 1–2 0,63 79 55 95 13000 1450 1080 0,59
Makore 1–2 0,66 85 53 103 11000 1390 1160 0,42
Oak 2 0,67 110 52 95 13000 1580 1150
Beech 5 0,69 135 60 120 14000 2280 1640 0,52
Birch 5 0,65 137 60 120 14000 1130 1200 0,36
Ash 5 0,69 130 50 105 13000 1500 880 0,55
Teak 1 0,69 115 58 100 13000 1490 1040 0,55
Yang 3 0,76 140 70 125 16000 1850
1 Criterion for the durability group is the service life and the resistance of the wood against fungi and animal pests (but not the marine
borer, teredo navalis) in contact with soil under central European conditions; the meanings are:
1 = high resistance
2 = resistance
3 = moderate resistance
4 = little resistance
5 = no resistance
2 Bulk density in reference atmosphere standardised condition with 12 % moisture content in accordance with DIN 52183.
3 In the radial plane.
Chapter 3 Annex C D Excerpts from the Rules for Materials I - Part 3
Page C–6 GL 2003

C. Wood and Timber Products

Teak Tectona grandis
Timber products for structural members shall meet the
Makoré Dumoria hekelii
following requirements.
Douka Dumoria africana
Wood and timber products that shall be integral with
FRP laminate as load bearing components or be em- Sipo-Mahogany
bedded as local reinforcement are subject to individual Entandrophragma utile
testing (swelling, shrinkage and durability).
Sapele Mahogany
1. Solid wood
Oak Quercus sp.
1.1 Only timber in durability groups 1, 2 or 3 of
Table C.7 may be used for primary structural members Switenia
True Mahogany
and load bearing components of the hull. Mahagonimacrophylla

Khaya-Mahogany Khaja ivorensis

1.2 The timbers to be used must be long fibred
and of best quality (free from sap, shakes, harmful Okumé (Gabun) Aucoumea Klaineana
knots and other defects).

1.3 For components not exposed to water or 2.2 For load bearing internal structural members
weather, and without demands on their strength, tim- of FRP hulls, plywood made from timber varieties
ber of lower durability may be used. other than those listed in 2.1 may be used provided it
is bonded in accordance with DIN 68705-BFU 100.
Timber not in durability groups 1, 2 or 3 according to
1.4 Wooden structures must be so designed that DIN 68364 shall be bonded according to DIN 68705-
the direction of principal stress is also that of maxi- BFU 100 G.
mum mechanical strength of the wood.
Timber in bilges and other wet areas must be perma-
1.5 The timber used is to be radially cut(quarter nently protected against moisture.
sawn), the angle of the annular rings to the lower cut The mechanical properties and safety factors to be
edge to be not less than 45°. taken into account for scantling determination of in-
ternally used plywood shall be agreed with GL.
1.6 When choosing timber, the fact that swelling
and shrinkage differ in different directions must be
taken into account to prevent components becoming
loose and leaks developing at seams or butts.
D. Testing Materials

1.7 Timber differing from that specified in Table 1. The stipulated tests are carried out on appli-
C.7 may be used if it can demonstrate equivalent du- cation by the manufacturer of the material; they must
rability. be carried out in the manufacturer's premises before
delivery. They may be carried out under GL supervi-
2. Plywood sion at the manufacurer's or by a test institute recog-
nised by GL (e.g. an official materials testing house).
2.1 Only GL approved marine plywood (exterior
ply) may be used for primary structural members of 2. GL may require follow-up tests on the con-
the hull exposed to atmospheric influence without signment, under its supervision, if the material verifi-
protection, e.g. decks,. cation provided for the materials or components is
In accordance with GL test specifications for marine inadequate or they cannot be properly identified.
plywood, the following varieties of timber shall be
used: 3. The tests are based on Table C.8.
I - Part 3 Annex C D Excerpts from the Rules for Materials Chapter 3
GL 2003 Page C–7

Table C.8 Scope of materials tests

Type of material Scope of tests Type of certificate

Polyester, cold curing GL-Form F 510

Epoxy resin systems, cold curing GL-Form F 511
Woven Roving GL-Form F 516
Spray roving GL-Form F 517
Chopped strand mat GL-Form F 518 GL material test certificate 1
Woven fabric GL-Form F 519
Non woven fabric GL-Form F 520
Rigid expanded plastics GL-Form F 515
and other core materials for 2

sandwich construction
Ferrous Materials 3 Acceptance test certificate B to
Non-Ferrous Metals DIN EN 10204-3.1 B
according to GL test rules for
Plywood (exterior ply) Non-metallic materials / Wood, GL material test certificate 1
latest version

Plywood (interior ply) 4

Workshop test certificate
DIN EN 10204-2.3
These certificates are issued if tests under GL supervision have proven that the material meets all requirements of these Rules. It is up
to the manufacturers of the materials to apply to GL Head Office for approval of their products.
Tests to be agreed with GL Head Office.
Is determined together with approval of the technical construction documentation, taking account of the type of material and its
Test scope is based on DIN 68705. Tests are to be carried out by an officially approved material test establishment as part of external
Test standards:
BFU 100: weatherproof bonding for durability-groups I, II or III timber in accordance with DIN 68464.
BFU 100 G: weatherproof bonding with an agent to resist xylophagous fungi added during panel manufacture, for timber not in
durability-groups I, II or III in accordance with DIN 68364

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