Annex C Excerpts From The Rules For Materials: I - Part 3 GL 2003 Page C-1
Annex C Excerpts From The Rules For Materials: I - Part 3 GL 2003 Page C-1
Annex C Excerpts From The Rules For Materials: I - Part 3 GL 2003 Page C-1
Annex C
Table C.1: Ship steel and comparable structural steel (specification excerpts) 1
GL–A Fe 430 B
GL–B Fe 360 B 275 265 410 – 540
Fe 430 C 235 225 340 – 470
GL–D 235 400 – 490
Fe 360 C
1 The various quality grades of ship steel within a strength group differ mainly by their specified toughness, see also GL
Materials Rules. In general, 'A' quality steels are used for building yachts.
For welded components more than 30 mm thick subject to increased stress at low operating temperatures, tougher 'B',
'D' and 'E' quality steels are to be used as a safeguard against brittle fracture.
2 Product thickness t ≤ 35 mm
Table C.3:
Sweden USA
Material No. Designation according to DIN 17440
1.4306 X2CrNi1911 2333 340 L
1.4404 X2CrNiMo17132 2348 316 L
1.4435 X2CrNiMo18143 2353 316 L
1.4438 X2CrNiMo18164 2367 317 L
1.4439 X3CrNiMoN17135
1.4541 X6CrNiTi1810 2337 321
1.4462 X2CrNiMoN225 2324 329
1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17122 2350 316 Ti
Table C.5: Mechanical properties of extruded aluminium sections suitable for sea water
Table C.7: Timber durability groups and characteristic values in accordance with DIN 68364
Shear Trans-
Mean breaking strengths 3 Young's modulus modulus verse
Durability density 2 Com- EL ET contrac-
Wood type Tension Bending GLT 3 tion
Group 1 pression long. rad.
[g/cm3] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2] [N/mm2]
1.3 For components not exposed to water or 2.2 For load bearing internal structural members
weather, and without demands on their strength, tim- of FRP hulls, plywood made from timber varieties
ber of lower durability may be used. other than those listed in 2.1 may be used provided it
is bonded in accordance with DIN 68705-BFU 100.
Timber not in durability groups 1, 2 or 3 according to
1.4 Wooden structures must be so designed that DIN 68364 shall be bonded according to DIN 68705-
the direction of principal stress is also that of maxi- BFU 100 G.
mum mechanical strength of the wood.
Timber in bilges and other wet areas must be perma-
1.5 The timber used is to be radially cut(quarter nently protected against moisture.
sawn), the angle of the annular rings to the lower cut The mechanical properties and safety factors to be
edge to be not less than 45°. taken into account for scantling determination of in-
ternally used plywood shall be agreed with GL.
1.6 When choosing timber, the fact that swelling
and shrinkage differ in different directions must be
taken into account to prevent components becoming
loose and leaks developing at seams or butts.
D. Testing Materials
1.7 Timber differing from that specified in Table 1. The stipulated tests are carried out on appli-
C.7 may be used if it can demonstrate equivalent du- cation by the manufacturer of the material; they must
rability. be carried out in the manufacturer's premises before
delivery. They may be carried out under GL supervi-
2. Plywood sion at the manufacurer's or by a test institute recog-
nised by GL (e.g. an official materials testing house).
2.1 Only GL approved marine plywood (exterior
ply) may be used for primary structural members of 2. GL may require follow-up tests on the con-
the hull exposed to atmospheric influence without signment, under its supervision, if the material verifi-
protection, e.g. decks,. cation provided for the materials or components is
In accordance with GL test specifications for marine inadequate or they cannot be properly identified.
plywood, the following varieties of timber shall be
used: 3. The tests are based on Table C.8.
I - Part 3 Annex C D Excerpts from the Rules for Materials Chapter 3
GL 2003 Page C–7
sandwich construction
Ferrous Materials 3 Acceptance test certificate B to
Non-Ferrous Metals DIN EN 10204-3.1 B
according to GL test rules for
Plywood (exterior ply) Non-metallic materials / Wood, GL material test certificate 1
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